#LEV battery
redwaypower07 · 1 month
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Redway 60V 100Ah Lithium LiFePO4 Battery is meticulously crafted to excel in both industrial and personal electric vehicle applications. Compared to traditional deep cycle batteries, it offers a significant advancement, ideal for electric scooters, tricycles, motorcycles, AGVs, AMRs, tour LSVs, and LEVs.
With a lifespan of up to 4000 cycles, surpassing the mere 500 cycles of standard sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries, this battery presents exceptional longevity, resulting in significantly lower costs per use.
Its superior performance, extended lifespan, and reliable power supply make it a preferred choice over lead-acid batteries. Its lightweight, compact design makes it versatile for various applications, while its widespread adoption underscores its effectiveness for residential and commercial use.
Moreover, the Redway 60V 100Ah LiFePO4 battery stands out in the lithium battery industry for its top-notch performance and durability. Specifically engineered for golf carts, electric motorcycles, and motorboats, our customized solutions boast advanced features like Bluetooth connectivity and Battery Level Indicators.
The innovative side terminal design not only enhances space efficiency but also simplifies installation and reduces the risk of corrosion, making it a sought-after option for automotive and marine applications.
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preetiken · 1 year
Last Mile LEVs in KSA to hold an attractive Future Potential with lucrative government initiatives.
Domestic express courier dominates the market and is expected to register revenue growth at a CAGR of 4.4%. Most e-commerce retailers in KSA struggle with last-mile delivery as delays, reduced success rate & difficulty cash on delivery (COD) handling. Inconsistent demand, with spikes during festive seasons such as Ramadan, put additional pressure on the supply-side ecosystem for e-commerce logistics and hyperlocal logistic service providers. E-com Retailers need to come up with solutions such as Tech-Enabled E-com Logistics Platforms/Automated Shipping Software, B2B SAAS Platforms, and Digital Freight Brokers/ Load Discovery Aggregator Platform to solve the LMD problem in an efficient way to meet the growing customer demands.  
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Other Challenges in Future Potential Market Of LEVs in Last Mile Delivery Industry in KSA.
Cities such as NEOM and SPARK are incorporating smart mobility into their urban planning.  
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Some cities in the GCC are already incorporating smart mobility into their urban planning. Saudi Arabia and the UAE will invest nearly $50 bn in smart city projects through 2025 and most of the smart city projects in the GCC have a distinct focus on mobility for residents.  SPARK will be a fully integrated city with master plans to seamlessly intertwine industrial areas, such as factories, workshops, yards, and the Logistics Zone, with vibrant residential, educational, and commercial areas. Moreover, NEOM City consists of a city of a million residents with a length of 170 kilometers (105 miles) that preserves 95% of nature with zero car emission, zero streets and zero carbon emissions. Moreover, ABB, a global automation giant and a leader in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure sector has supplied its market-leading EV chargers to a premier residential compound ‘Safa 28’ located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. All these government initiatives, makes a greater space of the EV sector to flourish which will help the Last mile LEVs sector to grow.
New types of vehicles and new logistic structures are emerging to address the new paradigm in E-Commerce Industry.  
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The rising competition to deliver faster has led to ecommerce and hyperlocal delivery players to partner with mobility players to expand their fleet while still staying lean on resources. E-commerce players like Noon and Amazon witnessing a large volume of orders and requiring larger delivery fleets will slowly move towards LEVs by partnering with e-mobility startups and suppliers to convert their fleet into an e-fleet. The lower total cost of ownership and operating costs have made EVs more attractive for the intra-city cargo segment which comprise ~40% of total E-commerce shipments in KSA. However, LEVs need to be as efficient as an ICE vehicles carrying a similar payload and covering more trips and at lesser costs. This has led to the growth of new types of vehicles and new logistic structures that are emerging to address the new paradigm in E-Commerce Industry. 
Government policies play a huge role in Adoption of Electric Vehicles in a country.   
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In November 2019, the Kingdom announced that 5% of its parking spaces are to be designated solely for the use of EVs. Also, and even more importantly, the Saudi government has mandated that there will be EV charging stations at all municipal car parks. National Industrial Development & Logistics Program (NIDLP) considered by CEDA to be one of the highly critical VRPs, will most likely develop initiatives geared towards EVs in the coming years. Furthermore, it focuses on developing ICE along with EV as it allows KSA to optimize short term gains while making calculated bets on EV over the medium term. Developing this sector will create jobs while contributing to the GDP. 
High penetration acceptance of the use EVs could radically reduce the high rate for demand of oil. 
Fossil CO2 emissions in Saudi Arabia are 526.8 million tones of CO2 in 2019. An EV has zero exhaust emissions. They are 100% eco-friendly as they run on electrically powered engines. The desire to reduce their carbon footprint is a motivator for environmentally conscious consumers to buy EVs. The cost of purchasing an EV is more than ICE. However, the operational costs requiring fuel and maintenance in ICE vehicle is more than that of an EV. The mass production of batteries and available tax incentives will further bring down the cost, thus, making it much more cost-effective. 
