#Maritime adventures
blueheartbookclub · 4 months
"Navigating the Celestial Odyssey: Apollonius Rhodius' 'The Argonautica' in the Lyrical Rhythms of R. C. Seaton's Translation"
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"The Argonautica" by Apollonius Rhodius, elegantly translated by R. C. Seaton, emerges as a literary gem that weaves the tale of the heroic quest for the Golden Fleece into the fabric of ancient Greek epic poetry. This classical masterpiece, written in the third century BCE, invites readers into the mythical world of heroes, gods, and maritime adventures. The title itself hints at the epic journey undertaken by the Argonauts and the rich tapestry of myths that unfold in Seaton's poetic rendering.
Seaton's translation captures the spirit of Apollonius Rhodius' original work, breathing life into the archaic verses while maintaining fidelity to the poetic essence of the ancient Greek epic. The title serves as a prelude to an odyssey that transcends mortal realms, navigating the cosmic expanse and the turbulent seas that define the Argonauts' quest. Seaton's lyrical craftsmanship transforms the narrative into a symphony of words, each stanza resonating with the echoes of antiquity.
At the core of "The Argonautica" is the heroic journey of Jason and his companions, the Argonauts, as they embark on a perilous expedition to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Seaton's translation masterfully conveys the heroism, camaraderie, and divine interventions that characterize this mythic voyage. The title acts as a compass, guiding readers through the labyrinthine narratives that unfold in the wake of the Argo's sails.
One of the notable features of Seaton's translation is his ability to preserve the nuances of Apollonius Rhodius' language, allowing readers to savor the intricacies of the poet's narrative technique. The title becomes a doorway to the ancient Greek world, beckoning readers to immerse themselves in the vibrant imagery, divine interventions, and the cosmic forces that shape the destiny of the Argonauts.
The multifaceted characters of "The Argonautica" come alive in Seaton's translation, each imbued with distinct personalities and motivations. From Jason's quest for glory to Medea's complex role as both lover and sorceress, the title encapsulates the ensemble of characters whose fates intertwine amidst the celestial currents. Seaton's translation skillfully navigates the emotional depths of these characters, breathing humanity into the larger-than-life figures of Greek mythology.
As the Argonauts encounter mythical beings, face treacherous challenges, and traverse uncharted waters, Seaton's translation maintains a delicate balance between the epic and the lyrical. The title becomes a beacon, illuminating the narrative twists and turns that mirror the celestial constellations guiding the Argo through the cosmos. Seaton's poetic rendering captures the awe-inspiring beauty and perilous nature of the ancient mariner's journey.
"The Argonautica" is not merely an adventure tale; it is a tapestry of myths interwoven with themes of destiny, love, and divine intervention. Seaton's translation accentuates the nuanced connections between mortal aspirations and the whims of the gods. The title beckons readers to explore the mythic undercurrents that flow beneath the surface of the narrative, inviting contemplation on the intersection of mortal agency and divine influence.
In conclusion, R. C. Seaton's translation of Apollonius Rhodius' "The Argonautica" is a poetic voyage that resonates with the majesty of ancient Greek epic storytelling. The title encapsulates the essence of this celestial odyssey, promising readers an immersion into the mythical realms that have captivated audiences for centuries. Seaton's lyrical prowess breathes new life into the age-old verses, ensuring that the adventures of the Argonauts continue to inspire awe and wonder in the hearts of contemporary readers.
"The Argonautica" by Apollonius Rhodius is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 219
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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blueheartbooks · 4 months
"Navigating the Celestial Odyssey: Apollonius Rhodius' 'The Argonautica' in the Lyrical Rhythms of R. C. Seaton's Translation"
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"The Argonautica" by Apollonius Rhodius, elegantly translated by R. C. Seaton, emerges as a literary gem that weaves the tale of the heroic quest for the Golden Fleece into the fabric of ancient Greek epic poetry. This classical masterpiece, written in the third century BCE, invites readers into the mythical world of heroes, gods, and maritime adventures. The title itself hints at the epic journey undertaken by the Argonauts and the rich tapestry of myths that unfold in Seaton's poetic rendering.
Seaton's translation captures the spirit of Apollonius Rhodius' original work, breathing life into the archaic verses while maintaining fidelity to the poetic essence of the ancient Greek epic. The title serves as a prelude to an odyssey that transcends mortal realms, navigating the cosmic expanse and the turbulent seas that define the Argonauts' quest. Seaton's lyrical craftsmanship transforms the narrative into a symphony of words, each stanza resonating with the echoes of antiquity.
