tsyllaes · 3 months
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I know I've been doing oils for the other religious art, but I just wanted to draw the Llayan horoscopes in medieval style because it amuses me =3 The basis for the signs came from three sets of opposite character traits: extrovert/introvert, relaxed/alert and cautious/impulsive, then mixing and matching those to create the eight unique signs and matching a creature to them. Extra flavour then just comes from how the creature itself behaves in the wild.
Llayans also believe in reincarnation, and the sign you are in this life indicates what animal you'll be reborn as in your next. This conveniently explains away why your personality may not perfectly match your sign, cos it just means you were a different animal in your past life.
MEERKAT | Early Summer Extrovert, alert, cautious Meerkats are extremely family-oriented, often having large families and many children, because they love children. They can tend towards anxiety, when the alert and cautious interact a bit too strongly, but they're always willing to help and always putting others before themselves.
SNAKE | Late Summer Introvert, alert, cautious Snakes tend to be quiet and patient people, but will strike with enough provocation. They like their alone time and, in bigger groups of people, tend to sit and listen rather than participate in conversation. Mithé is a snek.
GRIFFIN | Early Autumn Extrovert, relaxed, impulsive Griffins are extremely loyal to their friends often to the point of being blind to their faults. They can be a little naïve but mostly they're just awesome friends to have. Lynnlita is a griffin.
WOLF | Late Autumn Extrovert, relaxed, cautious Very strong family bonds, strong loyalty to friends, optimistic and probably a bit too naïve and trusting, possibly to the point of being outright stupid but they're loveable idiots.
BAT | Early Winter Introvert, alert, impulsive Bats live the night life, sleeping in late and staying up into the night. They can feel a little distant on first meeting and it can take a while for them to open up, but once they do you'll feel special to be in their inner circle. Bats are homebodies and often have lovely homes.
LEOPARD | Late Winter Introvert, relaxed, cautious Leopards don't waste their words, they're quiet but when they speak they're worth listening to. They have phenomenal patience, but once it wears thin you'll want to get out of their way. Also brilliant hunters, whatever context that means in people. The twins are leopards.
HUMMINGBIRD | Early Spring Extrovert, alert, impulsive Hummingbirds are always on the go and find it hard to sit still or relax. They love being in nature, often having jobs in the garden or floristry or something. They like shiny things =3 Assili is a hummingbird.
RIGAFFE | Late Spring Introvert, relaxed, impulsive Rigaffes tend to be friends with everyone wherever they go, but very rarely on a deep level as they don't like sharing. They're social butterflies. They will always try their hardest to be the absolute best and can be perfectionists and, if they get it right, they will absolutely lord it over you. Nol is a rigaffe.
DRAGON | Equinox and Solstice Personality a combination of the signs on either side of the solstice Dragons are seen as the particularly auspicious sign. Those born on a full moon are silver dragons, and a golden dragon is born on a golden full moon, an extremely rare event. Lynnlita's eldest sister, Evelandel, was born under a golden dragon. She was adopted into the royal family because of this and, as the eldest, is next in line to the throne.
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fan-of-all-talks · 1 year
Irene: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi.
Lana: Irene, NO!
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abr · 10 months
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Ragionano, diciamo, così: noi di sinistra siam involuti e contro intuitivi (che tradotto vordì scemotti: non intuiamo, non afferriamo) però bravi e buoni (belli proprio no): perché non vi sforzate di capirci, ignoranti istintivi di merda?
Grazie ai medioman makaki alla Makkox di esistere: con 'sti qui in cima, è davvero inspiegabile come mai ogni tanto la destra perda.
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Guys I'm searching an old Encanto fanfiction on AO3, I don't remember the correct name (it should be "The me without a name" or something similar), but I remember the plot (or at least part of it). Basically instead of cracks during Antonio's ceremony Mirabel saw a figure near the candle (the reaction if I recalled correctly it's like the film when she saw Casita cracking). To find a solution Mirabel travel outside of Encanto searching some place (people people said it doesn't exist) where she escape angry Makaki (the child of one of them got hurt trying to play with Mira's knife), some strange tree that want to kiss her (that part was strange but funny), adopt a little wolf puppy and got abducted by some criminal that where assolded to kindap two princess.
Meanwhile in Encanto to cover her disappearance she set on fire an house and while they're trying to put it out, a Mirabel appear.
I don't remember all the details, and I don't know if it was canceled or not, but in this case I would like to know the author's name. Thanks to everyone who will help me.
