#New Yolk Shadow
the-sky-queen · 4 months
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Remember my boy? :D
Finally colored my sketches of Neon! Even though the quills in 2/3 of these are in my old style, I'm still really proud of how he came out.
Don't know what I'm talking about? You can read Neon's original post here. :3
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khagihan2000 · 1 year
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My takes on Prime. 
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lore-of-mobius · 5 months
Inconsistencies of Sonic Prime Part 4
So Shadow using a Chaos Emerald is unaffected by the Paradox Prism with no explanation to why, but regardless just like Sonic this seems to have resulted in his lack of alternate versions of him. So with the Shatter Spaces most notably New Yolk seemingly being the Sonic world but different in the absence of Sonic wouldn't that have applied to Shadow as well? In other words how does the Chaos Council exist without Shadow? The reason I say this is because it is now currently being heavily implied that the events of Space Colony and what happened to Maria, majorly impacted the Robotnik family. From there affecting Eggman possibly being a major cause for his villainy. So in the absence of Shadow and by extension Project Shadow shouldn't things have played out much differently?
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sea-jello · 9 months
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happy mid autumn festival to my girl chang’e today is literally her day
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corffee · 11 months
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Hold up I’m cooking something
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aromantic-shadow · 11 months
Predictions for season 1c:
Dramatic breakup in the rain, Sonadow edition
Repercussions for Nine. That was clearly an emotional moment- he trusts and cares about Sonic, that’s clear, and he was hurt. It’ll be interesting to see how that affects him out of the heat of the moment.
Sonic character growth. Understand that they’re different people
The Eternity of Darkness
Sonic and Nine making up
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sprucelogsarepeak · 11 months
in regards to the new season I think there is only one way to make me excited about many many robot fights and that is to have shadow the hedgehog kick some ass in it
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luveline · 11 months
hi jade <3 can you pls write an “idiots in love” scenario between fem!reader and peter. something really gushy and fluffy <333
hi baby <3 I'm really sorry I think I may have misunderstood this so they're idiots in love but they aren't together yet !! fem!reader, 1k
Peter's dragging you by the hand through the crowd like one might dangle a carrot on a stick, though you aren't sure what it is he's hoping to attract in the sticky floored Burger King you're dominating. 
"Coming through!" he shouts, shouldering past people in a way that isn't strictly polite. 
You're laughing so hard your waist aches and the tether of your hand is a necessary precaution to stop you collapsing into a baby stroller. The greasy bag of your spoils quivers with a paper crunching as it whacks some poor bystander in the arm, your "Sorry," a swallowed shout in the busyness. 
Finally, you arrive at your destination. Broken crayons and tear away colouring pages splayed messily over a table hidden in the corner of the room, and there, nestled between the chaos, a precious diamond in the rough, lays the true purpose of your visit to such a fine dining establishment on such a hot summer's day. The Burger King crowns lay in their pop put forms, thick printed card stock. 
"They were more impressive when we were kids," you say.
"They're rustic." Peter drops your hand and gathers up way more crowns than you. "Understated. Humble, even." 
"Yeah," you say, giggles emerging once again. 
Peter tucks the crowns into your bag and you leave the way you came through herds of disgruntled New Yorkers and out into the summer heat, dipping into shadows as the glaring yolk of sun dips behind a skyscraper. Peter leads you deep into a cold alleyway and fiddles with the shooter at his wrist. 
"You're sure you won't drop me?" you ask, taking the paper bag of burgers and cradling it against your chest like a child. 
"You think you're so heavy," Peter complains, wrapping an arm around your waist. 
"I am heavy, Pete. A normal guy could pick me up, much less carry me onto a rooftop." 
"I'm not a normal guy." Chest to chest, Peter gives you a shameless smirk. "Hold on tight. I won't drop you, but if you drop even a single French fry, I'll be tempted." 
"Don't even joke about thAT–" your words turn to a breathless hoot as Peter thwicks his wrist upward and the two of you careen through the air. 
