#LV cure
jockbots · 1 year
goth Skydive is truly my magnum opus
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
Hello, they said that at that time lepers smelled very bad, so bad that it was nauseating. Balwin lv was a king and he had a lot of money and could afford perfumes. Do you think he smelled a little bad? They say that lepers had a strong, ugly aroma... what do you think a leper smells like? without offending anyone
*sigh* I cant believe im answering this-
I think- i imagine its like that white goo that comes out when you pop your pimples? yknow the smell? Now imagine that but multiply it in 100X quantity and add in the sweat due to the humid temperarture.
Does Baldwin smell like that? I dont think so, because well he's a king and he can afford to have multiple baths in a day. I dont get the vibe from him that hes the sort of man who wouldnt take care of his personal hygiene.
He would use perfumes, but not as often as you think because they irritate his blistered up skin (and later on when he was cured, he developed the same habit), and when he does wear them, they're light and breezy.
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not-so-rosyyy · 3 months
Thoughts after the insane week we had last week?
in the past week alone we got:
Z looking divine in Alaia, Diesel, Balmain, and finally, LV in Paris (she really said i'm gonna wear the brand i'm an ambassador for once and only on my terms!) 💅🏽
Main pop girl Tom🕺🏻 making an entire town's population queue up from the crack of dawn for his West-End comeback 🎭 and selling it all out in less than six hours
Z saying "ayt, I'm out!" 🏃🏾‍♀️💨 to WB and her costars at the earliest possible moment to come home 🏠 to London
TZ Valentine's Day 2024 in London with both of them coming off the high from their work and feeling so loved by everyone 🥰
TZ celebrating the twins' birthday with the entire family at their local pub 👫🏻🧑🏻‍🎨🧒🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Z going back to work in Roksanda and 16Arlington (that hasn't even hit the runway yet!) and then shutting down the premiere carpet and gagging the whole fashion world with that coveted archival Mugler 🤖
Z telling Flo she got family and friends going to the premiere, and by family, she apparently meant the Hollands 🏡🫶🏽
and by the Hollands, yes, including Dom? 👴🏻
LIKE WDYM DOMINIC? HOLLAND?? WAS AT??? HIS DAUGHTER IN LAW'S???? MOVIE PREMIERE???????? (man said fawwwk my son's movies, i only care about my dawtuh's!)
nobody forgot Paddy 🧑🏻‍🎨 at the house
Tom and the entire family breaking their necks marvelling at her from the sidelines 😮🤩
TZ looking hot, walking out hand in hand from the afterparty 👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏻
BodyguardTom appears! 🫦🤵🏻‍♂️
yucky ratstans losing over and over and over🤭
everybody else's skin clear, breath fresh, bills paid, insurance covered, depression cured ✨life is very, very good✨
so, my thoughts? well....DJ KHALEEEED 🗣️
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m1d-45 · 1 year
spoken across stars II
summary: sagau voicelines part two! this time with kazuha, wanderer, and two bonuses :)
word count: ~500
-> warnings: major spoilers for liyue archon quest, minor spoilers for kazuha lore, spoilers for wanderer lore… maybe ooc baizhu
-> gn reader (you/yours) and unspecified traveller (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay
< kaeya, diluc, thoma || < masterlist >
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kaedehara kazuha
about us: the traveller
the traveller… at first i assumed they were a god, with how easily the wind and earth bent to their will. now i know that they are only a medium for one, but i still wonder: were they not a vessel, could they still have stood against the shogun?
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
in inazuma, a near-constant storm blanketed the nation. rain pelted the earth, a flurry of sounds and smells making it impossible to find any rest. during such storms, i could only find solace at shrines, the gentle scent of incense drowning out the earth. i don’t miss being on the run, but sometimes i miss that sense of peace. the quiet only found at the altar… it’s unmatched.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
i, kaedehara kazuha, am many things. i am the last survivor of my clan, i am an outlaw from inazuma, a wandering samurai, and even a spotter for the crux fleet. and yet… with you, it doesn’t matter. with you, i am kazuha. you allow me to dedicate myself anew, without any of my past clinging to my shoulders… for this, i am eternally indebted.
about us: the traveller
what about them? an outlander who was blessed by the highest of high, saving nations at their god’s behest, blah blah blah. we’ve all heard it before, so why make me recount it? if an inventor in fontaine knows who they are, then i’m certain you do.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
my creator? haven’t i made my thoughts on her clear? the raiden shogun and i-… oh, you mean… for starters, i recommend the usage of titles when speaking of the divine. true gods must be respected, and crude titles like ‘the creator’ are irresponsible at best. how would you like it if i referred to the geo archon as ‘the dead one’, hm?
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
…thank you. and… i’m sorry.
about the creator: ecosystem
in order to survive, an ecosystem has to maintain a careful balance, watching over everything to ensure nothing is out of place. …in a way, i suppose the same can be extended to the divine: a careful hand correcting any mistakes and helping along the plants— the people that struggle… it’s a rather beautiful metaphor.
about the creator: violetgrass
the creator has blessed us with many medicinal herbs, used to treat and cure a wide variety of ailments. it saddens me, sometimes, that not everywhere is touched by the same blessings… there are certainly herbs i’ll never be able to see, and herbs from liyue somebody from, say, natlan will never be able to see… but that is not an inmediate concern. for now, could you pick me up some violetgrass? i’m afraid qiqi forgot to write it down in her notebook.
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trustinsighters · 3 months
Haurchefant's Actions & Battle Quotes
Support NPC Name: Haurchefant
Expansion: 3.X (Heavensward)
Job/Class Name: Chivalric Knight
Roles: Tank and DPS (both listed as Gladiator)
Duty Support: Yes (Lv.57 The Vault)
Trust: No
Tank & Dps
Fast Blade: deals single target damage.
Riot Blade: deals single target damage; Combo action: Fast Blade.
Rage of Halone: deals single target damage; Combo action: Riot Blade.
Fortemps Blade: deals single target damage; uses Goring Blade animation.
Silver Fuller: deals single target damage; uses Spirits Within animation; Executed after: Fortemps Blade.
Shield Bash: deals single target damage.
Circle of Scorn: deals split AoE damage (circle); Executed after: Shield Bash.
Phoenix Down: revives the support NPC healer if they have been incapacitated; out of combat use only.
Tank Only
Iron Will: tank stance.
Feral Charge: rushes to target; increases enmity.
Shield Lob: deals single target damage; increases enmity.
Provoke: increases enmity.
Total Eclipse: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity.
Wrath of Halone: deals split AoE damage (circle); increases enmity; Combo action: Total Eclipse.
Sentinel: reduces damage taken; Duration: 15s.
Rampart: reduces damage taken; Duration: 20s.
Reprisal: reduces damage dealt by nearby enemies; seems to use it only during boss fights; Duration: 10s.
Cure: heals target;he uses it on himself and allies if health is low.
Excellence: invuln; uses Hallowed Ground animation.
Dps Only
LB1 Braver: deals single target damage.
LB2 Bladedance: deals single target damage.
Feral Charge
[EN] Come! [JP] フハハハハッ! [DE] Angriiiff! /Komm doch! (3) [FR] Viens par ici !
Rage of Halone
[EN] Have at thee! [JP] セイッ、セイッ、セイィィッ! [DE] Nimm dies! [FR] Yahaaaaah !
Silver Fuller
[EN] I shall show you something special! [JP] 少しはイイところを見せんとな! [DE] Einer meiner Lieblingstricks! [FR] Tu ne t'en remettras pas !
Circle of Scorn
[EN] Bear witness! [JP] 見ていろ、我が友よ! [DE] Sieh her! [FR] Regardez ça, vous autres !