At the core of "The Argonautica" is the heroic journey of Jason and his companions, the Argonauts, as they embark on a perilous expedition to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Seaton's translation masterfully conveys the heroism, camaraderie, and divine interventions that characterize this mythic voyage. The title acts as a compass, guiding readers through the labyrinthine narratives that unfold in the wake of the Argo's sails.
One of the notable features of Seaton's translation is his ability to preserve the nuances of Apollonius Rhodius' language, allowing readers to savor the intricacies of the poet's narrative technique. The title becomes a doorway to the ancient Greek world, beckoning readers to immerse themselves in the vibrant imagery, divine interventions, and the cosmic forces that shape the destiny of the Argonauts.
The multifaceted characters of "The Argonautica" come alive in Seaton's translation, each imbued with distinct personalities and motivations. From Jason's quest for glory to Medea's complex role as both lover and sorceress, the title encapsulates the ensemble of characters whose fates intertwine amidst the celestial currents. Seaton's translation skillfully navigates the emotional depths of these characters, breathing humanity into the larger-than-life figures of Greek mythology.
As the Argonauts encounter mythical beings, face treacherous challenges, and traverse uncharted waters, Seaton's translation maintains a delicate balance between the epic and the lyrical. The title becomes a beacon, illuminating the narrative twists and turns that mirror the celestial constellations guiding the Argo through the cosmos. Seaton's poetic rendering captures the awe-inspiring beauty and perilous nature of the ancient mariner's journey.
"The Argonautica" is not merely an adventure tale; it is a tapestry of myths interwoven with themes of destiny, love, and divine intervention. Seaton's translation accentuates the nuanced connections between mortal aspirations and the whims of the gods. The title beckons readers to explore the mythic undercurrents that flow beneath the surface of the narrative, inviting contemplation on the intersection of mortal agency and divine influence.
In conclusion, R. C. Seaton's translation of Apollonius Rhodius' "The Argonautica" is a poetic voyage that resonates with the majesty of ancient Greek epic storytelling. The title encapsulates the essence of this celestial odyssey, promising readers an immersion into the mythical realms that have captivated audiences for centuries. Seaton's lyrical prowess breathes new life into the age-old verses, ensuring that the adventures of the Argonauts continue to inspire awe and wonder in the hearts of contemporary readers.
"The Argonautica" by Apollonius Rhodius is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 219
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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the-golden-vanity · 7 months
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Captain Pike, Dean Cornwell (1892-1960)
I'm in love with this dramatic painting of a ship's officer facing Age of Sail-era justice, which was sent to me by @habemuscarnificem. After much searching online, and seeing this credited as an illustration for every maritime story from Treasure Island to Moby-Dick (neither of which involve anyone being hanged from the yardarm), I came across the painting's title, Captain Pike. However, I'm having a hard time finding out who Captain Pike was, or whether he was a real or fictional sea captain. Age of Sail Tumblr, can you help me out?
@ltwilliammowett @clove-pinks @benjhawkins @ anybody else who knows their boat stories
Thank you so much! Fair winds and following seas to you all.
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viridian-pickle · 5 months
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mystical-marlin · 6 months
Marlin: *up on a dolphin at work* hey Casey take my picture will you? My pass code is all even numbers.
Casey: *typing in passcode and opening my phone*
Marlin: *remembers I didn’t close the internet and he’s gonna see whatever HollyWolf fic I was reading* thanks man.
The photo in question:
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grandboute · 1 year
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A toutes et tous qui me suivez fidèlement depuis si longtemps, je souhaite une paisible et lumineuse année, telle un paysage d'Irlande, doux et intemporel mais résolument tourné vers l'horizon et l'ailleurs.
Je vous souhaite de belles nouvelles aventures !
Happy new year to all, full of sweet light and new adventures !
