#Mac from the meg
jamesmackreideswife · 10 months
my type is specifically middle aged men that are middle aged man attractive, not middle aged men like Chris Evans attractive. For example, David Wallace (the office), Mac (the meg), my english teacher, etc
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dennisboobs · 1 year
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big feelings not in the script, huh
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aromanticmara · 9 months
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thatfanficstuff · 2 months
Breakeven - Jonas Taylor (The Meg)
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Pairing: Jonas Taylor x Reader
Warnings: nope
A/N: Inspired by the song Breakeven by The Script. I was having trouble finding a Jonas Taylor fic that fit what I was looking for so I wrote one. The story of my life. Enjoy.
Jonas Taylor’s gaze swept around the flurry of activity surrounding him. He’d just left the infirmary after making certain his sister would recover from the injury she’d received when her sub had been attacked. He needed a shower and a change of clothes but he was too busy searching the halls of Mana One for your familiar silhouette. He hadn’t seen you since the two of you divorced and now that he was so close to you, he felt the need to find you. To assure himself that you were still whole and alive.
Finally, he caught a glimpse of you as you conferred with Suyin, both your heads bent over a tablet as she showed you something. He sucked in a breath as his chest tightened, an odd mix of longing and bitterness churning inside him. He shoved down the rush of emotions threatening to surface, schooling his features into his normal flat expression. He had to appear unaffected. He couldn’t let you know how affected he was by your presence, how the pain clawed at his insides.
“I thought you were going to clean up,” Mac’s voice interrupted. His friend followed his line of sight to see you. “Oh.” He dropped a hand on Jonas’ shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze.
Jonas shrugged him off and gave him a tight smile. “Got sidetracked is all.”
“I see that,” Mac agreed as he put his hands in his pockets and followed Jonas as he walked away from you. They walked in silence for a bit, steps echoing in the quiet hall.
Jonas licked his lips. “Seems like she’s doing okay after everything.” Bitterness colored his words though he’d tried to hide it. He hated that he was torn in pieces, aimless without you and you didn’t seem bothered in the least. It was bullshit.
Mac studied him for a moment. “She’s keeping her head up.” He grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him into a room. “Let’s have a drink. You look like you could use one.”
Jonas nodded and took a seat in what was clearly Mac’s private room. He sipped at his drink as he watched Mac contemplate something. Jonas knew the look well and waited for his friend to come to a decision.
“You’ve got it all wrong you know,” Mac finally said with a furrowed brow.
“What have I got wrong?”
“It killed her to file those papers.”
Jonas snorted. “I find that unlikely. No, she thought I was crazy just like everyone else and left rather than stand by me like she should have.”
Mac shook his head. “I promised her I wouldn’t say anything, but I’m tired of holding her while she cries over you. I love her like a sister, but she needs you.”
“Then why the hell did she leave?” Jonas tried and failed to mask the desperation in his words.
“Because,” Mac hesitated, swirling his drink as if searching for courage in its depths. “Because the old bastard gave her an ultimatum.” Jonas knew instantly he must be talking about your father. None of you liked him but he was too wealthy and powerful to just write off. Mac sighed, regret contorting his features. “He threatened dire consequences, Jonas. Said you’d suffer if she didn’t cut ties.”
A heavy weight settled in his stomach. If your father wasn’t already dead, he’d kill him for threatening you. For making you too scared to come to him. “Threatened? What did he do, Mac?” His grip tightened on his glass, knuckles whitening.
“He didn’t want your presence staining his good name as he put it. Said he’d use all of his resources to make sure you were broke and homeless with no where to turn. He told her there wasn’t a corner of the Earth where you would be safe from him. Then he told her if she tried to run with you, he’d make certain she’d never see you alive again.” Mac’s voice was little more than a whisper by the end, heavy with the burden of the knowledge he’d been carrying.
A cold shock washed over Jonas, followed by a surge of anger that left him breathless. Your father hadn’t threatened you. He’d threatened Jonas. You’d shattered your entire world to protect him. His breath came heavy and he placed his glass on the table in front of him, afraid he’d drop it otherwise. He ran a hand over his head. “Damn it.” How hadn’t he seen this? Why hadn’t he demanded more answers from you? Why had he just assumed you were abandoning him like everyone else? “I can’t believe she never—”
“Hey,” Mac interrupted gently, placing a hand on Jonas’s back. “You didn’t know because she didn’t want you to. She walked away to keep you safe.”
“Safe,” Jonas echoed, the word bitter on his tongue. The truth of your motivations stripped him of his resentment, leaving a raw, gaping wound in its wake.
“Jonas,” Mac’s voice softened, “she loved you enough to let you go but she was far from okay with it. It tore her up. Still does.”
He clenched his jaw as he processed everything he’d just been told. If you loved him that much, maybe there was still hope for the two of you.
You’d taken to hiding in your room since Jonas arrived, leaving only when you were made to. You hadn’t even been to see Lori in the infirmary afraid you’d run into him there. Mac had been trying to get you to tell Jonas the truth since your father died, but you just couldn’t. He’d hate you for breaking his heart, regardless of the circumstances. It was better to just let him move on without you. For him to find his happiness even if you never did.
A knock at your door reverberated through the room. You opened it without checking who was on the other side. An action you regrated instantly when you found yourself face to face with the love of your life. “Jonas,” you whispered, your voice breaking on the word.
