#It’s only like a rough idea but i love them
brainrot-of-a-thot · 3 days
Oi oi can’t get kaji being in a fight and absolutely loosing it and he can‘t let go of his rage so hiragi has to go get reader so she can calm hin and snap him out of it out of my head
welcome back. [kaji]
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you were scared of a lot of things — the dark, bugs, long alleyways, sudden loud noises, violence; kaji, on the other hand, wasn’t scared of anything. he had no issues walking through the dark, didn’t mind when bugs flew by him, braved alleyways as if it was no different than taking a stroll through the park, never winced at a loud noise, and didn’t shirk away from violence like you did. how ironic (yet on par with the pattern) it was that the one thing you didn’t fear happened to be the only thing kaji did.
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a/n: okay so this is also sorta combining two similar requests (one was more angsty so I added some angst in here) but like… I just love this idea??? like oml I’m falling hard for kaji like head over heels and back again.
wc: 1.3k
c/w: fem!reader, established relationships, angst, hurt/comfort w generously sprinkled fluff, fairly graphic depictions of violence/blood, kaji 🫠, language, I think I tagged everything but if you notice something pls lmk
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you were scared of a lot of things — the dark, bugs, long alleyways, sudden loud noises, violence; kaji, on the other hand, wasn’t scared of anything. he had no issues walking through the dark, didn’t mind when bugs flew by him, braved alleyways as if it was no different than taking a stroll through the park, never winced at a loud noise, and didn’t shirk away from violence like you did. how ironic (yet on par with the pattern) it was that the one thing you didn’t fear happened to be the only thing kaji did.
kaji had briefly expressed this fear to you; but when he did so, it never seemed to feel very deep to you — like it was only something that affected him on a surface level, not something that had burrowed deep into his bones and constricted his very being on a day to day basis.
it wasn’t until a battered-looking hiragi had dragged you nearly half-way across town and straight to a scene that would have been more appropriate within a horror movie than in the middle of a sunset-drenched town that you realized just how cavernous this fear of kaji’s was — and why.
“what is—?” you could barely even produce words — your eyes were wide as you took in the sight before you; battered bodies lay scattered across the street, and if it weren’t for the multiple groans rising from them you would have assumed them cadavers, what with the amount of blood that covered them — and in the center of the carnage was none other than kaji. your muscles felt as though they were gripped by large, icy claws, chilled and immovable.
his headphones had been discarded from his head, laying feet away from him, the plastic cracked and scuffed from an obvious rough impact. thwacks and cracks split through the air as kaji rained a fist down on the face of the man he was currently straddling; the man was clearly unconscious, body limp and lips producing no audible sounds. even from the distance, you could see the sheer damage inflicted to the man’s face, and it was mortifying.
if kaji didn’t stop, he was going to kill him.
“I haven’t been able to snap him out of it,” hiragi panted beside you. “when I tried he just — turned on me. I was thinking if you called out to him, it might work.”
“what?” you croaked — you couldn’t understand why, but your throat felt thick, and your eyes burned with heat. you felt like you couldn’t breathe — was this fear? it felt similar, but…
“there’s no time, okay?! just call his name, quick!” hiragi barked, and you shook yourself harshly. you could do this — you just had to call out to him. kaji would listen to you. he would.
“kaji,” you tried, but your voice came out weak — small, as if your body didn’t want it to be heard. damn it, if you didn’t do something… why were you even scared? this was kaji!
“kaji!” you screamed, and the fist that was poised in the air stilled — kaji didn’t look in your direction, but the fact that he hadn’t yet thrown the punch meant something, didn’t it?
that weight atop your chest lightened and you swallowed past the lump in your throat. your lip quivered slightly when you gently ventured, “it’s over now, kaji. just come back, okay?”
kaji didn’t move. his entire body was frozen. that feeling that had frozen your feet to the cement seemed to disappear entirely, and you took a few steps towards kaji —
hiragi’s hand flashed out as quick as lightning and his fingers wrapped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea just ye—”
hiragi wasn’t able to finish his sentence; in what seemed like less than a second kaji had abandoned the man he was straddling and was now right in front of hiragi, his hand crushing his wrist in a brutal grip.
“don’t you fucking touch her,” kaji snarled, lips drawn back — from this proximity, you could see liquid saccharine of blood smeared across his lips; but he had no visible cuts, so where had that blood come from?
you didn’t have any time to worry about that — kaji’s eyes were narrowed, nothing but sharp steel daggers as they locked onto hiragi; with the intent to kill. kaji’s grip had caused hiragi’s fingers to release your wrist, and in a move that you were sure could have been stupid you wrenched yourself between hiragi and kaji.
you wrapped your arms around his ribs and buried your face into his chest — the strong, pungent scent of copper had you wrinkling your nose and your stomach twisting; part of you wanted to wrench away from it, but beneath that overwhelming scent was kaji — sweet powdered sugar and fresh-linen detergent, a combination that had soaked into your pillow from the various nights he’d stayed over. the very scent that cradled you sleep when he wasn’t there. the very scent that, no matter how often it wafted into your nose, you craved to smell in your every waking moment.
this was still kaji.
it was kaji’s heartbeat thundering in your ear, it was kaji’s breath tickling the top of your head, it was kaji’s warmth soaking into your body from beneath kaji’s sweatshirt.
your kaji was still there — you just had to bring him back.
“kaji, it’s okay,” you murmured into his chest. “I’m okay. it’s just hiragi. I’m safe, kaji.”
you weren’t sure why you had worded it that way; it was simply what your rapid heart had told you to do. but it worked — kaji dropped hiragi’s wrist you heard the older boy stumble back with a grunt.
kaji’s arms fell limp to his sides and his breath shuddered his ribcage. you kept your face pressed against his chest and your arms tightly wound around him. something wet plopped onto the fabric of your shirt, soaking into it and wetting your skin.
it took you a moment to realize that that wet warmth was coming from kaji — and that his ribs were shuddering from the force of barely-contained sobs, not heavy breathing.
“kaji?” you whispered, pulling back to look up at him. fat tears rolled down his cheeks and his brows were pinched tightly together — his teeth dug into the plump flesh of his bottom lip; it was an expression of pure agony — but not agony felt on a physical level.
your heart constricted in your chest and your very soul shook, the need to wipe that look away and smother all the pain within overwhelming your entire body. before you could think about it you unwound your arms from his ribs and brought your hands up to cradle his face.
you surged upwards and slotted your lips against his; you may have been squeezing his cheeks a little too hard within your palms, and you knew that the salt you were tasting on your tongue wasn’t from kaji’s tears alone — but you had to tell him. you didn’t know what you had to tell him; but you prayed with every fiber of your being that he’d hear it, that he would understand and believe it.
kaji seemed to, at least on some level, because his shoulders slanted and his hands met the curve of your hips. his fingertips dug into the meat there as if it were a lifeline — and with the way he pressed his lips back against yours, you knew it was.
only when you felt your message had been received loud and clear did you pull your lips from his, but you kept your hands firmly in place on his cheeks. you pulled his face down slightly so that you could press your forehead against his and feel his breath fan over your lips.
“welcome back.” you whispered, a sentiment meant to be shared only between the two of you, one to be understood and deciphered only by kaji— and it was, evident in the way his voice was thick with emotion when he murmured,
“thank you.”
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I hope I conveyed what the sentiment is~ I’m not too good at really emotional things like this but it was very very fun to give it a try! I kinda teared up a bit ngl
also, there’s a lot more kaji content to come! I’m so excited for it!
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greeneyessmize · 23 hours
Penolise analysis time!
Show Penolise had to break so we can get a healthy Penolise. Let's talk it out.
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I think we really need to see how the dynamic of Penelope & Eloise's friendship was unhealthy for both of them.
- Penelope deferred to Eloise's thoughts and wants almost all the time. She might try to cajol Eloise to her way of thinking, but it was nearly always a gentle thing that she easily let go. She never fully contradicted Eloise and put her foot down.
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- Penelope deferred to Eloise out of fear. Who was Penelope's one friend that she was able to be close to in a socially acceptable and public way? Eloise. As someone who as a bullied kid got down to only one friend at times? I sure did my best to always be on their good side no matter how I felt about things. No matter the cost or what hurt was still held.
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- Eloise has been encouraged to have her voice, to have it loudly, and has been rarely contradicted in any meaningful way even in her own family. She thusly values her own opinions above all. She states herself that she just can't understand why others don't see the world like her. And her cutting comments to nearly everyone around her shows that if full HD color.
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- Eloise is the fifth of eight children. Even as the second daughter in that brood, she doesn't have much say over things that matter in the home or in her family. So, she stretches for every scrap of individuality and independence she can find. She has to be different at any cost. And she must always be right.
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These factors combine into what we have witnessed in the show so far:
- Penelope clams up to keep peace with Eloise as much as she can, she keeps LW a secret because she must have something somewhere where she is in charge and allowed to express herself freely and actually influence people and events. She gets that nowhere else in her life.
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- Eloise runs rough shod over any dissent from Penelope because Pen is so mild in her disagreement that it can't even penetrate Eloise's ego. It's always Eloise's ideas, Eloise's adventures, Eloise's desires. And since they are hers, surely then must also be Penelope's too.
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When Eloise discovers that Penelope is LW, not only does it feel like a betrayal for the scandals revealed by Pen, but it shatters the mirror she assumed Penelope was.
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Eloise has to learn that Penelope was always her own person with separate thoughts and feelings and ideas and triumphs. She has to learn to listen. She can't yet, but she needs to listen to Penelope's story, all that she ignored and all that Pen withheld. Moreso, she needs to try to understand why Penelope has written the things she has. This will be the only way for Eloise to start to grow up. Eloise has to learn that her perspective is only a small part of her relationships with other people.
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Penelope needs to show Eloise who she really is. She has to be comfortable showing when she disagrees. She has to give herself permission to be herself. This is hard because to Penelope, she is only loved conditionally. She is only loved by her mother for doing as she is told and for briefly having Debling's attention. Her sisters never even gave her that. Her dad? Pretty much absent. And the second Eloise found out she was LW? Gone.
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I think when they finally manage to perform what I outlined above, that we will see Penolise 2.0 and it's going to be so much better. It can have balance, it can have understanding, and be a deeper friendship than either of them knew was possible.
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mt-oe · 3 days
mizu dating a reader who NEEDS to be close to mizu during intimacy? like, no kneeling down and doing xyz to eachother, reader just absolutely needs to be stomach to stomach, chest to chest, arms wrapped around mizu during any type of sexual and romantic intimacy with her, and mizu just baby talks the reader sweetly instead of being rough 🥹
Hey dear!
Thank you so so much for the request! I love this request so much. I'm such a big fan of being skin-to-skin while doing the act, like yes please ma'am //// make me feel loved and wanted www
Although, I do have to apologize if this kinda sucks and it took so long. Trying to make people horny when you can't get yourself horny is hard ;; also, I'm pretty bad at gauging whether someone is being sweet or rough during sex ;;
I still love writing for you all, regardless if its smut or not, so please keep requesting the ideas you'd like <3
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, smut (mdni!), sex toy, mention of impregnation, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
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Her breath hitched slightly at the sight below her. The image of your naked body, laid down on the futon never failed to amaze her. She's seen you naked many times and in many different positions too. Head down, ass up; thighs around her head, pussy drowning her; even standing up, clit rubbing against the corner of table. No matter how many times you've done it together, she swore you only got prettier and prettier.
Moans and small incoherent whines reverberating in your throat as her index finger ran through your folds slowly, pushing the pad of finger against the sensitive area as if you were a flower she was pushing the petals open to bloom. She savored the way your body twitched when her finger trailed over your clit before moving down again. Slick gathered on the digit, making each movement smoother than the last.
"L-Love..you're going to drive me insane," you whispered breathily, one hand spreading yourself like a good girl for her, the other covering your mouth with the back of your hand out of shyness.
She looked up at you, an unreadable expression on her face. It was as if her self-restraint was dancing in between her own arousal and her desire to fulfill your wishes. Slowly, she ran her finger up your folds before flicking it upwards, brushing against the sensitive nub, making your body jolt.
"Didn't you say you wanted it slow today?" she asked, playing with the slick that coated her finger, rubbing it against her thumb before watching a thin line of your wetness connect her fingers as she separated them. "Or did you change your mind?"
You pouted at her, giving her a light-hearted glare. Your cheeks were still dusted with a bit of pink, breath still shallow from the slow teasing pleasure she just put you through. "I..I did..but I was hoping you'd do a bit more because I..umm.." She watched as your eyes darted off to the side, looking a bit nervous. "What is it?" she asked, bending down slightly, clean hand now resting on your cheek.
A soft nervous exhale passed through your nose as you slowly sat up. Blue eyes watched as you rummaged through your pile of recently discarded clothes, one hand resting at the dip of your hip as if assisting your trembling body.
