#LIKE COME ON the song is hauntingly fitting
dykehayleywilliams · 1 year
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dalkyeom · 2 years
sunglasses ghostie says trick or treat!! she would love some woozi pls :)))
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A lil ghostie woozi coming right up!!
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moris-auri · 1 month
Heaven is not fit (to house a love like you and I)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Baela Targaryen
Summary: The war, bloody and devastating, is over. Having bested his uncle over the God's Eye, Aemond returns to King’s Landing and to his elder brother.
But his victory is short-lived when Aegon dies in 131 A.C. without an heir. After more than a half year of peace, the realm is thrown into chaos once again. Made to choose a bride after having the ruby studded crown of Aegon I placed on his head and made King, Aemond chooses his cousin, Baela Targaryen.
And Baela Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, grows more than fond of saying "Fuck the realm."
WC: 8k
Beta'd by @vampire-exgirlfriend ILYSM Alex ❤️❤️
Warnings: NSFW 18+, spoilers for Fire and Blood (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
The title sits like ash in her mouth, lingering on her tongue like sour, spoiled wine. It had ever since her arrival nearly three days prior; carried from the ship that had brought her from Driftmark to the Red Keep, she has done little else but think about it, over and over and over again.
Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Her conviction only grows stronger each time the thought comes, her conviction that becoming his wife and Queen is the very last thing she wants. That Aemond is quite possibly the one person in all the realm she despises. She has still not forgotten the things he'd said and done in the past, the half-sullen, half-angry boy he'd been in their youth. She has not forgotten the words he had spat so cruelly in the tunnel the night he claimed Vhagar just after her mother's funeral, the same night Luke cut out his eye. Has not forgotten his toast to Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey the night her father took Vaemond Velaryon's head, nor has she forgotten the manner of Luke and Arrax's deaths over Shipbreaker Bay.
She's had dreams sometimes of what it would have been like to be Jacaerys' queen, late at night when she could not find sleep and spent half the night tossing and turning in her bed. Dreams that were hauntingly vivid, things of what could have been if he had survived the Gullet. Glimpses of what it might have been like if war had not broken out, damaging the realm so much it was near irreparable in some places.
But he had not.
None of them had, save for herself, Aemond, Rhaena and little Aegon.
If only her uncle were here to see the utter ruin of their House, what their family had become. The Crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided.
Divided indeed.
It's almost laughable, she cannot help but think, letting out a faint, mirthless huff of laughter, how the might and entirety of House Targaryen- a line going back to the Dragonlords of Old Valyria, was now all but wiped out in less than five years. And over a chair no less.
"I've been looking for you, girl."
The sound of her grandfather's voice from behind her drew her back to the present, his tone sounding sterner than she can ever remember it being.
"You've found me, grandfather," she said testily, resisting the desire to roll her eyes as she stood, still facing the windows of her chamber that overlooked the city, arms crossed over her chest, fighting the urge to shout her fury.
His voice came again, but she didn't catch whatever he said. Except for one word.
"I won't do it," she says as she shakes her head. She crossed her arms over her chest, not caring in the slightest if he thinks she seems petulant as she squashes the desire to toss her head back and laugh, instead savoring the bite of pain that ricochets up her arms when she presses her nails into the skin of her palms. "Let Rhaena wed him."
She immediately regrets it, feeling the guilt rise inside her, chasing the anger away like a tide. She knows as well as he does that the pit of snakes and rats that the royal court is would eat her twin alive and spit out her bones. "He's a kinslayer," she says instead, a not so small trace of bitterness lingering in her voice, "Or have you forgotten how he murdered Luke?"
"I have not. But he is king now." her grandsire reminds sharply, disapproval rolling off him in waves. "This realm has seen enough war and bloodshed, child."
Baela feels her cheeks heat at the chastisement, clenching her hands into fists at her sides again. "I won't do it," she repeats, but she can feel how futile her protests are even as she says it. She doesn't want this fate; the fate of so many women before her. She feels her eyes begin to sting then, the unwanted thought of what a Queen's duty was bouncing around inside her head, bile rising to the back of her throat. Would her fate be the same as her mother's? As Queen Aemma's?
Corlys sighs, the sound almost as heavy as the hand he places on her shoulder. "You'll be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, girl. Be grateful."
"Be grateful?" she says incredulously as she whirls around to glare at him, her anger returning stronger than it had before. "Be grateful? For being bartered off like a chest of riches?"
His face tightens, his hand falling back to his side. "Be grateful," he adds gruffly. "That the king has chosen you."
She snorted derisively. "As if you gave him any other option. I know he only chose me because you dangled me before him like bait." She hisses the words at him spitefully, eyes narrowed. "I wish Father had killed him," she added vindictively as an afterthought.
"Enough of this," he grounds out, his voice a low rumble in his chest. "You will. For the good of the realm."
"Fuck the realm." She says again. A final, futile effort to stop this.
"Baela!" His voice grows in volume, in frustration, all but bordering on a bellow. She doesn't so much as flinch, bold and willful thing that she is. Her mouth twists, blood roaring in her veins. She opens her mouth, but closes it just as fast when he sends her a warning glance.
You will marry him.
"Now," Corlys cleared his throat. "He requests your presence in the Small Council chamber."
"Now? But I'm-" she glanced down at herself, a thread of panic entering her voice.
"You look fine," Corlys said, as if he could sense her panic. The reassurance in his voice does little to calm her, though, made clear in the look etched on her face. "Now come," he said, steering her forward with a hand against her back.
She's barely been in the room for a minute before she feels the weight of Aemond's gaze land on her, the burning intensity of it making the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She swallowed then, tucking away the unsure part of herself, pushing back the sliver of self preservation that reared its head in recognition that she was no longer the only dragon in the room, the sliver that felt like she could potentially even be prey when in his presence. The eyes she fixed him with then were hard, the weakness she resented shoved down deep within her, eagerly ignored.
She cannot help but admit how much he looks like a king in that moment, with his spine as stiff as a board and his hands clasped together before him in an almost penitent manner that was at odds with the unreadable expression on his face. The blank, carefully crafted expression on his face that made her feel disconcerted, wary and ill at ease at not being able to tell what he was thinking or what he was feeling. Did he hate this farce as much as she did? This plan to mend the shattered, broken shards their family had become? Or did he want it more than he let on?
And if he did, why?
"Cousin," her soon to be husband says from where he sits at the head of the long table, his hands clasped together in front of him. "Sit," he murmurs, the command clear when he gestures towards the vacant chair to his right. She does so without a word, but not before glancing at her grandfather, who only nodded at her with a look of pride on his face.
"Cousin," she returns once she's situated, her tone bordering on saccharine and falsely sweet as she forces herself to remain at ease, to remain calm and not spit a slew of curses at him when the rage in her eyes did not affect him in the slightest.
She ripped her gaze away from his face, sliding upwards before stopping, her lips parting as her gaze landed on the crown situated atop his head, the crown that had once sat on his brother's head. The sole ruby in the center winks in the light, the valyrian steel surrounding it looking almost black despite the sun shining into the room.
"What are your plans for the ceremony, Your Grace?" her grandfather interrupts after a long moment, elbows resting on the edge of the table as he leans forward.
Her gaze drops back to Aemond's face at the sound of the low hum he lets out in response to the question, watching as he presses his steepled fingers against his mouth, as if in thought. "In the Old Valyrian way, of course," he responds, casting a fleeting look her way, his gaze searching, before averting his eye almost nervously.
‘Let him be nervous,’ she thinks almost vindictively, feeling her mouth twitch in response. He says something else that she doesn't catch entirely, listening with one ear as they speak of other things pertaining to the realm that she knows she should care about but cannot bring herself to truly care about.
Not yet at least.
Her mind drifts to thoughts of her father as she tunes the sound of their voices out, knowing without a doubt how he'd make no attempt to show or let his obvious disapproval at this be known if he were here. Pain lanced through her at the thought of him, chased by the knowledge that he would never speak again. That she would never see his face or hear his voice again - not in this life, at least. Not when he was nothing more than a decaying corpse at the bottom of the God's Eye now.
"What say you, cousin?" Aemond asks as he leans closer to her, the sound of his voice dragging her back to the present. "The way of our House? Or the way of the Seven?"
"Excuse me?"
"For the ceremony," he repeated steadily as he met her gaze. His expression had gone unreadable again, save for the slight tightening around his mouth, the sound of his fingers drumming against the table drifting towards her.
Baela felt her cheeks go hot as her eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard by the question. She swallowed her sudden apprehension as she opened her mouth to respond, a memory of the day her father had married Rhaenyra in the traditional Valyrian way resurfacing.
He was asking her what she wanted.
She hesitated a moment before biting her lip, her heart pounding behind her ribs. She stiffened her shoulders as she looked up at him from under her lashes, her mind made up. If she was to do this, she'd do it in a way she knew would've made the Rogue Prince proud.
"The Valyrian way."
The day of her marriage comes a week after her arrival and she wants nothing more than to scream. The bedchamber that is hers now has been a hive of activity for the last several hours, the space full of chatter from a handful of different voices, namely those of the seamstresses and the Dowager Queen.
She has seen neither hide nor hair of Alicent Hightower since she stepped foot into the Keep over a week ago, though she had heard far and few in between whispers from the servants. Spun tales of a bereaved, grief stricken Dowager Queen who had retreated to her bedchamber after losing almost everything but the son that now sat the Iron Throne.
She had not put much stock in them before, but the sight of her soon to be good-mother is more than enough to make her believe them. She remembered the woman who had sat at her Uncle's left, glowing and resplendent in rich green and gold, hair laying across her shoulders in a sheet of burnished auburn waves.
There is hardly a trace of that woman now.
Now Alicent Hightower is pale, drawn and almost ghostly. Her hair is done plainly, an unadorned braid wrapped around her head, her dress a shade of black that seemed to swallow her whole, making her look slight and diminutive. That had been another thing she had heard, her complete disavowal of wearing anything made in the colors of her House, and as much as she does not want to pity her soon to be goodmother, she cannot help it.
Drawn from her reverie, Baela turns her head at the sound of the head seamstress clearing her throat, her gaze falling to the final part of the ornate robes the woman held in her hands. Resisting the desire to roll her eyes, Baela made a motion with one hand, beckoning the woman forward without a word.
Rhaena only had to take one look at her face as soon as the final clasp on the bodice was closed, no doubt catching the steadily heightening agitation brewing like a storm cloud in her eyes, a wordless communication passing between them. "Leave us," she says sharply as she stands from the chair she had been sitting in since early this morning, the hem of her dress soundless on the flagstones as she neared.
