#Pride Troopers
quantumleper · 7 days
Goku VS Jiren: Prologue to the Final Battle | Dragon Ball Super | Universal Survival Saga
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helloiamadrawer · 5 months
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my name is Ace and welcome to my writing blog!
i mostly just write on this blog for the according fandoms:
1.My Hero Academia
2.Dragon Ball Super/Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
3.The Amazing Digital Circus
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Please make your age visible in your bio (because some stuff is 18+) you will be blocked if not and determined as a bot
2. no negative comments or anything that is hate related as it will result in to being blocked as well
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My Hero Academia
Yuga Aoyama
An Aoyama Fan's Nightmare
The Nightrobe 🔥
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Class 1-A headcanons and such
Class 1A Girls + music they listen to
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 1
Class 1A Boys + music they listen to PART 2
Alternate Ending Chapter 383 KIRIMINA STORY 💕
Revenge at The Sports Festival
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Dragon Ball Super/Super Hero 🐉
Fav DBS/SH Characters NSFW Imagines
Dyspo NSFW alphabet (18+🔥)
Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 Content
Gamma 1
Nsfw headcanons (18+)
Gamma 1 bf headcanons
Gamma 2
X Reader headcanons (sfw and nsfw)
Supreme Kai Pairings (ship headcanons)
Universe 3 x Universe 9
Universe 4 x Universe 7
Kinger👑 Tweaking (Part 1) (trigger warning)
Kinger Tweaking (Part 2) (trigger warning)
Caine catching reader trying on his suit (fluff)
Jax curing your stress (NSFW)
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 years
Every once in a while I like to go back and re-read this interview. It’s just so, so good. Provides insight to how involved Toriyama was with the anime team, the stuff they created vs his contributions, and their overall philosophies and views on the characters. Some notable highlights:
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The underlined bits are especially interesting given recent events...
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teazerwashere · 5 months
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Reason pride toopers should have their own anime #1: Zoire. pLUSHIES!!!!!!!!!!
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dummydurzz · 2 years
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year
There’s something beautiful about clay.
My mother showed me pieces of human pottery when I was younger, back when there were still humans in the forest to trade with. Before they all moved to the grasslands to get away from the high elves in the mountains. I don’t blame them for that, I’d want to do everything in my power to get away from the high elves’ mountains myself. But back to the point at hand, which was the lumpy clay in front of me.
I didn’t bother smoothing it as I shaped it into a vessel. Perfection is for the weak machines that mass-make identical pieces. The bond between a druid and their tools – in this case, between me and this clay – is thousands of times more meaningful on a separate level from aesthetics. Clay, brought from the earth and manipulated through water before being fired in a kiln, is one of the most important tools a druid has at their disposal. Even in the midst of a city, in a base filled with technology, working with clay reminded me of home.
“Having fun?”
The voice drew me from my thoughts. I glanced at the person in the doorway out of the corner of my vision, still working the clay into the shape I wanted. Tupper, one of my Pride Trooper coworkers, was still eerie to me, knowing how he could turn to stone in a moment. Familiar to what I knew, but very different. “It’s not meant for fun, it’s meant for connection.” Tupper made a non-committal hum. I uncrossed my legs, still sitting on the floor, and prodded a spare pillow with my foot. “Come sit. I have more clay.”
It was...interesting, to say the least. Tupper and I...we weren’t enemies or antagonistic, like I was to our shared Vanguard Commander, but we also weren’t quite friends like I was with Jiren or (especially) Cocotte. So for him to seek me out...I was curious.
“What brought you in here?” I asked as he sat down. No need to dance around the question. “I can’t imagine you’re that lonely that you’d willingly seek me out for company.”
“Eh, the guys are out drinking to celebrate the last mission. I’m not an alcohol guy myself, so I figured I’d see who else was here. And I’d rather mess with clay than try to beat Dyspo at racing games again,” Tupper explained, wetting his hands and working with some spare clay.
I nodded, having also lost a good many times to Dyspo in those racing games. The rabbit had a competitive streak that even I could respect.
My hands kept working tirelessly, forming the clay into a vessel for water. It did not need to be smooth, it needed to be worked, adored, loved, and tended to.
“...Do you make a lot of these?” Tupper asked, not looking up from the clay he was working in turn.
I shrugged. “I make what I need. I’m in need of some drinking vessels. So I make them, bake them, and then glaze them to be safe for drinking from or eating on. And I forgot to bring the ones from my last station to here.”
“Makes sense,” Tupper easily agreed. “How many do you usually make?”
“Depends on where I am and how long I intend to be stationed there. If I’m here for a long time, I will make a cup representing every elven god. My first one is always for Rillifane Rallathil. My second is always for Silvanus. From there, I make it through the rest of the pantheon.” I held up the one I was working on so that Tupper could see the emblem I was hand-sculpting onto it. “This one is for Vandria Gilmadrith.”
Tupper tilted his head. “Those are gods you worship? I’ve never heard you mention them.”
I merely shrugged. “Theological discussion isn’t common here. I really only talk about it with Jiren, since we’re from the same planet. What about you? You got any deities where you’re from?”
