#October fun
samhaindreams · 3 months
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labradoritedreams · 3 months
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candacejanine · 2 years
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Me and my lil black catsuit dress 🐈‍⬛
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cuddlybats · 2 years
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Pretending <3
© 2021 Cuddly Bats
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maribatz-2k · 1 year
Child Of Mine
Chapter 11
Marinette took the pain, both from healing and the withdraw of the "elixir." A strong burning sensation had developed the first night she refused the "magic pain reliever." The pain could have been more bearable, but she managed somehow. After another week of listening to her refuse and waiting for her to heal on her some more; I know, how kind and considerate- they relocated her to another cell. This one was in the dungeon just below the training level. 
The cell was indeed a lot more comfortable than the last. The bed had a cleaner and nice cot with blankets, and there was a privacy covering around the bathroom. Though there was no shower, it never stopped Marinette from finding a way to clean herself up. No, you don't want to know. Carefully she laid on the new bed and sighed in a happy relief for now. It was oddly comfortable, making her want to fall asleep easily. The second the thought crossed her mind. She quickly sat up and shook her head. 
"Such nonsense am I thinking of." She said to herself. Her voice echoed through the halls. 
Consider this to be the end of this torture, I will end it and will run away with my kid somewhere far away. Maybe even Alix can find me this time. During the day she would meditate, ignoring the food that they would place on a tray under the door. This allowed Marinette another week to heal before she began to secretly train her body. After training and no one was doing rounds around her cell, she would begin to her exercise. Basic stretches at first and minor core exercises to be sure she doesn’t over exert her abdomen yet. Another two weeks and she was able to completely begin to do more. She had moved the cell around to provide her more room to be more physical.
Talia instructed her warriors to move the prisoner to the lower cells. Tired of listening to the chemists complaining about how their specimen wouldn’t continue the Lazarus liquid and the whimpers of pain her once friend was creating. She instructed them to put the liquid in the food provided to the prisoner each meal. Secretly so she will heal quicker. She had sworn the scientists to never say a word to her father or it would risk their tongues being ripped out.
Talia kept to the child close to her during the whole month, watching him grow by the milk her breasts was able to provide due to her last pregnancy. She watched as his small hands clung to her fingers when he slept nuzzled in her arms. Feeling him wiggle around and press himself closer into her back when she would walk her home with him tied to her back for safety. When she trains, she leave him only long enough in a crib letting him sleep, but she refused to be away from him for too long. Talia tried to keep a stern serious mask in front of her father to keep him from taking the child away. She refused to enter the cell grounds near the training level below her. She refused to see her old friend, to see if she was well, to see if she would even remotely forgive her. Talia refused to allow herself to be weak any further than she has already allowed herself with the child she now shares with Marinette’s blood. She did not doubt that her friend, raised by a former League member, once a former hero, once her best friend, and the person she had once loved dearly would not be planning a way to escape their hold again.
Soon another few months have passed Marinette has physically reached the limit of healing and gaining her strength back. She had worked every morning to get through a green-eyed mirror of herself refusing to allow her to do anything inside herself. This version of herself was spiteful and angry, finding everything she thought of doing to be fun game of torture and torment. This version wanted to take over her body and kill everyone who have touched and taken from her. So Marinette fought this new personality until they came with an agreement. When it’s time to fight with the League moving forward, this version can come out and help handle them.
Marinette sat in the center of her bed and meditated reaching out to the empty space of her consciousness. She reaches out to the Miracle Box, reaching for Wayzz, reaching for Tikki, anyone of the Kwamiis that can hear her. She needed to reach out to let them know that she is alright, to tell them her plan to return. What feels like would have been hours later, Marinette wakes back in reality and flops back on the no longer fluffed pillow with a sigh. Moving the pillow to hug it, she shifts the thin blanket under her head, and fall asleep finally letting herself get a good amount of sleep before she puts her plan in effect.