"It's alright!" Peter shouts. 
"Woah woah woah!" you shout back, strangling him as you try to climb up his arms and away from the bottomless air below you. Another thwick and you climb higher. A swing that takes the air out of your lungs ends with a jogging stop on a gravel rooftop. "Woah, I'm gonna chuck up." 
Peter rubs between your shoulders. "You always say that." 
"I'm dying." 
"Don't crouch like this, you're begging to be sick." 
Peter helps you up, close and smelling like all things nice. Laundry detergent from a stickler of a laundry sheriff, deodorant and aftershave and the sweet burned sugar smell of his unwise experiments. 
The rooftop is one you've come to before, wide, abandoned, but outfitted with two camping chairs that can be dragged into or out of the sun depending on what half you sit on. You drag your chairs into the sun once your nausea has abated and sit down, Burger King bag in your lap. Peter peels the straps of your tote down enough to grab your unmanufactured crowns, his fingertips summoning an odd shyness from you while they touch you. He's familiar to the point of seamlessness, usually; you and Peter may as well be one person. But now every close encounter, each gentle hand on your skin, is demarcated by a fizzy excitement you can't ignore. 
Peter hooks his chair with an ankle blindly, dragging it under his butt as he sits and pops crowns from their cardstock holdings. He guesses the sizing for your head, and props a golden crown on your head while you retrieve his cheeseburger. It slips down your nose. 
"Woah," Peter murmurs, leaning in to nudge it back up. He looks you right in the eye, close enough to kiss. "Hi there." 
"Hello, good sir," you say, eyeing his own crown. 
"Your majesty," he corrects. 
"Your majesty. Take your burger." 
"Where are my fries?" 
"The crown suits you, I think, considering you're a royal pain. Give me five seconds and I'll give you your fries, jerk." 
Peter's eyes squint gently closed in a slow blink, eyebrows raised. "Jerk. Nice. You're a royal dick." 
"Nice!" You pass him his fries, and the ketchup dip. "We should've got milkshakes." 
"Then you really would throw up." 
"You're probably right," you say, leaning back into the chair, the sun warming your cheeks like a lingering kiss. You tip your head back to eat a handful of soggy fries, salt like an explosion on your tongue. 
"Christ," Peter says, fries in one hand, burger in the other, "they're trying to give us heart disease!" 
"I was thinking the exact same thing," you laugh. 
Peter nods, pleased to be on the same wavelength, and curls your legs together, elbows bumping as you eat with all the laziness of rich people poolside at the country club. The subtle crunch of fries, the crinkling paper bag held under your foot to stop from flying away on the breeze. New York doesn't need anymore litter. 
You give up on your salty fries and Peter doesn't ask, he doesn't need to, polishing them off. His metabolism is enhanced in time with his healing and regenerative abilities, his stomach an endless pit. 
"You should've gotten another burger," you say. 
"You should mind your business." 
"Is it 'cos I was paying?" 
Peter dunks your crown down your face, kisses your cheek, and steals another handful of your fries. "Too slow." 
You laugh and tip your head until the crown falls off. The wind picks it up, and Peter throws his wrist forward without looking, catching it in a web before it can fly off. Burgers, laughter, the flirting sun and an accompanying breeze. Things are perfect. 
You look at Peter as he tries to pull his web from the crown without ruining it. He gives up, grabbing a new one from your tote. 
Well, things are almost perfect.
