spooksiedoodle · 7 months
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Finally finished my refs for my two active Fallen London characters! Jessamine I've been playing on and off since forever and Phi is my new character this wave of being obsessed with the game.
Currently, Phi is making their way through various Making Their Name quests and Jessamine is THIS close to finally making progress on the railroad and finishing Heart's Desire...
Thomas Duraine come back and play again your wife misses you
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luna-mistrunner · 4 months
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This is my friend @spooksiedoodle 's character, Phi/Elena. The kufiya I drew them in is based on the Black & White Hirbawi Kufiya.
From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free!
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pious project - feminine hygiene products
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careforgaza (gofundme currently (as of 1/26) donations are disabled), careforgaza (twitter)
arab.org (One Click, free, you can access and click the same button if you open the link on different browsers)
palestine academic reading list
palestine children's relief fund
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JGP Baltic Cup Entries
Here are the entries for the JGP Baltic Cup, the second of two weeks in Gdansk, Poland.
Updated 9/7/2022 -
Anita Gemelli (ITA) OUT / Giulia Barucchi (ITA) IN
Updated 9/12/2022 - 
Haru Kakiuchi (JPN) OUT / Seigo Tauchi (JPN) IN
Olesay Ray (GER) OUT / Valentina Andrianova (GER) IN
Felicity Cristobelle Eco (PHI) IN
Roxandra Sabina Rotundu (ROU) OUT / Luiza-Elena Ilie (ROU) IN
Elizabeth Tkachenko / Alexei Killiakov (ISR) OUT
Anna Simova / Kirill Aksenov (SVK) OUT
Updated 9/21/2022 - 
Jegor Marstenko (EST) OUT
Ratmirs Bekisbajeves (LAT) OUT / Kirill Korkacs (LAT) IN
Marko Piliar (SVK) OUT / Adam Hagara (SVK) IN
Megan Wong (HKG) OUT / Jada Emily Chui (HKG) IN
Updated 9/23/2022 -
Mikayel Salazaryan (ARM) IN
Anthony Paradis (CAN) IN
Francois Pitot (FRA) IN
Tamir Kuperman (ISR) IN
Takeru Amine Kataise (JPN) IN
Nikita Kozlov (KAZ) IN
Marko Piliar (SVK) IN
Kai Kovar (USA) OUT / Beck Strommer (USA) & William Annis (USA) IN
Valria Sidorova (ARM) OUT / Milena Gazaryan (ARM) IN
Marie Elise Kaljuvere (EST) IN
Stella Makri (GRE) IN
Mariia Seniuk (ISR) IN
Ginevra Lavinia Negrello (ITA) IN
Ikura Kushida (JPN) IN
Sofiya Farafonova (KAZ) IN
Siwoo Song (KOR) IN
Yasmin Hibon (LUX) IN
Kate Orrock (PHI) IN
Wiktoria Malyniak (POL) IN
Roxana Sabina Rotundu (ROU) IN
Soho Lee (USA) OUT / Mia Kalin (USA) & Josephine Lee (USA) IN
Emma Goodstadt / Peter Barsoom (CAN) OUT & Chaima Ben Khalifa / Everest Zhu (CAN) & Jordyn Lewis / Noah McMillian (CAN) IN
Angelina Kudryavtseva / Ilia Karenkevich (CYP) IN
Lou Koch / Ivan Melnyk (FRA) IN
Noemi Maria Tali / Stefano Frasca (ITA) IN
Leah Neset / Artem Markelov (USA) IN
Updated 9/27/2022 -
Sofia Farafonova (KAZ) OUT
Updated 10/1/2022 -
Mikael Salazaryan (ARM) OUT
Azizmurod Shabazov (UZB) OUT
Ikura Kushida (JPN) OUT / Ami Nakai (JPN) IN
Sarah Everhardt (USA) OUT / Elyce Lin-Gracey (USA) IN
Anastasiya Sazanova / Jashmid Tashmukhamedov (UZB) OUT
Leah Neset / Artem Markelov (USA) OUT
Sofiya Burieva / Konstantin Li (UZB) OUT
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tonin-terets · 4 months
Simply “Say Yes to Simple” from YETI PICTURES on Vimeo.
We are excited to share a nice juicy project for Simply along with our favourite Elastic.tv team. We were glad to be a part of so many talented artists and a huge thanks goes to the CD Duncan Elms and Producer Michael Ross, for inviting Yeti into this project.