He greeted you in return before pushing gently past you and stepping into the room. You shut the door behind him, your hand trembling against the cold steel. “I didn’t expect—”
“Neither did I,” he said cutting you off. “Why did you do it? Why did you leave me?”
The words hung between you as your eyes searched his, wondering why he suddenly wanted to have this conversation when he’d never asked at the time. “Jonas, I…” you trailed off not certain what you could say to get him to possibly forgive you.
“Please,” he pleaded as his hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. “I heard things about your father, about threats. I need to hear it from you. The truth.”
The silence that followed was suffocating. Your gaze faltered, drifting away before finding its way back to him. “I…you don’t understand.”
“Then help me understand,” he said, stepping closer.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as your heart raced, pounding against your ribs. “My father threatened everything. I never wanted to leave you but if I stayed, if I fought for you…He might have been bluffing, but I couldn’t risk it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion. “Why didn’t you ask for my help?”
A laugh escaped you then, a cold, bitter sound of disbelief. “How could I, Jonas? Threats from my father aside, you’d been pushing me away since the day everything went to shit. I tried to help you, tried to back you and you didn’t want it. When my father gave me the ultimatum, I figured it wouldn’t matter much to you anyway. It didn’t matter if I was broken, as long as you were okay.”
You couldn’t bear to look at him as hot tears trailed down your cheeks. Strong hands gripped yours and you sucked in a breath in surprise. “Listen to me,” Jonas ordered. “I always knew you deserved better than me and I didn’t want to drag you down with me, but nothing, absolutely nothing would ever make me quit loving you.”
When you said nothing he squeezed your hands. “Say you believe me,” he whispered. “Believe that in a million moments, in a million lifetimes, I would always choose you.”
Your eyes found his, wanting to believe his words. Gods you wanted to. And as he gazed at you full of hope and love and desperation, you found that you did. Could the two of you really have another chance? With your father and his threats gone from your lives, what was stopping you?
Jonas leaned forward suddenly and you barely had time to catch your breath before his lips met yours in a kiss that was both an apology and a plea. His hands moved to cup your face tenderly as if you could vanish in an instant.
Pulling back just enough to meet your stunned gaze, Jonas ran his eyes over your face as if memorizing your features. Whatever he found must have made him happy as a wide grin curled his lips. “Marry me,” he breathed. “Be mine again. Forever this time.”
The sincerity in his eyes was undeniable. Fresh tears trailed the paths of the previous ones but this time they were happy, full of love and hope. You brushed your lips against his as you whispered his name.
He kissed you again, needy and wanting, before resting his forehead against yours. “Is that a yes?”
You chuckled. “Yeah, baby, that’s a yes.”
His hands trembled slightly as he pulled you into his chest and wrapped his arms around you. He buried his face into the curve of your neck and inhaled your still familiar scent. For the first time since you walked out the door all those years ago, he felt whole.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered against his skin.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. As long as you never leave my side again everything will be fine.” As he pressed a kiss to your temple, there was a knock on your door.
“Go away,” he called, making you laugh.
There was a stretch of silence before you heard Mac say your name in question which only made you laugh harder. You pulled away to answer your door, Jonas moving with you. Mac looked between the two of you, before grinning like an idiot. “I’m sorry to interrupt this, like you have no idea how sorry, but we’ve got a meeting to talk about the meg.”
You nodded and moved to follow him before Jonas grabbed your arm and pulled you back. “We’ll be there in a minute,” his rough voice said as he shut the door in Mac’s face.
When he turned you and pressed you against the door as he kissed you deeply, all your protests disappeared. This is where you belonged. Right here with your husband as if the last five years had never happened. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him back and wondered if they really needed you to tell them to kill the giant shark before it ate everyone. Surely they could figure that out on their own.
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lyrenminth · 6 months
The one who got away
Angst. Fwb situation with Justin.
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In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world.
You didn't know how it began. These dirty feelings for him. The way your heartbeat increases watching him making you a sandwich after fucking the life out of you. It was unnatural, unwanted, unexpected.
It was unreasonable knowing damn well you weren't ready for a relationship. But you enjoyed the way the treated you, how smooth his skin was, how strong he was not having a problem fucking you standing up, how his hips connected with yours and how raspy and masculine his hands felt while touching your body.
And you didn't want to think about the other side. The side it that made your mind betray every rational thought. The side that made you dream of a house with a beautiful garden and little children with blond hair and slint eyes running all over the place. The side that made your heart hurt.
You had your life's plan already and that never include a 6'6 athletic man in the mix, and for once you wanted to follow your path after fighting for a ounce of independence with your family. You could hear Meg voice telling you "don't lose your mind for a dick" and she knew better than you in many aspects.
But you looked at him, all focused cutting the sandwich in a perfect half (like you like it) and pouring grape juice (your favorite) in a tall glass. You knew it was a dangerous territory to have this family dynamics with him, but you couldn't stop.
And Justin looked like he didn't want either. You saw each other at least twice a week, only to undress each other, but everything started when he asked to stay a little more time. Suddenly, you were having deep conversations about football and your deeply dislike of mac-and-cheese. Sharing silly stories from your childhoods, those he would never share with the media.
The mistake of Justin was paying attention to you like he actually care. And you mistake was believe that he actually care.
Now you were pondering in that horrible and hurtful question: are we fuck buddies or something else? And the answer was unclear for you too. Because you can't...you must not like him.
Your dreams were first. You were first. You traveling schedule, your clothing brand, your goal of becoming someone important by your own right. Having Justin in that equation with his almost-celebrity status tainted your purpose. You weren't Gisele Bündchen.
