barxlupin · 2 years
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dayseedrawz2 · 3 months
Someone gave me the prompt of Caine and Pomni Ice skating on the digital lake. I'm not exactly sure how to go with this one, but it's worth a shot!
Skating - Showtime (C×P) One-shot!
Requested by: @marvosa-yroz
Tha day started off normal. Caine rallied up all the players for the adventure
☆Good morning, superstars! Who's ready for today's show?!☆
His enthusiastic tone was followed by awkward silence
☆Wonderful!! Let's take a look at the agenda for today!!☆
Snap! Caine teleported everyone out to the lake
☆Since this so-called "winter" is coming to a close, I thought I'd make today's adventure just for the occasion!☆
With another snap, the lake was frozen over and surrounded by railings and a gate in front, and the cast was all given ice skates
☆Today's adventure is ice skating!! The rules are simple! Get into pairs, and have a blast! But watch out for thin spots! Bubble and I will be here to supervise! Have fun!☆
Then off Caine went. Outside of bounds, leaving the others to their own devices.
Most of the cast found partners to skate woth. Gangle with Zooble, Ragatha was with Jax (unfortunately), and Kinger brought a picture of... someone from his room leaving Pomni by herself.
She didn't mind. At least - not that much... I mean, what else was she gonna do? Partner up with kinger? He seemed content with his current "partner." She didn't really have a choice other than to lean on the rail and watch the others. Better than making a fool of herself! Still... she couldn't help but feel lonely...
Caine was on the other side of the lake watching the others from outside the arena. But he couldn't help but glance over at Pomni. One of his members was partner-less?? Now, we can't have that!! So he hesitantly took initiative
☆Hiya Pomni!!☆
The Jester was caught off guard
♧GAH!!! oh... It's you...♧
☆...Pomni, why aren't you with the others?☆
♧Well, for starters, I don't have anyone to skate with... not that I wanted to anyway.♧
☆Oh, come on now, who doesn't like to skate? I hear it's a very popular activity for humans around this season! Besides, I've been working very endlessly on getting the physics to be just right!☆
♧How would you know? It's not like I'd remember how to skate, let alone I'd I ever did. Whatever... it's fine. I'll just stay here.♧
The Ringmaster could tell something was definitely wrong. Not like he'd know exactly what or how to fix it. But may as well do what he could!
☆...Well, I suppose this is a first for the both of us!☆
With a snap of his fingers, he acquired a pair of skates of his own
♧Wh-what are you do-WOAH-♧
Caine took her by the hand and dragged her towards the center of the lake.
☆I don't usually do this, but I couldn't stand to see you miss out on this adventure! Consider this a small prize for your participation! Or... lack thereof...☆
Pomni continued the conversation while still trying to maintain her balance
♧ I can certainly tell... W-well, thanks, I guess...♧
They continued to skate together for the rest of the adventure. Not very well, but hey, they only fell like once... maybe twice.
Maybe this place wasn't so lonely after all...
Thanks again for the request!!
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holden-caulfield · 2 years
ix. the final
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main m.list - series m.list
previous chapter - next chapter
summary: the reader has chosen him and jason has chosen her, but to protect him she has to leave him. but jason doesn't like being told what to do, especially as he lays there, with her immobile figure in his arms.
pairing: jason todd x assassin!reader
warnings: blood, death mentions, angst but also fluff
word count: 1541
a/n: we're almost done :')
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Alfred did much better stitch work than Y/n, but Jason wouldn't have told her that, although it could have been a great conversation starter.
His body was still a little stiff from the night he had just passed and waking up had been more difficult than he had expected. But he was now up and he had a goal: he had to talk to her.
If anything, to tell her thank you for not letting him die. He just wanted to hear her voice, maybe make her change her mind. It was improbable but he had always had the charming ability of pestering people until they gave in to his wishes. He could try with her too.
He knew his best bet was to wait for the night to come, to find her wandering over the roofs of Gotham, but waiting was difficult. Now more than ever as he recalled the events from last night with a much more lucid mind: her hands skillfully working on his skin, the blood that had seeped into his clothes, into hers; their hands entangled together as if nothing had happened, as if they were still only Jason and Y/n, fighting over a bag of ice.
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Night had come and no trace of her. Nowhere in sight. No caped figure had been seen in Gotham.
But just as he was about to return home, he saw her. She was perched up on a roof not far from his apartment, she looked like a statue, beautiful and imposing. And then their eyes met.
