elizakai · 9 months
More IDOL AU thoughts.
Oops :) I just um, ok.
I’m a spitballer, analyst, conceptualizer, visionary 😞✨whatever the heck. i get so many ideas and have to entertain SOME of those ideas. Legitimate ones and illegitimate ones… this is just for fun don’t take me to seriously.🫠
Uh oh. You looked. What have you done.
There’s a level of intrigue when it comes to the twins (ik, Ik, again.)
BUT THINK about it. If we are assuming that this au tones down some of the more, erm. Mystical elements of these characters. (Like, being basically gods and such) (also it can’t be said yet how far this goes! Does error still have glitches? Is nightmare corrupted? Does ink have a soul? Do the twins sustain some sort of empathetic abilities? Is killers soul thing normal? Who knows!!!) they would have different origins!! The twins are probably the most in depth of a switch, considering their origins are the MOST bizarre💀
assuming they aren’t buddy buddy (which they could be, we won’t know till zuchiyeni spreads forth their hand into the abyss and reveals to us the flames of canon ✨) they may have had some sort of falling out…
so ahem
Is Nim their mother.
if an alternate version of Nim(their mother/creator in dreamtale) is, in fact, their mother, it can be assumed they have been adopted in some way :) maybe not depending on how you would view uh, monster coupling💀 but they aren’t visibly of split heritage, and she isn’t a skeleton. In Dreamtale, Nim never put the effort into KNOWING the twins. If that carried over, it could cause some really interesting dynamics. Is NIM associated with the music or entertainment industry? 👀 imagine a cold, uppity Nim. Maybe she isn’t horrible, maybe she is, but She’s got expectations, and is distant.
in this hypothetical, we could question what path the twins really wanted to live. Did they ORIGINALLY want fame? Or did they feel trapped. Did they have to learn to navigate their own way? Do both of them leave her? One? Neither? Does she die? (within this concept , again.)
if she isn’t at all associated, did the twins have dreams and aspirations of fame? Did they….at some point…have a career together??? How sad would that be.
(maybe she isn’t their mother, maybe she’s someone they contracted under. Also YES she easily might not exist in this world I’m just having fun with potential parallels 🫠👏)
NOW. MY BRAIN DEMANDS TO CONSIDER THE OTHER DREAMTALE DEITIES. I could see Quetzalcoatl and Lanny being big in the music industry, which would be INTERESTING if those two and Nim were all affiliated with that life. It would make sense for them to still have the affiliation and possibly competition?
IT ALSO OPENS AGNST OPPORTUNITY. (And you know we love angst in this fandom.)
again, in dreamtale, let’s mention Lanny. Dreamtale is unfinished so keep in mind we don’t have 100% solid characterization, but the creator HAS discussed character personality and bias, and has carried the information to the making of the story so far.
Lanny …is implied to have…had a thing for her fellow guardian, Nim. Lanny hated Nightmare for what he did, for how he ruined everything with the corruption and destroying what’s left of Nim.
but she…also resented and despised Dream. Blaming them both for what happened, and with nightmare having gone rouge, all of that pressure then falls on dream. Dream, who had lived 6 years of life out of the hundreds he was trapped in stone.
She is, not sure how yet, the reason Dream was able to break free of stone, and she went on to mentor him. Train him. But she’s portrayed as being unnecessarily harsh and disdainful towards Dream. (IF WE INCLUDE Neil, yk the cat/ father figure/friend of dream, that would be interesting cause he really cares about dream and seemingly didn’t appreciate lanny’s treatment.)
(also I realize how deranged this sounds without context, there’s WAY to much of dreamtale lore to actually explain here so if you need more context go check out dreamtale lore💀I promise I’m not bs’ing, just criminally simplifying.)
ANYWAYS this is so unorganized. Adhd brain uh—
LANNY. Imagine Dream and Nightmare split ways for whatever reason. Dream signs a contract with this Lanny person. Lanny already knows who he is ofc, and he probably is familiar with her, as she knows their mother and probably has been keeping an eye on them. It would be interesting for Lanny to be a past ( or even current idk) contractor or something to Dream. I don’t imagine he’d have a lot of freedom in that space. She would have a lot of expectation too, and is rather unsympathetic and overworking. Maybe he pulls a t-swift and manages to escape that with the stars 😌 maybe not. Probably manipulative. Gaslighting even.
She could give “caring“ aunt energy.
“wouldn’t want to disappoint them, do you? Disappoint me? LOVELY! I knew you’d understand!”
IF DREAM GOES TO LANNY. What If Nightmare goes to Quetzalcoatl?
this seems odd. But hear me out. Quetzalcoatl is implied to be the one who ends up getting Nim killed in dreamtale. It’s complicated. Anyways, if he has it out for her, and Nightmare grows to resent his mother and/ or her way of doing things, a young nightmare going to the guy who “understands him” is interesting. It would give creepy uncle energy💀 but like. It also makes sense on some level because, again, in dreamtale, the person who attacks Nim and gets her killed is a human. The human is implied to have been a creation OF Quetzalcoatl. (Guardian of the life tree) said person gets killed and perished on the roots of the feelings tree. His um….consciousness is like. Absorbed into the negative side of the tree. (I am SO sorry if you haven’t read about this.) anyways. That GUYYYYYY. Yk nightmares corruption??? YEAH, THAT’S HIM!!! The voice that manipulates nightmare isn’t ‘just negativity’, dreamtale often highlights that negativity also has positive outcomes,just as positivity has negative outcomes, and that balance is important.. it was the GUY being involved that changed things :,) . I don’t think nightmare knows this actually? ANYWAYS NOT THE POINTTTTT. what I mean is. Quetzalcoatl manipulating nightmare makes sense, as he indirectly did so in dreamtale.
he could give vibes of the “cool” creepy uncle.
“They just don’t understand people like us, do they? They never will.”
I can imagine nightmare getting older and more self sufficient and being like F that. Especially as he makes his own friend (mtt trio? 🌸) and realizes he isn’t codependent. But maybe it changed him in a lot of ways.
maybe the twins were in a normal sort of family, and dreamt of life in the spotlight. Maybe one did and one didn’t. Maybe their entire family has more drama than “just them” does, and that complicated things for them. Maybe they’ve been trapped and manipulated and naive in this world too. And they had to grow up and find their way. Maybe those situations have affected them and their worldview. And…their relationship. maybe they weren’t little kids when they fell out, but young, unknowing adults who don’t know who they are and made messy mistakes that affected more then just themselves.
maybe Nightmare can’t stand being misunderstood, and seeing people taken advantage of. Maybe Nightmare needs to be heard, and he’s learned to translate this to music and such. Maybe Nightmare has an easier time being aloof and angry towards his family because it means his own feelings are valid. He enjoys the ability to connect with a lot of people, an audience, while being distanced. He can’t be hurt. He can flip off the people who have hurt him and make his OWN way. The ability to overcome people opinions of him, to prove his own worth to himself. His voice will be heard.
Maybe he want’s to be seen.
maybe Dream desperately needs to have a mask on, he’s not allowed to express himself openly. Maybe he’s confused and can only take on blame for things that have gone wrong. Maybe he feels indebted to this industry , or people around him. Maybe he enjoys the audience as individuals but feels isolated among them, undeserving. Maybe he’s guilty of the fame. Maybe he wants close connection. But people can only see him for the perfect image he puts foreword. Get too real, and people leave.
Maybe he fears being seen.
….ANYWAYS THATS ENOUGH FOR NOW. *snips off the list of concepts here*
Idol! Au belongs to @zucchiyeni
*runs away*
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theadventurerslog · 3 months
The Curse of Monkey Island | Part 9
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Long gap here, sorry. Last time I ended, it was time to explore a new area of the island to find out what was going on with the volcano and generally get more stuff I'd need, and right away I was met with a feast, but no people.
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I was able to grab a mug, auger and a big block of tofu: what every adventurer needs.
Then I carried on through the arch toward the volcano to meet a man in a lemon mask.
It's Lemon Head.
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He was part of the Monkey Island cannibals who Guybrush had met back in The Secret of Monkey Island. They moved away after the carnival settled onto the island. Constant noise and tourists, go to where a cannibal felt unsafe to walk alone. And pretty sure the midway games were rigged. So they moved here.
They also don't eat people anymore.
They underwent a 'paradigm shift in their belief system' several years back. There are several replies to this but one that is always irresistible.
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"Pair of dimes?"
The associated protesting text changes every time you hover over that option. How could you not choose it?
Aside from irritating Lemonhead--always fun minus the threats to eat me--the main point of interest here is the volcano. When they first arrived the volcano, Mt. Acidophilus, was regularly erupting, belching up lava, gross. They tried all kinds of sacrifices to try to appease Sherman the Volcano God until one day they tried brie and thing got real bad. Sherman is lactose intolerant and seems to have a very touchy stomach in general--fatty foods can give terrible indigestion too. So they have him on a strict diet of fruits and vegetables.
Another ritual offering was about to happen but they were waiting for an emissary from another village who is very late now, but had better be a vegetarian and non-cannibals are forbidden from witnessing it.
I needed a way to see their ceremony and they were waiting for their vegetarian emissary.
Tofu time!
The chisel or the auger can be used on the block of tofu to make a mask, which you then put on for the glory of a giant block of tofu over Guybrush's head.
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But it worked and I was allowed into the ceremony.
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"God of the Volcano who resides in Mount Acidophilous... Accept this sacrifice we make unto you... in the form of flesh with high amounts of fiber and wholesome cellulose... free of all fat and trans-fatty acids... so that it might nourish you and bring your favor upon our humble village... and not upset nor agitate your Ulcertive Caldera... Okay boys... toss 'im in! You've been a wonderful audience! Thank you and good night!"
Then they hang out roasting marshmallows and I was free to do things.
I'm sorry for this, Sherman. I tossed a bit of the nacho cheese into the volcano.
"You fool! You've given cheese to a lactose intolerant volcano god! Do you know what that means? You've brought about the Coming of the Divine Dysentery!"
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Yeah... as a fellow in lactose intolerance, I'm sorry, buddy, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
The volcano erupted.
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And that got the lava flowing under the barbecue at the hotel.
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And now there's just lava running through its paths on Blood Island and it is cool looking!
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Goodsoup, was of course thrilled and the tourists will come pouring back.
It was time for me to get that tar replacement for Haggis.
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I dumped my cheese into the pot and once melted it looked like just like yellow tar. Guybrush dragged it back and Haggis approved: "The consistency of tar... but with a tangy pepper taste!"
And I got the slippery greasy hand lotion.
We were told by Goodsoup that there used to be a ferry that crossed over to Skull Island where a diamond could be found, but it stopped coming after the lighthouse went out.
I had the mirror I took from the hotel, so I went back to the lighthouse to put that back in place.
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I still needed a light source.
I'm not sure if I remembered to mention getting the tip jar from the hotel, but it was something I was able to grab once Goodsoup was cure of his hangover--Guybrush was totally taking it to fill it with tips. There were also fireflies in the clearing where Elaine is, so that's light, but they were going to enter an empty jar.
There was a barrel of sugar water at the windmill. The door was still locked. Umbrella to the rescue.
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I used it to hook onto one of the windmill blades and was carried to the top where the barrel was. I filled the jar with sugar water and was able to walk back down.
With the jar of sugar water I was able to catch some fireflies.
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There are two mistakes that can be made with the fireflies: no putting the lid on the jar, so they simply leave again, or not poking holes in the lid (chisel again! or auger) before putting it on and then they die...
While I was there anyway, I used the hand lotion to get the ring off Elaine's finger. The cursed ring explodes into nothing and now I just needed the complete diamond ring.
I brought the light back to the lighhouse and with a mirror and fireflies the restoration was complete.
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I returned to the little beach bay area to meet The Lost Welshman.
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He was, well, lost out in the mist and refused to make a return trip to Skull Island without a compass.
If a reminder is needed the encyclopedia was one of the items that was kept from Puerto Pollo with the still legible entry:
"A compass is a magnetized bit of metal, floating in a solution."