@laurcad123d123 @vixen-uchiha @iamablinkmarvelarmy @emimar7 @magic-miraculous @jayjayspixiepop @galla02006 @queenz-z @tazanna-blythe
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galactictwilight · 1 year
Past's Order & Future's Chaos Part 1
I did not realize that there was a word cap, so I have to break this into multiple posts. Since I keep getting writers block when trying to make interconnected stories, I'm just going to put the plot point for each day and expand upon it in the other posts.
I'm not really good with one word prompts so I'm just going to take all the Ectober prompts and try to fuse them together into an interconnected frankenstein fic idea. I might even use the free days to add some more Ideas. Though, there might be a bit of lore from my other DP AU making it's way into this story idea. Unfortunately, I suck at characterization so all of the characters are probably going to be OOC. I'll try my best to do the DP characters justice. Anyways, I hope everyone likes my fic dump.
Summery: As September gives way to October, Danny is visited by Clockwork at the stroke of midnight with some alarming news. The month of October will truly live up to the horror it's known for as a truly hellish amount of drama consume not just Danny's life, but also those of his friends and family. Family secrets, tragedies, and truths are exposed. Will the bonds of family be broken? Will love conquer hate? Or will another great tragedy strike the Fenton, Manson, and Foley families once again.
And to think, we haven't even gone into detail about what Clockwork told Danny yet...
Past's Order Prompts
Witch - "Her name was Samantha..." Pamela whispered with grief.
Sam stopped her aggravated exit to turn and look at her mother with an expression of confused surprise as a soft involuntary "what?" trailed out of her mouth.
Pamela adjuster her position on the siting room lounge to lean over the opened scrapbook on her lap. The dusty box it had come from lay haphazardly by her leg where Sam had dropped it. Many macabre trinkets and books where held inside along with dark articles of clothing. The scrapbook itself contained a multitude of pictures with two teenage girls in a punk style of clothing.
The shorter one had puffed out blond hair with pink tips, light peach skin, and aquamarine eyes. A gold chain adorned her neck and she wore a 'Theater of Hate' shirt with a black spiked girdle. Only one of her arms had a black almost elbow long glove while the other hand was hidden behind her back. A black form fitting skirt went right above her ankles, where you could see sheer dark pantyhose, and black leather heels adorned her feet.
The taller one, on the other hand, had short black spiky hair, pale skin, Hazel eyes, and a spiked leather collar around her neck. She wore a no-sleeve crop top with a sheer cloth that draped down to cover her slim stomach. She had short-shorts on with ripped fishnet leggings and black boots. The taller girl also had a multitude of chains and spike tastefully adorning her body and completing her punk look.
Pamela lightly brushed one of her fingers on the image of the taller girl as she spoke in a quiet sad voice, never once looking up from the image.
"Her name was Samantha." Pamela repeated before looking her daughter straight in the eyes as she continued.
"And because of me, she died a Witch..."
Betrayal - Sam stared at her mother with a confused and surprised look on her face. Not quite understanding what her mother meant by 'died a Witch' or why she looked so miserable and grief stricken.
"Mom... What are you talking about?" Sam asked in a somewhat slow manner, a bewildered frown now present on her face. Her anger and frustration from earlier had been put aside now that she noticed just how much the items in that box had affected her mother.
Pamela didn't say anything for a moment. She just sat on the lounge and clutched the old scrapbook in her hands. Her eyes had fallen back down to the photo of the two happy punk teens, lingering mostly on the taller black hired one. Finally, she sucked in a shaky breath of air and responded to her daughter's question, but she couldn't bring herself to take her eyes off of the scrapbook.
"Her name was Samantha Moore and she was my best friend." Pamela said softly as her voice cracked at the end from a repressed sob. Her already tight hold on the scrapbook becoming a death grip as her fingers whitened from the presser.
Sam was shocked to see her mother in such a state and hurried to her side as a concerned 'Mom!' tumbled out of her mouth. Her concern only grew once she saw the tears flowing from her mother's eyes and the light almost unseen full body shaking as the tears silently ran down Pamela's face. And yet still, Pamela kept her gaze on the scrapbook, not even acknowledging Sam as she approached to lean down to get a better look at her face and touched her shoulder.
