#Located in a prime location
nextradevelopers · 11 months
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whaalless · 7 months
Doodle art dump 🤺🤺
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rose-above-dark · 19 hours
Me when people characterize Sisyphus as nothing but a war mongerer. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as a fool. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as wanting nothing but needless cruelty. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as pure anger. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as nothing but his muscles. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as not caring for his people. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as stupid. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as wanting nothing but violence. Me when people characterize Sisyphus as apathetic. Me when p
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heatherwitch · 3 months
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cuchufletapl · 11 months
Sonic panics every time that Shadow gets hurt or could have gotten hurt because he's the only person from home that he's got left, I am unwell
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0vergrowngraveyard · 5 months
fuck dude, the ending is just bothering me so much more than i initially thought it would. like everything else was great but i really feel they should’ve dedicated an entire episode (or just half) to repairing green hill and sonic reuniting with everyone. that 8th episode slot would’ve be really handy ngl or if they stopped the fight and redeemed nine on episode 6
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Hey I just remebered that Eggman exist and that his reaction to prime bros would be hilarious and idk, I guess him finding out that the shatterverse exists could actually give genuine plot to the story
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butterflydm · 8 months
thoughts on s3 after 2x7
As always, I am here to bring you wild speculation that will probably end up being wrong!
I do feel like the way things ended between Siuan and Moiraine makes it a lot less likely we'll see the girls & Mat popping back to the White Tower in s3 for testing and healing, because... why would Siuan ever let them leave again? They would be her link to Moiraine & the Dragon Reborn.
I mean... I can see the show massaging ways for them to get there and then leave again, but... it just feels a lot less likely if they want to keep up the current tension from the White Tower storyline.
Obviously, whatever happens in 2x8 will affect my speculation, but just based on the White Tower plotline and how it shook out in this episode... I'm wondering if s3 might not pick up in Caemlyn.
a. It gives us a bit of a time-skip, as the characters move westward from Falme.
b. It introduces us to the new city and characters.
c. We could have somewhat similar canon meetings between our crew and Gawyn, Galad, and Elaida (especially if our people are mostly trying to stay hidden in the city to avoid attention but end up running into all the attention anyway).
d. a version of Elaida's Foretelling of Rand could happen and propel her into action, setting up the events of TSR for the White Tower.
e. Verin and Alanna could be in Caemlyn, giving Verin a chance to explain to Egwene about Dreaming, and her testing it out and running into the Wise Ones in TAR, thus leading her towards the Waste.
So what I envision would be us getting two main locations in episode one:
Caemlyn: open up as our group arrives in the city, lay the scene, introduce the new characters
Tar Valon: seeing the fall-out from what happened in Cairhien and how that affects how Siuan is viewed in the Tower, and how Moiraine and the Dragon are viewed
Caemlyn is also a good place for our characters to separate into their book 4 plotlines, with Perrin heading back to the Two Rivers, Rand & co continuing to the Waste (probably using a fast-travel option to avoid Tar Valon), and Elayne and Nynaeve heading in whatever direction they're going to go for the city that they'll be doing their bk4 plotline in. And we would then only need five major locations for the season: Caemlyn, the Two Rivers, Tar Valon (for the coup plotline), the Aiel Waste/Rhuidean, and wherever Elayne & Nynaeve go together.
Anyway, it might be that 2x8 will have them all heading in separate directions at the end and this speculation will already be incorrect, but these are some thoughts that I've had just based on what happened in 2x7 and with us knowing that Caemlyn is a new location for next season and how they could really get their money's worth out of it.
