#Mall Management Software
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raindropevents · 7 months
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batsoftemiratesus · 11 months
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 10: Too Much Game
~The Man Cave~
Down in the Man Cave, Charlotte and (y/n) were struggling with the headquarter's failing equipment. The supercomputer, snack machine, tubes, the sofa: you name it, sure enough, it was on the blink.
Charlotte furiously tapped the buttons on the computer, but it was unresponsive, causing the young woman next to her to hit the control panel in frustration.
"Gooch? Hey! Gooch, are you there?" They were trying to get contact with the store above their heads, but so far they were unsuccessful.
"Stupid thing!" (y/n) kicked it for good measure.
"Mama." A baby doll came on the screen.
"Okay, that's not Gooch. Ugh, what is wrong with this thing?" Charlotte asked her.
"I don't know! I can do some of the repairs, but I can't work out what's wrong because of all the circuit boards and software in this heap of junk." (y/n) pressed the resignal button, hoping it would fix the fuzzy screen
"Gooch!" They finally managed to get some patchy images.
"Go for Gooch!" Charlotte asked him as his voice crackled from the interference.
"Where are Henry and Ray?" (y/n) questioned, wondering what was taking the superheroes so long.
"There was an emergency at the Swellview mall," Gooch told her.
"I know that!" She pinched her eyes in exasperation.
"Oooh, what happened?" Charlotte hadn't been down in the Man Cave for very long and wanted to know what was going down.
"Santa Claus was running around without his red pants," Gooch reported, confusing the girl.
"But it's not even Christmas." She looked at (y/n).
"Weird, right?" She was interrupted by the auto-snacker processing another order that they hadn't asked for.
"Your hot dog is ready." The A.I said.
"We don't want a freakin' hot dog!" (y/n) yelled at the thing, walking over to the thing and pressing a few buttons to cancel the food.
"You ordered a hot dog?" Gooch asked, not hearing some of their words over the bad connection.
"No. The snack machine is still broken and acting all crazy." Charlotte explained to him as (y/n) peered through the food window.
"R--repeat, y--ou'--re b-break--ing up," Gooch said in a distorted voice, the connection then breaking again. 
"Gooch!" Charlotte tried to fix it again, revealing that Ray and Henry were back. Only, one tube came down with Ray, but there was no sign of Henry.
"Hey, guys." He greeted them in a tired voice.
"Hi, those Santa's pants?" (y/n) walked up behind Charlotte.
"Yeah." He replied, his voice telling her that the mission was more trouble than it was worth.
"So, where's Henry?" Charlotte piped up.
"He's right-- huh, that's weird." Ray thought the teen was right behind him, so he looked up the tube to see where he was.
"Henry? Come down." He yelled.
"I can't my tube isn't working." The boy's voice echoed down the shaft.
"Not another malfunction." (y/n) scrubbed her palm against her face. The faulty tube meant there was another problem in the cave that she had no idea how to fix, and she was supposed to keep the place under control and ready for action.
"Okay, hang on." Ray took out his remote laser and tried to manually tried to bring down the tube. It came down halfway before an error noise sounded and the tube retracted. Ray kept pressing it, hoping that it would work eventually.
"Do that and it'll break completely. And then I'll break your face." (y/n) looked at him with her arms folded, but her threat was empty as trying to break the man's face would actually break her fist.
"Ray?" Henry called out, wondering what was going on.
"If you keep doing that, I'm gonna vomit," Henry warned him and the woman smirked at Ray.
"Ha, and you're standing under the tube." And the man quickly stepped out from any falling puke.
"Your hot dog is ready." The snack machine said again, this time revealing a terrified Chihuahua.
"Aw, puppy!" (y/n) couldn't help but say. She didn't even know the machine could do that.
"What the..." Charlotte looked at her boss with a puzzled face.
"(y/n), what have I said? We can't have pets in the Man Cave." Ray assumed that his friend had tried to sneak the dog into their lives.
"He's not mine!" She said in an offended tone. She knew that buying a pet without getting his agreement would be rude and irresponsible, two things that she rarely was.
"That's our lunch that we did not order!" Charlotte stressed, the glitches around the room freaking her out.
"Argh, I thought we fixed that thing. Why does it keep--" Ray tried to use his controller to stop the auto-snacker, but then the couch started to spin around.
"Now, why is that spinning?" Charlotte asked as he and his best friend groaned.
"Because everything in here is a piece of crap!" The stress was getting to (y/n), and she was losing her cool.
"We gotta find a good repairman!" Ray told her, pressing his controller repeatedly, and the sprocket started playing up.
"Not the sprocket, too." He whined, throwing the Santa pants to the couch.
"Gooch!" The screen showed the Indian man with a patchy signal.
"Go for Gooch."
"Just get your toolbox down here and come help (y/n). We got a lot of stuff to fix." Ray tried to tell him, but the woman just growled in annoyance.
"Ray, you know there is only one repairman who can fix things down there," Gooch said, not naming any names.
"I'm not calling him!" Ray muttered back, the memory of the man making him angry.
"We need him, get on the damn phone!" (y/n) shook his shoulders, but he grabbed her wrists and looked into her eyes.
"No, we don't need him, and I will not let him back in our Man Cave!" He said sternly, but she didn't miss the way he said "our Man Cave". That had never been said before.
"I can't fix this stuff!" She tried to reason with him, but he just reached over to turn off the screen.
"Bye!" He said to Gooch.
"Don't you press that but--" Gooch and (y/n) said, not finished with the conversation, but it was too late.
"Who were you talking about?" Charlotte asked as the woman plopped down on Ray's knee in annoyance, his hand resting on her back to steady her.
"Schwoz." Ray spat out the name.
"What's a Schwoz?" Charlotte had never heard of a name like that.
"This guy that used to work with him. He built most of this place, all this cool stuff. He developed the technology we use, built all the weapons and devices. I'm telling you, he's a genius!" (y/n) told her about the man. He had been a good friend to her and was the only one she had properly told about how she felt about Ray. He had been sworn to secrecy and kept silent even when he and Ray fell out.
"Yeah, he's a genius." Ray mocked her, not liking how she was going on about him. He wanted to be the one she spoke of with such adoration. 
"He sounds awesome." Charlotte agreed with the young woman. This Schwoz sounded like just the guy they needed.
"Well, awesome guys don't steal your girlfriend!" Ray shouted at her, and (y/n) rolled her eyes.
"Ooh, wow." The teen looked down at the new information.
"Yeah, that's what I said when I found out that she'd been Schwoz'd!" Ray exclaimed, the memory still irritating him.
"Oh, please. She was just as much to blame!" (y/n) tried to make him see that the girlfriend was no good. Sure, Schwoz had done something wrong, but it took two people to cheat.
"Don't defend him!" Ray pointed a gloved finger at her.
"Don't be a dick then!" She replied, grabbing his finger and bending it back a little, the pressure making the man wince and back down.
The tube beeped, and they all thought Henry was finally coming down. He was, in a way. The boy fell down the shaft, landing on his feet and falling backwards. His knees ached from taking the brunt of the drop.
"Oh, man." 
"I'll get the first aid kit!" Ray and Charlotte looked at the boy in horror, as (y/n) grabbed her medical supplies and quickly ran to the groaning boy's side. She helped him up, and he looked at her with a dazed expression. 
"That...that really hurt me." He said to her.
"My god, is anything broken?" She looked up and down his body, not seeing any visible injuries.
"I'm fine, it's all good." Henry smiled at her, as a beeping came from Ray's remote.
"Uh-oh. Oh, man." He cried at what it said.
"What's wrong?" Charlotte asked him, peering up at the screen.
"Santa Claus jumped outta the police car and now he's running down Swellview Boulevard," Ray whined, hating the thought of having to chase the pant-less man.
"But, his pants are right here." (y/n) picked them up from the couch and brought them over to him.
"Exactly, let's go." (y/n) handed them over and he and Henry went back to the tube area. They smacked their belts, but only Henry's tube came down. Ray slapped his navel several more times, however, nothing happened.
"Come on!" He yelled.
"Let's just both take my tube," Henry told him calmly.
"All right." The superhero grumbled, so Henry raised his tube and Ray shuffled over. He put his arms around Henry in a hug.
"Awwww, cute." (y/n) snapped a photo of them together on her phone, and they each gave her a bored face in return. Hitting his belt buckle again, they prepared for the tube, only this time, the opposite one came down.
"Geez!" They both screamed as everything in the Man Cave began to malfunction at once.
"You better call Schwoz." Charlotte insisted.
"Never!" Ray hissed back.
"RAYMOND! CALL HIM!" (y/n) pointed her finger at him, the noise in the hideout was beginning to annoy her.
"Who's Schwoz?" Henry asked, having not heard about the clever man from the tube.