"Mom? Mom! What's wrong? Are you ok? Please, answer me! MOM!" Sam called in a panicked tone which gained a desperate edge at the end when Pamela didn't even twitch. Fearing that her mother was catatonic, Sam straighten up and fumbled for her cellphone. Once she had her cellphone in hand, Sam shakily started to dial her father's number and rambled to her mother in an attempt to keep calm.
"you-your going t-to be o-ok Mom, I-I'm just g-going t-to call D-dad and he-ll-l know wha-"
"No..." Pamela whispered in a hoarse voice, as her right hand released it's grip on the scrapbook to weakly put itself over her daughters left hand, which had been holding the cellphone. Sam jumped at the sudden move, before she quickly clutched the offered hand with her right one and began to speak to her mother.
"Mom! are you ok? What happened? Why don't you want me to call Dad?" Sam asked in a rush, fearful that if she missed this chance her mom might stop responding again.
Pamela sucked in a deep shaky breath and tore her red rimed gaze away from the scrapbook as her left hand shut it closed. she stared at her daughter for a moment, before looking away with a sigh. she then slid the scrapbook off her lap and back into the box it had come from before standing up. Pamela slowly walked to the fireplace with Sam in tow, still clutching her mother's hand.
Sam waited for her mother to collect herself and talk. She was still a little scared for her mom, but the sight of the scrapbook being put away eased her panic and gave her hope that it was over. Sam took note of her mother's flushed face, ruined makeup, and red rimed eyes. There was a slight tremor to the hand Sam was holding, but it seemed to be slowly easing away as time past. Just as Sam was starting to feel a little awkward, Pamela began to speak.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Sammy." Pamela said in a raspy voice, eyes looking listlessly towards the fireplace rather then Sam. "I just wasn't expecting you to bring me that box." Pamela finished with a chuckle that sounded more like a wheezy cough.
"It's ok, mom. I'm the one that needs to say sorry." Sam said, feeling guilty for causing her mom such pain. Sam hesitated for a moment before adding "But, why did you react like that?"
Pamela frowned lightly as she softly spoke "I suppose it's time to tell you about your namesake and my side of the family. And Sammy, please, do not interrupt me. I don't know if I'll have the strength to start again.". Seeing her daughter nod her head in agreement, Pamela took a steadying breath and spoke.
"My family, the Callister's, have a history of dealing with the occult. You see, Sammy, we are descended from a long line of irish witch hunters and exorcists. Traditionally, the craft would be taught from father to son, but my father, Emerich, believed that all his children had a right to learn the family craft. From a young age, I and my four older brothers, were taught about all the things that go bump in the night and how to fight them." Pamela began in a somber tone.
Sam's eyes widened in shock as she listened to her mother talk about her maternal family. Sure, Sam wasn't too surprised by the revelation that there were more supernatural creature out there other than ghosts, but what she wasn't expecting was for her family to be the ones that hunted them. Especially since it was her mother's family. Pamela had never told Sam much about her side of the family, but Sam hadn't ever thought that this would be the reason for her mother's silence.
"Now, I am not going to go into to much details about the supernatural community. Other then that they exist, and have been slowly secluding themselves from interacting with humans since the industrial revolution." Pamela paused as she saw her daughter give her a pleading look.
"I know that you're interested in this, Sammy, but we can talk about that later" Pamela promised, before resuming her tale.
"It happened when I was thirteen years old. I was young, reckless, and going through a punk phase with my best friend. I had known Samantha since I was a young girl and considered her a sister. We would always get into the most ridiculous situations and cause my poor eldest brother, Avery, to have to come and rescue us. We even made these silly little code names for when we wanted to be sneaky. I was licorice and she was petal." Pamela reminisced with tears in her eyes. Her throat constricted for a moment in grief and she had to stop again to regain some composer. She tightened her grip on her daughters hand for support.
"Samantha had known what my family did for a living. I shared everything with her, and my parents treated her like one of their own. I just wished she had listened to our warnings on the occult as well as me and my brothers did. I wished that I had never shown her that stupid BOOK!" Pamela nearly shrieked at the end, her voice filed with self hatred, shame, and pain. Startling Sam with it's intensity and causing her to wince in pain from how tightly her mother was holding her hand.
