#Lee Eung-kyung
moviemosaics · 4 months
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The Day a Pig Fell Into the Well
directed by Hong Sang-soo, 1996
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k-star-holic · 9 months
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Lee Jin-woo - Lee Eung-kyung, 18-year-old Couple Holds Hand - Kim Hye-jung, "I Need to Change My Mind" (Chairperson)
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ye-xiu · 5 months
tkem is for real a trashy sci-fi soap fest but it frankly has the three best tropes in it (soulmates, found family, bodyguard = knighthood) and made them work to perfection not to mention woo do hwan and kim go eun are actors of the generation and lee min ho could romance a piece of plywood if needed. like it would probably rate 3 stars on premise and story only but the cast and the fully embraced tropes make this a 5 star watch easily in my book
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goawaywithjae · 1 year
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The early episodes of “Payback” held promise for a truly compelling thriller with the always great Lee Sun-kyung in the lead role. But the storylines get progressively more convoluted as the show progresses.
Lee plays Eung Yong, an ambitious man with a photographic memory when it comes to numbers. He can read an entire ledger and correctly recall everything in it.
After a stint in juvenile detention where his physical prowess served him well, Eun Yong vows to never end up behind bars again. But when you’re poor and uneducated, with no parents to support you and an older sister and nephew who are financially struggling, the options are minimal.
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı:8,6 Benim puanım:10
Drama:  Guardian: The Lonely and Great God      
Hangul: 쓸쓸하고 찬란하神-도깨비
Director: Lee Eung-Bok
Writer: Kim Eun-Sook
Network: tvN
Episodes: 16
Date: 2017
Genre: Fantasy / Romance
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast:  Gong Yoo, Kim Go-Eun, Lee Dong-Wook, Yoo In-Na, Yook Sung-Jae
2017 (10th) Korea Drama Awards - October 2, 2017
Best Drama Award
Best New Actor (Yook Sung-Jae)
Star Award (Yook Sung-Jae)
Popular Character Award (Park Kyung-Hye) / (Kim Byung-Chul)
2017 (53rd) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 3, 2017
Grand Prize (Daesang) (Kim Eun-Sook)
Best Actor (Gong Yoo)
 Geldik benim favorilerimden birine. Aldığı ödüllerden de anlaşılabileceği gibi Kore dizileri arasında kült olduğu söylenebilir. Goblin tam adıyla Guardian: The Lonely and Great God. Zaman geçtikten sonra tekrar tekrar izlendiğinde aynı duyguları yaşatacağına eminim.
Konusu 3 kişi etrafında dönüyor. Ölümsüz bir Goblin(Gong Yoo), hafızası olmayan bir ölüm meleği(Lee Dong-Wook) ve hayaletleri görebilen liseli bir kız(Kim Go-Eun). 900 yıl önce Kim Shin adında bir komutan, halk arasında hükümdardan daha çok sözü geçtiği ve kahraman olarak görüldüğü için hükümdar tarafından kaybedilecek bir savaşa gönderilir. Kim Shin ise bu savaştan ülkesini ve askerlerini koruyarak sağ salim döner. Bunun üzerine hükümdar, ölüme gönderdiği halde yaşadığı için itaatsizlikten Kim Shin ve soyunu idama mahkum eder. Kim Shin sayısız savaş kazandığı kendi kılıcının göğsüne saplanması ile öldürülür. Kılıç aldığı canlar ve kurtardığı hayatlar ile Kim Shin ile bütünleşir ve Goblin doğar. Kim Shin için bu durum hem sonsuz bir ceza, hem de ölümsüzlük ile mükafattır. Sevdiklerinin yaşlanıp ölmesini izlemek en büyük cezasıdır. Tek kurtuluşu göğsündeki kılıcın çıkartılmasıdır. Bunu görebilecek ve çıkartabilecek tek kişi ise Goblin’in gelinidir.  900 yıl boyunca kılıcı çıkartıp sonunda onu bu ıstıraptan kurtaracak huzurla ölmesine yardım edecek gelinini arar.
