#Marcel x gia
haylijahtilldeath · 3 months
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Camille and Klaus's "memoirs". Hayley trying to get away from Klaus's newly acquired vampires. Davina falling in love with her magic. Gia's musical prouesses. And a skull. A particular one. Do you recognize it?
Vampire Empire
Chapter 12 : Violin, Roses, and Skulls
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muse-oleum · 9 months
Need – Elijah Mikaelson x Gia
This was first posted over on ao3 but I figured I would bring it over here to help revive the #gilijah tag a little bit.
Beware, below be smut.
He really ought to purchase a bed frame.
Although, in retrospect, it probably wouldn’t last long, between the two of them. He looked at the woman sleeping soundly by his side, her head pillowed on his arm, her cheek pressed against his bicep. There was a vulnerability about her just now that he hadn’t seen since the beginning, back in that bar where he’d told her he would mentor her.
Somehow, he doubted he had ever envisioned it would turn out like this.
Gia murmured something in her sleep, turning further on her side and closer to him. Unwilling to disturb her, he allowed it, running a hand through her hair, waiting for her to settle back down to sleep.
The young vampire was an enigma. He supposed he really should be more worried about how well Marcel had pinpointed this particular weakness of his—this need to fix, to mend the jagged pieces of a broken soul. And, in order to willingly become a vampire, she would have had to be beyond broken, past the point of no return but not so far as to be completely unreachable. At least Marcel had learnt a valuable lesson: only turn those who know it is coming. Exercise caution on all fronts, watch out for them and for them, do not leave them running unchecked.
This was an ideal he had once held onto so strongly he could still feel some echo of it.
Of course, back then, the Strix had been an elite, the vampire sireline, the work of one of his first lifetimes and crushed mercilessly into the dust by his father and his own devotion to his family.
The fact that Gia was not of his own sireline but that of his brother’s should have disconcerted him too. But he was far too consumed by more pressing matters, most concerning of which was his sister’s current predicament. He sighed, running his free hand through his hair. His siblings seemed to find new ways of giving him grey hair every day, metaphorically speaking.
“Stop thinking about it,” came a sleepy voice from somewhere below his chin.
He felt her move, her hair tickling his arm when she propped herself up on her elbows to look at him. At the beginning, her defiance had been nothing short of irritating; then, amusing, and now? Now he had another, much more visceral reaction to the stern look she was giving him.
Her brown eyes studied him under dark lashes minutely narrowed, straight at him.
“We’ll find a way to help your sister, in the meantime, since Marcel is watching over her and there’s no way he’s letting anything happen to her tonight, you should get some sleep before the no doubt batshit insane day tomorrow has in store for us.”
It was so easy, the way she said “us”, as if it cost her nothing to include herself into the equation; she, a young vampire with trust issues, embroiled in their family’s business and still swimming. There was, however, a slight note of regret when she mentioned Marcel. His fingers flexed against her scalp.
He longed to suck it out of her.
Desire, for a vampire, was a powerful feeling, almost impossible to repress once let out, like a wild animal that refused to be caged in again. Over the centuries, he had had countless lovers; some had counted more for him than others, some he had actually loved and others he had taken to bed to satisfy a physical need fueled purely by lust. It had been a long time since someone, somehow, had the potential to encompass all three categories at once.
That scared him more than anything.
Gia was still looking at him, her head tilted to the side, eyes narrowed less in suspicion and more in pleasure as she leaned into his touch. He grasped the back of her head, massaging her neck and relishing in the little sigh she gave him. Slowly, giving her time to back away should she prefer to, he leaned in towards her, angling his body above hers, still covered by the bedsheets he had thrown over them earlier. She held his gaze, hers now sultry, pupils dilated and he knew she wanted him again.
He crashed his lips onto hers with a force that would have made a human bleed, but would only momentarily bruise for her. His tongue caressed hers, chasing away any remnants of her regret over Marcel, pining her down under him as his hands tore away the sheets to grasp her thighs. She gasped when he hooked one over his hip, his mouth moving down her neck to her breast, flattening his tongue against the sensitive skin, growling when she moved to press herself against him, her hands raking through his hair.
He swirled his tongue to the rhythm his fingers beat inside of her, drawing another gasp. She was teasing him, testing him, holding it back.
He wanted it all.
Slowly, he increased the pressure of his fingers, his thumb massaging her in the exact same way his tongue was still latched onto her, and she knew he was doing it on purpose. He nipped at her, none too gently, and she arched her back, helpless against the tingles of pleasure running through her. It was almost painful, his teeth on her breast and his fingers inside her too much, and she cried out his name in agony, the kind only ecstasy could bring.
She knew he wasn’t done with her the moment she felt his mouth leave her breast to travel down her stomach. Her thighs clenched involuntarily, anticipation mounting even as she still vibrated from the high he’d just given her.
He growled when he licked up her folds and she nearly came again, just from the sound, so unlike him and so very… vampiric. And then he dove in and all thoughts flew from her brain as his tongue began a familiar pattern, one the fingers caressing her stomach mimicked, creeping up towards her breasts. She bore down against him, needing to feel more. His other hand kept her hips down on the bed, keeping her from chasing her own pleasure.
She was at his mercy.
She didn’t mind it.
He licked into her slowly, his nose brushing her clit and she moaned, loud enough for all of New Orleans to hear. Elijah smirked, pressing a kiss right where his tongue had been, before sucking, hard. Gia shook under him, completely undone, and he swore under his breath, his erection hard and aching against his thigh. He bit her thigh, letting her catch her breath in a moment of uncanny generosity, before kissing his way back up her body, lingering slightly longer than necessary upon her breasts, desperate to tease another one of those delightful moans out of her.
Her hips crashed against his, a breathy sound that sounded like his name leaving her lips, and he sank into her, the relief so profound that he nearly came. She was perfect, matching the rhythm of his hips seamlessly, her breasts pressed flat against his chest. He snaked a hand under her, bringing her up to straddle him, her neck arching at the change in pressure. He raked his eyes over her, his teeth biting down hard on his lips, watching as she rode him towards another orgasm. Of their own volition, his thumbs caressed up her thighs to play with her nipple again, a fascination with them he couldn’t shake. She ground down on him in retaliation and he could not help but moan at the feeling.
She was lost in her rhythm and he matched it, his own pleasure mounting until he felt as if his groin was going to combust and then she bore down one final time, hand crashing against the wall behind him, and the thought of her leaving a hole in his wall had him choking out her name, hips stuttering against hers, spilling inside her.
Gia’s breathy moans were the only things he could hear in the haze of his own pleasure, only dimly aware of the fact that he was cradling her to him, his hands running down her back soothingly. Her muscles were still grasping at him, overstimulated, and he momentarily marveled at the way she could arouse him again so soon. Gently, he kissed the side of neck, trying to bring his breathing back under control, his hands settling against her hips as he mouthed beneath her ear.
She swiveled her hips and he groaned, raking a hand through her hair, letting her take the lead. He knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it anytime soon, but by the gods did he need it.
He rested his head back against the wall, his eyes catching on the slight dent she had made. Helplessly, he arched his back, thrusting up into her, relishing in the sight of her eyes rolling back, neck arched, chest heaving.
She was delicious, and all his to enjoy.
Flipping them over, he let go, allowing his vampire side to take over, thrusting down into her with such a force her fingers tore through the bedsheets, nails sharp and biting on the flesh of his shoulders before she raked them down his back. Pleasure overtook him so strongly he cried out her name against her neck, her own orgasm washing over him, sharpening his pleasure into something almost unbearable.
And still, the voice in his head would not quiet. He wanted more. More, more, more.
Of her.
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catoscloves · 2 years
the originals for the ask game !!
lowkey otp: marcel x gia, elijah x gia, elijah x aya, haybekah, haylijah, marcel x rebekah, kolvina, marcel x camille, davina x rebekah (platonically)
highkey notp: tristian and michael x anyone
[softly] don't notp: genevieve x klaus
highkey otp but i'm scared of saying it because its not a very popular choice: aurora x klaus
highkey otp and everyone on my tumblr knows it: klayley, klamille
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cancerian-woman · 2 years
This is probably the most AU asked you could get:
If Gia survived, how do you think her character would have faired from S3 to S5? Do you think she'd have a bond with Hope, and if so, how? Do you think she'd trust any of the Mikaelsons (Klaus the royal exception)?
my darling gia…okay nice ask but let’s go. Warning this is a long one. A good part of this becomes very anti TO just for a warning.
The way I would’ve continued Gia’s storyline is following through with her connecting with the vampires/continuing to fight/ being a leader on her own. Get into more intimate moments with Elijah. Invest in their romance! Invest in her friendships! (Josh for example or anyone of Marcel’s friends.) Let her open up about her past. Give her the same treatment Camille had. Gia could’ve made more connections with more witches since Josephine just loved her. Gia in fact was the version of that “good vampire” but wanted to get her hands dirty. She’s respectable, patient didn’t mind fighting. If it was for a reason. Those are likable qualities. I could see witches being drawn to her for that. Gia stayed in her lane unless it effected someone she cared about. We needed to see more vampires who felt positive about their transition. Not to say that those who were unhappy about turning was bad. We just didn’t see many sides of characters who wanted to turn. Now onto s3 where we meet the Strix. I’d say Gia would originally be a bit biased at first not seeing their side of things since she’s loyal to Marcel/Elijah. But would slowly change her perspectives She wouldn’t allow Marcel to get invovled with the Strix alone. She’d be in the action as much as possible. But keeping that friendship and caring quality in mind she’d become friends with Davina by proximity to Marcel. Insert Freya/Elijah sacrificing Davina/Marcel’s death that alone would be enough to push Gia away from Elijah completely. She’d stand by her friends side and Marcel’s when it’s time to go against the Mikaelson’s. S4 & s5 i can see those as seasons Elijah has to work to get her back. She’d most likely would want Elijah to own up to his behavior past and/or present. I don’t agree with the way TO handled Kolvina for example so Gia would want to know about that rough past(red door plot) Elijah had. So she can accept all sides of him. I think Kolvina is a fault for both characters considering Davina just doesn’t believe anything on Kol’s darkness. Now back to allowing Gia to open up more about her past. We could see glimpses of her home life. What really turned her into this harder exterior on the outside? Why is she so adamant about being loyal to people? Let us meet her family or anyone from the past that made her the way she was. We know her mom died but what about her dad? Hell, how did her mom die? Why does she hate her step father? Is there siblings involved? Give her that story. Write that story. It can be told you just have to care to tell that story and given Plec, Carina, Dries…etc all have a disdain/racism for woman of color you see we were never going to get that. Tvdu’s flaw (well one of them) is creating characters and not pushing the lore they started with.
As for Hope and Gia connecting deeply. This varies on if Hayley stops looking down on Gia and treats her like a person. Sure, TO didn’t go for the explicit “women dislike each other because of a man” thing but Hayley did subtlety look down on Gia simply because she had a building relationship with Elijah. Gia was never the aggressor towards Hayley. She offered her protection/help to Hope out of loyalty to Elijah/Marcel. Haylijahs tend to do this with ALL of Elijah’s women of color ships. They paint the opposing woman as villainous for being upset with Elijah from the past or for having romantic feelings for Elijah. You can check out wiki pages for Celeste/Aya/Gia and there’s people in the comments being spiteful because those women were with Elijah. It’s never an actual reason to dislike them. It’s a common trend with Mikaelson fans that if said Mikaelson dislike a character their fandom will as well. Ex: Tyler, Finn, Marcel etc.. Celeste/Aya/Gia suffered a similar fate and let Haylijahs tell it none of those women truly mattered to Elijah. But, as I said earlier if Gia is treated fairly by Hayley I can see something blossoming outside of Gia protecting Hope. Maybe, it’s a similar relationship to the one Camille could’ve had for Hope. TO written characters to be willing to protect/defend Hope but not enough (for me personally) on her parents becoming people that someone would actually want to help. They relied a lot on alliances with people which again wouldn’t be an issue if Klayley were written better.
I can see Gia building bonds with Davina/Rebekah. Her and Kol would have an interesting banter. So yeah after it’s been some time she’d be more trusting to them depending on how they treat her. Maybe this is where Freya/Klaus relationships could come in. It’s up in the air. It’s just the way they wrote the Mikaelson’s to be so co-dependent you kind of have to get in good with them all to date one so. Hopefully, this answers your question.
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tvdversegifs · 4 years
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All my life, when things got tough, that's what I would do. I would run, because I never fit in anyway. But this place, what you're building here... it fits. So, I'm in. No running, no matter what.
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qvnthesia · 2 years
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CHAPTER EIGHT ~ you left something behind ~ SEE YOU IN MY NIGHTMARES
relationships: elena/klaus, hayley & elijah, hayley & elena, camille & elena, camille/marcel
“What’s up with the celebrations?”
Elena steps aside to avoid pushing into people and catches up to Cami, who holds her phone to her right ear in frustration and concern.
“All Hallows Eve, Halloween, respects to the dead, parties and stuff—Yeah, I can hear you, Davina. Is everything alright? You’ve gone totally MIA and—”
“I’m fine, Cami,” assures the voice of the teenage girl Elena had yet to meet. “I just… I need some time to figure some things out. It’s good to hear your voice though…”
“Okay, do you need anythi—Hello? Davina? Davina?”