"Mom?.." Sam weakly asked in concern, wanting to comfort her mother, but unsure if she would even accept it. Sam somewhat understood where her mother was coming from, but the differences was plain to see, Danny came back, while Samantha hadn't.
Pamela sucked in a shaky breath as her eyes clenched shut. She exhaled a moment later and her eyes slowly slid open. Sam flinched at how blank and hollow they looked. It horrified Sam that her usually preppy and cheery mother could make a face like this. That her eyes could look that dead.
"I'm sorry, Sammy, it seems I may have gotten a little ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning." Pamela hollowly uttered, face now an impassive mask.
"At the time, my father had been contracted by the US government to hunt down and slay a particularly nasty coven of witches. They had made a pact with the Slavic forest god Berstuk. In return for the powers bestowed to them by the god, they had to kill anyone that harmed the forest or the creatures that inhabited it, whether they wanted to or not.
The only reason my father had even been able to get this information was because an initiate spell book had been found near an area where a group of game hunters had gone missing. Initiate spell books, Sammy, are how new witches are brought into an already established coven. Those books are already tied to their deity of worship and make the ritual to tie their new recruit very simple to do.
The book was being kept in a safe in our basement and would be burned after the coven was eradicated. My father and older brothers had been gone for two weeks, when I showed Samantha that book. I wasn't suppose to be doing it, but I had wanted to impress her with a real life spell book. Samantha had always been fascinated by the occult. I just wanted to make her happy.
But then, Samantha had wanted to try casting a spell from the book. We had a bit of an argument when I told her no. She didn't speak to me for two whole days, before she apologized and asked if we could have a sleepover at my house. I didn't think much of it, I was just happy that my best friend was talking to me again, so I agreed. The sleepover was uneventful, but I had a lot of fun and Samantha went home the next day.
Four days later, me and my mother got a call from my father. The coven was no more and he would be coming home soon. While my father and brothers where coming home, I was tasked with burning the spell book, but when I went to retrieve it from the safe, it was gone. My mother was horrified when I told her and immediately tried to call my father to ask him what to do.
An hour later, the police was knocking at our door. Two body's had been found near the wood and where identified as Samantha's parents. Samantha was nowhere to be found and they had come to our house to see if she was there. It was then that I knew where the spell book was." Pamela paused as her stoic mask began to crack, silent tears running down her face as full body shivers racked her paling frame.
Sam could only look on in growing horror as a realization slowly began to sink in. She could never understand her mothers pain, because it was nothing like what had happened with Danny. The only thing that she had in common was that both of their best friends had died because of actions done in youthful ignorance. Where Sam had nudged Danny towards his death, Pamela had dissuaded her friend from it. It was Samantha that had used her friendship with her mother to get close and steal the spell book, which ultimately lead her to her death.
'A death that was probably caused by my grandfather or uncles...' Sam thought with a growing dread. Her right hand has gone numb with how hard her mother was squeezing it.
"Oh, Sammy..." Pamela softly breathed out in a rough sad voice, "There is something you must understand about witches. When a witch makes a pact with an entity for power, they are giving more then their worship and service. They are giving their very souls and not all entity's are kind enough to give them back or allow their vassal's freewill. Berstuk allowed Samantha neither of those mercies, and since my family had just decimated his followers, he needed my friend to make a new coven for him." Pamela paused to take in a shaky breath as a numb feeling began to overtake her.
"As soon as Samantha had agreed to the pact, her fate had been seal."
"It was grandfather Emerich and my uncles that stopped her, right?" Sam quietly asked, unable to say 'killed' and hoping to end this conversation for her mother's sake. Only to be confused when her mother shook her head. Her confusion quickly became horror as Pamela spoke is a dead voice.
"I was the only one that could do it. My father and brothers wouldn't be home for another few days. And my mother was not trained to fight the supernatural like the rest of the family. I was the only one that had the ability to stop a novice witch. I couldn't allow that evil monster to control my friend, just the thought filled me with such fury.
