#Penelope Coconut
pokinm · 3 months
"It's time to unleash CHAOS!!!"
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Penelope Coconut redesign💜 my favourite 7* girl🥺
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dreamin-gacha · 10 months
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Who else thinks that Penelope Coconut is the hardest 7-Star to get?
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space69420 · 1 year
Yo who else was launched into their gacha world phase? Becase i was and can't draw well. Help.
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You can't tell me they'd all get along, 1/3 of the group are emos, one's barely eye level with the others, at least one isn't mentally stable, and the last is shirtless.
Oh and summoner was made to be a silent protag so they can't even complain.
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archer-world · 1 year
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quick lineup of how Corruption manifests in Corrupted Units for ReDesign!AU (though the official 6stars may be replaced bc they're all purorange's <3) I want to make ones that are similar like Tama's but ultimately since I'm not profiting off this AU it might not be necessary
How to Identify a Corrupted Unit:
Check extremities. Limbs and long clothing may have darkened colors, shadows, or frays/glitches with no clear silhouette. Visible glitches often occur in these areas.
Examine face. Eyes will have dark sclera and may be bleeding/melting. Irises may also glow without darkness.
Observe behaviour. Personality may be more irritable than normal, or they may be more physically touchy to spread the Corruption. They may experience erratic movements of the limbs, head, or clothing physics.
Injuries from Corrupted weaponry or Corrupted body parts may result in Corruption of the individual.
Remember to stay safe!
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kittylordinfinity · 2 years
Something i think is really funny about the gachaworld fandom is that everyone has like two or three groups of characters they like and then they just completely ignore all the others
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luveline · 7 months
Hello! I just want to start off by saying you're an absolutely amazing writer! I've been reading your blog for two years now, I believe, or something very close to it, and I still find myself awestruck by your talent when I check your blog, which is pretty much daily!
If you're up for the prompt and if you're not too swamped with requests, could I ask for a blurb with bombshell reader x Spencer? Maybe reader makes him something really sincere and handmade? Maybe a baked good or a knitted sweater? No special occasion needed, just because he deserves it 😋
Thank you for sharing your works with us! Be well and remember to take breaks! Love you Jade!!
Thank you my love, that is so kind! Love you♡
You feel sleek walking into the office that morning. Fitted clothes steamed and pressed, hair freshly upkept at the salon the previous weekend, nails manicured, smile primly painted, you look perfect. 
But that's not what you're excited about. 
Spencer lounges cross-legged at his desk, a book in his lap, surprisingly broad shoulders hunched as he reads at a more natural pace than usual. His desk is cluttered in organised chaos, books lining the partition that separate his desk from Derek's and Emily's, strange knickknacks scattered. There's a bunch of bright squishy things from Penelope, an upside down umbrella statue lined with hair elastics, and, cutest of all, his two photo frames. One of him holding baby Henry, and one of you. You and him, of course, but mostly you in the frame, closer, smiling like you love him as you angle the camera back in a well meaning and misaligned self portrait. 
You do love him. He hasn't caught on yet, is all. 
"Spencer," you greet, hoping he won't jump. He flinches minutely and lifts his head to yours, closing the book against his hand. "Sorry, I was trying to make it so you didn't jump." 
"My fault." He rubs his eyes. "Just been reading this book for so long it's messing with me." 
The book, of which he's told you about in detail, is about a documentary, which is in turn about a bunch of dark, ever-changing rooms, hallways and tunnels from within a house. The line between what's fiction within fiction blurs, and it's actually pretty scary if he's to be believed. "I've never seen you take so long reading one book, even if it is eight hundred pages," you say teasingly, letting the handle of your handbag slip down your shoulder. 
"The point is suspense," he says, eyes following your fingers where they dive into your bag. "Which needs time to build. What are they?" 
"These are for you, handsome." 
"You already gave me a present," he says quizzically. 
His birthday was a few days ago, and he's right. "These aren't for your birthday, Spence." 
He cracks the lid off of the tupperware on side at a time like he's scared he'll ruin the sweet treats within. You've made him fresh baked shortbread biscuits dipped in dark-chocolate and topped with sparse coconut shavings. 
"What are these?" he asks.
You both know that he knows they're cookies, so you answer the unasked question instead. "I wanted to make them for you. I think you'll like them, they're a little rich but the coconut helps even it out. You don't have to try them now or anything–" 
"Can I?" he asks, lips quirked into a gentle pout. 
"Sure." You hide your nerves as he bites into one, the cookie itself breaking softly, crumbs falling into his waiting hand. "They're messy. Should've warned you." 
He puts the uneaten half back in the tupperware and places it atop his closed book on the desk. He's nodding as he stands, arms quick over your shoulders. You can hear him swallow, his voice mildly hoarse as he says, "They're so nice," he praises, clearing his throat, "I think I swallowed too fast." His laugh warms your ear. "I can't believe you made those. How long did it take you?" 
"Not that long," you say, beaming as he pulls away. "I knew you'd like them." 
"It helps that you made them." He holds your elbow. "I don't know how to say thanks." 
You raise your cheek. "Only if you want." 
He kisses your cheek. You smile like a fool and giggle much the same, reaching around his arms to nab a cookie for yourself. They'd tasted nice last night when you tried them, but they're perfect after Spencer's praise. 
