#Mereel skirata x reader
vodika-vibes · 6 days
Hey Vod’ika, congratulations on 650 followers!🥳 You’re such a talented and creative writer, and I really enjoy reading your fics!
For your follower event, could I request a Mereel x fem reader in a Mermaid AU? With either Mereel or the reader being a merperson?
Please and thank you🥰
Summary: You’ve always been a lucky person, good things just happen to you. Even when things go wrong for you, it almost always twists into working out in your favor. You’re still not sure whether stumbling on an injured merman is good luck or bad, but in the end it doesn’t matter. After all, you’re not about to abandon him.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x F!Reader
Word Count: 1711
Prompt: Mermaid AU - set in the same setting as my most recent Tup and Jesse fics, so there's also some soulmate AU added in there
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @kimiheartblade
A/N: Thank you for your request! I had a lot of fun with this one, but I also love writing the Skirata boys, and Mereel is one of my favorites.
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“You seem to be healing nicely,” You note as you carefully examine his tail fin, “Though it is going to scar.”
“Oh no, not a scar.” Mereel jokes as he lounges in the recovery pool located in your backyard, “I can’t imagine ever having one of those.”
You dip your fingers into the water of the recovery pool and flick the water at his face, “Honestly, you’re lucky your whole fin wasn’t ripped off. It’s no joking matter!” You plant your hand on your hip and point at him. 
“I’m lucky that you found me.” He corrects with a wide grin.
You squint at him suspiciously, but drop your hands, “How’s the pain today?”
He twitches his fin, and sucks in a sharp breath. 
You frown, “Still bad, then.”
“It’s better than it was.” Mereel replies, “I couldn’t move it at all right after you found me. Lucky for me that you’re a rehabilitator for marine animals.”
“I’d have brought you to a doctor if I thought they would help.” You grouse, as you hop into the recovery pool and walk around the shallower ledge to get a better look at his tail. 
“Yeah, I don’t really want to end up in an aquarium like Echo did.”
“I would never let that happen.” You pat the ledge, “I need your tail up here, Mereel.”
He narrows his dark eyes at you, “You’re going to give me another shot, aren’t you?”
You roll your eyes in return, “You big baby. I can numb the injection point if you want.”
He pouts at you, childishly, “Yes please.”
“My normal patients don’t complain.”
“Your normal patients don’t have vocal chords.” Mereel points out as he watches you clamber out of the pool and walk over to where you keep the pain medicine and the numbing lotion.
“You’re a big baby is the problem.”
“Hey! You can’t talk to me like that. I’m an invalid.” He sniffs.
“Keep it up, and you will be.” You hop back into the recovery pool and sit on the edge, “Tail up here, please. I need a dry spot for the numbing lotion to work.”
“And you’re sure it’ll hurt.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“That answer does not instill confidence in me.” Mereel counters as he pulls his tail out of the water and drapes it over your lap.
“And yet you still trust me to help you.”
He shrugs, “I like to live dangerously.” Though when it looks like you’re about to dry his tail while your hands are bare, his tail twitches, “Gloves.”
You hold up your hands, “Okay, okay.” You pull the gloves to your wetsuit back over your hands, “See, gloves.”
Mereel sighs in relief and relaxes slightly while you grab the towel and start to dry off the spot around his fin. You know that it’s not comfortable for him, based on the way his tail twitches on your lap, and the sharp exhales.
You need to distract him from the pain. 
You search your mind for a conversation topic, before grabbing the easiest one with both hands, “So, why were you so close to shore anyway?” You’ve asked him this before, but he was in so much pain, and drugged up on painkillers, that he hadn’t been able to answer you.
Mereel doesn’t answer, and you glance at his face. He looks a little embarrassed, “No reason.”
“Oh, come on. After all this, you don’t think I deserve an answer? I’m feeding you, treating you, had to give you surgery-” You list.
“Okay, okay!” Mereel huffs out, “I was coming to the surface to sing.”
“...you lost me.” You admit as you squint at the dry spot on his tail, and then open the tube of lotion to apply it to his tail.
“How much do you know about the merpeople?” Mereel asks, wincing at the odd feeling of the lotion against his tail.
“Not a lot. I mean, the old lady at the grocery store tried to warn me about the ‘ocean claiming women’ but I thought it was just an old wives tale.” You reply.
“Right, well…she’s not wrong. The Ocean does claim women.” Mereel admits, “But it’s not a bad thing. Merpeople have soul mates, and we sing to find them.”
“Soul mates,” You murmur, “Hm…romantic. And kind of nonconny, but continue.”
“It is not!” Mereel pauses, “Wait, what does that mean?”
“We don’t do anything without our mates permission!” Mereel sputters.
“Of course not.” You wave your hand, “But, like, if you don’t have a choice-”
Mereel huffs and splashes you with water.
“Hey, hey!” You fold your arms over his tail, “Mind the medicine!”
“The binding is romantic and perfect.”
“Yeah? And what if your soulmate is evil?” 
“Oh, come on. You can’t be that naive.” 
“It is impossible! The magic exists to protect merpeople. Ergo, no evil soul mates.” Mereel sniffs. “Anyway, our mate can break the bond by refusing us.”
“So your mate can break the bond, but you can’t. Pretty sure that makes you fate’s prisoners.” You say dryly, as you check to make sure the lotion is dry, and then press a light finger against his tail, “You feel that?”
Mereel glances at your finger, “I can feel pressure, but nothing else.”
“Good.” You prepare the syringe, and Mereel shifts. “What now?”
“Why’s it so big?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“It’s the one you’re getting.”
“You have a terrible bedside manner.” Mereel notes.
“I’ve never needed one before,” You reply dryly, you glance at his face, and then sigh, “Look over there.” You say, pointing away from the needle.
Immediately, he does and you press the needle into his tail, he doesn’t even twitch. “There’s a whole ritual to turn our human soulmate into a mer so we can be together.” Mereel says, “Singing to find them is just the first part.”
“Sounds complicated.”
“It’s magic.” Mereel counters, “It’s not supposed to be easy.” He pauses, and laughs, “You know, if you touched my tail without wearing gloves the magic would kick in and you’d drown even on dry land.”
You pause from where you’re recapping the needle, and shoot him an odd look that he doesn’t see, “When?”
“When is that supposed to happen, because you’ve been here for weeks, and I’m still not drowned.”
Mereel turns and blinks at you, “You touched my tail!?” He sounds affronted.
“Would you have preferred that I left you to bleed to death on the beach?” 
“Of course not!”
“Look,” You lower his tail back into the water, “You said that the magic is all about protecting your people, right?” He nods, “So maybe the magic can detect, I dunno, intention or something. My intention was to save you, not…mate with you so nothing happened.”
“...normally people freak out about magic.”
“I’ve had a merman living in my recovery pool for close to three weeks now.” You reply, “Anyway, if you want to sing, or whatever, feel free.” You climb out of the water and start gathering your trash.
You can feel Mereel’s eyes on you, and you know that if you were to turn and look at him, he’d have a wide grin on his face. He’s an annoyingly chipper man, especially for someone who nearly lost a fin.
In fairness to you, you don’t really hear it, at first. The sound is so low, so quiet, that you weren’t able to hear it over the noise of the filters as well as the fridge. 
And then it gets louder and louder.
And it’s like electricity down your spine, and a tug at your heart.
You drop your trash into the trash can and turn to look at Mereel, who’s still singing with a wide, shit eating grin on his handsome face. The tug gets stronger, but your legs seem locked into place.
“You have got to be kidding me!” You blurt.
Mereel stops singing as he bursts into laughter. Slowly he swims across the pool and sits on the ledge closest to you, his wide grin growing wider, “Looks like we’re both fate’s prisoners.”
You point at him, “You! You knew!” It’s a question and an accusation.
“I had a pretty good idea.” He agrees.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Because this was definitely more fun.”
You cross your arms, “See if I ever give you emergency surgery ever again.”
Mereel leans over the side of the pool, and you can move again, scrambling over to him with your hands out.
“Stop!” You yelp, “You’re going to hurt yourself!” You scramble up the outside ledge and press your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back into the pool.