Key Segments Covered in KSA LEV Market
Business Side Potential for LEVs in KSA CEP Industry
CEP Market Size
Total Number of Courier Shipments
KSA E-Commerce Landscape
E-Commerce Market Major Categories
Total Number of E-Commerce Orders
Total Number of Vehicles Deployed
Competition Scenario in KSA CEP Market
Future Projections Towards Penetration of LEVs in Courier Segment
Business Side Potential for LEVs in KSA Grocery Delivery Market
KSA Online Grocery Ecosystem
KSA Online Grocery Market Size
KSA Online Grocery Market Concentration
KSA Online Grocery Market Segmentations
Total Number of Orders
Total Number of Vehicles Deployed
Competition Scenario in KSA Grocery Delivery Market
Future Projections Towards Penetration of LEVs in Grocery Delivery Segment
Business Side Potential for LEVs in KSA Food Delivery Market
Landscape of Food Delivery Companies in Saudi Arabia
KSA Online Food Delivery Market Size
Total Number of Orders
Total Number of Vehicles Deployed
Competition Scenario in KSA Food Delivery Market
Future Projections Towards Penetration of LEVs in Food Delivery Segment
Key Target Audience
LEV Manufacturers
LEV Dealers/Distributors
Courier and Parcel Companies
E-Commerce Companies
Grocery Delivery Companies
Food Delivery Companies
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Historical Period: 2015-2020
Forecast Period: 2020–2030
Key Topics Covered in the Report
Overview of Global EV Market
Genesis and Overview of KSA LEV Market
Ecosystem of Major Entities in Saudi Arabia LEV market
Charging Infrastructure for LEV Market in Saudi Arabia
Overview of KSA Last-Mile Delivery Market
Number of Orders/Shipments in KSA Last-Mile Delivery Market
Number of Fleets Deployed for Last Mile Delivery
Business Side Potential for LEVs in KSA CEP Industry including E-commerce Landscape in KSA
Business Side Potential for LEVs in KSA Grocery Delivery Market
Business Side Potential for LEVs in KSA Food Delivery Market
Regulatory Scenario and Framework in Saudi Arabia LEV Market
Opinions of Industry Experts regarding adoption of LEVs
Difference in EV costs compared to ICE vehicles- Cost Benefit Analysis
Viable Supply Chain Model for Adoption and Supplying LEVs in KSA
Current Landscape of LEV Offering in KSA
Major Deals/Transactions for LEVs in KSA
Impact of COVID 19 on EV sales
Future Analysis and Projections for LEVs in Saudi Arabia
Opportunity Analysis of an LEV in Last Mile Delivery
Case Studies for LEV Last-Mile Delivery
Recommendations / Success Factors
Research Methodology
Companies Covered:
EV Manufacturers
CEP Industry
Saudi Post
Naquel Express
SMSA Express
Grocery Delivery Companies
Nana Direct
Food Delivery Companies
Contact us:
Ankur Gupta, Head of Marketing and Communications
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Electrons, not molecules
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then SAN FRANCISCO (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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When hydrocarbon barons do their damndest to torch the Earth with fossil fuels, they call us dreamers. They insist that there's a hard-nosed reality – humanity needs energy – and they're the ones who live in it, while we live in the fairy land where the world can run on sunshine and virtuous thoughts. Without them making the tough decisions, we'd all be starving in the frigid dark.
Here's the thing: they're full of shit.
Humanity does need energy if we're going to avoid starving in the frigid dark, but that energy doesn't have to come from fossil fuels. Indeed, in the long-term, it can't. Even if you're a rootin' tootin, coal-rollin' climate denier, there's a hard-nosed reality you can't deny: if we keep using fossil fuels, they will someday run out. Remember "peak oil" panic? Fossil fuels are finite, and the future of the human race needn't be. We need more.
Thankfully, we have it. Despite what you may have heard, renewables are more than up to the task. Indeed, it's hard to overstate just how much renewable energy is available to us, here at the bottom of our gravity well. I failed to properly appreciate it until I read Deb Chachra's brilliant 2023 book, How Infrastructure Works:
Chachra, an engineering prof and materials scientist, offers a mind-altering reframing of the question of energy: we have a material problem, not an energy problem. If we could capture a mere 0.4% of the sun's rays that strike the Earth, we could give every person on the planet the energy budget of a Canadian (like an American, only colder).
Energy isn't just wildly abundant, though: it's also continuously replenished. For most of human history, we've treated energy as scarce, eking out marginal gains in energy efficiency – even as we treated materials as disposable, using them once and consigning them to a midden or a landfill. That's completely backwards. We get a fresh shipment of energy every time the sun (or the moon) comes up over the horizon. By contrast, new consignments of material are almost unheard of – the few odd ounces of meteoric ore that survive entry through Earth's atmosphere.
A soi-dissant adult concerned with the very serious business of ensuring our species isn't doomed to the freezing, starving darkness of an energy-deprived future would think about nothing save for this fact and its implications. They'd be trying to figure out how to humanely and responsibly gather the materials needed for the harvest, storage and distribution of this nearly limitless and absolutely free energy.
In other words, that Very Serious, Hard-Nosed Grown-Up should be concerned with using as few molecules as possible to harvest as many electrons as possible. They'd be working on things like turning disused coal-mines into giant gravity batteries:
Not figuring out how to dig or flush more long-dead corpses out of the Earth's mantle to feed them into a furnace. That is a profoundly unserious response to the human need for energy. It's caveman shit: "Ugh, me burn black sticky gunk, make cave warm, cough cough cough."
Enter Exxon CEO Darren Woods, whose interview with Fortune's Michal Lev-Ram and editor Alan Murray contains this telling quote: "we basically focus our technology on transforming molecules and they happen to be hydrogen and carbon molecules":
As Bill McKibben writes, this is a tell. A company that's in the molecule business is not in the electron business. For all that Woods postures about being a clear-eyed realist beating back the fantasies of solarpunk-addled greenies, Woods does not want a future where we have all our energy needs met:
That's because the only way to get that future is to shift from molecules – whose supply can be owned and therefore sold by Exxon – to electrons, which that commie bastard sun just hands out for free to every person on our planet's surface, despite the obvious moral hazard of all those free lunches. As Woods told Fortune, when it comes to renewables, "we don’t see the ability to generate above-average returns for our shareholders."
Woods dresses this up in high-minded seriousness kabuki, saying that Exxon is continuing to invest in burning rotting corpses because our feckless species "waited too long to open the aperture on the solution sets terms of what we need as a society." In other words, it's just too late for solar. Keep shoveling those corpses into the furnace, they're all that stands between you and the freezing, starving dark.
Now, this is self-serving nonsense. The problem of renewables isn't that it's too late – it's that they don't "generate above-average returns for our shareholders" (that part, however, is gospel truth).
But let's stipulate that Woods sincerely believes that it is too late. It's pretty goddamned rich of this genocidal, eminently guillotineable monster to just drop that in the conversation without mentioning the role his company played in getting us to this juncture. After all, #ExxonKnew. 40 years ago, Exxon's internal research predicted climate change, connected climate change to its own profits, and predicted how bad it would be today.
Those predictions were spookily accurate and the company took them to heart, leaping into action. For 40 years, the company has been building its offshore drilling platforms higher and higher in anticipation of rising seas and superstorms – and over that same period, Exxon has spent millions lobbying and sowing disinformation to make sure that the rest of us don't take the emergency as seriously as they are, lest we switch from molecules to electrons.