"Here you have" he said, giving you your plate and sitting next to you. He made two sandwiches for himself, you knew how much he liked to eat. He was a big foodie just like you.
You still felt the spams in your core, the emptiness of something missing. It was to early to fuck again? Your libido with him was always high. How annoying.
"Thank you" you started eating avoiding looking at his beautiful face.
"I was wondering if you are going to stay in LA for the next week?" he asked, cleaning his lips with a napkin.
"Yeah, I leave in two weeks" you put your sandwich down, feeling the butterflies in your stomach. You wanted to punch yourself. "Why?"
"Umm" he played with his napkin. Was he nervous? "I got an extra ticket for the game, and if you want it it's yours"
You frowned. How agressive were those damn butterflies?
"Someone in your family can't go?" it must be. It has to be.
"Yeah, something like that" he looked at you, and your eyes went to his lips as usual.
"We say no public sightings" it was a rule he proposed. "Technically, we are not going to be together" he said.
Stay true to yourself. You can deal with a broken heart, you can't live his ways. Stay true to yourself. Love come and goes.
You bit your lip, and lower your gaze. It was your fault for allowing these interactions. The truth was you were scared, you didn't want to lose yourself but you enjoyed his company.
"What do you say?" his tone was so kind and hopeful that made you want to run away and throwing yourself at him in happiness. All at the same time.
You didn't want to know how he felt about you. Maybe he was in love, maybe he wasn't.
You sighed, not hungry anymore. You turned around to face him.
"Justin, I can't" it was the truth, it was the painful truth. "I can't go to your games, and I can't keep doing this" you move your hand between your bodies "I-um...I-" you gasped for air, feeling the knot in your throat "We agree this was something casual"
Maybe in another life. In another moment of your life. But not that night.
"I know" was all he said, frowning.
"Then, let's keep it casual, ok?"
"Yeah" he sounded sad? It was your imagination.
"I mean...I don't want to catch feelings and going to your games and all that stuff" your shake your head "It's going to erase the lines. I need the lines, Justin"
"Maybe we need a time apart too" he laughed without fun at you proposal "I don't want to catch feelings" you repeated "And you have tons of choices, I mean there are girls throwing themselves at you. You aren't going to starve" you joked trying to light the mood.
Then you saw how he closed himself. His expression hardened and you swore his eyes lost all shine.
"If that's what you want" he said, serious.
I don't know what I want, dumbass.
"It's what I need"
He only nodded. Yup, he was mad. But why? He started cleaning the table, you noticed he didn't eat much too.
"I'm going to call an Uber" you stated, understanding he didn't want you there, you started looking for you phone.
"It's too late. I'm gonna take you to your house" he declared.
It's something you liked about him, he could be mad but he wasn't an asshole.
"You don't have to" you find your purse, and took out your phone.
"Don't argue with me. It's late, it's dangerous. I know you don't want to spend more time with me but at least let me take you to your house so I know you're safe" he sounded bitter, and sad.
Wow. You stopped what you were doing only to look at him. He turned around, avoiding your gaze, like looking at you was unbearable.
"Thank you" you whispered.
The car ride was silent. And you were doubting your decisions. Maybe it was too soon? Too harsh? When you building complex appeared in sight you were about to cry. Why? You were the one who asked for it. You looked at his hands, his strong thighs and his stern look...oh.
"Thank you for the ride" you said, clenching to your purse. A heavy energy settle between both. You noticed he was holding tight the steering wheel, his knuckles white.
"You're welcome"
"Thank you for everything" he shook his head slightly at your words. His Adam's apple moving up and down. "Good luck for the rest of you seasons. I truly believe you are a great athlete, and you must be proud of yourself"
He took a deep sigh. "You don't have to do this" he declared, you heart sank "Good night"
And that's how you knew it was over.
In the next month you spend trying to get rid of him. You told your friend to help you to keep your mind free of him. You avoid watching his games, or being closer to anything related to him. It was relatively easy since you never went public with him. But the ache you felt made you sleepless and weak. You cried whole nights, realizing that you miss him. His scent, his dry sense of humor, his warm body, his hugs after sex, how good he made you feel.
Your dreams were the only thing you clinched for dear life. It was the reason you took that decision. Somehow, you didn't find it enough at that moment.
The nail in the coffin was to block his number and unfollow him from social media. After that you become a workaholic, traveling here and there, meetings with others brands, designing new clothes. Efficiency was your second name.
Everything was falling into place, but during some nights you would miss him. The sex, the intimacy. You had to fight against some actions, including stalk him or watch interviews. It was bad because he was a quarterback, face of a franchise. One Subway commercial and you were ready to unblock him. It was pathetic.
You were too stubborn to call him. To admit it. To give a second chance. And you had to learn to live without him.
Because you were the one afraid. The one who got away.