Client: Simply Agency: Cartwright Alex Hoffman – Producer Lydia Dunay – Creative Director Chelsea Ceasor – Art Director Meghan Lai – Copywriter Corey Mack- Account Supervisor Kyla Kirshner – Account Manager ____________________________________________________________________________
LIVE ACTION Production Company: Her Studio Director: Rikky Fernandes Creative Director: Duncan Elms Director of Photography: Daniel Rothman Live Action Producer: Lucia Tran Prop Master: Billy Wesley Food Stylist: Laura Kinsey, Danielle Marin Production Manager: Brook Turner ____________________________________________________________________________
Post Production Design Studio: Elastic Creative Director: Duncan Elms Editor: Javier Gonzalez, Rachel Fowler 3D Designers: Tony Zagoraios, Vaso Evangelopoulou, Elena Izanami, Renato Marques, Lee Buckley, David Hyatt, Min Shi 3D Animators: Lee Buckley, Alex Silver, Marios Tsaousis, Pantelis Tsiachri, Argyris Nochos Character Animation: Bryan Cox Dynamics: Miguel Salek, Jun Kim, Phi Pinyosophon Modeling: Joe Panigua, Jose Limon Color Pipeline TD: Andrew Young Sr. Producer: Michael Ross Production Coordinator: Angela Shin Head of Production: Paul Makowski Executive Producer: Kate Berry Managing Director: Eve Kornblum
------- VFX VFX Studio: a52 VFX Supervisor: Andy Wilkoff CG Supervisor: Lee Buckley Lead Flame Artist: Stefan Gaillot Flame Artists: Michael Vaglienty, Rod Basham Online Artists: Matthew Monteleone, John Valle, Chris Riley Tracking: Mike Bettinardi, Joe Chiechi Producer: Michael Ross Head of Production: Drew Rissman Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent & Kim Christensen Managing Director: Eve Kornblum ____________________________________________________________________________ COLOR Color Studio: Primary Colorist: Ale Amato Color Assistant: David Oh Color Producer: Alex Zhao Executive Producer: Christina Roldan
0 notes
nhanam · 2 years
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Chúng tôi mới mười hai tuổi và đang đi bộ không biết đâu là điểm dừng, dọc những con đường nóng hầm hập của khu phố, giữa lũ ruồi và khói bụi phả từ những chiếc xe tải xập xệ đi lại ngang dọc, giống như hai bà lão vừa nắm chặt tay nhau vừa điểm lại cuộc đời đầy thất vọng của mình. Không ai hiểu được chúng tôi, chỉ có hai đứa chúng tôi - tôi tự nhủ - là hiểu được nhau.
– Người bạn phi thường, Elena Ferrante
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Hi, nonnie! Or maybe Ennie, who knows. 🤣
- College!AU half-inspired by Urban Legend (the 1999 movie) where Klaus is a Journalism student and Caroline is desperate to move out of the dorm room she shares with goth!Hayley, but there's a reason why no student is allowed to live in Fell Hall, where a massacre happened 25 years ago (or so Damon says). "Who invited you?" Damon snides.
"Your stupidity, in fact," he replies as he pulls a chair for himself, straddling it instead of sitting down like a normal person. "That's not how the real story goes."
"Oh, really?" Damon deadpans.
"If you're going to be telling fairy tales, you might as well do it right."
Damon gives Klaus an exaggerated eye roll. Caroline sips calmly from her cappuccino, exchanging a funny look with Bonnie while the two stay locked in their asshole-off. They've always found it so curious that they seem to have so much in common and yet can't stand one another. Bonnie thinks that counts Damon points, while she thinks there's winners there, only losers, including them, for having to occasionally put up with both at the same time. Secretly, however, she awards ten points to house Mikaelson, though she wouldn't admit it if someone pointed a gun to her head.
"Whatever, paper boy," Damon continues, turning back to the rest of the group, his lame horror story vibes disrupted by Klaus' interruption. "Anyway. This professor has a total mental breakdown one day, loses his shit completely, right? Goes full berserk. He grabs a hunting knife and strolls into Fell Hall. Bangs on every door." Damon closes his fists and smashes down hard on the coffee table in front of him, making everyone in the cafeteria shoot daggers at them. Elena flinches, sinking further into Stefan's arms. Caroline simply shakes her head. And they say women are dramatic. "Every student that answers their door, ends up with a big slash decorating their throats, ear to ear." Damon draws his finger across his own throat, putting his tongue out for emphasis.
"You're gross," Bonnie says matter-of-factly.
"Not me, Bon-Bon. This is a very real story. Professor Creepy did that to the entire first floor before finally stabbing himself in the heart."
"And thus the annual Omega Sigma Phi massacre bash begins," Stefan wraps up the tale.
"Seriously?" Caroline says, all judgement. "<i>That's</i> why they have the massacre bash?"
"A frat party to commemorate a massacre. How charming," Bonnie adds.
"What's the point of being the site of an epic bloodbath if you're not gonna turn it into a yearly celebration?" Damon retorts. "It's better than Halloween."
"So, Damon," Klaus calls the attention back to himself. "When this happened 25 years ago, were you a sophomore?"
- Thank you for your ask, anon! ✨
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continuityssue · 2 years
MCU Young Avengers Fancast Pt 3: Supporting Cast Pt1: Family and Friends
Followup to: Pt 1: Hero Casting and Pt 2: Characterization and Background
This will be sorted by relevant heroes.
