#Leaf guard systems
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Website : https://www.premiergutterprotection.com
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daze4all · 7 months
Modern AU Honkai Star Rail Boyfriend Blade, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan: Farewell Fall
Imagine: Farewell Fall Series: Fluff & Spicy
Dan Heng-Apple Picking & Pie Making
2. Blade - Haunted House
3. Jing Yuan - Scary Movie
I weirdly miss Halloween season now it’s passing… Happy Thanskgiving everyone!
Dan Heng Apple Picking & Pie Making
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Modern Boyfriend! Dan Heng x Reader
Modern BF! Dan Heng lifts you up and holds you on his shoulders to reach the juiciest reddest and greenest apples on the top of the trees.
Modern Boyfriend! Dan Heng who snags some out of reach apples with his tail. Then uses his tail gather and wrap them up in his tail before plopping them in plastic bags. He might even have extra reach to outdo the tall guys like Jing Yuan & Blade with his extra appendage. What he makes up in length he has an extra in more ways than one lol
Modern BF! Dan Heng holds full three bags of apples like balancing act with two in his hands and one hanging off his tail. All three full of apples.
Modern! Dan Heng puts his head through the scare crow cutout and bears the cheesy picture moment for you as yours dressed up as Dorothy. Perhaps March the Tin man and Stelle the Lions to make up the group. He does so without a complaint though his thinks it a bit silly.
Modern! Dan Heng and you bake apple pie getting flour everywhere. Then make leaf cookies with the extra crust dusted cinnamon and sugar.
Modern! Dan Heng slips a cookie between your lips
Modern BF! Dan Heng asks How sweet  is it? when you nod and are about to reply-
Modern BF! Dan Heng descends upon you sealing your lips with his in a surprise kiss  
Modern BF! Dan Heng rubs the extra sugar from you lip with a mischievous smile and licks his lips to get to remaining sugar that transferred to his lips.  
“You taste very sweet~” teases Modern BF! Dan Heng “Can I try again?” teal eyes soft and sincere in their desire.
Touring a Haunted House with Blade
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Modern Boyfriend! Blade x Reader
Modern Boyfriend! flinches at sudden sound from the haunted house and reaches instinctually for his side for weapon that isn’t there.  
Modern BF! Blade slams an arm across you to guard you when suddenly a monster pops out to protect you.
Modern BF! Blade perhaps chases down that haunted house monster eyes blazing. To the costumed workers terror. How dare they scare you and him! He is going to beat that guy up. “Blade stops, they are only actors!” You cry behind him trying to catch up.
Modern BF! Blade picks you up hoisting you under his arm to continue his chase because you are too slow.
Side note Modern BF Blade also seems the type to smash your phone for attention
Modern! Blade is terrified of haunted house at it triggers his long-forgotten fighting reflexes and fight response but would be too prideful to say anything.
Reader may need to comfort Modern! Blade by grabbing his head if they can get him to focus on the present to look at them and reassure him saying “Geez Blade it’s just pretend, don’t worry I’m here with you” with a hug and maybe a smooch on the forehand to distract him
Reader & Modern BF! Blade then gets stuck in their own world in dark corner to do their own thing where none of the monster actors want to interrupt or risk get beaten to death by a cock blocked Modern! Blade.
Even though you clearly shouldn’t be making out or going that far in a public haunted house. These areas blocked off they say to visitors so you guys have their privacy far from the children’s innocent eyes….
Modern BF! Jing Yuan x Reader
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Watching a Scary Movie with Jing Yuan
Cuddled up for scary movie night complete with popcorn a couch to cuddle on
In the silver screen, the figure whirr into view and shadowy ghost take shape inching forward in a dreary pipe system.
“Y/N comfort me this movie is so scary~” Modern Boyfriend! Jing Yuan pleads inching closer to cuddle as excuse. His hand reaching out to holding yours. While you shake imperceptibly from the scary story.
“Ahh so your scared too no worries I’m here” soothes Modern! Jing Yun
The a sudden jolt as you hid your face burrowing into his shoulder as an alien monster pops up to attack the person traversing the sewer to your surprise.
Modern BF! Jing yuan gathers you up in his lap with a surprised and pleased laugh “now that was a surprise!” while you blush hitting him lightly with a hand saying, “I wasn’t scared just startled!” blushing in embarrassment and trying to detangle yourself but stuck by Jing yuan’s weight and arms.
“I’ll keep you safe from the monsters in my arms~ croon Jing yuan as he nuzzles your cheek and places a peck on it.
Modern Boyfriend! Jing Yuan’s golden eyes glinting for more “or would you rather be distracted from the scary movie? He purrs.
“I-I can take it” you assert though voice warble slightly at the embarrassing insinuation of scary movie who can tell.
Modern BF! Jing Yuan his hand inched toward you hand on thigh and you “epp” slightly in surprise prompting another guffaw as he snuggles into you.
“Hmm your reaction says otherwise~” teases Modern BF! Jing Yuan his sly smile pushing you ever so slightly. Avidly watching you with his golden eyes like a cat watching its prey for its next reaction.
“Okay. You win~” you say with a playful smile and nod slightly giving your consent. You reach out for him and straddle him, as big cat Jing Yuan pounces on you for you for spicy times on the couch.
Or Reader jostles him back into place with arm elbowing him with a “Down boy, not now let watch the movie” to which Modern BF! Jing Yuan pouts but pulls you into his lap. Content to cuddle to watch the movie while he holds you in his lap for his comfort. Modern BF! Jing Yuan props his head on top of yours to watch the show with you under his arms.
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wispforever · 7 months
Some thoughts on Itachi
So, I've seen a lot of comments circulating about my tags on this post, and I'm intrigued at the interest. I didn't expect it, as I see much more pigeonholing of Itachi's character than honest to god analysis. No hate- I'm no stranger to Kishimoto's writing. Some of his characters were unfortunately butchered or never given the chance to be developed properly, and Itachi is most certainly no exception. That said, I like to grant him a bit more nuance than I see on most blogs. I think people get a little wrapped up in the supposed "moral implications" of exploring how Itachi was also a victim of the system, as well as someone who victimized many people. But it's silly to equate character analysis and context consideration with condoning genocide.
I have a good laugh every once and a while at the metaphorical gymnastics people do in order to stay in the good graces of a bunch of internet trolls who are just Waiting for any opportunity to tell you you love murder and think it's delicious just because you made a post exploring a character's background. Media is grey; it's layered and wonderfully complex. There are many wrongs and rights in every story, and many wrongs and rights within those wrongs and rights. That's what I love about Naruto. Often times it's really too much like real life. Instead of people being black and white, right or wrong, bad or good- they're usually in a tough situation, trying their best and falling short, don't have all of the information, acting with good intentions or acting on what they believe will bring about a lesser evil, and then end up hurting others.
But it is much easier to assign blame and move on. A so-called bad person will always be the perfect scapegoat for issues bigger than them. In Itachi's case, the fascist government in the Leaf. It's easier to say Itachi could have just refused and decided not to be involved, than to recognize that like almost every other character in the narrative, he was under extreme duress, living in a military state. He was a child whose existence, along with all the other children and adults in the Leaf, was only valuable as long as he could serve as a tool for the war machine in the shinobi world's fucked up political system. And saying this is not the same as saying he was not capable of better decisions or that everything that he did thereafter or in general should not be read critically or subject to hypothetical consequences. It is the same as a saying his actions cannot be fully understood without complete context, and the themes of Naruto will never come through if every villain is just "evil" with no further nuance. And it would be boring too LOL
That said, I love to think about Itachi's situation back then. The ages in Naruto are a bit muddled, a little inconsistent, subject to change and interpretation, but Itachi was a child when he murdered everyone in the Uchiha compound. Most sources say he was 13. It should go without saying that someone so young isn't capable of the same decision-making or critical thinking as say, a 30-year-old, someone whose brain is finished developing and has much more experience on Earth.
Itachi's experience at this point in his life is informed by his age, and it's obviously informed by his childhood, as he has no other place from which to draw conclusions. Itachi grew up in a warring state. He saw people die and was subject to extreme violence in his formative years. To make matters worse, he was taught that war was inevitable and the only thing he could do to guard against it was kill others before they got the chance to kill him (threaten the village). Thusly, Itachi internalized at a very young age that what was in his power was to minimize damage (to himself, to his village, and to the world). What was not in his power was to stop this violence entirely (by adopting a critical mindset and going against fascist powers).
A part of this I think people often forget is that Itachi has absolutely nowhere to adopt this mindset FROM, as even though his father and the other members of the Uchiha clan seek equity in the Leaf, if they were to overthrow the Hokage and create a new system, it would still presumably center around the same ideals (minus, of course, the oppression of the Uchiha as a group). Fugaku is the head of the Uchiha clan at this time. As someone who imposed near impossible performance-related expectations on both of his sons, and withheld love and affection whenever they came up short (so often that it was at the cost of having any considerable emotional bond with either of them), there is absolutely no good reason to believe that Fugaku would reform the Leaf using a non-fascist ideology. And if he did, there is no good reason to believe that he would be some kind of visionary LMAO
This is important to remember because when it comes down to Itachi's decision to either kill everyone in the Uchiha compound and his family, or be part of the coup that would overthrow the Leaf, some people treat it as though it's a choice between fascism and non-fascism, which it most certainly is not. And if it was, Itachi, as a child who had grown up immersed in this ideology, would not be able to appreciate the difference. This context allows us to understand further what Itachi was really weighing in that moment. Accounting for his young age and limited worldview, the only valuable difference in this moment to Itachi was the amount of bloodshed that he would "allow" to happen. Essentially, he sees the options as follows:
Either give in to Danzo and kill everyone in the Uchiha compound, or facilitate a coup where the current government is (hopefully) overthrown and risk starting another war.
Here, Itachi pauses. He has known war. He knows how it affects children, adults, families, and whole nations. The peace he's living in currently is bought with blood, but it's the only peace he's ever known. The alternative is horrifying. And a war in this context, Itachi likely thinks, would be his fault, as he has now been put in the position to "prevent" it. Danzo and the whole shinobi system have groomed him into thinking so. Itachi, at age 13, cannot understand that there would be no war; it exists only as leverage for Danzo's argument at this point. His sensitivities are being played on.
Fugaku, though he is not the same as Danzo, offers about as much help as he does (that being none). Fugaku has no interest in avoiding war; if a war breaks out, it's justified because it will still mean his clan will no longer be living in oppression. This idea is valid, as fascist systems and discrimination can only cease to exist when we rise up against them; unfortunately, this most often calls for righteous violence, as the oppressive powers will not be moved with peaceful shows (not to mention they are willing to go to extreme lengths to avoid losing their hold on the people they have crushing power over, i.e. the Uchiha massacre). But Fugaku has no words to explain this to Itachi, who fears the worst and further fears being responsible for the worst. All he does is act as if it's a moral failing that his 13-year-old son is unwilling to stage a coup, which he believes could mark the abrupt end of a peace that's only just begun.
That said, let it be known that Itachi does appreciate this situation with SOME nuance, though it isn't of the kind that might have enabled him to see he was being manipulated. He at the very least understands that Danzo is a warmonger and oppresses those he fears (the Uchiha). He understands that the rights of his clan have been sorely disrespected, and that the issue needs correction. He understands the anger of his friends and family. This is why it takes him much deliberation before he can even come close to making a decision. He plays both sides right up until the end, listening to Danzo, as well as Fugaku and Shisui, paying attention to the current atmosphere in the Leaf as he tries to decide.
It is something he doesn't want to do. Here's where I get to the part I put in the tags of my drawing.
In this situation, it's almost worthless to write an analysis about Itachi's feelings at this time, his understanding of what was actually going on, his loyalty to his clan or his loyalty to the Leaf, because really, he could not grasp it. He was never prepared for this. He never knew he would be asked to make a decision he could only understand as "your family or the world?"
Itachi was put in a position that had no happy ending. There was no decision he could make that would not hurt. That could not result in a cataclysm that split him right down the middle. There was no version of this story that a 13-year-old could carry out thinking "I have done the right thing."
And that's the important part. Both sides asked him to make this decision, and so both sides are guilty of placing an immeasurable pressure on a child who should never have been put in such a position. Regardless of ideology, regardless of price, regardless of oppression or loyalty or devotion or any other thing- someone else should have made this decision for Itachi. Someone else should have been responsible. An adult, at the very least. Someone who COULD understand the implications of both options. Someone who COULD go forward and appreciate the evil of fascism and know that a coup was necessary. Itachi was never capable of such a thing. If he made the "wrong" decision, than every child who can't explain to you what a fascist government in a military state looks like and explain what the difference is between a hate crime and resisting a hateful power, is also wrong. Here is the nuance. These are things a 13-year-old in this universe cannot be expected to understand unless they are taught. And Itachi had no teacher. Quite the opposite. There were only forces pressing him from both sides, saying "choose."
Had his father done this for him, had Shisui been in this position, had any other adult Uchiha acting as a spy been put to this task, it would be a much different narrative. But of course, it had to be Itachi, who Danzo knew he could manipulate. It had to be a child, someone skilled enough to do the job, but inexperienced enough, afraid enough, to be willing to sacrifice everything they had to see the mission through. Someone you could whisper "greater good" to and have them hand over their well being on a plate. Someone who didn't understand they had the power and strength to destroy the system threatening them.
On a narrative level, Itachi exists to illustrate this point. How young people are systematically indoctrinated to serve a greater purpose, be it under a specific government, religion, or otherwise. We see it in real life fascism, in real life cults. There's no mistake. It isn't an accident that Itachi's story begins like this.
Which brings me to the rest of his life. The reason I drew the picture in the post referenced at the top. Itachi's character is a bit of a mystery the rest of the anime. Be that because of bad writing or an intentional omission, his motives, thoughts, and opinions are largely left ambiguous. However, there are still a few moments that interest me as far as the implications of his development.
When Itachi first comes back to the Leaf village, he faces Kakashi. On the one hand, this could simply be a narrative tool- the big bad meets the big good. He takes Kakashi out of commission! The first rogue shinobi we see who is able to defeat the pillar of the Leaf, the Copy Ninja, and without even breaking a sweat!
On the other hand, I find the brutality of Itachi's attack very intriguing. Again, it could be the tough guy act, but he's able to keep three jonin busy easily using standard genjutsu (with the help of Kisame). It wouldn't be a stretch to say that using the tsukuyomi is overkill, and at a considerable price, we learn later.
Why then would Itachi, who has been shown to have excellent battle intelligence, who is strategic to a fault, be willing to jeopardize his health among other things just to... scare the Leaf? Make sure Kakashi wouldn't be a nuisance in the future? Sure, the last one would make collecting Naruto less complicated, but they dispatched Kakashi easily enough, and surely Jiraiya, who Naruto was with at the time, would pose a bigger problem than Kakashi.