Excellence / Low Health (1)
[EN] Hold fast! [JP] 耐えてみせるぞっ! [DE] Ich falle nicht! [FR] Je ne flancherai pas !
LB1: Braver
[EN] For the honor of House Fortemps! [JP] 受けよ、我が妙技! [DE] Ehre den Fortemps! [FR] Pour la gloire des Fortemps !
LB2: Bladedance
[EN] Halone, guide my sword! [JP] 輝け、我が剣! [DE] Führe mein Schwert, Halone! [FR] Halone, guide mon épée !
Pain Sounds
[JP] やるではないか [FR] Aïe !
[EN] Live on my friend... [JP] おまえが…無事なら… [DE] [MISSING] [FR] Adieu... mon ami...
Revived (2)
[EN] Thank you, my friend. [JP] 助かった、もう一度ゆくぞ! [DE] Vielen Dank! [FR] J'y retourne !
Haurchefant hasn't any Character Selection quote.
(1) Low Health line is the same as Excellence line with the exception that the voice doesn't play. Speech balloon only.
(2) Revived quote isn't dubbed. Speech balloon only.
(3) Audio and speech balloon text don't match. Audio: "Angriiiff!"; Balloon: "Komm doch!".
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meylahfakemon · 3 months
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Meet the docile Gazelle Pokémon, Gazalo; the timid Hedgehog Pokémon, Nirix, and the naughty Muskrat Pokémon, Muslet! The three partner Pokémon offered by Professor Carica of Meylah
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001 Gazalo
Gazelle Pokémon
Overgrow(Natural Cure)
Gazalo -Lv 16- ??? -Lv 34- ???
A gentle Pokémon that is favored by new trainers with hesitation to befriend wild Pokémon. The leaves around its neck provide an oil prized for its soothing feel and scent
004 Nirix
Hedgehog Pokémon
Nirix-Lv 15- ??? -Lv 36- ???
The spines on this Pokemon's back make it difficult for trainers to bond with it. Its protective quills have yet to fully form, and might spark embers if rubbed against.
007 Muslet
Muskrat Pokémon
Muslet -Lv 15- ??? -Lv 35- ???
Muslet can be found both on riverbanks, and in city outskirts, where it is shooed away because of its habits of picking up shiny objects and gnawing on wood posts. The band it wears on its head is a gift from its parent, showing off its lineage.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 13 days
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Your honor I love this man -Danny Words: 2,001 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Safe and Sound' -by Graham Colton
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LV: I've Had a Vision (I'm Delusional)
"That thing is really red," Percy comments once they get upstairs. "I wonder if it's cherry-flavored."
"Why don't you swim over and find out?" Annabeth smirks.
"How about no."
"Get married already." Ara snorts and turns to Frank. "So what did you find out?"
"According to my Pylos cousins," he starts, "the chained god we're looking for in Sparta is my dad... uh, I mean Ares, not Mars. Apparently, the Spartans kept a statue of him chained up in their city so the spirit of war would never leave them."
"Oo-kay," Leo places an arm around Ara's waist. "The Spartans were freaks. Of course, we've got Victory tied up downstairs, so I guess we can't talk."
"The Spartans were quite vicious when it came to how they trained their warriors—I wouldn't be surprised if they thought chaining Ares was like, saying they had the upper hand in battle," Ara comments.
Jason leans on the railing and winces. "On to Sparta, then. But how does a chained god's heartbeat help us find a cure for dying?"
"Piper said something about visions in her blade," Hazel mentions. Everyone turns to the girl, but she's scowling at Jason's injury, not listening to their conversation. "Piper?" Hazel repeats.
"Sorry, what?"
"I was asking you about the visions. You told me you'd seen some stuff in your dagger blade?"
"Uh... right." Piper brings out the blade. Everyone throws nervous glances at Ara, and that doesn't feel endearing in the least. "I, um... I don't see anything right now. But one vision kept popping up. Annabeth, Ara, and I are exploring some ruins—"
"Ruins!" Leo pipes in, letting go of Ara and rubbing his hands like a fly. "Now we're talking. How many ruins can there be in Greece?"
"Quiet, Leo," Annabeth scolds him. "Piper, do you think it was Sparta?"
"Maybe. Anyway... suddenly we're in this dark place like a cave. We're staring at this bronze warrior statue. In the vision I touch the statue's face and flames start swirling around us. That's all I saw."
"Flames." Frank makes a face. "I don't like that vision."
"Me neither," Percy mumbles, eyes on the sea serpent. "If the statue engulfs people in fire, we should send Leo."
"I love you too, man." He scoffs. "I didn't keep the Polaroid, you know? No need to threaten me."
"You know what I mean. You're immune. Or, heck, give me some of those nice water grenades Ara designed and I'll go. Ares and I have tangled before."
Ara clicks her tongue and shakes her head, deep in thought. "No one said we had to fight him, you bubble-head. For all we know he might need saving..."
"Does Ares sound like a helpless god to you?"
"It does when he's chained," Ara argues.
"If Piper saw us three going after the statue, then that's who should go," Annabeth stops their bickering. "We'll be all right. There's always a way to survive."
"Not always," Hazel reminds them.
"Gee, guys, we can't all be depressed!" Ara scolds them with sarcasm. "Mom said it's my turn with the saddies!"
"I'm the one that's dying," Leo retorts in the same way.
"Which reminds me," Frank shows them the vial of poison. "What about this stuff? After the House of Hades, I kind of hoped we were done drinking poison."
"That's just one ingredient," Ara shrugs. "We might get to mix it with, dunno, some cherry-flavored coke?" She smirks at Percy. "You know, in the past, some people used to consume poison in small amounts to build resistance to it. Maybe it's the same."
Everyone turns to Annabeth and she shrugs. "Do I look like I'd know that sort of useless info? Ara's the one with the weird death interests."
"Don't worry guys, I'll figure it out," she smiles at the group.
"Not by testing it," Percy argues.
"I'll read a book."
"You can read?"
Ara reaches to punch him and Frank steps in to keep them away from each other.
"Store the poison securely in the hold," Annabeth continues while the siblings bicker. "For now, that's all we can do. Once we figure out this chained god situation, we'll head to the island of Delos."
"The curse of Delos," Hazel sighs. "That sounds fun."
"Hopefully Apollo will be there," Annabeth keeps talking still deep in thought. "Delos was his home island. He's the god of medicine. He should be able to advise us."
"I volunteer for that quest too," Ara says, trying to sound casual.
Leo immediately protests. "No way!"
"What? You can't stop me from looking at my favorite god from up close!"
"No, I agree with Leo on this one, you should stay here," Percy teases her. "Unless you still want to become her muse?"
Leo looks at her with worry. "You're not a kid anymore, what if he tries to woo you?"
"That's not why I'm going!" Ara blushes. "Listen, he still thinks I'm his biggest fan, right? If I ask him to help, give a few compliments, I bet he'll cave easier."
"Something tells me he'll cave to more than that," Leo mutters and Percy nods dramatically.
"We're derailing!" Ara huffs, getting redder.
The sea serpent blows out steam, distracting her brother. "Cherry has figured out we're not a dragon. Maybe we should take to the air for a while?"
"Airborne it is! Festus, do the honors!" As the ship rises, Leo checks out the monitors. "We should reach Sparta by morning—And remember to come by the mess hall tonight, folks, 'cause Chef Leo is making his famous three-alarm tofu tacos!"
Everyone scatters and Ara leans on the control board, nudging Leo's side. "You're not really that worried about Apollo, right?"
"Why would I? You're just like, madly in love with him since always," he punches buttons with unnecessary force.
Ara sighs. "You've been touchy today," she gently grabs his shoulder. "Please, tell me what's bothering you."
Leo looks up at her with annoyance. "What is your problem, huh? Isn't it enough to have me wrapped around your finger, you have to know every thought that crosses my mind?"
