#Menthol Tobacco Flavor
macroglossus · 1 year
i feel like will graham smokes. and then he’s like well i’m deeply sickly maybe i shouldn’t smoke. but he doesn’t care THAT much so he vapes. the point of this post is will graham blowing clouds and hannibal having to sincerely battle with whether that’s a dealbreaker
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undeadcannibal · 11 months
(Don’t know if this is considered sfw or not so slight warning?)
141 + Rudy with a gn!reader who’s an excessively heavy smoker. Constantly has some sort of cigarette or vape in their hand cause they go through really bad withdrawal - like shaking, headaches, cold sweats, insomnia that type of thing.
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Summary: How Task Force 141 and Rudy would help a Reader who smokes heavily and sometimes deals with heavy withdrawal symptoms.
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Price, and Rudy
Warnings: Mention(s) of smoking and withdrawal symptoms!
A/N:  Hopefully you enjoy this, Anon! Apologies if this one’s rough, I’m posting it while I’m fresh out of work because I’m exhausted. OTL ( Gif credit: xxx )
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My personal headcanon is Rudy wouldn't mind one bit being with someone who is a heavy smoker. I like to think he knows plenty of family members and friends who are heavy smokers as well, so he's well adjusted to second hand smoke, the smell, and pretty much anything else most would complain about.
Personally can't stand the smell of menthol and clove cigarettes though.
While he isn't a smoker himself, he finds himself keeping a pack of whatever you'd prefer to smoke just in case you forget or run out of your own.
He'll never admit it aloud, but he enjoys watching you smoke. Something about the sight of you exhaling big clouds of smoke allures him like nothing else.
Even if he doesn't smoke, he likes to join you whenever you go out to. He simply enjoys your presence.
Also will gladly help you through withdrawal if you begin to suffer from any symptoms since he realizes quitting isn't so easy.
My personal headcanon is he's not huge on cigarettes or cigars, but will sneak a few hits of a vape, whoops.
Hates the taste of regular tobacco based flavors, strongly prefers the fruit-based or sweet-based types since they're the most pleasant for him. And probably the easiest for him to hit.
Personally believe that this man cannot hit blinkers, his hits are small and precise because he absolutely hates taking in too much and hacking up a lung as a result of coughing. Go easy on the guy, alright?
Is the type to hate the scent smoking leaves on clothes so probably won't tag along on a smoke break with you.
Although, I also like to picture him as a fresh newbie who gets invited along for a smoke and doesn't say no, even though he doesn't care for smoking. So, he ends up going along with it, smoking a cigarette with the others. Internally wants to toss it onto the floor and snub it out with his boot but decides to power through so he's not mocked for it.
Even if he doesn't smoke, if you've a decent vape he thinks he might enjoy, will ask for a hit or two.
Also will try and help as best he could if you end up dealing with terrible withdrawal symptoms. Tries anything and everything to help you out.
Isn't a smoker himself but is used to it from being around Price often, so when you're constantly toking on something you've in your hands, it doesn't bother him in the slightest.
Whatever it is you prefer, it doesn't bother him. If anything, he probably considers it less harsher than some of the cigars Price has smoked around him before.
Won't ask for hits of whatever you have but will tag along with you on a smoke break. Enjoys the company and likes the downtime to catch up or joke around together.
Eventually knows what you prefer and often keeps it on hand whenever he's around you just in case you ever need it.
Doesn't really know how to help with withdrawal symptoms, but he ends up researching plenty of things that may help you. Likes to discuss what you think might be the best method before forcing anything onto you.
If you end up having to deal with the symptoms, he's right there by your side, doing his best to comfort and help you in any way that he can.
He's right there with you. Personally, he struggles with quitting because dealing with withdrawal in the worst of places has made him secretly hate dealing with it. Often keeping both his and your favorites on hand at all times.
Will also happily tag along with you for smoke breaks.
He probably won't ask to take a drag of whatever you like but will happily allow you to take a drag of his cigar, if you'd like. Don't even get me started on his secret fascination of watching you smoke.
