#kim goo
anticapitalistclown · 3 months
witch trope will be lookism men in *me and the bad btch I pulled by being_*
Which troupe will lookism men be:
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being autistic
Daniel, Vasco, Warren, Gapryong, Sinu
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a simp
Zack, Vin Jin, Ryuhei
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being emotionally unapproachable
Samuel, Gun, James Lee, Olly, Taesoo, Vin Jin
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a nerd
Yujin, Jace, Koji
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being a bitch
Johan, Jihan, Koji
Me and the bad bitch I pulled by being funny
Jake, Goo, Jibeom, Sinu
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heongiu · 1 year
reader down bad for the characters and their reaction to the reader GOO, Gun, Samuel, Jake...others
thankyou for the request Anon! I'm sorry for being late to this but here we gooo!!
(Please forgive me for this bs)
Lookism Boys and their reaction to reader being down bad for them
Kim Jongoo
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He's flirtatious but he will make you feel embarassed for being down bad for him
because he will talk about it in front of anyone, like literally.
"Y/n you're such a simp for me, look at you, everything about you screams simp~"
a whole lot of taunts are gonna be thrown towards you.
He finds it helplessly cute how bad you want him but can't have him
Will purposefully touch you to make you even more desperate.
Park Jonggun
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It's not exactly common for him to find anyone who's so down bad for him because everyone else just wanna kill him (well he's fucked with women before but)
Will deffo fuck you dumb (if he's interested in you ehehe and that's if you can fight like crazy)
Sexual tension × 100
He won't actually tell you that he knows you're so desperate for him, he'll just fuck you.
Finds you pathetically cute and that you want him so much.
Oh you poor thing what have you gotten yourself into.
Jake Kim
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Oh oh oh here comes the green flag 😌
He will 100% know you're down-bad for him AND he will and most likely flirt a lot with you, indirectly or directly may it be.
Don't expect him to be formal and shit. He's one hell of a smug, he'll rather just flirt you into it.
He deffo behaves like a Kdrama male lead. Showing off all his flamboyancy and elegance in front of you.
he's gonna be really cheesy with whatever he says especially in front of you.
"I heard people like veiny hands these days, they say it's very attractive" *flexes his hands*
Or "Ah I heard girls like when men cook" *burns the omelette he was already cooking*
And this all is directed towards you.
Seo Samuel
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I really don't expect him to be much of a yk flirt or romantic, he's quite the simplistic guy.
That is until you find out how much he desires dominance in every aspect of his life. (Like seriously this man has a thing for dominance-)
Will not fuck you straight off.
He will mostly likely build the tension up until you completely submit to him (and then you're getting fucked)
I can't really say if he flirts with you directly but
You're gonna get those stares a lot, and he'll do it just to make you nervous
Euntae Lee (Vasco)
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Here comes the Himbo
He's a little idiot so he'll really not get why you're so down bad for him.
He'll probably ask you why you behave like this in front of him.
And when Jace tells him you're interested in him he'll start jumping around like a kid.
"Y/N DO YOU LIKE ME?!?!" He'll ask you, a stupid smile on his face.
Well he's probably getting smacked by you or either Jace for acting like a dumbass.
Don't expect him to understand anything lmao he's just a 5yr old in a body of a teenager (a buff one I'd say he built like a gangster LMAO)
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winterwump · 6 months
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akiyamanemu · 1 year
🛏.How I think some Lookism characters sleep:
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•Totally naked, maybe underwear on cold days.
•He uses two to three blankets.
•Skin care before going to bed.
•He rolls around in bed a lot before falling asleep.
•Maybe snore a lot.
Jin Hobin:
•Pants, just pants.
•With your hands inside him pants in the crotch to stay warm.
• Snoring loud as fuck.
•Wakes up startled with minimal noise.
•He wears a sleep mask.
•Pajamas he got from Jerry.
•He likes to go straight from the bath to bed after drying off and getting dressed.
•Does not snore unless something worries him.
•Sleeps in any position like an old man.