"I..want to try something new," you declared to her, sitting up straight, a pouch made of opaque fabric in your hand. Mizu slowly took the pouch from your hands, squeezing it curiously, trying to guess what was inside just from the feel. "The madame gifted it to me when you left, but I never had the courage to use it."
Your words sparked the curiosity in her further. Opening the pouch, her eyes widened in surprise at what was inside.
A harigata?
She blinked, looked at you, then back at the contents of the pouch. You groaned at her actions, squeezing your legs shut in embarrassment. "Don't look at me like that.." you mumbled bashfully, watching as her hand pulled the sex toy out of its packaging. Another surprised grunt reverberated from her throat as she realized that the base of the dildo had some sort of strap attached on it. She inspected it curiously, eyes narrowing. It was the first time she's ever seen one of these.
"Look. If you don't want to, it's fine let's just—" She cut you off with a finger to your lips, eyes still inspecting the object. "Patience, love. I'm trying to figure out how to put it on," she said in low voice, removing her finger from your lips and tugging on the straps.
Once she felt like she got the gist of how to put it on, she stood up and pulled her hakama down, unraveling her fundoshi. As her hands went on to remove the binding on her chest, she turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow at how intensely you were staring. Red marks over her skin where the wraps covered her chest. You know they were a pain, but some how, seeing her like this made you appreciate how strong she was. "What?"
You shook your head with a soft smile, pulling your knees close to yourself. "Am I not allowed to look?" you asked jokingly, eyes wandering and tracing every curve of her body. A body that usually looked so masculine, revealing its true femininity to you only. She huffed lightheartedly, a smile ghosting her lips. "As if you haven't seen me naked before."
The smile on her lips grew as she heard you laugh, eyes and hands focused on strapping the sex toy on herself. Once she was done, she raised an eyebrow at it, the feeling of something between her legs felt odd. Her hand wrapped around the toy, stroking it languidly in an experimental manner.
She could feel you staring, eyes taking in the sight so hungrily. Her breath grew deeper as she heard the soft gulp from your throat. You couldn't help it. The sight was so sensual and she wasn't even touching you yet. You could feel the arousal running hot through your veins, wetness dripping onto the sheets. Although the more you stared, the more you realized..
'Isn't that..kind of big?,' you thought, a bit of nervousness mixing in with your anticipation. Your eyes taking in the curve, gauging the girth and length.
With an audible exhale, she turned towards you, hand holding the toy by the base. Her eyes half-lidded as she stared down at you. "Lay down," she commanded, voice gruff.
Your eyes widened as she sat in front of you, slowly crawling on top, pushing you onto the plush softness of the futon. "Wait, wait, wait..right now?" you laughed nervously, your hands on her shoulders to halt her actions.
Upon feeling your hands on her shoulders, she immediately paused and raised an eyebrow. "Why? Is there something wrong?" she asked, concerned laced in the low mumbling. Biting your bottom lip, you looked at the toy, breath hitching as you realized how close it was to your clit, almost ghosting over the sensitive nub.
Looking up at her, a blush dusted over your cheeks, both from embarrassment and desire. This was your idea damn it! Why are you getting so nervous now?
"Love?" she called out softly, hand going over to your cheek to caress it softly. Oh, how were you going to admit this now? Especially when she's being so soft with you? You took a deep breath, exhaling deeply through your nose.
"I'm getting nervous," you admitted in a whisper, legs squeezing slightly as the embarrassment intensified at your confession. "I-It's kind of big, okay?" You huffed at her puzzled expression, glaring a bit as her lips twitched up in amusement and a bit of fondness.
She chuckled and continued to push you down onto the futon. "Oh love," she laughed softly, filled with endearment. "Do you want to continue?" You could feel breath against your skin, chest almost touching each other. The sheer affection in her voice was enough to calm your nerves down, like some hidden form of reassurance. "You can take it, right?"
Swallowing thickly, you nodded, body sinking into the futon. Unable to speak, like the words were getting caught in your throat, feeling the want radiating from your lover. The desire so thick it was drawing you in. Indeed, it was drawing you in.
With your nod, slowly, she leaned down and planted a soft kiss against your lips. Her hand grasped the toy once again, pushing the tip against your clit, rubbing against and lightly tapping it on the nub. You could feel her breathing deepen as she savored the sweet gasps and mewls coming from you. She'd press her lips harder against yours whenever your body twitched, as if she didn't want to let go even for a second.
Her sharp blue eyes remained glued to your figure, drinking in the sight. Your curves hypnotizing her with its beauty. "Can I put it in?" she whispered as her lips pulled away, lining the tip up against your entrance, spreading your wetness around.
You wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her closer to you. Chests touching. Breaths mixing. Eyes looking at each other's, so lovingly you'd wonder if she even had a hint of lust for you or did she just love you so much to the point where she desired you. Even with how little the distance between your bodies was, it still wasn't enough.
You needed her.
You wanted to be so close to her, to the point where your bodies would melt together. You wanted her to swallow you whole, take in your being. You wanted to feel her weight on you, to push onto your body and knock the breath out of you.
"Hold me.." you breathed out against her lips, pulling her in for a kiss. She immediately obliged, lips pressing against yours. Her warmth enveloped you in a gentle embrace. The feeling of her tongue lacing with yours muffled the choked gasp you let out as she slowly pushed the tip in.
She could feel your nails along her back, raking it down her skin. It stung, but you were taking her in so well she couldn't stop, not even for a moment. The sound of your moan as she pushed the toy in further fueling the desire inside her.
A thin string of saliva connected your lips upon pulling away. Without her lips to muffle it, your moans and gasps filled the room. "Fuck..it's so fucking big, Mizu," you moaned out, looking up at her so enticingly. Shit you looked so pretty with your bedroom eyes and swollen lips.
It amused her how shameless you sounded. As if you didn't care whether these walls were quite literally made of paper.
"Halfway in, love..." she groaned out softly, voice slightly strained as if she could feel you through the smooth wooden object. Her hips pushing it in deeper until her cock was completely sheathed inside you. "You're doing so well," she whispered, body pressing closer. Nose against your neck, tits touching. "So good to me.."
The feeling of her body against yours sent shivers down your spine. Like her warmth, the pressure of her weight against yours, intoxicated you. The way her nipples hardened against your own making your mind go hazy.
Slowly, she pulled out, her eyes observing the way your eyes rolled back before squeezing shut as she thrusted back in slowly. "Does it feel good?" she asked. Shivers went down your spine as she nuzzled her nose against the crevice of your neck, hips pistoning the toy in and out slowly.
"M-Mhm..it feels so good.." you half-whined, half-moaned. Tilting your head as you arched your back, moving your bodies closer. "Hurry..love.." she heard you whisper wantonly onto her ear. Your legs locked behind her back, pushing her closer, wordlessly begging her to push it deeper.
Desire rushed in her system further. Her thoughts were clouded with how much she wanted to please you with her cock. Wet squelching noises and the sound of skin slapping against skin as she moved faster mixed in with your cries and moans. Hips bucking against hers, eyes rolling back, and mouth agape as she pleasured you.
Each thrust sent waves of pleasure up your spine. Her arms wrapped around you tighter, almost possessively. She felt so warm around you, and even if you didn't know how it was possible, it felt like her cock was warm inside you too. It was exhilarating. You could feel your mind going static. She was fucking you so sweetly, and at the same time, fucking you so stupid.
You could feel her gaze on you, eyes roaming around your bodies together, watching your bodies melting together. "God..look at you," she whispered, lifting her head up to place a soft sweet kiss on your lips. Her pace becoming more and more erratic as your moans turned into incoherent sobbing and pleading. The familiar coil of climax tightened in your body from the pleasure she was giving. "You're so fucking pretty.."
Fuck. You couldn't take this anymore.
How could she dick you down so good while looking at you so lovingly? Your mind was already so scattered, tears from the overwhelming sensation streaming down your cheeks, and it felt like your cunt was melting. Mizu probably had no idea how good she was making you feel.
It didn't matter if her cock was fake and made of wood. She was going to get you goddamn pregnant.
"..'m gonna cum..I'm going to fucking cum," you sobbed out against her lips over and over in a desperate chant. A smirk graced her lips as she chuckled breathily at the cute display. "Go on..cum for me, love," she cooed, whispering sweet silent phrases about how good you were being and how much she loves you while her hips maintained its pace, driving you over the edge.
She continued to thrust in you as you orgasmed, her arms keeping your body trapped under hers as you arched your back. She'd keep you there, sex out the high from your climax. A loud moan ripping from your throat followed by sweet babbling about how hard you were cumming, even thanking her for fucking you so well.
Coming down from the euphoria, you slowly sank back into the sheets. Her hands traveled to the dip of your hips, holding you in place before slowly pulling out until only the tip was in. "How are you, love?" she asked softly, lips trailing kisses on your shoulder.
You closed your eyes shut, panting heavily. "..It felt really go—Oooh fuck!" Your reply was cut off by her slamming the toy back in, causing you to squeal. You immediately opened your eyes to glare at the mischievous look on your lover's face before she pulled out and slammed back in again, enjoying the overstimulated squeals coming from you with every thrust in.
It wasn't until you nudged her off from overstimulation did she stop, pulling out completely. Her eyes remained glued to your cunt, sopping wet, slick running down to your ass. She smiled sheepishly at you as she took the strap off, laid down next to you and wrapped her arms around your trembling body.
"You're horrible.." you mumbled, voice holding no real anger. She laughed softly and pulled you closer, humming in content as you wrapped your arms around her in return. "Don't laugh. We're returning that thing tomorrow," you huffed playfully.
Mizu shook her head and kissed the top of yours. "We're not doing that, love," she replied, closing her eyes with an exhausted smile.
"Yeah, we aren't."
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 days
Vin Jin x Reader: Cheonliang Jacket v2
G/N but F leaning. Let's pretend Vin has a spare and you are given a present.
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It smells musty. Faintly of mothballs. Like it has been shoved into a forgotten corner of the closet somewhere.
How it looks though, is a different thing entirely.
Pristine. Perfect.
You hold up the jacket. Study the stripes along the shoulder and arms. Peeks of red in the design. Cheonliang written boldly down the right side and on the back.
Hugging the jacket protectively to your body and peering at Vin with puppy eyes, you ask, "Really?"
He averts your gaze, ignores the heat rising from his collar and gives you a nonchalant shrug.
Mary sighs, considers slapping him upside the head. Settles on a side eye instead and responds for him with a nod.
"Oh my god!"
"Vin insisted." The man in question pretends he's not a part of this conversation. That Mary, that bitch, isn't airing all his cringiness for you to hear.
"Yeah he knew he had a spare jacket somewhere and was digging around for it for ages." The attempt to ignore the conversation isn't working. Beneath those glasses, Vin is glaring daggers at her.
"Aww Vin..."
"He threatened to take mine off me if I didn't help."
You opt to bury your face in the jacket to hide your blush, touched by how sweet this gesture is. Beneath the mustiness, you think you catch faint whiffs of Vin's scent, woody and dark and spicy.
"Tore his room apart for days looking for it. It's adorable how much he loves you-"
He gives her a rough shove, cutting her off. "Shut it, hag!"
WHACK! The long awaited and very well deserved smack arrives, hitting Vin in the back of the head.
He tries to grab Mary into a headlock, but she pips him to the post and he is the one trapped and floundering. It devolves into a mess of squabbles and pinches (courtesy of Mary) and squeals (courtesy of Vin). Bickering and swearing, insults and slander. The usual.
You ignore them, too captivated with your honorary jacket. Decide there's no time like the present and shrug it on, checking the size and fit.
It's oversized. The length easily reaches your thighs and sleeves cover your hands. It's cosy, comfortable. Like having Vin wrapped around you all the time.
"It looks good on you!" Mary grins, untangling herself from Vin.
Vin coughs out an agreement. It really does. Seeing you in his clothes always does funny things to him. What's more, the idea of this being a couple outfit makes him feel all mushy inside.
...Assuming Mary not also going to third wheel and wear hers at the same time, completely ruining the vibe and his plans. He gives Mary another dirty look at this.
"Thank you guys!"
"Don't thank her, it's my spare jacket."
"Well I appreciate Mary anyway for helping and smacking you-" Mary gives you a smirk and a salute, "-And thank you for the jacket."
You reach up on your toes, and press a kiss to Vin's cheek.
He pretends it's embarrassing, you slobbering all over him in public, that he only allows it because you like it. 
Without you asking, he leans down for you anyway. Angles his head so you miss his cheek, and graze his lips instead.
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kawareo · 11 hours
My Durge's stats pre-tadpoles are absolutely insane so I've been thinking what it'd look like if Orin failed to lobotomize him... Like the fight with him a Tav would have to win?
It'd be a bitch but there'd be fun options to make it easier and winnable
Him and Gortash would be working together still but what'd complicate things would be that Bhaal would've grown impatient and reduce Durge to a mess that would've dragged hinself in his temple and stay there. When Tav talks to Gortash, Gort has a massive fresh scar over his neck where Durge nearly killed him last time they were together. Gortash sends Tav to the temple but he fully expects/hopes they would die and that that could bring Durge back to his own mind.