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slfcare · 2 years
if you had a bad day and need to empty your mind: here are some very specific things to actively listen to in songs:
the drums in the first 32 seconds of ‘for meg’ by on the might of a princes
actually just the entirety of ‘big sky’ by acai
the drums+electric guitar combo from 2:03 to 3:40 in ‘sirens pt. II’ by brookside
the guitar in 1:40 to 2:15 in ‘nude’ by radiohead (2:04 gets me every time)
that tinyyy little tone in 3:47 to 3:51 in ‘rosyln’ by bon iver & st. vincent
the super relaxing bassline in ‘liquid love’ by billie marten
that part in ‘mustard’ by strawberry milk cult where the music sort of pauses, when he goes “cause it’s a…. long walk on the way to the top”??
the way ‘stolen dance’ by milky chance sounds like what wrapped in a blanket feels like. or drifting in a warm pool. especially from 3:13 and onward
everything about the first 24 seconds of ‘still beating’ by mac demarco
the drums (beat in general) in ‘this head i hold’ by electric guest
the harmonies in the background in ‘lego house’ by ed sheeran (listen from 0:43 how they start on “down”!! so pretty!!)
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charmac · 1 year
i'm a little afraid to ask, but why is everyone hyping the next ep? i know, i know the dennis system for men etc, but... it's written by megan, arguably the worst writer when it comes to dennis 99.9% of the time (i'm saying this as someone who thinks tends bar is in the top 3 eps ever) i feel like a lot of people are gonna end up disappointed 😐
You’re sending this ask to someone who has Dennis ranked 4/5 in favourite characters and has Meg’s signature framed on his wall, bro, lmfao. But speak your mind…
I mean we know Dennis is ‘irritated’ with Mac’s boyfriend, we know he’s literally scheming with a gay version of his System to get Mac over his boyfriend, like, imo that’s enough existing to hype over, and why people are excited.
If you think Meg’s writing for Dennis is gonna be disappointing, I guess we’ll have to see, we don’t know, but I’d like to say that Megan doesn’t have full control of anything in the show. Everything she writes begins in the writers room with RCG and ends with script review and finalisation from RCG.
Then, on set, everything Dennis says is acted by Glenn, who can change and improv lines whenever he wants because it’s his show.
If what happens with Dennis tonight is ‘disappointing’ you can’t just blame Meg, it’s definitely going to be a group decision on how they’re deciding to push Dennis this season. Clearly, something is already different, lurking, and building to DTAMHD. The fact that we’re seeing him have a little outburst this episode, and we’re seeing him literally scheme for/with Mac to break up with his boyfriend is definitely contributing to this all, and that’s why people are excited.
For me, and I think a lot of people, the hype is not so much about high expectations of queer Dennis or jealous Dennis and Macdennis threads but the fact that we’re getting another piece of the puzzle, a big chunk tonight that will tell us what’s going on, good or bad (and, to be clear, bad isn’t necessarily a bad thing anyway)
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Sunny podcast is back after hiatus!
So many things were teased in this episode and we heard about some scenes that were never aired or featured on the DVDs!
Charlie on piano
Sun-damaged Glenn back from Hawaii
Complaining about 80s comedies, Three Amigos and Paramount+
Discussions about what works in film comedies from the '70s to early '00s and how sketches function differently
Brief talk of Mac's mommy issues
Episode chat
Premise of the episode came from Glenn watching "Intervention", a popular reality tv show at the time and discussing it in the writers' room, leading to Rob Rosell wondering what the difference between an intervention and a roast was
Gail the Snail was created as a pair with a brother Not Quite Right Robin, who was never introduced, as the Garbage Pail cousins in contrast to Dennis and Dee, the Cabbage Patch kids
Mary Lynn R was cast without an audition because she was a friend and she developed the character of Gail with rcg's notes in an unaired deleted scene shot opposite Frank at Guigino's before the funeral of Uncle Max
Nora Dunn who played Aunt Donna might have been unhappy when she came on set and realized how cheap and low-quality the show was
Marder and Rosell came up with all the insane quotes and concepts like nightcrawlers while writing this episode
Glenn and Charlie couldn't keep it together while filming the scene where Dennis writes Charlie's intervention letter to Frank but these outtakes didn't make it into the bloopers so we don't get to see
RCG were probably responsible for the idea that Dennis and Dee blame Gail the Snail "for making them salt her" (which is not a good feeling she's making them have)
They've previously mentioned the story of the reporter on location in Philly when Frank is doing his beer volcano bit, but in this ep they added that Danny got into an argument with her on live tv
Frank's volcano eruption was a nightmare for wardrobe and continuity because his beer gurgling was unscripted
[Talking about their shitty cameras] "We've destroyed our careers by presenting ourselves as clowns on videotape."
Season 16 teases
Confirmed that The Gang Goes Bowling was directed by Meg and shot in three days + one scene
It was a difficult shoot because of the number of side characters and continuity troubles during bowling, especially block shooting
There's a slow motion sequence in the episode which might have to be degraded to fit in with the rest of the show
Some colour grading/correction will have to be done on the s16 footage, which they usually never do, because they look red
Glenn was away for the first week of editing since he was at SXSW, sick and then on break in Hawaii, but he's back in now with his fresh pair of eyes
Charlie wants to add grain to the picture to dirty it up for the modern tvs and automotion plus
Return of a character from season 1 who fans have been asking about. Implied that the character was potentially dropped and hasn't appeared since season 1. Charlie's sister is the most obvious choice.
Other options include Mac's other gay cousin, any of the kids and teenagers from Abortion or Underage Drinking and Nikki Potnick, though she was mentioned again in season 7
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Upcoming projects
Scott Marder and Rob Rosell are coming on for the S5E10 pod!
Glenn Howerton double feature on May 12 with Blackberry and Charlie's film Fool's Paradise.
Charlie only had Glenn in the movie until he did reshoots when he added a lot of Sunny cast. He offered Rob a role but he was busy. David Hornsby is also in it (not seen in the trailer).