•Uses a blanket and a sheet.
•Shorts and tank top, or just shorts.
•Snorts like a chainsaw.
•Moves in his sleep and mumbles a lot.
• A heavy blanket.
• Everything from Gucci, pajama set, slippers, sleep mask and silk robe.
•He sleeps easily.
•He tends to sleep crookedly in funny positions.
•Snorts as if laughing at something.
•Expensive sheets and thin blankets.
• Tank top and shorts.
•Sleep on your back.
•He doesn't fucking snore.
•A blanket sometimes.
•Baby face when sleeping.
•Underwear or tank top, shirt.
•He sleeps with a plush puppy.
•He sleeps with the TV on.
•A plush blanket.
•Snores a lot, and whines like a baby.
•Moves sometimes.
[I'm on the team that sleeps with nothing on or in underwear and snore]
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐆𝐨𝐨 𝐈𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬
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Goo Kim
Cr: Me
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xaiblood · 9 months
I swear to God, if you don't like my arts, just skip okay?
Warning: Slightly NSFW/SFW theme
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Btw, I open request, so you can req but before you req, you must read this one.
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marys-bandanna · 5 months
i headcanon mary kim and goo kim as siblings. i actually have a story draft for it 😭 i love them
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nemuritari · 1 year
🥀. Gun, Samuel, Goo in hard sex:
Ele era um sádico, Gun havia te superestimulando de todas as formas possíveis, ele fazia seu corpo tremer com toques mínimos e aplicação de dor, marcas de mão estampavam suas coxas enquanto ele estava entre elas, inclinado sobre você, a mão forte dele segurava seu pescoço diminuindo a circulação sanguínea levemente, era difícil olhar ele nos olhos, mas o olhar dele estava fixo em seu rosto que se contorcia em expressões de puro prazer enquanto os quadris de Gun acertavam os seus, o pau dele ia fundo em seu íntimo, seus gemidos sôfregos de prazer faziam ele querer destruir seu corpo mais e mais.
-É melhor você aguentar até o final! Ele riu em seu ouvido antes de erguer o corpo soltando seu pescoço.
Gun ergueu seus quadris ficando de joelhos na cama, ele segurava seu corpo sem dificuldades enquanto o pau dele invadia seu interior acertando seu ponto mais sensível, você gritou se contorcendo sobre os lençóis caros do rapaz, a cama balançava violentamente, os sons vulgares preenchiam o quarto, pele na pele suada se grudando a cada vez que se tocavam, seus gemidos altos e sua voz implorando para que ele fosse com mais calma.
Era um êxtase, uma sensação que a deixava tonta, trêmula e esvaziava sua mente de qualquer outra coisa, você sentia as contrações musculares começarem por todo seu corpo, seus gemidos agora cantavam o nome de Gun incessantemente, seu ventre esquentava a medida que a cabeça do pau dele socava seu ponto sensivel até você se desmanchar em prazer na frente de dele, o rapaz de cabelos escuros sorriu beijando seu ventre antes de voltar a invadir seu interior de forma brutal até gozar sobre seu corpo nu.
Seong Eun:
Em uma sala de arquivos que ficavam em um corredor praticamente abandonado, seu corpo era pressionado contra a parede fria, seus mamilos já descobertos tocavam o mármore da parede, o corpo grande e quente de Seong a segurava mantendo sua bunda colada ao quadril dele, os dedos grossos e rápidos dele preparavam seu íntimo, ele te estimulava beijando seu pescoço e sussurando coisas sujas em seu ouvido enquanto a ereção dele tocava sua bunda, só o toque de Seo já era violento demais, você mantinham sua boca coberta com sua própria mão para evitar que vocês fossem ouvidos ali.
Suas pernas tremeram intensamente, você estava prestes a chegar a um orgasmo intenso mas ele foi interrompido por Seong, o rapaz te virou de frente para ele, ele deu para você lamber os dedos melados dele, enquanto você chupava os dedos dele ele ergueu uma de suas pernas a penetrando de uma vez só, um arrepio subiu por sua espinha enquanto seu corpo se inclinava contra o dele.