I needed to make a compass which I had all the materials for:
Fill cup with the sea water Use Big Whoop magnet with the needle to magnetize it Stick the magnetized needle in the cork Put the needle cork in the mug o' water.
One working compass and good enough for The Lost Welshman.
He sailed me over to the dread Skull Island...
"Even the bravest of men must dread the horror of this place. Steel your courage boy! Now! Before you gaze upon the terrible, horrible face of... SKULL ISLAND!"
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A very dramatic scene to which Guybrush can only exclaim, "That's a duck! It looks like a great big, enormous duck! It should be called Duck Island!"
The Lost Welshman says you need to squint and turn your head a bit and oohhh so scary.
Guybrush: "If you squint and turn your head it looks like a bunny."
This exchange lives in my head.
Anyway, the not-so-scariness of this island aside, he did warn us to beware of King Andre, the greatest smuggler in the world. He runs the smuggling ring here and is as ruthless as he is bald. They make their home in the glowing cave that could be seen from the shore.
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Little bit of story-time. My memory is a bit fuzzy on this, but from what I can recall I had caught a brief look of and heard a bit of the The Lost Welshman when my parents were playing. Then also at around that time dad had, but in a hard to tell if he was being serious, sort of ominous, sort of joking sort of way, had made a comment about Guybrush dying, gasp.
I have no idea how far I'd seen into the game at this point, but definitely hadn't gotten to the fake death of spiked hangover cure. I was probably still back at Puerto Pollo. Regardless, dark, very death-like ominous figure plus that comment stuck with me, and very reasonably, I expected them to be connected!
It wasn't a letdown per se, but you can imagine my surprise when I did eventually reach this point and was met with this life-jacketed, sandwich eating, bit cranky but okay fellow and he simply took me to Skull Island while the 'death' wasn't a death after all. I suppose don't judge a book by a barely seen cover? It's some misunderstanding that has stuck with me ever since.
Anyhoo, I needed a way to get into the smuggler's cave and the only was up to cliffs at the top, where I found a man, LaFoot, and a dumbwaiter.
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Beautiful view up there.
LaFoot was only filling in for someone else and didn't exactly know what he was doing but offered to let me use the dumbwaiter despite how rickety it seemed and not being built for much. It wasn't like there were many options though, so it was time to take the plunge.
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While Guybrush falls there's the opportunity to use items, or let him fall all the way down to the rocks, but he's fiiine, lovable cartoon character and all. To get down safely you need to use the umbrella while plummeting which will let him float gently down to the smuggler's cave entrance.
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Where I met King Andre and his assistant, Cruff.
Andre is voiced by Dave Fennoy who also voiced the pawn shoppe owner in King's Quest VI. As I recall I commented then that he'd voiced someone in this game, and here he is. And Danny Delk, who voices Murray, was King Otar in King's Quest VII.
They have a whole James Bond villain type exchange culminating in Guybrush asking if he expects him to talk and
"No, Mister Threepwood! I expect you to buy!"
"Is it madness to sit in a cave at the top of a deserted island accumulating vast amounts of gold and jewels and stuffed animals... stockpiling plunder from across the entire Caribbean and passing the savings on to you? Is that madness? Or GENIUS?!?"
All through the conversation options, periodically LaFoot would open the door to say various things and get yelled at for letting the wind in and risking the candles blowing out.
Then we got down to business and I had the chance to ask about merchandise which opens up a completely optional fun item.
I got a little LeChuckie doll toy. He paces back and forth spouting off the usual sort of cutesy toy sayings before ending each round with something threatening and nasty. It's great.
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And he was aaall mine. "I'll be haunting ye into the hereafter!"
Then we got down to business. I needed to buy the diamond and I had a whole lotta money. Unfortunately, he wanted an awful lot of money. However, he and Cruff are fond of poker and were willing to play a hand for the diamond.
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You do need to have some money for the buy in and that where the whole lotta money from the life insurance comes in.
Once started you're given a pretty crappy hand: two of spades, three of hearts, four of clubs, eight of clubs and king of diamonds. You can keep losing and keep trying with the cards getting sillier and sillier. You can also add some card like things to your hand as well resulting in things like "a squadron of demon-trolls, a High Priestess of Darkness... and, uh, Stan, Lord High King of Life Insurance Needs."
Ultimately though, it was time to win with a five of a kind: the five death tarot cards. Even they couldn't beat five of a kind. ....But could Guybrush beat a pair? A pair of murderous smugglers?
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As things started to look bad, LaFoot opened the door again letting in a gust of wind and blew out the candles. Chaos ensued. Andre and Cruff tried to attack Guybrush but it was too dark to see what they were doing and they ended up fighting each other instead.
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Guybrush made his escape and got back to the ferryman, though he had one last thing to do before leaving which was dropping LaFoot down the dumbwaiter... Bit of grudge holding there. I'm sure LaFoot was fine too...
Once back on Blood Island the Ferryman decided it was time to pursue other opportunities. He heard there was still an opening for a chef on Scabb island (another Monkey Island 2 throwback) and sails off. Except, oops, Guybrush forgot to tell him the magnetized pin would only hold its compass-like properties for a short time. Oops. Oh well!
And with another task complete it was time for another scene at Monkey Island which opens on a roller coaster through the giant monkey head.
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The riders are plunged into lava, coming out as skeletons on the other end, more recruits for LeChuck's undead army.
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And we see Dinghy Dog reporting to LeChuck that he's found them! They're on Blood Island.
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Not looking good for Guybrush and Elaine and next time we'll see how that goes.
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black-emo-nymph · 1 year
Chubby reader x yandere oc
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This is like my second story post so idk what's to put here, there is violence, like a slap it's not that bad you just heard it but yea, and bullying, uhmmm, if there's anything else I should say tell me pleaseee, ALSO bffr tell me if my writing trash, like before you leave, just tell me
This is a cliche story, or at least it's supposed to be, the lead is black in my head but anyone can read,
You walked through the halls staring at your shoes with a small smile because they were so cute / pink platforms that match your favorite shirt witch was 'marshmallows and puppy' tie dye, thigh highs and a pink skirt, friendship bracelets and a small pink bag/ your dad toke you shopping the day before. You stood out in your school, in your town in general, everyone here was so plain and closed minded. But you did care what they thought you thought you looked cute, they'd come around.
life flash before your eyes as you hit the ground, face first " fat ass clown" Sabrina, the meanist girl you ever meet, just embarrassed you in front of the whole school. You couldn't help the tears that prickled your face as you picked up the stuff that fell out your pink bunny bookbag. You looking up at a hand that pick up your pack of marshmallows, Sabrina, then she opened the bag and dumped it on your head.
"Were you gonna eat that, sorry, you didn't need them anyway"
You cleaned up the mess she made, then ran to class, your sit was right next to your ex best friend, Cory, he had stopped talking to you a week ago, after him and rylie, /Sabrina's best friend,/ got together.
"Hey chubby bunny, got a pencil"
You gave him one, /why? Because it's the nice thing to do/ you heard a chuckle behind you. /you didn't bothering to turn around/
A boy tall pale and lanky sitting behind you, toke your book bag and put it next to his.
"Sit here princess"
You tried to grab your bookbag and go back to your sit but he grab it before you, "come on, sit" he patted the sit, "please let g-" you are interrupted by the teacher /and Cory's mother in law/ walking in.
"Take a sit please L/n"
You sat next to him, pulling out the book your class was working on that week. "My names Vincent, can I get your princess" you turn to him and put your hand out " Y/n l/n, I hope we'll be good friends" he took your hand with a chuckle.
As you started taking notes, you heard him mumble "this is so cliche" you were gonna ask him what he meant, but he was texting and you didn't want to bother him.
The bell rang singling the end of another class, you walk to lunch with Vincent/he kinda just followed you/, it turns out he's new to the school and really nice, he cursed a lot though. /he said three cuss words in a two words sentence/ your day was looking up actually, you made a friend, liked your new teacher /your pretty sure the last one hated you/ and haven't seen- "fatty" then you were covered in some red liquid, juice, by Cory /you can put up with name call but not that/ you are not forgiving that, this shirt is new.
You jinxed it, /on the bright side it's strawberry, so it'll blend in with your shirt (a bit) / you grab a napkin and try to clean you shirt, then you hear, a smack, it was loud, really loud, you look up once you're done cleaning your shirt/Sabrina broke up with her boyfriend like every week, bet you can't guess why/ when you look up all eyes are on you, /which is weird because no one in school cares about you/ and Vincent, and Cory, who had looked like he just got a back hand in the face
Then Vincent grabbed him by the calour, whispering in his ear /what in the house of houses/
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Isn’t it normal to assume that if someone says that you are eating like a pig (in the amount of food) it’s indirectly telling you you are a pig? Especially if you are struggling at losing weight? And I’m already counting kalories and put an effort to do more sport? And they know it’s a sensitive topic for you?
Because for my mother is just “telling the truth as it is” and she wasn’t calling me a pig and it’s only a way of saying things. (Hypocrite because we need to modulate and be careful with our way of speaking around her)
I am pre-period I am extremely grumpy and emotional and I’m bloated more than normal so I believe I have the right to be upset and take offence.
But I need a unbiased option especially since I see my father siding with her while most of the time he remains neutral. I’m terribly sorry for dumping this here but you are probably the most straightforward and kind and down to earth person that I need rn...
Also your blog is always on my dash and it’s a delight every time :) 💕💕
I'm not a licensed nutritionist or psychologist, and thankfully I've never had this kind of relationship with my mother but that means I can't draw on personal experience.
I'm a direct person so I would ask my mom to talk privately (or text her if she isn't available to talk) I would tell her that I understand she may be saying this with the intent to encourage me to be healthy, but that saying "you look like a pig" doesn't do that. Instead, it just makes me upset. It makes me want to abandon the efforts I'm doing to lose weight through healthy methods because clearly I'm not meeting her standards of weight loss.
I would ask her how she thinks she would react if I said she "looked like a pig" and that I was just calling it like it is if she said she felt insulted. Saying "look LIKE" doesn't make it any less hurtful. If I said she was "acting LIKE a bitch" it would be synonymous with saying she was a bitch (don't say this if it'll cause shit but...I'm just saying lol)
Anyway I think your mom's in the wrong and you have every right to be upset, esp with how hypocritical she's being. If I wanted to be an asshole (pls don't if it'll start shit) but I would say "Mom, I'm counting my calories, I'm exercising regularly, and weight loss is a slow process. If I really am a pig, then the only fast weight loss I'm gonna be able to achieve to meet your standards is cutting off my shanks, my hooves, or maybe my chops. You got any meat cleavers? You wanna recommend me a butcher to get the juiciest fatty bits cut off? Because otherwise it'll take a few months the usual way."
And then I'd passive aggressively link her every study I can find showing the evidence that fast weight loss methods usually result in a rebound if not more weight gain until she gets the message lol
Aa someone trying to eat healthier and build up strength, I'm with you anon. Weight loss is a slow process best done with lifestyle changes you can actually sustain. I've been losing weight gradually for a few years and I know it's discouraging when you're trying so hard without seeing a big whoosh, but it is worth keeping at eating healthy and exercising even if the number doesn't change after a month or two!
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dammbi · 3 years
Bsd + Y/N as dumb shit my friends and I have said pt. 2
Chuuya: Dazai, DON’T even start with Joe—
Dazai: ...
Oda: I’m very concerned for the both of you.
Atsushi: But that’s ok, because we can learn from our mistakes and eventually grow from them and get along.
Dazai: Yeah, we’ve already learned so much from each other and I still love you all.
Atsushi: Even Chuuya?
Dazai: HA!
Dazai: Nope! Didn’t even know he was included!
Chuuya: Death can wait, that thing is scary as shit.
Dazai: I want death.
Dazai: Please let me die.
Atsushi: *Does anything*
Y/N: Yay! Atsushi did something!
Dazai: Great, everyone does something with their life, more reasons to commit suicide!
Dazai: Time to make a permit decision to solve a temporary problem :)
Y/N: Relatable, but also— daZAi nO—
Chuuya: I’ll break your face.