If Orin would still be alive? Tav could make a deal with her that she'd help them find the temple, where she'd eventually need help in the combat with Durge, but if Tav would've helped her, that'd initiate a fight with the entire temple and with Orin, who'd be furious that you intervened.
Then, fight with Durge would be a bitch to win, but there would be some ways to get around and make it easier. Most of all would be useful a Persuasion or Deception proficency, and also going around Baldur's Gate and finding information about him - what would be Tav's best option would be to provoke Durge to a degree that he loses his already fragile cool and Bhaal forces a Slayer form on him - that way he loses his spellcasting abilities and also the double attack he gets from his fighter levels, and his paralysis weapons!
Options for that would get him to lose his shit would be
- [Deception] Gortash has sold you out, you mad dog. You've grown too unpredictable after what happened, we're here to put you down.
Has Advantage if Tav found notes between them or used Detect thought when talking to Gortash and asking him about his injury. He lies to Tav's face but thinks about how Durge mauled him last time they fucked and Gortash had to fight him off of him
- [Persuasion] Look at what you've became; Chosen of Bhaal, yet fighting His gifts? Your own Kin died for what you're rejecting so.
Only available if the above mentioned Orin thing happens. Durge stares at her corpse for quite a while, then proceeds to sort of... Give up. Accepts the Slayer and surrenders himself fully to his Father.
- [Persuasion] [Unholy Assassin] You think you know better than your own god, Chosen? You, who has failed him so in every way?
He starts to yell at Tav that he didn't fail, then as if something hit him, clutches his head and starts begging Father for forgiveness (reciting some parts of Prayer of Forgiveness). While he prays, he cuts himself, the blood drips down his arms and draws itself into the circle of Summoning for the Slayer.
When Tav wins, Durge lays there dying for just a bit longer, stares into nothing and clutching at his wounds and begging Father to forgive him because "im not done yet, Father, please, I can do better, plea-!" And then his eyes roll up suddenly and he dies in a moment, when Bhaal chooses so. His body falls apart and leaves behind only the Stillmaker, his Netherstone, and a half-writen letter that's like Prayer of Forgiveness, but adressed to Gortash and one Durge never got to finish.
The idea is very rough but essentially I love the thought that Bhaal is the one who fucks it all up because he can't be patient for two minutes, and Gortash is still delusional enough for him to hope Durge can go back to normal. If you win and kill Durge, Gortash will be upset and surprised, but will kind of shut off the grief in the moment to focus on dominating the brain. If you would've lost, the canon ending would be that Durge pulls through with the stones, him and Gortash get the Brain under control, and then Durge almost immediately slaughters both of them, leaving Toril to the Brain's mercy.
Another bonus option in the dialogue would be to tell him that you killed Gortash, but if you lied or didn't have Gortash's head to prove it, he would just laugh at you. That option wouldnt be a good idea in any way, because if you wouldn't pass the deception check (DC20) or wouldn't have the head, the laugh would clear his mind enough for him to focus on the fight (not as a Slayer) and if he WOULD believe you, he'd get so angry that he would start a fight with an extra feature that would be an absolute bitch to deal with.
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silverstar70 · 2 days
Fandom: Criminal minds Character: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Author's note: English isn't my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
Summary: Y/N had a stressfull day at work and just wanna go back home to her husband.
Warnings: 🔞‼️estabilished relationship, smut, vaginal sex, consensual sex, praise kink, orgasm control, oral sex, cute moments, fluff
Words count: 6,999k Hope you like it and let me know what you think! Enjoy it!
Rough day
5:30pm. Her shift was coming to an end, and she couldn’t wait. The office buzzed with activity as Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N navigated her way through the crowded halls. The stress of the day clung to her like a second skin. She had just finished a particularly heated argument with her commanding officer and felt on the brink of exhaustion.
As she rounded the corner, she ran into her colleague, Lieutenant Commander Sarah Hayes. Sarah took one look at Y/N's face and frowned.
"Y/N, you okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.
Y/N forced a weak smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Just one of those days, Sarah."
Sarah placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Do you want to grab a coffee and talk about it?"
Y/N shook her head, the weight of the day's events pressing down harder. "Thanks, but I just wanna go home to my husband."
Sarah nodded, understanding flashing in her eyes. "I get it. Go on, get out of here. You need a break."
Grateful for her friend's understanding, Y/N gave Sarah's hand a squeeze before heading towards the exit. The drive home was long, it took her more than an hour and her mind was solely focused on the thought of Aaron and coming back to him.
The sound of the engine purring beneath her was almost hypnotic, but the tension in her shoulders refused to dissipate. Y/N steered her car into the driveway, her heart heavy from a particularly grueling day. Her thoughts raced back to the string of meetings, the impossible deadlines, and the argument with her commanding officer that still left a bitter taste in her mouth.
As she turned off the ignition and rested her forehead against the steering wheel, a deep sigh escaped her lips. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, and the only solace she could think of was the man waiting inside.
Pushing open the door, she trudged up to the front door, her movements slow and deliberate. The moment she stepped inside, the familiar scent of home—fresh linen and a hint of Aaron's cologne—washed over her. She closed her eyes, taking it in.
"Y/N?" Aaron's voice called from the living room; a note of concern woven through it. He appeared in the hallway, his face softening the moment he saw her as he noticed the fatigue etched on her face. "Hey, honey."
She managed a weak smile. "Hi."
He crossed the distance between them in a few strides, pulling her into his arms. The warmth and strength of his embrace immediately began to melt her stress away. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his comforting scent.
"Rough day?" he asked, his voice a soothing murmur.
"You have no idea," she mumbled against his shirt.
He kissed the top of her head. "You're home now. Let's get you out of that uniform and into something more comfortable."
With a nod, she let him guide her upstairs and Aaron's presence already working to dissolve the day's stress. In their bedroom, he helped her out of her stiff uniform, his hands gentle and caring. She changed into her favorite pair of sweats and one of Aaron's t-shirts, feeling a little lighter with each passing second.
When they went back downstairs, Aaron had already prepared a simple but delicious dinner. The table was set with candles, casting a warm glow over the room. Y/N's heart swelled with gratitude and love.
"Where's Jack?" she asked as they settled down at the table.
"He's at JJ's for a sleepover," Aaron said, pouring them both a glass of wine. "So, we have the whole night to ourselves."
She took a sip of her wine, the rich flavor spreading warmth through her chest. "Thank you, Aaron. This is exactly what I needed."
They ate slowly, savoring the meal and each other's company. Hotch listened intently as she recounted her day, offering understanding nods and comforting words. The tension continued to ebb away, replaced by the peace that only him could bring her.
After dinner, they settled into the couch, the warmth of his embrace began to soothe Y/N's frayed nerves. He picked a light-hearted romantic comedy, hoping to lift her spirits. As the movie started, Y/N found herself more interested in the feel of Hotch's heartbeat against her cheek than the dialogue on the screen.
"You want to talk about what happened today?" Hotch asked softly, running his fingers through her hair.
Y/N sighed, snuggling closer. "It was just one of those days where everything that could go wrong did. Meetings that went nowhere, deadlines pushed up, and a disagreement with my CO that left a bad taste in my mouth."
He kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry. Anything I can do to help?"
She closed her eyes, savoring his touch. "Not really. But being here with you makes it better."
His hand continued its gentle strokes through her hair. "That's what I'm here for, sweetheart."
A comfortable silence enveloped them as the movie played on. Y/N's eyes grew heavy, the events of the day catching up to her, but she felt a sense of peace she hadn’t felt all day. The rhythmic sound of Hotch's breathing was a lullaby, and soon she dozed off, safe in his arms.
She woke sometime later, the room dark except for the flickering light from the TV. He was still beside her, his arms protectively around her.
"Hey," she murmured, looking up at him.
"Hey," he replied, his voice soft and soothing. "You fell asleep."
"Sorry," she said, though she wasn’t really. She could feel the knots in her muscles unwinding. "I must have been more tired than I thought."
"It's okay," Aaron reassured her. "You needed the rest."
As the movie ended and the credits rolled, Hotch glanced down at Y/N, who was barely keeping her eyes open. He gently brushed a kiss against her temple. "How about we do something extra relaxing before bed?" he suggested.
Y/N looked up at him, curiosity and fatigue mingling in her eyes. "What do you have in mind?"
"How about a nice, relaxing bath?" He proposed, a soft smile playing on his lips.
Y/N's eyes brightened a little at the idea. "That sounds perfect."
Aaron helped her up from the couch, and they made their way to the bathroom. The large tub was one of her favorite features of their home, and tonight, it seemed especially inviting. He turned on the tap, adjusting the temperature until it was just right. He added a generous amount of lavender-scented bubble bath, and soon the room was filled with the calming aroma.
As the tub filled, Aaron lit a few candles around the bathroom, their soft glow creating a romantic atmosphere. Y/N watched him, her heart swelling with love and appreciation for the care he always showed her.
Once the bath was ready, Hotch helped Y/N undress, his touch was gentle and tender. He discarded his own clothes and then, hand in hand, they stepped into the warm, fragrant water. Y/N sighed deeply as she sank into the tub, the tension in her muscles slowly melting away.
Aaron settled in behind her, and she leaned back against his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as the warm water enveloped them.
"This is exactly what I needed," Y/N murmured, closing her eyes and letting the warmth and the lavender scent envelop her senses.
Aaron kissed her shoulder, his lips lingering on her skin. "I'm glad. You deserve to relax."
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sounds the gentle lapping of the water and their slow, synchronized breathing. Aaron's hands moved in slow, soothing circles over her shoulders and back, massaging away the last remnants of tension.
"Thank you for this," Y/N said softly, turning her head slightly to catch his gaze.
"Anything for you," Aaron replied, his eyes filled with love and tenderness.
They stayed in the bath until the water began to cool, the stress of the day long forgotten. Finally, Aaron helped her out of the tub, wrapping her in a soft, fluffy towel. He dried himself off quickly and then took her hand, leading her to the bedroom where they both slipped into their PJ’s.
Y/N reached into Aaron's drawer and pulled out one of his favorite t-shirts. It was soft and worn, the fabric infused with his comforting scent. She slipped it over her head, the hem falling to mid-thigh, and then put on some panties.
Aaron, meanwhile, pulled on a fresh t-shirt and a pair of boxers, glancing over at Y/N with a fond smile. "You look good in my shirt," he said, his eyes warm with affection.
Y/N grinned, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I like wearing your clothes. It makes me feel close to you."
Aaron hugged her back, his hands resting on her hips. "I like you wearing my clothes too."
They climbed into bed, the cool sheets a welcome contrast to the warmth of their bodies. Under the covers, they found each other again, tangling their limbs together as they settled in. Aaron wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
The room was dark and quiet, the only sounds were their soft breathing. Aaron's hand found its way to her back, tracing soothing patterns that lulled her into a deeper state of relaxation. The troubles of her day seemed distant, replaced by the warmth and love that filled their home. As she drifted off to sleep, she felt completely at ease for the first time that day.
The next morning, Y/N awoke to the gentle rays of the early morning sun filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. She felt Aaron's warmth behind her, his arm draped over her waist, holding her close. As she slowly opened her eyes, she smiled at the feeling of his breathing against her neck.
Aaron stirred behind her, his eyes fluttering open. He smiled sleepily at her sight and left a soft kiss on her naked shoulder. "Good morning, beautiful." he murmured, his voice rough with sleep.
"Good morning," Y/N replied, her voice soft and tender as she turned to face him. She reached up to brush a lock of hair from his forehead before snuggling into him
He wrapped her in his arms, caressing her arm and kissed her forehead. "Did you sleep well?"
"Better than I have in a long time," Y/N said, snuggling closer. "Thanks to you."
“I’m glad.”
They lay there for a few moments, savoring the quiet intimacy of the early morning. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, the only sounds their breathing and the distant chirping of birds outside.
Y/N looked up to him as he leaned in to kiss her softly, his lips warm and gentle against hers. "I could stay like this forever," he whispered, his breath mingling with hers.
"Me too," Y/N replied, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest.
They snuggled closer, their bodies fitting perfectly together. Aaron's hand moved in slow, soothing circles on her back, and Y/N closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of being so close to him.
"I love you," Aaron said quietly, his voice filled with emotion.
"I love you too," Y/N replied, her voice barely more than a breath. After a few more minutes of blissful silence, Aaron's stomach growled, broke it and made Y/N laugh. "Guess it's time for breakfast," she said, still chuckling.
“How about pancakes?" Aaron suggested, his eyes lighting up. "With all the fixings—blueberries, whipped cream, and maybe even some chocolate chips."
Y/N laughed softly, her heart light. "That sounds perfect."
With a shared sense of contentment, they reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and Aaron got out of bed. "I'll take care of it. You stay here and relax."