Then Mereel’s hands are on your cheeks, and he leans in to press his lips against yours. You falter, your hands falling from his shoulders to lightly wrap around his wrists, though you aren’t trying to pull him closer or push him away.
Kissing him feels like you’ve found a puzzle piece that’s been missing your whole life. It’s like coming home after being gone for years. It’s like being whole for the first time in your life.
And if you were any less professional than you are, you would have kept kissing him, and allowed yourself to lose yourself in his lips and hands.
But you are a professional, and he’s hurt.
So you break the kiss and back away. He watches you, a small grin on his lips, and you release a soft laugh, before you reach out and lightly press a finger against the tip of his nose, “You, sir, are supposed to be resting.”
“Just one more kiss?” He asks, “Just one more, and then I’ll rest.”
Your finger drops to  his lips, “The pain medicine is going to kick in any moment now, so no. No more kisses.” 
Mereel accepts your answer, as you thought he would. But he also takes your wrist and presses a kiss to the palm of your hand, his gaze locked with yours.
A quiet sigh falls from your lips. Well, it seems like you’ve gotten your answer on whether or not finding Mereel was lucky or not. You imagine that there aren’t many mermates who can claim that their mate came to them.
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kaminocasey · 1 year
The Difference (Part One)
Summary: Mereel tries to get Ordo laid, but doesn't expect to fall for the same girl that Ordo does.
Pairing: Ordo x Reader x Mereel (No Cl*necest)
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Flirting, Drinking, Suggestive language, Protective/Possessive Ordo and Mereel.
WC: 2.7K
A/N: Okay I've been tweaking this for DAYS. I'm just gonna go ahead and post it. There's definitely going to be a part two.
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“What about her?” Mereel gestures toward you as you sit up at the bar, working on your datapad, not paying any sort of attention to your surroundings. 
Ordo would never say it out loud, but you’re unsettlingly beautiful. Like you’d stepped right out of some sort of painting.
“She looks busy.” Ordo shakes his head, unable to look away from you. 
“Yeah, but osik… she’s mesh’la.” Mereel knocks his elbow into Ordo’s side.
This was their first night in a long time where they weren’t running mission after mission for Kal’buir or the GAR. Mereel was ready to blow off some steam, and he was determined to help his brother in the process.
“Just follow my lead, vod.” Mereel ushers Ordo along in your direction. “Excuse me, miss.” 
“I’m busy.” You mutter, not looking up from your scrolling. 
“I can see that. It’s just that my brother here saw you from across the room and he wants to buy you a drink.” Mereel leans against the bar, trying to showcase his most charming smile he could give. 
You look up, expecting some douchey jerkwad but instead are met with two handsome clones from the GAR. You glance at Mereel but he nods in Ordo’s direction, still smiling.
“He couldn’t offer to buy me a drink, himself?” You grin at Ordo.
“Oh. I apologize-” Ordo starts. 
You chuckle and click your datapad off, turning toward him. “I’m teasing. You guys are welcome to sit, if you’d like.” 
“We’d like that very much. I’m Mereel. This is-” Mereel starts but you cut him off.
“Let him tell me himself.” You wink at Mereel, who unexpectedly goes warm in the face. “What’s your name?” 
“O-Ordo, ma’am.” Ordo nods, going warm all over. 
“Pleased to meet you, Ordo.” You continue smiling, unable to help yourself. “And you, Mereel.” 
Mereel orders the drinks from the bartender when she passes by, handing her some credits. She gives a flirty smile to Mereel, but he seemingly doesn’t notice, only able to keep his eyes glued to your beautiful smile. He really intended to help Ordo tonight, but if Ordo’s okay with it, maybe they can both enjoy your company for the evening. 
“Are you from around here?” Mereel asks. 
“I am, actually.” You nod, crossing your legs, making your skirt go up a little further.
Both Mereel and Ordo take notice. They also can’t help the tightening of their pants. 
“Do you have a significant other?” Mereel asks. You laugh. “I do not. Why?” 
“Making sure we don’t have any competition.” Mereel places his arm behind you on the bartop. 
“Is that right?” You laugh, turning toward Ordo. “Are you two better than any other man in this bar?”
Ordo glances at Mereel who’s just smirking at you.
“For once, I’m gonna have to agree with my brother.” Ordo finally smiles, sheepishly.
You’re completely stunned by Ordo’s smile. You’re aware that he and Mereel are clones and look almost exactly the same, but despite the scars, you can already tell the difference between the two. Ordo is more shy and unsure, whereas Mereel is absolutely sure of himself. And somehow, you’re completely taken in by both men. This is a first for you. 
A loud group of women come in, who are clearly having some sort of bachelorette party, and start to get rowdy up by the bar, shouting their drink orders. You notice a few of the women already eyeing the two men on either side of you. 
You look at Ordo and Mereel as you put your datapad in your bag and grab it. “Do you guys possibly want to get out of here?” 
Ordo looks at Mereel for confirmation, and Ordo doesn’t even miss a beat, nodding to his brother that he was game for whatever was about to happen with you. 
“We would love to, mesh’la.” Mereel offers his arm and you take it, smiling at both men, who escort you out of the bar. 
You’re not sure what mesh’la means but damn, if you don’t love the way he says it. You’re just hoping it’s not some sort of insult. 
“Are you boys hungry?” You ask, knowing that they were probably expecting to go back to your place. 
“We’re always hungry.” Ordo finally seems to relax, smiling down at you. 
“Well, lucky for you boys, there’s a great diner around the corner.” You pull away from Mereel to lead the way.
Ordo and Mereel share a look. Ordo’s says “Wow this girl is something.” and Mereel’s says “I think I’m in love.” Both men are already excited to see what else is in store for the night. 
When you reach the diner, you sit in the round booth in the back corner, in between Ordo and Mereel. As they look over the menu, you can’t help but watch both of them. Mereel seems so relaxed, with his arm around you on the back of the booth, while Ordo’s not completely rigid, but you think he seems uneasy, nervous even. Both are completely endearing and you can’t help but feel tingly all over. 
The server droid rolls over quickly to take your orders and then scurries away behind the counter. You’d been coming here since you were a kid, and you knew the owner well enough. 
“What do you do for work?” Ordo asks you. 
“I work in cyber security at the Senate Dome.” You tell them, quietly. 
Ordo looks up at Mereel. He’s pretty sure they’re sharing the same thought. 
It could be useful to be friends with you. 
You notice them glancing at each other. But before you can ask what their looks are about, the server droid comes back out with your drinks. You take your cup of caf and add your slightly excessive amount of cream and sugar.
“Do you even like caf?” Mereel teases, smirking down at you, sipping his black.
“Excuse me. Just because I need a little sweetness added to it, doesn’t make me any lesser of a caf drinker than you Mr. Straight Black Caf.” You grin, eyeing Mereel’s cup, and then look over at Ordo, who adds one cream and one sugar. “Are you only doing that to make me not feel bad?”
“He is.” Mereel says at the same time that Ordo says “No.” 
You laugh and watch Ordo take a sip. He starts to make a face, like he’s bracing for it to be too sweet, but then all of a sudden, makes a relatively delighted face. Or at least you think it’s a face of delight. It could just be tolerance. 
“It’s not bad, Mereel.” Ordo shrugs, making Mereel shake his head, amused.
“Want to try some?” You hold out a sweetener packet to Mereel and he puts his hand over his mug.
“No, thank you.” He smiles.
“That’s fine. Stick to your bitterness.” You tease. 
“I think I will, I prefer other sweet things…” Mereel winks and you go warm all the way from your ears to your core.
“So, you work at the Senate Dome.” Ordo says and you nod, sipping your caf. “Do you like it?” 
You shrug. “It’s a job.”
Honestly, it wasn’t a terrible job. There were moments where you wondered if it was something you really want to stick with forever, though.  
“Anything exciting ever happen?” Mereel asks. 
You shrug. “Eh. A couple things. Like, the Separatists like to send mercenaries every now and then to cause chaos. Or when we have to go into lockdowns because of threats against the chancellor’s life.” 