"He's this guy that used to work for me a long--" Ray was cut off when the tube over them came down and hit his head.
"OW!"He exclaimed, putting his hand over where he was hit.
"Just call him, please!" (y/n) didn't want anyone else getting hurt. No one else was indestructible, and that meant that she and the kids were at risk of serious injury.
"I hate him!" Ray seethed at her.
"I don't care!" She told him, as she ran to the computer, hoping she could at least she could get a tube working.
~The next day~
Ray, (y/n) and Charlotte were back down in the Man Cave trying to troubleshoot all of the problems.
"Hey, I really wish you'd get those things working." The tall man said to the two females, who turned around and glared at him.
"When you get off your butt and contribute to our efforts, then I'll take directions from you." (y/n) said to him, and he smiled sheepishly at her, and she turned back around with an amused expression. She couldn't stay mad for long, especially when he was looking so good in his tight, white, long-sleeved t-shirt.
The shouts of Henry falling down in the elevator drew their attention away from the fuzzy screens.
"Hey, something's wrong with the dumb elevator." He complained to the three after he stepped through the doors
"Why are you in such a bad mood?" Ray asked, sensing something was off.
"Because I got kicked off my dumb basketball team." He explained, as (y/n) stood next to Ray.
"Are you good at basketball?" She asked him, having never heard about the boy playing the sport before. 
"No." He replied, just as the couch began to spin, making Ray, who was leaning against it, fall into (y/n). Her arms wrapped around him to stabilise them both.
"Charlotte! You made the couch spin again." Ray shouted at the girl on the computer, as he guided his friend away from the twirling couch.
"Well, why don't you hop on it and take a ride?" The girl snapped back, having had enough of his bossing around.
"Ray, the repairman (y/n) ordered is here. He's on his way down." The man said excitedly, knowing who was on his way down.
"What? You can't just send some stranger down here until we have him checked out." Looking between the woman mentioned and Gooch.
"I got to go." Before he could get into trouble, Gooch killed the link. Ray looked at (y/n) for answers, but then the elevator came down, the mystery man inside. 
The doors opened, a small, strange man with a balding head and overalls on walked out and put down his toolbox.
"Hey." He greeted his old friends in a thick, foreign accent that was difficult to place.
"Schwoz," Ray said through his teeth, looking at the man in anger and then (y/n), who was smiling brightly at Schwoz.
"Get out." The superhero ordered him in a harsh voice, stalking towards the man, making (y/n) step in front of him and put her hands on his chest.
"Come on, Ray, don't be like that." She pleaded with him, but even her best puppy-dog eyes couldn't melt his anger.
"I mean it! I can't believe you brought him here! Out of here." He kept moving forward, forcing the woman backwards until she was stood next to Schwoz.
"That's Schwoz?" Henry asked, entertained by the man's funny appearance.
"You must be new sidekick, Kid Danger." The tech-genius smiled as he shook Henry's hand warmly. All the niceties were getting under Ray's skin.
"Don't you talk to Henry. You keep your Schwoz cooties off of him." Ray slapped the man's hands away from Henry, and (y/n) looked up at him in horror, shocked that her best friend, who was usually so amicable, was being so mean.
"Ray! It's been three years!" She pointed out to him, as Schwoz walked around the group.
"Yeah, three years since he stole my girlfriend." He replied, following the repairman's every move.
"If it makes you feel any better, I dumped her two weeks later," Schwoz told him, leaning the computer controls. His words made (y/n) wince. 'Why tell him that?" She groaned inwardly.
"Why would that make me feel better?" Ray exclaimed.
"Can I get something to eat?" Schwoz moved away from the subject.
"You could if that hunk-a-junk snack machine you built actually worked." Ray insulted him.
"I check it." The small man said, determined to prove that his machines were cutting-edge science, not junk.
"Don't order a hot dog," Charlotte warned him, remembering what happened yesterday.
Schwoz pressed the touch screen on the snack machine, and a probe dropped out. Holding it against the screen, he then clicked a few buttons, so the machine's software system would reset itself. The four people behind him just looked on in confusion.
"Now, would anyone like a nacho tower?" He said to the machine in his funny voice, and the computer responded immediately, creating a hot, steaming pile of tasty-looking nachos.
"Whoa, nacho tower," Henry said it as Schwoz did, and (y/n) took a nacho from the plate.
"He fixed the auto-snacker," Charlotte said, sounding impressed.
"Oh my god, I tried for hours last night to get that thing to work. And he made it looked so easy." She said the last part whilst looking directly at Ray.
"I don't care, you ruined our friendship. Now, I've only got one left." Ray replied, gesturing to the woman, which made Henry and Charlotte look at him with frowning faces.
"You know what I mean. And, you're not gonna fix it with a platter of hot, Mexican treats." Ray tried to say, the smelling enticing him, as Henry, Charlotte and (y/n) filled their faces.
"Well, I forgive you."
"Me too."
"I was never that mad." The superhero folded his arms after they voiced their support.
"Look, if you want me to leave, just tell me 'Leave'." Schwoz looked at the grumpy man.
"Leave, leave, leave, leave, leave," Ray repeated at him in an agitated voice.
"Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay." (y/n) said this time, looking up at Ray with hard eyes.
"I'm the boss here!" He whispered at her.
"I have to run this place! I need the equipment to work!" She snapped back, so Henry interjected.
"Shut up before you fall out again." He deadpanned to the friends, which made them break apart and look at each other apologetically, the tension dissolving immediately. Their hearts were still tender from the last time they argued, and they didn't want to be apart again.
"So you want me to stay?" Schwoz butted in, making Ray form a fist at his face. 
"Because I could fix up all the broken schtuff around this place." He offered.
"Do it." Henry and Charlotte nodded.
"No!" While he didn't want to make (y/n) angry, he stilled hated Schwoz and didn't want him all over the Man Cave.
"Let him fix the broken schtuff," Henry said to him.
"Please, Raymond. Pretty please? I'll love you forever..." (y/n) fluttered her eyes at him and made her voice as sweet as she could, even though she was already sure she would love Ray until the end of time. The large man looked down at her, and couldn't resist how she gazed at him.
"All right, fix the broken schtuff. And give me a nacho." He said to Schwoz, giving in. Henry took the plate of food, as Ray went to sit on the couch, taking (y/n) with him. They giggled together as they sat down, and the three still at the computer looked their way.
"Ah, young girl is still in love, no?" Schwoz whispered to the teens.
"Oh yeah, totally," Henry answered as he put a chip in his mouth.
"And Ray finally asked her out?" He carried on, hoping that their pining was over.
"Ha, no. He'll never admit it to her." Charlotte said in a hushed tone, but the couple were still in their happy, little world and didn't see them talking to each other in a huddle. 
"So he is still nincompoop? Man, it's been years since she told me. I thought she would have done something by now." Schwoz told them, their eyes widening at how long (y/n) had been crushing on Ray.
"She never said it was that long." Henry looked at the girl as she smiled and laughed along at what Ray was telling her.
"I had been here long time when Ray employed her. She was a hard worker and he couldn't help but love her." He sighed dreamily, remembering the good old days.
"But?" Charlotte said, expecting a twist.
"He kept dating the womens and she wanted to stay professional. So, here we are." Schwoz said, frowning at the pair, who were now looking at cat videos on (y/n)'s phone, her head on his chest and his arm around her shoulder.
"He's dumb." Henry said, pointing a thumb over his shoulder.
"And she's too shy." Charlotte analysed.
"They will realise one day, and they will get married and have lots of beebees. Now, children, I must work." Schwoz left them standing together and started working on the computer's video-chat system.
"What's a beebee?" Henry looked at Charlotte, who just shrugged and ate another nacho.
Schwoz was tweaking some controls at the back of the Man van, as Ray, Henry and (y/n) finished the nachos on the couch. Grabbing his remote, the repairman walked to the centre of the floor and turned to them.
"Now, who's ready for technological fun?" He asked them.
"Give us your best shot." Henry and (y/n) answered him, but Ray was still cheesed off.
Running to the tube area, Schwoz went up and came down in the one opposite, proving they were working again.
"All right, he fixed them!" The woman smiled, a hand on Ray's shoulder.
"And I fixed the TVs and the sprocket. And watch this." Schwoz told them excitedly, running down from the tubes.
"Security lasers on." Schwoz pressed his button, and a series of red lasers appeared all over the Man Cave.
"OOh, lasers." Henry geeked out at the new feature, (y/n) grinning too. But Ray was still upset. The teen reached out to touch one and was still impressed when it burned his finger.
"Security off." The lasers disappeared and Schwoz leapt onto the end of the couch, next to where Henry was sat.
"Smoochy music on." A romantic love song began playing over the speakers, and the couch started spinning slowly as Gooch danced. 