Ele não ligava para nada além de te fazer gritar e chorar de prazer, o corpo grande dele emanava um calor com cheiro inebriante que fazia tudo aquilo parecer mais intenso ainda, os lábios macios dele brincavam com suas auréolas lambendo e chupando enquanto os quadris dele atingiam os seus, arrepios subiam por seu corpo enquanto ele atingia o fundo de sua buceta repetidas vezes, seu corpo parecia líquido, em sua mente apenas súplicas de prazer restavam.
Os olhos intensos e escuros de Seong a hipnotizavam, as mãos grandes dele a ergueram pelas coxas, os lábios dele beijaram a pele entre seus seios antes de voltar a dar atenção para seus mamilos, logo seu corpo começou a tremer nas mãos firmes dele, sua visão se tornou embaçada, suas mãos agarraram o paletó dele enquanto seus líquidos se misturavam, vocês chegaram ao ápice juntos em um orgasmo forte, seus corpos quentes e cansados repousaram um contra o outro.
Ele estava sério, muito sério sobre aquilo, as mãos esguias dele mantinham suas coxas separadas enquanto ele a chupava abaixado no chão da sala, os olhos felinos de Goo se mantinham fixos aos seus, a língua quente se esfregava em seu clit te estimulando de forma insuportável, você ofegava tapando a boca com as mãos. Seus dedos bagunçaram os cabelos loiros dele dando puxadas como se o guiasse, ele a chupava fervorosamente como se você fosse o doce favorito dele, as mãos habilidosas de acariciavam suas coxas mantendo suas pernas sobre os ombros largos dele, você sentia seu corpo esquentar e tremer, sua visão se tornou enevoada, seu interior pulsava, apenas com a pressão da língua quente e molhada de Goo sobre seu clit você gozou lambuzando os lábios macios dele com seu suco.
Porém Goo não estava satisfeito, ele queria muito mais que prazer, ele queria te fazer sentir no céu, as mãos dele deslizaram por seu rosto e seu colo, ele abria as calças com uma das mãos enquanto beijava seus lábios lenta e intensamente, a medida que ele te penetrava ele descia os lábios por seu corpo enquanto segurava seus pulsos acima de sua cabeça, Goo não era bruto, não fazia de forma dolorida, ele a fazia delirar apenas acertando em cheio seu ponto de prazer, ele conhecia seu corpo com a palma da mão, ele sabia exatamente como te dar o máximo de excitação da forma mais prazerosa possível, ele afundava dentro de você em movimentos lentos e certeiros, suas respirações pesadas se misturavam, as mãos dele abandonaram seu pulso, ele se apoiava na cama mantendo o rosto próximo ao seu, vocês se beijavam, era tudo intensamente perfeito enquanto ele brincava com sua sanidade da forma mais gentil possível.
Logo se manter daquela forma se tornou impossível, suas unhas se cravaram nos ombros fortes dele enquanto mais uma vez você se desmanchava de prazer sob ele fazendo Goo totalmente satisfeito.
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garden1a · 1 month
It’s so them
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I really put effort into this (I actually did the line art instead of using the sketch)
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anticapitalistclown · 29 days
Hi! I read the lookism men walking in on you and the baby sleeping together. I was wonder if you could do one with James lee/ Dg and Goo Kim. If not then that’s okay!
sure! (I'll add Samuel since I've got a similar request)
pt.1. with Jake, Gun and Vin Jin
James, Goo and Samuel reacting to reader and their baby sleeping together on the bed headcanons
James Lee
he tries to be strict as to having personal space but a part of him is caring, too much, making him spoil you and your kid.
when he's home he just wants his family around, your child all the time on his arms, so you can have your free time
so of course he doesn't mind at all having the life you brought together sleeping on your bed
It was late, his idol schedule was hell, he rushed home to at least have some hours with you.