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
I Really Like Collaborative Internet Art Projects That Don't Require You To Be Part of a Discord Server
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6blues · 8 months
it's really too bad that the writing in berserk completely went out the window from the conviction arc on (yeah yeah it was bad before but it was compelling. don't lie) because there ARE good elements in it. like the berserker armor is super cool as a concept i'm really into it but the way it's used is just kinda mid like miura you had themes (knighthood, sexual trauma, The Body, to name a few). where did they go. turn the moe video games off
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strawberry-selfships · 3 months
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beginner's sailing // beyond the sea by bobby darin // artwork by me // dream sweet in sea major by miracle musical // octopus' garden by the beatles
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 26th January 1981 the empty shell of the 'Bass Conqueror' off the shore of Ireland.
“Some people might think I am a crackpot, but I am sure I will survive to answer them when I return"
The words of 27-year-old Kenneth Kerr, a former petty officer on the British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror, who on May 21st, 1980, left Newfoundland in Canada on his second attempt to row 2100 miles across the Atlantic in the 13ft glass-fibre dinghy Bass Conqueror.
Having held a life-long ambition to set the record for the smallest boat ever to have been rowed across the Atlantic single-handedly, Kenneth’ tragically didn't make it home.. Bass Conqueror, an Orkney Spinner flat-bottomed rowing boat, was specially fitted out for his first attempt in 1979 by a boat builder at Kenneth’s home town of Port Seaton in East Lothian, and named after a product brewed by Tennent Caledonian Breweries - joint sponsors of the venture .But Kenneth’s initial attempt was to end disastrously. Capsized twice by giant waves after 58 days at sea, he desperately fought to upright the vessel both times and was incredibly fortunate to find both his tiny inflatable life-raft and transmitter floating close by. But in stormy seas 700-miles off the Canadian coast, the boat soon began to fill with water, and after climbing into the 4ft diameter raft, Kenneth watched as Bass Conqueror was swallowed up by yet another enormous wave.
With no food or water, struggling with the bitter cold and at the mercy of the high seas, he fumbled with the transmitter to send out a distress signal, which was picked up by a British Airways Concorde en route to New York. Canadian coastguards were alerted, spotter planes were dispatched and an Argus aircraft was soon able to pass on his position to a German container ship - Stuttgart Express - which detoured 45 miles to come to his rescue.
His barnacle-covered vessel was found washed-up on the Irish coast five months later. However, inspired by John Ridgway and Chay Blyth, who had successfully crossed the Atlantic in 1966, Kenneth was not ready to give up on his dream.
Following repairs at the Orkney Co. Boat Yard at Arundel, Sussex, Bass Conqueror was ready for another attempt, and on May 21st, 1980, he set off yet again from Newfoundland. On August 13th, 500 miles off the coast of Ireland, Kenneth was spotted by the crew of a passing cargo ship, who gave him fresh food and water, and in the weeks ahead made several radio transmissions, the last of which came after 156 days at sea on October 25th when a faint message of ‘bearing 123 degrees’ was picked up by expedition ship Eye of the Wind.
Sadly, Kenneth was never to be seen or heard from again. Bass Conqueror was recovered by a Norwegian rescue team near Stavanger on this day in 1981.
Bass Conqueror is now in row in the Scottish Maritime Museum, Linthouse Building at Irvine, as seen in the pics, and if you ever visit look out for 17 notches on the strengthening board on the floor of the boat. During both attempts at the crossing, Kenneth notched up every week he completed - the 8 notches from his first attempt can also be seen. Seventeen weeks gives 119 days, but the message picked up by the crew of Eye of the Wind is evidence that he was still alive after 156 days. We do not know what happened in those missing five weeks, and it will always remain a mystery.
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xxxtodayisthedayxxx · 7 months
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LA NUIT NOUS ATTEND  (La Rochelle - 06/09/2023)
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blueheartbooks · 3 months
Navigating the Depths of Humanity: A Review of "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
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Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its rich tapestry of adventure, philosophy, and exploration of the human condition. Published in 1851, this epic novel tells the story of Ishmael, a sailor who embarks on a whaling voyage aboard the Pequod, captained by the enigmatic and obsessive Captain Ahab. As the voyage progresses, Ishmael and his shipmates become embroiled in Ahab's relentless quest for vengeance against the great white whale, Moby Dick, leading to a harrowing and ultimately tragic confrontation.
At its core, "Moby-Dick" is a profound exploration of themes such as obsession, fate, and the nature of evil. Through the character of Captain Ahab, Melville delves into the depths of the human psyche, revealing the destructive power of unchecked ambition and the consequences of pursuing one's desires at any cost. Ahab's single-minded pursuit of vengeance against Moby Dick serves as a powerful allegory for the folly of human hubris and the inherent darkness that resides within us all.