“Do you… like the chancellor?” Ordo asks and when you look at him, he’s looking up at Mereel with a strange look. 
“I mean…” You watch as Mereel who’d been clearly glaring at Ordo above your head, looks down at you with a sweet smile. “I’m not really a fan. But what can you do?”
You mindlessly swirl your stirring spoon in your caf as you look between them.
“I’ve never been asked that before, you know.” You tell Ordo, tilting your head. He sips his caf, looking around. “Do you normally ask that on a first date?”
Ordo immediately sputters over his mug and your eyes widen as Mereel starts to crack up. 
“Are you alright?” You quickly put your caf down and pat him on the back. 
Ordo coughs, nervously. “I’m- I’m sorry.”
“He’s not been out in a while. You’ll have to excuse my brother.” Mereel teases Ordo, who’s still trying to control his slight cough.
When Ordo realizes you're touching him, he goes warm in the face and makes a face of someone clearly embarrassed, so you stop. 
“Sorry.” You murmur. 
“Don’t be.” Ordo shakes his head. 
“So, what do you guys do in the GAR?” You ask Mereel, trying to change the subject to avoid embarrassing Ordo, or yourself, any further. 
“We’re commandos.” Mereel answers, sipping his caf. 
“And what do commandos do?” You ask, curiously.
Your lack of knowledge on the army will probably send these men running.
“We do pretty much anything. Hard jobs. Easy missions. We’re who you call when you need stealth and precision.” Ordo answers. 
“My knowledge of the army is very little, unfortunately. I apologize.” You tell them just as the server droid with your food on a large tray arrives. 
Ordo passes Mereel his plates, then yours, and then grabs his own. 
“Don’t be sorry.” Mereel pats your knee and a jolt of electricity jolts through your leg and you find yourself leaning toward him slightly. 
He definitely notices and keeps his hand there, smirking down at you. You’re about to tease him about it when you hear a familiar, yet annoying, voice say your name from across the diner. 
“Oh great…” You mutter under your breath. 
A concerned Mereel and Ordo follow your gaze as a tall, blond man approaches your table, glancing at the two cloned men with a certain distaste.
“Hello, Jax.” You sigh, trying your best to hide your own distaste for the man in front of you.
Jax is one of your coworkers, who works across the hall from you. He works in a bigger branch of cyber security for Galactic City. He’s normally incredibly flirty with you and doesn’t like to take no for an answer. 
“What are you doing here this late?” Jax asks you.
“Having dinner with some friends.” You tell him. 
“Ah. I see.” Jax puts on a fake smile and reaches his hand out to Ordo, who doesn’t take it and then starts to extend it to Mereel, who just shakes his head with a slightly scrunched face, discouraging Jax. 
Clearly slightly embarrassed, Jax puts his hands in his pockets. 
“Well, after you’re done here, maybe you could swing by my place?” Jax grins at you.
Mereel’s hand tightens on your knee, reassuringly and it actually puts you at ease. 
“No, that’s alright.” You shake your head, honestly impressed by the gall on this man.
You’re clearly having dinner with two other, incredibly handsome, and slightly intimidating men. Was Jax actually trying this right now?
“Oh, come on, doll.” Jax nods toward the door. “Why don’t-”
Mereel cuts him off, noticing Ordo’s rigid manor and solid glare at Jax’s presence. “Jax, do you like your teeth?” 
“Huh?” Jax, visibly confused, looks between Mereel and Ordo.
“Answer the question, Jax.” Ordo leans back in the seat, bringing his cup of caf to his lips as he glares at your coworker.
You notice Ordo’s leg rest against yours and you aren’t exactly sure why these men you barely know are being so protective, but something inside of you tells you they’re trustworthy and that they won’t let anything happen to you. It makes your chest feel warm. 
“I- yes?” Jax answers.
“Then, if you want to keep them, I suggest you keep moving.” Mereel smirks. 
Jax starts to back away, clearly unnerved. You don’t feel bad, though. You get the ick anytime he comes near you, and you’re tired of dealing with him.
“And don’t bother her again.” Ordo warns him. “Understand?”
Jax nods as he turns to leave the diner. Only when he walks out the door, do you let out a breath of relief that you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding in. 
“Are you alright?” Mereel asks you, softly. 
You nod. “That was… you guys are… scary.” 
They seem slightly alarmed that you said that but you start giggling nervously. 
“Wow. You guys should come to work with me sometime. Scare some of the other guys I work with.” You grin at both of them.
Mereel and Ordo both chuckle as you all start to eat, relaxing into easy conversation. It’s the best time any of you have had in an incredibly long time. As you eat, and even when you finish, they share humorous stories of growing up with their adoptive father, Kal, and their other brothers A’den, Prudii, Kom’rk, and Jaing. They ask about your family as well, and things you like to do in your free time you rarely ever have. It’s almost scary how easy it is with these two intimidating commandos. 
“...and then because Jaing dared him to, A’den set the entire lab on fire.” Mereel recalls as he and Ordo laugh.
You can’t help but laugh along. You’ve never had such stimulating conversation in your life. It’s actually incredibly refreshing to talk to two men who aren’t incredibly disgusting and misogynistic. 
“If you actually would like for us to come by your work sometime, we’d be happy to, wouldn’t we, Ordo?” Mereel asks.
“I actually would love that.” You grin, pulling out a piece of paper and writing your comm channel and work info on it. 
Ordo takes it and sticks it in his pocket, grinning at you. His smile is genuinely so bright and so warm, it goes all the way to your toes. 
“Can I… ask a question?” You ask, softly.
“Of course, mesh’la.” Mereel encourages you.
“Okay two questions actually.” You laugh. “What does mesh’la mean?” “It means ‘beautiful’.” Mereel answers you. 
The warm feeling spreads throughout your entire body and you can’t help but feel slightly flustered. “You think I’m beautiful?” “We both do.” Ordo speaks up.
With a slight confidence, you reach over and kiss Mereel on the cheek and then Ordo.
Mereel pulls you gently by your chin back toward him and your stomach starts to flutter uncontrollably. “What was your second question, sweetheart?”
“Would you both want to go home with me tonight?” You ask him. 
Mereel lets go of your chin and before you can ask if everything is okay, he loudly, but still politely asks for the check from the server droid, making you laugh. 
Ordo tosses a handful of credits onto the table. “I’ll run back to the bar and get the speeder.” 
“Be quick.” You tease, then squeeze his hand and before you can pull it away, he brings it to his lips.
“Yes, ma’am.” He smiles before disappearing outside the door.
Mereel grabs your jacket and bag for you, following you out of the booth, guiding you to the door by your lower back. His hand placement does something to your insides that it’s never done with anyone else. 
When you get outside, you see Ordo pull up. 
“That was fast.” You compliment Ordo as Mereel lets you sit in the front seat while he hops in the back. 
Ordo grins at you and this time he confidently places his hand on your thigh, making you go warm all over again for the umpteenth time tonight. Flustered, you give him directions to your apartment, which is thankfully, only a few short blocks from the bar. 
Nerves start to flow as you realize that you’re taking two men home with you for the first time ever. Normally, you would absolutely never do this… but with both of these incredible men… how could you choose? And if they’re willing to share, even better, right?
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @idlenesses @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @brownstalebread @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz
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wanderinginksplot · 6 months
Voices Carry
After all of the tricks and threats, your mysterious caller tries something different: conversation.
Eventual Mereel Skirata x fem!reader pairing.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,100
Warnings: None
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Part Six
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There had been a pile of credits on your desk when you had come into work that morning. 
Sadly, you already knew it wasn’t a bonus or even a fun mystery you could unravel between your other duties. No, that was Julgum’s charming way of letting you know that he had been invited to a fundraiser and that he needed you to accompany him. 
The first time it had happened, you had been confused, then wary. Any concerns that Julgum had unprofessional designs on you were quieted when he gave you a list of tasks for the event. He wasn’t inviting you as a date. No, he needed you to help him network, keep track of information, and usher him into a transport when he had too much to drink. 
It wasn’t a favorite part of your job, but you didn’t mind it as much as you had expected to. You were still so relieved that Julgum wasn’t hitting on you that anything else seemed fine by comparison.