It doesn't make strategic sense, which makes me wonder if Itachi has a special animosity toward Kakashi. Being his superior in the ANBU before the Uchiha massacre, someone who was willing to conduct surveillance of the Uchiha compound without question, Kakashi could have become a symbol of the indifference of the Leaf for Itachi. He could very well have been a reminder of the inoperable position Itachi was put in when he was still a child, and Kakashi, of course, was an adult. Another adult who did nothing. Noticed nothing. Did not help Itachi.
And while I'm certain that Kakashi would have taken severe issue with the goings on in the Leaf at that time, judging by his reaction when he finds out the truth in Shippuden, Itachi knows him only by what he did then. Facilitated surveillance of the Uchiha compound, was a supportive superior, but nothing greater. A bystander whose compassion, while well meaning, was entirely unhelpful.
I don't think it's far fetched that Itachi fucking crucified Kakashi because he was so angry at what being in the Leaf did to him. At some point, as he got older, he realized how terrible it was. He realized there were people like him. Children who were "born killers". Pawns in the game of the shinobi powers.
After leaving the village, Itachi joins the Akatsuki, who are also seeking peace through war (another story). He is supposed to spy for them, but doesn't follow through in any enthusiastic way (that we're shown). He works alone for quite some time, or else with a group (briefly he was shown with Conan and Kakuzu). He is partners with Orochimaru before he's expelled from the Akatsuki. He is partners with one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He grows up and meets many people, sees lots of stories unfold. He learns that he isn't in a minority. Many shinobi are just like him.
And then, as an adult, he is partnered with Kisame, who he finds excellent camaraderie with because of their similar backgrounds. We see in this relationship that he understands what happened to him and what he did enough to acknowledge that, while neither of them are monsters, as many people say, they are human. And humans make mistakes. Humans are complicated. Wrong and right and wrong and right. They understand each other, and Itachi understands more clearly what the world puts these children up to. What it forces shinobi to become. That it isn't all his fault, but he still did it. And so he is responsible. He appears to be able to live with that.
But when he returns to the Leaf, those feelings bubble up. He hates the Leaf. He hates that system. He hates what he did. Maybe he even hates being a shinobi, how his excellence was weaponized, how being an Uchiha doomed him and his clan. And for what?
Itachi is played as a character who is only sensible, only logical, only interested in practical things, has nothing to express. But the way he behaves toward Kakashi in that moment bares all his grief and anger. I just like to think about it. We have so few moments where we get to see Itachi genuinely. The fight with Kakashi, the Sasuke/Deidara fight, his thoughtful moments with Kisame. Just makes me wonder what could've been if Itachi's story had gone a little differently.
Anyway, if anyone would like me to expand on any points or has additional thoughts, feel free to hop in my ask box or leave a comment. Thanks for the interest, I love to talk.
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mythriteshah · 2 months
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Ladies, gentlemen, and those in between: the time has come once again! After yet another long winter’s time of gathering resources, the Higuri Regalia is proud to announce the return of the “Regalia Largesse” - marking its seventh occurrence!
For those unaware or uninitiated: The Regalia Largesse is an annual event spanning anywhere between 5-7 days that occurs around the late spring/early summer, and is considered the “pinnacle of Noblesse Oblige”!
During this event, individuals from the Higuri Regalia’s hierarchy will make appearances within the various city-states to offer wares to the adventuring public - FOR FREE (Tips and donations are always greatly appreciated, but never mandatory)!
On Sunday, June 16th, at around 7PM EDT, look for a Party Finder ad from any one of the Regalia members; they will provide you information on where they are, and what items will be offered, with a detailed list of what’s available while supplies last.  Due to the ever-increasing quantity of wares, their post duration has been extended to three hours. All locations take place on the Balmung World in the Crystal Data Center.
Also, throughout the week, starting at the commencement of the Largesse, those who are willing to partake in a special contest will receive a number.  On last day of that week (i.e. the end of  the Largesse), a raffle will take place where a series of numbers will be drawn, and those who win will be offered prizes!
*To enter the raffle, simply ask the representative currently posted during that day; a tracker is kept throughout the course of the event, and is shared amongst the Regalia members.
You MUST attend the final day of the Largesse in order to qualify for a chance to win.
In the event you are unable to attend the raffle for any reason, you are allowed 1 proxy to vouch for you, so long as they state whom they are  replacing.
If your number happens to be drawn, you are offered a chance to decline a particular prize if you have eyes on another, but a winner will be decided for the sake of fairness.
Notes: Sprouts (New Players/Adventurers) will receive Flying Beds and/or attire Coffers as a consolation gift. 
The prize list includes the following, and are subject to change:
1st Place Winners: A Chrysomallos Horn/Magitek Avenger G1 Identification Key/Gilded Mikoshi Horn/Golden Ronkan Flute! (4 winners)
2nd Place Winners: An Island Adenium Whistle/Island Peerifool Whistle/Quaqua Horn/Sabotender De La Luna Whistle! (x2 each; 8 winners)
3rd Place Winners: A full set of Free Spirit's Attire!  (5 winners)  
4th Place Winners: An Uolosapa! (10 winners)
Look for these beautiful individuals throughout the week for the item(s) of the day.  Note: stock may (and will) expand between now and the commencement of the Largesse, so everything listed herein is not final.
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Sunday, June 16th: Isja "Coldgaze" Kaltablik (Ul’dah, Steps of Nald; Arrzaneth Ossuary) 
Fashion Accessories (Archangel Wings; Pixie Wings; Statice's Wings; False Classic Spectacles; Rose Colored Spectacles)
Summer Attire (Moonfire Halter/Vest; Ti Leaf Lei/Coronal Summer Halter; South Seas/Coeurl Talisman; Sea Breeze Summer Halter & Pareo; Coeurl Beach Halter & Pareo; Blue/Red/Coeurl Beach Summer Maro)
Parasols (Black; Sky Blue; Vermillion Paper; Pleasant Dot; Prim Dot; Pastoral Dot; White Lace; Plum Paper; Calming Checkered; Cheerful Checkered; Classic Checkered; Giant Leaf; Tsukumogami; Sabotender; Blue Blossom; Raindrop Defense System)
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Monday, June 17th: Treasurer Susuna Suna (Ul’dah, Steps of Thal; The Gold Court)
Modern Aesthetics (A Close Shave; Gyr Abanian Plait; Samsonian Locks; Both Ways; Scanning for Style; Battle-ready Bobs; Wind Caller; Controlled Chaos; Early to Rise; Form and Function; Modern Legend; Saintly Style; Ambitious Ends; The Bold and the Braid)
Ballroom Etiquette (/Lean; /Shiver; /Wow; /Eatapple; /Eatriceball; /Bread; /Malevolence; /Guard; /Confirm; /Insist; /Scheme; /Wringhands; /Read; /Paint; /Broom; /Highfive; /Fistpump; /Wow; /Reference; /Humbletriumph)
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Tuesday, June 18th: Yuanji Yuji (Shirogane; Ward 16, Plot 60)
Chocobo Barding (Tidal; Levin; Ice; Highland; Orthodox; Hive; Expanse; Sephirotic; Sophic; Zurvanite; Horde; Abigail; Reveler's; Blissful; Shinryu; Byakko; Suzaku; Seiryu; Samurai; Titania; Innocence; Hades; Ruby; Machinist; True Barding of Light; Emerald; Queen's Guard; Bozjan; Diamond; Eternal Darkness; Divine Light; Bluefeather; Windswept; Flamecloaked; Allagan; Voidcast; Abyssal)
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Wednesday, June 19th: Umimi Umi (Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks; The Aftcastle)
Rare Minions (Fat Cat; Calamari; White Whittret; Dwarf Rabbit; Gold Whisker; Capybara Pup; Conditional Virtue; Clionid Larva; Chameleon; Armadillo Bowler; Optimus Omicron; Calca; Brave New Urianger; Hippo Calf; Prince Lunatender; Adventure Basket; Teacup Kapikulu; Bacon Bits; Little Leannan; Miniature White Knight; Sungold Talos; Silver Dasher; Petit Pteranadon; Drippy; Magitek Predator F1; Paissa Threadpuller; Paissa Patissier; Cerberpup; Fenrir Pup; Magitek Helldiver F1; Flag; Sponge Silkie; Sewer Skink; Suzusaurus; Bantam Train; Mikra Lyssa; Puffin; Plush Cushion; Morpho; Google-Eyed Dogu; Crabe de la Crabe; Forgiven Hate; Benben Stone; Okuri Chochin; Shiromaru; Kuromaru; Repulu; Exciting Dynamite)
Wind-Ups/Dress-Ups (Lakshmi; Susano; Thancred; Alisaie; Omega M/F; Magus Sisters; Anima; Kangaroo; Fuath; Grebuloff; Scarmiglione; Cagnazzo; Barbariccia)
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Thursday, June 20th: Sesena Sena (Old Gridania; Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre)
Vanity clothing (New World Jacket & Headdress; Spring Dress; High House Justacorps/Bustle; Taoist's Shirt; Cashmere Poncho; Raincoat; Hooded Fireglass Leather Vest/Adventurer's Hooded Vest; Summer Indigo Shirt; Urban/Rebel Coat; Craftsman's Singlet/Coverall Top/Apron; Dalmascan Draped Shirt; Calfskin Rider's Jacket; Frontier Jacket/Dress; Peacelover's Shirt; Cape of Happiness; Varsity Jacket/Buttoned Varsity Jacket; Ao Dai; Thavnairian/Hannish Wool Autumn Shirt; Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress; Southern Seas Shirt; Adventuring Sweater; Boulevardier's Ruffled Shirt; Quaintrelle's Ruffled Dress; Whisperfine Woolen Coat; Salon Server's Vest/Dress Vest; Casual Jacket; Noir Longcoat; Lawless Enforcer's Jacket; Free Spirit's Jacket; Shishu Bujin Hitatare/Gozen Kochiki; Martial Artist's Vest/Sleeveless Vest)
Pajamas (Plain; Cactuar; Chocobo)
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Friday, June 21st: Thiji Higuri (The Birdcage; Empyrean, Ward 15, Plot 30)
Raffle & Additional Surprises
We look forward to serving you all, and thank you for choosing the Higuri Regalia, Where There is Power in Beauty.
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blimbo-buddy · 2 months
Bug World No Mercy: Naming Systems in the Bug Kingdoms
Before we proceed: I want to note that with all of the names listed, they can also be translated into other languages and it will still suffice as a name for the bug.
For example: If you translate “Leaf” into Spanish, “Hoja”, it will still be a valid name because of the word it was translated from. So without further ado:
Slugs of the Garth/Timberland
Before the Great Division Of Slug Country, the Slugs all had the same naming system.
Their names typically followed things associated with nature, wild-grown fruits, trees, leaves, plants, etc.
When the Slugs of the Garth formed their empire, they took on names associated with things you might find in a garden:
Fruits: Banana, Watermelon, Berry
Vegetables: Cucumber, Spud, Carrot
Nuts: Pistachio, Pecan 
Legumes: Chickpea, String Bean
Flowers: Lily, Daffodil, Aster
When the Slugs of the Timberland stayed in the forest, they retained many of their old names, pre-division. These were names that associated with things found in the forest:
Bodies of water: Creek, Lake
Wild-grown fruits: Gumnut, Aronia
Trees: Pine, Birch
Plants: Fern, Ivy
Words relating to the forest: Woodland, Bosky 
There are, however, “ grey area” names that arose after the division of Slug Country, as these names related to things that are present in both gardens and in nature:
Strawberry, Nectar, Apple, and Honey are some examples of these names
However, a slug can actually have a quote attached to them, created for themselves and by themselves. 
Slugs of a high rank - Such as royalty, scholars, guards, advisors, etc.- are the only ones who can acquire a quote, according to Slug Law
These names can take a while to create, think of it like a thesis
High rank slugs must spend a year outlining, rough drafting, and finalizing their quote
This process also includes a month spent out in the forest to be alone with their thoughts
Trusted scholars are tasked with teaching upcoming high ranks multiple lessons of how to craft the perfect quote for themselves
The name itself must remind the others of that particular slug.
Example: “For what is the weakling slug, if they had moistened the soil into mulch, with the flesh of their enemies.” aka (Queen) Mulch.
These quote titles originated from the beginning of the Slug Country, thousands and thousands of years ago. The two warring sides of the previously known Slug Country have retained these types of names since then.
Cockroach Kingdom
Due to the Cockroach Kingdom's closeness to the humans and their society, they've taken on names that have to do with general products of human society, such as:
Human-made objects: Fork, Knife, Wire, Trash Can
Food/Drinks: Pizza, Soda, Hamburger
Buildings: Apartment, Prison, Greenhouse
The domestication of rats and pigeons by the Cockroach Kingdom is one that dates back thousands of years, theorized to be even before the Great Division of Slug Country. This led to titles pertaining to “Pest Tamers”, as the bugs call it, to be created: 
Cockroaches that handle rats are given the title “Rat Tamer” before their name
On the other hand, cockroaches that handle pigeons are given the title “Pigeon Master” before their name
Hammerheads of the Gastropods (Hammerhead Worms)
Hammerhead Worm names generally follow a "4-part rule", going as such: Sir/Madame Gastro- (Given Birth Name) -Pod.
For shortening reasons, one may call a Hammerhead Slug: Sir/Madame (Given Name), Gastro-(Given Name), or (Given Name)-Pod.
Example: Madame Gastro-Grate-Pod, 
Or: Madame Grate, Gastro-Grate, Grate-Pod
In Hammerhead Worm society, it is considered incredibly rude and disrespectful to only refer to one by only their Given Birth Name.
These Given Birth Names will typically be based off of:
The Hammerhead’s physical appearance: Mottle, Splotch, Stripe, Brindle
Physical actions: Scrape, Drag, Grate, Clutch, Trek, Smear
Believed to be the second oldest bug kingdom to perfect “Pest Taming”, Hammerhead Worms classify themselves into small categories, based upon the bird that acts as their steed:
Example: Robin Jockey, Finch Jockey
Moth Citadel
Moths are typically named after:
Organic materials that they eat: Cloth, Shirt, Hair, Blanket, Wool, Silk
Dark-themed words: Dim, Dull, Shade, Bleak
Moths also have a secondary part to their name.
Depending on what stage of the moon they were born under, that will serve as their last name.
For example: Blanket Waxing Crescent.
These last names fall under "Moon Families", although not every moth in the same Moon Family is related to each other.
Cicada Burrow
Since Cicada society puts lots of emphasis on a past life that a cicada has had, their names reflect such beliefs.