A little note, English it's not my first language, and I'm using this as an opportunity to get better too. So yeah there will be probably a lot of errors.
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leonmizio · 2 days
STOP ZMIANIE CZASU (stop robotyzacji Człowieka).
STOP GROSZOM (zaokrąglić do pełnych złych).
STOP DLA POLACTWA – ZOMBIACTWA (podstawowy postulat eliminacji małomiasteczkowej zaściankowości Narodu polskiego).
STOP ZBROJENIOM (makaki napierdalać się pałami i maczetami).
STOP WYDOBYCIU PALIW KOPALNYCH DO NAPĘDZANIA AUTOMOBILI (do 2025 roku, dalej obowiązuje postulat 8.).
STOP ZANIECZYSZCZANIU GAI (od 2026 roku bezwzględny wyrok śmierci).
STOP GMO (standardowe hasło, wymóg unijny).
STOP HOMOFOBII (standardowe hasło, wymóg unijny).
dziewiątego czerwca dwa tysiące dwudziestego czwartego roku pańskiego nie zapomnij na mnie zagłosować! (jeśli chcesz żyć, a nie wegetować; potrafisz?)
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felixchuycov · 26 days
Специальные хорошие новости
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Сегодня все узнали: город жив!
Есть отклик на Мироновский призыв!
Феликс Чуйков
12 мая 2024 года
Произошли от обезьяны:
Медведев, Путин и Нарышкин,
Бастрыкин, Чайка, Силуанов
И Жириновский – шут мормышкин,
И Терешкова без изъяна,
И Матвиенко без извилин –
Все держат путь от обезьяны
В приход общественных долбилен.
Лавров, Миронов и Зюганов,
Шойгу и благородный Жуков,
Пучков, Песков – гроза стаканов,
Мутко – фанат спортивных звуков...
Уже не долго ждать мессии:
Воскреснут зимние фонтаны –
И возвестят, что все в России
Произошли от обезьяны!
Феликс Чуйков
17 – 25 ноября 2015 года
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jakarnould · 29 days
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garudabluffs · 9 months
Oh California · Sofia Talvik
Center of the Universe ℗ 2023 Makaki Music
Released on: 2023-08-14
Producer, Lyricist, Arranger: Sofia Talvik
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vipnoviny · 2 years
Protest proti testování zvířat před výzkumnou laboratoří v Konárovicích u Kolína
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Den po pátečním protestu, který se konal v červenci před výzkumnou laboratoří v Konárovicích u Kolína, kde se provádějí experimenty na zvířatech, se objevily záběry, které byly zveřejněny na YouTube: https://youtu.be/4KwHQoa-T-U Na videu, které pochází ze zmíněné laboratoře můžeme vidět psy plemene beagle a makaky, kteří jsou zde chováni za účelem pokusů a prodeje. Zvířata jsou evidentně vystresovaná a z jejich tváře a naléhání lze vyčíst, že by najraději utekly z klecí. Psy jsou v některých klecích namačkání doslovně jako sardinky a zcela jistě trpí. Pokusy na zvířatech jsou neetické a nehumánní. Často se na těchto zvířatech provádějí experimenty na nové léky a vakcíny po kterých zvířata umírají v těžkých bolestech. Podobné experimenty dělal i Antony Fauci na zvířatech, převážně psech, kde je výzkumníci nechali zaživa sežrat mouchami a vyřízli jim hlasivky, aby jejich výzkum nebyl přerušován štěněcím nářkem.
Co na to říkají lidé
Spousta lidí vyjádřila na Facebooku lítost nad zvířaty a pohoršení nad experimenty, které jsou na zvířatech prováděny. Pan Václav na Facebooku komentoval tyto experimenty na zvířatech: "Mučení pro "vyšší dobro" Fujtajxl. Vrazi v bílých pláštích. Mengeleho pokračovatelé. Zastavme to!" Další komentář také na Facebooku od paní Jany: „Normální horor 😪😪😪😪😪😪“ Paní Karolína takovéto zacházení se zvířaty okomentovala: „Chudáčci! Strašné! Chci je odtamtud dostat pryč!😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔“ Další negativní recenze a opovržení na adresu této laboratoře naleznete v google recenzích.
