#Lefty having one of many breakdowns
kitkats-and-kittens · 5 months
This post was inspired by lucky lefties district deep dive, so please go watch. I left a similar post in a comment under her video but I wanted to expand on it since I spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about the career districts.
I’ve seen people online with the opinion that 4 is different from the other Career districts somehow. That they either aren’t prone to sending up volunteers or that their tributes aren’t as cut throat.
I personally hate this theory however I can see why people have come to such a conclusion.
In the books the two district 4 tributes are never named and both die very early on despite having supposedly trained their whole lives to survive this sort of thing. Also I doubt the movie helps as in the films the male district 4 tribute is extremely young and is killed by Cato during the bloodbath.
The girl dies later to the tracker jackers along with Glimmer and I think the impression people form because of that is something must be different about 4. Why else would their tributes be so young and die so early?
In the books Katniss does however, mention that it is strange that the district 4 male died so early on and we know he’s 18 unlike in the films, and it’s not hard to imagine that the girl from 4 was simply unprepared when the nest fell on her like Glimmer.
However, I also think the district 4 Victors we end up meeting only serve to confuse people further. We don’t meet many of the district 4 victors but the ones we do see aren’t exactly what you would expect from a career district. Mags who is extremely old, fragile and kind by the time we come to meet her in catching fire and Annie who is described frequently to have suffered a complete mental collapse during her own games.
They’re not exactly the paragon of strength, intimidation and glory that we associate with Careers like Gloss or Enobaria.
Finnick is definitely the most stereotypical career out of all of them, at least in appearances and stature, but throughout the books we learn that he is incredibly kind and gentle despite what we’re lead to believe spending most of the first few days in the games caring for Mags and ensuring Katniss’ safety by playing up her pregnancy for the Capitol.
It’s hard for us as the audience to really reconcile the fact that 4 is like 1 and 2 because we actually get to know the tributes from their and we learn that they aren’t as one dimensional as we’re lead to believe with the others.
So yes I do believe all 3 were careers. I think Mags probably formed a pack similar to the one we see Coral forming in Tbosas she was probably an earlier example of a career. Meanwhile Annie I believe suffered a similar breakdown to Cato after Clove died.
I don’t like how people assume that just because she was well trained and prepared that she somehow wasn’t still susceptible to trauma. If she was a career then we can assume she grew up close with her partner and like how Cato and Clove had a close relationship. Watching him die so brutally would’ve had an affect on any teenager career or not.
Finnick is definitely the hardest to see being a career ironically enough and that’s simply by virtue of the fact that he was 14 years old when he was reaped.
If the whole point of career tributes is to ensure your district wins and is granted the food and wealth that the Capitol gifts to the victors as a reward then why let a 14 year old child volunteer?
The only reasons I can think of is
1. Either he was some sort of prodigy (though I still find this confusing as wouldn’t waiting for him to turn 18 and sending him up with assurance that he might win not be better than sending a half trained 14 year old and hoping he’ll be the first?)
2. He got unlucky. Maybe the reaping system is employed some years or they don’t always manage to get volunteers, though I find this unlikely it is definitely a possibility.
3. Or (and this is more of a personal theory btw) like 1, 4 tries to play the social game with the Capitol and figured sending an attractive, prodigy 14 year old would stir up interest (and provide Finnick with a good storyline for interviews) while also ensuring lots of sponsorships based on his looks.
I personally believe the third theory though there’s not much evidence so I would take it with several grains of salt.
However even with all that sorted I believe that district 4 does train their tributes in a slightly different way then 1 and 2 however I think this comes more from a place of culture and propaganda than anything else.
Since district 4 runs the fishing industry they obviously have access to the ocean. They’re one of the only districts to do so barring maybe 5 and even then 4 has access on a much larger scale. This is bad for the Capitol.
Of course it’s said that Panem is the only surviving nation from after the world changed but they could easily be lying and either way, having a whole district with the potential to utilise the only bit of the world the Capitol doesn’t and cannot have complete control over if they ever decide to rebel means that district 4 is a threat.
I think that the Capitol places a lot of emphasis on inter personal relationships in the district, I also believe that like 11 they are probably heavily monitored, especially on the ocean and that whippings, beatings and executions are probably commonplace as the Capitol wants to discourage any attempts at escape.
I think district 4 has a very close knit community, and that the Captiol does everything it can to tie them to their homeland, establishing roots and connections that mean many people in district 4 don’t want to leave their home.
However I think this is also a double entendre because the close sense of community between district 4 citizens means that they get especially frustrated when their children die in the games and while I’m not saying that the other districts don’t care about their kids as much, something we see, at least in district 12, is a very defeatist attitude towards the games. The kids reaped there have given up before they’ve even made it into the arena and I imagine it’s similar with a lot of the other poorer districts, just accepting their grim reality and not bothering to try and fight. It’s implied in catching fire that 4 outright rebels and on Katniss’ victory tour she describes them as one of the districts angry at the Capitol. I believe this is because the strong emphasis on community bonds and connections means that the citizens in district 4 don’t take the abuse lying down so much as other districts like 12.
This is why I also believe the district 4 focuses primarily on survival when training volunteers. And I don’t mean survival techniques like how to start a fire or stop an infection because I don’t think the Capitol would allow those types of skills to be taught, but I think district 4 basically teaches their tributes to do anything they can to make it home.
We see it with Coral in Tbosas movie where she breaks down sobbing about how all her kills couldn’t have been for nothing. I think this feeling of doing what you have to to make it home ends up being a driving factor behind their teachings.
They’re taught to put morals aside and that even if they’re in an alliance the only one safe to trust is their own partner. Maybe they’re also taught to use whatever they can to endear them to the Capitol, whether that be their looks or their skills in the arena.
So while they’re equally as indoctrinated as 1 and 2 I believe that a lot of their training is focused on doing whatever they need to in order to live.
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emerald9d · 7 months
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No ask prompted this, this time. I just need to talk about her because she's, like, the other main OC of mine, right up there with Shelly. I just... don't draw her as much as I should.
The art here is in no particular order and the last two are actually Allie, a "version" of her I used for a tabletop campaign where the setting was different enough (Princess: The Hopeful, for those who are wondering) that she needed a new background and name. She basically looks and acts the same though. Also ignore that other guy for now lol.
This is going to be more rambly than when I described Shelly.
So yeah. Her full name is Ricka Rene Fuyu. She lives on Earth... or, well, "Earth." It's called that, and it even resembles our current-day world. But, there's a bunch of people with pointed ears, and most everyone can learn telekinesis. (though it's difficult and not THAT useful to most people, sorta like martial arts. guess what there's a lot of martial artists in my stories)
Also the ladmasses are (roughly) the same but everything else is different! Ricka lives in "The Triad," a collection of three closely located cities situated around the location of current-day Moscow. Ricka lives in Trifol, the "poorest" of the three cities. The other two are Slayton, a more froufrou college town, and Elaros, the capital of the country.
The tech is very "30 minutes into the future." There's fancy prosthetics and crazy computers and power armor, but most people can't afford them, and see them infrequently. I hesitate to call it cyberpunk, but its in that ballpark for sure. (Half of Ricka's design is "wannabe Matrix character") The most noteworthy development is "biotech drones," however, mindless attack-and-defense robo-creatures have started filling out military and police forces worldwide, courtesy of a subsidiary of Unity, a massive corporate conglomerate with its sites on controlling basically every major industry in the world. The only thing they haven't broken into fully, however, is the energy industry...
Anyway, Ricka couldn't be more different than Shelly, at least outwardly. She's quiet and reserved, and slow to react emotionally. (dissociative, really) But she's quite technically intelligent, and has a rich inner world, which she will show off when she lets herself relax and open up. This girl has opinions. And memes. And blorbos. She's basically the equivalent of a seasoned lefty Tumblr user. She's kind of my answer to the Rei Ayanami type of character, though her influences are myriad. Many years ago she started off by being a ripoff of Lucca from Chrono trigger. How far she's come.
Llife for Ricka started off promising enough. But, when both her parents died when she was 8, (one from a workplace accident, the other from cancer) only her grandfather and older brother were left to take care of her. (or take care of the older brother, for that matter)
For the next several years the family struggled with poverty, and mental illness. Ricka in particular barely hung on through the course of middle school, before succumbing to a massive breakdown at the beginning of highschool. Though, if there's a silver lining, is that she grew close to a former friend of her parents, who she sees as an uncle of sorts. Some particular interests of his, like boxing and motorcycles, rubbed off on her. (I know she's doing karate stuff in that one pic, but I changed my mind on that later)
After her breakdown, even her somewhat conservative grandfather had to admit her struggles needed to be taken seriously. Thankfully, around that time the family's finances improved somewhat. Since then, she's had a therapist and homeschooling, while pursuing her various technical interests as best she can.
The story begins with her starting university at 19. A rather big step for her considering her history of social anxiety, she's confident she can handle it. And she does! Especially with the help of a friend of hers from online, who also happens to be attending the same university as a transfer student.
However, despite making some irl friends, the future still presents a struggle. Corporate interests rule higher education to the point that they outright dictate what majors are available to matriculate into. It's hard to be an engineer when the powers that be decide that there's currently enough engineers.
Being around attentive friends who aren't used to her quirks reveals just how odd some of those quirks are. Which then leads to a discovery both illuminating and somewhat upsetting. See, I said telekinetic powers exist, but not telepathic. So mind-to-physical influence, but no mind-to-mind interaction.
Well, it turns out Ricka is unnaturally good at knowing what people are feeling, and where they are, and what they're about to do. To the point that it becomes clear she's got some special, unheard of mental abilities. And that, furthermore, she's had these powers, unknowingly, for most of her life. It becomes clear that it was actually a major source of her social anxiety, as the feelings of those around her overwhelmed her to a supernatural degree. However, Ricka's conditions are still quite real. Knowing the reason (or, at least, a reason) for her issues does not make them go away overnight.
While grappling with that, some strange things start happening to people around campus, which leads her and her newfound friends into unwittingly becoming a group of amateur sleuths. Ricka's empathic powers, naturally, become very useful for this task, making her into the functional core of the group. This then leads them into stumbling across things that they weren't supposed to know, and... well, the plot had to start at some point. What happens from there is a conspiracy thriller of unreasonable proportions.
Because, you see, those empathic powers didn't come from nowhere. And where they did come from...
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One more thing. A somewhat more recent development is that she lost her left forearm when she was young. Or, hell, maybe she was born without it. Either way, she wears a prosthetic a lot. Normally... well, I'll let Ricka herself explain, in a block of narration I wrote randomly a little while ago:
My prosthetic could be covered by insurance. Well, kind of. The school health insurance will get you a part, but only within a certain price range. And, really, that’s not unreasonable. A fully articulated human-like hand is a bit much for the everyday, especially for your typical student. I’m not your typical student. And I don’t like being told what to do by an insurance company. No, the only thing that’s covering this hand is a leather glove.
You can see that leather glove in the pic where she's princess carrying that guy. And the prosthetic itself, uh, coming apart in that one doodle.
She also wears a simpler hook/pincer sort of prosthetic half the time. But she got that more advanced one at a young age, and has basically been learning how to maintain and adjust it herself for years. It's kind of her pride and joy. If it wasn't clear already that she's a big smarty pants.
So, yeah. That's Ricka. I find her a harder to think about because she's less upfront than Shelly by a long shot. Her presence doesn't come with the same bombastic instant gratification. It does however come with an internal narration that would feel at home in a hard boiled detective mystery novel. So, that's something.
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I am Machine: Chapter 4
He completely forgot about Helpy.
And how small he was.
He easily got through the hole like how he did.
“Wow it's both extremely claustrophobic and homey in here,” Helpy stood up, looking around.
He was blocking the only way in or out.
No way to escape now. Helpy had cornered him.
“You know, the hole is going to be repaired soon,” Helpy told him, “And if you chose to stay in here, you'll be sealed away forever.”
“You care why?” Alec had spoke for the first time in a long time, his voice sounded so unfamiliar now, he had forgotten what his voice had sounded like. He didn’t see the need to talk until now.
“Because forever is a really long time!” Helpy exclaimed, “So anyway, I'm Helpy.”
“I've seen on the safety posters around the pizzeria,” Alec nodded.
“Customer safety is very important to us!” Helpy had clapped his hands together, “That's why some of us have particular features! Like Security Puppet stops kids from leaving without their parents! And well.... Lonely Freddy's use to be walking security cameras... But not anymore, because they started to act strangely, but you seem different!”
“That's because I'm not a Lonely Freddy!” Alec shouted at him.
“I don’t understand I'm afraid,” Helpy shook his head, “You can't really claim to be something your not! If you have no good ground for it, you look like a Lonely Freddy, so you must be one??”
Alec heard his voice was practically drowning in confusion, so he spoke, “I heard you and your black bear talking and I remember he mentioned an incident with a Lonely Freddy and a little girl.”
“Oh are you that Lonely Freddy?”
“No I'm not a Lonely Freddy! That happened to me!”
“You're a little girl?” Helpy sounded even more lost than before.
“No! No!” He shouted frustrated Helpy was constantly irrupting before he could really explain, “My name is Alec! I'm not a Lonely Freddy!”
“Oh okay! Alec is a boy's name! I get it!” Helpy nodded eagerly like he won a game.
“I don't think you do Helpy.”
“Then I'll need an explanation then!” Helpy said.
“Your friend talked hypnosis,” Alec had decided he was going to tell Helpy, he seemed friendly enough plus what could he really do? He didn’t look interested in fighting, he looked more like a curious child.
It reminded him of when Hazel was a toddler following him around.
“Lefty! Yes he did!! He's actually a good guy! He may sometimes act weirdly but he's my friend!” Helpy was beaming when he talked about Lefty.
“I was a 15 year old boy, but something happened and Freddy's in my body!”
“Wait, a mind swap.... Like he's in your body and you are in his... A real body swap scenario?” Helpy frowned understanding.
“I guess that’s an basic way to define it,”
“Oh sugar honey ice tea..... Maybe that's why Lefty detected something wrong with them.... He was so insistent that something was amiss but he said he didn’t know what, he described it as feeling like it would steal his soul if he looked it in the eye...” Helpy muttered, “So you are a human really?”
“Yes,” Alec answered.
“Prove it!”
“How am I suppose to prove it?!” He snapped at Helpy.
“Well humans don’t usually look like walking teddy bears. Then again.... Your eyes.... They are green. Freddy’s eyes have always been blue all the way from the 70s to the current day, always blue. The only green eyes in the pizzeria history include the newer variations of Bonnie, the original had pink eye, the first version known as SpringBonnie had purple eyes, kinda creepy..... It's unusual..... Considering what Lefty said and the history we have, this seems plausible you were, well are suppose to be human... There’s a certain amount of creditability to your story,” Helpy answered.
“What history?” Alec asked, as far as he knew, this place seemed as normal as possible, aside from the obvious. However the way Helpy had said “history” sounded like there was something more dark and twisted below the surface.
“Umm too much to explain, we'd be here all night! Now how about we both get outta here before Mike decides to find us, it'll be far more difficult to explain it to him,” Helpy looked around nervously.
“Your friend won't hurt me?”
“No, in fact I think he will want to hear this strange story,” Helpy nodded then turned around and crawled back through the hole, “Come on Alec! We probably shouldn’t let anyone else see you!”
Alec hesitated, Helpy then poked his head through, “Let’s go!”
“Where are we going?” Alec asked.
“Back to my room!”
“You share it with the bear,” Alec said.
“He won’t bite.... In fact I'd be more worried about Chica, she ain't a scared cat but I once saw her smack a rat with a guitar, she's not scared to hit things....” Helpy answered, he pulled his head back as Alec crawled out of the space. Helpy pointed back to the room and they walked away, Alec following Helpy, seeing truly how small the world was, even Helpy was slightly taller than him.