Geçmiş hayatlarında büyük bir günah işlemiş kişiler, hafızası silip ölüm meleği olmakla cezalandırmaktadır. Bizim ölüm meleği bir gün ölüm günü gelen hamile bir kadının canını almak için gittiğinde Goblin kadının hayatını kurtarır. Hayatı kurtulan kadın, doğmaması gereken bebeğini doğursa bile, 9 yıl kadar yaşayabilir. Ölüm meleği kadının geç de olsa canını alır ama küçük kız bir anomalidir. Hiç yaşamıyor olması gerektiği için, ölüm meleği onun da peşindedir. Goblin tarafından kurtarılması ve anomali olması nedeniyle hayaletleri görmektedir. Hayaletler ona sürekli Goblinin gelini olduğunu o yüzden onları görebildiğini söylemektedir.
Ve dizi bu üç karakterin bir araya gelmesi ile başlar. Hikayenin akışı, müzikleri ve oyuncu kadrosu hatta kurgusu dahil muazzam bir iş olmuş. Dizide klişelere rastlamak çok zor. Oyuncuların kimyaları o kadar uyumlu ki, hiç kimse için ‘bunun yerine şu oynasaydı’ diyemiyorsunuz. Hem kahkaha atıp, hem gözleriniz doluyor. Bütün duyguları yaşatıp izleyiciyi doyuruyorlar. Sadece aşk değil, hikayedeki arkadaşlıklar bile uzun süre akılda kalacak şekilde işleniyor.
Bahsettiğim bu uyumun yanı sıra dizi, izleyiciye hem Güney Kore’nin doğal güzelliklerini sergiliyor, hem de minik bir kanada turu attırıyor. Kore’de çeşit çeşit bulunan batıl inançlardan da yenilerini öğrenmiş oluyoruz. Düşen akçaağaç yaprağını tutan kişi yanındakine aşık olur gibi…
Fantastik yanı nedeni ile oyuncuların yaş farkı çok fazla göz tırmalamıyor. Keza Kim Go-Eun (1991) rol gereği neşeli, hareketli bir lise öğrencisini oynuyor. Tanıştığı bu tuhaf adamın Goblin olduğunu bir bilişte bildikten sonra ben senin gelininim diye etrafında dolaşmaya başlaması ise oldukça çocuksu, her bulduğu fırsatta ‘seni seviyorum’ diye kocaman sırıtması ise komikti. Gong Yoo (1979) ise, yine rol gereği zaten 900 yılı aşkın süredir yaşayan doğaüstü bir varlık. Oyuncular arasındaki yaş farkı da bir miktar bu fantastik karakterleri destekler gibiydi. 900 yıldır gelinini aramasına rağmen duygusal anlamda bir çocuktan farkı olmayan Goblin, flörtleşmenin ne demek olduğundan bile bihaber utangaç tavırları ile izleyiciyi yakalamayı başarıyor. Bu ikilinin sahnelerinden kafamızı kaldırdığımızda ise dizinin en güzel yanı ölüm meleği ile Goblin arasındaki ilişkiydi.
Goblin ölümsüz olduğu için, yıllar boyunca yanındaki yardımcı önce yeğeni, sonra amcası, en son dedesi olurken, yardımcısının oğlu ise bir sonraki nesil babasının yerini alıyor. Yani babadan oğula, Goblin’in yaverliğini yapıyorlar. Günümüzde ise yeğeni rolündeki genç delikanlı, uzunca bir süre yurtdışında olacak diye Goblin’in evini kiraya veriyor. Goblin ise liseli kızımız ile karşılaştığı için bir yere gidemeyeceğini anlayıp onu da alıp evine geliyor. Eve geldiklerinde, yeni kiracının kızın canını almaya çalışan ölüm meleği olduğunu görüyor. Ve böylece bu üçlü aynı çatı altında yaşamak zorunda kalıyor.
Aslında çok fazla anlatıp keyfini kaçırmaya gerek yok. Dizide ele��tireceğimi sandığım pek bir şey de yok. Herkes gibi bende sonundan çok hoşlanmadım ama güzel sonla biten Kore dizisi bulmak yağmur yağarken yıldız saymak gibi bir şey.
