#Mod cool cat
vynnyal · 3 months
Btw I'm basically speedrunning now
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- Magical Shoujo anon
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....ah.... a magical what?
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...ah. magical boy. got it
[ Kazui is now a Magical Boy for...well Mahou-anon can come back to give a specification if they wanna lol ]
//extra lil guy
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
the universe said “you don’t have blond/white hair? okay we’ll fix that for you” and now im graying in my early 20s from… well the horrors. very cool universe thanks for that. — dave strider (fictive, #⚙️💡)
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sssaturnsnake · 2 months
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i made a battle cats isaac mod and you should download it btw
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thunderc1an · 1 year
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Also I’ve been playing this mobile game with cats and I’ve been slowly naming them after warriors
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naomiknight-17 · 3 months
My day started off pretty terrible, and I felt so garbagey and the cats were being so annoying I lost my temper and raised my voice at Tim
But then Jon brought me an iced cappuccino and a wrap. And I managed to drag my freshly caffeinated ass into the shower and scrub myself clean. And I got a chance to snuggle with both Jill and Tiny Tim in turns (I think he's forgiven me for shouting)
Then Jon made us a lovely cauliflower-bacon chowder for dinner with garlic bread on the side as a special treat (we needed to use up leftover buns)
And just now I even did a big load of dishes and fed the cats - which involves an interesting dance of herding the hungry screaming creatures into separate rooms so they don't eat each other's food
And you know. I'm feeling a lot better.
I guess there's something to be said for a hot shower, a good meal, and getting some chores done. Even though we all hate to hear it
Also I rewatched all of the currently available Dungeon Meshi episodes, which is of course incredibly healing
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night--heart · 1 year
joined the wcue discord and here's some highlights
people being rly rly rly fucking disrespectful to neurodivergent ppl (such as like. getting into a smal disagreement bc someone didnt quite understand wht the other person was triying to say and then it evolving into everyone ganging up on the neurodivergent person for "being rude" even though they werent being rude at all)
several game admins and server mods being into harry potter, playing hogwarts legacy, and begine like "i just dont understand why we cant ujst like harry potter anymore, jk rowling is bad but buying the game doesnt mean supporting her beliefs!!!!!"
several people being against nonbinary identities or being against they/them pronouns or neopronouns (watching an argument rn between someone who says "i believe in he and she pronouns ONLY. teh/them is not a valid set of pronouns." and other ppl just being like "thats ur aopinion and thats ok and we should respect that !! uwu!!"
people just . admitting to doing really horrible shit . such as someone saying they used to kick n step on dogs and cats when they were 7 because of anger issues and everyone in the chat just being like "its ok!! we all make mistakes!!! i forgive u uwu!!" while theyre talking abt how they so easily couldve killed those animals if they felt like it
people asking again and again for different cat weights and missing/amputated/broken limbs only to be met with mods consistently saying no theyre not adding fat cats or disabled cats to the game bc its "unrealistic" and they dont want to "support unhealthy cats" all while accepting ideas such as skinnier/more petite or "dainty" body types...
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ancient-cats-unite · 7 months
Give me Cats to draw!!
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rocambolestim · 3 months
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Reposts of the @/smallblocks cat colouring gifs bcuz the og post got flagged :c + a green recolour i found on an uncredited stimboard, gifs aren't mine, credits to the op
(I will not be id-ing any gifs like my other blogs so i can save time,sadly)
@thegentlesourcerer hope you notice this!! ^^
link to the uncredited stimboard i found the green variation on
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bandcampsnoop · 8 months
I've been a Native Cats (Hobart, Tasmania) fan for quite some time. Their sound is truly a unique one - Julian Teakle's instruments and Chloe Escott's inimitable vocals. They were really the forerunners of a sound popularized by the more well-known acts like Dry Cleaning or Sleaford Mods. Apparently "the title of the album is drawn from the rules and principles David Thomas wrote for his band Pere Ubu."
I've also mentioned bands like The Cool Greenhouse and Woven In when discussing The Native Cats.
This is their first LP for Chapter Music (Australia). Speaking of Chapter Music, they've added a single from The Apartments on Bandcamp. You can listen below.
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black-cat-showdown · 1 year
Happy black cat community day to all who celebrate!
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TFW you suddenly remember how you spent like half a year trying to make a retractable claw device after seeing the music video for Lone Digger by Caravan Palace.
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goslingwosling · 7 months
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I'm sorry but simply cats it the most adorable mod ever This is my cat butter. She's so cute. I didn't notice she was pregnant until she actually had a litter of kitties, so I set all of her children free into the wilderness. BUT THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS TO DO!!! Well I mean not really. But you have DIY cat trees, litter boxes, cat drugs, a cat book AND a new villager that sells pets! I literally cannot express my love for this mod in text.
Instead, I shall express myself by screaming: AHHHHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGJGHJ<CYVHJVCmeowGHGHFGDGFTYFYXGFHGHJHAHHAHAHAHHHHHHHHĦGHHHHHHGHGJHKHVTLCULygUYCTYXTYyumHHhhHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Continuous screaming* I love simply cats. It's only in 1.16 though :(
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
i'm kin with snake fruit. my chinese zodiac is snake. with my greek zodiac it's even got two heads. snakeception baybee. forever a serpent. obligatory tunnel snakes rule.
🗿🗿🗿 😒
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eclipseclan · 1 year
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Graystripe x Princess hypokits for @boogurl405! I was gonna include Cloudtail if Graystripe was his dad, but tbh I just think he’d look the same... these three would probably just stay kittypets with varying interest in the wild. Tommy likes to visit ThunderClan a lot and explore, but ultimately prefers his housefolk. Susie does not care whatsoever and just goes “my dad eats bones” to scare other cats and sleeps a lot. Kallie is the most interested in how the clans work and feels suffocated as a kittypet, and does actually join ThunderClan under the name Pinefoot
Just for fun, if they other two got warrior names, Tommy would be Flamestripe (after his uncle and dad) and Susie would be Pebblepelt
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thunderc1an · 2 years
Owlpaw lesbian or ace 👉👈
Owlpaw is a lesbian
Firestarpaw is aro ace
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