"No one's ever baked something for me before," he admits, the two of you standing much too close considering the setting. "I mean, there really wasn't a reason?" 
"No, Spence. I was watching some TV last night when I started thinking about you, and I recently got that cookbook, you remember? That was one of the dessert recipes. I had to make two batches because I put too much butter in the first try and they spread flat as a nickel." 
He smiles at your misfortune. "What?" you ask. "What's funny about that?" 
"It's not funny. You made me cookies and when they went wrong you made me more. I don't know what I–" His hand flirts with your elbow, index finger moving with a mind of its own, tickling you through your thin blouse. "You're amazing." 
"You make me really happy." You look down at his hand where it draws a line. "It makes me happy to be able to do something for you." 
Spencer can evidently see you turning shy, and he's a sweetheart, so he rescues you from your timidity with a life jacket. "Is there anything you can't do?"
"Not that I've found so far, handsome. Why, did you have something in mind?" 
He makes a big and genuine laugh, grabbing two cookies and forcing one into your hand. "You have to eat your share before Emily gets here." He nudges your hand up with his. "Go on. I'm not in the mood to share with anyone but you." 
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word count: 4.1k
warnings: grinding, drinking, cussing, plz lemme know if i forgot anything else :3
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the first thing people took notice of when they looked at you -
that mesmerizing smile.
the way you carried yourself was so profound, as if every bad thing thrown your way would just bounce right off.
your bubbly energy enraptured everybody around you, feeding off of your wide grins, and constant laughter bringing a sense of joy into their life.
earning your nickname; sweet girl.
everyone loved you from the moment they laid their eyes on you.
i mean... who wouldn't?
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part 2 here!
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"Sweetheart, you have got to get ahold of yourself."
"I do- I don't know what makes you think I don't."
A scoff left Garcia's stained lips, as she stared at your frantic fingers messing with your hair, trying to apply everything all at once. Reaching for your signature perfume, spraying a good dosage on to ensure it stays on the whole night. The blonde had come over to get ready for a night out in the town with her fellow co-workers, including a certain brunette that you had a soft spot for.
Your hair was not cooperating with you. Not. In. The. Slightest.
Does this dress make me look- too much?
Who the hell made this damn mousse-
"If you touch your hair one more time, I will personally make it my life's mission to get rid of your existence." She grabbed a hold of your arm, tugging you out of the bathroom despite your protests. "Spencer won't care what your hair looks like when he's got you underneath him."
A gasp left your lips, smacking Penelope's giggling behind as she ran away from you towards your front door. "Or above him- whatever you're into sweet cheeks."
"Oh! I'm going to get your ass, Pen."
"Run that by my boss first!"
Penelope ripped the front door open, revealing a startled Hotch who had just raised his fist to knock on your house door. A smug smirk graced the blonde's lips, sticking her tongue out at you as she ran towards the SUV where Morgan was waiting. You stood there with a pout on your lips, grabbing your purse from your entrance table. Hotch eyed your dressed up figure, feeling his heart rate pick up as you made your way over to him your perfume engulfing his senses.
"Hiya Hotch." Wrapping your arm around his waist, giving the older man a tight squeeze letting your free hand lock the door behind you stuffing your keys into your purse. Penelope and you might have had one too many shots, the constant cheesing on your face giving you away. 
"Hello sweet girl." Hotch had known you long enough to see you in every situation imaginable, including your drunk side. He chuckled as you left your arm around him, not minding it for a second as you guys walked down the steps to the car. "Are we sure this isn't the aftermath of the bar?"
You let out a small giggle, knowing he was partially right. Hotch opened up the car door for you, helping you into the lifted vehicle a small thank you leaving your lips as you scooted further in as he squeezed in behind you.
The car smelled like people who had were planning on getting laid.
Hotch’s cologne smelled of leather and cinnamon. Discretely trying to hide the fact that you were inching closer to him like a dog sniffing out a treat.
Whilst Morgans cologne smelled of coconut and sugar; not enough to be irritating to the nose.
Both you and Penelope's perfumes smelled nice and sweet, contrasting with the guys.
Penelope was blasting Kesha through the SUV, while Morgan attempted to turn it down without her noticing. Either she noticed or didn't care, allowing her voice to do the work for her as she embodied Kesha.
"We are just getting started, I promise. You should join us! Didn't Morgan draw the short stick for tonight? Leaves you perfectly able to get wasted with us,"
Morgan gave you a glare in the rearview mirror, not letting your mocking affect his driving as he tried his best to follow the law with his boss as his passenger. Hotch just shook his head as you unzipped your purse showing him the contents inside.
His eyebrow raised, he saw several colorful shooters clinking around in the small accessory adorning your body, a smile gracing your warming skin. You took out a bright green shooter, shoving it into his hands.
"What in the-"
"Pen. Catch." Penelope didn't even have to move, her hands expertly catching the pink shot you had picked out just for her. You opted for a blue one, knowing this flavor in specific masked the taste as best it could making it easier to down.
You raised your eyebrow back up at Hotch cracking your drink open, a soft sigh left his lips knowing you wouldn't back down. He proceeded to crack his open, whoops leaving the girls lips. Clinking your shot against his. Your arm moving to wrap around his bringing the cold glass to your lips, allowing the burning sensation to trickle down your throat. Hotch felt his breath hitch at your touch, downing the shooter back.