“This is the strangest thing I've ever come across, and that counts the time some awful teenage brute ripped the arm of a Yarg Foxy toy, kids are one thing, I don't hate teenagers, but.... They don’t particularly like me, I was actually kicked across the restaurant once by a teenager. I was actually kicked straight at Freddy who was performing on stage, we both had the wind knocked out of us... Lefty.... He was absolutely furious and started screaming at the teenager asking if he'd like to be thrown into the wall.”
Alec had paid attention and wondered if Helpy was talking about him unless there was another teenager who tore the arm of a Yarg Foxy. As far as he knew, Helpy wouldn’t have seen that happen unless he was quiet enough to see it but to not draw attention to himself being there, meaning he would have by some luck, had to avoid being seen by Alec, Hazel and both of parents, which seemed impossible. Maybe Helpy heard about it, then again, Helpy was small.
Helpy pushed open the bedroom door and they both walked in, Helpy then pushed it closed.
“Must be weird, you can’t reach a lot of door knobs now!” Helpy said making a remark on Alec's situation, Alec turned and noticed something he didn’t see before.
The door had a lock on it.
“Um Helpy, why is there a lock on the door?” He questioned trying to figure out why there was a lock on the door.
“Oh! Um... The lock..... Um.... It's to keep anything bad out. Lefty said something bad happened once when I was asleep...” Helpy sounded really unsure, “I don’t remember what exactly happened but Lefty seemed extremely worried about me for a while and he wouldn’t explain why, we lock the door when we are both asleep, otherwise our door is usually unlocked..... Admittedly.... I've heard... What sounds like some pretty vicious growling coming from outside.... Lefty almost is always paranoid something is outside, he wasn’t that bad until this “Marionette” started speaking to him in his head,” Helpy explained.
“Maybe.... He's just looking out for you..?” Alec suggested.
“Yea! Kinda like an older brother! He's my best friend, I guess he is my older brother.... Hey Alec, as a human, do you have any siblings?”
Alec didn’t expect that question but answered honestly, “I had... A younger sister.”
“What’s your relationship with her like?”
“I don't feel comfortable discussing that,” Alec frowned.
“Oh understandable.... I apologise, I’ve been told I’m not suppose to ask those sort of things, I’m not invasive! I’m curious about you Alec! That’s all!” Helpy smiled, “Well.... Lefty'll be back soon.... You wanna do anything?”
“Like what?” Alec asked.
“I can go ask Mike for the tablet and we can watch some videos.”
“I've noticed, you mentioned Mike a few times, who is he?” Alec felt like he wasn’t out of line by asking that.
“Human Owner essentially....” Helpy answered, “He owns this place and does the work at night, apperantly, he's a night owl, he's use to being asleep during the day and awake at night, he's told me it's easier to do work here when it's quiet.”
“Could he help me out...?”
“No probably not, I'll be a minute, just stay here, sit on Lefty's bed until I get back!” Helpy said as he reached for the door knob and turned it, leaving the room and Alec alone.
Alec decided it was okay to wait for him, he climbed up onto Lefty's bed and sat with his back against the wall.
A few minutes passed, Alec tapped his feet together. He wondered when these guys slept, Lefty was performing usually from opening time to closing, which was ten hours on average, and he seemed to be awake between 12:00am and 6:00am, that left only eight hours for anything like sleep.
Alec then swore he heard a strange noise. Like scrapping.
He looked at the door, hearing the scraping from that direction, he then heard a snap and something winced in pain, it was then followed by a quite “ow”.
It wasn’t Lefty or Helpy.
“I can't get in again.” He heard a quiet voice speak.
“Yea, yea, shut up I know you're angry again I can't get in! What do you expect?”
Why did it sound like it was having a conversation?
“Quit it. I'll get in eventually, you don't need to break in, otherwise the Puppet'll know we're watching again.”
“Good one, yep he is exactly that. Tell our Master I'm coming back home, should be easy to do that.”
That didn’t sound good.
“Hey I brought the tablet!” Helpy opened the door, “Anything you want to watch? Funny videos? We can watch some cartoons! Maybe even a movie!”
“What exactly is there...?” Alec asked as Helpy got up on the bed with the tablet in his hands.
“Well let's see...” Alec watched Helpy open a application with videos listed, he saw a fee movie titles he recognised, he saw a tab that had a list names and numbers:
“Anything you recommend?” Alec asked him.
Helpy tapped on the list that had his name and the page loaded with video thumbnails and titles.
“Depends! You want a comedy? You want to watch a television series? An animated movie?”
The door opened and Lefty walked in, he locked the door behind him and looked at Alec.
“I see you've made yourself at home,” Lefty said in quite a monotone way, “Would you care to talk now or shall I continue to be suspicious about you?”
“He explained to me Lefty,” Helpy nodded, “Ummm... That girl with Lonely Freddy?”
“I don't really want to talk about it anymore-” Lefty pinched his nose bridge, shaking his head.
“It was a mind swap thing,” Helpy cut him off.
“You know that how....?” Lefty asked, his golden yellow eye glaring at Helpy, he was puzzled about how he could know that and what the concept even was.
“Because me....” Alec spoke.
Lefty frowned, staring at him, he didn’t understand. Then it struck him, this can’t be a Lonely Freddy. “Wait.... No.... No..... NO! God Security!!! Me!!! We failed to keep a kid safe!!” Lefty exclaimed grabbing the sides of his head, shaking, “It explains why I didn’t want to kill you and felt like I needed to hold onto you!! I'm programmed to protect children.... I sense your soul as a child.... That's why!! Oh no! How can I fix this?!?”
“Lefty! You don't need to worry!” Helpy yelled, “Calm down!”
Left crashed onto the bed, completely dazed, the two bears looked at him in confusion.
“I’m a failure to Mr. Emily, how did this slip pass me?” Lefty asked to no one in particular.
“We all missed this!” Helpy shouted, “This isn’t your slip up! It's our! Every animatronic here failed to stop this from happening, we have measures to prevent things like adduction, thief, hostage situations, murders, accidents, injuries... We never had something in place for this sort of thing!” Helpy was pushing his side trying to get him to stand up.
Lefty sat up and looked at Alec, “So you really are..?”
“Alec,” He answered.
“Alec.... Alec.... I need to check that name and find out exactly how long ago this happened to you... We write down every name in a book....”
“We don't need to do anything yet-”
“Helpy have you forgotten there is a rogue Lonely Freddy out there who looks human?!? And we have no idea what it's planning more importantly!!! Lonely Freddy's are the worse sort of unpredictable, you never know where they are and what they're doing! They don't act like the rest of us! They don’t socialise, they’re extremely invasive, and they don’t understand what’s wrong with the way they act!! Dam it Helpy I will not let that thing run free, they are cunning and manipulative! And that's why there's a lock on our door so they don't come in our room ever again!”
Helpy and Alec were silent.
Lefty looked around, realising what he said, his tone soften as he spoke again, “Helpy....”
“The truth Lefty,” Helpy spoke, “Why is that lock on our door? I honestly don’t remember what happened and I don’t know why! I have a great memory! Why won’t you tell me?? Is there something I should be scared of?”
“Helpy no! I will protect you from what’s out there!” Lefty exclaimed, “Human or Animatronic!”
“Lefty has a Lonely Freddy come in our room before? When we were asleep?”
Both looked at him for an answer, even Alec wanted an answer from him.
“I’m not answering that in light of this, it's unimportant,” Lefty shook his head, “However, Alec's problem is extremely serious, he needs to be a priority. He is trapped in a body that isn’t his...... Something tells me this far more serious than anything I'm programmed to do....” Lefty looked at Alec, his look was genuine confusion and concern.
Hope you enjoyed Chapter 4 AKA the Chapter "where it all comes out, Helpy figures it out quickly, Lefty has a mental breakdown and Alec is thinking why is there a lock?"
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equizona · 3 years
Hi! ^^ if you’re currently taking requests may I ask for general relationship headcanons for Toy bonnie, Lefty, Lolbit and Funtime Freddy? Tysm💕
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Fandom(s): FNAF
Format: headcanons
Character(s): Toy Bonnie, Funtime Freddy, Lolbit
Scenario: General Relationship
Warning(s): None
Note: I didn't do Lefty for this one, my apologies! Also, I might be wrong on some of the genders of the animatronics... yeah–
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Even if Toy Bonnie likes you, not all of the other animatronics do, so he'll often just hang out in the security office with you and help keep an eye on things.
Sometime's he'll be able to convince the others to lay off for a night, which is really nice when you work in a place where almost everyone is trying to kill you–
Toy Bonnie actually really likes flowers, so if you bring some he'll be over the moon!
He also played guitar, and while Toy Freddy tends to be the group singer, he's pretty good at singing himself, so you can definitely expect lots of songs!
If you can play guitar, and like play guitar, he'll beg you to play with him.
If you don't know how, but want to know, he would be more than happy to teach you!
As you know there are multiple of each animatronic, and since him and Bonnie are in the same facility, the two of them are pretty close, so Original Bonnie won't try and kill you anymore!
Toy Chica and Toy Freddy don't try either, since the both of them care about Toy Bonnie and since he has someone he loves, who are they to take them away? They might still scare you here and there though.
Toy Bonnie is kind of... sadistic, I won't lie, so sometimes he might go into detail about the ways they've killed other nightguards, but he will tone it down if you ask him!
He probably has a shit ton of trauma so mental breakdowns happen– if they happen, he'll just move into one of the vents so you can chase him away if he gets violent.
Don't comfort him WHILE he has a breakdown, do it AFTER, because he CAN and he WILL kill you and then regret it so much after so it's best to just let it pass and then try and talk with him.
His love language is quality time, definitely.
He isn't very high on physical affection in general, and just.. doesn't see the point in it? Hugs and such don't happen often with him, but when he does give a hug they are surprisingly amazing.
A part of why he hates physical contact is because hey.. he's killed multiple people and there is blood on his hands.
Along with that he already has to deal with children hanging off of him daily, it's not very fun.
He's one of the few animatronics that don't have a dead spirit in them, so he has a bit of a problem comprehending emotions, so he'll often come to you if he needs help figuring out how he feels about something.
Will always ask you for an opinion on a song before he performs, there is no exceptions on that, ever.
Sometimes he'll sneak out of the establishment. It's very rare, but it happens. When it does, he'll collect wildflowers for you! And sometimes he'll make flowers crowns too.
If you bring flowers he'll also make flowers crowns for the both of you, though often he will dry and press them in a book he stole from the owner—
Sometimes he'll join the Chica's in the kitchen and help them make something, and if he does I'll hand it to you!
Genuinely loves playing games such as tag and hide and seek, and if you join him he'll be ecstatic!
He might get the others in too, and it's one of the few times none of them will try anything while being active at the same time.
You're one of the few people he let's touch his guitar.
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These two kind of go hand-in-hand so, yeah–
Anyway, this guy has so many abandonment issues like what?
He'll get so panicked every time you leave and then get so happy when you return.
Loves to dance and sing, and he'll often invite you to join him on it!
Funtime Foxy won't try anything against you anymore, since, well, you're dating his best friend who's basically his brother at this point as well.
The three of you love to join vibe in the funtime room.
Sometimes Bon-bon will convince Freddy to scare you, but he doesn't mean any harm by it. But also, you're usually surrounded by murderers so maybe it's not so funny...
Bon-bon is super happy that he doesn't have to be alone with Funtime Freddy all the time! He's sick and tired of the same people even if Foxy and Freddy are great–
The Funtime group are basically just a bunch of pranksters, so you best believe they will all drag you into their prank war.
One day you and Foxy go against Freddy, the next Freddy and you are against Foxy and then he snitches that you helped him against Freddy so now they're both up against you–
Please do NOT use the electrical shock on any of the animatronics there!
Freddy does his best to keep you away from Baby and Ennard. Whenever he can't Foxy and Bon-bon both do their best.
Ballora will join you guys for fun sometimes if you don't mind her joining. She isn't really that against you after finding out that you entered a relationship with Freddy.
Freddy can't go above the facility, so he's often asking you to tell him what the outside world looks like.
Sometimes you might draw some pictures, or maybe you'll show him different things through your phone. He loves to see it.
He really wants to watch a sunset, so please get some golden hour photos for him!
Animatronics aren't meant to get near any liquid, but the Funtime's are built in a almost water proof way, so water fights happen sometimes, and you don't get a say in it, they will dunk cold water over your head.
Unlike Toy Bonnie, Funtime Freddy LOVES physical touch! He constantly wants hugs, and he's always so happy whenever you give in to his complaining about the lack of affection.
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Anyway, Lolbit definitely has some identity issues since they're basically just a re-colored version of Funtime Foxy.
Please, please assure them that you love them for them and that you would never date Funtime Foxy.
Literally the chillest person you'll ever meet as long as it doesn't revolve around Funtime Foxy.
You think the two of them are friends? Ha, you're so wrong, think again.
If you ever mention Funtime Foxy they get so jealous. Of course, you can work on this together, but please don't ever compare the two on anything they will feel so bad about themselves.
Other than that they are great company, and will get along with ANYONE. They are even friendlier than Funtime Foxy!
Look at me comparing the two–
They really like video games, and it's one of the only ways they can see the outside world, so video game dates happen often with them.
If you do anything artistic(Make characters, play instruments, draw, pain, sing, write, ANYTHING creative) THEY WANT TO KNOW!
They show so much interest in all of your hobbies and they want to hear everything!
Lolbit definitely problem sitting still, so they'll often just jump up and down when talking with you, so hopefully you don't mind that! If you do then why are you dating them anyway–
Please listen to them when they rant! They have so much to say about everything and if you listen to them they will be so happy and give you the cutest grin ever like–
Will give it their best in the kitchen to attempt and make you something but please don't ever let them do that they will burn everything down–
Has the worst puns. Ever. It's horrible but also they never fail to make you laugh.
Can juggle, definitely, and they will do it with your items so keep a close eye on anything breakable such as your phone.
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insidethegiftbasket · 3 years
Yankees (9-12) at Orioles (9-12)
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Game One – Monday at 705pm on YES: Deivi Garcia (first start) vs Matt Harvey (1-1, 5.12 ERA)
Game Two – Tuesday at 705pm on WPIX: Corey Kluber (0-2, 5.40 ERA) vs Bruce Zimmerman (4.57 ERA) Game Three – Wednesday at 705pm on YES: Domingo German (1-2, 6.23 ERA) vs TBD (Likely Dean Kremer, who is 0-1 with a 6.75 ERA)
Game Four – Thursday at 105pm on YES and MLBN: Jordan Montgomery (1-1, 4.57 ERA) vs Jorge Lopez (1-3, 8.15 ERA)
Orioles Injury Report
RHP Mac Sceroler – On the 10 Day IL with shoulder tendinitis, no timetable for return
RHP Hunter Harvey – On the 60 Day IL with a strained oblique, no timetable for return
OF Anthony Santander – On the 10 Day IL with a sprained ankle, expected back in the middle of May
DH Chris Davis – On the 60 Day IL with a strained back, no timetable for return
Orioles Pitching
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Baltimore’s pitching is similar to the Yankees in a few ways—they are 15th in baseball in ERA, don’t walk a lot of guys, their bullpen has been pretty strong, but their rotation is one really good pitcher and four meh ones. Luckily for the Yanks, their really good pitcher (Means) started on Sunday and will miss the series.
Tuesday’s starter is Matt Harvey, who is someone I’m not sure why he continues to get opportunities to be a starter in Major League Baseball? Harvey has his best ERA+ since his heyday in 2015 this year, at a whopping 84 ERA+. The one thing he’s been really good at the last few years is his walk rate, which this year is all the way down to 3.4%. However, his walk rate being that low is honestly a really bad thing:
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Throwing a 93mph fastball in the middle of the zone over and over again is a really easy way to get lit up, and people aren’t exactly missing on the fastball—it has a 14.7% whiff rate and a 42.9% hard hit rate.