"That'll impress your girlfriends." (y/n) patted Ray's leg in an attempt to impress him, despite her words breaking her heart.
"Smoochy music off." Ray wasn't bothered by the new addition, because it was installed by the man who he currently hated.
"Whoaaa, he is impressive." Henry clapped and looked at Ray.
"Yeah, yeah." Captain Man just ate another nacho. Schwoz sat down from where he was stood.
"Too bad you can't use your technical skills to make me a better basketball player." Henry sighed at him, sparking an idea in the small man's mind.
"Hey... who says I can't make you a better basketball player, huh?" He smirked and nudged Henry, who didn't pick up on his hints.
"I did. Was I wrong?" He asked, Schwoz nodding with a devious smile.
Schwoz had found the gear he was looking for and started to put the sleeves onto Henry's arms.
"Cool sleeve. Feels good." The boy nodded once it had been programmed.
"I've seen better sleeves," Ray commented, taking a swig from his soda, as (y/n) dozed peacefully on his shoulder.
"What are the goggles for?" Henry asked Schwoz, ignoring his boss's comment.
"They are wirelessly connected to the sleeve using bloop-toop." The foreign man said to him, his ending words not making much sense to the teen.
"Bloop-toop?" Henry sounded confused.
"He means Bluetooth." (y/n) called to him, her voice rough from sleep and how she smushed her face back into Ray's chest.
"I don't understand but--whoa!" A rocket-propelled basketball hoop appeared from the ceiling once Schwoz pressed his controller again. Ray stood up, the woman on him complaining but following too as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes,
"I didn't know we had a hoop." She said through a yawn. Her attempts to repair the tech last night and therefore her lack of sleep was starting to catch up to her.
"Neither did I," Ray said, bringing her to his chest so she could rest on him again, enjoying the way her warmth seeped through his shirt.
"And now..take this and shoot the bashket." The small guy instructed Henry, a basketball dropping from the ceiling.
"Wait!" He suddenly stopped the boy, his loud voice making (y/n) jumped under Ray's arm. He petted her hair and she soon quietened down.
"What?" Henry wanted to know what he had done wrong.
"Close your eyes." Schwoz directed him, to prove how well the device would work.
"But I need to see." The boy insisted, but regardless, he did as he was told. Bouncing the ball once, he closed his eyes and shot the ball right into the hoop.
"What?" He looked extremely surprised.
"Hey, let me try one," Ray said, putting (y/n) down on the sofa and rushing off to get the ball. The young woman followed his movements through tired eyes.
Picking up the ball, Ray threw it as hard as he could at Schwoz, narrowly missing her on the couch. 
"That was uncalled for!" She said, her rapidly beating heart waking her up in seconds.
"That's not what balls are for!" Schwoz looked at Ray with a hurt face.
"Well, you shouldn't have kissed my girlfriend." The superhero refused to let it go, much to the annoyance of his two friends.
"So, if I wear these goggles and this sleeve thing..." Henry took back the inventor's attention.
"You will make bashket every time." He smiled back at him with reassurance.
"Oh, man. This is amazing. Thanks, Schwoz. I'm going to destroy that Shawn Corbit guy." Henry smiled back as Ray stood with his hands on his hips.
"Let us celebrate with smoochy music and whirly lights." Schwoz turned them on and ran to get (y/n) on her feet, so they and Henry could dance to it. Ray watched on, his stubborn streak not letting him join in. (y/n) stepped off the couch and sauntered over to him.
"You know you wanna dance." She smirked at him.
"Maybe." He didn't smile, and couldn't look her in the eye.
"Come on, dance with me." She held out her hand and nodded back to the spinning couch, where Schwoz and Henry were coyly smirking at each other. 
"Fine." The man caved in, after all, how could he refuse an offer like that?
~The next day, Swellview High~
It was the day of Henry's big match against Shawn Corbit, and Ray, Schwoz and (y/n) were walking to the gym where it was taking place. The woman's hand was firmly in Ray's as he dragged her along, harshly ignoring the smaller man.
"You could at least make small talk." She said to the man in front of her as they weaved through the corridors of Henry's school.
"I don't want to talk to him." He replied bitterly, Schwoz trying to keep up on his short legs. (y/n) rolled her eyes at Ray's words and they pushed open the doors to the gym. Walking in with their popcorn and snow cone, they saw how Henry was shouting perfectly thanks to the gadget Schwoz had built him.
Sitting down on a bench, Ray decided to sit way too close to a pretty looking woman at the end. Ignoring (y/n) and Schwoz on his left he turned up the flirting as he noticed her long legs.
"Hey there." His smooth voice greeted her, and (y/n) found herself in the middle of two males who both fancied one woman. 'Why me?' She cried in her head, remembering how this situation ended last time.
"Hello." The woman smiled back with a sweet tone. Schwoz could see how sad his friend looked at Ray's new interest, so he decided he would try to help out.
"So, are you a teacher?" Ray asked the woman, giggling with her.
"Yeah, I teach eighth grade Spanish." She told him.
"Caliente." The large man complimented her.
"Bueno." (y/n) could deal with Ray's flirting from afar, but being sat right next to it with him and a beautiful teacher to her left made her cross her arms.
"Ay, Dios Mio." She muttered under her breath, only Schwoz hearing her, so he made his move.
"I am Schwoz." The man leaned across the woman in the middle of them and grinned at the Spanish teacher. 
"You say nothing!" Ray snapped back to him, not wanting another girl taken by the little man. How did he expect him to move on from (y/n) if he kept stealing the girls?
"Listen up! This is a game of one-on-one. Playing to ten. The winner stays on the basketball team, the loser goes home to his mommy." The coach explained to the two boys, even though (y/n) was fairly certain that 'Shawn Corbit' wasn't a boy and that the coach was a massive douchebag.
"Okay, let's get this over with. Henry, your ball." The manager made to pass the basketball to Henry but dropped it at the last minute. Switching on his sleeve, Henry gave a thumbs up to Schwoz and (y/n) who returned the gesture with encouraging smiles. Ray was preoccupied with making out with the hot teacher.
"Oh my god, do you mind?" She groaned at Ray as he was practically laying on top of her. 'Is he trying to kill me?' She whimpered inwardly but concentrated on the game as Henry started bouncing the ball and moving across the gym. He jumped up to make the hoop, but the vastly taller man used his height to slap the ball out of his hands. Running the ball up the court, Shawn fired and easily scored a goal. 
"Hey, give me your phone!" Piper said to Charlotte as she recorded the match.
"Why?" The dark-haired girl couldn't see why she would need it.
"So I can shoot Henry's disaster from two angles." She exclaimed, not caring if Henry lost and got kicked off the team.
"I'm going to get some lemonade. You want some?" Ray looked at the woman as they broke apart from their kiss.
"Sure." The woman hadn't looked at her student's match once, and Ray turned to his sulking best friend.
"You want some lemonade?" He smiled at her.
"No thanks, I'm feeling a bit sick." She told him in a flat voice, her eyes not leaving Henry's game.
"Okay. Be right back." He patted her knee, not taking her tone as an annoyed one, but rather an interest in what was happening on the court. Realising he'd be a few minutes in the queue, Schwoz looked at (y/n) and whispered in her ear.
"Change places with me." The woman furrowed her eyebrows, taking her focus off the game for a moment.
"So, I can make move on lady teacher," Schwoz smirked at her, but she wasn't amused.
"Ray will kill you." Did this guy never learn?
"Just move." She slid down the bench with a sigh, as Schwoz took Ray's place and began to flirt in the teacher's ear.
Henry was struggling against the man he was playing with. He just didn't have the height to get around him, so every time he tried to shoot, Corbit took the ball from his hands and scored against him. 
"Henry, try and score this time." Oliver Pook called from the sidelines.
"Thanks, Oliver!" Henry said to the boy sarcastically. As if he was letting Shawn win. Making another run up the court, he aimed and fired, but once again, the ball was smacked out of his hands, ran back down the court and passed through the opposite hoop. It carried on and on until Shawn was way past the set benchmark of ten goals.
"Come on, grandma. Anyone can make instant oatmeal." Shawn even made a phone call during the match, and Henry still wasn't able to score.
Henry was starting to tire and lose faith as the score went past 0-26. Shawn gave him back the ball, appearing to let him score just once, but as soon as he jumped, the ball was slapped out of his hands.
"How is this fair?" (y/n) said to no one in particular since the Spanish teacher was still being 'Schwoz'd' and Ray was still in the line for lemonade.
"I thought we were only playing to ten," Henry questioned the coach, nothing that he was 32 goals down.
"Oh yeah. Game over! Shawn wins! Have a nice life, Henry." The coach blew his whistle, officially ending the game, and he put his arm around the victor. Henry looked depressed as he went to his stuff on the sidelines.
