#Jax Sullivan
the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
My Descendants AK OCs
Princess Tina, daughter of Princess Tiana & Prince Naveen
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Prince Alec, son of Prince Aladdin & Princess Jasmine
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Dakota, Daughter of Diego
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Blair Wild, daughter of Buck Wild
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Sam, son of Sid
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James "Jimmy" Hawkins, son of Jim Hawkins
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Jax Sullivan, child of James P. Sullivan
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Prince Alistair, son of King Arthur
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Princess Amelia, daughter of King Arthur
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Princess Krissy, daughter of Queen Anna & King Kristoff
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rosemaryreaper · 4 months
Where was Nick when Hancock evacuated the Diamond City ghouls to Goodneighbor?
Back in September, I started working on a fic that covered exactly that…then I tossed it aside because I thought it was bad. But now I actually want to finish it. It’s a short Nick POV fic that follows the three days before McDonough passes the Anti-Ghoul decree. Also featured are Ellie, Security Captain Lennie Sullivan, and a still human Hancock. Here’s a snippet from Chapter 2, which is the night before everything goes to hell.
* * * *
In the end, there was nothing to be done but wait. Ellie returned with more than enough documents to fit the bill, and after another round through the line, the guard let him through with minimal hostility. When he tried to subtly linger to keep an eye on things, Security threatened to shoot him for loitering, so there was no choice but to return to the office. Lennie never returned. Neither did many of the ghouls.
Convincing his old circuit board of a brain to focus on work after that morning was difficult, but it didn’t change the fact that he still had a half dozen interconnected missing persons cases on his desk. Sitting around doing nothing wasn’t going to help anyone, ghoul or missing girl, so the least they could do was be productive with the spare time. He got Ellie to bring out what she had dubbed “the conspiracy board”—a big map of the Commonwealth they had pinned to a corkboard—and the two of them spent the afternoon moving around colored pins and strings, trying to work out which route the traffickers were using to smuggle these girls around the state.
“Think Bunker Hill could be a stopover?” Ellie asked, tapping her fingernail on a red circle to the northeast.
“They’d have to go through Goodneighbor first,” Nick said.
“I don’t doubt it. Sounds like the sort of business Vic’s gang would get mixed up in. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s responsible for this whole horrible trade.”
“Still could be a third party. Or a bit of both. We won’t know till we learn more.” He paused. “But I wouldn’t be surprised either.” He added another pin to the board. “If they’re using Bunker Hill, then they aren’t the only party stashing that particular kind of cargo there overnight. I have a contact I can talk to, see if his guys have noticed any odd goings on.”
“Sounds promising,” Ellie said.
“Let’s hope so. This is one trail I absolutely do not want to leave to get cold.”
Arturo was the neighborhood tourist. Nick would have to catch him alone sometime soon; ask him to get a message through to Deacon and his crew. If anyone was an expert on smuggling people through the Commonwealth undetected, it was the Railroad.
The door screeched open, and a choked sob tumbled through its frame. Violet shuffled in, fully weeping within Riley’s embrace. To her, Riley said, “Here, sweetheart, let’s just sit down for a spell, okay?” To the rest of the room, she said, “I’m going to fucking kill someone.”
“Oh, Violet.” Ellie rushed to grab a blanket from the bedroom. “Here, have a seat, honey.” While Riley lowered Violet into the cushioned chair, Ellie wrapped the blanket around the poor ghoul.
Jax stumbled out of the bedroom, bleary-eyed and in their undershirt, which had rolled up to expose their bandages. “Vi? What happened?”
Riley’s brows shot up. “What the hell happened to you?”
“New exercise regime,” Jax said.
“Jesus Christ,” Riley said. “Somebody jumped you.”
“What?” Violet gasped through tears.
“It’s nothing, Vi,” Jax said. “What’s wrong?”
Violet let out another sob. “I’ve never been s-so humiliated.”
“Oh no,” Ellie said. “They didn’t accept any of your papers?”
“None! The boys and I tried everything. Yefim even tried to draw up something last minute, but they wouldn’t take any of it! Now I’m going to lose everything—my home, my job. I won’t survive outside the Wall, not for a night.” She bowed her head and cried.
Ellie yanked open the drawers of her desk, pulling out a whole stack of handkerchiefs and a mug, the latter of which she filled from the coffee thermos. She murmured to Violet, out of even Nick’s broad earshot, until she could convince her to hold the mug in her hands. Nick sent a silent thanks to fate that he had hired her. He had been about to say something a hell of a lot more blunt.
“Nonhumans,” Riley snarled. “Nonhumans! We’re not another species. We’re not animals. I have half a mind to march up to the Stands right now—kick down doors until I find every councilman responsible. They want to see feral? I’ll show them feral.”
Nick said, “You’ll get yourself shot.”
“I’ll get myself shot outside too. This way will be quicker.”
Jax said, “None of our lot are getting shot outside if I can help it. Not if they stick with me.”
“Oh, look, it’s the ghoul savior,” Riley deadpanned. “Right now, if I had to bet on who would win in a fight, you or a mole rat, I’d back the mole rat.”
“It’s not all hopeless, is it?” Ellie asked, rubbing Violet’s back. “Some ghouls still managed to vote. Riley, you did.”
Riley scowled. “I did, barely, because I’m fortunate. They gave us no warning, no time to get our papers in order—and a lot of ghouls didn’t. Screw all the drifters, I guess.”
Nick could sense Jax giving him a look out of the corner of his eye. One of the “I told you so” variety. Ellie was giving him a different kind of look. One that placed far too must trust in his nonexistent ability to overcome the odds. You can do something, Nicky. Right?