Chanyeol,Punch - Stay with me
Soyou - I miss you
Raven Melus
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ahqjaxortl22 · 1 year
모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)
모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415) 링크<<
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모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)
모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)
모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)
모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415) SBS 드라마
모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415) 재방송 무료 보기
In addition, voice actors such as Kim Kwan-jin, Yoo Dong-gyun, and Jeon In-bae took charge of the evolution of the main Digimon and other extra and boss-level Digimon. However, in the beginning, voice actors from the 25th and 26th KBS who had just become freelancers, such as Kim Kyung-soo, Ju모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)ng Hoon-seok, Byeon Young-hee, Ryu Da-moo-hyun, Won Ho-seop, and Lim Jin-eung, were put in small roles [49] [50], and some voice actors such as On Young-sam and Kang Su-jin. They also appeared as guests. Directed by Lee Won-hee PD, translated by Yoon Kyung-ah.
And in the domestic version, most of the evolution scenes or battle scenes have had their sound effects deleted. It seems to have disappeared together in the process of covering the background sound of the original version. Power 모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)Digimon and Digimon Tamers, which were aired on KBS, had the same problem.[51] Instead, the sound effects were preserved in the second half, and the quality of dubbing is good, except for duplicate casting and sound effect problems. For example, before the trailer for the last episode, Yagami Taichi (Shin Tae-il) in the Japanese version says, "The fight is not over," whereas in the dubbed version, "Come on! The re모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)al fight starts right now", but the acting tone is different and the lines are different. In the scene where Myotismon gets intoxicated with his power and then turns his face when Angelmon appears, the Japanese version simply says "Oops", but in the Korean version, it is translated as "I forgot about that guy", and it was well adapted to the localization. There were many parts.
In the video editing, the Japanese and English that appear in the background during growth or maturity are well removed without any awkwardness on the screen. How모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)ever, due to excessive manipulation of the Japanese language in the scene where Digimon evolves, in the evolution scene where the surrounding background is complex and the complete and absolute, stuttering occurs as if the background screen is lagging, or afterimages appear in the place where the Japanese and English of the original video were. There is a problem with remaining.
The biggest difference between the Korean version and the Japanese version is that the female voice actor with the voice of a boy during the growth period is chang모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)ed to a male voice actor as he matures or evolves into a complete body.[52] This is especially noticeable in the Greymon and Garurumon series, and it seems that it is awkward for a boy's voice to come out as it is in the form of a wild and ferocious beast, a wild and ferocious beast in its mature and perfect form, or a strong warrior in its ultimate 모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)form. As a result, there are many evaluations that the voice of the dubbed version matches better because it has become a voice that suits the appearance.
In fact, this part must have been conscious to some extent by the Japanese production team, and the voices of War Greymon and Metal Garurumon in the early days becam모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)e thicker voices by strongly modifying the voice of the existing voice actors. However, the excessive voice modulation and the echo were covered, and the pronunciation was muffled to the point that it was difficult to understand what was being said. Eventually, as the episodes went through, the voice modulation gradually faded, and convention모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)ally, a boy's voice came out. On the other hand, the Korean version did not have this problem by assigning a male voice actor in the first place, and even if it was changed to a male voice actor, there were cases where a slight modulation sound was added. However, in the case of Greymon and Garurumon series, it is unfortunate that 모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)the voice actor keeps changing for each episode, rather than being fixed to one voice actor. This kind of voice actor assignment by KBS will continue through Stingmon in Power Digimon, the next work, and Dukemon in Digimon Tamers.
In the case of the technical name, the existing Daewon CI version setting book and the TCG translation released by Bandai Korea were adopted as they were. It seems that the tran모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)slation of character names and technical names has already been agreed upon early on.[53] However, among them, there are quite a few childish translations such as the dragon's runny nose, which is not a legend, but sleongpo, pumpkin seeds, super-strong nails, 모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)big claws, horn-beating, 'getting rid of the fighting spirit' (…). However, there is not only this kind of translation, but there is also a transcendental translation. For example, Garudamon's special move is Shadow Wing in the original version, but it was translated as Phoenix Sortie in the domestic broadcast. Looking at the directing, Garuda모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)mon transformed into a phoenix and charged, so it became a technical name that matched the image much more.[54]
On the other hand, the fact that the name is written in English in the Japanese version is not always a good thing. It may sound even worse because of the weird English pronu모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)nciation peculiar to Japanese. And in the US, France, and Germany, dubbing in English is rare. Even in the United States, an English-speaking country, the original Japanese English name is changed and dubbed. However, it is not that Korean fans or Japanese are exclusively obsessed with English. It's just a matter of smoothing out the dubbing.