He waisted a moment looking before running after her. Dawn was close and Jason could already feel the darkness dissipate: that only helped him see her better. He ran faster despite the still fresh ache in his stomach, he ran faster despite everything she had told him.
"Y/n, wait up!" She didn't slow down, even increasing in speed if possible. "You owe me this much!" And she stopped.
She had her back to him, but she had stopped and relief filled him up.
"I owe you nothing, Todd," she uttered, with a certain swiftness in her words that meant rush, some place to be. "I thought we had a deal."
"No, you had a deal," he retorted, circling her to look in her eyes, so glassy that if he hadn't known better he would have said she was close to crying. "I had nothing."
"What do you want?"
And in that moment Jason could have said anything: everything he had thought about, how he wanted to thank her, how he wanted to scream at her for leaving him yet another time, how he wanted to change her mind, to change his. But all he found himself to say was, "You, Y/n. I want you to talk to me, to tell me what's going on, and to possibly stop running away because it's so fucking hard running after you with a bullet wound."
He was breathless from the run, maybe even from the confession.
"Then don't run after me," she simply said, looking away.
"I don't think it's a choice of mine," he chuckled. "It's only yours, tell me not that i am too late, that such precious feelings are gone forever."
"Pride and Prejudice?" she asked, a single tear running down her cheek.
"Persuasion." He took a step forward to dry it, to place his hand on her skin, find comfort in that small gesture; but she stepped away, denying him even that.
"You are too late. We both are." She began to run again, stopping only once to look at him from her shoulder. "Don't follow me, Jason."
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He stood there a couple of moments, and then he followed her. Because of course he would have followed her; she had called him by his name, and he had the impending feeling that meant danger.
He did his best to keep up with her but eventually, he had to resort to finding her rather than following her.
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"No body," said Ra's, not even turning around to meet her. "You've made a terrible choice, Y/n."
"It was about time i made it." She declared, grasping the sword from her back.
"You could have been a hero, Y/n," he continued, unsheathing his own sword, and as he did that, she knew she had no choice. No matter how many times she would have hit him, he couldn't die. "We could have been unstoppable together."
"That's the problem, Ra's," and she began the dance.
She wanted it to be done quickly, she wanted to stop thinking. And so with each swing she took at him, she did her best to free her mind.
"All of this for a boy," he chastised. "You could have had the world."
She didn't answer, focusing solely on her strikes, getting weaker and weaker with every attempt: he dodged everything she sent at him.
"Once i'm done with you, i'll find him," her eyes went wide at the words, almost losing the control she had; almost letting him the fatal hit. "I'll kill him where you stand, let your bloods rest together."
As if predicting the future, he hit her, slashed her upper arm with his blade. He looked pleased with himself, but she didn't give up, not yet. She grasped her sword a little harder and lunged again.
"Would he die for you? Would he do the same for you?" He questioned, the words resounding in her head, messing with her. "He wouldn't."
She took one last swing, fury fueling her with a new kind of strength. She hit him, her sword cutting through the skin of his stomach with no trouble. But blood didn't come out; Y/n knew the Head of the Demon had methods to cheat death, she just didn't know how powerful they were.
"I would have never let you die, Y/n. He would, he did. Do you really think he could have given you what i offered you?" He stated as she extracted the blade from him in one swift motion, the wound knitting back together in a blink of an eye. "But why don't we ask directly him?"
He smirked as he lifted his eyes. Y/n followed his gaze to a figure, unmistakable to her; Jason. He screamed something, she saw his lips moving and then his body followed, but as Ra's' sword cut right through her, everything began ringing. She looked down at her stomach to see the blade's tip covered in scarlet, blood already soaking her clothes.
He retrieved the blade and the sound came back. She fell to her knees, clutching her stomach in a desperate, useless attempt at stopping the bleeding. She felt a hand grasp her chin from behind, roughly lifting it so that her ear was inches away from his mouth, "You could have avoided all of this, Y/n. You brought this on yourself. I will be back for him."
Ra's disappeared in a cloud of smoke just as Jason reached her body, throwing himself on his knees to gather her in his arms. He had visible worry written on his face, worry he would have never experienced if only he had listened to her. But he never did.
"I need you to look at me, talk to me Y/n," he asked urgently with that bossy tone of his. "You won't die today but i need your help to make sure of that."
She was listening to him but his words mixed together, sounding distant despite him being so close to her.
