#MHA endeavour
coolcapybara · 27 days
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cryopodsq · 1 year
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mintshrooom · 5 months
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Hawks meets Endeavor at the Hero Billboard Chart(Mulan photo reference)
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sunsestart · 1 year
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Shouldn't have placed all those words on his head...
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manny-hughez · 2 months
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Couldn’t find a single fucking reference for this so I ended up pulling out the muscle anatomy sheet. Enji was easy but Hawks…
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mymy4802 · 1 month
I just watched an edit about Dabi and Enji and I’m so done with the people saying that Enji isn’t to blame for what happened to Dabi.
Endeavor literally abused everyone around him , pushed Toya to madness and neglected him and everyone around him for his stupid dream.
If you think that what he did to Toya wasn’t as bad as what he did to Shoto because « he never abused him physically » first of all it’s debatable and secondly you don’t know how what abuse is.
He put all his dream onto his child and made him feel like the only way to get love from his dad was to train hard and become a hero then he took everything away from him . Also he saw that his son, his CHILD, was gradually losing control and losing his mind, but he did nothing. That’s called neglect.
Sorry for the rant but I’m just so annoyed.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
garbageman!endeavour who notices how you only seem to remember to bring out the trash once you hear the truck rounding the corner of your street — sporting your fluffy pink gown and equally as fluffy pink sliders as you waddle out of your house with multiple bags in tow.
and because garbageman!endeavour is on road ahead duty, he always catches you do it whilst hes leaning against the brick wall of your apartment complex, sly smile on his face as you seem to struggle.
“need any help?” he’ll gruffly ask each time, and you always reject.
but garbageman!endeavour knows the only reason why you reject his help is through pride, because when you come up to him for quick chats after you’ve dumped the bags, your breath is always haggard.
“no. but ill tell you when i do.”
and garbageman!endeavour has to think twice about whether the way you bat your lashes at him, or the way you always comment about how big he is, means anything. it can’t, because surely you see the fat silver band that he always adorns on his left index finger and heed the frequent passing mentions of his kids.
but one week, garbageman!endeavour notices you’re out earlier but with no bags in tow and how the cut of your gown is much lower than it needs to be.
he nods you a good morning from the wall, no words leaving his mouth in case they end up betraying him but he didn’t have to — you were ready to do that for him.
”not gonna ask if i need any help today?” you muse
garbageman!endeavour cautiously looks between you and the garbage area behind you.
“you usually dont need my help”
“but today i do.” you say as you start to walk towards the side gate of your apartment complex building.
garbageman!endeavour knows he shouldn’t have followed you back there, and mentally apologises that his wife forgive him, because you don’t even have to initiate anything before he’s pressing you against the wall and laps his lips against your exposed skin.
it doesnt take long for things to escalate. garbageman!endeavour knows hes short on time and so hes frantically tugging the rope of your fluffy gown instead of simply untying it. when the gown parts, hes trying his best to get an eye full of your voluptuous body, even tells you to ‘leave it on” once he sees you trying to shrug it over your shoulder
garbageman!endeavour easily frees his cock from the restraints of his grubby work trousers rather than tug it down, his weapon long and flushed pink at the top. you want to marvel in it’s length and size but garbageman!endeavour isn’t giving you the time to as he quickly scoops you up with no qualm at all — one hand on your back and the other underneath your ass — and hovers you over his cock. he easily slips himself inside of you, and he lets out the most desperate moan because your cunt is so much warmer and snuggier than he could ever imagine.
garbageman!endeavour doesnt even let you adjust! already his hips are pistoling back and forth like an animal in heat, his big hands surprisingly holding you securely in his grip.
and you feel so thrilled yet so disoriented because who knew a man was strong enough to hold a woman like you without any support?! not forgetting how full you feel taking him because he fills you up in all the ways you couldnt imagine.
the two of you romp as garbageman!endeavour holds you mid air, your insides clench over his mighty cock and garbageman!endeavour is sure he’s seeing stars
the position isn’t sturdy concerning garbageman!endeavour is holding all your weight and so you latch an arm around his shoulder. but still, hes got you good enough that you’re able to use your other hand to clamp the fat of your breast and pinch at the perky nipple, the sensation euphoric in accumulation with garbageman!endeavour long thrusts.
but time is growing short because garbageman!endeavour can hear the churn of the truck and the shouts of his colleagues nearing your corner — but still — he’s determined to finish what he started.