He knows he shouldn't be such a pervert about it, but he can't help but want to grab you by your jaw and shotgun smoke into your mouth with his own every time he sees you smoke. Hell, it's even gotten to the point he thinks about it more often than not whenever he's smoking alone too.
If you ever have to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal for whatever reason, he'll also do his best to help you through it however you see fit. Although, if you can't smoke for medical reasons - or you're trying to quit - he'll remain firm and refuse to give in and allow you to smoke for your own good.
Oh, and if you vape, I'm so sorry honey, he'll give you grief over it. Is one of those that sees vapes as some sort of ridiculous device.
IMO, he doesn't consider himself a heavy smoker, but does keep a pack on hand for you and him to share. Sometimes when the stress gets to be too much for him, he finds himself lighting up.
Even if he doesn't want to smoke, he'll happily keep you company during one of your smoke breaks.
However, much like Price, if you ever need to stop for medical or personal reasons, he's one of the best to keep you from breaking down. Will absolutely find any hidden stashes and get rid of them when you least expect it.
Often finds he enjoys the scent of your personal favorite brand, and over time, comes to associate it with solely you.
Does his best to help you deal with any withdrawal symptoms since he understands how they can be hard to deal with. He's seen Price struggle before and has some experience with helping him. He'll try and give some small tips here and there that may help you.
Also like Price, loves to give you shit for vaping, if that ends up being your preference. While he doesn't care all that much, he'll roll his eyes if you've a ridiculous flavor or type.
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reallifefantasy99 · 5 months
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Cigarette Diaries
Cucumber Pall Mall from Mexico
Rating: 9/10
Taste: Very similar to a cucumber which doesn't sound very appetizing in the form of a cigarette, but to my surprise it was yummy. Much better than the Juul cucumber pod aka the only other cucumber flavored tobacco product I've tried.
Two crush capsules!!?? So many options.... I've never seen two flavor options in a single cigarette filter. I didn't try the menthol flavor capsule, just wanted to give the cucumber flavor a shot.
I hope I get the chance to buy a pack of these one day.
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allthegeopolitics · 20 days
The Biden administration indefinitely delayed implementing a long-awaited ban on menthol tobacco products, outraging anti-smoking advocates who say the White House is prioritizing politics over public health. Controversy, especially within the Black community, is one reason Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra alluded to as rationale for dropping the proposed ban. In a statement, Becerra said the rule elicited "an immense amount of feedback, including from various elements of the civil rights and criminal justice movement," adding that resolving the issues "will take considerably more time." The original ban on menthol cigarettes was proposed over two years ago, after extensive research on the effects of the minty flavoring.
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wuhohdotcom · 4 months
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tf2 mercs and the smokes i think they would pick up from a gas station. source: i work at a gas station
reasonings below the cut:
scout: i chose newport red shorts for him because i feel like he would think menthol is for losers. newports to me are a very. basic cigarette. the layman's cig. i also find newports, especially red newports to be a little nasty lol. also i dont see him as much of a cigarette smoker but i do think he smokes every once in a while, esp if hes really stressed out or had a bad match. his 1 box will last him a few months. after a while i think he would switch to newport gold shorts, as theyre lighter.
soldier: i know theres a lot of art of soldier smoking cigars, esp blue soldier. while i don't disagree with that notion, i dont think hes coming into a convenience store and picking up a pack of cigarillos. i went with lucky strike red shorts because theyre an All American cigarette and have been around forever. theyre on the cheaper side as well and he smokes them in Emesis Blue. i didn't go with american spirits because theyre advertised as an "organic" cigarette, and i feel that he would find that to be pretentious and an overall turn off. also american spirits are more expensive.
pyro: i dont think pyro is a tobacco smoker. if the pyro is smoking anything its going to be weed wrapped in a banana backwoods. banana is one of the more strange flavors backwoods has, and i feel like they would go for something on the fruitier side. i also chose backwoods because backwoods fucking rule and the shits look like twigs bc theyre full leaf wraps. i also feel like they would choose banana because none of the other mercs would want to smoke that.
