#King's Speech
blastedking · 6 months
Hi! I hope you are doing alright.
When I first entered the Gloryhammer fandom a year ago, I genuiely thought all your art and comics were canon and made for the band, and honestly I'm still flabbergasted it's all fanmade content. So I wanted to know how you feel about all the stories you made, what place they had for you in your life and just in general what they represent for you. I hope this isn't too much of a personal question, all the efforts you put in this is fascinating to me, so I'm just curious about that.
Oh hey there! 
First of all, a bit thank you of course. Even though that notion of “thinking it is canon" would probably terrify some particular people xD But I think most do realise it isn't so eventually. I’m indeed just doing it for fun, as a hobby, trying to squeeze it into the free time I have between an actual job :’D
It’s an interesting question though, because the whole thing is naturally important to me, especially given the way I got into it. 
I got into Gloryhammer by chance in March 2020 I think, and by May that year I started the first comic. All art from that time is pretty rough since I genuinely had stopped drawing for a year at that point, because I had started a new job and was still very bitter about having to stop doing art full time due to health reasons at the time. But I made room for this. I had the idea for this story line very early on - which I always called my “5 Year ULF plan” (which I’m still almost on-track on. Going to be 6 years now because stuff got added. Like the Powerwolf comic wasn't planned X))
So, getting into Gloryhammer, kind of revitalised my love for doing this stuff. Worldbuilding, making comics, art and stories.
It’s not been a smooth ride all the way, it is unfortunate to know that some people just don’t get that this is genuinely fun. But there are enough people who follow along and appreciate it. We may not be many, Gloryhammer itself is already niche, so ULF only takes another fraction from that, but it’s never been about clout.  (Like, there was this surreal moment when I posted (1) TF2 fan art in between the ULF stuff in late 2022 and it got like 2000 notes - which was like “ah right, it’s really about fandom size xD”) 
It IS an enormous amount of work though for sure. But it’s sufficiently varied. I finished the next comic a few weeks back (starting on the 22nd this month!!) And I am right now still in the “I never ever want to draw a comic ever again” phase xD but that will fade over the next months again. In the meanwhile I can focus on writing and other art. 
On a more theme related note concerning ULF and what it means to me,
The ULF worldbuilding carries forward a lot of themes and ideas and concepts I had been conceptualising for a long time already. Like ideas about immortality, magic, even the werewolves of Hatir are very closely based on Original content I’ve written before. It also focuses a lot on the idea of characters just not fitting in, or struggling to comply with the status quo in many variations. Which is also a theme that has been running through my stories since forever. There is definitely a lot in ULF that is either important or interesting/fascinating to me personally. (One would assume so I think xD) But at the end of the day, I do it because it's fun to me and I greatly enjoy the result this far.
It’s often very grim and dark - but in the end I always hope to get it to a brighter place. I still plan for a happy end for ULF. So there is hope in that :)
Thank you so much for the question! Answer got a bit rambly x) ❤️
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Question is are we even surprised?
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When the Queen came to the throne, Britain and the world were still coping with the privations and aftermath of the Second World War, and still living by the conventions of earlier times. In the course of the last 70 years we have seen our society become one of many cultures and many faiths. The institutions of the state have changed in turn. But, through all changes and challenges, our nation and the wider family of realms – of whose talents, traditions and achievements I am so inexpressibly proud – have prospered and flourished. Our values have remained, and must remain, constant.
The role and the duties of monarchy also remain, as does the sovereign's particular relationship and responsibility towards the Church of England – the church in which my own faith is so deeply rooted.
In that faith, and the values it inspires, I have been brought up to cherish a sense of duty to others, and to hold in the greatest respect the precious traditions, freedoms and responsibilities of our unique history and our system of parliamentary government.
As the Queen herself did with such unswerving devotion, I too now solemnly pledge myself, throughout the remaining time God grants me, to uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation. And wherever you may live in the United Kingdom, or in the realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, I shall endeavour to serve you with loyalty, respect and love, as I have throughout my life.
- HM King Charles III
One can’t fault such a sublime speech on such a tragic ocassion.
God Bless the King.
For the love of God, please don’t fuck it up....
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royalpain16 · 7 months
King Charles delivers the first King's Speech in Parliament for 70 years
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h-l-vlovesvintage · 9 months
[Edit 20.01.2024: I'm making some changes upon watching a few rewatching a few movies and tv shows.]
I wanted to share my list of my top 5 movies/tv shows in no particular order.
