#Metal Radiator Enclosures
lloydpittscompany · 2 months
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peachsukii · 4 months
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Hollow Heart { chapter 3 - choke }
『♡』 pro-hero fem!reader x pro-hero bakugo ╰➤ ꒰ pro-heroes au | friends to lovers ꒱ ♡ katsuki bakugo masterlist ♡
summary: you have zero clue where you are after your abduction. white walls, medical instruments, the smell of rust, and hazy memories are all that keep you company during your time in the mystery lab. the horrors that lurk between these steel walls are going to give you nightmares for an eternity. all you can think about is getting home to your best friends and family, back to the life you sorely missed. tags & warnings: mentions of blood/violence, eventual & mild smut, kidnapping/abduction, experimentation, physical & psychological torture, PTSD, implied/referenced self harm, cursing, talks of trauma | angst with happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, regret, mutual pining, friends to lovers, insomnia, eventual romance a/n: To all of you who have stopped to read this fic, thank you so much! This was my jump back into writing after almost a decade. I appreciate every single one of you!! ꒰ Ao3 version | word count; 13,885k as of ch.3 ꒱ Main Post Chapter 1 | Hurricane [5,092k] Chapter 2 | The Ghost of You [4,799k] Chapter 3 | Choke [3,995k] Chapter 4 | The Grey Chapter 5 | The Good Left Undone Chapter 6 | Tourniquet Chapter 7 | There is Fear in Letting Go 『♡』 this fic has a playlist! ✩
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Day One (?)
Metallic rust.
That's all you could taste when you awoke from your drugged slumber, the world stuck in a haze as you hummed in discontent. 
Where the hell am I?
The thought muddled in your head as you attempted to gauge your surroundings. The numbness in your limbs from earlier had been replaced with a new sensation - your body feeling too heavy for your bones to carry. 
Did someone strap a weight to your shoulders and ankles? 
You rotate your head sluggishly to see an all white and gray room, one singular door directly ahead of where you sat. There's a metal table in the corner with a few machines - you can't seem to determine what their purposes are. On your left, a surgical instruments table sits ominously, a few bloody bandages and an empty syringe splayed across it.
There's a sudden pulse in your head that rattles your brain, the train of thought you had derailing instantly. Glimpses of memories begin to spark in your mind - Bakugo's anguished expression as you drifted out of consciousness, an unknown number of hands removing your hero suit and belongings, cold steel of an operating table touching your bare skin, the ungodly amount of poking and prodding of your delicate skin with needles of all shapes and sizes, and a glass enclosure.
How are you remembering all of this if you weren't even conscious for the majority of it?
As if to answer your silent question, a doctor enters the room - what you presume is a doctor, anyways, by the looks of his white surgeon coat and stethoscope around his neck. 
"Good morning. Would you prefer the use of your hero name or first name?" He asks, paging through the file on his clipboard.
What the fuck?
"Uhh...hero name?" you slur as you answer, voice cracking with exhaustion. You're not able to think straight in the moment and have zero adrenaline to be combative. 
"Noted. How are you feeling?" His tone is dry, like every other doctor you've met in your life.
He quirks an eyebrow. "Can you elaborate?"
God, this is so annoying. Why the hell are you being interrogated?
"M'everything feels...funny. Heavy but also...fuzzy?"
He scribbles down notes on a few different pages, flipping back and forth through the stack on his clipboard. 
"Is it my turn t'ask a question?" you quip, snickering at your own request. 
He approaches you hastily and slaps the ever-loving shit out of you. You let out a sharp yelp, the sting of his palm radiating on your cheek. 
"Subjects only speak when spoken to."
A chill runs down your spine when he uses the term "subjects." Just how many of you are there?
"Return her to containment," he orders, signaling to someone behind you before turning to exit the room. Another man enters as the doctor leaves, dressed in white scrubs with mint green latex gloves. He approaches you, latching a pair of handcuffs around your wrists while turning off a device nearby.
"C'mon, move it," he scolds as he yanks on the chain of the handcuffs. You stumble forward to your feet, wobbling on jelly legs as he's dragging you behind him. Looking down, your wrists were littered with bruises in varying shades of yellow, purple and green. Had they cuffed you earlier and roughhoused you? A few raw spots on your arm lead you to believe they had taken blood from you at some point, too. You have zero inclination to how long you've even been wherever the hell you are - anything is possible.
The mystery worker drags you down multiple corridors of dimly lit metal hallways and various steel lacing the walls. There were no windows in sight as you maneuvered your way around the labyrinth of never-ending laboratories, holding cells and various medical exam rooms. He stops in front of a frosted glass cell, swiping a keycard in front of the mechanism on the door. It opens with a high pitched beep and he pushes you inside, whipping you around by the shoulders to face him. He undoes your restraints before slamming the glass door shut, locking it with another beep of the keycard. 
With the silence comes the realization of your current predicament, crashing down around you like a tidal wave. It's intense, the surge of emotion that cascades through your entire body as if someone flipped a switch inside you. 
One lingering thought pulls at your heartstrings - Bakugo's face as you slipped away from him, his panic and desperation as he failed to save you.
And to top it all off, you told him you loved him. 
In the heat of the moment, it felt right. But now? It feels selfish. You admitted your feelings just in time for them to be ripped away from him. You don't even know if you're going to see him ever again. What if you die down here?
What if you die down here?
Alone and scared.
Away from your family, friends...Katsuki, your best friend - the secret love of your life. 
You never got to kiss him, properly express your affection for him - the experience was stolen away from you.
You're left to your own devices inside an unknown cell, blubbering on the tiny cot in the corner, frustration burning in your chest as you're heaving sob after sob. It triggers something in you never felt before - an unfamiliar violent rage. Launching up from the cot, you snivel as you face the wall and punch it with all the energy you can gather. 
"Fuck!" You wail, failing to recollect the memory that your still under the effect of the quirk suppressant. The sound of your knuckles smashing against the steel wall reverbs as it sends lightning bolts of pain up your arm, dissolving as the adrenaline makes its way through your entire being.
And then something terrifying stirs in your guts as the blood drips from your knuckles onto the floor.
The pain was satisfying.
Day Nine
Days have passed, that much you knew, but how many? That answer remained unclear, no matter how many times you begged various workers around the compound. No one ever answered you with words, just violence. You’ve lost count how many times you’ve been slapped, kicked, and pushed around for engaging in minimal conversation. There’s other prisoners here, too, but no one is allowed to communicate. You see each other sometimes in the hallways but never long enough to speak, even if you wanted to. It was like everyone was a ghost, all haunting the same burial ground.
Shockingly enough, they keep you fed and allowed one shower per day. It's a confusing system, considering how inhumane things have proven to be, but you're convinced it's to keep their subjects "healthy" for their fucked up experiments. 
Your schedule consisted of a hellish rotation of broken sleep and taking whatever drugs they forced upon you. The amount of times you were pulled from your cell varied for their trials that they had planned for the day. Whether it be once, or four times, you never knew how many hours you'd be stuck under surveillance in a catatonic state. 
You desperately tried to turn your emotions off to protect your psyche at any chance you could. As much as you hated to admit defeat, the endless stress and over dosage of unknown substances was more than enough to keep you underwater, sinking further toward rock bottom with each passing moment.
A guard stalks up to your cell and bangs on the glass to grab your attention.
“Y/H/N, your cooperation is needed for test 15. Up and at ‘em.” 
Your body is burdened with all the medical trauma you've endured over the last few days, slowing your pace to a sluggish limp as you make your way toward the cell door. 
"Hurry it up, subject. We ain't got all day!" he shouts, startling you with his sudden command.
Fuck this place.
Day Fourteen
"Test 23, Y/H/N - Forced kinetic energy release. Begin testing."
You don't have time to react before the IVs hooked to you begin to force various fluids into your veins. The competing sensations flood through you in rough currents - hot, cold, burning, stinging in cycles. A well-known tunnel vision begins to cloud your sight as you squirm in the steel throne you've been restrained to. You're body is on the verge of passing out when an intrusive illusion appears before you.
"Hello? Sweetie?" 
Your mother appears in front of you, outstretching a phantom hand to touch your shoulder. 
What the fuck...mom? How is she here right now?
"Are you coming home?" she asks, her face settled in a deadpan expression. Her voice resembles a computerized AI, as if someone is programming her dialog.
"Mom?" you speak aloud, frightened by how real this looks and feels.
"Honey? Are you coming home? Katsuki and Izuku need you."
"Mom, I'm right here. What do you mean?" You're becoming more and more disturbed as she continues to drone on the same question.
"When are you coming home? Katsuki and Izuku need help."
She's not real.
She's not really here - this shadow knows nothing. 
Snap the fuck out of it, they must have drugged you with a hallucinogenic. 
But why? What the hell does this have to do with quirk suppressants? 
"You're not here," you growl, screwing your eyes shut, refusing to entertain anymore of this apparition of your mother. 
"Oh, but honey, I am!"
A force squeezes at your throat, cutting off an anxious breath as it leaves your lips. You scramble to grasp at the hallucination, forgetting you're trapped in the testing chamber and can't move. Your hands are flexing repeatedly under the shackles as energy is collecting in your palms, unable to control the emotional response racing through every nerve in your body.