On Tuesday, the Yankees face Bruce Zimmerman, a lefty who employs a 4seam, a change, a curve, and a slider. His pitches all have below average movement, his fastball is only 91mph, but he does a decent job of nibbling on the corners—Zimmerman is in the 89th percentile in chase rate, which helps keep his hard hit numbers relatively low at 39.5% despite his bad stuff.
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Orioles bullpen has been pretty good this year, led by “We have Darren O’Day at home” Cesar Valdez. Valdez, who’s played all over the world before coming back to the Orioles last year at 35 years old, mixes in a lot of junk from a weird angle and gets good results.
From his last appearance vs the Yankees (where he went 2.1 innings, with just 2 hits, no walks, one unearned run, and got three strike outs to get the win):
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He’s gone to using his change up 81.6% of the time, and that’s a 78 mile per hour pitch with 50.3 inches of drop. That change up has an average exit velocity of 88.5 mph and an average launch angle of 2 degrees, which helps get him his 61.5% ground ball rate. He’s only walking 2.6% of batters and hasn’t allowed a single barrel this season. He’ll mix in an 85mph sinker and a 77mph slider every now and then, but he’s just giving a different look than what anyone else is doing and it’s been successful for him.
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Orioles Lineup
Baltimore hasn’t exactly been laying the lumber this year—they are 29th in OPS+ at 81, t26th in homers with 17, t28th in walks with 48, and have the sixth most strikeouts at 199.
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They’ve had some good performers this year, especially Cedric Mullins, but their best hitters this season have been falling off over the past couple weeks.
Worrying for the O’s however is that the prospects that they’ve had called up this year have not been hitting well at all. They have four players on their current team that could be thought of being parts of the next good Orioles team: Ryan Mountcastle, Austin Hays, Anthony Santander, and Ryan McKenna. Of those four, McKenna (the lowest ranked prospect of the group) has the best OPS+ at 59 so far this season. The Orioles do have Adley Rutschman as one of the best prospects in baseball in a couple years to be their everyday catcher, but they don’t really have any top end prospects that should be up this season, and it could be a couple more really rough years in the Charm City.
Yankees Breakdown: Clint Frazier and Brett Gardner
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Those are not exactly some good numbers by the potential starting LF for the Yankees. Clint is currently tied for the 9th worst player in fWAR this season at -0.3, and despite being in the 89th percentile in walk rate (16.1%) he’s been pretty bad at about everything else.
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Clint has had 28 balls in play this season in 56 PA—those six balls in play are the only ones with at least a .500 xBA. Of his seven hits, three of them are bloop hits, three of them are infield grounders he beat out, and one was a sharp hit double along the line. He’s swinging at 65% of meatballs and at 53.8% of pitches in the zone. 
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He’s taking too many pitches, and when he does get something to drive he’s either hitting it weakly (77.6mph average exit velocity) or hitting it straight up:
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He’s also been awful at fielding with a -3 OAA, catching only 76% of the expected 87% of one to three star catches he should have made. He’s getting -4.6 feet of jump vs the average player, which is far and away the worst of any qualified outfielder (he’s over a foot worse than the second worst outfielder.)
Gardner unfortunately hasn’t done much better- despite the hot start, he has just one hit since April 11th and only two walks. His strikeout rate has continued to increase year over year (up to 25% now) and he’s not doing exactly putting the ball in play a lot either:
Luckily for Gardner’s sake, he’s at least been a good outfielder—0 OAA (which for the Yankees is actually good) and is making 2% more plays than expected. He’s lost some speed, but his reaction time has been really good to keep him as a viable defensive option.
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burkymakar · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could post the Athletic's Olympic roster predictions please?!
ok here’s a lot under the cut, i’ve included men and womens for both Canada and USA. 
Canada Mens
Remember how the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang unfolded? Canada won a hard-earned bronze medal playing a stingy brand of defence under coach Willie Desjardins and lost only a single game in regulation – to Germany in the semifinals – before defeating the Czech Republic to earn a place on the podium.
Just one thing was missing: NHL players. Hockey’s crème de la crème. Three years ago, the NHL decided not to participate in the Winter Olympics for a lot of reasons that made little sense to the hockey world which made the Games look a little like the Spengler Cup.
Thankfully, as part of the collective bargaining extension signed last summer, the NHL is returning to compete in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing — assuming the logistical details can be ironed out among the league, the IIHF and the IOC and that the pandemic is under some sort of control.
With apologies to all the players who competed so hard for Canada in 2018, the selection process this time around will be far more difficult because of the staggering depth of the talent pool.
One thing Canada never lacks at the highest level of hockey is oodles of options at both forward and defence. The players who don’t make the grade for Canada would fill out a ‘B’ team that would contend for gold.
How might Team Canada 2022 look? Thought you’d never ask. In our eternal quest to be helpful to the managerial powers-that-be, here are our projections for a 25-player roster, which is what the IOC permitted for Sochi in 2014.
As always, remember that in Canada, for an exercise such as this one, there really aren’t many bad options. Just too many good ones.
The last time men’s hockey had a best-on-best tournament was back in 2016 and if that World Cup taught us anything, it is that the younger generation of players dominating the game today had no stage fright whatsoever when they were got a chance to play together as North America’s 23-and-under team. They were fun to watch and unlucky not to advance to the medal round.
In previous Olympics, sometimes Canada’s management team would opt for veteran players over young up-and-comers because of a fear that they might be overwhelmed by the moment. Team Canada’s biggest Olympic bobble in the NHL era came in 2006 and you wonder what might have happened if they’d injected the youth and vigour of Sidney Crosby onto a team that seemed slow and plodding on the big ice of Turin.
By contrast, the decision to go with the 20-year-old Drew Doughty in Vancouver proved quite prescient – he was one of the key contributors that year and then again in 2014 in Sochi, as Canada won back-to-back golds.
Nowadays, Doughty is one of the more polarizing players in the game. He still plays a ton of minutes for the Los Angeles Kings and oozes confidence. On a blue line that features a whole lot of next-gen talent – from Cale Makar and Shea Theodore to Thomas Chabot and Morgan Rielly — chances are they’ll opt for one or two steadying veterans on the blue line. We’ve selected Alex Pietrangelo and Doughty to fill out what is otherwise a talented but relatively green defence corps that’ll get the puck up to the forwards, with great dispatch and accuracy.
Canada’s 2014 gold-medal team won with a stingy brand of hockey and timely saves from Carey Price, whenever he was called upon. That can be a challenge sometimes – playing goal on a team that surrenders few Grade-A opportunities and tests your level of focus and concentration because there will be the occasional breakdown that you will need to be in a position to respond to.
Long-term, Carter Hart will likely take over from Price as Canada’s go-to starter in goal, but there are still some inconsistencies in his game that drops him down to the No. 2 position. One wild card I considered here was the Devils’ Mackenzie Blackwood, who had an excellent rookie season last year and was off to a good start this year as well. Chances are if Blues’ GM Doug Armstrong has the final say, Jordan Binnington would likely be the third goalie on this roster.
All of which leads us to the hardest, most controversial decisions which involve the forward group. There’s the usual problem of having too many natural centres on the roster and so someone will have to switch to the right wing. Among the elite-level centres in Canada, both Nathan MacKinnon and Mark Scheifele are right-handed shots and could swing over to the wing. One likely will have to and in this scenario, it’s Scheifele, if only so that MacKinnon and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, who developed some familiarity playing for Team North America in the World Cup, can play together.
That creates some flexibility if the coach – we’re picking Barry Trotz – ultimately wants to shift Nugent-Hopkins up to Connor McDavid’s line.
Splitting Crosby and Brad Marchand may also just be temporary. In 2016, those two along with Patrice Bergeron were the clear top line for Canada, and scored all the important goal. But Bergeron will be 36 by the time the Olympics roll around, and thus, didn’t make the final group here. You could theoretically put Marchand, Crosby and MacKinnon (playing right wing) together on an all-Nova Scotia line and the chemistry could be magical.
The beauty of Canada’s roster is the versatility of so many of the better forwards – Ryan O’Reilly, Sean Couturier, Brayden Point and Bo Horvat could all play the wing as well as down the middle. Chances are, every line that Canada rolls out will include two natural centres making face-off match-ups easier for the coaching staff, if they can fit both a right- and a left-hand centre onto each line.
The bottom line: With a player pool so deep, Canada has incredible talent and flexibility. Talent enough to get the go-ahead goal in a tight game.
Flexibility enough to juggle lines as needed and get the defensive match-ups as required. The greatest coaching challenge is usually selling a one-for-all and all-for-one vision. If a star player is forced to adopt a secondary role, he’ll need to handle it with maturity and grace and cannot start pouting because he isn’t the first option on the PP or the PK the way he might be on his club team.
Managing egos is as big a part of the job for the coaching staff as setting lines and spooling out ice time. — Eric Duhatschek
I’m going to keep this very simple.
Hockey Canada has a formula. It involves a few key rules that have helped Team Canada dominate best-on-best competition to an unprecedented degree over the past decade:
1) Everyone plays on their strong side.
2) Wherever possible, bring pairs of players that play together in the NHL so you have an immediate chemistry advantage in a short tournament.
3) Bring extra centres and just have them play on the wall.
4) Experience and tenure matter. If you were on the last team and are still elite, you have an edge in the event all other factors are equal.
Now, Hockey Canada has also opted to play grinding, low event hockey over the past decade. It’s cynical, it’s ruthless and it delivers gold.
However, this approach stinks. It shows a certain ruthless focus, which I appreciate, but it actually lacks any grander ambition.
Hockey Canada could aspire for more. They should aspire for greatness.
They should aspir for a national men’s team with the purpose of articulating a national vision of a beautiful, skillful and yet still assertive and physical two-way brand of hockey. Canada’s men’s team could play hockey beautifully if Canada decided to play hockey beautifully, and that’s what this team is going to do — within the framework of Hockey Canada’s otherwise winning formula.
Right off the top, I’ve built the fastest first line in the history of the sport. McDavid moves to the wing mostly for handedness reasons. A top line of McDavid, MacKinnon and Mathew Barzal are going to test the limits of what’s possible to accomplish in hockey playing at the highest possible speed.
Until one of Marchand, Crosby and Bergeron fall off and aren’t among the NHL’s best individually, they’re a set line for Hockey Canada. This is the easiest choice there is. They have chemistry, experience, swagger as a group, and they bring the DNA of Hockey Canada’s decade-of-dominance to this forward group.
The third line is where things get interesting, particularly because this is where the toughest omission from my team — Jonathan Huberdeau — kicks in. Ultimately I’m going to make a decision to prefer John Tavares’ experience, ability to cover in the event of a centre injury and his chemistry with Mitch Marner over Huberdeau’s electricity.
I’m not bringing Rob Zamuner or Kris Draper to fill a role or anything, but my fourth-line definitely has the identity of the highest-end possible version of an energy line. Honestly, in some matchups, this trio may well end up being Hockey Canada’s matchup line ahead of the Crosby line, since it’s just a collection of the countries most willful two-way players.
I’m bringing Steven Stamkos and Couturier as extra forwards, basically two centremen — a lefty and a righty — which means snubbing Bo Horvat and Claude Giroux, my toughest omissions besides Huberdeau.
We weren’t asked to name coaches, but I should add that I’ve named Pete DeBoer and Jared Bednar as assistant coaches, partly because they’re deserving and partly so that my top-four can get reps together throughout the NHL season leading up to the 2022 Games.
There’s a factor in the international game that I still don’t think Hockey Canada has fully incorporated into their player selection process, but they really should: Puck-moving defenders are everything.
Which is why Samuel Girard — probably my most surprising selection — is a slam dunk no brainer for this team and is likely to play a prominent role. Thanks to Bednar’s colluding with me to win a gold medal, he’ll spend more time with Makar in the season leading up to the Olympics (although they’ve spent 200 5-on-5 minutes together the past two seasons, so they’re not exactly strangers). Same goes for Pietrangelo and Shea Theodore, who have played together a bit at 5-on-5 in the early going for Vegas (about 35 minutes so far), but will become the Golden Knight’s fixture top pair in 2021-22 for the purposes of Olympic preparation.
Doughty makes the team because he’s still performing at a high enough level that his status as the most important Hockey Canada veteran defender matters. And Morgan Rielly will be his partner on a mobile third pair, narrowly edging out Giordano.
Ryan Ellis is custom made for the international game and my Hockey Canada will have zero reservation bumping him up the lineup if injuries call for it.
In net, Price and Hart are coming to represent the past and the future while Jordan Binnington gets the nod to round out my trio of netminders. I’m comfortable enough with all three goaltenders that whoever is performing the best ahead of the tournament will go into the round-robin as my defacto starter. — Thomas Drance
Canada Womens
Picking a Canadian roster a year ahead of an Olympics is never easy.
And this time around, looking ahead to Beijing 2022, might be harder than ever, as the years since the 2018 Games have been unlike any other post-Olympic period for Team Canada.
First of all, Canada is coming off a silver medal finish at the last games in Pyeongchang — the first time that’s happened in two decades. If that wasn’t difficult enough, on the eve of the 2019 world championships, the Canadian Women’s Hockey League announced it would fold after nearly 12 years in operation, taking away most Canadians’ daily training environments. Canada ultimately lost in the semifinal of the tournament and took home a bronze medal, the first time Team Canada hasn’t won’t at least silver at a world championship. Then, the 2019 4 Nations Cup was cancelled due to contract disputes between the Swedish Ice Hockey Association and the Swedish women’s team.
On top of all of that, there have been further complications brought by a global pandemic, which led to the cancellation of the 2020 4 Nations Cup and the 2020 women’s world championships.
Essentially, the women’s hockey calendar through the first three years of the Olympic quad cycle has been almost entirely wiped out.
“This quad had been a huge challenge, not only for our program but certainly for women’s hockey globally,” said Gina Kingsbury, the manager of the senior women’s national team. “We’re sitting at Year 3 of our quad with a very little amount of critical experience that we were able to share across our athlete pool to be able to evaluate them and be able to prepare them for an Olympic Games.”
The last time Team Canada played at an international event was 660 days ago at the 2019 worlds. Since then, they’ve relied on games against the U.S. national team and mini-camps throughout the season hosted by Hockey Canada, but even those have been largely put on hold due to the pandemic.
Still, with all that being said, as part of The Athletic’s one year out from the Olympics package, we are going to try our best to project the 2022 Team Canada women’s Olympic roster.
Guided by 2018
To start, let’s take a brief comparative look at who played for Canada in 2018 and who would make the team today. Players selected for the 2022 team are highlighted in red.
Meghan AgostaRenata FastShannon Szabados
Bailey BramLaura FortinoAnn-Renée Desbiens
Emily ClarkBrigette LacquetteGeneviève Lacasse
Mélodie DaoustJocelyne Larocque
Haley IrwinMeaghan Mikkelson
Brianne JennerLauriane Rougeau
Rebecca Johnston
Sarah Nurse
Marie-Philip Poulin
Jill Saulnier
Natalie Spooner
Laura Stacey
Blayre Turnbull
Jennifer Wakefield
From 2018 to 2022, we’re projecting 15 returnees among the 23 roster spots. Nine up front, four on the blue line, and two in goal. It’s not a ton of turnover between the four years, but there are still several spots for younger players to break onto the senior national team and for others to make their Olympic debuts.
Now, let’s look at the projection.
How did I arrive at these names with so few evaluation opportunities?
Well, despite the cancellation, Hockey Canada still named its 23-player roster for the 2020 world championships.
And, in early January, 47 players were invited to a training camp at Hockey Canada’s home base in Calgary. Thirty-five athletes attended the two-week camp — players such as Rebecca Johnston and Sarah Nurse were invited but unable to attend — and were split into two teams for scrimmages, with the line rushes and defence pairings posted daily.