Cami looks at the screen of her phone and clicks her tongue.
“What did she say?”
“You didn’t hear anything?” Cami frowns.
“I don’t eavesdrop,” Elena says with a wry smile. “Besides, I have no reason to hurt Davina.”
“If she doesn’t piss you off, that is.”
When she doesn’t find herself in disagreement, Elena shrugs.
“Speaking of which—any reason you showed up at my apartment at two in the morning?”
“It was nothing, just…” she exhales heavily. “Just a bad day, that’s all.”
Elena scratches the back of her neck, tingling with pain. Sleeping on the couch hadn’t been a good idea, but desperation and exhaustion proved hard to battle with the onslaught of memories threatening her to fall over the edge of her senses. The moment Elena had stepped inside Cami’s apartment, she had staggered over to the couch and fallen asleep the second her cheek hit the cushioned surface.
“Did something happen with Klaus?”
Elena’s face contorts into disdain. The couch hadn’t helped with comfort, and it certainly hadn’t helped with the nightmares and seeing Klaus butchering people in them, a first for Elena in her subconscious.
“Why are we in the middle of this again?”
She motions to the crowd swarming around them holding beers and wearing ridiculous dresses.
“Shopping!” Cami holds a dark green pom-pom. “I need to decorate my apartment!”
“Just buy some pumpkins to carve. As for the skeletons—” Elena points to the loud crowd behind. “We’ve got plenty.”
continue reading on AO3
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aeruthien · 4 years
And Gilijah! Who was the one to propose: Elijah. He wanted her to be sure that he would choose her over Hayley, and maybe even his family. Who stressed more over wedding planning: They keep it small, so there isn't much stressing. Maybe Rebekah stresses the most, because is very happy for them both and wants Elijah to be happy. Who decorated the house: Both. Elijah is really stylish, but Gia wants it a bit more chaotic. They strike a good balance. Who does the cooking: Both. Elijah is a great cook, but Gia knows some recipes as well. They often invite Marcel to join them. Who is more organized: Both are reasonably organized. Who initiates bedroom fun: Both. Who's more dominant: Elijah likes to be dominant, and Gia wants him to be, but sometimes they flip it around. Who's the cuddler: Both are. Who's the big spoon/little spoon: Big spoon Elijah, little spoon Gia. What's their favorite non-sexual activity: MUSIC. Definitely. Playing, going to concerts, etc. Who comes home drunk at 3am: Gia drags Elijah out for drinks because he has to lighten up. Who kills the spiders: Neither. Gia isn't bothered by them and Elijah just puts them outside when he sees them. Who falls asleep first: They both stay up until deep in the night talking. A head canon: They often have small fights, because Gia isn't here to take Elijah's shit. They are good at talking it out though, and it strengthens their bond. Gia takes up that same attitude towards the Mikaelsons and Hayley, demanding they leave Elijah alone for a change. He loves her all the more for it. Do they have any "rituals"? Gia helps him with his tie and is horrible at it, so he teaches her to do it properly. Still, she does it wrong on purpose sometimes to tease him and to prolong the moment. Who is louder? Gia Who is more experimental? Both can be Who takes more risks? Both Do they fuck or make love? Mostly make love, but when they are in the mood... Lights on or off? Depends Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? Neither Who is more likely to suggest a threesome? Gia suggests Marcel at some point, and Elijah agrees, but he is the only one. They like to keep their relationship monogamous. Who comes first? Gia. Who is better at oral and who prefers it? Gia has a wicked tongue Who is more submissive? Neither Who usually initiates things? Both Who is more sensitive? Elijah in some ways, Gia in others Who has the most patience? Elijah
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the originals for the ask thing
favorite character: rebekah, for sure, she's my smol feral murderous sunflower, as i've said in the past haha. hayley comes a close second, as do kol, marcel, davina, and all the mikaelsons tbh, as well as cami (i just love them all so much fuck) least favorite character: ummm.... dahlia i guess lol????? also monique. i know she's just a kid but she's actually really creepy and tried to kill her aunt, hayley, and baby!hope so, yeah, having none of that bye. brOTP: josh and davina, klelijah OTP: omfg i can't choose just one, it goes against my nature haha. klamille, haylijah, klayley sometimes (although klaus def fucked up in s2), marbekah, and freya + happiness (and that keelin girl but i haven't met her yet so we'll see, i already adore them though), also kolvina, HAYBEKAH***** OT3: is it weird to say klaus/elijah/rebekah?? normally i'm not into inc*st but honestly these three can get it on. also all the siblings in tvdu act more like couples than.... well, actual couples. anyways, klaus x caroline x camille have my heart, as well as klaus x hayley x elijah. NOTP: i don't believe i have one?? i guess klaus/genevieve, because even though i like her and i liked when they were fucking she outstayed her welcome as klaus's love interest or fuck buddy or w/e. she's def far more interesting on her own as a villainous anti hero or whatever. besides, she definitely should have been kissing rebekah, they totally give off jilted exes vibes. also maybe davina/tim, because he wasn't a very interesting character (than again TO never really gave him a chance to be since he had like. all of one line). favorite storyline: definitely hayley and finding her wolf pack in the bayou, as well as 1.15 when klaus was chasing rebekah around a cemetery in the pretense of killing her. it's just so reflective of the complex traumatic experiences and toxicity surrounding this fam, and the cycle of violence and love the mikaelsons are trapped in. tbh it's the most sympathetic i felt for klaus and the moment where his character (and the actor) really shined, as well as rebekah and elijah's characters. least favorite storyline: i'd say klaus compelling cami, because while he never had any creepy intentions it's not the best start to a relationship. also whatever nonsense is going on with the Red Door or w/e (although i got a steamy haylijah kiss out of that one, even if it was just a fever dream lol). what I wish had happened but didn’t: klaus and davina friendship?????? unlikely but these two are just hilarious together and more similar than they'd like to admit tbh. i know he murdered tim or whatever but ppl that are "best friends" on tvd (see: bamon) have forgiven each other for worse. also klaus just. apologizing more often, instead of letting his pride get in the way, and letting himself admit to being emotional and talking about his feelings more often. i mean it's hilarious when he goes on murderous rampages with kol when he's sad, but i digress. what happened that I wish hadn’t: klaus physically assaulting hayley, that was an out of character move for him tbh and kind of veering into creepy d*mon territory. there were several other ways TO's narrative could have reached the point of him realizing he wanted to keep his child that didn't have to be that. also gia and aiden dying, it's a huge setback on klaus's progress, not to mention unnecessary deaths of a female character of color (so a white man can be sad about it smh) and bury your gays. i really expected better from TO.
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fruitless-nonsense · 3 years
would you analyze haylijah?
You read my mind (literally I was just thinking about this last night)!
Firstly, I’m sorry how long I took to answer, work was killing me. I also wanna say how appreciative I am that people like you are interacting with me, so thank you!
Okay, so Haylijah! What I take from them is a simple issue that the writers continue to make in to and tvd: beating a dead horse. Confession time! I genuinely liked these two in season one. They were cute, had good chemistry, a connection that wasn’t inherently toxic, and just cause they were paired didn’t mean they were tied to each other (I.e - had different storylines and stuff to do). I also liked how they took their time with it (like I said, they had stuff to do). I mean, I guess Hayley falling for the brother of her baby daddy is a bit weird of a dynamic, but it’s not like Klaus owns her just cause they slept together once. It also helped that I enjoyed both characters at the time. That’s really it, just a surprisingly unproblematic pairing. So what happened? A lot, a lot happened.
In season one, we are introduced to Jackson (who’s his own can of worms, believe me) and is immediately presented as a love interest for Hayley (love triangle oh boy!). It’s not really until season two that Hayley shows signs that she might feel things for the man, and then they have to get married. Couple that with Elijah inexplicably being distant towards Hayley for reasons I can only guess are to raise conflict and nothing else (cause seriously it made no sense). So they sleep together (I don’t know either, guess they patched things up and love each other again. You’ll notice that’s a theme) after Hayley explains that she’s marrying Jackson and they can’t be together. We skip to the wedding and they both have a heart to heart and end their relationship for good. I have to be honest, as a finale to this ship, it was perfect! It wasn’t just Hayley repeating “I’m marrying Jackson for the pack, we can’t do this anymore,” Hayley brought up her issues with Elijah. He’s the kind of guy who isn’t good at showing his feelings (to each their own), and Hayley wants more. She gave her entire heart to Elijah and got barely anything in return. Maybe she doesn’t love Jackson now, but he’s what she wants and perhaps she can learn to. Good scene, good episode, good season. This talk was expanded a bit in the finale when Gia had gone to Elijah, and just when it looks like he’s pushing another person he cares for away he goes back and kisses her (this might be me stretching but I have an overactive imagination). So what happened? It wasn’t over.
Season three had these two interacting a lot more (I mean Hayley didn’t have her own storyline at this point, so it’s unsurprising), and the writers decided to give them this lingering tension as to hang onto the pairing. Now I don’t know about y’all, but at this point in the show I had moved on. Why can’t these two just be friends, why is this still a thing? This is the nature of every scene they share (which is a lot of scenes, Hayley do you have nothing better to do? Wait, I just remembered thanks to the writers you don’t!) until Jackson dies, and suddenly things go from lingering tension to will-they-won’t-they. Now, I don’t have a problem with this trope when done well, but the problem is this is less of potential and more dunking it in the water and taking it back out over and over. These two were together, but now it’s over, wait never mind it’s not over but we can’t be together, now the obstacle keeping us apart is gone we can do this, but I have to respect his memory, wait never mind let’s do this. It’s not even exhausting, it’s just boring. This is all during season three! They finally hook up again after Elijah tells her he murdered Marcel and Hayley just doesn’t react. Who cares that the man who saved her as a baby and has done everything in his power to protect her and her daughter was killed by this man? Hayley needs to assuage Elijah’s man-pain. Then she has the audacity to demand Klaus forgive him, and when he addresses the irony she just ignores him. This is the moment it got through my head that Hayley was no longer a character, and was just a puppet for the writers, but tbh it happened way earlier than that. The season ends with the fate of the Mikaelson’s falling on Hayley. Does this mean Hayley gets her own storyline again in season four? You see where I’m getting with this.
We get the first episode’s A plot starring Hayley exclusively as she fights to save them, and it was actually pretty fun, especially when she went into wolf form to tear apart some vampires. Unfortunately it doesn’t last long as she reunites with Elijah immediately. Okay, so at this point Elijah is dead to me and Hayley has ceased to be a real character. Outcome, they’re together now and I couldn’t care less. I could say it’s infuriating that Hayley doesn’t care that Elijah contemplated killing a bunch of children no older than Hope or actually killed four innocent teenagers for the harvest ritual (she does bring them up with him, but it’s always in a scolding manner that doesn’t affect how she feels about him), but what he does to her in the necklace is what makes her believe he’s not safe to be around Hope. Okay. Not much outside of this, they end things again shortly after he returns from the dead (another cliche that y’all keep doing!) The finale has them separated by the hollow and Elijah’s amnesia. So how are they gonna bring this back for season five? It’s much worse than that.
So season five skips to seven years later, and they both appear to have moved on with respective partners. Declan is boring (more of a Matt clone than people keep insisting Cami was) and Antoinette is interesting but also problematic, not that either of these people matter. They’re only plot devices (another female character who doesn’t get to be a character? Nice one guys!) to put a wrench in Haylijah despite Elijah’s amnesia already doing the job just fine. Surprisingly their relationship isn’t relevant at all for a good few episodes (mostly due to Hayley being missing. And then, he kills her. You know what I’m talking about. X character being responsible for loved ones death while they don’t remember said loved one cliche. Remember when this ship wasn’t inherently toxic? Tbh it hasn’t been harmless in a while. So we get stoic Elijah, and the others trying so desperately to make him and to the extension me believe that him and Hayley were this unbreakable love story for the ages, when in reality their relationship was a hot-and-cold nightmare. Take notes, if you’re gonna do a slow burn, don’t get them together and break them up over and over again unless you’re planning to spice up the relationship in some way every time. Because I lost interest so early, and I don’t think I’m the only one. So once Elijah gets his memory back his story arc is over for the season and he spends the remainder moping around (we could have gotten an entire story between him and Hope instead of one episode and a scene in another). He almost doesn’t go to his own sister’s wedding cause he’s man-paining too hard. Finally, he decides last minute to undercut Klaus’ self sacrificing so they could die together (cause who needs actual growth between these two?). It is speculated that Elijah reunites with Hayley in the afterlife and they live happily ever after (I say speculated because we didn’t get to see their afterlife even though we saw Hayley and Josh’s?).
So what is there to learn from this? Elijah was an interesting character who’s arc inverted Klaus in a clever kind of way, but would not stop hanging on Hayley. And Hayley herself is yet another female in this show who’s agency and character is stripped away to service the man. The main problem with this couple is how repetitive and predictable their story became. Unlike kolvina their beginning had promise, but they never grew from there, they only shrank.