"You won't die today, hear me?" And then she didn't hear him anymore.
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The ceiling of Jason's apartment was the last thing she expected to see in the afterlife, but she reckoned it made sense if she had gone to heaven. What didn't make sense was the hand she was holding, and the man it belonged to.
She woke up in his bed, an unbearable ache in her stomach where blood-soaked bandages covered her whole abdomen. Her hand was held like a relic in his, so gently as if not to break her. He was asleep, on a chair beside the bed: that position mustn't have been very comfortable to sleep in and she smiled at that.
The sun was slowly coming up, playing with the white streaks in his hair, making them shine against his face. A face she almost didn't recognize; his features so relaxed. There was no trace of worry, fear, anger, cockiness: it was him at his finest, it was purely and only Jason.
She tried getting up but the pain was still there so she resorted to moving her thumb, softly brushing it against the back of his hand. She found herself pathetically smiling down at him, but she was glad. Afraid of what her survival meant, but glad she was with him, alive.
His hands twitched slightly as his eyes lazily opened. They widened as he took in her awoken state, bringing one hand up to her face, making sure she was in fact still there.
"Told you you wouldn't have died," he said, that taunting grin back on his face.
She smiled too. "I guess we're even now, then."
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❄️ December Writing Challenge ❄️
Day 12. Ice Skating
Pairing: Nathan Bateman x GN!Reader Words: 993 Warnings: Nathan calls reader 'babe'
December Writing Challenge masterlist
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Compromise. Without it your relationship would be unsuccessful. It had taken a while to get Nathan to agree to that one term, but even he can’t argue that it’s worth it. You had to find a middle ground in situations where you didn’t agree with each other (which isn’t often but when Nathan really doesn’t agree, it can be like trying to argue with a stubborn donkey). Like this one. 
Nathan had promised to take you out of the compound for a weekend over the holidays. He even compromised by agreeing that you could choose the destination as long as he chose where you were staying (“it has to be a five star hotel” “but what if there isn’t a five star hotel in the area?” “Then we don’t go”). So that narrowed down your choices. 
You found a small city in Europe, booked the flights and before you knew it were checking into your hotel to begin your weekend away. It wasn’t the first time you’d left the compound. You’d had trips to Nathan’s various tech facilities, which turned into mini breaks in the city for a night or two. But this had nothing to do with work. You’d left your phone at home for starters, and Nathan looked more relaxed than ever. 
Until the last day. You had a late night flight back home and just enough time for one more surprise. Nathan had pulled you from expensive restaurants to high end theatre the past two days, even excitedly finding a History of Local Tech museum to drag you to in the morning. But now it was your turn to do something you wanted to do. 
Your parents used to take you ice skating as a child at Christmastime. You’d skate around with them for an hour then sit on the sides with kid-friendly mulled wine whilst you watched other families enjoy their time on the ice. You regret finding it ‘uncool’ in your teen years and have only skated a couple of times with friends in your twenties so you were excited to see if you could still skate like you used to. 
“They’ve got your size!” you exclaimed, carrying both your skates over to where Nathan was sitting at a corner table. 
“I’m gonna sit this one out. But go have fun.”
You looked at him, dumbfounded and a little concerned that you’d misunderstood something. 
“What is it?” you asked, placing his skates next to his feet, hoping to change his mind.
“Nothing,” he shrugs, arms crossed in his usual posture, “just not feeling it. I’ll watch you.”
“I’m a good skater,” you said, hoping it was like riding a bike, “have you never been before?”
Nathan’s expression was unmoving, even as his glasses slid ever so slightly down his nose until he had to look over them at you. You’re not sure if it was on purpose, but it looked like he was judging you. You shrugged.
“Well I don’t know, maybe you’re scared.”
There was no response other than a lifting of his right eyebrow. You snorted. 
“Maybe you don’t want to embarrass yourself.”
Still nothing. Sometimes you could get a rise out of him, sometimes he knew exactly what you were doing and refused to cave in. 
“Maybe the genius, Nathan Bateman, has found his achilles heal.”
Once your skates were fitted you gave Nathan one last hopeful look, adding a pout you knew wouldn’t work, and headed to the rink. 
For fifty-five minutes you skated in a circle, confident and only a little bit out of breath. The music was festive, the families around you were laughing through pain and laughter, you weaved around children using penguins to balance. You glanced over at Nathan periodically who was watching you, occasionally dipping chips into sauces as if he hadn’t long ago had an unpronounceable, extortionate lunch. 
