I forgot to mention but
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Try and fucking insult me I fucking dare you :3
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ceoofhelaegon · 11 months
I like Aemond but damn he was so inept like it's soo funny . He ends smooshing his brother with his Godzilla dragon, maiming his King and one of their few dragons. If he had killed Aegon or sunfyre , he would had cost the Greens the war.
Manages to LOSE THE FUCKING CAPITAL and if not for Larys smuggling out Aegon would had cost the Greens the war again.
Decides to genocide a entire noble House which was TEAM GREEN because they were related to the Velaryon boys, possibly getting Aegon poisoned down the line(Larys wanting revenge for the doom of his House is what makes sense about him killing Aegon)
Spending his time committing war crimes that will come back to bite his brother and his mother´s asses after Rhaenyra´s death.
Let Daeron and Criston die because.......reasons? Yeah but don't forget he study the blade and the philosophy lmaaooo he is so unserious
Nonnie, I honestly never thought of this way...Aemond messes up so badly during the war. But it's more the character or the contrived plot since GRRM wanted Daemon to die in the battle of gods eye? But you're right, he messed up way too much, can't take him seriously.
aemonds whitewashing makes me want to rip my hair out cause of them planning to erase daeron and probably give his arc to aemond and the absolute destruction of argon’s character… don’t get me started
Oh trust me, I've ranted about this way too much as well.
i hope aegon doesnt build aemond thst statue after how he treated him when he wanted to run away lmao
me seeing that happening because Ryan loves Aemond for some reason:
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Of course they had to make Aemond involved somehow 🙄 as if these are not Aegon's children that Aegon will torture Blood and then get revenge for them later. At this point Aemond is Ryan's self-insert it's so ridiculous how he needs to involved him in every plot.
Ryan is literally self-inserting himself into Aemond so don't be surprised if he made the entire story about him
It makes A LOT of sense if that's what he's doing and explains so much of the writing choices. 💀
Don't be surprised if Ryan made b&c about Aemond (there is a reason why he made Aemond's intentional kill an accident) he will made rock's rest about Aemond as well, not mention that Aemond will become prince regent and Ryan will force Aemond in every scene even when there is no need to that, I like Aemond but let's be real other characters deserves to shine not just Aemond
Nonnie, you're making me a doomer ngl:
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Greenis who think that Aemond of all people would be a good ruler are delusional. Only Jace and Daeron are capable of becoming good rulers
I mean, can we blame them? They believed what Ryan made Aemond say in ep. 9...the fucking CRINGE
I love how lazy Ryan and co were to the point they couldn't write anything for Aegon ii so they decided to copy the personality of Aegon iv (one of the most boring targaryen ever) and start pretending that they have created a complex and grey character who rapes maiden in the morning and watch wwe kids in the night, extremely unserious. If they wanted to copy the personality of a bad/tyrannical targ at least they should have picked someone interesting like Maegor or Visenya
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But you're so right, Aegon IV is just so boring and copying his personality is so dumb...if the Blackfyre Rebellions ever get adapted how are they're gonna make Aegon IV?! A guy good who's misunderstood? So unserious.
Aemond's line was probably a lazy set up for the plot of Aemond becoming prince regent
We shouldn't be surprised, the writers have the subtlety of a bull in a china shop.
I love Aemond but there is no denying that he is extremely dark and he will get darker in future seasons, why can't his hardcore stans accept that and stop assaulting anyone who dislikes him or admits that he is a dark character? Like where is the fun liking wholesome uwu characters all the time? Aemond is interesting in this way and there is no fun in pretending that he something he is not (that he's some uwu kindhearted soul)
I think it comes from the fact that people don't want to like a dark character, they might think that somehow it reflects badly on them.
It doesn't btw!!!!!
should’ve had the baratheon girl tell aemond that luke cut his balls off instead of his eye which she humbled his ass ngl but that would make aemond seem like a crybaby for a statement like that and we can’t have mr. i should be king doing dumb shit like that
I'd love to see Maris (I think that it was her) being bitchy, I love bitchy characters!!!!!!