“shi’. shit im gettin’ there.”
he feels your hand try to push away from him but your moans are just as wanton as his.
but garbageman!endeavour’s too committed, too pussy drunk to heed your signs seriously. because he’s so determined that he needs this. that he needed to leave you with a reminder of him, a reminder that you needed his help.
but in all honesty, you already knew this was going to be the outcome. clearly, seeing as he was a man with four kids.
“f-fuck, imma…i ha’v tuh—”
before you know it garbageman!endeavour is slightly hunching over as he unsolicitedly pours his wet seed inside of you, his groan guttural as he finishes loudly besides your ear.
garbageman!endeavour was a fan of the experience — surprised he didn’t feel much guilt afterwards either. the man was wretched enough to sleep besides his wife each night with no qualm or plagued mind about what he’d done.
that is, until a few months down the line, he notices how you still waddle to bring the garbage out front, but because of your rounding belly that peaks from underneath your gown.
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saiyanmyname · 2 years
I don't know if you do asks but I can you do Endeavor x reader Omegaverses... fluff with the Todoroki family?! no fights, mean remarks do slip but mama reader is a sensitive omega ^w^
Oooh! Omegaverse has been on my list for some time now. Big soft Alpha Enji doting for his precious omega 🤌 yes please! I’m not the fastest writer but will get something written for this 😊
And here it is (this is my first time writing Omegaverse so sorry if anything is incorrect).
It was a soft sort of Sunday. Awakening beneath the warmth of the covers. You inhaled deeply, the scent of your alpha, still coating the sheets and hanging like warm cinnamon bread in the air of your shared bedroom. You turn, swinging your legs out from the heat, the air is cool. You need your Alpha, need his warmth. You get up, legs a little sore, you guess your heat must have been rougher than usual. You’re just glad Enji was there, to look after you through it.
You make your way to the top of the stairs, leaning on the sweeping banister. You can hear Fuyumi bickering with Shoto, giving him a lecture on the importance of schoolwork, she really was becoming a good schoolteacher. There’s electronic music, in the background, Toya and Natsuo are playing some video game together, you hear them descending into fits of laughter.
Then, there he is. Looking up a you, from the bottom of the stair case, with a tray of breakfast. He’s glad to see you’re awake, eyes gleaming softly like the morning sky, lips gentle, smiling.
“I was just wondering whether to wake you.” He says as you descend towards him.
He closes his eyes as you approach him, inhaling the sweetness of your scent. From the moment he met you, he knew he’d have to knot you. You’re enough to send him straight back into a rut, but he knows he has to be patient for now. Wait for you to recover a little at least. He looks at you knowingly as he leans down to kiss you. A taste that almost instantly makes you a mess of need and want all at once.
“I thought you’d still be tired out…” He teases. “That was… a tough heat.” He says low against your ear so you feel his breath against you skin. Enji can’t help but wonder what it is you do to him, his gentle omega.
“Yeah! We heard… literally everything.”
You didn’t know anyone had approached the pair of you, standing in the corridor, you’d been too lost in your Alpha’s eyes to notice Toya standing there, leant against the wall with a grin that knew far too much.
You couldn’t help but blush, leaning into the thick bicep of Enji who stood, still holding the tray.
“Less of that.” Enji snapped, tone protective, stepping in front of you. “I thought you were playing Street Fighter with Nat anyway?” Enji continues, trying to get rid of the adolescent nuisance.
“I was but…” Toya raises his voice. “SOMEONE’S A SORE LOSER!” He teases his younger brother. Natsuo replies with curses making Fuyumi tell him off. You couldn’t help but smirk a little.
It was strange, how you’d become their adopted mama. You hadn’t been his first omega, in fact, he rarely spoke of her. All you knew was that she’d left, leaving the Alpha with four children and a chaotic house to run.
You make your way to the dining room, following close to Enji, he’s so big, so warm and there’s just something so reassuring about him. The way his scent drifts like candles and burned sugar through the hallway.
Enji sets the warm food down at the table for you. Did he tidy that up this morning or did the kids do it? You could have sworn the dining room was a mess of amazon boxes and paperwork last night, but you were too tired to clean it up. Fresh flowers were now at the centre of it, your favourite blossoms.
“Enji, did you?” You ask, grabbing the cup of hot beverage also set in front of you.
“I know they’re you’re favourite.” He answers, kissing you on the cheek, grabbing a plate from the rack and drying it up.
