endlessandrea · 6 days
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endlessandrea · 7 days
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read the rest of the poem here
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endlessandrea · 7 days
„Um zu bestimmen was falsch ist und was recht ist
müssen wir uns kennen
Ich kenne mich nicht
Wenn ich glaube etwas gefunden zu haben
so bezweifle ichs schon
und muss es wieder zerstören
Was wir tun ist nur ein Traumbild
Von dem was wir tun wollen
und nie sind andere Wahrheiten zu finden
als die veränderlichen Wahrheiten der eigenen
— Peter Weiss
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endlessandrea · 12 days
"Well, for a start, I don’t have a studio practice. Like, studio practice? In this economy? Instead, I have a kid and some reading groups and a lot of physical rehab and a teaching job and one or two friends and lovers. The art world is a deathly world which provides nothing needed for the production of art. It gives no life back. So I began to do things that will give me life and divest from the rest because I’ve been doing this for a long time, and it’s not getting better. You asked me about the red writing on the wall in Enclosures at Camden Art Centre. It’s called Writs (2022), and it’s a kind of counting or accounting.  I think about all of the lives that go uncounted, uncanonized by “the institution” in its broadest sense. I recommend you visit the Covid memorial while you’re in London; I couldn’t have known it, but all those red hearts, all that asemic accounting, has some parallel with Writs. It is a public monument at the most incredible scale. The unalienated heart of art itself is buried too damn deep in the art-world corpus, or corpse, to remember that such a thing exists, but it’s there on that wall. It’s not the fact of the work itself but the fact that somebody made it. And don’t let the conceptualists fool you: that in itself is a whole politics. It’s the best artwork you’ll see while you’re here."
– Jesse Darling in Bomb Magazine
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endlessandrea · 12 days
Alberto Toscano in conversation on Late Fascism
Alberto Toscano: "This links to something I found really compelling in Adorno. In his essay The Pattern of Fascist Propaganda he says, 'Contrary to what a lot of people think, fascist crowds don’t really believe their leaders.' This is a form of what he calls 'phony fanaticism.' It already involves a large amount of reflexivity and cynicism and play-acting. And Adorno says, 'That doesn’t make it less but even more violent in its response.'
One of the problems of how fascism is often theorized from a normative liberal standpoint, with all of its presuppositions, is that it views the fascist subject as a subject of delusion, as buying into a myth in a way that is fully identificatory and all-encompassing. I thought that Jesi, along with Adorno and others, were useful to think with in order to counter this idea."
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endlessandrea · 13 days
Elke Erb im Porträt :‘)
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endlessandrea · 14 days
"Die große Wahrheit unseres Zeitalters (mit deren Erkenntnis noch nicht gedient ist, ohne deren Erkenntnis aber keine andere Wahrheit von Belang gefunden werden kann) ist es, daß unser Erdteil in Barbarei versinkt, weil die Eigentumsverhältnisse an den Produktionsmitteln mit Gewalt festgehalten werden. Was nützt es da, etwas Mutiges zu schreiben, aus dem hervorgeht, daß der Zustand, in den wir versinken, ein barbarischer ist (was wahr ist), wenn nicht klar ist, warum wir in diesen Zustand geraten? Wir müssen sagen, daß gefoltert wird, weil die Eigentumsverhältnisse bleiben sollen. Freilich, wenn wir dies sagen, verlieren wir viele Freunde, die gegen das Foltern sind, weil sie glauben, die Eigentumsverhältnisse könnten auch ohne Foltern aufrechterhalten bleiben (was unwahr ist). Wir müssen die Wahrheit über die barbarischen Zustände in unserem Land sagen, daß das getan werden kann, was sie zum Verschwinden bringt, nämlich das, wodurch die Eigentumsverhältnisse geändert werden. Wir müssen es ferner denen sagen, die unter den Eigentumsverhältnissen am meisten leiden, an ihrer Abänderung das meiste Interesse haben, den Arbeitern und denen, die wir ihnen als Bundesgenossen zuführen können, weil sie eigentlich auch kein Eigentum an Produktionsmitteln besitzen, wenn sie auch an den Gewinnen beteiligt sind."
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endlessandrea · 14 days
EE-sa GENZ-ken
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endlessandrea · 14 days
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endlessandrea · 17 days
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MSF: ""We did what we could. Remember us." These are the words Dr Mahmoud Abu Nujaila wrote on a Gaza hospital whiteboard normally used for planning surgeries at the end of October 2023."
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endlessandrea · 20 days
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An excerpt from Burn Out. The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat by Hannah Proctor, published with Verso Books this year.
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endlessandrea · 20 days
"Though many women reflected on the permanent subjective changes they had undergone—recalling times of joy and elation, expressing no regret for having participated in the strike, and declaring how much they hoped to continue with political activism in some form—this did not mean they found it easy to carry on fighting straight away. These contradictory feelings are captured in reflections by Dorothy Phillips, who set up a soup kitchen for miners at the Celynen Collieries’ Miners’ Institute in Newbridge, Wales. She separated the immediate emotions associated with the day the strike ended—“I haven’t spoken to one woman who didn’t tell me she cried on that day”—from transformative solidarity during the strike: “That sense of togetherness . . . is an experience I cannot forget.” The defeat disrupted a whole infrastructure and a set of routines that had sprung up to support the striking workers. The political roles and forms of support that were described as precipitating changes in subjectivity were material. Solidarity was a practice. Just as the strike had transformed the rhythms, routines, and relationships of people’s daily lives, so the emotions associated with defeat were not just a response to a loss located in the future but also to the loss of an existing context of struggle."
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endlessandrea · 24 days
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endlessandrea · 24 days
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endlessandrea · 24 days
pls, I can't take anymore projections, defenses, aggressions 😓. can ppl be cute please 😓😓? I'll love you anyway.. feeling depleted !!
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endlessandrea · 24 days
aya, ell oh off tea too oh won ate on bandcamp. Something's not working with the link??
this is so sick!! Thank you for showing me it, J
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endlessandrea · 24 days
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Amazing production, great album 🤍
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