Exxon knew, and Exxon lied. McKibben quotes Woods' predecessor Lee Raymond, speaking in the runup to the Kyoto Treaty negotiations: "It is highly unlikely that the temperature in the middle of the next century will be significantly affected whether policies are enacted now or 20 years from now."
When Woods says we need to keep shoveling corpses into the furnace because we "waited too long to open the aperture on the solution sets terms of what we need as a society," he means that his company lied to us in order to convince us to wait too long.
When Woods – and his fellow enemies of humanity in the C-suites of Chevron and other corpse-torching giants – was sending the arson billions to his shareholders, he held back a healthy share to fund this deceit. He colluded with the likes of Joe Manchin ("[D-POLLUTION]" -McKibben) to fill the Inflation Reduction Act with gifts for molecules. The point of fantasies like "direct air carbon-capture" is to extend the economic life of molecule businesses, by tricking us into thinking that we can keep sending billions to Exxon without suffocating in its waste-product.
These lies aren't up for debate. Back in 2021, Greenpeace tricked Exxon's top DC lobbyist Keith McCoy into thinking that he was on a Zoom call with a corporate recruiter and asked him about his work for Exxon, and McCoy spilled the beans:
He confessed to everything: funding fake grassroots groups and falsifying the science – he even names the senators who took his bribes. McCoy singled out Manchin for special praise, calling him "a kingmaker" and boasting about the "standing weekly calls" Exxon had with Manchin's office.
Exxon's response to this nine-minute confession was to insist that their most senior American lobbyist "wasn't involved at all in forming policy positions."
McKibben points to the forthcoming book The Price Is Wrong, by Brett Christophers, which explains how the neoclassical economics establishment's beloved "price signals" will continue to lead us into the furnace:
The crux of that book is:
We cannot expect markets and the private sector to solve the climate crisis while the profits that are their lifeblood remain unappetizing.
Nearly 100 years ago, Upton Sinclair wrote, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Today, we can say that it's impossible to get an oil executive to understand that humanity needs electrons, not molecules, because his shareholders' obscene wealth depends on it.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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stevebattle · 4 months
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SLIM Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 (LEV-2, AKA SORA-Q) by Tomy, JAXA, Sony Group, and Doshisha University (2023). The Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon, or SLIM (final photo), was launched from Japan on September 6 2023, due to make a precision lunar landing on January 19 2024. It will deploy LEV-2, an 8cm diameter, ball-shaped, transforming robot. Once on the surface of the moon, the robot splits, expands left and right, and a reaction trail pops out in a vehicular configuration. The wheels are mounted on an eccentric axle able to run in two modes, 'butterfly running' or 'crawling running'. The LEV-2 will be released from the lander 1.8 metres above the lunar surface, and begin rolling around to capture SLIM's landing and the surrounding area. LEV-2's battery is only expected to last about two hours.
"SORA-Q looks something like a metallic Wiffle ball and takes its name from sora, which means “sky” in Japanese; the “Q” is a homonym for the Japanese word meaning “sphere.” As the dust settles, SORA-Q will unfold like a Transformer: the sphere will split in half, exposing a pair of cameras and dividing its two hemispheres into wheels. In the case of M1, mission controllers will remotely instruct their SORA-Q to turn toward the main lunar lander and transmit images back to Earth." – A Mini Moon Rover from the Toy Company That Created Transformers, by Matt Alt, The New Yorker.
"We designed the vehicle to be a spherical object with expandable wheels and a stabilizer using the transforming technologies for toys. Moreover, we adopted the robust and safe design technology for children's toys, which reduced the number of components used in the vehicle as much as possible and increased its reliability." – Hirano Daichi, Palm-Sized Lunar Excursion Vehicle 2 (LEV-2).
In 2023, Tomy released a retail model, called the Sora-Q Flagship Model. It has the same transformer abilities, and can be remotely controlled with a smartphone app.
UPDATE: The Tomy LEV-2 / SORA-Q rover successfully returned this incredible image of the SLIM lander nose down on the Moon (final image).
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cannivalisms · 7 months
hi everyone sorry real quick. just checking.
+ propaganda & plot synopses:
plot: terras town is about a girl, lev alvarez, who falls into a parallel world layered right under hers, and who needs to find a way back home before she brings her world crashing down alongside. however, lev's life back home is not going too well right now, and this goal rapidly starts to vanish as she deteriorates more and more into escapism in a world that carries no consequences for her.
if i did this for nano, i'd probably just throw myself into writing as much as possible since i've got her entirely outlined, and post little excerpts of my progress if the fates allow it. definitely won't hit 50k words but still. we said abridged.
plot: good intentions is about the first academy in the saints-square built with the aim of anchoring cores (people who possess raw, explosive, very dangerous magic) to mages (an artificially created class of people who can siphon cores' magic into 'usable' forms); and more specifically about the experience of two girls (hess tiamaret & juve mizani) in the process. hess flat out refuses to become some rich girl's magical battery, and juve is very much keen on making her buckle and accept her 'help.' they're also both really fucking crazy and there's more to them but i'm still learning how to summarize their deal.
if i did this for nano, i'd probably need to split my efforts into outlining since this is a fairly new project and i don't know everything about her yet. having said that, i'd work on smaller drabbles and chapters where i do know what's happening etc and try and post parts of those. so there's that.
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ayakamiyuiii · 1 year
𝐌𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 ﹕ 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Reader has social anxiety, and just struggles w communication n shit, their anxiety is worse then Kenmas .. ?!
She/her pronouns - this is all like bs idk what im doing, enjoy tho <3
it doesn't really involve kenma in this part, only mentions of Lev and Kuroo
i will make like 3 parts of this !!
. I think this gonna mostly be fluff? i think idk may get spicy
You've been struggling to make friends and talk to people all of your life, you've always been 'different' from the other kids you grew up around. They seemed to easily make friends and show their expressions much easier then you ever could, Your parents weren't much help either .. You'd always seem to get sick too, even if there was no reason for you to be sick. Your anxiety doubled back and got worse in your highschool years, as the teachers and students around you tried forcibly getting you to do things outside your comfort zone. There were plenty of times you ending up skipping and not showing up because of your classmates, You felt horrendously violated.