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Subships for drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Apr 2022 [part 2/5]
41. Orange Is the New Black
Nichello (Nicky Nichols x Lorna "Morello" Muccio)
Pousoso (Poussey Washington x Brook Soso)
Realy (Galina "Red" Reznikov x Sam Healy)
40. Full House
Giphanie (Gia Mahan x Stephanie Tanner)
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Wecky (Wendy Tanner x Becky Donaldson)
39. Suits
Ligel (Louis Litt x Nigel Nesbitt)
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38. Danny Phantom
37. Undertale
Mettalphys (Mettaton x Alphys)
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Bratcat (Bratty x Catty)
36. Frozen
35. Charmed
Liper (Leo Wyatt x Piper Halliwell)
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34. Classical Music RPF
33. The Originals
Kolvina (Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire)
Marcekkah (Marcel Gerard x Rebekkah Mikaelson)
32. Stranger Things
Byler (Will Byers x Mike Wheeler)
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Dusteve (Dustin Henderson x Steve Harrington)
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elejahfanfic · 3 years
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And so it is Christmas
AU Fanfic/ prologue
Elijah Mikaelson x reader
ft. Klaroline and tvd lot
_human_no vampires
a/n:There will be great mad Mikaelson chaos and lots of love... ho-ho-ho
New York
"Dinner?" Elijah said to Caroline Forbes as she entered his office.
"Ok. But something light. Can I meet you at Marcel's in an hour, I still got to finish reading the deposition."
"All right. I will see you there."- the man said now taking his briefcase and coat exiting his office.
As he got into the elevator and Caroline got to her office down the corridor, a friend and a colleague of hers, Lexie Branson came in. "I know this is none of my business, but - you and Elijah - what is this about? I mean, I know you've been dating like - what three months now - but it's like you don't fit- I don't see a spark"
Caroline sighed."Why does it always have to be a spark? Spark doesn't mean anything. I had sparks- and it led me to - one disaster after another. It is not about hot sex - only. It's about - a good - reliable guy."
"A reliable guy? Seriously? Do you hear yourself? - Oh, don't tell me - you two have not? No?"
"Of course we have. That time - at the conference -" Caroline said. "I told you - I don't want this to be about sex - so - we- are dating now- we want to get to know each other - date!"
"Seriously? - and you haven't- afterwards? - what is this - you will not sleep again until  you get married? This is the 21st century."
"This is my choice. And no- I am not going to wait until we get married" Caroline said. "I just want to take things slow. Get to know the man, his family."
"Right." Lexi cocked an eyebrow at her colleague. "Good luck with that."
"You don't have to be madly in love for things to work." Caroline said.
Yes, Caroline Forbes was burnt. Not once. She now sighed remembering High School. College wasn't better either. The glitter of New York and all the Sex and  the City related stories- just led her to believe that she could not be the one. And she so wanted to be the one.
And then there was this guy, kind, cultured, gentlemanly. Elijah Mikaelson. Ten years older. Not that it mattered. And, no. She didn't sleep with him. They didn't end up together at the conference. Though they got into his room, but apart from heavy kissing nothing more happened. Caroline stopped it.
"I have done this - before- so many times. Sleep with the guy at work and -" - the blonde sighed now moving away from Elijah shaking her head. "I don't want this- I want"
She got teary, turnung away.
"Hey, it's all right" Elijah stepped forward, rubbing Caroline's arms gently. "Come on- sit down"
He walked the blonde to the bed and they sat down.
Caroline sighed brushing her eyes a bit
"What is it that you want?" Elijah said softly.
"Oh, I want - sweet potatoe pie and marshmellows and weddings in June- Oh, God, I am talking such nonsense"
"No, you are not." Elijah said. "Sweet potatoe pie sounds good."
Caroline now laughed a little.
"You can be funny"
"No, that's not me. I don't do funny. But my brothers do." Elijah said.
And from there on they talked all night. Falling asleep eventually, all dreased next to one another. Lexi saw Caroline get out of the room, and hence her putting two and two together. When they returned to New York, they started going out together, working on different cases together. And slowly they formed a certain closeness, that turned into something between so called dating and being together. A couple of kisses, but nothing more.
Earlier that morning- Mystic Falls
"So, you are dating this woman or not? I don't get it" Klaus said to Elijah in the other side of the phone.
"Well - yes - but it is not really dating. She had too many bad experiences, and we are taking it slow." Elijah said.
"Taking it slow is an understatement- you have been going out with a woman for three months and you haven't had sex with her?! I mean - come on, Elijah, I know you are quite old-fashioned in your views, but even you will have sex before marriage, I know."
"I - actually - in a lot of ways she is right. I have done it too. One relationship after another. Casual sex. I think a bit of old-fashioned dating is a good thing." Elijah said.
"I can't believe I am hearing this. Gia and Antoinette really burnt you." Klaus remarked.
"Gia and Hayley" Elijah corrected his brother. "I broke up with Antoinette."
"Yeah, whatever." Klaus said.
"Like you don't know what it is like. Still hooking up with that new GP?"
"It happened only once. And  as a matter of fact, I am  meeting her for coffee." Klaus said.
"Hook up and now coffee stage?! She is not really giving you the time of day, is she?" Elijah said.
"Well, she agreed to coffee."Ok. She is here. Talk to you later."
"Hey" Y/N said as she now came up to Klaus.
"Hey. So, mocha or cappuccino?" Klaus asked.
"Tripple mocha and a slice of sweet  potatoe pie. I am really hungry." Y/N replied.
"Oh, God, you are like my brother"
"Excuse me?" Y/N looked baffled at the man.
"He always orders sweet potatoes pie" Klaus said.
"Right" Y/N said. "I can't remember seeing him order it."
"It's my other brother. Elijah. The one that lives in New York." Klaus clarified.
"Ah, right." Y/N said.
Klaus now went to get the coffee and pie and Y/N got her phone our as she had a message come through.
"Do you want me to bring the rest of your stuff from New York? Stefan."
Y/N quickly replied now flashing back to their conversation the night before.
"You are going to propose to Rebekah?" Y/N said.
"I am." Stefan said. "I really love her and - yeah. She makes me happy."
"Good. I am really happy for you Stefan." Y/N said.
"How about you? How are you doing?"
"I am ok. Feel a bit rusty, but ok."
"Did you talk to Damon?" Stefan asked.
"No. We said all we had to say to one another. We are done. I am here now, where I should have been always. It feels so good to be back in Mystic Falls."
"Good. You sound - good." Stefan said. "So, I hear you agreed to go out for coffee with Klaus?"
"Yes. He asked me like a million times. And it's not that I don't like him- it's just - I want to - don't know what I want really. I just know that I am not ready to be with anybody. But he is ok - and - going out for a cup of coffee is not a biggy!" Y/N explained.
"True. Ok. I'll see you when I get back from New York." Stefan said and hung up.
-To be continued-
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writingwhywhywhy · 4 years
Everybody Lives
A/N: It’s for my fix-it square on my Bingo Card. Main two ships are Hope x Landon and Josie x Rafael. I mean everybody lives. Also too many ships to list them all. It is a literal everybody lives! Like everybody, everybody. So many living characters. BTW Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope was a bit nervous introducing Landon to her family. He would have to face her very overprotective father Niklaus, which is more than most people could ever hope to survive. Which would be fine if that would have been the end of the line, but that was the start. Her stepmother Cami, her uncle Elijah, and aunt Rebecca were also fiercely protective of her. Her mom and stepfather Jackson would make that group seem extremely laid back. Unfortunately for Landon, they weren't going to be laid back.
It's not that her aunt Gia, aunt Davina, aunt Freya, aunt Keelin, uncle Marcel, or uncle Kol hated her. They just knew how to be real people. Her little cousin Nik loved everyone, but that was generally the game with 2 year olds. Now Grandma Mary would be the wild card. She made up her mind about everyone she met two seconds after meeting them. That's why Mary loved Hope, but hated every other Mikealson. It would be a steep uphill climb if Landon fell on her bad side.
The person she felt the worst for was Rafael. First he had to show and deal with Lizzie, who he had turned down to date Josie. Then he had to deal with Stefan Salvatore, step dad to both of the twins and already not his biggest fan. That would be bad enough, but some magic brought back Josette Laughlin fully in the flesh. Josette almost made Niklaus seem under protective of Hope compared to how overprotective she was of her two girls. The only thing he had going for him was the fact he got into Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, which was not much. Caroline and Alaric might take up for him because of that.
She wished her and Josie had at least talked about when they would force their boyfriends through these ordeals. If they had planned it out, maybe their boyfriends could've had their brothers with them during their trials. A cornered werewolf and a cornered phoenix couldn't cause too much trouble right? Before Hope could truly ponder this, she got a call. "We messed up." A frantic Josie said.
"We could try and cancel." Hope said without belief.
"We would have a better chance of throwing both of our families together." Josie joked.
"At least Rafael has a manageable amount of people to meet." Hope countered.
"Well Elena and Damon decided to join in the family fun." Josie announced.
"You know what, let's just make these disasters one big one." Hope decided.
"Hope I was joking." Josie panicked.
"Look, it's not like everyone is easy to kill." Hope tried to sway her.
"But…" With that stumble Hope knew that Josie had no defense.
"It's a great idea. We change places instead of canceling. We have what a day?"
"I have 18 hours and 39 minutes." Josie corrected
"Look, that gives us plenty of time to pick a place halfway between Mystic Falls and New Orleans! Landon and Rafael can have each other's backs. Our families might just be too busy trying to kill each other to notice those two." Hope tried to convince both of them.
"Fine." She was successful.
They found a nice enough place that could host that many people. They explained to both of their families they were changing venues to make their boyfriends a bit more comfortable. They did not give either family a warning that the other family would be there. They explained their crazy plan to both of their boyfriends, and both were relieved, worried, and terrified in equal measure. The four of them arrived early.
Like they had been in sync with each other, both families arrived at the same time. You could almost see the tension. Mary ignored it, and walked in. She went straight to Landon and Rafael. "I approve."  
Niklaus locked eyes with Hope and knew who did this. "So this is what all family gathers are going to be from now on." Alaric said.
"I am afraid so." Niklaus said, almost proud of what his daughter had done.
"We should definitely embarrass both of the girls as a bit of payback." Damon suggested.
After a quick exchange, there was a silent agreement between everyone. Both families entered and did their best to make the girls turn bright red, which they successfully did several times. They still managed to grill Rafael and Landon often. Looking in, they looked like  one big family. That day it would have been a mistake to call them a giant happy family, but a few years later it would be a very accurate description.
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Tagging: @xxwritemeastoryxx​ and @akshi8278​
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 15: Left Waiting
// Story Masterlist // 
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter Summary: Davina and Klaus each force Maleny to finally decide which side she's in during their war. Unfortunately, Maleny hasn't figured out a way to make both sides attainable.
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Maleny paced back and forth inside her room while having a heated conversation with someone over the phone, "No, Isabelle, it's fine, honest. Well - Isabelle, please-"
"Mal?" Hayley knocked on the open door, concerned with the blonde's expressions.
Maleny motioned to be given a minute so she could handle the phone conversation, "Isabelle, I don't need help here. And no, please don't send her either - Amarrah said she would be going back to the police station anyways. I'm fine, please. Bye."
Hayley arched her eyebrows and crossed her arms, though having heard everything on the other line she still remained confused, "Who exactly was that? She sounded French."
"She is," Maleny sighed, tossing her phone on the bed, "and she's beyond worried."
"Wait," Hayley came into the room, "is she part of that family-"
"The Collins," Maleny clarified.
"They're the family that took care of your original body all these centuries?" Hayley asked, receiving a confirming nod from Maleny, "What's going on?"
"Isabelle - she's worried about my condition here," Maleny shrugged, "She's so worried she wants to send in her daughter to 'look after me'. As if I didn't already have enough babysitters."
Hayley knew Maleny was mostly overwhelmed with all the problems they had, so this small new thing was like the tip of the iceberg for the poor blonde. She walked up to Maleny, "Listen, maybe you should go take some air. I can go with you if you'd like," she knew under no circumstances was Maleny supposed to go out on her own. Despite the tensed air in the house, that was still rule number one (behind Maleny's back of course).
Maleny silently walked over to her bed, sitting on its side and leaning towards the nightstand to open its drawer. Hayley watched her pull out her old journal in which she wrote every detail she could remember from her past lives. Maleny skimmed a couple pages before growling in frustration and glancing back at Hayley.
"I can't look at this anymore," she said, almost to tears suddenly, "I need to get rid of it."
"Those are your lives, Mal," Hayley softly reminded, but received a harsh scoff in return.
"And yet, it may not matter anymore. I can return to my cycle at any moment. What does it matter if I tear these memories to shreds? They're just constant reminders of what I may be going into again."
"So...what do you want to do, then?" Hayley curiously asked.
Maleny stared long and hard at her journal before deciding, "I want to burn it."
"O-okay..." Hayley looked around, unsure of the idea.
"I mean it," Maleny rose from her spot, turning to the hybrid, "Can you...can you go downstairs for me? We can make a little fire in the kitchen."
"But Mal-"
"Hayley, please?"
With a sigh, Hayley agreed and left the room. Maleny waited a minute after Hayley left to grab her phone and journal and stuffed inside her bag. She snatched her jacket from her dresser and hurried out her room. As she went down the stairs she looked all around the place as she made her escape out the compound.