They must have not given you the suppressant...or mixed it with something more deadly. 
"No!" You croak, your scream choked out by the pressure on your neck. 
Your vision turns white, a sudden surge of energy expelling from your palms, pulsing intensely over and over again. You can feel the impact against the chair beneath you, the sound of shredding metal filling your ears as kinetic energy is forcibly pouring out of you in succession.
"Cease testing, inject sedation."
The pain in your hands dissipates immediately upon hearing the doctor's orders, followed by the prick of a thick needle penetrating the crook of your neck. The white cast in your vision fades, reality returning to you as your eyes glass over. One of the scientist walks around the chair and stands before you with another goddamn clipboard. 
"Y/H/N, please describe how you feel and what you saw."
That familiar fire returns in your chest from your first night here - the aggressive urge to lash out. Was this a side-effect of whatever serum they've been loading you up with?
"Fuck you," you snarl, lip quivering as you're attempting to bury the ferocity thrashing inside you, begging to be set free.
He approaches you and snatches your cheeks in a rough hold. His grip tightens around your jaw as he repeats his question. 
"One more time - Y/H/N, describe how you feel and what you saw."
The flame burns hotter as your fists are trembling, the emotion becoming overbearing.
Before you can stop yourself, your palms shoot up into an offensive position, sparking with the remaining collective of kinetic energy as it bursts forward, striking the scientist and sending him tumbling backward. The bonds on the arms of the chair must have broken and freed your hands during the test - you didn't even notice until you attacked the guard. 
"Quirk handcuffs and solitary - stat," orders the doctor over the surround system. 
The door to the room slams open and three more scientists scramble inside as they're rushing to surround you. One shoves you down harshly into the metal chair, bouncing your head off the back of it. 
Black…everything goes black.
When you come to, you’re in a new room that you don’t recognize. It’s different from the one you’ve called “home” since your arrival. There’s a mirror in the cell they’ve thrown you in and you catch a glimpse of yourself for the first time in...you don't know how long. The reflection shows you someone you don’t recognize - the girl staring back at you isn’t you. It looks like you, but her vicious predatory grin is bone chilling. This doppelgänger glares daggers at you, tilting her head menacingly as she mouths, “get out of me.”
You throw a punch at the mirror and shatter it as a blood curdling scream erupts from deep in your gut. Stumbling to the floor, you lay on the cold concrete and stare into the blank space of the solitary prison cell. You can’t even will yourself to cry.
I wanna go home…I wanna go home… 
The thought recycled on loop, taunting the strength of your mental state.
I want to go home to mom, to Izuku, to Katsuki…anywhere but here. 
You need to survive...
No. You will survive. 
This will not kill you. 
Day Twenty Five
"Y/H/N, we are going to proceed with a psychological evaluation."
Like you had a choice in the matter.
“Can you describe your experience from test 23?”
“Horrible,” you groan, the vision of your mother flowing to the forefront of your memory. “I saw a hallucination of someone that could physically touch me.”
You’ve learned in your time here not to ask further questions - answer as plainly as possible and move on. 
The scientist clacked the keys on her laptop obnoxiously. “And it felt real?”
Unfortunately, yes.
“Yes.” You turn your eyes to the floor as she proceeds to type whatever nonsense into the database. She retrieves a clipboard from the bag slung on the back of her chair, sliding it across the table to you. 
"Can you confirm this report is accurate from your initial intake?"
You begin to scan over the form when the words "if you want to get out of here" catch your attention.
Subject 57 - Kinetic Energy
Do not speak or react this note, until specified, if you want to get out of here.
I'm an undercover hero from the United States. I've been here for six months, waiting for an officially ranked hero to come through the facility. I haven't been able to leave since my arrival and communication has been cut off from my agency. You're the first non-civilian they've captured. 
Blink four times if you had a cellphone on you when you were taken. 
You look up at her and blink four times - she shoots her eyes back down to the form, signaling you to continue reading. 
Can you contact outside help? Could be the agency you belong to or co-workers.
Tap the table twice for yes and three times for no.
You tap the table twice, pretending to point to specific information on the page your reading. If you could get access to your cellphone, you might just be able to send your location to initiate a rescue mission.
"Thank you, Y/H/N," she says, grabbing the clipboard and returning it to her bag. "I'll take you back to your cell, follow me."
Following the standard protocol that you're used to, she slaps a pair of handcuffs around your wrists before exiting the room. Once you reach your cell, she steps inside with you, removing the cuffs and motioning for you to come closer.
"I can look in the evidence chamber for your phone, more than likely it's in there with the other belongings after your decontamination process. Workers aren't allowed any communication devices, but they keep all of the captor's personal items guarded in one place." 
You don't have time to ask her all the questions you're dying to know the answers to - how'd she get here, how did the USA know of the lab, what her undercover work consisted of, why no  one came to find her...a plethora of unknowns. 
But right now? She's willing to help you, that's all that matters.
"If you can conjure up enough energy with your quirk, can you charge it?" she asks faintly. 
You nod in response, confirming the answer silently. Similarly to your classmate from UA, Kaminari, you were able to charge devices by converting kinetic energy into an electronic wavelength - a trick Eraserhead taught you back in Junior year. 
"Here's the plan - In five days, I'll be the guard on night shift. I'll give you an empty shot of the suppressant to make it look like a realistic dosage. Once the others have dissipated to their quarters, I can lead you to the evidence stash and let you rummage through the bins while I keep watch. You grab the phone, I'll hide it in my uniform, bring you back to your cell and toss it to the floor. I'll patrol the hall while you get things set up and make contact with another hero or your agency."
She peers out of the glass cell and sees another guard making his way down the hall. 
"Don't say a word. I'll be back in 5 days, and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do," she apologizes as she cracks you on the jaw with a hearty slap.
You know she had to fake it in front of the other guard to keep her cover - it still hurt like hell.
She shuts the door with a noisy clang of the door's mechanism, a high pitched beep locking it in place. 
And thus, the countdown to freedom begins.
Five days until you finally make contact with the outside world - with someone.
Someone? No, you already knew who you were sending the information to - like it wasn't obvious who you'd choose to signal for help.
Day Twenty Nine
You've come this far, you can't back down now. 
All you had to do was make your way back to the evidence room with the undercover hero lady, find your phone, and sneak back to your holding cell. 
And force your quirk to activate. 
...and not get caught.
The suspense of the plan succeeding was enough to keep you on edge as the nightly sedations were distributed. She appeared, just like she promised, and administered a fake injection to your arm. You put on a front for the other guards, fooling them into thinking you were properly medicated. 
The plan's been set in motion - she'll be back in a few hours.
Day Thirty
You could feel the liberation in your grasp - the victory of sneaking your phone back to your cell filling you with exhilaration. All you had to do was wait for lights out to attempt your escape plan. You have no idea how deep the lab sits under Sector 42 and if you'll even be able to obtain a signal in your cell.
Focusing all of your willpower into the tip of your pointer finger, you hold it closely as sparks of energy softly crackle into the charging port of the phone. 
Just a minute to charge, that's all I need. Enough battery to turn it on, send a call and a text and turn it back off.
You're beginning to feel lightheaded as your phone successfully powers on with a soft vibration and the logo appearing on screen. 
Holy shit, it worked!
Hurriedly, you flip the silent switch before notifications begin to pour into the device, catching up on all the missed communications over the last month. Multiple calls, text messages, e-mails, the standard amount that you expected. The battery hovered at 7% and the time read 3:05AM. You glance at the date underneath the time - it's been an entire month since you disappeared. 
A whole goddamn month.
There's no time to spiral over that right now!
Hunched over behind your cot, you proceed to open your messages to keep your plan on track. You're not shocked by the amount of missed texts from everyone; Midoriya, Jiro, Uraraka, Kirishima, Mina...and Bakugo.
You had 127 unread texts from him, the last coming in less than ten minutes ago.
One hundred and twenty seven.
You freeze, a mixture of guilt, excitement, and panic surging through you. Shoving all that down - you've gotten too good at doing that - you clicked on the thread, catching the last dozen or so of his messages.
[2:45AM] i don’t want to say this in a fucking text of all things [2:45AM] especially under these circumstances  [2:46AM] but i’m scared i’ll never get to say it to you [2:46AM] i’m a fucking idiot for not telling you sooner [2:47AM] god dammit [2:48AM] i love you [2:48AM] like a stupid fucking amount [2:49AM] i convinced myself i didn’t and that you wouldn’t feel the same [2:50AM] and when you come home [2:50AM] i’ll tell you every damn day to make up for all the times i didn’t [2:51AM] that’s a promise [2:52AM] i love you lite-brite
Tears are silently falling from your eyes, wide with astonishment at the words you're reading from him. There's no way this is real - you've got to be strung out from the quirk-drugs they've forced upon you. A delayed side effect of some sort? They've given you delusions in the past, it's not that farfetched. 
He convinced himself not to love you? He's always loved you?! 
He said 'I love you,' twice.
You don't have time to read the rest as much as you're dying to catch up on all the potential sweet nothings he's sent to you over the last few weeks, but you do have time for one thing.