I honestly think it would make him look the impulsive character that he is.
aemond is a massive dick in the books idk why they portrayed him in such a positive light if anything that’s daeron and lord knows were never getting him at this point and aegon is an ass but nevertheless a smart one and a strong one with a decent relationship but no anyways i’ll shout it from the rooftops #justiceforphiaandtom
Same, Nonnie. I kinda liked him before the war, he was just the kind of friend that all of us have, and need sometimes, that says what everyone is thinking.
Sorry to Ryan but Aemond talks,walks, and looks as an anime villain so it's really hard for me to take him seriously especially after his oopsie daisy in ep10 after he chased luke while laughing maniacally
I think it's something like: It doesn't matter if it was an accident it's done kind of thing BUT having him lose control of Vhagar made him look very goofy.
But yeah, he didn't need to laugh like an anime villain.
You are so right, Helaena is barely a character and if the rumors are true she will only be there to be a catalyst for Aemond arc.
Hopefully is not true, but I'm not hopeful at all, Nonnie.
Idc how unpopular this opinion is, but Helaena deserves much more than to be a mere plot device to give some development to Aemond, i don't want her to die early on and for her death to be the beginning of Aemond's man pain arc, it's the fault of the showrunners who whitewashed him too much and tried to merge Daeron's personality with him, if they want him to catch up with his book counterpart there are plenty of ways to do that WITHOUT sacrificing a female character for him. If they did that they have no right to claim they're progressive and feminists
I'll riot if they make Helaena's character about Aemond, THIS ISN'T ABOUT AEMOND!!!!!!!
But Nonnie, they're not feminists nor progressives...we need to realise that, they only say that to avoid criticism and it works.
I love how the mass genocider Aemond who enslaved a woman and most likely raped her is a feminist Marxist and his mommy's little criminal while Rhaenyra and Daenerys are mad queens who deserve to die horribly. We love when misogyny prevail <3
I mean, making excuses for disgusting men and hating teenage girls for being kids is VERY on brand for the ASOIAF fandom.
I love how in the book Aemond was the worst of all of his siblings, now the show is pretending that he is Jaeherys reborn again after they cut Daeron, made Aegon a mustache-twirling villain and never give Helaena any personality whatsoever
Every time I think about the butchering of helaegon and my baby Daeron:
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the merging of characters was the dumbest thing ever like daeron and aemond? who was gonna burn bitterbridge ? aemond?? while he’s making stupid decisions in the riverlands ?? god where is daeron they refuse to announce his casting
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Imagine the incompetent showrunners Thinking that the lunatic mass murder who killed small children just because they have strong blood in them and enslaved a woman and possibly raped her as he has taken her as his *war prize* and who is a disgusting misogynistic as well would be a better grey&complex character than Aegon who took the crown only to protect his family and Daeron who was the most popular kindest son of Alicent lmao sheer stupidity
Nonnie, the Daeron is erasure was PERSONAL!!!!! I hate it here and HotD was a mistake.
It's so hilarious that every male character needs to be either get assassinated or get cut (applied to both teams) just to make Aemond shine.... (even Daemon get the worse interpretation of his character lmao) I wonder what this says about the quality of Aemond's character and the Showrunners's confidence in making him a "relatable" character. It's a curios decision especially when you consider what Aemond will do in the future
Makes you wonder how they'll handle his arc moving forward...maybe change it completely, he won't commit any war crimes 💀
The most unserious scene will be that Battle above God’s Eye scene and the leading up to it and knowing the two fan favorites go out at the same time and I know they are waiting until the damn series finale for that and are going to rush Rhaenyra’s death cause they hate Aegon or have Alicent poison Aegon cause she loves Rhaenyra so much or even sacrifice herself for Rhaenyra. They’ll probably have Aemond’s head be cut of cause it’s Daemon like where’s my stupid Aemond who literally was the second worst decision maker in the dance behind daemyra who deserve to be together at the number one spot.
The erasure of Aegon as a character is my villain origin story!!! Can't wait for the most unserious scene in TV history.