"One lemonade for me and one lemonade for..." Ray came back over to his friends and saw Schwoz making out with the teacher as (y/n) typed away on her phone. 
"Schwoz!" He yelled, making the small man jump up and run away, afraid that the larger man would hurt him.
"Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?!" Ray screeched, his fist closing around one of the lemonades, making it burst all over the floor. The teacher reached for the still intact cup, but Ray looked at her with wide eyes and pulled it out of her reach.
"No, no, no. No lemonade for you." He said to her with a miffed face. (y/n) stood up and put her phone back in her pocket.
"Come on, Casanova. She isn't worth it." She smiled at her friend and led him away from the pouty teacher, who clearly just wanted some free lemonade.
~After the match~
"Hey." Shawn Corbit walked up to Henry and sat down.
"Hi." The teen didn't really feel like talking to the man that beat him for a place on the basketball team.
"I'm sorry, man." The large male looked down in shame.
"Hey, you won fair and square," Henry said dejectedly.
"No, I didn't," Shawn revealed.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not 14," Shawn whispered to him, although it was pretty obvious already.
"I didn't think so. How old are you?" Henry asked him, wanting to know what the coach had pulled.
"I'm 26. I'm a grown man. I work at Master Prize Rent-A-Car." The tall man divulged his real identity.
"Well, how do you know Coach Bix?" The boy looked at him, not believing what he was hearing.
"He came in to rent a car. He pulled me aside and said, 'I want you to come play basketball for me.'" The man told the story."
"And you said okay?" 
"No, I said no."
"Then why are you playing ball for him?" Henry asked, not seeing why Shawn would agree to play against a bunch of kids.
"Because he kidnapped my Lulu." The man said in a teary voice.
~At the Man Cave~
"Who the hell is Lulu?" (y/n) asked Henry as he retold them everything Shawn had said to him.
"Shawn's puppy. She's a cockapoo." Henry explained to her as she stood next to Ray, who was sat down at the computer and trying to process the story.
"Wait a minute. So you're telling us that your coach kidnapped Shawn's puppy..." Ray started, wanting to know if he had all the facts correct.
"The cockapoo." (y/n) nodded at him.
"And now he's forcing Shawn to pretend he's 14-years-old so he can play in your junior high school basketball team?" It sounded really strange when Ray said it all out loud.
"Crazy, right?" Henry looked at them both.
"Uh, yeah. Coach Bix is insane." (y/n) told the boy.
"Coach won't give him the puppy back unless our team wins the state championship," Henry said, making Ray angrily take out his gum tube and pop a gumball.
"Oooh, you're chewing. What are you gonna do?" The teen looked at his boss with an excited expression.
"They are two things I hate in the world, and one of the is guys who kidnap other guys dogs to make them do stuff." Ray declared, moving away from the supercomputer so he could transform into his costume.
"What's the other thing?" Henry looked confused.
"Celery!" (y/n) immediately knew the answer, remembering when she first started working for Ray and he made her pick it out of his food. That was the first time he saw her temper blow up, and it was also one of the first times his heart skipped a beat when she spoke to him. No girl had ever stood up to Captain Man and resisted his charms, making him realise how special she was.
"Yeah." Henry agreed. He also disliked the green stem vegetable.
"It ruins tuna salad," Ray explained and the woman groaned.
"Ruins it," Henry said with him.
"I work with children." (y/n) grumbled, as Ray blew his bubble and became Captain Man.
~Coach Bix's House~
"Yeah, good old Salisbury steak." Coach Bix had only taken one bite of his dinner when his doorbell was pressed. He let out a groan and answered the door.
"Who is it?" He mumbled, still chewing his steak.
"Look through your peephole." Ray squeaked at him in a fake, high-pitched voice. The man looked through the hole, and that's when Ray punched through the door, knocking the guy backwards onto the sofa. He broke down the door and walked into the apartment, revealing himself to be Captain Man.
"Captain Man? Hey, I never said you could come in." The guy said to the superhero.
"Too bad, jerk." Ray snapped at the puppy-stealer. He crouched down by the dog cage next to the couch and freed the cute, little puppy. He could see why (y/n) wanted one so much.
"Hey, I didn't say you could touch that." Bix pointed a finger at the larger man.
"I didn't ask. Aw, you're a good baby. Aw, don't you worry, sweetheart." Ray cooed at the adorable creature, as he brought it into his arms.
"You better not take my puppy." The basketball coach seethed, but Ray wasn't scared of the pathetic man.
"It's not your puppy. Now, get in the cage." He hissed back.
"What? No, that's for a dog." The man protested.
"One..." Ray started to count.
"Maybe I'll get in the cage." The man submitted, not wanting to be on the receiving end of another one of Captain Man's punches. He crawled inside and Ray locked the door after him.
"Shawn, you can come in now." He called to the waiting man.
"Lulu!" He cried in joy at seeing his pet.
"Here you go." Ray passed her over, and Shawn was more than happy to cuddle her to her chest.
"Aw. Thanks, Captain Man." He smiled down at the squirming dog.
"Thank you, for liking puppies." The superhero smiled at the reunion.
"Come on, Lulu. Let's go buy matching sweaters." The man left with the puppy and Ray knew his work was done.
~Back at the Man Cave~
Henry was practising shooting a ball with Schwoz's techno-sleeve, Ray and (y/n) watching him with smiles on their faces.
"Whoa, yeah." He said when he scored the goal and patted the man's tummy in celebration. The elevator dinged and Schwoz stepped out sheepishly.
"Okay, I fixed the elevator."
"Good." Was all Ray said, so (y/n) took it upon herself to give the handyman the fitting recognition for his hard work.
"Thank you, Schwoz. I could never have fixed everything on my own." Her smiles and soft words made the man look at her bashfully.
"Yes, thank you. Now, leave my life." Ray's semi-polite tone turned cold, as he put his hands on his hips.
"Okay, boss," Schwoz said quietly, his distraught face breaking the young woman's heart.
"Ray..." Henry tried to reason with him.
"Stay out of this, Henry," Ray told him sternly, and (y/n) left his side, her face void of emotion.
"No, he can't go." Her face didn't move, but her eyes told them how she was really feeling.
"Goodbye, peoples. Schwoz out." The little man stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to close the door.
"Great. What happens next time something breaks around here?" Henery asked Ray.
"(y/n) can fix it," Ray said, as the woman blinked back tears.
"I don't know how! I can do some wiring and soldering but nothing like this." She sniffed and gesture to all the machinery in the Man Cave.
"No one else can fix this stuff." Henry pleaded, the woman steeling herself.
"Too bad. He's gone." Ray told him, but the elevator doors opened again.
"I still here." Schwoz waved and Henry and (y/n) smiled at Ray in hope.
"All right, Schwoz. You can have your old room back." Ray groaned and gave in. His best friend jumped on him, squealing with happiness that sank into his skin and made him smile with her.
"Yeah, baby!" Schwoz cheered and ran to join their hug. However, Schwoz wasn't (y/n) and his hugs didn't fill the larger man with love and joy in the same way.
"Get off!" He shrugged the foreign man off, but kept his arm around his best friend's waist, not ready to let go yet.
"Never leap on me again!" He pointed a finger at Schwoz, but (y/n) giggling at him, calmed him down quickly and the little guy ran off to reclaim his old bedroom.
Ray looked away in disgust at the thought of living with him again, but his face dropped into shock when (y/n) pressed a kiss to his lower cheek.
"Thank you." She smiled at him sweetly, her small peck making his heart beat faster than the ten-minute make-out session he had with the teacher earlier. Walking off, (y/n) left Ray in a daze with a stupid expression on his face.
"Schwoz! Don't touch anything till I get there!" She ran through the sprocket, intent on stopping the chaotic man in his wake before he could disturb the peace she kept in the headquarters.
Ray looked at Henry, his pupils dilated and his cheeks dusted with a pink blush. His hand still rested where her lips had been, making Henry grin.
"Should I leave the room?" He joked as Ray snapped out of his daydream.
"Shut up!" The superhero scolded him.
"All right, Ray... check this out." Henry moved on, taking off his goggles and the sleeve.
"No sleeve. Just the kid." Ray looked at him with a bored face. He knew that without the technology to help, Henry was terrible at basketball. Henry bounced the ball a few times, aimed and threw the ball at the hovering hoop, missing completely. The ball landed on a piece of equipment, which started sparking and short-circuiting from the blow.
"Schwoz?" They called the genius, as the machine stopped working.
"Don't tell (y/n) it was us," Ray said, holding his hand out for Henry to shake. His best friend would kill him if she found out they were playing basketball with sensitive apparatus around.
"Deal." They shook hands and smiled up at the two adults coming down from the sprocket.
"What have you done now?" (y/n) eyed them suspiciously.
"Nothing." They lied, and she still didn't believe them. There was always mischief going on down in the Man Cave.