Hotch was used to harder liquor, but something about the neon colored vodka was already making him feel a little warm. Shaking his head at the taste, putting the lid back on the drink as he watched you reach for another.
"Woah, sweet girl... you sure you can handle another?"
Your rolled your eyes at his concerning words, easily tossing another shooter back as you opened your mouth to show it was gone. Hotch felt a small smirk tug at his lips at the sight, adjusting himself in his seat subtly.
"I almost flunked out of college my freshman year because I was getting drunk every weekend. I learned my handful of tricks- I would put Dr. Reid to shame." Morgan whistled, making Garcia laugh as she reminisced on some of the stories you had told her. An ever-growing smirk graced your lips, re-applying a generous amount of lip gloss to your lips. 
Hotch eyed the bubbly girl, as she made herself comfortable against the taller man. He spread his jean cladded legs as she plopped her purse on his lap, using him as a table rummaging through the contents. Choosing to ignore the sensation of her nimble fingers ghosting over his dark wash jeans, adjusting his position on the leather seat. She pulled out another shooter and mingled it into his hands, a small chuckle bubbling in his chest.
"You're going to have to show me one day, sweet cheeks.”
"Wouldn't you love to see that, sweet boy?"
Morgan smirked up at you as he pulled up to the valet who were excited to take the keys from your favorite Agent, sending a wink to the blushing girl holding the keys. You were about to open the door, almost jumping as you saw Hotch had already beaten you to it. Looking back and forth between the door and your now empty seat beside you, the grinning raven haired man made your heart skip a beat.
"Your intoxicated state is making your reaction time slow," His deep voice hummed into your ear, his hands splaying across your back allowing his warmth to keep you from shivering. Hotch lent his arm out, grasping onto his bicep firmly as you made your way into the bar. The shooter you had given the tall man tucked away in his jeans, holding your body close to ensure you wouldn't run off.  His cologne smelled even stronger up close, allowing yourself to engulf the scent a soft sigh leaving your glossed lips.
It didn't take long for Hotch have to glare at the wandering eyes of plenty of men who were attempting to undress you with their nasty eyes. He knew men were absolute garbage as time had gone by, but he knew that he would never let these ones especially anywhere near you tonight. 
It didn't take long for you to find your other co-workers even in all of the chaos, the place bordering a club atmosphere. The bar was currently playing one of your favorite songs, allowing the music to guide your body. You let your grip loosen as you made a beeline towards JJ who was smiling widely up at you, a bright pink coating her cheeks. Your heels clicking mesmerizingly against the stone floor, having mastered the art in running in those strappy shoes.
"JJ!! I missed youuuu," You hurriedly wrapped your arms around her neck, pressing a sticky kiss onto her cheek. She let out a muffled laugh as she held you tighter. "Where is-"
"Spence? Right behind you, honey." The giggling girl whispered into your ear, you spun on your heel making eye contact with the man you had been thinking about all night. A smile made its way onto your lips, taking a seat beside the brunette. 
As if he couldn't get anymore attractive.
The sight of his dark green cardigan bringing out the green in his hazel eyes, hidden behind his god forsaken sexy ass glasses. His cologne wafted over to you, the soft scent of coffee and something sweet. The smell was enough to make your mouth water.
What kind of test do they have to pass to work at the BAU? It seemed like every man and woman had to make your knees buckle to work there.
"Hiya Spence."
The flustered boy tucked his hair behind his ear, turning in his seat to give you his undivided attention. Your perfume infiltrating his nostrils, before having heard your voice. A smell he was all too keen on knowing, wetting his bottom lip nervously. "Oh h-hi!"
The conscious part of your brain attempted to send signals to your body to be smart, your drunk limbs ignoring it as you allowed your legs to entwine with his slack cladded leg closest to you. His breath hitching the smallest of gasps leaving his pink lips. 
The sound of someone hollering behind you made you turn around in your seat, waving excitedly at the dark hair girl approaching. Elle feigned a dramatic hand over her chest, her dress showing off her curves in all the right places. The girl walked over to you, your smile having not left your lips since getting in the car. Smacking a wet kiss on your dark haired friends cheek who just wrapped an arm around your waist. "We were about to send out a search party. We thought Morgan got you guys lost again,"
"Oh he most definitely did, I think the aftershave has made him lose some brain cells over the years." You teased the burly man, who shot you a glare reaching over the table to flick your forehead a gasp leaving your lips. You detangled your legs from Spencers missing the warmth almost as soon as you detached, sending a harsh kick to Morgan who hissed at your heels.
"Son of a bitch. Watch your back, sweet cheeks."
"Want me to kiss it better?" A small twinkle shone in his eyes, his usual flirty smirk making its way onto his face. You turned on your charm, resting your face on your hands as you batted your eyelashes at the man your glossy lips parted open. Everyone at the table watched in amusement as Morgan practically melted at her doe eyes looking up at him, leaning closer to her face. 
"I would love nothing more-"
"I call dibs first, Chocolate Thunder." Penelope butted in, making her first appearance at the table a tray full of drinks. She handed you your signature drink, the vibrant color matching her outfit. Clapping your hands as you blew a kiss to the blonde, wrapping your lips around the straw humming happily at the cold liquid making its way down your throat. 