Besides, you only used some of the credits to purchase clothing. You kept the rest and refused to feel guilty about it. 
That morning had been remarkably quiet, and you were using your personal datapad to browse some formal clothing that was on clearance at a local store. You had added several possibilities to your cart when the office comlink beeped. 
“Senator Julgum’s office. How may I help you?” 
The greeting rolled so naturally from your lips that you scarcely had to think about it anymore. You had scrolled to look at another option before the person on the other side of the line made any noise at all. 
“Hello,” you replied, just as automatically as your first greeting. “How may I help you?”
There was the sound of a sigh, one that turned into a slight chuckle as it trailed off. Something in the voice was familiar, and you set the datapad down on your desk. There was nothing to see, of course, but you still wanted to pay attention to the call. 
“Why are you always there when I comm?” the voice asked. “Doesn’t Julgum give you a day off?”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “To whom am I speaking?” 
The silence stretched an uncomfortable length of time, filled with a vague sense of horror. You made a valiant effort, but you finally broke and chuckled aloud. 
The tutting on the other end of the link made you smile even wider. Julgum’s mysterious caller clearly had some sense of humor. It was late in your acquaintance - such as it was - for that humor to make an appearance, but you would take it over tricks and anger.
“That was mean,” he told you. “I’m many things, but forgettable isn’t one of them. Unless the pressure of working such long hours for the good senator is making you crack?”
Even with the censure, his voice was playful. He seemed utterly delighted that you had messed with him. Of course, you could claim to be in earnest and insist that you didn’t know who he was, but your laughter may have made that less believable.
…Besides, with everything that Julgum put you through, didn’t you deserve the chance to connect with someone?
“I don’t think I’m the only one working long hours,” you countered. “You’ve called for three days in a row trying to speak with the senator. Maybe it’s best to tell your boss to make an appointment.”
“Whatever do you mean? This is only the second time we’ve spoken.”
You believed your snort was permissible, given the overly innocent tone he had used. “Yes, we always get calls from the aides to prominent senators pretending to be the senator themselves, or Trade Federation representatives who make threats.”
“Those Federation types can be dangerous,” he told you. “I hope you gave him what he asked for.”
“Unfortunately, I couldn’t help the first one, but the second one was happier with the results of our conversation.”
“A second Trade Federation rep? What did they want?”
“If you don’t know anything about the first one, I don’t see why you should care about the second,” you said, audibly grinning.
“Clever thing, aren’t you?” His voice was amused again. “You’re right, I don’t know anything about any Trade Federation calls.”
“I thought as much,” you assured him. 
Apparently, he wasn’t finished. “But I hate to hear that you’re getting so much strange comms traffic. Tell you what: I know a few people who can set up a system to screen callers who don’t have any real business with the senator. Patch me through to him and I’ll pitch the idea. I can even throw in a discounted estimate.”
“I would be happy to let you speak with Senator Julgum. Just give me your name and your appointment time.”
His laugh was clear this time, transmitting rich and loud over the line. “You don’t miss a thing, do you? I hope Julgum knows how closely his assistant watches his back.”
“He doesn’t,” you replied without thinking. And as you were biting your lip, the man laughed again. Hastily, you added, “But it’s fine. This is a job. I get paid in credits, not in gratitude.”
“Still, he should be careful. Someone might steal you away.” You didn’t know how to respond to that, but the mystery caller didn’t seem to need any input from you for his current train of thought. “What do you look like?” 
“What?” you asked reflexively. After a beat to collect yourself, you said, “Surely you can understand why, given our current conversation about stealing people, I don’t want to answer that question.”
“Did you know you get overly formal when you’re flustered?” he asked. “I bet you’re pretty.”
The conversational whiplash was sudden and overwhelming. You shook your head, uncaring that he couldn’t see it. “I’m not. And I’m also starting to think you don’t have an appointment to speak with the senator. Do you?”
“I do not.” 
You sighed and pressed the button to sever the connection. This wasn’t a great job, but you still needed to do work that wasn’t centered on flirtatious comlink conversations.
It would just take a moment to stifle the twinge of regret you felt at having not asked his name.
Author's Note - I know, this chapter is slow. This story is slow. But I'm trying to flesh out their relationship at a pace that feels steady and natural. Maybe our reader is just a little hesitant to trust a stranger and Mereel could use a little slow in the breakneck pace of a Null trooper. Thank you for reading anyway!
As a quick reminder, my taglist is now defunct. You are more than welcome to follow my writing sideblog at @wanderinginksplot-writes. I tag all of my fics with the name of the fic itself, so you can see what you want and not have to deal with the rest!
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fandom-friday · 19 days
Once more @the-rain-on-kamino is at it again and not just the Commando boys.... But commandos and chocolate!!!! Uhmm yeah the steam, the spice, the sweetness of this!!! Had to make sure this made it to the rec's and hope you're having a great day. May your week be short and your coffee as strong as Beskar
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Listen, if there's one thing Caro knows, it's Republic Commandos and SPICE. I have no doubt this is yet another bit of her work that will make us sweat and swoon hehe. Thanks so much for the rec (and may your weekend be wonderful)!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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ciramaris · 2 years
My Stories
Warnings are on each Story- in the Top. Most of them are SFW. Exceptions are listed below.
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Story Guide:
🔞 Adult content (I do not write Smut.)
♨️ Ambigious
🤬Verbal Insults
⚔Canon typical violence
🩹Mention of Injury
👄making out
😵 Reader has a Fainting Condition
Clan Skirata
Mereel Skirata
Hut’uun 🔞🩹⚔
Main Masterlist
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wizardofrozz · 8 months
Learning to Trust
Ordo Skirata x reader, mention of Mereel and Kal Skirata
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: swearing, mention of war, mostly just fluff
A/N: I got punched in the face with this idea and amazed myself with how fast I wrote it lmao hope you enjoy! ❤️
jagyc’kovid: dickhead
shabuir: motherfucker
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It was peaceful. The gentle undercurrent of the water rocked the Aay’han, reminding you of a mother rocking her newborn. The co-pilot seat wasn’t the most comfortable but if you sat at an angle, your feet resting on the control panel, you could let your muscles relax enough that you could possibly nap. Your eyes followed the bright, glimmering aquatic life that swam past, watching them shimmer in the sunlight that streamed through the water. The Aay’han was floating off the coast of the capital city, waiting for Sergeant Skirata and Mereel to com for a pickup. 
You had been undercover for the Republic for…a long time, gathering intel about the manufacturing of Separatist droids. Life had been fairly normal, well as normal as it could be for a Republic spy until a certain Mandalorian and his small squad of clones came crashing through your front door. Literally. You glanced at the pilot’s chair, the corner of your lips lifting. 
Ordo was stretched out in the chair beside you, his long legs crossed at the ankles. His arms were folded over his chest, his head tipped forward until his chin nearly touched his chest. His empty Mandalorian helmet sat on the floor beside his chair and every once in a while, you could hear faint, staticky voices floating from inside. The muted shimmer of the water threw a faint glow over his face; Ordo looked peaceful, his usually tense expression slack, his eyes closed. 
He was sleeping. You muffled a chuckle against the back of your hand, carefully lowering your feet to the floor. The co-pilot chair groaned as you stood and you paused, half-standing, to dart your eyes back towards Ordo. He huffed heavily through his nose but otherwise didn’t move. 
It took a few minutes of rustling through cabinets as quietly as possible, having to stop a few times when you made too much noise before you finally found a blanket. It smelled a bit musty but it would do. You unfolded it on your back to the cockpit, smirking at Ordo’s sleeping form before you carefully draped the blanket over him. He shifted lazily, his brow wrinkling for a moment and you stood a little straighter and held your breath. Ordo’s lashes fluttered, his dark glassy eyes taking a moment to focus but they quickly lifted to where you stood over him. 
“Sorry to wake you,” you murmured with an apologetic smile. 
“Wasn’t sleepin’,” Ordo grumbled, dragging himself into a sitting position. The furrow between his brows deepened as he looked down at the blanket pooling in his lap. There was an odd look on his face, one you had seen occasionally in the time you’d spent with him. The innocent, almost confused expression always made your heart ache and it was even worse when he tilted his head back to look up at you. 
