#Joseph Vogl
aschenblumen · 5 months
(...) puede reconocerse [el titubear] como gesto activo del interrogar, en el que la obra, la acción, la ejecución no son registradas bajo el aspecto de su realización, sino que son aprehendidas en el proceso de su creación y devenir. El titubear, al modo de un tema hinchado o un anatema, parecer trazar una huella extrañamente desdibujada que se vuelve afilada y concisa siempre cuando –en una larga historia de Occidente– una cultura de la acción y una cultura de la obra se quiebren y reflejen. El titubear acompaña al imperativo del actuar y de la realización como una sombra, como un antagonista ruin; y en este lugar se podría hablar de una función del titubear: ahí donde se manifiestan acciones y donde se organizan cadenas de acción, se marca un atascarse, una pausa, un detenerse, una interrupción. Con esto, a su vez, se ha instaurado una relación asimétrica con el tiempo y con la historia. Es que en la medida en que el actuar después de Nietzsche se realiza en el olvido y al mismo tiempo engendra historia, así es como su sombra, el titubear, atraviesa esa misma historia; sale de su conjunto relacional con tal de evocar un recuerdo específico: una memoria de lo que no ha sido, el recuerdo de algo pasado que nunca fue presente, un prerrecuerdo de aquella acciones que no sucederán o que aún no lo han sido.
—Joseph Vogl, «Ira y titubeo» en Sobre el titubear. Traducción de Niklas Bornhauser Neuber.
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naipan · 5 months
„Der radioeins und Freitag Salon
30 Jahre Wochenzeitung „der Freitag“
Jakob Augstein im Gespräch mit Joseph Vogl: Ist der Kapitalismus am Ende?“
“...ich denke, man kann guten Gewissens sagen, dass das, was man heute Anthropozän nennt, also die Veränderung der Erdgeschichte durch die Intervention des menschlichen Handelns, insbesondere bestimmter Produktionsweisen, dass man dieses Anthropozän eigentlich Kapitalozän nennen müsste. Es ist nicht der Mensch, der das getan hat, sondern bestimmte Wirtschaftsweisen, die die Ressourcen ausgebeutet haben und weiter ausbeuten.”
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driftwork · 1 year
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Capital and Ressentiment... Vogl, excellent...
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rwpohl · 2 years
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
Sammelwut/ Vertreibungszorn
In dieser Sequenz gibt es eine Einstellung, da sieht man in der rechten oberen Ecke des Bildes zwei kleine Malereien, die ich Cornelia geschenkt habe und die jetzt noch in Berlin stehen. Bildkontakt: Bilder, die von Hand in Hand wandern. Man sieht nur die Ecken der beiden Bilder, ich habe das heute erst entdeckt. Manchmal fürchte ich, dass dasjenige, was Cornelia Sammelwut nennt, bei mir gewaltig auftaucht, aber noch etwas anderes, noch Gewaltigeres mit sich schleppt. Ich hänge an Dingen, auch dem Ding Vergangenheit. Ich hänge an Personen, auch Personen aus der Vergangenheit. Ich hänge an Bildern, an Worten, an Gebärden, an Stimmungen, an Szenen.
Dieses Hängen verhält sich zur Sammelwut so, wie zur Nostalgie, wie zur Wertschätzung von Biographie und Geschichte, auch wie zu einem Vertreibungszorn (einer sturen und nicht kompromißbereiten Unversöhnlichkeit gegenüber dem Verlust und dem Vorbei). Diese Anhängerei ist mit so unterschiedlichen Standpunkten, Perspektiven, Zuständen und Affekten verbunden, aber auch nur verbunden. Darüber hinaus schiebt sich das Hängen immer weiter ins Unfassbare.
Das stehen die blöden zwei Bilder, das sticht und es hört nicht auf zu stechen. et in weimar ego: Da gibt es viele gute Erinnerung, die viel zu kurze Zeit hat man ja mitgemacht, man hat das erlebt, das Glück und das schlichte Erleben und Machen und Tun war da, man ist das durchgegangen, und das ist ja gut. Kann man mehr, kann man Verlängerungen verlangen? Das ist nicht das einzige Stechen, es ist auch nicht das größe Stechen. Aber auch hier frage ich mich, wie so etwas vielleicht milder in den Alltag integrierbar wäre. Das rollt nämlich manchmal und es rollt einen mit. Man ist eine Einfaltung unterschiedlicher Wesen (Psyche ist noch zuwenig gesagt), und in dem Rollen kann man in den Reversemodus geraten, das ist eine Gegenreaktion derjenigen, die auf Irreversibilität allergisch reagieren.