Fun fact: the majority (especially non book readers) hate Aemond, so obviously they're not shipping him with anyone and the majority of who want Helaemond to become canon are wanting that out of hatred for Alicent since Helaena's children being bastards will make Alicent super hypocrite. So they don't care about Helaena's "happiness" (yeah she will be happy with the brother who caused the death of her children and her ultimate suffering and death lmao) they only care about Rhaenyra being on the absolute right and Alicent being nothing but a raging misogynistic and a hypocrite so they don't care about any nuance
The amount of Tik Tok comments and creators wanting the kids to be Aemond's just make Alicent look dumb is huge, and as a helaegon is sad to see.
So according to GRRM logic aemond is bastardphobic but takes a bastard to bed and gets her pregnant? Not ONE person says this could be because of magic but out of true love like y’all saw Melisandre in season 2 with how strange she was at Harrenhal? I’d assume she would be more like her because Ryan needs the constant comparisons 💁‍♀️
Since Ryan is trying to be GoT 2.0, it wouldn't surprise me if we get Melisandre 2.0 in HotD.
Cant wait for the battle above Gods Eye to be so unserious while pregnant alys is right there 😭
It's going to be so fucking unserious, I laughed the first time I read a 50 year old man jumping from his dragon and killing his 20 year old nephew. 💀
Never forget Aemond is bastardphobic but sleeps with a bastard GRRM is so unserious 😭
Especially a bastard from the SAME FAMILY of the bastards he hates!!!!!
Of course only Aemond is going to get his Daenerys Targaryen moment in the Riverlands and not Daeron and what happened at Bitterbridge because the writers hate Daeron and instead gave every character trait to Aemond probably making him regret what happened in the Riverlands after he burns it instead of giving that humanizing moment to Aemond. The worst part is he probably would’ve been a fan favorite had the included him in the first season. This is all coming from an show!aemond girlie
It was probably the dumbest thing HotD has ever made, ngl.
Team black here, and I got to say I've seen your and your anons criticism about Ryan's favoritism and to be honest I agree but it's not just about how Aegon is written compared to how Aemond is written, it's also about how all the young characters are written compares to Aemond Jace,luke,baela and rhaena all have been vilified by Ryan for the sake of giving a poor me sob story for Aemond. Rhaena and Baela weren't in the fight in the book, and Jace and luke have been turned into bullies and not only that, Jace canonical talents and skills with the sword, being studious and worthy of being the next ruler (after rhaenyra) the maesters said something similar to Jace proved himself to be worthy of being the prince of the iron throne all of it have been taken away and given to Aemond in show. Jace and luke could care less about Aemond's stupid toast in the book and the fight was between Aegon and Jace because of Helaena. Ryan made them instead get angry because of Aemond's speech not to mention he made Jace who has been described as tall and strong just like Harwin to gets pushed down into the ground by Aemond whose greatest achievement as a fighter is killing some random 80yr man. Luke whose mother is a valeryian supremacist can't even speak valeryian properly while Aemond can lmaoo. Not to mention that Laena used to have a scene while she claims Vhaegar as a brave 12yr girl but Ryan cut that out because he wants Aemond's scene to be more impressive? Rhaena who grown up dragonless doesn't has any backstory and the show doesn't even focus on her pain while Aemond had given a fully made up bullying story? There is no mention of the impressive fact that helaena as 11/12 was able to claim one of the largest/oldest dragons of that time? There is nothing wrong for a writer to like a certain character but not to the point of literally stealing and destroying other characters just to make their fave the only likable character. And I wonder what trying to woobify a mass murder and a rapist whose greatest achievement is about killing innocents and children while destroying and subjecting female characters truly says about Ryan?
I've seen team black talking about the same thing before, making the son of Breakbones this weak and pathetic boy was certainly a choice.
I agree with you, we should've seen Laena and Helaena claiming their HUGE dragons at such a young age. I honestly think that it wouldn't make Aemond's scene less impactful, we would get way more attached to Vhagar and see that Laena was her own woman and worthy of the biggest dragon in the known world.
As I said before, the feminist angle is just to stop criticism of bad writing.
Something all Helaegon and Daemyra stans can agree on is Aemond fans are bloody wild! I post about shipping both them couples and somehow my inbox is filled with hate from Aemond supporters🤣 like bru, nobody is mentioning him
LMAO, Nonnie...I'll get so much hate asks after this...but you're so right lol.
what are the aemond stan’s crying about? he’s fictional ya’ll but seriously what do they complain about
Mainly about how Aemond isn't my favourite, because god forbid Aemond isn't my fave.