demo: with demo it was more a process of elimination than anything. i dont think he's a cigarette smoker. so i went with a cigarillo because i can so very clearly see him smoking one. i don't think he would go for swishers as a lot of them are fruity, and that doesn't seem up demo's alley. i went with white owl sweets because theyre simple and straight forward, and i feel he would like a pack of sweets. to be honest, im a little shaky on this one, but i don't think anything else would suit him besides like. game greens. to be fair, i don't think he smokes much, and would probably go for something higher quality and hand wrapped if he was smoking a cigar. overall he would get these if he needed something quick and cheap.
heavy: idk about other stores but my store has 1 million dorals and nobody is buying them except for maybe one person every 6 months. heavy is that person. if heavy is smoking anything he's smoking light 100s because i can't see him smoking or liking a rich or full flavor cigarette. also dude is big so he's not getting shorts because they're too small and will be gone in two seconds. these smokes are a mystery to me; i have no idea of the quality or price range. but in my mind i can see him coming up to my counter, asking for these, and leaving without a word.
engie: i almost went with marlboro southern cut for this guy but it felt too on the nose, even if i think he would enjoy the smoke of those. i went with honey bourbon backwoods instead. the flavor seems right up his alley, and i can clearly see him asking for these at a convenience store. as to what he does with them... i can see him smoking them as they come in the package, or using them as a wrap. overall engie looks like he drinks good whiskey, and these cigars look like good whiskey. well... bourbon.
medic: i had a hard time deciding what medic would smoke and went thru all the brands i know of. at first i discounted marlboro because of how commonly bought they are, figuring he would smoke something weirder. but when i came back to it i had figured he would enjoy menthols, and i landed on marlboro menthol blue 100s. he wouldn't go for full flavor, as they would irritate his throat. i feel like smoking these shits would be like sipping cold water after having mint gum. i mean, they're described as "smooth" and "cool." medic is smoking basically spearmint and cold water, but not enough to the point of where he's buying a pack of marlboro ice and its variants of gum package looking cigs.
sniper: i chose cheyenne menthols for him because to me sniper looks like he loves old school shit. the youngest person i have seen come in and buy these has been maybe 40. i don't think he would go for a basic cigarette. cheyennes are box cigars, and a box of these goes for under $3, and typically have more tobacco in them. i feel as if he would enjoy that as well as menthol full flavor, and the smokes themselves are brown instead of white. i can see him smoking a brown looking cigarette so clearly. also the packaging has an outdoorsy look to it lol. basically, i just Know he would go for these. if he was going to go for anything else, he might smoke camel menthol wides. he would also pick up zig zag unbleached cones for his joints.
spy: look we all know spy is smoking that hoity-toity imported french bullshit but if for whatever reason he had to pick up a pack a cigs from a mobil or something it would be parliament blue 100s. i already think he smokes 100s in general, and would go for parliaments because theyre expensive. where im from they sell for like $13 a pack and its always dudes in suits and/or gold chains asking for these things. the packaging isn't an issue here as spy keeps them in a case, but i don't feel like he would turn up his nose at it. overall these are his best option for a gas station cig.
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cokowiii · 1 year
Why would Draxum give Mikey flavored vapes aren’t you supposed to specifically not give those to children because it’s like candy and I’ll be hooked on it more unlike tobacco or menthol
Draxum is still learning human things so he didn’t know that warning they put on flavored vapes. He was more concerned about how harmful they were and just wanted to make them safer to use thinking that was the best thing to do at the moment
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camgirlkaminari · 1 year
hey my friends and i are watching the bnha musical where kurogiri is basically shiggy's vape pen but with glowing eyes (in real he's a smoke machine we think) and we were wondering what flavour vape he is? i thought you would know the answer to this.