Nick could do something. He could turn his investigation towards the city, root out who was pulling the strings—who had organized the guards, who had influenced the Council, who had to benefit from all the chaos. It would take time, but he was nothing if not persistent. His joints hadn’t rusted to a halt yet.
But the ghouls didn’t have time. They had tonight. The proverbial nuke had already been launched. Catching the crook here wouldn’t save anyone until after there was no one left to be saved. So, Nick would do something all right: he would shield them from the blast best he could and help those who survived out of the debris. No more. No better.
“Jax is working on an escape route,” Nick said. “I’ve been scrounging up supplies. You need something—help organizing a caravan, a spare gun, anything—you say the word.”
The room calmed, but not in a comfortable way. The room calmed in the same way a snake calms when it is too cold to move. Violet had quieted. Jax looked determined; Riley grim. Ellie turned her face away.
Jax crossed over to Violet, offering her a hand up. “Come on, Vi. Why don’t we get you back to the Dugout? You look like you could use something stronger than coffee.”
Violet accepted, sniffling, and they slipped an arm around her shoulders. With a quiet murmur of thanks to Nick, she and Jax made their exit. Riley didn’t follow. She gazed down at the empty chair, then up at Nick with that grim expression. She stalked forward, and he froze, startled, as she threw her arms around him.
Most folks weren’t lining up to give the metal man hugs. It wasn’t the kind of relationship he had with Ellie, who was technically his employee, and it wasn’t something he would ever initiate with a client, no matter how distraught. He was hyper aware of his own strength as he lifted his arms, and they hung suspended for too long as he tried to recall the last time he had calibrated them. He briefly considered blacking out to run a quick diagnostic.
But the moment had already gone on too long, and something of the old Nick kicked in. He rested his hands on her back.
“Hey now, Doc, this isn’t like you,” he said with something like humor.
Riley chuckled, with something a little less like humor. “Just saying thank you, gumshoe—for everything. In case I don’t get the chance to.” She pulled away. “I could use a drink too. Might as well celebrate my last night, while it lasts. Feel free to join.” Then she made her exit.
Ellie was on the verge of a question again, but she still didn’t want to ask it, because she still wasn’t looking at him. He looked at the board with all its strings and pins. He looked at the empty chair, the abandoned blanket, the untouched coffee. He released a long breath, forever weaker than it should be. Then he donned his coat and his hat, and he offered his secretary his arm.
It got her attention. With a faint smile, she linked her elbow with his, resting her other hand on his forearm. And they made their exit too.
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Weekly Wrapup 3/24/24 (late)
This Week's Rankings:
Lash Legend - 71.7% smash
Killer Kelly - 66.9%
Wade Barrett - 65.5%
Jordynne Grace - 65.3%
Rey Mysterio - 64.9%
Shayna Baszler - 62.7%
Angelico - 58.2%
Santos Escobar - 58.1%
Dominik Mysterio - 58.0%
Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers - 44.5%
Ryusuke Taguchi (Apollo 55) - 43.0%
Nick Wayne - 32.5%
Nia Jax - 28.7%
Nasty Boys - 7.1%
Average smash rating this week: 51.9%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Nick Wayne - 397 votes
Dominik Mysterio - 371
Shayna Baszler - 244
Nia Jax - 230
Santos Escobar - 227
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Ryusuke Taguchi - 149 votes
Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers - 164
Lash Legend - 173
Killer Kelly - 181
Jordynne Grace - 193
The closest poll was Bollywood Boyz/Singh Brothers, who lost 73-91.
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Nasty Boys - 7.1% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Eric Bischoff (NWO) - 20.0% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Nia Jax - 28.7% smash
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
With an average smash rate of 51.0%, this is the lowest-scoring week yet. The overall average smash rate currently sits at 58.9%, and the previous low score was allllllll the way back in Week 1, at 52.6% average smash rate.
We also got two changes to the overall rankings: Nasty Boys made it to No. 3 on the Bottom Ten Overall list, and Nia Jax was voted the least smashable woman so far. There are still 31 men considered less smashable than her, but it's a major accomplishment to be the first woman to score significantly under 50%.
In happier news, someone finally requested one of my personal blorbos: Angelico. It has been agonizing waiting for him to be requested, so thank you to whoever sent him in. Now to see how long it takes for someone to request my other blorbo...
Rey Mysterio is more smashable than his son Dominik, 64.9% to 58.0%. Dom got 149 more votes, though.
Ryusuke Taguchi is more smashable as a member of Apollo 55 than he is on his own, but not smashable enough to get over the 50% mark (43.0% vs 28.4%).