By the time Hayley returned to Maleny's room, the blonde was long gone. Hayley called out for her friend, going to different rooms hoping to see her somewhere. Eventually, defeated, she came into Klaus' art room where he was currently working on an artwork.
"Klaus, we have a problem," Hayley released a big breath, wondering how he would take it. However, something completely different came out instead.
"Maleny has escaped," Klaus casually said, raising a jar of blue paint to inspect its color shade. Hayley blinked just as he glanced at her, "You're about fifteen minutes late."
"How did you...?" Hayley made a confused face.
"Simply because we're not speaking to each other doesn't mean I stop keeping an eye on her," Klaus put back the jar on the table and left his work to walk up to Hayley, "Speedy steps coming from the staircase can only mean someone was in a hurry to leave - Maleny, clearly. Had it been you or Elijah you would've sped out."
"Why didn't you stop her, then?" Hayley scowled, "You make it a big deal she shouldn't go out and yet you let her run out without protection?"
"Now who said I was going to let her go without protection?" Klaus challenged, walking around the woman into the hallway. Hayley turned and went after him, "I was giving Maleny some time to head off before I went after her. I can't exactly go right behind her, could I?"
Hayley stopped by the stairs while he went down, "So...you're gonna be with her today, then?"
"From a distance, yes."
"Why not beside her? That would be safer for her wouldn't it?"
Klaus stopped at the bottom and looked up, earnestly replying, "Because she clearly does not want me beside her. I thought it was apparent by our current situation."
Hayley rolled her eyes, leaning her arms on the banister, "Your current 'situation' is beyond stupid. Instead of acting like children sit the hell down and have a proper conversation," and before Klaus could make an irritated response, Hayley added one last suggestion, "And like last time: avoid shouting. It does wonders sometimes."
Klaus didn't have anything to come back with anymore. Throwing her a glare, he went out in pursuit of Maleny.
~ 0 ~
Cami anxiously watched her new friend Gia stand against a wall with her eyes shut as another vampire stepped forwards and flung a dart with all his might. Without opening her eyes, Gia caught the dart just several inches from her nose. She laughed and opened her eyes, triumphantly waving the dart.
"Pay up!" she wiggled her fingers at the vampire who'd thrown the dart. As she was being paid, she high-fived Cami on the side.
"Told you you would learn," Cami smirked as Gia now waved the $100 bill between them.
"We just made $50 bucks each," Gia laughed and soon Cami joined in.
It had been quite the relaxing time for Cami as she spent time away from the Quarter, at the Algiers. While Marcel had been initially concerned with Cami's move, he allowed her to stay in his loft, but sometimes she would stay at Gia's place. It'd only been about two weeks but Cami had never felt so close to her human days like she did now. Yes, they were all vampires and they did vampire things together but it was different now. She had started her college studies again, and was promised she would definitely graduate. She'd made a good friend in Gia and together had fun - along with the other vampires.
But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.
The party stopped when a vampire's corpse was flung through one of the loft's windows. As the group got closer to see who it was, they realized it was one of theirs. It appeared to have been a werewolf attack judging by half the throat of the corpse lying out. Seconds later, the loft was filled with Esther's werewolves.
Furious, Gia stalked up to the leader, a young man named Aiden, "The hell is wrong with you people? We didn't do anything!"
Aiden stared at her with an unimpressed look, "This is nothing your kind hasn't done to us. Learn your history."
Cami silently came forwards to pull Gia back while Marcel went towards them as well, "I don't know who the hell you are, but we had a deal. Vampires stay out of the Quarter? Everybody's cool."
"That's not good enough anymore."
"Yeah?" Cami raised an eyebrow, "Says who? Your leash holder, Esther? You know, I've only been a vampire for a couple of months but I know how werewolves work. You were independent creatures, loyal to each other...must have missed the part where you went rogue for some stupid rings."
Aiden smirked and nodded to one of his werewolf friends. One of them snatched a vampire by the neck and bit him. A second one went for Davina's friend, Josh, to do the same when Aiden called.
"That's enough!" Aiden looked at Marcel, knowing he was the leader, "Your privileges here have been revoked. Permanently. So, when we come back, you need to be gone. Because next time? I won't call them off. Consider this a warning, Marcel. It's the only one you're gonna get."
With that, the werewolves began leaving. Gia turned to Cami with an expectant look and pulled her to the side of the room, "Now would be a really good time for you to call your cousin…or your boyfriend."
By now Cami knew Gia's teases very well and air strangled her, "He's not my-" Gia broke into a light laughter, "-I hate you," the blonde said seconds afterwards.
Gia sobered up and became serious, "But seriously, I think a call is in order here. Call one of them, please?"
Cami gave a deep sigh as she looked around, seeing how the other vampires were frantically discussing with Marcel about the plans. She didn't want to see any of them run, no one should. No one should have to.
~ 0 ~
Maleny was quietly sitting at a park bench, passing a couple pages in her journal...and ripping them out one by one. She would have much rather preferred the fire but she would take a peaceful day out on her own (or so she thought anyways) than being stuck in that lonesome compound. Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she saw someone taking a seat beside her.
"I know who you are," she said without looking up, "Finn," she then turned her head at the man inhabited by Finn Mikaelson. The dark-skinned man with chocolate brown eyes gave her a crooked smirk reminding her of Klaus. She quickly shook her head and returned her attention to her journal.
Finn lightly smiled and leaned back on the bench, "I must say, it's actually very good to see you, Maleny. What's it been? A thousand years?"
"Hmm, that's the most amusing thing you've said to me in a thousand years," Maleny muttered as she passed a different page and ripped the previous one out.
"I know you and I didn't always get along but we were family, weren't we?"
Maleny scoffed and looked up from her journal, "Sometimes," she gave him that, "but other times you were just plain mean to me."
Seeing her fruit fall to the ground and roll away in separate directions, Maleny groaned. She put down the basket she'd been carrying to go retrieve the fruit she'd lost. She brought back most of it eventually, and thankfully no one in the village took note of it, but when she went to pick up an apple, someone else did it.
"I think I might keep this one," Finn flashed her a wide smile.
"You will not," Maleny declared sternly and reached for the apple but he held it up high. Due to the height difference, it was impossible for Maleny to get it back. "Finn! I need that for tonight's festival. Give it back,"  Finn shrugged and walked past her, biting into the apple. Maleny turned after him, crossing her arms and glaring after him, "You're being completely childish, you know!" she called after him.
"Am I the one shouting over an apple?" Finn turned back, rolling his eyes before he gagged, "Eugh..."
Maleny narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "What is it?"
Finn spit out what he had been chewing on, "This is rotten fruit!" he promptly chucked it back to Maleny, hitting her knee.
"Ow!" the blonde yelped and jumped back in surprise, "That was not polite!"
"Next time leave the fruit gathering to those with actual eyes," Finn sarcastically pointed to his own, "Maybe they can bring in better food than you," he grumbled more things under his breath as he walked away.
Finn raised his eyebrows and suddenly chuckled, "Are you really still upset I threw you an apple?"
"It hit my leg!" Maleny exclaimed but wasn't going to argue over something like that, "I never understood you, Finn. Sometimes you were actually a good guy, but other times it's like you were prone to be this evil brother. What side am I getting from you today, hm? What do you want?"
"You know my mother wants to you come to the Lycee with me," Finn began but Maleny scoffed and interrupted him.
"She can keep dreaming."
"What my mother offers you is your freedom, how is that a bad thing?" Finn shrugged, genuinely unable to understand Maleny's anger, "Listen, right now our priority lays on the white oak stake which can kill my siblings."
Maleny closed her journal and glared at Finn, "And you want to know where Davina is. Well you and I are on the same page because I don't know where she is either. No one does, okay?"
"I'm sure Elijah or Klaus have worked it out by now," Finn insisted calmly.
"I can assure you Elijah has not. As for Klaus, I wouldn't know."
Finn smirked upon detecting the extra bitterness Maleny had when speaking of Klaus, "Trouble in your deranged love story?"
Maleny scowled, "Don't you have somewhere else to be? I'm kinda busy."
"Shredding your memories, I see," Finn raised a crumpled journal paper from the bench.
Maleny snatched the paper from him, "At least I'm not killing people or forcing them to work for me like packs of mules. Tell your mother I don't know where Davina is, and even if I did know I wouldn't tell her. Also feel free to mention I don't want her help."
Finn got up from the bench, his smile vanishing, "Oh Maleny, before you know it, you will be coming for my mother's help, begging her to."
"I'd rather die," Maleny declared casually, "So buh-bye," she waved him off and smiled to herself once she was alone again. She grabbed her bag from her other side and stuffed the crumpled papers into it before taking the journal and continuing to rip out the remainder. She only stopped when she heard her cellphone ringing and upon seeing the caller ID she dropped everything to answer, "Hello!?"
"Maleny…" came Davina's nervous from the other line, "...heeeey…"
"Don't 'hey' me, young lady, what the hell are you thinking?" Maleny wasted no time in scolding, realizing at the moment she sounded more like a mother than a friend, "Reviving Mikael? Stealing the white oak stake!? Are you kidding me!?"
"I know, it's bad," Davina sighed but that didn't stop Maleny from continuing.
"N-n-n-n-n-no, no, bad is when you shoplift. This is beyond horrendous! Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're in? You are in way over your head!"
"Mal, you can't be angry with me," Davina huffed, "After everything Klaus and Elijah have done to me, I'm pretty justified in attempting revenge."
"Look, I'm angry with all of you for your behavior, but under no circumstances do I want any of you dead," Maleny truthfully said.
Davina remained silent for a good minute before darkly saying, "I'm sorry Maleny, but you knew sooner or later this would come. You have to make a choice between the Mikaelsons and your friends. I want Klaus dead and I will do what it takes to get it done. I'm sorry."
Maleny's eyes widened in horror, "Davina, no!" but the line went dead, signaling Davina had hung up. Lowering her phone, Maleny stared at the ground as she felt a knot in her stomach form. A decision? She didn't want to make any decisions - especially ones that would mean losing a friend or family.
"So," a different voice spoke up, making Maleny shoot right up from the bench, "What's your choice?" Klaus stood behind the bench with his hands behind his back.
"You...scared me!" Maleny put a hand over her chest, "Were you listening in on the entire conversation?"
"Let's be honest, we both know the answer to that. I knew sooner or later Davina would try to contact you so all I had to do was wait," Klaus casually came around the bench and stopped mere inches from her, "But you haven't answered my question, Maleny. What's your choice? Davina...or me?"
Maleny sucked in a breath and looked to the side, "You don't speak to me for two weeks and now you're asking me this? I don't think so!"
Klaus balled one of his fists but kept himself restrained, he suspected that would be more or less her response after their two week of silent treatment. It hadn't been his intention to leave such a large gap. After their argument, and after cooling down, he attempted to give Maleny some space to review all that had been said and done, hoping she would realize her mistake and finally accept her feelings. Unfortunately for him, his "attempt of space giving" had been taken by Maleny as a rude silent treatment. She was irritated with him for being "childish" but deep down she was more hurt. After getting back to the Quarter, she wanted to see him and be alright. She didn't like it when she walked into a room and seconds later he would walk out. Their arguments in the past never lasted more than a couple of hours back in their human days.
But now they could go two weeks without directing a word to each other, or a full month...
Maleny didn't want to continue this cycle anymore. And now that she knew what would be happening - a true fight between him and Davina - she didn't want to let him out of her sight.
"Take me with you," she whispered, confusing Klaus for a minute, "I know you know where Davina is just by listening in to my phone call. I don't want her getting hurt," and before Klaus made some sort of remark about her already choosing the teen, Maleny quickly added, "And that doesn't mean I pick her! I just want to...supervise."
"Will you be able to handle sitting in a car with me?" Klaus sarcastically asked, "Or will you pile one more excuses to stay away?"
Maleny shook her head, "Of course I can handle being close to you. The real question here is will you decide to direct a word to me the entire drive? Look, I need to come, okay? Can I?"
"Fine," Klaus turned away and started walking, leaving Maleny to scramble for her things and hurry behind, "But I must warn you that if you cannot reason with Davina I will end her."
Maleny knew of course he would do that, but even then she couldn't fathom seeing Davina hurt, "I can reason with her," she announced rather sure of herself, earning a sharp look from Klaus, "I can," she added seconds later, "I know I can."
But as they walked Maleny silently admitted to herself that perhaps Davina was beyond reasoning by this point. It was true, the Mikaelsons had hurt her in many ways and on some level, her revenge was justified. But still, Maleny hoped it wouldn't come to that.
~ 0 ~
Back in Marcel's loft, Cami and Gia quietly conversed in Marcel's loft regarding the werewolf attack earlier in the day. Marcel was out gathering the rest of the vampires in the area to give them the update on their current situation.
"Marcel says we shouldn't run, but Josh is afraid," Gia was in the middle of saying as she came to take a seat on the couch across Cami, with a stolen drink from Marcel's bar, "I, on the other hand, think we need to be far smarter about it."
Cami was listening but she didn't have much to comment on the subject. She knew she didn't want run, nor let the vampires do the same. But she just wasn't experienced in all this. Since she turned, she always had, well...Elijah to take care of the trouble. Klaus had always been locked in his room brooding and sulking while Hayley took to biting witches in the bayou and whatnot, thus leaving only Elijah. And when Cami thought about who she called for help, she shamefully looked down.