In your 4th year however, you saw a poster - directed to volleyball, if you had a passion for anything it was volleyball, You read it to fast taking a moment and seeing the volleyball team at your school needed a manager, heck yea! you've heard the guys aren't bad and are actually tolerable.. a bit too energetic though, shoving every voice that was telling you to just leave it to the back of your head, You told yourself you would go check it out, no matter how jitty and shaky you were, if you wanted to be apart of something it was this, you wanted to be known even if it'll only be for a little while.
Thursday, the day you were meant to go meet the team. You swear your legs just stopped in front of the gym, completely frozen second-thinking your choices, doubting every positive thought you had. "Oh hi! are you (f/n) (l/n)? to.. try out for manager?" you jerked looking behind yourself, it was Lev Haiba .. one of the middle blockers of the team? .. the self declared ace? You were so embarrassed, you swear you started shaking and stuttering even before you could open your mouth, nodding instead of making a fool out of yourself. "Don't talk much ey?" He beams a smile to you, nodding once again embarrassment hitting you once more, face completely pink. "Don't be shy (l/n) i promise you everyones great here :)" you look at him slightly, giving him a really wonky smile.. mouthing out a little "thank you".
You felt so intimidated, all these men and one of you. You didn't look at the guys properly rushing out your information, and everything that was required, hoping they wouldn't say too much and just eventually let you leave. It was tiresome, your social battery was already going flat it's only been 10 minutes into the interview, you shame yourself for turning out the way you did. It's okay 16 minutes in 4 minutes to go.
How the interview went:
Kuroo: "(f/n) (l/n) right?" You: *nods*
Kuroo: "why did you want to have this interview? what makes you think you will become our Manager?"
You: "I came today.. t-to um *looks down* i.. want- to t-try become your guys'.. m-manager." *slowly but ..eventually gives reasons why you think you'd be manager cus ur cool*
Kuroo: "I see *small smirk* , What do you know about volleyball? do you know what the team will acquire and seek from you as our manager?"
You: *says everything yk ab volleyball.. and yk more then him bwahah and like tell him what the team would acquire..*
Kuroo: *kinda baffled* "i see, i see.. thank you for your time (l/n) we'll let you know what we think of ya *grin* give us a couple of days.."
You: "o-okay." *bows to them and runs away*
It's been a week since you took that interview, doubting you'd got the position and that someone else had became manager. It didn't matter, you felt some sort of happiness that you at least tried.. out if you can even call it that. it was recess, you had chemistry homework the teacher asked you and your class to finish, not wanting to deal with it at home you used your time now to get it done, slightly frustrated because you hadn't learnt about half the things the teacher had gave out. sighing, huffing and puffing .. using all the brain you had left in you, you got it done to your absolute surprise "good enough" you mutter out, packing up your belongings to head to your next class.
You started walking to math, hoping the old bore of a teacher was once again absent, he does nothing but nag at the students. No where near a proper math teacher in your opinion, As long as your grades don't slip, it'll be okay you thought to yourself. You were smart, you had great grades in all your classes.. You tended to get your work done way before everyone else, this was carried on since young, sometimes teachers accused you of cheating. Never mind it, you were still thinking about the interview, wanting to know if someone did get accepted.. or if they were still thinking.
"i'll find out soon enough" you sigh to yourself.
get left on cliffhanger. Bwahahah >:)
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furbing-atrocities · 1 year
Hi, I'm Leviathan
Im Leviathan, but u can call me Levi, or Lev, or honestly any variation of Leviathan! My pronouns r they/he/it, and I'm a libramasculine, ambiamorous, omnioriented demisexual grayromantic.
Tags: #tech stuff and #f: [furby name]
I drew the header, and I will *try* to update it every time I get a new furb! [<- very very behind]
My main blog is @ace-up-your-sleeve , my plushie blog is @beanie-buddy-boy , my alterhumanity blog is @fish-forcibly-removed-from-water, and my regression blog is @dreamy-puppy-xo
I'm a MINOR. Don't be weird.
secret draw box
DNI: TERFs, transmeds, racists, exclusionists or queerphobes of any kind, etc.
furby bios (w some pics) under the cut
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gay (mlm) trans demiboy!
an absolute angel
hyper from all of the monster he drinks
pinterest board
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Ziggontorath (aka Ziggy)
working w/ a voice glitch
xenogender user!!!
masc agender, dreameyegender, eyeclusterin, weirdcorian, and kidcorestalgic!
aroace and in a qpr w Fax Machine
pinterest board
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Sistine Chapel
fully working
soft girl lesbian
likes art and sapphic poetry
shy and blush-y
once you get to know her tho, she is very goofy!!
pinterest board
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working but mute
loves flowers smmmm 
loups bf
yes he gives loup flowers
bi af
uses <3 too much
pinterest board
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Tremendous Unanimous Pickles
any pronouns
working + has a voice glitch!!!
once screamed bc i took her batteries out
even ppl who hate furbies think hes adorable
pinterest board
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works but gears r rlly loud (thanks Jetta 🙄)
very curious about everything 
likes coloring and eating bugs
Tup is like an older brother
Ziggy and Piccolo are her dads <3
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Flanagan Shithead
kinda looks like balls with a face and pubes 
feral as fuck + will bite you
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Cyborg Piccolo Fax Machine
untested and missing his batter cover :(
transmasc and in a qpr with Ziggy <3
physically disabled + had a prosthetic leg
dancing queen young and sweet only 17
major dad energy. need to get this man a hawaiian shirt stat
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fully working and goofy as all hell
soon to be customized <3
rlly bubbly and energetic
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Allergic Reaction aka "Reo"
fully functioning
so pissy
like he is just so angry for no reason!!!!