"No, let me help," Y/N protested, but Aaron was already out of bed, pulling on a t-shirt.
"I've got it," he insisted, leaning down to kiss her softly. "You stay put.”
Y/N watched him leave the room, feeling a rush of affection and gratitude for the man who always seemed to know exactly what she needed. She enjoyed a few more minutes in their comfortable bed, already missing the presence of her husband before wrapping herself in a robe and making her way to the bathroom to freshen up.
By the time she joined Aaron in the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, adding to the cozy atmosphere. Aaron was at the stove, flipping pancakes with a practiced ease. He looked up as she entered, his smile warm and welcoming.
"Take a seat," he said, nodding towards the table. "Breakfast will be ready in just a minute."
Y/N poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down, savoring the aroma. She took a sip, feeling the warmth spread through her, and watched Aaron work. He moved with a confidence and grace that never failed to impress her.
Soon, he was placing a plate in front of her, piled high with pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate chips, bacon, and fresh fruit. "Bon appétit," he said, sitting down across from her with his own plate.
"This looks amazing," Y/N said, her mouth watering. "Thank you, honey."
"Anything for you," he replied, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand.
They ate leisurely, talking and laughing about lighter topics, leaving the stress of yesterday behind. Y/N felt a profound sense of gratitude for these moments of normalcy and love, which Aaron always seemed to cultivate.
"I love mornings like this," Y/N said, smiling as she sprinkled chocolate chips into the batter Aaron was stirring. "Just us, at home, enjoying each other's company."
"Me too," Aaron agreed, his eyes warm as he looked at her.
After breakfast, they moved seamlessly into their routine of cleaning up. Hotch insisted on washing the dishes while Y/N dried them and put them away. It was a familiar and comforting rhythm, one that they had established early on in their relationship.
As he stood at the sink with his biceps perfectly hugged by the t-shirt and hands immersed in soapy water, Y/N watched him for a moment, feeling a surge of affection. She loved seeing him in these simple, everyday moments, where the stresses of their demanding jobs seemed far away.
Unable to resist, she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her cheek against his back. Aaron paused, a smile spreading across his face as he felt her embrace.
"Hey there," he said softly, continuing to rinse a plate.
"Hey," Y/N replied, her voice muffled slightly by his shirt. "Just wanted to hug my husband."
Hotch chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through his body and into hers. "I never mind that," he said, setting the plate in the dish rack. He turned slightly, careful not to splash her with water. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better," Y/N murmured, tightening her hold on him. "Thanks to you."
Aaron turned off the faucet and dried his hands on a nearby towel before turning around to face her. He placed his hands on her hips, looking down at her with a tender expression. "I'm glad to hear that. You know I'm always here for you."
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude and love. "I know. And I appreciate it more than I can say."
He leaned down, capturing her lips in a soft, lingering kiss. When they broke apart, Aaron rested his forehead against hers, his hands gently caressing her sides. "How about we take a walk after this? Get some fresh air?"
"I'd love that," Y/N agreed, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. "A walk sounds perfect."
They finished the dishes together, the simple chore made enjoyable by their shared laughter and easy conversation. Once the kitchen was clean, they grabbed their jackets, put some pants on and headed outside.
The morning air was crisp and refreshing, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves on the trees. They walked hand in hand, enjoying the tranquility of the neighborhood. The sun was just beginning to rise higher in the sky, casting a golden light over everything.
As they strolled, they talked about their plans for the week, their steps perfectly in sync. Aaron occasionally pointed out small details along the way—a blooming flower, a bird singing in a tree—that made Y/N appreciate the beauty of the world around them.
After a while, they found a quiet bench in a nearby park and sat down, still holding hands. Y/N leaned her head on Aaron's shoulder, feeling completely content.
"I love here." she said softly, her eyes closed as she savored the peace and quiet.
"Me too." Aaron replied, kissing the top of her head.
They sat there for a while, enjoying each other's company and the serene surroundings. The worries of their demanding jobs seemed far away, replaced by the warmth of their love and the simplicity of just being together.
Eventually, they stood and made their way back home where they slipped out of their jackets and settled onto the couch, enjoying the peaceful Sunday morning. The sun was streaming through the windows, casting a warm glow over them. Y/N found herself feeling more relaxed and connected to Hotch than she had in weeks. The tension and stress of her work seemed like a distant memory in the presence of her loving husband.
"You know," Aaron said, his voice dropping to a low murmur as he looked into her eyes, "we still have the whole day to ourselves."
"We do, don't we?" she replied looking up at him with a smirk, her voice taking on a sultry edge.
A spark of something more than just comfort and relaxation flickered in Y/N's eyes. His eyes meeting hers with a knowing smile, when a surge of affection and desire for him rushed through her body and soon she straddler him, anticipating his intentions. His hands instinctively went to her hips, steadying her as she settled herself.
"I think we could make the most of it," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.
Y/N's heart quickened as she felt the familiar rush of desire. She leaned in, her lips brushing softly against his, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss. Aaron's hands roamed over her back, pulling her against him as the kiss intensified and their tongues danced together, exploring and teasing.
They broke apart just long enough to catch their breath, their foreheads resting together. "Here?" Y/N suggested, her voice barely more than a breathless whisper.
Aaron nodded, his eyes dark with desire. "Definitely."
Y/N shifted slightly, pressing herself against him, feeling the hardness of his arousal through the thin fabric of his boxers. Aaron groaned softly, his hands moving under the hem of his t-shirt she wore, his fingers brushing against her bare skin, sending shivers down her spine.
His hands finding their way to her waist. "You’re so beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky.
Y/N smiled, her hands slipping under his shirt, feeling the hard muscles of his abdomen. "And you, my love, are perfect."
Aaron gently brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, his eyes filled with adoration and desire. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too." she replied, capturing his lips again in a kiss that spoke of her deep love and desire for him, while her fingers threading through his hair, tugging gently.
As their kisses grew more intense, Aaron's hands roomed through her body, caressing her back, sliding over her hips, and then moving to cup her breasts through the fabric of his t-shirt. Y/N moaned softly, arching her back to press herself more firmly against his touch.
Their movements became more urgent, their need for each other overwhelming. In a swift move he got rid of the t-shirt, exposing her chest to the warm air of the room and to him. Aaron looked at her amazed by her beauty.
"Beautiful." he breathed, his hands tracing the curves of her body.
Y/N responded by tugging at his shirt, pulling it over his head and revealing his toned chest. She pressed herself against him and moved her hips on him, drawing another low groan from his lips as his hands gripping her hips.
Aaron's hands slid down to her thighs, his touch both gentle and possessive. He guided her movements, their bodies moving in perfect sync. The friction between them was electric, each touch and caress stoking the fire that burned between them.
Y/N's breath hitched as she felt the heat building between them, her hands gripping Aaron's shoulders for support. She reached down between them as her fingers deftly slipping under the waistband of his's boxers. Feeling his arousal, hard and ready, she smirked, and her touch elicited a deep groan from him. She wrapped her hand around him, stroking him slowly, feeling the heat and the pulse of his need.
"God, Y/N." he murmured, his eyes locked onto hers, his gaze filled with an intensity that took her breath away. "I need you."
"Then take me," she whispered back, her voice husky with desire.
With a swift, practiced motion, Hotch lifted her just enough to slide her panties to the side, his fingers brushing against her most sensitive areas, eliciting a gasp from her lips. His boxers were the only barrier between them but quickly freeing himself, she positioned him at her entrance, and with a shared look of intense desire, he slowly guided her down onto him.
His hands gripped her hips tightly, his fingers digging into her skin as he fought to control himself. The feeling of being filled by him, of their bodies joining so intimately, was almost overwhelming. Y/N's head fell back, a moan escaping her lips as she sank fully onto him, taking a moment to adjust.
"Aaron," she breathed, her voice filled with a mix of love and longing.
Y/N begun to move, slowly at first, savoring the sensation of their bodies joined so intimately. Each movement, each thrust, was a testament to their deep love and desire for each other. Hotch’s eyes were locked on hers, his expression a mix of love, lust, and awe.
"You feel so good," she whispered, her voice trembling with the intensity of her emotions.
"So do you," Aaron replied, his voice strained with need. "So perfect[FB1] ."
Their pace quickened, the intensity growing with each thrust. Aaron’s hands traveled along her body, caressing her back, her breasts and her thighs. Y/N’s nails dug into his shoulders as she rode him, her movements growing more desperate.
The room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking—their gasps, their moans, the slick, rhythmic sound of their bodies coming together. Y/N felt the pressure building inside her, a tight coil of pleasure that threatened to snap at any moment.
"Aaron," she gasped, her voice breaking. "I’m so close."
He groaned, his hands gripping her hips even tighter, guiding her movements. "Come for me, Y/N. Let go."
She cried out his name as the orgasm ripped through her, her body trembling with the force of it. Y/N rested her forehead against Aaron’s, her breath still coming in ragged gasps.
Aaron gently stroked Y/N’s back, his fingers tracing soothing patterns. “That was incredible,” he murmured, his voice filled with admiration and love.
Y/N lifted her head slightly to look into his eyes, her lips curving into a satisfied smile. “It really was,” she agreed, her fingers brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. “I don’t want this moment to end.”
Aaron’s eyes darkened, as he growled with a rough voice in need. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet.”
A mischievous smile appeared on her lips. “How about we move this to the bedroom?” she suggested.
Aaron smiled. “That sounds like a good idea.”
With a low growl, he lifted her effortlessly, carrying her towards their bedroom. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist to hold onto him tightly as he quickened his way to the bedroom. Once inside, Aaron gently laid Y/N in the middle of the bed and climbed over her. his lips crashing against hers in a hungry, desperate kiss. The urgency in their movements spoke volumes, each touch, each caress igniting the flames of desire even further.
Aaron's hands roamed her body, finding all the places he knew so well, drawing soft moans from her lips. He took his time, exploring every inch of her, savoring the way she responded to his touch. He kissed his way down her neck, across her collarbone, and down to her breasts, his mouth and hands working in tandem to drive her wild. Sucking and licking her nipples, making her squirm under him.
"Please, Aaron," she gasped, her hands gripping his shoulders.
He didn't need any further encouragement. He moved lower, his kisses leaving a trail of fire down her abdomen. When he reached the edge of her panties, he looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire. With a slow, deliberate motion, he removed her panties, leaving her completely bare beneath him. He took a moment to admire her, as his gazed roamed over her hungrily and his own desire was clear on him.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I can't get enough of you."
Then, with a growl of need, he covered her body with his, their skin touching everywhere. He leaned down and captured her lips in a deep kiss, his tongues tangling hers. Y/N moaned softly into the kiss, her hands tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer, desperate for more of him.
While kissing her like his life depended on it, his fingertips started tracing soft patterns along her right side. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down Y/N's spine. Y/N's breath hitched as his hands moved to her breasts, his touch sending bolts of pleasure shooting through her body. She arched into his touch, silently begging for more.
Getting the message, he leaned down, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth, his tongue flicking over it in slow, tantalizing circles. Y/N's back arched and a low moan escaping her lips as pleasure washed over her.
"God, Aaron," she gasped, her hands gripping the sheets beneath her. "That feels so good."
Aaron hummed against her skin, the vibrations sending shivers down her spine. He continued to lavish attention on her breasts. Hotch’s kisses moved lower, trailing down her neck, her chest, and her stomach, making her gasp with pleasure.
When he reached the apex of her thighs, he paused, looking up at her with a mischievous smile. “I want to taste you,” he said, his voice a husky whisper.
"Please." she whispered, her voice trembling with need.
With a hungry growl, he climbed out of the bed and slipped out of his boxers, making clear that he needed her as much as she needed him. Hotch positioning himself between her legs and Y/N spread herself open for him, her body aching with anticipation.
Without a word, he lowered himself between her legs, his mouth attached to her clit, making her gasped in surprise. Her fingers tangled in his hair as he was savoring her Y/N cried out as he teased her with his tongue, tracing slow circles around her throbbing clit.
“Oh God, Aaron!” she moaned loudly, as she rocked her hips against his mouth. "Don't stop, please don't stop."
Aaron grinned against her, the vibrations of his laughter sending waves of pleasure crashing over her. He continued to devour her with the only intent to drive her closer to the edge with his tongue.
Y/N felt the jolt of pleasure rush through her, her body on the brink of release. But just as she felt herself on the verge of exploding, Aaron pulled back, denying her the release she was desperately craving.
She whimpered in frustration, her hips bucking against his hand as she chased the elusive peak. "Please," she begged, her voice hoarse with need. "I need to cum, Aaron, please."
But Hotch only smiled, enjoying the view with a mischievous smile on his face. "Not yet, baby," he murmured, his breath hot against her skin. "I want to make you wait; make you beg for it."
