#Park Jin-Seong
moviemosaics · 4 months
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The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well
directed by Hong Sang-soo, 1996
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l-c-kindergarten · 2 years
Incorrect LCK #11
Teddy: I hate the term “spinal fluid”. It conjures up horrible imagery in my mind.
Teddy: like, what if I could just lightly tap a spigot attached to my spinal column and say “come get yall’s juice”?
Fate: thanks, that's going to haunt me forever.
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wannaeatramyeon · 23 days
How Lookism men confess to YOU they've caught feelings
G/N. Soft. Fluffy. All that good stuff. (Gun, Jake, Goo, James Lee/DG, Johan, Vin, Samuel, Eli, Ryuhei)
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Gun opts for somewhere private, just the two of you. Whether that's his home, yours, or somewhere only you both know.
He tells you with certainty his feelings for you. That there's no point divulging if he didn't think it would work out, if you weren't better together.
Intensity radiates from him. His words, eyes, aura. He keeps his confession simple and to the point, unexpectedly romantic with how matter of fact he is.
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Jake thought he was being subtle, but there's a lot of prying eyes in the shadows.
He shoos the Big Deal members away in his best authoritative, no nonsense boss tone. The one he reserves to deal with serious matters. Which this is. Of utmost seriousness.
Behind his beaming toothy grin and confident stance are anxious eyes. His words are cheesy and well-rehearsed. Sincerity pulses through his every fibre, leaving you starry eyed and breath hitched.
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Goo announces his feelings with a grin on his lips.
Corners you somewhere crowded, at a completely inappropriate moment. But of course. It's only inappropriate if Goo deems it to be so, and there's no time like the present.
The words are said lightly, like he could play it off as a joke any moment. His ego too fragile for rejection. But his carefree attitude is off kilter, body language tense. Gaze steady and more serious than you have ever seen.
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James is flippant. The arrogant, cocky man claims you as his already. Confesses without any doubt in his mind that rejection could happen, or it could sting.
He's not a gambling man. Only plays when the odds are in his favour and the gains far outweighs the losses.
There's no ifs or buts. Talks about 'us' and 'we' and a future where you're by his side.
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Johan pulls out the words reluctantly and when you least expect. Like they will choke him if he keeps it from you any longer.
He says it without looking at you. Eyes fixed on the ground, a point in the distance, Miro, Eden, anywhere but you.
Brows knitted together, hands white knuckled. A second away from running away. But he needs to tell you, he has to. The words are too big to swallow down anymore.
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Vin peppers his confession with insults and half-jokes. A type of self defence to spare his heart.
Hands in pocket, like it's no big deal. Words spilling out, trying to inject indifference into them. Back against the wall, peering over at you. 
Sunglasses firmly on, eyes shielded. Because he can't bear to be any more vulnerable than he has to right now. His words are barbed and prickly, but his feelings are completely bared.
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Samuel offers his heart in between lofty promises and delusions of grandeur.
Words murmured against the back of your hand, breath ghosting over your skin. Eyes fixed on yours, fiery and almost challenging you to say no.
But a relentless phantom haunts him, one that he silences over and over again.
-That being by his side won't be enough, that offering you to be his queen is inadequate, lacking and there's so much more that you deserve.
Still, he promises you the world and is committed to giving you nothing less.
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Trepidation lines Eli’s words. Like he can’t believe he’s here again. After everything that has happened, with everything on his plate.
He’s forced himself to make room for you, carved out a part of his life.
He confesses in a cramped dusty room in Hostel. Sat opposite one another on rickety uneven chairs, so close your knees are touching and there’s no personal space left. 
Body leaning forward, craving your touch and proximity as he rids the last remnants of hesitancy and takes a leap of faith.
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Ryuhei tells you over and over again.
Until it becomes a daily mantra of sorts for him, and part of your day for you. At first as a joke, or at least you thought so. And then his earnestness snowballed until you could no longer ignore it.
He confesses, with the same sort of childish joy he always feels when he's with you. Tonight, his blood is thrumming in his vein and his pulse is beating in his ears.
With a hushed voice and hope in his eyes: he tells you once more.
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trueebeauty · 21 days
“Are you afraid of me?”
Are you afraid of them? - lookism men
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“You wish.”
Honestly, they wished you were afraid of them sometimes. Then maybe you could see how they weren’t good for you. But then again, they were relieved you weren't afraid. It meant you trusted them, and that trust meant everything to them.
"Ouch, sorry to disappoint. I'll try to be more terrifying next time.”
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And could they even blame you for that? They scared themselves at times too. Their actions or words occasionally made them question their own intentions or motivations. They understand.
silence, an intense look
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“Why would I?”
The pure confusion on your face makes their heart flutter with joy. The thought that you can't fathom any reason to be afraid of them softens their features into a warm smile.
warm smile "You know me better than that." 
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“Should I be afraid?”
Good question... Should you be afraid of them? It's not an easy question to answer. They know they can be intimidating at times, even if they don't intend to be.
considers for a long moment "Sometimes I'm not sure myself."
“You should be.”
( + the ‘yOu ShOuLd bE’ : 𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 - 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐊 )
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“Nah. You’re a big softie.”
