#Nordics family
lumierew · 2 months
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Everything vanished
In the darkness, only the stars
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denshi-streetart · 5 months
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 5 months
Weiss: Winter, There is something I must ask you. Privately if possible.
Winter: We are alone, and in private. What do you need to know?
Weiss: How do you handle everyone being so attractive?
Winter: Explain?
Weiss: Ruby is my partner, and one of the first people to give me a chance despite how rude I was to her and She's both badass and adorable, Blake is a good listener and has helped me unlearn my subconscious prejudices, Yang is incredibly warm and kind, she smells like Ginger, and spices.
Weiss: Then There's JNR - Jaune was interested in me back at Beacon, but I shut him down. Since then we've grown and He's strong, kind, and is willing to give me space away from him should I request it. He's not the buffoon tripping through the halls anymore. Nora is almost always energetic and down for whatever. In moments of calm, she's very soft. Pyrrha is Pyrrha. I don't think I need to gush about her, but it's just so easy- She's so kind and so sound of mind - Gods. Ren is easy to be open with, no matter the subject because his semblance lets him know what you're feeling.'Ren is easy to be open with, no matter the subject because his semblance lets him know what you're feeling.
Weiss: Then there's Emerald, and being able to snark back and forth with her - It's fun, and she helps with pranks on others! But when it's time to be clear, she's willing to stop the jokes.
Weiss: And Penny. She's just so ... Direct, and kind, and sweet, and when she doesn't understand something she just looks so adorable-
Weiss: GGRR! It's - I - And they're all so gods Damn attractive! Whether it's bulk and brawn, or litheness, or cuteness and innocence - FUCK! I- You- Do you understand?
Winter: *Placing a hand on Weiss shoulder* Weiss I understand Completely.
Winter: Miss Hill, Robyn - the Happy Huntresses, the Ace-Ops, even Qrow has grown on me. I know exactly what you're going through.
Weiss: So ... What do we do about it.
Winter: Suffer.
Weiss: ... What?
Winter: Well - It's not as if we can tell everyone these things! I'm grateful that you trust me enough to confide this in me, Weiss! But if anyone else finds out, someone else might find out- Worst of all any of them.
Weiss: Why can't we tell any of them!
Winter: I've never been in a relationship, least of all one with so many people - How do i tell them - you know -
Weiss: You want to be the group Bicycle?
Winter: I wouldn't have put it as crudely, but yes. That is accurate.
Weiss: So we just sit on our emotions like we always have?
Winter: Yes.
Weiss: Well. Fuck.
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starleska · 1 month
i reckon it's this moment which endeared us all so much to Nordic Bunny right away (besides his banging design of course)...the poor guy's lonely 🥺 he wants to take over the Earth not just to add to his empire, but because he wants to have friends!!! and so he'll never be alone again!!! 😭😭😭
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andiatas · 28 days
Sustainability is also about good health - something that King Frederik and the Crown Princess are passionate about. Not only that you yourself keep in shape. You want to motivate more people to start playing sports and exercising. One example is King Frederik's involvement in the Royal Run, a race that promotes exercise and health among the Danish people. Truly a commendable initiative!
Carl Gustaf is killing me tonight 😂😂😂
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i rewatched hotel transylvania
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brain worms go brr
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shiroganejpg · 11 months
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I haven't drawn their canon clothes in YEARS bc I'm a canon divergent gal lmao but I love them so much.... gonna have this as a print at upcoming cons, HOPEFULLY including Dokomi this weekend :) table 3H87, come see me if you're there!
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nordickies · 8 months
I like to think that the Nordics try to have a "family" lunch/brunch/dinner/whatever at least once a month - but no way it would work out every single time. They probably do it anyway just so they have a good reason to drag Iceland over to visit. The continentals meet rather often even without assigned monthly dinners. But these family plans often fail because number one: they're busy. And number two: they're all massive introverts who try to come up with any excuse not to leave their house
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lietpoland · 11 months
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den lille ole
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eveistdiepommes · 4 months
What activities does Sweden enjoy doing with each of his nordbros? And his sons?
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If it wasn’t for this ask, I wouldn’t have gotten to draw the cutest doodles I’ve drawn to this day!! Thank you so much for your ask, Anon!! 😊🫶❤️
I think for Sweden, doing actions comes easier to him than words! Parallel play and quality time is very important to him! Let’s go down the list!!
Iceland- Sweden and Iceland get along amazingly! Like I mentioned, Sweden seems to have a calming effect on Iceland. Iceland can get heated about stuff pretty quickly (his volcanic nature!!) which can lead to outbursts or meltdowns that leave him drained and tired. Because Sweden knows what’s that like, both from personal experience and from experience with his sons, he’s very well suited for grounding Iceland! The important part is that Sweden treats him as an equal, not like a kid, and Iceland really appreciates this (even if he won’t say it outright!) Their activities usually involve critical thinking, video games, chess, stuff like that! Iceland loves the challenge, but he also loves knowing that he doesn’t have to worry about getting too frustrated around Sweden. He can wordlessly count on Sweden to keep him levelheaded!