Nick Wayne got the most votes this week, at 397. A lot of the tags said something along the lines of "he's too young right now, but let's check back in a few years." So, if this blog is still around in 5 years, I will make sure to run a new Nick Wayne poll.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@dm-me-your-weltanschauung on Nasty Boys: #if you told me that this photo was from a campaign encouraging people to get tested for STIs I would believe you#or one of those “talk to your kids about sex before THEY do” things
@booboo-eyedbambi on Dominik Mysterio: #he gives me cute aggression in a way that makes me wanna squeeze him dry like an orange or burn the world down if he says he's chilly
@romanthereigns on Jordynne Grace: #I would let that woman throw me
@discow1tch on Nick Wayne: #he would 100% have been my type when I was a teenager but unfortunately I'm old now and would rather fuck his evil step dad
@supernaturalkickparty on Nick Wayne: #if anything take him to ihop gamestop and build a bear#think i saw a turtleneck shirt this past winter#he can make a christian cage bear
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clarafyer · 5 months
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Lenore - The Raven - III
Silly little raven entity who has a collecting-turned-hoarding problem of shiny things
And also is depressed because he has to claim the dead and has seen shit over the many years. BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE HE JUST DISTRACTS HIMSELF WITH THE CLOUDS AND THE GRASS AND TRIES TO IGNORE THE GRUESOMENESS
And yet he's still best friends with the most sadistic, insane, bloodthirsty being in existence. Because we decided since ravens and wolves have a close relationship in real life, that Lenore and Sullivan would also be very close! (And I guess Vespera too because she's an absolute pest unable to be ridden of sometimes and she knows it)
Fun fact: He's actually a collaborative character! I do most of the background work of writing him and pitching ideas while my friend Jax is the one who actually plays as him and has the spotlight! This is because owning 3 entity characters seemed like too much, so him having 2 seemed good, especially since I knew he'd be obsessed with the idea of Lenore!
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madamealtruist · 6 months
The cast for my Mortal Kombat high school AU, Mortal Kombat: Skool Days! The artwork for this series will be handled by my amazing friend @laismoura-art, so thank you so much! This project has been a long time coming, so I hope you all enjoy!
Xiuying Oniro/Frost, younger cousin of the Oniro Brothers and novice cryomancer (ice). Would never admit it, but she has a huge crush on Cassie.
Cassie Cage, younger sister of Johnny Cage and huge smartass. Social media addict.
Jacqui Briggs, younger sister of Jax and tough as nails techie. Has a dorky crush on Takeda.
Takeda Takahashi, strained younger half-brother of Kenshi and Hanzo’s best friend. Is completely oblivious of Jacqui’s crush on him.
Hanzo Hasashi, “apprentice” of Kuai Liang and unpredictable umbramancer (shadows). For reasons he doesn’t want to explain, he doesn’t trust Bi-Han.
Kung Jin, younger cousin of Kung Lao and talented archer. Openly gay, but doesn’t let the haters drag him down.
Tomas Oniro/Smoke, adopted brother of Bi-Han and Kuai Liang and incredibly sneaky typhomancer (smoke, mist and vapors). HUGE dork.
Raiden Watanabe, humble optimist and focused electromancer (lightning). Liu Kang’s teaching assistant.
Fujin Watanabe, Raiden’s twin sister and unpredictable aeromancer (wind). Easily embarrassed by Kung Lao, who she has a dorky crush on.
Kung Lao, eagle-eyed dreamer and owner of a razor-rimmed hat. Too cocky for his own good.
Kurtis Stryker, son of an Earthrealm police chief and loyal friend. Hopes to one day join the police force.
Jaime Kabal, former Black Dragon lackey and speedy smartass. Has a specialized mask and apparatus as an asthma inhaler (he thinks it’s cool).
Erron Black, mysterious loner and owner of the “Big Boot” fighting style. Held back at least twice.
Kuai Liang Oniro/Scorpion, second son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and skilled pyromancer (fire). Has ways of making you get over here.
Bi-Han Oniro/Sub-Zero, first son of the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster and master cryomancer (ice). Bit too ambitious.
Harumi Shirai, Earthrealm’s first Umgadi student and owner of a supernatural garden. Part of a polycule with Hanzo and Kuai Liang.
Johnny Cage, former child actor and social media star. Ladies man waiting for the perfect girl to fall for him.
Sonya Blade, daughter of a Special Forces commander and Johnny’s crush. Has a strong hatred for Kano and ALWAYS suspects he’s onto something.
Jax Briggs, Sonya’s best friend and moral support. Incredibly defensive and loyal.
Kenshi Takahashi, rebellious son of a Yakuza leader and a blind swordsman. Owner of a magic sword that helps him see.
Sullivan Kano, leader of the Black Dragon and Sonya’s number one target. Particularly repulsive.
Sektor Zheng/Nine-Tee-Nine, son of the Lin Kuei’s Master Armorer and owner of an incredibly strong robotic suit. Hopes to take over the Lin Kuei.
Cyrax Braam/Four-Dee-Four, daughter of a Lin Kuei enforcer and owner of an incredibly fast robotic suit. Weary of her best friend’s actions.
Reiko, adopted son of Shao and newcomer to the sports team, the Wu Shi Tigers. Massive superiority complex.
Aylkra/Skarlet, adopted daughter of Shao and horrific gothic blood mage. Has been known to terrify most newcomers with a single glance.
Dairou/Havik, Seidan cleric and known anarchy fueled troublemaker. Despite his appearance, he’s not completely evil.
Zeffeero/Rain, Mileena and Kitana’s cousin (on Sindel’s side) and talented hydromancer (water). Gifted mage and will not let ANYONE forget it.
Nitara, Vaeternian femme fatale and has a particularly loud shriek. Beyond bitchy.
Ashrah, older sister of Sareena and repentant demon. In a loving relationship with Syzoth.
Sareena, younger sister of Ashrah and a demon attempting to repent. Has an obsessive crush on Bi-Han.
Mileena, older twin of Kitana and heir to Outworld’s throne. Has to take medicine to control her Stage One Tarkat, or risk going feral.
Kitana, younger twin of Mileena and heir to Outworld’s army. Is aware of Raiden’s crush on her, but is waiting for him to act.
Syzoth/Reptile, Zaterran loner and excellent observer. Uses invisibility to avoid bullies.
Goro, Shokan prince and captain of the Wu Shi Tigers. The kind of jock you want to be friends with.