ok so first of all, SO glad you came to me with this. this is so important. initially, my first impulse was to say OBVIOUSLY since he is purble, he must taste like grape. but then i was like no that's too obvious. too simple. perhaps he is blackberry. or funnier, watermelon breeze. or whatever. but I can't choose there's so many hilarious flavors he could be. my man is the reanimated corpse of a seventeen year old who is in charge of a bunch of unhinged 20 somethings, perhaps he is whatever Slapple Menthol™ must be. or, considering this is shiggy smoking this man, perhaps he is a clove situation: no tobacco, all spice (all the sigma males smoke clove.) eventually, defeated, i had to consult my crack team of scientists (goof chat) on this matter and it was very much a consensus:
he purble. so he taste like
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ghostbeam · 7 days
what vape flavors do the faves smoke oz
PLEASE lemme pull up the elf bar flavors🤓🤳🏼
Gojo-cotton candy (his comes easily to me bc I have discussed it before ofc he likes the super sweet ones)
Dabi-blueberry tobacco (kinda gross whatever) or any of the ice kind
Oikawa-strawberry raspberry cherry ice (girl what the fuck) or like peach mango
Spike-would never vape makes fun of people who vape very happy with his three packs a day
Reo-sweet menthol (😔😔)
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chfreezone · 3 months
Exploring the Different Types of Marlboro Cigarettes
Marlboro, a globally renowned brand, offers a diverse range of cigarettes catering to various preferences and tastes. Here's a breakdown of the different types available:
1. Marlboro Red: The classic choice for many smokers, Marlboro Red offers a full-bodied flavor and a rich tobacco taste. It's known for its strong yet smooth smoke, making it a popular pick among traditional cigarette enthusiasts.
2. Marlboro Gold: Also known as Marlboro Light, this variant offers a milder smoking experience compared to Marlboro Red. It features a lighter blend of tobacco, providing a smoother and more subtle flavor profile. Marlboro Gold is favored by those seeking a less intense smoking experience.
3. Marlboro Ice Blast: A variation of Marlboro Menthol, Ice Blast takes the menthol experience to the next level. With its unique capsule filter, smokers can release a burst of icy menthol flavor at their discretion, chfreezone offering a customizable and refreshing smoking experience.
4. Marlboro Menthol: Ideal for menthol lovers, Marlboro Menthol cigarettes combine the signature Marlboro tobacco blend with a refreshing menthol flavor. The menthol infusion provides a cool and invigorating smoking sensation, perfect for those looking for a minty twist.
5. Marlboro Black: For those craving a bolder and more robust flavor, Marlboro Blackdelivers a powerful smoking experience. It features a stronger tobacco blend, resulting in a rich and intense flavor profile that appeals to seasoned smokers.
6. Marlboro Fusion: Combining the best of both worlds, Marlboro Fusion offers a fusion of flavors by blending traditional tobacco with menthol. This innovative combination provides a unique and satisfying smoking experience, appealing to a diverse range of preferences.
No matter your preference, Marlboro cigarettes offer a wide range of options to suit every smoker's taste. Whether you prefer a classic, mellow smoke or crave something more intense and refreshing, Marlboro has a cigarette for you.
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ransomnote · 3 months
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that it will ban the sale of Juul e-cigarettes in the U.S.
The decision is part of the agency’s broader review of the vaping industry following years of pressure from politicians and public health groups to regulate the segment as strictly as other tobacco products after vaping became more common among high schoolers.
Juul sought approval from the FDA for its vaping device and tobacco- and menthol-flavored pods, which are available at 5% and 3% nicotine strengths. Already, the agency in 2020 banned mint- and fruit-flavored vaping products in an effort to cut down on teen vaping, leaving just tobacco- and menthol-flavored products on the market.
The decision to ban the sale of those remaining products by Juul deals a hefty blow to the company. Juul’s international expansion efforts have been hamstrung by regulations and a lack of consumer interest. The U.S. remains its largest market.
The FDA said Juul’s applications gave insufficient or conflicting data about the potential risks of using the company’s products, including whether potentially harmful chemicals could leak out of the Juul pods.
“Without the data needed to determine relevant health risks, the FDA is issuing these marketing denial orders,” Michele Mital, acting director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said in a statement.
The FDA said it didn’t see clinical information that suggests there is an immediate risk to using Juul products. Still, as a result of Thursday’s decision, Juul must stop selling and distributing its products in the U.S. The FDA cannot enforce individual consumer possession or use of the company’s e-cigarettes.
A representative for Juul did not immediately respond to a request for comment from CNBC.