If there was one good thing to this, it was that she still had her sister at her side as a pillar of support. Everytime she had thought about it, about being alone in this cesspool with only the distant attention of her grandfather, she felt dread churn low in her stomach. And so it had been the one thing she'd refused to budge on. 'If I must do this,' she had said to their grandfather the second night, the look in her eyes daring him to argue with her, 'I will have her with me.'
Baela shot a fierce, withering glare at the servant who wavered by the door, the order to get out burning in her gaze. "By the gods-" she mutters the instant the chamber is fully empty, her chamber now, she thought belatedly as she rolled her shoulders in an effort to lessen the tension. She could already feel the weight of the robes she wore bearing her down like an anchor, stifling and heavy; as did the ornate headpiece, brought from Dragonstone on such short notice. She reached up to tug on it, only to let out a startled yelp when Rhaena smacked her hands away with a glare. You'll mess it up, her sister's eyes seemed to say.
Baela scowled at her as she rubbed at the now stinging skin, but let them fall to her side nonetheless, her head twisting to the side a minute later at the sound of knocking, followed by a voice partially muffled by the thick wood of the door. "Are you ready, Your Grace?"
She let out a breath as she dropped her hands to her sides. She was not ready, and she doubted she ever would be but she raised her voice nonetheless, just loud enough to let her reply carry the distance to where the servant could hear her clearly. She glanced down one final time, inhaling a breath as she steeled herself silently, the thump of her heart as loud as a drum in her ears.
"You look beautiful, sister," Rhaena murmured, as if she sensed the conflict raging beneath her skin.
"As do you," Baela said as she shot her a grateful smile, squeezing her fingers gently. She let go of Rhaena's fingers a minute or two later as she pulled away, smoothing her palms over the stiff cloth, exchanging one last glance with her before stepping past her and out into the corridor.
The ride to the Dragonpit was torturous, and she hated it.
Her previously half pleasant mood was gone, having vanished like smoke what felt like ages ago, replaced with irritation and the steadily growing urge to snap at someone, despite the fact that it was only herself and Rhaena in the wheelhouse, a fact she cannot help but be grateful for.
"If I must suffer one more-" she all but snarled as she grit her teeth each time the wheels of the wheelhouse jostled over the uneven streets the closer and closer they got to the Dragonpit. Or what was left of it, half demolished as it was now.
Her hands dropped to her lap, resting one over the other as she began twisting the gold ring around the fourth finger of her left hand in a nervous tic.
"At least we're almost there," Rhaena murmured half under her breath from the seat across from her, an attempt at placating her, leaning forward to rest a hand on her arm. Baela made a wordless sound of agreement in her throat as she turned her head to the side, blinking every time sunlight filtered in through the star-shaped holes. Rhaena opened her mouth to say something else, but Baela had turned away, in no mood to hear another word.
They rode the rest of the way in silence, save for the jubilant sounds of shouting from the people lining the streets on either side of the carriage. "Gods above-," she grumbled out in relief when she felt the wheelhouse rock to a stop, seeing stars as she raised her hand to her eyes to block out the glare of the sun, the sight of their grandsire standing hardly more than a foot away, the Velaryon seahorse stitched out in silver thread, bright against the dark hue of his tunic.
"Grandfather," she greeted shortly as she stepped down, ignoring the hand he had extended towards her, exhaling when both her feet were flat on the ground.
"Granddaughter," he said gruffly in response as he set his hands on her shoulders, tilting his head to look her in the eye. She squinted against the sun as she tipped her head back to look up at him, caught off guard by the odd look in his eyes, one that she did not know what to think of.
"If only Rhaenys and Laena could see you now," he murmured, his words doing little except to startle her further, "They'd be so very proud of you. I know it."
Blinking in surprise at the mention of her mother and grandmother, Baela felt the pricking, tell-tale sting of tears in the corners of her eyes as his words sunk in. She opened her mouth as if to speak, a question on the tip of her tongue, but he turned away before she could.
She knew he grieved for his wife as she and Rhaena did, mourning her in his own way. He fell silent again, the look in his eyes turning into something more scrutinizing, as if he was studying her. "His Grace is waiting," was all he said, his voice turning brusque once more, brooking no room for an argument. Baela watched him go silently, the broad width of his back filling her vision as he ascended the steps of the Dragonpit before disappearing inside.
"Ābrazȳrys." Her husband's tone is cold and flat, carrying nary a trace of affection- not that she expects him to have any.
It still felt more than strange to call him that, the sole word as foreign to her as anything, even though it's been a month since their marriage. No matter how fervently she wishes to forget, she can still remember some parts of the ceremony as clear as day. She doubted she ever would now, not with the way they all but clung to her like shadows in the back of her mind.
The feeling of the dragonglass Aemond had pressed to her lip and to the skin of her palm. The sharp pain that had followed it and the iron smell of the blood that welled in its wake. The look in his eye when he had drawn the Valyrian glyph for fire on her forehead. The look on his face when she had done the same to him, the glyph for blood standing out as red as garnets against his skin.
"What do you want?" she demands of him, knowing what he'll say anyway. She braces her weight on her elbows as she looks towards where he stands in the doorway, not missing the way he's still wearing the same tunic he had been earlier.
Aemond frowned at her words, a crease forming between his brows. "We must do this for the realm-" he starts to say, his voice now carrying a steely edge. "Our duty-"
He was standing close enough for her ears to pick up the breath he let out, the sound long and slow- a sign of his growing agitation. Baela fought the urge to smile as she half turned on her side to face him, her shift slipping down her shoulder. "Damn the realm," she said viciously as she all but bared her teeth at him like some wild beast.
Even with the urgings of the Small Council, as well as those of her grandfather and his mother, she had hardly, if any desire to know him. "I do not want you here. So go away," she repeated, her voice little more than a snap now, doing her hardest to ignore the heat crawling up her spine, more than acutely aware of his stare, feeling the heavy weight of his gaze burning into her skin. "You're more than welcome to go slake your lust elsewhere, husband."
He retreated a step or two at her words, a wounded look darting across his face.
"Another day," he said finally, when she didn't relent, making his way towards the door.
She ignores him anyway.
Rhaena's head lifted at the sound of Aemond’s voice, eyes trailing to fall on his expression.
Even from this far, she could taste the tension all but oozing from him like wine overflowing from a cask, his brow furrowed, his mouth turned down in a frown, as if something was troubling him. He looked half out of place in her chamber, looking rather like an inkblot, the dark of his tunic and his breeches standing out against the lighter, paler colors.
No, she could not call him Aemond- not anymore at least. He was the King now, and her sister's husband to boot. "Your Grace," she says cautiously, setting aside her book as she rises to her feet. "Is there something I might-"
He cuts her off before she can finish speaking, his eye darting around her chambers before settling on her face. "Your sister," he all but blurts out, before clearing his throat, spots of color infusing along his cheekbones. "Baela," he amends as he twists his arms behind his back. "I…I do not know what to do. She-"
Rhaena tilted her head as she studied him, her gaze as sharp as a knife's edge, more than aware of how he seemed almost nervous, her good-brother, flustered in a way she cannot remember ever seeing from him- not even when they'd been children.
"What have you tried, Your Grace?"
"I-" he seemed to stumble over the word, glancing up at her before dropping his gaze downward to his feet. Rhaena watched as he removed his crown, holding it with one hand as he ran the other over his hair, sending the pale silver-gold strands further into a state of dishevelment.
"My sister is being unfair," she admitted, feeling a faint pity for him. "But she is headstrong, willful and proud. She always has been."
"You do know her best," he murmured quietly as he met her stare, a sliver of light skirting over his face in a way that illuminated the smudged, half-moon shadow under his eye. Her pity for him grew, though she kept it to herself as she nodded wordlessly, gaze dropping down to his boots, a slew of thoughts churning in her skull.
"If I might speak freely, Your Grace?"
He nodded, the bobbing of his almost eager in a way. "Please."
Rhaena hesitated. "She likes hawking," she said finally as she bit her lip in thought, "And riding. We used to do it on Dragonstone when the weather was favorable."
He nodded again, humming as he listened to her, a resolve growing in his eye.
His eye met hers then, an unspoken agreement passing between them. Baela would no doubt be angered by this, but her anger would fade, it had to- for the good of the realm. Rhaena let a half rueful grin form on her lips, practically able to hear the sound of her sister's voice in her mind, seething and laden with fury, as well as the saying she had taken to like a fish to water.
Fuck the realm.
"Thank you, goodsister," he said lastly, half turned towards the door. Rhaena dipped her head, the sound of her braids sliding over her shoulders filling her ears.
She could only hope that it would work.
And it does.
As one turn of the moon becomes two, then three, the change within the Keep grows more than noticeable with each day that passes, much to the relief of them all.
They have been married for four moons when Baela enters his chambers, crossing the room in several short strides to stand before him, arms folded behind her back, tapping the heel of her riding boots on the flagstones, her stare lingering on the sight of his bowed head, unused to the sight of him without the crown, his hair falling loose and unbound over his shoulders. She does not blame him though, not really, not when she knows the weight of it.
"Will you take me flying? On Vhagar?"
Aemond's head lifted at the sound of her voice, grinning softly at the sight of her before him. "Hello to you too," he murmured as a greeting.
"Well?" she asked again, more than a little impatient now, rocking forward then backward on the balls of her feet. She could not help but think of her own dragon then, pretty Moondancer, who had perished during the fall of Dragonstone, and even thinking about her now felt like a shard of glass embedded in her chest, like a phantom limb, the pain of which would never truly go away.
Aemond's stare only seemed to grow sharper the longer he held her gaze, searching and almost intrusive in a way, as if he meant to cut her open from the base of her throat to navel, and Baela cannot help but shiver faintly at the thought of it. “Why do you want to go so badly?” he countered, voice laden with suspicion as he stands, unfolding himself from the chair behind the desk with a languid, effortless grace.
“Can I not wish to spend the day with you?” She grins, her tone taking on a teasing edge as she stared down the bridge of her nose at him. Or tried to at least, the action made all the harder by the inches he had over her. He only hums as he raises an eyebrow, standing near enough to where the ends of his boots touch her own.
She can practically feel the heat bleeding through his clothes, the blood of the dragon running hot indeed, she muses. His breath fans across her face softly, still smelling of the baked apples soaked in honey they'd broken their fast on hours before.
"I cannot simply abandon my duties to go flying. The realm-"
She huffs a laugh, raking one hand through the braid Rhaena had been successful in wrangling her curls into. "Fuck the realm. It can spare you for half a day. I am your wife and I wish to go flying with you." She says as she stares at him, daring him to protest more.