You're absolutely right. They don't even know why they asked such a question. Despite their attempts to come across as tough or intimidating at times, deep down they're quite gentle and kind-hearted.
smiles tenderly "Only for you."
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“Yeah. I mean, kinda. No... Definitely.”
Definitely. You should run for the hills when it comes to them. Their words and actions are unpredictable and even dangerous at times. Being afraid of them is a completely understandable response. 
nods solemnly "Smart move. The real me is best avoided."
"I'm working on it, I swear. This isn't who I want to be..."
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sscarletvenus · 1 month
one thing about ptj's writing that always leaves a bad taste in my mouth is sometimes i feel he doesn't completely grasp the issues of abuse and sexual trauma, mostly and majorly for the female characters, but the male characters too.
take for example mira getting sexually assaulted by the cult leader and camp instructor, zoe's transaction with logan, club vivi, vin'mom being raped and killed by the shaman, sujin being abused and preyed upon and sexually assaulted before getting beaten to death by taejin... ALL of this feels so catatonic, almost unnecessary in its cruelty. this is a horrible world no doubt. but whatever he inflicts to his female characters seems to be done purely for the sake of shock value, almost like an indelible grief or hurt or helplessness a MALE character has to overcome in his path to nirvana. it is never shown what the woman feels about her own violation, no impact of it can be seen on her own life before she dies or simply forgets and moves on (kinda telling of the author's attitude towards how victims ought to react...).
then lets talk about the male victims. daniel gets stalked, goo and gun and eli were all minors who trained under a man who unironically touches people's genitals and brags about doing so, olly gets raped, eli gets groomed (i will not argue here about this one), sinu is shown naked often with the woman who brainwashed him. not mentioned in the comic but should be pondered upon is the fact that jake and jiho were in juvenile prison, a place with alarmingly high rates of sex crimes. dg is an idol who deals with invasive fans (sasaengs in real life are legitimately terrifying). seongji and vin were the ritual vessels for a cult. but this aspect of their trauma gets completely brushed under the rug, as if even alluding to it would take away from their strength and uhhh, masculine nature.
much to be thought about his treatment of his own characters...
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anticapitalistclown · 5 months
witch trope will be lookism men in *me and the bad btch I pulled by being_*
Which troupe will lookism men be:
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic
Daniel, Vasco, Warren, Gapryong, Sinu
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a simp
Zack, Vin Jin, Ryuhei
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being emotionally unapproachable
Samuel, Gun, James Lee, Olly, Taesoo, Vin Jin
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a nerd
Yujin, Jace, Koji
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a bitch
Johan, Jihan, Koji
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being funny
Jake, Goo, Jibeom, Sinu
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god-monsters · 11 months
How Lookism Guys Fall in Love with YOU + personal hc
Requested. If you can't tell how repetitive I am from my masterlist, here it is all side by side to show you exactly the sort of tropes I like a LOT. Sorta hc, sorta the storylines-ish I like to write.
Strangers to Lovers
Johan Seong
Meeting Johan and bonding through his pups. You don't even need to show him kindness. Show Eden and Miro kindness and you will enter his thoughts regardless.
A cliched way to a man's heart is his stomach. Feed Johan up too to up the relationship.
Lots of emotional maturing needed for Johan to understand what the hell is going on. Pulls away to get some distance yet always ends up by your side. He can't help it. Eventually just gives in.
Goo Kim
While I personally dislike the love at first sight trope, this guy would absolutely double take if there was something that caught his eye and then he would be his normal extroverted and clingy self to get to know you.
This fucking charmer. Yes he's annoying, but even then he gets under your skin and you can't help falling for him too.
Also a fan of the hot-and-cold-casual-fuck-buddies dynamic. He'll see you every day for a week, wake up in your bed then ghost you for a month. Rinse and repeat. After a little while - oh. Goo realises he misses you.
Samuel Seo
Ah the oh-shit-I-caught-feelings-when-we-were-just-casually-fucking-and-no-strings-attached pining.
Meeting at somewhere like a corporate event or even in a club.
Lots of inner turmoil as he gets to grips with his emotions and how to deal with you. A little bit of push and pull before he eventually admits how he feels.
Ryuhei Kuroda/Xiaolong
Just meeting someone, anyone who is the opposite of Mitsuki and Vivi. Showing them what a normal healthy person, with normal healthy interests looks like. Show them kindness, show them your sweet smile, show them you don't want anything apart from just them and they will fall for you.
Ryuhei - Not really much guilt with moving on from Mitsuki because face it. They weren't exactly anything.
Xiaolong - oof. The most angsty hurt/comfort you can think of.
Friends (classmates) to Lovers
Zack Lee
Long-ish time friend, but nothing progressed due to his feelings for Mira. Gradually circumstances bring you both closer together. Tending to his wounds, school projects, maybe even shopping for a gift for Mira.
Start to see you in a new light. Deals with a lot of denial at first and then later, guilt. Unsurprisingly, it's Mira that notices the change in Zack and encourages him to pursue you.
Vasco Tabasco/Jace Park
Classmate of theirs through J-high or knew them from middle school. Help to tutor Vasco or just generally up to some shit with Jace. Maybe playing detective.