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aajjks · 4 months
don't ask, I love him (almost as much as ily) but I kinda wanted to fuck with him LMAAOOO
I don't like your palace. The vibes are... way off. Also, not you kidnapping me just to have a girlfriend. It's giving... desperate. It's giving... sad. Like, just say you're an incel and go. Catch up with your hairline. 🙄 It's already all the way in the east. Starting another war probably.
“Vibes? What is vibes yn? What? I don’t want a girlfriend I want a wife- you. A-Are you calling me desperate? Sad? You think I’m sad? Wow…what the fuck is an incel?!! Yn the fuck are you talking about?! OH MY GOD MY HAIRLINE?! ARE YOU SAYING IM BALD?! Wow you’re being a bitch right now- I CANT BELIEVE YOU! You’re MEAN.”
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belamew · 1 year
There's so many people here oh my god.
I'm just hanging out with a little guy that i didn't even notice was climbing up my leg because I'm so used to it lmaaooo
If someone is missing their zorua, they're aight
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Hey! You once talked about a fanfic you read on ao3 about Macau parent-trapping Vegas and Pete. I read it and loved it so much. I was hoping if you had any more VP fanfic recommendations like that? I need to survive till Saturday and need my daily VP fix lol
Omg that fic is chef's kiss truly (link in the completed list below).
And umm I myself am looking for vegaspete fics which don't just have smut. My heart yearns for 100k completed vegaspete fics, but the universe only gives me struggles 😢😢😖😖
Okay, but there are some beautiful on-going fics that I'm following and you can check them out.
1. But Red is Mine by @bitacrytic. Boy oh boy am I feral for this soul mate fic. It's canon complaint which just makes the angst even more delicious ooohhh Vegas Vegas Vegas.. It's like he's cutting the very branch he is sitting on and we can all only shake our heads at him. Chapters published - 5/?
2. When a monster is not a monster? (Oh, when you love it) . 4/6 chapter have been published and ooohhh I'm loving it. Porsche can sense that something is wrong with Pete (I don't know if the show will add such scenes, but I hope they do) and he tries to help... and makes things worse lmaaooo 😂😂😂
Now for some completed fics.
1. Like fire, we burn . One shot. Ohohoho this fic oohhh this fic! It's part of the Dark!Pete series, but I've read only this one. There's jealousy SO MUCH jealousy and lovely consequences (implied sexy times hehe) 😏
2. Who do you belong to? One shot. Tankhun and Vegas fighting over Pete. MY HEART AHSJSJDJDJ god Vegas is a jerk in this one, but very clear about his priorities and Tankhun is protective as fuck. Ending part of the fic is sexy times galore.
3. Devil Inside (I'm sharing this for everyone wondering which fic anon is talking about). I LOVE IT SO MUCH OH MY GOOOOODDDDD IT'S EVERYTHING! VEGASPETE ARE JUST KILLING ME IN THIS ONE!
4. Whiskey Sour by @cardamonns . One shot. Vegas and Kinn attend a meeting while Pete and Porsche enjoy a drink at the bar. Chaos ensues. Enjoooyyyy
5. Shameless promotion and I'm not sorry about it (no I'm terrified but I'll still do it because the vegaspete nation must be fed). You've got a friend in me by yours truly.
It's a very teeny tiny one shot that I wrote about Chay and Macau being besties and like mini parallels of Pete and Porsche. VegasPete drama plays a major role 😂
Hope this is enough to feed you till the episode airs tonight anon. I need to go find some popcorn and inhalers and tissues to prepare myself. 🤗
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placentafluid · 2 months
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chthonicgodling · 11 months
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AN ELYSIUM DRAMA UPDATE - TWO! 🎊LIBBY & TY ALSO GOT MARRIED!🎊 approximately 30 seconds after Chal (Libby’s twin) and Bel (Ty’s twin) of course!!** (see THEIR special moment over here!)
