#Moonlit River
kdram-chjh · 2 years
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Kdrama: River Where the Moon Rises (2021)
[MV] Unstoppable - 달이뜨는강 / River where the moon rises - 김소현 / Kim So hyun X 나인우 / Na In woo
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iClhne22cQ
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illustratus · 1 month
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View of Rome at Night by Henryk Cieszkowski
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Pomni on the carousel in Moonlit River Park from Identity V
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addisonstars · 7 months
"moonlight on the river"
written for day 7 of october for @jegulus-microfic with the prompt "moonlit"
436 words of fluff <33
The moon was shining, the stars twinkling, the lake glimmering like diamonds. And Regulus and James could have never been more in love. They were on one of their late night walks that they liked to occasionally take on a night like this. This one was different though, it wasn't a normal walk, James had some news that made him more fidgety than normal. 
“Would you cut that out James, it’s driving me insane.” Regulus said, gesturing to his hands moving in his pockets. Little did Regulus know that James could not not be fidgety; he was nervous. 
“I’m sorry, I”m sorry,” he pulled his hands out of his pockets, his hands no longer in contact with the square velvet box. 
Regulus frowned, “there’s no need to be sorry.” 
“I”m so-,” he cuts off, “Reg.” 
“Yeah?” Reg turns around, his face moonlit under the white light, making him look ethereal. 
Taking a deep breath, James starts talking. “I love you. A lot. Like a lot, a lot. I know you know that, and I just,” he stops. This was not at all how he intended this to go, but it’s too late to turn back now. “I, just, really, really, love you, and I was wondering, if you would,” He gets down on one knee, opening the box that he’s kept carefully hidden for the past couple weeks. 
James stares dumbfoundedly at Regulus. “I didn't even finish."
“Yes. What you say isn't going to change my answer Jamie, yes.” Regulus states, a small smile on his lips as he crouches down to James’ level on the planks of the little bridge. 
“I,” James breathes out, “ok, Regulus, but let me say it anyway. To make sure you're answering what you think you are, and not like yes, let’s go rob some graves.” Regulus rolls his eyes. James smiles nervously at Regulus, even though he knows he has nothing to be nervous about. “Will you, Regulus Black, marry me?” 
Regulus has tears forming in his eyes at those words, something that he’d always find amusing when people got proposed to. But he understands it now. He understands the fact that being so in love with someone brings up so many emotions that the only way to handle them is to cry. That being so in love with someone makes you want to cry at the pure joy and happiness they bring you. 
He finds his voice and leans forward, lips crashing together, arms wrapping around his Jamie. “Yes, yes, yes, a million times over, yes,” Reggie whispers against his fiancé’s lips. “Forever and always.”
RAHRAHRAH i love them so much i swear im so normal about them.
fic dedicated to caylen, whom i love very dearly
fic/title inspired by the song "moonlight on the river" by Mac DeMarco
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hexora · 5 months
Seashell Divination Kit: A Refined Collection of Consecrated Seashells for Spiritual Inquiry
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🌟 The Essence of Seashell Divination:
Seashell divination is an ancient practice that harnesses the elemental forces of the ocean to illuminate inquiries of the soul. The Seashell Divination Kit offers a refined and purposeful approach to this age-old tradition, providing seekers with a channel to access profound insights and attain clarity on matters of importance. Each shell within the collection serves as a vessel for the boundless wisdom encapsulated by the vastness of the sea.
🐚 The Significance of Each Shell:
Conch Shell 🌀: Emblematic of life's eternal spiral, the conch shell is a symbol of cyclical renewal and spiritual evolution. It is a venerable guide for those seeking transformation and a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey.
Cowrie Shell 🐚💰: Revered across cultures for its association with prosperity, the cowrie shell serves as a conduit for energies related to abundance, wealth, and the manifold blessings that life bestows.
Scallop Shell 🌸: Radiating with the essence of love and beauty, the scallop shell imparts insights into matters of the heart, relationships, and the pursuit of harmonious equilibrium.
Auger Shell 🔍: Characterized by intricate spirals, the auger shell serves as a key to unlocking hidden knowledge and solving enigmatic mysteries. It is a beacon for those seeking to expand their awareness and unravel life's intricate puzzles.
Clam Shell 🧘‍♀️: A symbol of inner peace and tranquility, the clam shell offers grounding energies, aiding in meditation, mindfulness, and the cultivation of serenity amidst life's complexities.
🌊 Guidance for Utilization:
Establishing Sacred Space: Prior to engaging in the divination process, create a serene environment conducive to spiritual introspection. Light candles, burn incense, and establish an atmosphere of reverence.
Intent Clarification: Articulate your intentions clearly, opening your heart to the profound guidance the seashells are poised to impart.
Discernment of Shells: Trust your intuition as you select a shell from the collection. Each shell resonates uniquely, responding to the energy of your specific inquiry.