Not involved with Burn Knuckles, but you might as well be. With Vasco or Jace, the rest of the crew treats you with the same level of respect as their No.1/2 and will protect you at all costs.
Relatively straightforward friends to lovers, with all the worries of gang shit.
Vin Jin
Love the idea of Vin Jin, Mary and You being best buds together. Either from Cheonliang or you getting closer to Vin through Mary once they attend J-High.
An absolute asshole though he is a little softer towards you. Takes him a while to fall for you and see you in a new light. Is so used to you as a friend that it will take someone else interfering or an event.
See masterlist for someone asking you on a date or Vin seeing you in his Cheonliang jacket heh (the latter really breaks his brain).
Jake Kim
Childhood friend to lovers. You knew him before he joined Big Deal and/or while he was a tall lanky middle school kid.
Always had a soft spot for you. Walking you home from school, spending evenings in the library messing around, hanging in the park. Once he joined Big Deal and you started high school, it added some distance between you but Jake still could never get you off his mind.
Eventually reconciling and slow burn into lovers. Dealing with all the usual angst of Jake putting you in danger and risking your safety by being with him. Hint: he gets over it eventually. Or else it turns into angsty regret (my personal fave!).
DG/James Lee
You know him from his James Lee days and go way back. Either classmates together or another very typical show-him-a-little-kindness and then wormed your way into his heart.
Sees you more and more, and no matter what, you're never judgemental of him and you're able to talk to him like a normal human being - which is a rarity. Growing closer together until he starts to confide in you. One day, James just realises you're the closest person to him and he likes you. You have grown and grown on him until it's obvious and completely hits him over the head with it.
Progress into lovers is very straightforward. You stick with him through thick and thin. Even with his transition into DG, you're the one constant in his life that he keeps close by and protects.
Eli Jang
Know Eli from his J-high days and always been good buddies with you. Sure you could tell he's good looking but you didn't put him on a pedestal.
Eventually growing closer to him and also meeting Yenna. Which is a huge step, by the way. Eli is so goddamn protective of her and when you are both introduced he thinks 'huh? this is? nice??'. Loves the idea of a happy family.
Bit of angst dealing with the death of Heather and moving on with you.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Warren Chae, Hudson Ahn, Kwak bros
Colleague/Crew Member to Lovers
Gun Park/Goo Kim
The third partner and completing the Gun/Goo/You trifecta. Teaming up with Goo to piss off Gun or with Gun to become the sassiest, most fearsome duo and a headache for the blonde.
Eugene/Samuel Seo
Working alongside and rising through the ranks, impressing them with your competency that they have no choice but to take notice of you. They struggle treading the line between professionalism and falling for you.
Jake Kim/Sinu Han
Big Deal crew member, joining and working your way into the Boss's heart. Another one for lots of pining and slow burn as they try not to fall for you because they feel it's pretty inappropriate.
Another favourite little scenario: you working on Big Deal street. Either taking up an empty premise or working in a store or restaurant and catching their eye. Flirtation abound especially when they visit you when you should be working and prove to be an awful distraction.
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ventivente · 1 month
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emojellyace08 · 8 months
Hello! How've you been? Can you please write jealousy headcanons for lookism men with a female reader? The reader and they are not in a relationship but they have a crush on her and they get jealous when she hangs out with her guys best friend? Thank you ❤️
♡♡♡♡ Jealousy "Hey, would you please focus on me?" (Lookism Men x Female Reader)♡♡♡♡
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A/N: Sorry for the really late reply @serenesoulseeker but I've been feeling a lot better lately! (been trying to recover from a cold rn) And sorry for the inconvenience bc I have other requests to do and other important tasks (this has been sitting on my drafts for a while -_-''''') but I hope my writing reaches your expectations. Ty! Genre: angst to fluff Warnings: jealousy and neediness (a bit of possessiveness), not in an established relationship with the character of choice at first, (yandere on Samuel, Olly, and Jiho's part), slight mentions of assault (night club), mentions of physical fighting, shouting, toxic relationship on the last part (NOT CONDONING THIS IN REAL LIFE) reader is gender neutral!
Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Zack Lee/Vasco (Lee Eun Tae)/Jace Park/Duke Pyeon/Eli Jang/Johan Seong/Jake Kim/Lineman/Brad Lee/Jerry Kwon/Jason Yoon/Jiho Park/Young Jinyeong Park/Yuseong
Getting to know him for a very long time is a ride. You've been childhood friends with him and he's one of the people you cherish a lot. You always got each other's back. You often scare those little bullies away when they're taking their insults personally again just to make him insecure. And at times you got to scold him while patching up his bruises when he gets beaten up by those thugs, he just really wants to protect you from those types of people.
He may get wounded because of his hero complex getting in the way at times, but it's just him being him. You may come out as strong and bold at times but he knows you got that soft spot in you once he gets to know you better. You're both glad that you get to know each other. In times in rich and wealth, in sickness and in health, in both of your ups and downs you're always partners in crime. Spending his extra time with you shows that he really values you as you're with him. Despite having your own business and focusing on both of your perspective goals, that spark just never faded away. You're both thankful that your friendship stays the same, even getting better even when you're not with him at most times.