**[[actually to split hairs twins is a super simplification, in which Libby is very literally Chal’s superego brought to life and Bel and Ty are loosely one singular deity split apart into two halves and two separate bodies BUT, I DIGRESS, QUIRKY THINGS🤪🤪 it’s all just a codependent quartet in the end💞- NNYWAY]]
the continuation from, one post back!!, another abridged canon convo, their own moment!! where summary bc of wedding ceremony anxieties everyone agrees to privately sign marriage certificates and Be Married long before their double-wedding, but that stiiiil countssss<33
I didn’t plan on doing a whole comic for them like at all to be perfectly honest hHhaA BUT I FELT BAD for thE blatant favoritism ,,, whoops,,,!! SO, SUDDENLY, here!! & cameos from all proud parents!! (jumpscare again He Is Always Here) fgkfk Maci’s crying now wait til a WEDDING
Libby & Ty’s relationship began relatively dramafree in the background of Chal & Bel’s intensely dramatic relationship path for literally just as long, but they’ve been straight chillin from day one so this is less of a “I can’t believe how far we’ve come” than a “AWW THEYRE STILL SO CUTE”
AND once again - a special thank youuu to MY better half @fenixethekid (handler for Ty, Tory, also Bel, also Eury-Epi, and yknow. Many more.) - she’s responsible for all that orange, Ty’s I do lol ofc- and also, for Ty having the forethought to not TRAP BABY VID IN BETWEEN their first kiss like Bel did to Baby N fgkgkkf which was really just a split second moment but a funny enough typical difference between Ty & Bel that it’s now the punchline. To me. oh my god. so im so glad that so many of you noticed N bein squished in that last comic for this compare-contrast lmaAOOO???
so their time to shine! YAYAY!!! and now we move back into slowly wedding planning and designing little outfits 🥺🥹 but on paper it’s alll squared away!! 💍💍💍 congrats to all FOUR of our kidsss 💞🎊💞🎊💞🎊🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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adracat · 11 months
i had a dream about gwitch that i dont remember much of aside from dragons being involved? but the big moment before i woke up was miorine going "oh god i am my dad" and swearing she could hear prospera laughing somewhere
Lmaaooo that's incredible. Very in character! But now I want dragons in my gwitch. Hmmmmm someone write this au
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icyfox17 · 9 months
oh my god i have a fun little story for you i forgot to tell. earlier today my younger cousin came up to me and was like “LOOK WHAT I CAN DO” and proceeded to open his mouth, leave it hanging open until spit dribbled onto his shirt, grinned at me, then ran off. i was like ????? LMAAOOO
tommyinnit coded tbh
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thetwelfthcrow · 6 months
I wonder why 👀🤭
oh my god no what in the mafia wattpad fanfic is this video lmaaooo
but yes! great for your fic, no??
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Also get a proper sleep now author cat!
Also damn y/n basically dissed yakuza and Gun huh, Wonder what is her reaction when she finds the truth she probably go "Sowwy gun for dissing you..." while wearing maid outfit as Gun's punishment.
Tipsy y/n = Sexy and Scary y/n
Gonna say it, too freaking hot onto the y/n seducing/kissing gun in the bar 81! I probably blushing like tomato here and if I ever see myself at the mirror lol.
Wahaaaa another smut for chap 11?!? I kinda see the pattern here lol, 3 chap each huh.
Wonder what is type of kink is stored for us howny reader (lol). I bet bondage since gun have his tie suit as he wear his suit. I kinda curious if gun have a shibari rope in the house, why does he have when he probably the type of person who uses technique? I just thought that Goo made a package/gift prank that is full of "Toys" as a tease of Gun being a womanizer lol. Since Goo is a type of guy pull pranks on Gun as christmas present or any Goo playful mood.
Gun probably put that package at the back of the closet and left it untouch as he didn't think he need it as he doesn't have his official girl aka y/n yet during that time.
Now that I think it about y/n gonna have a bad hangover as she wake up in the morning or she basically go sleep like dead log.
OMG THANK YOU SAM!!! 💗💗💗💗💗 HOLY CRAP. IT’S BEEN 10 CHAPTERS. 🧍🏽‍♀️ It’s hard to believe, and I still need to process that… I’ll work on getting better sleep! Ty for your concern. 😭💕
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Drunk (Y/N) = Badass + assertive 😬 It’s ironic that she wouldn’t really do that when she’s in her right mind, but when she’s drunk, she can pull moves. 😎
OMG AHAHAHAHHA. TBH THAT WAS ONE OF THE PARTS OF THE CHAPTER THAT I ENJOYED WRITING. The spiciness. 😮‍💨❤️‍🔥 (And the part when she dissed Shiro Oni was one of my faves too. Like ugh, yes, HE NEEDS TO BE HUMBLED!!!!)