Jade, Umgadi student and best friend of Kitana. Hides her depression behind cheerful optimism.
Tanya, Umgadi student and lover of Mileena. Carries some of Mileena’s Tarkat meds with her at all times, just in case.
Baraka, Daybreaker student and has Stage Two Tarkat. Loyal till the end to those he trusts.
Sindel, current Empress of Outworld and caring to all those under her care. Headmistress.
Liu Kang, fire demigod and infectiously optimistic. New history teacher.
Shao Kahn, general of Outworld’s armies and plays favorites. Gym teacher.
Shang Tsung, pretty shady alchemist and skilled sorcerer. Science teacher.
Quan Chi, mysterious former mortician and Eldritch sorcerer. Science teacher.
Li Mei, Sun Do’s guardian and former leader of the Imperial Police. School resource officer.
Sheeva, Shokan queen and proud soldier. Gym teacher.
Madame Bo, kind old soul with a feisty attitude. Owns the Teahouse on campus.
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rewritethisstxry · 11 months
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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Hello and Welcome!!
Hi! Welcome to the Official Ask The Ghost Types ask blog! Feel free to ask any questions to these dead people, as much as they would loved to answer your questions, they'd like to see what you'll come up with!
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A frequent question you may ask, who are the Ghost Types?:
To answer that, The Ghost Types are a group of Pokemon Trainers that are related to popular Pokepastas!
Blake and Mt. Red - Easter Egg: Snow on Mt. Silver Silv - Lost Silver Steven - Strangled Red Marigold - A fanmade character made by @orofunny Sorrow - Abandoned By Loneliness Mini and Dexter - Minus Versions of LS and SoMS by Starryidol Echo - Journey's End Blue - Blue Tears Dawn - Memory Platinum Glitch - Glitchy Red Calem - Vegetable Mareep Sullivan - Blake's little brother Jax - One of Blake's Best Friend
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You have free will to ask them anything you want! New characters will appear in future posts, and will be in the remaining time for this blog! Thank you, and have a great one!
Have fun with this guys!
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ausetkmt · 8 months
A viral video is now being investigated by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, after it shows officers slamming Le’keian Woods to the ground while handcuffed.
“The video speaks for itself,” Isaiah Rumlin said “How can someone be handcuffed and brutally beaten at the hands of those who supposed to be protecting us?” Rumlin is the President for the NAACP Jacksonville chapter.
Action News Jax obtained the police report for the arrest and then requested the concise history for each officer involved. It’s important to note, we do not have their full files yet, so we do not have all the incident details at this time.
The three officers who arrested Woods are Hunter Sullivan, Robert Bias, and Beau Daigle.
Officer Hunter Sullivan has five incidents listed in his file. One is listed as an “in-house complaint.” He was cleared of any wrongdoing in the other four incidents.
Action News Jax, Meghan Moriarty, found a civil suit involving Sullivan that matched the date of the in-house complaint. It accuses the officer of assault.
In digging through our archives, we found an Action News Jax report from 2020, where two officers were suspended for a fight with a woman outside a downtown Jacksonville bar. Surveillance video from the November 2019 night captured the encounter. In it, you can see a woman being beaten by two men and knocked to the ground. The two men in the video are Detective Dennis Sullivan and his son Officer Hunter Sullivan—the man now being investigated in the bloody arrest.
In a civil suit, the woman claims the Sullivans were making “derogatory, inflammatory, hostile, and threatening remarks” towards her and a friend.
“I got up and walked towards him, I was like ‘yo, just leave us alone,” she told investigators, a report says.
Related Story: Two JSO officers suspended after bar fight
The Sullivans claim they felt she was about to assault them. The State Attorney’s Office agreed with the Sullivans, saying the video supported they were acting in self-defense, and that the father and son did not commit a crime. The case was dismissed.
Hunter Sullivan was suspended for 15 days and given a ‘written reprimand’ by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office due to the incident.
Officer Robert Bias has nine incidents in his file. Five are citizen complaints. Two were found to be legitimate or substantiated by JSO.
Related Story: JSO investigating arrest amidst allegations of police brutality, according to family
In 2013, Bias was accused of failing to conform to work standards and he received ‘formal counseling’ as a result.
In 2015, he was accused of the same thing and again received formal counseling. Moriarty got her hands on the incident report associated with that claim.
The report said Officer Bias and another officer were conducting a traffic stop. The woman was standing nearby on the sidewalk in front of a store, interrupting as they were conducting their investigation. The report said “there are ‘no loitering signs clearly posted on the front of the store and I [Bias] asked the suspect to stop interrupting the officers.” Officers asked for her identification several times, she wouldn’t provide it.
She was told she would be arrested if she refused to identify herself. She told officers “don’t put your hands on me.” The woman began resisting the arrest. The report said one sergeant delivered “a knee strike to the suspect’s left outer leg and I [Bias] delivered one to her right outer leg in an attempt to overcome her resistance.”
Bias was not found guilty of a crime in this case and charges were not pressed. But, again, he did receive formal counseling as a result.
Another complaint from 2015 alleges “unnecessary force.” He was exonerated in that case.
Officer Beau Daigle had no citizen complaints or reprimands in his file. He was previously recognized as ‘detective of the month.’
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chaos-vulpix · 2 years
Aftershockshipping Playlist
After reading Chapter 40 of @weekend-whip‘s Born to Be a 21st Century Ninja, I... managed to talk myself into making a playlist for Aftershock (Cole x Jesse)... and Ren (weekend-whip) wanted to see it, so... here it is, I guess.
