dangopango00 · 21 days
The Amazing Digital Circus and Escapism
A/N: Just watched and I LOOVEEEE cooking theories for these kinda of Youtube Series even if they turn out to be wrong so Heres the incomprehensible youtube comment I made just now bye
I like to put preliminary theories for series like this and my theory for this is that the circus is some kind of representation of escapism and/or maladaptive daydreaming
1. There's a shit ton of religious symbolism, maybe suggesting that the circus is supposed to be “heaven” although it has underlying hellish elements. For example, cain being portrayed as god and the fact that he doesn’t seem to really get why anyone would want to leave. In contrast, his name references the brother of abel who was cursed by god for his jealous rage. Not only this but, how everything is generally upbeat but there are momentary mental breaks when they are brought back to reality.
2. Reality is often blurred: The characters are real people but its suggested the lines are easily blurred like in the fact that pomni gets attached to a character that was never real to begin with or the fact that cain hints that it can be hard to tell the difference between real characters and npcs
3. Anecdotal but the fact that everyone seems to have a different vision for how the adventures should be played out: Jax wants action and violence, ragatha just wants something stimulating and pomni wants something comforting; the fact that jax gets upset when his vision isn't fulfilled feels very similar to mishaps when maladaptive daydreaming
4. Glitches and the video game setting overall: Idk if its just me but in maladaptive daydreaming its very easy for the mind to wander or mess up, causing a “glitch” in the story which I think is very similar to the glitches in the show
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5. The concept of VR itself is pretty much one step away from active escapism and although a bit of a stretch, I think the fact that the characters can’t take off their headset references their unwillingness to live in reality rather than actually being forced
6. Character behavior: How pomni goes from extremely weirded out to accepting and even slightly enjoying the circus feels very reminiscent of how it feels to first start maladaptive daydreaming as its an entirely odd thing to do but when you get into it it turns out to be fun and you keep doing it for hours. Ragatha is also interesting because she seems to ignore reality in favor of keeping herself sane, even ignoring devastating truths she realizes when she moves on from her mental breaks so quickly which is pretty much what maladaptive daydreaming is.
7. Exit: When pomni makes it to the exit and sees the desk setup with the headset, she began to lose her mind and instead of going forward to the next door she started going back (i think). I think this was her momentarily remembering how she felt like nothing in real life but in the circus she could be the main character (i think she struggled with feeling like nothing in the real world because of how much she brings it up and sympathizes with gummigoo, probably feeling like an npc irl) though either way she leaves the scene, likely not wanting to remember how her life was before.
8. Abstraction: Since we haven’t seen much of it Im still not completely sure but if I had to guess— I think abstraction is when you completely separate yourself from reality and live in a daydream full time since abstraction means “The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events” which is pretty much what escapism is; I think abstraction is likely a state of complete delusion as is hinted in the show by saying people who abstract are crazy
Overall I think the digital circus is probably either about escapism in general and/or a commentary on how we distract ourselves from serious topics almost as if we are children protecting ourselves from real life.
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xxcrispxx · 8 months
So…. I was sitting in class….. and the ‘one who holds a star’ popped into my brain AGIAN….
And my iPad happened to be in front of me….. so this magically appeared……
(Spoilered for season two designs)
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I wasn’t sure whether to spoiler this or not since it’s technically season two……… but I did just incase !!!!
They’re not the best since I kinda rushed them in class and I was constantly switching tabs, but I tried!!!! I hope you like them!!!
Time for the honorary tag, @justastarholder /pos
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murcielagatito · 4 months
a while ago you talked about a show and I have no clue what it’s called. all I remember was a ss of a dressing room and a woman with curly hair was sitting in front of a mirror and looked absolutely terrified. if you know it i’d really appreciate it <3 !
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the horror of dolores roach!!!
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divkazkdovikde · 9 months
there’s nothing more painful than reading about an unrequited love at 2:12am
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arkos404 · 2 years
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thinking about him again
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mangosmoothiepussyv3 · 7 months
the new patreon post from aas audios is making me so horny i might just pass out
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20thcenturyfoxx · 2 years
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patorucho · 2 years
charlie's Strangest Thing is so good wtf... looping a lot and god does it help me feel better
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dhampir-dyke · 1 year
rewatches the sound and fury netflix special for the millionth time and quietly goes insane.
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orbch · 27 days
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embarrassing phases virgil.. dreamy sighh… to me… embarrassing phases isnt the least popular post AA tss episode… to me
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god1ngs · 2 years
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haitani-plague · 2 years
bro ichigo’s theme slaps sooooooooo hard
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cowinf · 6 months
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My yearly Vivid Bad Squad Fanart, to appease the gods
I used a handmade perspective grid on this for the first time and it was painful BUT rewarding
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entowento · 5 months
“nooo u can’t ship them they’re so siblings coded!!!” THEY ARE FRIENDS IN CANON
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sixftmp3 · 3 months
has anyone talked about "find me" yet? i wanna talk about it
the chorus & repeated line of "looking for someone to find me" is a contradictory phrase---you cannot simultaneously be looking and looked for. that phrase alone frames, more or less, the entire thought train of the narrator.
the song's subject matter feels like bleed magic meets mx sinister: you are looking for someone to take advantage of. the narrator of this song wants to make it look less intentional, though; instead of stalking or trying to directly cooerce someone into coming with them, they want to be organically stumbled upon. or, perhaps "organically" stumbled upon, the whole situation is still manufactured.
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skunkes · 3 months
I got those expensive ass cookies from that local vendor event yesterday and im going to be honest wit you...they were Good but not worth the price good, they were soft in the middle which i love but they really tasted like Dough and Ingredients... like i could Taste and Feel a Hint of Flour throughout eating them. Ykwim. BUT ALSO. im craving more of them so bad now.
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