Dazai: You can’t reach my face.
Chuuya: Dazai, you know how short tempered I am, we aren’t doing this today where you piss me off the entire time.
Dazai: s h O r T temPeREd, get it? Cause you’re like 5’3”?
Yosano: I want a girlfriend.
Ranpo: Same.
Dazai: I want to be happy but we can’t all get what we want all the time.
Y/N: My life is like a Lewis Capaldi song.
Dazai: My life is like a really good cake, crumbling.
Dazai: I’ll fight a first grader, I don’t care.
Chuuya: Dazai, you have the IQ of a first grader.
Dazai: And you have the height of a first grader. Shall we continue?
Dazai: I didn’t think so.
Y/N: I’m sad though because they didn’t have worm on a string.
Kenji: Boo! Without worm on a string, what is this world?
Y/N: Nothing, now I have to die, there is no reason to live anymore.
Dazai: Take me with you 😩
Y/N: Hey Dazai, what’d you get on the ADA safety precaution recap?
Dazai: If my score was a bird, it would be a crippled ostrich.
Dazai: I’d rather name my kid something stupid like Swiss cheese or something.
Y/N: Name it Flying Gorilla.
Dazai: That’s dumb, are you high??
Y/N: You’re going to name it fucking Swiss cheese, don’t even start.
Dazai: I have croutons.
Y/N: I have depression.
Dazai: Same.
Y/N: The end of Ratatouille hit me with a wave of serotonin.
Dazai: I wish that I would also be hit.
Dazai: With a wave of bullets.
Y/N: Dazai—
ADA: It iz what it iz.
Y/N: *Texting the ADA gc* I might just feed the president’s cat ranch 😼
Fukuzawa: DO NOT.
Y/N: He looks like he’s asking for it though 😩
*A few minutes later*
Y/N: I got the president’s cat into ranch.
Fukuzawa: Update; she FED MY CAT RANCH.
Y/N: He needs rehab.
Dazai: *Sends a picture of a truck* That truck got the fattie 🥵
Y/N: They call it a dump truck for a reason.
Chuuya: What if I die?
Dazai: Don’t, I’ll be jealous.
Wow, those sewer slide jokes I made really just hit different and made it so much easier to write these quotes when Dazai exists 🧍‍♀️
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venting-journal · 3 years
Well update time.
My half siblings and the rest of my family know about me now and most have been okay with it.
On the work front I had to quit the job I had when writing the last post due to medical issues. I tried working somewhere else, thinking it would be easier on me but it wasn't and my health started declining even further. I worked there for four weeks so I had nothing to protect my job and the last week I had an incident with a customer that lead to the worst anxiety attack of my life. My coworkers and manager said everything would be fine but my anxiety really messed with me after that. Eventually my medical issues were getting so bad at work that I couldn't see straight and would move around almost in a confused state like my mind couldn't keep up with what was going on around me. I left work early to go to urgent care and all they could do was tell me to take ibuprofen which helped with the pain but my mind still reacted as if it was there. I was then given the option of quitting and being able to apply again once my medical stuff was taken care of or I'd have to not miss any days or leave early or else I'd get fired and wouldn't be welcomed back. I decided to quit because I didn't want to lose a job opportunity for when I was better. Looking back on that job I realized how safety wasn't a concern to them (which is one of the reasons I ended up with my anxiety attack) so I won't be applying there in the future. Currently I'm unemployed but not receiving unemployment because they deemed my case as quiting for unnecessary reasons.
My health issues, as I believe I stated in the previous post, I believe were the result of a 3 inch cyst on my right ovary with the ovarian tube wrapped around it. I thought it was causing my pain and sickness and I went to the doctor many times prior to my last job and throughout it. They had me take so many blood tests I can't even remember the number but they kept finding nothing except for problems with my liver (fatty liver disease, unrelated to my symptoms). Eventually they sent me to a surgeon to hear his opinion on whether the sister should come out or not. He said it wasn't what he would consider big and that in a 3 months they'd check the size again to see if it was growing. It was but slowly and so he decided to go ahead with an operation scheduled on the 1st of March 2021. He informed me that the symptoms I was having were most likely unrelated to the cyst and that taking it out would most likely provide no relief. There was also concern that I had endometrioma (like endometriosis but in the ovary) which resulted in what is called a chocolate cyst (a cyst full of blood) because in the ultrasounds the ovary with the cyst on it was enlarged. My health continued to decline but wasn't as bad without the stress of work. My surgery went well and I actually had a funny moment when I came to because I couldn't speak (they had a tube down my throat during the surgery so it was very hard to speak once it came out) so I tried using what little sign language I knew to spell out "Mom". She was the one that came with me and I actually was able to leave fairly quickly. When I got back to my boyfriend's house my Mom stayed with me until late at night and my grandma came shortly after we arrived because they were worried my boyfriend wouldn't take care of me. When he came home from work he was surprisingly attentive which eased my family's worries. As the days progressed he became less attentive, probably because I wasn't in enough pain to take my pills, but I still could not move around easily and would get extremely dizzy randomly. Eventually my post Op came up on St Patrick's Day and the surgeon told me I was healing just fine and that I actually didn't have endometrioma.
Now with my relationship that's the day it took a turn. Despite getting good news and heading to my Grandma's for dinner my boyfriend decided once we were in front of her house to tell me he wasn't sure if he needed a break or if he wanted to break up with me. He said he only wanted me to have a safe place to recover from my surgery (I wasn't fully recovered, just recovering well) which gave the impression he had been thinking this for a while. He then left me there and because my Grandma was busy she didn't hear me outside so I was stuck out there alone with what he had said running through my head for a half hour. The night was pretty much ruined and it took me a couple hours to stop crying. He apparently went to go hang out with friends after he had left me and I asked him if I should move out to which he said yes. My family wasn't ready for me to move back in with them so he agreed to let me stay at least until they were ready. When he returned home we had a really bad fight that sent me into a panic attack and he tried to comfort me. He decided that he wanted to take a break and for the next two days he was very affectionate which confused me. He and his brother (the other person living with us at the time) left to go visit their Mom and that was when my family came to move me. I was officially moved out 4 days after St Patrick's Day. A week passed and he and I talked over text, I was still having a hard time coping, and he eventually decided we could hangout again but still be on a break. That didn't last long and we turned into a sort of long distance relationship. He wanted me to get a therapist and a job, saying I'd need them if I wanted to go on a trip with him at the end of the summer. Well after everything with my past jobs, the surgery, and my mental state I was too scared to start working again. I told him that I would get a therapist first and move from there which he seemed fine with at first. My search has so far been a failure and every time he would ask about it and I'd tell him I still hadn't found one he'd get mad. I eventually started telling him that I didn't want to talk about it with him and to please stop asking but he didn't. I tried to work on myself even though I still hadn't found a therapist and I felt like I was making progress although I had a bad day here and there. That brings us to last Friday, April 30th, and I was feeling insecure. With all the times he had dumped me before I was constantly on edge feeling like I had to do everything right in order to make him accept me. My insecurities got the best of me, through some of our texts he started to stop acknowledging me saying "I love you" and I got scared and upset. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and asked what was going on... That was a mistake.... He misunderstood and twisted my words thinking I was accusing him of ignoring me so we ended up in another fight all over a misunderstanding. He ended up dumping me again claiming I had been making no progress finding a therapist or a job and was accusing me of not trying. He accused me of using him as an excuse not to do it. I told him that wasn't true and that I was trying but he didn't care and didn't believe me but he still wanted to be friends.
Since then we've had more fights, me trying to explain how I feel about the situation and him ignoring it and saying it was just an endless cycle pretty much admitting he didn't have faith in me in the first place so he didn't try. When I pointed out all of this to him and told him how I felt he said I was just being mean and saying shitty things about him. We've kind of calmed down now although I'm still really upset and feel used and betrayed. Today I told him that if he really wanted to be friends I would try but now he seems to have changed his mind and says he needs time.
Overall things have been really shitty with a few good moments sprinkled in between. Every time I'd start improving he'd dump me and say I wasn't. It was very toxic and I told him I wouldn't deal with it anymore. I told him that if he wanted to be friends he'd have to work on himself as well.
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Anyway I've been ranting for long enough. I hope anyone who actually reads this has a wonderful day/night.
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It’s Vegas, Baby - Chapter II
Summary: Nesta goes out to the store and so does Cassian. Classic Nesta, she thinks he’s stalking her. Trust me it’s more interesting than it sounds lol(I hope)
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I'm back on my grind yall *sunglasses emoji*
Feyby- Feyre(its supposed to be like feyre and baby put together cause shes the baby of the family)
Nestella- Nesta(its supposed to be nesta and nutella. u will learn more later;)
Tiny Ancient One- Amren(kinda self explanatory)
Mor Boobiez Plz- Mor(idk i just thought it was funny lol)
"I'm home!" Nesta calls out to Feyre. She can smell pizza and instantly strides towards the kitchen, where she finds Feyre with a large cheese pizza still in the box, half-eaten.
"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if you and Cassian finally acknowledged the sexual tension between yourselves and fucked."
"Feyre! That is not appropriate to say at all! Cassian and I are barely colleagues, we will never be anything so stop with your meddling!" Nesta replied, trying to will down a bright red blush. Feyre and her boyfriend, Rhys, had this insane idea that she and Cassian were made for each other, it didn't help that Cassian was constantly flirting with her either.
"We're back!" Mor and Amren had just gotten home from some party, with Mor holding Duchess, their shared Chinese Crested Dog. When the four of them bought a penthouse together Feyre and Mor wanted a dog, and Nesta and Amren didn't. After begging and pleading with her sister and friend to please give him away after they adopted him they finally decided to just lock her, Amren, and Duchess in a room together. They all became friends, and they found out that Duchess was, in fact, a boy. They had been calling him Duchess for too long, though, so when they called him Duke he wouldn't reply so the name just stuck. When the rest of their inner circle found out-"the rest" being Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys- they didn't stop teasing them for days. In their defense, he had a very small you-know-what and he was a very ladylike boy.
"Bring my baby boy to me! Oh I wove you so much you wittle cutie pie!" Feyre was letting Duchess lick her face, making Nesta gag. Sure she loved the dog, but seriously, he licks his butt.
"Ugh, Mor, your cousin is working me to the bone! And he won't stop trying to push me and Cassian together! He thinks he can push us together just cause we “have hella sexual tension”! Also, I was thinking about this last night, Rhys is dating Feyre and if I'm Feyres sister and he's Cassians brother, that's literally incest!"
"You know they aren't actually brothers, right? They're just best friends." Mor replied, trying not to laugh at Nesta's flustered expression. She put down Duchess and reached for a slice of pizza. Everyone knew that it was just a matter of time before Nesta and Cassian got together. Nesta and Mor were the only single people in the house, not including Duchess. And Mor was just recently dumped so she was in a big love life meddling mood. Amren was dating some guy named Varian, and Feyre... Well, let's just say that it's a miracle that she's here right now and not out getting nailed by Rhys.
"I know that, but still. They refer to themselves as brothers."  
"So you're saying that if they didn't call themselves brothers you would have sex with Cassian! I knew it!"
"No, Feyre, I am not saying that! Besides, he flirts with everyone so even if I was into him- which I am not - we probably wouldn't become a thing."
"Keyword being probably." Mor says with a smirk.
"Enough of all this bickering, I'm hungry and bored so someone turn on the T.V. while I make some popcorn." Amren quickly breaks them up before Nesta tears off someone's head.
Cassian pulled up at the townhouse he shared with his brothers. All the lights were turned off which meant that Az was sleeping, or not home. The former was more likely because Az usually got pizza on his rest nights and there were three cold slices of meat lovers pizza left. Cassian was so hungry, he ended up eating them cold. He fought back a moan at how delicious the pizza was. He would never understand how Nesta was able to be a vegetarian. Shit. He had been such a dick to Nesta earlier. She was genuinely concerned about him and he had just pushed her away.