“I know they’re your favourite.” You hear a mock low voice coming from outside the kitchen door. “Can you guys be anymore gross? By the way can Deku and Kachan come over later?” It’s Shoto. He continues, opening the fridge to take out a can of pop, but his father stops him from closing it.
Was it really gross? You felt a little self-conscious, it must be awkward for them, to have a strange omega in the household. A strange scent around the place they called their home.
Enji knew you well though, noticed the pout on your bottom lip, the eyes that cast away from him and down towards your plate.
“Apologise and I’ll think about it.” He demanded to his son.
Shoto looked at you, knowing from his father’s tone that he’d done wrong. Actually, he felt kind of bad, he was only teasing, he didn’t know it would upset you. Since their birth mother had left, you’d been so good to all of them, always making time for them, something his father hadn’t always been so good at, but since he’d met you, he was getting better at it.
“I’m sorry.” The teenager apologised sheepishly.
“It’s okay,” You replied, you could see he really did mean it. “You should invite them over, I’ll make those brownies you guys like later.” That perked him up, as he raced out of the kitchen with a smile, hurrying away from the, still angered, face of Endeavor.
The day went on a softly as it started, it was nice to be in this house, it was nice to feel part of a family. By evening you found yourself exhausted, having made the brownies you’d promised the boys, watching the three of them scoff them down, even though Endeavor told them not to eat them while they were still warm.
It was late, by the time that you’d finally got some peace, snuggling under a blanket on the comfort of the giant sofa, nuzzling into your Alpha’s chest while you caught up on some TV. Large fingers ran through your hair, enjoying the texture against his skin, the warmth of your body against his.
“I hope you feel at home here.” He said softly, pulling you closer, grazing his lips across your forehead. Eyes showing a little worry. More than anything, he wanted you to feel safe here.
You smiled, leaning into him closer.
“Of course I do. I love being around you, and your family.”
“Good.” He replies. “They’re your family too now though, since we’re knotted.”
You kiss along his jaw, leaning up in his arms.
“I know… I’m happy here, happier than I’ve been anywhere else.”
Enji leans down, nuzzling you against his face. “Hmm.” He grunts contentedly, the feel of his omega in his arms lulling him into a trance. “Me too.”
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sleepwalkersqueen · 2 years
Make Fire work (on his day off)
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thyhoodlum · 2 years
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(Credit to Liltkeva)
Anyone up for making a fic out of this? This is too interesting to pass up!
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tzupals · 1 year
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dabi and endeavor
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Platonic Todobaku where they are not at all dating nor do they have feelings for one another (Both Arospec) but whenever they see Endeavour they just fake date and act like Bakugou is that bad influence deadbeat boyfriend that'll get your son to smoke and drink solely to piss off Endeavour. He thought his son was already going through a rebellious phase but now he's rebellious, has bad taste in men, and gay.
Endeavour is planning a fucking intervention and Bakugou is trying not to cry with how much he's wheezing.
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mintshrooom · 7 months
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Keigo as Connor and Enji as Hank(DBH AU)
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manny-hughez · 2 months
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This is lowkey ASS but it’s also my first time drawing Hawks so like I’ll cut myself SOME slack. Even if he’s covering up the best fucking arm I’ve ever drawn in my life.. It’s like.. Totally cool I guess..
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some-beans · 1 year
I’m in a mood babe. I gotta write, but I’d be hella inspired if you wrote like a hot MHA pro hero teacher Y/n (if its not too much both male and female, its okay if you only do one, no pressure!)
Just the pros thirsting 🧘🏾‍♀️
— Love you ⛹️🏾‍♀️
you got it babe 💃💃 imma do both
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✎...pairing: pro heroes x pro hero!teacher!reader ✎...themes: chaos, pro heroes are down bad, seen as romantic ✎...notes: i want reader, reader is thick for both male and female bc i can, reader's quirk is up to your imagination, though reader teaches health, can you tell which characters are easier to write ✎...enjoy !!