“I thought you’d be more uncomfortable,” you explained, gesturing to the blanket as you leaned against the back of his chair. Ordo nodded slowly, absently rubbing the fabric between his gloved fingers. “You can try and go back to sleep if you’d like.”
Ordo somehow looked more tense than usual for a moment, before dropping his eyes to the blanket again. “Alright.” For some reason, it surprised you; accidentally falling asleep was one thing but this showed that he trusted you enough to willingly let himself rest. 
“Hm, you must really trust me,” you teased. Ordo turned in his chair again and you were suddenly aware of how close he was, his face close enough that you could see the faint freckles on his cheeks. Ordo was always intense but the way he looked at you, bright brown eyes smoldering, made your stomach somersault. 
“I do.” He spoke softly like it was a secret but there was no uncertainty in his voice. Your breath caught when he smiled, crooked and boyish, disarmingly charming without even trying. Sometimes you wondered if he was aware of it but based on some of the more…awkward encounters you’d had with him, you were pretty sure it was natural. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, meaning it wholeheartedly. Ordo’s smile started to fade but you didn’t miss the way his eyes darted down to your mouth, his tongue poking out to wet his lips before he forced his gaze elsewhere. He cleared his throat quietly and when his eyes found yours again you caught the muted anxiety that flashed across his face. 
You had no idea where the confidence came from that had you leaning down, bringing your face even closer to his. Ordo tensed but didn’t pull away, letting the strained silence linger. A shiver zipped up your spine when he tilted his head slowly, his eyes darting between your eyes and your lips. He paused, leaving almost no space between you and him and you could feel his slow, rhythmic breathing against your chin. 
“Can I?” he asked softly. 
A soft gasp filled the air when he closed the space and you weren’t sure if you made the sound or if he had. The kiss was hesitant, neither of you moving for a moment until one of his large hands closed around your bicep and you melted against him, sighing through your nose. It was clear Ordo didn’t have much experience but he didn’t seem to mind following your lead. He inhaled sharply when your tongue swept over his bottom lip but he quickly caught on, parting his lips. 
The low groan from deep in his chest made you shiver, a hand coming to cup the back of his head, your fingers threading through his soft curls. 
“Ord’ika? You read me?” You and Ordo jumped so hard at the familiar voice that your heads knocked together, each of you quickly reaching up to rub the now-aching spot. Ordo growled through clenched teeth, twisting around to punch a button on the control panel; despite the pain blooming across your forehead, you barely stifled a laugh. 
“What?” he snapped, glaring at the blue hologram that popped up. Mereel tilted his head, arching a brow but there was the hint of a smirk on his face. 
“What’d you do to your head?”
“None of your business, jagyc’kovid. What d’ya want?” 
“Pickup would be nice,” Mereel sighed with a shrug. He glanced over his shoulder with a badly hidden smirk and winked at who you assumed was Kal. 
“Send coordinates,” Ordo grumbled, ending the call without letting Mereel respond. “Shabuir.”
You giggled, biting your lip when Ordo threw a narrow-eyed look in your direction. “Come on, let’s go get them.” 
“Should leave 'em,” Ordo huffed, rubbing his forehead one last time before dropping his hands to the panel again and starting the flight sequence. The smile that spread across your face was fonder than you thought possible and you leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss on his cheek. You settled into the co-pilot chair, glancing over at him again with a smirk.  
Ordo refused to look at you but there was no denying that his cheeks were a little redder than before. 
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @dystopicjumpsuit @secondaryrealm @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @msmeredithrose @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
I'm going to post my fanfic here because I want people to read it and give me feed back 😊 I'm not a great writer bit I figured I'd give it a shot. All of you who have written have inspired me.
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
This is going to be a female oc x the good captain rex (CT-7567). I am not going to follow the clone wars tv show but make it my own. Criticism is welcome. Anything written in italics are going to be thoughts. I am currently undecided if I will go with a view point at any time other than the reader/my OC, but if that changes I will make a note. Also there will be lots of Mando'a thrown into there but I will provide a translation (I can't stand reading it when you have no clue what it means, so I promise I will not do that to you). The website I will be using I will link under this description. Also anything in italics is a thought.
Also I highly recommend the republic commando books by Karen Traviss. Some of the characters I slide in here are from her books (Ordo, Mereel, Kal Skirata).
I do not own the right to them or any of the Starwars characters.
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Oh I have an idea for Mereel x Reader ! So he is always flirting with Reader (as he does) and they brush it off because it’s Mereel and he doesn’t mean it. But! One night they’re at like 79‘s or sth similar, either by plan or they meet by accident, and reader gets jealous seeing him flirt with other people so she starts flirting with someone and then Mereel kinda snaps and 💋
I hope this isn’t too detailed or stifling your creativity, feel free to change whatever you like!
I'm Not Jealous
Summary: You're bothered at how much Mereel flirts with everyone, including you, but when you flirt with someone else, Mereel decides to change things.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 808
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
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Mereel is going to be the death of you. 
He’s always there. Leaning against your desk, leaning over your chair, flirting with you, teasing you. Making your face heat with his suggestive comments and the way his gaze sweeps across your body, like he actually means the things that he’s saying.
He doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t. 
This is just what Mereel does. He finds a new target and flirts with them until he gets tired of them and their reactions, and then moves on to the next woman.
You’re just his most recent fixation.
It’s fine. He’ll get bored of you soon enough and move on to the next person. 
Which is the problem. You don’t want him to flirt with other people. You want his eyes on you and only you. You want him to keep flirting with you.
Honestly, you want more. You want all of him.
You sigh silently as you pack up your work for the day. Castles in the air. Never going to happen. You’re hardly pretty enough to keep his attention for long periods of time, let alone for a proper relationship.
Whatever. It’s fine. All you need is a night out. To get your mind off of Mereel and his charming smile and his deep voice and-
Yeah. This isn’t helping.
You exhale slowly, and push to your feet. You already have plans to go to the club tonight. You just need to get there.
Yes. This is going to fix everything.
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When you arrive at the club, dressed in a new black mini-dress, and leather boots that come up to your knees, you think you’re going to have a good time for all of thirty minutes.
And then Mereel shows up with his brothers.
He finds you with an ease that shouldn’t really surprise you. He seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to finding you in a crowd, and yet when his gaze lands on you and a blinding grin crosses his face you are surprised.
You smile back at him, slightly weakly, though the smile fades when he turns his blinding grin towards a woman who approached him. You watch, almost absently, as the woman giggles and brushes her fingers against his chest, and you feel sick.
Of course he came here to hook up with someone. Someone prettier. Someone better.
You absently stir your drink and jump when someone leans against the table near you. He’s handsome, you suppose, with long hair and a blinding smile, and he seems very interested in you, so you offer him a small smile.
And when he flirts with you, you hesitate for a moment, and then flirt back.
And then you nearly jump out of your skin when a hand slams on the table between you and the stranger. Mereel beams at you, though he seems to be glaring daggers at the man who was flirting with you. You press your hand against your racing heart, “You scared me, Mereel.” You scold.
“Ah, sorry cyare! I didn’t mean to.” His gaze softens as he looks at you, and he smoothly slides into the booth next to you, pushing himself between you and the stranger with such ease that you don’t realize what he’s doing right away, “Is that a new dress? You look amazing.”
“Oh, yeah.” You smooth the skirt, “I used my bonus to buy something nice.”
Mereel’s fingers slide against your shoulder and you shiver, “You look stunning.” He says quietly, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up like this.” 
“Oh, well I normally don’t,” You don’t even realize that the blond man has left, you’re so distracted under Mereel’s attention, though by the smug little grin playing on his lips, he has and he’s thrilled by it. “I just wanted to try something different.”
“Something different?” He prods.
“I…well…it’s not exactly like my work clothes are overly attractive, so if I want a boyfriend-”
Mereel’s smile falters, “You’re hunting for a boyfriend? Here?”
“I-I mean, where else am I going to look? It’s not like anyone at work is interested-” You say with a self-conscious laugh.