"No need to call dibs when I've already kissed you, baby cheeks."
"You're not special, Derek. We've all kissed, sweets." All the girls threw in their words of agreement, a chuckle leaving Spencers lips as he watched the look of disbelief on Morgan's face. "Sweet as her name, she is." 
"Don't make me kiss you on the mouth again, Pen."
"Maybe that's what I'm hinting at, sweet girl."
A burst of giggles left the girls mouths as they all grabbed ahold of the shots Garcia had bought everyone. 
Well, everyone except Morgan. 
Penelope had grabbed something strong; wanting to ensure it did what it was intended to do. You had seen Spencer had also proceeded to throw back a shot a small wince leaving his lips. "You would think after 9,006 years, that we would know how to mask the taste of alcohol."
"I like the pain. Gives a little thrill, don't you think?" Tilting your head at the doctor whose eyes widened a little, his cheeks flushing pink. A small giggle left your lips placing your hand dangerously close to his thigh, turning your attention to the raven haired man beside you.
"What are you nursing there, Hotch?" He turned to his left, eyeing the flustered girl a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he showed her his glass. "Mind if I have a sip?" 
"Of course. Go ahead." The girl gently took the glass from his hands, taking a small sip of the drink a soft hum leaving her lips. He felt his chest tighten at the sight of her lips on the same glass his were just on. She just grinned at the man, handing him back his jack and coke. "Not bad- too Hotch for me." 
Gently rising from your chair at the table, gaining the attention of everyone at the table a grin already plastered on your face. Spencer eyed your radiating body, his brain turning to mush as he tried to focus on the words leaving your pretty lips. Chugging the rest of your cocktail, the cold feeling nice on your warming face. "Time to dance!"
Penelope wasted no time, dragging a more than ready Morgan onto the swarm of people on the dance floor. JJ and Elle had already partnered up, their swaying bodies entwined together. Leaving you in between Spencer and Hotch. Both who looked absolutely delicious-
Hold on- what?
I mean... 
Hotch's black polo did absolute numbers for his muscular body. His biceps just about bulging out of the shirt, snug around his lean torso. Wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around his waist. And don't even mention his gorgeous eyes, with their specks of green becoming visible the closer you got to him.
And then Spencer.
That boy looked like straight out of a rom com. His puppy eyes staring at you intently like nothing around you existed. His chiseled jaw and those puffy lips were all you could think about at work. His button ups fitting him just right, the cardigans about to swallow him whole wishing you were in them as well.
The sound of Hotchs raspy voice speaking broke you out of your trance, blinking away your borderline wet dream about your co-worker and superior. Taking notice of Spencers empty seat, turning to Hotch with a confused look on your face. "He went to the restroom. Everything okay? You were unresponsive there for a second."
"Y-yes. Sorry, I was- I don't even know. You guys both looked so good, my brain started short circuiting." The words were spewing out of your mouth like muscle memory, a shocked expression filtering over the usually furrowed mans face. "How about that dance?"
"Oh no, I don't-"
"Hotchner, don't start. I was promised a dance,"
"-I think that was you doing the promising." You grabbed ahold of his wrist, tugging the protesting man whose eyes had grown soft. "You're awfully strong when you're drunk. Did you know that?"
"I think it's similar to when crack heads do crack, except without the crack." You shouted into his ear, the music practically making it near impossible to hear. Hotch just let a laugh slip out, his hands having found their home on your hips barely touching you, afraid he would mess it all up.
Pitbull had begun to blast through the club, your body swinging to the beat having known the rhythm a little too well for your liking. The clubs lights had gotten dark, except for the strobe lights and stage lights lighting up the crowd every now and then. You could see Penelope shouting the words at Morgan who bared an amused stare at the blonde, dancing with her drunken form the pink spotlight lighting up her blonde hair perfectly.
A whine left your lips at the lack of contact with your dance partner, pressing your body against the towering man above you knowing this exact situation must be written somewhere on what not to do with your boss. He almost halted his movements if it weren't for your hands finding his and wrapping his arms further around your waist. Hands finding their home around his neck, chills going down his spine as he felt how close you were to him.
The music took ahold of your body. Every beat sending your hips to follow half a second later, memorizing the way Hotch followed your every move. As if your bodies were made just for one another; you moved in sync with each other, neither of you having to give cues as if you guys had been doing this for years.
Hotch felt this body growing hotter the longer you were grinding up against him, a small line of guilt bubbling inside but his body seemed to be doing all the thinking for him. His hands tightening their grip on your hips as he pulled you impossibly closer to him a soft gasp leaving your lips. Your body swaying and turning in his grasp pressing your ass against his growing member, Hotch's head leaning into your neck.
You rolled your head back leaning against Hotch's muscular body, trying to see if it was your mind playing tricks on your or if it truly was what you thought it was poking against your ass.
Every touch felt- electric.
The pawing at your body from Hotch made your body writhe in his grasp, feeling yourself getting drunk in his touch. Shaking hands reaching behind you to find his head full of hair and run your fingers through his gelled hair, enjoying the soft rumble against his chest. Turning back around to face him, wondering what was running through his head right now.
Hotch knew he must have looked as crazy as he felt. Scanning every inch of her face, cupping her face in his warm calloused hand tucking her hair away from her face.
He could see every tiny freckle, and scar on your face.
