#Louisa Luna
atimefordragons · 2 years
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powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies  come to us who call you near, come to us settle and here
Louisa von Essen | The Main Witch, eldest of the von Essen siblings and current head of the family, as well as the coven. A full witch, Louisa is a telepath, through the use of which she can replicate others active powers, such as her brother’s orbing and her sister’s premonitions. Due to her mastery of her rare gift, her training in the wiccan and physical arts, alongside being the oldest, she is considered the most powerful of the current generation of the Charmed Ones and the most powerful witch alive. She is a survivour of the Würzburg Circle Massacre and credited with ultimately “vanquishing” the Source, at least in that fight. 
Leopold von Essen | The Middle Child and first boy in the von Essen line in generations, conceived after their father “died” and became a whitelighter, making him half-whitelighter, half-witch. Due to his older sister’s powers, Leopold shares a psychic link with his sisters, allowing them to telepathically communicate, as a whitelighter he can also “sense” his sisters without Louisa’s help, as well as others. He also possesses the whitelighter powers of orbing, healing (others), photokinesis, reconstitution and regeneration, as well as the whitelighter weakness against darklighters. Through his mother, he inherited the active power of telekinesis, which he can also merge with his whitelighter powers into the hybrid telekinetic orbing ability, as well as manipulate and disrupt others orbing, redirecting them elsewhere. Like his younger sister, he is partially immortal. While he bleeds relatively easily, when “killed”, he generally regenerates. A survivour of the Würzburg Circle Massacre, he and his younger sister were orbed away from the end of the battle by their elder sister when she tapped into his powers.
Venere Kaiser | The Half-Demon, of the now nearly existent Kaiser family and the current/ex girlfriend/fiancée? honestly it’s really unclear, of Leopold von Essen. Daughter of the upper-level demon Ormenus and the Würzburg circle witch Milena Kaiser, Venere inherited shimmering and the ability to create fireballs from her father, while she inherited molecular manipulation from her mother, able to sped them up and slow them down at will, making her able to freeze or combust things. Like the younger von Essen’s, she is somewhat immortal and has a rather high physical tolerance, but is not invincible, and as a half-demon, she cannot be fully healed by whitelighters. Venere managed to escape the Würzburg Circle Massacre due her father keeping her in the underworld until it was over, her mother, however, died in the fight. 
Elsa von Essen | The Baby Sister, and another half-breed. Elsa’s father was a warlock, through whom she inherited the power of blinking and possibly immortality. Unclear given the nature of magic and their lives, but certainly has a stronger physical constitution than her siblings as she tends to bleed a lot less and is generally unaffected by energy balls. Through her mother’s line of witches, she inherited premonition and later developed astral projection. As the youngest, and with the least physical active power, she is considered the weakest of the siblings, though that is blatantly untrue, as many a demon has learned the hard way. A survivour of the Würzburg Circle Massacre, she and her brother were orbed away from the end of the battle by their elder sister. 
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sitcomfan-uk · 1 year
Harry Potter/Derry Girls fanfiction idea
Happy new year all!
I recently rewatched the last two Harry Potter films and was reminded of how brilliantly Evanna Lynch plays Luna Lovegood.
Now imagine a universe where she and Orla meet...possibly by Luna getting confused and apparating to (London)Derry instead of London (assuming that the Ministry of Magic hasn't taken a clear stance on the name dispute).
Orla having magical powers would be quite something....can you imagine the sort of things she'd do??
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chaosmagiciangirl · 2 years
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CHARMED & DANGEROUS hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night the greatest of gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought
C&D reboot #394 characters. lol.  @alittlebitluna @atimefordragons @stxrkova
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Song Fic: Honey
Song: Honey by Kehlani Characters:  Gretchen Lange, Kaori He, Ariana Castellano, Ryna Vasiliev Ship: Gretchen x Kaori, Gretchen x Ryna
Ariana smiled softly at her best friend, “Look Gretch, I’m sure you can move on from Ryna.”
Gretchen sat, slumped across the table, holding her shot glass in front of her, “That’s not the problem!”
Ariana placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, that was admittedly a surprise, she had thought this was all about her break-up from a few months ago, “Then what is the issue?”
Gretchen glanced up at her from her stop on the table, “Kaori!”
“Kaori He? How is she the pro-”
Ariana’s eyes widened as she tried to stifle her growing amusement, “You have a new crush?”
“She’s so damn pretty!”
Ariana couldn’t hold back her laughter anymore at her friend’s outburst, “You’re so dramatic. How is this a problem? She exclusively dates women. It’s not like with Ryna where you were scared she didn’t like women.”
Gretchen sat up quickly, shaking her by her shoulders, “She’s out of my league! She’s so pretty and delicate and dainty and gah! Look at me, Ari! I’m way to-”
Ariana quickly hit the back of Gretchen’s head, “Gods, I hate when you get all mopey. You’re fine Gretch, you’re fun, loud, gorgeous, and have the softest heart. If you ask her out, I can’t see her saying no to a hot mess like you. The mess is part of your charm.”
Ariana rolled her eyes as the tears started, followed by Gretchen almost knocking her out of her seat from the force of her sudden hug. When she sobered up in a few hours, she’d pretend this never happened, Gretchen hated showing her vulnerable side, but Ariana knew it well.
“Come on Gretch, let’s get home before anyone starts looking for us. I doubt you’d want your new love to see you like this.”
Gretchen nodded against her, clinging to her, “You’re such a great friend! Why can’t we date? Then I won’t have to worry about someone loving me back!”
