#Little Jerry and the Monotones
capricorn-0mnikorn · 11 months
Songs from Classic Sesame Street that go harder than they have any right to (3 / ??)
[Muppet] eye contact. No captions.
Little Jerry: Hey, that's a telephone booth! I know, because that word up there says "Telephone" (Goes in and dials)
Operator: Number please
I'm saying hey operator, please give us a hand Ya gotta help us out 'cause we're the telephone band We're calling all people that are sittin' at home With some rocking and rolling on the telephone Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah….
Rock rock rock rock rock The telephone rock Everybody sing now Rock rock rock The telephone rock It's the latest thing yeah Rock rock rock The telephone rock Ya know ya hear that ring now Rock rock rock The telephone rock
Operator: Hello? Who is this? What do you mean by calling me up and bothering me like this!
Please operator, please give us a chance The people are waiting so please dial us this dance They want to hear our music yeah they want us to sing So operator please make their telephone ring Yeah yeah yeah….
Rock rock rock rock rock The telephone rock You know you can't go wrong Rock rock rock The telephone rock Come on and dial that song Rock rock rock The telephone rock We'll hold on all night long Rock rock rock The telephone rock
Operator: Listen, if you young scallywags don't stop bothering me I guess I'm gonna call the police!
Said hey everybody all across the land We're here to entertain you with the telephone band So take off your shoes start shaking your feet And dance like crazy to our telephone beat Yeah yeah yeah….
Rock rock rock rock rock The telephone rock People don't you hear that tone Rock rock rock The telephone rock Come on baby hold the phone yeah Rock rock rock The telephone rock Let's hear it one more time Rock rock rock The telephone rock You know it only costs a dime yeah Rock rock rock The telephone rock (muffled by next lines overlapping)
(operator arrives at booth with policeman in tow)
Operator: There they are Officer. There are the whippersnappers that have been calling me up!
Rock rock rock The telephone rock Don't ya hear that beat Yeah yeah a real live wire Rock rock rock The telephone rock I'm hung up on ya baby Rock rock rock The telephone rock You're gonna be the receiver of all my love Rock rock rock The telephone rock It's a good connection baby Rock rock rock The telephone rock Hey put that booth down! Where ya going with this telephone booth?
(as they're carried off in the booth)
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Asked by @fragglesesamemuppetz2
Favorite Thing About Them: I find the concept of a rock band that sings to teach kids about the different feelings adorable.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: That they didn't remained as part of the fixed cast.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I enjoy large comfy clothes;
*I sing as a way to cope with anger and sadness;
*I like the color green.
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
*I am only one person;
*I am not the member of a rock band;
*I wouldn't define myself as cute and adorable as they are.
Favorite Line:
"I want to shout out loud, I feel so proud!"
brOTP: Each Other.
OTP: Nobody.
nOTP: Each Other.
Random Headcanon: The Bearded Blue and the Orange Monotones are Little Jerry's parents, and the Purple Monotone is Little Jerry's older sibling.
Unpopular Opinion: With an update of their clothes that still homages their hippie roots, they could remain part of the fixed cast of characters of Sesame Street.
Song I Associate With Them:
I Feel Proud
Favorite Picture of Them:
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iamamartianonion · 1 year
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It is Little Jerry and the Monotones
I have spent much time thinking “Damn, I love the Muppets, but I can’t draw the Muppets”. Well, turns out I can.
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ONLY the top THREE bands from this poll will qualify! Good luck!
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gin-juice-tonic · 5 months
why dont you listen to some Little Jerry and the Monotones and then maybe you will calm down
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Hot Summer Night - Sam Drake X GN Reader
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Title: Hot Summer Night
Sam Drake X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Nathan (Mentioned), Elena (Mentioned), The roommates; Rick and Brendan
Requested by @bluewingedangel!
WC: 4,967
Warnings: Tension, sweat mentioned cause it's hot out, pinning, Uncharted canon violence mentioned, cursing, reality tv mentioned, video games mentioned, Sam being a cute gentleman cause he's in love, teasing, slight suggestiveness, taunting, the roommates have a sneaky suspicion, awkwardness, anxiety, fear of rejection, smoking mentioned, flirting, Rick is a danger to electronics, dare kiss, awkward confession, alcohol, Reader and Sam are drunk, #concent, hangover mentioned, slight angst, and fluff
It was hot. Too hot. One of your roommates accidentally broke the AC, and in a matter of half an hour, the entire apartment was hot. Sweltering... Yeah, that's a better word for it. You were sweating buckets, and it didn’t help that it was already a very hot day in the middle of the summer. You slouched on the couch, eyes half-lidded as you fanned yourself with a Dollar Store fan; Your shirt and shorts sticking uncomfortably to your skin. As you do this, the fan above you begins to make some strange noises. It was making a sort of buzzing sound. You furrowed your brows at the noise. The fan was old, it made noises all the time, and it didn't help that the apartment was old too.
You ignored the soft footsteps that wandered out from the hall, your brain half-processing the sound of one of your roommates, Brendan, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"God," He whined, "Why is it so hot in here?"
"Brendan, you know Rick broke the thermostat. You're not gonna get much more AC in here than what you can get outside." You said in a monotone voice, staring at the tv as Tom And Jerry played.
Brendan sighed, shutting the fridge, "Where is Rick?" He asked, wandering around to the couch, fanning himself with his hand as he watched the tv.
"I don't know..." You turned up the sound on the tv, "And I don't care." You leaned back against the slightly wet cushion, "Besides, he's committed treason, breaking our AC." You muttered, and Brendan pursed his lips.
"Alright… Where's Sam?" He then asked, and you rolled your eyes, glancing from the tv to the floor.
"He's at the corner store, getting ice cream." You continued to mutter, biting your lip.
Brendan let out a laugh, crossing his arms, "Well, he better hurry up, or that ice cream will be liquid once he gets back." He spoke, before heading back to his room. 
You let out a breath, shifting slightly in your seat. At the mention of Sam, you felt a familiar heat creep into your cheeks and ears. Sam was... Perfect. In every possible way. Even if sometimes he could be a little... Well, abrasive about certain things. He was still sweet, caring, and funny... You loved his brown hair and his brown eyes, you loved the small dimples that would appear when he smiled and the way his lips curled upward whenever he saw you. You loved him in all ways imaginable, but you were scared. Scared to admit your feelings for him, scared that you would ruin everything between the two of you. That was just a fear you couldn't shake off, no matter how hard you tried.
Sam was your best friend and had been for years after he got out of prison. You met him after his adventure to find the Tusk of Ganesh, ultimately accidentally joining him in another adventure to find the Goblet of Judgment in Madagascar. You remembered it as if it happened yesterday. One minute you were just minding your own business, and the next you were in the back of a Jeep, ducking from bullets. Once safe, you finally met Sam, who was driving the Jeep. Your first impression of Sam was that he was pretty charming, yet cocky, and you both hit it off, funnily enough. After that, you two became inseparable. You'd sometimes join him on treasure hunts, he'd take you out to dinner after most of them, and at some point, the two of you even got an apartment together; where you met your two other roommates, Brendan and Rick.
Hearing the door open, you glanced over to see Sam enter the apartment with two grocery bags in his hands. He kicked the door closed, placing the bags on the ground as he took off his shoes. Grabbing the bags, he glanced over to you, his eyebrows furrowing at how loud you had the tv. "You know, you'll go deaf if you keep that thing going," He said as he passed you to get to the kitchen, and you shrugged.
"So what?" You said, continuing to fan yourself. "The volume is good, I'm comfortable."
Sam chuckled slightly, knowing it was too hot for anyone to be comfortable, shaking his head and beginning to unpack. You heard him set his bags down on the table, before opening the fridge and putting the food away. He then walked over, looking at you, to the tv, and back to you; with a smile on his face. 
"How have you been since I left?" Sam asked, and you sighed dramatically.
"How do you think I've been?" You asked, too tired to even roll your eyes, "It's too hot."
"I know," Sam replied, sitting down next to you, his arm resting on the back of the couch behind your head, "Have you tried fixing the AC?" He asked and you let out a huff.
"You think I can fix that damn thing? No. We're doomed to forever swelt until we melt." You replied, letting your head fall back onto the couch.
Sam hummed, admiring you before speaking, "Want ice cream?" He suggested, rubbing your shoulder gently, even his touch warmed you, but you had no heart to push him away; no matter how hot it was, "Maybe that'll cool you down." You groaned again.
"Not cool enough." You mumbled, and you heard Sam chuckle.
"Man, you're so hot when you're hot." He teased, making you cross your arms, hoping he didn't notice how much his words and touch got to you. "Well then," He reached forward, brushing your sticky hair out of your face, "I'm going to get you a cold rag and us two some ice cream." As he got up and left for the kitchen again, you let out a silent sigh. This man was going to be the death of you.
It was half past nine, the moon was high in the sky and the air was still thick with humidity. All four of you were sprawled out on various pieces of furniture throughout the living room. You and Sam were slouched on the couch while Rick lay stretched across the recliner. Brendan sat crisscrossed, on the beanbag.
"How are you not dying?" You asked Sam, eyes raking over his attire; a plain t-shirt and gray sweats, and only a light layer of sweat on his brow.
"Yeah, man," Rick spoke, holding a cool can of soda on his forehead. "How are you not dying?"
Sam shrugged, his arms crossed behind his head, "I've traveled the world in the hot sun for years, I guess my body's just used to it." 
You pouted, glaring at the ground as you mimicked him in a low voice, “I guess my body's just used to it. I hate you.” You said half-heartedly, as Sam just smirked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Oh, you love me.” He teased you, as you let out a dramatic sigh, as he continued to speak, “It’s true though, after a while your body just gets used to the heat to a degree.” At the word, 'body' you couldn't help but glance over at Sam, biting your lip as your eyes roamed over his muscular frame. Sam caught you staring and gave you a grin. "What're you looking at?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow. You blushed, turning your head away quickly and clearing your throat.
"Nothing." You replied, and Sam snorted. "Just that I can't believe you're not dying. No matter how much you galavant in hot forests for treasure, you can't not be dying."
Sam didn't reply, only smirking as he gazed at you for a moment longer before looking at the tv. Sam had to look away before he got caught staring at you, though, because there was no telling if Rick or Brendan noticed. Brendan did seem to notice something though, as he looked toward Sam and raised an eyebrow. But Sam ignored him, his mind drifting back to you. 
Sam loved you, and there wasn't any doubt in his mind that he did. He had come to terms with the realization a long time ago, almost four years, and there was this constant craving to hold you close and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. But he wanted to do this right, and take his time. You weren’t like the other relationships he has had in the past. You were one of a kind. But he had a lingering fear, he was scared that if he did tell you that he loved you, he would lose you forever. And he knew if that happened, nothing would be what it used to be. The both of you would be awkward and uncomfortable around each other, and you probably wouldn't talk to him ever again. 