Cassian pulled out his phone and checked instagram. Mor had posted a photo of her and Amren with their dog, Duchess, at a party. He didn’t know if he should laugh or cry at the fact that a misgendered dog had a better social life than he did.
“Ugh, Feyre, Tomas and his little gang showed up at work last night.” Nesta and Feyre were chilling in the kitchen, the latter making a breakfast spread that would put Disney Channel moms to shame. Amren and Mor were nursing killer hangovers, so Feyre made sure to bang around a ton in the kitchen.
“Again? A-fucking-gain? Nuthin new, nuthin changed? Same old shit. Same old fuckin shit.” Feyre replied, forgetting that Nesta had no idea what that reference meant.
“I told them to leave and that I almost had the money to pay them back, but Tomas just slapped my ass and said ‘sEe YoU oN yOuR nExT sHiFt’ then he got up and left.”
“You do realize that we could end all of this by just telling Rhys? I know you have this whole thing about your pride and shit, but we could tell Rhys and he could pay off all your debts to him.”
“Feyre, I appreciate it, but I need to fight my own battles. I got myself into this mess, so I sure as hell can get myself out of it. Plus, I don’t like the idea of feeling like I owe my current employer money.”
“Okay, can we yell about Nesta's issues at some time other than 6am? Also, is that bacon I smell?” Mor walked in holding her head and wearing one of Nesta's sweatshirts with some leggings.
“Yes, fattie. And it’s like, 10:30.” Feyre slapped Mor's hand away from a stack of pancakes cooling on the countertop.
“And I do not have any issues, Mor. I’m not the one that went partying with a dog last night.”
“Nesta, that is exactly the reason why you have issues. If you went partying with Duchess, maybe you would loosen up a bit. God knows you need it.”
“Brat.” Nesta threw a piece of toast at Mor's head.
“Thanks! Hey, Feyre, pass the butter.” Feyre slid the butter across the counter and cursed loudly when it just slid on the floor at Mor's feet. Facedown.
“Really, Feyre?” Nesta said in an exasperated tone.
“I’m sorry! I thought she would catch it!”
“That was our last stick of butter, you absolute dingbat!” Nesta sighed and picked up the keys to her car.
“Where are you going?” Mor asked, ever the worried friend thinking she had caused a family feud.
“To the store. We need more milk and eggs anyways. Tell me if you guys are gonna go out while I’m gone.” Nesta walked out the door of their spacious apartment and made her way over to the elevator, pressing the ground level button. She stormed over to her car, got in, and slammed the door shut. On her way to the store, she noticed that one of the local book stores was having a sale. She tried to ignore the voice in her head telling her that she had piles of unread books in her room, and all over the other communal areas of the apartment. She would just pop in after picking up the groceries. No big deal. She could restrain herself. Maybe.
Cassian woke up and made his way down the stairs towards the kitchen at 10am.
Hey sorry don’t be mad but here’s the shopping list. I had to go out.
“Unbelievable.” Cassian sighed and picked up the piece of paper attached to Azriel's little note and crumpled it up. Then he uncrumpled it because he remembered he needed to see what it said. Cassian walked up to his room and threw on a sweatshirt, some slip-on vans, and grabbed his keys. He couldn’t remember why they decided to share groceries. He wanted to in the beginning, but now that he woke up without any food in the house because his brothers had eaten all of it he was thinking or re-evaluating that decision. Cassian slid into his car and made his way to the store.
When Nesta pulled up at the store she checked her phone and saw that Feyre had sent her a text while she was driving.
Feyby*: heyyyyyyyyy nes can you pleeeeeeeeeease get me some chocolate while you’re out :)?
Nestella*: k. anything else? im walking in now by the way
Feyby: nope! thank you love you! :)
Nestella: love you too
Nesta made her way towards the dairy aisle and picked up some 2% milk, a pack of four sticks of butter, and eggs. She quickly walked over to the candy aisle and began studying all her options, she took candy selecting very seriously.
Cassian walked into the store and quickly picked up all the stuff on the list. Once he got to the last few items written he realized he wanted ice-cream for a movie night with the boys. He walked over to the dairy aisle and picked up a tub of cookies n’ cream right when Nesta Archeron stormed past him towards the candy aisle. He followed her because, well, he wanted to talk to her. But he needed to act like he wasn't stalking her cause she might yell at him.
“Mother Above, Cassian! You scared the shit out of me don’t you dare do that ever again!”
Oh well.
“How did you not hear me coming? Are you really that focused on chocolate?”
“I’m selecting some chocolate for Feyre, and she is very picky so I was focused on reading what the ingredients were in each bar.” She seemed to have recovered from the scare because she just grabbed a random chocolate bar and stormed past him.
“Obviously you don’t care that much if you’re willing to just grab a random bar and walk away!” Cassian yelled at Nesta. Some other shoppers began to stare at him so he quickly said “Don’t worry, we work together. I know her, I’m not some random creep haha.” That just got him more strange looks though so he just made his way towards self-checkout and paid for the items and skirted outta there.
Nesta was so embarrassed while walking away from Cassian. People were staring at her! Ugh, Cassian needs to learn to not yell in public places. She walked over to her car after checking out and loaded her groceries into the boot. She needed a black iced coffee stat. Nesta began the quick drive to one of the local coffee shops and once she arrived she quickly sent the girls a text letting them know where she was.
Nestella: hey bitches im getting coffee you hoes want anything
Feyby: i want a mocha frappe pleeease              
Tiny Ancient One*: just get me a black americano girl
Mor Boobiez Plz*: i wanna iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel
Nestella: okay for everyone except Mor cause wtf that's not even an item on the menu
Mor Boobiez Plz: it is i swear! just ask them for it they did it when i asked!
Nestella: fine
“What can I get for you?” The guy working the register asked in a very monotone voice.
“One black iced coffee, one black americano, one mocha frappe, and one iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel sauce.”
“We don’t do that last one-” Nesta gave him a withering glare and he immediately changed his mind on what he was about to say.
“Those will be ready soon ma’am. Can I get a name for the order?”
“Nesta. Thank you.” Nesta walked over to the opposite side of the counter to wait while their coffee was being prepared.
“That was quite impressive the way you scared him into doing what you wanted him to, Sweetheart.”
“Cassian! Are you stalking me? Go away.”
“I’m not stalking you, I’m just here to get some coffee.” He smirked at her and picked up a latte that was set down beside him. He took a sip and looked Nesta up and down before smirking and saying “Hot.” he winked at her and left before she could yell at him. If he was being honest the coffee was actually the perfect temperature, but he just loved getting under Nesta Archerons skin.    
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ozma914 · 4 years
Poking Through Another Medical Week
I started out last week in something of a good mood, because I finished the third draft of Smoke Showing and then took the preliminary steps toward writing a novel involving the Land of Oz--a project close to my heart that I've been planning in my head for years.
Then the week turned into one of those Medical Weeks. You know the ones I mean: When for a certain period of time everything that happens seems to be health related, usually in a bad way.
Starting from worst, my uncle and my grandmother both fell and broke their hips, and as I write this both are scheduled for surgery today. For my grandmother it was supposed to be yesterday, but they couldn't transfer her to the hospital where the operation will be done because all their beds were full.
You knew the coronavirus was going to pop up here, somewhere.
So everything after that is pretty minor. In fact, very minor, and begging to be made fun of, although sometimes even I'm not in a fun-making mood. It's just that it all happened at the same time.
I got poked by needles four times, for instance, but that doesn't really count because I get two regular allergy shots, anyway. The third was a routine flu shot, so only the fourth--my annual blood draw--led to anything worse than a little soreness.
Besides, one needle was a withdrawal and three were deposits, so doesn't that count as a net gain?
The first day saw the two allergy shots and the blood draw, which my employer has done so they can shake judgemental fingers at me. I had a feeling about the results, so I downed a half gallon of ice cream between then and the follow up ... I figured it was likely to be my last guilt-free food treat ever.
Two days later, we took our dog Beowulf to the vet to get his ear infection looked at, so that counts as one. He's been walking sideways with one ear drooped over, and no, I don't share booze with him. Last time I walked that way was after two strawberry daquiris. (I'm a lightweight. Well, in that way, I am.)
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Left ear, the one under the dump trunk.
He's doing a lot better.  Yesterday he had enough energy to dig his nails into my left big toe, so for awhile I was walking just like him.
Where was I? Oh, yes, the chiropractor. As usual, my vertebrae were trying to pass each other on a curve, but she pounded them back into submission.
Then came the flu shot, which was entirely uneventful as shots go. My wife and I were together for those last two, because it's important to experience pain as a family.
We closed out the week with a follow up at the doctor's office, where I mentioned two strange little bumps on my left hand that didn't really seem worth mentioning. Turns out they might be the beginning of a condition that can lead to the inability to use that hand without surgical intervention and GAH! I've always had a fear of not being able to type. Talk to text just isn't the same, because the whole reason I started typing to begin with is because I can't speak.
Oh, and also I'm fat.
But you already knew that, and thanks for being polite. The doc didn't actually say so, in so many words. She said my cholesterol was going through the roof, I had a fatty liver, and my PSA levels took a huge jump. Since two out of three of those things mean I'm fat, I took it that way. The third had to do with my prostate, so I guess another visit to Doctor Finger is in my future.
Prostate cancer is one of the cancers that's more common in firefighters, so of course I'm going to have it checked, but I'm not too worried ... and there's nothing I can do about it, anyway. Doctor finger will poke around until he digs out the problem.
Weighing 233 pounds is whatI can do something about.
First I took all the stuff out of my pants pockets, then I cut my hair, and finally I bought a cheaper pair of shoes, so I'm already down to 232.
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No. Just--NO.
Other than that, it's the same old story: Eat less, exercise more, make better food choices. My goal is to lose around five pounds a month, then maintain it somewhere below 200. The timing couldn't be worse, as I've gained weight during winter all my life, and the holidays don't exactly help. But losing weight might also help my back problems, and I'm starting to think my chiropractor enjoys causing me pain.
Anyway, that was my medical week. If I read back through this I'd probably feel ashamed of myself for whining, and delete most of it. Then I'd have to find something else to blog about, so hang the edits! I'm going back to my story outlining.
Maybe a trip down the Yellow Brick Road will shave off some pounds.
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Oh, you'll heard more about my new project later.
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
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leswansong · 5 years
Marichat May - Kitty Cats & Ballet Shoes
Day Four: Birthday
[ A03 ]
   Adrien flicked through the photo’s on his phone, Marinette had been able to keep the box full of kittens, how she managed that she didn’t say, no amount of asking had been able to loosen her lips. The kittens were just old enough to survive without their mother, he had gone back to the trash-filled alleyway several times to try and find the mother cat but he had no such luck, he truly believed that they were dumped there and it broke his fragile heart. So with him not being able to find the mother cat and he already knew that he couldn’t take care of the kittens with his father’s strict… ness… (there was no way they were going to fly under the radar. Marinette had adopted them and now he awoke each morning to early morning texts from her with pictures attached of the kittens. 
   He looked up to see a newly hired maid enter the room with his lunch, he smiled at her and she nervously placed the tray in front of him on the large mahogany table. She removed the silver cloche off of the top of the plate and left leaving him with a really depressing looking salad, somedays he wished for the taste of something fatty like that of deep fried fries and a pepperoni pizza. He slowly picked up his fork and got stuck into eating his sad lunch.
   He stared over at the manila he had brought down with him. It was full of all of the necessary research he needed to memorise by the end of the week, he stood up and peaked his head around the doors to find Natalie in her seat, he returned to his own seat and opened the folder and started reviewing the files within. His eyes traced the corridors on the small map in his hands trying his best to try and commit it to memory, the map had been a gift from Marinette to say sorry for not allowing him to see the kittens straight after she had brought them home but he had seen them recently. 
   He had passed her small top floor apartment by accident on his way to some ‘business’ appointment and recognised the building, he paused on one of her window sills and looked into the apartment, the kittens had been locked in a medium sized dog cage that had been completely padded down to high heaven with blankets, he had laughed at the sight of the tiny terrors in such a highly padded area. He sadly waved goodbye to them and headed on his way.    Adrien shook his head he needed to focus, he ran his fingers across the page, the gala was less than a week away and he had yet to locate the necklace. 
