#Kylan headcanons
introverted-ghost · 2 months
Zane pretends not to like olives so he can give them to kai
Kai pretends to like olives because zane keeps giving him them
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sky-neverending · 9 months
Kaz taking Wylan shopping for new clothes as he gets kicked out of home for cutting his hair bc they’re both ftm and Kaz, being soft at heart, wants to help him feel more comfortable in his own skin.
he gets him a binder, cleans up his hair, hooks him up with some resources, helps him change his name officially, makes him feel like himself.
because as a trans boy who grew up in the barrel making his own identify for himself, he understands how Wylan feels.
Trans Kaz and trans Wylan supremacy!!
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ladynoirelf · 2 years
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The Ages of the Resistance!! Including Mothria, who was born four days after the Drenchen twins. And Amri, who is one year older than Deet and the same age as Rian. Age headcannons with the eldest on the left and the youngest on the right. Bonus Headcannon: Brea is the “baby” of the resistance team. #darkcrystal #darkcrystalageofresistance #darkcrystalfanart #gelfling #gelflingoc #gelflings #gurjindarkcrystal #gurjin #naiadarkcrystal #naia #riandarkcrystal #rian #deet #deethra #deetageofresitance #kylandarkcrystal #kylan #breadarkcrystal #brea #headcanon #headcanons https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYrgVKJLoL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wolfy-rian90 · 1 year
Blend In
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I keep making several headcanon about these two and minus well make more of it...
This is about Rian wanted to meet his parents but too eagerly cuz he was dating Kylan at the time. So instead, he made Kylan dress up as a Stonewood so no one else know. I hope nobody finds out he's is dating a Spriton right?...
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fiorimaya · 10 months
from what you said on one of your recent fics, i’m just curious about your theories and/or headcanons for Jen and Kira’s parents? not trying to start any arguments or anything, i just love hearing people’s different takes! i’m not sure which ones i agree with yet.
Yeah! :) I've thought about this so much. This might be kinda long since I have quite a bit to say about it. (Some of it might not make sense, please ignore me on those parts haha!)
I'll start with Jen, since I'm pretty solid on my theory for his parents. I really do believe that Jen is the son of Rian and Deet. I'm not sure exactly what will happen with Deet and the darkening, but I choose to believe that they find a way to help her and that her and Rian can be happy, at least as long as they can before we know what sadly happens... Anyways, Jen reminds me so much of Rian, and now it's confirmed via Dark Crystal's website that Jen is a Stonewood. (I know Kylan is half Stonewood, but they still call him a Spriton generally, so it doesn't make sense to me that they would call Jen a Stonewood instead of a Spriton if Kylan really is his dad.) Also the bits of white in Jen's hair reminds me of Deet's hair. Besides his looks, I have thought a lot about Deet too. I think something unique may be going on with her given the way she can talk with the great trees and how she was trusted with the Sanctuary Tree's power. Her name is literally Deethra too, with Thra in it. (That might not even mean anything but like... it's been heavy on my mind haha). If she has some kind of special significance to Thra, I think that would be fitting that her son is "the chosen one". In the case of Rian being Jen's dad, that makes Ordon Jen's grandfather. Ordon is the one who found the dual glaive during the Arathim Wars (with Fara's help) which we know had the crystal shard that Jen used in the movie. I think that would be a cool connection. :)
For Kira's parents, I still don't have a completely 100% solid theory. My initial thought was that her parents are Brea and Kylan. I know those two aren't even officially together but I felt like some kind of chemistry was happening between them and it might be leading to a relationship. We know for sure that Kira is a Vapra (again, via the Dark Crystal website), so I'm definitely thinking Brea or Seladon is her mom. There are a few things I noticed about Kira. First things first, she has a bit of green in her hair. This part is what has me stumped a little bit. We know Gurjin has green in his hair, but if you look close enough it looks like Kylan has a bit of green it his as well? I saw a post about that with pictures. Comment or message me and I'll try to find it and link it. Okay, besides that... Kira's wings. They don't exactly look like any of the wings we see in AoR (that I remember) but the two times we do see them, she is using them more to glide than to fly. Maybe it could be something like no one taught her how to use them (she was literally raised by podlings, how would they teach her?) But honestly, it made me immediately think that she descends from a Drenchen (Gurjin). Not to mention she lived in a swampy like area. I don't know if that would have anything to do with it though, just a little thought. We do see in Deet's vision, Brea running through the woods with I'm guessing Kira, with how similar it looks to Kira's memory of her "mother". And Kira literally calls her "mother". There's still the chance though that Seladon is her mom and that Kira went into Brea's care after her death or something, and Kira having been so little only remembers Brea and just assumes that she's her mom. Last thing is I'm automatically assuming Seladon will be the last All-Maudra. That could give some significance to Kira, the other gelfling in the prophecy, being her daughter maybe? Perhaps I'm just overthinking all of this haha.
