#Kristan Higgins
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kkayslibrary · 11 months
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5 book for June. This was such a cute story. Breaks your heart and puts you back together.
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A LITTLE RAY OF SUNSHINE by Kristan Higgins at The Reading Cafe:
‘a wonderful, heartwarming and emotional story‘
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thereadingcafe · 1 year
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Authors I discovered in 2022
What new authors did you discover in 2022? #BookTwt Check out mine on my #bookblog by following the link and let me know if you have read any of these authors or their books?⬇️
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danielleurbansblog · 1 year
Review: Now That You Mention It
Review: Now That You Mention It
Synopsis: One step forward. Two steps back. The Tufts scholarship that put Nora Stuart on the path to becoming a Boston medical specialist was a step forward. Being hit by a car and then overhearing her boyfriend hit on another doctor when she thought she was dying? Two major steps back.Injured in more ways than one, Nora feels her carefully built life cracking at the edges. There’s only one…
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loucaporplots · 2 months
RESENHA | Parem os relógios
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Autor(a): Kristan Higgins Gênero: Drama | Romance Avaliação: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Joshua e Lauren são um casal recém casados e loucamente apaixonados. Mas Lauren é diagnosticada com fibrose pulmonar idiopática, uma doença terminal. Joshua possui autismo nível 1 de suporte, isso o faz ser mais retraído, com ansiedade social, poucos amigos e obcecado pelo trabalho e não tem ideia de como continuar sem a presença de Lauren do seu lado. Lauren, contudo, bola um plano para ajuda-lo a passar pelo primeiro ano de luto.
Que livro precioso! Confesso que eu parei de ler por algumas semanas pra digerir, é um assunto muito sensível, onde a gente se coloca no lugar dos protagonistas toda hora. Eu não tenho costume de ler romances ou dramas, eu sou mais do suspense psicológico ou thriller, então quando leio romances, eu acho fraco ou meio brega. Mas esse... eu realmente derramei algumas lágrimas lendo. Joshua é um personagem muito real. Eu consegui me conectar totalmente com ele. O fato de toda hora o livro voltar no tempo pra contar da história da Lauren me entediava um pouco porque eram coisas que eu não queria saber. Mas achei que valeu a pena por conta da cena em que mostra como eles conversaram pela segunda vez e finalmente começaram o relacionamento. Assim como gostei de terem deixado pra mostrar a morte dela de fato apenas no final. Isso fez eu sentir mais. O final pra mim foi perfeito, eu amei que ele conseguiu seguir em frente com uma outra pessoa. Mas na real, eu realmente estava torcendo pra que ele desse certo com a Sarah. Quando ela começou a ser uma babaca no restaurante do nada, eu fiquei sem entender porque ela foi legal durante o livro todo. Achei um pouquinho forçado o lance dele com a Rose faltando poucas paginas pro final, mas como eu disse, ele merecia isso. Ele merecia ser feliz novamente. Ele continua amando Lauren, isso nunca vai mudar, mas agora vai sentir outros tipos de amores também. No final, minha nota não poderia ser menos que 5 estrelas. Esse livro é o que vai me fazer procurar outros do mesmo gênero. Minhas favs: A cena dele com o pai biológico | Lauren chamando ele pra sair | Josh se consultando com a cartomante | Lauren partindo ☹ | Todos reunidos no final para plantar a árvore da Lauren, inclusive Rose.
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swede1952 · 6 months
Good morning, friends. 🪻🪻🪻
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15 November 2023
I went to sit at my backyard table this morning, but when I got out there, I realized that it was raining. It was only a drizzle but enough to drive me back into the house.
Yesterday, I had some knee pain and was limping around the house. Charlie, a border collie, who often stays by my side started limbing too. I found that to be amusing, so I walked some more and exaggerated my limp, and so did Charlie. I wonder if he does that out of sympathy. I think he does. Sometimes, I when get emotional, because of something bad happening, or maybe just watching a sad movie. The dogs will come near, maybe get in my lap, to comfort me. I'm convinced that is what is happening.
“When an eighty-five-pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit on your lap, it's hard to feel sad.” - Kristan Higgins, Catch of the Day
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rubendiasthoughts · 8 months
Also, this has nothing to do with Ruben, but as long as we are talking about books
I have just read "Pack Up the Moon" By Kristan Higgins like two days ago, literally read it in one day and it was so good. It is a very sad book, I honestly don't remember when was the last time I was crying the whole time while reading a book and that's exactly what I did reading this one. So I guess it's not for everyone, cause if you don't like sad books you probably shouldn't read it. But the story was both excruciatingly sad and beautiful.
And I don't know maybe it is a popular book in other countries, but it's not very popular in Poland, cause it's not even translated in polish but just wanted to recommend for anyone who is looking for a good read
Be ready for tears though
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clarabowmp3 · 2 years
7, 11, 24, 41!!! (also let's get personal)
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I guess that I can I infinitely ramble abt a piece of literature that I read like 5 min ago? Sometimes some of it won’t rlly make sense but I just go with how my feelings change across the poem and based on that I like analyse which exact bits made that change and yea
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
Hmm idk about strange but I am deathly afraid of needles and hospital equipment like I get paralysed by the fear and lose feeling in my legs, it’s that bad
24: Do you have a collection of anything? Omgg I have this super embarrassing collection of bookmarks that I made of Taylor swift lyrics like around 40+? When I was 12 and I still have them but yknow the ashes are curled up and the lyrics are woefully terribly written in 12yo cursive 😭 but one of these days I’ll recreate them
41: What was the last book you read?
STILL currently reading Pack Up the Moon by Kristan Higgins but I’m so busy I always forget about it AH
Thanks for the ask!! 💖💖
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sandythereadingcafe · 2 years
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OUT OF THE CLEAR BLUE SKY by Kristan Higgins at The Reading Cafe:
‘ wonderful, stand alone novel’
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thereadingcafe · 2 years
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lzteach · 7 hours
Lindas Book Obsession Reviews “Look On the Bright Side” by Kristan Higgins, Berkley, May 28, 2024
Kristan Higgins, The Author of “Look on the Bright Side” has written an emotional, captivating and heartfelt novel. The Genres for this novel are Romance, Chick Lit, Contemporary Romance, and Women’s Fiction. In this well-written novel of second chances, the author vividly describes, the plot, scenery, and the colorful and dramatic characters. The characters can be described as complex and…
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syruckusnow · 1 month
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alemicheli76 · 4 months
“Ti regalo la luna (ma non lo dire a nessuno)”, Kristan Higgins, Newton Compton Editori. A cura di Barbara Anderson
Ve lo dico con il cuore in mano questo libro è devastante! Se qualcuno mi avesse detto che alla fine della lettura sarei stata felice mentre stavo leggendo le prime pagine vi garantisco che avrei preso a pugni chiunque avesse osato fare un’affermazione del genere. Poi invece, insieme al protagonista apriamo la prima lettera della sua dolcissima, folle moglie e da quel momento,…
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