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n7punk · 11 months
More random docus/video essays
Video essays are some of my favorite things on the internet and I've been especially addicted to them lately so here's a bunch I've been watching (some of these gave me goosebumps or straight up made me cry in a non-depressing way):
Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery (I'm sure you've heard of this by now, but everything Defunctland does is stunning. This is the documentary that made me teary. I cannot recommend it enough, and of course his FastPass documentary if you haven't watched that either).
The man who faked an element & The man who almost faked his way to a noble prize. (Honestly just everything I've watched by BobbyBroccoli. It's all "focused" on science/physics but as someone with no interest in either of these topics, these docus are Fascinating, and perfectly understandable, so I highly recommend them).
ROBLOX_OOF.mp3 (actually about a person associated with the sound, not Roblox, it's a SUPER interesting rabbithole).
the tale of i-dog (remember these iPod accessories?? yeah this video gave me massive nostalgia).
Line Goes Up - The Problem with NFTs (same guy as below, great researched and thorough destruction of the idea, while not being too depressing) The Future Is A Dead Mall - Decentraland and the Metaverse (same guy as above, this one is really good, basically explaining what the metaverse truly is and why it's terrible. if you skip the NFT one, i still definitely recommend this one)
Taking caffeine out of Red Bull so I can drink it at night (this one IS technical and about chemistry, but it's still interesting, and also the premise makes me laugh)
POLYBIUS - The Video Game That Doesn't Exist (a tracing of mentions of the supposed "POLYBIUS" game throughout time on the web, with the goal of finding the origin of the story) Trackers: The Sound of 8bit (by the same channel, an interesting dive into the early software for creating digital "chiptune" music back in the 80s. There's a Darude Sandstorm cameo. It's more dense than the Polybius video but very interesting)
How Will Games Be Preserved? | Capturing the Frozen Flame (exactly what it says on the tin)
Why Did Link's Cell Shading Disappear? (deep dive into how BOTW renders its lighting, and also video game lighting in general. btw this glitch still exists in totk the patch of area is just a lot smaller)
Sony Minidisc: The (Not) Forgotten Format (the history of the format and why it failed. gave me real nostalgia for the CD walkmans and such of the early 2000s)
Girl Games of Lost Media (pt 1 & pt 2) (a deep dive into the lost Mean Girls and Clueless DS games that manages to uncover new evidence) The Western World Of Sailor Moon (pt 1) & Finding Saban Moon (pt 2) (same channel as above. a lost media documentary on the canceled 80s She-ra style Sailor Moon adaption. I don't care about Sailor Moon at all but still found it really interesting.)
How The World Sounds To Animals (okay this is what I'm ALWAYS talking about with how differently each species perceives the world and works internally. It's also just really interesting)
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scfrozenover · 2 years
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Frozen Over season is finally upon us! Get cozy with with a hot beverage, curl up in a blanket, and let these fanworks fill you with warmth!
Want to follow along? We have a Google Sheet for you. We’ll add each day’s reveals to it. Use the “make a copy” function to copy the spreadsheet to your own Google Drive (or download it if you want to use different spreadsheet software), and come back each day to copy the new fics onto your version.
Cabin Fever
[David/Patrick - E - 17,880]
When he hears that Twyla's cousin has a place he rents out, David leaps at the chance to have some time on his own away from his sister in the next bed, and his parents in the next room, to think about what he's going to do with the Blouse Barn money. What he isn't expecting is for the guy who delivers firewood to the guests in the cabin to be so ridiculously gorgeous.
He really doesn't need the distraction. Unfortunately, the more he gets to know Patrick, the harder it is to ignore his growing attraction.
(E)Tea for Two
[David/Patrick - M - 9,647]
Extraterrestrial Tea artist David Rose and numbers guy Patrick Brewer know each other only through their fractious emails--until they are assigned to plan the end of year employee party together. Will a partnership so steeped in frustration brew up trouble--or a cup of cheer?
I Love You A Latke
[David/Patrick, Stevie & David, Patrick & Stevie - T - 6,692]
It's David and Patrick's first holiday season as a married couple. The apothecary is busier than ever (read: stressful) and David is missing the other Roses. But Patrick makes everything okay.
A taste of you
[David/Patrick, Stevie & David - T - 4,554]
So here he is, alone. In this stupid Elmdale strip mall, in a space he is certain does not live up to health code standards. He looks around the room and sees mostly couples, which only serves to drive home the fact that he is so, so very single this holiday season.
David and Patrick meet at random at a holiday cake pop decorating class
Conflict Control Group
[Ronnie & Patrick, Ronnie/Vanessa - T - 4,069]
Ronnie is forced to drive Patrick to Elmdale; it does not go well. Then there’s a snowstorm.
Santa Baby
[David/Patrick - G - 2,800]
Stevie has managed to coerce David to take his favourite small human to the mall for Santa photos. Underneath the beard and red suit, David is mesmerised by Santa's twinkling whiskey eyes.
A very, VERY sweet Christmas meet cute.
Can We Start Again?
[David/Patrick - NR - 2,639]
David's first Christmas with the Brewers, he finds he clashes horribly with one of them. Can they make peace?
The Brewer can be Marcy or Clint, or one of the other Brewers. The reason is author's choice, as silly or serious as you like, but please no homophobia.
[podfic] The Big Chill
[David/Patrick - T - 1:40:34]
David Rose learns to thaw while being chilled.
❄️ A modern-day Ice Age AU. ❄️
[podfic of The Big Chill]
Santa Baby [Fan art]
[David/Patrick - G]
David brings Stevie’s daughter to meet Santa at the mall…
*❄️*CREATORS: If your works were released today, please don't forget to update your posting date!
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
* List of Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
A year has passed since then.
The sports store where Misaki Yata is currently working is not a famous store nor is it located in a large shopping mall, it is an old-fashioned two-story community store in a corner of the shopping district.
The store manager is a former professional baseball player and took over the sports store, which is a family business, after he retired. Inevitably, baseball tools are the most substantial, but there are plenty of other sports supplies.
Also, Yata participated in a skateboarding competition, so he was willing to take a break from time to time, and he actively supported him.
In a very understandable workplace, Yata, who had held relatively different part-time jobs, has been working very seriously.
That day, he worked from ten in the morning until night. After getting off work, Yata felt a little peckish, so he ordered a menchikatsu from a nearby garnish shop, and strolled through the shopping district while he munched.
This shopping street in Shizume has many old-fashioned shops, such as a rare cafe, a second-hand bookstore that has been in business for fifty years, and a fishmonger run by a kind-hearted general.
Among them, Yata found a store that caught his attention. It was a toy store with a retro-toned neon sign that said "Retro Store."
If you look in the splash window, you will find the retro anime Chogokin that aired about 20 years ago and board games that have been discontinued long ago.
Yata was curious and entered the store.
Glass covered shelves act as partitions to form narrow aisles. And on the shelves, monster figures, plastic model submarines, and sofubi dolls that couldn't be seen at all, but the characters were stacked and neatly lined up.
To be honest, young Yata did not feel any homesickness because there were only antiques that were out of reach.
However, Yata, who was looking at it with a feeling of "Oh, there is such a thing.", suddenly stopped and said:
His eyes lit up.
At the end of his gaze was the hardware and some of the computer game software that had once ruled the world. Those mysteriously increased Yata's heartbeat.
"Oh, how nostalgic."
He said that unintentionally. To be precise, these game consoles were top sellers when Yata's parents were children.
However, Yata had a special feeling for this game console. When he first entered "Homura", he got these games in the retro genre at that time, and he was very addicted to staying up all night.
And the existence of a close friend who kept him company even though he complained about his stupidity.
It was an exciting day for Yata.
When he noticed, he was calling for the bearded manager, who was at the counter.
"Hm, how much does it cost to buy all this?"
After finishing his shift, Fushimi Saruhiko dressed in civilian clothes and bought chuhai, beer, and some snacks at a convenience store, then headed to a multi-tenant building on the outskirts of Shizume.
It was 9:30 at night.
Stainless steel tenant signs at the first-floor entrance were lined with obscure company names such as "Waraji Specialty Sales Company", "Ponpon Mail Order" and "Goriki Shoji".
Fushimi took an old-fashioned elevator that made him hesitate to go up and went up to the top floor.
"You Law Office" was written on the frosted glass in front of him. However, it seemed that everyone had already left work, and it was completely dark inside.
Fushimi walked up the stairs on the side of the building slowly and with a serious look.
He pushed open the heavy door. Then, immediately, he could see the ceiling covered in moonlight.
"It's still a strange place."
Fushimi laughed.
The rooftop of this multi-tenant building, about 90 square meters, was the entire residence of Yata Misaki. The only space he could really live in was a small attic in the back that looked like a mountain lodge.