Before you chicken out, you click the "Call" button next to his name. The phone suddenly feels like a cinderblock in your hand as you shakily hold it to your ear. You think he's not going to answer until you hear faint rustling sounds on the other end of the line.
"H-hello?! Y/N!?" You can't say anything - your body straightens, goosebumps covering you from head to toe. All of the misery you were holding on to, the trauma and terror, evaporated at the sound of those two words. Those two measly words wrapped around you and offered a warmth you haven't known in weeks.
You click the "End Call" button, hating that you probably gave him a heart attack, but you selfishly needed to hear his voice. 
Before you forget your initial plan, you send a pinned location to Bakugo. You know he'll come running - blasting, rather - as soon as he can pinpoint exactly how to break into the lab. You have zero doubts that he can't figure it out.
[3:11AM] *location sent*
One last thing for good measure? You send an orange heart emoji. 
Right as you're about to scroll up and read his past messages, your phone powers down with the empty battery symbol displaying on screen.
Your heart is racing, threatening to beat out of your chest as his words reverberate in your mind. 
I love you like a stupid fucking amount.
You can't help but chuckle at the sentiment - that's so Bakugo of him to say. 
At least your plan was a success and you were able to accomplish the small goal. Now all you have to do is play the waiting game - knowing Bakugo, and presumably Midoriya? That won't be long at all.
You lay back in your cot, smiling for the first time in ages, relishing in your triumph. 
And for the first night since you've arrived, a peaceful rest welcomes you with open arms. You dream of home, running in the park under the glow of the sun and finding Bakugo under the shade of a nearby tree, waiting patiently for you in the summer breeze. 
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next up, we wrap back to the boys as they plan their rescue mission! and they're not going alone as they recruit their closest friends in their crazy plan to get you back. and don't worry, it won't be easy. tags: @bakugouswaif @k1tk4tkatsuki @bells2319 @st0nedbitch @deftonianfr ✩ if you’d like to be tagged when updates are posted, message/comment to be added! ✩
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tinycoded360 · 22 days
Firefighter part 2
Here it is! I hope you all enjoy! Tag list of those I thought would like to be tagged; if you don't want to be, just let me know, and I won't do it again. @voraciousvore @gtzel @empressxmachina
Lucy’s tiny hands trembled as she gripped the metal bars of her enclosure, her breaths shallow and uneven. She let out a huff of frustration, her eyes scanning the rodent cage that Mike had so thoughtlessly placed her in. It was no larger than a shoebox to someone of normal size, but to Lucy, it was a prison. A latched gate at the front of the cage meant to keep unwanted critters out—or, in her case, trapped.
The thick latch barely budged under her four-inch frame. She gritted her teeth, throwing her whole weight against the unyielding barrier. "Come on, come on," she grunted through clenched jaws.
With a cry of frustration, Lucy collapsed backward, wincing as her shoulder slammed against the hard floor. A dull ache radiated down her arm now. "Useless," she muttered, glaring up at the door that towered above her. She wouldn't be getting out tonight. Exhaustion crept over her as she curled up in the corner, shivering against the cold that permeated the cage.
Lucy awoke early the next morning, her back sore and muscles stiff from a night spent on the hard cage floor. She paced the confines of her tiny prison, trying to psych herself up.
"You can do this," she muttered under her breath. "Don't let him intimidate you just because he's huge."
She steeled herself, ready to give Mike a piece of her mind when he showed up. She would not be cowed or treated like a pet!
But all of Lucy's courage evaporated when the giant lumbered into the kitchen, still half-asleep and scratching his messy hair. He was just so massive compared to her four-inch frame, like a lumbering bear next to a mouse.
"Morning already?" Mike yawned loudly, oblivious to the storm brewing inside the tiny girl.
As he set about making his coffee. She stood motionless, watching Mike drop heavily into a chair, his presence dominating the small space. He wrapped his hands around the steaming mug and brought it to his lips, his gaze settling on the cage – on her.
"Damn, what's this?" Mike's voice rumbled through the room as his brow furrowed, noticing the mottled bruise coloring her shoulder.
The room seemed to lurch as Mike's hand reached towards her, the cage door swinging open with ease under his touch. "How did you even get hurt?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern and confusion.
Panic surged through Lucy as his fingers, thick as tree trunks compared to her fragile form, enclosed around her, lifting her from the cage. The world tilted, and suddenly, she was airborne, face-to-face with the giant who held her fate between his fingertips.
"Mi-Mike..." Her protest died in her throat, swallowed by the overwhelming fear of being so completely at his mercy.
Lucy's tiny body trembled as she was suspended before Mike's massive visage. His eyes were bigger than her whole head, and they studied her intently. She flinched as one thick finger gently probed her bruised arm.
"Looks like you're more breakable than I thought," Mike muttered, almost to himself. "We'll get you a proper setup soon."
The condescension in his tone was the last straw. Lucy's fear gave way to a fiery surge of defiance. "Oh, geez, don't bother, that cage right there was a five-star experience!" she spat out, each word laced with scorn. "I was cold, the floor was hard and there was nowhere to take a whiz!"
Mike's eyes widened slightly, taken aback by her outburst. He exhaled slowly, the warm puff of his breath washing over her like a polluted breeze.
"I'm sorry, that was thoughtless of me," he said gently. "After breakfast, we'll go to the pet store. You can pick out something better."
"You think I want another cage?" Lucy yelled, incensed. "I don't need a cage at all! I'm not a pet!"
Mike's expression turned somber, a shadow of doubt passing over his features. "I'm just doing what's best for you! I don't think you'll be safe if you free roam." He looked away, troubled by the situation, by her resistance, or perhaps by his own doubts about what he was doing.
Lucy's tiny chest heaved with each breath, her voice escalating to a piercing pitch that belied her minuscule stature. "No, no, no, look—I've survived 20 years without you in my life; I don't want to be locked up!"
Mike's jaw clenched, his eyes a stormy sea of frustration as they bore down into Lucy's defiant gaze. "You're being ungrateful about this; I saved your life!" His voice rumbled like distant thunder, his irritation clear, yet his ears seemed deaf to the desperate plea in her tone.
"Saving me doesn't mean you own me," Lucy shot back.
Mike's brow furrowed, a silent admission that her words struck deeper than expected. But then Mike's expression hardened, the lines of his face setting like concrete as he towered above her. "I'm done with this conversation," he declared, the finality in his tone leaving no room for argument. Without waiting for her reply, he deposited her into the pocket of his boxer shorts.
"Hey!" she protested, the fabric walls of her new prison muffling her outcry. She pushed against the cotton expanse.
Ignoring her, Mike strode across the kitchen, the motion causing Lucy to sway precariously. The scent of his soap mixed with the smell of that was undeniably Mike clung to the material.
The sizzle of bacon meeting the hot pan reached Lucy's ears, followed by the crackle of eggs as they were added to the mix.
"Keep it together, Lucy," she whispered, drawing a slow, steadying breath. Her fingers, nimble and practiced, grasped the hunting knife handle strapped to her thigh.
She inserted the blade into the cotton with surgical precision, feeling the resistance before it gave way, thread by thread. Sawing gently, she carved an escape route, mindful of Mike’s movements as he turned from the stove to retrieve something from the fridge.
The hole grew wider, a window to freedom. And then, with the grace of an acrobat, she eased herself through the gap, dangling momentarily. Her legs swung free, searching for purchase in the air.
"Here goes nothing." With a gulp, she released her hold on the torn fabric, plummeting downward in a controlled fall.
The ground rushed up to meet her, but she rolled with the impact, muscles absorbing the shock. Her triumph was short-lived; the bellow from above signaled that Mike had caught a glimpse of her daring descent.
"Lucy!" His voice boomed, laden with betrayal and concern.
She didn't hesitate, darting across the tiled floor with the speed that only desperate adrenaline could fuel. Mike's shadow loomed, his hands like clumsy cranes swooping down to snatch her back.
"Damn it, Lucy, stop!"
Her world narrowed to the safe wedge of darkness between the counter and fridge. She slipped into the crevice just as his fingers grazed her back.
"Please, come out. We can talk about this!"
Lucy pressed herself further into the shadows. She was no pet, no doll to be tucked away in a grown man's pocket.
"Talk? Like you listened before?" Her voice was a defiant hiss, a serpent ready to strike. "I'm not coming out."
"Lucy, I just want to—"
"Save it!"
Mike sighed heavily, "Fine, Lucy," he muttered, though his voice boomed like distant thunder. "Stay there if you want."
It wasn't until the front door closed with a finality that echoed through the empty space that she dared to move.
Creeping out from her sanctuary, Lucy's gaze landed on the plate left on the floor. It was a feast by any borrower's standards, piled high with bacon and eggs, steam still curling up from the freshly cooked meal. Her stomach growled.
"Thinks he can bribe me with breakfast," she scoffed quietly, eyes narrowing as she approached the offering with suspicion etched into her features.
Yet, as she poked at the eggs, she found no sign of tampering. Just the rich aroma of yolk and the savory tang of bacon.