He walked stealthy to your bedroom, finding you sitting asleep with your kid in your arms, you looked so tired, he smiled to himself, he approached you and kissed your forehead "love, lie in bed and let me take care of the rest" he didn't need to say anything else, he took your toddler in his arms, and you adjusted comfortably in bed.
James walked around the apartment with the kid on his arms, looking at his face "we did a great job, you just look as handsome as your parents" he smiled proudly.
dad Goo is just as silly as his younger self, his unseriousness makes him the one who spoils his kids, something that the kids inherited from their dad.
this made a bad habit of having them goofing always around, leaving you (and him) with zero personal space, not that you both can complain, you both made that habit happen.
but this means you have the Kim Joon Goo and his two mini versions of him fooling around you all day.
Goo was feeling guilty, his reunion with Gun took way too long, that meaning you had to put the kids to sleep all by yourself.
He finally entered home, quietly and stealthy as a cat he made his way towards the bedroom "honey, I'm sorry, that stupid Gun kept me for a bit longer" he immediately shut up at the scene he had in front of him.
The three of you were sleeping in the same pose, your faces squished on the pillows and your left arms up, Goo snorted and took his phone out to make some pictures smiling at you three.
"wait, how do I fit in here?" he tried to find a spot for him in bed, "honey?" he shook your arm, "ho-honey?" you grunted and threw a pillow at him "shut up" he stood in awe, you shifted position, leaving a space for him "lemme sleep" Goo happily placed himself next to you, leaving kisses to all your face "let me sleep" you said again, this time giggling.
even thought having a child wasn't something he had on his plans, starting a family with you gave him a happiness he never thought he would be able to experience.
you and Samuel were blessed with a daughter, Samuel's pride, a daddy's girl who is always stuck next to her father.
even though with parenting Samuel seems cold (he tries his best), he spoils his daughter his best way.
Aware of how late it was, Samuel sneaked to your bedroom in silence, careful to not wake you up, he slid inside the bed, grunting from the tiredness.
There he spotted your daughter's head popping out from the covers, the toddler, who was in your arms, woke up as soon as she heard her father grunt, when she found her father a big smile formed in her face making Samuel smile too, she was truly a sunshine. It didn't last long for her to crawl on her father's arms, making you grunt and roll to Samuel, him getting both of you in his hold.
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heongiu · 11 months
Hello may I request gun, jake, and goo when their s/o wants to go to the gym for the first time? Headcanons, maybe sexual (😏😏) or not, it's up to you
Thankyou for the request Anon! and Omfg I'll try to add a little nsfw in between hehe ;)
Park Jonggun
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Well you were the one who approached him and asked him if you could accompany his gym for the first time.
And it did not go well haha..
"What? You? Going to gym? Are you sure you'll be okay?"
He's continuously gonna question you, well uh you've never thought about going to gym before. He's kind of..worried.
Well if you insist, he'll let you go, but dont expect him to let you do your thing.
"Y/N that's not how we do pull ups.. "
"Y/n that's the wrong set of dumbells.."
"You should've learnt some basics to start with, it's would've been easier that way"
Y/n this Y/n that, you got so frustrated you simply left, and he didn't care too much, cause he knew you'd come back in an hour or so because you didn't know what else to do (lol)
NSFW: There can be instances where you're all panting from exhaustion after doing so much of exercise/cardio or whatever and he'd get turned on by your well, moans. He wouldn't care to find a spot to fuck you, he'll uhh just do it.
Kim Joongoo
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Let's just say, he'll annoy you, pester you and irritate you as much as he likes.
"Y/n you're going to gym?! SERIOUSLY?!"
"do you wanna be muscular? Haha I bet you do because you wanna fight and defeat me, but you still won't be able to~"
Well you can do whatever you want, wherever you wish to and just don't hurt yourself, and if you do..
"PFT-- oh I'm sorry like did you get hurt really bad sweetheart?"
He does care about you but he won't stop making fun of you for your silly little mistakes
"Hey your posture was so off *insert wheezing* o-oop sorry but like THAT WAS HILAR-" You smack him on his head with your bottle and he goes "ouch-ouch" in pain.