Sam tried to ignore his fears, knowing that he was probably overreacting, so he just sat back, thinking about when he first met you. Remembering how your hair moved in the wind as you dramatically waved your hands in the air as you spoke, demanding he’d tell you why those men were shooting at him. Sam knew you would become a huge part of his life, even though he had met you minutes before, after he had saved you from crossfire; you being a victim of 'wrong place, wrong time'. He knew. And Sam was right. In the end, you joined Sam on his treasure-hunting adventure, and during that adventure, Sam had grown closer to you, and vice versa. 
On the adventure, you both got to know each other. You find out he had a younger brother, Nathan. Even though the adventure for the treasure only lasted another couple days, in the end, both you and Sam felt as if you had known each other your entire lives; a friendship quickly bloomed. During the trip, you find out just how charming Sam really was, his constant flirting and sense of humor sent butterflies erupting in your stomach and you couldn’t hide the smile that would end up on your face. Sam felt as if he finally found someone who understood him, besides his brother. Someone who didn’t judge him or make him feel bad about his past; someone who he felt that he could trust wholeheartedly. 
You spent nights in crappy motels, Sam retelling stores from his past adventures and all the artifacts he found or tried to find. He even told you about Captain Avrey, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and warmth when he looked over at you, seeing how enraptured you were by the story; he had your full attention, even more so when he showed you the coin. Sam never stopped impressing you, he was incredibly smart, knowing more languages than you did, and he had such a heart of gold. You were so captivated by the man before you as he retold his adventures or the meaning behind that bird tattoo. You thought he was incredible, and you were lucky enough to call him a friend.
And a great, amazing friend he was. You’d do everything together, as said before. You’d sometimes go out to eat together, or go to clubs or bars for a drink. On slow, calm weekends, you would both go on walks around the nearby parks, feeding ducks when you could. As the seasons of Spring and Summer came and left, and Autumn made the leaves fall, you would both make pumpkin pie or play Crash Bandicoot. And when Winter finally came, you’d go out in the snow, Sam reluctantly building a snowman with you; but secretly he loved making you happy.
No matter where, you went everywhere, and did everything together. (You even tried ice skating together, and watched in awe and envy as Sam glided gracefully on the ice while you waddled like Bambi).
And at his brother and sister-in-law’s party, Sam knew that he was in love with you. He watched as you spoke with his brother, getting along great with him, it was all he ever wanted; his best friend getting along with his brother. And that made Sam fall harder than he already had. It was like he was in slow-motion, tunnel-vision, as you wandered around the party. He was lost in thought, watching as you held a glass of champagne, taking sips as you talked with someone Sam didn't quite catch. He was pulled from his thoughts as you turned towards him, giving him a small breathtaking smile from across the room before returning to the conversation. Sam felt his heart skip a beat and his breath hitch; he didn't realize how deeply in love he really was with you until that night. 
Rick pushed down the recliner, sitting up with a sigh, "We should do something." He spoke up, glancing between his two friends before settling his gaze on you, "Something besides sitting here and watching bad reality TV."
"Hey," You protested, glaring over at your friend, "Bad reality television is not bad reality television. It's a classic! Plus, it's better than whatever crap comes on Netflix these days."
“Except Wednesday.” Brendan commented, and you smiled giving him a high five in agreement. "And, Rick," Brendan continued, "I like Sister Wives." He jutted out his bottom lip.
Rick rolled his eyes, shrugging his shoulders in response to Brendan's statement, and you shook your head. "Whatever. What do you suggest we do then?" Rick asked.
Brendan paused for a moment, "Well, maybe we could all grab a bite at Mcdonalds'?" He suggested, and Sam sputtered a laugh.
"Yeah, no, I don't think so. I didn't spend an hour in that damn heat grabbing groceries just to go out again and get hot food." Sam spoke and you glanced at him, raising an eyebrow.
"I thought the heat didn't bother you anyway?" You asked and Sam nudged your arm.
"You know what I mean." He spoke, looking over at Rick and Brendan, "Besides, I bought enough food for salad."
"Well, I am not hungry." You spoke up, moving the slightly warm wet rag on your neck, "I'm too hot to eat." Sam nudged you again, gaining your attention to wiggle his eyebrows, making you huff and nudge him in the arm back. 
"We should play a game," Rick spoke, and you grabbed the remote, pausing the show.
"What do you suggest then, Ricky?" You asked, "And it better be a good suggestion. I am this close to jumping into a cold shower." You spoke, pinching your pointer finger and thumb together. 
"I'd love to join you." Sam teased, making you give him another hard swat on the arm, which made him cackle.
"Shut up." You said, throwing the damp cloth at him, and you saw him dodge it easily; the rag landing on the floor.
"Anyways, we could play Mario Kart," Brendan spoke up, leaning forward.
"Nah, we can't, remember? Rick broke the XBox." You spoke, "Because Rick hates us and loves breaking things."
Sam nodded, agreeing, "Just to spite us." He tutted. 
Rick placed a hand on his chest, feigning offense, "Excuse me, I have a heart, you know! It was an accident."
"Fine, what about truth or dare?" Brendan suggested, and Sam rolled his eyes.
"What are you? Five?" Sam asked and Brendan groaned, shaking his head.
"Yeah, we playing or what?" Rick asked, only for no one to respond. 
After a few beats of silence, you stood. "I'll get the drinks."
"I'll make the salad," Sam spoke, following you to the kitchen.
"And I'll turn on some music," Rick spoke, grabbing his phone, and Bluetooth it to the speaker.
"No musicals, Rick!" Sam called out from the kitchen, and you chuckled.
Rick scoffed, "That's not fair."
An hour into the game, you, Sam, and Rick were as drunk as skunks. From the game so far, Sam was dared to chug the rest of one of his beers in less than three seconds, Rick confessed that he really liked The Powerpuff Girls, Brendan confessed that he really wants to start a family someday, and you were dared to eat a giant spoonful of ice cream until you got a brain freeze. Your cheeks were flushed, and your eyes were closed, you could feel yourself slowly slipping away, hearing the sound of Brendan and Sam laughing after Rick dared him to lick the bottom of his shoe. Rick didn't do it, but he was pretty close to it.
"Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty." Sam teased, poking your cheek gently, and you shot upright.
"Huh? What? Where are we?" You mumbled, sitting up on the couch, as Sam took another sip of his third or fourth beer.
"Still at home, sweetheart. Playing this god-awful game."
Rick let out a laugh, twirling the empty beer bottle on the ground, watching it spin as it slowly landed on Brendan. Rick turned to Brendan, giving him a tipsy smile, "Truth or dare, Bren?"
"Truth." Brendan responded, glancing over at Rick, who began fiddling with his shirt buttons, feeling hotter and hotter. 
"Who do you like best in this room?" Rick asked as Brendan furrowed his eyebrows.
"Um, what? Who do I like best?" Brendan asked and Rick nodded. "Well, I guess I like Y/N best." He spoke, making Sam and Rick frown as you fist-bumped the air. "What?" Brendan raised an eyebrow, "Y/N didn't break the AC, and Y/N didn't forget to start the washer." He spoke, glancing at Sam who took his turn to foreign offense. 
"That was one time!"
"Alright, alright, Brendan, spin." You waved a hand towards the bottle, as Brendan reached out to spin it. Watching the bottle spin around, your eyes widened as you realized where the spinning was going. As soon as the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on you, pointing to you. Your jaw dropped open as you looked down at the bottle. You turned your head towards the boys, seeing their smirking faces, and laughed. "Okay, okay, please, go easy on me?" You pleaded and Brendan smiled and shook his head, laughing at your reaction.
"So, truth or dare, (Y/N)?" He asked, turning his body towards yours.
"Dare." You answered, placing your hand on your forehead, pretending you were about to faint.
"You say go easy, eh? I dare you..." He trailed off, staring at you for a second as he pretended to think. You waited patiently, waiting for him to come up with something, "To kiss someone."
Your eyes widened, and you stared at him for a moment. "What?" Your heart stopped. Was this really happening? Had you heard him right?
"Kiss someone." He repeated, grinning widely as he leaned closer, resting his elbows against his knees. You blinked once. Twice. Three times. 
You bit your lip, side-glancing towards Sam briefly before surging forward to press a blink-and-you'll-miss-it kiss to Sam's cheek. Sitting back in your seat, you tried to ignore the 'oohs' as Rick spoke.
"Why didn't you kiss me?" He asked and you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the feeling of Sam's eyes on you.
"Sam didn't break the AC." Your answer only made Brendan point at himself.
"What about me?" He asked and you huffed. 
"Sam didn't dare me to kiss someone." Your reply was short and simple, making the two boys frown. 
Rick glanced over at Brendan briefly, raising an eyebrow before he over-dramatically yawned, stretching his arms high in the air. "Well, I am pooped, so I'm gonna hit the hay." He said, standing up.
"Me too," Brendan said, standing up as well and heading for his room, "See you guys in the morning." He gave you a small wave and disappeared down the hall.
Sam stayed seated on the couch, his eyes still trained on you as you shifted uncomfortably under the weight of his stare. You cleared your throat, trying to make eye contact. "I... Uh, I'm sorry about that. I should've asked you first before just- ah- doing that." You muttered, averting your gaze from Sam and towards the floor, your hands in your lap nervously. 
Sam snapped out of his daze, clearing his throat, "No, uh, it- it's fine. Just a game." He spoke and you nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.
"Just a game." You mimicked, agreeing. 
It was quiet for a bit, just the two of you listening to the music playing through the speakers as you both drank. Slowly the awkwardness sizzled away, and you and Sam began to talk again, just about everything and anything. You giggled, placing a hand over your mouth after Sam told you a funny story about Nathan. The liquid courage was flowing through your veins, helping you forget how nervous you were, allowing you to gain the courage to sit basically hip to hip with Sam on the Old Navy couch. Sam's arm was wrapped across the back of the couch like earlier, his fingers brushing through strands of your hair playfully as he drank his beer in his other hand. His own cheeks were flushed, a grin on his face as he gazed down at you. You returned his smile, resting your head against his shoulder, causing him to shiver slightly even though it was still ungodly hot.
"Truth or dare?" Sam then suddenly asked, making you smile slightly.
You let out a small laugh, "Truth or- Sam, the game's over." You slightly slurred your words. "Besides, it's my turn."
Sam licked his lips slowly, thinking hard before he just shifted in his seat, facing you with a determined expression, "Fine," His voice was soft, "Truth." He answered, making you laugh as you shook your head,
"Sammy, I didn't even ask you." You laughed out, nudging him teasingly.
Sam shrugged, smirking down at you, "Too late. Truth."
You sighed with a grin, "Fine, are you gonna stop smoking?"
He nodded, looking away, "Uh... No?" You frowned slightly,
"Sam." You said quietly, glancing over at him with pleading eyes. "It's bad for you. You gotta stop."
"Don't tell me what to do, sweetheart." Sam retorted teasingly, trying to laugh off his sudden nerves. 
"Sam." You warned him.
"Come on, it's hard." He argued.
