#JORDAN PEELE????? TAIKA????????
hyunjining · 8 months
the list of celebrities who signed that fuckass pro-israel letter that’s literally full of lies just ruined my whole day fuck you guys
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potatobowl · 8 months
and remember that Taika Waititi and Jordan Peele signed the letter thanking Joe Biden. people love to talk about freedom except when it's Palestinian
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prehistoricmancunt · 8 months
It’s incredible (/neg) to me how many celebrities (and people in general) have fallen for the pro Israel propaganda. You’d think with all the people and money celebs have access to that they’d have people trying to educate them on the actuality of the situation.
Especially when being misinformed means these people will broadcast propaganda to millions of people/fans who will eat up everything they say. Esp people whose platforms are usually ones that would seem to naturally lean toward freedom and against genocide and colonialism??
Like how many people are just hearing the one side and are so afraid of being labelled as wrong or anti semitic that they just refuse to challenge the point of view they’re fed? How can we get through to them that the state of Israel is the one in the wrong?
How can we penetrate the walls of people arming themselves with the most available information as ‘the right’ information, who will claim any point of view if it seems like the majority in an attempt to duck out of controversy?
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aestheticsxemotions · 8 months
taika waititi actively endorsing pro-Zionist propaganda in the MIDDLE of us getting new episodes of the gay pirate show is such a fucking bummer
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borninsjse · 8 months
"Why why would any individual care what Taika Waititi does or says? Or any celebrity for that matter? Who cares?"
How did you think the Austrian painter achieved the holocaust? Through influence, which is what celebs have. If Taika, Gal Gadot, etc doesn't have power or influence, they wouldn't need to sign anything. Unfortunately they do. Lots of people admired them, worshipped them even, people who don't know any better will blindly believe these celebs without knowing anything about the genocide. "Never put pedestals on celebrities," Yes true very clever. We just care about the platform they have and their misinformation that has the ability to influence those that follow them. Thus it make huge effect.
What they did was harmful. I'm not trying to cancel your favorite comfort show. Only want to spread awareness. Holding your fav accountable is okay. If you think your voice doesn't matter, you're completely wrong. xx.
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valhalla-awaitsfor-us · 8 months
Seeing that Jack Black, Taika Waititi and Jordan Peele signed the letter thanking Joe Biden is really a punch in the face, huh
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starskykarofsky · 7 months
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Insanely good directors that are also hot actors bye 👋
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greensparty · 2 years
Stuff I’m Looking Forward to in July
Can’t believe it is now Q3 of 2022. In addition to Independence Day (July 4) and Eid al-Adha (July 9-10), here is what’s on my radar this month:
Thor: Love and Thunder 
I enjoyed Taika Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok, but what he did that really impressed me what Jojo Rabbit. Now after a few years of writing, directing, acting and producing several films and TV shows, he is returning to the MCU. New Thor flick opens July 8.
A Jordan Peele movie is now becoming a big event! Since his debut Get Out, he has been firing on all cylinders. His mysterious new one opens July 22!
The Video Archives Podcast 
Former Video Archives clerks Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary are sort of returning to where they both worked in the 80s. After the store closed in the 90s, QT acquired the entire Video Archives inventory. In this new podcast, the Oscar-winning screenwriters review a movie from that inventory on VHS and discuss it each episode. I am so there! Podcast premieres July 19!
Better Call Saul (AMC)
In April, season 6 of my #1 TV Show of 2020 premiered. Since this is the final season, they split the season in two and the second half returns on July 11. Let me just say right now, I am going to be so sad when this series ends on Aug. 15 and it then becomes Breaking Bad (in story chronology that is)!
Jack White Entering Heaven Alive
Just a few months ago, Jack White released his album Fear of the Dawn. Now he is releasing his second album of 2022! Album drops on July 22.
Collectibles Extravaganza 
My pals at the Northeast Comic Con have a collectibles convention at Boxboro Regency (Boxborough, MA) on July 1-3.
Nice, a Fest 
A brand new music festival is happening in Davis Square (Somerville, MA) at both Crystal Ballroom and Rockwell, with loads of bands including Speedy Ortiz. After the bands on Fri. and Sat. there will be midnight screenings of Wayne’s World and Wayne’s World 2 at Somerville Theatre as part of the fest! Nice, a Fest is July 28-30!