Also, there were times when Angelwomon's breasts were painted white, roughly from the Dark Four Devas. So, at KBS, there was no editing at all in the beginning. Even in th모범택시2 16화 다시 보기 16회 재방송_E16 (230415)e airing of Pumpmon and Ultungmon, the scene where these two play pachinko was aired normally on KBS without editing the scene.
However, because the quality of the work is so good and the voice actors also performed well, it gained tremendous popularity, winning first place in viewership ratings, beating SBS's Pokémon, which had been raging until just before that. The average viewer rating was about 15%, slightly higher than Japan. #
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zejin12-n · 12 years
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Choi Eng Chan (in City Hunter) City Hunter (2011) 시티헌터 City Hunter (TV series) (2011.05.25 ~ 2011.07.28) Written by Hwang Eun-kyung, Choi Soo-jin Directed by Jin Hyuk (Master's Sun, The Chaser, Prosecutor Princess...) 극본: 황은경,  최수진 연출: 진혁 (주군의 태양, 추격자, 검사프린세스...) Chun Ho-jin as Choi Eung Chan (a.k.a William Choi) The incumbent president of South Korea at the start of the series, Choi was one of the five men involved in planning the 1983 operation and promised the unit he will help get them home. He was later out-voted in the decision to abort the operation and forced to live with the guilt for 28 years. He is the only member of the group who knows that Lee Jin-pyo survived the debacle, yet does nothing to stop him despite knowing that the former bodyguard's ultimate goal is to kill him and the other officials........  -SPOILER OMIT- (Source: Wikipedia) 최응찬 (천호진 분) 대한민국 대통령. 제5공화국의 국가안전기획부 차장. 대북공작을 전담한 핵심 인물이었으며, 아웅 산 사건 이후 북한을 향한 일명 '싹쓸이 계획'을 직접 기획했다. 당시 대통령과 다른 5인회 멤버들의 요구에 의해 부득이하게 북파한 공작원을 사살할 수밖에 없었지만, 죄책감에 시달리는 인물. 또한 5인회에서 이진표가 살아있는 걸 유일하게 알고있는 인물이기도.  후반부에는 여러분이 알고있는 엄청난 반전을 가지고 있는 캐릭터.
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
What is the relationship between Lee Kyung-sil and Lee Kyung-jin?
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The relationship between Lee Kyung-sil and Lee Kyung-jin is revealed.
In the KBS2 entertainment program 'Let's Live Together with Park Won-sook', which will be broadcast at 8:30 pm on the 14th, Kyung-sil Lee's visit is broadcast.
Kyung-Jin Lee, what was the unexpected word you uttered while having dinner with Kyung-Sil Lee a long time ago?
On this day, Lee Kyung-sil, the protagonist of the loud laughter, visited her sisters' house. Her sisters welcomed Lee Kyung-sil, and they burst into laughter as soon as they met. Kyung-Sil Lee revealed her relationship with Kyung-Jin Lee, saying, "She once did her morning drama with her older sister, Kyung-Jin." Kyung-sil Lee said, “I eat rice so well, so there is something Kyung-jin unnie said to me after seeing it.” She recalled her memories of eating with Lee Kyung-jin in the past. She raises her curiosity about what Lee Kyung-jin would have said to Lee Kyung-sil.
Surprisingly public eyewitness accounts of the people Lee Kyung-sil met at the jjimjilbang, Patty Kim
Known as a jjimjilbang maniac, Lee Kyung-sil confided about 'the people I met at the jjimjilbang', which made her sisters laugh. After she shared an episode in which she ran into actress Lee Eung-kyung in a jjimjilbang, she confessed her story of witnessing Patti Kim's bare body, saying, "She's seen Patti Kim's body once." . She said that when Lee Kyung-sil disclosed a rare sighting of her Patty Kim that no one had ever seen, her sisters were astonished, saying, "It's kind of imaginary." What is the story of Lee Kyung-sil witnessing Patty Kim's bare body?
Park Won-sook, "Don't touch anything" What was the story behind Park Won-sook's prohibition of her younger sisters' kitchen?