One of the most striking aspects of "Moby-Dick" is its vast scope and ambitious narrative structure. Melville weaves together a diverse array of genres, including adventure, philosophy, natural history, and maritime lore, creating a multifaceted and immersive reading experience. From the intricacies of whaling to the metaphysical musings of Ishmael, the novel's narrative is as expansive and boundless as the open sea itself, inviting readers to ponder life's deepest mysteries and contemplate the nature of existence.
Moreover, "Moby-Dick" is renowned for its richly textured prose and vivid evocation of the maritime world. Melville's descriptive powers are on full display as he paints a vivid portrait of life aboard a whaling ship, from the harsh realities of shipboard existence to the awe-inspiring beauty of the ocean's depths. Through his lyrical language and vivid imagery, Melville captures the essence of the sea as both a source of wonder and terror, imbuing the novel with a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.
In addition to its philosophical depth and evocative prose, "Moby-Dick" is also a timeless meditation on the human condition and the search for meaning in a chaotic and indifferent universe. As Ishmael grapples with questions of identity, mortality, and the unknowable mysteries of existence, readers are drawn into a profound and transcendent journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Through Ishmael's experiences, Melville reminds us of the fragility of human life and the enduring power of the human spirit to find meaning and purpose in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, "Moby-Dick" is a towering achievement of American literature that continues to resonate with readers for its profound insights, rich imagery, and timeless relevance. Melville's magnum opus stands as a testament to the enduring power of the human imagination and the boundless depths of the human soul. With its epic scope, philosophical depth, and unforgettable characters, "Moby-Dick" remains a masterpiece of world literature and a testament to Melville's enduring genius.
Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is available in Amazon in paperback 22.99$ and hardcover 29.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 314
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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oopsbirdficced · 2 years
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Chapter 9: of dangerous situations
Rating: T/PG13
Fandom: Tolkien’s Silmarillion
WARNINGS: brief mentions of vomiting/nausea related to seasickness, description of hunting and butchering an animal (sea serpent)
You could not find two people cut of a more different cloth than Findaráto Ingoldo Arafinwion and Morifinwë Carnistir Fëanárion. It is, perhaps then, Fate’s cruel whims or the One’s idea of a particularly entertaining joke that they be bound together in a sacred union.
They survive.
Chapter 9: of dangerous situations - Carnistir is not adjusting to life on the open sea well. There's not much time to remedy that as they come across a deep sea serpent, and the hunt is on.
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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PICTORIAL CHRONICLES OF THE MIGHTY DEEP: THE SEA, ITS SHIPS & SAILORS edited by Francis Watt. (London/New York: Warne, c.1890)
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mystical-marlin · 5 months
I love working with laid back captains but the one part that sucks is when you’re shitting your pants trying to dodge boats, barges, and buoys in the channel and he’s staring out the starboard window looking at the pretty new tug at Electric Boat.
The tug in question:
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neibolt-werewolf · 1 year
welcome to my blog!
Eddie / Finn --- 22 --- He/They/Hound/Vamp (Hound and Vamp can be used similarly to alt. names)
Bookseller by day, blogger and artist by night. My interests and hyperfixations switch like crazy, fair warning. I tag anything that might need a trigger/content warning, but I'm a notorious fast-reblogger, so anything other than that will be untagged. If you need something tagged, though, just ask! Sorry in advance for spam.
Some of my most frequent interests: -Stephen King's IT -horror media -Adventure Time/Fionna & Cake (esp Petrigrof) -The Last Dragon Chronicles (currently on Fire Star) -Superheroes (casual enjoyer) -Children's MMO games (Animal Jam, Wizard101, ToonTown, etc.) -My OCs -Furry art/media (other fandoms/interests in the tags)
Common Tags: #detective's art - my art! The tag is from when my blog's name was transgender-detective, and I just haven't changed it yet oops. I also watermark (most) of my art with WEREPYRE instead of whatever my current url is since that's the username I use on other websites for art. #naur bakufeku / #assrp / #creepy autism simulator - my best-est friends in the whole world!! I have a self-shipping/oc x canon blog here: @creature-featurez (any posts involving my OCs will have (oc) with it) To learn more about my OCs, go here or send me an ask!
Last update to Pinned: 07 February, 2024
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