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descendant-of-truth · 10 months
Last night I had a dream where they surprise-dropped three new Sonic Prime episodes, the first of which was a musical, and words can't describe how disappointed I was when I realized that didn't actually happen
Other highlights from it include:
Green Hill suddenly being restored with no explanation as to how
Sonic and Shadow duet
Shadow asking about a huge tidal wave in the distance and Knuckles casually responding with "oh that's just Sonic on another one of his anxiety runs"
Smash cut to the anxiety run in question and Sonic's distress is so palpable that he's shivering, massive tonal clash to how it was just being talked about
Surprise guest appearance from Dave the Intern
Green Hill being overrun by a bunch of Werehog duplicates that I rewound the dream to explain the presence of and then forgot about
Sonic suddenly becoming way grumpier and more unhinged than usual and the comical lack of concern on his friends' part
The rapid shift in personality being NiGHTS's fault (they were trying to give some kind of roundabout moral lesson but failed, Sonic is kind of just freaked out by them now)
Deven Mack absolutely killing it on all of Sonic's musical numbers
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
have the sonic movies tricked people into thinking that green hill is actually called green hills. well maybe its not entirely the movies fault maybe it was already happening before but i see people say it like that all the time. theres not usually an s in there the movies were just doing a fun little reference having the name of the town be similar to a location in the games . hello can anyone hear me
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sab-teraa · 4 months
Found my dream apartment!!! Hopefully no one takes it before I can put an offer through.
I’m waiting for my dad to have a look before I do anything. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME FRIENDS
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foursidecity · 4 months
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Meridian: an imaginary line
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Filming of Season 3 has wrapped.
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sablegear0 · 1 year
Here are those two things you’re missing in Metroid Prime Remastered:
So last year at some point I 100%d Metroid Prime on the GameCube for the first time. Both scans and items, which I was shocked and slightly disgruntled to remember I had never done, because of one particular scan and one particular missile upgrade.
So seeing people posting about “I missed one scan what was it?” Or “where the last missile upgrade!?” makes me giggle because I was there myself not too long ago. Here’s what you’re probably missing (spoiler free, just advice for these two things and a general tip):
For the scan- you probably missed Ice Shriekbats. They appear one one of the large ruins rooms in Phendrana, but only there, and only before you pick up the Thermal Visor. I’d you are accosted by shriekbats on the roof of a building early in Phendrana without getting the scan, leave the room and go far enough for them to respawn (2 rooms should do it) then come back and approach carefully. They only appear here, and only early on.
For the item- there is a missile upgrade hidden in a spot that is off the map in the Chozo ruins.I believe it’s in Training Chamber Access (or one of the similar small stone hallway rooms). There’s a tree branch sticking out into the hallway low to the ground near one of the doors, but under that branch is a hidden morph ball tunnel with a missile upgrade in it.
In general: I found that last one by turning off the music and listening for it. I know it sucks, because Prime’s music is awesome, but I recommend this tactic if you don’t want to use a guide for finding items. All pickups make the same mechanical droning sound (you’ve probably noticed it from major items too) and they are the only thing in the game that makes that sound. So if you hear it, you’re within spitting distance of an upgrade.
Good luck and happy hunting!
EDIT TO ADD: Feel free to RB and add your own “this one tripped me up” item spots in the tags/thread
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thelostboys87 · 3 months
had the best sleep of my life + bobby was in my dream. have no idea why. never dreamt about him before but we were in the mountains and the woods together 💖
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
[is all dried out and crusty]
secret could you give me any, ANY, drabble thing to start me on my first post? any sp character at all i'm struggling to even debut on my writing blog qwq
and i'll tag u when its all done!!!
- 🪼
Of course boo I got you! We support the homies in these parts!
A gentle breeze brushes over your legs, feeling like bristles on a pain brush. It offers a relief you had been asking for for days now. The summer heat was finally at its peak and it was baring down on you and the rest of the small town of South Park.
Right now the only thing you could get yourself to do is sit on your front porch and bake. It was one of those lazy Sundays where all you could think about was what you wanted to do, but no real will to do it. Tiny beads of sweat trail down your forehead and onto the ground below. It wasn't until your phone buzzed on your stomach that you finally broke out of the sleepy trance the warm sunny day had you in.
A text message popped up on the screen, you're barely able to see it because of the sun's rays.
Clyde- 11:33 AM
'Pack your bags! I'm coming over in fifteen minutes! We're going to the beach!! ⛱️ ☀️'
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