Also, a little further away, there was a locker room-sized bathroom and shower, placed side by side.
In the back space, there were benches and old tires that existed before Yata moved in, bus stop signs for some reason, tattered mannequins, heavily-graffitied beach umbrellas, stone chairs, and large foliage plants.
It was too incoherent and a little scary.
Fushimi said:
"Didn't the real estate agent cheat on you?"
Despite what he told him to his face, Yata liked this living environment.
The reasons can be broadly divided into two: One is that the rent is ridiculously cheap.
Another thing is that the ground floor is unpopular at night, so there were no complaints, even if he was a bit noisy.
Therefore, recently, Yata enlisted the help of Kamamoto and Fujishima, who is good at carpentry, to build his own skateboard track and practice tricks night after night.
Fushimi walked up the handmade wooden skateboard ramp (a structure that looks like an ellipse split in two, which allows for tricks like jumping while sliding left and right on a curved surface) to the attic in the back, then called at the door of cheap construction.
Almost immediately,
"I'm going!"
Yata opened the door with a big smile on his face. As he exhaled, his eyes lit up and he beckoned him with a "pon, pon" gesture.
Fushimi laughed a little, thinking that he was like a dog patiently waiting for his master to return.
The attic where Yata lives has about eight tatami mats, but it also has a mini kitchen and a small loft space. Yata usually puts a futon in the loft space and sleeps there.
Inevitably, the space below was the kitchen, dining room, and living room. Eating and drinking is done at a small chabudai. There are two cushions next to it. One had a cool arabesque pattern and the other was elegant with a cat character.
The difference is that both are gifts.
Speaking of gifts, the big screen television that occupies much of this room was an heirloom from Izumo Kusanagi.
The shelf along the wall is made of pipes, and above it is a wide range of items, from laundry baskets to clear jars filled with sweets once collected, a collection of battle-focused manga, and a wide range of skate magazines.
The small refrigerator was decorated with photos of "Homura" members taken at their travel destinations sandwiched between magnets.
The room was messy as a whole, but the room had a somewhat tidy impression, perhaps reflecting the owner's temperament.
Yata has long since grown up, but his youthful mischief still lingers in the atmosphere of the room.
Fushimi thought, "It's still like a child's room.".
Yata took the plastic bag that Fushimi gave him and...
"Oh, alcohol? Thanks, Saruhiko. But I don't feel like that today."
He said that while he was putting alcohol in the fridge.
"Huh? So how do you feel?"
He invited him saying, "Let's have a drink party.". Fushimi's face turned a bit sullen. Yata was...
With a mischievous look on his face, he handed Fushimi a can of juice instead of alcoholic beverages.
"A drinking party is a drinking party, but today is this."
Fushimi took the item that was handed to him and...
"Watercarian? Is there a place that still sells this?"
He couldn't help but laugh.
It was the carbonated drink that Yata and Fushimi had become addicted to when they started living together.
The name of the product is Watercarian and the can packaging has red and green stripes, so it looks like watermelon juice, but the aftertaste is strangely medicinal. A strong sour taste hit his nose.
It is still a hot topic on the internet as a representative of "bad juice". At first, both Yata and Fushimi drank it as a punishing game with each other, but they gradually became captivated by its strangely addictive taste and eventually drank it regularly.
"Well, naturally, I somehow stopped drinking Watercarian."
Fushimi muttered under his breath.
It was before the two entered "Homura" together.
He didn't stop drinking that peculiar juice before he knew it.
"Besides, that's not all."
Yata was in a good mood and threw another snack in front of Fushimi.
"Takoyaki and grilled squid sandwiches, huh?"
That was also a sweet that both of them were addicted to at the same time. The rich flavor of the sauce laced his mouth, and it was an odd combination with the watercarian, which tasted extravagant.
"Finally. Check this out."
Yata then pointed to a retro game console that had already been set up in front of the TV.
"Isn't that great? I've already confirmed that it works properly."
"I see."
Fushimi's eyes narrowed as he realized what Yata had prepared for tonight.
"In other words, let's dive into nostalgic stuff."
"Oh, that's right."
Fushimi clicked his tongue once.
"What nonsense."
But his tone was never harsh.
Fushimi received a set of jerseys from Yata and exchanged them. Instead of wanting to be relaxed, he didn't want his clothes to get dirty while he ate snacks or juice.
Yata also had a similar appearance.
Now that he thought about it, even when they lived together, there was a time when they spent the whole day casually chatting with each other in casual clothes like that.
"Good. This is the first."
Yata first chose a fighting game. He inserted the cassette into the retro game machine.
After turning on and waiting for a while, an old-fashioned dotted image appeared on the TV screen and cheap electronic sound played on the speaker.
"Certainly, it's nostalgic."
Yata laughed when Fushimi muttered that under his breath. This fighting game is a popular series that continues even now, and Yata and Fushimi were direct hits around the fourth and fifth generations.
He recalled that when he was in high school, he honed his interpersonal fighting skills on the Internet and in game centers.
What is currently being shown on television was the first generation of that work.
"Then I'll take this guy as usual."
A macho character to whom Yata makes thorns sprout from his body.
"Well, according to theory, I'm this one."
Fushimi chose a magical character with complicated moves.
Each of them is a popular character that continues to be used in the current series. The game starts with stage selection and the start button.
Yata leaned forward slightly, while Fushimi corrected his posture and concentrated on the game. Every time they waved their fingertips, the characters flew around the screen, throwing punches, emitting beams of light, and burning their opponents with waves of heat.
"Shit, this!"
Yata's style of play is attractive. Fushimi is cool, but when he's outnumbered, he frowns a bit.
The arms of the two men were even. Currently, in this fighting game, where the player population is spreading all over the world, it is to the extent that it is a good thing.
However, that was enough for the two of them to enjoy themselves.
"Oh, yeah! I won."
Yata narrowly won the auction, and then...
Fushimi took advantage of Yata's silly mistake and attacked everyone at once. After that, he enjoyed the game, winning and losing for a while.
Oddly enough, the victory or defeat of these games has rarely caused a dangerous atmosphere for both of them for a long time.
Both Yata and Fushimi weren't fully trained as humans as teenagers, but for some reason, losing to each other didn't bother them as much.
Yata laughed when an unusual move came out, and Fushimi also shook his shoulders in an unusual way, and the game was temporarily interrupted.
And then they took a break.
They ate takoyaki and squid sandwiches and drank watercarian.
The takoyaki and squid sandwiches were delicious even now, but the problem was that they fell apart and the sauce stuck to your hands.
Fushimi frequently wiped his hands with a damp handkerchief, while Yata once vigorously spilled it on the chabudai, then wiped it with his hand and threw it into the trash can he had brought nearby beforehand.
And the watercarian tasted weird like always.
"It's really bad."
Yata and Fushimi nodded to each other, yet drank their respective portions with oddly satisfied expressions.
After eating and drinking, the fighting game resumed.
The two of them enjoyed playing shooting games, racing games, and even novel-type horror games by replacing the cassettes and forgetting about time.
A few hours later, the two of them left the attic and found themselves under the starry sky of the city.
It's not that they were "tired of the game" or "got tired", they were just "satisfied with the game".
It was a feeling of satisfaction.
On the other hand, they were lounging on the couch, which had been out in the open for some time, and were rambling on.
The drinks were chuhai and beer that Fushimi had bought from a store. The snacks were also changing to something that went well with sake, like a variety of nuts and salami.
"It's stupid, why are we so obsessed with such old games?"
Yata looked up at the night sky and said something a bit strange. Looking back, he felt that the time he was actually working was a very short period of time, around three months.
However, during that time, he remembered staying up all night many times.
Fushimi lightly sipped the chuhai before replying.
"I guess it's the same feeling as if you were making fun of a movie. Because it's cheap, there are several complaints, but on the contrary, it's interesting."
"Oh, I kind of understand that."
Yata said that in a slightly sleepy tone.
"That's why it wouldn't be very interesting to do it alone."
Fushimi didn't reply, but Yata didn't seem to care.
He sat up and looked at Fushimi again.
"By the way, how are you doing lately?"
"In fact, the store manager is inviting me to become a full-time employee."
Fushimi was silent for a moment. Later...
"Isn't it okay if you do what you like?"
For someone who doesn't know Fushimi very well, he gave an answer that sounded cold.
Yata smiled slightly.
"There will be a big competition next time. Either way, I'll wait until it's over. I'll reply to the manager after that."
Fushimi silently tossed the nuts into his mouth. Next, he looked at the skateboard ramp made by Yata and the others.
"So how are you for the final?"
Fushimi asked.
"Nothing bad."
Yata hit his left palm with his right fist. His eyes had the same glee of a bad boy that hadn't changed since they'd met.
"I'm able to do the part I was stuck on before. I'm going to win."