"I mean, I don't know how to fight or anything but I think we can learn, no?" Gia then realized her words were practically flying over Cami's head, "Cami?" she snapped her fingers and got the blonde's attention, "Where are you?"
"Sorry," Cami straightened up on her spot, "I was just thinking."
"Right," Gia sipped her drink, "So, what do you think we'll end up doing?"
But before Cami could answer Elijah entered the room, having the perfect response, "I would hope it didn't involve running away," he said with a small smirk, "That's not what we do anymore."
Gia raised an eyebrow, "Anymore?" she'd picked up on the key word and leaned forwards, more than interested, "Who'd you run away from?"
Elijah ignored the question as he went straight for Cami, "It's nice to see you again, Camille," Cami gave a silent nod, "How long has it been again?"
"I don't know," Cami looked up, detecting a sense of smugness in his tone as if he was pleased to hear she finally needed help from him, "I've been having too much fun to notice."
Gia cleared her throat awkwardly and stood up, "Well, I'll leave you guys to discuss. Try not to kill each other," she parted with that final warning.
"Well," Elijah watched after the new vampire with a sense of surprise, "I see you two hit it off. Am I to assume she's part of the reason you refuse to come home?"
"Home?" Cami raised her eyebrow, "The compound's not my home, Elijah. It's yours."
"Are you saying you never felt welcomed with us, then?" Elijah went ahead and took Gia's seat across Cami.
"No, I did…" Cami said quietly, "...but this has nothing to do with it, okay? Besides, originally, I was pissed off at you for leaving Gia behind like that."
"The woman was not our responsibility, Cami," Elijah reiterated, and still stood by it, "Marcel turned her therefore he should train her. I wasn't going to waste time on her and I frankly can't understand why you were doing so."
"What? So I was supposed to follow you around like I always do nowadays?" Cami scoffed at the idea, "No way, no more. I know I needed a lot of help in the months before but Mal's back and it's time for me to get my own life back."
"You still need my help though," Elijah reminded with another hint of triumph, something that irritated Cami.
Cami couldn't take that and rushed to get up, "I do, honestly, every vampire on this side does, but I won't take it if you'll continue to be so smug about it like you were just waiting for me to come asking for help. We can find help somewhere else," she turned to leave but Elijah quickly grabbed her arm and stopped her.
"I'm sorry," Elijah sighed and slowly Cami turned back, expecting more than just those two words, "I want to help, honest. Why don't you tell me exactly what happened?" he motioned for Cami to take a seat beside him.
Silently, Cami walked to the couch and plopped down, "Okay," she sighed and began to recount the werewolves' threat earlier in the day.
~ 0 ~
Deep in the bayou, Maleny was trudging back and forth holding her cellphone up in hopes of getting more service. She'd managed to slip a text to Davina warning she and Klaus were on their way but Maleny wanted to get at least another phone call in.
"Is this seriously why you made me stop the car?" Klaus called from a higher ground, the road ground actually. Maleny had found a small lake just down a small hill - she thought it was the best place to sneak away from supernatural hearing. Apparently, she was wrong.
The blonde stumbled back a couple steps and quickly hid her cellphone behind her back, "I said I'd be back in like five minutes."
Klaus started making his way down the small hill, grumbling as he did. In the middle of their 'roadtrip' Maleny had practically forced him to stop the car with the excuse she was tired and wanted to stretch her legs. He faulted himself for being so naive to think Maleny wouldn't try contacting Davina.
"So you made your choice, you can at least tell me face to face, Mal," he stopped a couple feet away from her.
Maleny sighed and brought her phone from her back, "I didn't choose her, okay? I was just warning her that we were coming so...she would control herself."
"You met the girl for a couple of months, how the hell can you be...thinking about choosing her?" Klaus was failing to hide his own fear that Maleny may have already picked someone over him.
"I love Davina, she's like a little sister to me," Maleny tried to explain, "and I don't want to see her get hurt."
"You only knew her for a short time, Maleny! Months!" Klaus snapped, making it seem impossible that she could form such a strong attachment to the teen.
Grimly, Maleny said, "I don't see why I have to choose," she turned around, giving him her back as she stared at the crystal blue lake in front of her.
"You knew sooner or later this would happen," Klaus said similar words Davina had without realizing, "One day, she will succeed in hurting one of us and then you'll have to choose what side you're on. So choose!"
"I don't want to," came the childish, low voice as Maleny sat down on a rock, her gaze maintaining itself on the lake.
"Mal!" Klaus exclaimed, more distraught, "I don't know what to think anymore…"
"Why can't you just think that maybe I like Davina, and maybe I like you too," Maleny snapped at him, "and maybe I want all of us to stay alive and just…" she swallowed hard, "...be happy."
Sensing her voice was signaling she would soon begin to cry, Klaus held back another comeback and instead walked over and bent down beside her, taking on a softer tone, "Because those are fantasies, Maleny. This isn't the village anymore - people despise us and it's kill or be killed."
"I-I'm not ready for that," Maleny confessed, meeting his look with her glossy blue eyes. "This curse, it's...it's taken so much away from me that the little that I have I need to preserve. I want to keep it all."
"But witches, vampires and werewolves despise each other. In this particular city, there is no peace amongst us."
"I'm a witch," Maleny gestured to herself, knowing it was a weak response, "Does it seem like I despise you or your family?"
"You're a special exception," Klaus shared a smile with her, "But there's no one else like you, I'm afraid. So we must fight to be safe - so that our loved ones can be safe."
"You're doing this for Hope?" Maleny looked at him, genuinely missing his double implication.
"...yes," Klaus nodded after a moment. If she couldn't make a choice between him and some teenager, would it really matter if he told her he wanted to fight to keep her safe as well? She would just end up making another excuse on why they should just stay 'friends'.
"I don't get it though," Maleny started suspiciously studying him, "Mikael's pretty strong...how are you planning on killing him? Crossed as I am with you I don't want you stupidly going into a fight without a plan."
Klaus smirked and rose to his feet, pulling out Papa Tunde's blade from his jacket's pocket, "You thought I wouldn't take precautions?"
Maleny's eyebrows raised at the familiar weapon, "Oh, goody, Papa Tunde's Mystical-Knife-of-Ludicrous-Torment. Glad that's still around," she got up from her rock seat and made a face at the blade, "I'm telling you right now I will not care for your father."
"Wouldn't let you even if you wanted to," was the response back.
"You wouldn't 'let' me?" Maleny made another face, "Change my mind," she said suddenly, "I do want to care for him."
Klaus just rolled his eyes at her as he put away the blade into his jacket's pocket, "Your sarcasm never ceases to amuse me."
Maleny smiled, "Cos that's what I strive for - being an entertainer," she gasped upon hearing her cellphone ring, "I have service!" she quickly moved to answer it but Klaus snatched the phone from her and raised it up, "Hey!"
"Look at that, it's Davina," he kept her back with a hand on her arm, "Moment of the truth, Mal. Pick a side because it's not going to be pretty."
Maleny stopped struggling and crossed her arms, "I don't want to and I don't think I should have to. I want everyone to be alive, why can't you just kill Mikael instead? He's the one that's dangerous here."
"It seems you've forgotten Davina's warning," Klaus lowered his hand holding the cellphone that stopped ringing shortly afterwards, "She's told you to pick a side as well, meaning she's prepared to go with everything she has. I admire her for that, truthfully," he tilted his head, "But it's not gonna do much for her in the end."
"Klaus, don't do that, please," Maleny resorted to plead for her friend's life, "I will talk to her, I swear, but please don't hurt her."
"Centuries ago that may have worked," Klaus admitted and handed her back the phone, "But centuries ago things weren't as difficult as they are now."
"Time may have changed us but we're still the same underneath…"
"Are we really, Mal?" Klaus stepped towards her, slightly intimidating her with his close gaze, "Centuries ago you would have chosen me in a heartbeat."
Centuries ago, she didn't have many people in her life. Now she had a lot more to care for - Cami, Hayley and Davina. It was difficult to choose - she wasn't used to it!
"I never said I didn't choose you," Maleny weakly said, looking up at him, "I know that's what this whole thing is about. You're angry with me, I get that - I deserve it. But please don't think that I would ever stop caring for you, it's impossible."
Klaus couldn't help his frustration leak out, "Then choose already!" he almost shouted at her. He wanted her to choose because he needed to hear her say 'I pick you' like she always did. He wanted to know that even though such a long time had passed and she had changed so much she still loved him in the end.
But he wouldn't say that out loud.
"I'm sorry," Maleny bit her lip, "But I just don't want to. I want both of you alive, I want both sides alive, alright? I don't think that's a bad thing here."
Klaus stepped back from her, trying to drown all his frustrated shouts, "I will try to consider your thoughts concerning Davina...darling," he added the word with a tensed tone then super-sped away.
"Klaus!" Maleny shouted after him, attempting to run up the hill to catch up but it was impossible and she fell to her knees, "Klaus!" she called again but it was no use.
He had left her - God knows what he would do to Davina out of pure frustration from their argument.
~ 0 ~
"You can't be serious," Cami declared after hearing Elijah's plan for the day.
"What would make you think I'm not serious?" the Original raised an eyebrow as he shook off his jacket and began rolling up his sleeves of his shirt.
"I don't want to fight you!" Cami shook her head and took two steps back from him.
"Cami, it's very simple, you wanted help and you have it," he gave a shrug.
"Yeah, for the other vampires," the blonde frantically waved a hand to the open door, "And they're training outside with Marcel. Why do we have to train in here?" she gestured to the empty loft, "Why do I have to train at all!?"
"Because you need the help."
Cami huffed, once again feeling like he wanted her to keep needing him...and that was something she wasn't going to take, "Fine," she declared and walked up to him, deciding he could use some punches.
"Whenever you're ready," Elijah motioned he was in place. Cami scrunched her nose before attempting to punch him in the face. However, it was easily caught between Elijah's hand, "As a devout feminist, I refuse to say that you hit like a girl."
Cami narrowed her eyes and stepped back, "You're way out of line today, Elijah, I swear," she attempted another punch but was easily taken down again.
"How so?" Elijah questioned as he blocked another blow from her.
"Acting so triumphant when I called you earlier, for starts," Cami growled as both her hands were restrained by him, "Like you were expecting me to call for help! I mean what was that!?" she went for a kick but that was also blocked off, "And then now, it looks like you enjoy my defenselessness!" she took a breath as she momentarily paused, "I don't want to follow you around anymore. I want to live again."
Elijah then stopped as well, staring at her silently for a minute before uttering the soft words, "It was never my intention to make you feel like that, Camille."
"Then what is your intention?" Cami ran a hand through her hair that'd gotten in her face with the fast movements, "Because it really just feels like you're waiting for me to mess up and call for you."
It would be a lie if Elijah said he didn't know, because of course he knew. The thought merely startled him because he hadn't quite realized it himself. But standing before Cami he could see it now, and perfectly. The only problem was the way she could possibly react to it.
"Well?" Cami asked again, impatience lacing her tone.
"Over the past month that we've been communicating, searching for Maleny, and you coming back to visit...I've grown accustomed to having you close by," Elijah said with a small smile, "Even when Mal returned, we became closer and...when you chose to stay with Gia, and then preferred staying here," he gestured to the loft, "I was a bit...lost."
"Ooh," Cami blinked, the response really taking her back. She felt her heart ping in a way it hadn't before, and before she knew it, she was asking more questions, "What exactly does 'lost' mean in this situation?" before he replied, he motioned for Cami to keep trying and with a small groan she did, "Well?" she asked again.
"I liked having you around," Elijah began again, managing to block one of her attacks but she was beginning to find her rhythm and thus was more tricky to anticipate.
"Because I practically followed you around like a lost puppy," Cami reminded with a sour smile before successfully kicking and pushing him to the wall.
Elijah took advantage that her emotions had become a distraction and easily used a hold on her arm to switch positions with her. Cami sucked in a light breath when she realized how close they were, "Woah…" came out of her mouth before she could think clearly.
Elijah was more intact with reality and was therefore able to clarify Cami's doubts, "This may be out of line as you said but I enjoyed your company up to the point where it...hurt that you chose to stay here."
"I...I didn't mean to," Cami slowly said, feeling guilty even though she was telling the truth.
"I know you didn't," Elijah smiled softly at her, "And, in a way, I technically was waiting for you to call for help...because it seemed like that was the only way I would get to see you again."
Cami's eyes half-widened at the confession, once again only able to utter, "Woah…" she felt her heart rate increase with their proximity and she would really like to know why she was feeling so nervous all of a sudden. It was just Elijah after all...wish his...sweet words...and...nice face...and voice…
"Elijah?" Hayley's voice cut through the moment and immediately saw the distancing of the two vampires. Hayley knew they were just itching to get together and it would happen eventually, she just preferred it to be later so that it wouldn't hurt as much as it did now. "We need to talk," she managed to say without falling apart. As she entered the room Aiden came in behind her.
"What the hell is he doing here!?" Cami angrily moved for him when Elijah grabbed her arm to stop her.