So, all that said... long story short, I think Rian and Deet are Jen's parents. I'm not 100% solid on a theory for Kira's parents though. I really really want it to be Brea and Kylan, but I'm thinking it might actually be Gurjin and Seladon somehow.
I also love hearing people's theories and talking about my own, whether it's about Jen and Kira's parents or anything else. So share yours with me or ask me for more theories! :)
(And please don't be rude or try to start arguments. People can have different theories! Nothing is exactly confirmed yet besides those two small details. No need to be rude or argue over this stuff. We can all share our thoughts and opinions in a nice way!)
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ofviolentdeath · 1 year
Del and Holden
Name: Zola
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Casual, comfortable but cute clothes that she can move in easily
Personality: Loyal, protective, generally down to fight when she has to
Special Talents: half werewolf, definitely got more of the wolf side of things
Who they like better: Holden
Who they take after more: Del slightly
Personal Headcanon: She was mostly raised among the pack but spends at least 1 week out of every month up at Hadleigh Creek. This was entirely her choice
Faceclaim: Aisha Dee
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Name: Kylan
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Very comfortable, well-worn clothes, things he wouldn't miss if he lost them
Personality: Friendly, outgoing, free-spirited
Special Talents: half werewolf
Who they like better: Holden
Who they take after more: Del if she were nicer
Personal Headcanon: He's pretty much the opposite of his twin on where he prefers to be. He likes the pack structure, sure, but he feels more at ease around Hadleigh Creek
Faceclaim: Jordan Fisher
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endfought · 2 years
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He doesn’t want to remember.
But sometimes, during sleepless nights, the shrill cries from that day still ring in his ears. He can still hear the screams as if they were happening in the present moment. He can feel the heat from the flames that set his village ablaze, the suffocating scent of the smoke making his breath catch in his throat as he brings a hand to his chest. The chittering of the garthim army ⸻ horrible monsters created by the deranged Skeksis scientist ⸻ still makes Jen’s skin crawl.
He can remember his parents; his Stonewood father, Rian, rushing into battle against the fearsome creatures while he and his papa were forced to flee. There was no time for goodbyes, for it was urgent that Jen and Kylan get to safety as quickly as they could. Jen knew it would likely be the last time he saw his father, and all he can remember is hearing Rian’s screams as he fled further from his home.
He can hear his papa telling him to keep running, to not look back. Don’t look back, Jen! Keep going! Faster! The garthim’s steps were gaining, and Jen’s ears swiveled to the sound of their footfalls over his own before ⸻
The color drains from the childlng’s face as his father has been wounded, his abdomen bleeding ceaselessly as a garthim bears down upon him. He pulls out a forked flute, a firca, and blows into it. The sound that comes out seem to stun the garthim, making them back away from where the song teller lay. Kylan plays one last melody, a melancholy tune that reflects the loss and devastation of his home. The garthim cannot come closer. When the melody ends, the deep chanting of the urRu can be heard in the distance, making the garthim flee.  Kylan takes his boy’s hand, squeezing it tightly.