"Ugh, damn it," she grumbled, giving in to her hunger. Biting into the bacon, the crunch was satisfyingly loud in her ears. Next, she tore off a piece of egg with her hands.
With her belly full, Lucy pondered her next move. Part of her wanted to flee this place and never look back. But the indignity of how Mike had treated her still burned. She wouldn't let him get away with it that easily.
No, she would stay right here, in the walls and crevices of Mike's home. She'd show him just how capable she was of caring for herself. And maybe she'd play a trick or two just to teach him a lesson about caging up borrowers.
Lucy smiled to herself. This could be fun. With that, she slipped into a nearby vent, ready to begin her new life of borrowing and pranking. Mike had no idea what was coming.
Sneaking through the vents and walls, Lucy scoped out the perfect spots to set up her new home. She located places to store food, make a cozy sleeping area, and peek into the rooms without being seen.
As she explored, Lucy daydreamed about the mischief she could cause. Filling Mike's shoes with thumbtacks would serve him right for trying to lock her up.
Lucy knew she'd have to be careful, though. Mike was aware of her presence now. He would likely set traps or try to catch her if given the chance. But Lucy was confident in her abilities. After all, she had survived on her own much longer than this giant had even known she existed.
Setting up shop here would let her prove she didn't need Mike's "help." And it would be satisfying to show him just how capable she was. With a determined grin, Lucy began making this place her new home. She was ready for this fun challenge of outsmarting the human at his own game.
Author: I imagine this turns into a friendlier version of Tom and Jerry. Lucy pulls pranks on Mike and avoids capture, and Mike tries to capture her safely. Eventually, as time passes, they become friends. Mike sees that he didn't treat her right to begin with. He feels bad, so he starts to leave peace offerings to her.
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toxicbrothel · 5 months
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f!reader x Donald Pierce (Logan 2017 villain)
I8+ Dark fic, captivity, noncon touching
A pit forms in your stomach when the nurse calls your name. It’s the same nurse you’ve observed stuffing rolls of cash into her purse, thinking no one could see her do it. Dirty money for sure, and you have a feeling you’re about to find out how she gets it. Someone is here to pick you up, supposedly to transfer you to another hospital to confirm your non-mutant status. The shady nurse takes you gently by the arm and walks you to a room with folded chairs and photography equipment scattered around. You've been through that whole process already, and being back in the room makes you uneasy. It doesn't help that the handsome man reclining in that chair doesn’t look like hospital transport at all. He’s wearing two big rings, smoking a cigarette, and has a tattoo on the front of his throat.  
“Mr. Pierce,” the nurse admonishes him. “Can you please put that out?”
He pinches out the lit end of the cigarette with his thumb and forefinger, flicks it to the floor, then raises his hands in defense. That's when you see his bionic arm. He uncrosses his legs, and the clap of his massive boot on the floor makes you jump. Now he’s manspreading with his large hands clasped in his lap.
The nurse thanks him and walks toward the exit.
“Pleasure doin’ business,” he mutters under his breath as he shamelessly checks you out. The deep, smooth voice has caught you off guard. A gold tooth sparkles from the front of his mouth. He claps his hands down on his knees and asks, “What do we got here?” as he stands up. He’s massive, towering over you. He’s wearing a black tactical vest under his long, dark leather jacket. He is sturdy, and your body reacts in a way you wish it wouldn't.
You stand in the middle of the room, helpless in a hospital gown. He clasps his hands behind his back and slowly paces in a half circle around you, his eyes eating you up like a piece of meat. “Not every day I pick up a woman,” he murmurs. “Normally, people know before adolescence if they’re a mutant. . .” 
“And I’m not,” you mumble futilely. You’re not even sure how you got on the list.
“Well, we’re gonna prove it,” he tells you. For a moment, you’re unsure if it’s a threat or reassurance, but your gut tells you it’s not a good thing. The air around him radiates violence. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go.” He extends his hand for you. When you not only don’t reach out, but also shake your head no, he loses patience and mutters, “Alright, c’mere. Damn.”
He lunges toward you, bends his knees, and uses his bionic arm to hoist you over his shoulder with much less effort than it would take with flesh and muscle. It gives you butterflies between the legs the way he does things with such ease.
“Ow,” you whimper with the crook of his metal elbow pinching your side as he carries you. 
“You’re alriiight,” he sing-songs, then reaches his non-bionic hand under your gown and stabilizes the weight with a hand on your ass, cool rings pressing into your flesh. He walks slowly toward a huge, armored vehicle. Its double back doors are already open. He nudges his thumb into your panties while he's at it, and you gasp at the feeling of him prodding your wet little hole. “Mmm,” he hums. 
“Don’t,” you whisper. He removes his thumb from your panties and hoists you off his shoulder and into the truck. There’s lab equipment, medical supplies, and a cage. Your eyes fixate on the enclosure, and your heart races. You try to back up out of the truck, but his bionic arm lets him wrangle you back with ease. You struggle as he forces you into the cage. 
Once he has you sitting still, his bionic hand around your jaw makes you look at him, only a few inches away. His gold tooth sparkles menacingly and his stare is ice cold as he raises his eyebrows and tilts his head forward. He lowers his voice. “You need to be good,” he warns.
tysm for reading! and a big ty to @clawdee for the options. 💕
Most of my fics are on main, @toxicanonymity
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jadegretz · 14 days
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Elisa Maza: Watcher of the Skies by Jade Gretz
Rain lashed against the gargoyle grotesques of Manhattan, their stone faces contorted in a silent scream that mirrored Elisa Maza's internal turmoil. Tonight, the city slumbered beneath an unnatural darkness, the neon glow muted by a thick, oppressive fog. It was a night unlike any other, a night where shadows seemed to writhe with an unseen life.
Elisa, her red and black suit plastered to her skin from the downpour, crouched atop a skyscraper, Big Bertha clutched tightly in her hand. Beside her, Goliath, his stone eyes gleaming with a warrior's resolve, scanned the shrouded city below.
"Something's wrong, Elisa," Goliath rumbled, his voice heavy with unease. "I can feel it in the very stones of the city."
Elisa nodded, a shiver racing down her spine. The gargoyles, their usual boisterous banter replaced by an unsettling silence, remained perched on their respective buildings, their stone bodies radiating a palpable fear.
The unease began earlier that night. A garbled transmission, a panicked plea from Lexington for help, had jolted them awake. But by the time Goliath and Elisa reached the Clock Tower, Lexington and his siblings were gone, vanished without a trace.
A primal scream, raw and filled with terror, echoed through the city, tearing through the fog. It originated from the Central Park Zoo, a place Elisa and the gargoyles knew all too well.
With a shared look of grim determination, Elisa and Goliath launched themselves into the swirling mist. The familiar path through the park seemed distorted, the normally vibrant landscape twisted into grotesqueries of nature. Twisted trees with gnarled branches reached out like skeletal claws, and the air thrummed with an unsettling energy.
They reached the lion enclosure, the source of the scream. Elisa's blood ran cold as she saw Demona, the arch-nemesis of the gargoyles, pacing frantically inside the cage. The metal bars, once a barrier, now lay twisted and broken at her feet.
"Demona?" Elisa called out, her voice barely audible over the howling wind. "What's going on here?"
Demona spun around, …(see the rest of the story at deviantart.com/jadegretzAI). For more supergirl, chun li, batgirl, tifa, lara croft, wonder woman, rogue and much more, please visit my page at www.deviantart.com/jadegretzai - Thanks for your support :)
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misguidedghoststories · 2 months
Chapter 6 ~ Afterlife
Ashe's eyes snapped open, heart pounding as they tried to sit up in bed. But the IVs and pulse monitor attached to them kept them anchored in place. A sharp wave of pain radiated through their body, causing them to gasp and clutch at their side. Slowly, they sank back against the pillows with a sigh of defeat.
Where am I?
Blinking away the haze, Ashe took in their surroundings. The room was small and sterile, all white walls and linoleum floors. The only pops of color came from the small vase of flowers on the dresser across from the bed. It was a hollow room with a welcoming facade.
Their vision drifted down to their attire, realizing they were no longer in their own clothes but instead wearing a soft t-shirt and loose sweatpants. Bandages were wrapped tightly around their torso, evidence of their recent injuries. And neatly folded on a table nearby lay their tattered and singed black vigilante outfit. 
By who? And why? Memories flooded back to Ashe - betrayal, a gunshot, then nothing. Someone must have found them and brought them here to heal. 
Damn, how long have I been out?
In the dimly lit room, Ashe squinted their eyes, trying to make out any sense of time. Slowly, they attempted to sit up but were met with a sharp pain coursing through their body. With determination, they ripped out the IVs and the monitor began to beep loudly in protest. Ignoring the noise, Ashe pushed the monitor over and kicked it several times until the screen was thoroughly smashed in.
With trembling legs, Ashe made their way to their possessions. But all they found were charred remnants of what used to be their belongings. Only their leather jacket remained intact, now covered in soot and ash. They pulled it on, feeling its weight and familiarity bring some small comfort. 
Looking around the room for anything that could serve as a weapon, Ashe's eyes landed on a wooden chair in the corner. It took several tries, but they managed to break off one of its legs. Weak and exhausted, they leaned against the wall near the door and tapped the handle. To their surprise, it wasn't locked. With a determined grip on the makeshift weapon, Ashe swung open the door and stepped into the hallway.