"We're not here for a fight," Hayley quickly clarified, "Just hear him out, okay?"
"Speak," Elijah then ordered the werewolf, "I suggest you be succinct."
Aiden sighed, understanding he wasn't the most welcomed of visitors at the moment, "Please, I need your help."
"I'm sorry, wasn't it one of your orders that all vampires here needed to run?" Cami interjected, "Now you're asking for help?"
"Cami, it's serious," Hayley softly said, making the blonde calm down slightly, "Just listen..."
~ 0 ~
Maleny walked along the side of road with a heavy breath, making way for Davina's cabin which was still pretty far away by foot. She could not believe Klaus had done to that her...well, she actually kind of could. It hadn't been the first time he'd tried something like that. This time however, he'd gone away because he was hurt. Maleny berated herself for causing so much trouble in the little time she'd been back.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid," she stopped suddenly and sighed as she began taking off her jacket, the heat becoming too much with her speed walking, "You just couldn't give an answer, could you? Course not. That would be to 'easy'."
She was supposed to be telling Klaus she loved him, not that there was someone more important than him. She loved Davina, truly, but if Maleny got to real thinking...the teen wouldn't equal the level Klaus was on. What Klaus had said was true, she'd only known Davina for about a month or so. Yet she'd known Klaus for centuries. In those centuries, whilst there had been plenty of arguments, in the end Maleny always knew she was loved and that he loved her back with equal intensity.
As Maleny folded her jacket, her mind began to wander to those moments...
"Maleny? Maleny, come on out already," called Klaus, grumbling as he went through the forest, "I know you're here, your scent is strong."
He stopped at the sound of footsteps coming towards him, and he couldn't help smirk when he saw the blonde woman emerging between two trees, still seemingly crossed with him as she held an unfinished flower crown in her hands. She pretended to be more interested in it her fingers twisted the small flowers' roots.
"I only came out because I got tired of your shouting," she clarified.
"Thankful, nonetheless," Klaus mocked a bow which made her roll her eyes, "Still upset, I see," he commented once he straightened up.
"What are you talking about? I came out to find more flowers, see?" she gestured to the crown.
Klaus smirked and came towards her, even more amused when she gave him her back, "So, you're no longer upset with me?"
"Of course not," Maleny answered dismissively.
"Great-" Klaus began when Maleny added something else.
"Just as long as you realize we no longer have anything between us."
Anyone else who didn't know Maleny would have been overly concerned with that statement, but Klaus took it with a light chuckle, "Oh, is that so?"
"Mhm," Maleny nodded, focusing on one certain flower that refused to work with her, "Clearly, you have more interest in that woman so you might as well go running for her. She probably has some interest in you, so..." she shrugged.
The jealousy laced in her tone made Klaus feel even more smug about the situation, "And yet," he slid his arms around her waist, making her stop her flower crown work, "my eyes cannot seem to look away from you.
Maleny huffed and dropped her flower crown to the floor, "Tatia can appear to be this happy, kind woman but I know - just like all the other women - that she is a two face," she turned around, "Do you know she also made eyes towards your brother, Elijah? I saw her, with these eyes," she pointed at herself, "Yesterday it was him, today her eyes are set for you and tomorrow they will be set for another. I am only afraid that you will fall under her charms. I am not blind - she is beautiful and young."
"As are you, but you exceed hers and any other woman's," Klaus put a hand on her waist and leaned to rest his forehead on hers, "No one will ever reach you, my darling."
Maleny still seemed unsure of his acclamation and questioned, "Tell me the truth, Klaus," she whispered, "if you had to choose between me and Tatia to...marry," she blushed crimson, "who would you pick?"
Klaus chuckled at the absurdity of the question, "I would pick you in less than a heartbeat."
Maleny gave a crooked smile, "And that also includes any other women who comes up to you? I know vampirism can alter your feelings...so, will it?"
"Absolutely not," Klaus assured her and placed a kiss on her lips.
Maleny giggled as the kiss went on and she was walked up against a tree. She pulled away to take a breath, "Okay, I feel more sure now," she chuckled sheepishly, her cheeks tainted pink.
"That is how I always want you to feel, Maleny," Klaus spoke earnestly as he cupped her face, "I will always choose you over anyone."
Maleny slowly nodded, her heart hammering within her chest, "Okay," she whispered, her hands crawling up to his shoulders, "I guess I can go back to finishing my flower crowns..."
"I have a better idea," Klaus smirked before kissing her again.
Maleny took a deep breath and threw her jacket over her shoulder. She continued to walk whilst thinking back to her sweet memory. He'd promised her she would always come before anyone...and now this was how he was repaid? It wasn't a matter of repaying, Maleny then thought, it was simply a matter of...well, love. He promised her and even now, though angry with her he always came through. Maleny felt even more determined now to get back to him and tell him how much he meant for her.
At the sound of a car getting closer, she turned around and started waving a hand, hoping it would stop by her.
~ 0 ~
As it turned out, Aiden really was on good terms for the moment. It appeared Esther was planning on forcing young werewolves to trigger their curse in the night. This had both sides, vampires and werewolves actually working together to send the kids deep into the bayou and away from Esther's grasp. It was a detailed plan that was sure to work. It only involved certain people to do their roles as given.
In the party streets of the Quarter, Gia 'drunkenly' ran into one of the werewolf leaders and soon started what looked to be a fight. Just before, Marcel appeared behind the werewolf and snapped his neck. The two vampires glanced at Aiden, appearing to be running away from them.
Aiden, along with the other two leaders, chased after them and left Oliver to take the children away. He led them into Rousseau's where Hayley, Cami and Josh were waiting.
"Ollie, this way!" Hayley motioned for them to hurry in.
Josh had a passage way waiting for them, one hidden behind a cupboard, "It's a passageway from the Prohibition days. It'll take us pretty much anywhere we want to go."
"We better make it quick," Cami ushered the kids into the passageway.
Josh led the way through the tunnels with and flashlight and Hayley motioned to the kids to keep quiet. It would only take a sound to alert the werewolves they were on the move. They came out to a metal gate where Gia was already waiting for them.
"Hey, where's Marcel?" Josh asked quickly.
"Uh, he's getting the getaway car!"
"Hey! Big-mouth! Shut it!" Hayley hissed, earning a glare from Cami, "There are werewolves everywhere."
"She's new," the blonde snapped as they hurried out.
Eventually, they reached the gas station where Marcel had an ambulance acquired for them as a means of a getaway.
"Let's go!" he ordered the kids as he opened up the back doors of the ambulance.
Aiden spotted his younger brother and quickly hugged the kid, "Nick!"
"Aiden! You made it!" the young boy hugged back, relieved to see things were not going to go like that woman, Esther, had ordered it to be.
"Of course I did! I told you I'd be here, didn't I? Go," Aiden ushered his brother into the ambulance and looked about for any remaining kids.
"This worked out well," Gia cheerfully declared as the doors of the ambulance were shut.
"It's not over until we're all together," Cami muttered, unable to feel at peace knowing Elijah was probably handling some sort of fight with the werewolves.
~ 0 ~
Klaus had finally found Davina's cabin shortly after leaving Maleny. He was pretty irritated to find the nuisance of a spell blocking his view of the interior of the cabin. He found a staff made of wood that bore a mark only owned by his father of course and decided to fling it through the window.
"Enough games, Davina!" he shouted, "Send out my father! Let's finish this!"
Unbeknownst to him, his actions had caused Davina to injure her head and pass out. While her newfound friend, Kaleb, or rather Kol Mikaelson, remained conscious he found himself in a choke-hold by his own father who still didn't know of his true identity.
"Release me! Or I will kill you right now!" Mikael threatened and forced the teen onto the floor.
Outside Klaus only grew more angry, "DAVINA! Is this not why you brought him for? I'm not afraid!"
It wasn't long before he heard the creaking of the front door followed by Mikael's footsteps, "Hello, boy," he greeted in and usual sneer like voice.
Whilst Klaus did feel a bit afraid he certainly didn't show it. He was ready to fight, just like always, and even more since he was already angry. He had more incentives to do so.
"You seem rather impatient," Mikael remarked, "Are you so eager to meet your end? You've bid goodbye to Maleny, I assume?"
The mention of her name out Klaus into a deeper rage, "Do not mention her name, this is between us."
Mikael took it all the same, really uninterested in the blonde woman, "I've traveled all the way back from hell for this moment."
"Well, then, I'd hate to keep you waiting!" Klaus smirked before lunging for a first attack.
Though the hits were almost equal in strength, it was Mikael who eventually kicked Klaus to the ground. In a weakness, he grabbed the hybrid by the neck and intended on finally using the white oak stake when Klaus kicked him back. With a quick stomp on the hand, Klaus was able to reach for the stake. However, Mikael once again had an upper hand and put the hybrid down to the ground again. Whilst holding him down, he tried driving the stake through Klaus' heart. The stake found its way to his shoulder instead, still managing to cause a grand amount of pain to Klaus. But through his pain, Klaus snuck Papa Tunde's blade from his jacket and plunged it through Mikael's chest. With a scream of agony, Mikael fell back to the ground and the blade fully entered into his body.
Klaus managed to pulled the stake from his shoulder and slowly got to his feet. He kept a tight grip on it whilst watching Mikael writhe pain, waiting to see him finally lose conscious. He had about fifteen minutes of silence before he heard familiar shouts.
"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" he heard from the trees and looked up to see Maleny running towards him. She stopped and leaned on her knees to catch her breath, "I swear to God that is the last time you leave me behind. You owe me a new jacket!" she panted for air, her eyes scanning the area, "Davina, is she…?"
"Fine," Klaus rolled his eyes, figuring she would care more for the teen, "She'll wake with a spectacular headache, but given her intentions for me, she should count herself lucky."
"Thank you," Maleny finally stood straight and took a deep breath to gather her bearings.
"'Course, if you drop dead of a heart attack, I may have to kill her on general principle."
"You ditched me you jerk!" Maleny scowled and ran a hand through her hair, "I had to hitch-hike and then run on the backroads of the Bayou!"
"Well, your perseverance is duly noted," Klaus said, eyeing her with some amusement but mostly irritation, "Davina will be most pleased."
Maleny rolled her eyes, "I will brand you as the stupidest man alive if you seriously think I did all this for Davina," she rushed up to him and hugged him, leaving him startled for a second or two.
It didn't take long for him to hug back, momentarily relieved to hear he'd been her motivation.
Maleny pulled away wearing a crooked smile as she placed her hands on either side of his face, "Are you okay? You're not screaming so I assume no white oak stake was used here."
"I'm not in pain," Klaus turned them behind where Mikael laid on the ground.
"Is...is he still alive?" Maleny blinked.
"No, I decided death was far too easy for him and so I left him in agony."
"Nice," Maleny chuckled then looked at him, "I mean...not nice, that's totally bad, but…" she rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."
Klaus smiled in amusement, unaware his arm had found its way around her waist.
~ 0 ~
Later that day, the vampires regrouped in Marcel's loft to celebrate their triumph against Esther. Hayley watched Marcel pour her a drink for their celebration and gladly took it, "Well, we did it! I never thought I'd see the day when "we" meant us."
"Well, you're a vampire now. First rule is never say never, 'cause never ain't that long," Marcel laughed with her, "And, what we did today was the right thing. But, you know it's gonna make things worse between your people and mine."
Off to the side, standing in front of a window was Cami who blankly stared out. Gia came over with two drinks in hand, intending on celebrating as well.
"Cheer up, we did it," she nudged Cami and motioned to take the glass.
"I can't count it as a triumph until Elijah walks in," Cami quietly said but nonetheless took the glass.
"And he will," Hayley approached the two women, easily noticing the stiffening in Cami, "It's alright, Cami. You're not doing anything bad so why hide your concern?"
Cami wearily looked at the brunette, "We're not...he and I...it's not what…" she sighed and returned her gaze to the window, "It's not what it looks like, nor what anyone thinks."
"What ever it is, it's okay," Hayley assured, understanding her nervousness, "We're all free here. So, will you finally be coming back home?"
Cami exchanged glances with Gia, and Gia immediately excused herself away. Cami cleared her throat and turned to Hayley, "I'm not sure."
"Why'd you leave? Mal was so distraught about it. I don't get it, aren't you two cousins?"
"That's just it, we're not. We're not family," Cami shook her head, "She's, whether or not she wants to admit it, a Mikaelson...just like you are. I'm not. I'm not part of that family I'm just someone who got caught in a crossfire."
"So was I," Hayley felt the need to remind, even raising a hand.
"But you're different," Cami said, frustrated, "You know how to fight, you're not afraid. Plus, c'mon Hayley, you had Klaus' child. That's an unbreakable link. Mal has a centuries old love story with him. I've got nothing with anyone.
"So that's why you left, then?" Hayley raised an eyebrow, "Because you think you're not a part of the 'family'?"
Cami sighed, "I know you think it's stupid, but it's how I feel okay? Before I came here I went back to the compound to talk to Mal about me starting college now but I found you and her having a conversation, and laughing, and…" she shook her head, "It just felt like I didn't belong there."
"Maleny loves you, Cami. You are family, whether you think or not," Hayley put a hand on her arm, wearing an honest smile on her face, "You're one of us."