Your relationship with him even developed the more you stayed beside him especially when he's down like there's a dark cloud above his head. You don't have to be there for him always, yet you chose to. That triggered something he never felt anything before. Something warm and exciting. He usually never engage in romance since he's afraid of getting rejected and hurt. But he felt so much in ease and comfortable with you. When you tease him he usually doesn't mind it since he knows that you don't mean it and you actually see the good in him. It took a while for him to realize that he's been crossing the line that he's not prepared for.
He's enlightened, nervous, and anything between scared and happy. If he confesses to you, will like him back just because of his looks? Or will you turn down his offer or live both of your best lives as lovers? Will you avoid him? He's not sure. Though he will respect your wishes if you want boundaries. But he can't help but to feel jealous when you mingle with other people, especially with other boys. He knows that your kind and uplifting spirit makes the other guys ask for help when they need to so he doesn't really have a problem with you spending time with them as long as they don't do anything scandalous to you. He knows that he's not your boyfriend and vice versa, so there's no need to feel jealous. Right? But he can't really control it at times. He wants to pin you on the wooden table as he wants to tell you his feelings, "Hey, would you please focus on me?" but he can't seem to tell it on your face. He doesn't mean to pout when you won't pay attention to him. But he gets really hot and sweaty when you lean closer to him when you're helping him out with his homework! Or he can't help but to admire your cute face that you make when he teases you.
He's really insecure about what he's feeling and about himself. But after collecting his courage, he decided to talk to you and face that wall that he's been trying to overcome. He doesn't care if you even reject him anymore. He's trying to act tough and strong so that he can keep up with his image and to your standards. But I guess it's now or never.
You are chatting with him as you view the beautiful scenery of the sun falling down as the moon starts to appear on the pinkish-blue hue of the sky. The wind's blowing is soft and gentle as leaves softly rustle and danced on the atmosphere falling off on the tall and strong trees. Birds are flying on the sky as children flew their kites and sweet couples enjoy their quality time with picnics or sitting on the bench, just chatting and laughing at pretty dumb stuff. Despite the background sounds getting a bit loud, he really enjoys this moment with you.
"Hey Y/N," "Hm? "I want to ask you a question." his voice became stern as you gave him your attention. "Yeah, what about that?" you can see him getting a bit sweaty as he gulped, not trying to be so harsh or obvious. "Ehem, do you have s-someone you like?" he asked as your eyes widened in surprise. "Oh about that," "Yeah?" "I-I have someone I really like." You replied feeling your own cheeks grew hot as his mouth curls into a frown. He shouldn't have been hoping for you reciprocating his feelings. But he can't help but to get curious about this type of yours. "Okay, what is he like?" he asked with a hint of discourage on his voice, his eyelashes fluttering as he tries to stop his tears from falling down on his soft face. He never meant to be overdramatic, but his jealousy along with his insecurities and personal problems consume him at times. "Well, he doesn't realize it but he's really handsome, nice, talented, smart in his own ways. But that's not the reason I started developing feelings for him. He's so soft and gentle at me all the time, even being patient when I'm acting like a drama queen/king. But he's been so understanding at my problems even when I'm at fault at times. He doesn't give up on me and he actually made me a better person in some ways." you replied honestly as both of you avoided eye contact. "And I don't mean to offend anybody but," "Huh?" you faced him as you leaned a bit closer to him as he panics. It doesn't mean that he hates it, it's in fact the opposite. He can't help but to stare at your pretty face, but as the guy/someone who developed feelings first, he should be making the first move! "What if I told you that it's you that I like?" "E-EH!"
Now after talking it through out you're going to be a lovey dovey couple. If you're the shy type you're going to be a blushing idiot around him and vice versa. Though after confessing to each other he wants to take things slowly and surely so both of you wouldn't hurt each other's feelings and waste your friendship, memories, and time at the end. He fully respects it if you want to focus on your studies, family, and with your future career but just remember that he's always here for you all the time even if you're lovers or not :) (but trust me he's going to be one of the most loving boyfriends in this verse so it's now or never ;)
Warren Chae/Zack Lee/James Lee/Goo Kim/Sinu Han/Jake Kim/Vin Jin/Young Elite & Tom Lee/Kuroda Ryuhei/Olly Wang/Yoojin/Gongseob Ji/Kwak Jihan &Jibeom
This f*cker is insane. If you met him on your middle school, high school or in your workplace one thing you know is that he's going to piss you off (in a really good and bad way). He doesn't usually engage with his love life, he might have flings and flirts there and then but he's not really emotionally ready for mature understandings in a couple relationship. And besides he doesn't really want to either, he has other plans, goals, and other businesses to handle before getting into a committed relationship. Having a crush is fine he guesses.
But meeting you for the first time is something that feels different yet familiar. Two things crossed on his mind. First, why the f*ck does he need a partner for his work/school activity? And second is that even if he didn't want to admit it but something about you looks interesting. You look like someone who's pretty chill, and even if you won't shut the hell up he has another bicker friend to make and chat with. So it's a 50/50 win.