Ara holds back a grin. "I'm sorry... It's just that I, like Piper, had a vision. Except my vision is more like female intuition rooted in the fact that I'm in love with you and can tell when you're unhappy."
Leo turns away to operate the Archimedes Sphere. "Nothing important..." he mumbles, but Ara hears it.
"Hey, none of that," she frowns, circling his frame to face him. "You know better." The boy seems in a terrible mood, and Ara knows she's running out of time to fix things between them. "How about a spa night after dinner?"
"Just the two of us?" He mumbles something in response, staring at the monitors with a pout. Ara smiles. "And you can stay the whole night."
"You had me at spa night, doll," he looks up with a sort of enthusiastic grin that lacks his usual energy. "Thank you."
Ara kisses his forehead gently. "It's your turn to lean on me."
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Despite having a fun night with Leo, she still didn't get much sleep. Her eyes open at four in the morning and after that, she can't stop the noise in her head, so she slips out of Leo's embrace and makes her way to the showers.
Ara can be extremely tired before bed and still wake up too early to be considered a healthy rest. Most times she's lucky enough to not feel tired throughout the day, but this morning is not one of those. Her eyes feel puffy even after the shower, her head hurts, and as she watches Leo's peaceful expression pressed against her pillow, she has to suppress the urge to throw a hairbrush at him out of envy—and also because he was the reason why she stayed up so late.
No one is awake, so she eats alone in the Mess Hall, then spends an hour dozing off on the table trying to review their trajectory, jumping out of her seat every time something creaks or her muscles spasm. She considers going back and cuddling up against Leo but then he walks in, hair all over the place and eyes sleepy.
"You abandoned me."
"I couldn't sleep," she grumbles. "I feel like crap and it's all your fault."
Leo walks past her and gives her a light kiss, sniffing the top of her head. "At least you don't smell like it," he jokes, still having that sleepy voice Ara loves to hear.
He hands her a cup of dark coffee. Leo doesn't like it but Ara does, and even though a normal cup does nothing for her, a heavily charged espresso makes her brain jumpstart better than most things.
Leo sits down and grabs a bag of Fonzies, but Ara takes it away and places an apple in his hand instead. "You know," he moves his chair to face her, taking a bite from the fruit. "You do this to me a lot. I wake up and you're gone."
Ara takes a sip of her coffee and grimaces, then coughs a little. "Not on purpose. I don't know, maybe my body isn't used to sharing small beds," she suggests, rubbing her eyes.
"So your body doesn't want me near?" Ara glares at him but then realizes he's smirking. "Just teasing, sunshine," he bites the apple and winks at her, leaving his seat. "Finish your coffee, I'll check how long 'til we get to Sparta."
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Ara wants to kill Percy after he explodes all the pipes in the Argo II—she also gets a little bit anxious after hearing Piper's dream, but spending a whole afternoon smelling like a toilet after his whoopsie isn't fun, so Leo takes the boy downstairs to repair the water system as punishment.
Once on the ground, and after walking for like half an hour, Piper and Annabeth find some ominous holes and conclude that they must jump in them, so the day is officially ruined. 
Ara stifles a yawn. "Am I allowed to jump in first or am I still not reliable?"
"They weren't doing this before..." Annabeth approaches the pits and examines them, her eyes are still puffy from the crisis she had five minutes ago. 
Ara doesn't want to think too much about it, but the older girl told them about that scary moment when Percy tortured the goddess of Misery, and Ara isn't surprised, her brother has shown before he's very capable of being callous, but Annabeth hasn't been paying as much attention to that side of Percy as Ara has.
"There doesn't seem to be any pattern. The timing, the color, the height of the fire... I don't get it."
"Did we activate them somehow?" Piper stands next to Ara. "Maybe that surge of fear you felt on the hill... Uh, I mean we all felt."
"All I feel is tired," Ara mumbles, yawning again.
"There must be some kind of mechanism..." Annabeth insists. "A pressure plate, a proximity alarm."
Ara shakes her head. "Don't feel any of that. Just steam and fire coming out at random moments. Could be some kind of uh..." She waves a hand vaguely. "Nature stuff."
"No." Piper glares at one of the geysers. "It's none of that, it's emotional."
"How can fire pits be emotional?" Annabeth asks with annoyance.
Piper reaches out with her hand over the hole, then retreats when a bunch of flames comes out of it. "Piper!" Annabeth yanks both girls back. "What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't. I was feeling. What we want is down there," Piper gets to work. "These pits are the way in. I'll have to jump."
"Are you crazy? Even if you don't get stuck in the tube, you have no idea how deep it is."
"You're right."
"You'll be burned alive!"
"Possibly." Piper takes off her sword and throws it into the pit. "I'll let you know if it's safe. Wait for my word."
"Ara!" Annabeth turns to her scowling. "Tell her something!"
"I mean, if you die, Jason will let himself die too so he can be with you," Ara shrugs and rubs her eyes. "However you feel about that, act accordingly." Piper gives her a dry laugh, and then she jumps. A few seconds later, enormous flames come out, and Ara winces. "Damn, maybe she wants him dead..."
Annabeth's voice trembles. "Piper?"
"Yeah!" The girl replies, sounding way below. "Tell Jason he still has to recover!"
Ara sighs. "Alright, my turn."
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Next Chapter –>
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wishing-stones · 1 year
How does Nightmares gang act when sick? Are they easy to take care of or are they stubborn mules who act like nothings wrong?
Well, to answer that, let's first quantify what "sick" is to a skeleton monster.
Since they have no traditional immune system to contract viruses, they are effectively immune to things like the common cold, flu, etc. So they don't get "sick" very often. Not in the traditional sense, anyway.
They can get sick via an imbalance of mana-to-physicality, though-- if they have too much excess magic, it can result in a fever and lethargy, hallucinations, weakness, and malaise. Burning off magic usually helps, but by the time they're in this state, it's difficult to do that because they're weak.
Too little, and they run the risk of Falling Down, typically presenting as chills, nausea (lack of appetite, inability to process anything they take in) extreme lethargy, weakness, and body ache. This can be cured by magical infusions or consuming enough food to restore missing mana.
Neither condition is very common in these guys, but it has happened before.
Killer effectively gets man colds. He'll ham it up to be waited on hand-and-foot until he gathers enough strength to burn it off or get it back. So much as a sniffle, and he's on the couch moaning about how awful he feels. No one else indulges him in this, but if you do, he ramps it up to eleven. Not that he doesn't genuinely appreciate it, but it's nice to not have to do anything. Fortunately, he usually shrugs one of these off in two to three days and is right as rain. Dust tends to either ignore them, or they snowball into LV attacks, which... oftentimes remedies itself by forcing him to burn off the extra magic. Too little, though, and he will push himself until he collapses. He doesn't want anyone fussing over him, really, he's fine... Until he isn't. He begrudgingly allows help, but only because he's too weak to do anything about it. The comfort is nice, though. Axe tries to power through it, but when he goes down, he goes down hard. He's already pretty damaged, so any fluctuation in his magic hits him like a ton of bricks. He takes getting ill very seriously, whether it's him or someone else, and he informs everyone as soon as he feels one coming on so he knows he'll be okay. He'll usually do enough to make sure there's food for everyone so that they still get good food while he's down for a bit, and even make a pot of soup for himself with instructions. Cross Employs the method of "burn it out." He consumes the spiciest things he can find and tries to power through it. He'll sit in the sauna, too, and this usually helps, but sometimes makes things worse. He doesn't accept help until he can't get up, and then he's usually resigned to his fate. He'll brush off attempts beforehand, but once he's down, he can't tell people to 'not worry about it' very well. Baggs tends to ignore it too, and it feeds into his "too loopy to do anything properly" almost inebriated state fast. He tries to self-treat, but if he can't, and it's actually going to be a serious problem for him, he might... begrudgingly extend a request for aid... if he can afford to stop whatever he's working on-- someone might have to yank him away before he hurts himself or makes it worse. Nightmare ignores it until he's literally dripping goop everywhere he goes, and then someone notices and it's a group effort to bully him into resting. He, fortunately, doesn't get very sick, but just sick enough to inconvenience himself and make him grumpy. The drawback is that if he's sick, he's sick for a week at least and it makes him grumpier. He will do his work on a lap desk to make himself feel a little better. He gets terribly embarrassed if he falls ill because he feels like a being like him should be above such things.