“Go, Jen.”
“I can’t! You have to come with me!”
“I’m afraid this is where we part, my childling… my part in Thra’s song is at an end. Yours is just beginning.” Kylan thrusts the firca into Jen’s hands, closing his fingers around it and squeezing them tightly.
“Keep it close, u’ua’nath. I’ll always be with you. Even if you can’t see me. na’u’h’na my Jen…”
The song teller says no more, his body going still as his last breath leaves him. Jen’s eyes overflow with tears as he shakes his father’s lifeless body until a gentle hand rests on his shoulder. Jen turns, his gaze met with the old, wrinkled face of an urRu.
“Your father cannot be with you anymore, childling.”
“Why not? It isn’t fair!”
“Your father gave his life so that you may live. Come with me, Gelfling. You will be safe.”
His eyes fly open again, his breath shaky and uneven. He realizes he’d been crying, and he hastily brings a hand to his cheek, wiping the tears away.
“Athes… Papa… I miss you both so much…” He whispers in the dark, his hand finding his firca on the table beside him. The Suns were rising over the Valley, and deciding that he wasn’t going to get anymore rest, Jen dons his day clothes and slips out of the small cave he shared with urSu, his master. He made his way to a small spring in the heat of the valley, where a small creek flowed and animals buzzed and sang around him. Jen perches himself on a ledge, the water lapping at his toes, and begins to play the same melancholy tune his father once had until he hears the haunting call of the Mystics, summoning him back to his home in the Standing Stones. 
His home where his master, unbeknownst to him, lay dying. 
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yandereeternity · 4 years
hi, can I req yandere headcanon about any gelfling by your choice (because I hard time choosing one and all of them are my favorite.) react to female human reader saves them from skeksis. if you okay with this, also sorry if there any error.
So because I don’t really see him getting as much love as the other Gelflings, I decided on Kylan! Because, bless him, he’s just so cute and such a sweetheart ❤️ 
Kylan reacting to a human saving them from the skeksis
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❤️ - Since you were, most likely, the Skeksis’ pet of sorts before escaping after hearing about the unspeakable acts they had committed against the gelfling, Kylan was probably incredibly shocked when he realised it was you who saved him. 
❤️ - After the excitement of battle calms down, he’ll definitely make it well known to you that he is in your debt. 
❤️ - Expect a lot of gratitude and for him to be stuck to your side for the rest of your time with the resistance. He’ll basically pledge himself to you, making it known that you were the one who valiantly saved him against the savage skeksis. 
❤️ - To be fair he’s definitely one who is more adamant that you let him repay his debt to you, be it being your sworn protector, helping you prepare meals for the resistance etc. Anything he can do to help repay his precious saviour! 
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goblinlovesmusicals · 4 years
Okay this isn’t stex or cats, but if anyone has seen the dark crystal age of resistance then you know who I’m talking about.
Please consider:
Asexual Seladon.
So, Gurjin x Kylan is my otp, and being both males they can’t have any childling for themselves. This is where Seladon comes in.
Seladon doesn’t want a partner, but knows she needs a daughter to be the next all maudra, so she offers to be a surrogate for Gurjin and Kylan. Kira is born! Seladon is Gurjin and Kylans queerplatonic partner, and all three of them would have raised Kira (and maybe other childings!) as her parents...but y’know...Garthim wars...
Lemme know if you want me to elaborate more on this!
I wanna talk about the dark crystal more often on this blog!
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skekshroom · 4 years
I love all of the headcanons you make. Can I have a headcanon on the reader visiting Thra with all of these cool electronics (phones/laptops) that we have that they've never scene before? I just think it would be fun to see everyone's reaction.
tysm also Anon your MIND!!
[Reader Insert]
- Lots of explaining that no, there is not a tiny person stuck in that glass box. Its electricity that makes… a painting, except its not a painting, its a lot of tiny lanterns that are so small when they all get lit up in different formations it makes a picture. 