Y/N moaned at his words, her body trembling with anticipation. She knew that Aaron was teasing her, edging her towards ecstasy with a torturous slowness that drove her wild with desire and made her beg for more. She loved how well he knew her body and how to make her feel good.
"Please, Hotch." she whimpered in a desperate plea. "I need to cum, please let me cum."
Hotch’s grin widened, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Not yet, baby," he said, his voice low and husky. "But soon. I promise."
With that, he returned to work on her, his tongue and fingers working in tandem to drive her to the brink of madness as her inner muscles clenched around him. Y/N writhed beneath him, her body aching with need as she teetered on the edge of release.
"Please," she begged, her voice raw with desperation. "I can't take it anymore, Aaron, please let me cum."
Aaron’s smile softened, his eyes filled with love and desire as he looked down at her. "Okay, baby," he said softly, his voice a tender caress. "Cum for me."
And with those words, Y/N finally let go, her body convulsing with pleasure as she shattered into a million pieces and left her breathless. Aaron held her through it, his hands gentle and soothing.
"That's it," Aaron said, his voice filled with satisfaction as he continued to taste her, drawing out every last bit of her release. "Good girl."
When she finally came down from her high, Aaron kissed his way back up her body, his eyes filled with love and satisfaction. He positioned himself over her, his arousal pressing against her entrance, ready and eager.
Y/N was still trembling when Aaron moved up her body, his mouth capturing hers in a deep, passionate kiss. She could taste herself on his lips, the intimate act only fueling her desire for him. With the little strength she had left, she grabbed his head between her hands and pushed him more down on her.
“Are you ready for me?” he asked softly, his eyes searching hers for any hesitation.
“Yes,” Y/N whispered against his lips, making him smile. "I need you inside me."
Hotch didn’t waste another moment and with a hand he positioned himself at her entrance, his eyes locked with hers and with a deep and slow push he was inside her. They moaned in unison at the sensation, lost in each other’s gaze, as jolts of pleasure rushed along their bodies. Pausing for a moment to enjoy the feeling of being joined so intimately.
“You feel so good,” Aaron murmured, his voice a mix of awe and need. He began to move slowly, each thrust deep and deliberate, his hands gripping her hips.
Y/N wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, her own movements meeting his. “Oh, Aaron,” she moaned, her head falling back against the pillows. “Yes, just like that.”
Their rhythm was slow and tender, each movement a testament to their love and connection. Aaron’s hands traveled down her body, caressing her breasts, tickling her sides as his touch was sending shivers of pleasure through her.
“I’m close,” Y/N gasped, her nails digging into his back, her body arching towards him. “Aaron, I’m so close.”
“Cum with me,” Aaron urged, his pace quickening as his own release was building. “Let go, Y/N. Cum with me.”
Their movements grew more frantic, their bodies desperate for release. With a final, deep thrust, they both found their climax, their cries of pleasure mingling in the air. Aaron held Y/N tightly as they rode out the waves of their shared orgasm, their bodies trembling with the force of it.
When they finally came down, spent and breathless, Hotch collapsed beside her, pulling her into his arms. They lay there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, their hearts pounding in sync and their bodies tangled together, basking in the afterglow. Aaron's fingers traced lazy patterns on her back, his touch gentle and loving.
"I needed that," Y/N said softly, her voice filled with contentment.
Aaron smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "So did I."
After a much needed nap, Aaron and Y/N awoke in each other's arms, feeling blissfully content. As the afternoon sun dipped lower in the sky and the soft light of the evening filtered through the curtains, Aaron and Y/N remained ensconced in the warmth of their bed, savoring the intimacy they had shared.
Aaron smiled down at Y/N, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "You okay?" he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, stretching languidly. "Better than okay," she replied, her voice filled with warmth and satisfaction. "I'm perfect."
They shared a tender kiss. Aaron shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow to look down at Y/N. "You know, we still have the whole evening ahead of us," he said, a playful glint in his eyes.
Y/N laughed softly, tracing a finger along his jawline. "What do you have in mind?"
"How about a quiet dinner at home?" Aaron suggested. "We can cook together, something simple and comforting. And then maybe we can open a bottle of wine."
"That sounds perfect," Y/N agreed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. They reluctantly pulled themselves out of bed, the cool air a stark contrast to the warmth they'd shared under the covers.
They made their way to the kitchen, still wrapped in the comfortable intimacy of the day. Aaron started rummaging through the fridge, pulling out ingredients for a simple pasta dish.
"I'll manage the pasta if you chop the vegetables," he suggested, handing her a knife and a cutting board.
"Deal," Y/N agreed, taking her place beside him at the counter. As they worked, the comfortable rhythm of their companionship returned, filled with light-hearted banter and laughter.
They continued cooking, the kitchen filled with the delicious aromas of garlic and fresh herbs. At one point, Y/N reached up to grab a can of tomatoes from a high shelf, only to have Aaron sneak up behind her, his hands resting on her hips. "Need a hand?" he asked, his breath warm against her ear.
She smiled, leaning back into him for a moment. "I've got it," she replied, but she didn't move away, enjoying the feeling of his body pressed against hers.
Hotch pressed a kiss to the side of her neck before stepping back. As the food simmered, he retrieved the bottle of wine from the pantry and poured them each a glass, handing one to Y/N with a smile.
"To us," he said, raising his glass.
"To us," Y/N echoed, clinking her glass against his.
They sipped the wine, savoring the rich, velvety flavor. The pasta was done within five minutes, and soon they were sitting at the table, enjoying the fruits of their labor. They ate in a comfortable silence, exchanging loving and proud gazes.
After dinner, they moved to the living room, bringing the remaining wine with them. They settled on the couch, Y/N nestled against his side. The candles they had lit earlier cast a soft, flickering light, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.
Hotch wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "This has been a perfect day," he said softly, kissing her temple.
"It really has," Y/N agreed, turning her head to capture his lips in a gentle kiss. "Thank you for making me feel so loved and cared for."
"You do the same for me, every day," Aaron replied, his eyes filled with love.
They sat sipping their wine and enjoying each other's presence. As the evening wore on, the wine and the warmth of their love began to lull them into a state of peaceful contentment.
Eventually, Aaron shifted, placing his empty glass on the coffee table. "Ready for bed?" he asked, his voice soft and inviting.
Y/N nodded, setting her glass down as well. "Yes, let's go to bed."
They made their way back upstairs, hand in hand. In their bedroom, they changed into their pajamas, the familiar routine grounding them in the love and intimacy they had shared throughout the day.
Under the covers, they found each other again, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Hotch wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her close, letting her rest the head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
"Goodnight, honey." she murmured, her voice filled with love and contentment.
"Goodnight, baby." he replied, kissing her softly. "I love you."
"I love you too," she said, her voice barely more than a breath.
As they drifted off to sleep, the events of the day played through Y/N's mind, filling her with a deep sense of peace and happiness. She knew that she could always count on Hotch, no matter what. And with that comforting thought, she slipped into a peaceful sleep, content and secure in the arms of the man she loved.
The following morning, Y/N awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. She felt Aaron's warm presence beside her, his arm draped protectively over her waist. She turned slightly to face him, smiling at the peaceful expression on his face as he slept.
Feeling a surge of affection, she leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. Aaron stirred, his eyes fluttering open and smiled sleepily at her. "Good morning, handsome." Y/N said, drawing soft patterns on his chest. "Did you sleep well?"
"G’morning, baby." he murmured, his voice husky with sleep, pulling her closer. "I slept very well."
They lay there for a few more moments, savoring the quiet intimacy of the early morning. Eventually, the responsibilities of the day began to creep in. Y/N sighed softly, knowing she had to get ready for work.
"I wish we could stay like this all day," she said, her voice tinged with longing.
"Me too," Aaron agreed. "But duty calls."
With a reluctant sigh, they got out of bed and began their morning routine. Once they made their way downstairs, they decided to make breakfast together. As they moved around the kitchen, their movements were a bit slower than usual, a lingering reminder of their previous night's activities.
Aaron couldn't help but tease Y/N. "You're walking a bit funny this morning, sweetheart." he said with a playful grin.
Y/N rolled her eyes, swatting him lightly with a dish towel. "And whose fault is that, Mr. Hotchner?" she retorted, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Aaron chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement. "I plead guilty," he said, reaching out to pull her into a playful embrace. "But you can't deny it was worth it."
Y/N laughed, leaning into his embrace. "Last night was worth every sore muscle." she agreed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
As they continued to cook, the kitchen filled with the delicious aroma of eggs and bacon. Hotch turned to Y/N, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Should I be prepared for the Navy to come after me for incapacitating one of their best lieutenants?”
Y/N snorted with laughter, shaking her head. “I think they’ll understand.”
His’s smile widened. “Good to know.”  He said, glancing over at her with a mischievous grin, "And if anyone asks why we're both moving a bit slower today, we can always say it's because we had a very intense workout."
Y/N snorted, her laughter ringing through the kitchen. "Yeah, right. An intense workout indeed."
Once breakfast was ready, they sat down at the table, their plates filled with eggs, fruit, and toast. They ate together, savoring the simple pleasure of a shared meal and the silence of the house.
As they finished eating, they cleaned up together, washing dishes and wiping down counters with practiced efficiency and went preparing for the day. After taking a quick shower together, Y/N slipped into her navy uniform while Hotch dressed in his suit, ready to face another day at the BAU.
They walked to the door and right before going out, Hotch wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her into a tight hug. He pressed a soft kiss on top of her head as she leaned into his embrace, resting her head against his chest.
"Remember, if you need anything today, just call me," he said, his voice filled with concern.
"I will," Y/N promised, leaning up to kiss him. " And same goes for you.”
"I know." Aaron replied, kissing her back. "I love you."
"I love you too," she said, giving him one last smile before heading out the door.
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 days
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“There is no other love, it's only yours…”
“You're all I want, all I love…” (“You’re all I want” by Cigarettes after Sex)
Yesterday I had a really rough day. It didn’t just feel like one of my regular “PEM-Crash-Days” (PEM = post-exertional malaise = the worsening of symptoms after crossing the boundaries of my condition, due to my disease ME/CFS). The whole day was also coated in a thick layer of sadness and grief…an emotional turmoil, which I could only barely endure. Well…mixing these feelings with another wave of fever and pain, seasoned with the incapacity of tolerating screen time, adding the suffocating sensation of loneliness….et voilà! The perfect recipe for a day in hell was created! 🙄
In order to cope with my emotions, I found myself drowning in my fantasies of teenage Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules…rewriting one of their short fictional scenes. Again, Severus was tormented by his own insecurities, getting carried away in self-loathing. I don’t know, how many times I’ve already written scenes like these. Jules encourages Severus to stay resilient, praising him for all those traits, which he only identifies as his flaws and weaknesses. But for Jules, there’s so much beauty, so much strength in his imperfections. She’s making his blemishes look like the most loveable attributes of Severus’ personality with her passionate speech.
When I wrote this little scene, I recognised something: I already knew, that I’m identifying myself a lot with Severus…but Jules’ words of encouragement and consolation to her beloved friend Sevy…well, they’re are also things, I would crave to hear for myself (how pathetic, huh?!). But since I’m struggling immensely with the acceptance of my own insecurities and fears, I’m not able to reassure myself of my own worth. It’s just not on the table for me!
So…I’ll just keep on telling Severus in my stories, that he deserves nothing less than the whole world…and that Jules will always try to make him feel loved and cared for. She will never stop to compare his flaws with her own weaknesses by explaining to him, how perfectly they’re matching. Jules will never grow tired to assure Severus, that his cynicism is the perfect complement to her sense of sarcasm. For the Slytherin girl, it's a clear sign for Sevy’s extremely high intellect, which is also something, that she adores about her friend. In Jules’ eyes, his bitterness mirrors a form of hypersensitivity, a characteristic, which she knows so well from herself. That’s why she’s acting so empathetically with Severus, whenever he’s suffering with his life…and Jules is convinced, that sharing those feelings will make them less unbearable! The girl even praises Severus’ stubbornness by telling him, that she’s enjoying every good and intelligent argument with him to clear the air between them. All together, Severus’ imperfections are pure perfection to the hopelessly devoted (and obviously love-struck 😅) girl.
I’m aware of the overdramatic nature and the unnecessary fluffiness of my short stories, but that’s the reason, why I’m writing them for my eyes only. It’s my form of a coping mechanism…the only way of allowing myself some kind of self-assurance and comfort…through Severus!
Some time ago, I found an artist here on tumblr, who made me fall head over heels for her tender style of drawing my beloved dungeon bat. Especially an artwork of her interpretation of the younger Snape made my heart ache with longing for him, so of course, I just had to commission @pssherri for an illustration of Severus and my OC Jules in their teenage years.
Sonja, you did an amazing job with this project and I can’t express, how grateful I am for your kindness and the dedication to your profession! It was a pleasure to cooperate with you on this idea of mine and I hope, you’ll be open to work on more of my requests some day. Thank you for everything, my dear!