Ariana laughed, helping her stand, “Because you see me like a sister, and our families would be insufferable about it. Plus, I prefer men.”
Gretchen pouted at her, allowing herself to be dragged to their home.
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
Cruel Summer - a prequel
Pairing: Tenoch Huerta x fem!Reader
Plot: Tenoch and Y/N meet at the set of Narcos and fall in love, what more is there to say...
This is the prequel to my story About You. You don't have to read the story before you read this one.
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Y/N lets out a frustrated sigh and observes how her breath turns into a little white cloud that flies upwards and disappears. "Fuck me.", she softly whispers, while more snow falls down and lands on her shoulders. If it wasn't so cold, she might have been able to enjoy the white sight in front of her.
When her agent told her, that she got the role in the upcoming Narcos series, she was so excited. Finally, she thought, finally she would be able to work somewhere where it's warm. That fantasy however was short-lived. The snow started falling a week before she arrived at the set, and instead of T-shirts, she had to buy tons and tons of sweatshirts and jackets. Y/N truly couldn't wait for the outside locations they would visit at the beginning of summer. 
"Fuck me, God!", the actress curses under her breath and begins to jump up and down. Melanie, called her at three in the morning to inform her that Diego Luna somehow managed to get sick and wouldn't be able to try on his costumes until Monday. That's why she got moved up the list. Y/N wants to take out her phone to look at the time because it feels like she is standing outside in the frostiness for the last four hours. However, her hands are so red and cold that she truly cannot do anything with them. "Worthless fucking hands.", she whispers and begins to dance on the spot in order to keep herself a bit warm.
When she hears how someone behind her giggles she quickly turns around and flinches when she spots a man. A cigarette is loosely hanging from his lips and Y/N watches how he brings up his lighter. "Lo siento.", he mumbles, while a smile plays on his features. One that drops together with the lighter when he sees the perplexed expression on Y/N's face.
"Oh, no me entiendes… I said that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you."
Y/N swallows thickly before she shakes her head:""Oh, no, no, no. I'm not offended!" She crosses her arms in front of her chest and eyes as he takes a deep breath. "Okay, good. I was worried about that for a second.", he points past her toward the entrance of the big silver trailer: "Are you also waiting for the costumes?" 
The young woman didn't break his gaze, instead, she just nodded her head and answered perhaps a bit too fast:" Yes!" He chuckles. "I am going to be playing Louisa, the American journalist.", she explains and his eyes light up while a smile once again emerges on his pretty lips. "You're the one playing my TV girlfriend. It's nice to meet you." He holds out his hand and when Y/N shakes it, she feels its warmth. "My name's Tenoch Huerta.", he states and winks at her. 
"Y/N Y/L/N." At that moment the door to the trailer opens up and when Tenoch lets go of her he already misses it. "Y/N!", Melanie's voice declares, with way too much liveliness for this time of day:" Come on in darling, god it's freezing." 
Y/N turns back to Tenoch:" See you around, I guess." He nods his head in agreement and watches her as she walks up the few stairs before she steps past Melanie inside. The brunette woman eyes her co-star skeptically:" What are you doing out here, Huerta. I hope you know that your turn is this afternoon." 
"Yeah, I know."
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alliluyevas · 8 months
for my beloved followers interested in mormon polygamy name discourse, i have compiled and presented a list of the children of four different 19th century mormon polygamist men, ranging from 30 to 66 children. I included middle names when I could find them and the children are listed in chronological order of their birth.
Brigham Young:
Elizabeth, Vilate, Joseph Angell, Brigham Jr., Mary Ann, Emma Alice, Luna Caroline, John Willard, Brigham Heber, Edward Partridge, Oscar Brigham, Hyrum, Joseph, Moroni, Mary Eliza, Ella Elizabeth, Alva, Alma, Fanny Decker, Emily Augusta, Marinda Hyde, Clarissa Maria, Jeanette Richards, Zina Presendia, Evelyn Louisa, Hyrum Smith, Caroline Partridge, Ernest Irving, Nabby Howe, Willard, Eudora Lovina, Mahonri Moriancumer, Emmeline Amanda, Shamira, Alfales, Brigham Morris, Phoebe Louisa, Jedediah Grant, Arta DeChrista, Joseph Don Carlos, Louisa Wells, Susa Amelia, Lorenzo Dow, Miriam, Albert Jeddie, Feramorz Little, Alonzo, Josephine, Clarissa Hamilton, Charlotte Tallula, Ruth, Phineas Howe, Lura, Daniel Wells, Rhoda Mabel, Adella, and Fanny van Cott
Heber Kimball: 
Judith Marvin, William Henry, Helen Mar, Roswell Heber, Heber Parley, David Patten, Adelbert, Charles Spaulding, Henry, Brigham Willard, Sarah Helen, David, Margaret Jane, Abraham Alonzo, Isaac, Solomon Farnham, Samuel Chase, David Orson, Prescinda Celestia, Murray Gould, David Heber, Joseph Smith, Augusta, Cornelia Christine, John Heber, William Gheen, Susannah, Samuel Heber, Joseph Smith, Harriet, Newel Whitney, Willard Heber, Jacob Reese, Jonathan Golden, Horace Heber, Rosalia, Albert Heber, Lydia Holmes, Jedediah Heber, Hyrum Heber, Enoch Heber, Peter, Daniel Heber, Ann Spaulding, Sarah Maria, Jeremiah Heber, Mary Melvina, Andrew, Alice Ann, Eliza, James Heber, Joshua Heber, Washington, Mary Margaret, Moroni Heber, Sarah Gheen, Joshua Heber, Eugene, Wilford Alfonzo, Franklin Heber, Lorenzo Heber, Abbie Sarah
Joseph F. Smith:
Mercy Josephine, Sarah Ellen, Mary Sophronia, Leonora, Hyrum Mack, Donette, Joseph Richards, Alvin Fielding, Heber John, Joseph Fielding Jr., Alfred Jason, Rhoda Ann, David Asael, Edna Melissa, Minerva, Albert Jesse, George Carlos, Alice, Robert, Julina Clarissa, Willard Richards, Elias Wesley, John Schwartz, Franklin Richards, Emma, Emily Jane, Lucy Mack, Calvin Schwartz, Zina, Rachael, Jeanetta, Samuel Schwartz, Andrew Kimball, Ruth, Edith Eleanor, James Schwartz, Jesse Kimball, Asenath, Martha, Agnes, Silas Schwartz, Fielding Kimball, and Royal Grant
Parley Pratt:
Parley Parker Jr., Nathan, Olivia Thankful, Susan, Moroni Llewellyn, Alma, Helaman, Nephi, Julia Houston, Belinda Marden, Cornelia, Agatha, Abinadi, Lucy, Ether, Mormon, Mosiah, Malona, Lehi Lee, Henriette, Marian, Omner, Teancum, Mary Wood, Moroni Walker, Phoebe Soper, Isabella Eleanor, Sarah Elizabeth, Evelyn, Mathoni
also who had the best name taste and who had the worst
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lovetransaction · 5 months
Nine people you want to know better tag game :)
tagged by @spnyuri!
