#Priority Six
smokeybrandreviews · 9 months
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Last year, Azur Lane was on fire. All year, there was hitter after hitter. New events, rerun events; It didn’t matter, the content was top tier. As a KMS main, i was eating really good. This year hasn't been as embarrassing in it’s riches, and not just because there has only been a single Iron Blood event. My Kraut dock is brimming with ships so I'm okay with that. Give the Ruskies and the Itais some love, they need it. No, I'm speaking more on the fact that new Events are few and far in between. The content this year, just isn’t as good as last, and it’s glaringly so. Don’t misunderstand me, i am very glad we got what we got. I was able to pick up New Jersey on a Rerun and Confluence of Nothingness added another UR option to my Kraut dock, bringing the grand total of my Rainbow options to four, so, even with this significant step back with the overall content being released this year, i am more than content. And then they dropped the new Priority Ships. Two of which are Iron Blood. One of which, is another Rainbow.
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I am, as we speak, in the process of grinding out Hindenburg. She is one of the two Decisive ships available in Priority Six. The other is an Eagle Union entry, Kearsarge. I’m not going to lie, i might make a run at her, too. I rarely, if ever, use Eagle Union ships but it’s hard not to want Kearsarge. Her design is dope and she’s a beast. However, my Deutsch girls come first and Hindenburg takes priority. If she ends up being anything like her other Decisive kin, she’s going to be a real goddamn problem for my enemies. Fried, Otto, and Agir are mainstays in my first Fleet. Their damage and leadership perks make for a really intimidating, and daunting to battle against, Iron Blood contingent. More than that, Hindenburg appears to be a Vanguard ship and i am in dire need of Vanguard Rainbow options. I only have San Diego to fill that spot and, again, she’s an Eagle Union who i never use, not since actual, natural, Ultra Rares have been introduced. The grind to Hindenburg is as grueling as ever but i am nearing it’s end. I’m sitting on sixty-three percent of that ludicrous twenty-four million Experience; Just the last bit to go and then she will be mine. Then i can move on to the second Iron Blood option in this Priority, Felix Schultz.
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Schultz is an interesting ship to me. I love her design, it smacks of Meltryllis from Fate/Grand Order and we all know how much i simp for that entire franchise, so it’s a forgone conclusion i was going to become a fan but i have no idea what I'm going to do with her. She’s another Destroyer in a dock lousy with Destroyers. Hell, we JUST got Otto in the last KMS event! That sh*t ended a month ago! AND she's one of the best in the game! Never mind Otto, we have Z46, Z1, Z16, Z2, Z24, Z25, Z26, Z28, Z35, Z36, Z20, and Z21. Then there's the Starter for Iron Blood, Z23 who, to this day, is still a top tier ship after her Retrofit. Which i obviously completed. Admittedly, there are only two Super Rare Destroyers, Otto and Z23, so Schultz is a welcome addition in that regard but, come on? Thirteen f*cking options BEFORE Felix is released?? Are you serious? Listen, my KMS choices are fruitful but, like, how about giving me a Rainbow Carrier or something? Sakura got two, Hakuryuu and Shinano. Eagle Union is sitting on Yorktown II and Enterprise. Hell, Implacable is one of the best Ships in the entire game. Slide some of that Air Superiority the German way. I understand that there is a certain amount of historical accuracy in this game so it makes sense that the Japanese and the US have all the jets while the Germans dominate with their torpedoes and U-Boats but, come on? Bismarck Zwei exists and that is a made-up boat! Make up a goddamn Rainbow Carrier then! Felix does look to be a pretty solid ship, though. I’m sure I'll find a way to incorporate her into a Primary Deployment or whatever. I just wish she was a Carrier.