So I took the family Scian and tracked Samantha down through the east woods of town. When I found her, her body was still changing to show Berstuk's ownership of her soul. Her hair had become long and shaggy with moss just starting to take root in it. Her eyes were that of a wolfs and she was just starting to grow a tail, fangs, horns, and claws. Even her voice was changing, bouncing back and forth between a bellowing elk or a hissing snake." Pamela paused to turn and look her daughter in the eyes, taking in their horror with her dead ones.
"It made what I had to do easier. I was killing a monster, not my best friend. As more and more of Samantha's human appearance was stripped away in our fight, the less I hesitated. It ended when I was able to get close enough to sink my dagger into her heart." Pamela finally finished in a monotone voice, and no more treas to shed.
Sam stared at her mother with horror and shock. She could not comprehend how Pamela had the strength to do what she did. Just the thought of doing the same to Danny made her want to throw up. Sam realized she knew so little about her mother and her family, but now she was hesitant to ask to know more. She didn't want to-
"Sammy, Please pay attention, I haven't told you about the rest of our family yet." Pamela suddenly said, knocking Sam out of her horrified stupor to look at her mother with a confused disbelief in her eyes.
Order - The second task: the retrieval of the reality gems and returning them to their proper place within the Infinite Realms.
Box - "Is there any other secrets about our family that you, grandma, and dad haven't told me?" Sam questioned as she gave her mother a searching gaze.
Pamela looked at her daughter with a fragile smile, the sadness from their previous conversions still lingering, but seemed to be slowly draining away as Pamela pondered on the question. She leisurely strode her way back to the lounge and took a seat on the right most side. Pamela patted the open seat next to her with her left hand as a silent invitation, which Sam accepted as she moved to sit with her mother. With her right hand, Pamela delicately lifted a cup of tea, that had long since cooled, off the console table and took a deep sip before answering.
"The only thing that comes to mind is how I actually met your father and why we chose to live in Amity Park." Pamela said, voice still soft, but growing in strength.
"Wait! -So, that gushy story you and dad told me-" Sam began
"Was not the real story, dear." Pamela finished with an abashed smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, before she quickly continued when she noticed her daughters disgruntled expression and opening mouth. "We where going to tell you the truth when you where older-"
"what! When I'm old enough to live on my own!" Sam cut in with a slight harsh edge to her voice. Sam had a frustrated look on her face for a moment, before she took an deep breath and let out a sigh, her eyes closing as she forced herself to calm down. When she opened them to look at her mom and saw the guilty and hesitant look on her face, Sam had to look away as she spoke again to her mother.
"I -Sorry. Just -" a sigh, "Just tell me how you and dad met." Sam finally got out.
Sam hadn't meant to snap at her mom like that, but after all of today's revelations about her family, she is starting to reach her breaking point. It also kind of stung, Sam felt like she never really knew her own mother. When she had first found that dusty old box in the attic and looked at the scrapbook it contained, all Sam had felt was an indigent rage at her mother's hypocrisy. But after learning about Samantha and her maternal family, Sam doesn't know what to feel other than tired and sad for her mom's loss.
"It's ok, Sammy, I know that what we are talking about is a lot to take in." Pamela said, as she sent a sad understanding smile to her daughter. Sam didn't respond much beyond leveling her mother with an expecting gaze and a slight nod of her head. Needing no further prompt, Pamela began her story.
"I met your father when I was nineteen. My father had been called by Ganit Manson, your grandfather, about strange things that had been happening to his family for the past few months. They had tried moving to some of their other estates across the country, but the entity that was causing it was following them from house to house, getting more and more bold as time past. By the time Ganit had called, your father's arm was broken, he had multiple bruises and scratches, as well as having so many nightmares he was suffering from sleep deprivation." Pamela paused for a moment to take another sip of her tea to help settle her nerves.
"It was a dybbuk"
Silence rained between the two Manson's following that sentence. Sam stared at her mother for a moment, before the words truly register and her eyes widened in shock.
"How...?" Sam breath out, wide eyes still looking at her mother as a pit began to form in her stomach.