Cicada names include their current life's name alongside their previous life's name: (Current life’s name); Once-(Previous life’s name)
Cicada names are typically based around:
Types of trees: Redwood, Oak, Sycamore
Noises: Hum, Buzz, Bang
Words relating to plants/roots: Pith, Root, Stem
Nectar/Juices/Saps: Phloem, Mango Nectar, Apple Juice
An example of this would be: Sycamore; Once-Lily Nectar
Note: If a Cicada has just begun their cycle (Meaning that they are the beginning life of a rebirth cycle) then they will have just a singular name
Beetle Dynasty
Due to the dynasty's heavy emphasis on being defensively strong and armory, their names are ones that sound very heavy/strong/sturdy. This includes
Minerals/Gems: Titanium, Talc, Calcite
Trees/Words relating to trees: Lumber, Branch, Redwood
Words relating to rocks: Sedimentary, Boulder, Cobble
Metals: Cobalt, Copper, Steel
Example: Titanium, Sedimentary, Talc, Lumber
Beetles within the nation may also be granted a special title alongside their name. Usually connecting with a specific achievement
Special Title Example: Tungsten the Artificer, Strata the Batslayer
Worm Empire
Due to their entire empire (and association) being within the dirt, Worms take on names that have something to do with the earth
They can be based off of minerals in the dirt: Sulfur, Dolomite 
The types of dirt: Peat, Clay
Shades of brown: Umber, Beige
Tools used to dig up the earth: Trowel, Shovel 
Words connected to digging and moving around: Wriggle/Wriggling, Tunnel/Tunneling
The leader of the Worm Empire has the title of "Earth Master"
Worms who forage for food are given the title of "Processor"
Example: "Earth Master Excavator" “Processor Bronze”
Butterfly Pavilion
The butterflies take great pride in their appearance and beauty, so it's only fitting that their names reflect that. Many of their names are based on:
Colors: Blue, Amber, Aqua
Positive adjectives: Handsome, Bright, Clever
Flowers: Dahlia, Zinnia, Allium
Words/sounds associated with birds: Whir, Caw, Vane
Bird species: Robin, Hawk, Condor
When born, the caterpillars have their names prefaced with "Beautiful Sprout" and will keep this title until they form into a cocoon.
Upon emerging, the butterfly leaves behind their Beautiful Sprout title
Higher ranking butterflies can gain the title of Weathervane, alongside the number at which they rank at within the group of 10 Weathervanes
They can “rank up” whenever the Weathervane ahead of them retires, dies, or is overthrown
Example: 4th Weathervane Caw
Fly Cluster
Unlike the other bug kingdoms, flies don’t have an actual kingdom due to their nature to roam around and eat things that many bugs wouldn’t even eat as a last resort. However, despite this vagabond-esque culture and lack of a “proper kingdom”, the flies still have a system of names, typically based off of: 
Death-related words: Corpse, Carrion, Muerte
Fungus and fungus genus names: Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Mucor
Bacteria and viruses: Shigella, Rabies
Words relating to decomposition: Decay, Rot, Spoil
Spider Province
Though spiders have a wide array of naming systems that pertain to their kingdom, often you’ll find specific patterns in their names. Some names have a bit to do with their proximity with humans. You’ll find spiders named after:
Carnivorous plants: Sundew, Butterwort 
Words relating to crafting: Concoct, Forge
Words relating to thread spinning: Intertwine, Weave, Spindle
Quiet noises: Mumble, Whisper, Hum, Hush
Clothes: Shirt, Jacket, Sweatshirt, Shoe(s)
Animals: Wolf, Viper, Python (Thanks to @imagination-confusion for this!
Something to note is that all spiders, no matter their age, will have the title of “Mandrel” due to their natural web-spinning capabilities being compared to the likes of that specific weaving tool. 
Example: Spindle the Mandrel
Pillbug Domain
This kingdom of small, armored bugs puts lots of emphasis onto their outer exterior. So it’s only natural that their names reflect such cultural importance in one’s outside shell. Pillbugs will typically be named after:
Outer casing and frameworks: Shell, Chassis, Pod, Hull
Words related to spinning/fast movement: Spin, Bowl, Twist, Sweep
Metals: Aluminum, Steel
Trees/Words relating to trees: Redwood, Oak, Palm, Timber
Nuts: Walnut, Cashew, Pistachio
The Pillbug Domain’s high ranking bugs will sport the title of “Lord Pill” or “Lady Pill”. 
Example: Lord Pill Swing 
Something that you might notice is that many of the names of the Pillbug Domain are similar to the Beetle Dynasty’s names. This is because at some point, the Pillbug Domain was a part of the Beetle Dynasty, however would later on separate from the kingdom due to the Pillbug Lord disagreeing with many of the other leaders. 
Dragonfly Lair
Dragonflies have names that they take great pride in, much like butterflies or cockroaches. Unless you are a close familiar, they demand that you refer to them as their full name or don’t refer to them at all. They carry names based on:
Positive adjectives: Courage, Brave, Gentle, Wise, Wisdom, Lionheart
Quick words: Whip, Snap, Zoom, Swift, Curt
Birds: Robin, Hawk, Falcon
In some rare cases, however, a dragonfly may be named after an old ruler from Europe. This is rarely the case, however. But it’s unknown to the bugs - including the Dragonflies themselves- how exactly knowledge of these European rulers became known.
Dragonfly society consists of a sibling monarchy and 2-4 advisors 
The monarch dragonflies are born with the title “Eye-snatcher”
The advisor dragonflies are given the title “Lecture-wing”
Example: Eye-snatcher Ambition, Lecture-wing Sparrow
The Mosquito Flock
A kingdom that has functionally become a society that advocates for the death of the individual through hunting the sweet nectar of human blood. The Mosquito Flock carries many names based on:
Blood diseases: Sickle Cell, Anemia
Blood-related words: Ichor, Hemoglobin, Hematic
Drinking-related words: Sip, Guzzle, Swig
Eating-related words: Feast, Consume, Ingest
Words relating to a mosquito being killed: Slap, Swipe, Thwack
Bodies of water or general water-related words: Lake, Ocean, Puddle
Mosquito society has in place a title that all mosquitos must call each other by: Brother, Sister, and Sibling. 
This holds a symbolic meaning, as mosquitoes believe they are all united as a “family”, it does not mean that they are all related to each other.
Firefly Faction
Due to the relatively unknown society of the firefly faction, it proved to be difficult to record their types of names for a while. Until now. Typically, a Firefly will be named after:
Fire and heat related words: Flame, Burn
Light related words: Sunshine, Spark, Day
Shine related words: Glimmer, Flicker
Quick motions: Flutter, Blink, Wink
The Ant Colonies
Ant colonies typically do not name their ants, except for some exceptions.
There are head ants in the colony that serve as managers for the different ant ranks, Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer, the latter of which is responsible for what food comes into the colony.
The Head Ant names consist of a First and Last name that:
sounds violent and/or is linked with organs and bones
Example: Lieutenant Snap Neck, Director Rip Molar, and Head Rationer Flesh Maim 
In ant colonies, there are also secondary ranks to the main three:
Soldiers: Watcher, Scout
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
To each of these ranks, there is typically a single leading ant (Although more than one isn’t uncommon in bigger colonies). These leading secondary ants share the same last name as the head ant of their main rank, and will have their name prefaced with “Lead”:
For example, a Leading Constructor ant who works under an ant named “Director Rip Molar” will be named: Lead Constructor Stab Molar 
Meanwhile, the rest of the ants do not have any names given to them, they are typically referred to as their rank, whether they’re Soldiers, Workers, Rationers, or any of the secondary ranks. 
Regular ants can however be referred to and refer to each other as their designated rank (Food Guard, Watcher, etc.)
Drones are typically only referred to as Drones, but ants from the same colony and queen as a drone ant will sometimes refer to him as “Drone Brother”
The Queen Ant will have a violent sounding name, although not one that is formatted like the Head or Leading Ant's
The Queen's name will be prefaced by "Mother" and the name itself may be based off of:
Weapons: Sword, Sling, Crossbow
Torture methods: Keelhauling, Giridrion
Causes of death: Drown, Burn, Blunt Force 
Violent words: Maim, Snap, Rip, Gnash
Organs/Bones: Tibia, Tooth, Stomach
An example of this is: "Queen Mother Macerate II" or “Queen Mother Gnash”
The Bees of the Hive
Though hundreds of beehives reside close to each other, all of differing histories, they all generally share the same types of names. Much like the Ant Colonies, Bee Hives have three main ranks: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer. Alongside that, they have secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
However, unlike the Ant Colonies, Head/Lead bees don’t have first and last names, only first names. Their names will be based around: 
Flowers: Wisteria, Oleander
Jams/preserves: Strawberry Jam, Apricot Preserves
Herbs/Teas: Chamomile, Earl Grey, Mint
Fruits: Apricot, Avocado
Descriptions of their personality: Wonderful, Humble
Regular bees are not actually properly named, instead, they are categorized by their hive's abbreviated name, their rank, and a designated number.
So for example, a drone bee from the Southern Creek Bound hive would be named: SCB-Drone-1033.
The Queen of the hive is given a proper name once she rises to the rank and successfully destroys her competitors. Like the Head and Leading bees, Queens can be named after:
Descriptions of their personality
The queen bee's name is formatted as, "Queen (Name) of the (Hive name abbreviation(if needed)) Dynasty".
A queen's name may be something like: Queen Mango Jam of the SC Dynasty
The Wasp Swarms
Wasps share some of the same name aspects as both the bees and ants. Wasps have three main ranks like the bees and the ants: Workers, Soldiers, and Rationers.
And like with the bee and ant kingdoms, there are lead wasps for each main rank: Lieutenant (Head Soldier), Director (Head Worker), and Head Rationer.
With those ranks comes secondary ranks:
Soldiers: Watcher
Workers: Constructor, Brood Guard, Greenskeeper
Rationers: Food Guard, Chef
Just like ants and bees, leading secondary ranking wasps will have the title of Lead prefacing their names. Like bee society, wasps don’t have both first and last names, only a first name. These names will be based off of:
Quick actions: Dart, Strike, Jab
Fruits: Pear, Plum
Weapons: Machete, Hammer
Example: Lead Brood Guard Jab, Lieutenant Razor
The rest of the wasps don't have proper names: They are named after the sectors that they are hatched in and what rank they fill
Alongside that, wasps will have the name of the queen they were born under as part of their identification
For example: Battle Queen (Name), Sector F Soldier
Regular wasps can, however, be referred to as/refer to others as “(Sector) (Rank) Sister” or simply just “Sister”. While drones will be referred to as “(Sector) (Rank) Drone” or simply just “Drone”
Example: Sector A Sister, Sector E Drone
Just like the Head and Lead wasps, the Queen Wasp(s) will have names based off of:
Quick actions
Their name will also be prefaced by "Battle"
Example: Battle Queen Prickly Pear III, Battle Queen Mangosteen 
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flourjsh · 2 years
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❋ love sick
i. ajax is sick, luckily he has his cute medic gf to aid him.
ii. ajax petropolus x female reader
iii. sickness, making out, reader can blush, mention of food / vegetables
iv. reader can only heal physical wounds, effects like a fever cannot be treated. ajax can turn his snake hair into normal hair when he's feeling unwell. ( hc, not real. )
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a raspy groan emerged from the lonely bed of ajax, throat sore and head aching as he, with all his might, attempts to escape his bedridden curse. you gaze upon his place with narrowed eyes and scrunched eyebrows, hands on your hips as you watch your boyfriend's fatal attempt fail. he sighs in defeat once he feels your angry stare impale his figure, leaning back into his place on the bed with a defeated look. you huff in satisfaction and continue your homework. well, not just yours, but his too.
"[name], please just let me out.. i've been stuck here for ages." he pleads with a exaggerated voice. desperate to leave this hellhole of a room with you by his side. "ajax, i've told you many times. you need to stay in bed, it's for your own good." you spoke in a motherly tone, not even sparing a glance at the boy who just turned his back to you. "if anything, this is your fault. I told you we shouldn't have stayed under the rain for too long. luckily for me, my immune system is much stronger than yours. so once your temperature lowers, you really need to eat more of your vegetables, okay snake boy?" he whimpers in distraught "but, it tastes so weird. the texture is rough, and it tastes like nothing! you're basically eating a leaf at this point."
you roll your eyes and pay him no mind. quickly reverting back to your study of carnivore plants, [name], sleep with me." the drastic change of voice and personality caught you off guard at first but soon recovered and turned your back to your homework. "i have homework to finish, plus if i get sick, who's gonna take care of you?" "but, you said you had a strong immune system. you can survive this, right?" now thinking back on it, the chances of him infecting you with his bacteria is a fifty-fifty chance. long as he doesn't yawn in your face or lick your lips as a joke you'll be alright. "I accept your offer." turning the lamp off, the room goes dull with the lack of light. moonshine seeping through the class window behind the bed, you place next to him and he immediately turns to face you with a eager look in his eyes. to which you blankly stared at him with a tired face.
"you know we can't exchange any physical contact, it's too much of a risk. control yourself jax." you say as you wrap your finger around his used to be snake hair. he doesn't say anything which makes you cock an eyebrow, you stare into his eyes and immediately, your lips are attacked by his own. thin hands gripping each side of your head while his tounge ravages your mouth. you moan in worry and pleasure. gripping his shoulders tight as you lean deeper into the kiss. a few seconds later you both pull way. panting and gasping for air, sweat rolls down your forehead and your body temperature increases. red engulfing your face to which ajax chuckles at.
"what happened to no physical contact, doctor?"
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vera-keller · 3 months
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switchblade | masters of the air | taster pt. 2 a/n: did anyone ask for this? no lmao prepare to receive my [redacted] [redacted] anyway (lore accurate mariner quote)
It is at Thorpe Abbotts that Mariner decides coming here is functionally a grounding. Try as she reluctantly might, she simply cannot imagine herself flying a B-17. The controls are all wrong, or at least she thinks they should be. Her hand will automatically reach for the throttle that is supposed to be on her left and instead it will grasp at nothing, empty space. And when she tries to locate and operate the weapons control systems she will be immediately humbled by the reminder that she is no longer responsible for controlling the guns in this aircraft.
No, there are other people in the aircraft for that. Nine other people, in fact. Nine other people to navigate and operate the radio and fire the top turret and ball turret and so on and so forth. Her job is simply to keep the aircraft flying, the most rudimentary definition of what a pilot is.
She supposes Tillotson wasn’t spewing complete bullshit when he said that she had a particular skill set that could – the keyword being could – make her a valuable bomber pilot. And that was that she knows the vulnerabilities inherent within every bomber. If she knows these vulnerabilities, if she knows what enemy aircraft will be aiming for when they inevitably fly into an onslaught of them, then she knows how to circumvent them.
Like that’s going to happen, another voice in her head says. You can’t even do evasive manoeuvres in this toaster.
Frustrated, Mariner slams her fist down on the metal beam that she is sitting on. An officer walking in her direction flinches at the sound.
“Lieutenant Mariner?” he asks.
Mariner looks up at the insignia on his shoulders: a gold oak leaf, horizontal, stem pointing his collar. The insignia of a major. Rank has been pulled, albeit indirectly. She jumps down from the beam and salutes him.
“Sir,” she says. “Sorry for startling you.”