Five minutes before the end you had to stop against the opposite side of the rink. Nathan was stood up, walking slowly and cautiously towards the edge. He was wearing skates. You were holding your breath, hands gripping the edge as you watched. He shot you a wink as he stepped onto the ice. And skated straight towards you, hands free, legs swift and delicate like a ballerina. 
You wanted to kill him.
“You can skate!?” you shout, too astonished to lower your voice in public. He stopped perfectly, crowding you into the side, gripping the the ledge either side of you until all you could smell and feel was him.
“I can.”
“You’ve skated before? And you didn’t say? After all the stories I’ve told you about my parents taking me skating as a child?”
“I’ve never skated.”
“What!?” You’re dumbfounded. He’s not making any sense and it infuriates you. 
“It’s a science, babe,” he drools, lips catching yours as he spoke. 
“No, it’s fun. And that doesn’t explain why you can skate.”
“Alright, when you told me where we were going I saw it had a rink and I assumed you’d want to come here at some point. So I watched some tutorials.”
“You can’t learn to skate by watching videos.”
“No, but you can learn the science. I’ve been working on my balance.”
You frown, and shake your head when you realise he’s not bullshitting. 
“Yoga,” you sigh in defeat, remembering the many mornings you’d walked in on Nathan practising yoga on the balcony.
Nathan laughs, a deep rumbling sound that makes you smile. 
“Yeah. It’s a science. Balance, adjustment of weight, a straight back. It’s not difficult.”
“I hate it when you’re cocky.”
Eyebrow raised. Smirk in place. Nathan knows you’re lying so you don’t argue. 
The bell dings, your hour is up. You take Nathan’s hand, gripping tight when he tries to pull away.
“We are having one lap together. You owe me that.”
Nathan pulls you away from the side and drags you for one last lap before you get kicked off the rink. 
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crystalelemental · 5 months
I have completed a run of Emerald. We've been watching the Hoenn anime and it put me in the mood for the games. Pretty great still! Much worse time overall.
My team, as it turns out, was Not Ideal.
Sceptile was the starter. Fun fact, I think the last time I ran Treecko in Gen 3, or really ever, was before Gen 4 came out. I opted to prep from my last Emerald run, getting a Bagon that learned Dragonbreath and Crunch to pass along as egg moves. Miracle hatched a Naive female with what felt like really good stats (seemed higher than the initial starter), and had a great time with it. If I had planned my team better, I likely would've gone Earthquake as the fourth move to make Wallace less of a problem.
Camerupt is one I don't think I've ever run ever. In general, it was a pretty excellent pick! Camerupt did a lot of great stuff the entire run...until the League, when it stopped having like any utility. It didn't even contribute that significantly to the Steven fight, since Earthquake is a thing. I want to like Camerupt, but it's not great in its debut generation's main game. Lots of problems. Then again, I did get Sassy, so maybe it's more a speed issue.
Sharpedo, by contrast, is excellent. Has no use for its physical attack given the HMs, but Surf, Ice Beam, Crunch handles a lot. Crushes Phoebe and Drake, contributes fantastically against Sidney, actually does help against Steven by basically one-shotting Aggron and Armaldo both. Fantastic Pokemon to run.
Altaria was...okay look this was not my best work. I got Quiet, and for some reason, my train of thought went "I should try Dragon Dance, because it has to have Fly." This was unfathomably stupid. Altaria didn't contribute much...until I got my own Metagross, and taught Altaria Perish Song. Then we had hilariously beaten Steven by locking him to his last Metagross, which couldn't OHKO my own, and letting Perish Song do its thing. Owned, idiot.
Seviper was one I wanted to use, based on an old ORAS run where it did pretty well. It did not do as well here. Like, it tried to contribute, but it was my lowest level Pokemon by a decent margin, solely because I just never had a situation where it was the best choice. The others covered pretty much everything it could contribute against, better than it did. Flamethrower didn't make up for the prevalence of Earthquake, Crunch didn't make up for Sharpedo being much stronger, and Sludge Bomb didn't have a whole lot of relevant targets. It would've been good for Glare while catching legends, but I tried and Groudon had Rest so I stopped trying when it Struggled itself to death.