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rosy-posy-posts · 2 months
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— NOTES — 
• Cross / Sans  
• October 10th  
• 30 
•  Bisexual 
• He / Him • They / Them 
• 6’1 FT / 185.93 CM 
• Skeleton Monster 
• He is toned and muscular when summoning his ecto magic. The tint of the color is a vivid violet. (He is more like an inverted triangle shape for men. Cross is broad, developed chest and shoulders taper down to a narrow waist and hips).
» Cracked Eye / Bone Chips - The origins of these wounds happened when he broke away from XGaster. He operated the absoluteness of his purple magic to the fullest extent, resulting in him shattering his eye socket. With that statement in mind, the skeleton also had bone chips. (Rosalie cured the slight damages). In difference, his lover could not heal his eye because the impairment couldn’t be convalesced. 
» Bovinophobia (FEAR OF COWS) (DEFINITION) - It is the excessive fear and often irrational fear of cows or cattle. Thanatophobia (FEAR OF DEATH OR DYING) (DEFINITION) - This terror is a fear of death or dying. Someone might be scared of their death or the death of a loved one. (This worry stems primarily around Papyrus and Rosalie). 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: 
• Technical / Serious • Sometimes Light-Hearted 
» This notion is due to the actions of his personality and upbringing. The skeleton had to follow the orders of XGaster or get punished out of line. Not to mention being part of the Royal Guard. It's why he is consistently technical and solemn. Therefore, he always stayed in his monotone form. On the contrary, he does have relaxed junctures. It is when Cross breaks away from his conformed mold once he is in the Omega Timeline. 
• They, Cross, rarely swears. 
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMdcEtq3yQU → This is more of how his voice sounds.
• A simple black breathable, lightweight material, T-Shirt. Cross’s clothing is to his lower hip measurement. • A comfortable ombre white, ebony, and various purple(s) jacket without the zipper. The white X connects to the jacket as well. The range can gravitate toward the center of his apparel. 
• A straightforward pair of sweatpants adjacent to skinny jeans with pockets. The shade is identical to the color of his shirt, with the drawstrings being white. The lower half of the material is (tucked) inside his boots. SOCKS/SHOES: 
• They are plain-clothed calf boots. Furthermore, the shoes match the entire black apparel. Alongside the cords with the white. (The center where his ties are is a lighter ebony). 
• EYE PATCH: » A white eye patch with a white X over it. It is continuously over his damaged eye. Cross has multiple of these around the house, with Rosalie’s medicinal healing properties infused inside them. The patches decrease the headaches/migraines and itchiness in and around the socket. • NECKLACE
» A golden heart locket is equivalent to his friends and family. It was given to him by Frisk. 𝗔𝗧𝗧𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡:
• White / Monster 
• LV: 8 
• HP: 52/52
• ATK: 26 
• DEF: 13 
TOTAL EXP:  ★★★★★
» Cross can summon a female skull-shaped blaster of a dragon that will fire a purple and white magic beam/laser. • TELEPORTATION:  
» Cross can teleport himself, opponents, and attacks. He typically uses this ability in a battle to dodge invasions and to make it hard to dodge his attacks. Nonetheless, this tires him out if used frequently. • SOUL MANIPULATION: (PURPLE MODE) » The power to make the enemy souls affected by gravity. While affected, the opponents have their movements heavily restricted and can only jump to move. Cross can also use this to lift and haul individual soul(s), letting him slam them around with relatively diminutive physical strength. This notion drains his magic quicker than the rest of his attacks. Therefore, he only uses it rarely. 
• ★★★★★ » Cross’s fighting style commonly uses close and distance brute force aggression, acknowledging the reasoning of his stats. The skeleton can also dodge and defend! On the other hand, he isn’t perfect in assertive matches and often could get injured. Moreover, he can and would kill if there were no other option. 
• GIANT KNIFE: (PREVIOUS) (WEAPON) » This notion is known as “Hack Knife”. It is where the gray was in X-EVENT mode, alongside the red where it corrupts the timelines. (Regardless, utilizing this item was in the specific period when Chara possessed him). • TWIN DAGGERS: (CURRENTLY) (WEAPON) » These objects are what he operates generally. They are twin daggers, as stated above. Cross did make them sharper and deadly upon foes. Furthermore, they have black shreds of his previous clothing still attached to them.
• BODY ARMOR: (PREVIOUS) (ARMOR) » These articles existed around timeline X. (Cross doesn’t wear them anymore because they are too bulky and difficult to combat). Unfortunately, the suit is not with him anymore, understanding it was part of his old home.
» A place where Cross can store his specialties. These pieces can be purchased, found, and used. They can even be held in dimensional boxes or sold in SHOPS. 
• Rosalie (SOUL of Kindness) → MORE INFORMATION:  ★ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/rosy-posy-posts 
• Fighting / Sparring • Brave / Leadership • Reading / Planning
• Cooking / Baking 
• Workaholic / perfectionist • Computer / Technologies (TO A DEGREE)
GOOD CHARACTERISTICS: • Honest / Loyal • Awareness / Intelligence • Respectful / Courageous CHARACTER FLAWS:   
• Papyrus and Rosalie are his weaknesses. • Closed off about some aspects of his past. • He is stubborn about particular elements of his life.
• Morally Grey (NEUTRAL)
» Morally Grey is a term used to represent a neither fair nor wrong character. They have no motivation to do either action. In reflection, these individuals follow their ambition rather than of greater interest or immorality. 
• SUMMARY: » Cross is an indifferent personality. Nonetheless, some beings in the Omega Timeline think he is a threat because of his nature. (He acts as if he must do what is necessary to keep the many alive if it sacrifices the few). The skeleton proves them wrong by giving the ones he loves more purpose: Papyrus, Rosalie, and his close friends.
𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘: • The skeleton grew up in a harsh background until he resided in the Omega Timeline. Cross was trained in the Royal Guard to protect Frisk from unknown individuals when they went to their surface, alongside other ordeals. (Notwithstanding, he felt that there was a silent battle between his friend and XGaster. Additionally, he felt pieces of his life were missing). • In his confidential missions, he went to various timelines to gather intel. This period was before and during TIMELINE X. He stumbled across a multiverse with Rosalie inside. A year later, they began to date. (Albeit, he didn’t know that XGaster was erasing parts of his recollections after he gathered knowledge. Nor that his friend was plotting to use him). 