Auseinandersetzungen mit denen, die verloren gingen und mit denen man sprechen will, aber nicht mehr sprechen kann, besonders bitter, wenn man sie noch in erreichbarer Nähe weiß, es aber trotzdem nicht geht: das bringt einen eigenen Modus des Selbstgespräches, das Phantomgespräch hervor.
Aus Diskretion möchten einige Schreiber diejenigen, mit denen sie in Abwesenheit Phantomgespräche führen, O nennen, die Literatur nennt sie auch O. Sogar die Leute nennen sie O (diesmal nicht aus Diskretion), sie bauen O sogar Kapellen. Auch wenn man sie O nennen kann und die Literatur sie O nennt, diese Benennung zieht dem Wesen was ab, zwingt einen zur Bestätigung eines Abzuges. Taucht im Schreiben der Buchstabe O auf, ist der Schreiber im Reversemodus.
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homomenhommes · 4 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 31
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1797 – Austrian composer Franz Schubert was born (d.1828). He wrote some six hundred Lieder, nine symphonies (including the famous "Unfinished Symphony"), liturgical music, operas and a large body of chamber and solo piano music. He is particularly noted for original melodic and harmonic writing.
While Schubert had a close circle of friends and associates who admired his work (including his teacher Antonio Salieri and the prominent singer Johann Michael Vogl), wider appreciation of his music during his lifetime was limited at best. He was never able to secure adequate permanent employment, and for most of his career he relied on the support of friends and family. Interest in Schubert's work increased dramatically in the decades following his death.
Schubert was significantly influenced by his close-knit group of male friends, known as the Schubert Circle. His relationships with an older school friend Joseph von Spaun, the young poet Johann Mayrhofer, and the wealthy young sensualist Franz von Schober were the most important of his life. He and Schober often lived together for extended periods.
Citing the composer's dissipation, his lack of female love interests, his passionate male friendships and several oblique references in his surviving correspondence, Maynard Solomon has argued that Schubert's primary erotic orientation was homosexual. The immediate reaction on the part of many musicologists and music critics, who often simply refused to consider the evidence, revealed a deep-seated homophobia among many specialists in classical music. But in recent years the notion of a gay Schubert has become if not commonplace, at least much less controversial. Schubert's alleged homosexuality and its effect on his music are subjects of continuing debate among music historians and critics.
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1727 – A Prussian baker is executed for fellating another man who later died, according to the court, of "exhaustion." 🤣🤣🤣
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1914 – Edward Melcarth (d.1973) was a painter, sculptor, illustrator, lecturer and teacher, born in Louisville, Kentucky, as Edward Epstein Jr. Edward Melcarth who dared to live as an openly homosexual man and not hiding his support for communism did not earn a significant place in modern art’s canonical history for exactly those reasons.
He was active on New York’s burgeoning, post-World War II art scene; his work was shown at the Museum of Modern Art in the 1940s and at Manhattan galleries over a decades-long timespan, and he knew just about everyone, including the multimillionaire art collector and Forbes magazine publisher, Malcolm Forbes; his circle also included many other artists as well as countless, now nameless hustlers, sailors, beach bums, and representatives of working-class “trade” who posed for his pictures and with whom he had sex.
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Summer Morning
Melcarth was born Edward Epstein to Jewish parents in Louisville in 1914. After his father died, his mother, whose family discouraged her from becoming an opera singer, remarried a wealthy British aristocrat. Edward, who would reject religion and change his surname to that of an ancient Phoenician god, was educated in London and at Harvard University; later he studied art in Boston with the German-born painter Karl Zerbe.
The gay, Kentucky-born artist Henry Faulkner, the photographer Thomas Painter, and Melcarth lived together in New York for some time during the decades following WWII. They shared friends, artistic interests — and sexual partners, too.
Painter was one of the research subjects who provided testimonials about his own and his homosexual associates’ sexual activities to the pioneering sexologist Alfred Kinsey. His reports were detailed, and from them we learn that Melcarth's appetite for sex was rapacious.
