lovefrenchisbetter · 8 months
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Ivan Farkas , Paris 1960, amoureux au jardin des Tuileries
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apropositodime · 1 year
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Storie vere.
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Me: In Ace Attorney Apollo Justice, they literally made up a country just to be racist towards it lol
My friend: Australia?
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vanalex · 4 months
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extrait-livre · 5 days
"Ainsi appris-je que l'injustice incite à la ruse ceux qui ne disposent pas de la force."
Philippe Lamour - Le cadran solaire
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waysingleton · 1 year
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HEAVYSET ALPHABET: A is for Amoreau! He's studying abroad in the States, from France, and took a work-study gig in the college's library. To his surprise, many library-goers seem to always need his help specifically. "Waoh! Les américains aiment beaucoup les livres !!" Seems like books aren't the only things being checked out 😍 !
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omawi36 · 2 years
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wanduhhh · 2 years
L’Amour Looks Something Like You
Wanda/Reader (18+)
Chapter 5: The Disbelieving Angel👼
A/N: this took weeks to force myself to update my mind is torturous. Idk if there will be any more chapters after this one, unless I find inspo/anyone has any inspo for me x thank you for reading!
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Peeling the duvet off your body as quietly as possible you attempted to get out of bed without waking Wanda. You had looked down and noticed red marks all over the top of Wanda’s collarbone, no doubt trailing lower. You couldn’t imagine having to have a conversation with the redhead, whilst looking at the marks you had covered her body in. Bending slightly you grabbed last nights outfit and clutched it to your bare form; trying to preserve what dignity you had left.
You successfully left the bed and tiptoed towards the door, wincing every time you heard a creak. Pulling the door open as slowly as you possibly could- yet you were unable to stop the resounding creak it made. “Fuck” you muttered to yourself as you cursed the old wooden doors, the shuffling on the bed behind you told you that Wanda had woken up.
“You know the walk of shame doesn’t work as well when you live in the same house right” you rolled your eyes and turned round. “I was Not doing the walk of shame I just uh, have to pee” god you didn’t even believe yourself. You burned holes in the duvet as you refused to meet Wanda’s inquisitive eyes. From your peripheral you could spot her slight smirk and you felt infuriated that she was still so relaxed.
“I’m going back to sleep, I’ll just let you go wallow. Good luck covering those up by the way” your hand flew up to hold your neck, as if holding the marks would make them disappear. With that Wanda threw the covers back over her head and you walked out the door dumbfounded.
You spent the day in your room, confused and frustrated. Running downstairs to grab something for lunch became a covert mission.
Despite living in the same building as the woman you had managed to avoid her for a full day, but the fact that she had also avoided you didn’t slip your mind. The lack of her usual musical presence left the house feeling dull. You missed watching her dance to Kate Bush as she cooked dinner, always humming along. Your quiet pining had consumed you.
You knew this defiant avoidance was futile and you knew just the person to give you the kick up the ass you desperately needed.
“You look like shit” crackled through your phone speaker, “thanks Lena, hello to you too”. As nice as it was to see her through the screen, you wanted nothing more than a bone-crushing hug; you didn’t tell that to her cocky face though. “So what have you been doing whilst I’ve been gone, or should I say who have you been doing” you felt her eyes flicker down to the marks over your throat, and for the second time today your hands reached up to cover them. “Shut it Lena, it’s such a weird situation and I can’t avoid it because she’s literally in the room next door-“ “wait wait wait, you and witchy?” You knew you shouldn’t have opened your mouth.
“I mean I knew it would happen but just not so fast. What about her AI boyfriend?” You rolled your eyes at the thought, “haven’t seen much of him in a while, not that I’m complaining”. It felt good to be able to vent to someone, and the screen between you made you miss Yelena more than you thought you would. When you had to say bye to each other you sniffled and told Yelena it was hay-fever.
Talking through everything with your friend made you feel a bit more ready to face Wanda and talk like adults. It forced you to acknowledge how stupid the two of you were being, avoidance had been the default for so long.
You hopped up with momentum, knowing now that you were ready to face this and force Wanda to face it too if that’s what it took.
When you pushed open Wanda’s bedroom door you found her where you left her that morning, duvet over her head with red curly hair poking out the top. It only added to your confidence.
You went over and peeled the covers back, lightly chuckling at Wanda’s scrunched up nose when the light met her eyes and then you got in and pulled the duvet over both of you. The confusion you were expecting was non existent as Wanda scooted closer to you, pulling your arm over her bare waist and shuffling against you til she was comfy. Breathing a sleepy “took you long enough” before you both let yourself fall into a happy nap.
You woke up a few hours later to the feeling of soft fingertips tracing the length of your nose, hearing a quiet chuckle each time it made your nose twitch. You let your face break into a sleepy grin, not yet opening your eyes. Wanda smiled down at you and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of your Cupid’s bow. So soft that you almost believed you had imagined it.