"Very well," he relented with a sigh, turning his head to the side to glance back to the stacked parchment on his desk.
She fought the desire to grin victoriously.
Her lips parted slightly at the sight of Vhagar before her, little opaque wisps of smoke coming from her nostrils as she slumbered.
Since the war had ended, she'd taken to sleeping more and more, her chosen resting spot the patches of now flattened grass just beyond the city gates. One of her eyes opened as they neared, the great orange pupil surveying them.
Aemond's shoulder brushed against her own as he moved forward, "Lykiri, Vhagar," he murmured as he laid his hand flat on her snout, the sight making the sliver of affection that had lodged in her chest grow, warmth pooling low in her stomach.
Aemond stretched out his other hand to her, the look in his eye almost gentle. "Come."
Baela stared up at him, hesitating for a moment, before she edged forward, keeping one eye trained on Vhagar as she slid her hand in his, letting him pull her up. She let out a sound, one as close to unbridled delight as Vhagar began to lumber forwards, each flap of her wings sending them higher and higher into the sky. She let her eyes fall shut at the feel of the wind whipping through her silver curls, lashing like shards of ice against her cheeks, the space all around them empty save for clouds and the blue of the open sky stretching as far as she could see.
It was peaceful, flying on dragonback this high up, so much so where she could almost forget anything and everything that was happening miles below her. Her breath hitched in her chest at the feel of Aemond tightening his hold on her, the arm he'd wound around her waist before they'd left the ground growing almost impossibly tighter, constricting like a serpent.
The aquiline slope of his nose nudged against her cheek as she half turned her head to the side, the sound of him muttering something against her skin drowned out by the shrill whistle of the wind, his words faint enough for her to miss, too distracted as she was by the sound of his breath against the shell of her ear. By the steady rise and fall of his chest behind her and the feel of his lean frame, a hard line at her back.
"Look," he rasped, his voice coming louder this time as he raised a hand from the ropes, applying the faintest bit of pressure on her face to turn her head forward again. They were still flying, but it wasn't the city under them anymore. Instead it was the coastline and the familiar waters of Blackwater Bay, the almost dirty gray hue of the water lit gold by the sun, and her eyes widened at the sight before her.
It was beautiful.
Startled, Baela shrieked when Aemond's hand tightened on the reins, angling them downward into a nosedive. She let out a sharper sound when Vhagar leveled, angling to the right, one wing brushing the water's surface and sending a spray of water into the air.
Full of exhilaration, she felt a laugh bubble up in her chest, blood roaring in her ears.
Oh, how she had missed this.
They had returned to the Keep just after the sun had set, the almost rose hue that had made the houses and buildings of the city all but glow fading as the sky darkened to the familiar indigo of the approaching twilight, the two of them windblown and stinking of dragon.
The servants had needed no further warning before a line of them entered one after the other, bringing in bucketfuls of steaming water. Baela had watched them fill the gleaming copper tub almost impassively, arms folded across her chest as she had waited until the last one had left before turning her focus back to where Aemond had sat in one of the chairs situated around the hearth.
His hair gleamed, shadows from the flames highlighting the angles and lines of his cheekbones, dancing across his face. She drew herself up tall, spine going taut like a drawn bowstring as she stared at him, desire pooling low in her belly.
"Aemond…" she crooned from where she stood, still wearing the black dragon riding robes she had earlier, her desire clear. "Are you going to fuck me now, husband?"
His head snapped towards her, half startled. His eye narrowed, lust warring with suspicion on his face, his fingers flexing against the arms of the chair. "You-"
"Are you deaf as well as stupid?" She cannot help but say snidely, watching his pupils dilate as she loosened the lacing on the front. "You're too far away." Come closer, she does not say.
He shot to his feet, not needing another word of encouragement. Baela shivered as he stalked towards her, the almost predatory hunger burning in his eye. He had the singular ability to make her feel exposed now, cut open and laid bare before him.
A mockery of everything she was. Everything she wasn’t.
His jaw clenched each time she took a step backwards, the predatory look in his eye morphing into something more dangerous, a wicked smirk cutting across his mouth as he followed her, stopping when the backs of her legs hit the bed.
His hands fell to rest on the curve of her waist, standing out stark and pale against the night-dark fabric of her riding tunic. Baela pushed at his chest slightly, scarcely daring to breathe as he drew even closer, resting one hand on her neck. Her fingers closed around his wrist loosely, every brush of his thumb over her skin making her breath catch in her throat.
She felt warmth heat her cheeks, taking the opportunity to look up at him from under her lashes, wondering if he could feel her pulse thrumming under her flesh. She watched him as he took a half step closer, his eye darting from her eyes to her mouth and back again. It almost seemed like he was just as nervous as she was, but she did not put much stock into it.
She trembled, half out of fear or something else she could not name, tentatively flattening her hands to his chest, feeling the muscle lurking beneath the surface shift under her palms as she stilled, the sound of her heartbeat echoing in her ears.
He pushed at her riding clothes roughly, sliding the fabric down her arms before tossing the garment away blindly, his breathing seeming to grow shallower as his face lowered to loom mere inches from her own, his fingers disappearing into the curtain of her curls before kissing her again. Baela moaned against his mouth, her fingernails leaving half moons in the leather of his tunic.
He let out a low noise as her legs lifted then, wrapping around the narrow line of his waist, the sound hovering halfway between a snarl and a groan that had the coil at the base of her spine tightening. "You are a wicked temptress," he groaned again, eye closing at the feel of her pressing kisses to the side of his neck.
She reached for his eyepatch then, fingers stilling mere inches from it, an unspoken question in her eyes.
Aemond nodded, wordlessly bobbing his head, his hand splayed flat against her back.
Her fingers brushed over the raised skin of his scar, skirting upwards to slip beneath the square of leather before gently tugging it from his head. The sapphire in his eye socket was more lovely than she wanted to admit, glittering at her as it did now in the low light.
She traced the planes of his face, her touch gentle and as soft as a feather. Was he surprised by it? Surprised that she could be gentle with him? That she wanted to be? Her eyes slide over him, all but devouring the way he is almost beautiful. She kissed him again, her lips brushing across his own.
Aemond hisses quietly, a breath rattling from between his clenched teeth as she does. The sound is as loud as a dragon's roar in her ear, and were it not for the near-nonexistent distance between them, she's more than certain she would not have heard it.
His eye followed the path of her fingers, watching as they dropped lower and lower before coming to rest at the laces of his breeches, nostrils flaring with each breath, the sensation of her fingers brushing feather-light across his stomach almost too much to bear.
She glanced up at him from under her lashes, a half coy smirk lifting one side of her mouth up.
Tormenting him. Taunting him.
His eye trailed up again, the sight that greeted him made his cock ache all the more. He pressed closer, his lips dragging down the line of her throat, vaguely aware of her fingers digging into the flesh of his shoulders, the distraction of her kiss overpowering any rational thought he might have previously had.
"Only a dragon can love a dragon, Aemond. And you are mine."
Aemond moans in her ear at that, his fingers tightening on her hips, bruising almost. He could barely breathe, dizzy and almost breathless as the potent, rich smell of her all but ingrained itself into his senses so very thoroughly, like an insect burrowing into the ground. “If you want me to stop,” he rasped, feeling his heart slamming against his ribcage, “Tell me.” His voice was a low murmur in her ear, his breath fanning hot by her ear as he trailed his hands down her sides.
“No,” she breathed, trying to press closer to him, feeling his cock hard against her belly. “Please, Aemond-” She nipped at his skin, a barely noticeable scrape of her teeth against his pulse point, grinning as she felt it jump beneath her lips. She kissed him again, and again, feeling her pulse fluttering under the thin as parchment skin of her wrists and her throat.
Aemond only chuckled, the vibration from it rolling through her, only to choke out a moan a second later, the noise weaving and twisting with hers.
They are married five moons when she blocks his exit from the council room with a hand on his chest, feeling the steady thump, thump, thump of it beneath her fingers.
She bit her lip as she held her breath, keeping her eyes trained on his face. "I'm with child."
His eye goes wide at her words, wider than she's ever seen it. She shifted on her feet, feeling the half elated sensation in her chest fading the longer he didn't speak.
"Yes," Baela nodded, feeling the giddiness grow stronger, unfurling low in her belly like a ship's sail. "The maester confirmed it this morning."
A buoyant smile splits his face cheek to cheek. It was not the smirk she had all but grown used to seeing, a genuine one that stretched his lips, making his eye crease.
She stilled, the thought that this was the first time he's called her by her name echoing in her head as she turned to face him. "Say it again," she demanded.
"Baela," he repeated, drawing the word out slowly.
Between one blink and the next, she all but launched herself at him, twisting and coiling around him like a serpent around its prey. She thinks later that it was in that moment she could almost love him.
The news does not stay between them for long, and soon enough a feast is hastily prepared in celebration.
Glancing at Aemond from the corner of her eye, Baela could feel the tension thrumming under his skin, all but radiating from him in waves where he sat beside her, one hand curled loosely around his cup, his other tapping an almost agitated rhythm against the cloth covered table, the line of his shoulders stiff and his posture unrelenting.
She leaned closer, her hand grasping his arm as she arched upwards, ghosting her lips over his ear. "Dance with me," she murmured boldly, delighting internally when he stiffened at the contact.
"You know I abhor dancing, ñuha jorrāelagon."
Aemond’s voice is barely more than a whisper, low and hushed, in that manner that is entirely his own. It is a trait of his that she has grown rather fond of, his ability to not be one to speak when he did not need to, choosing instead to stay silent and observe those around him like a bird of prey.
"And you are-"
Her gaze sharpened, daring him to say it.
"Forgive me."
He must have sensed her irritation as not even a minute later she felt his hand settle on her thigh, the warmth of his palm bleeding through the fabric of her dress. She huffed under her breath, lips pressed together tightly. "I might," she says nonetheless, knowing full well the effect her words would have on him.
Sure enough, his hand tightens on her thigh, his touch turning slightly painful. She can feel the weight of his attention on the side of her face, not having to even turn her head to be able to tell his eye is heavy-lidded, his pupil no doubt swallowed and dark now.
"Do you think they'd notice? If we were to depart," she murmurs innocently, offhandedly, keeping her gaze straight ahead, pressing her lips together to repress a smile when the sound of his breathing changes, growing ragged and hoarse with each second.
They have been married for six moons now, and it is the first time she does not wake up alone.
"Good morning," she breathed quietly, watching as Aemond cracked an eye open, his breath little more than soft huffs of air against her face.
"You're watching me," he noted, his voice low and rasping, still carrying miniscule traces of sleep.