That evening, Hye-eun looked at Park Won-sook and was surprised, saying, "What are you doing?" The eldest sister, who usually does not have access to the kitchen, was cooking alone in the kitchen. When Lee Kyung-jin and Kim Cheong, who ran after hearing the news, also saw her eldest sister cooking unfamiliar, Park Won-sook said, "I'm crazy, please get out of her kitchen," and even kicked out her younger sisters. Park Won-sook raises her curiosity as to why she kicked her brothers out of the kitchen.
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frankenpagie · 7 years
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dramastream · 2 years
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"Like a wound, a flower in the flesh, the path of aching blood is open within me." - Clarice Lispector
All of Us Are Dead 지금 우리 학교는 (2022 ‒ ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo My Country: The New Age 나의 나라 (2019) dir. Kim Jin Won Sweet Home 스위트홈 (2020) dir. Lee Eung Bok Alice in Borderland 今際の国のアリス (2020 ‒ ) dir. Sato Shinsuke Vincenzo 빈센조 (2021) dir. Kim Hee Won Move to Heaven 무브 투 헤븐: 나는 유품정리사입니다 (2021) dir. Kim Sung Ho The School Nurse Files 보건교사 안은영 (2020) dir. Lee Kyung Mi
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k-star-holic · 9 months
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⁇ Lee Eung-kyung ⁇ Lee Jin-woo ⁇ Shaved hairstyle with a surgical mask, missed golden time ⁇ (Chairperson's)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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olivierdemangeon · 4 years
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  Le roi de Joseon et son fidèle greffier enquêtent à travers le royaume pour contrer les tentatives de stabilisation du pays et les menaces sur le trône.
    “Imgeumnimui Sagunsoocheob” (임금님의 사건수첩), ou “The King’s Case Note” pour la distribution internationale, est une comédie historique datante de 2017, co-écrite et dirigée par Moon Hyun-sung, à qui l’on doit également “As One” (2012). Les acteurs principaux sont Lee Sun-kyun, qu’on a pu voir dans “A Special Lady” (2017), Ahn Jae-hong, qu’on a pu voir dans “Time to Hunt” (2020), Kim Hee-won, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Merciless” (2017), Kyung Soo-jin, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Vanished” (2018), Jung Hae-in, qu’on a pu voir dans “Heung-boo: The Revolutionist” (2018), Joo Jin-mo, qu’on a pu voir dans “A Violent Prosecutor” (2016), et Jang Young-nam, qu’on a pu voir dans “Confidential Assignment” (2017). Ce métrage est paru le 26 avril 2017 en Corée.
L’histoire proposée par “The King’s Case Note” nous invite à suivre le scribe Yoon Yi-seo (Ahn Jae-hong) qui débute au service du Roi Yejong (Lee Sun-kyun). Ce dernier va rapidement se prendre d’affection pour ce greffier et l’emmener avec lui dans ses aventures. Une série d’événements secoue le royaume et de nombreuses rumeurs se mettent à courir dans la population. Le roi décide d’enquêter lui-même. Pour se faire, il se déplace souvent incognito en compagnie de Yi-seo. Progressivement, les deux compères vont lever certains mystères tout en bataillant pour neutraliser le complot visant à prendre le trône pour y installer une potiche…
Le scénario concocté pour ce “The King’s Case Note” est l’œuvre conjointe de Kang Hyeon-seong, Moon Hyun-sung, Jung Ui-mok et Han Jung-kook. Et il y a beaucoup d’originalité dans ce travail d’écriture en offrant une histoire atypique. Dans la plupart des métrages historiques mettant en scène la présence du Roi de Joseon, on trouve un personnage antipathique, autoritaire, si ce n’est tyrannique. Dans le cas présent, le Roi Yejong est malicieux et bienveillant. En outre, et on en prendra pleinement conscience dans la dernière partie du film, il est le meilleur épéiste du royaume. Ce roi est curieux, il dirige un groupe d’enquêteurs secrets et dispose d’une garde rapprochée fidèle, dirigée par Heuk-woon (Jung Hae-in). Jadis, ce dernier fut engagé pour assassiner le roi. Celui-ci l’a neutralisé et enrôlé à son service. Depuis, Heuk-woon veille discrètement et secrètement sur les sorties furtives du roi.