"Oh, I know, Sammy." You pouted. "But you have to quit, Sam. It will kill you." You stated simply.
Sam pursed his lips as he stared at you, grabbing his beer, he spoke before taking another sip, "I'll think about it... Only for you." And just like that, you were in a fit of giggles. "Okay, okay," Sam chuckled at your state, his own mind rather dazed and fuzzy as he reached over to pull you closer to him, making you groan and push at his side slightly.
"Ew, sweaty man, gross." You complained with a giggle. "And gross, I can't breathe with you pressed all over me like this."
Sam just laughed as he continued holding you close to him, nuzzling the top of your head lovingly. "We're already sweaty, babe, why not be sweaty together?" 
You smiled up at him, booping his nose as you spoke, "You're gross but it's your turn." You tried to reach for another beer but couldn't reach, opting to just give up with an annoyed huff. 
Sam chugged the rest of his beer, his head feeling light, as he let out a small laugh, "Truth or dare?"
You giggled, rolling your eyes, "Truth?" You guessed.
"If I kissed you right now… Would you kiss me back?" Sam suddenly asked, his deep voice rumbling through his chest. You blinked, once... Twice, until you tilt your head towards Sam, confused. Either you were so drunk your mind was playing tricks, or Sam really did ask that.
"What?" You asked, feeling yourself slightly sober up, as your mind raced and your heart started beating faster than a hummingbird.
"Would you kiss me back?" Sam repeated softly, almost shyly as his brown eyes met yours. You felt your cheeks heat up as you swallowed thickly, licking your dry lips.
"Yeah..." You breathed and you could see Sam's breath hitch at your response. "But you're drunk Sammy. Hell, I'm drunk."  You added with a chuckle, trying to ease your pounding heart.
Sam leaned in closer to you, making you close your eyes as his lips gently brushed against your own. "Y/N." He whispered, almost pleading.
You let out a shaky sigh, your nose brushing against his again as you reached up to place your hands on his stubbly cheeks. "I would love to kiss you, Sam." You spoke as you felt him grin, "But, I'm scared." You whispered, your eyes memorizing every line and freckle on his face.
He pulled back slightly, opening his eyes, "Of what?" He asked, his warm breath hitting your cheek and you smiled at his closeness.
"That if I kiss you, it would end up being a one-time thing." You explained, looking into his chocolatey brown eyes. "I know that you have had many... Relationships... And I know we have been friends for years... I don't want to mess this up..." You let out another shaky breath, "I don't want my heart to break." You admitted.
Sam closed his eyes, nodding slightly as he took a few seconds to think about it. "Well," He licked his lips, looking at you. "I promise I won't break your heart, Y/N," Sam assured you and you looked up at him, biting your bottom lip as you studied the way his eyes seemed to sparkle. Your thumbs traced the lines of his jaw, watching as his Adam's apple bobbed along with his swallow. You watched his lips part and his teeth gnaw on them before he spoke. "I- I love you, sweetheart." He confessed, making you gasp softly, your eyes wide open as you processed his words. Sam noticed your reaction and instantly regretted saying it, "Damn it, I shouldn't-" Before he could finish his sentence, you moved your hands to grab his brown t-shirt, leaning in and pressing another kiss to his cheek, his eyes fluttering shut when you broke apart.
You kept your forehead against Sam's, closing your eyes as you let out a sigh of relief, "I love you too, Sammy. So much." You murmured softly. Sam opened his eyes and grinned. "But we're really drunk. So, how about in the morning we talk about this further?" You asked, a playful grin on your face.
Sam chuckled softly, shaking his head, "Sounds good to me." He spoke, his big hands covering yours.
The next morning, you immediately cringed, the sun shining through your windows as you stretched your limbs out on the bed. Your mind was thumping painfully, the hangover making itself known. After drinking the whole night and staying up talking with Sam, you eventually fell asleep, your head resting comfortably against Sam's chest. All you could remember was the truth or dare game and Sam's confession. You didn't remember walking to your room, so you guessed Sam had brought you to bed, which made you smile. 
Trying to ignore your headache, you let out a dreamy sigh. Your entire being felt giddy as you played over the hazy confession of Sam's. He loves you... Sam loves you! This was a huge weight off your shoulders, and you couldn't help but feel so happy at your realization. Getting up, you walked out of your room, sighing in relief as the AC kicked on. Sliding into the kitchen, you found Sam cooking at the stove, making a late breakfast. You leaned against the doorway, letting your eyes rake over him, feeling your heart skip a beat at the sight. God, he was so beautiful, you thought with a blush. You watched him cook for a moment longer before you cleared your throat, startling him slightly as he turned around and gave you a gentle smile.
"Morning, gorgeous." He greeted you softly, sliding water and ibuprofen over to you.
You smiled in thanks, swallowing the pills and drinking the water. "Morning, Sammy." You replied.
Sam gave you a soft smile, leaning back against the counter as he looked down at you, "So... Last night?" He queried with raised eyebrows.
You bit your lip nervously, "Yeah?"
"Well, you sleep alright?" He asked, trying to calm his racing heart as you nodded with a small shy smile.
"Uh, yeah, yeah. Slept well." You chuckled softly, and Sam nodded.
"Well, good, good. Uh, yeah... That's good." He stumbled slightly over his words. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, giving you a nervous smile. 
You walked over, standing before him with a smile, "Sam, you're staring."
"Can you blame me?" He mumbled, chuckling slightly. You grinned mischievously, as Sam reached up and cupped your cheeks, pulling himself down so he was at eye level with you. 
"No." You whispered as he leaned forward, capturing your lips in his. You eagerly reciprocated and kissed back, deepening it as you wrapped your arms around his waist. One of his hands reached out and ran through your hair, tugging at a strand as you moaned into his mouth, your body leaning against his as you kissed. Eventually, you pulled away for air, panting heavily and grinning happily as you looked up into Sam's dark eyes. "You stink." You chuckled, laughing at how he pouted at your comment.
"I love you too." He teased, kissing your forehead gently.
You rolled your eyes playfully, leaning your head into his shoulder, and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I know." You said with a smug look. You shut your eyes, snuggling your chest into his chest, becoming engulfed in his smoke and sweat scent. It was nice... Comfortable. It was so Sam. The smell comforted you. "I love you too."
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galactic-cumslut · 2 years
brave as a noun
first post on my official rick blog ahhh!! this is so exciting,, in honor of this amazing occasion i wrote some cuck!jerry bc i’m a hater
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rick is his own warning, oops he's possessive AND a perv??, same old sick shit just a new day, jerry is a cuck (accidentally) , exhibitionism
“let’s get one thing straight right now. she belongs to me jerry and only me. you will keep your grubby little hands off of my personal property” rick spoke in a monotone voice completely void of any emotion. his eyes didn’t leave jerry’s as he continued to bounce y/n on his throbbing cock. it was not an easy task to keep cool his with a pretty thing like that softly mewling in his ear.
poor jerry. he just wanted to take y/n on a nice trip since she’s been ever so helpful with morty’s tutoring. it just seemed like the right thing to do. he was dressed and ready to grab y/n and go.
but instead he was sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in the world trying to keep his eyes glued to the floor as he witnessed his father in law fuck his closest friend. it was as confusing as it was traumatic. jerry didn’t dare leave his seat though. he knew how prone rick was to having sudden outbursts that could turn violent fast.
“i want to hear you say it. she does not belong to you..say it jerry”! he snapped, wrapping his hand around the girls fragile neck.
jerry gulped. “she does not belong to me”. He was actively attempting to ignore the tightness in his pants.
rick appearance softened. he was pleased. “and who does she belong to”?
“you rick. she is all yours”.
seemingly satisfied with the mans answer his expression softened a bit. those onyx black orbs seemed to gaze upon him with kindness instead of malice.
“what do you think darling ? does he deserve my forgiveness ”? rick spoke softly , gripping her waist to keep you in place on his lap.
y/n nodded without hesitation trying to create a satisfactory amount of friction between her and rick
“okay jerry...i will let your actions slide this one time. keep your hands OFF from now on. i’d hate to be forced to create more unnecessary problems between us.”
jerry shook his head. “of course rick. this will not happen ever again”. he got up as fast as he could eager to end this daydream like nightmare. as much as he didn’t want to admit it to himself but he was going to be imaging y/n tonight. and for many nights after.
“you are dismissed. close the door on your way out if you’d be so kind”. rick spoke , using his free hand to gesture towards the exit.
“thank you for your kindness rick. see you at dinner.
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the-cult-of-russo · 1 year
Head Like A Hole
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
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Warnings: cursing, smut, knife play, blood play. All the good stuff lmao
A/N: The name of this one is from the Nine Inch Nails song by the same name. I was listening to it and this just came to me so…. Enjoy I guess lololol
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Head Like A Hole blared through the speakers of the club and you felt the beat down to your bones. You had a pleased smile on your face as you twirled expertly around the pole, letting your body feel the rhythm and going with it. You hadn't been a natural at the pole like some of the girls here. It had taken some getting used to, you hadn't expected your muscles to have protested to it so much. But you’d always been in tune with music and you soon found your feet. You’d been here now for years and you loved it. You weren't like some of the others. You weren't here out of necessity. You weren't here to pay off college or because you would be out on the streets if you didn't. You weren't here so you could pay for your next fix. You were here because you wanted to be. You’d never been ashamed of your body or scared of sexuality. Previous to this, you’d worked retail and lived a boring life like a good little worker ant. You could barely make rent and you’d been stuck in a monotonous cycle as you daydreamed of being free and being able to be yourself. And now, here you were and you loved every moment of it. You had a fancy ass apartment, a great car. You made more in one night than you did one month at your old job and you never looked back. It wasn't just a strip club though. Extra services were offered but the girls were never forced to do it if they didn't feel like it. And for that, you were grateful for Jerry, the owner. You always had a choice here. Nothing was forced on you. And you knew those extras would pay ridiculously well so you rarely turned them down. 
You swayed your hips to the music as you danced, only clad in lacy black panties. There were a number of small podiums around the place, each girl having their own. Some guys would come in and choose a different girl each time, but most of them found they had a favorite and would go to their podium. You had a lot of regulars and you’d admit you were one of the highest-paid girls here. Your eyes locked with dark orbs sitting across from your podium and you felt a thrill run through you. This regular was a little different to all of the others. He’d started coming in a month ago. He never spoke to you like some of them would. Everyone was different. You had guys that loved to tell you all the dirty things as you danced or spoke to them, ones who would always bother to ask how you were doing and some wouldn't speak at all. And this one was the latter. He stood out with the scars all over his face but it didn't detract from his handsomeness at all. His eyes were so dark they looked almost black and they were so intense, they made your heart stutter every time you’d seen him. He’d sit there just watching you intently, like you were the most amazing thing he’d ever witnessed and you fed off it. He intrigued you. Another girl here, one of the more stuck-up ones, had made a comment once about how she'd be ‘scared’ to have him watching her. Said he looked deranged with his messed-up face. You’d punched her in the nose for it. You weren't quite sure why you'd felt the need but you'd done it anyway and she hadn't made a comment since. You’d never even really interacted with him before but there was a pull to him, he was alluring. You'd admit there was a darkness that surrounded him. But you weren't put off by it. It called to you and made you burn for him. He came in to watch you three times a week and every time, you hoped he’d request you after, but he never did. 