But one thing he sure know he's wrong about. You're more than your skills, beauty, brains, and talents. Even if you're the introverted or extroverted type, one thing he knows is that you're actually helpful and reasonable. What he likes about you is that you're pretty realistic in some situations that most people can't handle with. And you might sound harsh at times but it's just you being honest and giving constructive criticisms. It might not be obvious that he likes you because of him making you loose your temper and patience at times, but it's just him being him (an annoying little brat). But whenever things get serious, you always got his back and vice versa. You and him are one hell of a disaster if someone or even many people tries to mess with your shit.
Even if he seems to act bold, cold, intimidating and monstrous, he's actually a bit of a scared cat when you bring up the topic of him getting a girlfriend/boyfriend. His body just tenses when you talk about someone who looks physically attractive to you or when they show you acts of good and kind-hearted services. At first he conflicts to his subconscious that it's just him acting like an older brother to you as he scowls and hisses at them like a possessive cat. He can't help but to raise his eyebrows and roll his dark looking orbs when you giggle about your previous crushes, even cringing and boasting that he's a better man than that wimp will ever be. "HAH?! HIM?! REALLY?! Jesus Christ Y/N I didn't know that you have a really bad taste at picking men." he smirks as he bites on his strawberry-flavored lollipop while laughing at your grumpy looking form with him obviously being taller and muscular than you. "You don't even know him! He's not only kind but he's also helpful and bonus points, HOT!" he chokes on his sweet while he lets now a loud guffaw that can be probably heard at the whole building. This bastard really knows to piss you off. But it's just him being jealous. He thinks to himself that he may not be the best in showing affection and even coming out as arrogant at times, but he'll definitely change his misdeeds and wrong doings just to be a good influence on you. He might flirt there and then just to see you getting flustered while smacking his arms to stop. But he wouldn't go too far to make you feel uncomfortable around him. Respect.
Whoever tries to touch you without your permission gets smashed on the face by him. He may not be your boyfriend but whoever pervert who takes it too far and doesn't know boundaries deserves to feel his stinging and even gut-wrenching attacks.
It was on a late evening when you wear your clothing of choice to hang out on your own on a night club. You messaged him that you're going out on your own to get a few drinks with him answering that it's best if he can accompany you if you don't mind. But you reassured him that you'll be okay and you'll come home safe and sound. How wrong are you on that part. A skinny looking dude kept approaching you for your number while you politely decline that you're fine with your own. But he couldn't just stop bothering you, the fight have even turned into physical if you asked me. He was about to slap you on the face but then your friend stopped his attack by putting pressure on his wrist making the drunk bastard groan and grit his teeth. "Oi you dumb fuck, is that how you treat a person?" "Why the fuck are you getting out of the wa-" Your eyes widened as he landed an attack on the poor guy, but he just deserved it since he's not being responsible.
Both of you have to get out of that place filled with stench of smoke and alcohol. You're not really on the right mind either as the *alcohol/drink of choice* is starting to kick in your system. You crying and wailing on his arms like a little toddler when your toy is taken away from you. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU FOLLOW ME HERE?! I ASKED FOR MY OWN TIME! I COULD HAVE PROTECTED MY SELF THERE!" you sobbed as you keep hitting him on the arms as he tries to make you calm down. "OI YOU REALLY THINK THAT I CAN JUST LEAVE YOU ALONE THERE?! WHAT IF YOU GOT HURT OR WHAT IF SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENED TO YOU?!" he was about to scold you more before you hit him again despite not being hurtful at all before you puked on his new bought shirt, ah what a dumbass you are at times. "SCREW YOU! YOU ALWAYS GET IN MY WAY! EVEN TEASING ME WHEN MY FEELINGS ARE ALREADY GETTING HURT! YOU DON'T EVEN CARE WE ARE JUST CO-WORKERS/CLASSMATES!"
He'll make sure to give you every detail about what happened that night and he'll apologize on his shortcomings, even being honest about his mistakes which you can feel a bit uncanny since it's not like him. "Sorry Y/N for being an asshole at times. Sorry if I offended you. I may not be sounding sincere right now but I'll try my best to make it up to you. We're partners in crime after all". Nonetheless, if you and him can make it work out and talk about your problems with each other you and him will make a great couple :).
Gun Park/Kwak Jichang/Taesoo Ma/DG (Kang Dag Yeom)/Young Charles Choi (Elite)/Daniel Park (post-training with Gun arc)/Johan Seong/Cheon Taejin/Magami Kenta
He's another one who doesn't really focus on his love life. He does feel that being alone can be lonely at times but one main advantage of being single is that he can have quality time for himself and he can keep an eye on his goals. But he can definitely feel a spark between the two of you the more he gets to know you better if he really likes you. He's just him chilling in his own world I guess.
He doesn't really get jealous? At all? He might have some moments of feeling disappointed when you're busy with your schooling/work or when you turn your attention to your classmate/co-worker but he just wouldn't speak about it unless if you're doing it intentionally he still definitely gets jealous.
He can simply control his emotions in times especially when both of you are out for business. He maintains his professionalism intact with him since acting like a crybaby about it would just make a ruckus between the two of you and he doesn't want an argument in the first place. He wants to keep each others' boundaries, love, connection, and self respect for one another so he'll just ask about your day while he listens to your rumbles in your school/workplace as long as you listen to him as well ;3.