Cami gave a small smile back, a little more inclined to believe that. However, once she remembered Elijah still wasn't around she looked back at out the window, any source of happiness fading away.
~ 0 ~
After Mikael had been loaded into the car, Klaus begrudgingly returned to the cabin where Maleny and Kol (still in his Kaleb charade) were checking the unconscious Davina inside.
"I think we should get her to a hospital," Maleny spoke with a frantic concern.
Kol glanced to see Klaus at the doorway, still unable to enter without the invitation, "Oh. Hello, darling. Back to huff and puff and blow the house down?"
Klaus raised an eyebrow, his hand gripping the white oak stake, "You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat."
"Don't waste energy on a kid, Klaus," Maleny looked at him wearily, "He's just scared."
"Yeah, she's right," Kol quickly said but then added, "You know, you may want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues."
Maleny then turned on him, irritated, "That wasn't an invitation for you to be a jerk either. Shut up."
"I promised not to kill Davina. I said nothing of this insolent sod," Klaus reminded to Maleny, glaring at Kol who only smirked back.
"Boys, please," Maleny sighed as she gave Davina a last look before coming out to meet Klaus, though moving him away from the cabin for security measures, "Okay look, the quicker we get Davina to the hospital the quicker we leave the kid behind. So…?" she held a hand out, motioning she wanted the keys.
With a deep sigh, Klaus handed the car keys over to her, "Fine."
"Thank you," Maleny beamed, "And this is not to mean I pick her okay?" she clarified afterwards.
"Well," once he handed her the stake he gripped her hand, pulling her closer, "does that mean you've made your choice, then? A clear one?"
Maleny swallowed down and gathered her courage, "I think we need to talk after this. I have something important to tell you."
Klaus nodded, agreeing to her terms, "Then let's hurry."
"Thanks," Maleny smiled and hurried towards the car, her heart thumping as she thought of how she would tell him her feelings.
Klaus started back for the cabin, thinking of ways to restrain himself and not kill Kaleb if he made another remark. The boy was as irritating as all the humans commonly were, only this one had something extra.
"You've got a way with words," he commented to the teen once he reached the porch again. Kol looked up from Davina, "You seem to have crossed continents to order to weasel your way into Davina's good graces, thereby meddling in my family business. Strange, isn't it?"
Kol simply smirked, knowing it wouldn't be long before Klaus figured it out.
"Unless it's your family business," Klaus continued, "You know, ever since my mother and Finn showed up, I was wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol."
Kol laughed and mocked a bow towards his brother, "Then the jig is up! Hello, brother!"
"It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living. It's just that you're making all the wrong friends, brother. And, I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are."
Kol swayed his way up to the porch, "But you're not going to do that, are you? Because good ole Mal told you to leave me alone. She hasn't changed much, has she?" he pretended to look out in search for Maleny, "I'm curious, does she take one of those little baggies out when she takes you for a walk?"
Klaus angrily called out to Maleny, "Maleny? I changed my mind, I am going to kill him after all," Kol smirked again, but the eerie silence that had fallen put Klaus on edge, "Maleny?" he called again and turned towards the driveway. Still, there was no response.
He hurried to the driveway and found the car door of the driver side open and the window smeared with blood. He rushed to the trunk of the car and saw it was also open and with no Mikael inside.
Mikael had taken Maleny.
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eternityunicorn · 5 years
Love is Madness: Part Four +18
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Author: eternityunicorn 
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Warnings: Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: AU of an AU: Elijah and Eternity had been lovers centuries ago, in a brief but profound love affair that ended terribly when Eternity had betrayed Elijah by choosing duty over the heart and nearly killing him along with his siblings. Now in present day, they find themselves forced together by dire circumstances that have intertwined their paths once more, but what will become of them when it becomes clear that their love for each other is still as profound now as it had been all those centuries ago?
NOTE: OC and original elements are from my up and coming novel series!
One rainy, cool night, Elijah found himself drinking alone at Saint James, four weeks after Eternity’s visit to Marcel’s place. Gia had another engagement with Marcel and his vampires that he needn’t be involved with. He could have insisted on going with her anyway, but had decided it was for the best if he didn’t join in. He wasn’t much in the mood for a lot of company or any really, not even his family, especially with Kol and Eternity always around, acting so in love with each other.
It was too much to bear. 
Though he lived across the river, Elijah was always being summoned to the Mikealson compound to deal with family matters and to check up on Hope. Or he went for his own strange need to torture himself by bearing witness to the love affair unfolding between Kol and Eternity. Not that he ever done so intentionally per se. It was merely a side effect of going there, yet he found he couldn’t look away from the sight of them together.
In truth, the real reason why Gia was not with Elijah right then was because she had begun to sense his wound up demeanor, ever since Eternity had returned to his life with that damned premonition. It had begun to cause some tension between them on the rare occasion that the baby vampire made the journey to the compound with him and had witnessed the way he watched Eternity with Kol in that horridly pathetic longing and jealous way no doubt. He had tried to play it off as nothing when the young vampire bluntly confronted him about it, but she was wise enough to see what was going on and had gotten angry with him over the matter.
Not that Elijah could blame her for her agitation. He was still in love with the woman from his past, the very one that his little brother had snatched up for himself. Despite her betrayal, he still wanted Eternity for himself, but was too fearful and stubborn to pursue her.
The Original took another hearty drink from the bourbon he was nursing right when a flash of white caught his eye and he turned to find Eternity standing there. 
He was surprised to see her there, even as he admired her. She was stunning, dressed in a short mini dress of scarlet red and silver pumps. Her hair was put up in a stylish updo to show off the teardrop diamond earrings she wore. She had a small smile upon her rose pink lips and her eyes twinkled with slight amusement, no doubt at his appreciative staring. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked gruffly, in a borderline rude way, in an attempt to cover up his lusty feelings. “Where is my brother Kol? Surely he is accompanying you.”
“Actually I am here on my own,” answered Eternity evenly, unperturbed by his attitude. “Kol does not know I am here.”
That piqued his interest. “Why not? You two seem rather inseparable.”
She did answer immediately, coming over to lean forward against the bar top next to him. She gave a slight shrug, “Kol is sweet, but he is like Niklaus is all the wrong ways, always has been. He likes to kill indiscriminately, without thought or mercy for his victims. He’s impulsive and reckless. 
Elijah nodded in agreement. She wasn’t wrong in her assessment of his brother.
“Despite knowing that,” Eternity carried on, “I had thought maybe things had changed, maybe he had improved since last we were all together over a century ago. So I gave him a chance, since....” She trailed off, flashing him a look beneath her lashes, before she looked away again while licking her lips, “Alas, it seems nothing has changed. Though I do not know why I expected things to be different. We are talking about Kol Mikaelson after all.”
Elijah could tell there was something she wasn’t telling him, besides her near slip up regarding her hopes that he and her might get back together. He pushed that aside, not wanting to go there himself. Instead, he focused on the former verses the latter. 
“What happened?” He asked.
“I bore witness to Kol slaying an innocent human couple a few days ago,” she confessed. “It was the first time since that century and a half prior that I saw that side of him. I had thought that maybe he wasn’t the reckless, merciless monster he had been. I was wrong in thinking such things. I had attempted to stop him, to talk him down before he killed those poor people, but he played the killing off as if it were nothing, as if those lives didn’t matter. They were only food to him.”
The older Original became concerned then. The words automatically slipped out, “Did you kill him?”
Eternity scoffed, “No! Of course not! I certainly should have. He deserved death, both I’m the past and the other night, but I stayed my hand. Though, in truth, I didn’t do so for his sake.” She looked at him under her eyelashes again, this time meaningfully.
Elijah couldn’t believe what she was implying. That she hadn’t killed Kol for his reckless behavior, not out of love for his little brother, but out of love for himself.
His heart filled with bright, warm emotions he tried his damnedest to suppress at the realization. He stared at her with his mouth agape while his heart racing through his chest in excitement. He didn’t know what to say or do. He remained angry at her for her betrayal all those years ago, but he was also very much still in love with the ethereal woman. He felt his love for her outweigh his anger as he continued to stare at her at a loss for words. 
Despite this, however, he quickly found the reason for his hesitation in responding was caused by the fact that he was afraid to let her in again, to take the risk of being betrayed by her a second time. He wasn’t sure if he should allow her the chance to bring him more pain should she decide to let duty override her heart as she had in the past.
No, he couldn’t let her do that again, Elijah stubbornly decided, upon remembering the pain of that bygone era of his life.
“Well, at least, you didn’t let duty come before the heart this time,” he replied before he could even realize what he was saying, as he downed the rest of his drink. “You must really care for him, more so than you ever cared for me.”
With that, Elijah left Saint James before Eternity could respond.
He headed back to his loft apartment, knowing Gia wouldn’t be there waiting for him. No doubt she would be staying elsewhere for the time being, after their disagreement. It was just as well since he lacked the patience needed in dealing with the baby vampire. 
Once safely inside, the suave Original stood before the blazing fireplace with yet another drink in hand. He couldn’t stop thinking about Eternity, especially about the way he felt about her, despite everything. He feared letting her back in, true, but no matter how hard he tried to resist, the temptation to do so was simply too great. He knew he had been incredibly jealous by her budding relationship with Kol. He had felt possessive and easily irritated by their constant displays of fondness these past weeks. 
Hell, this was why he had said what he had before leaving the jazz club. He hadn’t meant a word of it. He knew that she had stayed her hand when dealing with Kol for himself and not whatever feelings she had for his brother. His cool words had simply been a deflection of the truth, of his desire to reclaim her for himself. 
Yes, Eternity was still very much under his skin, but he was unsure of what to do about it. He didn’t know which path to take. He was at a loss, maddened by his lack of direction in dealing with his desires for the immortal woman.
Ah, love is madness, Elijah thought to himself with bitter amusement, as he drank heartily. 
He was so lost in his thoughts that he never heard her come in.
“Elijah,” called Eternity’s sweet voice, breaking thought the madness.
Though he hadn’t expected her, he couldn’t say that he was surprised that she had followed him. Part of him had a feeling that she might, especially with how he had left things. 
Elijah didn’t turn to look at her, not sure he was strong enough to Starr into her sweet face without breaking. In fact, he didn’t dare to even speak. Any words that he might have said died before they could leave his mouth, leaving him to simply wait for her to say whatever she needed to.
“I know that I chose my duty over you and by doing so, I hurt you greatly,” she told him softly. “The truth is that ever since we parted ways, I have been doing better in finding solutions that appease my duty without sacrificing my heart in the process. I am not the same stubborn woman I was then, who refused to find a different path, who chose to think in black and white.”
Still, Elijah remained silent and ever still.
Eternity sighed, “I understand that you’re still angry with me for the past, but I didn’t spare Kol because I care about him. I mean, I do, but it wasn’t whatever fondness I have for him that caused me to hesitate, to find a different path the other night.”
That caught his attention and he turned toward her to ask, “A different path?”
“Aye,” she nodded, looking away sheepishly. “I made a deal with your brother. He promised me that he would try and be better by denying himself fresh blood, but only if I came and confessed that I’m still very much in love with you.”
Elijah didn’t understand. Why would Kol do that? Was he not in love with Eternity? Were they not together?
“I thought you and my brother were in love,” he said barely above a whisper. 
“I tried to be in love with him, and I had thought I was succeeding, but in the end, we both understood where my heart still lay,” shrugged Eternity, before she looked at him with big doe eyes that shone brightly in the firelight. 
Elijah couldn’t believe it. The words escaped him again as he stood there gazing at the immortal woman, whom despite her past transgression, still held his heart. He wanted to tell her how much he still loved her in return. However, his reservations still held him back from doing so. The need to protect himself was simply far greater than his desires.
No, he couldn’t do this again, he decided with finality.
Licking his lower lip, he schooled his face into an emotionless mask as he curtly said, “I think you should leave.”
Elijah watched as her face fell at his cool dismissal of her. He tried to not let it affect him, as he moved from the fireplace and went around her toward the front door. He made it halfway there, when her next words stopped him dead in his tracks.
“Elijah, I love you. I never stopped,” she said with great emotion. “I have lived a miserable existence without you this past century and a half, but you should know that I have done my best to atone for the mistakes that I made. I have done better when making a choice between heart and duty. Surely you can see this. Please, Elijah, do not deny this second chance at happiness. I need you. I am not whole without you. Surely you feel it too.”
That broke him.
He turned back and with a few long strides, he had Eternity wrapped in his embrace with his mouth latched onto hers passionately. He pulled her bodily against him as he plundered her mouth with his tongue, tasting her sweetness as he hadn’t in so long - too long. 
She reciprocated eagerly, running her hands through his short brown locks as he kissed her breathlessly. They moved downward over his neck, before one descended lower over his back.  
Yes, it had been too long. He needed her. Now!
Without words, Elijah lifted Eternity up so that her legs wrapped securely around his waist. He sped into a nearby support column, slamming the pale beauty into it. His tongue continued to dance in her mouth greedily and with his body holding her up, his hands freely ran over her scarlet clad form and onto the silky smoothness of her legs that were curled around him. 
“God, I want you,” he murmured lustfully against her lips, before pulling back to look at her sweet face.
