#Lord cooler
[Talking on the phone]
Cooler: Remember how I said that Frieza and I were gonna have a calm conversation for once?
King Cold: Yes?
Cooler: Well, we’re in jail.
King Cold: *hangs up*
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klaudia96art · 11 months
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Cell va cooler 😈☠️💓
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bliss-wily · 3 months
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Obviously not mine but I had to share this card art of Cooler for uh…reasons.
Artist credit to the illustrators at Bandai, if anyone can provide specifics I’ll update of course. I couldn’t find anything online.
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theseawitch-1102 · 1 year
Royal wedding
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I'm obsessed with drawing shiny jewelry and intricate clothing designs and the Genshin Impact game isn't helping to reduce that.
JNEIDJDJJSJSKSJ- I have given myself sources that I have not published anything for a while, so here I bring you a small drawing that I made of the wedding of these two galactic villains✨
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carla5172007 · 1 year
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Please don't attack me. I have been in Dragon Ball random since I was a child. This my au if The non canon villains dynamic. The have Good dynamics . They in hell btw.
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obsob · 9 months
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Imagine the soul of the earth gives you god-like magic to save the planet from a climate apocalypse and you just hard focus on doing necromancy with it lmao. Imagine being handed the keys to life just to close off the door and declare that you conquered death. Imagine putting the embodiment of all life in a tomb and calling her an apocalypse to come. Incredible loser behaviour tbh.
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gatorgrumbles · 21 days
Hello! I just wanna say your drawings of Frieza are simply amazing! I don’t know if you take requests, but would you be willing to draw Frost too?
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I haven't met Frost yet but he seems like a nice boy so here's the chilly squad featuring Cooler
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the ac still isnt fixed nd its hot as fuck in here
anyways have some lazy, very sweaty lewds
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grapeenthusiast · 3 months
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hollowhead designarooinggggg
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Cooler: You’re alive.
Frieza: No need to sound so disappointed.
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klaudia96art · 2 years
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Cooler 😎
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Tom Riddle x Reader
Read the second part here
Warnings: borderline stalking, ever so slightly suggestive toward the end, that's pretty much it (i think?)
Word Count: 1.5k+
Summary: Tom thinks you're far too pretty and perfect to not have any secrets.
Note - This is the first fanfic I've ever written, so be merciful please + the reader is written as a Ravenclaw, but you can imagine them as any house you please
Tom sauntered through the labyrinthine passageways of Hogwarts with a stride that exuded nothing less than confidence, his obsidian and emerald green robes billowing behind him like a regal banner. The susurrus of his peers’ opinions filled his ears as he walked by, the young ladies admiring his comely features and the young gentlemen sizing up his pompous attitude. Everyone knew he was quite a force to be reckoned with, including him. With his black, wavy hair and piercing dark eyes that seemed to hold the power to penetrate the depths of one's soul, he commanded attention wherever he went. But tonight, he could only be attentive to finding the new Ravenclaw transfer student, who he had a sinking feeling was beginning to become a cause for concern. 
He had been watching you ever since you arrived at the school. Your beauty was undeniable, but it was your sharp wit and intelligence that really intrigued him. He had watched you closely in class, noticing how you seemed to effortlessly outshine your peers, including himself at times. You were always answering questions and getting them right, constantly impressing the professors with your work, and easily making friends – rarely struggling in, well, anything. 
Tom was an expert in the art of perfection, and you were all too perfect for him to not be suspicious of you. Your aloofness only added to your allure, and he couldn’t help being drawn to you like a moth to a flame. However, being a Slytherin, he knew all too well the importance of upholding his reputation. He didn’t take kindly to anyone who threatened his position, especially not a fresh-faced witch who had yet to earn her stripes. 
Finally, after enduring five grueling months of practically stalking you, he stumbled upon something truly unexpected during his tedious prefect duty. While performing a routine inspection of the hallways, peculiar crackling noises caught his ear, emanating from a nearby storage closet. Luck was on his side as the door was partially ajar, granting him a glimpse of your illicit activity. He watched in amusement as you repeatedly cast the unforgivable Cruciatus Curse. 
Tom knew that he had to act quickly before anyone else found out about your actions just to make your future punishment extra hellish for you. He slipped away from the closet without making a sound, deep in thought. He understood he had to tread carefully, but he was determined to use this new knowledge to his advantage.
Perhaps he may have underestimated your potential, but he was a Slytherin, and he knew how to play the game.
As Tom sat in his classes, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of how to confront you. He knew that he had to be cautious not to arouse suspicion, but he was determined to get to the bottom of the matter. Thanks to his constant surveillance of you, he learned that you always spent Wednesday nights at the astronomy tower, with special permission from the professor. This presented an opportunity for him to confront you privately without any interference.
Night fell, and Riddle made his way to the other side of the castle where the astronomy tower was, ensuring that no one saw him enter. He ascended up the astronomy tower, his steps were silent as he navigated the twisting staircases of Hogwarts. Upon reaching the summit, he saw you standing at the railing behind a large telescope, gazing out at the twinkling stars above. A sly smile spread across his lips as he cleared his throat, announcing his presence. “Good evening, Y/N. I hope I’m not disturbing you.” He couldn’t help but to flash a charming smile. After practising for so long, it came naturally, and he assumed it would win over your favour (as it does for everyone else). “I couldn’t resist the temptation of a starry night.”
