#Mason Musings
gildedhcart · 2 years
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inquirewithbillcipher · 5 months
your human has no damn right being that fine >:(
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All of my humans are very fine ~
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authorafterhours · 1 month
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you."
"EPIC Official Concept Album: The Underworld Saga," -Jorge Riveria-Herrans, Mason Olshavsky
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fashion4standusers · 1 year
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model Alton Mason
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collar-shocked · 4 months
I like thinking about my muses in natural, mundane, normal settings. I think it's funny. Take my HC's.
Strade, clothes stained with blood, stressing over the countertop looking at his 1040 with a calculator present. He plays a lot of dangerous games, but never with the IRS.
Ren general shopping. Man's gotta pick up his flour. Get some more TP. Standing in front of the aisle for all of 30 seconds debating soft, or ultra soft. Maybe get some new socks while he's out. Stop at the Burger King drive thru cause it was on the way. Then he's gotta get home and put them all away. What an exciting day.
Lawrence needing to stop on a walk because his pocket ripped on a twig, and all his coins fell. Awesome. If carrying coins isn't good enough, now they're dirt-coins. Super paranoid about leaving one behind for some reason. Lord forbid he abandon his dime. It's all under his nails now, too. Great. Super humiliating.
Mason figuring out the internet. He has no idea what LOL means. Why are there so many images with text on them? Does use text faces. Thinks they're super funny, very creative little things. " :) ". 100% needed assistance through Fox's application process. Just didn't know what half those words meant. The fuck's a PDF? How does he get his ID, which is in real life, onto this machine, which is not real?
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bertilak-writes · 1 year
My controversial wayhaven take is that if Adam/Ava was made explicitly gay it would be such a cool concept. Unmarried heir who becomes a knight instead? Repressed sexual feelings? Obsession with rules and purity? Suddenly the boring 'uptight straight man' trope becomes gay man/butch lesbian with Catholic guilt.
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djsangos · 6 months
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not to post 2 pics 2 days in a row or anything (does it anyway)
but i accidentally burned dinner like the fucking scatterbrain i am flopped to the floor in pure rage and frustration heard giggling only to open my eyes and find my GIRLFRIEND that TRAITOR standing over me with their phone out laughing at me like how DARE you make fun of me in my lowest moment i was trying to COOK FOR US
so we ended up just ordering doordive instead cant have shit in inkopolis
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luminescenc1e · 6 months
It wasn’t like she missed home, home no longer felt hers. But the endless pomp and parades, with only steel, glass, and concrete anywhere you’d look. She could only feel the absence of nature. As expected, anything that is alive comes to die in the Capital. Children and trees, it does not much matter here. “ Are you planning on shooting at the gamemaster this time? Maybe instead of an apple, you could spear something a bit more interesting. "
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Leaning over the long metal table, Johanna had rummaged through a box of different fishing knickknacks. Did they expect them to fish? The training room was filled with an assortment of hilariously idiotic additions. You had weapons and then you also had paint, fishing equipment, and how to make rudimentary traps. This time, she felt, they wouldn’t have enough time to bother with most of what usually happens during these games. It will be a bloodbath and an arena that might just be rigged to kill all of them.
“ If you teach me how to catch a little defensive rabbit, I can teach you how to use an axe. Might come in handy, with the one on one. I saw last year you didn’t really fare well with that. ” The tactic that she used for her games, wouldn’t work anymore. She had pretended to be weakling, terrified of everyone and everything. And it had worked. Luckily, intelligence isn’t usually common with the tributes.
So Johanna had been left to fend for herself for most of the game until there were five of them. They did not expect her or her axe. Now, that was of no use. She could make it glaringly obvious just how much anger and hatred she had for everyone responsible, no more sniveling, no more need to pretend. So why not see what the little mockingjay was made off? Regardless of what Haymitch said, she wanted to see for herself.
for @n1ghtlck from the starter call!
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mason-ajar · 2 years
just finished ep 44, them giving sisco an incredibly anticlimatic match against free is the funniest shit theyve pulled all season 😭😭 unsatisfying?? yeah but this shit is hilarious
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lastblues · 11 days
@anxietytold / ray hall.
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          EVERY TIME DODGE SEES RAY'S SMUG FACE HE WANTS TO HIT IT.  sure, he's aware that technically ray hasn't done anything wrong in the grand scheme of things, but his relation to luke hall makes dodge's skin crawl nonetheless. there's a thought that pricks the back of his mind when he sees ray that he could do exactly to luke what luke had done to him--- destroy his sibling's life. seeing ray makes him fantasize about doing dark, awful things to someone who doesn't actually deserve them, and that alone makes him want to keep his distance. not to mention, he just doesn't really like him. he's cocky, he's loud, and he's not great at understanding personal space. everything about ray exhausts dodge. so when he sees ray walk into the diner, dodge releases a slow, controlled sigh before stepping over toward him.
          "can i help you?" he asks with all the enthusiasm of a teenager who's been grounded by their parent and was immediately forced to attend a family dinner afterward. "we're out of bacon."