Well at least he cared to help you, so next time, maybe learn the basics and the advance by yourself.
Its better I promise, and if you really wanna learn from him, well uh then good luck!
NSFW: he's a little touchy whenever he teaches you, touching and rubbing your thighs up and down when he corrects your stance. Or 'accidentally' placing a kiss every now and then on your neck when he's close to you. And not just any kiss, it's very seductive.
Kim Gimyung
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Yayy Green flag arrives once again!
You tell him you wanna go to the gym, and he's all happy and smiley.
"Really? That's great" giving you that cheesy grin, winking at you.
You both at the gym omg it's gonna be a great time together.
He would like love to help you out like whatever you're doing he'll keep asking you if you're fine with it.
Even when you're doing just fine.
Might cackle in between of your struggle but will rush to you for your help.
And he'll smack your ass in between your exercises, especially when you're hitting legs and your back is visible.
He'll make sure any creep looking in your direction gets disposed of.
Occasionally even Jerry is accompanying you both, maybe even lineman, brad and Jason, but that's just when Jake feels like they should come as well. Other than that if you want that time to be spent only between you two, he has no problem.
NSFW: Sometimes when you struggle, he finds it sort of, cute. And it's kind of a turn on for him. He loves your little frame trying to do courageous tasks. Smacking your ass in between exercises, touching your ass unintentionally when he's helping you. Phew.
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winterwump · 8 months
🗣️🗣️And my man, thank you to my man🗣️🗣️
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Heh I need to go to bed
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akiyamanemu · 1 year
🍼.Gun & Goo on a nanny day:
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As those huge, bright eyes glared at JongGun, he reflected on the decisions he had made during his life that had led him to this point, babysitting the daughter of his once favorite Jang Hyun, but the worst part of it was that JoonGoo was there to help. It looked like a comedy scene, two gangsters and a baby.
-Gun you don't think she shit herself? Goo was sitting in the living room peeling some potatoes for dinner, he was talking nonstop.
-Uh? Gun lifted Yenna with one hand sniffing all over the baby like a bloodhound. -Don't say "she shit herself", and she's fresh!
-Then maybe you should feed her! Goo went into the kitchen to get the bottle, he seemed to be putting a little too much effort into taking care of Yenna.
In a second Gun's sunglasses were in Yenna's hands, she smeared the glasses with saliva and shook them in the air, Gun looked around looking for something for the little girl to play with but he didn't see anything that could serve as a toy for a child , Gun cursed wondering why the hell Jang Hyun hadn't prepared a bag with Yenna's things before sending her there.
-Your dad is being very negligent little princess, it looks like uncle is going to have to take you shopping...
-Are you going out with the baby? Goo asked, heading out of the kitchen.
-We're going out with the baby! Gun smiled at Yenna, settling her in his arms as he grabbed his wallet and keys to leave.
-Why do I have to go?! Goo grumbled taking off his apron.
-You live in these housewife stores, you're going to help me buy things for Yenna! Gun shrugged putting the frilly sunglasses on his face.
-But my soup is boiling... Goo was muttering at the kitchen door, he wasn't in the mood to leave.
-Fuck your soup... I mean, leave the soup for later... Gun clears his throat looking at Yenna, the baby didn't care about their fights, she seemed more interested in chewing Jong Gun's expensive coat.
The three drove to an expensive mall in the area. Out of nowhere Gun had become a mother ready to spend every last penny on her baby, he went to brand stores buying expensive dresses, shoes, he had gone to the mall to buy a bottle and some toys.
-I think it's good, right Yenna?! Goo said as he adjusted the bags in his arms.
-Not! Gun smiled at Yenna as he pushed the baby stroller he had just bought, extremely expensive.-I want to buy her some hairpins!
-But didn't you buy some at Dior? Goo snorted, he could feel his arms surrounded by bag straps burning.
-Yes, so what? Gun lowered his sunglasses, frowning.