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akajustmerry · 8 months
fuck it. i do hold people of colour with influence (celebrities/politicians/etc) to a different standard when it comes to supporting Palestine because if they don't, they should fucking know better. taika waititi is literally Indigenous, he should fucking know better than fall for settler-colonial propaganda. Arian Moayed is Iranian and has spoken out about the discrimination SWANA people face, he should fucking know better than to support a colonising force built on the blood of Palestinians. jordan peele makes horror films about the disenfranchisement of subjugated people, he should fucking know better than to support an apartheid state. kamala harris is from a Black South Asian family and grew up in the fucking 80s, she should know better than to support a government policy that enables genocide. Mila Kunis isn't a person of colour, but has spoken for years about her Ukrainian family fleeing Russian persecution, she should fucking know better than to support a colonial settler state that displaces 100s of 1000s. there's no fucking excuse for abandoning people who share the same struggles you face and supporting their oppressors unless you never had any fucking conviction or values but seeking power or fame all along. shame on them and every single person of colour and immigrant who stands with Israel and bolsters genocide with their social capital. i wouldn't spit in your direction if you were on fire
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jaskierx · 5 months
about the bit where people keep harping on about taika signing the letter and that’s pretty much their only reason for shitting on him and “boycotting” him:
correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t there hundreds of celebs who signed that dumbass letter? like if these people want to check who signed that letter every time they want to listen to music or watch a movie/tv show then they can be my fucking guest.
but it seems to me like what they’re actually gonna do is pick out the celebs on that list they already hated (taika for example) and only throw fits about them 🤷‍♀️
also sending 🩷 to you for dealing with all this bs, I wouldn’t be able to handle it
no you're completely right. nearly 250 people signed it. it's so interesting that people are fixated on the brown jewish man on the list and not any of their white faves isn't it 🧐
sometimes there will be some clown in the tag posting about how ofmd fans are horrible people bc taika is a zionist (bc he signed the letter) and i'll go on their blog to block them and they're posting about nope (jordan peele signed the letter) or better call saul (bob odenkirk signed the letter) or honor among thieves (chris pine signed the letter) or ted lasso (jason sudeikis signed the letter)
nobody is a zionist just because they signed that letter. the letter simply supported the release of hostages. if you think it's abhorrent to want hamas to free israeli civilians then that says far more about you than it does about any of the names on that list
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I tried so hard not to be parasocial about it but this letter thing is fucking me up, man. I've written a few overly flattering letters to evil government officials before myself. but how did someone convince all these reasonable-seeming people (strangers that I do not know) to publicly sign this centrist-ass letter? I understand they probably got Taika Waititi and Jack Black with the everyone can share, peace and love on the planet earth wording, but Jordan Peele? what. how did that happen. it makes no sense to me.
Ok I'm gonna front load my position on the Israel-Palestine conflict before I answer this ask so that no one can accuse me of shit I didn't say. If you want to see what I have to say on the letter itself, scroll to the big font. I'm as anti-zionist as they come I don't think that governments should even exist at all, I consider Israel to be an illegitimate state the same way I consider the country I live in (USA) to be an illegitimate state. I think that if we're going to have countries at all, which we shouldn't, that country should be Palestine and individual Jewish people certainly should be welcome to move there for whatever reason they want, including religious, but that the people who already lived there shouldn't be displaced because of it. And if they wanted me to support Israel on the basis of Jewish people needing somewhere to go after the Holocaust, they should have put Israel in Europe in 1945 instead of in the Arabian Peninsula in 1918. I tend to think the hard core zionists who aren't Jewish are trying to deport diaspora Jewish people somewhere based on the way I have heard other goyim speak about Israel. I am sympathetic to Jewish people who believe this has nuance but ultimately I cannot condone the displacement of Palestinians. That position might lose me followers but really I don't care.
Now that I have gotten that out of the way
(This first paragraph is for everyone who's out of the loop and has only seen the Tumblr posts about this issue, Anon does seem to know what I'm about to say) I do also think this whole thing with the letter is being blown out of proportion a little bit? That's not to say it's a good letter, it does contain language which blames Hamas for the conflict which is the western propaganda line so that countries like the United States and Britain don't have to admit that they caused and are funding this whole operation because they hate brown people. However celebrities are rubes who fall for government propaganda all the fucking time. What the letter itself actually calls for is Biden to facilitate the release of Israeli hostages. I consider this letter to be the vaguely Zionist equivalent of that time all those celebrities got on zoom and sang imagine because COVID was happening. I certainly doubt that the man who produced Get Out and Us supports the genocide and I also question whether the man who directed Reservation Dogs does either. Most likely they were asked "will you sign a letter calling for the release of Israeli hostages?" And they said "well releasing hostages sounds nice."
