#Idk these thoughts are messy but there's just something so !!! About
forlovvers · 2 days
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ smitten
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pair: richkid!jake x f!reader | genre: fluff kinda angst kinda | warning(s): a lil jealousy, a kiss, one suggestive joke | wc: 700 | synopsis: in which you’re tired of keeping your relationship with jake a secret.
lynne’s notez🗒️: missing jake so bad rn and idk why </3
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you let out a yelp of surprise as you’re snatched from the hallway, and pulled into the janitor’s closet. you’re about to slap the perpetrator when he reaches up and pulls on the light, revealing a very disheveled looking sim jake.
jake looks even better than when you last saw him—it nearly makes you choke. messy dark hair that frames his face and an unkept uniform was something you didn’t know you were so attracted to. you’re backed against the cramped walls of the closet, only then realizing how close the two of you really were.
“you can’t just go around kidnapping people, jake.” you say indefinitely.
“why were you talking to sunghoon?” he asks, completely ignoring your previous comment. jake cocks his head to the side, staring down at you. he places his hand on the wall to keep his balance, unintentionally trapping you against him.
you shrug and instead of answering him, you take his knotted tie and begin to undo it. jake surprises you by leaning in closer, so close you can smell his sweet cologne. you start to loop the tie properly when he places his index finger under your chin to lift your head so you’ll finally look him in the eyes.
“i’m up here, yn.” he says your name softly, the way you like it. “i don’t like that you’re talking to sunghoon.” there’s a frown on his lips when he says this.
“i’m tutoring his sister,” you say finally and you watch a look of relief wash over his face. “but you’re the one who wanted to keep our relationship a secret, remember?” you remind him again.
it didn’t come as a surprise to you when jake said he wanted your relationship to be a secret—or private as he called it. that strictly meant no talking at school and only hanging out during the evenings. it didn’t bother you too much for the first week, but when you saw how many people hit on your boyfriend without the knowledge of your relationship, it really started to irritate you.
you knew the two of you were is different social classes; you went to decelis on a scholarship and jake’s father added a building onto campus just so he’d be able to attend. but you didn’t think it would affect your relationship as much as it did.
“but that doesn’t mean you can go around talking to other guys.” jake’s frown deepens and his eyes go big like puppy’s would. he reaches up to twirl your hair around his finger. “your hair’s so soft.” he was definitely trying to flirt his way back to your good side.
you brush his hand away and firmly cross your arms. “jake, i don’t want to keep doing this.”
“doing what?”
“whatever this is!” you gesture frustratingly at the space between you two. “i don’t want to be a secret anymore! i don’t want to watch other people flirt with you—!“
jake cuts you off by placing his lips on yours, almost immediately shutting you up. you fall into a familiar routine as his hands find your hips and yours reach up to run through his hair. he lets out a small groan when you tug a little on his hair, causing him to lean even closer to you. you truly have no backbone when it comes to sim jake.
you pull away after a couple of moments to get a good look at him. with puffy pink lips and rosey cheeks, you’d think he’d might actually be smitten with you—too bad he doesn’t act like it.
“i’m gonna go out before you so i’m not late to class—“
“why would we go out separately?” jake interlocks your fingers together and it feels like it did the first time: right.
“because you don’t want us to be seen together?” you say it like a question and watch as jake’s eyebrows crease together in uneasiness.
“from now on, i only want to be seen with you.” jake pulls you in, arms wrapping instinctively around you. “i thought i was protecting you from rumors and other stupid stuff but saying it out loud makes me sound like an idiot. gosh, i don’t know how you don’t just slap me sometimes.”
you crack a smile, “i do want to slap you sometimes, but i think i’d rather have you walk me to class.”
“or we could stay here and make-out some more?”
“wrong answer! try again.” you say, accompanying your words with a loud incorrect buzzer.
“we could do more than make-out?”
you gasp, “jake!”
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ninyard · 10 hours
how do you think jean would be post tsc duology with his sexuality with jeremy like i feel like he’s been put into this submissive role at the nest but idk if that was something he enjoyed
Oh you’ve opened a can of worms anon. Here’s a not so short but typically messy, as per usual, look into Jean’s sexuality.