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blufox234isadumbname · 8 months
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made some new designs cause i wanted to spice my girls' designs a little
i just kinda wanted to add a little more on teh design i had before, i (simple dress over shirt), its kinda hard to balance casual clothes with gymnast attire but i think its ok. i also added design elements from both her parents slime and mariana (mango squares from mariana, apples slices from slime). i ttried to make her based off of apple and mango chutney but i think it kinda loses there. its fine tho i love her very much. she also has matchign friendship bracelet with Tilin ;;;;
codeflippa is basically her design is TOO slime inspired since thats her only parent to focus on. combined with way too much angularity and very wrong details (wrong shirt, no leotard, wrong friendship bracelet on wrong hand, wrong horns, etc.) its like if codie was looking at juana like a mirror. the bottom face showing the jawbone is inspoed from @/alienssstuff 's codeflippa design (its olso where i inspoed the goopy yolk wings and horns) and also in general when she is in shadow her teeth will show (its kinda a nice touch considering iirc mariana's swing was at her head height). she wears mariana's scarf that slime kept in a dusty chest cause he definitely didnt miss him. she puts it on after the first task stream cause she feels the scars are to offputting to slime..
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casey-wont-eat-paste · 5 months
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I’m gonna be talking about the finale of season three so if you don’t want spoilers scroll on
They all cleared out? Good.
Honestly, I felt kind of disappointed with the finale, the battle was great, the buildup and the resolution of the characters that we have grown to know and love throughout the series was great, but.
And this is a really big but.
The actual finale of the show, the last few minutes we got with these characters, not Nine or Thorn or Dread or Rebel but the characters we started out with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Rouge felt bland. it made the entire series feel inconsequential, the way that everything was just better now, Sonic and Shadow were the only ones who learned anything, and we have no resolution to any of the other storylines. What happened in New York now that the egg are taken down? What adventures does captain Rose lead her crew on? How does the boscage maze grown to live in Harmony? Is nine just living in isolation now? And how do each of these universes function without their respective prism shards?
Of course, none of these questions take in the theory that each of the shatter spaces was a part of Greenhill, that each of the characters are a part of the ones that Sonic knows them as, but I feel like that theory would be better illustrated if we got a little more time with the og characters, If they could talk about this weird shared dream, Or contemplate the validity of their memories. Or if the characters themselves didn’t want to address it they could have the visual image of the shatter spaces colliding into each other.
I appreciate the hug that sonic gave Eggman, I think that was cute and funny but the fact that the battle proceeded with basically no consequences felt bland.
Overall the finale felt incomplete for me, but feel free to debate me on this, I’m actually really interested to see other people’s opinions of this finale.
Anyway here’s my interpretation of how I think an extra few minutes in the show could’ve gone.
We open up on New Yolk in shambles, robots are destroyed, the buses and trains that were used for transportation are powered off and the people are celebrating. The oppressive rule of the egg is no more and they are finally free. They establish a democracy or other political system, and their entire worlds technology is set back due to the absence of the prism shard, people are hopeful, there is a future for New Yolk, one that is safe for everyone.
Captain Rose collaboratively, with her pirate crew, decides to hunt for a new treasure, discovering other people, the mainland, and the giant gemstone said to hold immense power.
The scavengers live at peace with the forest, taking what they need and learning to give back as well, protecting its life from the inside.
nine lives in isolation, but slowly realizes that if he looks far enough there are inhabitants in the grim (because I refuse to believe there’s just this incomplete universe) and he’s able to make friends, even if it’s difficult
And Sonic knows, he knows he made a huge mistake and that he was lucky to fix it. Shadow knows to. But sonic has his friends, he has his friends he knows he can rely on and that he needs to listen to. And together, nothing can stop them.
(Or yk nine could be a interdimensional superhero who makes sure that other universes don’t break like his almost did, whatever you want)
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lingwe3nie · 7 months
Sonic prime is such an interesting show
“Yea yea sonics the hero but what would happen if his FRIENDS’ most valuable traits were missing?”
“What if tails lost his loyalty?”
New Yolk City
“What if Amy lost her compassion”
Boscage Maze
“What if Knuckles lost his sense of responsibility?”
No land
“What if shadow had succeeded in wiping out all humans from the land?”
The grim
The most important question
“What if we gave Rouge fun outfits in every single time period?”
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the-sky-queen · 10 months
Let's get this show on the road.