It’s not a huge sample size, but using the previous Olympic and World Championship rosters, and taking stock of the two-week camp, which ended on Friday, you can get a pretty good idea of where things stand one year out from Beijing 2022.
As mentioned above, this roster consists of 15 returnees from the 2018 Games. And 22 of the 23 players projected here were named to Canada’s roster for the cancelled 2020 Women’s World Championship. Brigette Lacquette is the only player on my roster who didn’t make the World Championship roster, as she was unable to play.
These lines and pairings certainly aren’t set in stone, but they were consistently used at last week’s camp, except for Nurse on the line with Emily Clark and Blayre Turnbull, as Nurse did not attend camp.
To start, there are some names on this roster that should be no-brainers.
Marie-Philip Poulin, 29, is now over a decade into her international career and is arguably the greatest player of all-time in the women’s game. She’s Canada’s captain and scored the game-winning goal in the gold medal games of her first two Olympic appearances (2010 and 2014). A knee injury kept her mostly out of the 2019 world championships, but she’s healthy now. And it would take something completely unforeseen for Poulin to not be in Beijing.
Her frequent winger for club (the now-defunct CWHL Les Canadiennes) and country, Mélodie Daoust, is also a natural choice. With three goals and seven points in five games, she led Canada in scoring at the last Olympics. And scored one of the most impressive shootout goals in the gold medal game.
Natalie Spooner and Brianne Jenner have been consistent staples for Team Canada in the last two Olympic Games, with Spooner making her World Championship debut in 2011, and Jenner in 2012. The duo ranked No. 1 and 2 in scoring for Canada at the 2019 world championships. Spooner scored six goals and 10 points in seven games, only one goal behind Hilary Knight, who led the tournament with 11 points. Jenner wasn’t far behind with nine points.
Lauriane Rougeau and Jocelyne Larocque are also steady veterans, albeit on the blue line, who have the 2014 and 2018 Olympics under their belts. While, Nurse and Clark, who played together at the University of Wisconsin, both made their Olympic debuts in 2018 and should be natural choices to return in 2022. Similarly, Fast made her debut in 2018 and has established herself as one of the top defenders in the women’s game.
Youth vs. experience
I wanted to strike a balance on this roster with returning players, veterans and young players, or those making their Olympic debut. Because according to Kingsbury, as much as you want to win a gold medal, you have to keep an eye to the future.
“Often you tend to lean on what you know, and the unknowns of the young players obviously is a little scary, but I do think we’re at a point in our program that we do have to sometimes take calculated risks,” she explained. “We’re aiming at winning a gold medal in Beijing, but we’re also making sure that we’ve got a sustainable success here down the road as well and that we’re looking ahead in the future of our program.”
With that front of mind, there are some obvious omissions on this projected roster.
Both Johnston and Laura Fortino, who played in 2018, were among the final cuts for the 2020 world championships. I left them off this roster.
Shannon Szabados was a steady presence in Canada’s crease from her Olympic debut in 2010 until 2019. She recently had her first child and is currently not playing. She could certainly decide to come back but will be 35 by the next games and 39 by 2026.
So, this feels like a natural time for a passing of the torch in the crease to younger goalies like Ann-Renée Desbiens, 26, and Emerance Maschmeyer, 26, who have been given a lot of the net over the last two and a half years, along with Geneviève Lacasse, 31.
Similarly, Meaghan Mikkelson, a three-time Olympian, was one of the most experienced players at last week’s camp, with just under 50 games for Canada at the Olympics (14) and world championships (35) over the last decade. She last played in 2017-18, taking a leave after the birth of her second child. This will be her second comeback to the national team.
This was one of the more difficult decisions for my projected blue line, and I assume this will be the same for the real decision-makers at Hockey Canada. Mikkelson will be 37 when the Games begin. If she can re-elevate her game, she can be a force on the ice. But could, say, Claire Thompson, 23, have a similar impact?
If we assume Rougeau, 30, and Larocque, 31, make this team, with two other returning blueliners in Fast and Lacquette, the Canadian blue line isn’t going to be inexperienced. So bringing Thompson to Beijing over Mikkelson could be one of those “looking ahead in the future” decisions.
There could be a similar decision in looking at a player like Erin Ambrose, who was the most difficult omission for me. Ambrose was one of the last cuts for the 2018 Olympics, but played her way onto the 2019 and 2020 World Championship rosters. She could realistically do the same for Beijing. But again, how much does Hockey Canada want to look forward to the future?
Admittedly, Ambrose, Mikkelson and even Meghan Agosta — a four-time Olympian who is a full-time Vancouver police officer who hasn’t play for Canada since 2017-18 — could be the ultimate wild cards for 2022. However, for this exercise, I decided that if I was undecided between a player on the way up and an older player, I erred on the side of the former.
This brings us to the Olympic rookies, projected to be: Jamie Lee Rattray, Victoria Bach, Sarah Fillier, Loren Gabel, Jaime Bourbonnais, Micah Zandee-Hart, and the aforementioned Maschmeyer and Thompson.
All eight of these rookies were named to the 2020 World Championship roster, and they were all featured in the 2019 world championships except for Bach and Fillier, who were among the final cuts. Rattray, 28,  has been in the Hockey Canada program for a while now and has seemed to solidify a place within the core group. Bach was set to make her international tournament debut at the world championships, and while that debut has been delayed, her standing on the team remains.
There are two young stars to watch for here, too, in Gabel and Fillier.
Gabel, 23, made her senior team debut at the 2018 4 Nations Cup and won the Patty Kazmaier Award — the biggest individual honour in women’s college hockey — in 2019 after scoring 40 goals and 69 points in 38 games, including 11 game-winning goals for Clarkson University. She graduated that year as the all-time leading scorer with 213 points on 116 goals and 97 assists through 160 games.
Fillier, 20, was nominated for the Patty Kazmaier as a rookie at Princeton in 2018-19 after she put up nearly two points per game (1.97) to lead NCAA women’s hockey. Fillier, a centre, also led her team in scoring (22 goals and 57 points in 29 games) and was named the National Rookie of the Year. Like Gabel, Fillier made her senior team debut at the 2018 4 Nations Cup.
These two have been on the rise and should certainly crack the 2021 World Championship and 2022 Olympics rosters.
Bourbonnais, Thompson and Zandee-Hart further make up the young up and coming core of Hockey Canada’s roster, specifically on the blue line.
As mentioned, all of the above players were named to the 2020 World Championship roster, which shows a lot of trust from the decision-makers to put them into best-on-best competition. The world championships is often a dress rehearsal for the Olympics, too. That they were all chosen over veterans like Johnston and Fortino means a lot.
Finally, there are some other young players in Hockey Canada’s talent pool to be highlighted here, such as Élizabeth Giguère, Emma Maltais and Daryl Watts.
Giguère won the Patty Kazmaier last season, while Watts currently leads the nation with 11 goals and 21 points through 10 games to start the NCAA season. There are some key complications impacting their Olympic chances.
None of the three were at the recent camp, a key evaluator for the 2021 world championships. Kingsbury said “it was impossible” to bring any U.S.-based athletes to camp due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. (Fillier decided to take the year off from Princeton with the questions around if Ivy League schools would have a season and the Olympic considerations in mind.)
“Having our college players not here is definitely another challenge,” she said. “You’re trying to scout online, and it’s hard to see what they do in college and try to figure out if that’s going to have an impact at the international level.”
So while they are talented, without camps and potentially cracking the 2021 World Championship roster, it will be hard to jump into the 2022 Olympics. Especially if they are trying to take spots from returning players such as Turnbull, Jill Saulnier and Laura Stacey, who have all shown they can be reliable forwards who can play up and down the lineup.
For everything laid out here, all it takes is a really good tournament or training camp by one or two players to change my entire roster. Every year before the Olympics, Hockey Canada invites its Olympic hopefuls to Calgary for a six-to-seven month “centralized” camp before the Games.
Typically, there are some surprises on the roster, as Kingsbury said some players come in “like sponges” and elevate their game.
Such is the difficulty in this exercise. Anything can happen once we officially get into the final year of the Olympic quad. But regardless, Canada is going to have a deep talent pool to chose from when it comes time for Beijing 2022.
USA Mens
I remember covering the 2010 United States Olympic men’s hockey team — that came within a Sidney Crosby overtime goal of winning a gold medal — and before the tournament wondering: How the hell are they going to fill out this roster?
Ten years later, there has been a seismic change in the hockey landscape at the highest levels in the United States. Depth is no longer an issue for the U.S.
We often joke Canada could enter two teams in these best-on-best tournaments and both would be gold-medal worthy. The U.S. is not so far behind that and it’s illustrated by the difficult decisions we’ve made with this lineup and the hard decisions that await whoever builds the 2022 version of Team USA. There will be no shortage of heated debate about those tabbed to wear the red, white and blue and, of course, those whose names do not end up on the 25-man roster.
In starting to narrow down our roster here, we hearkened back to that scrappy 2010 team built by Brian Burke and David Poile and coached by Ron Wilson and looked for clues as to how to build not just the most talented team but the team most likely to win gold. What was it that allowed that group to defy projections and push a superstar-laden Canadian team to overtime?
Conversely, what was it that led a talented American roster to fall short of a medal in Sochi four years later and to flame out spectacularly in the 2016 World Cup? You will hear over and over that this version of Team USA will be the most talented ever iced in a best-on-best tournament. Maybe. But we focused in this exercise on building not just the most talented American roster but a team that can overcome disappointment, obstacles and the unexpected en route to what would be the first American gold medal in men’s hockey since the Miracle on Ice in 1980.
Let the shame-talking begin. Yes. No room on this roster for Johnny Gaudreau, Zach Parise or Paul Stastny. No room for 2019 first overall pick Jack Hughes. Sorry.
This is as good a team down the middle as any Team USA has iced, starting with Auston Matthews and Jack Eichel. A little bit of everything from this group of centers including solid leadership, ability to play shutdown hockey and, of course, create offense. That meant excluding worthy pivots like Kevin Hayes and Hughes even though one former coach and executive we spoke to felt Hughes would continue to evolve and push his way onto the roster before the end of 2021.
As for the wingers, there is so much to like from this group including the size and speed of Blake Wheeler, Jake Guentzel and Anders Lee and the offensive creativity of J.T. Miller and Kyle Connor. And of course, who will every team in the tournament love to hate from the word go? Matthew Tkachuk.
We kept Stanley Cup champion and Olympic shootout hero T.J. Oshie (T.J. Sochi as he is known after his exploits in 2014) given his experience. If you wanted more speed on the right side, you could go with Bryan Rust and/or one of our favorite emerging players, Conor Garland. We love the natural connection between usual Winnipeg linemates Connor and Wheeler and we wanted Stanley Cup champion Blake Coleman on this roster for his versatility and his ability to play both ends of the ice.
At one point, we had Gaudreau as one of our extra forwards in place of Max Pacioretty but the experts we spoke to felt Pacioretty needed to be on the roster and the fact that Gaudreau has struggled to produce in the playoffs we went with Pacioretty. Both the coach and former player we spoke to suggested two Brocks, Nelson and Boeser, and Columbus captain Nick Foligno should be considered. Another dark horse forward in the former player’s view is Alex Iafallo.
There will be no more critical decisions for Team USA’s management team than the ones made on the blue line.
The Beijing Games will be played on North American-sized ice so it will be critical to include not only those defenders who can skate fluidly and make good, quick decisions with the puck but who can defend vigorously. Team USA’s entry in the World Cup in 2016 is a good illustration of why you should never build a team with the notion of facing one particular opponent. But given Canada is in the same round-robin pool as the U.S., the ability to defend a physical, skilled team like Canada will be paramount.
As in all things, the balance will be crucial. This group is split evenly right shot/left shot and does have a good mix of youthful zest and solid experience. Some may quibble with leaving a guy like Zach Werenski off the roster, especially given his familiarity with Seth Jones. Fair enough. But a number of NHL sources we spoke to felt Torey Krug needed to be on this team.
Jeff Petry has established himself as one of the most effective defensemen in the game excelling in all situations and playing more often than not against opposing teams’ top talent. Jaccob Slavin, who is the motor that drives the talented Carolina blue line, must be on this roster. Charlie McAvoy has emerged from the shadows of Zdeno Chara to become the Bruins’ undisputed number one defender and he will be a key part of this blue line.
So having to leave Werenski off the list of eight is difficult but a function of the breadth and depth of options that will be available. Others who were on the radar included young John Marino, who has been so impressive in Pittsburgh, and the venerable Ryan Suter, who is a perennial participant in these best-on-best tournaments.
Goaltending is probably the most clearly established position for Team USA. Connor Hellebuyck is the defending Vezina Trophy winner. He’s an elite netminder who has endured his own share of ups and downs en route to his current lofty status.
John Gibson, playing behind a rebuilding Ducks team, won’t have the gaudy numbers that other top NHL netminders boast but he is recognized around the hockey world as an elite netminder and he will push Hellebuyck for the starter’s role in Beijing.
Ben Bishop’s lingering health issues excuse him from our list but if the multiple time Vezina Trophy finalist went on a roll later this season or to start the 2021-22 season he could play his way into the picture. Two-time Stanley Cup winner Jonathan Quick is Hall of Fame worthy but past his prime so we went younger with Thatcher Demko, who was stellar in the bubble playoffs for Vancouver.
We’ll admit one former NHL coach and executive with whom we shared our roster felt unequivocally Bishop should be on the team ahead of Demko. And one longtime netminder and analyst felt that the Kings’ Cal Petersen in Los Angeles might actually jump over Gibson by the time the Olympics roll around. — Scott Burnside
Let’s start with the fourth line. I was chatting with Blackhawks director of amateur scouting Mark Kelley for another story on the way about Team USA and he suggested this one. We were debating the merits of Jack Hughes on the Olympic team and he said, if he were to do it, he’d throw him out there with the two Tkachuks.
“No one will get near him,” Kelley said of Hughes. “It’ll be like he’s walking his two pit bulls.”
To pull it off, we’re probably costing a guy like Jake Guentzel a deserving spot, but it’s fun. I like the idea of T.J. Oshie as an option for shootouts but just couldn’t squeeze him in. I’d also like to find a spot for Joe Pavelski, who is averaging like three goals per game this season, but am skewing younger because we’re a year out. This team is loaded.
Quinn Hughes has gone from a guy knocking on the door to make the roster to the top pair over the last year. Just think of how good he’ll be a year from now. Zach Werenski could be penciled in to play in the place of Ryan Suter but it would be great to have Suter’s Olympic experience available in the top six. It’s also possible we’re suffering from some recency bias following Werenski’s slow start. Adam Fox, Neal Pionk and Matt Grzelcyk all have to be on a watch list this season.
The debate in goal will be about who starts between Gibson and Hellebuyck but the most interesting slot might be No. 3. Chances are, that goalie isn’t playing, so I’m bringing the future of American goaltending — world junior gold medalist Spencer Knight — to get experience on the big stage and soak in the experience much like a young Jonathan Quick did in 2010. — Craig Custance
Team USA is due in best-on-best hockey.
They lost the bronze medal game at the Sochi Olympics in 2014. They were embarrassed at the 2016 World Cup.
Now they’ve got a whole new generation of stars ready to bring USA Hockey back to gold-medal contention.
The difficulty in this exercise of selecting the roster for the Beijing Olympics is proof of how things got to another level for USA Hockey over the past decade.
It’s probably a crime to leave off T.J. Sochi but there’s plenty of time for me to change my mind before next year. Anders Lee, Jake Guentzel, Blake Coleman, Bryan Rust, Chris Kreider and James van Riemsdyk are among other names I passed over for now. It speaks to the elite U.S. depth. I’m probably one of the few who has young Brady Tkachuk on this roster this far out but, believe me, when we get closer to the final roster picks next December/January, he will have worked his way on to a lot of people’s lists.
I may also be one of the few to select Kevin Hayes but I wanted the extra center on the roster and given the fact the tournament will be played on North American-sized ice, I like his big body as a factor.