I might have bitten off more than I can chew on this one, feel free to make suggestions for casting and any characters that might fit that I may have left out.
For America Chavez:
Amalia and Elena Chavez:
For America’s mothers I was thinking Yara Martinez and Michelle Rodriguez. I believe either could play heroes in their own right, which Amalia and Elena definitely are.
Madrimar: America’s grandmother who was a superhero in her own right back in America’s home dimension.
David Alleyne:
Sometime in between arriving in the MCU and joining the Young Avengers, America enrolls herself in school in order to learn about this new world that she has landed on. She makes several friends including the previously powered (I’m sure ex-mutant, but that depends on whether mutants exist in the MCU yet) David Alleyne. I think David Alleyne would be a good fit for Brandon Mychal Smith, who has a history of playing intelligent and reasoned characters.
X'Andria (friend): A college student and activist friend of America’s. Head of Leelumultipass Phi Theta Betas.
Monae(friend): A college student and activist friend of America’s. Member of Leelumultipass Phi Theta Betas.
Dani Cage (friend from back home): A superpowered friend of America’s from her homeworld.
Singularity (friend from back home): A superpowered friend from America’s homeworld. She is innocent and excitable and has powers similar to America’s own portal opening powers.
Megan Gwynn/Pixie (friend): A powered friend of America that she meets when trying to acclimate to her new universe. Megan can manifest giant butterfly like wings and “fairy dust” that is a powerful hallucinogen. She may also possess magical aptitude.
For Teen Loki:
Odin the All-Father:
Ok. Hear me out. I love Anthony Hopkins. I really do. However, the Anthony Hopkins Odin is dead and our Loki has not lived through any of the stuff that we have seen MCU Loki live through at this point. He is significantly younger and I think that his memories and views of his parents should reflect that. So I think a good choice for a younger Odin would be Mads Mikkelsen (and I’m just now realizing that this would be the second time that he would be playing a younger version of an Anthony Hopkins character). I just think that he has the stature and the presence to play the All-Father.
Frigga the All-Mother:
In that same vein, the Renee Russo Frigga is dead and our Loki did not live through that era. I suggest Rachelle Lafevre as the younger Frigga. She’s got presence and she’s can pull off kind and loving and also a bit harsh (which we might need for our Frigga actress plotline-wise).
Leah: Both a friend from Loki’s childhood who was left behind and an unconsciously created manifestation of Loki’s guilt and loneliness in the new world.
Balder: A long absent hero of Asgard and relative of Loki and Thor’s. (In the comic he is Thor’s half-brother, but I think we should move him to like a cousin or something since they never mentioned another brother.)
Aldriff/Angela (sister): Thor: Ragnarok literally stole half of Angela’s backstory and gave it to Hela. I could see one of two things happening. 1. Do what I mentioned above and maker her less closely related or 2. Just straight up use her comic book origin and take advantage of the fact that the family straight up thought that she was dead instead of imprisoned like Hela. She was raised by a lost warrior race and came back to ostensibly avenger her people upon the Asgardians, but then learned her true origins and that she had been lied to and wound up eschewing both cultures and running off with her wife.
Sera (sister in law): Angela’s trans wife. Is a rebellious sorceress and artist and bard. Runs off with Angela. May have died, but Angela simply took over the afterlife brought her wife back and then handed off the afterlife.
Sif the Unstoppable:
Let’s be honest. The only reason that Sif didn’t die in Thor: Ragnarok is because Jamie Alexander was busy doing Blindspot, but that is a blessing in my mind. I’m not entirely sure that Sif would play a particularly large role in Loki’s early years, but I’m sure that most of the surviving Asgardians would be of interest to a Loki who has been brought to a world where most of the people who he grew up with have died. So let’s just keep Jamie Alexander in here, reprising her role for the first time since Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 1 (2013). I am also begging for her survival to be established by the time of Thor: Love and Thunder, just because I want the scene where she tells Thor that the next time she sees him he best be armed.
Sigurd the Everglorious:
While reading Loki: Agent of Asgard (which is around the same era as Young Avengers) there was only one face that kept coming to mind when I saw Loki’s sometimes ally Sigurd and that was Charles Michael Davis. He can pull off both the ancient hero and slick almost conman aspects of the Marvel Sigurd and I would love to see him do so. I love Charles Michael Davis.
Verity Willis: Verity Willis needs to be able to be vulnerable and over her head in one scene and no nonsense and hardass in another. I also think that she should play somewhat in the same age range as our Teen Loki. I think either Holland Roden or Penelope Mitchell could fill these requirements. Holland Roden filled both of these roles at some point or another on Teen Wolf and Penelope Mitchell played the vulnerable and over her head on Hemlock Grove and a brash that could be converted into no nonsense on Vampire Diaries. I’m not sure which way I’m leaning on this, but we need a Verity Willis to keep Loki’s bullshit in check.