IASIP season 16 is coming out in June.
In the meantime, RCG say to watch Succession and Tommy Boy.
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pollencoveredman · 1 year
live show act 2 recap :)
guys came back on stage
meg talked about how they had a “secret santa” type thing going on where one of the guys would talk about their favourite moments of one of the others
we had glenn talking about his favourite mac moments
little bit on dennis rage and then some angry mac clips
glenn then spoke about time’s up and how meg wrote it, everyone cheered but then started booing her because “she’s not receptive to praise”
showed clip of mac and dee in time’s up. yk the one i mean
showed clip of mac’s letter to chase utley
meg said they would make mac’s dream come true and chase utley came on stage
he and rob did a catch together and then people started yelling DADDY AND THE BOY
glenn and charlie did a catch, glenn dropped the ball the first time round 😭😭 (it was just a practise round…..)
someone yelled TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF
the guys were fucking around with the buzzers
iirc the questions were “name a type of charlie work”, “name someone whose life has been ruined by the gang” and “name one of dee’s lovers” (meg clarified charlie does NOT count)
one of the slides glitched and cricket’s name came up as “stickers” — one of the questions on the previous show was “name an inedible thing charlie eats” smn along those lines
little clip of dennis played every time the buzzer went off (cannot blame him in that episode it was fr loud as fuck)
more talking about the show i don’t remember exactly what my memory is very foggy
video clip from kaitlin, sarcastic comments on how happy she is that they’re doing the show without her
”yk what fuck it” she went off screen AND CAME ON STAGEEE !!
they talked more for a bit about the show and stuff and dee’s character iirc
charlie went over to the piano and glenn and kaitlin did the baby boy song together (and forgot half the words)
some girl in the crowd had dee’s costume from nightman on and KAITLIN PULLED HER UP ON STAGE AND KISSED HER ON THE CHEEK totally not jealous
sang baby boy song again and then kaitlin sang just to be clear
paddy’s pub song w/ slideshow of BTS pics of the show it was super cute
go fuck yourselves song, charlie spitting at the crowd 💀💀
went off stage, came back on for an encore(?) wearing the dusters
they sang dayman and threw shirts at the crowd
it ended and i was very sad on my way home
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cosmoseinfeld · 1 year
How was the Sunny Dublin show?!!! Do you have any pictures?
How long was the macdennis segment? Was Glenn shaky on the macdennis "love affair" chat (saw a post on twitter) or was he just doing one of his Glenn bits like from the podcast where he acts like he's not into things before he's honest about it? Did they confirm Honey and Vinegar for s16 or were they just teasing the idea of it in future seasons? Were you able to see their expressions from your seat? (Sorry for being cringe and insane in your asks!)
hiii! sorry it took me so long to reply. I was kind of processing those days and also recovering from covid which i brought as a fun souvenir! (nw, it's all good) I can't possibly tell you how long the segment was but it def took up a good chunk of the show! i was sitting too far away to take good pictures or videos (nor did i want to yknow, kind of living in the moment) but i took this pic of the screen which was up for a satisfyingly long time
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I honestly think glenn was just doing one of his "bits" because - imo - he's much more on our side when it comes to the meta level of the show just from how he is talking about dennis etc. I still love how bold rob was by just straight up saying macdennis is a love affair to some. at least, glenn then said to rob "love you, baby!" I remember meg saying it's one of her favourite dynamics but we already knew that. Oh, she also said that the impl*cation scene was put up there against her will and i agree. It's not a macdennis moment and I overall hate it (in parts because it is what dudebros cling to so desperately). I am amazed that they somehow managed to avoid talking about Mac and Dennis break up AGAIN by "letting the audience choose" (which is a fabricated thing because a hyped up audience will cheer and holler for anything) but i will say that Suburbs got a REALLY loud cheer. They played the montage from that and ofc the dinner scene with the "newsflash asshole" moment. Oh, we also had to watch glenn's naked ass on screen. Rob talked about shooting that scene and said how hard it was for him to keep up because glenn was bringing his whole talent to it and rob said he wasn't that good of an actor to keep up. glenn said he's sometimes concerned that there is this psychopathic side to him and that he needs to get that checked. They then played Mortgage Crisis but didn't really talk about it. BUT meg suggested that hugh honey & vic vinegar should make a comeback at some point and rob sort of agreed and so did the audience, so who knows! The segment ended with them playing the impl*cation scene instead of break up and meg saying mac and dennis keeping each other in check is one of the things she loves about that dynamic and that they follow their own specific set of rules.
Overall, it was a very fun show and I am happy I went. The mood was so great, on stage and in the audience. I couldn't see their expressions from up there but I did see rob pulling down his pants to show us his shamrock tattoo, so there's that image... I loved the video cameos by danny, artemis, the lawyer and even uncle jack. Glenn got drunk on stage to the point that rob felt the need to intervene when he got too annoying lmao. Glenn said rob gave him a shot of "tequila" backstage and it might have been the bit that tipped him over - he then got corrected because it was whisky of course (maybe he had flashbacks to the christmas special). They played family fight but it was sooo messy omg... never give buzzers to drunk man-children. Everybody celebrated kaitlin of course and it was... a special experience to hear her and glenn sing the tiny boy song live. Charlie sang a bunch of sunny songs. The one that got me most was "I like life at paddy's pub" of course, especially because the whole audience was singing along. They also had an inflatable tube guy on stage before the show started which I thought was hilarious and weirdly relaxing to watch... Oh, yes before the show started, they had a sunny playlist going on with all the classics like "the boys are back in town" and the ghostbusters song etc. During the intermission, they showed gag reels on screen. Hm what else... Not to burst the bubble, but they also talked about how they couldn't film s15 in Ireland because of covid restrictions, so the on locations shootings took place in california - movie magic! If I remember anything else that's of significance, I'll post a follow-up. I really hope they'll come back to europe soon because i'll def go again. It was so nice to meet other sunny fans IRL and hang out and have a good time together :) i am always amazed how a shared love for a show can bring people together... it's so wholesome. (and you could also sense their love for the show and each other and I think it's great for them to finally get such a direct feedback from the fans)
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linavloger · 5 months
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Hey there!