The major smiles politely in answer, a lopsided though somewhat guarded smile that seems to suggest tolerance. He’s young for an officer of his rank. In fact, he cannot possibly be more than a few years older than Mariner, yet he has obviously been entrusted by his superiors with a rank normally held by men who have a greater advantage of age on him. Mariner wonders what that must have taken. What buzzwords are on his resume? Strategic vision? Tactical acumen? Effective communication? Team player? Maybe, like her, he has a father who makes a habit out of overextending his influence. After all, nepotism has been here long before she was born and will continue to remain here long after she is dead. It is the beginning and the end, the first enemy and the last, et cetera.
But this officer doesn't seem to be one of those. He doesn't, for starters, wear his insignia as though it is an accessory that he knows looks better on everyone else.
“Don’t worry,” he says. “I’m not that easily startled. But it did take me a while to find you. You were supposed to report directly to me, but I had to ask around until Lemmons helpfully told me he saw someone who might have looked a little like you head straight into the hangar.”
“Just trying to get an up close and personal look at the tin can I’ll be flying, sir.”
The major nods, as though he can understand the sentiment of a pilot wanting to evaluate a new plane to which they have been assigned, though Mariner doubts he’d understand exactly how much she despises the idea of getting into one of these things that reminds her of a bee in that neither, according to all known laws of aviation, should be able to fly. But the major doesn’t seem to be reading into it at all. Instead, he looks up at a nearby B-17, and Mariner instinctively follows his gaze. The same aircraft she has spent the past ten minutes disparaging in every measurable way, shape and form in her head, and imagining herself shooting down in aerial combat, which would have been an amusing pastime were she not going to be piloting one of these planes herself. Yet he’s looking at it as though it’s an old friend.
“That’s no tin can, Mariner. That’s a B-17. She’s not as sleek or nimble as a fighter, but she’s sturdy, reliable and strong, and she can take a beating like no other. I couldn’t ask for a better plane to fly in. You just transferred from the 157th?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’ve seen your records. You’re a solid Mustang pilot. You might find it harder to get used to the B-17 than I did, but she’ll grow on you. I’m Major Gale Cleven.”
“Olivia Mariner.”
Belatedly Mariner remembers that Cleven absolutely knows who she is already. Even through the embarrassment, however, she can appreciate the fact that if he is aware of the real reason for her reassignment, he’s consciously choosing not to mention it. She looks back up at the B-17 and tries to see it the way she imagines Cleven must, a literal flying fortress, but all she can think is that it is an ugly aircraft that is much too large to the point where its largeness looks like a mistake.
“You said she can take a beating, sir?” she asks, knocking on the aluminium.
“She certainly can. She’s earned her reputation for toughness, that’s for sure.” He reaches out, swipes his hand along the nose of the aircraft, as though wiping away dust that has collected there in a familiar gesture. “She’s designed to withstand heavy enemy fire and still deliver her payload while bringing her crew home safely.”
Mariner nods sceptically, her eyes narrowing slightly as she studies the bomber. “Okay, so she can tank enemy fire. But can she evade it altogether? That’s what’s going to make all the difference when it comes to bringing the crew back.”
Cleven offers a knowing smile at Mariner’s bluntness, as though he has long figured out that she would ask that question sooner or later, and it is clear she has opted for sooner. “She’s no Mustang, Mariner, but she’s no slouch either. If you want to manoeuvre the B-17, you have to go easy on the yoke. Besides, when you’re in a formation flying together, you have the strength of numbers. Each pilot requires both practice and discipline to maintain formation, and when you’re out there in the air, everyone watches each other’s back. That’s how we fly our missions and that’s how we come back in one piece. All of us, together.”
And there it is. The inevitable cattle prod in her side. This conversation is getting a little pointed for Mariner’s liking now, considering the reason she was bumped out of her former squadron was supposedly because of her inability to adhere to a formation. She wonders if Cleven knows this already, whether Tillotson has included some kind of addendum on her report about her apparent Achilles’ heel as a fighter pilot. Excellent, Tillotson, she thinks irately to herself. You can’t get me to stay in a formation, so you put me in an aircraft where I’ll literally die if I don’t. Very well played. Have you been taking lessons from my father? Maybe the two of you should sit down together for a drink sometime and discuss all the many methods you might choose to employ for colossally fucking up my life. Dickheads. But she does not say any of this. Instead she asks, in a perfectly calm and even tone of voice that a perfectly calm and even individual might use, “Who will I be flying with?”
“We’re putting together a crew for you,” Cleven tells her. “Rest assured. You won’t be integrating into the unit alone.”
Then he pauses for a brief moment, glancing up at the B-17. “As a pilot, you’ll learn to appreciate her strengths,” he says. “She’s resilient and a force to be reckoned with. And in the end, it’s not about the plane you fly, but how you fly it. Wouldn’t you agree, Lieutenant Mariner?”
Mariner considers this. Her gaze drifts from Cleven to the B-17 obfuscating her peripheral vision that is almost certainly going to be the death of her within the next six months, but she actually thinks about Cleven’s words. Superior officers tend to attempt to get through to her in one of two ways: either through the carrot or the stick. Neither works on her: she sees through the carrot immediately – thereby also identifying a superior officer that is more interested in placating his men than leading them – and any and all stick wielders are classified as delusional self-important men throwing tiny-fisted tantrums and asserting themselves through the little power they are afforded by the chain of command, thereby immediately and permanently losing her respect. Tillotson falls in the third category of simply being annoying. Yet Cleven doesn’t seem to fall in any prescribed category. This could simply mean he’s better than others at concealment. But it could also mean he doesn’t see her as something to be managed. 
“You’re right, sir,” she says, pale blue eyes appraising the aircraft with a measuring gleam. “I think I know exactly how I’m going to fly this.”
Cleven actually cracks a smile. “That’s the spirit, but maybe you should take her out for a test flight before you get too sure of yourself. I’ve booked you in for three hours this afternoon. Come by the hangar at 1500. We’ll see if you can get her into the air.”
Mariner nods, a single dip of the chin downward. “Trust me, I can do much more than get her into the air.”
“Good,” Cleven says. “Because that’s what the Krauts are gonna be expecting. Why don’t you go get yourself set up? Irvine will show you your room and get all the admin sorted out. Report to the hangar at 1500 sharp. And Mariner?”
“Try not to beat up the metal beams too much while you’re in here. The acoustics in the hangar aren’t exactly forgiving in terms of the echo. A lesser man might have pissed himself.”
The corners of Mariner’s lips lift into an almost imperceptible smile. She’s not going to tempt Cleven to thinking she’s actually warming up to him, of course, even though she appreciates that he seems to be allowing her the courtesy of a clean slate, something that should be frustrating her instead because she hasn’t done anything that has warranted the necessity of a clean slate in the first place. Being reassigned to the 100th is miserable enough without a superior officer like Tillotson trying to turn every patrol briefing into a veritable circlejerk. But Cleven isn’t Tillotson, and Mariner’s almost imperceptible smile seems to be enough for him already, because he takes the hint and smiles back – politely but not clinically – and walks away as though this interaction has been the most natural thing in the world for him.
Huh. Perhaps she now has, for the first time in her three-year career, a superior officer she can actually get along with.
Left to her own devices, Mariner looks resentfully up at the B-17s, their cumbersome-looking metallic bodies glinting with rays of sunlight that come in from the open sides of the hangar and reflect off the painted aluminium. They look back down at her, unblinking.
Whoever was responsible for designing the shape of their noses should be shot, Mariner thinks. The entire structure is an area of stress concentration. Any impact applied to it would lead to mass structural failure across the entire aircraft, not to mention that it would instantly kill the bombardier. Why is the bombardier stationed in the nose section anyway? She reaches out a hand, runs it along the nose as Cleven had done earlier, and feels no additional affection for the aircraft as she absently imagined she might have done. 
It’s the pilot. Not the plane. Mariner repeats this to herself like a mantra, as though the act of repetition might somehow will the statement into becoming reality. A part of her finds it to be a frustrating restriction: if she fails to master the controls of a B-17 then it would be entirely on her, a reflection of the limitations in her abilities as a pilot. It would give Cleven ammunition to use against her if he so wishes, and she doesn’t like the idea of giving anyone any kind of ammunition to use against her.
But another part of her challenges this assumption. It’s all in your hands, she thinks. Exactly how you want it. You alone control this aircraft. Just you. You decide whether it rolls or turns, whether it pulls up or dives, how to operate it to best meet situational needs. You decide whether its purpose is to simply tank enemy fire or if you can turn it into what you want it to be.
She might as well train herself to start thinking this way; she doesn’t have much of a choice otherwise. Fortunately for her, she’s already figured out an alarming plethora of ways she could shoot a B-17 down. Now her role is to defend it. More than defend it: her role is to evolve it. Cleven is right. The B-17 would never come close to a P-51. But while aircraft cannot change their structural components, the pilot is at perfect liberty to change their tactics, and it’s convenient that doing so is the mark of a good pilot anyway, which she is. Exactly how non-manoeuvrable is the B-17 anyway? She privately hopes that Cleven is actually right, that the aircraft is unbreakable. Because whatever doesn’t break will bend.
If I can’t find a way, then the others definitely have no chance, she thinks to herself. And then, Jesus Christ, shut the hell up, Mariner. This is no time to get cocksure. You haven’t even gotten in the aircraft yet.
Mariner pauses.
She looks up at the B-17 in front of her. At the hangar full of B-17s in front of her. Unmanned. Fuselage and bomb bay doors in plain sight. Exterior steps attached.
A full crew of ten is not needed to fly the B-17, surely. Any plane can get off the ground with just the pilot alone. Especially a pilot like her who is accustomed to flying single-engine single-seat fighters, where – once you’re up in the air – there’s no one to help you. Besides, how different can the controls be, anyway? They’re all the same in every aircraft. Elevator, ailerons, rudder, throttle, trim tabs. She could make her way around the controls in her sleep. A small, determined smile curves her lips.
She’s taken off and landed successfully more than a hundred times. She’s a lieutenant and an ace pilot. She’s served in both the RAF and the USAAF on a technicality, and operated multiple different fighter aircraft while she’s at it. She’s hardly a fresh-faced flight school graduate; she doesn’t have to wait for Cleven’s supervision for a simple test flight. In fact, Cleven will probably appreciate that she’s showing initiative and actually making an effort to integrate into the 100th. Maybe if he relays a glowing report of her back to Tillotson – fuck that bitch, Mariner thinks, but he’s still her superior officer – he might expedite her reassignment back to a fighter squadron. Where she belongs. Maybe she’ll even get to have her old P-51 back.
With that in mind, she steps up into the B-17 before her, mindful of the bulkheads as she ducks into the cockpit and slides deftly into the pilot seat. The flight controls and instrument panel look similar enough to that of a P-51. Engine gauges, altimeters, attitude indicators, turn coordinators, compasses, throttle quadrant, the usual assemblage. Everything needed to get this tin can, which she must now grow accustomed to as her designated aircraft for the next several months, up into the air. She can figure them out in no time.
So she sets the fuel selector valves. Checks the propeller pitch controls, like she has done countless times before.
And she cranks the engine.
Gale Cleven looks up from the report wedged behind the cylinder of the typewriter on the desk before him at Master Sergeant Ken Lemmons, who stands in the doorway of his office, his breaths coming out in short, shallow gasps, his face overwrought with evident distress. Cleven pauses, his brows furrowing.
“What is it?”
“Lieutenant Mariner? The new pilot?” Lemmons’s face is white with panic.
“Yeah, I just spoke to her in the hangar. What happened?”
A hint of reluctance washes over Lemmons’s features, as though he is still privately hoping very much that he won't have to be the person to relay this information. But he eventually speaks.
“Sir, Lieutenant Mariner crashed a B-17 on the runway.”
And then Gale's day takes a rapid turn for the worse.
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dap11 · 10 months
Chapter two
Hearing that it wouldn't be easy worries me but I already expect it to be, so now I'm stuck on deciding whether to accept it or not.
"Rok Soo will be there, right?"
"Yes he will but you'll have to wait for him to arrive cuz you will be reborn, unlike him"
“Alright, I'll do it. What's the catch?”
All of a sudden a purple screen appeared in front of me, it showed a word saying…
I look back at him with a shock at the offer that was given to me.
“Why? Aren't you supposed to be the shadow monarch? Why are you giving the title to me?”
“Because my time has come and I'm in need of a successor, someone who is very familiar with death, someone who know how death feel like”
“And how can you be sure that is me? Sure, let's say I do know what death is like and I am very familiar with it but how can you be sure that the successor you need is me? What if I fail at it?”
“Because you will prove yourself worthy of its title while living there.” He points at the purple screen and says “This is a system, this will help you grow and help you get to know how to use my power.”
After explaining what the system is, our surroundings suddenly change. I turn around and see a portal open behind me. I turn to look back at him and see that he is now back into his actual form. He nodded his head encouraging me to enter.
Ah, this portal must be the one to take me to the other world.
This is my chance now for another life, a better life I hope, one where I can be with my husband.
My husband, who I love deeply in my heart, I love him enough that I'm willing to start a new life in another world so that I can be with him.
With a few steps I come face to face with the portal, I close my eyes as I enter, waiting for the new life that awaits me.
Before I open my eyes I hear the sound of birds singing outside and the sound of leaves rustling into one another. Slowly I open my eyes, I squint for a moment as a blinding stun my eyes. I look around for a moment and see that I was laid in bed, a sound catches me off guard as the door suddenly opens.
A figure of a woman enters the room, she approaches me with a smile on her face.
“Hello baby, sorry mother has to take a quick shower earlier, that's why I left you here on the bed for a moment. Did you sleep well?
Ah, this woman must be my mother here.
Unable to respond I just cooed at her and reached for her face with my little arms. She giggles at my attempt but she still leans forward so that I can touch her face. We stayed there in bed for a few minutes before she sat up and cradled me with her arm.
“Come on let go down stair mommy has to eat something to be healthy too you know”
She stood up and headed to the door. Upon opening I saw that we’re currently on the second floor of the house as she made her way downstairs, my eyes wandered around the room and saw a cozy living room.
At the side you can see a fireplace with a few picture and candle on top and a window at each side, in front of it there's a small wooden table and gray couch with a few crochet blanket and pillow laid on top of it and if you look up there are a few lantern hanging by the ceiling with a candle inside them.
Then she turn left which happen to be the kitchen there at the right side I see shelf of seasoning with a vine of leaf dangling for decoration and at the wall in front of us have a large open fireplace that wasn't lit with a pot hanging above it at the side of it there are teapot and pans hanging above them is a shelf of plates, bowls and cup of tea and water are stored at. At the right side there is a window and sink in front of it and at the side there are a few bowls of fruits and now at the center is a round wooden table and four chairs surrounding it and at the center you can see a flower vase for decoration.
“Ma…” I look up at her, noticing that she hasn't moved for a while. She looked back at me and smiled.