Marinette had unfortunately not found out who had been cast in the main role, he was a little disappointed but had taken the time to look into everyone who had auditioned for the role, Marinette had been kind enough to steal the list for him. He smirked at the thought of Marinette sneaking around in the corridor and making sure that no one was around before pulling the pin holding the paper to the pinboard then sneaking back into the shadows.
   Marinette… He started to see holes in her stories, they were easy to ignore at first but then, then they weren’t. He wanted to believe her he really did but because of his line of work, he had to look into her so he became very well acquainted with every aspect of her life. And one of the side-effects of this was stalking her social media accounts, he learned all of her friend's names and he was very interested in her best friend, she was an investigative reporter and that was dangerous, very dangerous, he really needed to keep his distance. 
   The sound of heels echoing off the walls sharply pulled him from his concerned thoughts, he quickly packed away everything in its folder and placed it on his lap just in time for Natalie to walk into the dining room, he smiled his trying to act like he was happy to see her, his eyes fell upon the tray in her hands, his curiosity was peaked. She placed it in front of him, the silver cloche on top of it hid its contents from view, he pushed the last bite of the band salad into his mouth and shuffled the plate behind the tray. 
   “Your father has asked me to wish you a happy birthday Adrien on his behalf,” her voice was her usual cold business voice as she removed the cloche revealing a small cupcake and a familiar box. 
   He frowned, ‘birthday?’ His birthday was still days away. He went to ask Natalie for clarification but she had already left, her heels clicked louder on the marble floors the further she walked away. Confused he pulled his phone from his pocket to check the date, his eyes widened as he was proven wrong, he was so caught up with planning the perfect heist that he had lost track of the date. He laughed slightly to himself, he had never lost track of the date before. Removing the folder from his lap he pulled the map back out and started to refocus on it to continue his planning, he picked up the cupcake and stuck it in his mouth, it tasted like a cheap supermarket bought one but it got rid of the taste of ice burg lettuce. The Gala… wait… the gala was less than a week away… and he was pretty sure the date was his birthday. He picked up the box containing the same pen he got every year along with his folder and rushed up the steps to his oversized room. Tossing the folder onto his queen bed he tore open his desk drawer and ruffled around in it pulling out stray pieces of paper just to find the one he was looking for. Finally, he felt the cardstock of the invite, he carefully reread it until his eyes fell upon the date and a sigh erupted from him, he had gotten the month wrong he still had time to find the safe. 
     Adrien fell back onto his bed, the overwhelming feeling of wanting to see Marinette washed over him but he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries and he was supposed to be distancing himself from her. She was realistically his only friend. Chloe was… a friend he had grown distant within the past two years, his ‘work’ always got in the way of their hangout times and she was spending a lot more time at the studio because of it. 
   He pulled his phone from his pocket and opened his text messages the little line to start typing flashed on screen, he really wanted to text her but what, he drafted a message and subsequently deleted it for another draft that also ended up being deleted. He stared at the blank screen as he struggled to express himself through words to her, eventually he tossed his phone aside giving up on trying to message her. He stretched his arm out across his bed and stared up at the white ceiling waiting for something to happen, he felt alone in that moment, the silence ate away at his head, he groaned and sat up he needed to keep his mind busy so he went back to planning.
     He looked through the very long list of rooms he had yet to search, it was a daunting task, over four hundred rooms and unless he found any more information to narrow down the list, they all needed to search. Maybe he could try and talk to one of the guards at the opera house, if he remembered correctly, liked to hang around some extremely exclusive wine tasting venues but sadly he could never get in, fortunately being a rich fashion designers son and former model had its pro’s at times, maybe it was this. 
   Adrien often wondered what he was doing this all for, Master Fu had been very kind to him over the years, it started when he tried going to a public school for the fifth and final time, he gave up that chance and all the planning that he had put into sneaking out of the house just to help the old man up and Master Fu had felt sorry and had given him Plagg. After a year of having Plagg he was finally drafted into the stealing side of Master Fu’s business, he was given a small set of rings to steal from some safes here and there, mainly to test his skills and after he had succeeded in stealing them all without being caught and without the assistance of the suit, Master Fu tasked him with stealing The Dove Miraculous from a wealthy man in America that just so happened to be coming to Paris on a business trip. 
     Adrien planned that heist meticulously down to the very last detail, he really didn’t want to be seen or caught. He practised breaking in and out of safes for an entire month before he struck and nobody noticed it was gone until the mans’ last night in Paris and by that time he was long gone and planning his next target. 
   But what happened to the magical jewellery afterwards he could not say, he just continued his new employment because the thrill was worth the risk. 
   His phone buzzed beside him and as he continued to question his life choices lifted the phone to see the notification, a new message from Marinette stared back at him, he clicked on it and a photo of the very happy kittens greeted him, smiling he typed back his response, temptation ate through him and before he knew it he had sent her a text if he could come over and see her, her not the kittens, he had meant to delete that text and rephrase it. He anxiously tapped his foot waiting to be turned down and not for their… friendship? whatever they were not to be ended but… he shot up, he hadn’t been expecting… well, that…
     “Kid? Are you… Okay?” 
   The Kwami was suddenly hovering over his shoulder and let out a scoff. 
   “Kid I thought she had figured you out and not well… sent you her address.”
     He shot up, ignoring his Kwami’s words, he was already reaching for a jacket and heading towards his window, his mind was several streets away in Marinette’s small living room telling jokes that made her laugh out loud, a goofy grin was plastered across his face. Plagg tried protesting, telling him that he should keep his distance from her but his daydreams blocked him out, he said his transformation phrase and soon his feet were carrying him across the tiled rooftops. 
   He racked his knuckles against one of the windows to her Apartment trying to contain his nerves. She looked a little confused to him at the window and not the front door, she hugged her shoulders at tried to pull the window up to open it, she struggled as the window had become jammed since the last time she had opened it. Slowly she managed to open it an inch and with his help, they pushed the window open. 
   “You could have used the front door,” she grumbled as she clenched and unclenched her fingers to try and get some sort of feeling back into them. 
   “Sorry, I- I didn’t think it’d be a good idea if I was seen,” he explained.
     “Its- never mind, just taking my anger out at you, sorry.” 
   He smiled at her, “it's okay, I get it,” his eyes scanned the small living room looking for the small trouble makers, “so… Where are they?” 
   She giggled and pointed over to a small corner of her living room, he frowned at her but walked over in that direction, the basket they were in had been obstructed by the back of her grey sofa. He almost ran towards them, they had grown quite a lot since the last time he saw them, he had expected them to grow but not this much. He sat cross-legged on the floor and scooped up two kittens into his arms leaving two grey ones left in the fabric basket. 
   The calico kitten he had picked up clawed its way into the crook of his neck.
     “Are you okay? your message it-“ 
   “I’m okay Marinette,” he assured her, “today was just one of those days I didn’t want to be alone.” 
   He shrugged his shoulders at her, “I just didn’t want to be alone.” 
   “Okay then…” she didn’t sound like she believed him, “I have to go to the dance studio into hours so we don’t have much time to do something… what do you want to do?” 
   “Not sure,” he stated as he pretended not to see all the small collection of gaming consoles and controllers on the tall bookcase beside him. 
   “Did you bring any off-“ 
   He shook his head not wanting to remember the number of things he still needed to plan, there was so much left up to chance. 
   “Oh… Okay,” she sounded a little surprised that he hadn’t brought anything to do with the necklace. The sofa creaked behind him as she sat down on it, “Are you any good at Mecha Strike?” 
   He smirked, “You have no idea what you’re up against.” 
   “Really?” she teased, “I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you’re up against.” 
     “Someone as small as you… I’m pretty sure I’ll win.” 
   “You’re going down,” she threatened to pick up her controller and subsequently turned on the controller. 
   He smiled at finally having some competition. Gently he placed the grey and white kitten that had curled up in his arm back in the basket with its siblings, he then tried to remove the calico on his shoulder but it dug its delicate claws into him in protest and wouldn’t budge from its spot, he eventually gave up and left it to sleep. 
     He picked up the spare controller that Marinette had put on the coffee table for him and slowly backed his way up to her, he decided to go easy on her, it had been a while since he had played and when Marinette managed to defeat him round after round he thought it was just beginners luck but he quickly realised Marinette’s skill and his first assessment was wrong. He turned up his skill in an attempt to even the playing field but he was a lot more out of practice than he thought but she just up the ante to stay on top. Adrien had never found someone to match his skill before, he was really enjoying himself, it had been years since he had enjoyed video games. 
   The pause screen suddenly appeared in the middle of his button smashing, he spun around confused at why Marinette would pause the game. 
   “You’re quite good,” Marinette stated, “But I have to go,” she stood up and stretched. 
   “Right the dance studio,” he reached up and gave the kitten a scratch, “it been a while since I’ve had any decent competition,” he stated putting the controller on the coffee table in front of him. 
   “You should meet my papa, he’s even better than me.” 
   “Is that an invite I hear?” he was obviously joking.
     She smiled and shook her head, “You should probably get going,” she looked down at her watch. 
   He nodded his head and reached back up to the kitten on his shoulder slowly pulling it off of him, it let out a soft mew in protest of being disturbed, it broke his heart to move the small kitten but he did and he placed it back in with its brothers and sisters. 
   “Thank you Marinette,” he told her standing in front of the open window, “you made my birthday a less boring one,” his hands met the window frame as he prepared to pull himself up through it. 
   Marinette’s hand shot out to hold his arm causing him to stop in his tracks.
     He turned back to face her, “I’m fine Marinette,” he promised. 
   She gave his arm a final squeeze before letting it go, she opened her mouth to say something but something in her decide against it. He turned back to the window and lifted himself out through the small opening, he waved goodbye to her and headed home happy with his newfound friendship.
Made For @marichatmay
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Day 9: Iquitos- In Which I Could Have Touched A Sloth, If I Really Tried
I'm gonna be honest with you; this entry may as well just be exactly the same text as yesterday's one but with the pictures of the animals changed. We did nearly exactly the same things; woke up; ate a breakfast of shitty children's cereal which I still couldn't taste; waited for the rain to stop, which it did not, before decided to go out, to an animal sanctuary, regardless. The sanctuary in question, today was one named Pilpintuwasi and boasted a bit of a richer selection of animals than yesterday's offering, for us to gawp at, slack jawed, like the idiots we are. It also had a butterfly farm attached to it. Which, y'know. Fine.
We took a motor-taxi to Bellavista; the port from which we had left for the rainforest, a few days prior, ignored all the big fatty grubs, roasting on skewers and made our way to the 'colectivo' boat; which I can best describe as a very cheap bus-boat... sort of thing. You do better.
The colectivo whisked us away to the mid-sized jungle town of Padre Coche, in around thirty minutes or so. Once there, we got on board yet another motor-taxi – the novelty of which still haven't worn off for me- which took us to the sanctuary, proper. Excited at the prospect of seeing sloths, we wandered along a covered, wooden walkway into the reception.
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This’n, here.
We paid the entrance fee; a frankly staggering 30 soles (...around £6.50, but again, our budgeting has been a bit lacklustre.) and were met by our guide, Reese. A Welshman, but I didn't hold that against him, as he was, otherwise, really quite nice. He was new in Pilpintuwasi and had given up eating leeks and voting for Brexit to volunteer at the sanctuary, full time. Reese delivered a professional, yet personable tour throughout, despite the fact that, in the intermittent period between our arrival and our setting off into the grounds of the sanctuary, the heavens had properly opened and we were entirely saturated with water, almost the moment we stepped outside. I'm glad I chose to wear my khakis. Did you know they get ever so slightly see-through when wet. I didn't.
The park itself was large, sprawling and housed a myriad (menagerie?) of exotic animals (most of which, again, were being primed for release into the wild). I won't list them off, in this particular entry, as I'm very tired and would much rather just coil into a ball and die than dispassionately list a series of different animals what I saw, but I definitely will dump a load of pictures of them, afterwards. Just be aware that they were all basically great (apart from the butterflies, which. Y'know. Fine.)