He's also very honest about his feelings and what upsets him the most. He wouldn't be afraid to voice out his concerns most of the times. At times he's feeling very hesitant to talk about his or your issues since he's already mentally exhausted and he doesn't want to bruise your heart. But he knows that running away from something won't make anything better. So as much as it hurts your part, he's willing to give some constructive criticisms even if you're the sensitive type and he'll also listen to your point of view in situations while he also explains his side of things (he doesn't emotionally abuse you don't worry).
And your friend might feel a little glare or you might see a little pout on his face when you don't give him attention. He really wants to get showered with love and care even though his inferior is tough and strong. But he's still a human, feeling emotions like jealousy so expect for him to gently grab your chin while he looks at you with that demanding and fierce, yet soft and sparkly eyes to lock on you especially when both of you are alone keeping each others' company. "Hey, did you take notes to what I am talking about?" "E-Eh?!" "Keep your focus on me even just for today, I'm not emotionally free when I'm out for work. So listen to me right now."
But his demeanor will completely change once a fucker who knows that you're in a relationship with him tries to flirt with you. It's not even a feeling of jealousy at this point. He's going to feel rage once someone tries to touch you inappropriately. It's going to be a massacre if you don't convince him to stop since he doesn't have a beating for a while now. Your one of the people whom he only listens to so as much as he wants to teach that guy a lesson he'll consider sparing them, he might not want to see their face though after he tries flirting and taking advantage of you.
Samuel Seo/Olly Wang/Jiho Park (villain arc)/Vin Jin (at start of Lookism when he's still super toxic unlike today he's still an asshole at times)
Oh girl/boy, do I even need to start? -_-'''' 🚩🚩🚩.
Literally the definition of "pure" red flag inside out.
This guy has daddy issues, family issues, mommy issues, inferiority complex issues, literally any issue. He also (probably) has abandonment issues so he pretty much won't let you go if he feels like you're the "one for him".
Pretty creepy with the face that he makes when he gets excited for beating someone when somebody tries to get closer to you (especially his rival). He might take this as a big challenge to see which one deserves to be with you.
A literal gangster inside out. Y'all saying that you can fix him, are you Bob the Builder or smth? Like there's a literal whole construction site dedicated for him 😭.
He MIGHT change his values and goals once you taught him how to love and appreciate his self for the way he is but so far it's probably going to be a toxic relationship if you're also a really hard headed person.
He easily gets jealous out of the bunch even at the smallest things. No matter how many times you try to convince him that you're not flirting with your schoolmate/co-worker, once he lost his cool he'll be literally scary and monstrous. Literal shouting, screaming and crying will be heard on your room while he throws things on the wall when he loose his temper at you. *Sigh* Idk about it.
Definition of insecure (I don't know if I'm describing or insulting them at this point).
A literal ass most at times. Yikes.
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julysrainn · 24 days
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"Call me a good boy."
Said Jake kim, putting your hand on his hair.
His hair is majestic, he had recently got it cut. You styled it for him. Its silky smooth and soft!
Nothing's hotter than a man who takes care of himself, you think to yourself.
His head is on your thighs, you can feel his breathing on your thighs.
You play with his hair, for a long time chatting with him.
There's a loud sound of thunder, and the lights go out.
"Its okay, I'm here. Dont you get scared now." The tall and dark figure with the sexiest voice, gets up from your thighs.
He pulls you into a hug, he's taller than you. Your head thuds, with his soft chest. You've always been scared of the dark since childhood.
It starts raining, the only light is coming from the cackling fireplace beside your bed. There are two mugs of hot chocolate on the table.
You hear his heartbeat going crazy. Even after all these years...
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th4simp · 2 months
Lookism out of context be like:
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mykpoppers · 2 months
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siren-serenity · 11 months
the takeover of crews has begun...
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 they call the second generation shitty and filled with fucking pussies...i think they need to be fucked up to oblivion.
-all written by 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐍-
note: the ones with (nsfw) are not suitable for minors! minors dni. however, those without any other labelling are safe for everyone :)
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𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔…𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐒. 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒. note: i will only write platonic/romantic for the students of J-High School unless they are aged up because they are minors. i will allow romantic/nsfw as long as the reader is appropriately aged compared to the character (no large age gaps allowed) ex. all J-High students must be aged up for nsfw work. i will not write for anyone in the first generation or pre-generation unless they are for platonic purposes (james lee is 21~23 years old so nsfw and romantic is allowed) all my LOOKISM works contain spoilers from the webtoon. you have been warned!
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𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐋 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ↳˳;; ❝ a hopeless romantic all my lifeᵕ̈೫˚∗
"quick daniel!" you drag him away from the chaotic group at lotte world and to the photobooths. daniel is stuck in a stupor of wonder as he stares at the bright and colorful decorations around him, like he just entered a whole new world. lotte world is just that amazing, in your honest opinion. you gesture for him to lean down and you put the silly mickey mouse ears in his hair before pointing at the camera. "one, two, three!" just as the camera flashes, daniel turns around to press his lips to your cheeks, his own cheeks flushing bright red at his actions.