Last Song: Darren Criss' cover of One Fine Day bc I'm back in a Glee/Scary Pockets phase again lol
Favorite Color: teal
Last Movie/TV Show: Fellow Travelers
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savoury, but I'll be honest, a lot of what I eat has at least a little of all of these because the older I get, the more the West Indian palate of my childhood is coming back
Relationship Status: blessedly single and living in a bunker with my younger sister
Last Thing I Googled: crystal radios
Current Obsession: local food festivals (Dine Out Vancouver and the Hot Chocolate Festival)
Last Book: "Two Girls Down" by Louisa Luna
Looking Forward To: picking up this dine out offering on my way home
uh I'm gonna tag @nameslikeguns, @fathercain1999, @catfoodsminmo, @redmyeyes, @wastemanjohn, @deanwinchesterpregnant, @babybrothershaped, @blacknidstang, and @justamisthings
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For our next musical interlude, we're heading to Italy! Louisa Mignone knocked our socks off with her rendition in Ms. Fisher's Modern Mysteries' Season 1, Episode 2 - from 1959, here's Mina and Tintarella di Luna
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chaos-vulpix · 1 year
Rockshot Rave: Tox
This has been... a few months in the making...
Inspired by my initial Atershock playlist, I've put together my largest playlist so far, all to create the most Clubbing Vibe that only Tox could facilitate
Enjoy :)
1, 2 Step - Ciara ft. Missy Elliott
4ÆM - Grimes
Anaconda - Nicki Minaj
Anything I Do - CLiQ ft. Ms Banks & Alika
Automatic - Nicki Minaj
Bangarang - Skrillex ft. Sirah
Birthday Cake (Extended Solo Version by GYAs) - Rihanna
Black Mamba - aespa
Body to Body - Electric Valentine
Bon Appétit (3LAU Remix) - Katy Perry ft. Migos
Boy's a liar - PinkPantheress
Bulletproof - La Roux
Buscando - GTA & Jenn Morel
Carousel - Slushii ft. Kiesza
Changa - PNAU ft. Kira Divine
Colder (Syn Cole Remix) - Nina Nesbitt
Come On Back - Shungudzo | Fifty Shades Freed
Commander - Kelly Rowland ft. David Guetta
Control Your Body - PNAU ft. Kira Divine
Cool for the Summer - Demi Lovato
Cool Girl - Tove Lo
Diamonds - Megan Thee Stallion & Normani | Birds of Prey
Dinero - Jennifer Lopez ft. DJ Khaled & Cardi B
Dip It Low - Christina Milian
Dirrty - Christina Aguilera ft. Redman
Dirty Picture - Taio Cruz ft. Kesha
Disco Tits (KREAM Remix) - Tove Lo
Do It Again - Röyksopp & Robyn
Dollar Menu - Two Friends ft. Dani Poppitt
Down On Me - Jeremih ft. 50 Cent
Drinking from the Bottle - Calvin Harris ft. Tinie Tempah
(Drop Dead) Beautiful - Britney Spears ft. Sabi
Dumb Litty - KARD
Enjoy the Ride - Krewella
Eyes Off You - M22, Arlissa & Kiana Ledé | Charlie's Angels (2019)
For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert
Freak - Estelle ft. Kardinal Offishall
Freak (Boy Sim Remix) - Theia
Get Low - Lil Jon ft. The Eastside Boyz
Get Outta My Way - Kylie Minogue
Gimme More - Britney Spears
Goodies - Ciara ft. Petey Pablo
Google Me - CLiQ ft. Alika & Ms Banks
Habits (Stay High) (The Chainsmokers Remix) - Tove Lo
Have Mercy - Chlöe
Hey Baby (Drop It to The Floor) - Pitbull ft. T-Pain
Hollywood Angel - SACHI ft. E^ST
Home (Elephante Remix) - Deluka
I Can't Stop Drinking About You (The Chainsmokers Remix) - Bebe Rexha
I Got You Dancing - Lady Sovereign
I Wanna Go - Britney Spears
If You Seek Amy - Britney Spears
In The Dark - DEV
Karaoke - Big Freedia ft. Lizzo