(this paragraph is for anon) Despite the fact that I think "these 70 celebrities condone Palestinian genocide" is incredibly reductive I would encourage you to see these people as human beings, and more specifically idiot millionaires who are out of touch. I believe that Taika Waititi understands the Maori struggle and generally tries to be a nice liberal but ultimately he is a man who grew up in the 80s with a lot of money who has an interest in keeping that money. His gaff transphobia tweets (which I didn't think were that bad considering he made it in 2013 and wasn't even talking about trans women, but they were still transphobic) and his pearl clutching during the BLM riots made this abundantly clear (both of these incidents are Taika Twitter originals that people have sent me trying to get me to hate him and I saw both of them and was like "that's what I thought you'd say old man"), and the fact that he married Rita "blackfish" Ora. I'm way less plugged in to what Jordan Peele is doing because I've never had an anon send me his call out post but I'm going to assume that the same thing is true of him: he understands the struggle of black people in the United States, despite this moment of basedness I probably politically disagree with him on many many counts. As for Jack Black he donates to autism speaks so he's coming for me and the Palestinians. Although that said so does Gaga and I'm still very much a fan of her.
I've basically had to come to terms with the fact that no celeb that I like the work of agrees with me about politics because all of them are rich and I am a communist. That's not going to stop me from liking their work, it's not going to stop me from bothering some of them at cons when I get the chance. Because again they're just guys. And most guys are idiots. I am an idiot about a lot of things. We don't expect Taika Waititi or Jordan Peele to know about every conflict in the world we expect them to make entertaining and perhaps insightful movies. I am not here because I think Taika agrees with me on all things. I am here because I want to watch a rom com about gay men who murder people, one of whom is just like me for real.
Anyway do your research
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celluloidbroomcloset · 5 months
something that’s been bothering me for a while is the way the hostage letter is being called a “pro-israel” letter. because first of all, no it isn’t. the language is a bit biased against hamas but there’s nothing in it that makes it pro-israel. and secondly, because there actually was a letter in support of israel before the hostage one came out that hundreds of people signed and taika was not one of them! and he specifically hasn’t interacted with anything in support of israel, but he has been liking posts in support of palestine (which isn’t much but it might be all he can do rn under fear of blacklisting). i’m suspicious of anyone who signed the first letter since it’s basically saying “i stand with israel,” but i’m giving most of those who only signed the hostage letter the benefit of the doubt that they legitimately had good intentions.
Many other people have addressed this with greater eloquence than I can and with greater knowledge than I have about everything that has happened. I read that letter when everyone began going after Taika about it, and while it is not well-worded, it is also not even remotely Zionist (and unlike a lot of folks, I know what that word means). We forget some of the actual chronology of what happened and when.
What's more, major suspicions attached to anyone who feels the need to attack the indigenous Jewish guy over it, and not, say, Helen Mirren. (I've also seen people go after Jordan Peele, saying that Chelsea Peretti "influenced" him. I have zero knowledge of their political stances, but man, saying that about Jewish woman married to a Black man is...fucking interesting, and I have studied enough Nazi propaganda to know what those words mean.)
Zionist is being used as a catch-all term for "Jewish person" and that should worry everyone who isn't a fucking Nazi.
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homoquartz · 8 months
surprise level 7 for jordan peele and taika waititi both signing the letter thanking joe biden for his approach with israel.
not because i expect any better of celebrities but because they're both known for producing work with a social justice and intersectional message. but they're also comedians so you know.
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solisaureus · 7 months
This is sort of old news but i’m not sure if a lot of people heard about it so i thought i’d share. At the end of October a bunch of celebrities signed a letter to Joe Biden thanking him for his position on supporting Israel. The letter is cloaked in euphemistic language but the point of its message is to urge the US govt against a ceasefire and to continue stoking the fires of genocide. The signatories have waived the benefit of the doubt — these celebrities are signing off on genocide. Here is the letter, and here are a few names on it that are notable particularly for tumblr audiences:
Amy Sherman Palladino, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pine, Eric Andre, Jack Black, Jeff Goldblum, Juliette Lewis, Katy Perry, Lana del Rey, Regina Spektor, Stephen Fry, Taika Waititi, Will Ferrell
On the other hand, there is also a letter signed by many celebrities that calls for a ceasefire. The letter is here, and here are some notable names:
Amandla Stenberg, America Ferrera, Andrew Garfield, Cate Blanchett, Dua Lipa, Florence Pugh, Frank Ocean, Hari Nef, Indya Moore, Janelle Monae, Jenna Ortega, Kehlani, Kristen Stewart, Lupita Nyong’o, Mark Ruffalo, Misha Collins, Oscar Isaac, Ruth Negga, Sandra Oh, Tessa Thompson, Zayn Malik
Strangely a few people, including Ewan McGregor, Kirsten Dunst, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Jordan Peele have signed both letters and I don’t know what to make of that. It’s possible that they signed the anti-ceasefire letter (which is dated 10/23) first and have since switched their stance, but that’s not clarified anywhere.