“Oh yes? Are you also hungry? Do you also want to eat?”
I shook my head and tried to wiggle out of her grip, she seemed to get what I’m doing and set me down at the table.
“Alright there you go, you know ever since you were born you never seem to like to be carried, alright mother will leave you here at the table don't move hmm.”
She backed away slowly with her eyes still on me. I looked back at her and attempted to sit up when I successfully did so I started to think how old I am. If I remember correctly the baby should start showing signs of sitting up around 8 months, if so that should mean I’m around 9 months old.
“Alright just stay there” she turns around and starts gathering ingredients for her food. I look out the window to see where exactly we live. Outside there seems to be a fence surrounding our house and over it are rather large trees.
‘Do we live in the forest? If so, why?’ I look back at my mother and wonder if she doesn't like people or just wants to be alone.
I patiently watch her cook her food for a few minutes, from time to time she would back at me making sure I’m not attempting to jump off the table. While waiting for her I decide to just lay back down and start planning how I’ll live my life here and how am I going to live as the new shadow monarch , while thinking my mind start to drift off and now here I am dreaming of my husband it’s not exactly a dream but rather a memory of us.
It’s been a few years now since I reincarnated here. By tomorrow I’ll turn four years old, so I am sitting outside our garden picking flowers that my mother will use for decoration.
Lately I tried summoning the system that the monarch told me, everytime I tried to summon it, it never seemed to appear so I decided to leave it alone for a will so that maybe it’ll show up on its own.
I ran back inside our house to show her the flower I picked. I found her in the kitchen decorating a cake.
“Mother; will this flower be enough?”
I showed her the flower and she leaned down to look at it. After inspecting it she smiled and patted my head.
“It is darling, set them down the table and go clean your hand”
I did as I was told and ran back to the living room to continue reading my book. Earlier I asked her if I could help her with the decorating but she insisted that she do it cuz it’ll be a surprise for me, she never let me see the cake but I did catch a glimpse of it from time to time like earlier.
As I continued reading my book a sound of birds singing reached my ears, setting my book down. I went outside to our backyard to see them. Once I exited our house I sat down on the patio stair and watched as the birds sang and flew around.
My life in this world is nothing compared to my life before it was chaotic, full of sorrow and tragedy. This life on the other hand is quite the opposite. The only thing missing is my husband. I still remember what the monarch said to me; he'll be here too, just not as early as I am.
“Thara”  My mother called out to me from behind.
“Yes mother?”
“I just want to ask if you want to come with me at the market in town since we’re running out of stock” I respond with a smile and nod my head, she smiles back at me and heads back inside the house to change her clothes.
I look back to watch the birds as I think back at the time when I first heard my name come out of her mouth.
Thara Flair.
I laughed when I heard it because how ironic is it to name your daughter Thara unknown that she is the next ruler of death. Thana means death back in my world, I don’t know what Thara means here but if it’s the same then mother better have a good explanation on why my name is death.
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ravenwolfie97 · 1 year
okay so initial thoughts on honkai star rail after i played like half of the tutorial bit this morning before work
first off, for the record, i have not played or heard much of anything about honkai impact 3rd and i have only played genshin impact pretty much since launch so my expectations were "genshin but sci-fi fantasy" but i can say that's not quite what i got (here’s a read more if you don’t care lol)
- immediately i notice that the graphics fidelity is gorgeous, very sleek and clean - it startled me a bit but also made me happy that the lip flaps are synced to the english dub! it seemed to flow really well even with the expression changes. the dialogue system doesn't seem all too different from genshin or. any other system like that. but it's got a pretty nice polish on the transitions between different states - the animation in the cutscenes and battles are really good, clearly they had a real talented team working on them. the characters feel so bouncy and expressive and it is pretty darn satisfying - the UI and interactive language is pretty much exactly the same as genshin with a sci-fi coat of paint. that's not a bad thing necessarily but like. it's pretty obvious - so the way combat and elemental powers work is very different from genshin, which frankly i should have expected, given this is a turn-based rpg. and i shouldn't have too much trouble with it, since turn-based rpgs are kind of a staple in my game roster, but for some reason i had trouble connecting with it. obviously finishing the tutorial would help, but it didn't feel as intuitive as i expected elements are presented in more of a traditional jrpg type of way where there are clear weaknesses you can exploit on enemies if you attack with a certain element. idk if i fully mean this but i think it kind of ruins part of the fun of discovering an enemy's weakness when the game itself just. tells you what it is off the bat also the types are weird in that they have pretty static effects in terms of what they do, the variability in moves is probably also explained further in character profiles but i haven't found how to look at that yet bkjljl - i'm fascinated by the ideas of Quantum and Imaginary types. what does that even mean. how do those manifest - i think it was a bit of a bold move to start the game off with two random characters talking about the world as if things are normal and known, and then having them influence your player character into. being in the plot not that i didn't like kafka and silver wolf. in fact i love both of them a lot. but i also had no context and had no goddamn idea what was going on so i was thrown pretty off-guard first thing which isn't exactly the greatest first impression lol - why is she named March 7th. does anyone know. is there a joke lost in translation or is it because she's like a pseudo-mascot character or. what - speaking of march actually i really want to like her but so far her character reeks of "hi i'm a girl". her skill is called "The Power of Cuteness" and one of her abilities is called "Girl Power" and so far her personality is cute, kind, and kinda stupid. it's a bit much. but she's neat - i have no big opinions on dan heng except he's neat and people keep saying he's the kazuha of star rail bc windy maple leaf boys but they're wrong bc dan heng has a stabby not a slicey and he can only hit one person at a time while kazoo thrives on the multi-hit AoE damage - i do love that the MC's weapon is just. a future baseball bat. that they get to smack people really hard with. no element, just big smack - oh yeah hyv loves to queerbait i guess cuz that wasn't CPR honey the twitter crowd wasn't kidding - i can’t think of anything else rn cuz it’s past midnight but star rail is neat and i like the little train rabbit dog mascot it’s cute and i wanna get past the tutorial hkjbjk
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dutifullynuttywitch · 3 months
Eva watched from the top of the watchtower. The soft morning was almost a blessing, the tireless hours of work behind her. From working patrol to finishing up the foundation for the new greenhouse, it was a tough job. To bask in the few good hours of sunlight was heaven and there was something particularly interesting about the way the sun rose and set - melting into orange and red, before filling the skies with blue. A beginning.
“Happy birthday!”
Eva didn’t have to turn her head around to recognize the person. “Not my birthday, Troy. You know, it was cute at first, but you bringing it up randomly and guessing your way out of this, isn’t”
“No, I am being serious.” Troy reached into his pocket and gave her a piece of paper. 
“What’s this?”
“A while ago, I ran a covert operation with the Raiders to the Tower for meds and everything - we kept it a secret and I came across the records room and found your birth certificate. Your real birth certificate, not the bullshit date the Tower gave you. Hundreds of hundreds of them out there in the room, I saw it all and -- well, now isn’t the time to dwell on something that has happened, it’s a new leaf and -- the birth certificate puts your birthday sometime around now, actually.”
“This -- this is real?” Eva gave the piece of paper a tap. It felt real. It was real. The certificate issued the names of her fathers in bold detail, the place and time of her birth - at approximately 5:30 in the morning, just enough for the night to wither away and the day to break. Signed by a nurse in the hospital she would never see, broken down and reclaimed back by nature many years ago. “Oh my god- this is real.”
“I know you aren’t a huge fan of pomp and circumstance-”
“I could go for some cake, though.” Eva teased.
“That can be arranged.” Troy grinned. 
“Leave it to you to literally steal a birthday present for me.” she chuckled. “Thank you - I don’t know what to say.”
“Well you don’t have to.” he responded. “It’s your day, Eva. I don’t think you have to be grateful for your day.”
“No, I have to. But -- for now, I’m just glad you’re here to celebrate it with me. Cake or none, I’m just -- happy.” Eva clutched the piece of paper, almost hugging it with her arms. She gave Troy a quick kiss, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched the sun slowly rise up to the horizon.
Happy birthday Léa! I hope you liked the little drabble I wrote with a half-cooked idea lmao. I hope the year treats you well, my friend! Thank you so much for being so kind, such a positive force in this fandom and I wish all the kindness, all the wonderful things back to you <33
ohh I adore this idea!!! Thank you so much Mads for this thoughtful gift!! 🤩😍🥰
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Eva's always had so many questions about her past, her fathers, how her life was before the outbreak. She and Brynn were so young when it all started. I HC that with the trauma from losing their fathers so violently, running from drones and being picked up by strangers to suddenly end up in the cold, sterile, unforgiving intake room of the Tower, Brynn and Eva would completely freeze up at the questions and orders barked by the intake guards. Resulting in fake birthdays based on approximate age as they were quickly sized-up... The Tower scavengers would eventually find the certificates, but why correct dozens of fake birthdays if it didn't change the usefulness of the unimportant workers/clogs in the system?
“Leave it to you to literally steal a birthday present for me.” she chuckled. “Thank you - I don’t know what to say.”
This is so Troy!! I adore that he ran a covert operation with the raiders - I do HC he'd become drinking buddies and eventually good friends with Boots, Knuckles and co. - and stole Eva's birth certificate. And that he kept it a secret until her actual birthday!! And.. and.. right at sunrise, literally around the time she was born 🥹🥰 This is what I love about the guy, all the underrated little gestures to brighten Eva's day. ❤️
I loved everything about this, from the descriptiveness of the sunrise, to the playful banter, the brilliant idea around Eva's birthday... thank you so, so much my friend!!!! I will treasure this drabble 🌼🌺💛
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starshinedragon · 1 year
SSO: LIFE WARDENS The magic trees of Jorvik
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Main tree: Jordrassil in the Jorcrater -> The Crater is where the first pandorian contact happened, Aideen met the centaurs -> She combined the 3 magics (Light, Earth, Pandorian) and fought Garnok. -> Jordrassil is the first tree, manifestation of Aideen’s life powers. -> Also the place where she dispersed, gave up her light and souls to the creatures of the island -> Master portal- planted many other trees on the island, so she can get around quicky in the war. -> Jordrassil has the strongest hints of Aideen’s light (other than MC) would be a top prize for G to corrupt
Life Wardens: Primeival trees -> Fast travel system, their roots for portals after saying the right incantation.  -> From Jordrassil you can fast travel to ANY (living, friendly) tree -> From other trees only to the next in the network -> Guarding and strengthening any magic: Aideen’s or Garnok’s if corrupted. -> They can be awakened and speak, have different personalities.
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1. Harvestlands: -> Sleeping Widow: Forgotten Fields. Helped Lisa, 1st one we meet. Wants to reconnect with the other Trees. Protective of the little one also growing in the Forgotten fields. -> Golden Lady: Scarecrow Hill. Grows Golden Apples, which are pure Aideen/Light power. Neighbors and best friends with the Widow. -> Ancient Sentinel: Wildwoods. Protected by the Wild Horse tribes. There is a pandorian rift underwater in the lake, through which Pandorian magic seeps through, infects the area. We close it when Garnok fully corrupts Pandoria and manage to prevent the Sentinel from being corrupted. -> Singing Yew: South Hoof. Helped Justin. Slumbering in the fields, the winds blowing through the branches make a song. -> Silent Poplar: Firgrove Mountain. Very mysterious. Turns out a hundred years ago he was corrupted and almost lost to the darkness, but they used the cleansing ritual to save him. -> Hidden Willow: Fort Maria. Hiding underground in a cave, guarding the library. The first place we go when we unlock the Tree Portal fast travel system. Guards the knowledge about the Life Wardens.
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2. Winterdale -> Fire Glory: Ashland. Red pine, likes the warmth there, very lively, constantly talks about how much she likes the warm and finds the fires and the volcano beautiful. -> Glacier Heart: Dino Valley. Sister to the Ashland one, likes the cold. Constantly annoyed by Fire Glory’s neverending chitchat about Ashland, which she can hear. -> Astral Crown: Starshine mountain. Next to the Secret Stone Circle, protects it, she is why the DRs can’t come close to the circle. -> Silver Runebark: Rimefang woods. Silver leafs, revered by the Kallters, likes them, his bark covered in glowing azure runes. -> Wise Leaf : Anvil woods. Helped the druids protect the forest from DC, gives them advice. Talks in verses, metaphors and tales.
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3. Springvalley -> Royal Cedar: Blossom woods. Majestic and reliable, he has been guarding the Blossom woods and Springvalley from the storm in Winterdale. -> Everbloom Elm: Everspring plateau. Covered in various flowers, she’s very proud of them. Gives you some random herbs every day if you go say hi to her. The tree is so full of herself, she’s basically giving you an autograph, don’t worry about it. -> Sun Queen: Suncrown lake. Cleansed from corruption by MC and SRs. Protects the Von Blyssen manor and vineyard. -> Twilight Oak: Morrinweald. The source of the valas’ power. Was corrupted by dark powers, later cleansed by MC and SRs.
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4. Summerplains -> Restored Guardian: The Great Clearing. Was cut down long ago. We grow it back, like the one in Forgotten Fields. -> Elder Witchwood: Old Morass. She liked to watch the rituals the witches did in the swamp. Quickly becomes best friends with Pi and Mrs Holdsworth. -> Shadow Chestnut: Claymore mountains, hidden. He was tasked with keeping an eye on the Claymores- they have been serving evil for a long time. -> Aspen King: Lone Star canyon. Yellow-golden leaves, huge tree. Likes the Lone Star Cowboys, who bring gifts (anything from horseshoes to elk skulls). 
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The New Fast Travel System: -> Advantage of using the trees: you pay for the trailer rides, but you use the tree portals for free. -> With all 4 big areas unlocked, you will need to cover great distances. You have a lot of choices: 1, Trailers (costs money, but most accurate, quickest) 2, Tree portals (free, but less accurate, takes a bit of time) 3, Pandoria portal in-between shortcuts (free, jumps great distances, but least accurate). -> Trailer rides now cost more money the farther the distance you go. Prices: 25 JS:  if you travel inside a great area (e.g. staying inside Harvestlands). 50 JS: if you travel to another great area next to you (e.g. from Harvestlands to Winterdale) 75 JS: travel to another area second next to you (e.g. from Harvestlands to Springvalley) 100 JS: travel to third next area (e.g. from Harvestlands to Summerplains) -> [Keep it in mind, that by our game design the JS cap has been raised to 100.000 and you earn more money, via reworked quest rewards.]
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[Alternative Universe, Foreign king and author]
MoShang | Scum Villain Self-Saving System 06-07-2021
One of the settings I really like in moshang AU is mbj still a king, but sqh is either some unknown author or someone who travels around while writing.
Like, something happens to mini mbj because lgj tried to get rid of him to get to the throne.
But then you have also mini sqh who just accidentally swooped in by accident and saved mini mbj, hence fucking up lgj plans. Found little heir in the wood all injured? No problem, he can help him!