Let Me Think About It - Fedde Le Grand ft. Ida Corr
Live For The Night - Krewella
Love Sex Magic - Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake
Low - Flo Rida ft. T-Pain
Mad Love - Sean Paul & David Guetta ft. Becky G
Milkshake - Kelis
Mo Bounce - Iggy Azalea
Not My Job - FLO
Phone - Lizzo
Poison - Nicole Scherzinger
Policeman - Eva Simons ft. Konshens
Pookie - Aya Nakamura
Pretty Hurts (R3HAB Remix) - Beyoncé
Professional - SAMAHTA ft. Hail Luna
Push It - Salt-N-Pepa
Rain Over Me - Pitbull ft. Marc Anthony
Rude Boy - Rihanna
Satisfaction - Benny Benassi
Satisfy - Nero
Saturday - Basshunter
Secrets - Tiësto & KSHMR ft. Vassy
Scandalous - Mis-Teeq
Shinigami Eyes - Grimes
Slow Down - Selena Gomez
Sour Candy - Lady Gaga & BLACKPINK
STARSTRUKK - 3OH!3 ft. Katy Perry
Sua Cara - Major Lazer ft. Anitta & Pabllo Vittar
Sweat - Snoop Dogg & David Guetta
Take Over Control - Afrojack ft. Eva Simons
The Night Is Still Young - Nicki Minaj
Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia
Titi Me Preguntó - Bad Bunny
Tongue Twister - Cash Cash ft. Bim
Toxic - Britney Spears
Tuesday - Burak Yeter ft. Danelle Sandoval
We Can't Stop - Miley Cyrus
We Flood The Night - FEMM
What You Waiting For? (Let's Be Friends Remix) - Gwen Stefani
When Will I See You Again? - Nytrix ft. Neon Hitch
Whip It - Nicki Minaj
Work - Ciara ft. Missy Elliott
YES - Louisa ft. 2 Chainz
You Know You Like It - DJ Snake & AlunaGeorge
Your Body - Christina Aguilera
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
Masterlist - Female Green Eyes
Addy Miller
Ava Kolker
Amirah Johnson
Beatrice Kitsos
Caitlin Carmichael
Ella Ballentine
Ella Rubin
Isla Johnston
Larsen Thompson
Mackenzie Foy
Megan Scott
Melissa Collozo
Sky Katz
Alana Boden      
Alba August
Aleece Wilson
Alexandra Tikerpuu
AJ Michalka
Ali Collier
Alicia von Rittberg
Alina Bobyleva
Alina Boz
Alina Kovalenko
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Allegra Carpenter
Amine Gülşe
Amy Forsyth
Anna Grace Barlow
Brec Bassinger
Breezy Eslin
Brenna O’Brien
Cailin Russo
Caitlin Carver
Camren Bicondova
Catherine Missal
Chloe Grace Moretz
Danielle Campbell
Dove Cameron
Eda Ece
Emma Appleton
Ester Expósito
Esti Ginzburg
India Gants
Frances Encell
Isabel Hodgins
Jella Haase
Jenna Boyd
Júlia Molins
Katerina Tannenbaum
Laura Bilgeri
Lauren Froderman
Lauren Jauregui
Lauren Potter
Leonie Benesch
Lexi DiBenedetto
Lilli Camille Schweiger
Lola Rodríguez
Louisa Connelly-Burnham
Lucy Boynton
Luna Marie Schweiger
Madeleine Coghlan
Madisen Beaty
Madison Davenport
Madison Lintz
Marielle Scott
Meredith Mickelson
Mia Healey
Natacha Karam
Nell Tiger Free
Paula Beer
Pauline Burlet
Pinar Deniz
Rachel Matthews
Riley Voelkel
Romi Van Renterghem
Sabrina Bartlett
Savannah Baker
Sophie Turner
Stephanie Styles
Tiera Skovbye
Ulrikke Falch
Vanessa Grasse
Willa Holland
Abbey Clancy
Abbie Cornish
Alex Paxton Beesley
Alexa Chung
Alexa Davalos
Alexandra Turshen
Alissa Jung
Alison Sudol
Amanda Seyfried
Amy Winehouse
Ana Beatriz Barros
Ana de Armas
Angelina Häntsch
Avigail Harari
Bar Paly
Beren Saat
Carrie MacLemore
Claire Boucher
Clara Alonso
Darla Baker
Eliza Coupe
Elizabeth Knowelden
Elle Evans          
Emilia Clarke
Emily Baldoni
Emily Tremaine
Esther Povitsky
Felicity Jones
Genevieve Angelson
Georgia King
Haley Webb
Hannah Ware
Hilarie Burton
Isidora Goreshter
Jasna Fritzi Bauer
Jen Lilley
Jenna Dewan
Jessica Keenan Wynn
Jessica Lowndes
Joy Lauren
Julia Hartmann
Julie Marie Berman
Kate Lambert