Firstly, I think there are a million different nuances and anomaly’s and sides to Jean’s sexuality. Jean Moreau: whose first girlfriend was a plane ticket to the United States. We don’t know much about his childhood, but we can only imagine it wasn’t pleasant; If he’s anything like Neil, did he date at all as a kid/young teen?
So - let’s picture it. We’re a little while into Jean’s time with the Trojans, we're a little while into Jean and Jeremy figuring each other out, and the sex conversations comes up.
Now, personally, I don't believe that Jean's response to his trauma is anything like Andrew's - we've seen he doesn't seem to have an issue being touched, and nor does he seem to have an issue with sexuality in general. But things that I believe he does have a problem with?
His sexuality, and knowing what he wants vs what he believes is expected of him.
I think Jean has an incredible amount of shame around his interest in men. Most of it having been beaten into him, instilled by Riko into him. I think his gut response to pull away and reject advances and pretend his interest in men doesn't exist comes mostly from that, or from hearing Kevin say to him that it was far too difficult a life to be the child of a legacy and interested in men. How the public would react, how professional exy teams and the media would respond; it's always easier to be heterosexual. It always has been.
The first hurdle Jean has to jump over is that; allowing himself to desire men, to feel like that is okay, to feel like he deserves the way that Jeremy looks at him. The Trojans help, far more than they even know. Cat and Laila help. All of the queer couples and out-and-proud folks on the team help. Immeasurably. It normalises it for him, and he sees how safe they are, how unpunished they are, and whether its subconscious or not, being around them all really helps destroy his bone-deep shame. But he gets past it. At some stage he admits that his sexuality is unimportant to him, as it truly is, but he feels comfortable enough say well, yes, his attraction does also extend to men. It will never be more important that Exy. But it exists. It just eventually becomes a far smaller deal to him that it had originally been.
Skip some time, some awkward and painful conversations, and Jean and Jeremy are together. How that happens, I don't know - do they hook up first? Do they date for a while before they get there? But, when they get there, there comes this point a handful of times in where Jeremy realises he has been leading their encounters a whole lot more than Jean is. In fact, when he thinks about it, as comfortable as Jean insists that he is, he is not in control at all. He follows Jeremy's lead. Jeremy thinks about Kevin's awkward comment the day he was asked to sign Jean.
"Tell me what you want." Jeremy says, having thought too much about it, having wondered if he was imagining things.
"You," Jean responds, maybe. "That is all."
Jeremy sits back and he looks at him, and Jean looks back with that gorgeous and confused look draped across his pale complexion. Somehow they talk for a little while, and find themselves at the point:
Is this how you actually want to have sex, or is it just how you think I want you to have sex?
And Jean doesn't know. It's the question that sends him spiralling, because he hasn't even realised it. He hasn't noticed how he is simply complacent, uninvested in his own desires and pleasure in order to keep Jeremy happy. It's not that he doesn't get pleasure from it, of course he does, but he will not take a step out of line if Jeremy is happy. I think he might have to stop for a while, stepping back from sex while he tries to understand his relationship with sex itself. He's too used to being used and having expectations put on him that he knows no different. He doesn't know what he likes. He doesn't know if he prefers to top or bottom, to be submissive or dominant, or any other thing like that; it's a no-mans land that he's spent far too long people-pleasing in that he's forgotten that he's allowed to enjoy it as well. So I think that takes a lot of time and unlearning to see his own pleasure as something worthy of investigating.
Jeremy is patient, of course, and while he sees how much of a "step back" Jean has taken in terms of being okay with sex, it's worth it; sure, Jean never much had a problem with it, and maybe bringing it up caused a problem, but it sparks that thought in Jean's brain. That curiosity about whether or not the role that he plays during sex has been built by the nest, or if it's what he genuinely likes to do. As I say, it takes a lot of unlearning for Jean. A lot of unpacking of what happened to him, and a lot of really, really hard conversations.