Norway- Sweden and Norway are very close friends! Norway doesn’t pressure Sweden to talk like others who don’t know him too well might. Their activities very much fall under the term “parallel play!” They don’t have to be doing the exact same thing, but being around each other, not being alone while they do their own activities, makes them both feel happy. Most of their time spent with each other is in quiet environments, hiking nature trails, reading in the same room, going to the library to get books to read in the same room, stuff like that! Though, sometimes Sweden can get a little too absorbed in his activity, in which Norway reminds him to eat or drink some water.
Denmark- Sweden and Denmark are best friends til the end! I believe they get along well more so now than in the past, but their rivalry has never ended! Instead, it’s grown into something they use to push each other to be better! Their activities involve a lot of physical movement or manual labour! They build, craft things, they chop firewood for the other three, and they even spar with each other! Things might still get a little petty, one of them might play a little dirty to “win” at whatever they’re doing, but there’s no genuine malice! Denmark really brings out Sweden’s mischievous nature, as he enjoys messing with his friend, especially when he doesn’t expect it!
Ladonia and Sealand- OKAY OKAY OKAY this is my favorite thing ever! You guys already know I’m a sucker for family dynamics! Sweden spends time with his sons by creating bright and warm memories! He feels so lucky he is able to have kids, to have a family, despite being a “nation.” And he feels so relieved he can give his children a safe and almost normal childhood. Sealand had come into his life with his own bad memories, since he manifested in the midst of WWII. But Sweden is grateful he can protect and guide his son now. Ladonia is younger than Sealand, and thus, he really doesn’t have a scary past. I think Sealand was the last of the nations to manifest and have to deal with that fear so young, but I can explain that in another separate post!! All this to say, Sweden feels honored he can be for his sons what he wish he had as a young nation! He brings them on many excursions, and each one is filled with whimsy and adventure! Sealand, being energetic and rambunctious, loves going anywhere and everywhere! His younger, but taller, brother Ladonia prefers staying indoors due to the nature of his being. But Sweden believes Ladonia needs more fresh air, and Sealand could definitely benefit from getting his energy out, so they do things like fishing! That’s become their favorite thing to do! Ladonia can’t swim, so he wears a life vest in the boat. Sealand helps him put it on and makes sure his younger brother is secure and safe, much to his annoyance! It’s a very precious display, and it makes Sweden’s chest warm! It takes Ladonia a bit to get used to fishing, as he gets nervous catching fish and reeling them in, so to ease him into it, Sealand or Sweden help him catch one and hold it for him to touch. Ladonia eventually holds his own fish and suddenly feels very proud!! After hours of having fun, and with their bellies full from Finland’s home cooked lunch, Ladonia and Sealand fall asleep in Sweden’s truck as he drives them home. And Sweden snaps a picture of how cute they look before carrying them inside, with Finland’s help of course.
I love the doodles I did for this ask so much, so you guys get my favorites without the text!! If you guys want me to post the other two without the text, just let me know!! I’ll try to clean them up a bit!! Sorry this took so long, Anon! I just had so many ideas and I was so excited, I had to calm myself down enough to draw them!!! Thank you for this ask!! It made me so happy to doodle all of these!!
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lumierew · 29 days
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An old post got plagiarized, so I want to post it again, with translation this time.
行不行啊简中同人圈 _(:3」z)_
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95jezzica · 9 months
Poll ! Oldest Viking Trio Member
Also, to clarify:
Nor - Norway, Den - Denmark, Swe - Sweden. .
Keep in mind there's no real right/wrong. Godness know Hetalia timeline is a mess anyway, and fandom with "fanon" even more so. xD
Seriously though, just go with whatever option you vibe with/think/feel the most. ♥
[ Additionally: Please reblog to make sure we get a bigger sample size. I'm really curious what option you all will go for]. OwO
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Ok here’s a prompt. The nations are set up to be night guards at the New York Natural History Museum. First America himself, who then drags in The axis and the nordics and so on. Think about it. America getting emotional at seeing Roosevelt, Italy and Romano being their usual selves whilst Octavius wonders what happened to the great Roman Empire. Japan, Germany, and China are fearing for their lives with Attila. Prussia causing trouble with the Neanderthals. France seeing Napoleon and Joan of Arc again. Australia and the animals. America teams up with Jedediah. Britain and Egypt conversing with Ahkmenrah. HOW HAS NO ONE DONE A PROPER CROSSOVER OF THESE TWO?!
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rosesandalfazemas · 11 months
Do you think Furby Iceland is immune to volcanic lava?
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He is inmune to reality I think...
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andiatas · 28 days
Carl Gustaf: The Queen and I are also very happy that King Frederik and the Crown Princess have such a nice relationship. It is gratifying to see how you are united by your humor and warmth.
*camera cuts to Frederik & Victoria*
Frederik: *pokerface* *forced half-smile*
Victoria: *pokerface* *still a pokerface*
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statementofjoespookie · 4 months
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single post of this bc. duh
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