𝐙𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐄 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"i'm sorry," zack apologizes. the room is barren and quiet, save for you two. you dab a small cotton fluff that was previously dipped in alcohol and press it to his cut, making him let out a wince. "sorry for fighting when you said you hate it." you hum before smiling. "but that guy ended up way worse, right?" zack's chest huffs up as he gives you a grin. "of course! no one insults my lover and gets away with it that easily!"
𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐄/𝐕𝐀𝐒𝐂𝐎 ↳˳;; ❝ cuteness overloadᵕ̈೫˚∗
vasco calls out your name eagerly; his voice echos in the halls of j-high, making everyone stare at the two of you. he dashes through the corridors before taking a leap into your arms. if it weren't for your strength, you both would have crashed into the floor painfully. "good morning, vasco," you greet him with a kiss to his forehead. his eyelids flutter at the action before grinning at you back. "morning y/n! i love you!"
𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
his body language conveys all the emotions he doesn't convey with his voice. your hands entangle with his and squeeze his fingers tight, reassuring him that you'll always be here for him. jay hong gives you a gentle smile before pressing a gentle kiss to your exposed collarbone. it speaks more than whatever flimsy compliments you earn from your 'fanbase'. 'i love you', jay hong expresses.
𝐕𝐈𝐍 𝐉𝐈𝐍 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"i'm a monster," vin jin mutters, stubbornly looking away from you. his big, tacky sunglasses remain perched on his face and the blood boiling in your veins itches to take them off. you know the story, you know the truth, but why is he so stubborn to refuse? "you'll hate me." your hand reaches out to grab his chin, tilting it to meet your loving eyes. you lean in, lips only inches away from his before murmuring. "you aren't a monster. you're my lover - you are my vin jin. forever."
𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐌 ↳˳;; ❝ bunny boy!jake headcanons (slight nsfw)ᵕ̈೫˚∗ ↳˳;; ❝ oversizedᵕ̈೫˚∗ ↳˳;; ❝ sunsets in two different waysᵕ̈೫˚∗
the streets of big deal are empty, which was to be expected since it was late at night. jake kim bids goodbye to his crew members with a warm smile before slinging his black jacket over his shoulders and striding back home. home, that was a new word to his vocabulary but only added because of you. "what's for dinner?" he sneaks up and cuddles you from behind, making you yelp and hit him on the head. "wash up, jake kim! i can still smell blood on you!" you push him away but not before sneaking a tiny kiss on his cheek. he only pouts and goes off to do so, but not before yelling a quick "dinner smells good, love!"
𝐆𝐔𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 ↳˳;; ❝ good boy (nsfw)ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"holy shit," gun park breathes out in awe. he tears the sunglasses away from his face, revealing fully black sclera and stunningly white pupils that make him seem like a devil. groaning bodies surrounding the manmade devil and blood is splattered all over the alleys. "fight me!" you scoff and walk away from your own pile of bodies, away from the bloodshed, away from your past, and away from the mysterious handsome man that seems to be enamored by you. "no thanks. i'm done." you dodge a brazillian kick, hissing at the newly-forming bruise on your arm. gun's eyes widen and something within him stirs up, something he hasn't felt in a long, long time. "it wasn't a question, love."
𝐆𝐎𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐌 ↳˳;; ❝ boredom (nsfw)ᵕ̈೫˚∗
"i'll beat you at mario kart one day!" goo cries out as you dance in victory, throwing him the childish 'L' signs and laughing at the fake-blond. you throw yourself onto the couch and in the process, threw goo off the couch and onto the carpet. "hey!" he yells before pouncing on you, fingers dancing across your sides and you let out high-pitched laughs. "s-stop!" "not until you say i'm the best at mario kart!" goo responds with a twinkle in his eyes as you continue to fill the house with warmth and so much laughter.
𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐆 ↳˳;; ❝ _______________ᵕ̈೫˚∗
ruffling eden's fur, you couldn't help the smile on your face from the absolutely lovely weather today. johan seong couldn't help but disagree and it was clear by the way his jacket was stubbornly wrapped around you like a burrito - god dog's proud logo drawn on the back. "you're going to get cold," he says, blushing. you only tilt your head back to laugh. "it's spring, johan. i'm not going to get a cold." "you never know," he huffs and stuffs his hands in his pockets. the bright red blush on his ears gives away all his emotions and you give him a teasing push.
𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐎 ↳˳;; ❝ markedᵕ̈೫˚∗
"are you done yet?" samuel scrolls on his phone as he sits on the cheap leather couch. he gives no attention to all the blushing people blatantly staring at him, only to his phone which was filled with numbers and words. "done!" you smile and walk out of the fitting room. samuel immediately puts away his phone and stares at you with adoring eyes. "we're buying it immediately. along with everything else," he smirks at your face. he takes out his thick wallet and walks to the counter, blowing you a kiss in return.