His body is his own, and he knows that now. It does not belong to Jeremy. Again, not that Jeremy thinks so either, to be very clear. He knows Jeremy doesn't think so. Not one bit. But he has to understand that himself. He doesn't have to read Jeremy's micro expressions to figure out what he wants him to do, he doesn't have to just keep him happy. Intimacy can only exist in an environment where it is reciprocated. And while he cares deeply for Jeremy, if he is ignoring his own desires in order to maintain peace, he is not being genuine. He is simply submitting because that's the only option he's known. That's the only choice he's ever had.
I think Jean loves sex - I think Jean really, really enjoys having sex with Jeremy. I just think it's also evident quite quickly that he isn't even thinking about how he affords Jeremy all of the control in every scenario. Jean is submissive because that's all he knows. And I feel like it takes a while and a lot of talking for him to leave that habit behind and freely, unashamedly, fuck without expectation for him to be a certain way or act a certain way. That doesn't mean he has to be a top or a bottom. It does mean that he has to stop himself from studying every twitch and tell on Jeremy's face to try understand completely what the Captain expects of him.
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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But tonight, I’ll need you to stay
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proxythe · 26 days
please elaborate on your feelings regarding Aki’s healing abilities & miki…
i just feel like if something tragic happens to someone you love so much and in that moment you were too “weak” to do anything about it but then you grow up and you find out you can literally heal peoples injuries would probably make you start feeling some type of way.
i know akihiko cannot resurrect people like yukari, ken or aigis can, but even having the smallest ability that can be used to “save” people (by healing them) is huge for someone who wants to save everyone. i think akihiko is smart enough to understand that he would only be able to use it during the dark hour so it’s essentially useless anyways even if he somehow knew he had it back then, but i think there’s always some foolish hope when it comes to people you love so much. there’s always “what if”, so i do think there’d be the tiniest shred of conflict there when it comes to “would i have been able to save miki then” with even the weakest of healing abilities.
ultimately, no i do not think dia could save miki from a building thats on fire. but i also think, like i said before, knowing you have the ability to make peoples injuries magically heal would probably plant the seed for such what ifs. i do think akihiko would come to terms with the fact that it wouldnt help. it’s more so something i feel would torture him early on rather than later, since akihiko is very much against changing the past & he always faces what presently happens
i forgot to bring up about why i thought that akihiko would be proud of his healing ability. but i think it’s pretty obvious. guy who wants to protect people can finally protect people with not just his fists. save them with the power of healing magic
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stormofdefiance · 23 days
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2.2 spoilers //
He finally texted me back and I’m on my knees. Like I might actually cry - he wants to live 😭😭 ffffuck. HAPPY about being alive, FUCK - I can’t believe he just said that with his fingers aaaHHHHH. He’s worrying about being a bother but also actually SHOWING he’s insecure about it oh my god lay me down in the tall grass
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eternal-reverie · 26 days
got the posting anxiety bad tonight
#click clack#ok a peak into my thought process and anxiety here we go#ok so the art is almost done and up to standard I would post onto my art blog#BUT for some reason the thought of posting art of my ocs there scares me#because even tho it’s my art blog in my mind it’s the equivalent to a art gallery that demands being detached????? from the art#like once I share it there it’s no longer ‘mine’ but to the public#and my ocs (plus the stories that go with them) are like the closest to my heart and relinquishing them feels like a lot#a part of my imagination that I spent so much time with developing over the years to be placed up for judgement…#so then the solution could be to put it here on my personal! the online space cozy enough and filled with other posts that could easily bury#the original posts I put here#but there goes my other dilemma. i don’t want them too associated with my personal for if one day i do muster up something for publication#my big fear is that ppl will find this space and go thru everything. the fear of being perceived and judged 😵‍💫#all the hypotheticals and anxiety for something that may not even happen#dumb mind problems