Found a strange demon child locked in the middle of nowhere? No problem, he'll Find a way to open the cage!
Found a foreign child who was dropped in their region to die alone since no one understand him? No problem, sqh will help him find people that can take him back home!
Young sqh will just be there to help him and mbj will /never/ forget about it.
Cue years later, sqh practically forgot that weird thing of his past and just goes around trying to make a living by helping keep books account for Marchant and selling his stories.
But his stories are all signed with a little symbol he always as used (because he likes it That way and no one else does it that way anyway! Its original).
The thing is, the symbol is the same as what was maybe on a robe (or paper inside his robe) he left to mbj (poor thing he must be cold, take my outer robe!). Maybe it was on a little map he drew for him.
Some of his writings travel to the neighbour northern kingdom where King mbj catches some of them and recognise said little symbol from his saviour.
So he sends people to go find that author and it's a bit hard since sqh uses a pen name and isn't known despite some of his Really popular pieces. The kingdom is looked through and through, every scholar (is that the name?) Must send an example so mbj can review it.
Sqh is so scared and confused when this scary king suddenly gets to his crappy home to take him back to the northern kingdom At least this is what he understands from the little understanding he has of the language they use in the north when guards talk between themselves without telling him much in his own language.
When sqh gets there he stays mostly in his room, trying to warm himself without complaining, js fear of angering them, but his cheap robes don't help much.
He wonders why the northern king wants him.
Did some of his writing anger him? There's a reason he stays mostly anonymous and it's not just because of the rather erotic writing he does, but because he will critic the people in charge and how things are being taken care of, and it doesn't stop at his previous king.
He is actually surprised (and relieved!) That no one ever figured out it was him, listening to people either condemning him for his critics or praising him for his stories and poems.
But now he fears that the northern king has taken offence to his words towards their kingdom And now wants him dead. Wouldn't an assassin be better?! Not like he would be hard to kill?! Maybe the king is as ruthless as he has heard and wants to do it with his own hands?
So he waits in the room, hiding under the cover of the bed (it is also warmer like this) Yet no one comes to get him, only the servant brings in seemed to be the little belonging, all taken by the guard before coming here, to put them in drawer and chest.
He is finally called to meet with the king late in the day, but he is surprised when he is brought to A private dining room, where the king is already waiting for him. He is still shaking like a leaf as his sitting down (he now remembers why he stopped living near the border, it so cold up here!)
He doesn't dare say more than a polite salutation in the northern dialect (as best as he can do, his years working near the border coming to some help right now, even though he never learned the language fully).
It's, even more, nerve-wracking how the king himself doesn't speak to him more than also great him concisely.
When the food is brought to him he looks at it a bit uncertain, unsure if this could be poisoned or not, but under the intense stare from the man in front of him he does eat. And this is how his first day after being kidnapped went: hiding in his cover, eating anxiously and silently, going back to hiding in his room.
The only thing that changed in the following days is that he has started being more familiar with his room, where he writes while still tuck into his cover.
He also gets used to the couple of servants that come to his room for what he may need. Neither side fully know the other language, but they still manage with what they know (sqh is working on learning it a bit more by himself after asking for book that can help to learn his language).
Eventually little shivering sqh mentions that he is a bit cold (The winter where he lived was not as harsh as here!), which then leads to mbj taking him to his quarter and asking for a tailor to make him news robes to his size. of course little shivering sqh is confused as all hell because, /why/ would the man he assumes wants to get rid of him make him some expensive, pretty and warm robes?!?
But when he gets them not too long after he doesn't complain when he finally is not cold anymore.
meanwhile, he is still asked to eat with mbj each night, except if the man has a duty he cannot put aside (which, servant will take the food to his room instead). He slowly gets used to the man's presence and realises that /maybe/ he just wanted him around? For some reason?
they can even talk (although sqh does most of the talking) and slowly sqh realise that it's not so bad to be around mbj. He tries to keep himself from mentioning things that might be inconvenient to instead tell the king what he needs directly (last time he mentioned off-handedly that he was going to soon run out of paper and ink and the next thing he knew he had supplies that could last him for months! And months of /him/ writing a lot. mbj even gave him new expensive brushes!)
Then soon the routine of mbj coming to /his/ room to read the latest thing he wrote came, to which sqh was a bit nervous about when it was getting more political or taboo.
Yet the man would still manage to make him ramble about his thoughts on his original Kingdome slowly guiding him towards the northern one. the first time mbj did this sqh didn't notice until he was trashing some of the outdated ways the Kingdome was dealing with foreign exchanges.
yet, all mbj did was nod along, as if agreeing and not looking angry (sqh can proudly say he managed to read mbj micro expression, he knows now that he's not necessarily in a bad mood, this is just his resting face).
And what if slowly mbj gives him small important task. Like keeping account of something, then asking advice on small things, then giving him commands over some more important thing.
mbj slowly makes sqh someone important (because sqh can do the job very well) and sqh is none the wiser, doing the job he is given, happy when he is allowed to change the outdated ways to do things for something better.
sqh doesn't see it necessarily since he doesn't go out much, but everyone can see changes. They see changes because mbj listens and /follows/ sqh suggestions!
everyone working in the palace slowly starts to recognise sqh as more than the foreign writer, appreciating him a lot, especially since he treats everyone well (unless you do him wrong, but then mbj better not hear of it either).
Even more, those who have worked in the palace for years (even decades!) notice how mbj seems less hard than he was before, how he seems to really enjoy this new sunshine he brought from the south. The little smile he has when sqh rambles about whatever wrong thing he found or about something that could be done in a better way, no one misses those smiles.
In all this sqh falls in love with mbj, but this wouldn't be a good AU if it wasn't about to slow burn and ✨pining✨, so of course he feels like he cannot tell mbj because he is not noble.
Of course, while sqh is slowly rebuilding the Kingdome ways of doing things to be more than a war machine like his previous king ran it and bringing even better property, lgj is tuning back to see /how/ his nephew is doing so well, because he /shouldn't/ be doing so good after he made sure his education on running a country was minimal and focused on outdated ways that even him knows ruin the country.
And he very much does not appreciate the new little helper mbj safely keep near him.
cue lgj attempting to (without success) cause problem to mbj public image, trying to sabotage sqh ways of doing (which is hard since people here seem more than happy to follow this nobody words, ugh) and finally tries to directly attack sqh with the man own feeling towards mbj Or maybe lgj uses sqh to try and push mbj out of his throne, but of course, the little one cannot let it pass and he won't let it happen without a fight.
Happy ending of course, where lgj is taken care of and mbj finally confesses to sqh (he nearly lost him without telling him!) and they reigned over the land together.
Maybe at some point, mbj would tell why he was looking for sqh, that he saved him when lgj first tried to get rid of him. Or maybe sqh figured it out by himself when he finds the thing he had left to mbj when he helped him.
This is a setting I like and now I want to write a full-on fanfic but I don't have the energy for it (and I already have others started)
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Escaping The Night (Part 5)
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Welcome! - Introduction and request rules (important if you want me to write for you or you want to know who I am)
▶ Characters: Shinso x Fem Reader + Father/Mentor Aizawa (platonic)
▶ Genre: Angst to Fluff + Slow Burn
▶ Summary: Y/N is taken to the U.A for the first time by Aizawa, and on the ride there both parties try to unravel all the layers that the other has built up in order to try to understand another without knowing the other is trying to do the same.
▶ Warnings:
- Another slow chapter that mainly involves thinking about the other ( I pinky promise I have the whole plot planned out! It'll get better!
- Mention of poverty, mental illness, and behavioral issues when Aizawa is thinking about former students (for a split second)
- Once again, Shinso isn't in this chapter, but he will be soon!
- I had to make up a character for this chapter and he might return, sorry if you don't like that :(
▶ Word Count: 3630 (I try to aim for 3k to 5k since anymore will lag my phone)
➜ [Part 1]
➜ [Part 2]
➜ [Part 3]
➜ [Part 4]
➤ [This is Part 5]
➜ [Part 6]
➜ [Part 7]
➜ [Part 8]
➜ [Part 9] Coming Soon!
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And with that, he gathered his keys and you silently trailed after him out of the door. When he had his back turned you looked down at your wrist.
That quirk canceller and tracker was still there, easily ruining any chance of escape without any real effort.
You scratched at it a bit before following Eraserhead out to his car.
And once more as he did the day before, Eraserhead opened the passenger door for you to get in, to which you did without a word.
The drive was silent just as it had been yesterday, the only thing new being the destination. You quickly realized that you were already falling prey to routine, one of the things you wished to avoid. Although it was small, you knew that falling into a routine could be as bad as it could be good, but either way once you were caught in the stream there was almost no chance of getting out.
However, the sedatives had made their way through and out of your system overnight, and so today you were feeling much more energetic and alert, as opposed to yesterday. You were going to make sure to stay on guard, because at this point you were a leaf being carried down the river of existence. Completely vulnerable, and at the mercy of wherever it carried you.
You decided to not resist being wound down the river, but rather just let it carry you and you'll adjust based on what was presented to you. Because that's all you could do at this point, so why waste energy when it wouldn't even make impact?
Buildings passed by in streaks, all of their colors merging into each other as your tired eyes tried to keep up with them and other passing objects, desperate for some kind of external simulation.
The car was warm, and Eraserhead had the radio on very quietly just to have some background noise. Whenever he thought about it, he realized that even though he always resented loud people and tried to avoid them, he somehow always wound up surrounded by them. He supposed that he must have gotten used to that enough because now he can't stand pure silence for too long, maybe for reading a book, but not for a lengthy amount of time anymore.
Aizawa internally chuckled at the realization, never having thought about it much. Maybe you were impacting him even though you've been in his care for less than a day. He wondered just how much he never thought about these small things, and especially why he was now.
Looking over at you from the side of his eye, Aizawa noticed that you were completely different from the night before. Whereas yesterday you were calmer and weren't as resistant, you were the complete opposite today. You were sitting up in your seat, body full of tension and mind sharp, always ready for attack or unpredictability. He was sure if someone were to crash into the car that very moment you'd be prepared from how focused you were.
And yet, even with a mind that constantly swirled with paranoia that caused your tension, you still were able to radiate an odd sort of elegance. Your posture was perfect, and your eyes were sharp, almost as if they could cut with that glare. It worried yet fascinated Aizawa, as he had never seen a kid like you before.
Aizawa had taught lots of different types of kids over the years he worked as a teacher. Kids that were in poverty, kids that had behavioral and mental issues, kids that were in bad situations with family members or loved ones, and so he began to think that he had saw them all. All sorts of kids and their lives and situations were presented to him, and he was able to help those kids and turn them into mindful, disciplined heroes of the day.
And then you came along.
He was caught entirely off guard, as he had never seen a kid like you before, in fact he had never seen anyone like you before. He was so used to the routine of helping kids with their problems so that they could properly train them to become heroes, but you were already incredibly well trained. And with that, his routine was thrown off balance, because now he needed to dig deeper and uncover the layers that you kept secure in order to find out just how∆ he could help you.
Aizawa was a man of rationality, one who depended on predictability. He wasn't one to think he was perfect like some pros do, he knew he had things he could do better, areas he could round out. But you were just a mystery. In all honesty, he didn't even know where to start, he was just going off of what he could find out about you and what he could help you in. But you kept everything locked up. Hell, he didn't know a single thing about you personally. Now that he thought about it, he wondered if you even knew anything about yourself personally.
Aizawa knew he got himself into something that was going to be tough. He knew that it was foolish to have acted so impulsively despite his lack of knowledge of the person and the situation, but it was as if something pushed him to say those words. He saw a kid in need of help and next thing he knew he was signing the papers to care for you.
It was as if something gripped his heart that day, and when he got the chance to look into your eyes, he saw a bit of himself.
He was snapped out of his thinking when he looked up and realized that he had missed his turn, causing him to mutter a low curse and switch on his blinker to try and take another turn with hopes that he wouldn't have to go all the way back.
You watched the tired pro curiously, as it seemed like more and more puzzle pieces were put in place everytime you saw him, the pieces making a puzzle of recognition. And everytime a piece was connected, you saw a little more of him as a person rather than a suspicious stranger.
However, in each case you thought the puzzle was starting to fill up, you'd realize that it would grow and so more spaces would be made and the already placed pieces would lower in value as their size decreased. This puzzle was one that was always increasing infinitely, one that could never be put together entirely no matter how many pieces you collected and gathered.
The easy pieces were ones that were physical statements, such as 'he was born ___' and 'he is ___ years old'. Ones that don't change, or are easy to keep up with. However, those aren't all of them. Likes and dislikes are an example of ones that are nearly impossible to keep up with entirely. What if one day they think to themselves of their favorite food, 'you know, I don't like this all that much anymore' but still eat it regardless?
Thoughts are always changing, and not even the one that creates them can keep up with them entirely. As more thoughts are created and more are pushed out, a competition is created, and the flow is never solid. Thoughts and ideas flow like water, in and out, all around. Rapidly or slowly, changing with discoveries, ideas, realizations, beliefs, and so many others.
An organized chaos, you like to say.
Sighing, you sat back a little more as you were overwhelming yourself with these types of thoughts. Sometimes you made yourself feel like you were 40 rather than 16.
'You're just an old soul in a young body, nothing wrong with that. It's just an effect of having to have grown up so fast'.
It was something that someone had once told you. You didn't remember the face to the voice, nor the situation you were in, but the words they spoke clung to you profoundly.
Just as you started to gather your thoughts back up, you felt the car come to a slow. The trees that once passed by your window in a blur were now easily recognizable, and you knew you were close to where Aizawa wanted to go.
Your eyes widened as you turned and looked out of your window to see the one and only U.A High. The large building was sitting atop the hill as if it was a throne that watched over the smaller buildings of Musutafu. It's size was enormous, and it made you feel tiny and incapable in comparison to it's inferred power. The building was covered entirely in windows, which all assisted the reflecting of the sun when it rose and set, helping to further ensure that everyone saw the power that it held inside of it.
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Your eyes followed the building in silent awe as Eraserhead drove past it and into another parking building that was situated near the bottom of the hill that sat the colossal U.A High. As soon as he parked, you stepped out of the car yourself without him opening the door for you, wanting to get another look at the distinguished building that you had heard so much about. You had only heard from friends, passing strangers, and some news outlets about U.A.
All you knew was that it was a training facility for young heroes, along with some other departments for students of excellency that were somehow able to get into the school despite the infamously vigorous exams. Though, you also heard that as of recently they were allowing quirkless students to join as well, which bugged you a bit that they didn't already do that. You also knew that some of the top heroes had trained there, and so it piqued your curiosity about how the school ran on the inside.
However, before you could get any further you felt a hand on your shoulder, which caused you to jump and swiftly twirl yourself around with your fists clenched and up out of habit, only to come face-to-face with Eraserhead's stern expression.