- You show off a little bit of earth music from your playlist and they are astounded. How can they make those sounds? What kind of instrument is THAT? What the hell is a “synth”? Kylan is especially a huge fan of your spotify playlist.
- Imagine you dont need wifi/data to access the internet. Sitting down with your laptop and letting the gelfling google stuff… supervised, of course. 
- Showing them ans explaining memes. Oh the memes. You get the gelfling into vines. Brea, Gurjin, and Deet quote them constantly.
- Talking about human technology is probably wild for most gelfling, but Rian and Brea are especially floored by hearing about it. Your carriages drive themselves!? What is a microwave!? Why hasn’t someone on Thra invented a Youtube yet?? (Oh that’s not a physical object? Weird, it’s got the word “tube” in it… still!)
-You show them pictures you’ve taken in your camera roll of your friends and family, and you feel a little less homesick.
- Most of the maudras are very wary and mistrustful of your gadgets. You resist the insatiable urge to say “ok boomer”, out of respect for the matriarchy.
- You take a ton of selfies with all of your friends.
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introverted-ghost · 2 months
Morro genuinely thinks kys means keep yourself safe so he just types out kill yourself normally
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starl1ght-child · 4 years
a little drabble I did for @speed-boop of my sweet Titan baby Vivienne and boop’s Titan OC (Viv’s soon-to-be bestie), Kylan!  I’ve been slowly working on their backstory between fic updates and requests, so I though I’d share this little bit with all of you <3
perma tag list : @mail-me-a-snail @shins-wife @speed-boop @eeviethree @squadnos @daggerthegamer @reaped-winnower
Kylan & Vivienne - 2AM 
Vivienne wrapped bandages around her hands as she leaned against the wall.  She was waiting for a training partner, even though it was two in the morning.  Sleep, these days, was hard to come by.  She pulled her short hair back to keep it off her neck, though there wasn’t much she could do about the bangs that were getting close to falling in her eyes.  She was barefoot, with the exception of similar bandages wrapped around her ankles and feet, dressed in loose shorts and tank top.
The door to the gym swung open and clicked shut.  Viv looked up to see another Guardian, an Awoken, stroll into the room.  His dark hair was pulled back off his face.  He tossed a duffel down onto one of the benches and he met her gaze.  He wasn’t the Guardian she was waiting for, but she wasn’t even sure if anyone else was going to show up this early in the morning.  She nodded her head towards the ring.
The man smiled as he stretched his arms across his chest.
Vivienne climbed into the ring.  She did a few more quick stretches as he climbed in with her.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he chuckled.
A small smile tugged at the corner of Viv’s lips, and pressed her index finger against her mouth, as if to tell him, “shush.”  She didn’t reply as she squared up with him.
“Right, right,” he sighed as his feet slid apart and he raised his hands to be level with his shoulders.  “No talk.”
Vivienne lunged towards him, her arm already pulled back, her fist closed into a ball.  He blocked her punch, then held up his hands to give her something to hit.  She threw strong, focused punches at his palms; each impact rippled through her muscles.  Each motion, each impact of her fists against his palms grounded her and pushed back the flashbacks of fire and bullets.
She took half a step back and set herself up for a roundhouse kick, but when she was mere centimetres from making an impact on his side, the man caught her ankle, his grip like iron.  They exchanged a look, the muscles in his face twitched as he fought back a smile.  He twisted her leg and threw her completely off balance.  Vivienne fell onto her back and her head hit the floor of the ring; something in her brain clicked.  Flashbacks of the Red War erupted in her memory.
“Slow down, Titan,” he said softly as he extended his arm to her.  “We’re boxing, remember?”
Vivienne looked at him through narrowed eyes and took his hand, but her legs lifted and pressed against his abdomen; she yanked on his arm and pulled him over her, and he fell on his back on the floor of the ring.  The two of them started laughing together.
“Well played,” he laughed as they both moved to stand.  “Very well played.”