Four lefties and four righties, talk about balance in this defense group. I do worry I put too much offense on here but I’ve got my penalty-killing units in Slavin-Jones and McDonagh-Petry. Obviously, it’s tough to leave off a quality veteran like Suter and no doubt USA Hockey may not. Zach Werenski and Cam Fowler are other names to monitor over the year. But I really like the balance in those eight I put down.
Not much to debate in goal as Hellebuyck-Gibson is pretty much locked in at this point as the 1-2 punch. Now, I went with youth as the No. 3 with Demko but obviously, a healthy Ben Bishop or a resurgent Jonathan Quick would force USA Hockey’s hand. — Pierre LeBrun
USA Womens
It’s been nearly three years since USA Hockey forward Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson unleashed her gold-medal winning shootout goal at the 2018 Winter Olympics. The “Oops I Did it Again“ move shook Canadian netminder Shannon Szabados right out of her pads and sent the United States back home with their first goal medal since 1998.
Much has changed in the women’s hockey landscape since the national team was paraded around the United States media circuit. From “Ellen” to “The Tonight Show” to some players visiting the White House, we seemed on track to see the best leadup to the next Olympics ever.
However, the U.S. women’s team hasn’t competed in an official tournament since the April 2019 women’s worlds in Finland and has had very few competitive games since. It’s been a rocky road that has been only further complicated by the pandemic. The last official roster we got from USA Hockey was ahead of the cancelled 2020 world championships.
The 2022 Winter Olympics are officially one year away and soon we can expect USA Hockey to name a roster for the 2021 worlds and enter residency in the fall ahead of selecting the roster for the Beijing Games. Here is a look at all that has happened since the Pyeongchang Games and what we predict the final U.S. Olympic roster will look like.
The rundown
The Canadian Women’s Hockey League folded as Team USA traveled to Finland for the 2019 world championship — their last official tournament. New head coach Bob Corkum made some noticeable roster adjustments for that tournament, including bringing back the final cuts from the 2018 Olympic roster: Alex Carpenter and Megan Bozek. Kelly Pannek, Annie Pankowski and the return of 2014 Olympian Michelle Picard were other notable additions.
As Team USA was competing on the ice, they were also paving a future for professional women’s sports off the ice. Players made a bold statement with the #ForTheGame movement, vowing not to play for an existing professional league in North America. That was a loud and clear message to then-NWHL commissioner Dani Rylan. The movement has since evolved into the Professional Women’s Hockey Players Association and the #DreamGap tour.
Games were already sparse when the Swedish national team held its own boycott for better conditions. Unlike what unfolded after the U.S. held out of the 2017 worlds, Sweden and its players did not reach an agreement and the 4 Nations Cup was canceled.
In lieu of 4 Nations, USA Hockey and Hockey Canada held a joint training camp in Pennsylvania. Canada opted for a young roster for the training camp, while the U.S. went with the usual suspects.
The next scheduled official tournament was the 2020 worlds. However, the pandemic shut that down and we haven’t seen USA Hockey in competition since. COVID-19 also greatly affected the PWHPA’s second year. Some players hit the ice last month in Tampa, but the organization has not yet been able to activate all of its five hub cities.
The 2020 world championship roster was announced and likely gives us the best glimpse at what USA Hockey will roll with as we approach the one year mark from the 2022 Olympics.
2020 world championship rosterFORWARDSDEFENDERSGOALIES
Brianna DeckerLee SteckleinAlex Cavallini
Hannah BrandtCayla BarnesMaddie Rooney
Hayley ScamurraMegan KellerAerin Frankel
Hilary KnightEmily Matheson
Kelly PannekMegan Bozek
Dani CameranesiKacey Bellamy
Kendall Coyne-SchofieldSavannah Harmon
Amanda Kessel
Jesse Compher
Alex Carpenter
Britta Curl
Grace Zumwinkle
Abby Roque
Roster changes
Notably missing from this roster compared to the 2018 Olympic team are Meghan Duggan, Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson, and Monique Lamoureaux-Morando. Duggan has since retired and it is unclear if USA Hockey is permanently moving on from the Lamoureux twins, who both returned to the team in November 2019 after each giving birth to their first child.
Defender Emily Matheson has announced she is expecting a baby boy in June 2021. Shelly Picard, who returned for the 2019 worlds, has also effectively retired and now serves as the deputy commissioner of the NWHL.
In goal, it would appear Nicole Hensley is on the outside looking in. Katie Burt and Aerin Frankel might be the two netminders Corkum brings in to join Maddie Rooney and Alex Cavallini. Overall, Corkum has shown he isn’t afraid to mix in some new faces with those synonymous with USA Hockey, such as Hilary Knight, Kacey Bellamy and new captain Kendall Coyne Schofield.
Annie Pankowski had a great world championship in 2019 but did not land on the 2020 roster. She was also missing from the 53-player roster tapped for an evaluation camp in October 2020, while younger players like Jincy Dunne, Natalie Snodgrass and Britta Curl were present.
Corkum emphasized in October the importance of bringing in new players and facilitating internal competition.
“We have a nice blend of youth and veteran talent here and the young players are certainly pushing the older players. And the older players aren’t ready to give it up,” Corkum said in a USA Hockey video recap.
It is always difficult to make Olympic predictions, especially when USA Hockey hasn’t hit the ice in so long. I get the impression, though, that Corkum and USA Hockey are ready to shake things up. The roster for the 2021 worlds won’t be a complete youth movement, but it will feature some rising stars who have proven themselves in the 2019-20 Rivalry Series and in the NCAA. Here is my best guess at the 2022 Olympic Roster:
The 2020 world championship roster is the best indicator we have right now and I think we’ll see that team begin to take form as the go-to roster. I came up with line pairings based on the 2018 Olympics, 2019 worlds, and the 2019-20 Rivalry Series.
Alex Carpenter and Megan Bozek should make the next Olympics, though I’m more confident in Bozek than Carpenter.
Both are extremely skilled and are two of the few players currently getting in competitive games overseas. That said, there are a lot of good, young forwards coming up in the USA Hockey system. Abby Roque and Jesse Compher, for example, showed they are ready to play with Olympians in the 2019-20 Rivalry Series.
Roque, the 2020 Bob Allen USA Hockey Player of the Year, is an elite center and all signs point to her having a stellar international career. She scored two impressive goals in the Rivalry Series and injected some much-needed energy into USA Hockey coming off the lackluster performance at the 2019 November camp.
Last year would have marked the second consecutive world championship for Boston University product Jesse Compher. An injury kept her away from the Rivalry Series, but expect her to be back in the rotation. She has a great combination of size and skill for a USA Hockey team that is equal parts fast and furious on the ice.
Making the USA Hockey roster as a defender is tough, but ultimately, I think Matheson will need more time to return. I predict Savannah Harmon and Jincy Dunne will be the two vying for a spot this year, while Matheson will go for hers in 2022. I give the edge to the youth.
In net, Cavanelli and Rooney seem to be the mainstays for Corkum. Hensley attended the October evaluation camp, while Katie Burt did not. Frankel making the worlds roster indicates to me that she is being prepared for international competition.
As a journalist very fond of the eye test, this exercise was difficult, but here is to hoping we get to see players hit the ice for the red, white, and blue sooner rather than later.
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A rant approaches
Okay. So I feel like I need to get this out or I'm gonna spontaneously combust. Feel free to ignore because it's just my own PTSD and family drama.
I just started college this fall. It's midterms now and it marks week 6 of the constant chaos I've felt building up in my chest. This buildup is there because I've never been to school before.
You mean college/public school? I hear you ask. No. I mean school. I never got an education.
My parents, when my siblings and I were born (all SEVEN of us), never notified the schools in our area of our existence. That, my dear involuntary pen pals, is so very illegal for so many very important reasons. So since my birth I was forced into truency along with my sisters and brother. My oldest three siblings were the only ones to get properly homeschooled and were basically expected to teach the rest of us, which of course they did not do, not that my parents cared. That lefty sister Hannah, the middle child who struggled so hard to teach herself as much as she could, to teach me, the youngest, and my two other sisters everything she could. Of course my father was absent most of the time, sitting in his office all day. And my mother did her best to sabotage practically everything. At one point Hannah had me almost through a grade 5/6 math book and my mother decided that I couldn't do that anymore. That I wasn't smart enough.
She decided I needed to do a second grade workbook. A. Second. Grade. Workbook. And you know what? The reason she pegged me there is because that is how much effort she put in. She knew that everything she did towards my education only amounts to a second grade level. Barely. She didn’t even consider the fact that Hannah had been teaching me. She only knew what she had done. Which was practically nothing.
That was when I gave up, really. I already had been called a liar by her and made to read the same book three times because "you didn't read this! Stop lying!" Until the third time I went to my sister, sat with her, and said "I need you to see me read this and be my witness because Mom is gonna say I didn't read it again." And she did. She was gonna make me read it again until my sister chimed in. That's how much my mother payed attention to my schooling. My "homeschooling" was just my mother taking my siblings old school books off the shelf, shoving them into my hands and saying "do this." That's it. Nothing was checked. Nothing was graded. No one but my sister actually tried to teach us anything, and that could only go so far because she wasn't taught anything either. She BOUGHT HER OWN SCHOOL BOOKS FOR FUCKS SAKE. She was also practically running our family business since she was fourteen so she couldn't be there all the time. The only reason I'm in college right now is because of what she did. And even now I'm taking the most basic classes.
The reason why I'm ranting about this right now is because yesterday, when I was on the edge of a breakdown I was flailing around in my seat, being super dramatic and playing it of as a joke, I was squealing a rant to my sister and then went "I'm fine, it's okay, this is fine," quoting a bunch of memes and a movie. But in the squeaky rant, my mother latched onto the fact that I said "I wish I had an education."
To which she decided to go into a lecture about how "you can't say that you didn't have an education. You didn't have one to the extent that you SHOULD have had one, but you did have and education. You had schoolwork, but you just didn't do it." -Her actual words. "I couldn't be there the whole time and make you do it but it was there. And you guys are so smart, you guys are brilliant, and you did have an education so saying that is just unfair to you."
Basically "don't make me feel guilty with the Truth™️ cause it makes me feel bad about my horrible parenting and disrupts my image of the perfect mother. So I’m just gonna say that it’s all your fault and that I tried my best but it turned out okay because you somehow managed to grow some brain cells while I wasn’t there.”
I’m just eating some struggle soup right now and that was so frustrating that I need to yell it at some people so... thanks mutuals for putting up with my bull! Any good vibes sent my way would be much appreciated.
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s weekly politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarahf (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): This is the first debate of 2020 and the last debate before the voting starts in Iowa in less than three weeks. There are six candidates (the smallest debate stage yet), and we’ve finally published our primary forecast (!!!), which shows the field (especially in Iowa) is pretty wide open.
So how are you thinking about tonight’s debate? Do you think it has the potential to really shake things up?
clare.malone (Clare Malone, senior political writer): I think the big story on Monday — and potentially the big story of the debate — is what’s going on with the rivalry between Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. First, there is the Sanders campaign’s talking points that reportedly had volunteers paint Warren as “the candidate of the elite.” And then a story leaked on Monday that’s pretty damn unflattering to Sanders, claiming he told Warren he didn’t think a woman could win the presidency. So … I would say there’s some jostling on the progressive end of the spectrum that could play out tonight!
ameliatd (Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux, senior writer): Definitely. One thing I’ll be watching for is whether some of the tacit alliances we’ve seen between the candidates start to break down. That story really did not reflect well on Sanders. On the other hand, it’s generally risky for women to go on the offensive in debates like these, so it might be a little tricky for Warren to turn that to her advantage.
natesilver (Nate Silver, editor in chief): Yeah, it seems like the theme of this debate is somewhat inevitably going to be SANDERS-WARREN BATTLE. Unless they really do decide to turn the other cheek.
clare.malone: I mean, I do think the Warren people have been savvier about dropping opposition research like this.
natesilver: That’s a pretty serious oppo drop.
clare.malone: Sanders’s defense is generally “the mainstream media is stirring up conflict.”
Which is true, partially, in the sense that the media is the one publishing this stuff, but there are, indeed, real tensions between those two campaigns!
natesilver: Like, 95 percent of these oppo drops are dumb as fuck, concerning things that ordinarily voters couldn’t possibly care about. But this would be a big deal if it’s somehow confirmed or if Warren repeats the accusation herself.
sarahf: Yeah, it’s amazing how fast the news cycle moves, I had thought the situation with Iran would be the dominant thread of conversation tonight, but agree that between the Selzer & Co. Iowa poll that put Sanders in first in Iowa, and now the breakdown of Warren and Sanders’s truce to not attack each other, that will be a big part of tonight’s debate. And going in, it doesn’t seem great for Sanders …
ameliatd: Warren could really benefit from getting some more support from lefty Democrats who might be undecided or mostly seem to be sticking with Sanders. But if this accusation comes off as a cheap shot from Warren, I think that could hurt her. Or at least, not endear her further to those on the left.
clare.malone: Sanders’s support is pretty sticky, though, so it’s hard for me to see her winning over any of his supporters. Honestly, at this point, I think she has to worry about losing her supporters to Sanders or Pete Buttigieg — or even Joe Biden.
natesilver: Part of the dynamic is that Sanders hasn’t really been considered a front-runner. But now the media is covering him like one, even though it’s not really clear how much has actually changed in his candidacy. (If you look at the odds in our primary model — where we ran older forecasts retroactively before we launched — Sanders’s chances of winning the majority of pledged delegates have been pretty steady since November.)
sarahf: So let’s say tonight is the Sanders “wine cave” edition, where he’s at the center of attacks like Buttigieg was in the December debate. That debate seemed to have actually dampened some enthusiasm for Buttigieg — for instance, he fell pretty substantially in that Selzer poll from where he was in November. Do we see Sanders as the candidate tonight who has the most at stake? What about Biden? He is after all, the front-runner in our model even if he’s not the clear favorite to win; i.e., he’s still an underdog relative to the rest of the field.
natesilver: So on the one hand, I agree that Sanders’s support is likely to be pretty sticky, as Clare puts it. There’s evidence from polls that his supporters are the most firmly committed to any one candidate. But on the other hand, he hasn’t really gotten the same front-runner-type scrutiny that Warren DID get at some points this fall. So whether he holds up, once that level of scrutiny is applied, is very much up in the air.
ameliatd: And it’s not a low-stakes debate for Warren either, because she’s been actively trying to revitalize her campaign. When I was in Iowa on a reporting trip a few weeks ago, she was kind of trying to hit the “reset” button by hammering her core message on corruption and the economy. And of course, she’s now campaigning with Julián Castro.
clare.malone: I mean, we’ll just have to wait and see what the attacks are. I’m not entirely sure Warren, for instance, would go for “Bernie is sexist” on stage. That just doesn’t seem like her temperament. I would expect more of an attack on Sanders from Warren to be like, “his plans are implausible and therefore, bad for the general election.” But then again, he could also push back (as he’s been doing on the campaign trail), saying that HE is actually the most electable in a general. And there’s some truth to it, especially in comparison to Warren. Our polling with Ipsos shows the same thing — voters generally rate Sanders next after Biden in terms of his ability to defeat Trump.
Also, Sanders benefits from everyone kinda knowing what his thing is — socialism, baby! — which takes some of the sting out of “he’s too far out there!!” attacks. The brand is strong, as the kids say.
sarahf: Right, but to Amelia’s point, tonight could be a big night for Warren. She was only 3 points behind Sanders in that Selzer poll, which is a good sign for her considering her national numbers had dipped in late November and through December. And you can already see the slightest of upticks already in our national polling average:
geoffrey.skelley (Geoffrey Skelley, elections analyst): Yeah, that Selzer poll had Sanders in the lead in Iowa as we’ve discussed, but then that Monmouth poll out on Monday showed Biden in the lead with 24 percent in Iowa and Sanders in second at 18 percent, suggesting that Iowa is very wide open and very difficult to predict.
clare.malone: Like the state itself!
sarahf: Right, Biden is either in first or fourth, depending on which poll you look at.
geoffrey.skelley: So far, the debates haven’t seemed to have affected the polls all that much, at least not since Sen. Kamala Harris’s surge after the June debate.