“Good morning sleepy” floated through your ears as you lay with eyes closed, you knew if you opened them you’d be met with a blinding grin and eyes that would render you speechless. You let yourself bask in the soft moment without overwhelming yourself. Grunting lightly to tell Wanda you were indeed awake, peeking one eye open to be met with a smiling Wanda.
“Hey” you had both decided to stay whispering, buried under the darkness of the duvet immersing yourselves in the bubble you had created. “Hey” she spoke back, nuzzling her nose against yours gently. It was sickeningly sweet. “So we’re doing this?” Wanda questioned you, despite the seriousness of her question you both remained smiling. Letting yourself kiss her soft lips quickly before nodding, you were indeed doing this.
“Just is now? No one else?” Wanda’s pointed tone had your mind flicking back to grinding against Natasha and then again to hearing Wanda with Vision’s name on her tongue. It caused you to since slightly, willing the memories away. “Just us” you have her another kiss to seal the deal. She mumbled “good” against your lips, eyebrows drawn together and you knew she was thinking the same thing you had just shooed out of your brain.
It was nighttime before you both managed to peel yourselves out of the cocoon, only because Wanda’s stomach rumbled loud enough that it had you both giggling into each other’s hair.
You sat at the kitchen island watching Wanda cook for you both. Swaying as she stirred, one of your shirts resting just on the swell of her ass. Your heart ached in that moment when you thought of all the days you had watched her dance alone rather than spin her under your arm. It had you desperately scraping your chair away and rushing to pull her into your arms. She furrowed her brows at the intensity but let you kiss her senseless.
Your days were blissful with the redhead, late nights drinking wine and giggling, days spent drawing together as you lay on the grass in the backyard. Wanda would make you daisy chains and kiss every new freckle she saw on your sun kissed skin. It was as if nothing; and everything had changed.
As sweet as Wanda was you got to experience more of her fiery side in the weeks you spent adjusting to life as a couple. Little arguments between you would spark a fire in Wanda’s eyes. Head tilting, eyebrow lifting slightly. Although it meant some nights you’d be sent to sleep alone, it did nothing but enamour you more.
You loved Wanda so wholeheartedly the more you got to know every aspect of her. And when she would slip into the cold bed behind you in the middle of the night, shuffling her arm underneath you whilst whispering how she was still mad; you loved her even more.
Wanda would leave you little notes around the house, sometimes reminding you to brush your teeth when you were having a bad day, mostly reminding you just how much she loved you.
You had weekly FaceTime dates with Yelena, where you would prob the laptop on the table and you and Wanda would squeeze together on the sofa and ask Yelena all about her travels. She said seeing you so in love together made her equally queasy and homesick.
You hadn’t had sex in months, yet you had made love almost every day. Never growing tired of the way Wanda fell apart under your mouth and your hands. There were times when slow passion wasn’t enough for Wanda, especially when she felt she had to remind you exactly who you belonged to.
Most notably the Halloween party you and Wanda had decided to host. The thought of letting people into the bubble you had been living in scared you, but Wanda’s excitement about couples costumes more than made up for it. She had decided that you would go as an angel and a demon, and despite your protests that you were the true angel out of the two of you, Wanda stood before you in a white slip on with golden wings attached to her back.
You were in a tight black dress, small red horns on the top of your head. You felt ridiculous until Wanda’s eyes devoured you, honing in on the skin between the dress and the tops of your thigh high boots. The costumes were definitely worth it.
Wanda had invited all of her friends and knowing Natasha would be there made you a little nervous, mostly in anticipation of how Wanda would react to seeing the two of you in the same room again. You wondered just how angelic she would be throughout the night.
When Natasha arrived, dressed in a latex suit claiming to be an assassin for the night it had you gulping air. Not because you were overcome with lust, rather because you anticipated how Wanda would react to seeing you so much as say hello to the other redhead. Wanda was on your side from then like a magnet. Barely parting to refill a drink. It should have overwhelmed you, you should’ve been offended at the lack of trust in you; but you kissed her.
You welcomed the way her arms wrapped around you in a vice grip and every time she met your lips with her own, you kissed her back twice as hard.
A few hours into the night you and Natasha had smoothed over the awkwardness, falling into an easy conversation about baby Yelena. Deciding you needed Yelena’s input you FaceTimed her, you and Natasha squishing together to fit in the frame as you all laughed. Wanda sipped her drink bitterly, watching as you were too close to Natasha for her liking.
The sweet wine in Wanda’s cup was gulped down in one, stood across the room back against the wall openly glaring at Natasha. “Her red, cool it down your cheeks are starting to match your hair” Carol mumbled beside the seething redhead, playfully poking her side.