• Once the alternate universe was a blank slate and Chara possessed him, Cross overlooked who he was, letting the child feed delusions of telling him what he liked to hear. Moreover, this notion is where he meets Ink and becomes friends. • The X-EVENT plays out, acknowledging that Cross wants to save his home. Regardless, conserving it would be frivolous. (This is like the canon version until he gets to the Omega Timeline). Once he realized he could not save his home. He began apprehending himself better. • The fight with Nightmare and Killer. It was to cut all ties off with his former self that Chara believed him to be. After he won, he began to go back to Rosalie. (This memory is where they had held hands under the tree together, remembering everything before this conflict. It was before the battle as well)! • In a considerable time, the battle with XGaster ensued, despising the treatment he endured previously. His family and comrades were under his control, too. The skeleton wanted to rescue them but couldn’t. Cross had to save himself to free them. (To note, he cannot at this duration of time. In addition, they are not as influential as the skeleton was). He primarily utilized all of his magic. (Rosalie did help him in this action, understanding that it was mainly their love that conquered all. This trial prompted XGaster to loathe the human female). • Three years pass when Cross protects Rosalie because of threats from XGaster. Notwithstanding, he was also healing, training, and channeling his magic better to protect the Omega Timeline. • Trials of the Multiverse: This notion is where Nightmare has the final control over him because Cross has deep-seated negative emotions about his former home. He has not uttered anything about this to anyone, especially Rosalie. Nonetheless, his lover snaps him out of that headspace and tells him there can be ways to release them. Therefore, they defeat this dispute.
In due course, he lives happily and healthily with Rosalie in the Omega Timeline! (They try to discover a way to free his brother and friends)!
★ https://twitter.com/AsherarYoko 
★  https://twitter.com/tobyfox?lang=en — TWITTER: @tobyfox
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rainoverthemountains · 4 months
Twist story chapter 53
Hey look, I updated Twist Story!
First fic I ever wrote and it's still going (occasionally).
Twistfell and everything associated with it belong to @itsladykit
There’s a cure for LV (probably). It’s completely safe (probably). It’s a highly unpleasant experience (definitely). Twist only cares about that first statement. He probably should have paid a little more attention to the other two. But what does it matter? He’s getting what he wants, and he has the best friends and family in any universe to help along the way.
(Those friends and family might disagree about how much it matters, but who made them the experts on good decision making? They’ll work it all out somehow or other. Eventually.)
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loregoddess · 3 months
Would you be willing to share your builds/levels for the final boss(es) of Octopath II? I'm trying to figure out how much more grinding I realistically need to do to actually finish this game.
Oh yeah, sure! I uh, had a lot more thoughts on this than I realized I would, so I'm sticking most of this under a read more, and I've tried to be vague about spoilers bc I wasn't sure how much you knew already from osmosis or looking at other online tips/guides. Also I ended up breaking things up into sections for easier navigation, because there is...a lot.
Table of Contents
General Thoughts
General Overarching Strategies
Character Preferences
Notes on Bosses
General Thoughts
Full disclosure, I've basically just been rotating my party and using whoever's the lowest level to try and catch them up on levels. Because I started with Ochette, she's locked into the party and is ungodly powerful as a result, but this will occur with literally anyone you start with (my first run I was using Osvald and he was so damned powerful by the end of the game). So I don't have a real "strategy" per boss (except for the optional superboss) so much as I switch around passive skills and subjobs based on who's lowest in levels and who I have to have in the party (Ochette + whoever's story I'm completing).
I will say, I don't feel like most of the bosses require a lot of level grinding, at least not for the character story final bosses. I kinda assume that the recommended level of 45 is like, the average of the entire team. As a general rule, I rarely use the fast-travel feature until I'm in the postgame section, and will literally walk my team everywhere, which helps to maintain levels so that I don't have to grind (and even if I do it's like, running laps in the dungeon right before the boss area until my lowest level person gains two or three levels, which only takes about about half an hour for me usually). Like, when I finished Hikari's route first, I had to run laps before the miniboss to get my two lowest team members to lv. 40, but Ochette was already lv. 52 at this point, and Hikari was about 42 or 43, I think. But I haven't needed to run any laps for any of the other bosses so far.
Also, I feel like Octo2 is a lot more balanced when it comes to stats/subjobs, and you can get away with doing a lot of weird things that work out in the long run so long as you're familiar with the battle mechanics and passive skills and how to make them work for you (which was true for Octo1 too, but I found myself almost always having at least Tressa and Therion in my team so I could get free money and open the purple chests w/out needing to backtrack, which limited my team compositions a lot more than Octo2, where no one character has a field-specific skill that makes them more or less useful than another).
General Overarching Strategies
I do have some general preferences. I like to have a at least one cleric and one apothecary in the party, and they can't be the same character (unless there's multiple clerics or apothecaries) just in case I need one of them to revive the other. This is mostly bc I like having the option to heal all, heal single, cure status ailments, or revive on hand at all times (as a result, if I'm using these as subjobs, they usually end up on a character who isn't my main damage-dealer, but even then it depends on the damage-dealing character).
I also like to have a merchant so I can use Collect bc I like having money, and giving the merchant subjob to certain characters is really helpful bc of the Rest skill being able to restore SP and cure status ailments. Generally I also like to have a hunter for Leghold Trap, or Agnea with Windy Refrain (gained by visiting Sealticge's shrine in the Leaflands) so I can manipulate when the boss attacks. Aside from those classes, I end up being really flexible depending on what I think I need. (As a side note, Leghold Trap + A Step Ahead from the inventor job can be really useful if you go in knowing a boss's weaknesses ahead of time, since you can break the boss and deal a lot of damage before they even get a chance to act).
Oh, but as a general rule, whenever I notice a character start to hit the 9999 damage limit output, I go and get DMD from the warrior class for them, because I love seeing big numbers go boom by optimizing my damage output. I also switch around subjobs a lot depending on what I think I'll need, and if I die during a boss fight I will go and rearrange my jobs or skills before I try level-grinding.
I also don't use any stat-enhancing nuts until the optional superboss, but I really don't think they're needed for any of the character story final bosses anyhow. If you've used them already that's fine though, I've totally mismanaged my nuts in both Octo1 and Octo2, and it's nothing a bit of level-grinding won't solve when it comes to the post-game bosses.
Character Preferences
Here's an outline of how I like to use all the characters. Keep in mind, everyone has their general preferences for how they like to use each character, and there's no right or wrong way to use a character, this is just what works for my playstyle.
General: I use Ochette mostly to break enemies quickly with her Provoke monsters ability, and to output a lot of phys. damage. She's one of my main damage-dealers, and I rarely use her for support.
Latent power notes: She has one of the best latent powers for dealing damage, since the damage of her attacks scales with her level. I use her latent power as soon as the boss is broken, and I'll save Ochette's BP to use it at a full boost. Generally I use Beastly Fangs, but if the boss has multiple enemies that need to be taken care of (i.e. Partitio's final boss fight), then Beastly Claws is excellent as well. I don't really use Beastly Howl because there are better options to achieve the same effects that don't require Ochette to drain her latent power. I always use Ochette's latent power before I use divine skills or legendary beasts, since the latent power will refill throughout the battle and it doesn't cost SP.
Favorite subjobs: My primary subjob for Ochette is warrior, since it gives her access to Brand's Blade which is a good alternative to Beastly Fangs, and the warrior stats buff her already high physical stats. Alternately I will use her in merchant, but specifically for the optional superboss so she has access to Hired Help's Beastlings in case she has to use them (notes on that in the boss section below).
Notes on monsters: In general you can have whatever monsters you enjoy using for Ochette's Provoke ability, but I highly recommend having at least one monster that can deal axe damage twice to all enemies (any level, even the highest level "2x axe (all) monster" will only deal 1 damage to the postgame bosses, so choose whichever monster you like best), and a monster that can deal either dagger, axe, staff, lightning, or light damage to all (recommend getting a 9/10 strength monster for this, as they tend to have additional effects to their attacks such as debuffing the enemies or buffing the party; the Peek-a-boo from the area around Timberain tends to be a favorite because it debuffs enemy phys. and elemental defenses). Those two monsters will be the most useful for clearing the optional superboss, and a lot of bosses in general have a weakness to axes.
General: Castti works well as either a damage-dealer or support, so I tend to change her subjob depending on the rest of the team.