After an hour or so of squelching through the rain, our time at the sanctuary and with Reese drew to a close. Once more we were offered the opportunity to amble about to our hearts content, which we did, briefly, following a (really quite rare) Uakari monkey
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Also called the English Monkey, because it has an angry little red face and ginger hair, which honestly, is a bit rude.
taking pictures while it chewed on leaves and very obviously wished we would just fuck off and leave it alone, but, as with yesterday, Sam's illness very selfishly began flaring up and we had to leave.
We walked back to the colectivo through Padre Coche, which we thought would be quite fun, but actually ended up being an unexpectedly harrowing experience; the town is jam-packed with stray dogs in various states of disrepair. Some mangy, some lame, some basically dead; quite a lot all three. We put our heads down and powered through to the dock, trying not to think about the nightmarish dog concentration camp we had just walked through and hopped back onto the boat, vowing to never speak of the horrors we had just witnessed. Shockingly, and very, very irritatingly, it was incredibly cold in Iquitos, today. You don't really expect it in the rainforest, but honestly, I stepped off the boat, back in Bellavista, noticeable shivering. What the fuck, the Amazon? That's like the one thing you're supposed to be good at.
I stopped briefly at one of the market stalls to buy myself a little sausage and a skewer of...some weird massive seeds, whose name I have forgotten, both of which almost certainly gave me worms, and ate them clumsily on the motor-taxi ride back to our apartment, spilling my bottle of water over my just-about-dry khakis, making it look like I'd pissed myself in the process. It was all coming up, Millhouse.
Once inside, we took some hot showers, to warm ourselves back up, from being in the rainforest, before getting our respective bibbles on, writing blogs, reading books and watching the final of the Copa America on our generously proportioned TV. Peru lost by the way. Of course they did.
Soon though, hunger - that big bastard -reared its ugly head once more and, given that we had almost no food whatsoever in the flat and the thought of walking to and from the supermarket and then cooking something was enough to make us both genuinely angry, we decided to just treat ourselves to a meal out. Budget be damned! (I was very worried about the budget).
We went to a little restaurant on the boulevard called the Amazon Bistro, took our seats, ordered some food and waited, listening to the soothing ambiance of the Amazon...being totally drowned out by a playlist of 80s power-ballads. Then we waited some more. And some more, after that... Finally, after around half an hour, our drinks arrived. A bottle of water, each. How did this take thirty minutes? Whatever the reason, it did not bode well for the rest of our meal.
Eventually, after sixteen and a half years, our food appeared. Sort of. My order was quite badly botched and instead of bacon, they had just smeared my burger with horrible mushrooms, in a thick mushroomy sauce, which, as anyone who knows me will surely already be aware of, I treat essentially as a war crime. Now in a bad mood, but in no way wanting to wait another hour for a sub-par burger with the actually correct toppings, I scraped the mushrooms to the side and ate everything they hadn't touched. To add insult to injury, halfway through the meal, our waitress returned to the table to – I think, anyway- tell me that she had gotten my order wrong, but also apparently to do nothing about it? Fine. It didn't matter; I couldn't taste it properly, anyway, so in a way, I win.
The least happy meal I have eaten on this entire trip, including those little baby squid, now over, we dragged ourselves along the five minute walk back to the apartment, tucked ourselves into bed, eager to begin a new leg of the journey, and generally also not just be sweaty literally all the time, tomorrow.
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edh-a-to-z · 6 years
19 - Animar, Soul of Elements
Whew. It’s been a while. Been busy with a new job. Finally gonna get back to working on commander deck techs. Here we go with a fan fave, Animar.
The beast of war.
The original stompy commander.
The counter voltron.
This is Animar, Soul of Elements. It comes for thee.
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Aminar, Soul of Elements; by Peter Mohrbacher
There’s not much, only a snippet from here.
In the folklore of its plane, the Animar is the ultimate source of all life—the seed from which all creation grows. In the presence of Animar, crops blossom and herds thrive, and the wake of its wanderings determines the course of the seasons
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It’s already a lot of text to throw at anyone. Three abilities, all of which are relevant, looks good.
Protection abilities - anything that keep a commander safe, helps a lot to make a Commander better in a Voltron role. Also helps that some of the best single target removal for EDH is in White and Black. Protection can also mean evasion, another boon.
The next two abilities synergize with counters and themselves. Play lots of creatures, get Animar bigger, make creatures cheaper, and keep going.
Beat down and Voltron is our game plan.
There was a time when I considered Animar one of the best commanders - an assessment that was common in many a player a while ago.
My build following is focused on getting some counters on Animar, then powering out big creatures and smashing in Animar Voltron style.
Battle Plan
We want a selection of High CMC creatures. But not just any creatures, creatures with a high neutral mana number. Khalni Hydra going for GGGGGGGG? That’s not gonna work for us.
Next, we want a suite of +1/+1 counter granting abilities, primarily to amp up Animar, and also to amp out team. Things that care about counters also synergize well.
We can also add a touch of Elemental tribal.
High CMC
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Maelstrom Wanderer; by Thomas M. Baxa
So Animar likes getting out there and dropping a ton of creatures. But we want the best.
Maelstrom Wanderer can be played if you could play Animar, and has some sweet powerful abilities that let your army really rage. Soul of the Harvest can let you replace all the creatures you’re playing
Any solid fatties work here - Carnage Tyrant, Eldrazi fatties, Dragons - so long as it’s big nasty with low colored mana, it can wreak havoc. Basically dump your favorite Leviathans and co that can’t get played outside of a Ramp deck.
Synergstic with these fatties is Fierce Empath, who you’ll likely play for G, can tutor anything with Power >6.
+1/+1 Counters
Counter synergy is useful, and is an option to become a core strategy.
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Hardened Scale makes a great choice here. Shaman of the Great Hunt keeps the Naya, Temur 4-5 Power theme going. Increasing Savagery goes once then goes again.
Rishkar, Peema Renegade helps counter do even better, 
Elemental Tribal
Nominally useful, but not needed that much. I’d say you only really need Omnath Locus of Rage, with maybe Brightheart Banneret and Smokebraider as Animar synergy. The wider you go, the more you can justify Incandescent Soulstoke, 
Any other elementals are player for non-tribal purposes - like Avenger of Zendikar is just great to have, especially in a deck that can ramp well. Soul of the Harvest, Bane of Progess, and Magmatic Force are also solid options here.
The Rest
The Ramp
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Kodama’s Reach; by Heather Hudson
AKA the Ramp spell to compare all ramp spells to
We do want some ramp. Since we’re a 3 color deck, the ability to fix out mana for Animar and the creatures he power out, it’s a high priority. 
We want a mix of spells that “Find Basics” like Kodama’s Reach, Solemn Simulacrum, Sakura Tribe Elder, Wood Elves (works great with any set of Dual lands, from Amonkhet’s cycle lands to Battlelands to Shocklands) and Cultivate. Fetchlands are ideal, but basic versions like Evolving Wilds are serviceable.
Rocks are important -  Ravnica Signets are great, Chromatic Lantern is always good, 
On the Dork side of things, Shaman of the Forgotten Ways is a champ. Beastcaller Savant, Rattleclaw Mystic, Somberwald Sage, Bloom Tender (pricey, and more like a would-be-nice), 
On the non-basic lands, Ancient Ziggurat is great, 
Random Fun
Ancestral Statues can blink itself infinite if Animar has 4+ counters on it. So...Impact Tremors and Purphoros!
Morph creatures get played for free when Animar has 3+ counters, so that’s pretty dope on the options side of things. 
Board wipes. Animar loves the board, and his protection doesn’t cover Red Damage, and most Black and White board wipes are non-targeting killers. For going big creature or big Voltron, you depend heavily on the board. Personally I pack in some counterspells, especially ones that hit Sorceries (most board wipes), so Flusterstorm, Muddle the Mixture (or plain ol’ Counterspell), or Swan Song to disrupt this.
Aggro 9/10
Animar can run lean and green, pouring out creatures and generally smashing face. Aggro usually gets a bum rap in EDH, but Elementals can make it work for some reason.
Combo Potential 10/10
A self-contained combo machine, Animar is one of the best at enabling combos, as well as benefiting from combos. Big creatures, big counters, and three colors to play with are greatly conducive to combos.
Overall Power 7/10
Power creep has pushed Animar off the peak, but in any given group, Animar remains a threat in any group of assorted commanders.
Versatility 8/10
Animar can support a variety of builds, from Fatties, Ramp, Voltron, while usually having a mix of them.
Affordability: 6/10
With a fresh, and sorely needed, reprint from M25, we see the price drop to 2/3rds of its old cost. Animar is still 10+ and the decks material isn’t cheap, but it’s much better than before.
Overall Score 40/50
1 of 99 Oddball
While it technically fits into any creature based Temur deck, the building around and availability from the Command Zone make it far less useful as 1 of the 99.
A great commander by any standard, who’s a great addition to any EDH collector. Grab it if you get the chance.
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See you around campers.