Interpreting Symbolism: Delve into the symbolism inherent in the chosen shell, allowing its energy to communicate answers through intuitive insights, subtle impressions, or vivid visions.
Expressing Gratitude: Conclude the divination session with a gesture of gratitude towards the sea, the shells, and the cosmos for the profound insights bestowed. Acknowledge the interconnected nature of existence and integrate the acquired wisdom into your daily life.
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my-deer-history · 2 months
Francis Kinloch in Müller's letters to his family: Part 3
These extracts are from Johannes von Müller: Sämmtliche Werke, volume 7 (1810).
My translations here, original German transcriptions below the cut. Müller and Kinloch have set off on their tour of Switzerland!
21 Aug 1775, to his brother
From there a narrow, steep path leads between sheer drops and vertical mountains into the Weissenburg hot spring, travelled only by pedestrians. Imagine the most terrible rock faces, with water rushing down and partially breaking up into dust and mist; between these rocks, a forest river flows noisily over rocky ground, over trees that water and wind had torn away from the slopes, and the rubble from the mountains that had broken them loose and thrown them down. A strong servant from the baths carried Mr. Kinloch and me on his back through this river to the healing spring.
21 Sept 1775, to his father
We drove in a Bernese carriage through Freyburg to Affry Castle, where the awful roads necessitated us to send the carriage home. After 2 hours, we came to Cicogne, where with some effort, we managed to interpret out of the patois of the people that we had taken the wrong road. An old farmer’s wife led us back on track through the muck by moonlight. Beyond the Saanen the path became entirely too difficult. There we rented a miller’s cart. Imagine: our suitcases, me and our dog on this cart, Mr. Kinloch beside us, the servant with a pack on our horse.
On sunday, Mr Boissier arranged a ball for the whole town in our honour, where everyone had to dance - the farmers and their wives and all sons and daughters, and Mrs Boissiere, and Mr von Castela and Mr Kinloch and even Mr Boissier himself - though he is lame - and even I - though I cannot dance very well. This day I translated an Italian opera into French. I forgot to mention the letters that we received at Berne, Mr K one from America, I one from England from Mr Thomas Boone
Undated, 1775, to his brother
My dear brother! I cannot describe my contentment to you enough. [...] I am loved, and friendship is the joy of my life. My Englishmen, my American,* Bonstetten, Tronchin, Bonnet!
20 March 1776
At the moment, Kinloch and I are reading Tacitus for the second time (me, for the third) [...] Mr Bonnet is giving us 2–3 lectures a week on psychology. But don’t imagine him as an ordinary professor, he does not allow himself to be paid except in the attention and friendship of his audience, and these are only two, Kinloch and me. We go to him at 4pm, his psychology lesson starts at 5 or 6, and we stay until 11.
June 1776, to his brother
Letters from England have convinced Mr Kinloch to move his planned journey forward to the autumn.
21 Aug 1775, to his brother
Von da führt ein schmaler abhängiger Weg zwischen Abgründen und senkrechten Bergen in das warme Bad Weissenburg, niemanden als Fußgänger. Stelle dir die schrecklichsten Felswände vor, mit Wassern, welche da herunter stürzen und sich zum Theil in Staub und Nebel auflösen; zwischen diesen Felsen wälzt sich mit großem Geräusch ein Waldwasser über einen felsigen Grund, über Bäume, welche Wasser und Wind ab den Gebürgen gerissen und Trümmern von Bergen, welche sie abgelöset und herabgewälzt hatten. Durch dieses Wasser trug Hrn. Kinloch und mich ein starker Badknecht auf dem Rücken zu der heilsamen Quelle. 
21 Sept 1775, to his father
In einer Bernerkutsche fuhren wir über Freyburg nach dem Schloß Affry, woselbst die schlimmen Straßen uns nöthigten, die Kutsche heimzusenden. Nach 2 Stunden kamen wir auf Cicogne, wo wir mit Mühe aus dem Patois des Volks erdollmetschen konnten, daß wir den unrechten Weg eingeschlagen. Eine alte Bauersfrau führte uns durch den Koth beim Mondschein zurechte. Jenseits der Saanen wurde nun der Weg allzu arg. Daselbst mietheten wir einen Müllers - Karren. Stellet Euch vor, unsre Mantelsäcke mich und unsern Hund auf diesem Wagen, Hr. Kinloch neben her, den Bedienten mit einem Pack auf unserm Pferd.
Am Sonntag gab Hr. Boissier unsertwegen dem ganzen Dorf einen Ball, wo alle Bauren und Bäurinnen und alle Knaben und Töchtern, und Mad. Boissiere, und der Hr. von Castela und Hr. Kinloch, und Hr. Boissier selbst, ob er wohl estropirt ist, und selbst ich, ob ich gleich nicht wohl tanzen kann, tanzen mußte. Diesen Tag übersetzte ich eine italiänische Opera ins Französische. Ich habe vergessen, der Briefe zu gedenken, welche wir zu Bern erhalten, Hr. K. einen aus Amerika; ich einen aus England von Herrn Thomas Boone
Undated, 1775, to his brother
Mein lieber Bruder! Ich kann dir mein Wohlbefinden nicht genug beschreiben. [...] Man liebt mich, und die Freundschaft ist meines Lebens Lust. Meine Engländer, mein Amerikaner, Bonstetten, Tronchin, Bonnet!