Kate Phillips
Katie Cassidy
Katie Leclerc
Kayla Ewell
Krysten Ritter
Laura Bell Bundy
Lauren Cohan
Lindsey Kraft
Lucy Hale
Mallory Jansen
Marcella Lentz-Pope
Maria Sole Mansutti
Meg Steedle
Meghan Ory
Melissa McIntyre
Monika Reithofer
Paige Spara
Priscilla Quintana
Rachael Taylor
Razane Jammal
Rebecca Breeds
Sara Canning
Sarah Power
Shelley Regner
Tammin Sursok
Yasemin Kay Allen
Adamari López
Alison King
Amber Valletta
Angela Kinsey    
Anna Torv
Artemis Pebdani
Becki Newton
Brandy Clark
Brooke Elliott
Charlize Theron
Christina Applegate
Constance Zimmer
Dorian Brown Pham
Erica Durance
Ginnifer Goodwin
Jennifer Morrison
Jessica Chastain
Jill Flint
Julia Parker
Kathy Kiera Clarke
Keri Russell
Leslie Bibb
Melissa McCarthy
Niki Karimi
Portia de Rossi
Sabrina Grdevich
Sarah Rafferty
Stephanie Waring
Traci Dinwiddie
Alexandra Paul
Amy Ryan
Catherine Tate
Elisabeth Shue
Emily Procter
Francie Swift
Gia Cardis
Julianne More
Kelly Rutherford
Marcia Cross
Mary Page Keller
Melina Clarke
Natascha McElhone
Rebecca Stab
Sherry Stringfield
Allison Janney
Chloe Webb
Diane Keaton
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sims4-premades · 2 years
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Active Sims (Currently Updating)
Akiyama - Kado (Gen 1) / Jenna (Gen 1) / Taku (Gen 2) / Miki (Gen 2)
Bailey - Grey (Gen 3)
Benali - Rebecca (Gen 2) / Ella (Gen 2)
Bheeda - Nadia (Gen 2) / Maya (Gen 2) / Sanjay (Gen 2) / Caleb (Gen 2) / Layla (Gen 3) / Miles (Gen 4) / Melody (Gen 4)
Clarke - Becca (Gen 1)
Davila - Dani (Gen 1)
Delgato - Evie (Gen 2) / Finn (Gen 3) / Austin (Gen 3) / Jeremy (Gen 4) / Sutton (Gen 4) / Lennon (Gen 4) / Allison (Gen 4) / Hailey (Gen 4) / Stephanie (Gen 4)
Elderberry - Kali (Gen 1) / Rohan (Gen 2) / Brooke (Gen 3) / Keegan (Gen 3) / Charlie (Gen 3)
Feng - Simon (Gen 2) / Arthur (Gen 2) / Harriet (Gen 2) / Avery (Gen 3) / Harper (Gen 3) / Marlie (Gen 3)
Fletcher - Cameron (Gen 1) / Riley (Gen 2) / Logan (Gen 2) / Ellie (Gen 2)
Flex - Ethan (Gen 2) / Jacob (Gen 3) / Millie (Gen 4) / Isabella (Gen 4)
Gooseman - Donny (Gen 0) / Mabel (Gen 2) / Milan (Gen 2)
Greenburg - Knox (Gen 1) / Beckett (Gen 2) / Sawyer (Gen 2)
Grove - Umber (Gen 1) / Juniper (Gen 1) / Sienna (Gen 1) / Wren (Gen 2)
Harris - Cletus (Gen 1) / Faye (Gen 1) / Jeb (Gen 2) / Gideon (Gen 2) / Spencer (Gen 2) / Remy (Gen 3)
Harjo - Lucha (Gen 1) / Ada (Gen 1) / Ash (Gen 2)
Hauata - Ayana (Gen 2) / Dahlia (Gen 3)
Hecking - Brooklyn (Gen 2) / Axl (Gen 3) / Wolf (Gen 3)
Huntington - Fleur (Gen 2) / Fiona (Gen 2) / April (Gen 3) / Poppy (Gen 3)
Ito - Naoki (Gen 1) / Megumi (Gen 1) / Kiyoshi (Gen 2) / Nanami (Gen 2) / Emiko (Gen 3)
Jang - Noah (Gen 2) / Zayn (Gen 3) / Carlton (Gen 3) / Mina (Gen 4) / Jayla (Gen 4)
Kahananui - Alanis (Gen 2) / Lucy (Gen 3) / Liam (Gen 4)
Kalani - Calvin (Gen 2) / Abigail (Gen 3) / Grace (Gen 3) / Owen (Gen 3)
Kane - Jonah (Gen 1)
Kang - Cecilia (Gen 1) / Everly (Gen 2)
Kealoha - Nani (Gen 2)
Kibo - Kai (Gen 2) / Rachel (Gen 2) / Daniel (Gen 3) / Emma (Gen 2) / Abel (Gen 2) / Phoenix (Gen 3) / Archer (Gen 3)
Landgraab - Freddie (Gen 3) / Bryony (Gen 3) / Sydney (Gen 4) / Mason (Gen 4) / Madison (Gen 4) / Finley (Gen 4) / Felix (Gen 4) / Thomas (Gen 4)
Laurent - Horatio (Gen 1) / Hilary (Gen 1) / Greta (Gen 2) / Jace (Gen 2)
Le Chien - Emily (Gen 2) / Aaron (Gen 2) / Chase (Gen 3) / Hudson (Gen 3)
Lewis - Princess (Gen 2)