“I am.”
“I’m interested. Why do you think I’m always flirting with you?” Mereel asks.
“I just…that’s just what you do-”
He huffs out a frustrated noise, and crashes his lips against yours, his hands coming up to cup your face. And you react immediately, leaning your whole body against his and pressing your hands over his.
He breaks the kiss slowly, and lightly presses his forehead against yours, “Be my girlfriend?” Mereel asks, “Don’t flirt with anyone other than me.”
“Are you jealous?” You ask, sounding slightly breathless.
“So kriffing much,” Mereel mumbles, “Please, cyare-”
“Yes,” You interrupt, your voice soft.
He smiles at you then, and then his lips are against yours again.
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Currently working on an Ordo Skirata x Reader x Mereel Skirata fic. I am such a fucking sucker for the Skirata boys. I love them so goddamn much.
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wanderinginksplot · 9 months
Voices Carry
Mereel puts his newest plan into action.
Eventual Mereel Skirata x fem!reader pairing.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,700
Warnings: Attempted espionage, lying, descriptions of political machinations, themes of being trapped at a job, implied threats.
Previous | Next | Masterlist
Part Four
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“And, as stipulated in the terms of your contract, you are eligible for a raise based on your performance,” Senator Julgum told you. 
You were - stars willing - almost done with your 30-day work evaluation. Technically speaking, everything up to this point had been a probationary period. Julgum could have chosen to terminate your employment during this meeting if your performance had been unsatisfactory. 
Of course, gathering information was a strong suit of yours. You were well aware that the Republic Senate had urged him to keep you on. With your contract, you were a guaranteed employee. Julgum would have no such assurances if you left and he went back to employing Senatorial aides.
No one wanted that. 
You forced a smile at your boss. “Yes, sir. I’m aware.”
Julgum’s smile looked just as false as yours had. “I’m pleased to say that your performance has exceeded expectations, even compared to your immaculate work history. I am able to offer you a raise in salary.”
He handed you an envelope and you fought not to visibly react. Yes, salary amounts were considered private information - ridiculous as you found that - but refusing to even say the number out loud seemed excessive. And Julgum had even gone so far as to seal the envelope. It was a perfect display of the outdated inconvenience of the Republic’s traditions.
When you managed to unseal the envelope and extract the piece of flimsi with your new salary written on it, you only just managed to stifle a snort.
It was a small raise, if you could even call it that. The increase was well below the standard for Coruscant and roughly half of what you knew the yearly salary increase for the aides had been. But you were locked into a contract and there was nothing to do but force another smile and thank the senator. 
“I wish I could offer more, my dear,” Julgum told you with false regret. “But funds are limited, especially with the war raging through the galaxy.”
That was clearly a placation that had sounded better in his head. Especially since you processed the expense forms before they were sent to the Senate’s accounting department. Though Julgum’s own salary hadn’t increased, the sheer amount of donations to his campaign that were funneled through the office were enough to make you suspicious.
“Of course,” you agreed with a nod. If Julgum really thought you believed that, it was the best performance of your life. “I really should get back to work. If that’s all-?”
“Yes, you are dismissed,” Julgum agreed. He actually waved his hand toward the door of his office. 
You managed to keep from rolling your eyes until you reached your desk. But as soon as you checked the office’s comms system, you rolled them again and added a heavy sigh. There were a half dozen missed calls, only two from the same frequency. You hadn’t heard Julgum’s comms go off once. Did he have them silenced?
It didn’t matter. This was your job, clearly, and would be for the next eleven months.
The thought made you particularly irritated as the comms rang again. To make things even worse, you didn’t recognize the frequency. The work just kept piling up. 
You considered it a mark of your professionalism that none of your frustration showed in your voice as you connected the call. “Senator Julgum’s office. How may I help you?”
“Yes, I need to speak with Senator Julgum.” 
“Do you have an appointment?” 
There was a beat of uncomfortable silence as you stared at the comlink in consideration. This was the third time in two days that someone had called wanting to speak with Julgum without an appointment. The temptation to think of this as connected with the others was strong, but you fought it back. 
Both of the other calls had been from a male, most likely humanoid, with an unaccented voice. One number had traced to somewhere Mid-Rim while the other had been local to Coruscant. 
This one might be different. If you were to go by the frequency, this caller was from Cato Neimoidia. The voice had still sounded male, but there was a texture and accent to the voice that reminded you strongly of the Neimoidians you had met. 
“With whom am I speaking?” you asked, largely in a bid to buy yourself some time.
“I am Dutherrip Vonab,” the caller told you.
That didn’t help at all, but you made a note of it anyway. “And what is the topic of your conversation with Senator Julgum?”
“I wish to speak with him concerning a prospective donation to his campaign fund.”
“Unfortunately, sir, you don’t have an appointment-”
“I understand, and I apologize for occupying your time,” Vonab said. “I’m sure you are extremely busy with the senator and all of his business.”
“I… am,” you agreed awkwardly. Honestly, sympathetic callers were so rare that you had nearly forgotten how to speak with someone who wasn’t berating you or demanding that you do impossible things. “Senator Julgum is quite busy.”
“Certainly,” Vonab assured you. “However, I told the other members of the Trade Federation that I would attempt to make contact with Senator Julgum. Campaign contributions are a time-sensitive matter, you know.”
“I do know,” you echoed. You hadn’t known that, but this job was certainly turning out to be educational. 
“So you understand that I must speak with the senator.”
You sighed, carefully keeping it shallow enough and aimed away so that Vonab couldn’t overhear. Being a stickler for schedules, insisting on the importance of appointments, and turning people away weren’t things you enjoyed. But they were your job, and there wasn’t anything you could do about it. 
At least, not for almost a year. 
“I’m sorry, but you must have an appointment to speak with Senator Julgum,” you said tonelessly. 
At least the Neimoidian didn’t immediately start to berate you. Instead, he tried another of your least favorite tactics: wheedling.
"You know, the funds are not earmarked for a specific purpose." The tone was suggestive, oily. "Perhaps I could insinuate to the senator that he should be grateful to you for bringing this matter to his attention. In that case, he would be wise to share a portion of his newfound credits with you."
If your snort didn't travel through the comlink line, it would be nothing short of a miracle. "That would be remarkably out of character for him."
The moment the words were out of your mouth, you were staring blankly at your desk, wearing an expression of horror. "I apologize, that wasn't-" 
"No need to apologize, my dear," Vonab assured you. "It rang with honesty. Always a shame when hard-working staff members are not given their due. I shall tell no one of what you told me, but since I suspect Senator Julgum may not be as… generous as is wise, perhaps I will transfer some credits directly to you." 
You could feel your look of horror melt into one of consideration. 
Before you could say anything more, Vonab added, "As a token of gratitude, of course. Nothing more."
You weren't stupid - it was a bribe. Unfortunately, with the timing and your new concerns about how you could afford to live near the hyper-expensive Political District… you thought about it. 
It would be easy - transfer the call, take the credits, deal with the fallout from Julgum. Stars, what could he even do, fire you? That would work out perfectly. 
Of course, that would mean that you were helping him fund his next set of elections. You certainly didn’t want to do that. 
And so, when you replied to Vonab, you tried to convince yourself that it was because your morals insisted on it. In reality, your reasons were more along the lines of depriving Julgum of an opportunity. 
Regardless of your motivation, the answer sprang easily to your lips: "I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do for you."
It was the truth, too. You could hear the disappointment in your own voice, throbbing and clear. Morosely, you wondered how long you could survive on morals alone. Any fool could see that Julgum had no interest in helping any more than he was required.
But you weren't the only disappointed one. 
"I understand," Vonab told you.
Despite the understanding words, you were immediately put on-edge. Vonab’s tone was different, a little deeper and somehow brittle. Whatever he intended to say next, you could guarantee that it was calibrated to cause some kind of damage.
“I understand that you feel the need to squander not only your own opportunities, but those of the senator as well. I understand that you are acting as a block to anyone who needs to contact the senator. I understand that it makes you feel strong, powerful.” Vonab paused for a moment. “I understand that it makes you feel safe.”