The last Pokemon changed a lot. Initially, I was going to run Hariyama, who I regret dropping for Seviper honestly. It would've been a much, much better option for Glacia, who was a big initial problem, and for Steven's fight. Wallace too, probably. At one point I had Swellow, and dropped it solely because I just wasn't feeling it. Which wasn't a great reason but here we are. In the end, I ran those five for the initial League run, got bodied by Glacia twice, and by Wallace like five times. Tentacruel was a much more significant roadblock to the team than expected, given the only easy answer was slower and quad weak to Water. Which then made me regret not working on that Gardevoir after all, but I ran Gardevoir before, I didn't want to do the same thing twice. I considered Banette, but didn't really feel like it either. Which, again, maybe not my best call.
So in the end, I settled on Metagross. Who took a long while to get up to speed, but as soon as it evolved, contributed massively. I rolled Adamant first try, and with Earthquake, Brick Break, and Shadow Ball, it absolutely smashes the E4's first three. It's bananas. And it's pretty good for Steven's fight too, handling Cradily easily, which was a major, major threat in my last run. I do think Earthquake was...entirely unnecessary. It barely used it, and if I were to do it all again, I probably would've given Sceptile Earthquake to handle Wallace, and just let Metagross run Psychic or something.
We ended sub-level 60, though. Seviper was the lowest at 54, Sceptile the highest at 59, so approximately the same levels as the last team. Which is pretty good considering how much worse this team feels. Sceptile and Sharpedo did fantastically well, while Camerupt had its day in the Sun but falls on terrible times barring the Skarmory KO. Metagross is absurd, though, definitely enjoyed that one. But Alteria was too awkwardly set up, and Seviper didn't have as much to contribute on the team with the others around. This run also went a lot longer, because I was so wishy-washy mid-game around who the sixth was going to be, only to drop everyone and resolve using Metagross later.
I think the next game is going to be Platinum. I kinda ran out of steam on the last run again. But I know why. It's because @alphakuriboh...might be right about somethings. About how I play these games. Specifically, I got really over-focused on the plan for Platinum and it stopped being interesting and fun. So I think I'm going try without that fixation and just play to what I can pick up. Be a little more free-flowing. Though there are one or two that I'm kinda set on using this time around, I admit. I'm also thinking of dropping the starters. I don't like Infernape at all, so it'd be between Torterra and Empoleon, who are both, perhaps predictably, overlapped types with things I haven't run before. So I think I'd like to set them aside and try something a little different this time through. Maybe also be a bit less insistent on getting just Gen 4 Pokemon. I tend to focus on "the team has to be all stuff new to that game," but I could stand to be a bit more flexible.
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My thoughts on the Better Call Saul series finale is complicated because my thoughts on various concepts, systems, etc are complicated.
No assessment of any show can exist in a vacuum, esp when enjoyment is subject. I forget who said it, but the quote, “all art/media is political” sticks in my mind.
Where you’re from, your station in life, your politics, etc reflects in what you create. It is a statement whether or not you know it.
It’s hard to think of Jimmy’s ending as just or happy (which is doing a lot of heavy work) due to what we know of the BCS world as well as real life.
For starters, we have Marie and others—even Jimmy—espouse about how Hank and his partner were good men who were just trying to put the bad men away. I don’t have a doubt that Hank was good at his job, however, when it comes to cops and federal agents, good can mean many things. Some of which doesn’t equate to ethical, moral, or legal.
Good at their jobs is also an implicit way of saying they were good men, which Hank wasn’t. Perhaps he was a good husband, but this dude was a condescending asshole to Walt, I believe (I’ve only seen the series once and most in real time) and casually racist.
But the larger problem is that there is a whole fucking storyline—Mike’s emotional arc—about corrupt cops. How Mike once was a corrupt cop, his son dabbled in it, and his son got killed as a result of it by other corrupt cops when he tried to walk it back.
BCS doesn’t even take a stand of their being good cops and bad cops. If the focus isn’t about Mike’s guilt as a former corrupt cop and how this isn’t some exception type thing, the show is neutral on them. Yet, because Hank and Steve tried to take Walt down and died, we’re supposed to be pro cop, sympathize, and feel sorry?
I don’t think we’re supposed to condemn Jimmy, but we’re supposed to think his initial speech to Marie was wrong and he should go to jail for the part he played.
It’s confusing and inconsistent messaging because now they treated cops on BB isn’t how they treated them in BCS, so the tone is off.
Jimmy going to prison is deserved because he helped Walt and Jesse where as Jesse is free because he’s suffered enough, despite some/most of his decisions being voluntary. And some of those decisions were fucked is, like trying to sell to addicts trying to kick their addiction right after their meeting.