Lorelei the Enchantress:
Lorelei has already appeared in the MCU (sort of...I can never remember what percentage of the TV MCU counts) and I see absolutely no reason why she would need to be recast. So, yea, it will be really funny seeing a young Loki re-meeting an older Lorelei played by Elena Satine.
Amora the Enchantress: This character has kind of already been done, but not as Amora. You could build Amora almost entirely out of features that the MCU gave to Lorelei or Sylvie, but it wouldn’t be much of a problem to make Amora.
For Bombshell/Lana Baumgartner:
Lori Baumgartner/Bombshell:
For some reason, when I started trying to picture the bank robber Lori Baumgartner, I pictured Lena Heady with short dark hair breaking into a vault. I’m sure it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with a certain scene towards the beginning of The Sarah Connor Chronicles. In all seriousness though - I could totally see Lena Heady playing the disreputable and tough mother of our Thomasin McKenzie!Lana. I’m just going to picture Sarah Connor’s physical and mental strength crossed with Ma-Ma’s (Dredd) ruthlessness.
Julian Keller/Hellion (friend from prison): A telekinetic that was in the same prison as Lana and Speed.
For Hawkeye/Kate Bishop:
Derek Bishop (father)
Eleanor Bishop(mother, presumed deceased)
Heather Bishop (step-mother)
Susan Bishop (sister)
Lucky (dog)
Clint Barton/Hawkeye:
I could make some argument about how MCU Clint Barton is not a good representation of Comic Clint Barton, but this is a MCU list and, as such, why recast a character that is already living in the MCU. Jeremy Renner stays.
Lila Barton (friend I guess):
Just let Ava Russo keep the role. It’s not like it will be a very big one in all likely-hood. And she already lives in the MCU.
Cooper (friend)
Nathaniel (friend)
Laura Barton (mentor)
Harry Osborn (friend)
Liz Allan (friend)
For Hulkling/Teddy Altman:
Noh-varr (father): I’ve already said in a previous post that Teddy’s father couldn’t really be Mar-vell because of what they did with Captain Marvel in the movies and that I would suggest substituting in Noh-varr since I didn’t intend to do a  Marvel Boy storyline. For the slightly more arrogant role of Noh-varr, I would suggest either Alexander Ludwig or Mike Vogel. The Ludwig Noh-Varr would be the slightly more playful but arrogant Noh-Varr, the one who sees the expectations put on him for his “superiority” and acts out as a bit of a partyboy, but breaks down in private. Many of his roles contributed to this idea for me, but the one scene that always impressed me was the scene leading up to his death in Hunger Games (I also can’t believe he isn’t 30 yet). The Vogel Noh-Varr would be the more serious and arrogant version, we are the only ones that can do what we do and you cannot let down the family type. I mostly know him from Pan Am and Under the Dome, but from those and a couple of smaller roles, I can believe him playing this role.
Mary-Jo Altman (foster mother)
Anelle (mother)
Robert Altman (foster father)
Talos (guardian): Cast.
Soren (guardian): Cast.
Hisako Ichiki/Armor (friend)
Sooraya Quadir/Dust (friend)
For Wiccan/Billy Kaplan:
Jeff Kaplan (father)
Rebbecca Kaplan (mother)
Wanda Maximoff (spiritual mother): This one and the next one are both easy because they have already been long cast in the MCU. Wanda Maximoff remains Elizabeth Olsen.
Vision (spiritual father): Still Paul Bettany.
Hisako Ichiki/Armor (friend)
Sooraya Quadir/Dust (friend)
For Speed/Tommy Shepherd:
Frank Shepherd (father)
Mary Shepherd (mother)
Wanda Maximoff (spiritual mother) : This one and the next one are both easy because they have already been long cast in the MCU. Wanda Maximoff remains Elizabeth Olsen.
Vision (spiritual father) : Still Paul Bettany.
Noriko Ashida/Surge (friend/ex): I was a fan of the whole new cast of young mutant characters that were introduced around this era and I would love to fit a bunch of them in (whether introduced as mutants or not). My first two instincts are Karen Fukuhara and Midori Francis. Fukuhara because the difference between her attitude in her previous super-roles and he attitude behind the scenes seems like an excellent range for the often angry but sometimes comforting Noriko. Francis because I think she has the range because of how much trouble I had with the transition between her character in Dash and Lily and The Sex Lives of College Girls and also because her role in the latter had just enough of that tough yet vulnerable attitude. But on top of that, I just had this feeling that Noriko would be a good role for a newer actress, so maybe introducing someone we’ve never heard of before would also be a good idea.
Lana Baumgartner (friend from prison): I mean, she has already been cast as part of the team, but I will just put Lana here as played by Thomasin McKenzie.
Cessily Kincaid/Mercury (friend)
Julian Keller/Hellion (friend from prison): A telekinetic that was in the same prison as Lana and Speed.