They were met with an unexpected sight - a chic, modern apartment hallway adorned with abstract art and fancy light fixtures. It was a stark contrast to the barren room they had just left behind. Doors lined both walls, most likely leading to more rooms. Ashe hated it. 
They cautiously opened the door across from them and were met with an unexpected sight. The room was empty, but it looked like a teenage boy's bedroom. Clothes lay scattered on the floor and empty bottles littered every surface. The walls were plastered with comic book and movie posters. A bookshelf filled with comics stood against one wall, while a desk with multiple monitors and a glowing computer tower on the opposite side. The only clean and organized area in the room was a table with a large guinea pig enclosure on top, a stark contrast to the chaos surrounding it.
Ashe's mind was spinning, trying to make sense of their surroundings. They closed the door behind them as quietly as they could, not wanting to alert anyone to their presence. he corridor stretched out before them, filled with faint echoes of distant voices. As they made their way down the hall, a large door caught their attention - it looked like it could slide open with the push of a button. Curiosity drew them closer and they pressed their ear against the cool metal surface. Shouts echoed on the other side of the door.
Preparing for a potential confrontation, Ashe tightened their grip on the stick and steeled themselves for whatever lay beyond the door. After taking a deep breath, they pushed the button and burst through the door.
A childlike voice cried from the other side of the room, "Go long, Connor."
Before they could make sense of the situation, an object came hurtling towards Ashe. Reacting quickly, they dodged to the side and felt a rush of wind pass by. In that same instant, a sturdy figure stepped in front of them, catching the item with ease. A sizable young man stood holding a bag of chips in his hand.
Ashe slammed the stick into the boy as hard as they could. The stick snapped into splinters upon contact with the boy's body, leaving him unscathed The boy turned to face Ashe, towering over them with an imposing figure. He wore a black shirt with a red S on it, giving off an intimidating aura. However, he did not appear injured, just disappointed and sad.
“Ow.” The young man said, he rubbed his shoulder and looked upset.
Ashe backed away cautiously, feeling stitches pull at their side with each step. Taking in their surroundings, they saw that they were in a well-furnished open concept living room that flowed seamlessly into a modern kitchen. A long L-shaped sectional dominated the space, and sitting on it was a girl with dark purple hair engrossed in a book. And across the living room was a young boy with green skin that presumably threw the chips.
Pointing the broken stub of the stick at them, Ashe's confidence faltered as they took a step back. Their body was starting to betray them, their side burning with each movement. “What is going on? Who are you people?” They asked breathlessly, their eyes darting between the three strangers in front of them.
The girl with vibrant purple hair calmly placed her book down and stood up from her seat. "I'm going to get Dick," she stated before making her way towards the elevator and exiting the room.
The young man with the green hair waved sheepishly at Ashe.. “Hi… You woke up, that's great. How are you-”
Ashe instinctively backed into the corner, their body trembling with fear. Their heart pounded violently against their chest, and their eyes widened in terror. "I said who the hell are you?" they demanded, their voice quivering.
The tall boy stepped back behind the green one, clearing his throat. "It's okay, we're the Titans... and we're here to save you, I guess?"
Ashe let out a pained chuckle. "God, you mean that guy in blue spandex dragged me here? What's his name?"
As the elevator doors slid open, a man with long black hair and piercing blue eyes stepped into the room. He was dressed in civilian clothes, but there was no mistaking him as the same man who had been in the warehouse with Ashe that night. "Nightwing," he introduced himself with a slight chuckle. "At your service... Why do you have a stick?" he asked, noticing the object in Ashe's hand.
“They hit me with it.” The boy in the Superman shirt muttered.
Ashe's gaze hardened as they looked down at the stick and then back up at Nightwing. "You kidnapped me and are holding me hostage?" they asked incredulously, their tone laced with both fear and anger.
Nightwing chuckled, a hint of amusement in his deep voice as he approached Ashe. "Kidnapped? Hostage? You were about to bleed out from gunshot wounds," he explained, gesturing to Ashe's side where blood was soaking through their shirt. 
"You can leave whenever you like, but if you keep pulling stitches it’s only going to take longer for you to heal." He offered Ashe a kind smile and held out his arm to assist them. “Let’s change your bandages. Come on.” he said kindly.
But Ashe did not take his arm, instead nodding hesitantly as they regarded Nightwing suspiciously. Slowly, they followed him to the elevator, keeping a cautious distance between them. Ashe looked back at the other three, the one they had hit gave a timid wave as the metal doors shut.
Ashe studied Nightwing as they rode down in silence. He seemed so calm and collected, with just a slight grin playing on his lips. "So," Ashe began slowly, trying to process everything that had happened. "I can leave right now if I want?"
Nightwing's expression softened as he turned to face Ashe. "Where would you go?" He questioned sincerely
Confusion filled Ashe's mind as they struggled to understand this man's motives. "What?"
Nightwing gazed down at them, his handsome features lit by a charming little smile. “Well, that was your ‘friend’, I assume, that shot you? And he and the rest of the gang that you’re here with are the only people you know here right? Because you are from Gotham. Am I on the right track?” His voice was a little smug, he knew he was right.
Ashe took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh, feeling irritated by this man's cocky behavior. How did he know all of this about them?  “You don’t understand.” they muttered.
Ignoring Ashe's protest, Nightwing continued in a smooth voice. "I think you should at least stay here until you've healed a little. Does that sound good to you?" Before Ashe could respond, the elevator doors opened and Nightwing motioned for them to step out first.
The room on this floor resembled a medical wing, with bright lights and sterile white walls. It felt like a large open hospital room. Nightwing gestured for Ashe to sit on one of the hospital beds while he retrieved some supplies.
Ashe gingerly lifted their shirt, wincing as they revealed bloodied bandages wrapped tightly around their torso. Nightwing's eyes narrowed as he slowly began unwrapping the bandages, examining the sutures carefully. “You tore through your stitches. I’ll have to do them again.” He put on gloves, took out a little medical needle, and got to work.
Ashe averted their gaze, not wanting to reveal the pain that coursed through their body. They winced in silence, careful not to let Nightwing notice. He was gentle and well-trained, his hands moving with precision as he tended to their wounds. Ashe couldn't help but think that he must have done this many times before.
Once he was finished, Nightwing carefully wrapped fresh bandages around them. Ashe felt slightly embarrassed and uncomfortable with their shirt pulled up but Nightwing was very gentlemanly and polite.
Gritting their teeth in discomfort, Ashe started talking to distract themselves from the pain. “How long was I out for?”
“Almost three days now. Brought you back from the warehouse Tuesday night. You needed the rest though.” He leaned back in his chair and removed his gloves, his eyes studying Ashe with a curious glint. “Alrighty all done. So I didn’t get the chance to ask you yet. What’s your name?”
Taking a deep breath, Ashe shifted their gaze from him to the ground. The question caught them off guard for a moment, but they quickly gathered themselves and responded with their well-rehearsed answer. “Ghost.”
A warm chuckle escaped Nightwing's lips, his eyes shining with amusement. He leaned in closer, “No, not your code name. What’s your real name?”
Ashe hesitated, their mind racing as they debated whether or not to reveal their true identity. Finally, they spoke softly, “Ghost.”
For a little moment, Nightwing appeared perplexed. He paused and ruffled his black hair, as though contemplating something before speaking.  “My name is Dick. Dick Grayson.”
“You’re telling me your civilian identity? That’s a lot of trust for somebody you dragged in off the street.” Ashe said half joking.
Standing up from the chair, Dick began to clean up the medical supplies. “Call it a calculated risk. But I tend to put my trust into the right people. Hopefully you’ll trust me too one day.” He turned to face Ashe, flashing them a charming grin that made their heart skip a beat. "But enough talk for now. You must be exhausted. Would you like me to take you back to your room?"
Ashe rose to their feet and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, they returned his warm smile with one of their own.
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slowmissiles · 1 year
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Back in a former life, I had an addiction that I loved beyond sanity. Here’s the story of it. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 pt1 2009 pt2 2009 Redux
This is the final spec list for my glorious, insane Brutal Truth.
Nissan Skyline BCNR33 GT-R (Type 2) manufactured in April 1996. JDM non V-Spec vehicle retailed through Osaka Nissan Prince in May/June 1996. Imported to the UK in June 1997. Remained in original JDM spec without speedometer conversion until August 2002. Only the steering wheel & white dial sets were fitted in Japan.