Just a heads up, I don’t normally share playlists, but I just needed to showcase the vibe these two together give me. It’s mostly inspired by the events of the chapter itself & what could’ve been logically playing during Tox’s set at Rockshot, but also just general vibes outside of that setting, though some may feel like they are from a specific perspective (like, you can feel which song is Cole or Jesse), or it is completely unrelated but meshed well into the vibes so I thought “screw it, throw it in”. I’m also thinking that this could be expanded on in future, but let’s keep it “small” for now.
So, in no particular but alphabetical order because I can’t curate effectively, enjoy:
Adore - Cashmere Cat ft. Ariana Grande
All For You - Rynx ft. Kiesza
Animal - Kesha
Atic - Astrid S
Audio - LSD (Labrinth, Sia & Diplo)
Beautiful Now - Zedd ft. Jon Bellion
Blue - Bad Computer
Boom Clap - Charli XCX
Break My Heart - Dua Lipa
Call You Mine - The Chainsmokers ft. Bebe Rexha
Chameleon - Mako & Elephante
Chasing Clouds - Bad Computer & Danyka Nadeau
Chasing Fire - Lauv
Chroma - Pixel Terror ft. EMELINE
Circles - Audien ft. Ruby Prophet
Daisy - Zedd ft. Julia Michaels
Dreamin’ - Seven Lions ft. Fiora
Eyes Off You - M-22 ft. Arlissa & Kiana Ledé
Fly - Bad Computer
Go Bang - PNAU
Gold - Koven
Goodness Gracious - Ellie Goulding
Hearts On Fire - Illenium & Dabin ft. Lights
I Don’t Do Drugs - Doja Cat ft. Ariana Grande
I Need Your Love - Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding
Keep You Mine - NOTD & Shy Martin
Levitating - Dua Lipa
Light Me Up - RL Grime ft. Miguel & Julia Michaels
Lost In Your Light - Dua Lipa ft. Miguel
Love Lies - Khalid & Normani
Magic - Kylie Minogue
Make U Mine - James Landino ft. Jenny
Message In A Bottle (Taylor’s Version) (Fat Max G Remix) - Taylor Swift
Off Limits - BAYNK ft. GLADES
Out Loud - Fairlane, ROZES & JT Roach
Play - Jax Jones and Years & Years
Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen
Running In The Dark - MONKEY MAJIK
Settle - BAYNK ft. Sinéad Harnett
Shattered - MitiS ft. RUNN
Shine - Jeff Williams & Casey Lee Williams
Sight of Your Soul - Dirtyphonics & Sullivan King
Something Better - Audien ft. Lady A
Something Comforting - Porter Robinson
Spectrum - Zedd ft. Matthew Koma
Still Into You - Paramore
SuperLove - Charli XCX
The Other Side (Oliver Heldens Remix) - SZA & Justin Timberlake
There’s No Way (LZRD Remix) - Lauv ft. Julia Michaels
This Is Real - Jax Jones ft. Ella Henderson
Tie Me Down (Blanke Remix) - Gryffin & Elley Duhé
Wake Up Alone (Fairlane Remix) - The Chainsmokers ft. Jhené Aiko
When You Call - Cyrus Reynolds ft. BELLSAINT
Wings - Birdy
With You - Jupiter Project & Jetski Safari ft. Helen Corry
Now, I did say I was making an Aftershock playlist, but I also wanted to make a playlist for Jesse’s futile efforts to get over Cole because Glacier keeps getting in the way (poor thing lol, not your fault Cole is like a puppy with heart eyes when Zane is present). Just the idea of someone hopelessly in love with another, yet the object of their affections is not only oblivious, but is hopelessly in love with someone else as well, so they try to bury those feelings, try to cut it out of the heart, on for it to hurt them in the process because that love is just rooted so deeply... and perhaps, eventually realising that they can’t give up, that they can’t let go so easily (when letting go is just too hard & painful).
Aftershock - Cash Cash ft. Jacquie Lee
All for Nothing - Duumu & MYRNE
All I Wanted - Paramore
Bells in Santa Fe - Halsey
Chasing Fire (Robin Schulz Remix) - Lauv
Clarity (Virtual Riot Remix) - Zedd ft. Foxes
Don’t Leave - Seven Lions ft. Ellie Goulding
It’s Okay If You Forget Me - Astrid S
New York City - The Chainsmokers
Rush Over Me - Seven Lions, Illenium & Said The Sky ft. HALIENE
Save Your Tears (Remix) - The Weeknd & Ariana Grande
So Close - NOTD & Felix Jaehn ft. Georgia Ku & Captain Cuts
The One - Rita Ora & Imanbek
Tonight I’m Getting Over You - Carly Rae Jepsen
Velcro - spill tab ft. Gus Dapperton
Want You - Rynx ft. Miranda Glory
You for Me - Sigala & Rita Ora
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arachnidae · 1 year
Leaving Lepidoptera, welcome to our system blog!