my head made up 🙄#anyway writing it out helped lol I’m posting it to my art blog I decided 👍#I have to work on getting that blog to be comfortable space to post… i should lower that silly self imposed standard I set for myself#and be whatever about ppl being aware of my online presences#maybe… [grinding my teeth] I should post my messy sketches onto my art blog…#I should take my friends suggestion and make a website to feature my ocs…🤔#idk my only other solution that doesn’t feel viable to mitigate the anxiety is to slowly introduce my ocs in the background of setting art#just a slow drip until they are in the forefront#bleghhh whatever much ado about nothing it’s like I never posted my ocs ever when I have indeed posted them before on both places ( º_º )#I’m realizing it happens too when I post too much fanart in a row… I have curator disease??? 🫨#or something I used to be very particular about what order I reblog stuff like it used to be by color and content balanced out#I still do to a lesser degree… but it used to be pretty bad#post order compulsion????#the fear of being abrupt and incohesive in between posts…#if you read this far thanks you can now see how much this consumes me 🙃
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dontmeanyoudontmissit · 7 months
There's just something so incredibly human about Taylor holding onto all of these more emotionally messy vault songs and releasing them now. When you're in the thick of it, especially when You're in your 20s it's so much harder to put that honesty out there
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nostalgia-tblr · 6 months
in other news i enjoy a bit of sifki because they are clearly exes and you know something emotionally messy happened there but you have almost no canon "facts" to work with so you can just make shit up and nobody can tell you that you're wrong. in some ways that sort of pairing is perfect for fanfiction. you get a vibe from it, but there's no explanation for that vibe so whatever you invent to make sense of it is probably going convince at least a few people.
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peppermintmochafem · 6 days
#Um she told me she's in love with me and if anything happens to know I'm hot and she wants me#And then went into a lot of detail just repeating over and over the things she wants / fantasies about me incoherently#Which I'm sure means nothing right#I know this is complicated for her she hates being attracted to me but it is hard to have her be like this is bad when she says she wants m#I don't know what to do#personal#tbdeleted#Triggering for me yikes#messy messy messy#Honestly think she is just grieving so its latching onto me as a woman she can love in a safe way#And I am glad I can be that I guess like obviously she needs that and I want to keep her safe#But I know I can't and she even said it#Like I know she will go home and then be gone forever#I think I am already grieving her in a way#And she has hurt many people I love dearly#Hurt them in deeply upsetting triggering ways that aren't okay and don't make me feel safe#She really lacks understanding of consent and that hurts people but I know she does want me and i think if I tried to stop her I could#I shouldn't be in situations where I am unsure of that though but at the same time it's like if something happens it happens#Idk how much of this is my own issues and thinking I'm not deserving of safe respectful sex and intimacy and my own guilt for everything#And how much of it is her own issues and guilt and grief#But I know I can be safe and loving for her#And I do know there is genuine love there no matter what other factors there are#Anyways sorry if you read all that I am giving you the biggest forehead kisses#I just think about how different it might have been if I had *** **** *** ** *** *** ****** ** *****#I thought I couldn't cope if I had but how can I cope that I didnt#I should have *** *** *** when I could have#This is unrelated but its all tangled up and it's just been bad trauma day already#If I had **** * ****** **** if I had *** *** if I had **** ***** or#Anyways **** ***** ****** **
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acaciapines · 1 month
as someone who’s very excited to read your Dess raises Kris AU, something that i’m really excited for is the dynamic between Dess and Chara! From the little excerpt we saw of them in the past i’m so curious as to how they’re relationship functions / how it’ll effect Kris growing up and such. If it isn’t too much to ask, could you go a bit in depth as to how they ‘work’ in a sense?
jkegkjdfgdf IT MEANS SO MUCH THAT UR EXCITED.....WOW.....like i am too its just so fun to know other people are!!
and! yeah so. i go into them a lot in this post here where i said. a lot of what my ideas are right now (and its said better lol) but i can for sure talk about them forever and ever and ever. most relationship of all time.
under the cut cause Oh My God it was not supposed to be this long.