“Not exactly.” A fascinating response. I looked up and tilted my head slightly. Tupper paused with his cup and went on. “We don’t really name them, but we kind of...apply mortal traits to natural phenomenon. Family titles too. Mother Storm, Father Wind, Parent Ocean, Father Sun, Parent Stone, Mother Fire...always parental titles, now that I think about it.”
I let out a hum. “I’m familiar with the concept. The wild elves of my circle did something similar, though not with those titles. The high elves worship ‘archetypes’, which I suppose is similar.”
“Archetypes, huh? Like what, ‘the Mother’ and ‘the Hero’?” Tupper asked, looking back down to work more on his cup.
I did the same. “Something like that? Honestly, they’re such pretentious douchenozzles that I don’t bother with them. If I had my way, I’d bring their entire mountain range down.” I sighed. “That doesn’t sound too heroic, I suppose. They’ve done nothing but antagonize the rest of us, but since it’s not an outright attack, we can’t do anything about it per the neutrality agreement...”
“...Does that agreement say anything against vandalism?”
I looked back up and raised a brow, though it was accompanied by a smile against my own efforts to school my expression. “Oh? Are you suggesting something?” I teased, allowing my voice to lighten in tone somewhat.
“I’m not suggesting anything,” Tupper joked. “I’m just curious.”
I laughed. Genuinely. Perhaps it would be nice to be closer to my fellow Pride Troopers. It looks like I’m not the only one with a mean streak.
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clonegirlie · 1 year
For pride month we should all remember the most flirtatious look this two shared. I wish we could've seen Cody's reaction to Obi-Wan
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omaano · 1 year
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♥ Ace Wolffe My Beloved ♥
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phantasm-echo · 8 hours
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Happy pride month guys have this doodle I drew last week :D
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orishya-buyce · 1 year
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‼️Happy Pride Month to them‼️
and to the rest of y’all in the clone wars community!! ☺️🤙
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helloiamadrawer · 1 year
Totally not me writing a nsfw alphabet for Dyspo (that does NOT make me a furry!)
Idk why but it sounds like a good idea.
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I’m he’s & he’m i’s t-shirts for these two
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teazerwashere · 5 months
So, THIS ONE - Vewon, I think that's his name.
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Has absolutely no personality from the anime. I've done research, he doesn't have any defining qualities. Absolute basic bitch.
I want him to be the sweetest dinosaur in the fucking universe. Just a lovely guy.
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501st-rexster · 1 year
Reblogging @cobaltbeam 's amazing artwork in honor of Pride Month
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The bestest of boys.
🏳️‍🌈HAPPY PRIDE!!!🏳️‍🌈
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jasper-the-menace · 1 year
I...am a druid. I am a beast of nature, the walker between worlds, born of the forest and the great chains of life. I am a beast, prowling for prey. I am the target, hiding from hunters. I am something to be feared.
Feared, damn it.
I turned and forced a smile (bared teeth, a threat) to my all-too-human mouth. Not elven enough, not the beast forms I love. “Yes, Leader Toppo?” Not Archdruid. I am not among the Circle here. I am more free, not restricted by their damn rules.
The man, easily twice my height, ran a hand down his face like he was desperately searching for tact. I already knew very well what he was trying to say, so I took pity on him. Since he was not an Archdruid, I respected him well enough to not be too difficult.
“Is this about the plants I left around the Vanguard Commander’s door?” I asked, pitching my tone towards innocence. “They’re not dangerous. Just annoying.”
“He tripped three times trying to get out of his room,” Toppo deadpanned. I watched his rather impressive mustache twitch as he spoke. I was, frankly, quite jealous of it – being part elf meant I had no chance of such impressive facial hair, even if my human half would have made it possible. “It’s a safety hazard. I understand that this base isn’t fit for your abilities, but if you could avoid antagonizing Dyspo while we’re stationed on this mission, I’d appreciate it.”
So genuine. It almost made me feel bad for the rivalry I had with the speedy rabbit.
I tucked my hands behind my back and straightened my shoulders, as I’ve seen the high elf soldiers do. “I will relocate the plants, sir. Any updates on our mission?”
I saw the tension leave his shoulders. Damn, did I really stress him out that bad? I made a mental note to not cause more undue stress to my leader. “As a matter of fact, yes. Kettle believes that our targets have retreated into the wooded areas of this planet. That was actually the primary reason I came to find you.”
My heart soared. Finally! To touch the trees, to travel as only a half-elven druid could through the dense foliage. “Excellent. I shall prepare to track them immediately.”
“I know you will. But I need you to promise me that when you find them, you’ll come back for backup. Don’t try to take them all on yourself,” Toppo pleaded. His voice was thick with concern. It was touching, how he worried about me.
I smiled. More genuine, less teeth. “Of course, sir.” With that, I was off, tracking my quarry.
I am a druid.
I am the hunter and the hunted.
And none shall escape me through the forests, no matter how alien they may be.
None escape the apex predator.
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jun-hyungs · 11 months
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ace + bi / ace + pan alts for rex, cody, gregor, tup, kix, howzer, fox, fives, and neyo for anon!
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