Lobo - Naomi (Gen 2) / Connor (Gen 2) / Ezra (Gen 3) / Samuel (Gen 3) / Harmony (Gen 3) / Micah (Gen 4) / Ivy (Gen 4) / Margot (Gen 4)
Lothario - Peter (Gen 2) / Nate (Gen 3)
Luna - Eleanor (Gen 0) / Xochitl (Gen 1) / Karmine (Gen 2)
Lynx - River (Gen 2)
Markovic - Mateo (Gen 1) / Lucia (Gen 1) / Tomi (Gen 2) / Lorenzo (Gen 2)
Michaelson - Christopher (Gen 1) / Celeste (Gen 1) / Atlas (Gen 2) / Orion (Gen 2)
Moody - Felicity (Gen 1) / Alistair (Gen 2)
Munch - Will (Gen 3) / Mia (Gen 3) / Theo (Gen 3) / Hannah (Gen 3) / Lauren (Gen 3) / Chloe (Gen 3) / Megan (Gen 4) / Asher (Gen 4) / Archie (Gen 4) / Beau (Gen 4) / Natasha (Gen 4) / Roxy (Gen 4) / Addison (Gen 4) / Carter (Gen 5) / Cooper (Gen 5) / Rhys (Gen 5) / Blake (Gen 5) / Wyatt (Gen 5) 
Ngata - Tane (Gen 2)
Nishidake - Shigeru & Sachiko (Gen 0) / Kaori (Gen 2)
Ojo - Harry (Gen 2) / Florence (Gen 3) / Louis (Gen 3) / Louisa (Gen 3) 
Pleasant - Angela (Gen 1) / Lilth (Gen 1) / Zion (Gen 2) / Daisy (Gen 2) / Oakley (Gen 2) / Otto (Gen 2) / Lola (Gen 2)
Prescott - Mei (Gen 1) / Molly (Gen 2) / Amy (Gen 2)
Price - Marcel (Gen 1) / Janae (Gen 1) / Savannah (Gen 2) / Sidney (Gen 2) / Jayden (Gen 2)
Rasoya - Jasmine (Gen 2) / Josephine (Gen 2) / Kaia (Gen 2) / Anisha (Gen 3) / Kris (Gen 3) / Dawn (Gen 4)
Rico - Jules (Gen 1) / Zuley (Gen 2) / Teddy (Gen 2)
Robles - Ignacio (Gen 0) / Ewan (Gen 1) / Bernice (Gen 1) / Doli (Gen 1) / Jay (Gen 1) / Aurelio (Gen 2) / Tala (Gen 2) / Ames (Gen 2) / Aspen (Gen 2) / Aziz (Gen 3) / Bonnie (Gen 3)
Rocca - Tamara (Gen 2) / Jackson (Gen 2) / Ava (Gen 2) / Alyssa (Gen 2) / Gemma (Gen 3) / Grayson (Gen 3) / Reece (Gen 4)
Romeo - Sean (Gen 2) / Tiffany (Gen 2) / Hunter (Gen 3) / Cole (Gen 3) / Faith (Gen 3)
Richards - Lacey (Gen 2) / Christian (Gen 2) / Jennifer (Gen 3) / Harrison (Gen 3) / Holly (Gen 3)
Talla - Duane (Gen 1) / Jenkin (Gen 2) / Zachary (Gen 2) / Trey (Gen 2) / Troy (Gen 2) / Cain (Gen 3) / Amethyst (Gen 2) / Wade (Gen 2) / Ashleigh (Gen 3) / Forest (Gen 3) / Boone (Gen 3) / Moss (Gen 3) / Heath (Gen 3) / Imogen (Gen 3) / Ivan (Gen 3)
Thebe - Arnessa (Gen 0)
Tinker - Yasemin (Gen 1) / Tina (Gen 1) / Olive (Gen 2) / Eli (Gen 2)
Tracey - Marissa (Gen 1)
Scott - Jason (Gen 2) / Jessica (Gen 2) / Craig (Gen 2) / Heather (Gen 2) / Colleen (Gen 3) / Isaac (Gen 3) / Roman (Gen 3) / Cora (Gen 3)
Scott-town - Stephen (Gen 1) / Sara (Gen 1) / Clarissa (Gen 2) / Caroline (Gen 2) / Matilda (Gen 2) / Noa (Gen 2)
Sterling - Bess (Gen 1)
Villareal - Amanda (Gen 2) / Milo (Gen 2) / Autumn (Gen 2) / Maddox (Gen 2) / Alex (Gen 3) / Anna (Gen 3) / Carrie (Gen 3) / Vicki (Gen 3) / Zane (Gen 3) / Ryder (Gen 3)
Ward - Kyle (Gen 2) / Cassidy (Gen 3) / Chelsea (Gen 3) / Ruby (Gen 4)
Watson - Tommy (Gen 1) / Rashidah (Gen 2) / Maira (Gen 2) / Imran (Gen 2) / Zaynab (Gen 3)
Wright - Julia (Gen 1)
Zest - Eron (Gen 2) / Eliana (Gen 2) / Elijah (Gen 3) / Keaton (Gen 3) / Parker (Gen 3) / Clover (Gen 3) / Maeve (Gen 4) / Luka (Gen 4) / Eloise (Gen 4) / Jax (Gen 4) / Sebastian (Gen 4) / Una (Gen 4)
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aurqlie · 11 months
'*•.¸♡Hello, I’m Aurelie!♡¸.•*'
This is gonna be my side blog, my main account is @everestica and you will be able to find a lot more of my works there, for example all my project sekai works, twisted wonderland, and some others just sprinkled in!
This account is mostly gonna be for any other animes I watch since I normally only get project sekai requests on my other account and wanna start branching it!