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butch lesbian
punk asf
doing your mom dating Sistine Chapel <3
raspberry swirl custom (based on the prototype)
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Cough Syrup
unironically one of my favs tbh
her singing makes me rlly happy
i rlly like playing with their hair
he rocks french braids
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shy lil fella
my gf got him for me for my bday <3
he has my fav voice of all my '98s
someone said that he and cough syrup kiss a lil sometimes in the comments of their intro post???
to me thats like saying 2 newborn babies are "dating" bc they r next to each other
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gay and the colors of the mlm flag <3
literally just a little guy
gifted to me by someone in my server 🫶
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a 9/11 baby
a custom for my gf <3
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Chevel Philodendron Silly Goose
"Choose Goose*
omnigay boygirl silly swag <333
had the biggest glow up ever
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Pancake Robomachine
nonbinary silly :3
first complete reskinning ive done :3
named by my little cousin
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Angel Dust/Anthony
makes 7 sex jokes a minute
based on the Hazbin Hotel character
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noevans · 1 year
Trembling fingers reached down the pocket of his coat. It was balled up and shoved between the wall and the bench facing him. Most importantly, it was made out of expensive cashmere and he was ruining the shit out of its value. His fingers grabbed the tip of a lone cigarette; rolled it on his thumb until the tobacco spilled out.
The rustling and bustling noises of the café he was in came back like a punch in the face. Suddenly, he was too aware of the clinking of the glasses, of the conversations around him, the laughter, and oh god the fucking slurping. He pulled his hand away, sat back down and knocked his beetroot coconut milk whatever the fuck latte. The bright pink liquid submerged all the documents and files on his table…audio transcripts, snippets of interviews, victim’s personal statements,…he couldn’t quite tell, he was just pretending to read them anyway.
He took a deep breath. It dripped on his pants. It looked like dried blood against the darker color of the fabric— gabardine no less. He dumped the wet papers in his folder, grabbed his coat and walked out of the café.
He loosened his tie just a little before hailing a cab. He reached down his other pocket for a piece of paper; on it scribbled battery park and handed it to the driver. The ride felt endless, like every second of it stretched into the next, but he wished it lasted longer as soon as he had arrived to the destination. He glanced at the city behind him as if he’d be able to catch someone glancing back. He chucked his work folder in the trash and walked into the park.
It wasn’t an enjoyable stroll. In fact, his body tensed up at every step; his exhausted eyes struggling to keep a headache away; and the lone cigarette in his pocket was turned to dust due to the anxiety building up in his hands. There, facing the water, a bench occupied by someone with a very recognizable head of hair. Evan had never asked for favours from the Syndicate, so he was surprised by how quick he received an answer. Scribbled on a piece of paper, an all too familiar location name for someone he was trying to find. He was a fucking idiot— he could’ve guessed it on his own had he given it two more minutes of thought.
Again, he pulled on his tie, and he looked like he rolled down a hill with the way his clothes were so lopsided, and finally sat next to his person of interest. He was silent for a minute or two, or maybe it was four or five, his gaze never leaving the horizon.
“I’m sorry, Lev.” Is what Evan would’ve wanted to say. Instead, it came out something like this: “You kinda look like shit.”
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witchofthescions · 1 year
A Blank Canvas appears! It wears a gray paper mask with painted on sunglasses. The mask looks like it’s singed at the corners as if it had been to a place too hot; however, the Blank Canvas seems as impassive as ever, despite smelling a bit like brimstone. Dropping the unharmed presents it held, it looks like it’s chewing on something - plop. An empty candy wrapper - Meiji?. The Blank Canvas doesn’t even bother to pick it up, the litterbug. It instead just raises a hand as if to accept payment - or food. 
Chi’s present comes in the very large foam moogle head complete with a dangling red “pom pom.” It seems that the moogle head was made especially big to account for Erna’s height and allowing it to retain that bobblehead/mascot feel. The pompom appears to be attached to some sort of stiff spring, allowing for a light bobble with motion. A small fan is attached to the back of the helmet for ventilation, and Kris’s tag (appropriately attributed) allows for unimpeded vision through the helmet in question. 
Lev’s present is an adjustable waist and thigh belt with leather satchel; each one can be detached independently. The leatherwork is stitched fairly confidently as if the creator had familiarity with making such accessories. The satchel has a couple internal folds within for organization, though they don’t impede with just putting one large object inside either. A zipper hidden in the lining is provided for extra security and protection from the elements, while an alumnium button and central string is provided for simple closure.
Rounding out the pair of presents is a handheld jeweler’s loupe. The jeweler’s loope is palm-sized and swings out of its leather casing with multiple lenses that can provide magnification up to 60x total. The lens coating also prevents glare. Small LED lights powered by button batteries provide close-up illumination. It can be removed from the case and latch directly onto things via a built-in small clamp. An instruction manual and a couple extra sets of batteries are provided.
The note attached to the presents reads: “Happy holidays from me and Lils. The satchel came out pretty good for once - last time I made one of these, it didn’t have a waist belt so it just kept slipping off my leg. Ugh. Also, we remembered you did jewelry work, so we figured you could use a jeweler’s loupe. Not sure if there’s something like that on your side or a magical equivalent, but this does have a wide field of view, glare protection, and excellent magnification per the advertisement. It’s also light enough to latch onto protective glasses or goggles or a headlamp if needed too, though admittedly it feels a bit heavy on my own glasses. Again, happy holidays!”    
The appearance of the Blank Canvas does catch her by surprise. She stares at them with some amusement, her attention drawn momentarily towards the discarded wrapper. C'mon, kid, you're really going to make her clean up after you? Sheesh!
She gestures for it to wait a moment, then disappears into the house calling after her mom. "We got any extra snacks for a visiting kid?"
She reappears with some smoked jerky and hands it over to the waiting Blank Canvas, giving them a little head pat if they're willing to accept one. "Thanks, hon."
Onto the presents! She gets a kick out of the big bobblehead moogle hat—that ends up seeing a lot of use during the rest of her stay with her family. Her nephew and youngest sibling think it's the most hilarious thing in the entire world.
And that satchel! She takes a moment to admire the handiwork on it. She's dabbled a bit in leatherworking herself, so she knows how much care and skill went into this. It's definitely going to see a lot of use when she gets back on the road.
The jeweler's loupe gives her pause. She fiddles with a bit before she thinks to check out the instructions, and her eyes go wide. Oh wow, that is so much! So many features she wouldn't have thought to even try. Man, maybe she should pull out one of her old pairs of enchanted spectacles to hang it on. Combine the magic sensing properties of one of those with the magnification of this loupe... man, she could make some really nice, protective jewelry with this.
She grins to herself, making a mental note to thank Lev and Chi later. (Knowing her, though, she's probably going to forget once or twice before she gets around to actually doing so.)