The first Democratic debate shifted polls the most
Average change* in national polls and the candidates who moved the most after the first four Democratic primary debates
Debate Avg. Change Biggest gainer Biggest loser June 26-27 +/- 2.4 Harris +8.3 Biden -6.5 July 30-31 0.9 Warren +3.0 Harris -3.0 Sept. 12 1.1 Warren +4.4 Sanders -2.0 Oct. 15 1.0 Buttigieg +1.6 Warren -3.5
*Average change in national polls evaluates the average absolute change in polling averages before and after each debate across the 10 candidates with the highest post-debate polling average. Polling averages were calculated using national polls conducted during the two weeks before and two weeks after each debate.
Source: Polls
Although I haven’t run the numbers the same way for the November and December debates, one look at the polls suggests there wasn’t a dramatic shakeup after those events, either. Now, tonight’s debate could be different since there are fewer candidates and voting is right around the corner. But then again, maybe not.
clare.malone: My spidey sense is that this debate will matter, especially to Iowans. These people are tuned in to a deranged degree!
natesilver: And polls also find that a high proportion of Iowans haven’t yet made their final decision.
clare.malone: Right.
sarahf: So if many Iowans haven’t made their final decision … how many do you think are actively considering Amy Klobuchar or Tom Steyer?
Klobuchar didn’t do as well in that Selzer poll as I thought she might, given how respondents in our poll with Ipsos rated her December debate performance. Granted, a lot of time has passed since Dec. 19, but there also haven’t been that many polls.
And then Steyer had a kind of weird surge in South Carolina and Nevada? It’s too soon to really make sense of what’s happening there (although he has spent a ton of money on TV ads).
natesilver: Klobuchar is actually in a pretty weird place. She’s at 6.6 percent in our Iowa polling average, but usually candidates either rise up to at least ~15 percent in Iowa — which matters, given how the caucus process itself works — or fall back into the low single digits.
clare.malone: The Steyer stuff is interesting in the sense that yes, he’s doing well in polls, probably because of advertising in those two states that have fewer ads in general than, say, Iowa or New Hampshire. But other candidates are going to start to get into that media-market scrum. Let’s see how much those numbers stick for him.
What I will say, though, is that the ads themselves cannily talk about the economy, not impeachment or climate change, subjects with which Steyer is more closely associated.
ameliatd: Steyer has been kind of defensive, too, about the fact that he made the debate at all — the implication being that he’s only there because he spent a ton of money on ads. That makes him a potential target, particularly for someone like Sanders or Warren. But attacking him also runs the risk of making him look like a more serious threat, so it’s somewhat complicated.
clare.malone: I think he won’t really be a big factor, tbh.
natesilver: I just don’t think Steyer is very interesting.
ameliatd: Right, maybe the other candidates won’t think it’s worth their time to question why he’s even there.
natesilver: So long as he’s at 3 percent in Iowa and New Hampshire, I don’t really care where he is in Nevada and South Carolina.
clare.malone: I mean, I don’t think he’s half bad in debates! I just think the scrum will go a little more the Sanders/Warren and the Buttigieg/Klobuchar.
perry (Perry Bacon Jr., senior writer): We touched on this a bit earlier, but Biden is currently winning the race for the nomination. And I think, as a result, you are seeing blunter criticism of him. Buttigieg and Sanders have both taken Biden to task for his vote for the Iraq War, and Sanders has also criticized Biden’s record on issues of racial justice.
I’m not sure his rivals will attack Biden on Tuesday, but that’s the thing I’m watching most closely: Does anyone decide this is the last real chance to take on the person mostly likely to win? I have been confused by how much Warren’s allies are attacking Buttigieg, and now it seems like Warren is attacking Sanders — but Biden is winning!
It feels like 2016 a bit — Christie attacking Rubio instead of Trump — what is the point?
natesilver: If somehow Biden gets through the debate, and all the focus is on Sanders vs. Warren, Buttigieg, etc. — that seems like a very fortunate outcome for the former vice president.
ameliatd: Yes, Biden clearly benefited from being able to float above the fray in the December debate. And the other candidates mostly let him do that, which was a little weird.
natesilver: Biden does have a tendency to cause trouble for himself, of course.
It’s also probably worth noting that his relatively smooth debate in December has been followed up by quite a few endorsements, etc. Party elites seem to have fewer concerns than they once did about his steadiness as a candidate.
perry: Harris was kind of limited in taking on Biden, in my view, since she will be high on the VP list. But I don’t think Biden is going to pick Buttigieg, Warren or Sanders for VP, so they have very little incentive to hold back. Buttigieg, in particular, has been very good at attacking people — it would be interesting to see if one was the one to push the Iraq issue, because Biden seems, at times, unwilling to concede he voted for the war.
clare.malone: Yeah, I gotta say, that whole thing is really weird.
John Kerry, a Biden surrogate, was trying to say that other candidates were misrepresenting his record, but it’s clear as day that Biden voted for the Iraq War. If you want to complicate the narrative and say it was a mistake, and you were misled — fine. But that whole talking point is weak sauce, in my opinion.
sarahf: OK, this is our last debate before the voting starts in Iowa, and as I said at the outset of the chat — it’s pretty much a four-way race with Biden, Sanders, Warren and Buttigieg all projected to get some delegates. Biden is in the lead in our forecast, but as we’ve said in our chat, a lot of Iowans are still on the fence. What will you be keeping a close eye on tonight to see if it moves the needle at all?
perry: Biden seems poised to win the nomination — perhaps even Iowa. I’ll be watching to see whether any of the other top three really take him on — and if they do, on what issues?
ameliatd: I will be interested to see, as Perry mentioned, if Biden’s Iraq war vote — and his strange unwillingness to admit to it — gets turned against him, or if he can turn the general foreign policy conversation/discussion of what’s happening with Iran in his favor. Because in general, that’s an issue where he has a clear advantage over the other candidates.
clare.malone: I mean, it’s trite, but I’ll be curious to see what Warren and Sanders do on stage, given the conflict they’ve had. And I’ll be curious to see if Sanders, in particular, challenges Biden on a general-election electability front.
natesilver: Repeating myself a bit, but it feels to me like Sanders is liable to play a central role in this debate with perceptions that he’s now a front-runner, and those sorts of debates tend to be pretty high stakes.
ameliatd: Basically, tonight comes down to who’s taking the gloves off, and who are they going after?
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Celestina Nymphadora Shacklebolt + Questionnaire
trigger warning : anxiety, breakdown, death, hospitalisation, neglect & suicide
Name: Celestina Nymphadora Shacklebolt (II)
Nickname(s): Cel, C, Little Witch (by Tobias only)
Reason for name:
Celestina was her mother’s name.
Nymphadora was picked by her father after one of his friends who died in the Second Wizarding War.
Birthday: 25th of November, 2005
Gender: Female
Place of birth: St Mungo’s Hospital, London, England, U.K.
Places lived since:
Shacklebolt Manor
Apartment in Hogsmeade with Tobias Atwell
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations:
Kingsley Shacklebolt - Father - He is a pureblood wizard, Hogwarts alumni. He was an auror and member of the Order of the Phoenix. At one point, he was personal guard for the muggle Prime Minister. He fought at the Battle of Hogwarts to help defeat Voldemort. He was made Minister of Magic in 1998 and held the position until 2019. He was married to Celestina Shacklebolt I, until her suicide in 2017. He has no other children.
Celestina Shacklebolt I (née TBD) - Mother - She was a pureblood witch, Slytherin alumni. She was a member of the Wizengamot, temporarily retired during the Second Wizarding War and retired again after her hospitalisation and breakdown. She was in an accident in 2015 caused by her daughter. She was hospitalised and had a mental breakdown. She committed suicide in 2017. Before this, she was married to Kingsley Shacklebolt. She had no other children.
Number of siblings: N/A
Relationship with family (close? estranged?):
Kingsley and Celestina are no longer on good terms. She believes her blames her for her mother’s breakdown and suicide - for which she blames herself too. Since then, they were family in name alone and she was made to keep up appearances. After she graduated and moved in with Tobias, she cut ties with her father, ignoring any attempts to contact her.
Celestina and her mother were very close before the accident. Mother would help daughter with her magic control which is unfortunately what led to the explosion. After that, it was never the same. The older Celestina could not even look at her daughter. When she left on the train to Hogwarts, that was the last time they spoke. Her mother committed suicide on her twelfth birthday and though people tried to convince her that the woman wouldn’t have even known her own name let alone the date, Celestina always saw it as her mother’s last message.
Happiest memory:
Her ninth birthday. The last birthday she had with her parents before it all went to shit. They didn’t have a big party, only a small family gathering with dinner and games. 
Childhood trauma:
Celestina caused the accident that led to her mother’s breakdown and suicide. She doesn’t remember much of it but the lingering effects have caused her to struggle with her magic ever since. She still has episodes where she lacks control.
Children of his/her own?: N/A
Height: 5″1 / 1.55m
Build: 116lbs / 53kg
Nationality: British
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses):
Celestina has an anxiety disorder which leads to her episodes. 
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): Light brown skin tone with spots freckled across her face
Hair color: Dark Brown
Usual hair style:
Celestina wears her hair down, in a ponytail or in a half-up style to keep it out of her face.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Glasses? Contacts?: N/A
Style of dress/typical outfit(s):
Celestina generally dresses quite smartly for work, aiming to impress the important people at the Ministry. Outside of work, she wears jeans and different kinds of shirts. She has quite a stylish wardrobe.
Physically, Celestina is always at the peak of health. She would nevertake a day off of work for it.
Celestina showers every morning. Takes excellent care of her hair so it is always presentable. Gets her eyebrows waxed regularly and plucks in between.
Tattoos? Piercings?:
Cel has a lobe piercing on each ear.
She does not currently have any tattoos.
Celestina has a British accent
Unique mannerisms/physical habits:
Celestina’s behaviour can be erratic when she is having one of her episodes.
Level of education:
Hogwarts graduate
Finished her internship in the Department of Magical Foreign Affairs
When she does show control, Celestina is exceptionally gifted at magic.
She shows a lack of control in magic occasionally, though it has gotten better in recent times. It is particularly obvious when she is upset or angry. 
Celestina struggles to open up to people a lot of the time, favouring being mean to being kind.
Style of speech:
Celestina is very articulate in her speech.
Religious stance: N/A
Cautious or daring?: A mix of both
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: comments about her mother, being compared to her father
Optimist or pessimist?: Pessimist normally
Extrovert or introvert?: Introvert
Current marital/relationship status:
In a relationship with Tobias Atwell
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Past relationships: N/A
Level of sexual experience:
Though she has not been in a relationship before, Celestina has slept with numerous men and women. 
Most comfortable around (person): Tobias Atwell
Oldest friend: Jace Greengrass
Pets?: Cleo (Bombay Cat)
Profession: Employee of the Department of Magical Foreign Affairs
Past occupations:
Intern at the Department of Magical Foreign Affairs
Celestina doesn’t really have many passions except maybe reading.
Attitude towards current job: 
This job is very important to her. She plans to become Minister of Magic one day so she wants or even needs to impress.
Attitude towards current coworkers, bosses, employees:
Celestina doesn’t really get along with people in general but she puts on a good face and civil front with her coworkers and her bosses especially.
Life goals:
She wants to be the Minister of Magic one day.
Greatest fears:
Ending up like her father
Hurting the people she loves with her magic
Most ashamed of:
Hurting her mother in the accident when she was ten.
Compulsions: N/A
Crimes committed: N/A
What he/she most wants to change about his/her self/life?
She would do anything to take back what happened with her mother. 
Daily routine:
Wakes up, showers, gets dressed, has a quick breakfast, goes to work, comes home, free time, sleep.
In her free time, she spends time with Tobias, her friends or Cleo, reads or goes out for a drink.
Night owl or early bird?: Early bird
Light or heavy sleeper?: Light sleeper
Favorite food: Anything that Tobias cooks.
Favorite book: Every book she reads to be honest.
Favorite movie: N/A
Favorite color: Orange
Coffee or tea?: Coffee
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: She doesn’t eat peanut butter.
Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove): N/A
Lefty or righty?: Righty
Cusser?: Ocasionally
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: No / Sometimes / Absolutely not.
0 notes
btsiguess · 6 years
This is genuinely just a full on mental breakdown which I’m posting here instead of telling someone privately bc I don’t want any of my friends irl to know that I have problems so I’m doing the responsible thing and dumping them on the internet?
I’m also on mobile and can’t insert a read more line im sorry?
So today I had an oral presentation in my senior seminar?? And I was just really nervous. It’s a really small class (5 students) and it’s THREE hours long so we all had to present today. That super stressed me out because like shit homie? Normally I watch someone else present and listen to the comments they get and then bang! I have a sort of jumping off point for my own work? But I didn’t get that since we all had to be prepared for today? And it was made worse because This is a really sort of classic type of teacher. If you get it wrong he’ll fucking tell you it’s wrong in front of the whole class and just tear you a fuckin new one. I’m serious???? Like, genuinely he made the first kid to present cry because he was like “this paper is a fine start but it’s clear you didn’t do enough work and while that might get you through some of your lower level courses you’re insane if you think that’ll pass in this class, I’m disappointed in the work you put into this and I expect you to work harder in the future.” Like he’s not. Mean. He’s just super blunt and unforgiving.
So I was just super fucking nervous??? Like???? I tried hard on my assignment but that doesn’t mean anything because I didn’t know how far we were supposed to take it? Since wed not gotten any examples of these presentations?
And idk my face must’ve shown something weird because the professor was like “what is it mackenzie you look like you have something to say” and I literally just replied “no it’s nothing I’m just nervous to present.” And????? He was like “you’re nerves are starting to interrupt the class so you need to honestly get over it. This is a senior seminar and you’re becoming a distraction to the other students since you keep fidgeting and shuffling around and you need to put on your big girl pants, stop be nervous, and think of the other students in the class”
and I’m so fucking upset about that? Because like??? He asked me???? He provoked my response? Like I mean I guess I could’ve just been like ‘aw no I don’t have anything to say’ but idk??? And then to like?? Fucking ridicule me for being nervous is just sort of shitty? Like why do you think I’m so damn nervous anyway homie? It’s because you’ve thrown us to the wolves and expect us to perfectly know what you want when you didn’t tell us how long our presentations should be/how many outside sources we should use or really anything that could have helped at all????????
It just?? I know it’s sort of silly but it just. Like. The class is three hours and there’s five people in it and it’s on 13th century Italian literature like this shit is hard!!! There’s a reason I was nervous!!!! Also of course I was fidgeting we were two hours into a three hour class what do you WANT???? And there’s no lefty desks in that classroom so it’s so uncomfortable for me too like using the righty desks is fine for 50 minutes or even 1hr 15 mins But 3 hours? It’s too much.