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Here he is! This is Neon the Holo-hog, though he goes by many different names depending on who you ask.
Neon started life as Project FRIEND, which stands for Form of Realistic Intelligence for Entertainment and Nurse Designation. Fifty years ago, Professor Gerald created him to be a companion and medical assistant to Maria, who was so sick as this point that she wasn't allowed to be in contact with anyone else. Maria and gave the holo-hog another name: Neon, which is what he prefers to go by.
Fifty years later, the Chaos Council discovered a mysterious program buried deep in their system, shut down in deep sleep. They reactivated it and discovered Neon. Seeing what Gerald did with him as a waste of potential, they reprogrammed him into Render, which stands for Realistic Enforcer of New Defenses of the Empire's Resources. Render mostly maintained internal things during the events of Sonic Prime.
Once the Council was defeated and driven out of New Yolk, they had Render join then on the front lines, essentially replacing Rusty Rose. Now, it's only a matter of time before he runs into the Resistance.
Neon is a computer program who manifests himself as a hologram. He's completely intangible. However, he does have the ability to take over any of the Council’s tech at any time, kinda like Dr. Don't can. Theoretically, he could take over Rusty as well, but that all depends on if she's disconnected herself from whatever network the Council’s using.
Although he's been reprogrammed, Neon hasn't quite lost his original personality. He's still very kind and caring at heart. He hates violence and will give his opponents every opportunity possible to back out before fighting them. Neon is so realistic that he actually had emotions and this confuses him to no end, lol. He also tends to glitch when he's confused, conflicted, or upset. He is a very old program afterall.
EDIT: Colored version here!
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ab121500 · 4 months
So, i realize its been a minute since i yelled about prime but i just gotta ask.
Can someone please explain to me why the hell they chose BIG THE CAT instead of say, idk, OMEGA???
Last i checked (granted, i havent looked at the sonic fandom in ages so i could be wrong and thats okay!) EVERYONE hated Big. I still hate big, his levels are the WORST part of sonic adventure. To the point that his shit is the only thing i have left in that fucking game.
If they wanted someone from the games, Omega was right there! Hes even in the same games as big! More even! Sure, he might not work in the Maze but then just... leave him out?? Omega's still pretty big in the comics, hes a fan favorite, and like. I need to see Rebel and New Yolk!Omega together.
They did him so dirty. Idk why sega is like "eh team dark sucks we shouldn't use em anywhere." They nerfed the hell out of shadow and forgot Omega. At least Rouge gets some recognition, but how much of that is the fact shes the only other girl character besides Amy everyone likes/is older. Cream is liked, but then they have to remember chao exist and shes like 6, idk what the badger from Boom's deal is (if she was in the games or not. But sega wants us to forget sonic boom and yknow thats valid) they remember Blaze every now and again. (Ik theres a bunch in the comic, but im counting ones in the actual games)
But noooo lets add fucking BIG. Why not espio? Or Vector? I would be less mad at Charmy. Hell, fucking use Jet or any of the other birds from Riders! Or silver! Justice for Silver man, he had such a shitty game and now sega doesn't like saying he was a thing.
Anyway, i'm mad that there was no team dark interaction in Prime. Only that little bit at the end with Shadow and Rouge. No omega, no reaction from shadow about ghosty Rouge (fight me, they're friends! Thats not even a headcannon!) nothing. Gah.
I miss Omega :( but god i hate playing heroes its so cluncky. I'll do what i must for my boy.
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phasesgurl · 4 days
Sonic: Shattered
So basically, Eggman gets the prism again. Sonic and Tails and everyone come to fight him, and Eggman hits Sonic with the prism. If it were any other rock this wouldn’t be a huge problem, but this leaves what looks like a large glowing crack in Sonic’s chest.
the others continue to fight. As the cracks start to grow and new ones form in his face, arms and legs, the prism starts glowing brighter.
then, all of a sudden, Sonic screams out in pain and he and the crystal sort of… explode.