All alters:
🦇 Scott - Host [He/they/þei]
💙 McNasty - Co-host [He/that/it/þei]
⌛ Aaron [He/they/il]
💤 22 [He/she]
🔆 Amadeus [He/him]
💔 Austin/Alex [He/him]
👹 Az [They/it/he]
🏳️‍🌈 B [She/her]
🐃 Babe [He/fae/kit]
🤖 Barbatos [He/him]
👽 Bryan [He/they/she]
🏙️ Cabana [He/they/none]
🧟 Cesare [He/ze/zom]
🍋 Citrón [They/them]
🫐 Claude - Dormant [He/him]
🌷 Dahlia [She/her]
🧿 Dan [They/them]
🍑 Darla [She/they/phe]
📷 Denise [They/them]
💎 Denver [He/him]
💫 Devo [He/it/any]
🧠 Dog [God/it/he]
💸 Dusty [He/they]
🎶 Elbertson [He/him]
🦪 Epitaph [They/them]
💣 Eustace [All]
🔪 Gabe - Aggressive [He/it]
👨‍⚖‍ Gabriel - Primary Protector [None]
🐺 Gayle [She/it]
💉 Gaiman [He/him]
🍟 Gene [He/they/bun]
🦋 Geon [They/none]
🧵 Gerty [He/him]
🍝 Gev [He/it/il/lui] - Can translate French
👼 Gonzie [He/it]
🤓 Griffin [He/him]
🤡 Heehoo [He/that/they]
🎩 Herman [It/she/he]
🌩️ Hickory [He/it/that/they/x/xe]
📻 Holiday/Hollie [He/she]
🪙 Igor [It/he]
🐏 Innocence [It/its] - Speaks Latin
❄️ Jack [He/him]
🕰️ Jax [He/they]
🐙 Jen [She/xe]
🔱 Jonah [It/its]
🐍 Janus/Dante - Dormant [He/they/she]
🦖 Joy [She/her]
🏵️ Joseung [Saja/he/it/mort/mortis/meu/muerte/dea/death/bone/bones]
😈 Judas [He/him]
🗡 Killian [They/he/it/that/ir]
🪓 Krampus/Eliezer [He/it]
🦁 Lio [None]
🌽 Maizey [She/her]
🕔 Mare [He/him]
🌘 Marie [She/her]
🥨 Michael [He/him]
🐈 Mittens [He/they]
🍄 Morell [They/them]
💾 Moth [Any]
🩻 Mr. Capgras [She/he]
🏴‍☠️ John Silver [Il/lui] - Speaks French
☎️ Neil [He/him]
🐳 Neuro [She/it]
👩‍🎤 Neo [They/them]
📜 No Man [He/they]
🕯️Oleander [He/him]
🍃 Orlin [He/him]
🍒 Osborne [He/they]
🩸 Oveja [He/they/blood]
👁 Pedro [He/they/it]
👣 Porsche [She/her]
🦴 Ptera [He/it/they]
❤️ Red [It/its/centi/centipede]
❤️‍🔥 Rowan [He/they/it]
🦠 Sadsack [He/they]
🍎 Saffron [He/they]
🐉 Sasha [She/her]
🚭 Shen [He/him]
🐐Sicily [She/they]
💐 Séamus [He/they]
✂️ Scissors [They/it]
🗺️ Silas [He/fae]
💀 Stanley [He/him]
🐮 Steve [He/they]
💡 Stauber [He/she]
🍊 Sullivan [They/them]
♣️ Svetlana [He/him]
🧙‍♂‍ Teah [He/she/they]
🌠 Terrence [He/that]
🧛 Thoth [He/it] - Can translate French & Latin
🪳 Thursday [They/it/she]
☔ Tooth [They/xey]
🌿 Ulysses [It/its]
🌚 Usher [He/it]
🍉 Veloc [He/they/she]
🎭 Venetius [He/they/she]
🌋 Vezu [He/it]
🥐 Wallace [He/fae]
🪦 Wendy [He/him]
🕷️ Widowling [He/it/spider]
🍔 Will [He/they]
🪱 Worms [She/it]
👻 Yorick [None]
Please note that some of us do not speak English. There are alters that speak Latin and alters that speak French. Even our more volatile alters deserve respect and a safe space. Please respect our pronouns. The emojis are used to signal who made the post or reblogged a post. There's also a large number of us not listed, some choose not to use the blog or don't update with a chosen emoji since there's only so many. Many of us are not human, so some things may be odd. The littles in our system have not been listed and are not allowed to interact with the blog.
DNI: Endos, dreamsmp blogs, genshin blogs, nsfw accounts, terfs, swerfs, pedosexuals/maps/nomaps/pears/etc, fetishists, proana/bodygoal/skinny/diet/anorexia blogs, homophobes, nazis, antisemites, transphobes, system criticals
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avaliveradio · 2 years
Best New Rock Songs Released September 2022 with Jacqueline Jax
We air our Rock Rising Music Show every Friday as an Exclusive Featured Spotify episode that will post to replay after it airs. 
AVA Live Radio hosted by Jacqueline Jax is a podcast that puts an unfiltered provocative spin on new music and what’s behind the releases. This show talks about what’s happening in music and Pop Culture, stripping away the walls of the music industry. 
*This show is exclusive to Spotify and all royalties from the show pay to the artists directly through spotify. In addition, listeners can replay your single right on spotify while listening to our show or jump directly to your spotify page.
Rock Rising with Jacqueline Jax
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/595JJOcuiJm2ldSshWEws0?si=b781693cf09543c2
Follow the playlist
Rock Rising Segment Lineup:
A mix of class, punk, alternative rock music just released and ready to be discovered.
Autumn Kings -Riptide
Release date: Aug 24, 2022
Pop Rock, Alternative Rock
Similar artists: Bring Me The Horizon, Papa Roach, Imagine Dragons, My Chemical Romance, NF
‘Terrific song it’s got power in the right place the vocals sound good and I like how much energy the song carried throughout the whole entire track it never really let me go so I didn’t turn it off that’s a great sign/‘
Riptide falls into CHAPTER II - THE FALL of Autumn Kings' concept album Book of the Broken. In this chapter, the character's fear runs wild and becomes too much to bear, falling deep into the depths of despair. He stays here for what feels like eternity and yearns to find peace of mind. But he can’t. It seems there is no way to make it out. He's tried praying his pain away, yet remains stuck in a toxic cycle that keeps him wrenched by an external hex. The song is succeeded by CHAPTER III - THE FIGHT, and CHAPTER IV - THE FREEDOM.