The sparkly gloss coating your lips enticing him the longer you mouthed the words close to his chest.
Every one of his senses was focused on you.
Your perfume.
Your body.
Your gorgeous eyes.
He couldn't look away-
"If you wanted to kiss me Hotch, you could have just asked,"
Before Hotch could lean down and press his awaiting lips on yours, you spotted a tall lanky figure looking around detaching your limbs from the man a giant grin gracing your features. Waving at the approaching figure, tugging the brunette closer to you. The older man almost rolled his eyes, keeping his hands tucked into his pocket his fingers knocking with the shooter you had gifted him earlier.
"Spence! I was about to send out a search party,"
The blushing boy tried to stammer out a response, his eyes locking with Hotch's.
His boss- correction. His friend was staring at him as if he had just came out and told him he was the unsub on a case. Wiping his clammy hands against his dark slacks, wondering what he had interrupted.
"The line to the bathroom was long. If it weren't for the fact that I had to-"
"Did you know that Aaron is a good dancer?" You shouted in Spencers direction, the name slipping off your tongue sweet like honey.
Hotch turned to face the girl replaying the sound of his name falling off of her lips over and over again, hoping she would say it again. Spencer raised a surprised eyebrow at the cheesing girl, whose hold on him hadn't faltered.
"I'm not too surprised. His stature and athleticism point him in the direction of having better coordination than the average person."
"I have no idea what you just said! Maybe Pitbull is having some affect on my hearing," 
"Maybe we should go sit down, hm?" Hotch whispered into your ear, his breath fanning over your face. Nodding along to his words, grabbing ahold of his unsuspecting hand tugging them over to the back corner table you were sitting at. A soft sigh left your lips, as you reached for Hotch's glass tossing the rest of the drink back. 
Spencer eyed your hand that was still holding onto Hotch's practically burning a hole into his much larger hand, a million thoughts coursing through his head. "Next one is on me, Aaron."
"Don't worry about it, sweet girl. Let me go buy another drink, I'll order you a water."
"What! I'm not even close to being done, please..." A pout found its way onto your face," Just one or two more."
Hotch couldn't say no to that face. "One more. Reid, want anything?"
"Can I just get a water, please?"
Hotch untangled your hand from his, his retreating figure hard to miss even with all the people surrounding him. Spencer took this chance to try to erase any progress Hotch had made, his figure seating itself right beside you. His shaking hand found its place on your thigh, a choked sound leaving your lips eyeing the nervous boy standing before you. Your heart just about dropped into your stomach, a fluttering in your stomach as the guy you had been crushing on had made a move.
Please move it higher-
"I wish we could have had our dance, Spence... I'm sure you've got some more tricks up your sleeve I haven't seen."
"I don't think I would have been able to keep it professional if I got my hands on you,"
"What if I didn't want you too?"
You were playing with fire. 
Knowing full well you had just basically had sex with your boss out on the dance floor, but your brain wanted them both. 
And bad. 
Spencers face heated up, his face leaning closer to yours feeling your chest tighten as he almost brushed his lips against yours his warm minty breath burning your eyes slightly. Holding your breath as you felt him pull back a confused look on your face, taking notice of a looming figure coming your way. The feeling of your blood rushing to your already burning face made you feel a little faint, fanning your face to try to cool off.
Morgan raised an eyebrow at the pair of you a knowing look on his face, clapping Spencers shoulder with a smirk on his lips. "My man. I never knew you had it in you,"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh, okay. I didn't know it was a secret, sweet girl. Does this mean the nicknames are off limits now?"
You giggled at the reddening of Spencers face, nudging him playfully. "Not at all, baby. But, Spencer is right. We have no idea what you're talking about."
"What is Spencer right about again?"
"Oh, him and our sweets are-"
Spencer had read your mind, sending a swift kick towards Morgan who let out a yelp turning around and giving the brunette a harsh punch to the arm. Hotch felt his face tense at the words Morgan was insinuating, hoping Morgan was just playing a joke on him taking the seat closest to you leaving you sandwiched in between your two wet dreams once more.
"Don't tell me you're all out of dances, sweet girl. I still haven't gotten mine."
"Oh trust, I'm not. I was just waiting on a good song to come on-"
As if someone was listening in on your conversation, Club Can't Handle Me came on a fan favorite between you and Morgan. A loud laugh leaving both of your mouths as he made his way over to you dragging you over to the huge crowd that you had just escaped. Morgans hands expertly found their place on your hips, having danced with the famous flirt many times. 
The way he grinned against your body had you almost a mess, allowing your legs to slip around his thigh dancing on him as if your life depended on it. By this point there was a layer of sweat on both of your bodies, making you look pornographic on the dance floor. His tight v-neck showed off his muscles well in the dim lighting of the bar, his arms practically engulfing you. 
"You're too hot to be here by yourself,"
"Shut up, Morgan."
The pretty boy leaned into the cusp of your ear, his lips brushing up against you. "If looks could kill, your two lover boys would have killed me tenfold." 
Peeking over his shoulder, noticing the evident glares of Hotch and Spencer who looked like they were 2 seconds away from walking over. "Want to help me make them make the first move?”
"You're an absolute minx, you know that?"