"Perhaps I like watching you, husband," she said in return, brushing a loose strand of hair behind his ear, letting the earthen smell of him envelop her then, the heat he radiated making their bed almost stiflingly hot.
His mouth twitched at her words, faint and almost hardly noticeable. There was a softness in his eye as he looked down at her, thumb swiping as light as a feather across her lower lip. “Gevie,” he murmured as he cradled her face between his palms,, the golden glow behind him caught in his hair, setting the pale strands alight.
"I love you," She breathed as she tugged his hand away from her face. She twined her fingers with his, turning his hand over to trail a nail over the lines in the center of his palm, lifting it to her lips, watching his expression as she did, knowing deep down that there was no going back.
Not now. Not ever.
More time passes, the months going by one after the other, her belly swelling until she cannot see her own feet. She has few visitors, not that she minds, having her twin and Aemond beside her more than enough. Though there had been times she'd been seconds away from snapping at him out of ire.
He is locked within the council chambers- has been since that morning, a fact that she is more than grateful for, to be honest. It is only Rhaena and one of her handmaidens now, both of them hardly breathing a word.
"Rhaena," she forces out, fighting to keep her face blank at the sharp bite of pain in her belly. "I think-" she does not have to say another word, watching with wide eyes as her sister scrambles to her feet.
"Should I-"
Baela nods, a single, sharp dip of her head.
She squeezes her eyes shut as she lets out a guttural breath from between clenched teeth and wishes the pain would stop.
"Push, Your Grace," the midwife ordered, not unkindly. Baela only glowered at her as she gritted her teeth, nostrils flaring with each inhale and exhale she took.
"Where is he?"
"He's outside, sister," Rhaena soothed, squeezing her fingers lightly. "Waiting."
"Bring him here," she growled, uncaring of the way the midwives exchanged slightly uneasy looks with each other. "Do it!" she all but snarled at them. They did, scattering like a flock of birds, one of them moving brusquely towards the doors.
He moved towards her quickly, half settling beside her. "Ñuha jorrāelagon," he murmured as he clasped her hand in his, pressing his lips to her brow.
The midwife comes forward again, mouth opening to speak, though Baela hardly hears a word as she closed her eyes, hearing Aemond's sharp inhale of breath as she squeezed his hand, her nails leaving reddened marks in the shape of half moons in his skin. Time seemed to tick by as slow as a snail's pace before she let out another breath, her chest rising and falling quickly as she half slumped against his chest, tendrils of her sweat soaked silver hair clinging to the skin of her neck, hearing the wailing of not one babe two split the quiet like a crack of thunder.
"Twins, Your Grace."
"Let me see them," she said as she held her arms out.
"She looks like your mother," her grandfather says later, the tip of his finger tracing over her daughter's face from where he stood beside Rhaena. "Does she have a name yet?"
"Laena," she says softly, "Her name shall be Laena. For my mother." She half turned towards Aemond, a question lingering in the depths, "And Aegon for your brother?"
Aemond shook his head. "No," he echoed, feeling his throat tighten, "not Aegon. Daeron."
"Daeron," Baela murmured in agreement. "It's a strong name for your heir."
"It is," he agreed, albeit weakly from where he stood over her, his eye flicking from the newborn boy cradled in her arms to the girl resting in Rhaena's arms opposite him. The boy who was the spit of Aemond, right down to the shape of his eyes and the slope of his nose.
His son.
His daughter.
He swallowed as he took a half step closer, keeping his eye trained on them. "May I?"
Baela's head snaps upward at the sound of his voice. "Are you truly asking to hold your own children?" she asked, an incredulous expression spreading across her face. She let out a laugh as he sent her a more than unamused look. "I jest, husband."
He only frowned at her, hardly looking convinced, but let it go anyway.
She shifted against the pillows, careful not to jostle their boy too much as she sat up straighter. "Here," she said, softer this time as she placed Daeron in his arms. She watched them carefully, not missing the way Aemond stiffened, watching with rapture as his son's eyes opened, already a light shade of purple.
"He has my father's eyes," she noted, drawing a finger over the skin of his cheek, meeting Aemond's gaze when he glanced up at her, a look in his eye that she'd never seen before.
Rhaena had been right that day, she couldn't help but think as she grinned at him. He had been trying to be a good husband to her, patient even when she rebuffed and refused him those early months, refusing to budge over and over and over again.
Or maybe she had been too prideful, too full of her own hubris and too blind to admit it.
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thesmokingguns · 2 months
Looking While Lost
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There was something about him. Something pure, unpolluted by the LA way. 
He hadn’t been influenced by the alley way women, with sharp claws and easy smiles that lured men like him in and spit them right back out, never quite the same. 
He hadn’t laughed with men who wanted to see how much they could take from him, men who saw the hope in his eyes like dollar signs to deposit in the bank. 
Izzy Stradlin was clear eyed and beautiful. Unsullied by people who wanted too much from him. He had managed to escape all of that and just care about the way his fingers strummed his guitar and how his cigarette tasted on his tongue. 
Sure, he liked to party. He liked drugs and whiskey, and the way it all tasted on his tongue right before he buried himself in whatever women was waiting for him. Because he was just famous enough now that finding willing women was easy to do. Almost too easy, if he was being honest. 
Nothing challenged him anymore. 
Songs came easy. Cash came frequently. Fame. Fortune. Creativity. 
He had it all. 
But it wasn’t enough.
Fuck, why wasn’t it enough?
Tapping his fingers on the sticky bartop, he ignored the way people were glancing at him. He was too young to be drinking at 1pm on a Tuesday at some dive bar in the middle of nowhere America. This was the local haunt to men who had lost their jobs and hopes. The place where the banded together, all in their solitude but with familiar faces who didn’t judge their failures because they were carrying their own.
And there he was, just out of place.
The full glass landed in front of him, the bartender hesitating for a second before he just put the bottle of whiskey down, sick of refilling the mans booze. 
Izzy’s eyes skimmed over the liquid before nodding in appreciation, pulling the ashtray closer to him, tapping his cigarette on the edge as he sipped heavily on his scotch. 
“Dad?”  Eyes all looked down at their glasses, no one wanting to look at the dark haired girl who was pushing light into the dingy bar. 
She stood in the doorway, her foot keeping it propped open as the men all avoided looking at her. None of them wanting to face the light that was shining in or seeing the way that the young girl was looking around.
Izzy looked up, knowing it wasn’t for him and being too curious for his own good to see what was going on. 
And fuck, was she beautiful, in the most hauntingly heartbroken way. 
All big dark eyes, and soft sadness in her frown. The way she looked at the bar, like she knew where her father should be and yet he wasn’t there to disappoint her. Her teeth bit her lower lip and Izzy suddenly knew that nothing that he drank would taste as good as the way that soft pliant mouth would. 
Her eyes landed on him for a second, glancing over him like she was seeing how much he didn’t fit in here before she was looking past him, towards the bartender who was shaking his head at her.
“He didn’t come in, girlie. Still owes a tab from last week. Maybe check down at the pool hall?” It wasn’t unkind how she was spoken to, but there was a hint of pity in the bartender's voice that he watched the girl prickle at like she couldn’t handle the shame that the man was causing her. 
And Izzy hated seeing the way she tensed, wanted to tell her that it wasn’t her fault. 
But she was storming in, pulling out her wallet and tugging out bills as his eyes widened, feeling the heat of her rage billowing off her as she slammed down the money as the men all watched her, curious. 
“This should take care of it.” She challenged but the bartender had the good grace to not say anything, only taking the money and slipping it into the till that probably could be in a museum as an ancient artifact. 
Izzy was pushing up as she walked out, settling his own tab with too much money as he followed her like she was somehow going to make the ache in his chest go away.
Two blocks down she turned, hands in fists, eyes glaring at him as he paused, realizing that she knew that he was following her. 
“I’m not at the club. I don’t do dances outside the club. So whatever stupid fucking thing that is about to leave your mouth, swallow it down buddy.” His eyes were on her, lazy as the looked her up and down and then smiled as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“What club?” The soft huskiness of his voice made her pause, “Because if you’re dancing somewhere I’m suddenly very interested in going to see the way you move that body.” Her mouth formed a scowl. 
“I’m working tonight at the Sinclair. Stage time is 10PM,” She stepped forward and he realized that she had no idea who he was, which sent a tingle of delight down his spine, “I don’t know if you’re going to be able to afford me.” 
He smirked, a shrug of his shoulders as he looked at her, tasting the way her minty scent tinged the air. Spicy and sweet in his nose making him want to bury his face in her neck, lick the taste right from her sweet skin. 
“Why don’t you worry about finding your daddy, pretty girl, and let me worry about being able to afford you?” Her skin bristled, and right before she told him off a door opened, a man spilling into the street. 
Her head turned as she watched him lean on the back of a gold Buick, his mouth opening to spew vomit out. And then she crumbled, her shoulders caving in as she sighed out and rushed towards the older man. 
Looks like she found her father and Izzy found his latest obsession.
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averagepsychouser · 4 months
Songs that actually remind me of fallout companions characters in no particular order. The themes vary pretty wildly.
Arcade: Starting off with Danke Schoen (I listen specifically to the Wayne Newton version on Spotify) which is a thank you to an old love for all the good memories. This song fits the general motif of goodbyes to the past that Arcade’s character is struck through with, and it was translated into an English version from a foreign language (like auld lang syne).
Benny: In very Benny fashion, Luck Be A Lady by Frank Sinatra. It starts off slow but quickly speeds up, and of course the lyrics all sound like things he would say. Naturally the song is about gambling and the fickle nature of luck. Also, it is annoyingly catchy.
Vulpes: Basic, I know, but A Well Respected Man by The Kinks is definitely like him. While the song is originally a satire about the middle class in Britain, it speaks of a monotonous life with darker undertones in the background. Understandably, a spy is going to need to live a monotonous life like this in order to maintain his figure as an upstanding member of whatever society he’s infiltrating. Vulpes, right?
Boone: I Don’t Want To See Tomorrow by Nat King Cole (Holy shit fallout show reference). Yeah yeah yeah, sadman deadwife stuff, I get it, but this song really does seem like him. The lyrics are pretty damn depressing, talking about how life without a love is a life not worth living. It’s very slow and deliberately paced, and hauntingly mournful.
Cass: Here’s a surface level song, and I know her only character trait isn’t drinking, but Poor Little Critter on the Road by The Knitters, X, and Dave Alvin fits. Essentially its about having a good time drinking and living life chaotically.
Ulysses: Going back to somber songs, Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley & The Wailers. The song is about African American cavalry troops fighting in the American Indian Wars and their struggle for survival, and I think it can reflect onto Ulysses very well. Some lyrics that are so, so, so much like him are “If you know your history/Then you would know where you’re coming from” followed by “Then you wouldn’t have to ask me/Who the heck do I think I am?”