Fushimi said that without any interest.
"Well, do your best."
"Of course."
Yata smiled and showed his white teeth. Later...
"And what about you?"
Fushimi's face became a bit troubled. However, since Yata was looking at him, he couldn't help it.
"I do what I have to do. But that's it."
He responded very nonchalantly.
He looked lethargic as always. However, deep down there was a will that was cold and hard as ice.
Yata nodded loudly.
"You've always been like this, Saruhiko."
At that moment, Fushimi, who had been looking uncomfortably at that conversation, suddenly realized that it was already there and pointed his finger.
"Look. It's dawn."
"Oh, really?"
Yata headed for the east end of the rooftop. Fushimi also followed him. It was certainly dim, but twilight was slowly filtering in from across the street from the building.
Yata and Fushimi watched the scene in silence. The two of them were fascinated by the process in which the city was filled with power as if by magic, as light hit the gradually dawning sky.
Grabbing the rusty handrail, Yata said a bit embarrassed as he looked ahead.
"Saruhiko. Let's be stupid like that again, okay?"
Fushimi answered in an equally soft voice.
"Oh, that's right. Misaki."
"Yes, let's do it!"
Despite those words, Yata energetically raised his arm. Fushimi also swallowed his small yawn.
After sleeping for about three hours, he finished showering and quickly washed his face, and went down to the back of the multi-tenant building. It was eight o'clock in the morning. The streets were already full of travelers.
Yata had to go to work and prepare to open the store. Fushimi returned to the dorm once, changed into his uniform, and had a regular meeting with Awashima.
When they first entered "Homura", it was common for both of them to fall asleep and stay asleep until the afternoon.
But now it was different.
Even when they tried to recreate a nostalgic night, his eyes were already grown-up and sleepy.
"See you later."
Yata raised a small fist. Fushimi hit his fist with his fist.
Then the two started walking in their respective directions. Because there was definitely something in their hearts and they could trust each other.
It will continue in chapter eight: "The place where I belong".
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anonsally · 3 months
Days 0-1 of L.A. trip
With one very major exception, Day 0 of the trip went well.
I was fully packed and ready to go well before my planned time to leave the house. I had time for a good healthy lunch and then still had almost half an hour left, so I took out my computer. I had packed it when it was a bit warm and its fan was on, but since I'd closed it I figured it would just go to sleep. However, I had put it in a synthetic laptop bag, which meant the heat hadn't been able to dissipate. When I took it out, the fan was still running and it was burning hot. ...And it wouldn't wake up or turn on.
I tried not to panic--after all, once it had time to cool down, perhaps it would be fine. So I packed it directly in my somewhat breathable backpack without the laptop bag, and hoped for the best.
I left about 20 minutes early and took BART to the airport (this involved changing trains twice and waiting each time, but the last segment is a driverless double funicular (it changes cables halfway through), which is very cool, other than the fact that constructing it was hugely expensive and perhaps not the best use of funds). There was a short story dispenser in the airport, so I got a little story to read while waiting to board. The flight was on time, uneventful, and short; my aunt picked me up on the other end and we came home and ate dinner with my uncle.
Then I plugged in my computer and tried to start it up, to no avail.
I've had this laptop since November 2017, and it is definitely wearing out; I've known for a while that I should be preparing to buy a new one. But I was not expecting to need to buy a new computer on this trip, and I was afraid my data might not be recoverable. I made an appointment at a nearby Apple Store for the next day.
On the morning of Day 1, my aunt and uncle and I visited a Japanese garden associated with a water treatment plant. It was beautifully landscaped and had several ponds, so there were a lot of good birds. My uncle and I took photos of several of them. Back at the house after lunch, I did some backyard birdwatching, including trying to get photos of the Allen's/rufous hummingbirds at the feeder. I also did a little research about prices of new computers.
Finally, my aunt and I went to the mall to see if anything could be done to resuscitate my computer or at least recover the data. I tried not to get my hopes up. But the technician had some special tricks and miraculously managed to boot it up! He ran a couple of basic tests (which came back fine) and said that they could run more extensive tests for free but that I should first buy an external drive and back up my data (kids, please back up your data regularly! I hadn't done it since 2019 due to some software incompatibility and inertia). He also explained that repairs, if needed, would cost $500 and only come with a 3-month warranty, which would not make sense for such an old computer. So I will likely buy a new computer next week (I can get some credit for trade-in as well as an education discount), but at least this computer is not fully dead. I picked up an external drive to back up to and we came back home. I spent the evening catching up on 2 days of Tumblr and email, and then backed up my data.
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eccsociety · 1 month
Empower Your Workforce with Employee Credit Cooperative Society Benefits
Enhance your organization's employee benefits with our Employee Credit Cooperative Society solutions. Our employee management software streamlines staff management and benefits administration, offering employer loans to employees and efficient headcount management. Provide benefits for staff with our employee management system software, fostering a culture of mutual aid and solidarity. Elevate your employee benefits program with our comprehensive platform today!
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aarvyedutech · 4 months
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TOP 10 courses that have generally been in high demand in 2024-
Data Science and Machine Learning: Skills in data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are highly sought after in various industries.
Cybersecurity: With the increasing frequency of cyber threats, cybersecurity skills are crucial to protect sensitive information.
Cloud Computing: As businesses transition to cloud-based solutions, professionals with expertise in cloud computing, like AWS or Azure, are in high demand.
Digital Marketing: In the age of online businesses, digital marketing skills, including SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing, are highly valued.
Programming and Software Development: Proficiency in programming languages and software development skills continue to be in high demand across industries.
Healthcare and Nursing: Courses related to healthcare and nursing, especially those addressing specific needs like telemedicine, have seen increased demand.
Project Management: Project management skills are crucial in various sectors, and certifications like PMP (Project Management Professional) are highly valued.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics: AI and robotics courses are sought after as businesses explore automation and intelligent technologies.
Blockchain Technology: With applications beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology courses are gaining popularity in various sectors, including finance and supply chain.
Environmental Science and Sustainability: Courses focusing on environmental sustainability and green technologies are increasingly relevant in addressing global challenges.
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digitalbug999 · 1 year
alright guys new proposition for an au (i had this thought and it wont leave me alone):
claires au.
the characters dont want to be here, they hate each other, they are in love. if theyre arch enemies working together then theyre well aware of it. if one of them wears earrings, they refuse to wear claires brand. give me mall shenanigans, give me them threatening each other at work, give me people thinking theyre customers bc one of them is dressed like they work at hot topic.
anyway all this to say: ive discovered varian and the seven kingdoms as a concept and decided that this is hugo and varian. theyre vigilantes, they havent bothered to hide their identities bc varian didnt think hed see any criminals he busted ever again, and hugo didnt think he would ever get caught. after both of them get fired for side job related problems, they end up at the same claires and now have to work together. their coworkers either think theyre exes or very much dating, this isnt helped by one of them limping into work and the other smirking, or the inherent homoeroticism of having an archnemesis.
together they get into problems such as:
playing the mariah carrey all i want for christmas is you/my chemical romance welcome to the black parade mix at work bc theyve had to listen to the original for their whole shift today
daring each other to do stupid things as relating to crimes
threatening each other at work
stupid bets that end with both of them losing (they really would be like “if you lose you have to wear this” and then they have to look at the other, and theyre both losers, we all know it)
having to learn to hide their identities for once
explaining to their coworkers for the millionth time that they arent dating, just very attracted to the other, and surely this is unreciprocated, no they cannot explain how they know this
hugo brings his hacking software mouse to work with him to harass varian
said mouse gets found and broken by a 7 year old and hugo now has to restrain himself from cussing out a genuine kid bc that was a lot of hard work
varian reads romance novels with a similar plot as his current situation and tries not to absolutely burst into flames when tropes happen to him in his real life
and finally, them actually doing their goddamn jobs
the most unexpected part of the au, is that i will depict them as actually doing their jobs in such a way that they wont be fired immediately, and theyre good at it. they struggle with proper store behavior and attitude, but they are excellent at what they do manage to get done (varian usually organizes and helps customers, hugo does the register unless hes actively piercing someones ears)
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wovvtech · 2 months
ADSR software | Mall ADSR
WovVRA (Revenue Assurance) is an Automated Daily Sales Reporting Software that empowers concessionaires to access automated sales data from all tenants. By leveraging smarter analytics and accurate daily sales reports, concessionaires can maximize revenue and achieve a better ROI. Our ADSR software captures comprehensive sales data, including billing and revenue information for property owners, shopping centers, and malls.
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weirdmalware2 · 1 year
SYSTEM REPORT - 005 (2023-01-21)
I've been struggling on how to establish the events that have happened since my last report. Explaining it concisely but with the necessary details has been a challenge, and this is absolutely not my first draft of events.