-Your favoritism over Jang Hyun is no joke. Goo mocked being ignored by Gun who used some teddy bears to entertain Yenna, her laughter echoed around while she had fun with her new uncle.
At the end of the day Gun and Yenna ate ice cream while Goo struggled to find a taxi or something to take them home with so many bags. Gun acted like the perfect uncle, or rather he was ready to spoil that child by spoiling her with all the good and the best whenever she smiled or laughed, Gun didn't understand what he felt when he saw those huge eyes shining when they looked at him, because he was always scary and intimidating to everyone, in his mind maybe Yenna was strong and brave enough to be his successor.
-Hey, you crazy man, stop raving, this child will still take a long time to be old enough to start illegal businesses! He said through gritted teeth drawing Gun's attention to the taxi that was waiting for them.
So they went back to Gun's house where Jang Hyun was waiting anxiously at the door wondering what had happened to his daughter, only to see her covered in extremely expensive and luxurious things with her face full of ice cream.
[I hope you like it, someone asked in the comments, I wrote it and forgot to post it lol]
[For me Gun must be really good with kids, even with his bad personality, so I couldn't pass it up]
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iloveparkjonggun · 8 months
Men who lay their head on your chest, burying their face in your breasts while both of you still pant right after just finishing pleasing each other the whole night. Your half open eyes glances at your hand. Fuck, you think. You want to stroke his hair so badly, yet you don't think that you even have the strength to do so. He hums on your boobs as he wraps his arms around your waist, chuckling. "Did I go too hard tonight?" Yes. Yes, he did. Yes, he fucking did and you loved it. You two may not be an official thing yet but you knew that you could never reject his dick. You can only respond to that 'question' of his with a low lazy hum before finally managing to wrap your arms around his neck and caress the back of his hair, "mmh.. s' sleepy.." you utter, finally closing your eyes which was aching. He slightly pulled away from your breasts, now pulling your head to his chest instead as you heard him murmur, "G'night, princess.." He utterly hopes that you heard him and felt that kiss on the top of your hair before you drifted to sleep.
-Toji, Goo, Nanami, Gun, Giyu, Oikawa, Geto.
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xaiblood · 8 months
Whiskey, Drunk, Money
Had you thinking about how feel in the heaven? Well, for sure, you never thought it. Because you chose the earthly heaven, it was good but wrong at the same time.
"Hey, beautiful." you heard it, someone that you knew as your friend, Kim Jungoo, the only one you knew as freaky, eccentric, and many words to described him for you. Just one word, he was eccentric one.
You turned around, "What? Aren't you wanna have fun with those women, hm?" you took a sip, "Or ... You wanna drink with one of them?" you tried guess it, but you got wrong guesses.
"Wrong, I just wanna drink with my little friend here," he showed his smile that you used to see it.
You rolled your eyes, "Whatever, don't make a scene while we drink." you poured the wine into your glass, "Last time we went to drink, you attacked many men." you hissed at your word. Made him just shrugged.
"Don't blame me, Miss Genius. I just finished what they were starting with me." he poured the wine into his glass, "So, that wasn't my fault, sweety~" he said with flirty tone, and you used to with it.
One bottle, two bottles, three, five, and many bottles of alcohol that you guys drank together. Your head felt like spinning around a bit, and Jungoo felt that, too.
"Ugh ... I fucking hate being drunk, but I like alcohol ..." you stood up, and picked your bag. " I'll go home, don't---" you felt someone grabbed your hand, it was Jungoo.
"I'll go home, too. But I wanna go to your home, dear [Name]." he planted kisses on your palm, but you pulled your hand. He never ran out of ideas to get your attention, so Jungoo tugged at your bag until you fell onto his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist.
He could smell your hair, he was into it, "Damn, why your hair always smell good?"
You raised an brow, always he said?
"What the heck?" you pushed him, but his arms still lingered on your waist.
He took off his glasses, gave you a serious look; even he was still drunk. He got closer to your ear, "Listen, you Genius. Even though you never wear perfume and only wear light make-up, I know that you use a shampoo that has a subtle scent," he smelled the aroma of your hair, "I like it, darling."