"Slow down there, tiger. In case you forgot, you're a culprit of vigilante-ism*1. We can't let you go off on your own until we are absolutely sure we can trust you. Until then you are to stay by my side, and if you purposely disobey this on more than one occasion then you're due for a punishment " he explained, his tone turning sharp near the end to show the seriousness that it held.
You remained straight-faced, but your disappointment still seeped through a bit as your shoulders sagged for a second. However, you quickly regained your composure and steeled yourself to be ready for whatever the day held. You scolded yourself for losing your control for that split second, and you promised to watch yourself and your actions following. The situation you were in would be made infinitely worse if you managed to get yourself into trouble.
Eraserhead lead you up the path that directed you both from the parking building and up to the entrance to U.A., and as you followed him you marveled at the large concrete entrance and trees that dotted the broad front side of the school. Of course, all the trees didn't have any leaves since it was the winter, but you decided that if you were here long enough then you'd possibly get to see them again in the spring. You had mixed feelings about that thought, but you once again brushed it off in order to avoid the downpour of emotions that it would bring.
The air was dry and it stung your nose even you breathed it in, a harsh greeting that was a constant reminder of the winter season. It was a feeling that you had learned to numb out, as the number of nighttime outings would have been impossible to endure if you didn't.
The freshly fallen snow that fell the night before crunched underneath the two pairs of feet as Eraserhead walked up to the doors and you followed. He opened up a pocket on the black messenger bag that he had swung over his shoulder when leaving the apartment that morning and pulled out a small plastic card before sticking out into a small check in and out machine that sat right next to the 2 large entrance doors to the school.
You caught a glimpse of the card and saw a picture of him on it on the corner with some writing on it that you supposed made it an ID of sorts.
"Entered: Aizawa Shota. At 9:38 A.M on October 2nd, Saturday. No work hours scheduled."
The card reader stated with a mechanical female voice as soon as Eraserhead inputted the card into the slot.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Eraserhead muttered to the reader as he took his card back out and put it in his pants pocket this time.
You supposed that must have unlocked the doors because the light near the top of both of them that was once glowing red turned green soon after the card was inserted.
You wanted to go and open the doors yourself, but decided against better will as you recalled the stern warning that had been given to you earlier.
Eraserhead opened up door 1 since it was right next to the reader, and you followed his lead right after he stepped inside.
You couldn't help but gasp in awe a little as you scanned the large open area that was the first floor of one of the buildings of U.A.
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*I tried simplifying what I thought the ground floor looked like*
There was a large circular table in the very center, with a few empty chairs behind it, only a one being filled. On top of it were some computers and other machines that you wondered were for what, and in a few stacked baskets were papers that were neatly organized and labeled. You read a few.
'Reduced Fee Application'
'Transfer Application'
'Complaint Register'
'Class Schedule- Hero Course [Year 2]'
'Campus Map'
'Suspension / Expulsion Documents'
'After school and Behavioral Programs'
There were many, many others, but you lost interest as there were too many to read and they all sounded mundane and quite average (to your disappointment). Though, you reached over and picked up a map while Eraserhead spoke to the secretary.
The receptionist was a man who looked to be pretty young, possibly in his twenties, and he had pale blue short hair that matched his darker blue eyes. His outfit was one of the staff outfits that U.A must have required certain employees to wear, his being a white button-up shirt that was tucked into pressed dark blue slacks, and held on with a shiny belt. His whole outfit looked extremely clean and well-cared for.
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*A little doodle I made :)*
'That's U.A for you...' you thought to yourself, not one for overly fancy places and events, but you did enjoy the clean and organized atmosphere. Everywhere you looked you didn't spot a single grain of dirt, the place was practically sparkling.
The building was empty and quiet, which made it a bit unsettling as it spoke volumes as a place that seemed it should have been full and bustling with people. The devoid atmosphere created a sort of dead feeling, one that made it feel almost forbidden for anyone to be there. The receptionist's joyful attitude helped to diminish a fraction of your unease, but you didn't know whether to decide if that was his personality or a forced face most receptionists had to wear.
The man in question had a bright name tag on the front of his shirt, which read 'Hanzō Tsurumaki'. Upon noticing all the empty chairs that day without owners behind the man, you couldn't help but wonder where everyone else was, and why this man was all on his lonesome. Though he didn't seem too lonely, because he was all smiles and spoke in an energetic manner similar as that blond man- Mic- had earlier.
"...-yes, she's with me. I want to register her into the system because-"
You suddenly caught on to the little conversation that was being held between the two just as Eraserhead got cut off.
"Oh, a new student! Cool, what department do you want her to go into?" The receptionist asked eagerly, ripping out a piece of paper from under the desk where he was sitting and setting it down onto the clipboard, before grabbing a pen and excitedly scribbling something down on it.
"The hero course, for class 1-A.", Eraserhead casually responded, twirling the pen he had in his hand a few times while still reading one of the documents that he was filling out before he went to fill in the rest.
Your eyes widened, is he signing you up to U.A.? This early into your capture, and suddenly you're going to find yourself working under the very people that you had to do the dirty work for? This didn't sit well with you, but you realized that you were missing the conversation because of your distracting emotions, so you decided to question later and gather information now.
"Hmm, are you sure, this late into the year? If I may suggest-"
Eraserhead cut the man off,
"I know that and appreciate your suggestions, but this is a... special case. Most of the information has already been put into the system already, but there's still some left. I want her to be put into class 1-A since she has to be around me and my supervision as much as possible."
The receptionist hummed a bit with a smile as he furiously scribbled something down onto the paper, dramatically hitting the pen down onto the paper when he finished to put the period.
"Alrriiighty, Class 1-A...- Hmm." He stopped typing for a second, causing Eraserhead to look up from whatever paper he was filling out.
"What is it?"
"So, this quadrant you're in right now is for Second year Hero Course students. But I could technically still sign her up from here, but I really shouldn't because last time I did that I got nice yelling at." He looked almost apologetic. "They really like to keep the quadrants separate here, y'know?" The receptionist laughed nervously while rubbing the back of his neck, but his smile was still there. You wondered why so many people you've seen here smile so much.
Eraserhead sighed tiredly, the weight of more and more problems already starting to weigh heavily on him as he thought about all that he needs to get done and the even more the things that he needs to start.
"You know what- nevermind. Is there anyone in the first year quadrant?" Eraserhead asked, to which the receptionist dutifully searched on his computer, fingers flying across the keyboard.
He hissed lightly through his teeth, looking over to Eraserhead with guilty eyes.
"What?" It was a simple question, but the way Eraserhead said it made both you and the receptionist wary as his patience was clearly starting to dissolve.
"Soo, there aren't really much staff working today, and it looks like there are only 4 receptionists working today- one for each quadrant. But the receptionist for the first year Hero Course quad went on break and won't be back for about another 20 minutes."
Eraserhead just sat there for a second, seeming as if he zoned out for a bit, before seemingly snapping out of it.
"Just put her on through this computer,-"
The receptionist raised his hand a bit, about to retort before Eraserhead cut him off.
"Look, if you get in trouble, tell them to come to me. I'll explain everything to them, so don't worry about it".
The receptionist looked up at him with a grateful expression for a second before starting to work immediately, but not before stating an enthusiastic 'Yes Sir!' with another large smile on his face.
Eraserhead rolled his eyes from the sidelines as he was much too tired for having to deal with this particular receptionist time and time again. In fact, it seemed that everytime Eraserhead came to work after school hours, on weekends, or holidays when not too many people would stick around, he would somehow inevitably run into this guy. Maybe the older receptionists just kept giving him the hours and jobs that no one else wanted.
"Ok Eraserhead-san, I filled out as much as I could with the info that was inputted into the system, though there are some blank areas that'll need to be filled in yourself, is that okay?" The kind receptionist asked apprehensively, not wanting to get on Eraserhead's bad side. He's heard stories of the man.
"Yes, it's fine... ", Eraserhead didn't know why, but he suddenly felt the urge to follow up that with something else, and once again he found himself acting before thought.
"Thanks for your work, keep it up kid. People like you are the only thing that's holding up us older folks today."
And with that, Eraserhead signaled to you with his hand to follow him as he started walking in the direction towards the first-year Hero quadrant, and you obediently yet quietly followed, the both of you remaining inconspicuous to the dazed look on the young receptionist's face.
Hanzō quietly picked up the pen that Aizawa had earlier and activated his quirk, copying the exact way Aizawa had spun it in his hand earlier. Aizawa didn't know this, but he had greatly inspired a troubled soul that day with his words.
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Well I hope you all enjoyed part 5! I actually tried posting it a lot earlier, but my phone crashed and the whole thing was lost (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
But no worries! I found some time and energy and was able to remake it! (Although without as much energy as I initially aimed for..)
Sorry about how slow this one is, I know that it's very similar to part 3, so I know it's most likely not going to do well when posted, that's why I'm going to try to post part 6 soon after.
I'm so very sorry for the delay! I've been really busy trying to juggle lots of different things all at once and I've been feeling a little burnt out, but I'm glad that I was able to get this chapter out for you all, so thank you for your patience!
I'm currently working on the other parts now as I type this (multi-tasking), so I just wanted to assure those questioning that I have everything planned down to the very end (⁠๑⁠¯⁠◡⁠¯⁠๑⁠)ゞ
Thank you for reading, I hope you have a lovely day!
(Also I might start a tagging system, so if you'd like to be a part of that so you can know even the next chapter is out then please let me know!)
*1 - I made up the word (vigilantehism). Please don't mind it too much! (⁠+⁠_⁠+⁠)
⛩️Tagging! 🎑
 ( ・ω・)
┃ ♡好き♡ ┃
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‘Verse: Box Boy Universe Story: A Girl Called Spider Timeline: A ways into Rayce’s training
Animal [Prev | Next]
"Christ, Divya, how long has he been like that?" "I just got here." Irritation makes her a little defensive. "How should I know?" "He's going to break his neck thrashing. Help me move him."
The snitch struggles against every touch as if it burns. This would be easier with another pair of hands – but everyone else is still chatting in the locker rooms, stuck in traffic, or reading up on what their trainees got wrong overnight. 
Freeing one limb at a time where possible, the pair of them drag the Pet down the table until his head is fully supported, refastening straps to the new position as they go. 
Rory doesn't treat Divya like she's breakable just because one hand is in bandages. And whether she sneaks in a little use of that hand where she isn't supposed to – holding the snitch down one-handed isn't exactly easy – or whether she follows the doctor's orders and leaves Rory the lion's share of the work, he doesn't comment or complain. 
"Much better," he declares. "How would you like to begin? I can't be in here all day, so I thought we'd work him over for an hour or two, give him something to really cry about, then leave him to stew while the green works its way out of his system. Come back when he’s lucid." "I want to see him whipped like this," Divya answers, with a little more vehemence than she intends. "Remind me, is he no-scarring?" "Unfortunately." "Guess I'll take a leaf out of your book then. Won't be a minute."
While Rory's out of the room, Divya takes the snitch's filthy, sticky face between her hands – he can't bite like this, not with the ring gag still jamming his mouth obscenely wide – and forces him to look at her.  
"Are you listening to me, trainee?" He's panting with terror. Who knows what he thinks he's seeing. It's not good enough. "Listen to me. Are you listening." There -- he nods, just barely, against her hands. "Do you know what's about to happen? Do you?" A tiny head-shake.
“You’re about to get the beating of your life. Do you understand me?” She speaks slowly. “We’re going to whip you.” A flick to his ribs to make the point. He twitches. “It’s going to hurt like it never has before, trainee. Can you imagine being caned right now?” Another flick. He whines, long and pitiful, and tries to beg again. Divya thinks she hears no, no please – which is wrong, but – no doesn’t matter right now.
He’s about to suffer for it regardless.
Rory's Guard Dogs get the horse whip, because most owners like to see a few scars on them to prove they’re used to pain. While it’d serve the snitch right to be slashed open all over, it isn’t what the specification says, it isn't what the prospective wants. So Rory comes back with a thin cane of the same kind Divya favours.
Divya holds her hand out for it. Rory looks a little quizzical, but he hands it over. She waves it in front of the snitch’s face to catch his attention then swishes it through the air a couple of times to let him hear it. The begging – if possible – turns even more hysterical. 
A flick of the wood against his taut stomach – not even hard – elicits a sharp yelp of pain. 
Oh, he’s going to lose his mind. He’s going to find that rock bottom is so much further down than he knew. And then he will want, truly want, to do whatever it takes to get hauled back up from it.
She gives the switch back to Rory. He smiles.
The Pet screams at the very first stroke – delivered across the top of his pecs, about as high as safe without risking hitting the throat. Rory waits for the noise to die before delivering the next, just below the first. Another scream. More frantic, wordless begging. 
Rory increases the pace slowly. Divya perches on the edge of the table – beside the Pet’s head where she’s out of Rory’s way – and watches her snitch thrash – or try to – against the tight straps. His screams get louder as the snaps land quicker on each other’s heels – loud enough to be nearly painful in her ears.
The cane works steadily down his body, painting the skin a mottled red. Rory hits hard enough that beads of blood form just beneath the skin along each stripe.
“Go see if Hannah’s in yet,” he tells Divya quietly. “I can’t keep up this pace up forever.”
By the time she returns with Hannah, Rory’s only too happy to pass the switch over to a fresh hand. Hannah finishes working down the wailing trainee’s torso, and moves onto his thighs. By the time she gets tired, Rory’s arm is rested and he’s ready to go again. The Pet’s voice is failing, transforming into comically reedy squeaks and hoarse, hacking stutters.
“Help me roll him over.”
He tries to fight any way he can think of. Fingers clawed with tension grab uselessly at the handlers' coveralls. Head and limbs jerk uselessly back and forth trying to escape sure hands. They flip him, and his screech cuts out halfway into a mere whistle of air.
Rory begins again just below the trainee’s collar. Hannah takes over at the base of his shoulder blades, then hands the cane back when she reaches the base of the spine. Rory covers the ass and the backs of the thighs. 
The mewling, twitching Pet doesn’t sound human anymore. 
Underneath every person there’s an animal – a creature that understands nothing and cares only about escaping pain and sating need. 
Not every trainee needs to be broken down to that animal in order to learn their new place in the world. Some simply adapt. The snitch caught onto his options quickly enough that Divya thought he’d be one of them. He’s seen firsthand after all the consequence of failing to learn.
But if he will bite like an animal, she’ll see him reduced to one.
Rory stops at the bottom edge of the curve of the calf, avoiding striking directly over the Achilles tendon. He lays the cane down, flexes his arm ruefully, rubs the forearm and spreads then curls his fingers.
Divya runs a hand down the newly hot, red back of a thigh, and the Pet moaning gets fractionally louder. “Jealous?” Hannah asks, watching. “Shame about your hand.” “I should have known better,” Divya answers curtly. “Want a go with your left?” Reluctantly, Divya shakes her head. “My aim is embarrassing with my left,” she confesses.