20 March 1776
Gegenwärtig lesen Kinloch und ich zum andern (ich, zum dritten) Mal den Tacitus [...] Herr Bonnet giebt uns wöchentlich 2–3 Lectionen über die Psychologie. Stelle ihn dir aber nicht als einen gewöhnlichen Professor vor, er läßt sich nicht anders bezahlen, als durch die Aufmerksamkeit und Freundschaft seiner Zuhörer, und dieser sind nur zwei, Kinloch und ich. Wir gehen um 4 Uhr zu ihn, um 5 oder 6 fängt er seine psychologische Stunde an, und wir bleiben bis um 11 Uhr
June 1776, to his brother
Briefe aus England haben Hrn. Kinloch bestimmt, seine vorgehabte Reise auf den Herbst zu verschieben.
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dragonfruitghosts · 3 months
got three more of these fellas now
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We have Griffin Up Fate (Christopher and Till’s kid), River Sate Lang (Boone and Jay’s kid), and Dice Rolla Fortune (Jay and Polly’s kid)
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cnovelartreblogs · 10 months
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Official art from the A Moonlit Spring River manhua on the Bilibili app.
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zeezeebum · 7 months
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(n.) a person who loves the moon
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niishi · 3 months
I was in global chat last night being like "if u see me as fools gold just play Norton and I'll be friendly. I don't believe in self harm" and this person was like "do you remember me? we played together and I humped you in the shack" and you know what... even tho that happens all the time... I DID remember that person. we shared a beautiful moment in that shack.... it felt like missed connections but... I'm a Norton main.... our hearts belong to everyone.
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sweetest-flames · 2 years
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khaeda · 1 year
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my arts based on one beautiful manhua 春江花月 🥰
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illustratus · 1 month
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View of Dresden by Moonlight by Johan Christian Dahl
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meowtifullycute · 10 months
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Moonlit Reverie: A Young Man's Reflection Under the Celestial Canopy!
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z428 · 8 months
Später, am Fluss: Linien des eigenen Viertels, als Spiegelbild auf dem glatten Wasser. Die Nachbarn bedürfen heute wohl der Beleuchtungen auf den Balkonen und Terrassen, entsprechend liegen die Häuser in einem warmen künstlichen Licht, während ganz langsam und strahlend der Mond über die Dächer steigt. Fast wolkenlos die aufziehende Nacht, unerwartet weich und mild, durchzogen von der Musik der Grillen, Bordstein-Gesprächen, spätem Verkehr und dem Lachen derer, die nicht nur schlaftrunken in die Dunkelheit der Wiesen ziehen, Zigarettenstummel wie Glühwürmchen. Verzicht auf Eile, weil der Moment es verdient und weil alles andere viel zu sehr ablenkt.
#outerworld #out in the wild #moonlit skies #along the river #lost in moments
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hexora · 5 months
Tidal Pendulum: Unveiling Oceanic Insights
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🔍 Understanding the Tidal Pendulum:
The Tidal Pendulum represents a convergence of craftsmanship and elemental energies. Rooted in the timeless tradition of divination, this instrument capitalizes on the symbolic resonance of oceanic components to facilitate a nuanced connection with the natural forces governing the tides.
🐚 Materials and Symbolic Significance:
Seashells 🌀: Each seashell integrated into the Tidal Pendulum embodies a specific elemental energy and imparts symbolic significance. Choose from a curated selection to align your divination queries with the intended energetic resonance.
Driftwood 🌲: Crafted from weathered driftwood, the pendulum's handle symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and the cyclical nature of existence. This component serves as a grounding force, anchoring the divination process in earthly energies.
💧 The Art of Tidal Divination:
Preparation and Setting: Initiate your divination session in a tranquil environment conducive to introspection. Create an ambiance of focused contemplation by employing subdued lighting and calming elements.
Calibration of Intentions: Prior to employing the Tidal Pendulum, articulate your intentions clearly. Frame your queries with precision, allowing the pendulum to channel the nuanced guidance inherent in the ebb and flow of the tides.
Pendulum Oscillation: Engage in the divination process by allowing the Tidal Pendulum to oscillate freely. Observe the subtle movements and patterns as they unfold, interpreting each swing with deliberate consideration.
Interpreting Symbolic Movements: The pendulum's movements serve as a symbolic language, akin to the rhythmic language of the tides. Develop a nuanced understanding of these movements, interpreting them as responses to your queries.
Closure and Reflection: Conclude your divination session with a moment of reflection. Express gratitude for the guidance received and contemplate the insights garnered from the Tidal Pendulum's nuanced dance.
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