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thenerdytomboy · 2 years
*chucks back Monster*
Aight I'm chattering about some Inova body headcanons let's goooooo
Cut for convenience!
-His silicon skin covering mimics human skin pretty much to a T, but unlike human skin it doesn't sweat, and it lacks peach fuzz
-you'd think he'd smell like silicon and metal and other synthetic stuff but nope, this guy smells like a mixture of baked goods and a hint of lilies. He spends an almost ridiculous amount of time baking when he's not working, at this point the smells have just saturated his outer covering. If he has to swap/upgrade to a body then he does smell more like a factory, but after about 3 days its gone and the other scents back.
-He has a Biofuel converter located in his lower torso region, so hes able to both drink and eat organic items and get some energy out of them. It's highly efficient so theres usually little waste leftover, whatever is left over just put into an airtight storage container just below the convertor to be emptied as necessary, usually during his routine maintenance. That happens about every couple of days to a week.
-His circuits actually mimic the human nervous system quite a bit, though they all connect to his "Heart"
-His "heart" is a power storage device located on the left side of his chest, its blue and actually is in the shape of a heart(💙 like this kinda)
-his "Heart" is very delicate, hence why it's stored in an area with a lot of cushioning.
-His heart is actually somewhat of an erogenous zone. Touching it when hes not shut down or in maintenance mode can elicit a rather intense reaction. He only shows his heart to people he trusts because of this.
-Maintenance mode is essentially a state of being where a lot of Inovas body is numbed, as if he's on anesthesia
-Inovas battery life is about 72 hours if he's taking it easy and not doing anything too strenuous. With his usual day to day life it drops to about 48 hours before needing to charge.
-Inova can charge in multiple ways! Sleeping, eating(somewhat), plugging the chord hidden in the back of his neck into a wall, and of course, praises and partying.
-overcharging can result in amped up behavior in many different ways, and many protocols could be engaged during this time. He does have a tendency to get very flirty when overcharged, so it's bests to be careful lest you get caught in his sights lmao
-Inova basically acts drunk when he in low power mode. Slurs his words, has trouble walking straight, sometimes just stumbles and falls over. Best to stay out of his way if he starts tipping or you're gonna be trapped between him and whatever yall landed on until he's recharged
-Inova gets suuuuuuuuper cuddly in low power mode, even more affectionate than he is usually. He'll grab the nearest person to him, regardless of who they are usually, and snuggle em. Again if that happens you're gonna be stuck there for awhile.
-Inovas body temperature sits at a nice 80 or so degrees F. Cooler than most human body temperatures, but still pretty warm, so honestly cuddling him would be absolutely amazing. His wiring is all insulated and hes got an efficient cooling system.
-This guy has tasers in his fingertips. The pointer finger and pinky on each hand can deploy the hooks, which he can either fire to taze, over just jam them against the person and shock em that way.
-He can breathe fire, but its more for show than anything else. It's like when you use a lighter and hairspray honestly, only goes for short bursts and can burn out quickly(it was Levs idea).
-He has about 6 floating robotic arms gifted to him by Jett that he can control via Bluetooth
-He's generally unaffected by stuff like coffee, candy and alcohol unless it's stuff specifically made for robots
-His "Heart" does pulse and makes a really slow, rhythmical beat, its more for show and expression though. If you manage to fluster him enough you'd be able to hear his heartbeat just by standing near him.
-His face stripes glow brighter the more flustered he is.
-he's currently got a bit of a glitch going on where specific phrases will cause him to move and speak in ways he normally doesn't. It stresses him out and hes been trying to patch it, but has no idea where the problem is. Luckily, the phrases aren't very common.
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Name: Doctor Hannah Elsabrouty
Alias: Eight Track
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 34
Location: Department of Engineering and Robotics, University of Battery City
Language: English (fluent), Latin
Profession: Teaching and Research Professor
Status: Alive
Background: Growing up in the zones alone, Hannah turned to the city when she was 14 and immediately showed interest in STEM. She went directly from high school to university, where she received honors marks and valedictorian status in her undergrad. She quickly completed her Master's and PhD in Robotics Engineering and works in the design and construction of droids of all models. Her notable work consists of model EXT3498-67078LP ("Lukas Phaneuf") as well as Replacement Droid LEV-4579.
Doctors should watch for signs of anti-city behavior due to previous cases in her lectures and programming.
Tess! She/they, True Crime nerd
I am not fluent in Latin myself, only English and French.