Vivienne’s laughter faded and she climbed out of the ring.  As infectious as his laughter was, it felt unnatural for her.  She decided that she was done training for the night.  She was drenched in sweat and drained from the flashbacks.
“You alright, Guardian?”  He asked quietly.  She looked over her shoulder to see him leaning against the ropes.  She nodded after a moment of hesitance.  There was silence in the gym as she sat down on a bench and started to unwrap her hands and flex her fingers.  “Listen, I know you don’t do the whole first-name-basis thing, but… name’s Kylan.  I don’t know what you went through but if you ever need to get it out of your system, I’m here every couple of days if you want to hop in the ring.”
She was quiet for a long time, but her movements slowed as she thought about his proposal.
“Thanks,” she murmured quietly, though she didn’t look up to meet his gaze.  “I’m Viv…”
Kylan smiled softly at her.  “Viv…” he repeated quietly.  He stepped out of the ring as Vivienne was gathering her belongings to go home and shower.  “You have a good night, Titan.”
Another small smile tugged at her lips and she nodded to him as she started to walk out the door.  She paused a moment to look back at him, he was already setting himself up to continue his workout.  As much as she wanted to take him up on his offer, she wasn’t ready to let anyone too close.  She couldn’t risk it.
She was going to have to find a new gym.
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beanie-on-a-string · 4 years
Dark Crystal AOR Modern Au Headcanons
So like
I’ve said this before but
V-necks everywhere. Also flannels. He likes flannels. And on an especially good day... flannel on top of v-neck.
He’s like... average height, maybe a little taller
His dad put him in fencing when he was super teeny and now he loves it and is really good
They’re not dating anymore but they’re still friends and keep in contact
He’s just a smartass. This guy won’t keep his mouth shut.
This guy takes amazing care of his hair. Like, it’s not even funny how well cared for his hair is
But sometimes you wonder if there’s a brain under that hair of his
Once he considered dyeing his whole head blue like the color of his streaks and Gurjin was like “...dude no”
Picky eater
Is in love with Deet and it shows
Is also convinced that she doesn’t like him that way
Has tried a man bun once. Does not like it.
Will let Deet certain people braid his hair
Very tactile when you get to know him
Even when he’s just met you he’s a little more tactile than the average person
Out of him and Rian he’s the one that usually holds the braincell
Always keeping Rian from making stupid decisions
He and his sister both had dreads
Pretty tall
He used to fence with Rian but didn’t really enjoy it
He used to swim on the side but now it’s his main sport
Man buns man buns man buns
Rian is confused on how he can stand them
“They HURT though”
Mom friend
Shakes his head at everything
A lot of the time he gets pulled into situations he doesn’t really know about, but he helps his friends no matter what
Keeps trying to tell Rian it’s obvious Deet likes him but the attempts are ignored
Him and Brea are trying to get them to realize it but it’s sO HARD
Can cook
Obviously keeps a diary
Denies being a good artist
Also she’s one of those people that has so many books on her bedside table that they look like they’re going to fall any second
She wears knee-high socks and is into pastels
Headbands and ribbons
She can and will give everybody hugs all the time
Bakes a lot
Her and Gurjin will usually provide food
Gurjin and Brea just have a great friendship ok
Looks cute but she could really kick your ass if she wanted to
Laughs at everything
Kylan is teaching her the flute
She’s close with Kylan but at this point she only likes him as a friend and is oblivious to his huge crush on her
When she helps Deet garden, she complains about getting dirty but does it anyway
Has a vendetta against pigeons
Sometimes it feels like she never sleeps
Just a little shorter than average height
She can be surprisingly dirty minded at times and everone will be like “ *gasp* BREA” but Rian would be in the corner snickering
Moody ™️
Great at makeup
There was a phase when she acted out and acted rude and selfish towards Brea, Tavra, and their mom but looking back on it she realized she was a butt and is trying to improve
Will sometimes help others with makeup if they need it