Oh my- 💀💀 I unintentionally did that. You made me realize the pattern that I did not plan at all. LMAAOOO I was supposed to fit in the spice in this chapter but then I noticed that there’s already too much happening in Ch. X so I might as well save all of the good parts next chapter. 😩👌🏽 (Sorry guys, pls forgive me. 🥲)
OHOHOHOHO. He’ll def be putting THAT to good use… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The alcohol be hitting. 😅 And yes, that’s another possibility LMAO.
Overall, thank you for your thoughts on Ch. X Sam! I always love reading about the possibilities for future events in the story. And thank you for the eager support!! ☺️💖💖💖
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starlytenight · 2 years
Meta Knight can take over Dreamland when he gets concussed by the Jamba Heart piece, as a treat.
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nyctospoilers · 2 years
KHDR Reactions
Episode 8: The Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses
2 Years Later
I don’t even fucking remember when this is. I think Xehanort and Eraqus are Masters by now…
They still play chess 😭
“It made me realize one lifetime is too short” NO. YOU STOP THAT.
“Twelve, no. Thirtheen” I can’t fucking do this.
I loooove the curtains slightly swaying
The Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses
“What we’ve lost is immeasurable.” yeah… you lost what– 12 out of 14 students… maybe you’re not a good teacher, Odin…
Are they saying Baldr turned into a heartless??
“Even knowing what he’s done?” what has he done???? I feel like I fucking missed something. Oh he just gave into darkness.
Vidar and the lesbians…
Eraqus blowing up on Vidar 🫢🫢🫢
Eraqus “Xehanort, you’d said you’d help!” bitch I dont remember that!
Damn these little bitches are tough LOL
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^ okay this made me CACKLEEEE. He looks like a teenager’s edgy version of themselves alsdkjfasdf. It’s the smirrrk
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^WTF was going on with Xehanort??? That’s so weird how he reacts to darkness…
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^WTFF????? WHAT ISS THISSS LMAAOOO. bitch is on his 2nd week in animal crossing
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Ngl that shadow growing behind baldr is kinda scary asdlfkjasdf
“I’m the one who got rid of her” jesus christ lkajsdf
Is this why we didn’t see bragi and urd die on screen…
Thank GOD the older students saved Vor
She was JUST a little girrrlll 😭
“The key to summoning kingdom hearts: 13 lights must be given to the shadows” bitch since when…. He better be mistaken or something lol
This little silver bitch really said “what if I try to be a major villain in like… less than a day’s worth of gameplay?” filler villain
Man I really do not remember who’s who…
It’s interesting that Baldr can turn in and out of a heartless….. Kinda ruins the impact of KH1 but… sshhhh LOL
Me immediately after the Baldr boss fight “KILL HIMMMM, KILL HIM, KILL HIM NOW NOW NOW”
Baldr “we stand by a light that casts shadows. You with eraqus, and me with my sister. And when we when that light disappears, we lose our purpose and are swallowed by the void” okay well gay
Baldr saying “I am the ___, I am the ____, I am the shadow that lurks in the recess of your heart” made me want to sing This is Halloween lyrics lkjasdlfkjasdf “I am the wind blowing through your hair” shit ass asdlkfjsadf
The darkness “I was born from all of your darknesses” ruh roh…
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^ Wtf??? Is Hoder in Xehanort’s heart?? Wtf is goin’ on???
This is SUCH a pretty effect on Hoder. I could look at these sparkles forever
OOHHHHH this is the scene we skipped over when Hoder was like “Xehanort, I need a favor” smort thinkin’ girl
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^ ASDFLKJASDF the fuckin fakeout with the Keyblades, like a western with pistols LOL
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^ CHAINS! ODIN! Wrangling Baldr like a fucking horse “WE GOT OURSELVES A LIVE ONE BOYS”
Okay the way Xehanort just walked up to him and slashed…. That was pretty badass imo LOL
I just realized through all of this I still don’t know why Xehanort is bald…. Is it the corridors?? If it’s the fucking corridors like– I guess I already assumed that for so long but only doubted it when Nomura started hinting to it so fucking much LOL.