You closed your eyes as you let your body feel the music. You loved this song, it was one of yours. Jerry had asked all the girls to pick songs to dance to and they’d play the playlist for you all. It was to keep it fair to everyone. All different types of music and each girl got some songs she liked to dance to. You twirled the pole before standing in front of it, your arms above your head as you arched your back against it and pushed your breasts out. Your eyes locked eyes on the mystery man once more. You tried to avoid it, favoritism wouldn’t pay your rent after all, but you often found yourself watching him and him alone when he was here. You sent him a wry smirk, swaying your hips, and his lips quirked up in a predatory grin that sent a jolt of desire right through you. He’d never done that before. Never done anything other than watch you. His face impassive. His eyes though… well they told you how much he wanted you. You bit your lower lip before forcing yourself to drag your eyes off him and pay some of the other customers attention. The eye contact always got you more tips. When the song ended, you gave him one last lingering look before walking off your podium, putting on a silk black robe and making your way to ‘your’ room. Each girl had a room in the back here that came with a bed. It could be used for resting or extra activities if the girl wanted to. You always kept it neat and tidy, the bed sheets a deep purple color. You took pride in your room, always making it welcoming. You were on your way there when Ellisa came over to you. She was one of the servers. They were different to the dancers and guys weren't allowed to touch them at all, even if they were all prancing around in their underwear. Anyone that dared to break the rule was shown the door and not allowed back. Jerry only wanted trusted customers here and it weeded out the assholes. He ran a good business. 
“Someone’s requested you,” she smirked, toying with an envelope in her hand.
“How much?” you asked curiously. The minimum to pay was $500 for the extras but some guys liked to pay more, especially if they were into some kinky shit. Ellisa smirked even more as she handed you the envelope. You got the money out, counting it quickly and your eyes widened.
“$5000?” you whispered, looking at her incredulously. She grinned at you and shrugged.
“He must really want some of that pussy,” she murmured ruefully, making you snort. 
“Do you know who?” you asked. None of your regulars would offer this much. Ellisa made a slicing motion to her face and you got it instantly. It made your stomach clench with anticipation and excitement and she rolled her eyes goodnaturedly at you at our obvious interest. 
“He’s already in there. I knew you wouldn't be turning him down,” she grinned before rushing off to do her job. 
Your heart hammered away, your body thrumming as you made your way to your room, stuffing the envelope into the pocket of your robe. You took a deep breath before you opened the door. And sure enough, mystery man was perched on the edge of your bed looking antsy. You came in and his deep, dark eyes snapped to you. You didn't break eye contact as you shut the door behind you and leaned against it.
“I wondered when you’d ask for me,” you purred, biting your lip with a coy smile. His lips ticked up into a smirk at your words.
“Is that so?” he asked. His voice felt like honey poured all over you. You’d often wondered what he’d sound like but the real thing was better than anything you could have conjured up. 
“Mhmm. I’m a little put out it took this long,” you shrugged teasingly. He chuckled as he stood and you inhaled a breath. He was so fucking tall and his scars stood out in the dimly lit room, making him look imposing. You loved it. He was wearing a black hoodie and what looked to be a black tee under it. Some jeans and boots. He looked good enough to eat.
“What's your name, handsome?” you asked as you leisurely approached him. He raked his teeth over his lower lip, his eyes sweeping you like he knew what was under your robe. He did for the most part, but he’d be seeing parts of you tonight he’d never been privy to. 
“Billy. What's yours?” he asked curiously as his eyes finally landed back on your face. You’d be a liar if you tried to deny how his gaze affected you. He looked at you like you were different. Special.
“Y/N,” you supplied, stopping just in front of him. You untied your silk robe and let it pool to the floor, now once again only in your black lacy panties. He made no move to touch you as he stared you down.
“Y/N,” he repeated, like he was testing it out. You loved how your name sounded rolling off his tongue.
“So… you paid a pretty penny for this. I presume you had something in mind?” you asked, smoothing your hands up his clothed chest. His eyes darted to your hands, his breathing becoming shallower before he looked back at you.
“Some things. Wanted to bring my knife but they wouldn’t let me bring it in,” he muttered with a dark smirk. He looked almost like he wanted to scare you, but all that happened was your eyes lit up and a pleased smile overtook your face, he looked mildly confused before you moved away, opening your drawer off to the side. When you turned back to face him, you were holding your knife. He let out a delighted and surprised laugh but it quickly turned into a groan when you expertly twirled the knife in your hands.
“You know your way around a knife, sweetheart?” he rasped, his voice low and full of need. It made you ache. 
“I do,” you replied with a smirk. You looked at him, your eyes reflecting how much you wanted him as you trailed the knife down your chest between your breasts. You didn't miss how his Adams apple bobbed or how he seemed to have a sudden issue breathing normally. 
Without warning, he lunged at you, grabbing the knife and spinning you around. Your back was to his chest and he was holding the knife to your throat, the other pinning you against him by your stomach. You let out a sinful moan that made him chuckle.
“I could slit your throat right now,” he growled down your ear, but it did little to scare you. 
“You won't,” you grinned, chest heaving at the excitement. You lay your hand over his, the one on your stomach, and pushed it down and down until his fingers were sliding into your panties. You guided his fingers until he could feel just how much you were enjoying this. You were soaked. He moaned sinfully down your ear and you rubbed your body against him like a cat, uncaring about the cold metal kissing your skin. He toyed with your clit for a small moment and you moaned, reveling in the feeling. But then he was pulling his hand away from you and turning you around, no longer holding the knife to your throat. You felt the loss immediately. He was staring you down with a feral glint in his eyes that made you feel like you'd drown if you didn't have him soon. And without breaking eye contact, he threw the knife across the room and it embedded into the wooden headboard with a thunk. 
“Fuck,” you murmured breathlessly, a delighted smile toying on your lips. 
Then he was on you. The kiss was all tongue and teeth, ferocious as he consumed you from the inside out. Your hands rushed to rid him of his clothes. He’d already made quick work of your panties, literally ripping them off, and you felt like you were playing catch-up to get him as naked as you were. Once you were both undressed, he backed you up and pushed you onto the bed. He crawled on after you, a wicked glint in his eye as he settled between your open thighs. He pulled the knife back out from where it was in the headboard, it caught the light and your heart was thumping away so hard you could hear it in your ears. He bit his lower lip hard as he trailed the knife across your chest, much like you had to yourself. Then it danced along the skin of the swell of your breast. Your hand came up without much thought, staring at him as you pressed it, pushing the knife into your skin a little. It wasn’t enough for a medical emergency but it was enough to slice it and draw blood. It elicited a mix between a moan and a gasp from Billy and you soaked in his reaction as he stared at you. He had a strange look on his face. Like he couldn't quite work out what was going on or who you were. He swallowed thickly, eyes darting to the slightly oozing cut on your breast, but then he leaned down and licked it up. You gasped, eyes falling shut as you arched up to him. 
“Do it again,” you whispered needily. He was lapping at your cut as his eyes looked up to you.
“Please,” you added with a coy smile. He lifted his head a little, a sly smirk painting his lips before he obliged, making another cut below the previous one. You moaned at the pain, writhing under him as he eagerly started licking at it again. He kept at it, leaving teasing little cuts he’d lavish with his tongue as he moved further and further down your body and you felt like you were on your way to nirvana. The knife then kissed the skin of your inner thigh and the thrill increased. It was a dangerous game and you knew that. Your femoral artery was right there and you knew what would happen if he nicked it. You weren't scared though and he locked eyes with you for a moment before cutting your thigh. It was less deep than the others, the blood only pin-pricking on some spots where the skin had broken. He groaned as he leaned down, sucking on it. The knife was then laying on the bed next to him as he left a flurry of marks all over your thighs and you loved every second of it. There was no warning as he started licking vigorously at your clit and you gasped, back arching as your hands flew to his short-cropped hair. He sucked on your clit and you moaned, pressing his head closer to you as you squirmed under him and made him groan. 
You felt a fire burning inside of you as he used his mouth to make you moan, his hands gripping your thighs to keep you in place as you couldn't keep still. You threw your head back, moans getting higher in frequency and pitch as you felt yourself getting closer to release. Not long later, you were crying out, back bowing as you fell over the ledge he had you dangling off. He moved away, mouth slick with your juices as he licked his lips. His eyes were wild and you wanted him to ruin you. He left sloppy wet kisses up your body until he was hovering over your mouth but not kissing you.
“My turn, sweetheart,” he purred, voice sounding raw with need. The knife was then pressed into your hand and you knew just what he wanted. It made your eyes sparkle with delight as you moved to sit up and he lay down. You straddled him, trapping his hard and wanting cock with your slick heat and making him moan softly. You smirked down at him, twirling the knife around again. His eyes flared dangerously at you and you loved it. You stared right at him as you brought the knife to your mouth, licking your blood off the flat part of it. The noise he made had your head spinning. You moved the knife to his smooth skin then, slicing the skin above his nipple like he had with you. He let out a dirty moan as you did and you leaned down, licking it up with a mewl. You strategically cut him in the same places he had you, loving every little noise or reaction he made as you did. You mimicked him perfectly, right up to the marks on the thighs when you were done with the knife. By this point, he was breathing erratically and you loved knowing you had this effect on him. You licked a stripe up his large, hard cock and he groaned, arching up as his hand went to your hair. You grabbed him, giving him no warning before you took him into your mouth all the way until he hit the back of your throat and your nose was pressed against him. The noise he made was filthy and you wondered if you might cum again without even being touched. You worked him over with your mouth, enjoying every noise you drew from him as he arched up, making sure you took him all the way in each time. Every time he hit the back of your throat, he made sure to hold you there for a moment as your throat spasmed around him. The grip on your hair was wonderfully tight and you allowed him to fuck your mouth for a moment before you let your mouth slide off him with a pop. You knew some guys could have multiple orgasms although it was rare and needed some recovery time. But you didn't know if he was one of them and you weren't ready for this to be over yet. 
You moved to straddle him again, lifting up a little before lining him up. You slid down onto him with ease with how wet you were and the pair of you moaned at the relief. You started bouncing on his cock and his hands slid up your body, touching anywhere he could. Your cuts had bled again and his hands were smearing it all over you. Painting you with it. His hands then moved to your hips, seemingly finding you weren't going hard or fast enough as he started guiding you up and down even faster. The sound of skin hitting skin floated to your ears as he used your body to bring him pleasure and you couldn't stop any of your desperate moans. Your nails bit into the skin of his chest and he let out a dirty groan, giving you a hard thrust as you did. He sat up quickly, one hand gripping the back of your neck and the other your ass as his lips claimed yours once more. It was brutal and demanding and you gave into it willingly. The angle made your clit rub against him with each thrust and your head fell back in pleasure. He sunk his teeth into the delicate flesh of your neck and you hoped you'd be full of marks when he was done with you. You rapidly felt yourself coming undone around him once more, squirming on top of him with a keening moan. You felt dazed but very aware that he'd stilled and that he hadn't cum yet.  You blinked at him curiously and the grin he gave you was menacing.