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zolganif · 6 years
And on the third day, God said: I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany You say tomato, I say: The Last Time by Taylor Swift My life would be better if: Holding Out For a Hero by Bonnie Tyler I'd like to stand atop a mountain and exclaim: Breaking by Alana Grace My strongest belief is that: I Was Made For Lovin' You by Kiss When insulted, I'm likely to shoot back with: Fallen Through by Skye Sweetnam When I grow older, I'd like to: Money Can't Buy by Nightcore If you asked me what I did last night, I'd say: A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley If you asked me what I did an hour ago, I'd say: No Brains by Sum 41 Sometimes, I want to take my best friend aside and say to him / her: Celestial by Phildel My best friend is currently going through this: In the End by Linkin Park My current luck is: Alias by In Flames On the bad days, I hole up in my room and remind myself: And We Run by Within Temptation On a bad day, I look like: The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd On a good day, I look like: Wherever You Will Go by The Calling If I could remind people of just one thing, that would be: Belong by Cary Brothers After a night of decadence, when I get home, I say to myself: Retarded in Love by Say Anything One of my more bizarre encounters centered around the phrase: Cinnamon Bone by Eliza Rickman This is my most commonly used pick-up line: Never Wanted to Dance (Birthday Massacre Remix) by Mindless Self Indulgence I would be thoroughly wooed if someone came up to me and said: Speak of the Devil by Sum 41 I would slap someone if they told me: Shadow Preachers by Zella Day I've been slapped for telling someone: Still Right Here by Mankind is Obsolete When I get married, this phrase is going to be included in my vows: New Born by Muse I got arrested for telling an officer: Buried by Time and Dust (Live in Leipzig) by Mayhem When I eat too much fatty food, I cry and say: Not Ready to Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks The last thing I said to a stranger was? Choking Games by Nicole Dollanganger My personal mantra has become: Nothin' At All by Heart I'd like to propose to / be proposed to with the words: Again and Again by Jewel When I'm really lonely, I feel like: Walking Disaster by Sum 41 On a rainy day, my feelings can be summed up with: Moonlight Shadow by Groove Coverage While intoxicated, I've been known to tell people: Doctor Jones by Aqua The most personal thing I'm willing to say is: Tears Don't Fall by Bullet For My Valentine My first words were: Broken Heart by Triinu Kivilaan After a long road trip, I like to stretch and say: Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence My last thought before going to sleep is usually: Witch Hunt by Jack off Jill I tend to dream about: Pain Hearted by Lil Bo Weep If someone who didn't know me had to describe me, they'd say: Dig Up Her Bones by Misfits If a good friend had to describe me, they'd say: Black Water by Of Monsters and Men I hope no one ever says this to me after kissing me: Things I'll Never Say by Avril Lavigne I'd like someone to say this after kissing me: Summer Shudder by AFI The trick to living a long and fulfilling life is: Nobody Asked Me (If I Was Okay) by Sky Ferreira In the morning, I tend to think: Coming Home (Part 2) by Skylar Grey When I've had too much coffee, this sums me up: Complicated by Avril Lavigne When someone confuses my gender, I angrily shout at them: Citythrasher by Morbid My typical mood generally causes me to think: Concrete Angel by Martina McBride If someone catches me staring at them, I cover by saying: Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus If I catch someone staring at me, I usually say to them: I Could Be the One by Donna Lewis The world would be a better place if people chose to live by the saying: Day of the Dead by Sonic Syndicate The last text message I received said: Come Down to Me by Saving Jane I responded back to that text message with: 18 and Life by Hydrogyn My "About Me" section on Facebook should probably say: Wake Up (Make a Move) by Lostprophets The last fight I had with my significant other started because I said: Burning in Flames by Beyond the Black When I'm trying to stop an argument, I usually say: Shitlist by L7 Some say, "If you love something, let it go". I say if you love something: Fade to Black by Metallica If I'm confused, it's most likely because: Atrophy by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus If I'm angry, it generally happens because: Mermaid by Yvette Young In expressing my anger, I've been known to: Other People's Stories by Kari Rueslatten My favorite work of art makes me think: Burn it Down by AWOLNATION If I ever met my favorite musician, I would say to him / her: Our Creation by Celestial Wish I hope that my favorite musician would think this about me: Sleep Well, My Angel by We Are the Fallen If I wrote a movie, the first line would be: Welcome to the Family by Avenged Sevenfold If my life were a movie, the opening line would be: Hands in the Sky (Big Shot) by Straylight Run This sounds like something I would say to a co-worker / classmate: 18 and Life by Skid Row I've been told that the first thing I ever said to my best friend was: Jenny by Nothing More The first thing my best friend ever said to me is: You're Not Alone by Saosin When I think "romance", I think: Walking on Air by Kerli People observing me in public might say: Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson The most meaningful thing anyone has ever said to me is: They're Coming to take Me Away by Butcher Babies This is what I think about the last movie I saw in theatres: Because of You by Kelly Clarkson My favorite outfit makes me feel: Witness by Jakalope After I get dumped, I call my friends and say: The Hanging Tree by Adriana Figueroa When I'm depressed, this always makes me feel better: Go to Hell, For Heaven's Sake by Bring Me the Horizon When I grow old, I will tell anyone who will listen: Wintersong by Kari Rueslatten My favorite book is about: Seventeen Ain't So Sweet by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Falling asleep next to the person I love makes me smile and say: Devil Devil by Milck This sums up my future career: Reason to Believe by Sum 41 When I perform random acts of kindness, people thank me by saying: Walk Away by Plumb My thoughts on children are: Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana When I wanted to give up, these words kept me going: You're So Cool by Nicole Dollanganger This is what I'm most afraid of: What Hurts the Most by Cascada This is what I'm most excited about: Terrible Angels by CocoRosie I will win a contest in the future by calling a radio station and saying: Cement by Nicole Dollanganger If I had a huge zit and had to cancel a date, I'd call and tell them: Ready, Set, Go! by Tokio Hotel My last kiss made me think: Strange by Tokio Hotel & Kerli Anything and everything can be described by saying: If You Were My Love by Stevie Nicks When I stub my toe, my typical response is to shout: Death Death (Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil Song) by Voltaire When listening to music, this is usually what I'm thinking about: The Reflecting God by Marilyn Manson When life gives you lemons: Bitter and Sick by One Two I honestly hope I never have to say this to anyone: Cold Day For August by Alana Grace If the world ended right now, my last thought would be: Flowers of Flesh and Blood by Nicole Dollanganger The statement I most disagree with is: One Million Faces by Anette Olzon If someone asked me to go dancing with them, I'd say: Everybody Hurts by Avril Lavigne As an adult, I'll look back and think: My Dark Subconscious by Morbid If I could do one thing over, it would probably have to do with: Freak Like Me by Halestorm The weather outside makes me think: Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez If I had a secret, I would: Homewrecker by Marine and the Diamonds When I'm lying, you can always tell because: Familiar Hell by Battle Beast My purpose in life is centered around the words: Strutter by Kiss When I'm dying, my last words will be: Bring Me Down by Purple Nail
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leopardsforever · 7 years
Only if you follow the instructions to the letter and keep following it for months or forever.
I recently began to follow a program for eating healthier. It is hard to get off all of the junk foods and bad starches to get on to a healthy path with clean and nutritious foods. The best way is to go through your pantry, fridge and freezer and dump or donate anything that doesn’t go in the healthier meal planning. [When living with other people though this can be very hard if they are not willing to go on the healthy eating plan with you.]
This healthier plan is from Beachbody.com and can change for each different workout program that you follow. For me I am starting with just the stretches and resistant bands with the portioning meal plan. This uses specially designed containers to help control the amount of food being eaten in a single setting. The amounts are based on the person’s current weight and whether the person has an active or sedentary life style. I have been doing very poorly on this as I have not been planning the meals and just rushing to get something put together to pull of dinner.
Recently I have been corresponding with my coach and have decided to get back strictly on the diet. I want to push through my bad decisions and get to work on making me a better me. Today I looked up all the recipes I want to be making this upcoming week and am trying to put together a list of items I need to get at the store. Once I have the ingredients, I will need to prep the ones that I can and cook the repeating ones. The hardest part of Meal prep  seems to be actually cooking and then storing the meals for availability .
I bought containers for storing individual portions of meals. These seem to help with only eating so much at a time. I also have containers with three sections and small round containers for saucy meals.
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Three sections
One big round
Team Beachbody Portion Controlling
Ziploc small round
These are some of my most used containers. The small Ziploc’s are most used for left overs to correctly portion it out so that overeating does not happen.
Some programs limit what you can take into your body without considering the differing weights of people. You have to have a certain calorie intake to keep your body and energy going no matter how much you want to loose weight. Changing to healthier options for those calories means that you are getting what your body needs to function while not ingesting fatty or unhealthy fats or carbohydrates.
There are many different diet’s out there so choosing the one that is right for you is difficult, but with the right information and help from those in the different programs you can make the right choice.
Diets. Do they work? Only if you follow the instructions to the letter and keep following it for months or forever.
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natiashakirkwood · 7 years
Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health
Could your performance get better just by improving your sleep?
Sleep has, for a not insignificant amount of time, been associated with sports performance. In short the theory has been that good sleep leads to improved performance and poor sleep will impair performance.
Generally the association with a good or bad sleep has been premised upon the duration of the sleep, but is that really an accurate measure of sleep quality? This article will explore some of the finer points relating to sleep quality as well as provide some scientific background on the purpose of sleep as a human process.
Russell Foster is a British Circadian neuroscientist: His wonderful Ted Talk on “Why do We Sleep”
What is sleep and how does it work?
Sleep has such a profound effect upon performance and health because of the wide number of vital processes that are dependent upon it. When we sleep the body in effect carries out housekeeping duties; processes that help you deal with physical and mental stress, information processing and memory formation, repair and restoration of tissues
Cues such as falling temperature and light levels are picked up by the sensory nervous system and relayed to the brain which kicks off the production of a hormone melatonin, the trigger for sleep and everything that goes with it, and as such a very important player in your health.
Once sleep has been initiated the brain goes through a series of cycles which appear to be the crux of issue, indeed it has been suggested that it is not duration that counts, but rather the number and completeness of cycles you go through. This cycle is repeated, usually from about 4-6 times in an 8 hour sleep period. So sleep quality is defined by the cycle but how many is enough?
Training and recovery, the impact of sleep
Sleep triggers the rage of a production of hormones, this hormonal milieu includes hormones like growth hormone and testosterone that are responsible for the repair and regeneration of tissues intrinsically involved in physical performance, and research shows that lack of sleep quickly impacts upon all sorts of physical tasks, with research covering weighlifters, cyclists, runners and so on.
The impact is two-fold, over the short term sleep issues have a massive negative effect upon the nervous system reducing strength endurance, concentration and co-ordination – all vital for sports and training.
Over the longer term disruptions in hormone output will effect the body’s ability to recover the tissues such as muscle as well as impairing carbohydrate storage efficiency and reducing immune competence.
In short: a bad night’s sleep with leave you weak and uncoordinated and over A long time you’ll be tired, fat and ill. Getting enough, quality sleep is important.
How much is ‘enough’?
For most of people getting less that 7 hours really starts to effect performance and health and many sleep coaches agree that aim should be on 8 hours. Studying historic texts and populations where there’s no electric light or TV’s actually shows significantly longer sleep durations for example 9-10 hours. My advice: Aim for 9, you’re bound to fall short but still will be OK.
Also remember that stress from high pressure work situations or from lots of physical training can also increase needs significantly, and although the right amount of stress can make for deeper sleep for example a well designed training program, other things, like too much training will disturb it.
Getting Quantity and Quality right
Duration is important but so is quality and sleep ‘hacks’, habits and little tricks that improve the environment and so can set you up for that deep, restful night’s sleep.
The Sleep Hacks
The environment must be comfortable, cool and dark:
The Bed
•    Frame When your sleeping partner stirs of fidgets then usually so will you so get as big a bed as possible. •    If you get hot easily standard open frame bed with space for the air to circulate underneath will make you more comfortable, especially in summer. •    Mattress A decent mattress will be some of the best ‘health & fitness dollar’ you ever spend. Memory foam mattresses are great but again if you get hot easily closed and open spring mattresses will allow more airflow. •    Pillow These loose both their shape and hygiene levels and should be replaced at least every few years. If you sleep on your side explore the range of orthopaedic pillows
The Room:
•    Reduce the Temperature a few degrees cooler than your lounge •    Block out the Light Light means it is time to wake up so make sure your curtains are light proof, or try the ‘blackout kits’ available in stores like Amazon. •    Cut the Noise Environmental stimuli will disturb sleep so take a good look at this, maybe look at white noise generating sleep aids. •    Remove the electronics TV’s, computers of all types as well as smart phone produce a lot of blue light that inhibit melatonin production. Research shows this link and also shows that couples who removed the TV from the bedroom had sex more often … you might want to leave the TV in the lounge.
Hacking your Sleep Behaviour
What you do before bed effects sleep onset, duration and quality
Several Hours Before Bed: •    Do a Brain Dump Make sure you get your tasks down in writing and relax. •    Avoid caffeine The ‘half life’ of caffeine is about 5. I usually advise people to cut it a minimum of 5-6 hours before bed. •    Train earlier Working out will help sleep quality but try not to train too close to bedtime. Yoga or meditation may help at the end of a session.
1 Hour Before Bed: •    Reduce fluid intake Reduces nocturnal toilet trips. •    Get a ‘Pre Bed Routine’: These cue the subconscious that sleep is imminent, should be boring and easy: fold clothes or pack food for the next day. •    Schedule sleep An important aspect of ‘sleep hygiene’ is going to bed at the same or at least a very similar time every night.. •    Cool the rooms Cooling signals sleep, so cool the room by about 2 degrees •    Dim room lights, turn off your TV, computer and smartphone Avoids stressful emails and look after your melatonin production. •    Food – Avoid liquid and/or salt as they may mean night time trips to the bathroom. Large amounts of fibrous carbs or fatty foods like cheese may sit on the stomach and disturb sleep as can spicy foods.
After Lights Out:
•    Nocturnal manoeuvers in the dark If you do need to get up in the night for any reason then don’t turn on the light unless you really have to. In fact whatever you get up to after lights out, do it with the lights off. •    Awake with ideas: If you get the spark of inspiration jot it down in the dark and go back to sleep – it helps to have a clear bed side table, a big piece of paper to aim at and a pencil sharpened at both ends.
Take away messages
•    Sleep onset is cued by your environment •    Stress, both physical and mental will inhibit onset of sleep and may reduce quality •    Staying asleep depends largely upon your environment •    A few changes in environment and pre sleep behaviour can work wonders •    Sleep triggered internally rather than by medication is, by far, the best sleep
These practical tips will help you sleep like a baby, that deep restful sleep that we all crave is only a few little habit changes away, but you have to try them for them to work
Originally Published Here: Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health
Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health published first on https://wellnessgeeky.wordpress.com
0 notes
denisalvney · 7 years
Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health
Could your performance get better just by improving your sleep?