Names Internet name: LinaVloger (Aka Lina or LV) IRL name: Meg Abby
Bio Birthday: 22/9/2010 (13 yrs old) (If you're a creep, GET OUT!!!) Occupation: Student Current school grade: Junior High BF, GF or EF (Enbyfriend): None, but I have a crush on someone from school Nationality: Mexican Religion: Catholic Zodiac sign: Virgo Disorder/Syndrome: Autism Spectrum Disorder/ASP (Level 1)
Fandoms Fav movie: Captain Underpants: The first epic movie Fav TV series: HTF and TETOCU Fav Book series: Captain Underpants Fav video game: Pizza Tower Fav character creator: Gacha (Any gacha, even mods)
Fav stuff Food: Meatballs, burgers, pizza, Mac 'n cheese, eggs Drink: Milk, apple soda, apple juice Color: Pink, lavender and sky blue Hobby: Drawing, writing stories (Holy smoke, I'm George and Harold)
Languages I speak Spanish: Native English: Advanced French: Intermediate
Fav people Author: Dav Pilkey YouTuber: ItzAlaina Singer: Melanie Martínez, Olivia Rodrigo, AViVA, etc.
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etherealising · 2 months
Hi Vee!!! I hope you’re doing well and congratulations on 1K woot woot <3! I was wondering what some of your favorite songs are right now and what are some of the songs that remind you of aiekoy currently? For me it’s definitely Pigment by HER, unthinkable by Alicia Keys, and Do4Love by Snoh Allegra both sonically and lyrically are what I usually listen to when reading aiekoy!
bestie bestie bestie…i hope you’re sat and ready for this presentation you’re about to receive. also the pfp is so cute i love that for you!! 🥰
firstly i am doing well thank you for inquiring, i hope the same could be said for you my love! also 1k wowie! most are bots and pages that don’t interact but we’ll take our wins where we can get them! please babe prepare yourself for this behemoth of a post! 💕
some of my fav songs atm are…
nothing matters - the last dinner party
this song makes me feel like i’m a witch in salem and my neighbor wants me hanged because he thinks i seduced his wife with witchcraft but we’re actually just two ladies in love
history of man - maisie peters
i’m a whore for greek mythology references and girly pop got me
rapstar - polo g
word for word bar for bar i could sing this song drunk
megan’s piano - meg thee stallion
dare say this is my hype song (could also sing this song faded out of my mind)
slow burn - infinity song
gives me 90s vibes and i love anything they put out (it inspired aiekoy chapter 12 heavily)
walk like this - flo
listen flo has been doing it right since cardboard box i don’t play about these girlies!!!!
the way things go - beabadoobee
i actually have a carmy one-shot based on lyrics from this song 🥲
songs that remind me of aiekoy:
only you - yazoo
i mean this one feels kind of obvious to me, it literally inspired this whole fic and without it aiekoy would have never seen the light of day.
cybah - syd/lucky daye
listen okay, this song just speaks to my sole and i promise you everytime i hear these lyrics i can see baby and carmy in my minds eye just going through so many different scenes its absolutely crazy. this song is just so intimate to me and it reminds me of the soft intimacy barby shares.
loved by you - kirby
this song is so carmy coded it inspired an upcoming interlude and anytime i hear it all i can think about is barby (mostly carmy) and all the scenes i have planned to write about in interlude 3. this song gives me very much carmy’s internal dialogue throughout this series and that’s basically what the interlude is as well. this song also really inspired me to keep writing this series when i was ready to just give up on it and idk it just holds a special place in my heart (also shoutout to s1e4 of the bear for introducing me to this song 😭)
ros - mac miller
i feel like this is so out of left field but it just fits! also very carmy coded imo just hearing this song immediately makes me think of barby and lyrically i just feel like it fits them almost perfectly (also heavily gives carmy’s internal monologue).
honorable mentions:
achy bones - ash the ghost
dark red - steve lacy
i like the way you love me - brenton wood
back in town - florence + the machine
bestie brattyb’s immaculate music taste:
literally gagged me, i was not ready for that! i love the mixture of singing and spoken word it was so beautiful and i feel like it balances the love and toxicity that can sometimes be present in relationships and it screams barby. you really put me on with this one bestie it was such a good choice!!!
a classic really miss keys rarely misses. listening to this song i could literally see scenes between carmy and baby playing out in my head which is always inspires me to write. like oh my goodness how have i not considered this song before this is literally barby’s relationship in a nutshell!
bestie you really have superior music taste. this gives me like the ‘missing’ years between carmy and baby. especially baby trying to move on and create a life outside of her love for carmy and her little Chicago gang.
i genuinely love you so much for all the constant support you have given me and this funny little series i decided to write, also thank you so much for participating in my 1k celebration your ask forced me to go through the aiekoy playlist and remember why i love writing this series so must and it has really inspired me to keep writing for aiekoy!!
please enjoy the long awaited playlist i’ve been meaning to share (apologies in advance there’s some random songs that def don’t belong and i’m too lazy to delete) 🫶🏽🤍
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i-normally-dont · 10 months
The Meg 2 was fun and great and I loved it. I was sad Li Bingbing didn’t return as Suyin but having Cliff Curtis and Page Kennedy back as Mac and DJ was nice, and Melissanthi Mahut as Rigas was a fun new addition to the crew. The sharks were fun, there was a great practical effects shot from inside ones mouth, they kept the humor from the first one intact, and all around I just really liked it.