I’ll prolly repost with more songs later idk
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wintersshowers · 7 months
(trust me its gonna be so good)
My thoughts on “crush” by Ethel Cain and The Raven Cycle (because my niche right now is rereading the raven cycle for the first time in 4 years and I just happened to see Ethel live and I cannot stop connecting them) 
As a prelude to my lyric/quote breakdown… Ethel Cain is a trans woman who writes hauntingly beautiful music.. She is religious and from the south, which is a HUGE part of why it is so undeniably apparent to me that she can be connected to specifically RONAN (gay catholic from the south with his barn house). Her music is so amazing and she is an awesome story teller so I hope you give her a listen.
Her most popular song CRUSH is so goddam Ronan and Adam I had to write this because I needed to put it somewhere. 
“His window's already passed, so he's shooting at the glass
Keeping guns in his locker, and he denies it
Like it's actually important, but he lied 'cause I sure did watch him
Showing up wearing black, and he knows that” 
His daddy's on death row, but he'll say it with his chest, though”
This is just very Ronan angst i don't feel like i need to explain.. 
“His friends move dope, he hasn't tried coke
But he's always had a problem saying no”
OKKK soooooo lets get into the the dream thieves helloooo 
Yes Kavinsky and Ronan’s relationship is very hard to define but whatever it is he takes up a lot of his time in dream thieves.. And he loves coke (or whatever the hell he dreamt up)… and Ronan is VERY BAD at saying no when it comes to any sort of challenge from Kavinsky.
“Can you read my mind? I've been watching you.”
“As they moved through the old barn, Adam felt Ronan’s eyes glance off him and away, his disinterest practiced but incomplete. Adam wondered if anyone else noticed.”
“Adam finally sat down on one of the pews. Laying his cheek against the smooth back of it, he looked at Ronan. Strangely enough, Ronan belonged here, too, just as he had at the Barns. This noisy, lush religion had created him just as much as his father's world of dreams; it seemed impossible for all of Ronan to exist in one person. Adam was beginning to realize that he hadn't known Ronan at all. Or rather, he had known part of him and assumed it was all of him.
The scent of Cabeswater, all trees after rain, drifted past Adam, and he realized that while he'd been looking at Ronan, Ronan had been looking at him.”
“When he opened his eyes, he saw that Ronan was looking at him, as he had been looking at him for months. Adam looked back, as he had been looking back for months.”
“Couldn't fight to save your life, but you look so cool”
“I’ve watched the evening news, Adam,” Gansey snapped. “Why don’t you let Ronan teach you to fight? He’s offered twice now. He means it.” With great care, Adam folded the greasy rag and draped it back over a toolbox. There was a lot of stuff in the carport. New tool racks and
calendars of topless women and heavy-duty air compressors and other things Mr. Parrish had decided were more valuable than Adam’s school
uniform. “Because then he will kill me.”
“Good men die too, oh, I'd rather be with you, you, you”
“See, Adam Parrish is wantable, worthy of a crush, not just by anyone, someone like Ronan, who could want Gansey or anyone else and chose Adam for his hungry eyes.”
HELLOOOOOOOOo are u kidding…. 
1st Gansey is the definition of a “good man”
2nd Adam is OBSESSED WITH THIS the whole damn series and is constantly attempting to model himself/who he wishes he was after gansey 
3rd to tie it all together… the whole series its like oh yea gansey is about to die (along with everyone else if we are being real) 
“I owe you a black eye and two kisses
Tell me when you wanna come and get 'em”
PLEASEEEEEE like this is MY WAY of describing the ANGST and SLOWWWWWburn of their relationship. When I hear her sing this I cannot help but giggle and kick my feet because of how amazingly it fits. 
“I only want him if he says it first to me”
"It was Adam’s ribs under Ronan’s hands and Adam’s mouth on his mouth, again and again and again. It was stubble on his lips and Ronan having to stop, to get his breath, to restart his heart. They were both hungry animals, but Adam had been starving for far longer.”
We all know the Ronan longing and it being a HUGE secret that he likes Adam... and Adam like knows and its like lol embarrassing (as if he isn't down bad as well)
ADAM is like oblivious to the legitimacy of his feelings until ronan gives him a little kissssss and then it's like he is all like “what is love” 
“He looks like he works with his hands, and smells like Marlboro Reds”
HELLOOOOOo this is so adam are u kidding
“Ronan crossed his arms to wait, just looking. At Adam's fine cheekbones, his furrowed fair eyebrows, his beautiful hands, everything washed out by the light. He had memorized the shape of Adam’s hands in particular: the way his thumbs jutted awkwardly, boyishly; the roads of prominent veins; the large knuckles that protruded from his long fingers. In dreams Ronan put them to his mouth.” 
“Adam twisted off the lid. Inside was a colorless lotion that smelled of mist and moss. Replacing the lid with a frown, he turned the container over, looking for more identifying features. On the bottom, Ronan's handwriting labeled it merely: manibus. For your hands.”
“Something's been feeling weird lately
There's just something about you, baby (there's just something about you, baby)
Maybe I'll just be crazy (I'll be crazy)
And piss him off 'til he hates me
Yeah right, he fucking loves me”
…… do i even need to say anything??
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kimium · 1 month
Put your Fave playlist on shuffle and post the first five songs that come up!
I was tagged by @m34gs in this post HERE. Thanks for the tag, friend! Like you, I'm making this a separate post just so things don't get too long.
In truth, I don't really have "playlists". It's usually all just thrown into a single playlist that's either My Library or Favourites. So, we're just going to go with my random songs. Also, I'm using my iTunes for this and not Spotify. Besides a few songs missing between them, the playlists are identical.
Also, all my songs ended up being connected to anime somehow. I'm sorry, but that's just how things work with me.
Butterfly 09 - United Forces Airplay Edit by Smile.Dk
Wow, we're starting with a nostalgic song for this list. If you grew up loving anime in the late 90s or early 2000s you could not escape this song. I believe most people were introduce to this song through DDR, but for me it was through AMV edits. I think the first time I heard this song was to a Rurouni Kenshin AMV. That or Sukisho, which according to the rating, at the time I watched it I was too young. In my defense, it's suggestive at best.
Anyways, the reason I have this song on my playlist still is because I like the beat and energy to the song. The lyrics make little sense, but I still adore this song. I don't listen to it often. In fact, I can't remember the last time I listened to it, but every time I do I'm transported back to my childhood days.
Shogeki by Yuko Ando
Going from a nostalgic song to a recent song, Shogeki is the first ending to the Final Season of Attack on Titan. This song is hauntingly beautiful with lyrics that tug at my heart. Even if you're not an Attack on Titan fan, this song is beautiful and tragic at the same time. I highly recommend giving it a listen.
Muspell Theme from Fire Emblem Heroes
This song is mostly instrumental except for the deep masculine voices chanting + the soprano choir nearer to the end. Definitely gives an ominous tone, indicating threat is approaching. Which makes sense as this song is for the Book 2 villains in FEH. Fire Emblem OST songs are always a great time, so even if you think instrumental isn't your thing, check it out.
SKETCH - Kiro Akiyama
Another anime ending song appears on this list! For the one it's the first ending to Season 6 of BNHA (My Hero Academia). I cannot tell you how much I love this song. The lyrics perfectly fits Izuku's character and many themes in the anime. This is also the ending where they changed parts of the anime to reflect the story moments of the episode.
Again, even if you're not an anime fan, this song is fantastic. The regret of the narrator as the lyrics talk about longing to reconnect, regret missing one another, and the desire to correct miscommunications are bittersweet but hopeful to me.
Dearly Beloved - a cover by Amalee but original by Yoko Shimomura
We end our list with another song from a game OST. This version I'm calling out is a cover by Amalee, where there are lyrics. However, the original is the instrumental song that plays in the menu for all Kingdom Hearts games. Amalee's version with the lyrics weaves a tale of love and hope despite distance from each other, fitting perfectly with the themes presents in Kingdom Hearts. So, even if this isn't the original version, give it a listen. Give the original a listen too! It's an amazing song that makes me want to cry every time I listen.
I tag: @a-little-harmed-shinra @someobscurereference @shreedle and anyone else who wants to do this!
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crabknee · 3 months
Crabs top 10 video game soundtracks
This here is a list of my top 10 favorite video game soundtracks from games I have played (for the purposes of this ranking, franchises will only have one spot on the list so I can't just fill the whole list with fire emblem)
10. Deemo
Deemo is this little obscure and niche rythm game that I have played on and off for many years now. The entire game is just a vibe, but the songs are all very awesome and there are SO MANY to pick from, it's honestly pretty surprising just how many bangers there are, taking into account the sheer amount of songs. My favorite will always be "Metal Hypnotised" even if it doesn't really match the vibe of the rest of the game.
9. Sly Cooper 2
Sly Cooper is a series from my childhood, I played this a lot back in the day so I have a lot of nostalgia for it. My favorite game in the series just so happens to be the second game which is filled with so many great tracks, ESPECIALLY the paris level. That's where all the good stuff is at, "Paris rooftops" especially is great for a nice chill theme, but I cannot deny that all the versions of the "Nightclub" track including "Nightclub", "Dimitri Battle" and "Following Dimitri" just cannot be beat.
8. Hollow Knight
Hollow knight has some great music, especially for the bosses in the game. I really like the orchestral vibe and a lot of the boss music fits the fights very well. I really like that the music for the titular Hollow Knight has a bit of a sad vibe, it's a great song and it gets even better when you learn the lore of the guy. That said, I gotta shout out my guy Grimm with his awesome battle music "The Grimm Troupe" It just goes so hard and is so extra in the best way.
7. Splatoon 2
Splatoon 2 just has some great music in general, especially octo expansion, which I have been playing a little bit on and off recently. It's all just so unique and I haven't quite heard anything like it. It really is almost just it's own genre. Always gets me pumped and is very hard not to bop to. My favorite track is probably "Fly Octo Fly" but the others like "Calamari Inkantation" and "Bomb Rush Blush" also just slap so hard.
6. Dark Souls
Every game in the Dark Souls series has great music, including Elden Ring and Bloodborne, but I have chosen the first game for my list because all of the music in that game is so iconic. The tracks are all so hauntingly beautiful and all fit the vibe of the game so well. It's all so melancholic in the best way. While "Gwyn, Lord of Cinder" always hits the feels and "Firelink Shrine" always makes me feel safe and nostalgic, I have chosen "Dark Sun Gwyndolin" not only because I love the guy, but because the theme itself is just so calm and haunting in a way I really enjoy.