You looked up at him through your thick lashes with a polite smile just enough to show acknowledgment, but you didn’t respond. Tom took a few steps to close some of the space between the two of you, eyes still fixed on you. “I wanted to discuss the potions assignment we were paired up on. I thought we could review the details together and make sure we’re both on the same page.” You turned back to the telescope with an annoyingly gorgeous unreadable expression. “I already finished the assignment, Tom. But if you’re struggling, I’d be happy to help.”
Tom felt his eyebrows knit together. You were already getting on his nerves.
“No, I’m not struggling. I just thought it would be good to compare notes and make sure we both did everything correctly.”
“Sure,” you replied plainly, giving nothing away. You hand him your papers, and he scarcely glances over them; he already knows your work is correct, and after all, this mundane assignment was merely an excuse to speak to you.
He cleared his throat again, trying to keep his voice casual. “I must admit, Y/N, I’m very impressed by your work. You seem to have quite the knack for potions.” You shrugged nonchalantly, still focusing on the stars through the telescope. “It’s just something I enjoy. It comes naturally to me.”
Tom continued, “I’m curious, Y/N,” “If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you to Hogwarts? Surely a young witch of your...talents...has many opportunities elsewhere?”
“I suppose,” you respond coolly, voice laced with ice. “But there is something special about Hogwarts, don’t you think? A certain...magic.” 
Tom’s suspicion only grew. “Well, it’s good to see that Ravenclaw has a promising new student,” he said smoothly, masking his suspicion. “Thanks.” You replied bluntly.
He waited for you to continue the conversation, but realised he was getting nowhere he wanted. He threw aside his original plan to approach you with caution and dropped the façade to expose the real reason he was talking to you.
Tom’s expression darkened, and he stared at you for a long and uncomfortable moment before finally speaking. “I saw you practising the Cruciatus curse last night, Y/N.” 
As he patiently waited to gauge your response, you only remained fixated on the task of making small adjustments to the telescope, leaving him puzzled by your lack of reaction. He had been right to keep a close eye on you. “I know it’s illegal to use the Unforgivable Curses outside of Auror training,” he continued, his voice low with a hint of danger. “What were you planning to do with it?” 
Slowly, you shifted to meet his gaze, your face a blank canvas of emotions. "Tom, I fail to see how it’s any of your business?” Tom felt his anger simmering just beneath the surface. He had always prided himself on being in control of his emotions, but you were testing his patience. “It is my business if you’re planning to cause harm to someone at this school. I won’t let that happen.”
You raised an eyebrow, unfazed by his threat. “And what makes you think I would use it for harm?”
“Isn’t that the only reason to use the Cruciatus Curse?” Tom spat back.
“Maybe that’s what you think, but I see the Cruciatus Curse as a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for both good and bad. It’s all about the intention behind it.”, you replied. “I believe that it’s important to have a full understanding of all forms of magic, even the dark ones. It’s only by understanding them that we can learn how to defend ourselves against them, wouldn’t you agree?” 
Unbeknownst to him, all the watching he did over you made you become aware of his presence and allowed you to see a little show of your own. “Besides, you’re not the only one to have seen questionable behaviour. Aren’t I right, Mr. Parseltongue?” 
Tom’s eyes narrowed at the mention of his Parseltongue ability. It was something he had always kept secret, something that made him feel both powerful and isolated. He didn’t appreciate you bringing it up, especially not in this context. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said through gritted teeth. 
This time you stepped closer to him, your scent intoxicating him. “Oh, don’t be so dismissive, Tom. I know about your special gift. It’s not every day that one encounters a Parseltongue.” 
His unwavering gaze bore into you, his face set in a rigid expression as he remained silent.
“Very well, Tom. But be warned, not everything is as it seems. You may find the knowledge you seek, but you may not like what you discover,” you say before turning on your heel and walking back to your common room for the night, leaving him to expend in his frustration.
Never before had anyone dared to speak to the young man who rules over Hogwarts with an iron fist in such a manner. With a venomous glint in his eye, he vowed to himself that it would be the first and last time that such insolence would be tolerated. He’ll make sure you learn the hard way that there were consequences for crossing him, and he relished the thought of watching you regret your words.
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theseawitch-1102 · 1 year
Maybe blood is thicker than water but will it be stronger than gold?
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Hola gente bonita, It is a pleasure to publish something again after being inactive for so long due to exams, this time I bring you the princes of beasts, Zarbon and his older brother Maracu, an oc of mine. Let's say that we are in the sibling drama, not even in the same palaces can it disappear xD 
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aisling-dearelove · 8 months
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next time on dragon ball cooler returns again and tugs vegetas nuts 90 feet below sea level or something idc just bring back cooler ffs
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cro-crocuta · 3 months
So I drew another fucking orc.
And after ridiculous amounts of hesitation, I am showing him to the world.
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This is my take on Azog the Defiler. He was only briefly mentioned in the Hobbit book, however was turned into a major antagonist in the movies. I did like the fact that the movies indicated he was an "older breed" of orcs that is less disfigured and more powerful, but other than that I kinda imagined him a bit differently. So there he is.
There is one super edgy element here - this version of Azog "decorates" his armour with pieces of armour that belonged to the warriors he killed 🤷‍♀️
Also I guess this could be a younger version of this character, considering how ridiculously nice and smooth he turned out.
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