Laboratoř provozuje firma Meditox s.r.o. Na svých stránkách píšou: "MediTox s.r.o. je soukromá, nezávislá, smluvní výzkumná organizace zabývající se preklinickým vývojem a výzkumem a poskytující komplexní toxikologický servis v oblasti humánních a veterinárních léčiv, biopreparátů a chemických a agrochemických látek a přípravků. Vlastní i smluvní výzkumná činnost je prováděna s důrazem na vysoký odborný standard, kvalitu, přísně individuální řešení, flexibilitu a cenovou konkurence schopnost. Tým odborníků MediTox s.r.o. je schopen řídit, provádět a hodnotit řadu experimentů podle mezinárodně platných norem a předpisů (OECD, EU, US FDA, US EPA a další) ve shodě s požadavky SLP (OECD, US FDA)." Uvádějí také, že na zvířatech jsou prováděny například experimenty genové terapie, testování vakcín a toxikologické hodnocení: „Preklinický výzkum a vývoj v oblasti očních chorob, kontaktní dermatitidy, osteoartritidy, preklinického vývoje vakcín a genových terapií, chronické kolitidy, neaklkoholické steatohepatitidy, a dalších Odborná experimentální činnost v oblasti preklinického a toxikologického hodnocení humánních a veterinárních léčiv, biopreparátů, zdravotnických prostředků, potravních doplňků a doplňků krmiv (EMA/ICH/VICH/FDA/ISO), chemických látek a přípravků (ECHA)“ Zeptal jsem se společnosti Meditox zda u ní dochází k týrání zvířat. Společnost do vydání článku na moji otázku neodpověděla. Na stejnou věc jsem se zeptal české odnože hnutí Animal Save Movement, která sdílela video s uvězněnými psy. Koordinatorka této organizace, paní Katrin Vorreiterová odpověděla: „Jsou tam chovná zařízení, zvířata se prodávají i do ciziny, takže se s nimi obchoduje. Je to byznys. Na celém světě se dělají nejrůznější a kruté pokusy.“ S poukazem na stránky meditox.eu „Na YouTube najdete videa a fotky s hrůzostrašnými pokusy, co se dělají právě s opicemi (makaky), různými dalšími druhy zvířat a také s bígly. V Česku se ve společnosti Bioveta usmrcovali psi vykrvováním v souvislosti s výrobou přípravku Polyglob." https://youtu.be/AuKaHh3ZKIk https://youtu.be/lbqPJmhm2G4 https://youtu.be/iqHKLVP4tPQ Hnutí Animal Save Movement Česká republika říká: „Usilujeme o pokojné svědectví toho, co se děje na jatkách, abychom zvýšili povědomí o každodenním utrpení zvířat, jejichž osudy jsou často očím veřejnosti skryty. Informujeme o živočišném průmyslu a jeho vlivu na klima, životní prostředí a lidi. Kromě toho se snažíme šířit osvětu o tom, že v dnešní době máme tak obrovský výběr, takže se můžeme stravovat tak, že si můžeme užívat našich oblíbených jídel a chutí, a nemusí kvůli tomu být využíván ani zabit jediný tvor.“ Video z červencového protestu zaměřeného proti pokusům a prodeji zvířat můžete shlédnou zde: Read the full article
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candacehughes123 · 3 months
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aaptwak420 · 3 years
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What an wonderful experience this was... Thank you for the invite ❤️💛💚 . . . . . . . . #dikantana #intsangu #ntsango #igata #timbango #gologodo #kanja #lebaki #weed #daga #dagga #marijuana #skyf #mahip #yafatse #hemp #makaki #imbeva #pfulu #zoot #dope #amasokisi #zakadalawani #kgomo #igudu #zenta #aaptwak #maryjane #spliff #raasblaar (at Somewhere in the Universe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL6AET5srQZ/?igshid=qslm4c535jeb
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tsyllaes · 6 months
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This is almost entirely unchanged from the original, I've just gone over them all with watercolour to fit the rest of my wildlife fact file pics. I will therefore copy-pasta all the text from last time.
Makakis came about because screw horses. Horses are way too finicky. Horsey people are very knowledgeable about horses; I couldn't give a shit about horses. I give up trying to make my horses realistic.
Also, on a side note after seeing a bandicoot digging at Mum's lawn yesterday, I had the idea that most mammals in Tsyllaes should really be marsupials, what with it being based pretty heavily on Australia and all.
I decided to try combining these ideas, starting with real marsupials, the extinct megafauna. Honestly the only one big enough to ride is the giant wombat, which absolutely bloody exist in Tsyllaes now, but not overly convenient as a steed. I looked then at extinct mammals to see if anything else might be useful, and came across the macrauchenia, some weird South American creature which was its own evolutionary branch, unrelated to anything else that currently exists. The closest they've got is the tapir/horse/elephant branch. PERFECT. Also I can find virtually no info about this thing.