Eternity groaned in response, her sapphire eyes flashing with her own desire. 
A brief pause of stillness fell between them as they gazed at each other lustfully and then his mouth was upon hers again, devouring her hungrily. All the while her hands began to claw at his clothing, practically tearing his tie from around his neck and then urgently pulling his suit jacket from his shoulders. He aided her in removing it completely by swiftly shrugging out of it, while her hands tore open his shirt. Buttons flew everywhere, but neither of them cared. 
Eternity ran her hands over the exposed skin of his chest, before pushing the ruined material off his shoulders, much like she had done with his jacket. He aided her with that too, practically tearing the fabric from his body, as he then moved to lay open mouthed kisses to her jaw and then her neck, nipping and suckling at the flesh as he went. She gasped and writhed in response, her hips rocking against him needfully.
“Please...Elijah,” she moaned as he licked along her neck upward, before capturing and suckling on her earlobe. “Please!”
Moments later, he released the lobe and pulled back to gaze at her. He smirked at how needy she seemed. Eternity’s eyes were ablaze, her chest heaved, her nails clawed at his shoulders and neck, all in want of him. She look d absolutely feral and it was enough to fill him with male pride, knowing it was he who made her this way.
Unable to resist driving her even more mad, Elijah let one hand slip between their bodies to touch her intimately between her legs. He groaned at the warm wetness that had collected there, stroking over her clit and then dipping a pair of his fingers inside her, thrusting them in and out repeatedly. He watched Eternity’s wild reaction as he alternated between stroking her clit and thrusting inside her, until the ethereal beauty was bucking wildly against him, breathlessly pleading with him to finish her.
Once he felt her walls begin to flutter around his digits did he cease and cruelly pulled away completely. He enjoyed the way she groaned in frustrated disappointment and the way the fire in her eyes increased tenfold as they locked onto his. He enjoyed the blaze of her passion very much. Then to further it, he took the fingers that had been playing between her thighs and sucked them into his own mouth to taste her sweetness, licking them clean with his eyes upon her the whole time.
“Hmm, you taste divine, Sweetheart,” he murmured, once he had successfully cleaned them of her juices.
Eternity moaned at his seduction, before she grabbed the sides of his head and pulled him to her, kissing him for all he was worth. Her tongue pried open his mouth and dove inside to taste him for a change. She moaned again at the flavor she found there, no doubt tasting herself upon his tongue as she sampled him.
While she kissed him urgently, his hands ran over her still clothed body, growling at the hindrance that kept him from her bare flesh. Immediately, to remedy the problem, Elijah took the flimsy fabric into his hands and tore the tiny mini dress cleanly in two. Tossing the scraps aside, he let his hands wander her now bare form, touching everywhere he could, including her soft breasts, while he kept her pinned to column.
Before long, the need became too much for the both of them. With vampire speed, he moved them to the large bed, where he tossed Eternity carelessly upon it. Using that same superior speed, the rest of his clothes were done away with him moving like a predator ready to devour his prey as he crawled over her fully bare. He took a moment to brush back her hair from her face, before kissing her lips tenderly. 
Elijah let his mouth wander from her lips, down her throat, over her breasts, and then down her stomach, listening to her pants and rapid heart beats all the while. He paused just at her mound, grinning at her wickedly, before ascending back up her body until he could reach her mouth. 
Eternity groaned in disappointment.
“I’ll taste you more throughly next time,” he told her playfully, as he briefly kissed her. “My need for you is simply overwhelming.”
The ethereal woman grinned and shook her head at him, before pulling Elijah closer with her legs winding around his hips tightly. She kissed him throughly, before she nudged him even closer. “Please, Elijah. I want you inside me,” she quietly begged, reaching between them to stroke his hardened length seductively. 
He needed no further encouragement. He swiftly pulled her hand from his cock, pinning it to the bed. Letting his mouth descend upon hers again, he kissed her lips passionately and then trailing them down her jaw to her neck. All the while, he moved into position, rubbing his cock over her slick heat teasingly, before he finally joined their bodies with one hard thrust. 
Eternity gasped at the intrusion which turned into a loud moan. To keep herself grounded she let her hands rake through his hair and then down his back as he wasted not a single moment in bringing them both exquisite pleasure. His thrusts were not soft and gentle. No, they were instead hard and fast, full of animalistic need as he rocked into her willing body harshly.
Elijah buried his face in her neck as he slammed into her over and over again. The hand that had pinned hers to the bed laced their fingers together as he held on. The feeling of her wet heat wrapped so tightly around him was as wonderful as he remembered. Then there was the burning sensation of her nails on the hand left free to wander as they scratched down his back, the wounds she inflicted healing immediately. The pain and the pleasure drove him on, rocking into her even harder than before until they were both thoroughly drunk on the incredible carnal high.  
It wasn’t long before Eternity was chanting his name over and over again, becoming louder and louder the higher she climbed. She began to pant with exertion as she moved with him, holding him even tighter to her as she came closer and closer to falling over the edge. 
Feeling the end nearing for himself, he started to move at an even faster pace. “Come with me, Sweetheart,” Elijah whispered to her, upon the sensation of her walls starting to flutter. “Come with me.”
His words acted like a trigger because moments later he felt her walls contract around him, squeezing him for all he was worth as she screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm took hold. Her end triggered his and his trust became erratic until he finally spilled into her with a muffled shout.
Elijah stilled and slumped onto Eternity’s body, unable to keep himself up. She took his weight without a protest, holding him closer with one hand stroking his hair. The chaotic atmosphere of animalistic eroticism gave way to one that was relaxing and peaceful in the afterglow. Her actions were full of love and caring, reminding him of all the other times she had done the same. It was as if nothing had changed.
He lifted himself up just enough to gaze down into her sweet face while Eternity stared back lovingly. He brushed back her hair and laid a chaste kiss to her lips as he did. This was paradise he realized, and upon that realization, all the bitterness and fears of the past seemed to be less significant. 
They didn’t speak in the aftermath, as there wasn’t any need. They simply held to each other, enjoying the tranquility of being reunited.
With the happiness of that thought, Elijah was ready to have the pale beauty all over again. This time, he took her slowly, with tenderness, showing the love he had always had for her...that he would always have for her.
As he moved unhurriedly, he whispered in Eternity’s ear, “I love you, Sweetheart, always and forever.”
To Be Continued....
Tag List: @elejah-wonderland @rissyrapp20 @mikaelson-trash @dendrite-lover @inmylifeilovedthemall @elejahforever @xanderling @hawaiianohana15 @missnmikealson @phoenix-potter-bailey @lolelijahishot @x-memi12 @iamaquarius2 @echosnowflake666 @scarlettsky0998 @zillahvathek
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
In the Name of Love/1 of2
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Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
💘❤️️Part 1of 2
It’s Valentine’s season💘❤️️
 and here is a little something. 💘❤️️
a/n: thanks for reading - as always, it is very much appreaciated xoxo
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@rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000
"Everything I have always wanted- Everything I have had- loved- Everything that I tried to achieve- Everything was destroyed by YOU, ELIJAH!!!!! Now you want to take away MY FAMILY - MY DAUGHTER- THE WOMAN I LOVE AND MAKE IT YOUR OWN! NOT THIS TIME!!"- Klaus shouted at Elijah, pinning him on the wall, his rage completely taking over, blinding him to the point where he now punched his hand into his brother's chest taking hold of his heart.
"STOP!!"- Freya entering the room said and shot a surge of magic to separate the brothers throwing Klaus on the ground. Elijah slumped down from the wall now trying to catch some of  his breath back.
"What is happening?"- Freya now asked.
Klaus, still vividly upset,stood up, and with a snarl on his face looked at Elijah, and overtaken by his raging emotions made another attempt to charge at Elijah, but his witch sister stopped him once again and the hybrid now spitting down said-
“You are not worth it”.
"What is this, Elijah? It's about Hayley, isn't it?"- Freya asked, looking quizzically at her brother, who was now straightening his suit, brushing down the blood on the shirt nodding slightly.
"I don't get it. I thought he- was -" Freya said,  trying to understand the reason for the clash.
"He is right."- Elijah said-"I - just- I am so lost- for a long time- eversince-"- the Original vampire now closed his eyes for a second, flashing to the past, and  exhaled with grand pain in his heart-
"I wanted -I did - escape- and - but the only woman I want is- someone else"
"But I thought you loved Hayley?"- Freya said, wondering who the woman he wanted really was.
Elijah looked now at his sister, his face now painfully truthful-
"I care about her- a lot- but-  no, I don't- it's not love. I take crave her, take comfort in her, that's all. Like I have done with all the other women in my long wretched existence- Aya, Celeste, Gia- I took comfort in them- I lose myself again and again, pretending it is her I am with."
“Elena.”- Elijah now said dearly.
"Oh, Elijah-"- Freya said sympathetically.
Elijah made a silent sigh.The harsh truth crashed at him yet again-
"I am a lousy brother. A pittiful being"- Elijah then said-"and Klaus is right. I destroy all that is in my path. I hurt myself - but others, too. And cover it under the name of family. I made Klaus what he is. It was all my doing."
Hayley now stood  in the doorway and looked at the witch and the vampire like frozen.
And before she could react, there is a message alert with a special notification tone on Elijah's phone that now broke the silence.
The messages read-
’Found Elena Gilbert’
“Excuse me sister”- Elijah said and put his phone back in his suit pocket. Finally uttering the truth about the state of his heart and soul. It was painful but so very liberating. No more mistakes. No more hiding what really was-is in the heart. Now in his Porsche 
Hayley speeds up to the Original and punches him clean out-
"You bastard"- she shouts out. 
Elijah stands there taking it as she continues-
"And I - huh- Jackson was right about you people- you just crush everything that is in your way and not think twice. I wish Marcel ripped your heart clean out."- she pushes him away angrily now spitting in his face. 
Elijah takes the handkerchief out of his suit and cleans his face, then uttering - "I never meant to hurt you."
"Get oooooooout!"- Hayley screams at him and Elijah takes off giving Freya a look of goodbye.
In his car, Elijah now answered the phone call, seeing the name of his other sister on the display-
"Freya told me what had happened. Where are you? What are you doing?"
"Something I should have done long time ago."- Elijah replied.
"What might that be?"- Rebekah asked though she knew the answer.
"Fight for what is in my heart, for the woman I want more than anything."- Elijah said.
"The doppelganger?!"- Rebekah now said. 
“Yes.”- Elijah said back, and knowing how she felt about Elena stopped his sister before she was about to say something- “This is my life. Please respect it.”
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And with that Elijah hung up, not wanting to listen to his sister trying to convince him it was the worst move of his life. The song on his car radio streams exactly all that was inside his heart for so long.                
Closed off from love I Didn't need the pain Once or twice was enough and It was all in vain
Time starts to pass Before you know it you're frozen 
But something happen for the very first time  with you
My heart melted to the ground Found something true
  And in this world of loneliness, I see your face 
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                My heart is crippled by the vein That I keep closing You cut me open And I keep bleeding  I keep bleeding love
And he was bleeding love for a very long time. 
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Denver, Colorado
A day later                 
Elena could not believe her eyes as Elijah walked in the restaurant she worked in.                
"Elena-"- Elijah uttered in his sweet manner, accentuating the E. 
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Time stopped. Freeze frame.
At least that it was what Elena felt at that very moment, but her lips, willingly or not produce with a little gasp -
And then, as if someone pressed the button on the remote control,everything rolled again- Elena shook her head and moved away like none of this was real and she had only imagined it.
Sighing a little now, Elijah understood that his presence was not something she recognized as a good thing. He couldn’t blame her. For a second, he felt  like it was all a very bad idea. But his heart screamed to him now- You will listen to me this time. This time you will follow what I tell you. No more escaping. No more mistakes. No more losing yourself in the shadows of the wretched oath to your family.
Another waitress, smiling now at the Original Vampire, came up to him and asked if he wanted a table. He nodded a little and the girl now took him to the first available one. He placed his order and she trailed off to the bar. 
Elena continued with her work ignoring him for a little while, till she suddenly sat down at his table. Looking straight into his eyes and then said-
"I don't care what this is about- if there are rituals, curses, your family. Whatever it is - I-"- she paused- "I am finding the way back to myself. I am - there. Things are fine. So can you please leave! I don’t care what this is about.”
Elijah moved the napkin aside, and now looking back at the doppelganger seriously, his heart fluttering, happy to hear that she was doing good-
"I am glad."- Elijah then said. His eyes warm and dear. Letting her now know he was not going anywhere. Dreamy hazelnut eyes telling her that his heart and soul cannot be if they are not with her.   
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braveviolinist · 2 years
General: Rules   ♫  About Gia   ♫  Verses  ♫  OOC    ♫   Thoughts
Writing: Interactions   ♫  Answered Memes / Asks   ♫  Memes   ♫  Open Starters
About My Gia: Headcanon   ♫  Study   ♫  Musings   ♫  Quotes   ♫  Aesthetics   ♫  Wishlist   ♫  Attitude   
Verses: All Verses   ♫    x    ♫  x ♫    x ♫  x ♫   
Photographs Connections: Elijah   ♫  Marcel   ♫  Josh   ♫  Hayley   ♫  Cami   ♫  Connections   ♫
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