"I'm not done with you yet," he smirked devilishly. Suddenly, he was moving you off him and positioning you on your hands and knees. You felt a hard stinging sensation on your right ass cheek and gasped in delight, pressing your forehead into the purple sheets.
"Harder," you begged helplessly, moaning as he obliged. The burning pleased something inside of you. He pushed into you once more and you moaned desperately as he set a punishing rhythm with you. Each thrust felt like it was forcing the air out of your lungs. 
He gripped your hair and tugged on it, chuckling through his moans at the noise you made. He used your hair to pull you to sit up, still fucking you relentlessly.
"Like it rough, sweetheart?" He growled into your ear.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You chanted hopelessly, your head spinning in the best way. You whined when he suddenly pulled out of you and let your hair go but then you were being roughly shoved onto your back. He gave your brain no time to understand what was going on before he slammed right back into you and you gasped. You felt on the edge of delirium as he started rutting into you like an animal, making the headboard slam against the wall. The wild look in his eyes and the noises he was making made you think he felt the same.
"Billy… I… I need…" you gasped brokenly between your moans. He leaned one arm near your head for leverage as the other gripped your jaw so hard you really hoped he left bruises. 
"I got you, baby. I know what you need," he moaned, his hand trailing down from your jaw to your throat. He applied enough pressure to cut your air supply off and you bucked wildly under him, pleasure ramping up even more. He'd squeeze until you were light-headed, feeling like you were teetering on the edge of passing out, before he eased his grip and let you greedily suck in air. When he was squeezing your throat, your moans were strangled, but when you could breathe, they were broken and keening. The noises he was making as he watched you were pornographic.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me,” he moaned sinfully, fully shoving you over the edge. Your lips parted with a raw moan as you exploded, feeling like you had nothing left to give him after this as your body seemed to give out. Thankfully, he let out a few guttural moans, ferally thrusting into you a few more times before he filled you up deliciously.
He let you breathe, his forehead resting on yours for a moment as your heaving breaths mingled together. He pulled out of you and collapsed beside you and you felt like you'd gone to heaven. You idly wondered if he had slit your throat and all of this hadn't really happened. You were waiting for him to get up and leave. It's how it usually went. It didn't matter how rough it usually was, although it had never been like this, they never stuck around after. Aftercare didn't exist here and you didn't mind it anymore. You were used to it. So you were surprised when he turned you on your side, him also on his side as he looked at you. His dark eyes seemed calmer now as he watched you carefully. His fingers delicately trailed the cuts on your breasts that had started to scab. You watched him curiously, your body spent in the best way. He leaned over, capturing your lips in a kiss. It wasn't as hard as the others. This one was slow but no less sensual as his tongue explored what felt like every inch of your mouth. You melted into him, humming into the kiss. When he pulled away, he shot you a smirk like he was admiring his handiwork. 
Without a word, he got up and started dressing. You knew you needed to get up. After blowing your mind the way he did, it would be rude to not at least walk him to the door.  You stood on shaky legs and grabbed your robe, tying it around yourself. You felt ready to collapse into a heap at a moment's notice. When he was fully dressed, he walked over to where you were at the door. You'd started to wonder if he'd leave without saying anything as he opened the door, but then he turned back to you, watching you with those expressive eyes for a second.
"I'll see you real soon, Y/N," he smirked darkly, his voice holding all kinds of sinful promises you wanted him to keep.
"I'm counting on it," you replied, your voice a little scratchy from the choking. His grin widened in a predatory manner and you felt breathless. He grabbed the knot of your robe and tugged you the small distance to him. You almost fell into him with how tired you felt and your hands came to his chest. His hand gripped your jaw possessively as he kissed you hard on the lips and you mewled softly. He moved away, quirking an amused brow at your pathetic state before he slipped out of the door. You blinked at it for a moment before wandering back to your bed and flopping onto it. Your hands absentmindedly stroked one of the cuts he'd left you, a dopey smile on your face. You wondered if it would scar. You hoped it would. Would he have matching scars with you? You drifted to sleep, wondering how long you had to wait before you saw him again.
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the-cu-genswap-au · 5 months
Behind the scenes post #2
continuing where we left off
#4. Production trivia #3: a tip for making comics: I want to talk about this random shot of the wall here
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- In comics, when you have a scene with two characters talking to each other, it gets really boring when the entire scene just keeps cutting back and forth between the two over and over for the entire conversation. You want the scene to feel dynamic, like these are two people moving and existing in a fleshed out world.
- My strategy for this is usually to cut away to an important object within the same scene, or something in the background, just to avoid making the scene feel monotonous. You can see the same thing in this panel
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- The problem, though, is that sometimes this strategy doesn't always work as well
- With the random wall panel, I only added it in because I knew I wanted to cut away from the characters for a bit, but the setting they were talking in (random empty alley behind the playground) didn't have a lot of interesting background elements to switch over to. So, I settled for the wall behind them. Admittedly it's not the most visually interesting thing to cut to, but I'd rather have this than keep cutting back and forth between the characters.
#5. Real world influence:
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- This shot of the playground was partially inspired by the playground at my own elementary school! I remember we had a fenced-in basketball court that faced out towards the park outside the school, and the entire fence was surrounded by trees and bushes. It made a nice shady spot to sit down and read in during recess.
- I draw a lot from my own elementary school experiences for this AU. I threw in a reference to Jerry Spinelli because we had to read a lot of his books in fourth grade, and a lot of smaller props the characters use are based on ones I remember using back then.
#6. Recurring detail:
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- Sometimes I like to shade Melvin in a way that's meant to evoke Melvinborg. Not because Melvinborg is relevant to the AU, but because I just think it looks cool :)
#7. Complaining about my own handiwork: this is a really quick personal gripe I wanted to get off my chest
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- Out of all the environments, vehicles, perspective shots, and crowd shots I've had to do so far for this comic, the hardest thing to draw by far.... has been George's arm in this panel.
- I don't know what happened here! Anatomy is usually so much easier to draw in the CU art style but this arm just didn't want to work for me! I genuinely spent hours trying to make this arm look good! Here's the sketch:
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And here is where I considered giving up and drawing him a completely different arm position I thought might be easier to draw:
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Ultimately I did go back to the original pose, though. It just felt a little more dynamic, and the scene really needed more dynamicism.
#8. Another little detail:
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These two panels actually have some foreshadowing in them :) :). This will make sense later.
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phlurrii · 6 months
based off the whole voice claims, it got me thinking and ive always thought missingno as sort of a laidback, monotone sort of aloof voice that has urgency when needed so i thought why not MacLeod Andrews (his voice is used in Into the wild warrior cats as Bluestar. in i think an audio book.) Ody i can imagine having a sort of fun-characteristic voice, so thought of Childe from Genshin impact ngl- Meau i thought of Freya in God of war, or Phillipa Soo From hamiltion the musical. Circe i couldn't decide between; Little My from Moomin Valley Or Cedar Wood from Ever after High. deca.. honestly couldnt even want to decide so forever kitten mews <3
Flurry i can imagine, more of a playful child voice so thought of Aterus from God of War. bucket despite their name i can imagine being Jerry(the child keeper one from the great before, From Soul the movie) what do you think ? :D obligitory happy holidays aswell <3
Ooo~ LOVE the idea for Noe’s, Macleod’s definitely in the right direction; but not quite. Lacks the accent.
Ody’s is… oddly brilliant, I would’ve never thought of that voice because of who Childe’s character is, but I cannot deny that is very, VERY fitting. Especially for a young adult Odysseus.
You’d be the second person to recommend Freya for Meau actually and I definitely see it. Meau has a bit more emotion in her voice however and that’s my only caveat about her X3
Circe’s being Little My is also the right direction, very much so, but still off.
As for Flurry, I see where your getting Aterus from, but it’s a no from me, not quite what I’m thinking ;3!
As for Jerry, it actually sounds like a younger Meau and an older Bucket. As of now, Bucket’s still pretty childish even though she was going to have Circe, so Jerry’s a GREAT baseline for both of them X3
If anyone has other ideas do feel free to send them ;3
And happy holidays to you too Peppers!!
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idk if ur reqs r open but!!!here we go!!! could i have some hcs of johan, jake, gun and eli with a s/o whos like, much taller than them n also kinda beefy? hope ur having a great day <33
lookism boys with a taller, buff s/o
details: gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, reader has been dating character for a while
a/n: still open <3 i'll make it clear on my pinned post/description if requests are closed :] + here's your request, hope u like it! and i hope ur having a great day, too 💖
> he doesn't think much of your muscles; he's seen muscular people before, what's the big deal? your height, actually. your height is the big deal.
> okay, well, not really, but he's not a big fan of people taller than him because it gives him that funny feeling short people usually have of "how DARE you be taller than me" (also gets embarrassed hates having to tiptoe to kiss you)
> he gets used to it, though. and he's a pretty tall guy himself (at least he looks like it?) but because you're taller, he does use it as an advantage to have you grab things he can't reach
> ...not that he'll admit that or anything. just please don't tease him unless you want to see him blush ^_^
> anyways he still acknowledges your beefiness and the work done to keep them. he likes inviting you to exercise with him <3
> exercise isn't as monotone with you around, even if you two don't talk. it's having your presence around that warms his heart and also makes it less lonely for him! jogging in the quiet morning while the sun rises is his favorite thing to do
> gets flustered if you wear tank tops or anything similar~
> "tall and muscular, eh? we're pretty similar!"
> the first time he met you, he appreciated your muscles and was shocked when he realized you were taller than him. jerry is one of the few people taller than him,, time to add you to the list!
> enjoys comparing muscles and generally checking in on you ^_^ if you want to get buffer or wish to stay where you're at, he's supportive <3
> loves using your height + his height to be annoying. especially when it comes to taking up space or him convincing you to (unless you're also in on it lol) tease shorter big deal members
> just to be ridiculous, has had you both do the two people in a trenchcoat thing before at least twice LOL (with him having you sit on his shoulders unless you're strong enough to carry him and don't mind hiding in the coat)
> people are so jealous of y'all; tall as hell, attractive couple!! power duo!!
> glad to be the small spoon for once~ but he'll still make you the small spoon occasionally!