For X-23/Laura Kinney(Howlett):
James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine (father)
Gabriela (mother substitute, deceased)
Julio Richter/Rictor (friend/ “foster brother”)
Bobby “Bradley” (friend/ “foster brother”)
Charlotte (friend/ “foster sister”)
Delilah “Drake” (friend/ “foster sister”)
Kiden Nixon (friend):
I think Gus Birney has the range and the look to play the role.
Tatiana Caban (friend)
Layla Miller (she's just kind of there): She knows stuff.
For Spider-Girl/Anya Corazon:
Gilberto Corazon (father) The actor who plays Anya Corazon’s father has to have the ability to play the kindness to be a good father, but also the hardness and intelligence where we can believe that they broke such a big story that they had to flee in fear of reprisals. I mostly know Amaury Nolasco from Prison Break, but he really stood out and I was just as happy to see him in the spattering of other roles I’ve seen him in.
Sofia Corazon (mother)
Lynn Richards (friend)
For Iron Lad/Nathaniel Richards:
Irene LeBeau (friend from back home): A descendant of Gambit and Rogue. It wouldn’t matter if mutants had even been introduced properly into the MCU yet, since her existence in Iron Lad’s early life would give use the idea that they would be introduced eventually.
Victor Richards (father, unborn)
Marie Richards (nee Stark) (mother, unborn)
Ashley Barton (friend from back home): A descendant of Clint Barton who has some powers that kind of resemble Spider-Man or Spider-Girl.
Roberta Mendez (friend from back home): A friend who had an internship at a genetech company.
Tempest Monroe (friend from back home): Met Nathaniel through Roberta Mendez’s internship.
Ruth Aldine (friend from back home): A blind psychic/telepath.
For Cloak/Dagger/Nico/Karolina:
See their respective shows.
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2dcharacterbirthday · 7 years
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Name: Himekawa Elena From: Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle Date of Birth: 5 July Gender: Female More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phi_Brain:_Puzzle_of_God
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itsjustme-eh · 7 years
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ewritesthangs · 4 years
Stiles Stilinski AU
Pairings: Stiles Stilinski and OC: Elena Leigh Prince
Warnings: Language
The warm, gentle breeze whisps through Elena's hair as she sat upon the porch swing of her and her mothers humble abode. It was move in day for a fraternity so Elena decided to watch and scope out the new meat. One of her good friends, Taylor, was the head of the fraternity. He waves over to her with a smirk placed upon his lips. A muscular-ish guy was walking beside him, saw him waving to someone. He turns to see who it was, curiosity taking ahold of him. His wondrous look turned into excitement when he saw a beautiful woman. Elena. 
"Why you checking out my chick."
"Oh shit I'm sorry man."
"I'm fucking with you dude. That's my best friend since 6th grade. Her name is Elena. "
"Elena? Rad name."
"I know. She is so fucking amazing. ELENA LEIGH COME OVER HERE!"
"No! Don't make her come over."
"She loves to come over. Hush up."
Elena ran over to the men who were now joined by a few others, her face contorted into a frown. 
"What's up with using the full name?"
"This is Scott, Aaron, and Stiles. Stiles here thinks you're cute." 
"Flattered. Hi, names Elena." Elena was heavily tattooed up her arms, piercings up her ears, nose ring. She was a bad ass woman. She extended her arm and shook the hands of Scott and Aaron, stopping at the man named Stiles. 
"Hey hi hello." He waved before shaking the hand of Elena. 
"Why must you malfunction around beautiful women?" Scott asks Stiles. "I'm sorry about him. He can be awkward."
"I can be too but I hide it with sarcasm."
"Marry me."
"For fucks sake Sti." Elena erupts into a fit of laughter at how adorable stiles was.
"Take me on a few dates and we'll see about that."
"Wait really?"
"No. It takes more than just a few dates." Elena shakes her head.
"I'll take you out anytime." Stiles says, a boost of confidence surging through him.
Elena pretends to ponder the thought. "Alright. Here." she writes her number on his hand and winks. "I'll see you guys later. I gotta get to work." Elena left and went to work at the police department. She was a crime analyst as well as a paramedic. While on her first break, Elena felt her phone vibrate with a new message. It was from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey its stiles from phi Theta delta.
Elena: OH, hey!
Stiles: When are you done with work? I want to take you on a date.
Elena: Already? I get out at 9.
Stiles: Perfect. Would you like to meet up?
Elena: I have to get out of these damn heels dude. Pick me up from my place?
Stiles: You betcha. Don't need to wear anything nice.
Elena: Okay good.
The hours passed quite quickly. Elena had a few cases to study, and before she knew it, 9 rolled around. Out the door she went, with her briefcase in hand. She texted stiles to let him know she was on her way home. Stiles was nervous, for he had just went through some initiations for the house. He looked ridiculous. He waited outside her door for about 5 minutes before knocking on it. Her mother opens, her beauty matching her daughters.
"Oh uh, hello. I'm-"
"Stiles. My daughter told me about you. I'm Diana."