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gonna be real with y'all
a hot mess
like he's a highschooler giggling and kicking his feet
blushing and shit
i feel like it starts off as a crush from respect and slowly turns southwards when he manages to find you beaten to hell and back with your costume wrecked to shit
bc just like megan said, body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody
but also
women with muscles 💕💕
but besides that, i feel like due to how he constantly trained, all might legit has rizz ー with that ass ー but has no idea how to use it
also, with his skinny form, self-conscious baby 🥺
now, it takes him a lot longer to develop these feelings bc i kinda see all might as a ❛traditional man❜ but not in a religious way
like, in a sense he would do old fashion things to woo someone
like earlier, all might would have to be sat down by someone and have it told to his face that he finds the health teacher attractive
cuz god DAYUM you're yummy
your costume hugs and accentuates all of your muscles
especially your tiddies
definitely uses the excuse to work out with you just to see those muscles move
same goes when you help him out with his classes
that ass is muy caliente
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the only chance he'd see you would be out on patrol or if it had something to do with shoto
however, after his divorce and now trying to rebuild his connection with his family, he does end up talking to you
this is bc shoto won't shut up about you to fuyumi or natsuo ー yes, he was eavesdropping
manages to catch you while on patrol
it was very awkward
manages to watch how you easily interact with kids
and how caring you are to shoto ー caring enough to make the boy smile
. . . why did his heart flutter??
same with the female reader, the only chance he'd see you would be out on patrol or if it had something to do with shoto
i feel like for a male reader, endeavour would have to build up respect for you before feelings ever get involved
but when you got hit with a quirk that made your costume melt
. . .
he can get behind the gay agender
totally doesn't use his power to ask for you to work on cases with him
totally not
if your costume happens to have a boobbie window, he will be staring
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this man right here, closeted simp
hands down
does all the small things that make your teacher workload easier
like he would organise your desk, make sure you have pens, coffee/tea/energy drink at the ready etc
present mic brought this up
he lost his loud noise privileges
as i said he will do anything for
like a n y t h i n g
. . . a tad bit yandere if you ask me, guys
definitely acts like a grumpy cat when you first meet
tends to be wearier of male pro heroes as they don't really have the best representation in the media and in his eyes
eyes you off whenever you're around
that broke when sneaked in the new kitten you got into work and let's just say aizawa is very interested
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bashful, blushy and stumbling mess
may or may not have accidentally activated his quirk when he's around you
god, is just like when first got it
folds like an omelette when you smile or call him ❛honey❜
well, it could be any pet name, but that one just
*internal screaming ensues*
man is open to anything
look me in the eye and tell me this man hasn't drabbled in the fruit salad
tries to act suave and confident, but folds like origami whenever you smirk at him
y'all he turns into a puddle when you give him any attention
like, even a crumb
laps that shit up
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yum yum
loves a strong, independent woman
thighs thighs thighs
wants them to be wrapped around her head
earmuffs forever
very vocal about you just destroying her life
and stepping on her
very big fan
yum yum part two: the electric boogaloo
sure, she's got all might's and vlad king's muscles to look at, but yours??
dear GOD
she just wants to
when his dick slaps when he walks, i shall listen when he talks™
epitome of that^^
ceo actually
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down bad horrendously
mummy issues who??
now, considering how he grew up, has zero ideas of how to woo you besides using his natural bird instincts
which is very cute
especially if you're taller than him and he tries to make himself look bigger by puffing up his wings
swoons and almost cries when you show him gentle affection
that was a surprise and a half
down bad horrendously part two: the electric boogaloo
daddy issues who??
typically does the whole bromance thing that board line has everyone assuming you two are actually dating
he may have friend zoned himself for that in the beginning and does the arthur fist whenever he remembers that time in his life
has one of his feathers following you when you're on patrol just to make sure you're safe
even tho you kick ass and will most likely be fine
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fruit salad 🎵 yummy yummy 🎵 [ iyk where that's from, i love you ❤️ ]
flirting is 100% on
maximum rizz game
mirko is going make it known you're a tall of water and she's thirsty
will 100% be staring at your tiddies and thighs
also very much keeping her hands on you whenever she can
looked you up and down, and said ❛aight❜
she can get behind it, but don't expect her to be a shy blushing mess
will be coming in strong and she will be jazzed you return the same energy
lowkey digs the height difference *cough cough size kink cough cough*
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chronically-unlucky · 4 months
You ever think about Enji running into his son on the street before he joined the League and recognizing him? Just seeing his own eyes staring back at him, covered in burns just like Touya used to be?
What would he do?
Would it be easier to pretend he never saw? That he didn’t think in that brief second, my son is alive?
Or to pull his son in his arms and never let go, to hell with the consequences, to hell with being the number one hero? And take Touya home?
Can he ignore a miracle like that even though it’s his fault it was necessary in the first place?
Do you think he’d take him for dinner and hang onto his every word like he should’ve when Touya was screaming for someone, anyone, to listen?
Do you think Touya would be caught off guard, not quite full of hate enough to kill his father on the spot?
Would he let his father love him, for once?
Because I think about it a lot.
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