Autumn Kings is a rock/pop band founded in Detroit, Michigan / Windsor, Ontario in 2015.
Holm - Diving
Release date: Aug 23, 2022
Released by: töchtersöhne records
Folk rock, Indie Rock
Holm (Danish for "small island") are taking their listeners on a panoramic journey on their island of sound. The band's music embodies songs that want to break out of the solitude and silence of isolation. The two songwriters Sascha Höfer and Bertram Kolar present themselves as multi-layered as the landscape of the karstic Baltic Sea islands and wander from gentle and sweet tones in the South to rough and harder realms in the North of their soundscapes. "The Road" offers us the long-awaited road trip that we have all been eagerly waiting for.
Jason Lyles - Bargain Bin
Release date: Aug 25, 2022
Soft Rock, Pop Rock, Indie Rock
A guitarist and talented indie songwriter, Lyles is as comfortable as a solo artist as he is performing with an ensemble. Resting comfortably somewhere between the wiry pop classicism of The Cars and the twangy rock thump of Jason Isbell, the positive music of Jason Lyles rambles around its influences, creating a bridge between the aesthetics of rock, pop, and Americana.
Jason Lyles has always been interested in what lies between genres – in that gray area where sounds tangle together and kick free of any sense of restriction or confinement. Whether it’s the sharp twang of an acoustic guitar blended with the emphatic thrust of some euphoric power-pop echo, or the tumbling movements of mid-90’s alternative rock spliced with 80’s jangle-pop, he has a unique ability to graft musical histories together in a way that doesn’t feel forced or disconnected.
Special Thanks to New Music Release Radar for supporting this show and featuring these artists on your Rock Music Playlist: <here>
Abbey Rose - Not Interested
Release date: Aug 28, 2022
Alternative / Indie R&B, Alternative Rock
Similar artists: Jazmine Sullivan, Maroon 5, Linkin Park, Yebba, Lenny Kravitz
"This is such a surprising song at first you feel like you’re sitting in the middle of a nightclub and then all of a sudden it shifts and gives you this rock ‘n’ roll edge that absolutely takes your breath away paired with a really cool female vocal I think it’s really special so I couldn’t wait for you to hear it.”
Abbey Rose is a Canadian born, Darwin-raised songwriter and performer, making music in Melbourne/Naarm. Heavily influenced by RnB, Hip Hop and Jazz, Abbey Rose and her band serve up rich lyricism, catchy hooks, and grooves that get under your skin.
“This song is for anyone who’s had to extract themselves from a poisonous friendship. It’s based on personal experience - I was devastated when I realised one of my best friends had been a wolf in sheep’s clothing all along. I was completely heartbroken, but also, I am a raging Scorpio, so naturally I had to write a savage ‘cut-them-off-and-move-on’ anthem! If something feels wrong and you’re starting to wonder if your love and loyalty are being reciprocated, I hope you can take courage, listen to your heart, and put yourself first!” - Abbey
Alexander Craig -I Wanna Roll With You
Release date: Aug 20, 2022
Blues, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock
Similar artists:  ZZ Top, RL Burnside, Jack White
Alexander Craig captivates crowds with his high energy fusion of Rock n' Roll, Soul, Punk and Blues music. Whether he's leading a big band, his trio, or performing as an old school one man band his shows inspire dance and audience engagement.
Between 2008 and 2018 he wrote and produced five albums and played over a thousand gigs as Crankshaft. After a decade of evolving as a person and an artist it was time to shed the persona. With a new perspective on life he decided to reinvent himself using his given name.
Alexander Craig speaks a positive message and promotes unity during these divided times bringing light to our commonalities through song and dance. Look forward to his debut album in 2022.
Indie Music Spin features a great lineup of indie bands and singles you don’t want to miss. They update their site weekly with different flavors of music from quality creators. <here>
0 notes
the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
The Feline Four Verse: Pt 5
Jimmy Hawkins
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Jax Sullivan
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Princess Amilea
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Princess Krissy
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0 notes
g4zdtechtv · 6 years
Botchamania 369
There’s Money in the Briefcase.
1 note · View note
Weekly Wrapup 3/31/24 (late)
This Week's Rankings:
Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) - 82.4% smash
Mayu Iwatani - 64.2%
Mike Santana - 64.1%
Carlito - 58.5%
Mick Foley (Cactus Jack) - 58.3%
Ace Austin - 48.0%
Stevie Richards - 46.9%
Michelle McCool - 46.2%
Jeff Hardy (Willow) - 42.5%
Dan Severn - 37.9%
Matt Hardy & Shannon Moore - 34.3%
Charles Mason - 33.2%
Faarooq Asad - 28.9%
Logan Paul - 13.8%
Average smash rating this week: 47.1%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Logan Paul - 479 votes
Carlito - 253
Kabuki Warriors - 244
Mick Foley (Cactus Jack) - 230
Mike Santana - 220
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Faarooq Asad - 166 votes
Dan Severn - 174
Mayu Iwatani - 176
Stevie Richards - 192
Michelle McCool - 195
The closest poll was Ace Austin, who lost 98-106
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Nasty Boys - 7.1% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Logan Paul - 13.8% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Nia Jax - 28.7% smash
Michelle McCool - 46.2% smash
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Top Tag Teams/Trios
Kabuki Warriors - 82.4% smash
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Unholy Union - 74.3% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Some changes to the overall standings this week: Michelle McCool took the No. 2 spot on the least smashable women list, Logan Paul made No. 9 on the least smashable overall list, and Kabuki Warriors knocked the Golden Lovers off the top spot for tag teams that we'd like to be tag teamed by.