In the late 1960s, Melcarth left New York and settled in Venice, where he focused on making sculpture and died in 1973. At some point during his New York years, he had met Malcolm Forbes, who became a regular collector-patron and, after Melcarth’s death, acquired a large quantity of his works, and has been the source of many expositions of Melcarth's art.
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1948 – Paul Jabara (d.1992) was an American actor, singer, and songwriter of Lebanese ancestry.
Paul wrote Donna Summer's "Last Dance" from Thank God It's Friday (1978) and Barbra Streisand's song "The Main Event/Fight" from The Main Event (1979). He cowrote the Weather Girls hit, "It's Raining Men" with Paul Shaffer.
Jabara was in the original cast of the stage musicals Hair and Jesus Christ Superstar. He took over the role of Frank-N-Furter in the Los Angeles Production of The Rocky Horror Show when Tim Curry left the production to film the movie version in England. He appeared in John Schlesinger's 1975 film, "The Day of the Locust", where he sang the production number "Hot Voo-Doo"
In 1979, Jabara won both Grammy Award for Best R&B Song and the Academy Award for Best Original Song for the song performed by Donna Summer, "Last Dance". Jabara's album Paul Jabara & Friends, released in 1983, features guest vocals by a then-20 year old Whitney Houston. It also includes the song "It's Raining Men". That song was later re-recorded several years later by drag supermodel RuPaul and Martha Wash. Wash sang on the original recording as part of the group the Weather Girls.
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Jabara co-founded the Red Ribbon Project in 1991, and is credited with conceiving and distributing the first AIDS Red Ribbon.
Paul Jabara died of AIDS in Los Angeles at the age of 44 on September 29, 1992.
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1952 – Brad Gooch is an American writer.
Born and raised in Kingston, Pennsylvania, he graduated from Columbia University with a bachelors in 1973 and a doctorate in 1986.
Gooch is currently a Professor of English at William Paterson University in New Jersey. He has lived in New York City since 1971. His 2015 memoir Smash Cut recounts life in 1970s and 1980s New York City, including the time Gooch spent as a fashion model, life with his then-boyfriend filmmaker Howard Brookner, living in the famous Chelsea Hotel and the first decade of the AIDS crisis.
Gooch is married to writer and religious activist Paul Raushenbush; they have one child.
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1962 – Patrick Gale is a British author, born on on the Isle of Wight, where his father was prison governor at Camp Hill, as his grandfather had been at nearby Parkhurst. The family moved to London, where his father ran Wandsworth Prison, then to Winchester. He finished his formal education with an English degree from New College, Oxford in 1983.
He has never had 'a grown-up job'. For three years he lived at a succession of addresses, from a Notting Hill bedsit to a crumbling French chateau. While working on his first novels he eked out his slender income with odd jobs: as a typist, a singing waiter, a designer's secretary, a ghost-writer for an encyclopedia of the musical and, increasingly, as a book reviewer for The Daily Telegraph.
His first two novels, The Aerodynamics of Pork and Ease were published on the same day in June 1986. The following year he moved to Camelford near the north coast of Cornwall and began a love affair with the county that has fed his work ever since.
He has written more than ten novels, a number of short stories and novellas in addition to a non-fiction book about the American novelist Armistead Maupin, with whom he has a close friendship.
He now lives in the far south-west, on a farm near Land's End with his lover, Aidan Hicks. They raise beef cattle for the open market and broccoli for Sainsbury's. His current ambition is to perfect the art of reversing a tractor and trailer around a corner.
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1973 – Portia Lee James DeGeneres, known professionally as Portia de Rossi, is an Australian-American actress, model and philanthropist, known for her roles as lawyer Nelle Porter on the television series Ally McBeal and Lindsay Fünke on the sitcom Arrested Development. She also portrayed Veronica Palmer on the ABC sitcom Better Off Ted and Olivia Lord on Nip/Tuck. She is married to American stand-up comedian, television host and actress Ellen DeGeneres.
De Rossi, born Amanda Lee Rogers in Horsham, Victoria, Australia grew up in Grovedale, a suburb of Geelong, Victoria, and modelled for print and TV commercials as a child. In 1988, at the age of 15, Rogers adopted the name Portia de Rossi, by which she remains best known; in 2005, she explained that she had intended to reinvent herself, using the given name of Portia, a character from William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, and an Italian last name.