You knew Morgan was right, but the alcohol in you just wanted them to walk over and make you theirs. The music had changed to a slow sexier song, knowing if you were to do anything it would have to be now when the music would show everything off.
Closing your eyes allowing the music to guide you, putting every ounce of your being into grinding against Morgan. It didn’t take long of Morgan putting his hands closer to your ass before a cough interrupted the pair of you.
“Mind if I but in, Morgan?”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a/n: guys this came to me in the middle of the night and i did NOT stop writing until 5 am. it just kept coming out. and FUCK, i am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure rn. this is my first criminals minds fic pookies.
a/n: GUYS WHAT THE HECK! i am literally writing part two right now, you guys have been so nice to me :,)
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sea-owl · 3 months
Have this cute little idea I had for the spouses friend group
Phillip knows how to make perfume and does so using the plants he grew. He makes them when he (almost always) accidentally grows too many of his plants and sells them in his nursery as a side gig along with cologne, and pet friendly perfumes.
It started out as a bet between Michael and Phillip back when they were rooming together in university. Penelope had just become their roommate and Phillip as a welcoming gift grew her some of the roses that share her name. As always, Phillip accidentally grew too many.
"They smell really good," Penelope said as she picked up one of the roses. "Imagine it as a perfume!"
"Would they make a good perfume though?" Michael asked.
Phillip snapped his head towards Michael. "Watch yourself Stirling, those are fighting words talking about my babies!"
Penelope was taken aback; she had never seen Phillip that fired up. Michael grinned; he loved getting his friend this riled up.
"Oh, wanna bet?" Michael asked. "If you can make a perfume, a good one, out of your left-over plants than I will behave for a month."
Phillip raised an eyebrow. "A whole month? Even when you get bored?"
Michael nodded. Penelope's jaw dropped. One thing she quickly learned with living with these two is that getting Michael to behave when he's bored often required the wrath of his mother, and even then his head of the family cousin would often just give Michael a slap on the wrist, or Michael will sweet talk his way out of it. Now don't get her wrong Michael doesn't blow off responsibility when he needs to do it but there has been more than one rule made because of him.
It was a deal too sweet for Phillip not to take and the pride of his plants were on the line.
Phillip shook Michael's hand. "Deal."
After doing the research the boys agreed to giving Phillip six months to extract the oils from the plants, mix them together, and let the perfume age in an airtight bottle before trying it. Based on their living space and what materials he could get Phillip decided to use the enfleurage methods to extract the oils. On a sheet of glass he laid down a thin heated layer of coconut oil with a small amount of beeswax. Letting it cool Phillip proceeded to place the petals of the roses in it before setting it between a wood frame. He would then change out the petals once or twice a day until he got the desired fragrance.
Determined to win this bet Phillip even paid one of the art students to design a decorative bottle for him to put the perfume in. The glass was the same shade of creamy pink as the flower with small wires and jewels wrapped around it to form a butterfly.
"Done," Phillip said as set down the bottle in front of his friends.
Penelope picked up the bottle and sprayed a little on her wrist. "Oh, this smells delicious!'
Michael takes Penelope's wrist and sniffs. "Damn, now I have to behave for a month!"
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phantasmalduelist · 2 months
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Thanks for the tag @i-mybrunettelady!!!😊 I did it for both my commander and wayfinder & if you're reading this and want to do it, you're tagged (and please tag me in your post! So I can read).
-- B A S I C S
name: Penelope Starbinder (formerly Ry). age: 34. She was born on November 1 (Season of the Colossus/Scorpio. I picture her with an Aquarius moon and an Aries rising!). race: She had two mothers, one is Canthan and the other was a Mist Being with draconic blood. gender: NB femme (she/her). orientation: Lesbian. profession: Holosmith and Commander/Champion of Aurene.
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Currently a copper orange. eyes: Right now her eyes have a purple and yellow hue which is impossible in-game, but that's the kind of shade. skin: Tanned. tattoos/scars: She has a tattoo on the base of her neck, it's supposed to represent her title of Starbinder. I haven't designed it yet because I haven't had the opportunity to draw her back AJKFJSF but yeah. Scars: one on her left breast/shoulder from when Bangar shot her.
-- F A M I L Y
parents: Mimi Ry (deceased) and Nvaa (deceased). siblings: Her twin sister Deanna Starlighter (formerly Ry). grandparents: Unknown. Her human mother had no family of note. in laws and others: Jormag - not officially married, but… honestly they have 6 children together so. It makes the Elder Dragons family ig. LMFAOOO. pets: Starry shiba inu.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: Proficient in engineering and holosmith skills; on the same level of Canthan engineering. She would be classified as a genius (she just doesn't use it like asura do, so it's never really commercialized). Great eye for strategy and making small talk with just about anyone. Good at solving things quickly and has a stellar sense of direction. She can't cook good food or sew or anything like that; that's Jormag's thing lol. She doesn't have a hobby or other skills that aren't related to being a commander and she should rethink that. The burnout is real.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Easygoing, extremely loyal, dependable. most negative trait: Martyrdom, impulsiveness, speaks without thinking at times.