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strawberryqueen00 · 8 months
Hell no we are not letting this OFMD finale distract from that THIS LETTER.
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Had a signature from Taika Waititi. I understand the sensitivity here this issue with Taika being Jewish(and that’s not my place as someone that’s Not Jewish or in those regions to condemn him on that perspective’s behalf) but this letter is directly bastardizing the situation.
Now, when there is a major production from a major figure in this platform that did this, is when we can make the most impact. Remember our values, even when those values involve a show that is strengthening the LGBTQ community.
Because this letter tore down the strength of the movement in support of Gaza. There are going to be so many people that saw this letter and take it completely uncritically, unchallenged.
Standing up for our values means sacrificing our interests, holding accountable the things we enjoy.
And also. I don’t want to see ANYONE. Being fucking antisemitic or racist towards Taika here. That is never appropriate and absolutely inexcusable behavior. You should he ashamed if you think that’s okay even after Taika’s actions.
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[Text of Letter]
October 23, 2023
Dear President Biden, We are heartened by Friday's release of the two American hostages, Judith Ranaan and her daughter Natalie Ranaan and by today's release of two Israelis, Nurit Cooper and
Yocheved Lifshitz, whose husbands remain in captivity. But our relief is tempered by our overwhelming concern that 220 innocent people,
including 30 children, remain captive by terrorists, threatened with torture and death.
They were taken by Hamas in the savage massacre of October 7, where over 1,400
Israelis were slaughtered - women raped, families burned alive, and infants beheaded. Thank you for your unshakable moral conviction, leadership, and support for the Jewish people, who have been terrorized by Hamas since the group's founding over 35 years ago, and for the Palestinians, who have also been terrorized, oppressed, and victimized
by Hamas for the last 17 years that the group has been governing Gaza. We all want the same thing: Freedom for Israelis and Palestinians to live side by side in peace. Freedom from the brutal violence spread by Hamas. And most urgently, in this
moment, freedom for the hostages. We urge everyone to not rest until all hostages are released. No hostage can be left behind. Whether American, Argentinian, Australian, Azerbaijani, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Chilean, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Eritrean, Filipino, French, German, Indian, Israeli, Italian, Kazakh, Mexican, Panamanian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, South African, Spanish, Sri Lankan, Thai, Ukrainian,
Uzbekistani or otherwise, we need to bring them home.
[Text of the names presented. This isn’t all of them, just the copy of this with Taika’s name on it)
Jessica Biel
Jessica Elbaum
Jessica Seinfeld
Jill Littman
Jimmy Carr
Jody Gerson
Joe Hipps
Joe Quinn
Joe Russo
Joe Tippett
Joel Fields
Joey King
John Landgraf
John Slattery
Jon Bernthal
Jon Glickman
Jon Hamm
Jon Harmon Feldman
Jon Liebman
Jon Watts
Jon Weinbach
Jonathan Baruch
Jonathan Groff
Jonathan Marc Sherman
Jonathan Ross
Jonathan Steinberg
Jonathan Tisch
Jonathan Tropper
Jordan Peele
Josh Brolin
Josh Charles
Josh Dallas
Josh Goldstine
Josh Greenstein
Josh Grode
Josh Singer
Judd Apatow
Judge Judy Sheindlin
Julia Fox
Julia Garner
Julia Lester
Julianna Margulies
Julie Greenwald
Julie Rudd
Julie Singer
Juliette Lewis
Jullian Morris
Justin Theroux
Justin Timberlake
KJ Steinberg
Karen Pollock
Karlie Kloss
Katy Perry
Kelley Lynch
Kevin Kane
Kevin Zegers
Kirsten Dunst
Kitao Sakurai
Kristen Schaal
Kristin Chenoweth
Lana Del Rey
Laura Benanti
Laura Dern
Laura Pradelska
Lauren Schuker Blum
Laurence Mark
Laurie David
Lea Michele
Lee Eisenberg
Leo Pearlman
Leslie Siebert
Liev Schreiber
Limor Gott
Lina Esco
Liz Garbus
Lizanne Rosenstein
Lizzie Tisch
Lorraine Schwartz