I also do @solarflare-kjrp  @orionkilljoy, @bli-morris @kjrp-alexandermcleod and @lev4579 
24 y/o, so please only interact if you are 16+
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theblogs2024 · 17 days
60V 100Ah Lithium Battery (Electric Scooter / Electric Tricycle )
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The 60V 100Ah Lithium LiFePO4 Battery is meticulously engineered for a range of industrial and personal electric vehicle applications. Specifically tailored for use in Forklifts, AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles), AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots), Sweepers, Floor Cleaning Machines, Electric Scooters, Electric Tricycles, Electric Motorcycles, Tour LSVs (Low-Speed Vehicles), and LEVs (Light Electric Vehicles), this battery packs power and efficiency into a compact design. Learn more info. check out here: https://www.redwaypower.com/product/60v100ah-lithium-battery/
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duncanforbesfilm · 27 days
Day two was the day we were shooting in the hardware store. We had moved the kit to Gus's flat after shooting the day before, as Gus lives just a block away from the hardware store. I parked the car nearby and held back tears at how much it costs to park in Morningside. I went to Gus's to make sure everyone knew what they were doing and too great Liam Hughes, the actor who was playing Gary. Once everyone knew what they were doing me and Saskia went down to the hardware store to meet the manager and discuss the day. They were very accomadating. They showed us a back room we could use to store kit and use as a kind of green room in between takes. The store was split into two rooms, both of which had a till in, and they said they could let us film in there as long as we periodically let customers in to grab what they needed. This had been decided before but I was glad to hear it again on the day as I had an irrational fear they were going to decide they needed that room fully operational. As everyone was moving down and getting set up, I caught up with Lev and David to go over the day. This is when Lev told me that they had a bit of neck pain from the day before. This became my immediate priority to fix, as it was incredibly crucial to me as a director that my cast (or crew for that matter) do not get hurt in anyway for the film. I spoke to Saskia and Lili about ways to fix it, and we concluded that there was just too much standing around the day before and that today anytime we werent certain we were going for a take we would get Lev out the suit. I insistently checked on Lev throughout the day to make sure they were ok, too the point they were getting annoyed at me always asking. Still, rather have a pestered actor than an injured actor. Regarding shooting, we were pretty on time throughout the day. I was worried at how much we were going to get interupted by customers and how this would disturb the flow, but in reality, it really wasnt a problem. There was a few times we would have to hold before a take to let a wee old lady come in with one of the clerks to buy some washing up pods (thats an example it wasnt the same lady every time that would be weird) but generally, the day flowed really well. At the end of the day, we were ahead a little bit and me and gus were able to look around and find some extra shots. We got this really cool one where the shot started on a mirror above the door and then we tilted down to Mr balloonhead man walking in and UGH it was so cool but when I did DIT later that night I realised India could be seen in the mirror of every take. God dammit India. The day wasnt without issues, as about half way through the day, our sound mixer decided to stop working. We had been given a MixPre10 as we wanted to double boom on the last day but unfortunately the one we were given was faulty. I believe it was an issue with the batteries, and it had to be plugged into a socket. This was fine for today, but wouldnt do for the next two days which were Exterior. After we wrapped, I said goodbye to our actors and had crew take the kit up to Gus's flat. Saskia, Gaby and I took the MixPre to the kit store at Craiglockhart to pick up a new one. They unfortunately could not give us another MixPre10, but they had an older sound mixer that would allow us to have two booms on the last day. After this we drove back to Gus's to pick up the kit and take it back to my flat, where we were going to be starting tomorrow. On a high of how well the day went, I did not notice the 'NO LOADING 1630-1830' sign and even though we finished loading at 1641, a sneaky parking attendant had managed to give me a 50quid fine!! (im still confused where they came from because we were constantly loading the car like im confused when they got it on my windshield without me seeing, kind of freaky). Not even a fine could ruin my mood* after how the day went though, and I took the kit home ready for tomorrow.
*it did infact ruin my mood when I had to pay the ticket later that week.
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molsons112000 · 2 months
This new material may significantly drop the cost of solar energy and increase the efficiency of solar panels....
The perovskite family of solar materials is named for its structural similarity to a mineral called perovskite, which was discovered in 1839 and named after Russian mineralogist L.A. Perovski. The original mineral perovskite, which is calcium titanium oxide (CaTiO3), has a distinctive crystal configuration.Jul 15, 2022
https://news.mit.edu › perovskites-...
Explained: Why perovskites could take solar cells to new heights
Where does perovskite come from?
The mineral was discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia by Gustav Rose in 1839 and is named after Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski (1792–1856).
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Perovskite - Wikipedia
So this material that will help create efficiencies in the solar industry will help create efficiencies in drug delivery to humans... So yes, this may help the delivery of medication and may help the delivery of vitamin nutrients to human cells, and by the way pharmaceutical companies can produce this product to supply the solar industry for solar panel production.... So yes pharmaceutical companies can work with engineering bioproducts for technology industries as well.... So the pharmaceutical industries can diversify. See the link below related to this material and drug delivery. And like I said, this could help deliver vitamin supplement material to humans as well.
"This study suggests that calcium titanate nanofibers can offer a promising platform for localized drug delivery."
This Is material can be used in Mechanical and optical application as well...
Stanford Advanced Materials
https://www.samaterials.com › calci...
CA4438 Calcium Titanate Powder (CaTiO3) (CAS No. 12049-50-2)
Calcium Titanate Powder (CaTiO3) is a basic inorganic dielectric material with excellent dielectric, temperature, mechanical and optical properties.
Scholarly articles for CaTiO3 in optical applications
… , characterization and applications of nano CaTiO3 …
Manjunath · Cited by 15
Structural and optical properties of CaTiO3 perovskite- …
Moreira · Cited by 253
What is the application of CaTiO3?
CaTiO3 is one of the important components for the immobilization of high level radioactive wastes and is extensively used in electronic ceramic materials. CaTiO3 has been investigated for biocompatible and luminescent material and exhibits a combination of high permittivity and modest dielectric loss.
https://www.eurekaselect.com › article
Studies on Synthesis, Characterization and Applications ...
What are the applications of calcium titanate?
Calcium Titanate is generally immediately available in most volumes. High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered. Titanate compounds contain a form of Titanium Oxide and have various applications including electronics, ceramics, and batteries (in the case of Lithium Titanate).
https://www.americanelements.com › ...
Calcium Titanate | AMERICAN ELEMENTS 
https://www.sciencedirect.com › pii
Structural and optical properties of CaTiO3 perovskite-based ...
by ML Moreira · 2009 · Cited by 253 — CT crystallizes in an orthorhombic perovskite structure Pbnm space group, in a single phase
Scholarly articles for CaTiO3 in mechanical applications
Mechanochemical synthesis of CaTiO3 from CaCO3- …
Vukotić · Cited by 10
Mechanical milling of hydrothermally obtained CaTiO3 …
Stoyanova · Cited by 17
https://www.sciencedirect.com › pii
Mechanical milling of hydrothermally obtained CaTiO ...
by D Stoyanova · 2019 · Cited by 17 — Abstract. Nanosized calcium titanate (CaTiO3) powders were prepared for the first time by combination
So it looks like this. Chemical structure can help with vitamin D As well as calcium carbonate delivery.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc
The Rationale Behind Topical Vitamin D Analogs in ...
by GK Kim · 2010 · Cited by 57 — Vitamin D3 acts mainly on the vitamin D receptor (VDR) to regulate cell growth, differentiation, and immune function
https://www.webmd.com › details
Calcium Carbonate-Vitamin D3 Oral: Uses, Side Effects, ...
This combination medication is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not get enough calcium from their diets
So here is a youtube video that brought up using this material in solar panels....