D’une durée de 114 minutes, le film est divisé en deux grosses parties. La présentation des personnages, la mise en place de l’intrigue et les différentes phases d’investigations du roi et de son scribouillard, dans la première partie. Les révélations et les scènes d’action dans la seconde partie du métrage. Une bonne dose d’humour est présente tout au long du récit. Comique de situation, maladresse de Yoon Yi-seo, le greffier, mais également le badinage, les jeux de mots, les moqueries et les taquineries des personnages entre eux. En sous-intrigue, on peut voir que le Roi a hérité du trône suite au décès de son frère aîné, et que la veuve de ce dernier tient une place importante dans le complot. Le Roi fait d’ailleurs preuve de beaucoup de subtilité en préférant acquitter ses opposants en les plaçant dans des situations où il pourra les contrôler, plutôt que de les éliminer.
La séquence d’introduction se fait avec le personnage du scribe incarné par Ahn Jae-hong, où ce dernier répète son phrasé pour s’adresser au Roi, mais cela tombe à plat lorsqu’il est présenté pour la première fois à celui-ci car ce dernier n’a que faire du protocole préférant aller à l’essentiel. Le nœud de l’histoire réside dans la mise en lumière des éléments du complot, dont l’utilisation d’un faux poisson géant visant à terroriser la population crédule. On peut ainsi découvrir le concept d’un mini sous-marin. Le film s’achève avec une note d’humour montrant que Yoon Yi-seo est enrôlé pour une année supplémentaire au service du roi à son grand désarroi… Une fin ouverte qui laisse la possibilité d’une suite.
Les valeurs de production sont vraiment superbes dans ce métrage. La photographie proposée par Kim Dong-young offre une multitude de visuels, intérieurs, extérieurs, de jour comme de nuit, et cela, dans de nombreux endroits différents. Les effets spéciaux et pyrotechniques sont parfaitement maîtrisés et les scènes d’action et de combats sont excellemment chorégraphiées. La bande originale orchestrée par Kim Tae-seong est délicieuse avec parfois des mélodies venant s’inscrire à contre-courant de l’action. On rappelle que ce dernier a composé la musique d’un nombre incalculable de films dont, “Phantom Detective” (2016), “Fabricated City” (2017), “Golden Slumber” (2018) ou encore “Extreme Job” (2019), pour ne citer que les plus récents. L’édition délivrée par Shin Min-kyung est très bonne, permettant au spectateur de rester pleinement immerger dans le récit durant l’intégralité du métrage.
En conclusion, “The King’s Case Note” est une excellente comédie d’action disposant d’une histoire originale, d’une intrigue basique et d’un développement fringuant. Le rythme est cohérent avec l’histoire et monte en intensité au fur et à mesure du temps qui s’écoule. Le récit est fluide et la narration fait appel à quelques flashbacks. La photographie est très bonne, les effets spéciaux et les chorégraphies de combat sont pleinement maîtrisés. La bande musicale est plaisante et l’édition est propre. La distribution offre de très bonnes prestations. Le duo formé par Lee Sun-kyun et Ahn Jae-hong fonctionne très bien offrant un tandem de personnage attachant. L’ensemble permet de se divertir agréablement et mérite d’être recommandé..
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    THE KING’S CASE NOTE (2017) ★★★★☆ Le roi de Joseon et son fidèle greffier enquêtent à travers le royaume pour contrer les tentatives de stabilisation du pays et les menaces sur le trône.
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rotblut · 3 years
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LEE SHI YOUNG as Seo Yi Kyung in SWEET HOME 스위트홈 (2020, Netflix) dir. Lee Eung Bok
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Yoon Kyung Ho Joins Upcoming Drama Produced By Director And Writer Of “Goblin”
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TV SERIES #1 Sweet Home (2020) Season 1, Netflix, Korea - Review, Thoughts, Theories for Season 2
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TV SERIES #1 Sweet Home (2020) Season 1, Netflix, Korea - Review, Thoughts, Theories for Season 2
Director: Lee Eung Bok (Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, Dream High)
Writers: Kim Kan Bi and Hwang Young Chan (Webtoon), Heung So Ri, Kim Hyung Min, Park So Ri
Casts: Song Kang, Lee Do Hyun, Lee Si Young, Lee Jin Wook, and more.