"I---" Before you finished your words, Jungoo snuggled onto your back of your neck.
"I love you," he purred, gave you a few marks on your nape.
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Lookism: "No thank you! I have a partner!"
Silly. G/N. Y'all probably seen the meme. Your partner comes home drunk and doesn't recognise you.
Gun Park, Ryuhei Kuroda, Goo Kim, DG, Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo
Loud scratching and thumps at your front door wakes you. You wonder whether to arm yourself with a frying pan and then you hear your boyfriend muttering slurred profanities.
A loud bang reverberates through your home as he stumbles, drunk, through the door.
With a sigh, you crawl out of bed to check the state they're in.
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Gun gazes at you, bleary-eyed and half focused. Slightly swaying on his feet, a very unusual sight of someone usually in full control of their body.
Then something clicks in his brain, eyes hardening just before he looks away. He tells you, tone disinterested, that he's a taken man.
"I don't know how I ended up here, but don't get the wrong idea."
He turns around, exits his own living room, exits his own home, and sleeps outside the apartment in the hallway instead.
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"Yeah you're pretty cute," Ryuhei mumbles, words slurring together, "But my partner is cuter."
He pulls his phone out, drops it twice, unlocks it on the third attempt and shows you a picture - one that you have seen, actually one that you took of him smooching you on the cheek.
"Aren't they cute?" He beams, utterly besotted. "Let me just crash here," he says as he collapses on the sofa. "If you touch me I'll scream."
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"Get your hands off me!" Goo screeches, slapping you away as you try to undress him and get him ready for bed. "My my, you're forward aren't you?"
Goo leans forward and gives you a smile halfway between utterly charming and complete sleazeball.
Then, all bravado evaporates and he sighs.
"Oh sweetheart you would be just my type, but," he pushes you off the bed, "I'm taken and very happy about it."
He lies down, burritoing himself and turning his back to you. "You can make your own way out."
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Vin fiddles with his sunglasses, peering approvingly at you.
Even in his drunken haze he can tell that damn, you're fine. Except. He is also lucid enough to realise he is not looking respectfully anymore and he thinks of you, his ride or die, and his face completely changes.
He frowns and asks you what the hell you are looking at. That you have no chance. He has a partner at home that is much hotter, much better, thank you very much and yeah he's an asshole but he's not going to cheat so back the fuck off.
You roll your eyes, hackles would have been much higher if he wasn't actually being sweet in his own way.
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DG takes a moment to process the situation. And when he does, he gets it completely wrong.
He plasters on his k-pop smile. The one reserved for winning over fans, interviewers and for his insincere apology videos.
"Did you want an autograph?" He pulls out a photocard from his inner pocket and a pen (and wow, you did not realise he carried a stack of his photos. You are not going to let him live this down) and scribbles his signature that comes with some love hearts and sparkles and passes it over to you.
"Here you go," he holds it out to you in both hands, not before mumbling under his breath, "You're cute but shit if you turn into another stalker..."
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Jake is already asleep on the sofa by the time you pad out, which must be some super power in itself.
"Wake up," You give his shoulder a shake. He frowns, then cracks one eye open. "Come to bed."
He grunts something indecipherable and attempts to roll his oversized frame on your undersized sofa.
"Jake, cmon."
You start to drag him to your bedroom, your touch finally waking something inside and he bolts upright, removing your hands firmly off him.
"I have a partner." He tells you with no room for any misinterpretation. "But," he scratches absentmindedly at his stomach, "Do you have any food?"
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Samuel does as he's told. Obediently removing his trousers, and unbuttoning his shirt, taking it off-
(Truly, you had no ulterior motive, you just wanted to remove the stink of alcohol.)
When, maybe for the first time in his life, he is afflicted with modesty and a startling clarity.
He yanks his shirt back on and pulls his trousers on with surprisingly sober efficiency.
"Absolutely not," he glowers at you, "This is not happening. I'm taken."
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