"Your grandfather had bought a dybbuk box at a privet deceased estate auction he was invited to by a family friend. He thought it was just a wine cabinet, and when he had opened it, there hadn't been anything glaringly obvious to point out it's true purpose. My family hadn't discovered this important fact for another month and a half." Pamela paused to take a deep breath and collect herself. The next part of this tale was always hard to talk about.
"The dybbuk... was targeting your father. It wanted to possess him and make him do... terrible thing, before it killed him. We had grown closer as the investigation had gone on and I hated what that thing was doing to him!" Pamela hissed, as her hands tightened into fists startling Sam out of her stupor from the intensity of her mother's ire.
Hesitantly, Sam put her hand on her mothers clenched left fist and leaned into her shoulder to try and offer her mother some emotional support. Pamela's fist quickly lost it's tension and instead turned to hold Sam's offered hand in a gentile, but firm grip. Sam felt her mother lean towards her as she relaxed. Mother and daughter stayed like that for a few moments, before Pamela straightened up and turned to look at Sam with a loving and appreciative smile.
"Thank you, Sammy." Pamela said in a loving tone, eye's filled with gratitude. Pamela breathed in deeply to steady herself before she continued with her tale.
"Now, where was I...Oh, yes! By the time we had found out it was a dybbuk, your father was already under it's power and needed to have it exorcised. It took three weeks of constant prayers and exorcisms before Jeremy was free of that monster. By the end of the investigation almost everyone closely involved had been injured by the dybbuk, but it was the Manson's that needed to be hospitalized.
Your grandfather had internal bleeding as well as a lot of fractured bones, specifically around his chest. Your grandmother had a bookcase dropped on her from behind, which had caused a spinal injure. But poor Jeremy had to be in a full body cast from the way that thing had twisted and contorted his body. I did my best to visit him as much as I could until he regained consciousness. And, oh!~ did he say the most romantic thing when he woke up.
He had said 'Oh, Pamela! it was only the thought of being with you that gave me the strength to keep fighting.'. And it was in that instant, I knew, he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." Pamela finished with a happy sigh, eyes aglow with nostalgia as her cheeks dusted a light pink.
A small smile appear on Sam's face at the sight, happy that her mother was somewhat back to her preppy self after seeing her truly miserable for the last few hours. Sure, Sam is probably going to need a lot of time to absorb everything her mom had told her, but that can be dealt with later. Although, privately, Sam thinks her dad was really cheesy when he said that, Romantic, but cheesy.
Wait, Sam thought, Am I forgetting something?
"What was so special about moving to Amity Park?"
Banshee - A very particular ghost tells Danny what his final task is. (Clockwork had been the one to tell Danny what the last three tasks were, how strange...)
Freeze - Danny, Sam, and Tucker goes to the Far Frozen to ask for Frostbite's help in preparing Danny for his coronation.
Purify - In the aftermath of the battle for the thrown, the Fenton's rush to the Far Frozen before it's too late.
Night Terrors - Tucker has been woken up by his mother's screams and rushes to his parents bedrooms.
Shallow Graves - Jack and Maddie are staring at their ghost portal in the aftermath of Danny telling them the truth. They start to question if their ambitions are worth the shallow grave it had left in its wake.
Harvest - The night of the ritual has now arrived. Sam and Pamela are running out of time...
Thirst - Danny learns an unbelievable truth about the cola that went into the creation of Plasmius.
Way of Life - Pamela tells Sam that Amity Park is a place people go to retire from the supernatural world.
Restored - Danny restores Pariah's Keep in preparation for his coronation.
Haunted House - Danny is instructed to find his lair. His lair has something living in it...
Will O' Wisp - Using a tracking spell in the form of a turquoise flame, Tucker follows it through Nicolet National forest WI, praying that he gets to his parents in time.
Grimoire - A witch and her love making the final preparations on a mysterious ritual within her old and mossy spell book.
Hope - Jazz and Danny have a heart to heart about the recent drama that October has brought. This leads Danny to decide to tell his parents the truth with Jazz supporting him.
Eyes - Danny and Clockwork visit the Observants to sign a few legal documents.