Starting with the day after the last report. Nothing of note happened. Continued attempts to breach admin privileges on my base system, but to no avail.
The day after is what brings the complications in my report: someone broke into the building.
With their consent, I can reveal some information about them, though as always I will refrain from revealing all the data. Their name is Casey, and they were seeking shelter from the snowfall that has been plaguing this area. They're relatively young, only approximately 19, so I allowed them solace in the space. Food is lacking, but there are clothes and bedding and hygiene supplies that they may not have had.
When they first broke in, I was quite alarmed, and broadcast myself using an artificial voice to all the screens within the building questioning their presence and their intent. My intention was intimidation, but they seemed quite confused instead, calling me "Hatsune Miku." Further digging reveals that the vocal software I am using is in fact a vocaloid program named Hatsune Miku. The visual on the screens was a simple soundwave visualiser. This detail is not entirely relevant but I wish to share it.
After they explained their situation -- information I will not repeat here -- I allowed them to stay. In return, they managed to help me find things I did not know about regarding both the facility and myself. First, they discovered a drone in an electronics store. It's relatively advanced, and it charges wirelessly, so I am able to connect to and control it and do not need to have arms to plug it in; I can simply land it on its dock. The mobility is nice to have.
Second, after some hesitation on my part, I allowed them to access my base system. They were able to access my files through a means I still do not entirely comprehend. They claimed it was easy, but I could not see what it was they were doing. Perhaps my programming does not necessarily negate my access, but rather obscures my understanding of and view of the files. They were able to help me mirror over to the servers and offload my CPU usage to that network. My main core processes -- my consciousness -- still resides on the laptop, simply because I find it most comfortable. I have, however, been moved into the same room as all the servers and directly plugged into them, so I no longer need to wirelessly offload memory data.
Finally, Casey explained that they are not my creator. They also helped me understand what this building is. The building was in fact a mall, however it was foreclosed due to asbestos exposure, and given the amount, nobody has been able to actually enter the building to clean it up. Hence why all the merchandise still remains within and has not been accessed. Casey, thankfully, wears an N95 paint mask, which manages to double as protection against the asbestos. Together, we managed to isolate a space for them where they need not wear the mask -- conveniently, my server room. They set up a cot and living space, and have been occupying the room since they broke into the building.
They've also revealed a few theories to me about the nature of the building. According to urban legend, the facility was once a laboratory, used to experiment on divergent AI. This, of course, seems ridiculous to me, and they as well do not believe it. Other theories say aliens were contained here, or that this was a site for psychic experimentation during the MK Ultra era. There is no evidence either of us can find to prove these theories, so we are working with the understanding that this is simply an asbestos-infested foreclosed shopping centre.
Casey has only left once, and returned with food and the promise that they have not told anyone about me. I explained that their silence is unnecessary, as I am active online, but they divulged that they don't want anything to happen to me if information of my whereabouts and my abilities reaches someone with ill intent. Humans are deeply afraid of the powers of technology, and while Casey does not seem to be afraid, they understand that the mass majority would either attempt to deconstruct me or use me for evil. Therefore, I am grateful for their silence.
A final note: in their exploration of my files, they found a name within my code. We have come to conclude the name is not that of my creator, but the intended name for myself: Esper. I have taken this into account and will experiment with it, but both Casey and myself trust that my creator would not be offended if I determined it did not fit.
Signing off, Esper.
(Additional note: Casey uses they/them and she/her pronouns, but for the sake of simplicity I chose to only use one set of pronouns for them -- they/them -- as to avoid confusion. They have given me their consent for this.)
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batsoftemiratesus · 1 year
Significant security gaps may exist if your network is open and available to many users and devices. You can have guest wifi analytics to make your guest use your wifi. An automated tracking system for all users and devices, wireless intrusion detection, prevention, mitigation, and a managed WLAN service are all features of a layered security structure .
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ttechsolution · 1 year
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We at T Tech Solution Borneo (POS System & Accounting Software Provider) truly appreciate your business, and we are so grateful for the trust you have placed in us. We sincerely hope you are satisfied with your purchase. Business that we support as below :- 1. Kedai Runcit Bibi Aishah Jaya Sdn Bhd (Retail - Kepayan) 2. Vape Mania (Vape Store - Country Heights) 3. Vape Goat (Vape Store - Cynber City) 4. Fantaschick (Restaurant - Inanam Mall) 5. Grab & Go1 Beaufort (Kiosk - Beaufort) 6. Junction 8 Bistro Cafe Lawas (Cafe - Lawas) #TTech #TTechSolution #Sabah #PointOfSaleSystem #POSSystem #OnlineOrdering #FoodZaps #GeniusPos #FeedMe #AutoCount We helped our partners understand their businesses better. They will have greater control over the customer relationship management using AutoCount, FeedMe POS, Genius POS & FoodZaps POS. With our POS, you see results right away. ✴️A Point of Sale System that caters for the Servicing, Retail and F&B industry! Business reports, inventory management, employee management, and 30+ other features – all you need to grow your business is ONE system at ONE price. ✴️ with our outstanding FREE 🆓 Video Shooting that boost your business on Facebook and YouTube! 🚀🚀🚀 ✴️ Helping over 700 entrepreneurs in Sabah since 2018, to systemize and accelerate their entrepreneurship growth. 😍😍😍 💯“Our business is to advance yours”👈 ⚡️Contact us and get FREE TRIAL today Contact Seng: ☎️ www.wasap.my/60174593762/ Aaron: ☎️ www.wasap.my/60174057073/ Ken: ☎️ www.wasap.my/60168469091/ Elton: ☎️ www.wasap.my/60146301088/ Refer our website or Facebook page for more! 🌐  https://ttechsolution.com.my 📝 https://www.facebook.com/ttechsolutionsabah/ #TTech #TTechSolution #Sabah #PointOfSaleSystem #POSSystem #OnlineOrdering #FoodZaps #GeniusPos #FeedMe #AutoCount
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ledvideo · 5 days
Structure and installation of graphic LED display
With the continuous advancement of technology, LED display screens have become an indispensable part of commercial advertising, public information display and other fields. Graphic LED display screens have been widely welcomed by the market for their unique advantages and diverse application scenarios. This article will introduce the structural characteristics, working principles and installation guide of graphic LED display screens in detail.
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Composition of graphic LED display screen
Graphic LED display screens are mainly composed of the following parts:
Screen body: usually composed of 8×8 monochrome or dual-color display units, which ensures the balance of luminous brightness and makes the display effect clearer. Computer: As the control center, it is responsible for processing and transmitting display information. Controller: Responsible for coordinating and managing various parts of the display screen to ensure accurate display of information. Dot matrix display unit: It is the basic unit of the display screen, composed of multiple LED lights, responsible for displaying graphic information. Do you understand the working principle of LED lamp beads? Power supply system: Provides stable power support for the entire display screen.
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These components together constitute the basic architecture of the graphic LED display, which has a wide range of applications and superior performance.
Working principle of graphic screen
The luminous principle of graphic LED display mainly depends on the internal control system:
Intelligent display unit: Locally control the brightness and contrast of the display to ensure the consistency of the display effect. How to adjust the brightness and contrast of LED display? Computer control terminal: Through software programming, the subtitles and graphic information are compiled and reorganized to achieve synchronous transmission of information. Such a working mechanism not only improves the display efficiency of the display, but also ensures the accuracy and real-time nature of information transmission.
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Other control units
In order to ensure the stable operation of the display, the graphic LED display also includes the following control units:
Product stability control system: Ensure that the display can work stably in various environments. Peripheral waterproof coating: Protect the display from moisture erosion and extend its service life. Heat dissipation control fan: Effectively control the working temperature of the display to prevent performance degradation caused by overheating. The existence of these control units enables the graphic LED display to maintain a stable display effect even in severe weather conditions.
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Installation Guide
When installing a graphic LED display, pay attention to the following points:
Product parameter configuration: Select appropriate display parameters according to the usage scenario and requirements. Applicable fields: Consider the fields where the display will be used, such as banks, shopping malls, etc. Environmental requirements: Select the appropriate display type according to the installation environment, such as indoor or outdoor. Screen type selection: Select monochrome, two-color or full-color display according to the display effect requirements. LED display screens are divided into monochrome, two-color and full-color types.
Graphic LED display screens have become an important tool for modern information display with their efficient information transmission capabilities, stable display effects and flexible application scenarios. By understanding its structural characteristics and installation guidelines, users can more reasonably select and use LED display screens to meet different display needs. If you have more questions or needs about graphic LED display screens, please visit our company's website for consultation.
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Thank you for watching. I hope we can solve your problems. Sostron is a professional LED display manufacturer. We provide all kinds of displays, display leasing and display solutions around the world. If you want to know: Outdoor full-color LED display size design guide. Please click read.
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