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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goquokka00 · 1 day
The Little Things (Jeongin Ver.)
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The small things he does every day that make you feel oh, so special.
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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|Helps You Dress |
We're all probably aware that Jeongin is extremely well dressed. Hell, even the other members have clarified that sometimes they go to Jeongin for fashion opinions and advice. And a lot of times, you do the same. Either that, or Jeongin will offer help if he sees you're struggling.
Jeongin will go to your closet with you and look through your clothes to try and find something that'll fit what you're aiming for. If it's for a study session at the library, he'll find a comfier set of clothes for it. If it's for a family gathering at a fancy restaurant, he'll make sure you look phenomenal. If it's for a double date with you and Jeongin and a friend and her significant other, he'll make sure that both of you are matching outfits.
I also think that sometimes, Jeongin will dress you in his own clothing, too. Not all the time, just whenever you're going to something you're not really looking forward to or will just be lounging around the house with him. Jeongin loves his clothes, yes, but he loves them even more when they're on you.
| Comes For Cuddles |
Jeongin isn't one for cuddles. We all know this. If his members try to hug and coddle him, he always tries to maneuver out of it. And I think for the most part, Jeongin wouldn't really want to cuddle you a whole lot either at first, just because it's who he is. It doesn't mean he doesn't love you, it's just a Jeongin thing.
However, there are definitely going to be moments when Jeongin will want cuddles, and will come to you for them. You stopped going to him for them, because he was always super reluctant, and figured if he wanted them, he'd come. And he did. Usually, it's when he's had a rough patch at work or is just straight exhausted. He'll come over to you and lay on top of you, resting his head on your chest and nuzzling you while hugging your torso, humming at the soft scratches you give his head.
I also firmly stand by the belief that Jeongin will do this around the other Kids, too. Literally for no other reason than to make them all upset and jealous because you're getting all of these Jeongin cuddles and kisses and affection and they're not. They'll definitely grumble about it, all while Jeongin has this smug look on his face. He just finds pleasure in making his Hyungs upset.
| Video Games |
After watching Jeongin play Among Us on Chan's computer, I think that you and he would play a LOT of video games together. Anything from on the Nintendo Switch to a Playstation, even on a laptop, the two of you would play plenty of games, sometimes even with certain things on the line. Stuff like, "Loser has to do dishes", or "If I win, you have to give me a back massage."
The competitive play would definitely be a thing, but I also think you guys would have a lot of Co-op games that you guys would play, too. Things like Bread and Fred, Among Us (if one of you isn't on a different side), It Takes Two, things like that.
I also think that y'all would 100% play games like Animal Crossing or Minecraft. You and Jeongin work way too hard on your world/islands, and always have to run ideas by each other. Those games are also great ways to stay in contact when Jeongin's on tour. Sure, a Stray Kid besides Jeongin will sometimes join your Minecraft server, but Jeongin usually kills them as punishment for joining his server that was specifically for him and his love.
| Misunderstandings |
If you're someone who's soft spoken, I feel like misunderstandings would happen a lot. Even if you weren't soft spoken, I feel like this would still happen. A lot. More or less, it's literally just Jeongin only half-listening, and hearing you say something completely different than what was actually said.
Other times, it might just be that you as him to do something, and he hears what you say, but he thinks of it in a completely different way than what you meant. "I thought you wanted me to fill the printer! I did!" "Yeah, with ink!" "And I did that!" "Jeongin, printer ink!" "...oh."
I don't think that you'd ever get mad at him though, mainly because if he does end up slipping up big time, he'll buy whatever he broke or take the time to actually do what you asked, and then will proceed to apologize profusely while cuddling you because he feels really, really, REALLY bad.
| At-Home Facials |
Honestly, because all of the guys are into facials, I think this could happen with any of them. But for whatever reason, I could see this being a Jeongin thing the most. Whether you're the one pestering him that you wanna do a facial together, or if he's the one pestering, it happens a lot.
Sometimes, it's just the two of you wearing face masks while eating instant noodles and watching TV. And that's always fun, and Jeongin really enjoyed those. You do too, because it's cheap and doesn't take a whole lot of effort to complete. Not to mention that you two always got to cuddle up on the couch.
Other times, you and Jeongin go all out. Doing multiple masks, placing cucumbers on the eyes, steaming faces with hot towels, massaging faces (and Jeongin squishing your cheeks while commenting on how cute you are), all of it. Jeongin will usually buy all of the supplies, because going out is his idea. But you two do end up feeling awesome after.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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Herald of Gorum: The First Blade
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CR 15
Chaotic Neutral Large Outsider
Inner Sea Gods, pg. 288
Whoof. This poor guy is going to have a rough time of it in a few years, won't he? And unfortunately, it has a direct, tangible connection to Gorum, being a chip of sword knocked free by one of the Lord in Iron's clashes with a great god-beast and given life by the energy of the battle. At the time of writing (6/1/2024) we have little idea of what will happen to Gorum's divine servants come the Godsrain, so the looming future of the First Blade is a dark and swirling cloud for it as well as for us.
So we're going to ignore it! And focus on the Now, much like we did for the Hand.
The First Blade is, perhaps, as straightforward as Heralds get. Gorum is a god of war who dislikes diplomacy and underhanded tactics, and as such the First Blade is a warrior with zero ranks in any skill which doesn't directly benefit its ability to initiate or maintain a combat and zero utility or ability to do anything but fight, fight, fight, and make sure everyone else fights, fights, fights as well. Unlike most Heralds whom often have multiple duties, the purpose of the First Blade is exclusively battle, and the book outright states "no accounts exist of the First Blade responding to a summons for a task other than combat;" whether or not it would be willing to train warriors is left unsaid, but it's fully willing to join in whatever fight presents itself... just be wary that disappointing it may see it killing (or at least terrifically maiming) everyone on every side out of disgust or even boredom.
Fittingly enough for one of the most combat-oriented Heralds in existence, getting into a one-on-one with the First Blade typically only ends in one way: a messy, painful death. Let's see how!
First thing's first: That weapon in the art? That's decorative at best, and an insult at worst. The First Blade is the Lord of Battle, proficient with ALL weapons and capable of instantly summoning any mundane weapon made of any material it desires in a single standard action to overcome whatever DR it encounters... but every weapon it could potentially summon is actually weaker than its Bladed Slams which, damage-wise, are usually more than enough to deal with whatever foe has presented itself.
Indeed, if the Blade is wielding an actual weapon against you, it's either because it believes you don't deserve to die by its hand, or because it's testing your mettle. It may even be showing you mercy by using a weapon, for whatever reason Gorum may have decreed. There IS a third option, in which it has determined that using a weapon with a property its slams don't have (such as Reach, Trip, Disarm, or being made of a specific material), or if it would, for the fun of it, like to make four weaker and less accurate attacks rather than two powerful and accurate ones. For the most part, the Blade will be using its two slams to devastate anything that enters its threat radius (10ft space + 10ft reach) with 2d10+16 damage while also tacking on 1d10 bleed. It's also to Great Cleave to slice through an entire squadron of foes at once, lacerating them all at once with its bladed arms so it doesn't lose as much DPS when it focuses a single enemy down.
The Blade's slams also count as magical, chaotic, adamantine weapons for the purposes of piercing DR and hardness, meaning there are few impediments the Blade cannot cleave through just by hitting it enough times. Even the iron and steel its god loves so much are shorn like paper by the Blade's hands, though this Herald DOES have some meaningful connection to iron; it's got Ironsense, letting it detect any iron coming within 60ft of it, which helps it negate ambushes and the sneak attacks of any foes it may face. And speaking of Sneak Attacks, as a hater of all forms of underhanded tactics, the First Blade is immune to poison and has 75% Fortification, meaning critical hits and Sneak Attacks have a 3 in 4 chance of simply not affecting it.
You know what else doesn't affect it? Most magic. See, the First Blade has the same Immunity to Magic as an Iron Automata, meaning that a good 80% of the spells in the game simply cannot affect it in a meaningful way! Electricity damage will slow it, but the far more common Fire damage will heal it, and most attempts to debuff it directly will just not work, assuring a good, clean battle between it and its enemies without magic getting in the wa--
oh you've made a wall surrounding it. Fair enough. It'll just do that right back, having Wall of Iron available to it 3/day to trap its foes in an arena with it (it's got Blade Barrier 1/day for a similar reason!). I say "without magic getting in the way," but the First Blade has a unique array of spell-likes which I have a difficult time envisioning the uses of. Well, I mean, I know how I'd use Chill Metal and Heat Metal (which it can do 3/day each), but it's hard knowing why the First Blade would ever bother using them... except, perhaps, to "gently" discourage unworthy foes of taking up arms against it, to scare off warriors who could not possibly survive an upcoming battle, or... well, as part of one of its crusades to slaughter an entire battlefield which disappointed it.
I'd imagine it uses its 3/day Repel Metal or Stone for a similar reason. Some creatures simply aren't worth battling, and dismissing someone so hard that them and all their compatriots are blasted 60ft backwards is a hell of a way to make that statement. RMoS also gives the First Blade an emergency disengage button on the chance someone manages to pierce its DR 15/Adamantine and Lawful and outpace its Regeneration 5 (suppressed by adamantine weapons only; magical substitutions will not work) enough to finally put it on the back foot.
While Gorum expects his worshipers and even his Herald to battle to the bitter end, he isn't so bloodthirsty that he expects them to die in a fight they would have a chance of winning were they better prepared (unlike his rival Szuriel), so a tactical retreat can be fully justified even by the vicious Herald. RMoS is an extremely powerful tool in that regard, as there is no way to resist the effects aside from dropping all the metal on your body. Amusingly, given that it's almost wholly metal, the First Blade can aim RMoS at itself to blast itself 60ft backwards to relative safety. This is, perhaps fittingly, the only true escape tool the Herald has if it must retreat.
It has no fly speed and no teleportation magic, relying solely on a 30ft movespeed to get it where it needs to go; a humble Create Pit spell takes the Herald out of the fight for several rounds until it clambers back up. Even its Swarm Form, which turns it into four squares of whirling death (4d6 damage at a time) can't fly! It's got no immunity to paralysis, stunning, or sleep, meaning nonmagical means of inflicting those status ailments have a chance of working... provided they can contend with the Blade's +20 Fort save or +12 Reflex save. Its meager +8 Will save seems like a weakness one could easily pounce on, but most effects which could take advantage of it are blocked by its Immunity to Magic, rendering that point moot. Even still, indirect ways of attacking it or containing it which don't rely on it making saving throws still work like a charm.
It can even make its enemies stronger, as it projects a 100ft aura of Rage that gives any creature which willingly accepts the effect--ally OR enemy--the spell's benefits and downsides! It cannot turn this aura off. When the First Blade joins a battle, oftentimes the only way it's walking away is by killing or demoralizing the enemy to the point they can no longer fight; it simply has few other ways to retreat from a battle it, for whatever reason, cannot or does not want to win. It's quite fitting that the First Blade is basically incapable of retreat on its own, but this relies on you being capable of putting it in enough danger that it feels the need to... and, quite simply, there are very few level-appropriate parties that can do that before it's got half of them facedown on the floor and the other half imprisoned in Walls of Iron, waiting their turn.
At the very least, dropping your weapons and surrendering will often get you mercy; Gorum grants mercy to those wise enough to realize when they're outclassed. Just don't even think about picking your weapons back up until the First Blade has fully departed, because going against the sacred rules of war by attacking it after you've surrendered is a sure way to earn its eternal ire against your companions and a swift, messy decapitation for you, personally.
You can read more about it here.
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liamlawsonlesbian · 3 days
I've just realised that most blogs are connected/ know one another. the checo blog, the max blogs, the alex blog, the lance blog and you. No wonder I had no chance making it on here, you lot hate together or rather stick together
Hi anon, first off — I’m very sorry that you’ve been feeling excluded! That’s rough! I’m going to be honest that I have no idea which blogs you’re referring to, and I’ve been sitting here wracking my brain trying to parse it (I mean “the checo blog” could only be a couple of people, but otherwise….)
What I’m not going to do is apologize for making friends. I love my community on here and I’m so lucky to have them. With one exception, they are friends I made by posting and interacting on tumblr, not by prior acquaintance. I’m a little bit shy about reaching out but I love meeting new people & I’m happy to chat any time, and I’m sure that most people feel the same!
I’m not really sure what you mean by “making it on here” — I don’t think I’ve “made it” in any meaningful way, and I don’t think tumblr even allows for that in a real sense, given that stats like follower counts are invisible. I apologize, however, if my blog is a hateful presence. I really try not to post negative or hurtful things, but I seem to have fallen short for you. Please feel free to unfollow and block me if it will make your tumblr experience more pleasant <3
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misty--nights · 23 hours
Onto episode 3 we go now. This one is always rough to watch, for obvious reasons, but I still found some little details I thought were interesting
At the very beginning, when they set up the new office in Crystal’s room, we can see on the table that there are colorful markers and pens, and sticky notes shaped like cats and hearts. Those have to be Niko’s right? I like the idea of her lending them her cute stationary so Edwin wouldn’t have to go mad trying to get Charles to bring the right things from the office. There is also a pig statue on the table. Not sure what that’s about but it also has to be Niko’s
Crystal’s shirt in the beginning says Tongue and Tail. It looks kind of faded, so did Jenny give it to her as a gift? But then, why does Jenny have a shirt with the butcher’s name? Does she sell merch with her shop’s logo for some extra cash? Did someone make it for her as a joke/gift?