Sleep has, for a not insignificant amount of time, been associated with sports performance. In short the theory has been that good sleep leads to improved performance and poor sleep will impair performance.
Generally the association with a good or bad sleep has been premised upon the duration of the sleep, but is that really an accurate measure of sleep quality? This article will explore some of the finer points relating to sleep quality as well as provide some scientific background on the purpose of sleep as a human process.
Russell Foster is a British Circadian neuroscientist: His wonderful Ted Talk on “Why do We Sleep”
What is sleep and how does it work?
Sleep has such a profound effect upon performance and health because of the wide number of vital processes that are dependent upon it. When we sleep the body in effect carries out housekeeping duties; processes that help you deal with physical and mental stress, information processing and memory formation, repair and restoration of tissues
Cues such as falling temperature and light levels are picked up by the sensory nervous system and relayed to the brain which kicks off the production of a hormone melatonin, the trigger for sleep and everything that goes with it, and as such a very important player in your health.
Once sleep has been initiated the brain goes through a series of cycles which appear to be the crux of issue, indeed it has been suggested that it is not duration that counts, but rather the number and completeness of cycles you go through. This cycle is repeated, usually from about 4-6 times in an 8 hour sleep period. So sleep quality is defined by the cycle but how many is enough?
Training and recovery, the impact of sleep
Sleep triggers the rage of a production of hormones, this hormonal milieu includes hormones like growth hormone and testosterone that are responsible for the repair and regeneration of tissues intrinsically involved in physical performance, and research shows that lack of sleep quickly impacts upon all sorts of physical tasks, with research covering weighlifters, cyclists, runners and so on.
The impact is two-fold, over the short term sleep issues have a massive negative effect upon the nervous system reducing strength endurance, concentration and co-ordination - all vital for sports and training.
Over the longer term disruptions in hormone output will effect the body’s ability to recover the tissues such as muscle as well as impairing carbohydrate storage efficiency and reducing immune competence.
In short: a bad night’s sleep with leave you weak and uncoordinated and over A long time you’ll be tired, fat and ill. Getting enough, quality sleep is important.
How much is ‘enough’?
For most of people getting less that 7 hours really starts to effect performance and health and many sleep coaches agree that aim should be on 8 hours. Studying historic texts and populations where there’s no electric light or TV’s actually shows significantly longer sleep durations for example 9-10 hours. My advice: Aim for 9, you’re bound to fall short but still will be OK.
Also remember that stress from high pressure work situations or from lots of physical training can also increase needs significantly, and although the right amount of stress can make for deeper sleep for example a well designed training program, other things, like too much training will disturb it.
Getting Quantity and Quality right
Duration is important but so is quality and sleep ‘hacks’, habits and little tricks that improve the environment and so can set you up for that deep, restful night’s sleep.
The Sleep Hacks
The environment must be comfortable, cool and dark:
The Bed
•    Frame When your sleeping partner stirs of fidgets then usually so will you so get as big a bed as possible. •    If you get hot easily standard open frame bed with space for the air to circulate underneath will make you more comfortable, especially in summer. •    Mattress A decent mattress will be some of the best 'health & fitness dollar’ you ever spend. Memory foam mattresses are great but again if you get hot easily closed and open spring mattresses will allow more airflow. •    Pillow These loose both their shape and hygiene levels and should be replaced at least every few years. If you sleep on your side explore the range of orthopaedic pillows
The Room:
•    Reduce the Temperature a few degrees cooler than your lounge •    Block out the Light Light means it is time to wake up so make sure your curtains are light proof, or try the ‘blackout kits’ available in stores like Amazon. •    Cut the Noise Environmental stimuli will disturb sleep so take a good look at this, maybe look at white noise generating sleep aids. •    Remove the electronics TV’s, computers of all types as well as smart phone produce a lot of blue light that inhibit melatonin production. Research shows this link and also shows that couples who removed the TV from the bedroom had sex more often … you might want to leave the TV in the lounge.
Hacking your Sleep Behaviour
What you do before bed effects sleep onset, duration and quality
Several Hours Before Bed: •    Do a Brain Dump Make sure you get your tasks down in writing and relax. •    Avoid caffeine The 'half life’ of caffeine is about 5. I usually advise people to cut it a minimum of 5-6 hours before bed. •    Train earlier Working out will help sleep quality but try not to train too close to bedtime. Yoga or meditation may help at the end of a session.
1 Hour Before Bed: •    Reduce fluid intake Reduces nocturnal toilet trips. •    Get a ‘Pre Bed Routine’: These cue the subconscious that sleep is imminent, should be boring and easy: fold clothes or pack food for the next day. •    Schedule sleep An important aspect of ‘sleep hygiene’ is going to bed at the same or at least a very similar time every night.. •    Cool the rooms Cooling signals sleep, so cool the room by about 2 degrees •    Dim room lights, turn off your TV, computer and smartphone Avoids stressful emails and look after your melatonin production. •    Food - Avoid liquid and/or salt as they may mean night time trips to the bathroom. Large amounts of fibrous carbs or fatty foods like cheese may sit on the stomach and disturb sleep as can spicy foods.
After Lights Out:
•    Nocturnal manoeuvers in the dark If you do need to get up in the night for any reason then don’t turn on the light unless you really have to. In fact whatever you get up to after lights out, do it with the lights off. •    Awake with ideas: If you get the spark of inspiration jot it down in the dark and go back to sleep – it helps to have a clear bed side table, a big piece of paper to aim at and a pencil sharpened at both ends.
Take away messages
•    Sleep onset is cued by your environment •    Stress, both physical and mental will inhibit onset of sleep and may reduce quality •    Staying asleep depends largely upon your environment •    A few changes in environment and pre sleep behaviour can work wonders •    Sleep triggered internally rather than by medication is, by far, the best sleep
These practical tips will help you sleep like a baby, that deep restful sleep that we all crave is only a few little habit changes away, but you have to try them for them to work
Originally Published Here: Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health
Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health published first on https://wellnessgeeky.tumblr.com
0 notes
helatherwhite · 7 years
Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health
Could your performance get better just by improving your sleep?
Sleep has, for a not insignificant amount of time, been associated with sports performance. In short the theory has been that good sleep leads to improved performance and poor sleep will impair performance.
Generally the association with a good or bad sleep has been premised upon the duration of the sleep, but is that really an accurate measure of sleep quality? This article will explore some of the finer points relating to sleep quality as well as provide some scientific background on the purpose of sleep as a human process.
Russell Foster is a British Circadian neuroscientist: His wonderful Ted Talk on "Why do We Sleep"
What is sleep and how does it work?
Sleep has such a profound effect upon performance and health because of the wide number of vital processes that are dependent upon it. When we sleep the body in effect carries out housekeeping duties; processes that help you deal with physical and mental stress, information processing and memory formation, repair and restoration of tissues
Cues such as falling temperature and light levels are picked up by the sensory nervous system and relayed to the brain which kicks off the production of a hormone melatonin, the trigger for sleep and everything that goes with it, and as such a very important player in your health.
Once sleep has been initiated the brain goes through a series of cycles which appear to be the crux of issue, indeed it has been suggested that it is not duration that counts, but rather the number and completeness of cycles you go through. This cycle is repeated, usually from about 4-6 times in an 8 hour sleep period. So sleep quality is defined by the cycle but how many is enough?
Training and recovery, the impact of sleep
Sleep triggers the rage of a production of hormones, this hormonal milieu includes hormones like growth hormone and testosterone that are responsible for the repair and regeneration of tissues intrinsically involved in physical performance, and research shows that lack of sleep quickly impacts upon all sorts of physical tasks, with research covering weighlifters, cyclists, runners and so on.
The impact is two-fold, over the short term sleep issues have a massive negative effect upon the nervous system reducing strength endurance, concentration and co-ordination - all vital for sports and training.
Over the longer term disruptions in hormone output will effect the body’s ability to recover the tissues such as muscle as well as impairing carbohydrate storage efficiency and reducing immune competence.
In short: a bad night’s sleep with leave you weak and uncoordinated and over A long time you’ll be tired, fat and ill. Getting enough, quality sleep is important.
How much is ‘enough’?
For most of people getting less that 7 hours really starts to effect performance and health and many sleep coaches agree that aim should be on 8 hours. Studying historic texts and populations where there’s no electric light or TV’s actually shows significantly longer sleep durations for example 9-10 hours. My advice: Aim for 9, you’re bound to fall short but still will be OK.
Also remember that stress from high pressure work situations or from lots of physical training can also increase needs significantly, and although the right amount of stress can make for deeper sleep for example a well designed training program, other things, like too much training will disturb it.
Getting Quantity and Quality right
Duration is important but so is quality and sleep 'hacks', habits and little tricks that improve the environment and so can set you up for that deep, restful night’s sleep.
The Sleep Hacks
The environment must be comfortable, cool and dark:
The Bed
•    Frame When your sleeping partner stirs of fidgets then usually so will you so get as big a bed as possible. •    If you get hot easily standard open frame bed with space for the air to circulate underneath will make you more comfortable, especially in summer. •    Mattress A decent mattress will be some of the best 'health & fitness dollar' you ever spend. Memory foam mattresses are great but again if you get hot easily closed and open spring mattresses will allow more airflow. •    Pillow These loose both their shape and hygiene levels and should be replaced at least every few years. If you sleep on your side explore the range of orthopaedic pillows
The Room:
•    Reduce the Temperature a few degrees cooler than your lounge •    Block out the Light Light means it is time to wake up so make sure your curtains are light proof, or try the ‘blackout kits’ available in stores like Amazon. •    Cut the Noise Environmental stimuli will disturb sleep so take a good look at this, maybe look at white noise generating sleep aids. •    Remove the electronics TV's, computers of all types as well as smart phone produce a lot of blue light that inhibit melatonin production. Research shows this link and also shows that couples who removed the TV from the bedroom had sex more often … you might want to leave the TV in the lounge.
Hacking your Sleep Behaviour
What you do before bed effects sleep onset, duration and quality
Several Hours Before Bed: •    Do a Brain Dump Make sure you get your tasks down in writing and relax. •    Avoid caffeine The 'half life' of caffeine is about 5. I usually advise people to cut it a minimum of 5-6 hours before bed. •    Train earlier Working out will help sleep quality but try not to train too close to bedtime. Yoga or meditation may help at the end of a session.
1 Hour Before Bed: •    Reduce fluid intake Reduces nocturnal toilet trips. •    Get a ‘Pre Bed Routine’: These cue the subconscious that sleep is imminent, should be boring and easy: fold clothes or pack food for the next day. •    Schedule sleep An important aspect of ‘sleep hygiene’ is going to bed at the same or at least a very similar time every night.. •    Cool the rooms Cooling signals sleep, so cool the room by about 2 degrees •    Dim room lights, turn off your TV, computer and smartphone Avoids stressful emails and look after your melatonin production. •    Food - Avoid liquid and/or salt as they may mean night time trips to the bathroom. Large amounts of fibrous carbs or fatty foods like cheese may sit on the stomach and disturb sleep as can spicy foods.
After Lights Out:
•    Nocturnal manoeuvers in the dark If you do need to get up in the night for any reason then don’t turn on the light unless you really have to. In fact whatever you get up to after lights out, do it with the lights off. •    Awake with ideas: If you get the spark of inspiration jot it down in the dark and go back to sleep – it helps to have a clear bed side table, a big piece of paper to aim at and a pencil sharpened at both ends.
Take away messages
•    Sleep onset is cued by your environment •    Stress, both physical and mental will inhibit onset of sleep and may reduce quality •    Staying asleep depends largely upon your environment •    A few changes in environment and pre sleep behaviour can work wonders •    Sleep triggered internally rather than by medication is, by far, the best sleep
These practical tips will help you sleep like a baby, that deep restful sleep that we all crave is only a few little habit changes away, but you have to try them for them to work
Source Here: Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health
Why is Sleep so Important for Athletic Performance and General Health published first on http://wellnessgeeky.blogspot.com
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