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cannivalisms · 10 months
hiii. so. i'm a little trapped right now as far as writing goes - aka wholly unsure which of my two main projects to work on. and i've decided that after presenting my respective problems, i'm leaving my course of action up to all of you.
please read the propaganda before voting if possible!
terras town is about a girl, lev alvarez, who falls into a parallel world layered right under hers, and who needs to find a way back home before she brings her world crashing down alongside. however, lev's life back home is not going too well right now, and this goal rapidly starts to vanish as she deteriorates more and more into escapism in a world that carries no consequences for her.
pros of me working on this: this has been my main project since i was 15, i have it completely outlined and the characters are fully fleshed out and everything, i know how it all fits together and i'd kind of really love for it to be the first project i complete properly
cons of me working on this: structurally it's a bit fucked - it drags on in the same way for far too long, it has too much introspective activity and not enough external action, and the mc is totally severed from the wider plot surrounding her; thus risking a large part of the story not making sense until book 2 or (like i said) feeling repetitive as she simply does not engage with it. also it's a little cringe
good intentions is about the first academy in the saints-square built with the aim of anchoring cores (people who possess raw, explosive, very dangerous magic) to mages (an artificially created class of people who can siphon cores' magic into 'usable' forms), and more specifically about the experience of two girls (hess tiamaret & juve mizani) in the process. hess flat out refuses to become some rich girl's magical battery, and juve is very much keen on making her buckle and accept her 'help.' they're also both really fucking crazy and there's more to them but i'm still learning how to summarize their deal.
pros of me working on this: i think it runs a lot smoother than tt structurally, with a good balance of internal and external action; it's multiple person pov which is just v fun and also helps keep everyone involved in the wider plot, it has a more polished sense of character voice, juve is a low empathy love interest which ive always wanted to explore (i have a low empathy character in tt too but shes more of a minor character), if you like gideon the ninth vote this one
cons of me working on this: since it's a new wip i'm still not done plotting it, there's big worldbuilding gaps, and i have no idea how a lot of stuff ties together just yet (and potentially for a long while) so it'll take much longer to do. also everyone really does love tt, me included, so it feels a bit like a sell out.
some excerpts to help sway your mind either which way:
1. terras town
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2. good intentions
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Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) Market Estimated to Experience a Hike in Growth by 2033
Market Definition
Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) are powered by electricity and are designed to be lightweight and efficient. They are typically used as a form of transportation, such as bicycles, e-bikes, e-scooters, and electric skateboards. LEVs offer an alternative to conventional fuel-powered vehicles, which are heavier and not as efficient.
LEVs are powered by a rechargeable battery, which stores and releases energy to power the vehicle. The battery is usually located in the frame of the vehicle and can be recharged using a wall outlet or other forms of renewable energy. The battery is connected to a motor, which is responsible for propelling the vehicle. The motor is usually located in the rear wheel and is powered by the battery.
Market Outlook
Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) are a form of transportation that has been gaining traction in recent years due to their environmental and economic benefits. LEVs are motorized vehicles that use an electric motor and battery for power, which makes them much more efficient and cost-effective than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.
The key trends in LEVs technology are the growing popularity of electric bicycles, the increasing availability of electric scooters, the emergence of electric mopeds and motorcycles, and the development of new battery technologies.
Electric bicycles are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and their ability to provide a more cost-effective form of transportation. Electric bicycles are powered by an electric motor, which allows them to travel faster than traditional bicycles, and they require no gasoline. Furthermore, electric bicycles are becoming more affordable, and they offer a range of accessories, such as lights, racks, and baskets.
Electric scooters are becoming increasingly available and popular due to their convenience and affordability. Electric scooters are powered by an electric motor and battery, and they are typically lighter and more maneuverable than traditional bicycles. Furthermore, electric scooters are often more affordable than traditional bicycles and can be used for short trips.
The emergence of electric mopeds and motorcycles is also a key trend in LEVs technology. These vehicles are powered by an electric motor and battery, and they offer a more efficient and cost-effective form of transportation than traditional gasoline-powered motorcycles. Furthermore, electric mopeds and motorcycles are becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and their ability to provide a more comfortable and enjoyable ride.
Finally, the development of new battery technologies is also a key trend in LEVs technology. New battery technologies, such as lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride, offer more efficient and cost-effective power sources for electric vehicles. Furthermore, new battery technologies are becoming increasingly available and affordable, which is making electric vehicles more accessible to the general public.
Overall, the key trends in LEVs technology are the growing popularity of electric bicycles, the increasing availability of electric scooters, the emergence of electric mopeds and motorcycles, and the development of new battery technologies. These trends are making LEVs a more attractive and cost-effective form of transportation, and they are helping to reduce the environmental impact of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.
Light electric vehicles (LEVs) are a growing trend in the transportation industry. Light electric vehicles (LEVs) are powered by an electric motor and are designed to be light, efficient, and cost-effective. They are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles due to their environmental benefits, cost savings, and convenience.
The key drivers of the light electric vehicles (LEVs) market can be divided into three main categories: economic, environmental, and technological.
The economic benefits of LEVs are undeniable. LEVs are significantly cheaper to purchase and operate than traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. The cost of electricity is significantly lower than gasoline, and the cost of maintenance is also much lower. Additionally, LEVs produce no emissions, meaning that they are exempt from emissions taxes and other fees. This makes them an attractive option for budget-minded consumers.
The environmental benefits of LEVs are also significant. LEVs produce zero emissions, making them an environmentally friendly option for transportation. This is especially important in cities and other areas with high concentrations of air pollution. By reducing emissions, LEVs can help to reduce smog, improve air quality, and reduce the impacts of climate change.
To Know More:  https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/light-electric-vehicles-levs-market//?utm_id=1014
Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
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Market Segmentation
The Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) Market is segmented into vehicle type, application, end-user, and region. By vehicle type, the market is divided into electric bicycles, electric scooters, electric skateboards, electric kick scooters, electric motorcycles, and others. Based on the application, the market is bifurcated into urban transportation, last-mile delivery, recreation and leisure, and others. Whereas for the end-user, the market is segmented as personal and commercial. Region-Wise, the market is segmented by North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the rest of the world.
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Major Players
The Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) Market report includes players such as Xiaomi Corporation (China), Segway-Ninebot (China), Gogoro Inc. (Taiwan), Bird Rides Inc. (United States), Lime (United States), VanMoof (Netherlands), GenZe by Mahindra (India), Yadea Technology Group Co., Ltd. (China), Stromer (Switzerland), and Cowboy (Belgium), among others.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis
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