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Priority Six is an impressive lot, no doubt. I still think the best season was Four, just in terms of sheer diversity and power, but six is nice in it’s own right. I mean, it’s really hard to argue against a class which includes Anchorage, Hakuryuu, Agir, and August von Parseval, as the strongest. There’s a great mix of diverse strength in this new class and i find myself kind of wanting all of them for one reason or another. We’ll see how that goes after i finish developing Hindenburg and Felix Schultz. Obviously, i have an eye toward Kearsarge but I'm not sure i want to invest the resources, and time, into the other two. I just don’t care enough about the Vichya Dominion and already have ship that does what Shimanto does, ready for deployment as we speak. There is a decent chance I'll end up making a run at these other boats, though, if I'm honest with myself. Like i mentioned above, Azur Lane has been pretty light on the content this year. I have ample time to do other things. Like, I've already constructed and maxed out Hakuryuu, something i never really expected to do, so why not throw two more ships i have no real interest in, into that lot, too?
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padfoot-lupin77 · 3 months
My fav s&b show scene so far
Inej: *glares at Kaz in “I told you so”*
Kaz: alright. Plan B.
*guard appears*
Kaz: scratch that. Plan F. Meet me at the escape route
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barrel-crow-n · 5 months
Wylan memes because he was fresh off his father's murder attempt and decided to hook up with a gang member in the Barrel (show canon)
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floralcavern · 7 months
Traumatized kids in yellow raincoats
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plutolovesyou · 8 days
super famous rock band au...enemies to lovers....fake dating....love triangle?....guitarist ellie....drummer abby....singer reader?.....tensionnnn....manager dina....bassist jesse(or we kick him out make a girls only team)..............THE PARASITES IN ME
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walk with me WALK WITH ME. any other ideas i can add into this are veeeeeery much welcome THANK UUUUUU bye
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doorlene · 1 month
jesper: you bought a waffle?
nina: yes
jesper: from the same truck that hit kaz?
nina, taking a bite of her waffle: yes
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inejghafa17 · 1 year
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m0ose-idiot · 7 months
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April Fools!
Until midday on this particular day, anything goes! 👻🤍
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cata-strophes · 2 years
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currently very stressed over college, wanted to draw this chommy to take a breather ^-^
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grindeldorefanatic · 1 year
Anyone else think about the fact that they literally gave us the Malina kiss AND sex scene and yet here we are like "LOOK AT THAT VAGUE CLUMP OF PIXELS. ITS WYLAN AND JESPER-"
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soupycashew5423 · 1 month
Did one of these with characters my friends picked out!!!
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Sans was so fun to draw 💀💀
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fireflysummers · 2 years
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Scary stickers! Only a couple days late for Halloween lmao.
Rather than focusing on a single franchise, I decided to explore some terrifying little children associated with the color yellow!
Featuring: Six and Mono (Little Nightmares); Mami Tomoe (Madoka); The Baby in Yellow; Flowey (Undertale); Ai Ohto (Wonder Egg Priority); Coraline and the Cat (Coraline), Mimikkyu (Pokemon); Fran Bow, Itward, and Mr Midnight (Fran Bow); Pod Baby (Death Stranding); Georgie (IT).
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dykedvonte · 2 months
Benny was like Yes-Man’s world and you have to think about how, even if he gladly helps and never objects, he feels about helping the Courier on a deeper level. Especially a Courier that killed Benny.
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so we're outlining the next big fic in the series.
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revenge-of-the-shit · 9 months
The way that they're writing Thrawn seems much more in line with Legends rather than Canon Thrawn which makes me so sad for Eli and Ar'alani and the entirety of the Ascendancy
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my-darling-inej · 1 year
you know you’re reading a dark comedy when the main character literally has a near death experience and the scene goes like this:
“You’re in shock, demjin,” Matthias said. “You almost drowned. You should have drowned.” Kaz coughed again, and his entire body shuddered. “Drowned,” he repeated. Nina nodded slowly. “Ice Court, remember? Impossible heist? Near death? Three million kruge waiting for you in Ketterdam?” Kaz blinked and his eyes cleared. “Four million.” “I thought that might bring you around.” He scrubbed his hands over his face, wet coughs still rattling his chest. “We made it,” he said in wonder. “Djel performs miracles.”
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