so!!! i think a lot of how dess and chara work is that as time goes on it becomes increasingly obvious that They Do Not, actually. like, the way i see dess is that she is very much a person who needs to be on the move--she cannot stay in one place. that just...isnt who she is, and its stifling, and she HATES being weighed down. and kids, uh, sorta do that to you lol. vs chara, who like...has defined xirself around this role xe took up, 'cause the huge difference between them is that chara chose to have frisk and dess just sorta ended up with kris, right? so thats one point they arent ever going to like, understand the other one on.
so a lot of what leads them to deciding to stick together is this sense of loneliness they both feel...dess for being someone who is always on the move has also always had people with her: azzy, for one, but i think shes also the sort of people who makes a lot of like, surface-level friendships? i think shes A Lot and most people never get to know her that well, but like...chara DOES. and vice-versa for chara: people never bother to get to know xir, but dess WANTS TO. dess really truly cares about xir and xir life and who xe is which is very new for chara. cause before this all xe's had is frisk who is. literally a two year old and doesnt have any other choice lol.
theyre both people who have been dealt a poor hand in life in regards to dark world bullshit, something they cant exactly get help with through like, traditional means. they meet when theyre both super young--iirc dess is 18, chara 21? 22?--and yknow, raising a kid at that young an age isnt the most common experience. dess has run away from home, basically, and chara's a college dropout with a biological family xe never want to see again...neither of them have anybody else! they dont have any help! so they bond over that, a lot. its like...seeing someone Like You for the first time in your entire life.
and all that said its the kids thing that really throws a wrench into everything.
because dess cant stay still, right? she cant. shes not wired for it. but chara does, and she trusts chara, and chara doesnt mind watching kris, so dess doesnt feel bad leaving them with xir. but. a day becomes a week. week a few weeks, a month, a few months. as time goes on dess coming home grows more and more sparse. but theres this sense of like...chara doesnt really know who xe is, anymore, outside of this family xe has? outside of being a parent and spouse? so to chara, to leave dess is like, unimaginable. dess is xir person. dess loves xir, which is something xe cannot really comprehend as a loveless aromantic, but having never been loved in xir entire life (chara had a Bad childhood lets just say) its like...dess chooses xir. and sure, shes gone a lot, but when she does come home, her home is XIR. her home is chara. its gloriously dizzying.
and dess does feel the same way!!! dess never really means to leave chara for so long, she just...loses track of time. hates being Needed by kids in any way more than a cool aunt they see occasionally. funnily enough she gets on with frisk better because frisk doesnt really expect a mom out of her. (that isnt to say its returned lol kris likes dess wayyyyy more than frisk does. but for dess its easier to be around frisk cause they dont expect anything). if the kids werent a thing chara and dess would actually work a lot better--chara is a lot less adventurous and likes staying back and tending to things, but without frisk to like, REALLY cement that xe'd enjoy going out with dess, probably not into dark worlds but travel might be nice. and dess wouldn't feel so much pressure, if its just chara, 'cause chara kind of just likes dess for who she is. so for just-chara, dess could stay. dess is used to people wanting her to be someone else--her mother, her father, hell, even AZZY, who like...he never acted on it, but he had a crush on her for their entire friendship. she knows he'd rather she return those feelings.
but chara GETS HER. chara cares for her in a way that doesnt want her to become something she isnt--its why they get married!! dess never felt romantic love, and still doesnt, but its chara who makes her go--oh. oh, so i think i know why people might get married, actually. its saying--youre my person, and chara is her person. and vice-versa, of course. dess is this light chara never had.
but. of course. they have two kids.
which. complicates things. dess puts chara first--she LOVES chara, loves xir in every single way she can feel love. but chara...chara cares about dess, a lot. its why xe's really blind to a lot of xir faults for a while...because thats dess. xe doesnt know where xe would be without dess. but chara is a parent. frisk and kris do come first.
the kids are like, aware of this. frisk is very much aware of this--they're younger than kris but they dont have these rose-colored glasses about dess, and they sort of notice, how much of a toll it takes on chara to be a single parent, essentially, still. dess sends money back--she IS sort of the breadwinner lol, turns out selling weird dark world things is sometimes actually a viable career--but she doesnt, like, parent. when she comes home shes a friend. but not a parent.