These are the fandoms and characters I will write for: 
Bungo Stray Dogs 
Armed Detective Agency
Atsushi Nakajima 
Osamu Dazai
Doppo Kunikida 
Edogawa Ranpo 
Junichiro Tanizaki 
Akiko Yosano 
Port Mafia 
Ryunosuke Akutagawa 
Chuuya Nakahara
Ichiyo Higuchi 
Yumeno Kyusaku/Q (Platonic)
Oda Sakunosuke
Elise (Platonic)
Ryurou Hirotsu
Tachihara Michizou
Gin Akutagawa
The Guild 
Scott Fitzgerald
Lucy Montgomery 
John Steinbeck
H.P Lovecraft
Edgar Allen Poe 
Mark Twain
Louisa Alcott
Decay of the Angels
Fyodor Dostoevsky 
Nikolai Gogol
The Hunting Dogs
Jouno Saigiku 
Tecchou Suehiro
Teruko Okura
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi
Kyoko Kirigiri
Aoi Asahina
Byakuya Togami
Celestia Ludenburg
Chihiro Fujisaki
Junko Enoshima
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Leon Kuwata
Mondo Owada
Sayaka Maizono
Goodbye Despair
Hajime Hinata 
Chiaki Nanami 
Nagito Komaeda
Akane Owari
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Gundham Tanaka
Ibuki Mioda 
Kazuichi Soda
Mahiru Koizumi
Mikan Tsumiki
Peko Pekoyama
Sonia Nevermind
Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Kaito Momota
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Oma
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma 
Rantaro Amami 
Shuichi Saihara
Tsumugi Shirogane
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive 
Sebastian Michaelis 
Grelle Sutcliff
Alois Trancy
Elizabeth Midford
Ronald Knox
Book of Circus
Blue Lock
Team Z 
Hyoma Chigiri
Meguru Bachira
Rensuke Kunigami
Yoichi Isagi
Ryosuke Kira
Team Y
Niko Ikki
Team V
Nagi Seishiro
Reo Mikage
Zantetsu Tsurugi
Second Selection
Ranze Kurona
Ryusei Shidou
Rin Itoshi
Yo Hiori
Kenyu Yukimiya
Team World Five
Julian Loki
Leonardo Luna 
Pablo Cavasoz
Japan U-20
Sae Itoshi
Bastard München
Micheal Kaiser
Alexis Ness
Soul Eater
Maka Albarn 
Soul (Soul Eater)
Black Star 
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Death The Kid 
Liz Thompson 
Patty Thompson
Daichi Sawamura 
Koshi Sugawara
Yuu Nishinoya
Ryunosuke Tanaka
Tobio Kageyama
Shoyo Hinata
Kei Tsukishia
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Tetsuro Kuroo 
Kozume Kenma
Morisuke Yaku
Taketora Yamamoto
So Inuoka 
Lev Haiba
Yuki Shibayama
Aboa Johsai 
Toru Oikawa 
Issei Matsukawa
Takahiro Hanamaki
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Yutaro Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentaro Kyotani
Kotaro Bokuto 
Keiji Akaashi 
Akinori Kohoha
Shinsuke Kita
Aran Ojiro
Atsumu Miya 
Osamu Miya
Rintaro Suna
Date Tech/Dateko
Takanobu Aone
Kenji Futakuchi
Kanji Koganegawa
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Satori Tendou
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjiro Shirabu
Suguru Daishou
Koji Hiroo
Naoyasu Kuguri 
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Yuji Itadori 
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Toge Inumaki 
Kasumi Miwa
Blue Exorcist 
Rin Okumura
Shima Renzo
Kamiki Izumo
Kirigakure Shura
Shiemi Moriyama 
Twisted Wonderland
Riddle Rosehearts 
Trey Clover 
Cater Diamond
Ace Trappola 
Deuce Spade
Leona Kingscholar 
Ruggie Bucchi 
Jack Howl
Azul Ashengrotto 
Floyd Leech
Jade Leech
Kalim Al-Asim 
Jamil Viper
Vil Schoenheit 
Epel Felmier
Rook Hunt
Idia Shroud
Ortho Shroud (Platonic)
Malleus Draconia 
Lilia Vanrouge 
Sebek Zigvolt
Royal Sword
Neige Leblanche 
Thanks for reading and rules will be in my masterlist, and it will be pinned at the top of the blog!
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fabelds-blog · 2 years
All the books Samantha Irby recommended in 2022 on Instagram.
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
The Survivalists by Kashana Cauley
Getting to Center by Marlee Grace
Miracle Creek by Angie Kim
Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen E. Kirby
Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan
Devil House by John Darnielle
Hideout by Louisa Luna
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno
That’s Mental by Amanda Rosenberg
Magpie by Elizabeth Day
Home Style Cookery by Matty Matheson
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
Dirtbag, Massachusetts by Isaac Fitzgerald
Flight by Lynn Steger Strong
Fresh Midwest: Modern Recipes from the Heartland by Maren Ellingboe King
Source: samantha irby (@bitchesgottaeat)
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xxcrystalxskiesxx · 9 months
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Hi! Long time Swiftie, new blog! I thought this would be a fun way to introduce myself. Join in if you want! :) (Credit to Reddit user donutlover19 for the challenge!)
Bonus prompts:
Your favorite Taylor cover by another artist: Louisa Wendorff and Devin Dawson did a beautiful mashup of Blank Space and Style.
Your favorite cover Taylor performs:
Untouchable is a a cover of Luna Halo. And Taylor did a great job!