"Lovely to meet you."
"Likewise. Honey! Stiles is here! Come in come in." her mother ushers the young man inside as Elena walks down the stairs. She wore a leather jacket over her silk shirt. Dark navy blue jeans and some boots. Stiles was in awe of the beauty that radiated from within her. He smiled as she looked up to see him staring.
"Take a picture, it lasts longer and won't talk back." Elena smirked. Stiles chuckled and winked at her.
"I'm gonna take many pictures tonight." Stiles mentally slapped himself for that comment but chuckles when Elena begins giggling. 
“You’re weird but I like that.” 
“Lot more where that came from.” Elena laughs at that comment. The night proceeded onward. The whole night, Stiles and Elena got to know one another. They each talked about themselves, and picked up on small little quirks they had. All the while they are tacos from a taco truck Elena’s friend owned. By the end of the night, they were holding one another’s hand. Stiles walks Elena up to her doorstep, his hand never leaving hers until she grabs her keys. 
“I had a wonderful time tonight, sir Stiles.” Elena’s smile and tone were genuine. 
“As did I, princess.” That caused E to roll her eyes with a soft snicker. 
“Haven’t heard that one before.” 
“Created it myself.” Stiles winked with a small smirk. 
“I’ll text you tomorrow. Or most likely see you first before I talk.” 
“Coffee. I know.” The two hugged goodbye, sealing the beautiful night out the correct and warm way.
Authors Note: I tend to daydream and this is what comes of it. I do hope you enjoy. People chose my name as the main characters name. Iconic. Anyway, feedback is appreciated.
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spooksiedoodle · 13 days
🎲 for phi!!
I rolled a firm kiss!
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Since you didn't specify, I went with the Revolutionary Firebrand, who they are currently flirting with in game. So full of mystery and passion~
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ohadclina · 4 years
guess who is back with another annoying muse ?! i’m laina for those of you that don’t know me ( klyde’s mun ) and i’m here to bring my garbáge daughter. send me a quick message if you want to plot or just talk about the good ol’ vine days and reminisce. i’m down for it all. now hit that read more if you want to find out about my goirl and check out my plots. 
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dua lipa, cisfemale, she/her. → look out, there’s ADELINA AHMETI. you know, the TWENTY-ONE year old SISTER of KAPPA PHI NU. you know, i overheard someone say that they were PRYING, MENDACIOUS, SEDULOUS, and VEHEMENT. but that’s just rumours. RED WINE STAINING A WHITE COUCH, INCORRECT LITERATURE REFERENCES, and WHISKEY WITH A SPLASH OF TEA come to mind when i think of them. what about you? [ laina the clown school grad ]
❛ / ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ 𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓴𝓮 and 𝒻𝒶𝓀𝑒 ʟɪɢʜᴛꜱ
plastic has nothing on adelina. the fakeness she exudes is far too strong to be missed. 
when she was younger, she wasn’t that bad. her life was filled with pleasant childhood lullabies helping her drift off to sleep at night. the sounds of her father’s laughter constantly filling the kitchen and her mother’s warmth tucked her in every single night. from the minute she was born, she had been adored. her smile was enough to fill a whole room with light. that smile is the only thing her parents found themselves looking for. 
the streets of london, england had been her stomping grounds. from her birth until the age of fifteen, those two feet of hers had always been found stomping throughout town with such confidence, the world couldn’t dare knock her down. she was the daughter of a surgeon and a lawyer -- needless to say, she had money. the girl had the kind of wealth that was far too unnecessary for a girl with a mouth like hers. those lips were constantly judging and spilling secrets they had no right to spill. she was a gossip -- ran her mouth faster than her legs could ever move. it was riddled in her dna to be that way. she was a younger version of her mother after all. 
being wealthy, she was able to grow up well. anything she needed at her fingertips. her parents were constantly showing adoration to her. if she asked, they would’ve given her the world. and she constantly asked for the world. it was a habit of hers to demand the whole universe from others but barely give a planet of herself. her attitude was horrendous most of the time. 
when the brown eyed girl hit the age of fifteen, her family moved. they took all that they knew and left. a moody adelina was in tow as they moved to manhattan, new york. however, the moodiness of losing her friends and everything she knew, dulled. once those eyes latched onto the bright lights and the allure of the city, she was h o o k e d. 
it didn’t take long for her to find her place in the social works of her newfound home. even at fifteen she was bossy, demanding, gossipy, and far too nosy. she was m e a n. however, that’s how she gained her status. she didn’t know any other way how to. and she thrived on becoming part of the wealthy social circle. 
however, all good things must come to an end. and for adelina it happened when she was seventeen years old. in the span of one year, her mother had been charged by two different families of malpractice. the ahmati family became the talk of their inner social circle. it took months of courthouses and debates before elena ahmati was declared guilty of two cases of medical malpractice. her license was completely revoked. all of those around them had known the minute adelina did. their name had been slandered and the friction between her parents grew. the following year, her parents divorced. her dad left them in a house they couldn’t afford to move in with his mistress. the town’s gossip was being gossiped about in a reversal of fate. 