1 month later
Ugh damn the graveyards…. Even when there’s no bodies…
I don’t know why, but I like how this game, even with this scene, takes particular focus on Vor. I feel like Vor is such an unusual character, or at least, her type of bouncy cutsie girl character is always pushed to the side in KH, so it’s nice that someone like her finally got some focus and development.
Eraqus showing up with flowers too 😭
Eraqus “You’ve been cooped up in your room since… everything” god… they really did make Xehanort so relatable to me…
Eraqus “I hardly recognize Odin now. Just a glum old man, these days” 😭😭
Eraqus “Life should be fun, right?” Xehanort “Says the person weeping loudly in his room, night after night” NOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭
Xehanort “How on earth did you hear that” LKAJSDFLKJ
MoM (Luxu I guess!) “Guess it wasn’t him after all” the singularity??? Who the fuck is??
Bragi “I’d like to keep this body a little longer” son of a fucking bitch LOL people’s lucky guesses about Bragi JUST based on the name were right… kudos to them lmao
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Luxu “tough luck, no chosen one yet” well make up your fucking mind, Luxu, cause in KH3 you say he is!!
Idk why seeing Bragi in the coat made me laugh but it did. Also I can’t believe KH did the “no body, no death” trope…
After Credits
Look at him fall in his lappp 😭😭😭
“Great Great grandfather” so he is a descendant
“Will I get to see my mom again too?” the lady WAS his mom
Okay wait I’m confused hold on. So all the union leaders were listed in this scene. So, I think what happened, if I’m understanding correctly, was a psych out. Player did not join XEHANORT’s heart, but rather joined–I assume– Missing Link Player’s heart, who grows up to be Xehanort’s caretaker. And because it’s still our heart, Xehanort was able to pick up on that because he’s an empath now apparently.
TFW when you could have become the child of destiny but a boy who lost his sister had to fucking bananas on you instead, so now it’s a boy with a pet duck and dog.
Awww Xehanort IS descended from Ephemer
Well it’s over. I guesss..... Okay. I'll just write my initial thoughts here.
Overall: VERY funny to me, I laughed a LOT. I loved all the students. I think it was... an interesting choice to have the final villain be a brand new character, but hey at least DR's contained in that sense. I'm glad it finally clicked with me personally that Hade's underworld indeed connects across the entire world. People said to me "well duh mel, remember Auron?" but I just figured he died there since other FF characters go to the Coliseum. I... will need to digest the whole darkness thing, just because I THOUGHT I had it ironed out, but they talked about it over and over that I got tripped up and lost again LOL. LOVE baby nort. LOVE baby nort. How can such a little guy become the creepy man who freezes Terra and holds Ventus by the skull? incredible.
And strangely enough I really love that it, ever so briefly, addressed Xehanort, Eraqus and Odin's survivor's guilt. KH can imply trauma, but at the same time to remain light hearted, it doesn't always go all the way. It didn't go all the way here either, but further than I expected.
I enjoyed this game, and I'm glad I played it myself. Took me literally 24 hours to beat it, I played it all day, but I did it! 💪💪
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In my head, Eddie is definitely not a cis (bc binary sucks) and he is actually the helpless bottom (these handcuffs lmaaooo)
Probably would handpoke himself, just bc he was bored, and it's was sunday afternoon
He is brilliant pet parent, but don't have any pet, bc he has traumatizing story from childhood about his hamster/goldfish 💀
He would make an excellent school psychologist as adult 😭
omg yes 100% agree also he is trans bc he acts like me and im trans boom gender has been transed
literally i bet any easy to access area hes tatted at some point
oh my god i had the same thought abt the pet thing a couple days ago. i see him having a scrawny little black kitten tho
oh god he would be the best :’)
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adri-g0 · 9 months
ok its my turn to send bg3 shitpost https://twitter.com/ShitpostRock/status/1690999196034502656
oh my god dude lmaaooo the amount of times this has happened to me is crazy
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