Logan Paul also got the fourth most votes overall. Usually when someone gets a lot of votes, it's because Tumblr is overwhelmed by its lust (Christian Cage, Hangman, and Sami Zayn, to name a few), but with Logan Paul, the motivation was more...bloodlust. His poll received the most pass votes so far (413), surpassing even Vince McMahon.
Also just want to share that Friday night, I had a dream I met Bret Hart and he told the the name of the handsomest wrestler alive and insisted that I run a poll on this guy. Sadly I cannot remember the name he said, and I'm pretty sure it would just be gibberish even if I could remember.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comments
@tache-noire on Dan Severn: #hes like if dax had hair
@daphne-minor on Logan Paul: #i’d rather smash bam margera than watch logan paul do anything
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womenwwe · 7 years
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New @WWE Instagram Photo’s
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petrichor-musings · 3 years
Now with MUSIC NAMES! (& half a dozen others)
I finally took the time to edit this list & get it in a presentable order. Not alphabetized, because that’s boring, but sorted by what kind of names they are. Hopefully that helps!!
Also I’m sorry if this post is ridiculously long, i have no idea how to make a “Keep Reading” thing. Edit: figured it out! thanks @apolloendymion
I hoard names I like, not necessarily names that I’ll use for myself, but names I think are interesting. Anyone is welcome to take a name for themselves, members of their system, pets, OCs, characters, whatever they need!
Types of names included: Birds, Space, Colors, Trees, Plants, Earth, Word-names, names of gods & legends, names from books & stories, names from my ancestry, & a bunch of other names (mostly old or foreign names) that didn’t fit elsewhere!
Also, if you like these names, check back every few months, as I update this list!
-Birds Corvie/Corvus/Corvid/Corvin Enca Mellori Pinyon/Pinion Steller Tuft Pica Avia/Avian/Vian Tawny Byrd/Byrdie Phoenix Lark, Larks- Jay/Jaye Wren Robyn/Robin
-Space & Physics Messier Cosmo Sterrenacht Altaire Star/Starlight Arcturus Eridanus Lyra Polaris Rigel Orion Sagittarius (Sadge for short) Alcor Fermion (Fermie for short) Lepton/Lepto Meson Anya (short for Anyon or Anion) Lux(e) Nyx/Nox Andromeda/Andromache Castor Wander Luniel Nocturn(e) Selene
-Music Lyric Crescendo Iona Doria/Dorian Lydia/Lydian Aeolia/Aeolian Locria/Locrian
-Colors Indigo Saffron Indigo Vermilion Viridian Cerulean Azure/Azura/Adora/Azul Sapphire Cobalt Skye/Skylar Hue Onyx Violet Ivory
-Trees Aspen Rowan Hazel Alder Willow Acacia Oak
-Plants Sage Cayenne Lichen Moss(y) Orchid Hedera Helix Xylem Sprig Floral/Floran Fern Thistle or Tilly for short Rosemary Violet Thorn Azalea/Azzy
-Earth Taiga Tundra Abyssal Marsh Bog Alpine Fjord Veld Feldspar Agate Heliodor Dune Sphalerie/Sphene (short for Sphalerite) Vitreous/Vitruvius/Vitruveous
-Words Stormy Coda Haven Voidling Absynthe Naissance Puissance Petrichor Vellichor Mimry Nell Jazz Quill August Monday Winter Jinx Autumn Spark Cambrian Fox Nary
-Gods & Legends Freya/Frey/Freye/Freyne Nim/Nym Grimwald/Grimvald Lugh Oberon Herne Aine Aoife/Aoifa Lir/Lyr Morrigan Tuatha Danu Fae/Fay/Faun Woden/Odin Aeneas Gwydion Cade/Caede Bram/Brahm Aoife Asir/Aesir Merlin/Myrrdin Linore/Lenore Alector/Alecto Glydwr Gwynned Leif Arisla Aéron or Aérin
-Books & Stories Bronwyn Antsel/Ansel Abhorsen Clariel Myrdal Virilidaine or Daine for short Yvonne Juno Arlo Kell Jax Geth(e) Jayce Idris Abraxas Aster Asi Emrys Rafferty Emory Alaric Vera Alyss
-Ancestry Arvid Vernik or Wernich Svyde Vanylven Rasmus Bjorn Eloise Magnus Carolius Rangvald Jean-Marie Dagmar Marius Martildus Nekoline
-Other names Asa Beau Elowyn Silv- Nicodemus Johan(nes) Amos Silas Llewellyn/Llywellyn (hloo-ellen) Eoin Leroy Catriona Sullivan/Sulliman Barnaby Theodore Eamon Giuseppe Taryn Cailin (Colleen) Lilly/Lily Felix Taran Fea Finley/Finnegan Raevyn Raelyn Lucienne/Lucianne Alastor or Alistair Ajax Eryx Damon Evander Leander Winona Soren/Sorin/Sorine Lyn/Lin Mellan Rai/Ray Torben Linariel Lyna(e) Lynde Lynnea Leander Embry Enfys Pim/Pym Linden
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