kris fights with chara a lot. idealizes dess. its that idea that the parent who has to be the PARENT, be the one to say no, be the one to deal with all the crying and meltdowns and just general messiness of raising another human being, is the one that also gets the most flack. dess is never around! which is hard, but it also means she never messes up. at least in kris's eyes, lol.
for frisk and kris dess really is the one thing that like, gets in between all else. its the wound they all keep opening again, because shes never around, and it hurts. whenever she comes back and stays for a week when she said a month the kids know how sad chara gets!! how lonely xe is! but kris writes it off because dess will come back, and frisk grows bitter. its the one thing the two dont talk about because its the one thing that fractures their sibling relationship. every serious fight the two have is in some way about dess.
the entire reason why noelle and kris end up meeting? because kris thinks that if they prove themself as brave like dess, and dive into and close a dark world like she does, she'll stay longer this time. but of course all that does is get them stuck.
dess never does things maliciously. she does, really, truly, care about chara, kris, frisk. but she also just...does things. she never looks before she leaps. she shies away from facing consequences. and thats like...the sort of thing you CANT do, when youve got kids. but she never wanted them. she never meant to take kris.
she's just. in too deep. and chara does NOT hold her accountable which doesnt help. it would be best for the kids if chara got a divorce but. chara cant do that. xe cannot be alone again.
OKAY THAT WAS A LOT. uh. if you (general) wants to know more!! hit me up!!! tho i will say i'll have more to say about other relationships lol, i think i've said most of what i can able dess&chara right now. BUT I AM ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS AU I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ON HOW IT CHANGES THINGS--
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jemmo · 2 years
so i’ve been doing some thinking on the thua situation, and have reached a point where i feel like i can explain his actions but am still angered by the inconsistency of it. whenever i rewatch the scenes, I keep thinking why didn’t he just go to akk and ayan, or even just their small group to discuss this?? i get that he wanted to kick up a fuss but it also doesn’t sit well with me that you have to hurt and shame people in the process of igniting change, even if you feel you deserve it, which I don’t think akk does. I’d feel better about him doing so if he didn’t know that chadok was really behind it, but when he explains himself he says that he realised that and moved target to chadok. yes, he doesn’t know the full extent of how akk is suffering bc of what chadok is, but as someone he is friends with, i just feel like the better thing to do would’ve been to deal with him privately and deal with chadok in public, explain that he’s wrong bc of the things he made akk do. but then you get to the fact that chadok was suffering too, which gets to an important point i think the show is trying to make. what is the human cost of change like this, what is at the core of it?? at the end of the day, so much of this harm stems from individual people that are themselves hurting, so how do we deal with that?? do we expose them and punish them?? or do we take them to one side and sort things out privately?? how do we weigh up the hurt they’ve done to other people vs the hurt they’re feeling themselves?? it’s a really hard question, and here you see the two different ends of the spectrum. aye finding out what akk did and treating him with gentleness and kindness nonetheless, making him feel like he can change in a comforting way that is both kind to him but also makes things better for everyone in the long run. and then thua, who doesn’t care about akk in the way aye does, and who makes a valid point that he should have to be held responsible for what he’s done, no matter how bad he feels about it. I think for this reason, im glad thua did what he did, to make this point. but in that, thua isn’t right, nor is aye, it just gives us reason to think about these things which is good.