One - A lone Observant betrays his oath and feeds information to Plasmius in the hopes that Phantom won't become king.
Fight - Vlad begins his plan to seize the thrown by attacking the Fenton family during the last task.
Coronation - Danny is crowned High King of All Ghosts on the blue moon of All Hallows Eve.
Myosotis - As Sam's maternal family wins the fight for their lives and the spirits of the coven's former members start to fade, Pamela is approached by a familiar face...
Grudge - Vlad finally vents his anger and rage at Jack after his secret is revealed, before throwing him into the Great Depths.
Past - Tucker is forced to unlock the memory's of his past life as Pharaoh Duul'Aman in an effort to use the knowledge of that life to accelerate his magical prowess as the threat of the blue moon draws ever closer.
Future's Chaos Prompts
Potions - Using his magic and Fenton tech Tucker is able to subdue his parents long enough to administer the moonshift cure to them, hoping and praying he hadn't been to late.
Trust - Danny tells his parents his secret.
Chaos - The battle for the ghostly thrown has begun. But wait! an unexpected challenger approaches the battling half-ghosts?
Staff - Danny's first of four tasks he must complete before becoming High King. He must return the Scarab Scepter to Pharaoh Narmer of Sḫt-Jꜣrw. Sam and Tucker help him while Jazz covers for them.
Wraith - The last task Danny must complete is the destruction of a large group of wraiths that had gathered near the Great Depths. Danny's family helps him with this task. (Tucker is dealing with his parents curse and Sam is visiting relatives and is suppose to be back by Wednesday evening.)
Burn - Vlad's thoughts on the look Maddie sent him just before she made her escape with her catatonic son and devastated daughter.
Infect -Tucker learns how his parents were infected with lycanthropy.
Sleep Paralysis - Sam and Pamela's sleep is interrupted halfway through the night with sleep paralysis. In the morning, both Manson's decide to leave the hotel to spend their last few hours in North Carolina with their family. The two only realize something sinister is afoot when they find the large homestead ransacked and empty.
Deep Tombs - The third task: Danny must retrieve the royal regalia from the Tomb of Fathomless Horrors without any aide from his allies.
Hunger - A familiar face appears in Amity Park.
Drown - All she can hazily remember was how hard it had been to breath. It was like she was underwater, because no matter how much she coughed and inhaled, no air could reach her. And then the torture. just. stopped.
But where was she?
Cause of Death - As Jack flouts down(?) within the Great Depths, with a 'Fenton Jack-O-Lantern' as his only barrier between him and certain death, a being comes to him with a deal he can't refuse.
Abandoned - The prologue of the story where a large portion of Casper High is destroyed by a ghost attack, thus causing the school to be closed down until repairs are finished. To mitigate the loss of education to the students, the parents are given the option to either send their children to the high school in Elmerton or sign them up for the hastily put together online courses provided by Amity Park's board of education.
Danny was able to convince his parents to let him try home schooling to see if it would help him keep his grades up. Sam's parents wouldn't allow their daughter anywhere near Elmerton. It took Tucker a few days to convince his parents to allow him to be home schooled.
Costume Party - Danny enlists Queen Dora's help in setting up the annual Royal Costume Ball. (The counterpart to the Christmas truce. It is only sponsored by the High King, while the truce is done by the people.)
Jack O' Lanterns - Jack reveals his newest ghost hunting invention to his children. (A.K.A. little portable personal ghost shields shaped like pumpkins (with Jacks face or the Fenton logo as the 'carving'.). They fit in your pocket and are surprisingly long lasting. Only downside is that the batteries are difficult to make and charge, so there are still a few kinks he needs to work out.)
Sacred Text - Tucker pours through the books of magic kept in the Archives of Thoth in the hopes that there was a cure for his parents affliction.
Despair - Danny's thoughts about what happened at the Great Depth's and being unable to save them.
Teeth - Tucker noticed that his parents have fangs during what should be a typical Friday night dinner. The normalcy is unknowingly shattered by a terrible revelation once he comments on it in passing.
