#It's for science I swear
gayest-classiclit · 1 year
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first things first, how hard do you think i can fuck him??
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isthedogawolfdog · 1 year
Begging anyone who has good, solid, reliable sources for history and facts about the black dogs (whether they're in Europe or elsewhere) and church grims to hand that info over. It can be stories you've heard that have been in your family for generations, perhaps stories you've heard locally, websites, suspected sightings, just know that I Need It.
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teamcurtflake · 1 year
I need a gif of curt angrily moving chairs for ~science~
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iridescentnuances · 3 months
Listen. You say Astarion -and vampires in general- cry blood because it's cool and all, but then, do they sweat blood also? Are all their bodily fluids blood now? But most importantly
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dostoyevsky-official · 4 months
just one more graduate degree bro. i promise bro just one more graduate degree bro and it'll fix everything bro. bro. just one more degree bro. please just one more. one more graduate degree and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro cmon just get one more graduate degree bro i promise bro. bro bro please you jsut need one more degree
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keferon · 3 months
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Ah mmmm well
You know how in mermaid stories, the mermaid is typically the dumber one? I present to you the "and they were both scientists" plot.
Basically the concept is that mermechs and regular mechs can't talk to each other. But luckily even if they speak different languages they still use the same math~
I discovered a bunch of simpatico mer-fics. So. I wanted to do something with this concept too haha. If some physicist happens to read this - feel free to laugh at me. I know nothing about science👍
I don’t know if I’ll continue this thing. Should I. Idk. It’s midnight I might be going crazy lol. I made that cover anyway bc I love making covers hehe
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0ckish · 4 months
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HIIII for a uni exam i had to design the ghostbusters as if they had a cartoon now and i had so much fun doing it! i love the ghostbusters a lot, so besides doing the lineup i redrew some scenes with my designers and i had a blast i hope i can do mor en the future ^^
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 11 months
its always "oh god! oh god what the fuck!" and "What is wrong with you??!?!!? WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!" and never "thanks for bringing me back from the dead and also giving me cool insect wings and mandibles, did you have fun digging up my corpse?'
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starchaserwrites · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic / february 17: soup / word count: 428
When the first symptoms of a cold start to kick in while he's at work, Regulus knows he's fucked. Sore throat, chills and fatigue begin to attack relentlessly. Still, being used to taking care of himself in this kind of situation, he doesn't feel it necessary to cause a fuss by telling someone or leaving work early. It's a big mistake, because when James sees him come home at 6:30 p.m., pale, sweaty and burning with fever, he rushes to help him into the flat.
"Baby, what happened?" he asks in a worried tone.
"I think I caught a cold."
Without asking any more questions, James quickly carries him bridal style into the bedroom and gently lays him down on the bed and then helps him into his pyjamas. They've been living together for almost four months now, so it takes the older man a couple of minutes to find the thermometer considering they've never needed it before, but when he finally finds it and it reads 39°C it's enough for his boyfriend to forbid him to get out of bed, not that he's planning on disobeying.
Half an hour later when Regulus is dozing off after having taken a paracetamol and having 5 slices of potato on his forehead and temples (the ancient secret of Hispanic mothers for fever according to James), his boyfriend re-enters the room leaving something on the bedside table.
"Mi amor, you need to eat something, I made some soup for you," is what he says as he gently strokes his cheek. 
Regulus opens his eyes slowly, thankful that James only left the lamp light on, and settles into a half-sitting position on the bed. The thing is, when the older man sets the tray with the bowl of soup in front of him, Regulus feels his eyes water.
“Te amo”, it's written on the edge of the bowl with the letters of the alphabet soup, and it might seem like a ridiculous thing to cry about, but he's never had someone care for him so lovingly before, even though he probably looks like shit right now.
"Can I kiss you?" asks the love of his life.
"But you can get infected too." 
James just shrugs his shoulders and gives him several soft kisses on his lips and cheeks causing a smile to break through his tears.
"Now eat, yes? You need to do it to get better."
Maybe being sick isn't so bad.
A few days later James also catches a cold and Regulus nurses the shit out of him.
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navajja · 1 year
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They go in a camping trip vacation💕
(to be continued? Maybe)
Something about blue fire.
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barksbog · 9 months
if anyone wants to learn color theory i will teach you
are you ready?
make things look edible. invoke the desire for your art to be shoved in someone's mouth. it just works.
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anophiles · 7 months
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hubert, no
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iooiu-doth-know · 1 year
purely for scientific purposes only
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uiuishii · 7 months
Lae'zel and Shadowheart.
Just sayin'
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technicalgator · 11 months
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Me too Engi
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