and as for why thua did this, alongside what is stated, that he wants truth and wants this over, I think what he says when he explains himself both gives that explanation but also makes his actions contradictory. bc he keeps saying he wants the truth, for it to be out in the open so the lies and the curse can be over. which makes me think, who does that help that’s connected directly to thua?? who is so hung up on the curse that it makes him paranoid and angsty, makes him suppress himself and feel bad?? it’s kan. kan has always been fixated on the curse, and thua has seen how that’s affected him, literally seen how that’s changed him since he was younger. so yes, I think maybe that contributed to making thua do this, the fact he wants everyone to stop being so obsessed and hurt by this, no one more than kan. but at the same time, if i was kan listening fo what he says, things like “so that everyone would tell the truth” and “do you think it could be fixed by letting it go away quietly”, I’d find it hard not to relate that to the way kan has acted, keeping his feelings quiet, keeping up his bruce wayne lie, which is where the inconsistency comes in. he has the time and patience for kan to come to terms with his feelings and figure out what to do slowly and quietly, but for this he’s sick of lies, needs truth now, needs it out in the open and sorted?? yes these are two different things and yes thua would of course give kan a lot more time and space bc he cares much more, but then you get to the point that again this is an issue centred around humans, who thua is not giving the time and space he granted to kan. it hurts akk and aye and in a way hurts kan when thua says he needed answers and truth, something kan couldn’t give him for so long. at the end of the day, it’s hard to reconcile what thua did bc we feel and care for akk so much, bc he’s our character, we’ve seen his journey and struggles. if it was told from thua’s perspective, and akk was just part of this bad system doing bad things, you wouldn’t feel as upset or angry about his public exposure. but then again, i didn’t feel upset or angry about chadok’s public exposure, bc he wasn’t our character, he was our villain. but then you get underneath that all and find out what happened and realise he too was a man caught up in doing bad things for what he thought was right, to look after someone he loved. and the theme of akk being the new chadok is made even clearer, it’s just that akk has the people around him and the momentum of a different and progressed society to break him out of the cycle. it just begs the questions where is the line drawn when it comes to granting sympathy to those that have done wrong vs granting punishment, and what is the cost of making a change. everyone has their own ideas about how to bring about progress and what has to be done to achieve it, and for a show that is so reflective of our society and trying to be an allegory of systems that are in place for us, I think I’m ok with the fact that what I’m getting out of it is a nuanced discussion of how to dismantle these systems while not forgetting the humans involved in them, bc at the end of the day we are all just flawed humans, hurting, and making mistakes, and we all need to figure out how to reconcile with those actions before we think about moving forward
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spiritofjustice · 2 months
Nahyuta is definitely a little underwhelming esp when you’re playing the game for the first time and don’t know his deal, but after getting familiar with his character and his story I feel like it totally opens his character up. For some it’s too little too late but I just think his concept is so damn cool and interesting I can’t help but love him. And also it’s badly written enough that I can write a lot of fanfiction about it to make sense of it myself so that’s pretty cool KDND
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iwasneverth3re · 1 year
Do you think Gun would be into flower arranging? Cause he has this vibe that he's a very talented artist. (Liker Mfer is too talented.)
Never thought of combining Gun with flower arrangements but I think the idea is very cute! Aside from counting money, spending money with Goo (you can't tell me that these two don't go shopping together), and ruining people's lives, I could see that possibly being a hobby of his. Or even something that he just happens to be good at because he is one talented mfer (he's so hot for that).
Being born into one of the most notorious and powerful yakuza clans, Gun was born into a life of crime and a lavish lifestyle. Back when he lived in Japan during his early teen years, Gun was always used to seeing each room having an intricately-made flower arrangement dead-center on every table. There weren't many things that Gun cared for in this world but he always appreciated floral arrangements and the thought and effort that go into it. And like the talented individual Gun is, it's no surprise that Gun was also gifted in arranging flowers.
It's not something that Gun gets to do often as he is already too busy with other things to prioritize. But whenever he does get the chance to do the aforementioned activity, he enjoys it. He'll even take classes if it means improving his skills and learning different techniques. Which is why Goo was surprised one day when Gun randomly brought a vase full of flowers into their apartment one day. Goo teased the overly serious man about it and jokes about how Gun is in love or his lover bought him flowers but the raven-haired man tuned out his blond coworker. Gun just wanted to put something nice to spruce up their rinky-dink apartment that they're currently staying in.
Or whenever Gun and Goo were on a vacation on an island, Gun would pick flowers from across the island and of course, arrange it into however he wanted after going through the trouble of finding all the flowers he wanted until he was satisfied.
Even Goo is surprised over how artistically inclined Gun is.