Nismo RB26N1 bare engine: [N1 water pump (improved flow & less cavitation)/Reinforced cylinder block head bolt boss/Increased sump capacity (6L 20w60)/1.2mm oil restrictor]
N1 head with 0.5mm overbore (2598cc)
Cryogenically hardened N1 crankshaft
Wossner forged & cryogenically hardened pistons
Abbey Motorsport reinforced & cryogenically hardened con-rods
ACL Race Series conrod & crankshaft bearings
Tomei sump baffle kit
Tomei high flow (larger drive gears) oil pump
HKS 1.2mm metal head gasket
Tomei Procam Spec 2 cam kit (270 degree inlet & outlet with 10.25mm lift)
HKS V-Cam System Step 1 Type B (variable 248-278 degree inlet; replaces Procam inlet camshaft)
HKS vernier cam pulleys
HKS kevlar reinforced timing belt
Trust metal intake & throttle gaskets
HKS front pipe & decat gaskets
GReddy Iridium 08 Racing sparkplugs
Mocal 19-row oil cooler & Abbey Motorsport remote oil filter assembly
Abbey Motorsport catch tank & washer reservoir with SFS breather hoses
Abbey Motorsport Pro Alloy large radiator
Tomei fuel pump, fuel regulator & 600cc injectors
A’PEXi Power Intake induction kit
A’PEXi GT Spec intercooler (237x610x136mm) & hard pipe kit
HKS GT-SS turbos
HKS twin AFM delete kit
Tomei turbo elbows
HKS downpipes
HKS Silent Hi-Power exhaust
Abbey Motorsport 80mm decat pipe
Mine’s VX-ROM
HKS F-Con V Pro
HKS EVC 6 boost controller (1.6 bar)
AEM wideband lambda sensor
Splitfire DI Super Direct Ignition System
HKS Circle Earth kit
HKS GD Max twin-plate clutch (with lightened flywheel)
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt transfer box
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt gearbox with cryogenically hardened gear set, modified Nissan synchromesh upgrade and OS Giken strengthening plate
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt rear diff
Nismo gearbox mounts
Nismo Solid Shift gear stick (10% short shift)
Omex Shift Light Sequential
Sunsei SE-135 solar panel trickle charger mounted on a custom aluminium riser between the rear parcel shelf speaker enclosures.
Team Dynamics Equinox alloys 19x9.5, ET+15 in silver with polished stainless steel rim.
Falken FK452 265/30/19 Y-rated tyres
Cusco brake master cylinder brace
Cusco rear steering delete kit
Cusco front & rear upper suspension links
AST Sport Line 1 full suspension kit with UK spring setup
Nismo stainless steel braided brake hoses
StopTech 355mm rotor 4 pot caliper front brake kit
StopTech 355mm rotor 2 pot caliper rear brake kit with Abbey Motorsport modified pad retainers
Ferodo DS2500 brake pads front & rear
Bomex AD-390 front splitter
Nismo R34 smoked front indicators in custom aluminium mounting plates finished in crackle black
Nissan Xenon headlamp units
Border Racing Aero Fenders (vented front wings) with silver GT emblems from a R32 Skyline
Nismo smoked side repeaters
Top Mix one-off FRP twin blade rear spoiler on custom aluminium mounting plates
Entire exterior resprayed in BMW black (code 086) base and lacquer
Nissan Motorsport International carbon fibre B-pillar plates
PIAA carbon effect silicon wipers, front pair with spoilers, rear without
Nismo white face dial sets (dashboard & centre console) in carbon fibre panels
AEM AFR gauge mount replaces the lighter socket
HKS EVC display mounted on custom carbon fibre plate replacing the ashtray
Lighter socket relocated to the fog light switch panel
Nissan Momo steering wheel (with airbag)
Dressycar Nismo harness pads
Redline Automotive leather gearstick & handbrake gaiters
Abbey Motorsport carbon fibre door sill trims
Carbon fibre boot sill trim
Inlet plenum and sundry induction pipework finished in powder grey
Trust clear cam pulley cover
HKS Kansai Service carbon fibre spark plug cover
Right hand cam cover finished in crackle black
Nismo radiator & washer reservoir caps
HKS Kansai Service front strut brace finished in high gloss black
GReddy aluminium slam panel finished in crackle black
Tein bonnet dampers with black sleeves
Custom made one-off Cobra Misano Lux front seats: [Alcantara (colour code 9189) outers/Alcantara (colour code 9182) centre panels/One-piece carbon fibre backs/Sidewinder bases on custom subframes adapted by Abbey Motorsport/Cobra logo in silver thread on the headpads/GT-R logo beneath the grommets on seat backs]
JVC KD-AVX2 multi-media DVD/CD receiver with built-in 3.5” widescreen monitor
2x JL Audio Evolution VR600-CXi 6” speakers (front)
2x JL Audio Evolution TR650-CXi 6.5” speakers (rear)
Multiple and interlaced Thatcham rated security systems.
500 bhp. 520 ft/lb.
Ludicrously, hilariously, unbelievably fast.
Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with me. Cheers! JM.
(Photo by N. Liassides.)
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ventraman · 2 years
Not feeling my best today. I did some medium work, reattahing a boiler radiator enclosure, yesterday at my Church. They made those things out of real metal back then! Gonna take it easy today.
Wishing all a Happy Tuesday! 💜😀
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bhaumik22 · 1 year
The SLTL Group is a renowned manufacturer of sheet metal laser cutting machines With their expertise and cutting-edge technology, they offer a wide range of machines suitable for various applications. Their machines are designed to provide efficient and precise cutting solutions for sheet metal fabrication.
The SLTL Group's sheet metal laser cutting machines come with power options ranging from 1.5 kW to 10 kW, allowing customers to choose the right power capacity for their specific cutting needs. These machines feature advanced features such as fume suction systems and filtered fume extractors, ensuring a clean and safe working environment by effectively removing fumes generated during the cutting process.
To enhance productivity, SLTL Group machines are equipped with a pallet changer, enabling quick and automated material handling. The tube cutting mechanism expands the versatility of the machines, allowing for precise cutting of tubes and pipes.
Safety is a top priority, and SLTL Group machines feature a Class 1 enclosure and a light curtain. The enclosure ensures the laser cutting process is contained, minimizing the risk of exposure to laser radiation, while the light curtain detects obstructions and triggers safety measures to prevent accidents.
Additionally, SLTL Group machines are equipped with an auto focus cutting head, enabling automatic adjustment of the laser beam focus for optimal cutting conditions. This results in consistent and precise cuts.
Overall, SLTL Group's sheet metal laser cutting machines combine cutting-edge technology, safety features, and efficient performance to meet the diverse needs of sheet metal fabrication.
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heinfarrell19 · 1 year
Faraday Cage - Building Your Own Stylish Faraday Cage
A Faraday crate is definitely an enclosure designed to measure electromagnetic fields. They could be manufactured from a fine mesh or continuous covering of conductive components. Faraday cages were named after typically the scientist Michael Faraday, who developed all of them in 1836. Presently there are several programs for the Faraday cage. Read upon to learn faraday cages . faraday cages will also discuss the way to safely use one. This post will also discuss the materials which will make a Faraday crate and some security considerations. Applications involving faraday cage s Faraday cages really are a kind of enclosure of which protects electronic gadgets from electromagnetic areas. They are especially valuable for protecting sensitive devices like radio frequency-sensitive test gear. Faraday cages can easily also be utilized to protect sensitive operating room resources. Despite their labels, they have the variety of applications, from labs and even industrial shops to the military. They furthermore control microwaves in addition to radio waves. Although what exactly is a faraday competition and why might you want to be able to use one? Initial of all, some sort of Faraday cage must be made of some sort of conductive material that will will allow totally free electrons to maneuver around. Such material can be relatively skinny, but it need to be thick adequate to avoid typically the "skin effect, " which causes electric powered currents to maneuver on the outermost layer of a conductor. A conductive material must always be thicker compared to outermost layer of your pores and skin, because otherwise, that will absorb higher levels of electric energy. In addition to eavesdropping devices, Faraday galetas are also used being a shield intended for sensitive matters, which include meetings of politicians. While their performance is not really completely reliable, they may be an valuable tool in several situations. A conductive nylon uppers and thick enough conductor can keep rooms safe from electromagnetic radiation. Mesh-type Faraday cages will also shield interiors by radiation as extended as the mesh holes are smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. Materials accustomed to make a faraday parrot cage You can build your individual Faraday cage using these simple ways: you want a metal waste can, a package, and conductive material. A Faraday dog crate is a superb way to be able to protect your laptop, cell phone, or keyless car. Typically the materials needed will be relatively inexpensive and even easily available. Typically the conductive material will be aluminum foil, heavy duty aluminium foil, or plastic-type material wrap. The sheet metal mesh should end up being sized to fit the trash can. Aluminum is a very good material to make use of because it is usually strong and is usually high in conductivity. However, it may rust over moment and does certainly not solder well. Other features to consider when designing some sort of Faraday cage include thickness, corrosion resistance, and frequency blocking. You should select a material that can be carved in to a cage using minimal alterations. Whilst the materials utilized for Faraday cases will vary greatly, there are a few key characteristics which might be important regarding any Faraday cage: The materials used to make a Faraday cage may possibly be anything by a metal fine mesh to a constant covering of conductive material. When a good object is put inside of of a Faraday cage, it is definitely protected against NO ANO DE radiation by existence of free electrons in the conductive material. This will be an excellent defense for emergency consumer electronics, like cellphones plus laptops. The protecting effect is likewise quite effective against an EMP attack, making the cage some sort of practical tool to your preparedness arsenal. Safety considerations for using a faraday cage
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If you are interested in building your personal Faraday crate, there are numerous things to consider before an individual begin. First, a person should consider the size of the box. The larger the particular box, the greater crucial the conductivity. A person also need in order to make sure that will the material is strong adequate to contain typically the apparatus you're employing. While a good sheet metal box is the most suitable, a cardboard box included in aluminum evade is sufficient to the job. Other crucial safety considerations for using a Faraday cage include the fact that electromagnetic fields can interfere with sensitive electronic products. Even if the EMP did not necessarily disrupt your laptop or computer, broadcast waves could be rerouted to the worst place and wiped out. A Faraday crate could protect you from unauthorized gain access to, allowing you to safely perform the diagnostic procedure in a safe environment. Additionally, you can develop someone to protect electronic digital equipment and guard the grid. Like mentioned before, a new Faraday cage still cannot block all electromagnetic fields. Additionally , this can't block magnet fields that change slowly. The compass will still do the job inside the parrot cage. However, a Faraday cage may shield the interior regarding a room from electromagnetic radiation, but it can't entirely block all involving them. In fact , some RF waves might pass through that, depending on the particular frequency and range of the gadget. HF RFID, for instance , is likely to crack from the cage.