1. King's Speech (2010) dir. Tom Hopper
2. The Philadelphia Story (1940) dir. Frank Capra
3. Darkest Hour (2017) dir. Joe Wright
4. Emma (2020) dir. Autumn de Wilde
5. Rear Window (1954) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
TV shows (including animated ones)
1. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (2017-2023)
2. Barbie Life In the Dreamhouse (2012-2015)
3. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (1993-1999)
4. A Series Of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
5. Endeavour (2012-2023)
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frost0wl · 1 year
tv shows are over im in my movie era now
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panterasnarl · 1 year
"So like... Since you're a cat... Do you get this urge to like... Ya know..." Turns on the laser pointer; pointing the red dot on the floor. (LMAO I'M SORRY FOR HIM 💀)
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".....Leave me to my roof nap." Alas, cat behaviour is for people he respects in any way.
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grimm-the-tiger · 2 years
Bad summaries of war movies I’ve seen (+ a few debatable ones) 
Greyhound - creepy-ass U-boats torment convoy for three days straight before getting wrecked by Brits with planes. Tom Hanks completes his trifecta of playing a dude in charge of a major vehicle. 
Hacksaw Ridge - never make fun of the medic or anyone else whose job it is to save your ass. 
Captain America: The First Avenger - AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!!! 
Dunkirk - Harry Styles runs from Nazis. 
The Imitation Game - autistic gay man has so many issues it’s not funny. The Nazis fuck themselves over because one of them can’t keep it in his pants. 
Wonder Woman - badass Amazon fights head of random British dude photoshopped onto the body of a God of War character. 
The King’s Speech - an Australian teaches Queen Elizabeth’s father how to swear. 
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fallofcorruptbritain · 7 months
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notesofseptember · 1 year
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blastedking · 1 year
Hello. I'm back.
I'm very tired right now. But I've returned (centuries of slumber and all that. Still tired.)
I have a comic that is done. I also wrote about 50k words of stories that are not the one I wanted to post next but that's alright. I will just make and post stuff as it's done when it's done.
Next week the schedule is picked up again.
Comic on Friday. It's 37 pages (38 but the first doesn't really count. Cover next week and on the 7th page 0 and 1, then one page per week as usual.)
Story stuff on Saturday here and there. I have a little casual slice of life world building thing I'll probably throw on AO3. 5 chapter of "things are fine and nobody is traumatised af". And then there are the last two depressing chapters of the Hootsforce collection I still haven't uploaded. And some side one-offs. We'll see. The story I'm currently writing is a big one. But one I desperately wanted to get to for …well years, literally.
Got a some random art that was still left in my drafts, I'll throw them out first - so expect that on Sundays. And after that stuff relating to the story I'm currently writing.
Ah, and I updated few things on the ULF page, mainly uploading all the comics to the gallery there and some other things added here and there, wiki files and stuff.
That's all. I'll sleep now.
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lavendersins · 3 months
Merlin overhears a bunch of nobles talking about how much he really gets away with, so he slowly pushes the boundaries.
Merlin, sitting patiently beside Arthur in a council meeting: My foot is injured, my lord.
Merlin, walking down the hallway, blatantly eating Arthur's food: I am testing the king's food for poison, my lord.
Merlin, wearing Arthur's crown: I am trying to see whether it needs to be resized, my lord.
Merlin, sitting on the throne: I am trying to see if the king would benefit from a cushion, my lord.
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kuyokuyou · 1 year
Today I went to the second crochet club meeting at my school! We learned about the history of crocheting along with the very basics. I even talked a little bit with another person there and demonstrated to them how to do the first stitches. ^^ I'm very proud of myself for doing this. It's definitely outside of my comfort zone to interact with strangers. Maybe having a similar interest will make it easier to talk to other people. Actually it definitely does, that's how I met all my online friends! At the end of the meeting we had cookies.
When I got home my cousin told me she had bought toys for Malt (my dog). One of them was a Kong Flyer, and let me tell ya, it's flies so well! I love throwing it, it's so satisfactory! That's it for now. I hope to write more entries soon. See ya!
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sesamenom · 5 months
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Gil-galad Variations, featuring all the gil galad theories i've encountered.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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hellish-cruelty · 4 months
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Unique wallpaper patterns in movies.
Movies - Marie Antoinette (2006), Garden State (2004), Decision to leave (2022), The Aviator (2004), Oldboy (2003), Normal People (2020), Harry Potter and the Order Of Phoenix (2007), I'm Thinking Of Ending Things (2020), The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964), The King's Speech (2010)
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