the teen was outcasted. “the friends” she had immediately became ghosts, becoming nonexistent in her life. while her family had been falling apart and their funds depleting, there was no one but her to attempt to pick up the pieces. she kept those lips shut and began working multiple jobs to support her and her mother. the two moved into a modest house where exhaustion riddled their bones. 
when the time came for adelina to go away to college, she went far. she left her mother ( which was the hardest thing she had to do ) and left. a friend of hers recommended the school in arizona and she immediately went alongside with her. new york had been claustrophobic and everywhere she went, she was reminded of her former life. it was time for her to reside elsewhere. 
the moment she stepped on campus, she decided to change her narrative. back was the girl who was endlessly running her mouth and creating problems at every door step. those lips had yet to cease the day she arrived. the old adelina was back and stronger than ever
❛ / ꜰᴜɴ ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ 𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓮 ʟᴇꜱꜱ 𝒻𝓊𝓃
from head to toe, adelina still dresses in designer clothes. she’s a year late on all the latest fashions but still manages to pull it off as if it’s intentional. a friend of hers gives her their hand-me-downs because they know of her circumstance. honestly, they feel bad for the girl. to them she’s probably just a charity case. ( plot alert ! ) 
a fake. she’s completely going to continue faking her wealth. her wealth isn’t as astronomical as it once was yet she pretends it is. ever since her family lost theirs, people disappeared from her life in the blink of an eye. so, she decided when she got to college that would change. she’d go back to being the person she was and allure those around her with money. many few know the truth behind this. 
a gossip. would recommend not telling her anything of importance because she rattles it off to anyone or everyone under a guise of care. she pretends to care to get information. then, she’ll take it, spin it, and share it. well, that depends on who you are. if you mean enough, she might just keep your secrets close to her chest. 
a liar. honesty isn’t her strong suit. i mean are we surprised when she’s lying about her whole life ? i’m not.
❛ / 𝓅𝓁𝑜𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 ɪꜱ ᴀ ɢɪʀʟ'ꜱ 𝓫𝓮𝓼𝓽 ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
best friends. give me some people she can trust. maybe they know about the fact that she’s a fraud. maybe she never got around to telling them ? either way, they know her very well and accept her gossip girl tendencies. they often remind her to take it easy and for them ... she just might try. 
hook-ups. self-explanatory af amirite ?
tea spilled too hot. maybe someone she said something really bad about around campus. maybe they were friends ? maybe they weren’t ? maybe they dislike each other so much that they constantly tell lies about each other to everyone ?
exes. this could go so many ways. 
charity case. someone who feels bad for her fall and constantly gives her their hand-me-downs and items they don’t want in general. they’re sort of kind of friends. 
will add more to this later when i’m not brain ded.
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solarsought · 4 years
🍼 Matias & Phi, your take
- name: Rafael Luis Pena- likes / dislikes:likes: reading, writing, music, pretty much anything creative he can do, cookingdislikes: school (he was never real big on it)- first word: no- appearance: dad’s charming smile, mom’s nice eyes, and a bit of a more laid back style- which parent they look more like: he’s a good mix of the two- which parent they like more: matias - height once fully grown: 5′8″- job ambition: a writer or maybe a professor or some sort he just likes to write and wants to share that love with others
- name: Sofia Elena Pena- likes / dislikes:likes: public settings, debates, parties, being a know it all, learning thingsdislikes: blood/medical things (she’s a big squeamish), heights, not a big fan of avacados tbh- first word: mama- appearance: petite, brunette, very sharply dressed at all times- which parent they look more like: ophelia- which parent they like more: she loves her mom she just doesn’t like to hear about medical stuff- height once fully grown: 5′4″- job ambition: supreme court judge
@augustaean // baby meme
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marudny-robot · 5 years
@thepowerofwater (I guess it was to me, but I wasn’t sure considering it was in comments under the list ^^”) Anyway-
13. List 5 OTPs from past fandoms
Oh gosh, my current fandom is the one I’m the longest in, do you think I remember previous ones???
Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher, books more exactly - they are so effing married in them and both oblivious at first)
Gammon Sakanoue/Elena Himekawa (Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle; again, those two act so married! And maybe anime isn’t the best but I reccomend the OST so much!)
Kaneki Ken/Hideyoshi Nagachika/Kirishima Touka (Tokyo Ghoul’ it’s OT3 but *shrugs*)
Green(Blue)/Red (aka Namelesshipping from Pokemon Games)
Yoichi Himura/Mamori Anezaki (Eyeshield 21)
I tried to recall those for you.
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theladyragnell · 5 years
Prompt Masterpost February 2019
This round of prompts is officially done at 17 fills and almost 19,000 words across 8 fandoms! Thank you to everyone who prompted! I had a lot of fun. Also thank you to everyone who indulged my love for writing D&D fic.