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lloydpittscompany · 4 months
Upgrade Your Home's Style And Functionality With Custom Radiator Solutions
When it comes to home décor, every detail matters – including your radiator covers. At Lloyd Pitts Company, we understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work when it comes to radiator covers. That's why we offer customized solutions to fit your unique needs and style. Let's explore the benefits of our custom radiator covers, enclosures, and metal radiator enclosures.
Our custom radiator covers are made to measure, ensuring a perfect fit for your specific radiator. We take into consideration the size, shape, and location of your radiator to create a cover that seamlessly blends in with your home's decor. Our team of skilled craftsmen uses high-quality materials and expert techniques to create a cover that not only looks beautiful but also provides functional benefits.
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One key advantage of radiator covers is the improved energy efficiency. By fitting snugly around your radiator, our covers help redirect the heat into your room instead of escaping through walls and windows. This not only helps keep your home warm and cozy but also saves you money on energy bills. Additionally, our custom radiator covers are designed to be removable, making it easy to clean and maintain your radiators. This is especially useful for households with children or pets, as it prevents any accidents or injuries from coming into contact with hot radiators.
For those looking for a more comprehensive solution, we also offer custom radiator enclosures. These enclosures fully cover the radiator unit and are designed to integrate seamlessly with your home's aesthetic. Using our expertise and state-of-the-art technology, we can create a custom enclosure that complements your existing furniture and decor. This not only provides a functional purpose but also adds an elegant touch to your living space. It also offers the same energy-saving benefits as our covers, as they help redirect heat into your room. They also provide added safety, especially for families with young children or pets, as the enclosure acts as a barrier around the hot radiator.
For a more modern and industrial look, we also offer metal radiator enclosures. Made from high-quality metal, these enclosures provide a sleek and contemporary look to your home. Our metal radiator enclosures are durable, easy to clean, and can be customized to fit your specific radiator. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, metal radiator enclosures also offer excellent heat distribution and energy efficiency. The metal material acts as a conductor, allowing the heat from your radiator to be quickly and effectively dispersed throughout the room.
Our team of experts works closely with you to ensure that the result not only meets but exceeds your expectations. With our custom radiator covers and enclosures, you can have both functional and beautiful solutions for your home. Contact us today at 301-599-1616 to learn more about our services and visit our website at http://lloydpitts.com/ let us help you elevate the look and efficiency of your home.
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robertemma27-blog · 29 days
Navigating Growth Opportunities: A Deep Dive into the EMI Shielding Market Dynamics, Size, Share
In an increasingly interconnected world, electronic devices and systems are ubiquitous, powering our communication, transportation, healthcare, and entertainment infrastructure. However, with this proliferation of electronics comes the challenge of electromagnetic interference (EMI), which can disrupt the performance and reliability of electronic devices. Enter EMI shielding – a crucial technology designed to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic interference and ensure the seamless operation of electronic systems. As the global demand for EMI shielding solutions continues to rise, the EMI shielding market is poised for significant growth, driven by advancements in materials, methods, and industry-specific applications. Unveiling the Market Landscape The global EMI shielding market is witnessing steady growth, with projections indicating a rise from USD 7.0 billion in 2023 to USD 9.4 billion by 2028, representing a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.9% during the forecast period. This growth is fueled by the increasing adoption of EMI shielding solutions across diverse industries, including telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, healthcare, and consumer electronics. Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=105681800 Market Segmentation by Material
Conductive Coatings & Paints: Conductive coatings and paints are applied to surfaces to provide EMI shielding, offering flexibility and cost-effectiveness in various applications.
Conductive Polymers: Conductive polymers, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyaniline (PANI), offer lightweight and flexible EMI shielding solutions for electronic devices and components.
Conductive Elastomers: Conductive elastomers, including silicone and fluorosilicone, are used to create gaskets, seals, and enclosures with EMI shielding properties, ensuring protection against electromagnetic interference.
Metal Shielding: Metal shielding materials, such as aluminum, copper, and stainless steel, provide high conductivity and durability, making them ideal for EMI shielding in demanding environments.
EMI Shielding Tapes: EMI shielding tapes, featuring conductive adhesive backings, offer versatile and easy-to-apply solutions for EMI shielding in electronic enclosures and assemblies.
EMI/EMC Filters: EMI/EMC filters suppress electromagnetic interference and ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) by filtering out unwanted noise and signals in electronic circuits and systems.
Market Segmentation by Method
Radiation: Radiation-based EMI shielding methods involve the use of materials that absorb or reflect electromagnetic radiation, such as metal enclosures, shields, and absorbers.
Conduction: Conduction-based EMI shielding methods rely on the use of conductive materials to divert or dissipate electromagnetic energy away from sensitive electronic components, ensuring effective EMI protection.
Market Segmentation by Load Type EMI shielding solutions are designed to protect electronic devices and systems from various types of electromagnetic interference, including:
Internal Load: EMI shielding solutions safeguard internal electronic components and circuits from electromagnetic interference generated within the device or system itself.
External Load: EMI shielding solutions protect electronic devices and systems from electromagnetic interference originating from external sources, such as nearby electronic devices, power lines, or radio frequency (RF) signals.
Market Segmentation by Industry and Region The EMI shielding market caters to a wide range of industries, including:
Aerospace & Defense
Consumer Electronics
Industrial Automation
Energy & Utilities
Geographically, the market spans regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa, each presenting unique opportunities and challenges for market players.
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alfalaser · 1 month
Revolutionizing Surface Cleaning with Alfa Laser Technology
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The Need for Advanced Surface Cleaning Solutions
Traditional methods of surface cleaning, such as abrasive blasting and chemical cleaning, often come with drawbacks such as environmental pollution, substrate damage, and operator safety concerns. In contrast, laser cleaning offers a non-contact, environmentally friendly, and precise solution for removing contaminants from surfaces without causing any damage.
Introduction to Alfa Laser Technology
Alfa Laser specializes in the development and manufacturing of high-performance laser cleaning systems tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries such as automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, and heritage restoration. The company’s advanced laser cleaning systems utilize pulsed laser technology to remove contaminants such as rust, paint, grease, and oxide layers from various surfaces with unparalleled precision and efficiency.
Key Features of Alfa Laser Systems
1. Pulsed Laser Technology: Alfa Laser’s cleaning systems employ Pulsed Laser Cleaning technology, which delivers short bursts of high-energy laser pulses to the surface, effectively ablating and vaporizing contaminants without damaging the substrate.
2. Versatility: Whether it’s removing rust from metal surfaces, cleaning delicate electronic components, or restoring historical artifacts, Alfa Laser systems offer versatile solutions for a wide range of applications.
3. Precision and Control: With precise control over parameters such as laser intensity, pulse duration, and spot size, Alfa Laser systems ensure uniform cleaning results without affecting the underlying material.
4. Environmental Friendliness: Unlike traditional cleaning methods that produce waste materials and harmful emissions, laser cleaning is a clean and environmentally friendly process that eliminates the need for chemicals or abrasive media.
5. Safety: Alfa Laser systems prioritize operator safety with features such as automated beam shut-off mechanisms, protective enclosures, and integrated safety sensors to prevent accidental exposure to laser radiation.
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1. Automotive Industry: Alfa Laser systems are used for removing paint, coatings, and surface contaminants from automotive components, ensuring optimal surface preparation for painting, welding, and bonding processes.
2. Aerospace Sector: In the aerospace industry, Alfa Laser technology is employed for cleaning engine components, airframes, and critical aircraft surfaces, maintaining optimal performance and safety standards.
3. Manufacturing and Metalworking: Alfa Laser systems play a crucial role in the manufacturing and metalworking sectors for cleaning molds, dies, tooling, and industrial machinery, enhancing productivity and prolonging equipment lifespan.
4. Heritage Restoration: Historical preservationists and conservationists rely on Alfa Laser technology for gentle and precise cleaning of delicate artifacts, sculptures, and architectural structures without causing damage to the original material.