Lynn Harris
Lyor Cohen
Mandana Dayani
Mara Buxbaum
Marc Webb
Marco Perego
Maria Dizzia
Mark Feuerstein
Mark Foster
Mark Scheinberg
Mark Shedletsky
Martin Short
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Mary McCormack
Mathew Rosengart
Matt Geller
Matt Lucas
Matt Miller
Matthew Bronfman
Matthew Hiltzik
Matthew Weiner
Matti Leshem
Max Mutchnik
Maya Lasry
Meaghan Oppenheimer
Melissa Zukerman
Melissa rudderman
Michael Aloni
Michael Ellenberg
Michael Green
Michael Rapino
Neil Blair
Neil Druckmann
Neil Paris
Nicola Peltz
Nicole Avant
Nina Jacobson
Noa Kirel
Noa Tishby
Noah Oppenheim
Noah Schnapp
Noreena Hertz
Octavia Spencer
Odeya Rush
Olivia Wilde
Oran Zegman
Orlando Bloom
Pasha Kovalev
Pattie LuPone
Patty Jenkins
Paul Haas
Paul Pflug
Paul & Julie Rudd
Peter Baynham
Peter Traugott
Rachel Douglas
Rachel Riley
Rafi Marmor
Ram Bergman
Raphael Margulies
Rebecca Angelo
Rebecca Mall
Regina Spektor
Reinaldo Marcus Green
Rich Statter
Richard Jenkins
Richard Kind
Rick Hoffman
Rick Rosen
Rita Ora
Rob Rinder
Robert Newman
Roger Birnbaum
Roger Green
Rosie O’Donnell
Ross Duffer
Ryan Feldman
Sacha Baron Cohen
Sam Levinson
Sam Trammell
Sara Berman
Sara Foster
Sarah Baker
Sarah Bremner
Sarah Cooper
Sarah Paulson
Sarah Treem
Scott Braun
Scott Braun
Scott Neustadter
Scott Tenley
Sean Combs
Sean Levy
Seth Meyers
Seth Oster
Shannon Watts
Shari Redstone
Sharon Jackson
Sharon Stone
Shauna Perlman
Shawn Levy
Sheila Nevins
Shira Haas
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Simon Tikhman
Skylar Astin
Stacey Snider
Stephen Fry
Steve Agee
Steve Rifkind
Sting & Trudie Styler
Susanna Felleman
Susie Arons
Taika Waititi
Thomas Kail
Tiffany Haddish
Todd Lieberman
Todd Moscowitz
Todd Waldman
Tom Freston
Tom Werner
Tomer Capone
Tracy Ann Oberman
Trudie Styler
Tyler Henry
Tyler James Williams
Tyler Perry
Vanessa Bayer
Veronica Grazer
Veronica Smiley
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Will Ferrell
Will Graham
Yamanieka Saunders
Yariv Milchan
Ynon Kreiz
Zack Snyder
Zoe Saldana
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summerlinenss · 2 months
Glad to have found another nice person to follow in the ofmd community who is Izzy critical, pro Ed/Stede and is NOT on board the Taika hate train, so glad I left twitter I dred to wonder what people are saying about him on there (plus all the shite Ed/Izzy takes).
Oh you know I saw someone in an ig comment section saying they put him in the same category (of cancelled) as JK Rowling and Graham Linehan? Like for signing a badly worded letter, on the same level as a history of rampant transphobia, and writing hugely racist, misogynistic and antisemitic elements in work and holocaust denial!
I tend to just block these people, sorry this was rambly lol.
what’s funny is if these people who are so obsessed with hating taika and praying to see him “cancelled” actually knew anything of his past advocacy work and the causes/movements he’s always vocally supported, maybe they’d realize how unhinged and racist/antisemitic they sound themselves. i’m not gonna act like he’s never been insensitive or tone deaf (usually because he tends to speak/act very impulsively), but people acting like that makes him secretly evil and irredeemable instead of allowing him to just be a flawed human are not being very subtle.
i’m sure these same people have nothing to say about chris pine or joey king or kirsten dunst or paul rudd or gwyneth paltrow or justin timberlake or katy perry or bob odenkirk or mark hamill or lana del rey or ewan mcgregor or aubrey plaza or courtney cox or bradley cooper or julia garner or aaron sorkin or michelle williams or madonna or jason sudeikis or sarah paulson or andy cohen or martin short or any of the other hundreds of celebrities who signed that letter.
and i’m so sure there’s absolutely no reason why taika is the only one (besides maybe jordan peele) they’re all so focused on when (even if he’s not being a vocal activist about it) he has shown support to gaza and other white people on that list were immediately given the grace of “making an honest mistake.”
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