Genre: drama, apocalyptic, horror, thriller
I remember seeing Sweet Home on some webtoon platform, but I regretted not clicking on it and reading it while it was still available for the public. After it was made the tv series version, the webtoon version is restricted for subscription only, and my broke-student-wallet just can’t afford it for every episode. 
This Korean apocalyptic tv series tells us about monsters, basically, and how they are compared to humanity. It circles around the main character, Hyeon Su (Song Kang), a troubled teenager and other tenants in an apartment building. The characters vary from a greedy and selfish supermarket owner, a disabled ex-military commander, kid siblings who just lost their father, and many more. This variation of characters leads to different opinions about how they should do things to stay alive and survive. Their humanity is at stake, they have to control themselves, or they will turn into monsters.
Sweet Home is kinda bloody and gory, a warning for those who don't like it or can’t watch stuff like these. The human-to-monster transformations, though, are very cool, I think. Especially when Hyeon Su turned into a majestic winged angel monster (spoiler alert). 
There are 10 episodes of Sweet Home, and you can binge-watch it on Netflix. I, myself binge-watched all the episodes for 2 days and 1 night, even brought my phone to the dinner table. 
For you who have watched it, let’s share some thoughts on it. For those of you who haven’t watched it, I think it’s time to part ways for a while, please watch it, and come back to read my post below this. 
Spoiler alert, darling. 
This series left a great impression—also questions—for me. The ending consists of loose threads with tons of probabilities. When I finished binge-watched it, I browsed on the internet about peoples’ thoughts on it. I asked my sister—she already read some episodes of the webtoon—about the ending and she said that some of the storyline are different between the series and webtoon version. This makes even those who already read the webtoon curious about what will happen next after the ending of Season 1. These are some of the question left hanging in the Season 1 of Sweet Home and my thoughts about them:
What happened to the fetus inside Mr. Han Du Sik’s bathroom?
As we all already watched, the mother who had lost a baby, went to the bathroom after she felt she was going to turn into a monster. The next day, Mr. Han found a monster-sized-heart-beating-fetus inside his bathroom. What will happen to that thing? I think it is somehow related to Seo Yi Kyung’s pregnancy. Her husband was gone, and she was desperate to find him, despite keeping the baby alive through the monster-apocalypse. The fetus inside the bathroom could also be the heart of the monsters too, a symbol that the monsters were not all gone, a new start for the monster era. 
Why or how is Mr. Gangster still alive?
This left me speechless when I saw Mr. Gangster drove Hyeon Su inside a car, with blaring sirens as the backsound. I had to pause and replay the scene to observe the man, and it looks like the burn scars on his cheek were gone. Some theories I read say that the fluid-monster-essence used Mr. Gangster’s body as its new host, thus he came back to life. We figure out that the monsters are able to self-heal, but only for the scars that are made after the monster-transformation, right? Remember Hyeon Su’s scars on his arm? He couldn’t heal that because it was made before the transformations. While Mr. Gangster, if he really turned into a monster, why do his burn scars from his childhood are gone? Is he the same Mr. Gangster, or is he someone else?
Where and who is Seo Yi Kyung’s husband?
We don’t have a lot of clues for this one. His husband was said to be experimenting on the monster-transforming chemicals and gone missing. Seo Yi Kyung then joined the military to search for him and find the cure for the monster-outbreaks. 
I think these questions are purposefully left hanging as I already experienced with Kingdom, a Korean zombie historical series on Netflix too (I will write about them too when the Third Season is out, hopefully). They seem to like to make use of the audience's curiosity to keep the series famous. I personally didn’t really mind about it, as long as they have the next seasons prepared. But if the bad thing happened and they wouldn’t or couldn’t release the next seasons, I bet many audiences would be very disappointed. Let’s just hope they already have the next season and will release it soon! 
Overall, I think this series is great and very worth-watching, the fighting scenes between human and monsters (also human and human, because some of them are worst than monsters) are thrilling, but beware of the bloody stuff, though. 
I guess this is for now. Please tell me your thoughts about this series, Sweet Home!
See you on the next review!
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