“I’ve an idea for you,” says Rory. “Go get one of those floor scrubbing brushes from the supplies...” Divya grins. “You, sir, are a genius.” He smiles back, one of the lazy, catlike smiles that make her wonder occasionally if she’d like to be more than friends.
From the supply closet, she picks a new brush fresh from the packs of twelve that supply the Domestics. There’s no need to scrub potential infection into the trainee’s skin. The brush is fully the size of her hand, but the sculpted grip fits comfortably in her grip. The white plastic is so on-brand that she wonders if WRU orders them specially. 
Testing the stiff, white bristles against her arm, the sensation is harsh but not sharp, and leaves faint white trails on the surface of the skin. It wouldn’t take long to become painful, and that’s starting from unbroken skin. She’ll have to take some care to avoid real damage.
When she returns to the training room, Hannah’s already moved on. Rory is wiping the muck away from the Pet’s eyes with a damp cloth.
“I’ve still got my primaries to take care of,” he says, “so I thought I’d leave you to it, will that be okay?” Divya hears the implicit question. Can I trust you? “Sounds good,” she agrees. Of course you can. “Don’t leave him unmonitored. I’ll come back, say, ten o’ clock – trainees willing – and we can get him all set up to ride the drugs out.”
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hirocimacruiser · 7 months
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Comparison between the Suzuki Jimny and Pajero Mini kei cars.
Check your rivals!
Speaking of cross-country 4WD light vehicles, we must not forget the Jimny, which is undoubtedly the biggest and strongest competitor to the Pajero Mini. Here, I would like to analyze the differences in the characters of Pajero Mini and Jimny.
Although it is a rival car, it asserts a different personality.
The difference between the two only 4WD vehicles in its class is clear.
When it comes to full-fledged cross-country 4WD light vehicles, the Jimny is something you shouldn't forget. It is not difficult to imagine that when developing the Pajero Mini, it was seen as a ``rival''.
It has been 13 years since Jimny first appeared!
The Jimny has been extremely popular due to its extremely long range, and as it is a powerful model, it is sure to be of interest when purchasing a Pajero Mini.
Pajero Mini & Jimny, the big difference between these two cars is simply ``Are they a van or a wagon?''
In fact, the Jimny does not come with a 5-number wagon (although there is only a 1.3-liter Sierra), and all models are registered as vans, whereas all Pajero Minis are registered as passenger wagons with a 5-number.
I think it's safe to say that this fact clearly speaks not only to the difference in registration and number, but also to the personalities of these two cars.
While the Jimny focused on the basic performance required of a 4WD vehicle, such as durability and ability to travel on rough roads, the Pajero Mini has added elements such as ``RV-like product appeal'' and ``utility.'' It can be said that these are RV cars that add ``comfortable living,'' and this is what makes both cars unique.
This is a major point in creating a star. For example, the Pajero Mini can be said to be more "passenger car-like" than the Jimny's "Spartanness."
Looking at the mechanism, the Jimny has a 4-wheel leaf suspension and a 3-cylinder SOHC turbo engine, which is undeniably a bit ``old-fashioned'' compared to the Pajero Mini's 4-wheel coil suspension and 4 cylinder unit.
Considering the additional equipment, Jimny has a bit of a hard time.
The price of both cars is important, but the Pajero Mini starts from 1,118,000yen for the basic grade XR-I MT to the top grade
VR-II・AT at 1, 478,000 yen. Jimny Van HA/MT with basic grade knees starting from 1,059,000 yen, top grade Panoramic roof EC-AT at 1,335,000 yen, Jimny is cheaper in all groups. .
Prices are about 100,000 to 150,000 yen cheaper on average.
The price difference between the top-grade VR-II and Panoramic Roof EC is about 130,000 yen, but considering the difference in equipment between the two, it's hard to say that the Jimny is a better value. For example, the VR-II comes standard with air conditioning, power steering, power windows, and a center door lock, while the Jimny comes with power windows, Center door lock is not set. Furthermore, considering that the VR-II comes standard with a grille guard, and that the SRS airbag system and 4-wheel ABS can be ordered as options, this price difference may be more than justified.
Considering these things, if you were to choose between the Jimny and the Pajero Mini, if you are looking for the versatility and comfort of an RV, you would definitely choose the Pajero Mini. If you're looking for the wildness typical of a cross country, the Jimny is the answer.
▼In terms of styling, while the Jimny has straight lines, the Pajero Mini has rounded lines, emphasizing a sense of volume. Ingenuity can be seen in the treatment around the fender.
▲The unit installed in Jimny is an in-line 3-cylinder SOHC turbo. Has a performance of 58ps/8.8kg-m
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howlingday · 8 months
My idea for a potential DEATH BATTLE! #4
2023, October 11, 12, 13, 15
Link to the third post:
Master list:
Achilles vs. Cú Chulainn (Greek Mythology vs Irish/ Mythology)
Let their anger be known and all warriors shall fear them!
Fighter 1: Achilles, the legendary warrior of the Trojan War.
Fighter 2: Cú Chulainn, the guard dog demigod of the Ulster Cycle.
Wiz: Mythology has given us heroes, monsters, and gods with amazing power.
*insert clips of Marvel's Thor on a Warrior's Madness, Clash of the Titans, God of War's Kratos, Asura's Wrath's Asura, and Troy 2004,*
Boomstick: Yet no one seems to get the memo: do NOT anger them, even if they're human! Chances are, they are NOT just human! He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.
Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.
PREFACE: I am really, REALLY sorry for the late post. I tried to make PCBs for a project but for some reason or another, my attempts failed. I got super obsessed and stressed over it and because of it, I lost a night's worth of sleep. Add to it the fact that I've been struggling with my other STEM classes, and I haven't given myself the time to flesh this out. Not only that but starting next week, I'll be taking tests for two weeks. Safe to say that I'll be busy for a long time, so sorry again...
1. Cú Chulainn's association as "the Irish Achilles".
2. Both were born to a divine-like parent and/or royalty. Achilles was mothered by the sea nymph Thetis and fathered by Peleus, king of the Myrmidons. Cú Chulainn is the son of the god Lug (Lugh).
3. Both have done great deeds but at the cost of their very short lives. This tends to be one of the greater points of comparison between the two.
4. Both are known for their anger and fury. Achilles' most famous bout of anger stemmed from finding out that Patroclus died and Cú Chulainn is known for his battle frenzy (ríastrad, sometimes called a "warp spasm") in which his body becomes contorted and attacks anyone indiscriminately.
5. Both are super strong and are so skilled that they are deemed to be one of the greats of their respective myths. Achilles was said to be necessary for the conquest of Troy and Cú Chulainn was said to be the greatest of the Knights of the Red Branch.
Personal reasons: I can say with little if any hesitation that Season 9 giving us Heracles vs Sun Wukong was a shock to the system. No longer was DB! limited to pop culture's versions of ancient myths as they focused on the original texts and accounts, giving us what could honestly be one of the show's greatest analysis sections. Inspired by this, I thought up a matchup: a three-way battle between Achilles, Cú Chulainn, and Sigurd/Siegfried (I thank Persona 5 Strikers for introducing me to the last two, especially Cú Chulainn) because of how similar they at least appeared to be. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that Cú Chulainn was sometimes called "the Irish Achilles", but I couldn't find any solid connections between Achilles and Sigurd other than the fact they obtained their invincibility from a divine source only to leave a single spot uncovered (Thetis dipped Achilles as a child in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him and when Sigurd bathed himself in Fafnir's blood, a leaf had fallen and stuck itself on his shoulder). However, I encourage others to idea up MUs using Sigurd, Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Rama, and figures from Aztec, Mayan, and Native American mythos. We need more myth matchups that aren't just Greek figures. I have at least one more matchup for the Greek itch. I had a different matchup that could likely be Halloween-themed, but it's unique, to say the least, and would require a very different analytical lens due to the source material. Not only that, but the source material could be to the disinterest of some, even if unlikely.
Art and animation: This one will likely be a 2D sprite fight like Heracles vs Wukong. It would have an aesthetic like that of a storybook or tapestry to separate it from HeraKong's scroll and brush aesthetic. It would be best to not have a narrator again, or at least to not have the ending spoiled by the narrator if there is one.
Possible setup:
Both heroes are on their paths to glory, having emerged from battles with nary a scratch. Cú Chulainn is riding on his chariot, thinking of his lovely Emer, but Achilles is still mourning his dear Patroclus. They see each other and prepare for battle. Warriors need no reasons to fight other than glory and survival. On their chariots, they charge into battle.
1. Both warriors used their spears to slay the charioteers and horses and were successful. They leave the chariots and start using their spears, resulting in parries and attempts to use their swords as well.
2. Both warriors slowly pick up their paces, but Achilles is able to successfully parry and even disarm Cú Chulainn. Cú Chulainn then attempts to strike from afar using his slingshot. Achilles uses his shield, but Cú Chulainn is able to get some shots in, including near his heel. Achilles slightly staggers, and Cú Chulainn takes notice, but Achilles only lets out an angry war cry and lunges forward like a bull.
3. Achilles closes the gap by throwing his spear and impales his enemy. However, Cú Chulainn lets out his own war cry and becomes horrid and deformed. Achilles is not taken slightly aback by the monster, and attempting to hurt the warp-spasming warrior is hit very hard and launched backward. Achilles could've sworn he heard his armor slightly crack. The deformed destroyer grabs boulders and hurls them at Achilles who is able to dodge all but one and is knocked down.
4. Cú Chulainn calms down, remembering his beloved Emer. He removes the spear with which he was impaled and notices something: his opponent does not seem to be too injured. His armor and his skin do not seem to be scratched. "Could it be a magical set of armor? Is he invincible?" No. His new nemesis faltered when hit in the heel, so he should try to use the Gae Bolg where his enemy seemed to be weak.
5. Achilles recollects himself and draws his sword again. His enemy can seem to mutate into a monster and become vicious, but becomes violent, almost to a mindless degree, putting a lot of force in his strikes. He should strike afar from with his spear and evade his opponent's spear and slingshot. "He's strong, but it looks like he can still be hurt with my weapons. He struck my weakness, but does he know of it?" With his plan in mind, Achilles raises his shield and charges, evading Cú Chulainn's projectiles. Cú Chulainn even throws Achilles' spear back at him which Achilles catches.
6. They start to clash swords, spears, and shields again, striking any exposed skin they can. Cú Chulainn cannot seem to injure his opponent and his armor is very sturdy. However, he is able to graze Achilles' weak point, and Achilles pushes him away. "Aha! So he IS weak there!". Using his shield, Cú Chulainn parries his attack and attempts to get another strike in, but Achilles, using his spear, keeps his adversary away. "He seems to know. I must keep him at bay." Achilles, using his own defensive techniques, is able to momentarily fend off his rival.
7. Cú Chulainn now knows what needs to do. He needs to end the fight soon, or else he'll never see his dear Emer again. "For Emer." With his dear love in mind, Cú Chulainn warp spasms again, and assaults Achilles, trying to hit his heel. Achilles attempts to rush his foe, and he is able to injure him, but Cú Chulainn flat-out launches Achilles away, leaving his weak point exposed.
8. Achilles knows his enemy is weak and desperate. Why else would he mutate like he did? However, Achilles still feels a bit of pain in his heel; his opponent has hit his weak spot and he knows of his heel's vulnerability. He grabs his weapons and prepares for one final clash. "For Patroclus." He meets his foe's eyes again and both let out one final war cry and charge.
9. Achilles wins by tiring out Cú Chulainn. The monster gets angrier and angrier, but Achilles dodges, and taking advantage of his foe's seeming mindlessness, slashes off one of his arms. The monster staggers, and in a short time, Cú Chulainn returns to normal, panting and bleeding. He ties himself to a stone using his own entrails and meets Achilles' eyes once again. Achilles throws his spear and successfully impales the now-normalized foe who lets out a shout of anger, seemingly not one of anger.
10. Cú Chulainn wins by keeping Achilles at a distance. Still in his ríastrad, Cú Chulainn is able to smash Achilles' armor so hard it starts to crack and break. The adversary attempts to rush him, but Sétanta knocks him away. He starts to calm down, knowing he only has one attempt to win. Seeing that Achilles' heel is exposed, he readies his weapon and throws the Gae Bolg with his foot. It successfully lands on Achilles' weak heel. The weapon then opens up into thirty barbs, causing Achilles to shout in agony and fall.
11. Both retrieve their weapons only after a raven lands on the corpse's shoulder. They pay their respects to their adversary for a great battle, entomb the other as a sign of respect, and depart the battlefield. Home is a long journey away, and without the horses, even longer.
12. KO!
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Has divine armor from the god Hephaestus as well as his invulnerability from bathing in the Styx and/or the ambrosia he was fed as a baby.
+ Arguably the more experienced warrior due to his time in the Trojan War and his training under the centaur Chiron.
+ Is capable of killing powerful and skilled warriors like Hector, Penthesilea (Queen of the Amazons), and Memnon.
- The only weak point is his heel, but it was only exploited because of the god Apollo.
Cú Chulainn:
+ Actually favored by the gods of his pantheon.
+ Is likely the greater warrior as he defeated Fer Díad and Aífe. Fer Díad and Cú Chulainn were trained under the legendary Scottish warrior Scthach, and Aífe is said to be Scathach's rival and stated to be equal to Cú Chulainn in skill. Cú Chulainn also single-handedly fought Queen Mab's army and even harmed Morrigan, said to be a goddess of battle and war, though not in direct combat.
+ His anger is more dangerous due to the ríastrad.
+ Has a ranged option in a slingshot.
+ Likely has a healing option as when he met his father in a dream, his father healed him.
+ The Gae Bulg allows for an instant kill...
- ...assuming that Cú Chulainn can pull it off in time and Achilles doesn't avoid it.
- Can still be killed like a normal warrior, but that was because he broke his oaths which weakened him, and was killed by a magic king-killing spear.
- His healing was done in a dream, and Achilles doesn't tend to leave opponents in just a sleeping state. Even then, the healing doesn't seem to be instant.
Ending puns:
"Setanta just couldn't exploit his opponent's Achilles' heel."
"Achilles should've said 'Cú-dbye'." (Cú + goodbye)
Name: "Face My Fury"
The title makes reference to both combatant's anger.
Art: The art would depict Achilles' shield being pierced by the Gae Bolg, but the spear would be chopped by Achilles' sword.
Sound: Grand and orchestral again, but it would be faster and even have some metal elements in it. The orchestra is for the mythological aspect and the metal is for when the two get angry.
First and foremost, amazing work.
This would be an amazing fight to see. However, I might be a little rusty in my folkloric knowledge, because I must have missed the "warp-shift" (and to be honest, I'm not as familiar with Cú Chulainn as I, a huge myth fan, should be).
I also find the references to their bonds pretty interesting, since I don't think we get a lot of internal dialogue in either references.
"Face My Fury" is pretty good for a track, so...
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