> he acknowledges a good physique when he sees one, but to him, it's all just for show unless you can fight
> if you can't, that's fine, but he will offer to teach! bare minimum self defense, at least. and if you accept, he's more than happy to teach/spar with you
> your taller height is of no issue to him. just don't tease him too much about him being the shorter one, he already has to deal with goo who apparently is an inch or so taller (according to fandomwiki 😭)
> sort of has a certain expectation set up for what kind of physical stuff you can do. not in a bad way, in a, "i know you are capable of carrying these, come back and assist me in moving them around" way lol
> your muscular appearance is a bit comforting to him. he doesn't feel like he has to worry so much about your safety (from his... millions of enemies lol) if you're at least physically capable of running away/fighting back a little
> if you invite him to workout with you, he'll accept ^_^ he doesn't really invite you to workout with him mainly because his workouts are some insane, very draining shit but like. he doesn't mind chatting while exercising with you sitting nearby either <3
> sharing clothes !! he makes your mildly oversized clothes look great on him and he likes the way his clothes are form fitting on you~
> this man is the last guy ever to judge someone by appearance so that definitely applies to when he's looking for a partner, too i.e. he never thought much about how you looked, only how you presented yourself
> let's just say you had a great presentation because you scored yourself eli as a boyfriend <3
> he'd love you no matter what but he is pretty glad you have muscles/strength. now yenna has two strong parents!!
> by the way, he still worries over you. even if you can fight to defend yourself, eli is just a worrisome person who wants his loved ones to be okay at all times
> doesn't blink an eye at your height. it's actually kind of refreshing to him because people are either so short he has to look downwards so much it hurts his neck or they're around his height. so, having to look up a bit is new and nice to him :] (i mean if you're that much taller than him then i guess it's just the short people problem but now he's looking upwards... oh well 😭)
> thinks it's cute whenever you kind of have to bend down a bit to kiss him <3
> loves the way you make him feel when you hug him! it's like you're a blanket and he's safe in your arms~
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
You and me, kid (Chapter 13)
Bad girls don’t get nice jewelry.
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader (can be Austin!Elvis as well)
Word count: 4,4K
Warning(s): no humanity!reader (aka reader being a bitch), torture, strong language, elvis says bye bye emotions.
Author’s note: here i am yet once again with unhinged vampire shenanigans. enjoy luvs!
Click HERE for part 12!
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If someone told you Elvis Presley had a supernatural holding cell in the basement of his California home, you would’ve probably told them to get their head checked. Yet here you were, locked in aforementioned cell. If you had been counting right, it was your 7th day but with the lack of human blood in your system, you weren’t sure anymore. You were close to losing your goddamn mind and after keeping your mouth shut whenever any of the other vampires were on the other side of the door, it didn’t take you long before you fell back into old patterns. Bringing out that stubborn bitch who couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
‘‘Is this what you do to all your girlfriends?’’ you questioned the raven haired vampire who stood on the other side of the large steel door, looking at you through the barred window. You hadn’t had a good feed since that night at the bar and the small amounts they would provide you with to keep you alive did absolutely nothing for you. Your throat felt as if you were swallowing knives and speaking hurt like hell, but the expression on his face whenever you made a snarky comment was worth it. You grinned weakly to yourself, leaning your head against the stone wall as you grabbed the tiny plastic cup he had given you. You were so hungry that you drank the crimson liquid in seconds and you didn’t care that you looked desperate when you tried to swipe some drips out of the cup, licking it off of your digit. It wasn’t enough to regain your energy.
‘‘Just the ones I care about,’’ he said as his eyes met yours, his jaw clenching tensely. He hated seeing you like this more than anything, but he had to get you to your weakest point. When you’d get there, he was going to hit where it would hurt most and it was going to be anything but pretty. Jerry must’ve asked him about a thousand times if he was sure about this method, but Elvis had already commited to it. Nothing else seemed to work.
You rolled your eyes, throwing the empty cup away from you as you pushed yourself to stand up straight. You felt as if stones were weighing you down, but you managed to make your way over to the door, hands grabbing onto the bars. You looked at him from up close, a weak but mean grin tugging at your lips. ‘‘You know, when we first met… I thought you were such a powerful being,’’ you sighed softly, leaning your forehead against the bars. ‘‘But now I see that you’re nothing but weak, Elvis. You may be free from The Colonel, but you’re still a slave. A slave to those pesky emotions of yours,’’ you laughed devilishly and he sighed, raising an eyebrow. Those words would’ve hurt him a lot more if you would’ve been in the right mind, but now he just felt bad for you and the state you were in. Those emotionless crazy eyes of yours made a chill run down his spine, shattering his heart into a million pieces, but he wasn’t going to let this be the end of you. He wasn’t going let you drive yourself away from him, no matter what you’d say or do. He was stronger than that─or so, he thought.
‘‘Guess what, baby?’’ he spoke up, standing up straight as he leaned in a little closer to you, reaching out to let his index finger travel down your forehead to the tip of your nose. ‘‘You’re a slave to blood and if you ask me, that’s weak,’’ he grinned, tapping your nose before he walked away from the door and over to an old freezer that drove you crazy listening to the monotone buzz all throughout the day and night. He opened it and grabbed a blood bag out of it, ripping his teeth into it. Your fingertips tightened around the bars as you felt drool pooling in your cheeks, your eyes darkening as you growled softly.
He tried to be nice at first, talking to you through the door almost every minute of the day, but he realised he was going to have to get under your skin. Get you to feel something, anything, good or bad.
He deliberately let a drip of blood slip down from the corner of his mouth, tongue swiping across his lower lip as his eyes met yours. ‘‘Don’t use too much of your energy. Your next supply won’t be here until a couple of hours,’’ he grinned with a casual shrug of his shoulders before he turned around and walked up the stairs, leaving you behind in the dimly lit basement, weak and hungry.
You grew weaker and more hungrier every day that you were in the damned cell and when you wouldn’t stop cussing them out any time they’d give you the tiniest bit of blood, Elvis decided it was time for the next step. You had no idea what they were up to, but you were in for a rude awakening that Rebekah hid herself in the kitchen from. The Original was used to a lot of heavy and dark things, but when it came to you, the girl she considered her best friend, she just couldn’t stand there and watch.
 You were startled awake out of your unconscious state when Elvis dropped a fire extinguisher in front of his feet and that’s when you realised you were currently in the living room, tied to a dining table chair with vervain laced ropes around your wrists and ankles. You groaned softly, squinting your eyes at the raven haired vampire that looked down at you, acting casual as if what he was about to do didn’t bother him for one second.
‘‘Good, you’re awake! I thought you could use a little sunshine,’’ he smiled at you and you frowned, looking over at Jerry who stood by the floor to ceiling windows, opening the tiniest bit of the curtain to let a little bit of sunlight in, though it didn’t reach your skin. You frowned, looking down at your hand to find your ring wasn’t there. Elvis stood next to your chair, leaning down to you as he held your ring in between his index finger and thumb, grinning at you.
‘‘Looking for this?’’ he questioned in amusement, holding it close to your hand. You inhaled a shaky breath as your fingertips tried to grasp for it, but he pulled it out of your reach before you could get your hands on it. ‘‘Aw baby, you know the rules. Bad girls don’t get nice jewelry,’’ he chuckled, standing up straight again as he placed your ring around his left pinky, looking over at Jerry. Jerry was a little nervous, but tried not to show it. Just like Elvis, he didn’t want to see you in pain, but they didn’t have much options left.
‘‘You took my ring. I’m devastated,’’ you said sarcastically, leaning your head back a little to look up at Elvis, rolling your eyes. ‘‘And bored. Can I go back to solitary now?’’ you sighed as you let your head roll around until you were looking at the turned of TV across the room. With the chair turned sideways, you weren’t facing the window, but you weren’t worried. No way they were going to let you burn to ashes.
‘‘Nah-uh, I kinda like you in the hot seat,’’ he said as he placed his hand on the back of the chair, looking at Jerry to give him a nod. Jerry sighed as he tightened his grip on the curtain, about to open it. You rolled your head to his direction, raising your eyebrows. ‘‘Am I supposed to be scared?’’
‘‘You will be,’’ Jerry said, the first time he had spoken to you since you turned it all off. ‘‘And when you are, focus on that fear. It’s the key to getting your humanity back,’’
‘‘You’re not gonna burn me,’’ you said matter of factly, shaking your head. ‘‘You don’t think so?’’ Elvis laughed and you looked at him, tapping your fingertips against the arm rests of the chair.
‘‘No. And even if you do manage to get my emotions back, I will remember all of this and I’ll hate both of you for it,’’ you told them, giving him a small sarcastic smile as you rolled your eyes back to the TV. You could barely keep your head still as it felt so heavy, your throat and lips dry. All of your senses were on edge because you were so hungry, but you didn’t wanted to allow any emotion to slip through. Not even anger or annoyance. They wouldn’t break you, never.
‘‘Worth the risk,’’ Elvis spoke up as he exchanged a look with Jerry and the vampire by the window opened a bit of the curtain, this time letting the sun touch your arm. You widened your eyes as you felt your skin melting away, letting out a scream in pain as you tried to grab onto the chair but the pain was still unbearable. You planted your feet on the floor, trying to push your chair back and into the shadows of the house but Elvis’ hand that was still on the back of it prevented you from doing so. You turned your face away from the window, clenching your jaw as you tried to hold back your screams. Rebekah turned on the tap, but it did nothing to drown out the sounds.
Jerry kept the curtain open until your arm literally went up into flames but before it could get any further, Elvis put it out with the extinguisher as Jerry closed the curtain again. You were breathing heavily, looking down at your hand that was healing up again, though not as fast as it usually would.
‘‘Bet that feels better, huh? How ‘bout a little gratitude?’’ Elvis spoke up as he got through his knees in front of you, leaning his forearms on his thighs. ‘‘Or any human emotion or whatsoever and we can put an end to this bullshit,’’
You squeezed your eyes shut as you grabbed onto the arm rests, breathing through your teeth as you started mumbling to yourself. He already knew what you were saying, but he wasn’t done here yet. Even without emotions, you were stubborn as hell.
‘‘I didn’t quite catch that,’’ he said as he leaned closer to you, his crystal blues boring into your eyes as you opened them and looked at him.
‘‘I said.. I’m going to.. kill you,’’ you breathed out, not realising you were showing anger. Elvis grinned as he bit his lip, raising an eyebrow. ‘‘Bingo,’’
You just kept staring at him, jaw clenching as he put his hands on your knees. ‘‘There’s a little rage. I should’ve known I would be the one to pull that out of you,’’ he grinned as he squeezed your thighs softly and despite the ropes hurting like hell, you tried to kick him but you failed miserably. Jerry walked over to the two of you and got through his knees as well, looking at you.
‘‘Y/N, listen to me. We don’t wanna do this, okay? You can stop this right now, it’s your choice and it’s a choice I know you’re strong enough to make,’’ he said and you looked at him, laughing in his face at the desperate hint on his tongue and in his eyes. Elvis got up and started circling around the chair you were on, arms folded tightly against his chest as he kept his eyes on you.