5. Child of Light
A quaint little rpg with heavy fairy tale vibes, and the music heavily reflects this. It is such a beautiful soundtrack and I just can't help but love it, even if a lot of the melodies are the same. But come on! People have won figure skating competitions to these songs, you gotta love them. My favorite is definitely "Off to Sleep" that plays at the end of the game but "Final Breath", "Aurora's theme" and "Pilgrims on a long journey" all slap also, the last being the before mentioned figure skating song.
4. Fire Emblem
Now, am I cheating here by not picking a specific game? maybe. Do I care? no. Do you care? probably not, and if you do, bugger off! Anyway it had to be here, it's my favorite franchise ever and the music is great. My biggest problem is that it isn't on spotify and that I wasn't into fe when I listened to music on youtube and that's why it isn't higher. The music in all the games are hype as fuck but the highest points in the series are probably FeEchoes and Fe3h. My favorite track of all just so happens to be from echoes, that being the theme of the one and only Berkut, known as "Pride and Arrogance" It just fits him so well and it just goes so hard I cannot deny it it's spot here. "Lady of the Plains" is a classic tho and "Fodlan Winds" go hard as fuck.
3. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Now, all the shantae games have fantastic music, but Pirates curse is just a cut above the rest imo. The vibes are great, they're mostly upbeat and are all fantastic, especially all music from zombie island. I also have a lot of old great memories with this series which also helps quite a bit tbf. I mentioned zombie island and that's because they have three great tracks in "Rave in the Grave", "Run, Run Rottytop" and "Rottytops", while I love all, I am choosing rave in the grave here, but do feel free to listen to the others, and also just the rest of the ost, they're all bangers.
2. Katana Zero
An absolutely fantastic soundtrack to an absolutely fantastic game, the general vibe (idk what to call it, synth maybe? for most of it?) is just fantastic for this game specifically and there is just such a wide variety of emotions and vibes that this collection encompasses. My favorite however that I keep coming back to however is "Rain on Brick" the title theme, it is just so fantastically melancholic in exactly the way I need it to be, I will however also recommend you to go listen to sneaky driver, that is also a great track.
And it's not even close, this soundtrack is so damn good it's the only thing I listened to for, like, at least a week after I finished the game and I still listen to it regularly. The whole album for the soundtrack is my go to study music, my comfort playlist has 32 songs and 6 of them are from oneshot and I could definitly add more AND I'm pretty sure that the track called "Niko and the World Machine" is in my top 3 songs listened to of all time, that said the song I have decided to show you is the song called "Eleventh Hour" which is also very great.
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Well I have been writing a series of notes for a potential Francis in OFMD universe(Eb is in this universe too but it is after they separated leaving Francis extremely bitter about it and bent more toward his brutality. A parallel to Blackbeard post Stede). I didn't mean to do anything with all this but I have a story where Francis met Ned Low in a one shot just to see what happened and they... hit it off really well which suprised me. (More on Francis end, Ned was a flustered mess just excited to meet someone with similar taste in music and... other facinations...)
Then I read this...
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Fuck. The real Ned Low had a friend named Francis and they were close for awhile. Now I have to do something with these notes eventually- shit, its hauntingly accurate.
Did I mention Francis signature is setting ships on fire with its crew held aboard? What similar to Ned's blend of music and torment, Francis plays a violin in exchange of his pianoforte to the screams off it as the ship sinks...
I'm not sure I will write it entirely(I have too many AUs dammit!) but the idea keeps returning to me. I have set art ideas for it but I can share a short plotline that started from a one shot in my drafts where Francis and Ned meet while on dock one night at the Republic of pirates. Ned is drawn to the beautiful music of a violin along the pier coming from a beautiful ship. A tune so well played and unfamiliar in quality normally found around pirates. Ned grabs his violin and rushes flustered to join this stranger which he is welcomes to and they continue the song. They play well and even share a conversation, all where it leads to why Francis is there having to clean up what his crew could not. He's looking for someone as Ned remarks the same thing. Ned goes pale; however, as he discovers its the same man as a wanted poster is thrown at his feet to see its Blackbeard. Same man but different reasons that intertwine, Ned for revenge of his record being broken and Francis for his 30 freight ships under his corsair contract Blackbeard seiged in order to break it. Francis is also looking for Stede Bonnet, someone Ned doesn't recognize or really care to but he obliges for the assistance in tracking Ed down.
Then months later, as the story direction is changed for this, Francis finds Stede adrift in his dingy lost at sea and rescues him- or so Stede thinks...
Against Stede's ruse of a fake name, Francis on approach, knows exactly who Stede really is; however, alike how when he met Ned low, Francis is using Stede just as much as he is using Ned to find the Revenge. Ned, who Francis treats much like a pet ironically, happily goes along with whatever Francis tells him because he feels he weilds more influence than he truly does in this arrangement, all whilst Francis picks at Stede's mind to pull information about himself, his ship, everything that fascinates him about this odd bird at sea. What Francis uses all his skills at his disposal to retrieve, including his knowledge of mixing custom pharmaceuticals blends to fit his needs from his days as a refined surgeon.
When he's not using concoctions, Francis, being a man masterful at manipulation, one seethingly charming and well cultured from his wonderous explorations that streched far beyond his days permanently at sea, works like a charm on Stede. Stede who is immediently drawn to that comfort zone of aristocraic behavior while being more so put at ease with how kind and generous Francis is to him. Since Stede was rescued, Francis has provided him the nice cloths he longed for and treats him to fine dining, whatever Stede wants essentially... except to leave. Not that Francis has openly stopped him, more an alluded persuasion if Stede gets restless; "Why would you want to muck it out there isolated and all alone? You could run into anyone out there... Someone that could seriously hurt you if you crossed them... Just think what could have happened had I not found you first barely clinging to your dear sweet life... There's alot of dangerous men out there..."
While Stede truly believe Francis is trying to help him reunite with his crew, Stede isn't completely daft. He is wary and picks up somerhijgs not quite right as he tries to be careful what he shares, at least about Ed. He's mainly worried where all this generosity could lead and remains guarded but polite because... he's also despirate with no other options. He pacifies Francis as much as he can for now yet Stede doesn't realize just what he's gotten himself into and with who... What will all come to a head when Francis meets back up with Ned one night to celebrate their crews reunion with own twisted version of Calypso's birthday that make Francis intentions become abit more clear to Stede when the ruse is dropped completely.
Meanwhile with Ned back, Ned sees all this and knows the plan, but he's too jealous and spiteful by how Francis fawns over Stede. How Francis always keeping Stese so close. Ned wanted that to be him. Them... Ned has finally found someone who 'understands him' and will be damned if some minor rich boy playing pirate takes that from him while Stede would love to actively assure him how incorrect he is and how badly he wants to leave.
While all this happening, Ed learns what is going on and who Stede has been seen with as they have monitored the ship from the security of distance in night travels. What, thanks to Izzy, who knows all too well what the dread Black King Osman is capable of, knows just how much danger Stede is in. Ed now sets his bitter resentment from Stede leaving him aside and sails to London. He is heavily outmatched in means to attack Francis on his own, but with a well placed raid along the Thames River, he plans to level that playing field with a counteraction of his own capture.
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dany36 · 8 months
now that i've S-ranked every stage in the DLC and also completed the map, just have some final junk thoughts from the sonic frontiers dlc (plus me raving some more about the music) before i move on to another game :)
i know i mentioned that playing as amy is the best out of the new playable characters, and i still stand by that opinion, but MAN is tails' MAX rings cyclone flying ability fun as FUCK. like, i kind of have a hate-love relationship with it. on one hand, who the hell doesn't like flying around the island at max speed? like, oh, there's something all the way over there, let me just ZOOM right over in a few seconds!! AND the fact that you can control its height unlike knuckles' flying is just insanely cool. on the OTHER hand though, yes it cheapens tails' flying ability because honestly once you get the cyclone ability, you don't even have to do any of the set-paths that the game wants you to follow to get to the map kocos or skill kocos. you can just fly up to them and boom, didn't have to do the set path. which is kind of sad because those can be really fun and satisfying to complete, so what i'd end up doing was get to the area where the map koco would be, and instead of just flying up to it, try to follow the path and get the map that way to not just suck the fun out of the entire thing
but also, that one M-puzzle where it lit up 3 or 4 red beams of light all across the island and you had to reach all of them under a time limit??? MAN i think that was my favorite puzzle of all!!! i first bumped into that one when i was playing with amy, and at first i thought i was gonna have to come back to it with sonic since i didn't think i'd get another character that would be as fast as him (also didn't have the spin dash ability yet since this was early in the game). but holy shit once i unlocked that ability and saw just how fucking fast you could fly around the island (skells from xenoblade x my beloved), i immediately went back to that puzzle and just completed it as tails. just so damn awesome!!
and SPEAKING OF the spin dash....wow. amy, knuckles, and tails may not be as fast as sonic, but they become just as fast as him with this skill. and i can't believe i went through the entire main game without using the spin dash more often. spin dashing around the island and abusing the hell of its physics was just something that never got old, even in the sonic stages. i don't think i ever used the fast travel with the portals since i mean....spin dashing everywhere the island is just like a damn dream come true: it's always something i'd do in sonic adventures' mystic ruins but at a smaller scale, but this time? the ouranos island is fucking huge and gorgeous and then with that beautiful music playing in the background and just rolling around everywhere at high speeds AAAAAAAAAA this game is honestly just the perfect sonic game!!!!!
i think i already talked about this earlier but the new stages were super fun and actually challenging to S rank, unlike the main game. there were some i wasn't too fond of (like that one where sonic's speed as "gears"?? what was that lol) but overall they were a joy to replay over and over and try to bring my time down. i think my favorites were definitely 4-A (with the rocket boosters and beehive-looking things) and 4-B (the one with the hologram tails and the falling platforms).
the music. GOD how does sega keep doing this!!! every single new character theme is just so on fucking point, but i gotta say amy wins this one as well: there's something just so hauntingly beautiful about her theme that just honestly fits the overall mood of the game. but honestly, all just so good. i neeeeed to get my hands on the ost, especially since i'm late to the party and realized that now they have a GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL AMAZING remixed version of the windy and ripply (emerald coast 2) song AKA a song so dear and beloved and nostalgic to my heart that just thinking about it makes me want to cry tears of joy. like, running around the islands with that music playing in the background is just so freeing and beautiful and exciting that just makes you feel glad that you get to experience a sonic game like this.
oh shit got sidetracked talking about this game's overall out-of-this-world soundtrack again um um um what else. i mean, i really don't know what else to say except frontiers just knocked it out of the park and surpassed my expectations in every single way possible. as i was playing the game and would just be exploring the island and completing puzzles/paths, i'd just keep saying to myself "this game is fucking amazing" every once in a while. sega just fucking nailed the 3d sonic formula and any doubt i had about an open-world sonic game was just thrown out the window: i couldn't stop thinking about this being a MUCH larger, more fun, and more gorgeous version of running around mystic ruins than i could have ever imagined, and it's exactly the type of exploration freedom that i had been itching for in a sonic game.
and it goes without saying that sega bringing back amy, tails, and knuckles as playable characters was just soooo fucking good and refreshing to see, and my god did they do them justice. last time they were all playable was, what...sonic adventure?? really?? like, holy crap. sonic frontiers really was a love letter to 3d sonic games and ughhhh i just can't stop saying good things about it. EVERYONE NEEDS TO PLAY THIS GAME!!!
anyway!!! can't wait to see where the sonic 3d series is headed after this, but for now, time to wait for sonic superstars (holy shit that's soon!!!) since that looks fun as hell too, and that's me saying it as someone who prefers 3d sonic vs 2d sonic!