Listen, I know for episode 2 I said I didn’t have any other details for the intro, but clearly that was a lie. Charles’ skeleton has his pins on the ribs. As if he stuck them directly to the bone, which is a hilarious thought and somehow really in character
Niko has a “no junk mail” sign taped outside her room. There’s a note taped outside of Crystal’s, too, but I couldn’t read what that one said
I saw someone call the Night Nurse and the Notary bitter exes and you know what? I see it. Love the interaction between those two, and I really wish we had more. Speaking of the Notary, though, she has so many stamps. I get why she needs that many, but it’s kind of funny
The sprites have a specific music that plays whenever they appear, and I love it. But also, last episode I saw that Litty’s skirt and Kingham’s waistcoat are made of the same fabric, and now that they aren’t wearing their sweaters in this episode, I think his pants and her waistcoat also match.
Speaking of the sprites and their clothes, Kingham’s tie pin is some sort of bug. Maybe a moth? It’s cute either way. Honestly, I just really like the way these two dress
Niko’s pillowcase has fish in it, which is small, but very sweet and very Niko
Edwin’s voice when he says “he’s stuck in the loop too” breaks a little, he’s so scared for Charles
You know, it was probably a good thing Charles was no longer with them when they found the dad’s creepy hidden room with the cameras. I think that with the way the case was affecting him, he would have fared well against the misery wraith
And speaking of the wraith, I think it’s interesting that only Crystal seems to be able to hear it. Even when both she and Edwin are in the same room, she’s the only one who hears it. Edwin turns to look because she does
Edwin almost never flinches during the loops. I think he does the first time they see the dad killing the others, but then it’s mostly Charles and Crystal who flinch at the gunshot and the murder
Honestly, props to Edwin for managing to figure out the vhs while trying not to freak out about Charles and the wraith that reminds him of hell Monty’s handwriting is really pretty, and I admire the dedication of drawing that whole chart by hand
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mashup-writing · 3 days
Backstage Brainstorm (Resident Lover; Cassandra Dimitrescu)
Requested? ❌
"Hurry home, let's never leave the house."
Summary: It hasn't even been a week since the Romeo and Juliet play had It's closing night but Cassandra, the ever sky-reaching star, is already trying to think up her next play that will be shown on the Campus theatre next year. It's up to you to convince her to get some much needed sleep.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
01-11: I swear, there was someone who asked me to make a Cassandra fluff fic but I can't find it in my inbox so now I'm not sure if I just accidentally deleted it or if it was in the RL Server that someone asked..
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Light assaults your eyelids and you can't help but groan in sleepy annoyance. It's not bright enough to feel like sunlight, plus there's a lack of warmth in the air. You're forced to slowly blink your eyes open as your mind starts to wake itself up in the attempt to decipher what the light source is.
You turn in the bed, arm extended to reach for...
Cold sheets?
You crack one eye open to find the culprit behind the brightness: Cassandra's over on her writing desk, with the night lamp turned on as she types away on her laptop, occasionally turning to a book by her hand before turning back to her laptop.
You untangle yourself from the sheets before slowly getting up and walking over to where the theatre director is.
"Hey there."
The clicking of the keycaps stop as you place a soft kiss to the top of Cassandra's head, keeping a hand buried in her hair even when you've pulled away. She tilts her head up to meet your gaze, and a sheepish smile grazes her lips as you raise your eyebrows at her. A silent question of "What are you up to?" conveyed clearly enough by your expression.
Cassandra sighs, taking your free hand in her own and placing kisses on each of your knuckles. It puts a smile on your lips, it was a habit Cassandra has developed ever since the two of you had started officially dating which she does whenever you're in very close proximity and she's gathering the words in her head before letting them leave her lips.
"A rough script draft of the play that I'm thinking of bringing from pages to a theatre stage. For this incoming year I was thinking Frankenstein, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, or Faerie Tale- I'm thinking Innsmouth but I still have no idea how we'll be able to set the stage for the parts that require an oceanic backdrop.."
The Actress has looked back over to the book on the table and her eyes skim the pages with a very focused look in them which you would have found cute if not for the very dark bags underneath.
"Incoming year."
Cassandra looks back over to you with a raised brow. "Huh?" is the only sound that leaves her mouth. You shake your head in fondness, how she's both basically a genius and a dumbass all in one is something that will never cease to surprise you. She offers no complaints when you take your hand out of her hair and go about saving the file on her computer before shutting it down. The look you sent her when she tried to start complaining was enough to shut her up.
You take both her hands in yours, gently pulling her up from her seat before leading her back under the blankets. Cassandra settles into your arms, head tucked underneath your chin. The sigh of contentment she lets out results in a chuckle from you.
"Much better than hunching over a desk isn't it?"
There's a beat of silence before Cassandra begrudgingly agrees with a muffled "I guess so." that could've been mistaken as nothing more than a grumble. But you know better.
"Vacation's just ended, Cass. I know you're in love with the Theatrical Arts, but now's the time for you- For us to catch up on sleep and take the breaks that we deserve."
She places a kiss to your collarbone, agreeing with a hum before nuzzling back into her comfortable position being tucked underneath your chin.
"You've got a point that I refuse to argue, and that's coming from someone in pre-law so you know you've won big time."
You both laugh, and the air in her room is filled with the essence of comfort. There's no place you'd rather be and even if you can feel that sleep is starting to creep up on the both of you, you can't help but try your best to delay it in favor of hearing Cassandra's voice for just a little longer.
"How come The Shadow Over Innsmouth was your first choice?"
"Well, the book literally starts off from the point of view of this traveler in a bus who ends up in an almost-abandoned village off a coast. He's heard stories about his destination but he's also very skeptical cuz most of the rumors legitimately sound like the story-tellers are off their fucking rockers-"
Cassandra's words start to slow and slur, and you're having difficulty in stopping her words from blurring together.
There's faint traces of bright sunlight peeking through the curtains of Cassandra's room, but it bothers neither Juliet nor her Romeo as the two both start succumbing to the inescapable pull of sleep.
The only sound that can be heard within the room is the faint synchronisation of the lovebirds' breathing.
01-11: Cassandra fluff!! Cassandra fluff!! Cassandra fluff!! I still can't believe that this Campus heart throb has the "Tamest" cult ending possible.
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This week I have mostly been reading...
Jun 3rd – 9th, 2024
Whoops, apologies everyone, I’m a bit late with what is now last week’s round up. Better late than never, right? Right.
Completed works I've read this week:
Oddity by @tsyvia48 Rated E - Actor C is contracted by (useless) Gabriel to guest curate an exhibition at the museum where A works. After getting off on the wrong foot, can they work together to pull off this show? This was in my WIP list and has now been completed *cries in a corner*
Garden of Delights series by @zehwulf Rated E – Rough Enough last week sent me on a little BDSM flavoured journey this week. This 10-part human AU series is *significantly* harder than Rough Enough, although A continues to have his soft Dom personality. I thoroughly enjoyed Crowley’s gender fluidity, as I identify as genderfluid myself. There are some very particular kinks in this series, and a SERIOUS CW for consensual non-consent (CNC) in multiple stories within this series. There is an underlying psychological growth within the series, though, which is interesting to unpick. Which, when I read this back, looks like me giving weird reasons for reading kinky smut. I give no excuses for reading kinky smut. I enjoy smut and certain types of kink. I also enjoy teasing out angst and psychological growth. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. But, erm, no chicken dinners in my smut, thanks. Not into that. But if you are, by all means…
A Tempting Night of Wine and Kisses by LemonTart Rated E – in-universe, but not canon-compliant, this is interestingly part 2 of a series, but the first kiss between A & C doesn’t happen until this second part – despite the first part also being very much E rated. This leads to this one-shot being much more tender and loving. Which was particularly soothing after 10 BDSM stories 😂 It was a bit like my own aftercare
love not given lightly by @hakunahistata Rated E – Hmmm, I’m starting to sense a pattern in last week’s reading…it all seems to be raaaather smutty. So apologies if that’s not your thing. *coughs* Anyway, blame Rough Enough, this is another Gentle/Soft Dom A fic. The story starts off with C snapping at A upon their very first meeting that he’s “fine”…coz, you know, that’s what all completely fine people say…
Ngk Ngk Ngk by ForFucksSakeJim Rated E – There is only one thing I can say about this one: Ngk.
The Beginning of the End (Again) by @addledmongoose Rated M – A Post GO2 fic with a brilliant plot idea. I really enjoyed it AND it’s written in the first person (alternating) POV. I’ve never read a fic in this POV and I can genuinely say I enjoyed it and I congratulate the author on making it work so well. There is a lot of humour in this story as well, which I enjoyed and, hey, look, it's not a smutty-smut one. Although it’s definitely not innocent. I loved the character of Duke Asmodeus as well. Highly recommend. 
WIPs which have updated this week (which I devour as soon as I get the update!)
There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out by @phoen1xr0se Rated M - A is a researcher (puffins!), C is a lighthouse keeper on the island where A has run away to to escape his problems and do his research. The author has recently spent a week studying puffins - which is the ultimate dedication, if you ask me. Ch 10/26 posted so far
Find The Light by @klikandtuna Rated E - Headmaster A and Rockstar C. The story teases out a fraught history between them whilst keeping a tension between them in the modern day. Ch 11/15 posted so far
Under The Summer Stars by @pannotbread Rated E - This wonderful fic has taught me more about physics than school ever did (mostly because I never did any physics, but...well). A & C have to share their time at an observatory because there is Only One Telescope. Not only will you learn about astrophysics, astrobiology, and astroecology, you'll also read some of the most poetically, beautifully written masturbation scenes I've ever seen. *ahem* Ch 8/13 posted so far
Poetry Carved In Flesh by @fellandcrow Rated E – Tattoo enthusiast A becomes a fan of tattooist C’s work, but doesn’t have any tattoos himself. C convinces him to get tattoos…but due to distance, A can’t get any work done by C. Until C comes to see him. This fic has GORGEOUS artwork, and speaks to my tattoo-obsessed soul. It’s an A-falls-first-C-falls-harder story, which is always fun. It also features ghostrat’s Nice and Accurate fandom. Ch 7/16 posted so far
Exodus_2 by @tismrot Rated E – Human AU set in a dystopian future. The summary says it best, really: Ezra studies programming at the University of ha-Gan. He’s as determined as he is damaged, as fastidious as he is precise, and likes to believe he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. His beliefs are challenged when a new student appears late to the first Ethics module lecture - and his life is changed forever. It's the future, it's dystopian, it's cyber and it's punk. It's political, grimy and slick with tears, lube and chemical snot. TW: Sex, drugs, trauma. Ch 30/35 posted so far
Free by well, me: imposterssyndrome Rated E - A & C meet (again?) in an acute mental health ward after both having had mental health crises. A runs a bookshop but is very much under his parents' control. C has been homeless since childhood and has struggled his entire life. They do not trust each other when they first meet, but feel strangely drawn to one another all the same. Where will this lead them? This is a passion piece for me. There is a lot of lived experience in it, and extensive research from both professionals and peers. It has been a real journey for me to write it, and as I'm coming closer to the end it's becoming very emotional for me. Ch 53/57 so far - on the home stretch now everyone!
Want to see more recs? This is last week's list.
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anticanonsposts · 21 hours
Hi love so i really love your work it makes my day!💗🌷
I want to ask for something please ☹️🙏🏻, what about the reader have insecurities about their skin tone or some areas of their body, and think konig deserves better?, How does Konig comfort them and convince them after trying alot?
(it's up to you if it's NSFW or SFW)
Thank you so much!! 💓
bro would be so lost whenever you had insecurities bc you were perfection breathing to him idec this man would be so mushy to his person
but per the request here’s a little sm completely SFW!!
cw: talk about physical characteristics, negative self talk
The sun shone through the curtains, y/n’s body started to wake her up, giving a long stretch she was woken up from her sleep to see a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Usually, universally this would be a good omen, a message that today was going to be good. But all y/n could think about was how hot it was going to be and that her wardrobe would have to match the weather. Making her way into the bathroom to stand in front of the mirror, her thoughts started to spiral. The past few weeks had been a bit rough, it seemed like she could find nothing adequate about her skin, her skin that she lives in. When she looks in the mirror all she sees is the bumpy areas on top of her arms, the hyperpigmentation around her facial features, and in the crooks of her body. Everything that women in the media had, she did not. She never saw anyone else with cellulite or anyone else with dark stretch marks, acne, so called ‘beauty’ marks in strange places. She was just so sick of it. She knew that magazines and tv were fake, but it didn’t make it any easier to deal with.