-- L I K E S
colors: Purple, gold, cyan. smells: Lavender, coconut, beach. textures: Soft fur/hair, warm skin, weighted blanket. drinks: Energy drinks, cocktails, fizzy soda.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Not usually, but she has. drinks: Yes. drugs: Nope. been arrested: Well yes, canonically so. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
-- B A S I C S
name: Badri the Starstorm (alter ego: The Starfall Ego). age: Unknown, but definitely over 150. race: Unknown. gender: Cis lady (she/her). orientation: Lesbian. profession: Wizard and Wayfinder. Chronomancer. (Alter ego: crazily powerful elemental cosmic magic).
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Mousy blonde, very soft and shiny. (Alter ego: very light lavender/iridescent). eyes: Pale with a golden sparkle. skin: Pale purple-blue. tattoos/scars: None.
-- F A M I L Y
parents: Unknown. siblings: Unknown. grandparents: Unknown. in laws and others: Isgarren is her father figure and Peitha is her toxic yuri. Isak and her share a pretty strong sibling bond even if they are not related at all. pets: Her moth skyscale, Belle, is very much like a cat to her.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: Learned chronomancy from her teacher Basira & her skills are pretty good. She learns any kind of magic pretty easily and with efficiency. She can cook, sew, dance, play instruments, sing, and many other stuff. She's like a swiss army knife of skills. She devoted most of her time to hobbies and reading because she wasn't allowed outside the tower.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Cheerful, tooth-rotting sweet and attentive, caring. most negative trait: Selfish, passive-aggressive, sheltered.
-- L I K E S
colors: Jade, lipstick, periwinkle. smells: Strawberry cake, peppermint, scented candles. textures: Velvet, encrusted gems, embroidery. drinks: Green tea, cocoa with chunky marshmallows, smoothies.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Nope. drinks: Nope. drugs: Nope. been arrested: Nope.
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pokinm · 5 months
looks like this friendly doll wants to talk to you💜
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a redesign fir Penelope Coconut! I had so much fun designing her dress and it turned out even better than I expected
my headcanon is that she gives a friendship bracelet to everyone she sees for the first time, but is friends only with those she remembers after the first meeting
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aeoneskova · 3 months
A snippet from the next chapter of Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy :)
Dear Penelope’s boyfriend,
What a shame it is to hear you’ve run off with another woman, Mr Weasley. Doth thine heart not think of me? Barely a week has passed without you and already I yearn! Penelope’s a lucky girl, though I’m sorry she’s stuck with a man who folds his socks and washes his hair with coconut-scented shampoo. Such sweet sorrow.
I’ve took a bow, encore, etc. Hope that helped, Perce. You could convince Ginny it was just a bro kiss. Y’know, like mates do. Not that I’d know, but I reckon Charlie would back you up on that one. Don’t worry about souvenirs, seeing you again when you come back will be more than enough. Not to be sappy.
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bakersimmer · 1 year
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Tormi sometimes takes in animals who need a new home. The new temporary residents in his home are a llama named Coconut and a rooster named Penelope (Don't ask...the previous owner (EA) made some questionable decisions). 
Miller Legacy G14 beginning
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hazyaltcare · 5 months
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Playlist for a Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) fictive with themes of mania and not giving a fuck, but also the fear of death and being forgotten. For genres, im thinking conscious rap and electropunk. MSI is a definite bonus if you can include it in there.
It Gets Worse by Mindless Self Indulgence
It’s Better this Way by Big Krit
Self Care by Penelope Scott
Coconut Ranger by Jack Stauber
Anxiety by Megan Thee Stallion
Do You Kiss Your Mama with that Mouth by Euringer
Be Free by J Cole
I just want to Live by Good Charlotte
What do They Know by Mindless Self Indulgence
YouTube ▶️ Spotify ⏯️ 27 min 29 sec
Mod StemRoses
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lovely-lauren-arts · 9 months
heyyy i love your videos and the obscured eyes series so i've been thinking about a few questions if you wouldnt mind to answer them! 1. how would seth react if mother mary got hurt/died?
2. why does claude like oliver's hugs so much?
3. does claude have any romantic feelings for oliver in any way?
4. what would the characters smell like lol (not in a weird way but like y'know)
5. why is isaac the only one without a mask in the cult
Thanks! :3
1. Seth would feel angry and concerned if she got hurt. If she died, he would feel enraged and lost.
2. Claude's just a guy who likes hugs. And Oliver is his best friend so he's going to love hugs from him.
3. Guess.
4. I think I was asked this a long time ago but I never answered it.
Beatrice - Soap.
Isabella - Nothing.
Madeline - Lime perfume.
Daisy - Flowers.
Penelope - Strawberries.
Elizabeth - Nothing.
Oliver - Fabric softener.
Claude - Vanilla.
Audrey - Lavender.
Dolly - Coconut shampoo.
Kev - Aftershave.
Freddie - Nothing.
Catherine - A bakery.
Sophia - Sugar.
Chester - An old room.
5. He's too young.
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themetaphorgirl · 1 year
this was prompted by my darling Maeve!!! (seriously, I have absolutely no fucking clue what I would do without Maeve in my life. a literal angel.)
also yes I have a backlog of prompts that I should fill, but YES I am always taking more prompts if you have them!!
“Penelope, do you really need a bag that big?”
She hugged her arms around her tote bag. “Yes!” she said. “I have nine peoples’ worth of snacks in here.” 
Dave locked his car doors. “Well, everyone had better finish all their snacks before they get back in my car after this, because there’s no eating allowed,” he announced. 