De Rossi was married to documentary film-maker Mel Metcalfe from 1996 to 1999, initially part of a plan to get a green card, but she did not go through with it. She said that "it just obviously wasn't right for me". In a 2010 interview on Good Morning America, she explained that as a young actress, she was fearful of being exposed as a lesbian.
From 2000 to 2004, de Rossi dated singer Francesca Gregorini, the daughter of Barbara Bach and the stepdaughter of Ringo Starr. She said that most of her family and Ally McBeal castmates did not know she was a lesbian until tabloid pictures of the couple were published. She declined to publicly discuss the relationship or her sexual orientation at the time.
De Rossi and Gregorini broke up in late 2004 because de Rossi began dating Ellen DeGeneres, whom she met backstage at an awards show. In 2005, she opened up publicly about her sexual orientation in interviews with Details and The Advocate. She became engaged when DeGeneres proposed with a three-carat pink diamond ring. They were married at their Beverly Hills home on 16 August 2008, witnessed by their mothers and 17 other guests. On 6 August 2010, Portia filed a petition to legally change her name to Portia Lee James DeGeneres. The petition was granted on 23 September 2010. She became a US citizen in September 2011.
In 2010, de Rossi published the autobiography Unbearable Lightness which talks about the turmoil that she has experienced in her life, including suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia and being misdiagnosed with lupus.
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1979 – Daniel Tammet is an English essayist, novelist, poet, translator, and autistic savant. His memoir, Born on a Blue Day (2006), is about his early life with Asperger syndrome and savant syndrome, and was named a "Best Book for Young Adults" in 2008 by the American Library Association's Young Adult Library Services magazine. His second book, Embracing the Wide Sky, was one of France's best-selling books of 2009. His third book, Thinking in Numbers, was published in 2012 by Hodder & Stoughton in the United Kingdom and in 2013 by Little, Brown and Company in the United States and Canada.
In 2016 he published his debut novel, Mishenka, in France and Quebec. His books have been published in over 20 languages. He was elected in 2012 to serve as a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Tammet was born Daniel Paul Corney, the eldest of nine children, and raised in Barking and Dagenham, East London, England. As a young child, he suffered epileptic seizures, which remitted following medical treatment.
He participated twice in the World Memory Championships in London under his birth name, placing 11th in 1999 and 4th in 2000.
He changed his birth name by deed poll because "it didn't fit with the way he saw himself." He took the Estonian surname Tammet, which is related to "oak tree".
At age twenty-five, he was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome by Simon Baron-Cohen of the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre. He is one of fewer than a hundred "prodigious savants" according to Darold Treffert, the world's leading researcher in the study of savant syndrome.
Tammet holds the European record for memorizing and recounting pi to 22,514 digits in just over five hours. This sponsored charity challenge was held in aid of the National Society for Epilepsy (NSE) on “Pi Day”, March 14, 2004, at the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, UK.
He was the subject of a documentary film titled Extraordinary People: The Boy with the Incredible Brain, first broadcast on the British television station Channel 4 on 23 May 2005.
He met software engineer Neil Mitchell in 2000. They lived together as domestic partners in Kent, England, where they had a quiet life at home with their cats, preparing meals from their garden. He and Mitchell operated the online e-learning company Optimnem, where they created and published language courses.
Tammet now lives in Paris, France, with his husband Jérôme Tabet, a photographer whom he met while promoting his autobiography. Tammet is openly gay.
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2017 – Thousands of gay and bisexual men who were convicted of now-abolished sexual offenses laws in Britain have been posthumously pardoned under a new policing law, the Justice Ministry announces. The law, which received Royal Assent on this day, is named after British WWII codebreaker Alan Turing, who committed suicide following his conviction for gross indecency and was posthumously pardoned by Her Majesty the Queen in 2013. It also makes it possible for living convicted gay men to seek pardons for offenses no longer on the statute book.
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itsnothingbutluck · 4 months
Der Internetkapitalismus als gigantischer Markt der Ressentiments: Philosoph Joseph Vogl unterzieht im neuesten Buch die Plattformökonomie einer Fundamentalkritik. Ein Gespräch über die Macht von Big Tech, die Metamorphosen des Kapitalismus und die Urteilssucht auf Social Media.