Fortunately her doom-like thoughts were interrupted by her partner König coming up behind her. He braced his left arm against the counter, curving around her body, and turning the sink on with his right hand, caging her in between his body and the counter. He gave the back of her right shoulder a small peck before brushing his teeth. At first his eyes traced across the counter top at their various items, but quickly he grew bored and started moving his eyes across her body. He appreciated everything about her, every single part of her he grew to love. In his mind, light equal to that of the sun came from every inch of her skin, she always glowed to him. If he was being honest with himself, sometimes when she would be upset with some part of the way she looked he would be in turmoil. The idea that someone he saw as so beyond perfection and beautiful could think such ugly things about themselves. He supposed she felt the same way about him at times, the ugly thoughts he would have gnawing away at his self esteem that she would always hush and comfort. He wished he could be that same voice for her and more. He in turn was drawn from his thoughts when he felt a small squeeze against his left hand by hers in response to his kiss.
Moving to stand side by side with her, he spit out his toothpaste and rinses the sink before turning to her. Today he was especially happy because they finally both had free time to go to a fancy lunch together. And seeing as the day was so beautiful, they could for sure enjoy the patio of the restaurant.
“We should probably start getting ready, no?” he says to her with a small smile on his lips, giving her cheek another kiss. She gave him a small smile in return which luckily for her appeased him enough to walk away towards their shared closet. Well in reality he had about ⅛ of the closet and her clothes filled the rest. Considering he had only a few ‘going out’ clothing items, he got ready rather quickly, first getting dressed and then returning to the bathroom to make his hair look more presentable. At which point she went to the closet to find her clothes.
As time passed, y/n got increasingly more and more frustrated. Desperately trying to find something that would cover her arms, her legs, and most other parts of her without looking like a total freak dressing like this in such hot weather. Unfortunately for her, all of her clothes that fit the bill happened to be black. ‘Great’ she thought to herself, today would definitely be difficult, uncomfortable, and she would no doubt be getting a few stares. Once she was all put together she told König that she was ready to go. He definitely did a double take at her outfit choice. But he knew her well enough that he could tell there was something off about her mood. Seeing as she usually came to him when she wanted to talk about something, he didn’t pry.
They got in his car and started driving to the restaurant, and started talking like normal. The worries he had about her mood quickly subsiding. But he definitely notices the sweat collecting on her forehead and how she is turning all of the AC fans in the vehicle towards her, but again he chooses not to call attention to it. Finally when they get to the restaurant he jumps out before she can think to open her door for her. Getting to the host stand, y/n is more warm and nervous than ever. She can feel the hot sun beating down on the top of her head, and the warmth absorbing into her all black clothes.
“Is an outside table still ok?” König asks sheepishly as the hostess is leading them to an outside table.
“Yes of course!” y/n responds trying to fane the sound of comfort and contentment.
She isn’t slick. König sees right through this but lets her sit down at least before questioning her.
“Are you sure you aren’t too warm? Those clothes look a bit hot. I can ask if we can be seated inside instead.” he starts, not wanting to bombard her too quickly to turn her away from opening up.
Once seated, y/n’s condition just gets worse. Sweat now practicall pouring from a faucet from all parts of her body. She looked as if she was getting a fever or sweating out the worst hangover of her life. So, taking matters into his own hands, König stands up and says, “Alright, how about we try out a different restaurant huh?”
“What? I thought you really wanted to try this place?” Y/n responds, knowing that she was not able to hide her discomfort very well.
“It’s fine Schatz, this restaurant will still be here in a week don’t worry I can wait.” König responds before pulling out her chair and leading her back to the car after alerting the wait staff. Once they get back to the car he pops the trunk and takes her to it.
He rifles through his gym bag before pulling out a shirt and shorts that are clean and honestly a bit on the small side.
“Here, change into these so you can cool off ok? Then we will go to (your fav restaurant) and sit inside.”
He opens the back door so y/n can climb in to change.
“Was this just your ploy to get me naked?” She asks with a playful smirk across her face.
“As much as I’d love for you to be naked in the back seat of my car for other reasons, just focus on changing right now baby.” he smirks while keeping his gaze towards the front, keeping an attentive eye out for possible peepers.
Once she changed into König’s giant t-shirt and basketball shorts, making sure to pull the drawstring and tie it tightly around her waist. She made her way back up to the front seat, met with a very satisfied grin from her boyfriend.
“Alright now how about (your favorite restaurant) huh?” he says starting the car and then immediately returning his hand to your leg.
As he starts driving y/n feels the extra heat start to melt off her body, she feels infinitely more relaxed. Thank fucking god her boyfriend could practically read e her mind at this point.
“You know schatz, if you want to start wearing clothes that cover more of your skin, I will be supportive. Will I miss seeing so much of you? Yes, but if it's what you want-”
“Oh no, I don’t really want to dress like this,” y/n starts to say but quickly her voice gets quiet again causing König to look away from the road towards her.
Feeling his strong gaze on her she continues, “lately I haven’t felt super great about parts of myself.”
His initial reaction was pure shock, if she felt ugly or insecure or whatever. How could anyone else on earth possibly feel confident? But he knew saying any of these things would just keep her from sharing similar thoughts like this with him in the future.
“Sometimes my skin just doesn’t look very blurred or cohesive. I have darker areas, areas that seem agitated, and the way that my fat sits on my body sometimes I think looks unflattering” y/n finishes, now fiddling with König’s hand on her leg.
Of course his heart wrenches at hearing this. “Surely you know that none of that is true my dear?” He says incrediously, truly not being able to process what he is hearing. “Normally I am very quick to appease your wants and desires, but please do not dress like this if it truly makes you this comfortable. Because seeing you are uncomfortable, makes me uncomfortable ok? There is quite literally nothing that I would change about your skin or you for that matter.” He finishes now parking the car at the restaurant and turning his body toward yours in the car, as much as he could at least in the semi cramped vehicle.
Sheepishly looking back over to him y/n nods and says, “Thank you baby, I’m so lucky to have you.” Before getting politely shushed and brought into a hug.
König all the while still wracking his brain trying to figure out why she was the lucky one when it was so clearly him. He had a lot of quirks and baggage so the fact that she still saw hers as a burden in their relationship troubled him a bit. But that was a conversation for another time. For now, she felt better and so did he.
The two of them then had a lovely meal at her favorite restaurant, albeit looking a little odd seeing as König was not wearing his usually loungewear and she in gym clothes. But they were both comfortable and happy.
Teehee kind of a build up to the actual request but I hope you liked it <3
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bellaxgiornata · 9 hours
OH MY GOD OKAY- so hang on- first off, BELLA, how are you? how's the newborn? how are the kids in general?! i'm happy to hear the birth went well, i hope you're recovering well and that you're not pushing yourself too muchhhhh
ANYWAY. i just found out how my godfather/uncle met his wife and- HOLY SHIT it gives me SUCH Frank or Matt vibes (more frank than matt in my opinion, but 100% either of them) and i had to tell you about it to see if you agreeeeeee (+ it could be a cool oneshot idea if you want it hehe, i'll give it for free)
OKAY SO for the purposes of clarity, my uncle/godfather's name is now Peter, and his wife's name is Molly, because why not?
Peter is invited to his best friend's wedding, and the bride at that wedding warns him "hey, don't you dare talk to Molly" (while pointing Molly out in a crowd) "she just went through a really difficult breakup and though you guys are 100% eachother's types, she is absolutely not ready for another relationship and i don't want you to break her heart if the relationship isn't going to last."
and Peter respects that. except the bride wasn't clear about who she was pointing to. so Peter was avoiding another random girl in the friend group he'd never met and had been talking and flirting all night with Molly without realising it was Molly and he legit spent the whole ceremony and most of the reception sitting right next to her and chatting.
and then during the reception, the bride realises that Peter and Molly are talking and she tells Peter like- "why are you talking to Molly, I told you to stay away from her!" and he's like "that's Molly? well you were right then" and then the bride is like "about what?" and he's like "that we're eachother's types. I gave her my phone number an hour into us meeting and I've already asked her out on a date and she said yes."
and now they've been married for 10 years or so and have two daughters
LIKE IT'S ALL SO CUTE- when i found out i wanted to die because of how adorable it is- like it's genuinely the meet-cute in a rom-com kind of shit- and to me it's SO Frank or Matt-coded (helps that my godfather/uncle is military and is built nearly exactly like Frank- like seriously shave frank's head, make him look slightly less worn out and traumatised and you have my godfather/uncle + they have the exact same sense of humour and stuff).
Hey, friend!! 💖 My response is a bit long so I put it below the cut. But enjoy this Frank gif to break things up (and because I wouldn't be able to resist that man looking at me like that at a wedding...).
Tumblr media
I am doing well! I've had a cold shortly after coming home from the hospital which has been rough on top of everything else, but I feel a little better today and I have been taking time to try to take care of myself. Our little baby is doing well, boy can down milk like no one's business and he's generally a pretty happy little guy all the time. My toddler absolutely adores him already, but he's been an only child for almost 4 years so he's been having a hard time sharing our attention. The birth had some scary ups and downs last week, but things ended up okay and both baby and I are alright! I will say that I've had enough experience with child birth and don't want to do it a third time after that, though 😅
Ahhh!! OMG! I love stories like this! I used to be a wedding photographer for about 11 years before becoming a stay at home mom and I LOVE hearing stories of how couples met (or got engaged) because it's so interesting to hear about! And I can actually see a story for either Matt or Frank so I may keep that in mind for a one shot now, thank you 😆
But yes! I could absolutely see an innocent Frank at a wedding getting the women mixed up and genuinely talking to the "wrong" one and they end up hitting it off in the end and he sticks by her side for most of the night. Sweet Frank would soothe anyone's broken heart. As for Matt, well, I could see him making an innocent mistake, but truly I could see Fog warning him to stay away from a family member or friend and Matt "accidentally" talking to her and pretending he thought it was another woman Fog warned him to stay away from. I mean, it's Matt and he's a little shit sometimes 🤣
But that's so crazy!! Thank you for sharing this story with me!! I always love taking real life moments and then thinking about how the guys might react if it had happened to them! But I do agree that this screams more Frank than Matt (unless it was about intentionally ignoring the friend's warning because that screams Matt).
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merbear25 · 13 hours
hi mer!! thank you for answering my last request, its lovely as always 💕
im bothering you with another ask of crocodile - san (can you tell hes my favorite, hehe?)
could i ask for hcs of him in bed / kink hcs with him, x transmale reader who is very compliant with whatever he wants, and they themselves prefer rougher sex?
hehe, thank you !!!!!
-🐊 anon ^_^
Hello, my lovely 🐊 anon! Thank you for sending this in and please bother me about whatever idea you have. I'm always happy to hear them. This man has quite the hold on you, doesn't he? 🤭 I can see why though, I mean...look at him! I hope I did your request justice and you like it 💜💜
CW: NSFW, MDNI, headcanons, transmale reader (includes both pre/post transition hcs), penetrative sex.
His little plaything (Crocodile)
Crocodile would be a very kinky man. He’d like to explore different avenues and interests in the bedroom, especially when he had someone so willinging to satisfy his every whim.
At first he wouldn’t push your limits too much, as he’d want to gradually explore what you could handle. Every twitch your body signaled, every time your face flushed from the building intensity, every desperate moan that passed your trembling lips: they were all part of the fun when it came to exploring your body.
When you whimpered, “Harder,” a cocky smirk stretched across his face.
“Be careful what you wish for,” his voice low and gravely.
If you didn’t have bottom surgery, he’d plough deep inside your walls, playing with your most sensitive bundle engorged at the top to ensure you unraveled on him quickly. However, feeling you come undone on him would only increase his hunger for you, wanting to push you over the edge again and again until you were begging him to stop.
If you did have bottom surgery, he’d tease your cock, edging you till you were begging for him to fuck you. Your pleas fueled his more sadistic nature. While he watched you huff and groan from your pent-up lust, he’d enter you from behind. Starting off gently to savor the way your body adapted to him, he’d pick up the pace to satiate his need to see your face stained with tears.
He’d want to eventually branch out and explore the kinkier side of things:
Role-play (mostly kept to a theme of abusing power), pet play (to have you crawling on all fours for him), slight humiliation kink (to be in awe of how deliciously pathetic you could be), and slight BDSM (some rough slaps, choking, and maybe a paddle). Ultimately, he’d want to ensure you were turned into a pitiful, whimpering mess.
Whether or not you were pre or post op wouldn’t matter when it came to giving you oral because he’d be so dead set on having you squirm either way.
Your cries of ecstasy fanned the flames of passion until they grew into a raging fire, and that was something he’d never tire of feeling when in bed with you.
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