Latent power notes: I refuse to use concoct unless I have her latent active so that I can save on the ingredients. The only time I use concoct without the latent is during the two postgame bosses. I managed to get through the final boss fight my first run with only one pomegranate leaf thanks to her latent power (I uh, forgot to stock up at the secret market, but if you need more rare ingredients for concoct, the merchants that show up at night in the area to the west of Healeaks will sometimes sell stuff like pomegranate leaves).
Favorite subjobs: If I'm using her as a damage-dealer, than warrior and armsmaster are my go-to. For support, I tend to stick with inventor or merchant.
Notes on concoct: I use it almost exclusively for healing and buffing the team, and the ability to give everyone BP is super useful for setting up other damage-dealers and support characters.
General: One of my main damage-dealers, one of the best damage-dealers in the game. I was able to hit the 99,9999 damage limit with Throne thanks to the fact that Aeber's Reckoning scales with speed and seems to take the phys. attack stat into consideration as well. Optimize her speed and give her a high-damage dagger and she's golden for dealing wild amounts of damage.
Latent power notes: I don't have a particular pattern for how I use Throne's latent power, since how I use it depends on the battle situation. Sometimes I use it so Throne can act as temporary support, and sometimes I use it to set up Armor Corrosive and then use Aeber's Reckoning. Really, whatever I need a double-turn for, this power comes in handy for.
Favorite subjobs: Hunter for sure, it gives Throne an excellent boost to speed and evasion while also buffing the phys. attack stat nicely. Dancer is a decent subjob as well bc it gives her even higher speed/evasion stats than hunter, and access to Dagger Dance which is a nice aoe attack when level-grinding, but overall Dancer!Throne is kind of glassy for my tastes, and I like having Leghold Trap as an option for Throne's debuff repertoire in boss fights. I don't mind using merchant for Throne either, since Rest and Collect are useful skills for her to have.
General: One of my main damage-dealers, magical edition. He's very squishy though, a true glass canon, so I have to either patch up his defenses with equipment and passive skills, or have someone dedicated to healing on the team.
Latent power notes: Love his latent power, it's especially good if you stack it with the buffs from either Advanced Magic (or the Stone of Truth, which just provides the 2x spell buff from Advanced Magic permanently), or Alephan's Wisdom. I would recommend using this at a full boost for optimal damage output. Like Ochette, I use this as early as I can so it an refill as the battle goes on.
Favorite subjobs: Cleric. Osvald's base stats make him an excellent healer, and the extra magical stats do him nothing but favors; plus having access to Holy Light is useful when his latent is empty since it'll typically deal more elemental damage for less SP than one of his aoe spells, and Mystic Staff can restore his SP. Alternatively though arcanist will grant him the best magic stats possible. I also didn't mind using him as an apothecary high elemental defense means good healing, and he can be a decent support when he's not blasting enemies off the screen.
General: I tend to use him mostly as support, but he can deal decent damage when he's not supporting. Mostly he's a main support character for me though.
Latent power notes: Very useful for getting extra BP whenever you need it, and it tends to refill pretty fast so I use it liberally whenever I need BP.
Favorite subjobs: I tend to have Partitio mainly as an apothecary because it gives him a nice buff to his physical stats and more support skills to use (he doesn't make a bad healer either, especially with access to lots of BP from his latent). It also gives him access to a decent aoe attack (Sweeping Cleave) and Poison Axe, which are both handy to have. Alternatively, Paritio does okay as a warrior, thief, or hunter if I want to boost his damage-output, and inventor or dancer are good jobs to give him for extra support options (although I really only use dancer for the optional superboss). I'm thinking of trying him in the conjurer job for a while in my current run to see if the extra magic stats make Bifelgan's Bounty more useful for Partitio, since he seems to lean more physically for me than magically. (I hardly used conjurer except to get SP Saver my first run bc I couldn't figure out how to use it effectively, but I know it's gotta be useful somehow).
Other notes: If it wasn't obvious, the merchant job is one of my favorites as a subjob, and it gives Partitio a really nice set of skills. I don't actually use Sidestep that often and instead focus on things like Donate BP to boost my main damage-dealers in a pinch. Collect is a great skill bc I like having money.
General: Main support, and a secondary magical damage-dealer. I tend to focus her on supporting, but her high elemental attack (especially paired with the Mooneater dagger) puts her almost on par with Osvald. She also has access to Windy Refrain which moves ALL enemies' actions to the end of the next turn, which is super useful for turn manipulation (and like Leghold Trap, very powerful when paired with A Step Ahead).
Latent power notes: Honestly I rarely use her latent power. Mostly I use it in general battles when I have her subjob set to scholar so she can use a boosted Analyze on all enemies. It is useful for using Collect or Steal on all enemies as well, but again, there's very few bosses with multiple enemies that you can Collect/Steal from. I think I might be able to use the latent with the apothecary's Rehabilitate which would be very useful on occasion, but I've never tried it bc Agnea is so optimized for magic that the phys. aspects of the apothecary subjob don't seem to fit her. Might have to try that out at some point though.
Favorite subjobs: I tend to have her as a merchant (Bifelgan's Bounty is a very nice powerful single-enemy elemental attack for her), but she does well as a scholar (excellent stat boosts to her magical stats) or thief (nice boosts to speed/evasion). She should technically make a good cleric as well, but I've never tried it out since I usually have another cleric present when Agnea's in the team.
Dance session notes: Dance session comes into play any time you use a dance skill, including Dagger Dance, so if you have the right follower, you can really benefit from Agnea's dance session. For most of the game I've been dragging along an NPC from Cropdale who offers Calming Rhythm (restores 500 HP and 40 SP to the target), but there's a dance session called Celestial Chorus which grants 1 BP to the target, which is super useful in boss fights since extra BP means more boosted attacks. The Allure page on the Wiki (here) has a full list of the dance sessions, and potential NPCs who offer them. Dance session boosts the power of the support dances by granting extra support bonuses beyond buffing stats, and Agnea's probably one of the strongest support characters as a result.
General: Like Castti, I use Temenos half as support, half for dealing damage, but unlike Castti who I tend to rely on more for support, I rely on Temenos more for damage.
Latent power notes: His latent power is wickedly good for his Coerce path action, especially when paired with Sixfold Strike from the armsmaster job, and technically you could use it the same way in boss fights to break shields quickly, it's just...armsmaster is better on other characters in boss fights for the physical stat buffs it offers as a job (although Temenos did hit the 9999 damage cap when I had him as an armsmaster in one of the side dungeon boss fights, so Armsmaster!Temenos isn't entirely useless as a phys. damage-dealer). But Temenos's latent power + armsmaster + Full Power from the merchant class makes Coercion much easier.
Favorite subjobs: I tend to move Temenos around a lot in subjobs depending on what I need. He makes for a decent scholar due to the magical stats buffs, and dancer offers him decent stats as well and more support options, but my favorite subjob for Temenos is arcanist because it gives him access to light and dark elemental attacks, making the most of the Sunshade staff, and most importantly Reflective Barrier. See, my favorite thing to do with Temenos is have a dancer use Sealticge's Seduction on him, have him use Prayer for Plenty at full boost (hopefully on a team that's at full HP) to boost everyone's HP (up to possibly 9999), and then use Reflective Barrier and/or Sacred Shield at various levels of boost so I can yeet spells back at their caster(s) or otherwise cut down damage for a little while. Also arcanist offers really nice magical stats, and gives Temenos a good boost to his total SP pool, which is handy for when I do try to use his personal EX skill (bc of his personal EX skill, you will want to have something equipped that lets him regen SP, bc he can drain his SP really fast otherwise).
General: Main damage-dealer. Makes for a sturdy backup support when you need one though, but I focus on his high phys. damage stats.