A song that gets stuck in your head:
A song that would’ve been a great single:
A song that deserves to be mentioned even though it’s not in a prompt:
Any others:
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mapecl-stories · 11 months
Das Feuer auf hoher See, Kaimans mutiger Kampf für den Schutz der Nordsee:
In der malerischen Stadt Flensburg lebte ein junger Mann namens Kai. Er führte ein normales Leben, bis eines Tages ein außergewöhnliches Ereignis sein Schicksal veränderte. Bei einem Spaziergang entdeckte Kai einen geheimnisvollen Gegenstand, der ihm unglaubliche Superkräfte verlieh. Von diesem Moment an nannte er sich Kaiman und beschloss, seine neu gewonnenen Fähigkeiten einzusetzen, um seine Heimat Schleswig-Holstein vor dem Bösen zu beschützen.
Kaiman war jedoch nicht allein auf seiner Mission. Er traf auf Louisa, eine junge Frau mit ebenso beeindruckenden Superkräften. Sie beschlossen, sich als unschlagbares Team zusammenzuschließen und die Menschen von Schleswig-Holstein vor drohenden Gefahren zu bewahren. Unterstützt wurden sie dabei von ihren magischen Tieren, Max, dem klugen Hund, und Luna, der geschmeidigen Katze.
Doch in dieser Geschichte machte Kaiman einmal alleine Urlaub und wollte sich auf der schönen Insel Ameland in den Nirderlanden von seinen Strapatzen erhohlen.
Ameland ist eine der fünf bewohnten westfriesischen Inseln in der Nordsee. Sie gehört zu den Niederlanden. Die Insel ist ein beliebtes Ferien-, Reise- und Ausflugsziel für Familien, Caravancamper, Schulklassen und Ferienfreizeiten. Vom Festland erreicht man Ameland mit den Fähren „Sier“ und „Oerd“ ab Holwert.
Kaiman saß auf der kleinen Veranda seines Ferienhäuschens auf Ameland und genoss den Sonnenuntergang über der Nordsee. Es war sein erster Tag auf der Insel und er hatte sich auf eine erholsame Woche voller Wanderungen und Fahrradtouren gefreut. Doch plötzlich durchbrach eine laute Explosion die Stille der Küste. Kaiman sprang auf und stürzte zum Strand.
Dort sah er eine riesige Rauchwolke am Horizont, gefolgt von einem orangenen Feuerschein. Sein Herz klopfte wild vor Angst, als ihm bewusst wurde, dass es sich um ein brennendes Frachtschiff handeln musste. Eine Umweltkatastrophe drohte, und die Sorge breitete sich in ihm aus wie ein giftiger Nebel.
Sofort rannte Kaiman zurück zu seinem Ferienhaus und rief die Küstenwache an. Er erklärte die Situation und bot seine Hilfe an. Sie sagten ihm, dass alle Besatzungsmitglieder gerettet worden waren, aber das Schiff stand immer noch in Flammen und hatte Schlagseite. Kaiman konnte den Ernst der Lage nicht fassen. Es musste etwas getan werden, um die Katastrophe zu verhindern.
Entschlossen machte er sich auf den Weg zum nächsten Hafen, wo sich ein Boot befand, das für Rettungsaktionen ausgestattet war. Er überzeugte den Kapitän, ihn an Bord zu lassen und gemeinsam stachen sie in See. Die Nordsee tobte wild, doch Kaimans Entschlossenheit gab ihm die nötige Kraft.
Als sie das brennende Schiff erreichten, bot sich ihnen ein schrecklicher Anblick. Die Flammen hatten sich bereits über das gesamte Deck ausgebreitet und drohten das Frachtschiff in ein Inferno zu verwandeln. Kaiman und der Kapitän riskierten ihre eigenen Leben, um das Feuer einzudämmen. Sie kämpften gegen die Flammen an und schafften es mit großer Mühe, einen Teil des Feuers zu löschen. Doch die Zeit lief ihnen davon, denn das Schiff begann bereits, zu sinken.
In letzter Sekunde entschied Kaiman, dass sie das brennende Wrack verlassen und die Autos an Bord retten mussten. Er öffnete die Tore des Frachtschiffs und befreite zusammen mit dem Kapitän die immer noch unberührten Fahrzeuge. Eines nach dem anderen wurden sie auf das Rettungsboot geladen, während das Frachtschiff langsam im Meer versank.
Mit den geretteten Autos kehrten Kaiman und der Kapitän zum Festland zurück. Das Ausmaß der potentiellen Umweltkatastrophe wurde jedoch nie vergessen. Kaiman erzählte seine Geschichte den Medien, forderte schärfere Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für den Transport von Fahrzeugen über das Meer und engagierte sich fortan für den Umweltschutz.
Die Nordsee erholte sich allmählich von der drohenden Katastrophe, und Kaiman wurde zu einem Helden, der es gerade noch geschafft hatte, eine unterschätzte Gefahr abzuwenden. Sein Mut und seine Entschlossenheit hatten nicht nur Menschenleben gerettet, sondern auch gezeigt, wie wichtig es war, unsere Ozeane zu schützen. Von diesem Tag an wagte Kaiman immer wieder neue Abenteuer, um die Natur zu bewahren und andere vor drohenden Gefahren zu warnen.
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chrysbuckley · 4 years
My Pop Culture Round-Up - July 2020
My Pop Culture Round-Up – July 2020
With these monthly posts, first introduced in this post, I’m in no way trying to be exhaustive or objective. I’m merely sharing some of the media I’ve consumed that month that I want to share, because I am such a big consumer of pop culture. I’m also going to put an ongoing 2020 book list at the end with what I’ve read this year and what I’m currently reading.
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Health Media Literacy…
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