Goes all out at Halloween and everyone always loves her costume
Doesn’t like when other people touch her
Awkward hugger
She’s, like, the top of her class
Queen of sarcasm
She’s insecure about herself but Tavra always supports her
Has a soft spot for Tavra
Gets discouraged very easily
Morning person
Does ballet and wants to dance professionally
Deet is pretty short compared to the others
Everyone always uses her as an armrest and surprisingly she’s fine with it
She’s newer to the group but everyone just fell in love with her like effective immediately
Now it’s like she’s been there all along
Also tactile (but not as much as Rian)
She wears overalls a lot
Gardening is her passion
Dirt under her nails all the time, which annoys Gurjin and Seladon to death
Smells like flowers
Everyone loves her baby brother
He can be a bit of a gremlin though
She loves hats
Sunhats when she gardens
She’s, like, the sweetest person
Absolute cinnamon roll
The entire group agrees that they must protect her at all costs
Can be savage on accident
Will send memes to everyone at ungodly hours
“Deet it’s 2 am why are you still up”
Also vegan
Loves animals and doesn’t understand why Brea hates pigeons so much
Fell HARD for Rian
Kissed him on the cheek once but he thought it was because they were good friends
Loves to braid Rian’s hair
Also fun fact but her dads are 100% the people to say “if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say anything at all”
But Deet always has something nice to say so she’s good
Chugs Respect Woman Juice ™️
Her and Onica have like the cutest relationship ever
She’s like the cool aunt
Does martial arts and will not be afraid to kick your face off
Would do anything for her sisters
Is always disappearing to places with Onica
By now everyone’s used to it
Can see into your soul
People always go to her to talk/rant because she always listens and gives good advice
Sticks up for Seladon no matter what
Music prodigy
He has a humongous crush on Brea
Wears polo shirts
Flautist flautist flautist
The only thing he can make is soup
And he’s good at soup
Everyone loves his soup
Quieter than most of the others
Kids love him
Astronomy buff
Also loves folk tales and mythology
Brings his flute everywhere. Sometimes it looks like he has no space to even old his keys but WHOOP there’s the flute where did he even-
Believes very strongly in the supernatural
General badassery
Tall like Gurjin
Also a swimmer
Skeptical and always questions Kylan
Does not give a damn what you think
Leather jackets
When she laughs she laughs LOUD
Doesn’t realize how STRONG she is
Muscles for days
Eats like a monster
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wolfy-rian90 · 2 years
Rian x Kylan Headcanon
( no ones doing this so i'm doing this. I really tried to make this headcanon, im not good at making good fanfiction. Btw if you want to take inspiration but those, go ahead i love seeing art or fanfic of those )
- It was ok for Rian to meet Kylan. But in a few moments later, he develop feelings for him.
- Kylan can't stop thinking about how handsome Rian is.
- Rian will do anything to protect Kylan. That's why he loves him so much. He's always protective.
- They both enjoys kissing a lot but mostly Rian, he just want to hold him close.
- Jen has gay parents now 💀
- Whatever Kylan gets hurt or injured, Rian simply carry him. He gonna help his lover eventually.
- They both enjoys playing with there hair but mostly Kylan. He loves making his hair more beautiful then ever.
- Kylan likes to tell stories around the campfire with his friends but Rian wasn't paying attention. He's too distracted on the songteller.
- Rian usually trained Kylan whatever needed but sometimes he can take it easy on him. He just love him too much.
- Rian loves to listen Kylan sing or play on his firca. He just really really love to his beautiful voice of his.
- Kylan always takes care of Rian whatever he's sick or injured.
- Kylan is like a little house wife. He cooks, clean and take care of little Jen while Rian is on training. (Just add a little AU into this)
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spogo1 · 4 years
Thoughts on Kira's parentage
So, we know Seladon is her mom. Yes, the guy changed his answer but I think that's because he probably got in trouble. Theres lots of evidence for Seladon being Kira's mom
she was modeled after kira
mayrin looks a LOT like old Kira from the scrapped sequel pictures
throne parallels!!!