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thethingything · 2 years
I realise our intro post is like "this blog is run by our host and whichever subsystem is most active" but I never seem to actually post on here? I've not really been fronting as much lately and now it feels weird and I feel weirdly out of place - Lucy
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siriuslynephilim · 1 month
it should be studied the way i immediately start crying after masturbating like girl where is the serotonin i was promised
#i just. the memories won't stop one after the other like a messy movie#all that talk about sex and love and a future together#all that teasing at night like oh think of me when you do it#and actually thinking of her for a whole year. how do i just forget#and the teasing the joking about who would play what role but both of us knowing exactly what would happen#but it was fun to tease#and the quiz the teasing referencing the quiz to make a point#and sometimes the honest convos truly vulnerable ones no teasing pure love and want#and sending clips on pinterest and them saying one day#and just. the full comfort and safety. and imagining your whole life with someone and suddenly you have to think aboit other people becaus#well they're gone. and they always said don't have hopes for the future i can't promise and i didn't listen#i think ive moved on but really i don't think i have just have gotten good at suppressing distracting#it's been. a little over a month and still it feels like everything is falling apart my house of dreams and hopes is falling apart around#me slowly and im just sitting in the floor crying#i shouldn't have listened to that gracie song i just. i saw her story and i thought she was going to release it and idk wanted to listen#one last time the youtube live version#ab aise lag raha ki back to square one#i keep having these thoughts involuntarily i don't know how to mske them stop#i remember few weeks ago i was hanging out with my bestie and i miss you im sorry started playing on shuffle from her playlist#and i was like fuck this song she told me about it we loved it gracie was like our artist#and i was like ok ill be brave and listen to it i have to one day na she's one of my fave artists#but we hadn't even reached the chorus and my bestie was like no and changed it immediately she must've seen something on my face#cause a hundred memories flashed before my eyes in those 10 something seconds#can u believe. having so many memories with someone you just text. what the fuck man i can't even remember my syllabus they should fade#okay goodnight
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vaugarde · 5 months
dude this is legitimately difficult cause i still wanna stay semi faithful to the series and think like, what would be cool for the character to have first and what i'd personally like second, but ash's kanto team is honestly so lackluster as a full team that idk if i can salvage this. i wanna keep the overall experimental vibe but so many of these guys do jack shit and get no screentime that they're honestly better off being wiped and given a small story arc like haunter or something, or being decorations for oak's lab. like, there's a reason why most episodes around his kanto team, whether its in the arc itself or when there's a nostalgia bait episode, they only focus on the starters or butterfree cause they're the only ones who had an actual presence in the show.
honestly a funny bit would be ash catching pokemon and wanting to fight with them but he keeps catching pokemon who don't actually want to fight so they just get oak'd most of the time. so he spends most of kanto struggling to actually find pokemon who want to battle. but i don't want to add too many pokemon like that because what's the point if i give him a gloom and it just gets chucked at oak like the others.
#im gonna be voiding pidgeot actually just. sheerly out of annoyance lolllll#im legit a little bitter that it got a spotlight in the very final episode because it didnt deserve that compared to his other pokemon#''ough ash is a TERRIBLE person he forgot allllll about pidgeot!'' i dont blame him cause she was nothing. she did fuck all#ppl give his unfezant shit but at least she actually did things. pidgeotto was only ever just a scout really#and i think i can just have brock's zubat as the scout. give that guy something to do during kanto#fun fact. some of you probably didnt even realize brock had a crobat. or if you did then you thought it was a johto catch maybe#because that guy gets caught in the mt moon episode. and shows up like... i think once? and then its not seen again til brock gets benched#in the orange islands#so i guess pidgeotto does do more than that guy. but see i actually really like the zubat line and brocks starving for pokemon#so yknow.#echoed voice#idk something i want to preserve but will be hard is like. that inexperienced charm in os#i dont want him to have this perfect viable team right off the bat. not at all#hes still failing the indigo league spectacularly hes still getting his badges on a technicality basis a lot of the time#and this is bc i really want that first step to be rustic. i dont want him to be this special prodigy or anything. i want it to be messy#but then in orange islands and johto he really starts to come into his own and he earns all his badges for real
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