In FDA decisions over the last year, rival e-cigarette makers British American Tobacco and NJOY won approvals for their e-cigarettes, although the FDA rejected some of the flavored products submitted by the companies. The agency said it approved both companies’ tobacco-flavored products because they proved they could benefit adult smokers and outweighed the risk to underage users.
The FDA has been making strides to cut down nicotine use in traditional tobacco products, too. On Tuesday, the agency said it plans to require tobacco companies to slash the nicotine content in cigarettes to minimally addictive or nonaddictive levels.
In 2019, federal data found that more than 1-in-4 high school students had used an e-cigarette in the past 30 days, up from 11.7% just two years prior. An outbreak of vaping-related lung disease in 2020 only heightened concerns about e-cigarettes.
Last year, usage among high school students fell to 11.3% amid greater regulatory scrutiny and the coronavirus pandemic.
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ilovehavingablog · 11 months
they banned flavored tobacco... could u have done it not while im a smoker. having my last menthols </3 but that's a great initiative for the pub health for sure
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bypassreality · 8 months
Some thoughts about life in the north
1. Your cigarette is burned away by the wind before you get 2 draws from it and that's why they smoke so many cigarettes. The cigarette huddles against the side of a building are tighter than a college football huddle when they are down by 14 in the third quarter
2. Cigarettes in Finland cost the same as cigarettes in tobacco country (Mid-Atlantic and southeast USA) and the machine to get the cigarettes is interesting. Tobacco can't be advertised so there is a machine with buttons numbered 1-50 or something and either the customer or the employee presses a button and the cigarettes have a little ride on a conveyor belt before falling onto the checkout lane. In America you walk into any grocery store or gas station and you are greeted with a floor to ceiling wall to wall display of tobacco and it's all like "smoothest cigarettes 😇" "cigarettes for WOMEN" "enjoy the refreshing menthol flavor as cold as Alaska" and the vape advertising is the worst of them all "addicted to cigrids? Try VAPING instead!"
3. No one expected the Americans and some wanted to ask questions about USA
4. Free unlimited help-yourself coffee, tea, and sparkling water at restaurants, cafes, and some gas stations
5. Sauna is majesty 😌 life in the swamps of hot southern USA prepared me emotionally mentally and physically for sauna.
6. There are sidewalks and people paths and you can actually walk or ride your bicycle to the shops without fear of a collision with a car. Sidewalk underpasses below bridges. Also some intense Norwegians bicycle up the fjord with their groceries in tow and I think that's beautiful. Roads are for cars and pedestrians have dedicated paths and everything is walkable. Don't Google "stroads" or you'll have nightmares.
7. The public transportation is perfect and this can't be argued because I live in a city of 100,000 people and there is No Public Transportation. In fact, my city had electric trams in the early 1900s. Car companies literally bribed the city to get rid of the trams to force people to buy cars. It's faster to walk on a road with no sidewalks than it is to take a bus because the bus routes are garbage. There are also bus pull-offs on the side of the highway to collect passengers which is safe for passengers and does not impede the flow of traffic
8. Lunch buffet with 1 or 2 protein options, salad, bread, butter. The tomato and cucumber and onion salad, so good. Potato salad, egg butter, everything has dill or cardamom. Buffets in America are huge piles of greasy slop with hundreds of options and no respectable person decides to go to the Golden Corral or Country Cookin for a meal. But all of the businessmen in Turku were at a lunch buffet on a Wednesday.
9. Can someone please explain why the clothes dryers collect water in a tray which you then have to empty lest your clothes never dry? Also the dryer temperature seems to be absolutely perfect for drying wool and synthetic clothes but cotton never dries. Clothes lines are simply not a thing in USA and clothes come out of the dryer hot, dry, and staticky even on the low heat setting
10. There are no stop signs! Simply Priority Roads! You don't have to stop at intersections if there are no oncoming cars and it makes life perfect in a manual car! Also scary because Who Has The Right Of Way (Confusion In Kirkenes). My vision is not marred and my optimism is not hindered by giant red octagonal STOP signs. Also, the speed bumps are correlated to the speed of the road. American speed bumps are literally anything that the road pavers decided to do and you may lose your transmission or break an axle if you aren't aware of the power of the speed bump.