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heymickyursofine · 1 month
Snap Out of It. James “Mac” Mackreides X Fem!Reader
Summary: 5 years after the Megalodon attacks, you still haven't moved on.
Warnings: Sadness, mention of seeing dead people/deaths, mention of nightmares.
Request: hey!! i was wondering if you could write a mac (from the meg) x reader fic where the reader has ptsd after the attacks of the meg. like the reader gets nightmares and always sees images of the people who died, and how mac helps them cope? i don’t know if that makes sense😭😭 i would really appreciate it if you’d decide to write it!!
Toshi. The Wall. Dr. Heller. Dr. Minway Zhang. The names of your friends who died by way of the Megalodon.
They haunted your dreams in the worst way possible, their deaths replayed almost every night. 
You considered yourself to be the luckiest person alive when they didn’t happen, which wasn’t often. Especially since Jiuming had a pet Megalodon living in close quarters with you, the thoughts of your friends plagued your mind.
You knew the Meg that was living with you wasn’t the one who did harm to your friends, but you couldn’t help but think of them whenever you watched Haiqi. 
Jiuming had a lot of trust in her and it always made you nervous whenever he got in her enclosure, you couldn’t bear to see another friend die. 
On one particular night, you went down to the lounge, where you spent a lot of time with Meiying, and just stared at Haiqi, watching her swim in her enclosure. It became a nightly ritual after that. You had a nightmare, you went to watch Haiqi. 
The same ritual happened tonight, you snuck out of bed, put some slippers on, and quietly walked out of the bedroom to the lounge. You were thankful Mac was such a heavy sleeper, afraid of what he would say if he ever caught you. 
You followed her every move as you stood in front of the window, the moonlight illuminated the water, making her look majestic and also terrifying. You had no idea why Jiuming would ever swim with a dangerous animal like this. 
No matter what bond he says they have, or how domesticated he claims for her to be, she’s a predator and always will be. 
Were you scared of Haiqi? 
A bit, yes. 
She’s a Megalodon, how could you not be? Two Megalodon's were responsible for killing people who you admired, your friends, your family. Although, you felt guilt for having any ill feelings towards Haiqi. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts and trance by a hand clasping on your shoulder. You looked to the your side and saw Mac standing next to you. “You scared me.”
“Sorry, love. What are you doing up?” He asked, tiredly. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” Your vagueness and monotone voice threw him off. “Oh, well, are you alright?” 
You took a few seconds to answer, debating wether to lie or tell the truth. “No.” He probably would’ve known you were lying if you said yes. 
“What’s the matter?” You wrapped your arms around your midsection, trying to comfort yourself. “I can’t stop thinking about them. Seeing them.” 
“Who?” If he hadn’t woke up about 5 minutes ago he could’ve put two and two together. 
“Toshi, The Wall, Heller, Zhang. I have nightmares about them all the time.” 
“Why haven’t you told me?” 
“It’s weird. I don’t know.” 
“Why is that weird?” You hadn’t torn your eyes away from the window until then, “Because it was five years ago. I should’ve gotten over it by now.” 
“You can’t be serious. We saw our friends die. That’s not something you get over easily.” He shook his head. “I wish I could, leave it all in the rearview mirror.” 
“That’s not how trauma works.” 
“I wish it did.” 
“You can talk to me, you know. They were my friends too,” He said softly. “I know, I just don’t know how.” Your attention was brought back to the window. “You can say anything, I’ll always listen to you.” 
You sighed. “I come down here after I have the nightmares and watch Haiqi. Watch her swim around, and I just think of them. I think of how fucking crazy it is that were living with one of the animals that caused the worst moment of my life. I know she wasn’t the one responsible but it doesn’t make me feel any better about her. Everytime Jiuming gets in with her it scares me because I don’t want him to die, he can’t die, he can’t leave Meiying behind. I don’t believe she’s domesticated like he says, I don’t think we can trust her.” 
“Come here.” He opened his arms and you wrapped your arms tightly around him, closing your eyes. “Thank you for telling me that, that couldn’t have been easy.” You were silent for a bit, just enjoying his warmth before you became tired. 
“Can we go back to sleep now?” 
He laughed lightly, “Yeah, let’s go.”
Words from Micky - Takes place during Meg 2, hope that's alright with the anon who requested! I think this is better written than the last Mac fic but both ideas have been so good and I was excited to write them both. The next post should be part 2 of Love Potions for Benny Weir.