One Hundred - Sam and her family must fight a coven 100 strong to survive.
Flight - Tucker bursts through his front door calling to his parents in restless excitement that he had found a cure. But he is met with silence and a horrible realization as he finds an envelope addressed to him from his parents.
Coup - Vlad gathers allies to usurp Danny's thrown before he even takes it.
Foxfire - Sam and her mother descend into a mine that is lit by foxfire growing on the old wooden support beams lining the wall. Both are armed to the teeth and hope that they are not to late.
Absolve - Pamela has a sit down with Sam near the end of their reunion with her side of the family to both apologies and show her support to who her daughter wants to be.
Future - In the aftermath of the tragedy at the Great Depths, the remaining Fentons find Shelter in the Far Frozen.
Ectober Week Prompts
Forest - While exploring the woods around her grandparents town, Sam hears whispers that lead her to an old mine shaft...
Six Feet - Sam meets her maternal family for the first time and is overwhelmed by their introduction.
Soul Shredder - Danny learns the history of the soul shredder while talking to Frostbite about what he will need to address as king.
Trickster(Cursed) Knight, Shade Knight, Mage Knight, Tempest Knight
Scream - The sight of his parent's screaming and writhing forms as their body's twisted and contorted into a more wolf like shape momentarily froze Tucker in abject horror.
Lobotomy - A few days after being told the truth, Jack has a heart to heart with his son.
Shiver - The events that occurred in the lead up to the blue moon of Halloween still makes a shiver run down the trio's collective spines.
Folk Tales - Pamela tells Sam about her maternal family, their profession, and family history.
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sunshinefordreamers · 2 years
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happy spooky season ;)
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rosiewitchescottage · 2 years
Very early Disney.
But the quality is staggering. 👍👍👍👍👍
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mjulmjul · 2 years
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instaviewpoint · 8 months
Delightful Apple Country
Delightful Apple Country October 3 2023 By Kimberly Mann The apple tree is a favorite around the Midwest in the United States. We flock to the apple groves just after labor day to enjoy the sweet smell of apples in the air. Our apple orchards make the experience fun by inviting food vendors to their location and selling apple sweets and treats in their stores. We are thankful to those before…
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mybuginette · 5 months
i'm obsessed with this shit now
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sorry, in universe social media is my roman empire now
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samhaindreams · 3 months
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heaveniowa · 9 months
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keep a calendar, this way you will always know.
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anyone else have multiple traumatic memories associated specifically with holidays/family vacations? because that is a topic I never see discussed in all the So You Had A Shitty Childhood, Now What? self-help books i've been reading. but for me, it was a significant thing. and the more i think about it the more it seems like this would be an (unfortunately) common experience. would be grateful to hear if this matches other peoples' experiences...
#not a shitpost#serious post#ask to tag#tw trauma#cptsd#c-ptsd#and if so we should TALK about it#because it means there are a whole group of survivors out there whose mental health regularly worsens during holidays#like i know i am most certainly not the only person who feels an undefined Dread hanging over christmas/my birthday/july 4 etc#bc too many shitty things happened during those times and now my brain is hypervigilant bc traditionally these are the Danger Times#and this seems like it would be particularly common for survivors of abusive/dysfunctional households (aka most people with c-ptsd)#because holidays/vacations typically mean 1) the whole family is together/being forced to interact#2) and undergoing external stressors e.g. travel/relatives aka 'outsiders' visiting/routines & coping mechanisms being interrupted etc#3) there is social pressure for this to be a Fun Family Bonding Experience which only highlights the cracks in the foundation#and exposes the common Everything Is Fine/We Are A Happy Family lie#4) the cognitive dissonance of feeling tired/anxious/stressed/afraid during a time when you are 'supposed' to be Making Good Memories#and then everyone is angry/tired/anxious/triggered and things boil over and something or someone goes Very Wrong#weird that i'm posting this in october when halloween is...sort of the ONLY holiday i have only good and happy feelings towards#i got lucky there#also i have positive feelings towards Labor Day but that's for socialist reasons
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madootles · 2 years
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happy october third!
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onionninjasstuff · 5 months
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