It almost feels as if Jimmy is serving other peoples time since their either dead or missing.
Prison isn’t for rehabilitation. As a nation, we’re a very punitive country. Many citizens don’t want intimates to get better, they want to lock them away and punish them. How does prison help Jimmy? Are they looking to help him? Does he deserve the harshness of his sentence?
And all I could think about was the tragedy of Jimmy’s life. Him wearing his con man personality as a protective cloak until it served as an albatross. Him not wanting to be a mark, him trying to make a living, him trying to protect himself from being hurt, etc etc etc. And when this behavior was transferred into legal creativity, that was shunned and looked down upon. A part of me gets why in some cases, but this was a man who, despite everyone loving him, he wasn’t accepted. He didn’t feel like he was enough. He didn’t have help. He didn’t have resources. He wasn’t waving, he was drowning.
But he thrived as a con man.
And looking at him in that interrogation room, and then the court room, all I saw was lost potential.
This man Jimmy fucking psyched a man with a 100% win record into crafting a plea for 7.5 years in prison, to the prison of his choice, and a specific brand and flavor of ice cream every Friday! Keep in mind, his original sentence was supposed to be life + 190 years.
He could’ve gotten out in 7.5 years!
I forget what stood out to me about his court performance, but i remember thinking, it’s such a loss as to what lawyer Jimmy could’ve been with a better support system. I’m not saying Jimmy isn’t partially at fault for his situation, however, I think about the choices people make when they feel they don’t really have any choices. Or they know it’s an illusion of choice.
And remember the shit Chuck pulled? How he kept Jimmy for being hired as Jimmy worked his ass off taking care of Chuck? And Chuck was emotionally manipulative and looked down on Jimmy knowing how much his brother admired him and would do almost anything for him. And then the cruel shit he said before he died? All because he resented Jimmy.
I think about how the law supports Jimmy being there, although the law also supports legally fucking over people, which has happened to Jimmy and Kim in the show. You know, a trick up Chuck’s sleeve when he used it against Kim and there was nothing she could do about it.
How many lawyers looked down on Jimmy’s theatrics, yet will employ similar tricks for a larger payout under the guise of it being for the client. I.e Howard having the client unnecessarily use a wheelchair I believe.
So the ending doesn’t hit for me because Jimmy is both taking accountability and internalizing all the bad shit people ever thought about him and thinking he deserved this lifetime sentence. Despite the hypocrisy, corruption, legal abuse of the law, etc that others partake in. Despite the multiple systems that are failures and failed him along the way.
And, as usual, only Kim is beside him and sees this for the tragedy it is. Because, even if she believes he deserves to serve time, it sure as hell isn’t 84 years.
The tragedy is that these are two people who believe they deserve a lifetime of punishment and willingly accept it. They can’t and haven’t moved passed their traumas. It’s too deeply engrained in them. They weren’t bad for each other, they just were caught in a system that fed into their worst impulses. And, now, the question is: can they be good for each other?
I think Kim will try to get him out. Jimmy may resist, but I don’t think Kim will be okay with the sentencing and Jimmy rotting in prison. And she or they will find a way to appropriately handle the civil suit.
This time around, they’ll use their powers for good.
ETA: I forgot to mention how capitalism plays a part in this as well. I’ll probably elaborate later on how this plays a role with Saul.
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notstilinski · 2 years
Loveless Starters !
Taken from  the 2020 novel by Alice Oseman, Loveless! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit!
“I could not approach the fire and retrieve the marshmallows because there were people kissing around it.”
“How could you ask me to make such a choice?”
“I want someone to spontaneously perform a song to declare their love for me.”
“Soils song choice, but not as attainable as a kiss.”
“Am I wasting being a teenager?”
“That’s all right. Quiet girls are nice.”
“Everyone has a first kiss eventually. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s okay to be new at, like, romance and all that.”
“You. Very good. Outstanding. And you—excellent. Really excellent work.”
“I didn’t realize you joined the college of the bourgeoisie.”
“You’ll be sad without fairy lights. Everyone’s sad without fairy lights.”
“But I also care about you. And I care about pizza.”
“Was that such a bad thing? Yo want an intimate connection with another human?”
“What? They are! I’m just stating facts! They got that sort of ‘I could step on you and you would enjoy it’ energy.”
“I like that your mind immediately went to my house plant rather than asking how I am.”