‘‘Kind of funny, actually,’’ you blurted out, giggling as you tilted your head at Jerry. ‘‘You being the one to pull back the curtain, helping your buddy. Since… you’re in love with me and all,’’
Elvis stopped pacing immediately, looking at Jerry who felt himself tensing up under the intense gaze of the other vampire. Even though it was hard, he kept his mouth shut, knowing that now was not the time to talk about it. He didn’t even know if it was true, because in the current state you were in you’d say anything to throw them off, anything to get under their skin so they’d get distracted and take their attention off of you. Elvis placed a hand on Jerry’s shoulder as he got through his knees again and you looked at the two vampires in front of you.
‘‘You look a little pale, baby girl. I’m guessin’ you want some vitamin D again,’’ he said and Jerry sighed, walking back over to the window. You scoffed, looking at Jerry and Elvis who now stood by the window as well, other curtain in his hand. ‘‘Let me guess,’’ you sighed, slumping back in your chair. ‘‘This is gonna hurt y’all more than it hurts me,’’
‘‘We know what you feel, Y/N,’’ Jerry sighed in frustration and you watched them exchange a look before Elvis continued on whatever little speech they had ready. ‘‘He’s right. We’ve both been there. After all you’ve done, you’re afraid to face the guilt you’ll feel for all the horrible things you’ve done and believe me, you haven’t been sittin’ pretty,’’ he said, tilting his head as he looked at you, squinting his eyes a little. ‘‘The only way we can help you.. is to make the alternative hurt even worse,’’ he shrugged, looking over at Jerry to give him a nod. You sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the pain, but on the inside you looked casual as you simply closed your eyes while your head was still turned to the window.
You couldn’t keep up the act for long as they opened the curtain at the same time, exposing you completely to the sunlight. In your whirlwind of pain, you managed to kick your legs free out of the ropes but before you could kick yourself back and out of the light, the curtains were closed again. The two men repeated the action several times and Jerry looked at Elvis with worry as you were just laughing every time the curtains would close and your skin would heal back up.
‘‘You’ll thank me for this,’’ Elvis said as he walked back over to you, placing his hand on the back of your chair as he leaned forward to look into your eyes. ‘‘After you turn it back on, you’ll realise that life without your emotions blew,’’
‘‘You know what else blew?’’ You spat at him viciously as you caught your breath, rubbing your wrists against the ropes. It hurt like hell, but you weren’t showing it nor did they notice you doing it. ‘‘Being in a relationship with you. Going every day believing that I was in love with you,’’ you laughed meanly, looking him straight in the eye as those harsh words left your mouth.
His jaw clenched, the wood of the chair splintering underneath the force of his hand. ‘‘I remember every horrible moment of it. You just needed someone to get you out of the web you were trapped in because you were too weak to do it yourself,’’ you grinned in his face, knowing you were hitting a nerve when you saw the flare of his nostrils and the twitch in his eyebrows. ‘‘So go ahead,’’ you continued before he could speak. ‘‘Keep trying to get the old me back… Maybe Jerry and I will give it a try,’’ you smirked as you looked at the other vampire that stood behind Elvis, trying to get his friend away from you.
Elvis knew that he shouldn’t let it get to him. He knew how that damn humanity switch worked─you’d say and do anything to get your way and you wouldn’t care about who you would hurt in the process. He knew that those words weren’t real, you didn’t mean them, but God.. it was like someone has just ripped his goddamn heart out. Just like anyone else, he had his own demons in his head and they were screaming at him right now, feeding him the idea that you words were true. That perhaps you never cared about him, perhaps you only ever cared about becoming immortal. He didn’t know what to believe anymore, he just knew that he loved you more than anything in the world and hearing you say these words and seeing you act like this killed him.
You took advantage of the small moment of distraction as you ripped yourself free from ropes that were restraining you with a painful groan, rushing over to the window. You ripped open the curtains, spreading your arms as you let yourself burst into flames. You were sure half of the state could hear you screaming, but before you’d truly be dead and gone, Jerry pushed you away from the window and into the shadows as Elvis put out the fire before he threw the extinguisher away from him. You were coughing as he kneeled down next to you and he thought that maybe this had been your breaking point─it wasn’t.
When your coughs turned into a weak but mean laugh, he widened his eyes as he watched your skin heal, those same emotionless eyes looking up at him.
‘‘I’m the girl that you love,’’ you grinned as you slowly pushed yourself up with your hands, looking at him. ‘‘You just proved that you wouldn’t do anything to actually hurt me. So what do I really have to be afraid of?’’ you giggled, slowly lifting yourself up to your feet as you looked at the two men in front of you. Elvis got up as well and you took a step closer to him, roughly pulling your daylight ring off of his pinky.
‘‘Now if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen. I’m hungry,’’ you sighed deeply, giving Elvis’ shoulder a friendly slap as you walked to the front door while you put your ring back on. Before you were able to leave the house, Rebekah was in front of you to stare you down. You could see the worry in her eyes, which made you let out a deep theatrical sigh.
‘‘Step aside, Bex,’’ you feigned a smile at her as you took a step forward, making movements to brush by her shoulder and walk out of the house. She grabbed you by the throat, pushing you back into the house and it made you stumble over your feet a little. You felt annoyance growing in your stomach and rolled your eyes, standing up straight as you looked at the blonde. She seemed determined to stop you, but due to your hunger you could barely think straight─you were on her in a split second, ripping through her skin on the side of her neck before you quickly snapped her neck, letting her unconscious body drop to the floor in the hall way. Her blood gave you a boost of energy, regaining the color back in your skin as your felt your weak limbs becoming stronger again. Rebekah would survive, you weren’t worried.
Elvis watched with Jerry by his side as you ran your fingers through your hair and pulled back your shirt, looking at them with a small grin on your face. You placed your fingers at your forehead, saluting them as you were about to walk out of the house but Elvis’ voice stopped you as he called for you to wait. You inhaled a deep breath through your nose, rolling your eyes up to the ceiling.
‘‘I’m comin’ with you,’’ he said as you turned around to look at him again, casually folding your arms. You let out a laugh at his words, frowning your eyebrows as you shook your head.
‘‘Definitely not,’’ he told him, putting up a hand to stop him from walking over to you. He didn’t stop though, not until he was so close to you that your hand was now pressed against his chest. ‘‘You’re only gonna hold me back and worry about me, blablabla. You’re a liability,’’ you sighed, shoving him back a little before you turned around to walk away again. But once again, you were stopped by his words─this time, he peeked your interested.
‘‘I’ll turn it off,’’ he blurted out, making Jerry who was putting Rebekah on the couch widen his eyes, running into the hall way. ‘‘That’s what you want right? You want me to turn it all off so we can do whatever we want together, without any consequences, any feelings.. without anything to get in the way. Because I’ll do it, I will fucking do it right now, goddamnit,’’
He was yelling now, frustration licking at his bones. He didn’t know what came over him, but he knew that the comment you made earlier about being miserable while being with him played a big part in the internal struggle he was currently having. What if those words were true? There was no way in hell he could ever get over that. Not after what he had been through with you. While you and him had not even been together for that long, it was a whole different story when your emotions were heightened. Not only would a vampire feel all the bad things more strongly than any human could, they also felt the good things very intensely. What was happening here now was proof that love was a very tricky one. If being with you and keeping you close to him would mean he’d have to shut it all of, then that’s what he would do. Obviously starving you and torturing you didn’t work and he had no idea how and if you would come back sane if you’d both be unhinged blood monsters, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t let you walk out of his life, not like this.
‘‘No.. EP, no!’’ Jerry protested, grabbing onto his friends’ arm, trying to pull him away from you as you turned around and walked closer again. ‘‘Don’t do this. This is not the way─neither of you will be able to come back on your own, if you even will come back with a right mind. As your best friend, I’m askin’ you.. I’m beggin’ you… Don’t do this, EP,’’
You raised your eyebrows as you watched the two men with folded arms, waiting for whatever decision they were going to make. Elvis looked at Jerry, grabbing onto the other man’s wrist to peel his hand off of his arm. Jerry felt panic rushing through his veins, settling in the pit of his stomach like a ton of bricks. Rebekah was still out and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to convince Elvis all by himself─not anymore. Maybe he could’ve if you hadn’t made that comment about him being in love with you. Knowing Elvis longer than today, he knew that it struck a nerve in him, no matter how small.
‘‘Do it,’’ you spoke up, grinning as Elvis looked at you. Unfolding your arms, you took a step closer to him and planted your hands on his chest, sliding your hands over the fabric of shirt and up to his cheeks, cupping his face gently. You tilted your head a little as you smiled sweetly, caressing your thumbs over his cheeks. ‘‘Do it, baby. You wanna be with me, don’t you?’’
When Jerry protested again and reached out to you, Elvis was quick in his movements as he grabbed him by the jaw and looked him in the eye.
‘‘I don’t have any best friends,’’ he mumbled, snapping the other vampire’s neck with a simple flick of his wrist. Your eyes twinkled in excitement as you watched him fall to the floor when Elvis released him, a bright smile overtaking your features. You were aware that when Elvis would turn his humanity off, his love that he felt for you would be put on the back burner too but right now, that was all you wanted. You just wanted to do whatever you wanted with him without anyone nagging at your head every minute of the day, without any consequences. You just wanted to exist as a vampire and bathe in all the darkness that came along with it─you craved it.
Just like you had done those weeks ago, Elvis flipped the switch. Every feeling, emotion, worry and burden that he had been feeling lifted off of his shoulders and he had forgotten how freeing, how good, that felt. He could do whatever he wanted with who ever he wanted and he didn’t need to explain himself to anyone. Even the fact that The Colonel was still alive and somewhere nearby didn’t phase him.
He turned back to look at you with a cocky grin on his face, leaning in closer to press his lips onto yours. There weren’t any genuine emotions or love in the kiss you shared, just two people that were ready to use each other for their own needs, and you were more than okay with that. Love was a burden, anyways.
‘‘Let’s eat. I bet you’re starving,’’ he chuckled as he let go of you, walking to the front door. You nodded heavily, walking out of the house in front of him as you brushed by his shoulder. ‘‘You fucking bet I am, because someone locked me up in their creepy ass dungeon,’’ you reminded him, raising an eyebrow at him as you watched him grab his car keys. He looked over his shoulder one more time, but the semi lifeless body of his best friend did absolutely nothing to him. He closed the door behind him, looking at you with a grin as he walked over to his car that was parked on the driveway.
‘‘That’s what you get for bein’ a spoiled brat,’’ he shrugged, chuckling as he unlocked the vehicle and got behind the wheel. You got in as well, not bothering to put on your seatbelt as he started the engine, not giving him the satisfaction of giving him any other reaction than a small laugh. You turned down your window as he drove off of the driveway, leaving the house far behind him, along with any little ounce of his humanity.
You had absolutely no idea what you could expect from this kind of Elvis, but you could hardly wait to see just how raw and messy he was going to get.
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rigelswrittingsquare · 7 months
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my small human wheatley HC scenario
because I'm down BAD!!!!!!!!! RAH!!!!!!!!