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mo-marketing-kapital · 9 months
Joseph Vogl zur Wirtschaftskrise: „Der apokalyptische Ton gehört zum Marketing“
Der Literaturwissenschaftler und Finanzmarkt-Experte Joseph Vogl über Wirtschaftskrisen und populistische Bewegungen. https://www.fr.de/kultur/gesellschaft/joseph-vogl-zur-wirtschaftskrise-der-apokalyptische-ton-gehoert-zum-marketing-92455828.html?itm_source=story_detail&itm_medium=interaction_bar&itm_campaign=share
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dustedandsocial · 11 months
Online Anger as Capital | Philosopher Joseph Vogl and economist Ivan Boldyrev
Found a panel discussion for the book I mentioned the other day, Capital and Ressentiment: A Short Theory of the Present. The book itself may or may not be available on libgen as well, do or don't go search there. More info:
The growth of social media has provided ideal conditions for feelings of anger and frustration to be expressed and shared. Social media have become part of our economic and political system, they do not offer a product, but a platform for everyone’s opinions. As a result feelings of resentment are being used and exploited by populist and authoritarian leaders. Come and learn from philosopher Joseph Vogl how the capitalist system behind social media benefits from fueling resentment.
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jarry · 11 months
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stuartelden · 1 year
Books received - Leroi-Gourhan, Blanchot, Vogl, Ungar, Heidegger, Bobic and Haghighi
Some second-hand books connected in part to the ongoing research on Indo-European though in France, the latest volume of the Heidegger Gesamtausgabe and copies of Joseph Vogl, Capital and Ressentiment: A Short History of the Present and Nikolina Bobic and Farzaneh Haghighi (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, Volume I: Violence, Spectacle and Data – kindly…
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aschenblumen · 5 months
La escritura ejecuta una permanente decisión [Entscheidung] hacia lo indecidible, su determinación [Entschiedenheit] se aplica a un acto desactualizante; y su margen o libertad de movimiento, su espacio de juego, mide un mundo no terminado. En este sentido, el laberinto es un titubear y este es el mismo camino de la escritura. Aquí se entrelazan laberinto y laberinto del texto. El proceso escritural de Kafka traza una vía que solo mide su infinitud interna, que encierra en sí a toda salida, que solo se abre a sí misma. Este seía el procedimiento de Kafka: una descreación [Entschöpfung] progresiva, aquella fuerza contraria a la creación que se resiste a arrancar el mundo del ámbito de sus posibilidades no realizadas, y un sostenido titubear del devenir-mundo.
—Joseph Vogl, «Laberintos, umbrales» en Sobre el titubear. Traducción de Niklas Bornhauser Neuber.
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naipan · 5 months
Joseph Vogl über die Schuldenbremse: „Geld ist immer da, nur nicht an den richtigen Stellen“
Die Bundesregierung sucht nach plötzlich fehlendem Geld. Der Berliner Philosoph Joseph Vogl erklärt die Anomalie der Schuldenbremse und warum Schulden magische Instrumente sind. Ein Interview
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bspolink1348 · 2 years
Les nouveautés de la semaine (03/10/2022)
À la une : La tolérance pervertie / Raymond Massé
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Cote de rangement : HM 1271 M 264687 / Domaine : Sociologie
« Garante d'un vivre-ensemble harmonieux, la tolérance s'impose comme le fondement éthique qui promeut toutes les diversités. Aujourd'hui, elle est menacée.
Par les intolérants bien sûr, qui nient sa pertinence. Mais tout autant par le dogmatisme de certains de ses défenseurs qui, militants du « diversitaire » et de la rectitude politique, en pervertissent le sens profond.
Raymond Massé, exemples à l'appui, analyse les questions liées aux multiculturalismes et aux libertés religieuses : les communautarismes et la promotion d'une laïcité ouverte servent-il les intérêts de la tolérance ? Toute différence commande-t-elle un respect inconditionnel ? Ce respect repose-t-il sur un relativisme radical ou sur des valeurs universelles partagées ?