Latent power notes: Very useful and somewhat similar to Ochette's latent skills. Depending on Hikari's SP and available skills, I either use Hienka at a partial boost, and then follow up with Brand's Blade, or Tenretsuzan at full boost. Alternatively, if I need Hikari to do some backup support or use another skill, I'll use Hienka at full boost, and then use his bonus action for whatever. Sougetsusen isn't bad as an aoe attack when you need it though. Like Ochette and Osvald, I use Hikari's latent early in the battle so it can refill and be used later.
Favorite subjobs: Hikari does great as a merchant because of the access to Rest, which makes his Challenge path action easier to use without using all your healing items. Also Rest restores SP, which is super useful for Hikari since he can burn through SP really quickly between his warrior skills and Learned Skills. When I don't have him as a merchant, I like to use him as my armsmaster bc it gives him the best phys. stat buffs, and giving Hikari a Blessing in Disguise with the armsmaster subjob means you can use a lot of high-power equipment with negative effects without suffering the negatives (you can do that for any of your armsmasters by the way). When I don't have him in those two jobs, he makes for a decent apothecary (not as good at the healing though) or hunter.
Notes on Learned Skills: Like Ochette's monsters, you can more or less have whichever Learned Skills you enjoy using, but I like holding onto Divine Dual-Edge from the Ch3 fight with General Rou since it's a useful aoe attack, and picking up Limb from Limb from the Sanctum Knight in Stormhail (enter the Sanctum Knight HQ, go down the left hall and knock out the guy standing in front of a room, then go into the room and the guy in there is the one you can learn Limb from Limb from). Limb from Limb offers a powerful 4x sword attack on a single enemy, and was the main skill used in the guide I found when I needed help with the optional superboss. You can find a list of Learned Skills on the Wiki as well (here).
Notes on Bosses
Most of the character story final bosses are pretty easy, or if they're tough it's bc of their stats and not battle gimmicks, so it's just a matter of chipping away their health. Here's a few battle gimmicks I'd keep an eye out for though:
Castti's final boss has an ongoing battle condition where the entire team's max HP is reduced every turn. You can bypass this with the Sealticge's Seduction + Prayer for Plenty tactic, but it's still risky (Angea ended the battle with a total of 5 HP on my current run). It's best to just try and finish this battle quickly. (Your team's HP will return to normal after the battle).
Throne's boss has the ability to lock the party's main job's skills (so Throne won't be able to use thief skills) until broken so subjobs are very important, and this boss can summon all of her previous bosses (not all at once, but over the course of the battle), so this can be a tough fight. There's a few other gimmicks this boss can access (I think subjobs can be blocked until the boss is broken at one point as well), so paying attention to what's happening in the battle and having a flexible battle plan will help. Either bring a lot of healers, or find a way to output a lot of damage so you can skip the prev. boss summons and gimmicks.
Partitio's final boss has three enemy units you have to defeat before the armor on the main boss's shield fall off. Dealings lots of aoe damage is useful for the first part of the battle. A Step Ahead + Agnea's Windy Refrain is probably useful as well (for my current run I did not have A Step Ahead equipped, and had to do quite a bit of healing in the first half of the battle).
Hikari has the most stages to his final boss. You have to fight a miniboss (which you can save after), the final boss part 1, then there's a cutscene and Hikari has to fight a battle via the Challenge path action, and then the final boss part 2. So just be prepared for like, a lot of battle segments.
(I also seem to remember something being kinda tricky about Ochette's final boss, but hers was the first story I completed on my first run, and it's the story I'm saving till last on my current, so I dunno if my troubles with her boss were "this was the first final boss I fought" or if there's actually something weird about the battle).
As for character levels, for my current run I started with Hikari's final chapter, then worked my way to Castti, Osvald, Throne, Agnea, Partitio, and I plan to do Temenos and Ochette next. As I noted earlier, Ochette, my starter, was at lv. 52-ish during Hikari's chapter, with my lowest level team members being at about 38-ish and I had to do some laps to get them to lv. 40. Right now, going into Temenos's final chapter, Ochette's level is in her mid-high 60s (which probably will be closer to or over 70 bc I want to explore some dungeon areas on the Sundering Sea before I head to Toto'haha), and my lowest level characters are like, 51 or 52, which is well above the rec'd lv. 45. So again, I don't think you have to level-grind for the character story final bosses, because just by fighting them and travelling to their locations, your characters are going to get stronger.
As for the two postgame bosses...
If you do want to level-grind, I would suggest the Infernal Castle, as it's the highest level area of the game at lv. 55. There's also ways to optimize the amount of exp and jp you get via passive skills and equipment, so make sure to move that around before you level-grind. Also I found bumping the game speed to x2, and using powerful aoe attacks made the grinding go so much faster (I only spent maybe 4-8 hours grinding total my first run? on a file where I put somewhere between 180-200 hours into, so basically no time at all for grinding). I would not rely on Bewildering Grace, Agnea party-wiped the team more often even than the optional superboss killed me, so it's just not a safe skill. Also if you fight the Infernal Castle's miniboss, it can show up as a random encounter, and I personally found that the exp gained from fighting it again wasn't worth the time spent. I gained more exp per minute just entering minor battles, smacking the enemies with a double-boosted aoe attack (from Step Ahead and Boost Start from merchant), and then moving onto my next battle (courtesy of Vigorous Victor from apothecary). It's tedious, but it does work.
I would suggest completing all the side quests before beginning the final chapter, as there's a lot of nice accessories and equipment you can get. Keep in mind that fighting the optional superboss is actually one of the side quests, so while you can track your completion of side quests by area in the Journal, one of the areas will be incomplete until you kill the optional superboss (you do not have to fight the superboss to complete the final chapter, and the ability to complete side quests opens back up after you defeat the final boss). The optional superboss is absolutely meant to be more difficult to defeat than the actual final boss.
Also there's technically four bosses in the postgame. Two minor bosses during the final chapter segments, the actual final boss, and the optional superboss. The two minor bosses are easy though, they're no stronger than the character story final bosses (although for my first run I had fought the optional superboss first, so I was waaay overleveled for the final chapter segments; still the two bosses couldn't do anything fancy as far as I could tell).
For the Actual Final Boss, I accidentally steamrolled this dude my first run bc I fought the optional superboss first and had misused my nuts and therefore had to level-grind to make up for stats. Half my characters were at lv. 80 and other other were at 74 or 75. I didn't even have my passive skills optimized bc I was expecting the "dungeon" the final boss is in to be an actual dungeon, not a flight of stairs with no enemy encounters. All the characters were in my preferred classes for them (Warrior!Ochette, Inventor!Castti, Hunter!Throne, Cleric!Osvald, Apothecary!Partitio, Merchant!Agnea, Arcanist!Temenos, and Armsmaster!Hikari, but not in that order bc I didn't optimize my party order either).
A few guides online list the recommended level for the final boss as being 72-75, but I wouldn't know bc again, lots of level-grinding (I plan to fight the final boss before the optional superboss for my current run, just to see the difficulty differences). You will get to use all 8 characters though, not in the same way as how the Galdera fight works in Octo1, but you will need all 8 characters for the battle, so keep that in mind. Overall I haven't heard/read about too many people having trouble with the final boss, so you should be fine using whatever your preferred battle strategies are with a full team that's at least in their low 70s level-wise.
The optional superboss is a terrible jerk, I hate this boss so much, and despite being Pretty Good at the game I had to eventually look up a guide. The guide I used is here (major spoilers obviously), although I will say I modified this person's strategy (for example, I optimized Osvald's critical stat, had Castti as a merchant, small changes like that). I will note this person manages to output enough damage to skip one of the mid-battle phases of the first half of the boss fight, and that the Hired Help Beastlings skill from the merchant class is needed for this mid-battle phase if you can't bypass it (if I'm being too vague and you don't care about spoilers, I can actually go through this entire boss fight stage-by-stage and explain the logic behind the guide and my adaptations to the guide). I'm thinking of modifying the strategy here further on my current playthrough, but overall this is the superboss for a reason. Extremely gimmicky, very high stats, very annoying, but also possible to beat in like, 10 minutes with the right setup.