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The common makaki is the one people think of whenever they think of a makaki. In keeping with their not-horse origins, their patterning is generally anything that a horse can be, as well as in keeping with their being marsupials, anything marsupials can be. They're about 2m tall at the shoulder, so significantly bigger than horses, but they're also very chill with sitting, most often lounging like kangaroos. I wanted to draw one lounging here but I needed to show the heights, so I'll do that when I eventually draw the Own's makakis. They have three toes on each foot, which makes them more agile and gives them stronger ankles than horses so the sodding things don't break their ankles. They live mostly in the mountains and hills of Kazin, Llayad and northern Raykin, where they use their snoots to pull leaves off of trees for food, occasionally fruit if they can get it but they're fine off leaves. They're suited to Kazin's open forests and the plains of Llayad, not so good in full desert with their comparatively small feet and need for water. Those from tropical forests and the Llayan savanna have no mane while those from the colder mountains have manes all the way down their back. The particularly cold border between Llayad and Kazin also breeds them with floofier coats. Llayans call these ones Kazinian makakis, because Llayad has their own 'common' one.
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The destrier is the one bred for battle. Bigger than the common makaki and with very strong legs, especially the back legs for springing forward from a stationary start. They have the longest tusks of all makaki breeds which can be an extra weapon in battle, and longer trunks, too, cos. I dunno. I felt like playing with the trunks. I'm sure there's an application for that. Also, side-note, this one's Mongrel! After drawing all the boys' makakis, I've better figured out how their anatomy goes, so I've tweaked this one a fair bit from the original, giving him longer, thicker legs and changing how the back legs kink to be more like how I've been drawing them, a bit more strength and spring to them.
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Oooooh he's a big, beefy boy, this one. The draft makaki has been bred for pure strength, huge forequarters for pulling heavy carts and plows, big feets for digging, strong trunk and tusks for pushing over trees and hauling branches.
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By complete contrast, Assiraz's makaki is bred purely for looks. The more snowy white, the pricier the animal, except their swishy gorgeous tail which has all the colours. Long, elegant legs and slender, curving neck. They're named after Empress Assiraz, who was the one to start breeding them in the first place. Literally their only use is to keep nobility's skirts clean and elevate them above the plebs, so in that regard they're highly practical. For anything much else, they're kinda useless.
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Native to the tropics and bred for its meat, the stocky little tapi has patterning on its back like a giraffe and range from grey, like the above, to dark brown with black spots to better camouflage. They taste like camel. I've never eaten camel so just roll with it.
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DONKEY. Or more technically a mule, but I just wanted to call it a donki. It's a hybrid between a tapi mare and common stallion to make a smaller makaki, less fragile in the legs giving them greater endurance than the common makakis, but because they're much smaller they're cheaper for the average Kazinian. More than half the donkis are sterile, which makes those ones nice and cheap for the poorer Kazinians, and even those which can breed are still significantly cheaper than common makakis and WAY cheaper than draft makakis.
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The two Llayan makakis, first one just called the 'Llayan makaki,' but, as mentioned before, Llayans call this one the 'common makaki' and the other one the 'Kazinian makaki'. She reach! And she has a foal in her pouch :D Llayan makakis are a bit smaller than the Kazinian ones. Also, because they're not actually zebras, the dark stripes can be any colour, though herds are mostly all of one colour.
Secondly, the rigaffe! Tollu girl is tollu, though I did shrink her a bit from the original. I think they also have colour variations, too, but always with the giraffe-like patterning. If you're wondering how the joey gets back in the pouch, it doesn't. Once the joey has left the pouch, that's it, it's out for good.
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fan-of-all-talks · 1 year
Wand: Watcha got there..?
Lana: *petting a ostrich* A smoothie.
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arni28mhyufar65 · 4 years
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Siapa yang meletakkan cintanya hanya di mata, maka hanya sampai disanalah awal dan akhir semua kisah. Siapa yang meletakkan cintanya hanya di kaki dan tangan, maka juga hanya disanalah tempat terjauh yang bisa digapai. Tapi barangsiapa yang meletakkan cintanya di hati, mematuhi aturan main dan senantiasa bersabar, maka dari sanalah semua kisah akan mekar bercahaya, wangi memesona.. #makaki #makakilombok (di Pulau Lombok Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCfwl-HcJ_/?igshid=14040gn495ddd
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tiefenunscharf · 7 years
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berenaisxu · 4 years
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