DEDICATED TO - @whosiris
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charmac · 1 year
Okay so, I got high for the first time in awhile and I'm thinking about Sunny just, It's weird that I always do, near obsessively, have since October of 2022. It's just like, my favourite thing to love and to think about, but I have been watching for a lot longer than that. I'm just gonna delve on my pipeline from casual fan of this show to stan, cos I think it's interesting and I'm high so nothing is stopping me:
For over three years I've been watching this show on repeat, whenever I didn't have a scheduled show to watch, I'd pop it on. But I just watched it casually, normally, like haha funny bad people show kind of way (I am sorry). All I did was watch it over and over, sometimes see a funny viral Sunny Tweet and like it, and then the Podcast came out.
And it weirdly made me more into the show, more introspective about the characters. So I would interact on r/IASIP but they just, didn't really get it properly.
And then S15 aired and Reddit really didn't get it and Charlie Kelly was just this massive presence in my mind, and I wrote a silly little kidfic about him because I was just thinking and thinking. And Reddit didn't get it.
So I I tried to come onto Tumblr, but everyone shipped Macdennis and I. Did Not. like Dennis. I saw him how your average r/IASIP commenter sees him. (So sorry.) I thought shipping Macdennis was fun in a, like, asking Mac to get completely used and fucked over kinda way (again, so sorry). Imagine my shock walking into Sunnyblr with that idea. Tumblr liked Dennis.
So I just kinda did the Episodes on repeat/Podcast/Subreddit kinda vibe for awhile. And then I met Meg and talked to her, and I stood two feet away from Rob and I know it's cringey, lmfao, but something shifted further. I was talking obsessively to my bestie @macdennissurvivor and Twitter started showing me Dennis edits. And then I made a silly little Macdennis edit of my own.
Then I went to the live show in Philly. And the audience was miserable and oh my god none of them get it. But there's so much to get . And Glenn, wow, weird, interesting guy. (And he weirdly kinda clarified that Dennis wasn't straight.) The show was fine but the audience was miserable because none of them get it. They throw out lines and references and it's all a joke. But it's not all a joke, there's so much to get. They're not getting it. Please someone else get it.
And so I dipped my toe back on Sunnyblr. And I got more involved with Sunny Twitter and Nat (legal last name Paddysroyco) Tumblr user @boysareouttonight's Dennis edits were like the final nail in the coffin of being a stan.
I think something shifts when you are able to look past Dennis' facade and actually see the person inside, the character they won't let you see unless you really get it.
And the obsession begins, and continues, and is good to me, keeps me happy and everything here just tickles my brain and makes me engage and talk. And like there's real, actually insanely intelligent discussion on here and meta and analysis and theories and then there's the most cracked out post you've ever seen and then there's something that's somehow both and it's just something else.
I'm at an all-you-can-eat buffet after reaching into the depths of my cupboards for a month straight. And we're getting more, and a lot, and whatever it is is more content. Every frame, every title, every crumb we find, there's other people here who get it all and make it fun, in a way that's not tiring or eye-rolling or completely off the mark, in a way that keeps me full-steam rolling ahead and coming back.
This devolved a little, as thoughts do, but I am happy to be here, I guess. I'm looking forward to this fucking season and whatever lies ahead: whether it's dry for Macdennis or overwhelmingly wet, whether we get solid character development or some weird backsliding, a mix of both, if there's strange retcons or really fucking-good ones, any unexplained moments or looks or props, or expressions, I'm experiencing it all with people who get it. Maybe in a completely unhinged way, maybe in a crazy smart way, or a reasonably sober way, but always from a place of getting it.
We're getting Season 16, it's real, more to the story, more to piece together and layout and pick and prod and compare and re-tell (and re-write if you really want). In, like, 18 days. Fuck me up.
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Hi Sex Witch! This is a book rec question, really. Do you have any recommendations you would give people who want to start reading about gender theory? I know I want to learn so much more about queer gender identity and about its cultural impact and growth in different places but I dont really know where to start because it's such a big topic to cover.
Gender related or not, thank you so much for everything you do!
god okay that's a huge ask and I don't want to just throw a bunch of super dense unapproachable text at you where you're just getting into it (Judith Butler is so good to read but they are WORK) so here's a long list of some authors you can pick and choose from
Sara Ahmed
Meg-John Barker and Jules Scheele's illustrated nonfiction Gender and Sexuality
Kate Bornstein
Ivan Coyote
Kimberlé Crenshaw
Angela Davis's book Women, Race & Class
Shon Faye
Leslie Feinberg
Cordelia Fine
Jules Gill-Peterson's book History of the Transgender Child (fairly dense read I will not lie)
Ruby Hamad's book White Tears/Brown Scars
Kit Heyam's book Before We Were Trans (haven't personally read this yet but I'm excited to)
Patricia Hill Collins
Mariame Kaba ("Makenzie she writes about prison abolition not gender" THE OPPRESSION ARE INTERLOCKING)
Mikki Kendall's book Hood Feminism
Audre Lorde (Sister Outsider is a great place to start)
Aileen Moreton-Robinson's book Talkin’ Up to the White Woman
Molly Smith and Juno Mac's Revolting Prostitutes is a BRILLIANT feminist analysis of sex workers' rights by sex workers
Amia Srinivasan's book The Right to Sex is just shakingly brilliant
Sabrina Strings' book Fearing the Black Body is a FASCINATING explanation of the formation of contemporary gendered norms and fatphobia as part of the creation of race, cannot recommend it enough
Susan Stryker
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore
Kai Cheng Thom
Riki Anne Wilchins
Rafia Zakaria
this is obviously not a complete list please not one @ me, it's just! a place to start browsing!
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