A little chill ran up your spine despite the way you had promised yourself that you wouldn’t let the Trade Federation representative rattle you. 
"I'm afraid I don't respond well to threats," you informed him, taking pains to keep your voice light and carefree. "Goodbye, Dutherrip Vonab." 
Your finger was already moving steadily toward the button that would sever the connection when you heard Vonab's sharp command to wait. Despite your better judgment, you paused. 
"I intend to lodge a complaint against you with the Senate," Vonab told you, voice haughty. "I need your full name." 
Your mouth opened, ready to provide him with your name, department, and non-Julgum supervisor. First off, you weren't going to get in trouble for performing the duties required by your job. You didn't want to let Vonab think you were scared of him. Secondly, if you were unpopular enough, maybe the Senate would be willing to terminate your contract early. 
But you didn't say anything. Something was telling you to keep the information to yourself. You decided to go with your instincts toward privacy. 
"I apologize once more, but I will not provide you with that information." You continued quickly, cutting off Vonab's sputtered complaints. "I am the only assistant Senator Julgum has. The Senatorial Employee Office will be able to find me if you give the time and date of this call. Goodbye."
That time, you ended the connection before you could hear another syllable from the Neimoidian.
Author's Note - Okay, I promise, chapters from here get a lot more fluffy. I won't promise we've seen the end of Mereel being a jerk and reader being overly stubborn, but the plot does shift a little after this point!
You can find other works on my masterlist or sign up for my taglist here!
Taglist: @jennamelinda12
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fandom-friday · 18 days
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
👾 = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: 👾 Second Chances (Commander Wolffe x f!Reader) by @cyarbika Where Your Road Leads (Fives x f!Reader) by @coffeeandbatboys How to Rest (Ahsoka Tano x Barriss Offee) by @machinerismsx Till Stars Break by @saggitary
The Bad Batch: You're Calling Me Home Like a Ship That Got Wrecked by @the-bi-space-ace How Long Will it Take for You to Learn to Slow Down? by @saturn-sends-hugs High Times by @skellymom
Republic Commando: 👾 Chocolate (Mereel Skirata x f!Reader) by @the-rain-on-kamino
Batman: A Hundred Days to Become a Wayne by @maccreadysbaby
Fire Emblem: Three Houses: Those Who Can't Teach by mixedvalence (AO3)
The Clone Wars: Cody and Rex Selfie by @journen
The Bad Batch: Inner Peace by @pinkplantz
Rebels: Agent Kallus Art by @cameoliob
Andor: Maarva Andor Art by @kabuki-draws
Horizon Forbidden West: Kotallo Art by @han-ban-bam
The Locked Tomb Series: Gideon the Ninth Art by @themaybug
Critical Role: Fjord and Jester Art by @zhellers
Call of Duty: La Cucaracha by @purgetrooperfox
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ciramaris · 2 years
Warnings are on each Story- in the Top. Most of them are SFW. Exceptions are listed below.
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Story Guide:
🔞 Adult content
♨️ Ambigious
🤬 Verbal Insults
🥺 Mention of past Trauma
🥰 Fluff
⚔ Canon typical violence
🩹 Mention of Injury
🤕 Reader gets hurt
👻 Nightmare
💋 making out
🍷 Alcohol
😵 Reader has a Fainting Condition
501st Legion
Captain Rex 🥰
Arc Trooper Fives♨️🥰
The 212ft
Marshal Commander Cody 🥰🩹⚔😵
Wolffepack 🥰
Coruscant Guard
Marshall Commander Fox🥰 ⚔🩹🤕👻
Commander Thorn🥰⚔🩹🤕
Sergeant Hound♨️🥰⚔🩹🤕💋
Coruscant Guard 🥰🍷
Skirata Clan
Mereel Skirata 🔞⚔🩹
The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch ⚔🩹
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peonysink · 3 years
The man the legend
Warning: Explicit language, 18+
Because the world needs more Mereel Skirata tales!!
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It was a busy night. You’ve only worked there for two weeks, and this was the busiest night so far. You and the girls behind the bar were serving drinks, and you didn’t have a moment to spare.
“You’re new” - you heard a voice behind you.
Oh great. How many times have I heard this in the past two weeks?
As you turned around, prepared to roll your eyes at the idiot with the brilliant pick up line, you struggled to find any words. You were met by a tall and dark stranger with the most beautiful smile. Oh, and he was an ARC trooper - you recognised that armour immediately. 
Was that… Could it be…?
You heard stories about him from every girl in the bar. He was a legend. A myth. You didn’t really believe half of those stories, and you were sure the girls were exaggerating, but you thought they were fun, and there was no harm in some harmless fantasies about a dark and mysterious ARC trooper, was there now…?
But now he was there, in front of you. The one and only…
“I’m Mereel” - he said before you even managed to gather your thoughts properly. “And you’re new.”
You stared at him, not really knowing what to say.
“And apparently mute.”
Yes, you must have looked like an idiot, but you couldn’t really think of anything clever to say at that moment. It was overwhelming. It really was him. You heard so many stories about him that there were times when you didn’t even think he was real. And there he was, and strangely…. even more handsome than you imagined him to be.
Somehow you composed yourself, as you managed to smile and wink at him, and you turned around and went on with your work. It was the busiest night after all.
As you came back behind the bar to pick up some more beers, you heard two girls talking:
“Oh my god, Mereel is here!”
“I know, I saw him right away. Did you say hello?”
“No, I don’t think he saw me.”
“Well, you better hurry - how long has it been for you? And if you don’t, don’t mind if I do!”
Kriff, did Mereel really sleep with every woman in this bar? And why were they so… obsessed with him?
You decided right then and there that you wouldn’t play this game, charming or not, you are not competing for the man everyone else wants. You couldn’t win.
And yet…
There he was, on the other side of the bar, talking to a man who looked exactly like him, and every now and then, glancing over his shoulder and looking at.. you? You turned around to see if anyone was standing behind you, but no, Mereel was fixating his eyes on you. You couldn’t really read his expression - it wasn’t flirty, there was no subtle smile nor mischievous wink - his face was rather serious, in fact, like he would dip into some deep thoughts every time he laid his eyes on you.
Someone called you and you turned around, slightly startled, like awoken from a deep sleep. They wanted their beers.
The night was really busy, and everyone shouted their orders at you from all corners of the bar. You tried to remember them all, and bring their drinks as soon as possible, but new people kept coming in, and the bar kept getting more and more crowded.
“You need a break” - you now recognised that voice immediately.
“Yes, I do” - you said and turned around to face him.
“Oh, she speaks! I knew it” - he flashed one of those smiles that would make anyone’s knees weak.
“She does. And she’s very tired”
“Then why don’t you take it?” - he said, his eyes turning serious again.
“Take what?”
“Break, cyar’ika. You haven’t stopped the whole evening. The girls are exploiting you here. You shouldn’t let them do that.”
“No, everyone’s really busy tonight, it’s a busy night…”
He came closer to you, really closer, till you could feel his breath on your forehead. He looked you in the eyes and you returned his gaze. It was hypnotic. Then he touched your chin and turned your head towards the bar:
“See that one over there? The redhead? She’s been leaning on that bar for the past 30 minutes, and just chatting away. The Twi’lek over there? She’s been in that lounge area just minutes ago, sitting and relaxing with those troopers. And Yduret over there, see, the bartender? Isn’t she supposed to mix drinks and pour whiskeys? What is she doing… oh, that’s right, she’s not behind the bar at all, she’s over there, shooting pool with some di’kut. And they all work here, just like you.”
You were speechless. You were working your ass off all night, and they were slacking off.
“So, you see - you need a break!” - he let go of your chin and took a step away from you. Strangely you instantly missed his closeness. He smelled good. His breath tasted like something… sweet. Like candy.
“Even if I were to take a break… I wouldn't know what to do, really…” - you said and you meant it. 