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random-cryptid · 10 months
i got distracted by a werewolf au for ms frizzle and i felt the need to share (i promise im still working on the other two drawings of winnie i just had to get this idea done lest i fucking explode dndjdj)
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she'd be the floofiest sweetest werewolf methinks snndndn
also, i have two really big thoughts that have also been plaguing me alongside werewolf!ms frizzle /pos
because ive been thinking about monsterifying my fave characters, i started thinking about what type if monster winnie would be and i am torn between harpy and siren? like, obvs she'd be a siren cuz of her voice and her looks (cuz ive always been under the impression of sirens being both absolutely terrifying to most but also being hauntingly beautiful. kinda like how people view sharks and certain types of deep sea fishies) but on the other hand she gives me really strong harpy vibes and i cannot figure out what bird she'd be specifically. on the one hand, i wanna say peacock cuz like, have you met her? of course she'd be a peacock, theyre the prettiest most dramatic looking birds ive seen in my life shshdhd. but i also love the idea of her being a starling because of how quickly starlings can pick up and mimic any noise and mix it in with their song.
as for the other thought, i started daydreaming about winnie again (to literally no ones surprise shfhdh) and started thinking about her staying up at ungodly hours again and like, coming up to her snd gently holding her from behind, nuzzling my head into her neck before gently kissing her cheek and i am melting iver this help abndnn
OHHHH NICE WEREWOLF TIME!!!! She looks so good 🫶
Also, let me introduce you to greek sirens
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Half bird instead of half fish, AND they still have the same mythological aspects as the sea counterparts!
However if someone were to be a mermaid it's pretty clear to me that it would be Sarah. I think Winifred fits more into the Harpy box because they represent the storm winds (y'know cause of her lightning powers haha got it). WAIT actually I'm reading through the Harpy article and it low key has Sarah vibes too specially this part:
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(y'know cause she enjoys torturing people)
BUT it does fit Winnie too given that she enjoys punishing people (specially her sisters cough cough) UM ANYWAYS-
Some writers described Harpies as half human, half vulture. However I think she fits both the peacock and perhaps a storm petrel too!!! Storm petrels are said to be a bad omen to sailors cause it is said they cause bad weather (once again me and the lightning symbolism).
Oh she sure as hell stays up at unholy hours please give her some tea for everything that's sacred 😭 (also SIMP 🫵 /lhj)
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tragic70s · 11 months
The Rollercoater of Lana Del Rey from My Eyes
I remember the first time I stumbled upon Lana Del Rey's music. It was a quiet evening, the sky painted with hues of purple and orange, and I found myself lost in the depths of 2013 YouTube's recommendations. As I clicked on a mysterious video titled "Video Games," little did I know that it would be the beginning of a profound connection, a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and a lifelong admiration for an artist like no other.
From the moment her voice flowed through my headphones, I was captivated. There was something spellbinding about the way she combined her hauntingly beautiful voice with mesmerizing visuals and poetic lyrics. Lana Del Rey had a way of transporting me to a different time and place, a dreamscape where melancholy and beauty coexisted effortlessly.
As I delved deeper into her discography, each song unraveled a new layer of her artistry. "Born to Die" became an anthem of rebellion, a celebration of embracing one's flaws and vulnerabilities. "Summertime Sadness" painted vivid pictures of nostalgic summers, where love and heartache danced hand in hand. And "Young and Beautiful" evoked a sense of timeless romance, a desire to be remembered even in the face of impermanence.
But it wasn't just the music that drew me in; it was Lana Del Rey herself. Her enigmatic persona, draped in vintage glamour and a hint of mystery, held a magnetic allure. With every interview, every photoshoot, and every live performance, she revealed fragments of her soul, inviting us into her world of contradictions and complexities.
I found solace in her willingness to embrace her vulnerability. In an industry that often prioritizes perfection and masks authenticity, Lana fearlessly exposed her fears, insecurities, and heartbreaks through her lyrics. She taught me that it's okay to feel deeply, to embrace the darkness within, and to find strength in our flaws.
But the journey with Lana Del Rey wasn't always smooth. There were moments of controversy and criticism, where her art was misunderstood or dismissed. Yet, she persevered, unapologetically true to her vision and unyielding in her expression. In a world that constantly tries to fit artists into neat boxes, she remained a beautifully complex enigma, refusing to conform.
Her music became the soundtrack to my life's ups and downs, a companion through heartbreaks and triumphs alike. Whether it was driving with the windows down, belting out the lyrics to "Off to the Races," or sitting alone in my room, finding solace in the melancholic melodies of "West Coast," Lana's music was a constant presence, a source of comfort and catharsis.
But beyond the personal impact, Lana Del Rey's artistry transcended the individual. She became a voice for a generation, representing a longing for a past that never was and a yearning for a future that remains uncertain. Through her songs, she captured the complexities of modern life—the disillusionment, the desire for love, the ache for something more.
Attending her concert was a dream come true. The atmosphere was electric, as thousands of fans gathered to witness the magic unfold. As she took the stage, the crowd erupted in cheers, and I could feel the collective energy pulsating through the air. For those few hours, we were a community united by our love for her music, bound together in our shared experiences and emotions.
As time went on, Lana Del Rey's music continued to evolve. Each album brought a new chapter, a fresh perspective, and a deeper exploration of her artistry. From the raw vulnerability of "Ultraviolence" to the dreamy introspection of "Lust for Life" and the poetic introspection of "Norman Fucking Rockwell," she continued to push boundaries and defy expectations.
But it was with the release of "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" that I felt a profound sense of growth and maturity. The album delved into themes of introspection, sisterhood, and the fleeting nature of fame. It was a reminder that Lana Del Rey was not only an artist but also a storyteller, weaving intricate narratives through her music, inviting us into her world of introspection and imagination.
Lana Del Rey's impact on my life is immeasurable. She has taught me the power of embracing my emotions, of finding beauty in the darkness, and of remaining true to my authentic self. Through her music, she has touched the depths of my soul, reminding me of the universality of human experiences and the transformative power of art.
In a world that often feels disconnected and chaotic, Lana Del Rey's music provides a refuge—a safe space where vulnerability is celebrated, where nostalgia is cherished, and where the human experience is elevated to an ethereal realm of beauty and introspection.
So, as I reflect on the journey I've embarked on with Lana Del Rey, I'm filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the melodies that have carried me through both the mundane and the extraordinary moments of life. Gratitude for the lyrics that have given voice to emotions I couldn't express. And gratitude for the artist who fearlessly embraced her contradictions and shared her soul with the world.
Lana Del Rey's music will forever hold a special place in my heart—a testament to the transformative power of art and the profound connection we can find through the melodies that touch our souls. Her music will continue to accompany me on this rollercoaster called life, reminding me to embrace the highs and lows, to find beauty in the melancholy, and to always stay true to myself.
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zonnemaagd · 1 year
Music tags!
I got a couple music related tags the past few days so I thought I'd combine them all into this post! First we're combining the 10 song ask from @vcaudley with the soundtrack tag from @ink-flavored intooo 10 soundtrack songs! I already have made three soundtracks before, as well as for all my other wips so I'll be mostly picking from there. I'll keep this limited to Phei of the Wind because that's the project I'm trying to finish right now. It's getting pretty long AND there's a second tag game below the cut so that's why I've added that cut. I've also added some lyrics from each ! If they have lyrics that is, and translated the non-english ones. I hope you find some new music to love <3
Tin Can Ride - Gregory and the Hawk
This list will feature a lot of songs about people being out of place and I feel like this song slots in nicely. It's soft yet hides a certain sorrow behind that sweet demeanor. If it weren't so nigh, time you'd be screaming out If it weren't your kid, you would give into doubt But these days you're trying to quit, like those smiles that he fooled you with
Lost - scntfc
This one is from the soundtrack to the game Oxenfree, where a character hears this play. It's the sound of their mother, singing them to bed as they search for them. Phei features a similar journey where she searches for her mother she knows to be gone, but she can't help but try. Regardless, just listening to it makes me cry too so...
Surely Someday - Fukuharu Miho
I think this song is just hauntingly beautiful, both the lyrics and the way it's presented. It's once again, about meeting someone out of reach. Seeing a pattern here?
Faults I deemed correct it was you who made me realise that what is right can shine through too
ekki hugsa - Ólafur Arnalds
The title translates to 'don't think' and that's a lesson I've taken so much from. It's not specifically related to the novel (although perhaps it is), but it is mostly how it taught me to just go for it. Don't think too much about what could happen, what others may think and so forth. Just write from the heart and all will be well.
We'll be Gone - Douwe Bow
Another one of my favourites. Shit I'm getting emotional just writing about them. ANYWAY. The harmonies combined with the lyrics are just breathtaking. I won't go into too much detail as to why it fits so well, you'll figure that one out eventually when you read it~!
Say goodbye little darling to the darkness When we go we can leave the light on 'Cause tonight, the night will be harmless And tomorrow when they find us we'll be gone
jikan ga nai - Kirinji
This one slots in nicely next to ekki hugsa. It's a song about how life is too short to limit yourself to anything. Even though scalians live quite long lives, and Phei is the youngest of them all she has to live for herself. Luckily cloudbreak provides exactly that opportunity.
It look like I've lost sight of the important things Let me tell you about everything I've seen
Starman - David Bowie
There isn't much difference between an alien holding secrets of the cosmos and a little bird whose people have been forgotten is there? Also everyone needs more David Bowie in their lives.