“Shut it Danvers, look at her she basically has her tongue down y/n’s throat” Carol chuckled at that, Wanda always one for hyperboles. “Wands she has an arm round her shoulder, if you’re so bothered go stake your claim” Carol emphasised her sentence by banging her scythe on the ground. Love advice from the grim reaper, only seemed right.
However, when she watched Wanda walk over and drag you to the stairs by the arm, she realised her mistake. “Ummm what happened there?” Yelena’s delayed response came from the phone, cutting through the silence of the room. “I uh- may have encouraged Wanda to ‘claim’ y/n” Natasha rolled her eyes, “so you told them to go fuck upstairs?”.
“I told them to go fuck upstairs”.
Despite frantically asking Wanda what was wrong as she marched you to your bedroom, she refused to reply even once. Taking 2 steps at a time, wings and tits bouncing in sync with the power in her steps. When she got you close enough to the bed she threw you onto it, straddling you in one swoop.
Although you were confused, you were more distracted now. Wanda was wearing white garters, clipped together with a love heart on each thigh, your mouth was watering at the way they stretched over her inner thighs.
The juxtaposition of Wanda’s angelic appearance and the devilish way she wrapped her hand around your throat was not lost on you. You thought then that the Halloween costumes should have been reversed.
“Do you act like a slut for everyone baby?, or just redheads” although she posed it as a question you knew better than to answer. Cowering under the way she smirked down at you, “hmm too dumb to speak are we? That’s okay dumb baby. You won’t need to use your brain just now anyway. Just that pretty mouth”.
With finality she pushed you flat on your back and lifted herself to hover above your head. Your eyes met her lacy white panties, able to see how wet they were already just from her taking charge. You desperately arched your head forward and whined at the way she held you back by your hair. “Please Wanda, please let me make you feel good” she was still a sucker for your doe eyes.
She lowered herself onto your waiting mouth, your tongue immediately lapping at her through her underwear. Trying your best to wordlessly convince her to remove the panties so you could properly taste her.
She lasted 2 whole minutes before giving in, slipping a shaky hand down to pull her panties to the side. Before letting you delve in however, she held you by the hair and looked down into your eyes. “You’re going to make me cum and then you are going to behave yourself, got it?” Before you could reply she sat her weight down onto your open mouth. Letting out a moan that you knew floated downstairs.
You pushed your tongue inside her and moaned at how good she tasted, how warm she was. Wanda had her hands wound into your hair, rutting against your mouth and taking the pleasure she needed. Her halo bounced vigorously with each movement, of all the angels you still thought Wanda was the sweetest.
When her hips stuttered against your mouth and you felt yourself swallowing down all she had to offer, she let herself flop beside you. Halo squint and a lazy smirk on her face. You rolled over and kissed her, licking into her mouth and chuckling when you heard her moan at her own taste.
“I love you Wanda” you knew she knew this, knew it by the way you had her coffee order memorised. Knew it in the way you never ran her a bath if she didn’t have a bath bomb, knew it in the way you brushed out every knot in her hair after a long day of work. But when you said it, it didn’t fail to make her tear up. “I love you so much” she whispered against your nose.
You helped her up a minute later, shuffling her panties back into place and straightening her garters. Kissing her over the top of her panties just to watch her breath hitch. You fluffed out her wings and tamed her curls, lightly pinching her red cheeks and leading her back to the party by her hand.
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Dorothy Lamour on a vintage postcard
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lavenderhino · 1 year
And that's how
I stole some kisses from you,
that you probably will never know!
When I said, "oh can I taste the wine?"
From the very glass that you had.
Then again I made an excuse
to sip it again!
It was never the drink,
It was your lips touching the glass!
Or when you were busy talking to your friends.
I took the glass again.
Then you did it too!
That's how the kisses were stolen.
Where your lips were touching that glass.
and the glass touching mine.
Et c'est comme ça
Que je t'ai volé des baisers
Tu ne le sauras probablement jamais
Lorsque j'ai dit, "oh, puis-je goûter le vin?"
Du verre que tu tenais
Trouvant une excuse pour le siroter
Ce n'était à pas la boisson que je pensais
C'était à tes lèvres qui touchaient le verre
Quand tu étais occupé, parlant à ton ami
J'ai reposé le verre, alors tu as bu toi aussi
C'est ainsi que les baisers ont été volés
Par tes lèvres touchant ce verre
Et le verre touchant les miennes
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danblu · 1 year
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Eu mandei essa foto pra ele hoje, pro amor da minha vida 💖
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taxi-davis · 11 months
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zuhiry · 1 year
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alessandro113 · 1 year
View On WordPress
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rocio-marron · 1 year
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La primavera parecía invierno con sabor a verano 🪐
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madnessart · 1 year
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love for ever
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