“Yeah, we know, Grandpa,” Emily said. He rolled his eyes. 
“I’ll just ride back in James’s car, he’ll let us eat,” Derek said. 
“Good luck prying the Wonder Twins and their baby out of there,” Emily said. “Trust me, I’ve tried. I keep telling them I can squish into the backseat middle, but they keep saying that there’s no room for me.”
JJ blew a bubble and snapped her gum. “I just hope they don't ask to check your bag when we get in there,” she said. “You’re not supposed to bring in outside food and drinks to a movie theater.”
Penelope’s mouth dropped open. “They won’t get me in trouble, will they?” she said. “I’m just a little girl with a few pieces of candy.”
“You have the entire Willy Wonka factory in there, Penny,” Dave said. 
She stood in the middle of the parking lot as they walked away. “Guys, I won’t get in trouble, right?” she called. “Guys?”
“Come on, Pen, you’re standing in the middle of the road.”
She hurried to catch up; the other half of the group was waiting on the sidewalk. “There you guys are,” James said. “Whoa, Penny. That’s…that's a big bag.”
“It’s not that noticeable, is it?” she said. 
“Spencer could use that as a sleeping bag,” Aaron said dryly. 
Spencer made a face. “I’m not that little,” he said. 
“We should probably go if we want to get popcorn before the movie,” Alex said. 
“Are we going to need any?” JJ said. “With all the stuff Penelope is sneaking in for us?”
“Oh, definitely,” Derek said. 
Penelope’s heart was beating so loudly she was sure the theater employees could hear it. Maybe she had a glowing neon sign above her head- ask me about the illegal candy in my bag! 
“Penny, stop looking so guilty,” Dave whispered. 
“But I am guilty,” she whispered back. 
“It was your idea to bring all this candy.”
“Stop talking about it!”
“Well, then stop looking so guilty!”
She hugged the bag to her chest and hid herself behind Derek. He shook his head, grinning, and handed her ticket to the bored employee along with his. 
Once they were safely into the theater she exhaled loudly. “I was not cut out for a life of crime,” she said. 
“I don’t think that counts as a crime,” JJ said. “Besides…haven’t you gotten in trouble like a million times for hacking computers?”
“That’s different,” Penelope said. “I’m going to go sit in the theater. Can somebody come with me?”
“Yeah, yeah, I will,” Emily said. “I’ll be your fall guy if they catch you. I’d do better in prison than you would.” Penelope’s eyes widened. “They’re not going to send you to prison, Pen, it’s a joke.”
Still, she didn’t feel completely secure until she was safely seated in the theater, her bag of contraband settled on her lap. She waited for the rest of the kids to make their way to their seats with their popcorn, half watching the preshow on the screen and half scanning for theater employees. 
“Dave, I think you have more butter than popcorn,” Aaron said. 
“What’s the point of getting movie theater popcorn if you don’t dump a ton of extra movie theater butter on it?” Dave protested. 
“It’s not really butter, most theaters use a coconut oil blend,” Spencer said. 
“Yeah, well, it’s still delicious.”
Alex sat down, and Spencer immediately plunked down in the seat beside her, nudging James out of his way. “Uh…could I sit next to Alex, please?” he said. 
“No, thank you, I’d like to sit here,” Spencer said. 
Penelope bit back a giggle at the look of tragic desperation on his face. “Do you want to sit on her other side, so you can be between the twins?” James suggested. 
“Yeah, you can sit over here, Bug,” Aaron said. 
“No, thank you,” Spencer said. 
Alex covered Spencer’s ears. “Don’t worry, babe, he’ll fall asleep twenty minutes into the movie and then I can give him to Aaron,” she whispered. 
Spencer squirmed around and frowned at her. “What did you say?”
“Nothing, darling.”
Penelope opened up her bag. “All right, I think we’re safe,” she said. “I think I have everything. I’ve got Milk Duds for Derek-“
JJ made a face. “I think we need to start calling you Grandpa instead of Dave.”
“Hey!” Derek protested. 
“Thank god,” Dave said. 
“Junior Mints for JJ-“
“Ew, that’s like eating chocolate covered toothpaste,” Derek said. 
“Milk Duds are basically chocolate covered cement, so who’s the real loser here?”
Penelope kept digging around in her bag. “Black licorice for Emily…”
Dave, JJ, and Derek stared at her. She shrugged. “It’ll turn my mouth black,” she said. 
“I’ve got a single can of ginger ale for Hotch, which…that’s just very sad,” Penelope said. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Aaron said. 
“His tummy hurts and he’s being very brave about it,” Alex said. He huffed in annoyance. 
Penelope held up two packets of candy. “Skittles for Spencer and M&Ms for James,” she said. 
“Thanks, Pen,” James said as he ripped it open and poured it into his popcorn. 
Spencer’s eyes went wide. “You can do that?” he said.
“Yeah, Bug, you want to try it?” James asked. He held it out and Spencer took a small handful. 
Penelope pulled out her bag of Hi-Chews and set her tote on the empty seat next to her. “So since you guys have terrible taste in candy, I have backups,” she said. “I have starbursts, sour patch kids, Hershey kisses, Reese’s cups-“
Derek shook his empty Milk Duds box. “Can you toss me something?” he said. “I finished mine.”
“Already? The previews haven’t even started!”
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