Under the cut, all the fills are organized by fandom and by ship within fandom. If you want one reposted to the AO3 for easier bookmarking, let me know!
The Campaign of Five Dragons
Haoti/Valira, Notting Hill AU
Haoti/Valira/Vangold, Paleolithic Park
Haoti/Valira/Vangold, on an icy planet
Phi/Quil/Terry, Singin’ in the Rain AU
Galavant/Isabella/Sid, a modern AU road trip
D’avin/Fancy, royalty romcom
Dutch & John, a warrant at a spa
Pawter & Pree, the mythology AU
Eliot/Hardison/Parker (pre-relationship), they are killjoys
Eliot/Hardison/Parker, they hunt monsters
Eliot/Hardison/Parker, ice cream parlor AU
Meldessa Redux
Esk/Rielan & Team, Killjoys AU
Elena/Mithian, Pacific Rim AU
Les Mis
Bossuet/Joly/Musichetta, the first people on Mars
(pre)Bossuet/Joly/Musichetta, discussing their darkest timeline
E/R, college a cappella AU
Star Wars
Finn/Poe/Rey, musical theater AU
Thank you for reading!
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Namaste 🙏. Always remaining in kinetic awareness these biofield surges are more than emotional bombardment of love’s handshake. More like a Sun’s Hug… it’s pressurized. Results are plasmic in wanting to describe the sensations of sapiosexual acceptance. Though had not been keenly adept with fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithms but the conclusions drawn are equally applicable to other algorithms. This platform allows the student to comprehend the intricacies of the algorithm, but it can be somewhat cumbersome. For instance, it is difficult, using a standard spreadsheet interface, to change from one set of differential equations to another. As the student advances, the built-in macro language (Visual Basic, in this case) can be used to implement a sophisticated algorithm that is easily adapted to other equations. Albeit, syntactic speak would require proficiency in utilizing the language of mathematical computational discourse. This has not happened, yet. Investigating the science of DNA/Biofield/activation has professedly reoriented this signature attention for Overstanding in detail just what is happening with this Vibrational signature. As the stimulus in/of consciousness further becomes nascent ~ nascent definition: 1. only recently formed or started, but likely to grow larger quickly: 2. only recently formed .
Unlearning everything for learning all that there is to replace coefficient knowledge of Star gates’ and forming this vibration’s “Merka’ba” as these frequencies have expressed one needs the octave’s tonal code or is approximately expression for or how to use this science of /for bypassing the gateway or in some way, the agents. Since portal’s and black holes/Whole’s are cohesive in traveling to vibrational frequency addresses. As in sound wave locations to the keyboard used when a pianist produces a concerto 🎼.
The Stargate through our Sun refers to the Sun's Portal Event Horizon, through which Starseed and Alliance Groups come and go.
Galactic Astrology reveals the Akashic Memories/Skills of the Soul, memories stored within the OverSoul's Akashic Records at our Milky Way's Galaxy Centre.
Recent research shows the Sun and the planets are laid out according to the Golden Ratio. The velocities, the orbital periods between the planets, the synodic periods and the distances out from the Sun, are all based on Golden 'Phi' Ratio.
Importantly Astro-Genetic Galactic Astrology uses the phi geometry that underlies our *ETHERIC* DNA helix and molecule, now we can begin to decode the Oversoul Akashic Records using an actual scientific approach, memories are transferred through time/space as waves, becoming the plasma/etheric garment encompassing DNA.
Just as cellular memories ::= pre-disposes or, "programs" you to perceive and behave a certain way as thoughts and feelings are made manifest within your consciousness. To use the analogy of a computer, the holistic beingness is the hard disk, or storage disk. The Cellular Memory is the database on the storage disk. While diving headlong as these thought’s are retrieved on the fly, this is requiring definitives for quantitative information. Of this there’s only a few researchers capabilities which can be usefully quoted with any level of implementation in one’s life ascension paradigm shift since these plateau’s are transient as water. Which by the holds Sentient memories for biological life and restructuring For resonated brainwave’s future that proves past.
Ashayana Deane’s in-depth writings and scaled drawings in invaluable information well worth humanities solid investigation. While not to ignore one “ Wingmaker “ Grayham Forscutt’s work in process Galactic Astrology.
Professor Dan Winters mind-boggling detailed explorative field http://www.fractalfield.com/fractalphotosynthesis/
Much in the way of non-channeled contact information regarding real-time conversations with her Off-world protectors and friends, Elena Danaan, whose experiences are now the bestseller. “ A Guft from the stars” Which in my opinion must become a school’s curriculum. Just as these hidden subjects must now take hold to present this knowledge are a prerequisite on our future’s children consciousness exponentially grows. Must apologize for those whom my real-time memories are as fluctuating as the clouds…
Anticipating the many beautiful real-time experiences yet to come… our Star Trek future.
Namaste 🙏.
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