Not to mention the fact that I have a genuine anxiety disorder? Which granted the teacher doesn’t know but I don’t think he would care regardless. To say something as condescending as “put your big girl pants on” oh my GOD? Like acting like that wasn’t what I was doing already? I’m so angry like for real I was already there dude? Like if you want to see me act out the way I feel inside you will literally have to bring me to the wellness center because I will be hyperventilating and crying on the floor my guy? And like oh the girl is petrified to present let’s just humiliate her in front of th whole class that’ll make it way better that’ll help her overcome her nerves. Like I was at that point in anxiety where you get the ringing in your ears you know? And you can’t breathe at all?? Like there’s someone standing on your chest but but I sat there and I stayed as quiet and attentive as I could just waiting for my own personal nightmare to come about and I didn’t even interject my own shit into it like he asked he asked what was going on in my brain and I just told him and he just fucking shat all over me and I just I don’t understand what the point of that was why would you twist someone’s reservations just to embarrass them I’m a fucking adult don’t fucking tell me something so condescending as to put my big girl pants on everyone gets nervous Jesus fuck we can’t all have four degrees on medieval fucking literature like honestly and and idk I’m just so upset
I can’t stop thinking about it it’s been like five hours and I just keep thinking about how stupid I was to have even said anything in the first place like of course he wouldn’t have any pity for my nerves he doesn’t even care and like I held myself together in the class because like hell im gonna let some old white guy make me cry in front of a bunch of people I’m not giving him that satisfaction but I’m crying now because I’m a pussy ass bitch and it hurt my fucking feelings so bad and I’m so tired but I can’t sleep because every time I close my damn eyes all I can see and hear is him basically telling me I’ll never be a real scholar because I get nervous as fuck which is like one of my biggest fears anyway
I can take criticism on my work, that’s not a problem because I’m a fucking adult. But like. Idk prof. You don’t need to criticize me on my uncontrollable anxiety because I fucking promise you I already do that enough on my own.
TL;DR I’m a big fucking nervous wreck and I wish I was d e a d ✨💕☀️💙
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Exactly! Something like that can be scary sometimes. You’ll never know how a person reacts and there are so many who become hurt because of it. At least Alec now has an amazing support system and a very accepting family now.
That's exactly why Alec looses sleep about it, it gets to the point where he starts to question if everyone knows because he may have acted “gay” (no one knew at the time but Lefty had a sneaking suspicion, however he decided he wouldn’t confront Alec about it and he'd wait for Alec to tell him), this is what leads to his breakdown. Alec does talk to Kelsey about his experience telling his own father and Kelsey just says “I just told him and nothing changed”, Alec eventually decides he needs to do it because he's still loosing sleep and Lefty's just getting more worried about him.
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kawaiiwhisperschaos · 3 years
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Conceived in the aftermath of many distressing personal occurrences, 808s & Heartbreak was a significant sonic departure from West 's previous rap albums, instead incorporating a distorted, electronic sound and West singing into an Auto-Tune vocal device. Published: Aug 20, 2020 © 2020 Kirkvergos. Stream 808s & Heartbreak Instrumentals Mixtape by Kanye West Hosted by Dj Chew Dj Chew & Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak UNOFFICIAL Instrumentals home mixtapes Newest Hot Week Celebrated upcoming singles news gear.
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808s & Heartbreak — Kanye West Last.fm
808s & Heartbreak is the fourth studio album by American hip hop artist Kanye West, released November 24, 2008 on Roc-A-Fella Records.It was recorded after the death of his mother and breakup of a relationship and has a very different sound compared to his previous albums.
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Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak (File, MP3, Album) Discogs
This release was widely rejected by hip hop heads but to me it's really Kanye's best album up to then. This is mainly due to the fact that the factors that made his previous offerings rather annoying are missing here - no endless skits about how West dropped out of college, no Puff Daddy style productions that are completely based on obvious samples of old songs.
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Kanye West – 808s & Heartbreak (Bonus Version) Genre: Hip-Hop . Released: Nov 24, 2008 ℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC Tracklist 01. Say You Will 02. Welcome to Heartbreak (featuring Kid Cudi) 03. Heartless 04. Amazing (featuring Young Jeezy) 05. Love Lockdown 06. Paranoid (featuring Kid Cudi) 07. Robocop 08. Street Lights 09. Bad News 10.
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Kanye West 808 Heartbreak Zip
Kanye turns unbearable pain into haunted, stark electro-pop on this daring album, embracing electronic chill and ‘80s New Wave to express his suffering and isolation. His Auto-Tuned voice aches over sharp, icy piano and harsh Roland TR-808 drumbeats on “Love Lockdown” and turns aggressively wrathful as a buzzsaw synth propels “See You in My Nightmares.” Ye moves into stirring, art-pop melodrama on “RoboCop,” but his gut-wrenching vulnerability is clearest on the minimalist electro-pop of “Coldest Winter”—a frostbitten, Tears for Fears-sampling goodbye to his late mother.
Kanye turns unbearable pain into haunted, stark electro-pop on this daring album, embracing electronic chill and ‘80s New Wave to express his suffering and isolation. His Auto-Tuned voice aches over sharp, icy piano and harsh Roland TR-808 drumbeats on “Love Lockdown” and turns aggressively wrathful as a buzzsaw synth propels “See You in My Nightmares.” Ye moves into stirring, art-pop melodrama on “RoboCop,” but his gut-wrenching vulnerability is clearest on the minimalist electro-pop of “Coldest Winter”—a frostbitten, Tears for Fears-sampling goodbye to his late mother. Download lagu ost drama korea the heirs moment.
Pinocchio Story (Freestyle Live From Singapore) [Bonus Track]
14 Songs, 1 Hour 1 Minute
Released: Nov 21, 2008
℗ 2008 Roc-A-Fella Records, LLC
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808s And Heartbreak Zip Download
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winelover1989 · 6 years
I wouldn’t tag my worst enemy in one of these personal interrogations @violet-eyes-silver-hair loves so much, do it again I guess, I re-tag you. Got tagged by @revansnow 
last (1-5)
drink - coffee
phone call - mom
text msg - “I totally love you for this *ghost emoji* *snowman emoji*” (I use those two for hugs)
song you listened to - Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
time you cried - while reading Cersei’s walk of shame pov chapter in adwd 
ever..? (6-11)
dated someone twice - yes, WORST DECISION EVER
ever kissed someone and regretted it - yes
been cheated on - YES, by the ‘worst decision ever’ above
lost some1 special - yes, more than 1 and quite recently too
been depressed - yes
gotten drunk/thrown up - gotten drunk a lot but for some reason I can’t throw up, I had alcohol poisoning once because of it, it’s uncanny
fav colors (12-14)
royal blue and other deeper hues but not the ones that are too dark
in the last yr have you.. (15-21)
made new friends/ mutuals - a few
fallen out of love - more like got closure on a past relationship
laughed until you cried - I told my best friend that she was born to be a meme and I couldn’t stop laughing
found out some1 was talking about you - went to a college with 90% dudes, biggest reason why I dont have facebook now but I went to my college best friend’s wedding and I heard some of the most absurd theories about my life backed by a good amount of obsessive stalking 
met some1 who changed you - yeah, some for the better some for the worse
kissed some1 on your FB friends’ list - Wait is it people I met through fb? No, but I’ve kissed a lot of people who were on my friend list
general (22-51)
how many of your FB friends do you know irl - dont have FB now
have any pets - i used to have a dog, but none anymore
do you want to change your name - wouldn’t mind a cool pen name
what did you do for your prev. birthday - I dont celebrate my birthday
what time did you wake up today - 4:30 AM (It was weirdly early, doesnt happen usually)
what were you doing @ midnight last night -sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for - GoT S08, Winds of Winter, telltale games to drop  the wolf among us already and my kindle to be delivered
what’re you listening to atm - Symphony of Destruction by Megadeath
have you ever talked to a person named Tom - no
something that’s getting on your nerves - I’m trying to write the second draft of my mystery novel, I loved writing the first and I know exactly what I need to do but the first scene, specifically the first para is being the bane of my existence for a week. Do I start with my protagonist having a breakdown while staring at the graveyard overlooking their apartment or do I start with them burning bloody clothes in their balcony? I just can’t decide which sets the tone & hooks the reader better! 
most visited site - tumblr, YouTube, Wikipedia 
hair color - dark brown/black
long/ short hair - long, they are curly so upto the small of my back but when I straighten them, they at lower back level
do you have a crush on some1 - cant remember the last time I had one
what do you like about yourself - Need to learn, analytical skills & good memory are usually very useful and I’m very calm & functional in a crisis
want any piercings - belly piercing I guess 
blood type - O+
nicknames - Vin, Vini
relationship status - single and loving it
zodiac - gemini
pronoun(s) - she/her
fav tv shows - game of thrones, prison break (not the reboot), himym (hated the ending though), Jessica Jones, Westworld
tattoos? - no & never
rightie or leftie - rightie
ever had surgery - no
piercings - ears
sports - boxing, swimming & does MMA or gym count?
vacation - trekking somewhere in the Himalayas usually but planning a trip to australia
trainers - reebok
more general (52-58)
eating - nothing right now
drinking - water
i’m about to watch - nothing
waiting for - this post to be over
want - to travel the world, a cellar full of good wine, to write atleast one book with an obsessive fandom where people catch literally every little detail
get married - I’m ready at this point in my life if I start dating or have an arranged marriage
career - I’ve gone from electronics engineering to software to finance to writing, but I’m sure this is what I want to do for the rest of my life
which is better (59-65)
hugs/kisses - kisses
lips/eyes - lips
shorter/taller - taller
older/younger - older
nice arms/ stomach - arms 
hookup/relationship - hookup (Relationships are messy, they are worth the trouble only if there’s something real there)
troublemaker/hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever (66-75)
kissed a stranger - no 
drank hard liquor - yes
lost glasses - dont wear glasses
turned someone down - yes
sex on 1st date - yes
broken a heart - no, I’m not sure if it counts if someone felt broken hearted after a normal breakup/turning down
had your heart broken - yes, a lot! I was a doomed hopeless romantic once
been arrested - how do I put this delicately... corrupt third world country & political family friends, let’s just say I’ve been escorted to a police station but technically never arrested
cried when some1 died - so much, on several occasions & for my dog most recently
fallen for a friend - yes, never ends well
do you believe in.. (76-81)
yourself - on some days
miracles - no
love @ first sight - no that’s called attraction
santa clause - not even when I was a kid
kiss on a 1st date - totally, if I’m into them
angels - hell no 
others (82-85)
best friend’s name - my brother is my absolute best friend
eye color - brown
fav movie - Schindler's List, it changed my life
fav actor - I only enjoy actors within the scope of the roles they play so it keeps changing.
EDIT: My kindle was delivered like 5 minutes after I posed this, uncanny!
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insidethegiftbasket · 3 years
White Sox (26-16) vs Yankees (24-19)
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Friday – 7:05pm on WPIX: Carlos Rodon (5-1, 1.47 ERA) vs Jordan Montgomery (2-1, 4.75 ERA)
Saturday – 1:05pm on YES and MLBN: Dylan Cease (2-0, 2.41 ERA) vs Gerrit Cole (5-2, 2.03 ERA)
Sunday – 1:05pm on YES and MLBN: Dallas Keuchel (3-1, 4.44 ERA) vs Jameson Taillon (1-3, 5.73 ERA)
White Sox Injury Report
Jose Abreu: not on IL with knee surgery, and White Sox are “hopeful” he can give it a go this weekend
OF Eloy Jimenez: on 60 Day IL after getting pectoral surgery, expected back in late August
OF Luis Robert: on 10 Day IL with a torn hip flexor, hopeful to return this season
OF Adam Engel: on 10 Day IL with strained hamstring, no timetable for return
White Sox Pitching
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Chicago’s pitching has been really good—second in baseball in ERA+ (127), and while as a team they aren’t the best in any single category, they’re consistently in the top 10 in pretty much every pitching statistic.
Starting the first game of the series is Carlos Rodon, who threw his first career no hitter earlier this season.
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Rodon is having a career year this year—he was someone who always had a lot of talent, but struggled to stay healthy and be consistent. The White Sox actually non-tendered him in December, but ended up signing him for less than he would have gotten in arbitration later on as nobody else seemed to be really interested in him. The biggest change so far this season and the reason why he’s been so good?
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His fastball has completely changed his career around—he didn’t have enough innings to qualify for 2020, but if he did, his 2.2 mph increase on his fastball would be the 8th biggest increase in all of baseball. All the other guys ahead of him are players bouncing back after a bad 2020 or relievers, as opposed to this being a new career high for him. His wOBA against his fastball is less than half what it was in 2019, and he’s getting nearly triple the whiff rate with it as well. His fastball had a +8 runs value in 2019, and now it’s -9, the sixth best pitch in all of baseball.
On the left there is his 2019 fastball location, on the right is his 2021 fastball location. It’s been a little higher in 2021 which helps, but the biggest difference is that in 2019 he was throwing about 91mph with low spin rate, and now he’s throwing 95mph.
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Rodon has always had a good slider, but now that he can play the slider off a really nice fastball it’s become a dangerous weapon—his slider is sitting about 85mph but with nearly double the horizontal break as the average slider. Interestingly enough, he’s willing to throw the slider against both righties and lefties, although he does throw it more against lefties. He also mixes in a changeup against righties, even if it’s not good (xBA is .278 and xSLG is .348.) The dominant fastball/slider combination has been lethal against lefties. Left handed hitters are slashing a disgusting .077/.111/.077 against him with just two singles and a walk allowed this season. Righties aren’t doing much better, but still better: .176/.276/.275.
The Game Two starter is Dylan Cease, who the White Sox acquired alongside Eloy Jimenez for Jose Quintana. A highly regarded prospect, he and Michael Kopech (acquired in the Chris Sale trade) were expected to be the future aces in the South Side, but until this year he hadn’t really put it together. Last year he had a 4.01 ERA, but a 6.96 xERA as he had an extremely low .238 BABIP against. This year? Some mechanical changes have helped to make his insane arsenal of pitches live up to their potential:
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Cease is mixing a four seamer with elite spin rates and can reach triple digits with an absolute hammer curveball and a wipeout slider. There’s not a lot a hitter can do when you have the stuff that he does when he can mix it well and take advantage of it, and previously he just was not doing that:
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That’s his 2020 pitch location. A lot of sliders in the zone, a lot of high fastballs away from righties, and his curveball was all over the place. Compare that to 2021:
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Fastball is still in the zone, but when you have the velocity and spin that Cease has you can live with that. The bigger change is that the slider is now off the plate more, making it harder to get good contact on it, and the curveball is all low but accurate—playing the huge breaking ball off the high fastball is nearly impossible to hit, especially with a nearly 20mph difference between the two pitches. This graphic is a little messy, but I think it gets the point across:
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All that red? Those are 97mph fastballs with a ton of spin. The yellow, green, and purple are sliders, change ups, and curveballs going way slower and also with a ton of movement. Easy to see why it’s hard to get hits off him.
Starting Game Three is Dallas Keuchel, who’s coming off a season where he finished fifth in Cy Young voting. Last season he had a 1.99 ERA and led baseball with a .3 HR/9 rate, but his xERA was 4.27 and as noted many times- he only faced hitters from the AL and NL Central, and outside of the White Sox there was exactly one other team with a 100 wrc+ or better which was Minnesota. Keuchel has been bad this year however, with a 4.44 ERA and an xERA of 5.80, and  he has a couple really worrying signs—first percentile in K% (only striking out 11.6% of batters he faces) and is in the sixth percentile in xBA allowed. If you’re not striking guys out, you really cannot give up the kind of contact that Keuchel is letting (or the 7.6% walk rate).
That said, in his regular season career against the Yankees: 4-4 with a 2.22 ERA in eight starts, with two complete games, a shutout, and a 0.918 WHIP. That’s not even including his postseason starts, where in two of the three starts he went at least six shutout innings. So, while Keuchel has stunk this season, I’m still always going to be worried when he’s on the mound against us.
White Sox Hitting
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Despite all the drama going on with LaRussa and unwritten rules and everything, and despite losing Eloy and Robert for most of the season, this is still the best lineup in baseball right now with a 115 OPS+. They are third in BA (.260), second in OBP (.347), eighth in SLG (.412), fifth in doubles (70) and sixth in triples (9). They’re also fifth in extra bases taken %, and tied for first in the percentage a runner on base scores (36% of the time.) If you like watching offenses that don’t rely on the homer, this is your team- the White Sox have only 41 homers (23rd in baseball) but are consistently putting the ball in play.