“Are you saying this because you saw them hooking up with someone else? No slut-shaming is allowed in this group chat.”
“I was just wondering whether we’d have to fight for the title of (Name)’s ultimate best friend.”
“Ah, but I have the Short Person Anger advantage.”
“We must all play our part in this bitch of a world.”
“Why are you staring at your phone like you’re trying to make it explode with your mind?”
“I forgot you’re literally a disgusting gremlin when it comes to ice cream.”
“Thank you for admitting that I’m right.”
“A very thrilling experience for you.”
“They’re going to ask about you every single time they call me now.”
“I think the perfect marriage would be made up of two people who can sit in comfortable silence with each other for extended periods of time.”
“Yeah, (Name) was a disgusting human being.”
“Could have gone harder with the pride flags.”
“I can’t help it. You’re one of the very few people I actually care about in the world.”
“Ah, the eternally wise words of Avril Lavigne.”
“You… Just used me as an experiment, then. Knowing full well that I really liked you.”
“I’m just lonely. I’m just lonely all the time.”
“I could have checked if they were okay, but I was too wrapped up in my own feelings, and they didn’t check if I was okay either, because they were too wrapped up in theirs.”
“I’ll be here to flick you on the forehead if you start falling asleep.”
“This is so much more than a bouncy castle, my dude. This is an ultimate test of endurance, agility and mental fortitude.”
“Yeah, that’s right! I said it! Why d’ you hate me? We’re both drunk, so we might as well just get it out there!”
“You’re going to be okay. There’s nothing you have to do except be.”
“I mean, we have KISSED. Sort of. Platonically made out.”
“I had been so desperate for my idea of true love that I couldn’t even see it when it was right in front of my face.”
“I don’t need fixing. You don’t get to do that to me again.”
Page 296 (the grape line)
“I’m at uni for three months and suddenly I’m not straight anymore.”
“I just can’t believe… I thought—I thought you cared about my feelings.”
“You know what I’ve learned? Love ruins everything.”
“You’ve cast Scooby as a pug—what is this—absolute defamation?”
“Because if I stay here, then I’ll have to sit and think about everything all night, and I can’t do that. I can’t just sit and be with my thoughts.”
“I just… I hate the idea of people knowing me because… surely then they’ll hate me the same way I hate myself.”
“Don’t give me false hope. They’re never going to like me after what I did.”
“Don’t use your identity to make me admit my feelings.”
“No. Incorrect. I removed your directorship when you decided to abandon us for two months.”
“Are they allowed to joke about that yet? Surely we’re not at the point where we can joke about our feud yet.”
“Maybe the you from Freshers Week would have left us. But not now. Not after everything. You wouldn’t have left me.”
“What? Don’t you believe me? Because I’m not fucking joking. Don’t sit there and tell me I’m lying because I’m not lying. Did any of that make sense?”
“Just to say maybe we should reconsider how bothered we are about having a living room.”
“Why is this aneurysm taking so long?”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you’re pretentious.”
“I’m not tired. I’m never tired at night. I’m only tired in the mornings.”
“It’s really late to be walking home alone, so… Wouldn’t want you to get murdered or anything.”
“What do you see when you look at me?”
“I see someone who’s trying really hard to enjoy life, and, like, maybe gets it wrong sometimes, but… They’re always trying to do better and be better and grow and change and all that… Sometimes you act without thinking. But underneath it all, you’re just trying to be a good person to other people and do the best you can at whatever you’re doing. That’s what I see.”
“Jesus, I shouldn’t have assumed—Why do I always have to go too far? For fuck’s sake, I mess everything up.”
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hollowscreekrp · 2 years
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  🎃The Harvest Moon glows round and bold,             In pumpkin shades outlined in gold,                        Illuminating eerie forms,                                   Unnatural as a candied corn.                                              Beware what dare crawls up your sleeve,                                                        For 'tis the night called Hallows Eve.🎃
Hollow’s Creek has the pleasure to invite you all for a night of spooky fun! Just beware of the Ghouls and Ghosts because this night of the year makes it all possible…
                      Please join us on October 30th starting at 7 PM.
Dress comfortable and cozy enough for the fun. Costumes are more than welcome.
          Join us at Downtown Square for a night of frights full of fun.
Visit the Haunted Mansion that in reality is a scape room. Are you witty and fast enough to get out of there before the mysterious man catches you?