Alfa Laser’s innovative approach to surface cleaning has revolutionized industrial Laser Cleaning in Canada. With its advanced laser cleaning systems, the company continues to set new standards for efficiency, precision, and sustainability in surface preparation and restoration applications. As industries strive for cleaner, safer, and more environmentally friendly solutions, Alfa Laser remains at the forefront, driving the adoption of laser technology for a wide range of surface cleaning challenges.
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businessnewsplace · 2 months
Explore the Different Types of RFI Shield 
We often notice abnormal behavior or disturbances from our electronic gadgets but ignore them. For example, flickering of lights on phones, muffled audio, poor network connectivity, etc. Have you ever wondered what the reason behind such malfunctions could be? RFI is one of the leading reasons behind such disruptions. 
However, there's a way to prevent it and protect your electronic gadgets using Radio Frequency Interference RFI Shield. These crucial components are utilized in various electronic devices and systems to combat electromagnetic interference, ensuring optimal functionality and signal integrity. They come in different varieties, and we shall discuss them in this article, so continue reading.
Here are some of the common types of RFI Shields:
Conductive Coatings
One common type of RFI shielding is the application of conductive coatings onto electronic components or enclosures. These coatings typically contain materials like copper, nickel, or silver. They create a conductive barrier that absorbs or reflects electromagnetic waves. By doing so, conductive coatings effectively reduce interference, maintaining the integrity of electronic signals.
Metal Enclosures
Metal enclosures are robust shields against RFI and are widely used in various electronic devices and systems. Technicians make them using materials like aluminum or steel. These enclosures cover electronic components, forming what is commonly referred to as a Faraday cage. This cage effectively blocks external electromagnetic radiation, safeguarding sensitive electronics from interference.
Gaskets and Seals
Technicians make gaskets and seals from conductive materials. These materials, often made of silicone rubber and embedded with metal particles, play a crucial role in RFI shielding by sealing gaps and joints in electronic enclosures. Gaskets and seals create a barrier between components, preventing RFI leakage and maintaining the integrity of enclosed systems.
Ferrite Beads and Chokes
Passive components like ferrite beads and chokes suppress high-frequency interference in signal cables. Technicians fabricate ferrite beads and chokes using ceramic materials composed of iron oxide and a mixture of other metal oxides. These components mitigate noise in signal lines by absorbing and dissipating electromagnetic energy, ensuring reliable electronic data transmission.
Shielded Cables
Shielded cables showcase an additional layer of conductive material surrounding signal-carrying conductors. They serve as an effective barrier against RFI to protect electronics. This RFI shield, typically composed of metal foil or braided wire, provides a path for induced currents to flow, preventing them from interfering with the signal transmitted through the cable.
RFI Filters
RFI filters are composed of capacitors, inductors, and resistors. They are strategically inserted into power lines or signal lines to cancel specific frequency ranges of electromagnetic interference. By shunting or blocking unwanted RFI, these filters ensure the integrity of electronic signals and the reliable operation of electronic systems.
PCB Layout Techniques
Proper Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout techniques minimize RFI susceptibility and emissions at the circuit board level. Techniques like star grounding, signal routing optimization, and component placement contribute to effective RFI shielding, ensuring robust electronic systems performance.
How Does RFI Shielding Work Exactly?
Radio-frequency interference (RFI) shielding operates by forming a barrier to block electromagnetic radiation within the radio frequency range. This prevents radio frequency from entering or exiting a specific area. This shielding is achieved by utilizing diverse materials such as metals, conductive fabrics, or specialized coatings, which absorb or reflect interfering signals. 
When RFI encounters the shielding material, it induces electric currents on its surface, generating electromagnetic fields that counter and neutralize the incoming RFI. Furthermore, factors such as the shielding material's thickness, conductivity, and structure significantly impact its effectiveness. 
By effectively impeding or weakening undesired radio frequencies, RFI shields ensure the smooth operation of electronic devices, minimize interference, and preserve signal integrity.
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gallantlaser · 2 months
Exploring the Key Components of Fiber Laser Cutting Machines
Fiber laser cutting machines represent the pinnacle of precision, efficiency, and versatility in modern manufacturing. These cutting-edge machines harness the power of fiber laser technology to deliver superior performance in various industries, from automotive and aerospace to electronics and metal fabrication. Understanding the key components of fiber laser cutting machines is essential for maximizing their capabilities and harnessing their potential to drive innovation and success across diverse applications.
1. Fiber Laser Source: At the heart of every fiber laser cutting machine lies the fiber laser source, which generates the intense beam of light used for cutting materials. Unlike traditional CO2 lasers, fiber lasers utilize optical fibers doped with rare-earth elements such as ytterbium or erbium to produce laser light. This innovative design offers several advantages, including higher efficiency, faster processing speeds, and greater reliability. 
2. Beam Delivery System: The beam delivery system consists of optical components that guide and focus the laser beam onto the workpiece with pinpoint accuracy. Key elements of the beam delivery system include mirrors, lenses, and cutting heads. Cutting heads contain nozzle assemblies that deliver assist gas, such as oxygen or nitrogen, to the cutting zone to enhance cutting efficiency and quality. 
3. CNC Controller: The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) controller serves as the brain of the fiber laser cutting machine. It interprets the cutting program generated by CAD/CAM software and translates it into commands that coordinate the movement of the machine's axes and the activation of the laser beam. The best laser cutting machine enables operators to program complex cutting paths, adjust cutting parameters, and monitor cutting progress in real-time. Advanced CNC controllers feature intuitive interfaces, predictive maintenance capabilities, and connectivity options for seamless integration into automated production environments.
4. Motion System: The motion system comprises servo motors, drive systems, and linear guides that facilitate precise movement and positioning of the cutting head and workpiece during the cutting process. Servo motors drive the motion of the machine's axes, while drive systems convert rotational motion into linear motion. The motion system's speed, accuracy, and repeatability are critical factors in achieving high-quality cuts and maximizing productivity.
5. Bed and Frame: The bed and frame provide the structural foundation and support for the fiber laser cutting machine, ensuring stability and rigidity during operation. The bed serves as the work surface where the material to be cut is positioned, while the frame houses the machine's components and supports the gantry and motion system. High-quality materials such as steel or cast iron are commonly used to construct the bed and frame, providing durability and vibration damping properties. A robust bed and frame design are essential for maintaining cutting accuracy and consistency, especially when processing large or heavy workpieces.
6. Laser Safety System: Safety is paramount in any laser cutting operation, and laser sheet cutting machine price in india are equipped with advanced safety features to protect operators and prevent accidents. Laser safety systems include interlocks, enclosures, and safety sensors that restrict access to the cutting area and automatically shut down the laser in the event of a safety breach. Interlocks ensure that the machine cannot operate unless all safety doors and panels are securely closed, while enclosures contain the laser beam and prevent exposure to harmful radiation. Safety sensors detect any anomalies or hazards, triggering immediate safety responses to mitigate risks.
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environics414 · 3 months
Shielding Ourselves: The Importance of Electromagnetic Protection
In our modern digital age, surrounded by an invisible web of electromagnetic fields, the concept of electromagnetic protection has never been more pertinent. From the devices we carry in our pockets to the infrastructure powering our cities, electromagnetic radiation is ubiquitous. While these advancements bring unparalleled convenience and connectivity, they also raise concerns about the potential health effects associated with prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Electromagnetic protection refers to the measures taken to mitigate the exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by various electronic devices and infrastructure. This protection is not only relevant for individuals but also for sensitive equipment and critical systems. With the increasing reliance on wireless communication, the need for effective electromagnetic protection solutions has become more pressing than ever.
One of the primary concerns regarding electromagnetic radiation is its potential adverse effects on human health. While scientific research on this topic is ongoing, there is evidence to suggest a correlation between long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields and certain health issues. These may include but are not limited to headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and in some cases, even more serious conditions. Therefore, implementing electromagnetic protection measures is essential to minimize these risks and promote overall well-being.
Furthermore, electromagnetic interference (EMI) can disrupt the proper functioning of electronic equipment and systems. In critical environments such as hospitals, laboratories, and industrial facilities, where precision and reliability are paramount, the consequences of EMI can be dire. Effective electromagnetic protection solutions help mitigate these risks, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of essential equipment and safeguarding against potential hazards.
Fortunately, there are various methods available to protect against electromagnetic radiation and interference. These include shielding materials, electromagnetic field monitoring, and proper device placement and orientation. Shielding materials, such as conductive fabrics and metal foils, can be incorporated into building structures, electronic enclosures, and wearable accessories to block or redirect electromagnetic waves.
Companies like Environics, with their expertise in environmental solutions, offer comprehensive electromagnetic protection services tailored to the specific needs of their clients. Through innovative technologies and strategic planning, Environics ensures that individuals and organizations can thrive in an increasingly interconnected world without compromising their health or the integrity of their electronic systems.
In conclusion, as we continue to embrace the benefits of technology, it is imperative not to overlook the potential risks associated with electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic protection measures play a crucial role in mitigating these risks, promoting both individual well-being and the reliability of critical infrastructure. With the expertise and solutions provided by companies like Environics, we can navigate the complexities of our digital landscape with confidence and peace of mind.
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Enviro Radiation Chip
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