Shadow is the first one to come to. Everything looks more or less normal, other than the fact that everyone’s unconscious and the prism has turned into a swirly rainbowy portal-looking thing.
Tails is next to wake up. He realizes Sonic is gone and flies into a panic. He runs off, Shadow goes after him to make sure he doesn’t do anything too impulsive.
after a while, they sort of find Sonic. He looks like a hologram, pays no attention to anything, and keeps repeating the phrase “What you see is what you get—just a guy who loves adventure!”
Tails is confused and alarmed, but Shadow knows what’s going on. It’s a repeat of Sonic Prime, sort of. But Sonic seems to be the only thing that was shattered—Big and Froggy are normal, Eggman’s normal, almost everything is normal. Not even the prism was shattered this time, it was more blended together.
Shadow tries to comfort Tails, and they decide the solution is to go into the void and see what they can see.
of course, they have no way to get into the void because no one has any prism energy inside. They decide to go talk to Knuckles, Amy and Rouge (who have tied up the still unconscious Eggman.)
They don’t have any ideas either. While they’re talking, Tails’ eyes drift to the swirling light that used to be the prism. He stares for a while, thinking. Wondering.
then surprises everyone by jumping into it.
The others panic and end up going into it themselves. It turns out, the prism has turned into a portal into the void, complete with a rainbowy gateway to their world. Tails is standing on a crystal, awestruck.
After a brief explanation from Shadow on where the heck they are, they run off toward a random gateway to hopefully find sort of clue.
Also Tails is going to feel really guilty about what happened to Sonic.
they end up finding these guys, who were written in by the prism in a way that they wouldn’t change what happened with the original Sonic when he broke the prism:
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More info on them and their friends:
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The New Yolk City Sonic I think has the best backstory. He was friends with that world’s Amy before the Chaos Council took over. When they did, the two hedgehogs tried to fight back, but both were captured and turned into cyborgs. For a while, he and her were a matching set of enforcers, Rusty Rose and Scrappy Sonic. Then, he found a chaos emerald while patrolling and it restored his free will. He panicked when he saw his robotic body and ran off to look for Amy. When he found her, however, she recognized that he was no longer under the Council’s control and ordered some robots to terminate him. He survived, but did take some damage.
Ghost, Zip and Crash were a second resistance group with no knowledge of the existence of the first. They operated on Angel Island and protected the Master Emerald. They would also sneak down and cause trouble the council in new yolk.
They were sneaking in the sewers when they came across an unconscious blue cyborg. They decided to wake him up. Half asleep, he said “Amy-bzzrt-Rose…” they asked what that meant, but he found himself unable to say anything after that.
Since he couldn’t tell them his name, the Chaotix nicknamed him “Lucky” because he was very lucky to get free of the council’s control.
He still can’t talk, but his new friends have gotten very good at understanding his charades. Especially Ghost, who can practically read his mind.
Nine was overjoyed when he met Lucky, although didn’t show it. This was a guy who was just like the hedgehog who had tried to be his friend, who was nice to him when no one else was, almost identical in body and in personality! And his home was right here. He could stay with him. He was mute, but Nine felt like Sonic talked too much anyway.
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In Boscage Maze, there was another group of scavengers that was more mindful of the jungle, so Thorn let them stay. They had their own version of her, named Briar. He was also a protector of the forest, and even had the power to control the plants. Imagine Gnarly’s confusion when a vine grabs his ankles and lifts him upside down. Poor echidna nearly has a heart attack.
Briar means well, though. He just likes to put newcomers through their paces.
Poison Ivy does have her fire powers, but being in the middle of a bunch of trees rarely uses them. Most people don’t even know she has them, so that comes as a shock when she comes to the void and fights the Eggforcers.
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And finally, No Place. These three sail on a ship called The Chaos. Just them. Polly is a flicky that refuses to leave the ship.