11. Wasa Sandwich Crackers with a smear of Lurpak was the perfect hiking snack
12. I ain't never seen so many got dang berries in my entire life! Sure yes there are blueberries on the mountains here but not to the extent of Finland and Norway (perhaps Sweden but we did not visit Sweden). The berries are cold and wet and so sweet. Eventually I considered the lingonberry to be sweet as well. And the bog cranberries were a special treat. I did not try the Rowan berry because I'm a wimp. Bunchberry, heather, juniper, blueberry, lingonberry, cranberry, raspberry. I will forever miss them.
The blueberries that grow on the mountains here are big and hot and not at all refreshing like Nordic berries. Maybe farther north or at higher elevations the berries are better but the wild berries I have access to grow on south facing dry pine forests and pines provide little shade and are hot even in the winter. The berries go bad soon after ripening, or you can't get to them before the birds, and blackberries and raspberries are covered in thorns which makes them no fun to pick.
13. Speaking of berries, there are many Thai seasonal workers who pick the berries...
14. Drinking alcohol in public is legal. I liked to have a beer at the end of a hike or while fishing or at the kota grilling sausages.
15. The machines that collect your recycling and give you money in return!! I watched someone deposit so many beer cans he got back 30 euros.
16. Absolutely tragic that the museums did not have tshirts, only extremely cute trinkets that took my entire willpower to not purchase 1 of everything.
17. Luggage lockers at train stations and luggage can stay there for DAYS
18. A better train network than every state in the USA. A country of 5.5 million people has a better train network than the state I live in that has a population of 8 million. Also the treats in the treat car are really great. I have many thoughts about Amtrak and only some of them are good.
19. Underground parking
20. Dogs allowed in restaurants
21. Every toilet has a bidet and many stalls have a sink. Bathroom stalls are floor to ceiling walls for maximum privacy
22. The fabric hand towel machine and lack of overflowing trash cans full of paper towels and the accompanying empty paper towel dispenser
23. The cargo trucks are cute lmao and there is no other word to describe it
24. Rally lights on cars and trucks for nighttime driving safety
25. Everyone has a caravan and I guess it's a social rule to wave at every caravan you pass while driving
26. Norwegian fishing boats have regulations on size which makes them CUTE
27. The Norwegian fishermen we talked to said to not fish in the harbors because it's standing water, and it's dirty compared to moving seawater, but what they don't know is that harbors where we fish in here are much dirtier and people eat the fish they catch. Yes the harbor water in a village of 700 people is dirtier than the pristine arctic waters of the fjord but like... only barely dirty.
28. No sharks or snapping turtles to nibble on my sweet human flesh
29. Everyone knits. Knitting at a restaurant, knitting while waiting for the train, knitting at a customer service desk, knitting on the train. One Norwegian woman approached ME to talk about her knitting and she knew only a bit of English but we had a good conversation
30. An obvious aversion to mowed turf grass lawn
31. I just really love the fully tiled bathroom with a drain in the middle and the squeegee to push the water into the drain
32. Hot water is very hot
33. No plastic shopping bags. It is astounding
34. So very many milk, butter, cheese, sausage, and dried/cured meat choices at the grocery store
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an emergency appeal by the cigarette industry that would have ended a ban on flavored tobacco products in California.
On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan denied the emergency request by several major tobacco giants, including R.J. Reynolds, Sante Fe Natural Tobacco Co., and Modoral Brands Inc., who filed the injunction last month asking the high court to intervene and stop the ban after 9th Circuit Court of Appeals allowed it.
Kagan upheld the ban without explanation and no dissents were issued by the other Justices.
Following the ruling, the ban -- known as Proposition 31 -- is scheduled to take effect on Dec. 21 after more than 60% of state voters approved the referendum during last month's midterm election.
Attorneys for the tobacco industry argued that California lacked the constitutional authority to enact such a law at the state level. And R.J. Reynolds, which makes Newport menthol cigarettes, also cited the 2009 Tobacco Control Act, which prohibits states from blocking tobacco sales.
"They can raise the minimum purchase age, restrict sales to particular times and locations, and enforce licensing regimes," the plaintiffs argued in the request for an injunction. "But one thing they cannot do is completely prohibit the sale of those products for failing to meet the state's or locality's preferred tobacco product standards."