𝐄𝐋𝐈 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆 ↳˳;; ❝ hair dyeᵕ̈೫˚∗ ↳˳;; ❝ a hopeless romantic all my lifeᵕ̈೫˚∗
the day you met yenna, it was like an angel descended onto the world. eli jang couldn't help the gentle smile crawling onto his face as he sat next to you on the old carpet. your hands fiddled with yenna's chubby ones, a smile filled with glee on your face like it was permanently engraved there. little murmurs of 'so cute!' were repeated like a mantra and eli couldn't help the pride blossoming in his soul. "love you," he presses a kiss onto your cheek and you blink at him cluelessly. "that was so random, but," you snuggled into him. "love you too."
𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐍 ↳˳;; ❝ sunsets in two different waysᵕ̈೫˚∗
"come on now," sinu han's arms snaked around your waist and tugged you closer to him. his face naturally and automatically buried into the crook of your collarbone and the edges of his black hair tickled against your skin. you laughed, the carefree noise making sinu's heart race, and he couldn't help his teasing words. "keep laughing like that and i will never let you go!"
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Lookism Guys: Ruffling their Hair
G/N. Gun, Jake, Sammy, Ryuhei, Johan, Vincent. Goo here
Gun Park
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Ducks, dodges and weaves your outstretched hands. Honestly, you should be grateful. You've seen him punch someone for much less. However, your need to find out whether his hair, with all that product, is crunchy or greasy or just rock solid overrides all sense of self preservation.
To your surprise, more than anything, it is soft. As is his accompanying sigh and look once your fingers reach their target and he lets you caress his locks.
He doesn't allow you to do it often, and you care about not having broken fingers to do it too much. Once that urge kicks in though, Gun eventually gives in.
Jake Kim
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It's rather unbecoming for a leader to get their hair ruffled, especially to those outside of his inner circle. The first time the rest of the crew saw you ruffling their boss's hair, they exchanged odd glances.
And Jake knows this. He grumbles each time you do it in front of everyone. He knows this takes the shine off his reputation somewhat, yet he makes it easy for you anyway.
Leaning down so you can run your hand through his hair, messing it up, before he then smooths it back down with a half hearted whine.
Samuel Seo
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The first time you stroke his hair, there is no immediately discernible change in his demeanour. He gives you a look for messing up his immaculate hair but tolerates it nonetheless.
What gives away how much he likes it, and how much he craves your touch, is the way his eyes flutter shut, the way his breathing slows and deepens, how his body slackens. Not enough for anyone else to see, but enough for you to feel.
It calms him, and he finds the gesture sweet. Not that he would ever admit it outloud.
Ryuhei Kuroda
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You ruffled his hair once. Once. He practically melted, then you found his head within reach in almost all situations.
An overeager, overbearing (rabid attack) puppy at the best of times, and being appropriate eludes Ryuhei anyway. But you ruffling his hair seems to have opened up pandora's box and made him realise how touch-starved he is (by you specifically) at all times.
He treads a fine line between annoying and adorable, although usually the former, but there's something wholesome about how much he wants you to run his fingers through his hair.
Johan Seong
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From the way he tensed up at you ruffling his hair, you thought you did something way worse.
It was a spur of the moment gesture. Him glaring at you beneath his fringe, looking like a sulky puppy, you couldn't help it.
His mom was the only one that touched his hair, and after that - the other time was the mad doctor. Johan's hair a physical embodiment of trauma.
And then you ruffled his hair, reminding him that it's just hair, that touch can be sweet and kind, and unleashing waves of nostalgia. Looks like you just acquired a prickly puppy.
Vin Jin
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Scowls until he's absolutely sure you're not going to try and reveal his eyes then he relents. Sort of.
You manage to graze his hair, just a bit, before he slaps your hand away. He lets you, enough times (until he has had enough and tells you to go away) that you eventually know exactly the texture of his hair. Felt it when it was short, buzzcut, often covered by a cap; temporarily bleached to match Mary's; cropped and left long on top; finally now - long enough to tickle his chin.
"Your hair has grown long," you say, running your fingers through his hair. A hum of agreement is all he responds with but he doesn't move away anymore.
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trueebeauty · 21 days
𝖣𝖠𝖭𝖢𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖨𝖭 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖢𝖫𝖴𝖡 - how they would react to you dancing.
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❒ They're completely smitten with you, leaning forward eagerly and just being completely mesmerized. Their eyes are glued to you with a wide smile, you might even hear a few enthusiastic claps.
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❒ Intrigued but unsure, they watch you intently, their brow furrowed like a confused puppy. You can almost see the question marks floating above their head as they try to figure out what on earth you're doing.
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❒ Your biggest fan is here, cheering you on with a surge of pride and excitement for you. They're clapping, whooping, and waving a homemade sign (where did they get that from?) Huge smiles and beaming with satisfaction they might just join you.
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❒ They just sit in the corner and pretend not to care, but you catch them stealing glances at you while trying to act all nonchalant, but you know they're secretly nosy. That is, until they've had enough and dragged you out of there once too many people start noticing you.
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❒ Disapproves with crossed arms and pursed lips. They avoid eye contact with you like you're the most embarrassing thing they've ever seen, and you might even hear a few disapproving tuts. Applause? Not a chance.
➻ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈 + 𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 (are we really surprised?)
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❒ If unbothered was a person.
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sscarletvenus · 19 days
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lookism tweets to keep the populace entertained
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