There's a starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he think he'll blow ours minds
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
If you haven't heard the arrangment they made for their concert at Vatnagarðar you have to stop what you're doing and listen. It's just magical. Songs like this (and also Starman and We'll be Gone) are songs that made me pick up the guitar as an instrument so they'll always be special to me. The lyrics match really quite well to the state of the world in Phei of the Wind. Lots of ghosts that have been haunting under the ocean and coming up.
Howling ghosts, they reappear In mountains that are stacked with fear But you're a king and I'm a lionheart And as the world comes to an end I'll be here to hold your hand 'Cause you're my king and I'm your lionheart
Árbakkinn - Ólafur Arnalds and Einar Georg Einarsson
Two Ólafur songs on my posts? Who would have thought. The poem read at the beginning is written by a very kind man who lived in same town as I did when I lived in Iceland, and is an ode to a nearby creek. The way the piece builds up is magnificent, and the way it links nature to the human heart is quite central to the meaning of it all in Phei of the Wind.
From ancient fire Sound from the ground I hear the noise In my heart
inochi no namae - Hisaishi Jō
To finish it off I'd like to add Hirohashi Makiko's arrangment of the song from Miyazaki's Spirited Away. If there is one piano composition that catches the bright and light yet slightly melancholic sense of Phei of the Wind, this is it. Perfection, really.
And then as promised, the other tag game from @jasperygrace to link one piece to every main character! Luckily the story only really has three, so the post won't get too much longer. Picking just one was hard but I'm happy with my choices ^^
Phei Sageblossom Voyager - Birdy
If the wind is on my side I might leave tonight I hate to disappoint you, but I've always been this way And I know you need me here, but I know that I won't stay
Aspen Oceaan - Racoon
An ocean to flee into Never having to be jealous Love to clear your heart An ocean, how great would it be
Noahk a life - Ōnuki Taeko & Sakamoto Ryūichi
Let's only protect the things I don't want to let go.
And that was all! If you've made it this far you have my heart <33 And please do one of these tags yourself! I'd love to talk about the music related to your projects either through a mention or a dm, so please tag me if you do!!
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icedmilkwater · 2 years
10 songs by 10 artists go
1. Birdhouse In Your Soul by They Might Be Giants:
An absolute cornerstone of my childhood growing up. This entire list could be TMBG songs on it's own. The Flood album really defined who I was when I was younger, and Birdhouse was almost constantly playing on loop.
2. Cybele's Reverie by Stereolab:
My dad first introduced me into Stereolab and they've quickly fastened themselves into one of my favorite bands, Cybele's Reverie filling me with enough emotion to cry. It's a damn good song.
3. String Theocracy by Mili:
I can't do a list of favorite songs and not include String Theocracy. Library of Ruina has been one of my most passionate obsessions, and as such Mili has become one of my top artists. The meaning in String Theocracy is just so deep and thought provoking, all wrapped up in a nice jazzy bow.
4. Dark Beach by Pastel Ghost:
Anything with sea-related themes is easy to get my attention. However the hauntingly peaceful sound that Dark Beach delivers fills me with all kinds of bittersweet emotions. It's an amazing song that fits my taste near-perfectly.
5. Bocca della Verità by Hiiragi Kirai:
I only got into vocaloid about a year and a half ago, but my god is Hiiragi one of my favorite vocaloid artists. It's impressive what you can do with all the different vocaloids to choose from, and Kirai's choice of Flower greatly helps bring the feeling of his work to a more vivid experience. ...If that makes sense.
6. Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi:
I have to include Marble Soda in this list. One of the defining songs of my early teen years, it reminds me of the long period in time of watching old sudememo and flipnote memes. Songs like this most likely shaped who I am fundamentally.
7. Merry Happy by Kate Nash:
A song that helped get me through my breakup. It brought me back to my senses and sent me on the path to rediscover who I was, realizing the fact that people can be nice, fun people, but also capable of hurting you. Merry Happy aided me in creating my own happiness, one that doesn't rely on others.
8. Dancing Queen by ABBA:
Another song that helped me through my breakup, haha. It's nigh impossible to be sad or stay sad when this song is playing. On days that were especially bad, I would blast ABBA as much as possible to help try and cheer myself up. and in 9 out of 10 cases, it worked out.
9. Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz:
Another defining band of my childhood. Gorillaz has always been a guilty pleasure of mine, with Feel Good Inc. sticking out in my memory the most. I'm absolutely in love with the way they sound, and I can safely say that it's a song that can still be found on my main playlist to this day.
10. Concrete Beatdown by Jimkata:
In last but certainly not least, Concrete Beatdown. I talked a lot about defining bands, but I would not be the person I am today without Jimkata. They were a band I blasted over and over and over again during one of my most influential periods growing up, and they're a band I have deep love for. Their sound is interesting and unique, and I can always tell immediately when one of their songs come on the radio.
I was tagged by @litho-sphere to do this! Not sure of many other people to tag tho, so I suppose I tag my good buddy @eggorf to do this :)
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onstoryladders · 2 years
Hey, if we are recommending VegasPete songs then Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO is THE VegasPete anthem, I'm willing to die on this hill! ( At this point I'm on my knees begging anyone to make an edit of them with this song, just for my sanity to make it through 😭😂)
Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind?
I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
Welcome to my cage, little lover
Attempt to rearrange with you, baby
Still don't know your name, miss honey
Let's go up in flames, pretty lady
First of all, thank you for the rec because this song is beautiful, hauntingly so! It took me a little while to listen to it because I'm very busy – and also the worst when it comes to music lol – but still I'm glad I did, I definitely like it!
Anyway, I absolutely adore the vibes, it's all so-- claustrophobic?, in its imagery (the bottom of the sea, the silence, the cage), so I think it fits Vegas a lot, at least the way I picture him in my mind 💖
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vitaminwaterreviews · 14 days
aespa - Armageddon
I definitely liked this album. I don’t know if I’d say that I loved it. I was hoping that this album would confirm to me that I absolutely loved aespa, but … really I’m kind of where I was earlier: a lot of their songs aren’t for me, but some of them are absolutely amazing. That said, a lot of the songs on this album were quite good, and even my least favorite songs were still pretty good. That’s more than I can say for a lot of their earlier stuff.
This album seemed to do the same thing as Drama: it was 50% dark and 50% brighter-but-still-electronic. Clearly the Red Velvet dual concept is going strong with their successors. It makes you wonder what SMNGG is going to be like. SM groups seem to come in duos: Exo sound a lot like Red Velvet, NCT sound a lot like aespa. So we’d expect SMNGG to sound a lot like Riize, I guess? Anyway, I’m not talking as much about the particular songs on this album, because (title tracks aside) nothing was super memorable on a first listen. A lot of “good but not great,” but that’s fine. Perhaps things will grow on me, perhaps not. If nothing else, this album gave me Supernova. Average of 7.9 which feels about right to me.
- I’ve lowkey been anticipating this album for quite a while. I used to be able to confidently say that I wasn’t a fan of aespa, I just enjoyed a few of their songs. But having heard both title tracks, I suspect that after listening to this album, I will be forced to concede that I am a fan of aespa.
This is currently my most listened-to song of the past four weeks
It’s also my 13th most listened-to song of the past 6 months
It’s just So good. The bass is so good, the sound design in general is So Good
Also all the hooks - like, the “ah oh ey” is SO good
10/10 because … it would be beyond unfair to give a song that I’ve listened to so much a 9
This song, on the other hand, I’ve only heard once; I watched the music video yesterday when it released and that’s it.
As expected though, it definitely hits different with headphones on
Aespa in general just have such amazing sound design
(SM in general really, Chill Kill did not slack at all either)
The “bang chitty bang” part is funny to me, I was in the pit orchestra for my high school’s production of chitty chitty bang bang and so that phrase has a lot of baggage for me lol
The melody in the chorus is kind of hauntingly simple, it just climbs and descends the scale
8/10, I like it, but I think it needs time to grow on me
Set The Tone
Alright, a song I haven’t heard yet
Okay, we’re all retro electronic
And now we’re … like, 90’s hip hop?
I think this is another one that’ll need to grow on me. The chiptune sound isn’t super appealing to me, and there’s not enough going on the song to totally keep my interest
Okay, here’s the bridge
7/10, lower rating, but not in a way that makes me concerned about the rest of the album
Mkay, we’re deep and dark and bassy
That high-pitched electronic “mine” at the end of the phrase, that was good
That bridge was heavenly
I’m actually very reminded of GOT The Beat - Rose
Honestly? That really won me over
Lol the guitars in a song about licorice
I’m vibing though, let’s see where this goes
I don’t think I’ve ever actually had licorice
I quite like twizzlers
I want more out of the guitars to be honest, use them a bit more fully
Yeah, they very much take a backseat in the chorus, when they could be the focus
The bridge is fun
I think there’s a lot of hype behind this song iirc, but I don’t usually listen to teasers so I don’t know anything about it
We’re definitely a lot brighter here
Love that bass
Okay, so it’s like a spiritual successor to Better Things I guess lol
The whistle!
Yeah it actually fits very well with Better Things, it has that electronic tropical vibe
Mmmm I dunno about this bridge
Oh okay, I could get into the rap here
Yeah and the last chorus feels really nice
8/10 (also this song kept reminding me of Beach Boys - Kokomo lol)
Long Chat
Is this like the Drama EP, where the first half is all aespa and then the second half is all bright?
What the hell is this bass?
This makes me feel like, early 2000’s flash game vibes
And the pre-chorus is a completely different song
And the chorus is … the same background music as the verse, but a different synth?
I do not know how I feel about this song
Lol “hol up, what?”
Actually this kinda reminds me of f(x) - Rainbow with just the random shifts between feels
I’m curious what the lyrics are
Also is this swung 8ths or are they 16ths? The bpm is fast enough that it’s hard to tell
Haha wait no wait, I enjoy this a lot more if I think of it as “aespa does Twicetagram”
Lol now I love it
What do you mean prologue, this is the 8th song on the album
7/10, definitely an enjoyable listening experience, but it didn’t totally wow me either
Live My Life
Omg more guitars
This time I feel like we’re more in Yena territory though
I’m getting serious rock ballad vibes here
Yeahhhhh there we go
I just love pop rock aespa
I wish they’d go a bit further into rap rock though, Regret of the Times is one of my favorite aespa projects ever
7/10, really fun, but underdeveloped
Ballad time?
Maybe so! This piano certainly suggests it
Aespa doing ballads has always felt kinda weird to me though, to be honest
And actually this kinda leans more slow jam, and we know how I feel about those
What’s this word? Is this the same word used as one of the high notes in Love Poem?
Now I’m curious
It is! “Moksori” means “voice”
And honestly it really did win me over by the end
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