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thegroovywitch · 2 years
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Ginger Gilmour
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Skyhold - 9:41 Dragon
(Continued from X with @chasindtrevelyan)
chasindtrevelyan answered:
“If I mix three elfroot with the…” Eli trailed off, his musings drifting into barely audible mumbling as he scribbled notes on his latest herbal mixture. It was a work in progress, something for pain management for those members of the Inquisition who suffered lingering injuries or chronic pain. While smoking the plant could indeed offer temporary relief, it also dulled one's senses too much. Going into battle or even simply out gathering while under the influence could be dangerous, and his hope was to make something that offered the same effect, but without the side effects. 
The knock at the door startled him from his thoughts, and he snapped his head up to see who had come by. The knock, though appreciated, had not helped as much as the visitor would likely have wanted. It wasn’t her fault however, it was simply how he was, and he offered the Commander a shy smile. “Good evening,” he greeted, and flushed a little at being called out on his lack of meal attendance. The great hall of Skyhold was wonderful, truly…but Eli didn’t like being around that many people all at once, and typically took his meals at odd hours to avoid the crowds. Dear Elissa however, seemed to have spared him the effort this evening. 
“I am actually,” he continued, “got a bit lost in my experiments and forgot to raid the kitchen. Thank you for bringing something. Have you been well?”
Ever the healer, he worried for her even as she came to offer him aid in her own way.
Elissa winced just a hair and she offered a sheepish look of apology when Eli jumped and startled despite her efforts at subtlety. Even with her training, when it came to any situation outside of combat or subterfuge, it had never been one of her strongest suits.
"It is no trouble," she began, balancing the tray on the edge of his desk as she reached out a hand in a silent offer of help in shifting his work aside enough to clear a place directly in front of him. "I'd have been here a bit sooner, but Bryce was particularly difficult to get down for sleep tonight. He misses his father terribly, and is worried he'll not see me again when I leave to find him with the Inquisitor and Champion for Crestwood tomorrow. I..." She stopped mid sentence and sighed quietly. "Forgive me - you have your own business and burdens without having to listen to mine. I am well enough, all things considered."
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serpulalacrymans · 2 months
//lol remember my Mason blog?
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
chihiro: i got bit by a mosquito last night.
me: wait, are you telling me jin kirigiri wouldn't let celeste have her cat, but he let the old school building have MOSQUITOS?
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greenelight · 2 days
DETERMINED   to   be   here   this   week.   planning   to   redo   my   a.ngels   in   america   screencaps   for   ultimate   mason   reactions.
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collar-shocked · 4 months
The relationship between Mason and Lawrence. Let's talk about it.
What are the odds they both end up in one spot? What are the odds they both have history with a certain beastkin, the same one, in fact? Not too insane, actually.
Mason does not know of Lawrence's presence, but he figures something lingers in his woods. And if asked, he could give a good guess.
It really is as simple as Ren selling a corpse to the highest bidder, 20 years ago. Just to rid himself of the burden after it wouldn't.. Cease. Cut through the things organs, it remained awake to look at him in ways he didn't like. Tried to flush it out, remove ALL internal organs, gut it- it persisted. Stowed it away in his coldest freezer, forcing it to bunk with the body of his beloved, but he couldn't take listening to the scratching on the other side of the door.
Went online, found someone who could use a "human skin." Drove it out to the Canadian wilderness, centered the worth of Lawrence's body, his mind, memories, experiences, sins, regrets, accomplishments, life at a good 75 CAD. And these people were not kind to him.
Ren never told them Lawrence would move. He never told them he took the organs, either. Their superstition and paranoia of the paranormal took over, and being unable to contact Ren, they took care of it their way. Crushed the head, cleansed the ever-moving body, threw it in the dirty swamp with holy charms and black quartz and fetishes to keep whatever this thing is at bay- effectively tying him to the land. This soil is now his own.
Mason was only 18 at the time. He had only just begun picking at his fellow cult-followers, and this experience made it no better. Being unaware of his role in the disappearances, they still tried to protect him- harbor from such unholy disgust, but he couldn't help but to sneak glances at the body as they operated. How grey yet plump the skin was, how the arms moved with a smashed head, how the legs kicked before drowning under. He'd never seen such violence despite all his wrongdoings.
So, when he sees a lingering shadow, or a deer with funny antlers, or hears the rattling of bones, or spots a blue spotlight in the distance, or even when his prey begin to act strangely... He can't help but remember those icy-eyes. That exposed ribcage. The weeping corpse. He never knew him, never had a chance- but he begs to guess.
It is far too cold a climate for Nerium to be growing like that.
Additionally, Lawrence knows all about Mason. Despite being content in this position, simply forgotten, left dormant, left alone, he still gets lonely. It is Mason who delivers death to his feet. Gifts, in a way. He can taste the blood seep into the dirt. He can feel the bugs clean up the bones. He is never visited at the swamp, and for this he is thankful- but sometimes, just sometimes he wishes the beast would personally deposit something for him. He feels little attachment to Mason, but less is more for someone like Lawrence. He's, in a way, all he has now.
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