You didn’t know anyone here, and you didn’t want to talk to those girls. You noticed one of them, the one from before, who said she’d say hello to him, now circling around him. You saw that she pretended to pick up some glasses off the table where Mereel was standing before, and now she was back, pretending to clean the table right in front of him, glancing over to him and flashing her décolletage. Mereel didn’t seem to have noticed her at all, but after he had just demonstrated that he was very much aware of pretty much every girl’s whereabouts in this bar, you knew that was impossible. He knew what she was doing. But his eyes were fixated on you.
“Come with me” - he suddenly said, and he took your hand. You managed to put your tray down on a table and you saw the girl who was after him flash you a confused look. You couldn’t really do much but follow him - you did need a break, and you were intrigued. Plus, you didn’t owe anything to those girls - and in any case, he was the one who grabbed your hand.
Mereel took you through a narrow hallway next to the refreshers and past a few doors. You’ve never been here before - you weren’t even aware of this part… what was behind all these doors? He suddenly stopped, took a key out of his pocket and unlocked a door, and showed you to enter. You did. You trusted him, strangely enough, even though you didn’t know him. Of all the stories you’ve heard of him, not one was bad. The girls talked about how charming he was, how he flirted and how incredibly handsome he was - but also how he had an insanely beautiful body, and how he took care of them - apparently he was the best sex every single one of them ever had. And none of them had any bad experiences with him.
So you followed him inside. He turned the lights on and closed the door behind him. You noticed that he locked it. It was a room, just a simple room, with a table and a brown leather couch. A lot of bottles in one corner, and some empty bottles in another. You weren’t sure what this room was, but it was… his?
“Want to sit?” - he asked and showed you to the couch.
“Don’t mind if I do” - you smiled. Your legs begged for it. You sat on the couch and then stretched your whole body on it. You really needed that. Mereel stayed next to the door and just observed you.
“Would you like to sit?” - you finally said. “I’ll make room. I just couldn’t resist stretching.”
He stayed in his corner for a while, and once again, you couldn’t really read his face.
Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to offend him? What if this was some kind of exclusive, expensive couch and I’m lying here with my shoes on?
“Just to get one thing straight, cyar’ika” - he finally said, his voice low, almost like a whisper - “I will join you on that couch. And I will take all of your clothes off, piece by piece, until you’re completely naked and shaking with desire for me. Then I’ll kiss every part of your body, twice, and I will eat your drenched pussy in ways you didn’t think were possible, and just as you recover from the blinding orgasm I’ll give you, I’ll stretch your little pussy till it burns and fuck you for the rest of the night.”
You instinctively stopped breathing for a second, and you didn’t really know why. It was like his words punched all the air out of your lungs and now you almost gasped. None of you said anything for a while, and all you could hear was the muffled sound of the music coming from the bar.
“I just wanted us to be clear on that.” - Mereel said, as he started moving towards the couch.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 years
Alright guys I may start writing a Mereel Skirata oneshot or story Im not sure! I don't know why but Mereel just made his way into my heart after reading True Colors! Also making plans of updating my Jango x Reader insert fic Plentiful Bounties!
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clonewarslover55 · 3 years
Head empty, no thoughts, just being marked up by Mereel and hhnbhghhh yes please
I had no idea if you wanted a drabble or not so I wrote a short one anyways 
Warnings: mentions of smut and all that 
Mereel stood behind you as you looked at yourself in the body mirror. His large calloused hands ran down your naked body, “Just look at you Cyar’ika…..” He groaned, pressing a sloppy kiss to the side of your neck. 
You were covered in love bites and marks from Mereel, proving that you were his and his alone. He smirked at the reflection of you two in the mirror, “You’re all mine.” He squeezed your ass playfully, nuzzling his face into your neck. 
You both reeked of sex, so you were not only marked up by his hot lips and teeth. You turned around in his arms, “My turn to mark you up now.” You smirked, running your hands through his dark curls. You frizzed them some with your touch, Mereel smirking back at you. 
“Mmmhh I suppose it is.” He muttered, pressing a kiss to your lips.
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @cherry-cokes-world @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @mxndalorians @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @peacefulwizardfox @jedi-mando @julyzaa @strangebroadwaykinks @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @mistflyer1102 @kamino-mermaid @commanderrivercc-3628 @ct7567329 @girlvader
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
I‘m gonna throw my hat in the Mereel ring, but I’m not experienced with asks, so would you be comfortable with writing something for him with a passionate, borderline desperate kiss in the rain? He deserves all the smooches
thank you! 💕
Rainy Kiss
Summary: You're date with Mereel is interrupted by a sudden downpour.
Pairing: Mereel Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 703
Warnings: Mereel makes a suggestive comment at the beginning
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: Sorry that this took so long to answer! I hope this is close to what you were picturing! Also, this is a perfect ask, there's no need to worry! 😊
Divider by Saradika
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“You know,” Mereel says lazily as he leans against the wall under the very minor covering that was shielding the pair of you from the rain, “I wanted to get you all wet, but not like this.”
You whip your head around and glare at him, “Awful,” You reply as you fold your arms over your chest, “Terrible, awful Man.”
He grins at you, “And yet, you agreed to come on a date with me anyway, so who’s the terrible one here?”
“Still you.”
He laughs and shifts so he’s standing closer to you, and you lean into his warmth. The rain made the temperature drop, and you’re not dressed for the suddenly cooler temperatures. 
Mereel drapes an arm over your shoulder, “Are you cold, ner mesh’la?”
You lean even more into him, “I’m not your anything, Mereel.”
He grins and presses his lips against your temple, “Mine. My cyare. My pretty little love.”
You feel your face heat and turn to press your face against his shoulder, “The actual worst.” You grumble.
“Not my fault that you’re so easily flustered. I think it’s adorable. My perfect adorable cyare~”
“Now you’re just trying to be annoying,” You accuse as you pull back to glare at him.
“Oh, yeah. Absolutely.” He grins at you, mischief glittering in his eyes.
“Ugh, why do I find you attractive?” You grumble under your breath.
“You think I’m charming.” Mereel replies, “That’s what you said.”
“I must have had a concussion that day.”
“Nope. No takesies-backsies.”
You shoot him a bemused look, “What are you, five?”
“Technically, I’m 12.” He counters with a growing grin. “Talk about cradle robbing, cyare.”
You stare at him for a moment, and then you turn, “I’m leaving.”
Mereel laughs and catches your hand, “Great, I’ll come with you.” He cheerfully threads his fingers with yours and squeezes your hand as he tugs you into the rain, causing you to let out a startled squeak.
He laughs and tugs you further away from the shelter, “Come on, cyare,” Mereel teases, “Keep up!”
“It’s wet, Mereel!” You whine even as you allow him to tug you into the street. There’s no one out, partly because of the weather, though mostly because of the time.
He grins at you boyishly, and then he gives your hand a sharp tug, and you stumble into his arms. Mereel’s free arm settles securely around your waist and he bumps his forehead against yours. His grin never once fades, “Hi.” He whispers.
Your free hand comes up and you lightly caress his cheek, “Hi.” You whisper back. His hair is plastered to his head from the sheer amount of water falling from the sky, and you laugh softly as you use your thumb to brush some of the water off his forehead. 
“I love you,” Mereel says quietly. He releases your hand and drags his fingers up the back of your soaked shirt, to rest gently on the back of your neck. “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of, and never dared hope that I would have.”
You bring your other hand up to rest lightly on his chest, just over his heart, “You deserve the galaxy,” You reply so very gently.
“Don’t want the galaxy, just want you.” Mereel says in return.
You smile at him, “You have me.”
His gaze is intense, and your breath catches in your throat. “And you have me,” He murmurs softly.
You tilt your head slightly and crash your lips against his and his grip tightens around you. He clings to you like you’re his only lifeline in the world, and the kiss becomes frenzied, almost desperate. 
When he finally breaks the kiss, his eyes are closed and he presses his forehead against yours, “Need you to be mine.”
“I am yours,” You remind him, “Always. Forever. In every way that matters.” You flash a lovestruck smile, “I love you.”
He releases a shaky breath, and leans in to kiss you again, and again, and again. “Forever?” He repeats softly.
“For as long as you’ll have me.”
He laughs softly, “Forever, then.” His fingers trail lightly down your jaw, “I can do forever.”
You smile at him adoringly, “Then we’ll do forever.”
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