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gazeoffice · 11 months
Since Limbus Company’s release we’ve gotten plenty of looks at E.G.O and what it’s like corroded and how that works, which has been pretty cool! It works differently than how we’ve been shown in Wonderlab, and I can’t say I agree with it, but overall EGO works completely differently. I thought I’d give a big infodump about my headcanons regarding EGO corrosion since many of my characters are suffering from it, and it’s nowhere near as temporary of an arrangement as it’s been shown in Limbus.
In essence, corrosion is a slow and often agonizing process typically brought upon by the wearer being “unqualified” to wear the gear. The wearer’s personal virtues aren’t strong enough to withstand the EGO, so the EGO erodes at the person until it completely overtakes them and changes them into something mostly unrecognizable. Due to the nature of humans, each case of corrosion is essentially personalized, though the symptoms are consistent. Corrosion very rarely can happen in tools through pure exposure, but this is going to focus more on gear.
EGO corrosion has a lot of factors that play into how it progresses. Things such as the wearer’s level compared to the suit’s, the wearer’s personality and emotional state, and their “compatibility” with the suit in question can all contribute to corrosion. The end result isn’t another abnormality, or a minion of the abnormality the suit came from- corrosion happens regardless of whether or not the abnormality can form a minion, and the resulting monster cannot produce enkephalin and is very much so mortal. It comes in stages and the speed at which it progresses varies on the aforementioned factors.
For instance, if you gave an aleph suit to a clerk to wear, their corrosion would be rapid and incredibly painful to undergo. If you gave a lv 3 agent some gear just one step above their level, the corrosion would be a lot slower and easier to catch. While curing EGO corrosion is in theory easy, as all you have to do is remove the suit, the wearers are usually incredibly reluctant to do so. Corrosion has a psychological effect on its wearer that makes them unwilling to remove the suit or recognize that there is something wrong, whether it be for their own gain or protection. There comes a point too where the suit fuses to the wearer, and the only way to stop it is to kill them and destroy the suit.
The beginning stages of corrosion are light and don’t manifest physically yet, the wearer simply complains of stiffness and aches in their body and displays slight behavioral changes in line with the abnormality in question. The second stage is when the body begins to change with most physical changes like horn growth, eyes changing color, etc. happening to match the suit. The physical symptoms worsen, though the wearer will play this off as a new ego gift or overworking. The suit can be safely removed in this stage, and this is when you’d want to catch it with little risk to the wearer. The third stage is when the suit begins to fuse and become more of a second skin. Depending on the person, additional abilities develop at this stage and are used frequently while their appearance degrades and becomes less human. The pain of corroding becomes near-unbearable, and outside of works the wearer becomes less and less social. At this point the wearer would likely be executed to cut losses. The final stage is transformation and the point of no return. The victim is typically drawn to someplace isolated to do so but it may happen unprompted at any time. Though the victim is a “monster.” their mind remains intact throughout the whole process. The pain and shock often results in them lashing out and attacking others, at that point they need to be suppressed to prevent employee loss.
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liliallowed · 7 months
snake dust lore
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tw child abuse/murder
tw jincan experimentation
tw illegal monster trafficking
tw death
he was born in an illegal black market monster trafficking site.
specifically the result of countless trials and errors with throwing monsters to each other's throats just to live. he survived being wiped out due to his speed and clocking ability. his siblings we're not so lucky.
the experiment was an ancient tradition that had been modernized and twisted into a sick display of the worse cruelty humans had to offer. jincan was banned ever since the human monster war era. though that did little to stop the humans from weaponizing LV. increasing it's potency through creating addicted mind slaves that would only be born to serve the purpose of being their exp.
then again... nature also had the same excuse but animals wouldn't be counting only feed out of instinct.
so many bites, so much poison running through his tiny soul that was one chip away from snapping into shards.
so much pain. and yet by some luck. by some faint glimmer of determination he'd barely make it out... one day after another barely surviving.
he was slowly developing a unique tolerance to the toxins. and finally being the "result" the humans were after... immunity to toxic magic? or was it to create a venom potent enough to kill thousands for their little weapons?
he knew he wasn't the only one... the humans made sure to have PLENTY of test subjects to kill off before letting "unnatural selection" do it's thing. he had competition...
the luxurious food, or the praises... the fake smiles they'd give him looking at him like he was some sort of object... he was too prideful to let himself fall for it.
he didn't care. he just wanted to get out.
after a while they stopped throwing him in the pit. instead they would directly forcefully inject him with whatever "safe dose" of deadly substance they had to make a "cure". and it was extracted from his competitors...
just another guinea pig that was one of the very few to make it to adulthood through a hellscape.
family? siblings? friends? why even bother when they'd just be used against you?
mates? just for these freaks to make more of his kind suffer? just to repeat the cycle? no. no he wouldn't play their dumb sick game.
if they wanted a monster he'd give them one. he'd kill all their PRECIOUS research results, then himself and burn the place down. it didn't matter. nothing mattered.
though it never came into fruition.
he eventually escaped containment as he was being transported to a bidder. he went into hiding unsure where and where to strike back. all he could do was wait.
it was what had kept him alive so far after all.
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daisydezem · 2 months
Summoner Lv 50/60/70/80/90
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This is a job I enjoy playing but don't do often enough! The Summoner and the summons just look awesome (well except for the horn but that I get from the final fantasy lore) Also being able to do some curing and raising is just awesome as a dps! Also the being able to summon Bahamut... just aweosme! And cute Carbuncle!
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kobold-text · 8 months
Advice for Players Changing Character
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Salutations! I have emerged from my den with some new advice! Sometimes as a player you're simply bored/dissatisfied with your current character, this can happen especially when you're new to the game and haven't played many classes yet. This is completely normal, you can just ask your dungeon master that you'd like to try something new, and can do a few different things. Change class but not character, In this the backstory, personality, and relationships stay the same but your class changes. This is my favorite as it's the least disruptive to the flow of the game and all you have to do is roll up a new character, if you want to try them all but are invested with your characters story this is perfect for you! Unfortunately this doesn't work in one shots (obviously lol) and shorter campaigns more focused on combat.
Playing an NPC, if you have a favorite NPC you like you could simply swap to playing it for a session to try out the class, having your character poisoned/sick for a session and the goal is to find the cure or maybe if you want a longer test run your character is more permanently incapacitated and a sibling/friend from their backstory is called upon to join the party, in this option there are no unnecessary character deaths and you can grow the coolness of both characters if you feel like changing back. Thirdly you could simply ask the DM to kill your character so you could make a new one, just make sure your party understands and you could use it as a surprising moment that sets tension for a boss fight or maybe it sets a grimdark setting. Anyhoo you're smart I'm sure you'll work it out. That is all for now I must return to the Kobald Kave™ Good luck with your characters and remember it's just a game and you can change your character at anytime!
(just don't bring in a new character and bring magic items to the table that were homebrewed from another campaign especially if it has rolled stats and the stat average is closer to an ancient evil than lv 3 adventurer it really throws your DM off and everyone knows you didn't actually roll 3 20's and yes your one 8 in charisma doesn't make your multiclass Echoknight, Mystic hybrid cool KEVIN!)
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ratsoh-writes · 20 days
Now I’m kinda interested, before he was cured how bad was the sickness/ what Lv
He was cured within hours of developing it, and it was before the crash. His first and only kill. You’ll have to check the masterlists for the whole story. I recommend the one introducing nomadtale ;)
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