- wheatley having an absolute PUPPY crush on you and finding the stupidest excuses to see you , him being stupidly down bad self just to confess in the end after a (time skip) few weeks
indulgent saansosnaKSNSHAHA, and not written very seriously
for gn readers!!
So you've caught his attention. HOUGH. Let's say you've been working around Aperture as a data logger or some other desk job, most preferably one that doesn't require a lot of talking, but his cubical is like right beside yours. It's basically like a drab monotone setting, classic crammed together offices under that gross florescent lighting
He's talked to you a few times, mostly small office talk, classic conversations by the water cooler, that stuff. GOD he talked a lot in those small moments. saying things like:
"Some brilliant water right here, it just... Quenches the thirst, like water should, you know." He's propped up his elbow on top of the water jug on top while drinking from those pathetic little paper cups, looks like he could just drop that thing with how bad his hand is shaking, and yet he STILL continues.
"Nothing like .. Aperture refreshments, like, seriously, it's some...er..." He drones off, before looking at your confused yet entertained expression, and trying a DIFFERENT approach than the pathetic water convo starter. bravo wheatley!
"...How's it going!"
Usually he can never get very far to talking to you without being told to go back to his cubical, so he's practically quaking in his own skin right now?
if you give him a nod or any positive affirmation? he lights up says things along the lines of:
"Brilliant! That's great to hear mate! Ah ..I mean. Good, good. That's good. Myself? Not doing too shabby, just small quarrels with Jerry here and there, no problem, no problem whatsoever."
however if you are feeling stressed out of not really your best?:
"Ah..Right, hmm..Right, I'll tell you what, at least you haven't spilled your coffee all over the desk, right?.... Don't look, no, don't look at my shirt, I still haven't gotten the stains out." He nervously chuckles, trying to cheer you up. there is a VERY prominent coffee stain plastered on the mid section of his shirt, it's.........it's something alright.
When the two of you part ways, and go back to your cubicles, he's absolutely anxious. we are talking about nervous leg bouncing, chewing on pencil erasers, tapping his hands against the desk, just absolutely ITCHING (hehe you get it like the chapter in portal called the itc * gets thrown off the stage * anyways) to see you again. His gaze drifts down to the gap that separates you and him, and gets an idea. He scrawls something on a piece of paper, before tearing off on his APERTURE BRANDED stick it note pad, and bending down to the floor to push it under the gap with his pencil, stretching to poke your leg with it to get your attention before sitting up in his chair
the note??? you ask?
"Lunch is in 30, can I buy you something? - Wheatley :]"
If you decide to go, oh he's DELIGHTED. definitely knocks on your door the MINUTE OF. NO LATER. and waits for you to come out
he's absolutely Smitten. with you, watching carefully as you point out what you want, and he gives it to you, maybe even splurges on a stale cafeteria cookie for the two of you, and finds a small break room for the two of you to chat
He doesn't care that you don't talk much, it makes you all the more interesting. What's stewing in that brain of yours? What mysterious oasis lays inside that noggin? He's going to crack that egg and find out, one ramble at a time.
He blabbers on about something, noticing you watching him, and he gets flustered, but continues blabbering nonetheless :
"Just thought of something, and quite honestly, it's bloody unnerving. You ever noticed them birds perched up on the lab equipment? Nasty critters, they are... Conniving....Bet they are plotting something ..something big.. nasty... But! But, but but... If you like birds, that's cool too, in all honesty it makes you seem cooler than you already are.. That is, if you even.. Like them critters."
He runs a hand through his hair, before sinking in his seat with relief of your laughter. So this makes him continue.
"But aside from them nasty.....Corvids, I'll tell you what, mate, these things are uhm..." He gestures towards the stale cookies, before clearing his throat. "Horrible. GOD awful. Quite honestly, I'm ashamed to have even given you that." oh he's pitiful. I love him so much
he would continue to do this for some amount of weeks, before working up the gall to finally ask you on a proper date. It started out as usual, him sliding the note under your cubical and buying your lunches, but this time, he takes you outside the office space, and onto the catwalks. He sits down, patting the spot beside him, before staring out into the abyss, just outside the guard rail.
"So.. Uhm.. Sorry about the change of scene, er, I figured it would be best if we found a little snug spot, hm?" He couldn't even look at you without thoughts of backing down plaguing his mind, so he continued on.
"Listen, I've been thinking for a while and uh.. We're good mates, yeah? We're office buddies, we get along, have a bit of banter, eat lunches together.. you listen to my absolute LUNACY, and.... My banter, which it's honestly maddening how you keep up- which is absolutely amazing! I'm glad I got you mate, really, I do." He glanced over at you, looking for any mutual understanding in your eyes, before continuing, looking away once more. god he's a mess
"Well I guess what I'm trying to get at is... More so propose, I guess in a sense, is that I wanted to know if.. you possibly... Wanted to be more than mates?" His eyes darted to your face, before looking away once more. "You just make my day, and..Even if I talk you up a bloody tree," he chuckled, running his hand through his hair again, before pushing up his glasses, facing you entirely. "I think I genuinely like you. Like. Like, like you, if you know what I mean. You don't gotta nod, you don't even gotta answer! Although that's most... preferable, I figure I should just... Y'know...out with it!"
when you accepted, oh he was happier than a kid who got turned loose in a candy store. had to absolutely PHYSICALLY restrain himself from squeezing you into a hug, if it wasn't for you eating your food, he would be more than happy to swoop you up into his arms. however one thing was for sure, he was definitely already calling you luv instead of mate.
it was you, and he didn't want to keep the two of you a secret.
after all, we are talking about you!! who would keep you a secret?
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Top 10 favorite Michael Bell performances
Oooh, boy, he sure has quite the prolific catalog, so it might be a little difficult to pin it down to 10 in no particular order, but let's goooooo
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1. QuackerJack. Natch. You really shouldn't be surprised, he's gonna top the charts regardless. His voice is like a strawberry bonbon to the ears for me. I don't even need to link a clip of him because y'all know what I mean.
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2. That one demon rabbit that showed up for one scene in "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" that beat the snot out of a kid Terminator style. Mr. Bell's monotone performance mixed with the audio editing to make him sound otherworldly is way too good to be his only role in that show, and is pretty much how I imagined QuackerJack's snapped speaking cadence in the 2011 comics minus the audio filtering.
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3. Chas Finster. I like Chas a lot. He's a dork but a very genuinely sweet guy, and watching him fall in love after being a widower and single dad for the first half of the show is really one of the best parts of the non-baby side of Rugrats. Chas ending the feud between his friends is one of the best scenes next to yanking a guy of his truck to save the kids from the car wash or pretty much every Chas scene.
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4. Olivia's Father in the Rave Episode of Samurai Jack. He has like, maybe six or seven lines of dialog tops, but that's some A Game distraught voice acting he's brought to the table.
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5. Ferdinand from the "Tom and Jerry: The Movie" movie. No joke, I thought for a long time, because my mom doesn't like to sit through credits when watching movies, that this dog was voiced by Frank Welker because that sort of animal noise performance is right up his alley, but naw, surprise, it's Michael Bell!
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6. Parkay Margarine Tub. Butter. All I can say. Butter.
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7. The Fear from Metal Gear Solid 3. Seriously, the range with this guy, I can't even. Yeah, I've played some MGS, I can't for the life of me remember most of the experience because it's just sooooo much going, but I can tell you that one of my favorite games we had on our Xbox original was Sons of Liberty ((Mr. Bell does some additional voice work there too, by the way)), but this guy from Snake Eater, tho. This voice work is *chef's kiss*, it's very effective in making my skin crawl
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8. Grouchy Smurf. Before my older brother introduced me to anime when I was 9, I quite liked watching the original Smurfs cartoons on Cartoon Network in the early afternoon, and Grouchy was such a mood, and still is.
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9. Dr. Frankenstein from "Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet Frankenstein". I love both of the AatC Halloween movies, but while my favorite thematically is the Wolfman one, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the antics of this guy in the other film. Totally killing it with the mad scientist role there, I highly recommend this movie set as part of a Halloween watchlist if you're looking for fun spooks on par with "Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island", and this character cracks me up.
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10. TAMMY. Just. Tammy.
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uncannychange · 8 months
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Jerry Butterworth planned on gaining fame with a series of YouTube shorts in which he would visit exotic and out-of-the-way places worldwide and try their even more little-known methods of massage and healing and tape himself getting the works at said place; he was going to call them Jerry the Wisconsin Ginger Wanderer.
The problem was that he was far from the first person to come up with this idea, so pretty much everything from ax massages (the axes were wrapped in towels) to zen deep thought massage had been covered by someone else.
Then, a somewhat seedy old sailor told him about the rare form found on the Island of Wondehato. “Never seen it myself, but they tell me it has something to do with pretty gals wrapping you in leaves and boiling or steaming you are something and then poking you with sticks.” That was good enough for Jerry.
Finding Wondehato, he discovered that there was indeed a place run by some beautiful native women, but he could not quite find out what they were offering. It turned out it was only for women, but with a lot of persuasion and even more money, Jerry talked them into letting him have one of the treatments on a day when no women were scheduled to take part.
Indeed, it did involve him being wrapped in odd-smelling leaves and soaked in almost boiling water, as well as rubdowns with oils, sweats in a small dark room filled with incense, and finally taken to a room where a dozen or so of the women did indeed poke him with sharpened roots in something like acupuncture dialed up to eleven. At the same time, they whisper chanted a monotonous refrain, so monotonous that Jerry, even with the poking, found himself drifting off. “Oh wow,” thought Jerry as he faded out, “If my camera is getting all this good, I’ll be able to hook into the ASMR market too!”
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Then, just like that, Jerry found himself awake and standing, and it was at that exact moment that Jerry Butterworth began to suspect that there was more than just a massage in the massage he had just gotten on the small Indonesian Island of Wondehato.
“Yeah, yeah, something funny is going on here.” thought Jerry, but on looking up, he saw that the attendant he had paid to move his camera around to point at him while he was otherwise `tied up’ had placed it on a shelf in front of him, and he could feel his Dobbs fedora still on his head, which he planned on making his trademark for the series of videos. But he could also tell that while they had dressed him while he was out, he was not dressed in his loose fitting `travel togs,’ also now all of the women tending him now were his height while before they had all been a head or shorter than he?
Whatever the case, he was still feeling dizzy, but once he was back at his hotel, he could see everything that had happened, and the first adventure of the Ginger Wanderer could start to get edited.
That’s when one of the women tending Jerry brushed his now very long, no longer red hair so that he saw it, saw it, and then looked down.”
“Oh crap!” thought Jerry. “I’m going to have to think of a new title for my series.”
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@thealmightyemprex @princesssarisa @softlytowardthesun @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie
Rowlf the Dog
Statler and Waldorf
Miss Piggy
Same Sound Brown
Little Jerry and the Monotones
Big Bird
Oscar the Grouch
Bert and Ernie
If you have asks for other characters (specifically the ones from The Muppet Show and the TV and film franchise that followed), please send them.
I find them fun.
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