Seladon was the last all-maudra in the old era. Kira was the first in the new one
They both face a Horde of skekses in the castle
Now, I have a sort of idea as to who the father is, and we actually do have a hint. Kira sits in the throne at Stone-in-Wood, and in the books says "it might have been made for me". So, maybe the father is stonewood, or part. I'm thinking Kylan, as hes the only (half) stonewood male we know who's not dead or infatuated with Deet. If Fara had a son, he would be my number one candidate, absolutely. But I also think it could be Gurjin? Hes a prince, albeit not a stonewood one. Also, it makes sense that their daughter would be a Swamp Queen. Idk, I'm rambling
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drenchen-gang · 5 years
Our favorite characters as babies headcanon -Tieraney
Im 14 weeks pregnant so my emotions are INSANE so Tristian is of course letting me post this because it's been on my mind all day!
Rian: a very independent baby. Didnt cry a lot, only really needed to be held if he got hurt. Ate everything! If he could fit it in his mouth he was gonna try to eat it. Ordon thought he was gonna have to heimlich this kid a thousand times, in fact he once had to fish one of the Ornamentalists rings out of the kid's mouth.
Deet: a snuggly baby who loved to dance! Also not a picky eater. Her dads often doted on her as the perfect baby, because all she wanted was love and cuddles all the time! Loved petting animals but was sometimes too rough, so her dads spent a lot of time teaching her to be gentle, often cooing "gentle, deet. We must be gentle" as she slapped the back of a baby nurloc. Over time she definitely learned to be gentle, and her love for animals was very much due to her times as a baby learning to love animals with care and consideration.
Kylan: Clingy baby but very very sweet. He was often seen with his head laid on his mother's chest as she showed him off around Sami Thicket. Many Spritons of Sami Thicket regarded him as the cutest baby they'd ever seen. He did not want anything to do with anyone but mama and papa, as he was also very shy. His mother would sing him lullabies and his father would play his firca to ease Kylan into sleep, because they found that it was the easiest way. He once accidentally broke a lute that a kind passerby had let him play with, but the Gelfling man only laughed and told his parents that he would be a song teller when he grew up.
Naia: no baby could push her around! Her mother often caught her shoving Gurjin to the ground when he attempted to take toys away from her, but regardless of their baby rivalry the two were inseparable, refusing to eat or sleep unless they were next to one another. However, most of the time Naia was the more independent one of the twins, she didnt really need to be held when she got knocked around. She was a BIG baby, the bigger baby of the twins, which was good for her because her brother was quite pushy.
Gurjin: kind of a bully baby, but also a cuddler. He spent a good part of his baby days in time-out, because as the smaller twin, he was apt to try and make up for that by taking things and hitting. He did not like being smaller than Naia at all. However, he was also a very sweet baby who would give you a single sad look and break your heart, and youd likely spend the next hour holding him. He was his father's pride and joy, able to swing a bola at age two. His first intelligible sentence was "Aughra's Eye!", which, in Sog, was the Earth equivalent of saying "Motherfucker!", right after his father had said it himself. As a toddler he once drank a sip of one of his fathers adult beverages, and no one knew until the child went for another sip and shouted "I like it, it tastes WEIRD!" As his father laughed and hid the flask. Laesid was not amused.
Brea: very attached to big sister Tavra. She would even attend Tavra's toddler learning courses because if the two were separated, all she could do was cry "I need kisses! I need sissy!" she thoroughly enjoyed going to pre-school with Tavra, whose teacher would often dote on her as a future scholar, "it really seems like she pays close attention! She doesn't make a peep during lessons, quite the little doll!" when All-Maudra Mayrin would ask if it was any bother at all. Same as with Rian, she was also a fan of anything that could be a choking hazard. Mayrin was constantly having to ask, "what in Thra is in your mouth?!" Usually something that shouldn't be. She was also quite weird, she would try to eat ink.
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