One day, the Chaos is attacked by what the crew thinks is a kraken. Shipwrecker recognizes it as a version of iblis that is made of water rather than fire, and that flooded the planet years ago. Shadow gets knocked overboard and sees a chaos emerald underwater. He tries to get it, but is knocked unconscious by a rock to thrown by iblis. Sapphire panics, since he is terrified of water, but summons the courage to dive in and pull his captain back onto the ship. He sees the emerald, and thinking that Shipwrecker was trying to get it grabs that too before returning to the surface.
When the captain comes to, he reveals to his crewmates that he now has all of the chaos emeralds, and he and his crew go into super form and defeat iblis, restoring the water to its original level. As they explore their new surroundings, they see hedgehog's pass and the loop-de-loop. Sapphire ends up falling flat on his face because the loop was damaged by Dread's submarine. They fix it by making a replacement section with wood. It's like a bridge that curves.
then, they race. The starting line is drawn, the route is set, and they're all determined to prove they're the fastest of the bunch.
3..2..1.. GO!
Shiver falls behind pretty quickly. For the rest of the race, it seems like it's going to be a photo finish between Sapphire and Shipwrecker. Then, the captain stumbles over something. allowing sapphire to take the lead. He's about to win when he sees Amy, then same way Sonic sees Shadow when he's running really fast in prime. She grabs him and pulls him through the gateway.
From Shiver and Shipwrecker's perspective, Sapphire just sort of popped out of existence, so they're confused and angry. This group is for this au what Nine was for prime. Sapphire is also being really uncooperative and slowing their progress to get the original Sonic back.
Which they still have no idea how to do, by the way. Wait a little longer to find that out, I'm still deciding weather to write this story as a comic or a fanfic.
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goofalicousgooberface · 4 months
You're right. I DO want to know your sth headcanons. Hit me with the best you got.
I think it’d be cute if tails and Sonic found an abandoned airplane when they were on their own and used it as a makeshift house for a lil while so that’s why tails made the Tornado and loves it so much… cuz it reminds him of his childhood idk..
Regular (not yolk city) Metal Sonic would LOVE Rusty rose.. (who doesn’t)
Just now realizing that new yolk version metamy would reverse their dynamic in a way.. cold Amy and light hearted metal sonic
Very silly 2 me Anyway
Barry the quokka loves 60s music… (projecting? Me? Never..)
Sonic 100% stims with his tail. That thing is wagging almost 24/7 no matter what
I think Sonic’s quills would be rlly dirty tbh. Not because he doesn’t shower or anything it’s just that running that fast gets dirt and leaves and stuff stuck in it and his quills have gotten more course bc of it
On the other hand, shadows is somehow ALWAYS. Clean. He’s used to constantly being as clean as possible so Maria wouldn’t get sick from him, and even after not having access to water or anything sanitation wise he’ll still stay pretty clean
Honestly his saliva probably has antibodies and sanitizer or some shit idfk he’s the ultimate life form it makes sense 2 me
ANYWAYSIES! ^^ that’s all 4 now (sorry there’s no art 2 go w this I’m in the middle of a big piece rn)
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corffee · 5 months
We were definitely robbed. Sonic should’ve hugged Shadow on the beach
I’m just gonna list all the things I think we were robbed of in the ending of Prime:
Shadow’s pov of returning to Green Hill
Sonic actually having a talk to his friends (including Shadow) about his past actions and how he took them for granted by not listening to them
Final group hug
Showing a slice of life of each of the Shatterspaces while Sonic basically voiceovers a conclusion about everything. New Yolk- the resistance is finally living in peace. Boscage- everyone working together and rebuilding the damaged parts of the jungle. No Place- after a day of pirating against the Old Crew they invite them to party on the Kraken. Grim- Nine finally building his own home with the help of friendly-er versions of the Alphas.
Final scene: Heart to Heart Sonadow scene, hug, cheeky bickering, exchanging glances/smiles
Sonic lastly jinxes danger again with whatever happened in the original ending
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