Pour éviter les dérives d'une tolérance comme abdication indifférente face aux quêtes de reconnaissance identitaire, il est urgent de définir une tolérance qui relève le défi de la nuance. » - Quatrième de couverture
L'indépendance des banques centrales à l'aune de l'histoire de la pensée et des pratiques / Adriano do Vale
Cote de rangement : HG 1811 D 264677
La course à la suprématie monétaire mondiale : à l'épreuve de la rivalité sino-américaine / Michel Aglietta, Guo Bai, Camille Macaire
Cote de rangement : HG 3881 A 264680
Missing the target : why stock-market short-termism is not the problem / Mark J. Roe
Cote de rangement : HG 4551 R 264698
Kapital und Ressentiment : eine kurze Theorie der Gegenwart / Joseph Vogl
Cote de rangement : HB 501 V 264678
La nation, frontière du libéralisme : libre-échangistes et protectionnistes français, 1786-1914 / Francis Démier
Cote de rangement : HC 275 D 264679
Les communs : un autre récit pour la coopération territoriale / éditrices scientifiques : Sigrid Aubert et Aurélie Botta
Cote de rangement : GF 50 C 264681
Les arbres doivent-ils pouvoir plaider ? / Christopher Stone
Cote de rangement : KF 5505 S 264685
Marketing international du sport : digital, e-sport et pays émergents / sous la direction de Michel Desbordes
Cote de rangement : GV 716 M 264683
Sciences politiques
Political philosophy, here and now : essays in honour of David Miller / edited by Daniel Butt, Sarah Fine, Zofia Stemplowska
Cote de rangement : JA 71 P 264688
On the concept of power : possibility, necessity, politics / Guido Parietti
Cote de rangement : JC 330 P 264699
Free speech / Andrew Doyle
Cote de rangement : JC 591 D 264686
The personalization of politics in the European union / Katjana Gattermann
Cote de rangement : JN 30 P 264696
Getting China wrong / Aaron L. Friedberg
Cote de rangement : JZ 1734 G 264690
Les femmes, les jeunes et les enfants d'abord : investissement social et économie de la qualité / Clément Carbonnier, Bruno Palier
Cote de rangement : HN 425 .5 C 264676
Les sens de la ville : pour un urbanisme de la vie quotidienne / [coordonné par] Corinne Luxembourg, Damien Labruyère, Emmanuelle Faure
Cote de rangement : HT 169 .F7 L 264682
Every 90 seconds : our common cause ending violence against women / Anne P. DePrince
Cote de rangement : HV 6250 .4 D 264694
Governing security after war : the politics of institutional change in the security sector / Louis-Alexandre Berg
Cote de rangement : HV 6419 B 264695
Le principe d'anarchie : Heidegger et la question de l'agir / Reiner Schürmann
Cote de rangement : B 3279 S 264684<
Existential media : a media theory of the limit situation / Amanda Lagerkvist
Cote de rangement : P 91 L 264692
Face-to-face dialogue : theory, research, and applications / Janet Beavin Bavelas
Cote de rangement : P 95 .455 B 264691
How to lose the information war : Russia, fake news, and the future of conflict / Nina Jankowicz
Cote de rangement : PN 4784 .F27 J 264689
Global business in the age of destruction and distraction / Mahesh Joshi, Gaurav Rastogi, J.R. Klein
Cote de rangement : HD 30 .28 J 264693
Balanced leadership : making the best use of personal and team leadership in projects / Ralf Müller, Nathalie Drouin, and Shankar Sankaran
Cote de rangement : HD 57 .7 M 264697
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 17 octobre 2022.
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endlessandrea · 5 years
Joseph Vogl: “Wenn man sich auf Ökonomen wie Thomas Piketty bezieht, der ja diesen Spread von Einkommen und Vermögen untersucht hat, lässt sich das durchaus sagen. Folgt man ihm, dann sind enorme Einkommens- und Vermögensungleichheiten auch Symptome für Vorkriegszeiten. Die großen Kriege des 20. Jahrhunderts hatten gewissermaßen Einkommensdivergenzen wieder korrigiert. Zugleich sind solche Ungleichheiten in der Verteilung von Einkommen und Vermögen unmittelbar spürbar, sie schlagen sich in Alltagserfahrung nieder: Die niedrigen Einkommen stagnieren oder sinken, prekäre Beschäftigung weitet sich aus, die Infrastrukturen in den Kommunen sind lädiert – und die Wirtschaft wächst. Da ist der Eindruck nur realistisch, dass die politische Teilhabe heute weniger über Stimmzettel als über Kurszettel funktioniert und die damit verbundene Ungerechtigkeit zur „marktkonformen Demokratie“ gehört. Das alles ist mit einer Erosion von Solidarmilieus verbunden und vielleicht ein Motiv für das Entstehen ressentimentgeladener politischer Bewegungen.”
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channeledhistory · 3 years
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