Having Yermin Mercedes, Yoan Moncada, Tim Anderson, and Nick Madrigal really help in that regards. Madrigal and Moncada don’t really have a lot of power, but both put the ball in play consistently. Mercedes has come out of nowhere to lead the majors in batting average as is putting up an All Star season as well.
Tim Anderson has been one of the most fun players in baseball to watch over the past few seasons, and he’s been the big competitor to DJ LeMahieu winning batting titles—he led the majors in 2019 with a .355 batting average, and was second in the AL last year with a .322 average. A big part of that success is his batted ball types:
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He’s able to spread the ball out across the field (with a ton of balls directly up the middle, isn’t popping the ball up (which is a near guaranteed out) and his grounders have been finding holes. He’s also been elite against fastballs over the past few years, his lowest batting average against fastballs in a season has been .352.
The big issue for the White Sox is their outfield — just not getting any hitting by anyone with Eloy and Robert out.
Yankees Focus on: Corey Kluber
Kluber just pitched the first no-hitter this century for the Yankees, and deserves a bit of a a breakdown for how successful he’s been his last few starts:
Not exactly a murder’s row of offenses, but outside of one inning against Baltimore he’s been really, really good!
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Kluber so far has had reverse splits:
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Which is almost entirely based on how disgusting his cutter and changeup have been this year. His change up, which he’s throwing nearly twice as much as he did when he was a Cy Young candidate, has a .125 BA against (all singles) and a near 50% whiff rate. He’s using it to put away batters 37.5% of the time, and the 80mph exit velo against it is elite. His cutter has always been his best fastball, and while it’s not the fastest pitch or and doesn’t have a ton of spin on it, he is locating it really well against lefties:
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Against righties, he hasn’t had much success, mostly because his sinker still is struggling—.304 BA against, .543 SLG against, and it’s allowed five of his ten extra base hits. This has been a consistent problem for Kluber however- his sinker was worth +7 runs in 2017, +9 runs in 2018, and +7 runs in 2019 as well. Part of that is his sinker location:
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That’s a lot of sinkers up and over the plate, which are usually pretty hittable. His saving grace against righties though is his breaking ball, which is still an elite pitch: .189 BA against and .264 SLG against, with a 38.5% whiff rate. When you look at how he’s located the cutter, the change up, and the breaking ball, and compare it to a zone chart for his wOBA allowed, it makes perfect sense:
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Anything away from righties (his cutter and breaking ball) or inside or low and away vs lefties (cutter and changeup) has been perfect. Anything up and in on righties is getting smoked, which happens when you don’t have elite speed or spin rate on your heater.
Another impressive thing is his willingness to use different pitches in different counts:
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To me that says he’s feeling comfortable and back to being the Kluber of old, he’s obviously using the breaking ball and changeup more often in two strike counts, but he’s still using them when he’s behind in the count as well. You can’t just sit there and say “awesome, he’s gotta throw a fastball here” or “I’m just going to lay off the low and away breaking ball” because he’s using everything in his arsenal at all times.
After getting moved over to having Higgy as his personal catcher, he’s been dynamite as well. As always, it’s hard to know if it’s specifically Higgy doing anything or if he would have done the same with Gary, but he’s been cruising with Higgy:
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Finally, maybe the best news for Kluber being back are these stats:
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That’s Kluber’s stats per pitch in the game. The next graphic is Jameson Taillon’s stats per pitch:
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Taillon has been starting hot, but getting worn down and lit up later in his starts. Kluber has been consistent and isn’t getting tired.
Kluber when he faces opponents for the first, second, third time:
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As opposed to Jamo:
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And lastly, Kluber on normal rest vs extra rest:
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vs Jamo:
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All of those are saying to me that Kluber is back to normal—he’s not getting tired, he’s able to use all his pitches throughout the game and mix things up, and he doesn’t need the extra time between starts. At this point, I think Kluber is officially back to being an elite pitcher, now it just comes down to whether or not he can last through October.
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junker-town · 4 years
Here are the winners and losers from a wild MLB trade deadline
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The Padres were ultra aggressive, while the Yankees and Rays decided to stand pat.
The 2020 MLB trade deadline is unlike any other in the history of the sport. With an expanded playoff format and a truncated season, most teams believe they have a shot at the playoffs this year, and we all know anything can happen in the MLB postseason if you make it.
Teams also have had less time to determine if they’re buyers or sellers, and perhaps more financial concerns than ever before given the lack of fans in stadiums. While there was some speculation teams could be hesitant to add salary in the weeks leading up to the deadline, we saw several aggressive moves with headline talent changing teams that reinforces just how wide open the World Series chase will be this season.
The San Diego Padres are all-in. The Oakland A’s added reinforcements. Cleveland traded a stud pitcher even while in first place in their division. Here are the winners and losers from the 2020 trade deadline.
The San Diego Padres are the trade deadline’s biggest winner
It’s been 14 seasons since the San Diego Padres last made the MLB playoffs. Now armed with arguably the most exciting young core in baseball after a long rebuild, San Diego entered the trade deadline with the third best record in the National League. Most expected the Padres to look to bolster their roster, but no one could have predicted just how aggressive executive A.J. Preller would actually be.
The Padres are all-in on trying to make the World Series. San Diego picked up the single best player moved during the trade deadline in acquiring starting pitcher Mike Clevinger. They also acquired slugging catcher Austin Nola from the Seattle Mariners, first baseman Mitch Moreland from the Red Sox, and veteran catcher Jason Castro from the Angels.
The Padres gave up depth for Clevinger, their No. 5 prospect Taylor Trammell for Nola, and two quality prospects — outfielder Jeisson Rosario and infielder Hudson Potts — for Moreland. The best part of San Diego’s moves? Their farm system is still loaded:
Even after this trade the Padres still have 2nd best farm by fangraphs using their value system
— B-L-M/Life Long Pelicans fan (@advancedstats23) August 31, 2020
The Clevinger deal feels like the biggest winner for the Padres, getting a top of the rotation starter while preserving most of the best talent in their farm system. The prices were higher than expected for Nola and Moreland, but we’re still naming San Diego a winner simply because they’re going for it. The aggression has to be such a welcomed sight for a long-suffering fanbase that has never seen a World Series championship.
Seattle and Boston are also winners for their trades with San Diego
Two things can be true: the Padres deserve praise for trying to win the damn thing this season, and they also gave up some promising long-term prospects for short-term success. That should be perfectly fine with San Diego: part of having so many talented young players and splashy free agent additions like Manny Machado is that there simply isn’t room for everyone. The Mariners and the Red Sox are happy to take some youngsters off their hands.
The big piece going to Seattle is Trammell, a super fast left fielder with power potential. While his throwing arm is questionable and his slugging percentage has dropped a bit after failed swing adjustments as a Reds prospect, it’s still a nice upside bet for the Mariners in exchange for an odd ball catcher like Nola who only has 108 career games at the MLB level under his belt despite being 30 years old.
Kate Preusser has a tremendous look at Trammell over at our Mariners community, Lookout Landing. Seattle will hope the soon-to-be 23-year-old’s power reemerges and his speed adds excitement to the big league club.
reminder that Taylor Trammell’s last official at-bat of 2019 (and as a Padres prospect) was a go-ahead grand slam for the @sodpoodles in the top of the 9th inning of the Texas League championship game pic.twitter.com/FxLSlkNFKZ
— Céspedes Family BBQ (@CespedesBBQ) August 31, 2020
Trammell is also Rule-5 eligible in Dec., so San Diego would have to make a decision on him soon either way. It feels like a good exchange for both teams.
The Red Sox also got a nice haul for Moreland with Potts and Rosario. Like Trammell, both prospects going to Boston will be Rule-5 eligible at the end of the season. Potts is a third baseman with major power potential who has issues making contact. Rosario knows how to walk and has plus-speed, but his upside will ultimately be determined by how his hit tool comes along.
Our Red Sox community Over the Monster has a terrific look at Potts and Rosario from writer Matt Collins. The site has Potts slotting in as Boston’s No. 10 prospect, and Rosario as the team’s No. 13 prospect. Not a bad haul for an aging first baseman like Moreland who was hitting over his head this season for a team that isn’t in contention.
The Indians probably didn’t get enough back for Clevinger
Clevinger is one of the better starting pitchers in the American League when he’s on. Of course, he also broke the trust of his team by forgoing Covid protocol to go party in Chicago.
Cleveland has plenty of quality starting pitchers and an amazing history of pitcher development. Even still, it feels like they sold low on Clevinger, getting depth from the Padres but no studs.
Gabriel Arias was Padres’ No. 7 prospect, lefty pitcher Joey Cantillo was their No. 9 prospect, and middle infielder Owen Miller was No. 11. Cleveland also got Josh Naylor, who they intend to play in the bigs the rest of the season. Read Let’s Go Tribe for a full breakdown on Naylor.
Perhaps it comes down to organizational philosophy in determining whether Cleveland is a winner or loser. The Tribe acquired several young players who project as regulars, but no stars. When trading a true top of the rotation arm like Clevinger, the preference here would be to get a stud in return. We’ll see how it works out for Cleveland.
The Oakland A’s are a winner for getting two 2019 All-Stars for little
The Oakland A’s feel like they’re primed for a World Series run this year. The A’s entered the deadline with the second best record in the American League, and bolstered the roster by adding a pair of players who were All-Stars just last season at minimal cost.
Tommy La Stella feels like a perfect fit for Oakland. The infielder is an impressive contact hitter with surprising power who has a rare ability to avoid strikeouts. Alex Hall at our A’s site Athletics Nation wrote up a nice summary of why La Stella could be such a good addition for Oakland despite being poor defensively:
There is nobody in the majors who strikes out less than La Stella. He’s fanned SEVEN times in 117 plate appearances, good for a 6% rate. Seeing a single-digit value in that K-rate looks like a typo, but in this case it’s not. And it’s not a short 2020 fluke, as his rate the previous summer was 8.7%. That’s 438 plate appearances worth of a skill that takes far fewer than that to normalize
Even better, when La Stella hits the ball he actually does something with it. His 2019 breakout season featured 16 homers in 80 games, and this summer he has a .202 isolated slugging percentage — that would rank fifth on the A’s, ahead of Mark Canha, Marcus Semien, Ramon Laureano, and Sean Murphy. La Stella isn’t just a slap hitter, he’s a guy who hits everything and drives it.
The A’s also acquired pitcher Mike Minor from the Texas Rangers on Monday. He fills Oakland’s big need for starting pitching help. Minor has been very good the last three seasons, and was excellent last year — 3.59 ERA, 208⅓ innings pitched, 200 strikeouts — as he was named an All-Star.
Minor has struggled this season, posting a 5.60 ERA thus far. Even still, the A’s didn’t appear to give up too much for Minor, who feels like a buy-low option with a high ceiling and gives the rotation something it needed badly: a starter who can actually strike out opposing batters. Read Athletics Nation for more on Minor.
The Blue Jays are making a playoff push by improving their rotation
Nothing comes easy in the AL East with the league-leading Tampa Bay Rays at the top of the division and the Yankees always lurking. But credit the Toronto Blue Jays for making aggressive moves to get into the wild card in the expanded playoff format. Toronto made several acquisitions with a focus on improving their pitching depth.
The Blue Jays’ starting rotation was shaky, especially after the injury bug hit multiple players in the last few weeks. Enter Taijuan Walker, a 28-year-old who only needs to be league-average to be a big boost to the rotation. Walker had a UCL tear and subsequent Tommy John surgery in 2018, but has looked solid this year even as his velocity has dropped. In five starts this season with the Mariners, Walker posted a 4.00 ERA. In his first start with the Blue Jays, Walker went six innings, allowed zero runs, and only four hits to beat the Orioles.
The Blue Jays also added starter Robbie Ray from the Diamondbacks on Monday. Ray has impressive strikeout stuff, but has struggled with control. So far he’s been rocked this year for a 7.84 ERA, but he’s still worth a gamble as a rental if Toronto can unlock something that once made him a dependable starter in 2017.
Right before the deadline, Toronto acquired 29-year-old infield Jonathan Villar from the Marlins. He’s hitting .272/.328/.360 in 29 games this season and gives Toronto a switch hitter and someone who can fill a utility role.
Toronto made one last buzzer-beater, acquiring Ross Stripling from the Dodgers.
Ross Stripling has been traded from the Dodgers to the Blue Jays. That's three new starters for Toronto.
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) August 31, 2020
The Marlins are buying and selling at once
The Miami Marlins were expected to be one of baseball’s worst teams this year. Instead, Miami got off to a red hot start before falling back to Earth lately. Even still, the Marlins entered the deadline just one game under .500. It feels shocking to see Miami as one of the most active teams at the deadline, both buying and selling to give the team a shot at the expanded wild card this year while also still building for the future.
The Marlins acquired Starling Marte for the Diamondbacks, who posted an .845 OPS with the Pirates last year and has posted similar numbers at the plate in 33 games with Arizona this season. Marte is also under a team option next year, giving Miami a solid bat for two seasons with cost control.
As for dealing Villar, Miami was trading from a position of strength:
The main reason why Villar was dealt, is that Isan Díaz has returned to the club. Awaiting MLB joint committee reinstatement in Jupiter. Will take over as starter at 2B. Díaz opted out in July. He is back.
— Craig Mish (@CraigMish) August 31, 2020
The Reds bolstering their bullpen is a win
The Cincinnati Reds are trying to get back in the wild card picture, and improved their bullpen depth by acquiring 28-year-old righty Archie Bradley from Arizona for utilityman Josh Van Meter and outfielder Stuart Fairchild.
Bradley had 18 saves and a 3.52 ERA last season with the Diamondbacks. As Arizona has gotten off to a terrible start this season, Bradley has seen his numbers take a hit (4.22 ERA) but still has a pedigree as a successful bridge arm in the bullpen.
Fairchild is a former second round pick who has talent, but the Reds have better outfield prospects. Cincinnati is currently two games out of a wild card spot.
The Reds also landed Brian Goodwin from the Angels. Goodwin is hitting .242/.330/.463/.793 with four homers and 17 RBI and can play all over the outfield. Both Bradley and Goodwin are solid additions.
The Rangers feel like a loser for holding onto Lance Lynn
Veteran righty Lance Lynn was widely speculated to be one of the best available arms on the trade market coming into the deadline. Despite being the third worst team in the American League at 12-21 overall and numerous teams needing pitching help, Texas decided to hold onto Lynn.
The Rangers might feel like they can compete in 2021 with Lynn under contract next year. Perhaps they think he’ll be more valuable during the offseason or next year’s deadline. They should also get a comp draft pick for Lynn when he hits free agency in the winter of 2021, so ultimately it comes down to whether or not Texas thought it could get more later. Texas was reportedly asking for a big package.
Dodgers, Yankees and White Sox were among teams interested in Lance Lynn but all thought the price was too high
— Jon Heyman (@JonHeyman) August 31, 2020
Lynn finished 5th in Cy Young last year, and has quietly been one of the better innings eaters in baseball the last two years. He would have helped a lot of teams.
You’d think they’d have learned their lesson about holding hot starting pitchers too long after what happened with Minor, as he went from being a hot commodity as recently as last winter to a cheap rental this summer.
The Yankees and Rays feel like losers
The Rays and Yankees are two of the best teams in the American League, but each could have done more to bolster their roster the way Oakland did.
The Rays entered the deadline at 24-11 as winners of five straight, so it makes sense that they thought they could compete for a championship as currently constructed. Even still, Tampa Bay has loads of depth in the minors and could have used a starting pitcher, a corner bat, or a catcher to gear up for the postseason. They chose to stay quiet instead.
The Yankees have been hit with an onslaught of injuries lately, and will see a boost when some of their regulars return. But New York was rumored to add pitching depth in the lead up to the deadline, and it’s a bit disappointing they didn’t make an impact move.
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