Previously, the 9th Circuit court rejected another similar appeal by the companies, ruling that states maintained the right to regulate tobacco products even as the industry was already governed by the Food and Drug Administration.
The question on the ballot asked voters -- yes or no -- if they supported a state ban on non-tobacco flavors like cotton candy, vanilla, menthol, and various fruits.
The state legislature passed the ban in 2020 but voters had to first approve the measure before it could become law. That will happen next Wednesday when the November results are finally certified.
In court, attorneys said the law would result in "substantial financial losses" for the tobacco industry.
California will now join Massachusetts as the only states to currently ban flavored tobacco products.
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imeverywoman420 · 9 months
when going for vape flavors i always gravitate towards an icey berry blue. I like a sort of menthol/minty blueberry/raspberry vibe.
Least favorire vape notes: APPLE UGH. banana makes me wanna throw up. Grape 🤨 regular tobacco. Nasty. Plain menthol. A lot of mint vapes have nasty aftertastes
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vapelikedubai · 10 months
The Vaping Culture in Dubai: A Journey through the Desert of Flavors
Dubai, the dazzling metropolis nestled in the Arabian Desert, is not only famous for its futuristic architecture and luxurious lifestyle but also for its thriving vaping culture. Vaping has taken the world by storm, and Dubai is no exception. In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of Dubai's vape shops, exploring the diverse flavors, the community, and the regulations that shape this growing industry in the heart of the Middle East.
The Rise of Vaping in Dubai Vaping first made its way to Dubai in the early 2010s and quickly gained popularity among both locals and tourists. The appeal of vaping lies in its smoke-free experience and an array of tantalizing flavors that cater to every taste. As traditional smoking faces increasing restrictions, vaping has become a modern alternative for those seeking to enjoy nicotine or simply indulge in the pleasure of blowing clouds.
A Flavor Oasis: Exploring the Diverse Vape Juices Dubai's vape shops offer an impressive variety of e-liquids, from classic tobacco and menthol flavors to exotic blends inspired by the region's rich culture. Whether you crave the refreshing taste of tropical fruits or the indulgence of desserts like baklava or kunafa, you're sure to find a vape juice that suits your preferences. Moreover, many shops allow customers to sample different flavors, ensuring an informed and satisfying choice.
The Vaping Community: A Close-Knit Culture Beyond just being a marketplace for vaping products, Dubai's vape shops serve as social hubs for enthusiasts to connect and share their passion. Vape enthusiasts come together to discuss their latest mods, flavors, and the ever-evolving world of vaping technology. Vaping competitions, meetups, and events further strengthen the sense of community among vapers, making it a vibrant and inclusive space for all.
Embracing Innovation: The Latest Vaping Technology Dubai is known for embracing cutting-edge technology, and the vaping industry is no exception. Vape shops in Dubai offer the latest mods, tanks, coils, and other vaping accessories, ensuring that vapers have access to the most advanced and innovative products available on the market. With a growing interest in vape customization and personalization, the demand for high-tech vaping devices continues to rise.
Navigating Regulations: Vaping in Dubai While Dubai's vaping scene is vibrant, it is essential to be aware of the local regulations surrounding vaping. In 2021, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) introduced strict regulations on e-cigarettes and vaping products to protect public health. Vaping in public places, particularly around children, is prohibited, and unauthorized sale of vaping products may attract hefty fines and penalties. Therefore, it's crucial for vapers to be well-informed and responsible while enjoying their passion in Dubai.
Dubai's vape shops offer an immersive experience into the world of vaping, combining a diverse range of flavors, a close-knit community, and the latest advancements in vaping technology. As the vaping culture continues to flourish in this dynamic city, enthusiasts and newcomers alike can expect to find a haven of flavors and camaraderie amidst the mesmerizing desert landscape. However, it is essential to adhere to local regulations and be responsible vapers to ensure the longevity of this thriving community. So, the next time you find yourself in Dubai, immerse yourself in the desert of flavors and embark on a journey through the vibrant world of vaping.
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