All our local business will have their own food tents and trucks for you to grab a bite whenever hunger hits.
If you feel brave enough, visit the Enchanted Tent where you can try your luck with different games with the opportunity of winning a prize.
Don’t forget to stop by the Photo booth to keep a forever memory of the night.
The Costumes Contest will begin at 9 PM so let your creativity flow and show us your scariest side!
As the night goes the unexpected occurs and a portal to the Fae realm gets open… Who’ll come out or get in is still a mystery!
OOC information:
In game, our Halloween Carnival will start on October 30th.
OOC, our event will kick off from October 28th and until November 5th.
The event is supposed to last only one night in IC time, which means that we will bend time so we all have time to be part of the event during those days. Since the Fae will be in charge of most of the carnival, some magic can be expected. Some games might be tricked and some ghosts and spirits might be real. Humans of course would be completely oblivious as usual, unless the player decides otherwise.
For the costumes contest we’ll be posting a poll where you all can vote and decide who has the best costume!
Once the event has started, we encourage you to post starters which are related to the event. We suggest putting your prior threads on hold so you can focus on the event so no one gets confused with the posts on the dash. That, of course, is your choice. Any event threads that you do start during the event can always be continued to completion even after it's over.
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cattutorialsblogs · 1 month
What after CAT?
What inside the international am I alleged to do now?’ I think this question runs like liquid put up the almighty CAT examination. Well, proper information is we’re all within the equal boat. It’s ordinary to panic or enjoy likewise sentiments after the exam. And that is why we shall, collectively, go through a few primary but instantaneous post-CAT steps which includes GDPI, expert mentoring, and many others., for a clearer and calmer experience of direction. Let's start your CAT Preparation with Best Online Coaching for CAT.
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The very concrete belief is that if someone scores a wonderful percentile of ninety nine and above, now not even gods can halt your bus from coming into the top B-faculties. But there are constantly loop holes (in this example, the interview/WAT rounds) that wishes to be looked after and this is wherein you ought to think two times. In reality, one may additionally even argue that getting ready for the GD/WAT/PI spherical needs vehement dedication and twice the effort than the actual CAT exam practise. So, that being said, begin the GD/PI/WAT practise engine because ‘time is of the essence’ has by no means sat truer for CAT candidates. Walk proud which you excellently cleared the CAT exam, please do, but to steer clear of being a fool’s gold, a stable marriage between ‘you’ and ‘full-on smooth skill instruction’ ought to manifest. You know what they are saying: today’s tough work determines tomorrow’s victory.
Ever heard approximately legends making it to the top on their own? If you think that befell, you're in need of a deeper dig. Even mythical bands like “The Beatles” had their private mentor and Guru, Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to guide and preserve their hands in the course of their iconic journey. The significance of finding the right mentor to sharpen your gentle abilities as a part of your submit CAT instruction is as crucial as preventing the ice caps from melting because of international warming. You can usually have a nice conversation along with your mirrored image within the reflect, however when the stakes are really excessive, i.E. Your complete profession, expert useful resource must no longer and cannot be optional. Seek guidance, be it an institute, be it a friend, uncle, father, mother, brother, sister, doesn’t count, if they're inside the ground of the professionalism you searching for, you need to attain out and get the additional professional push which you need, to ace the WAT/GD/PI spherical. Or looking for a CAT Coaching, Join CAT Exam Online Coaching.
You’re not incorrect for eyeing the shiniest apple at the tree. Hey, we all want the great in existence, and it’s absolutely pleasant to have such emotions run underneath our skin. Now, what isn’t attractive is having your self wedded to 1 corner, sitting proof against a change of coronary heart or mind because of your preliminary mind and genesis plans, in any case, a wholesome trade of thoughts is but a sign of growth. The absolute perk of getting a incredible percentile score is getting calls from pinnacle b-faculties just like the IIMs, IIFT, XLRI, and extra. Yes, there’s always that one faculty which remains the attention candy, but are you naive enough to restrict your possibilities to just one? There’s no harm in going for exceptional institutes’ interview. As a depend of fact, you’re handiest sprucing your highbrow blade. Keep wishing, on your knees praying, to get into your dream school however leave the elective gates open simply sufficient in your plan-B to fall via, heaven forbid, must plan-A fall apart.
Roots are the key to any mountainous achievement. Having your fundamentals solid and knowing it just like the returned of your hand will mold the rest of the brand new adventures that awaits you. These factors/suggestions are a starter % for MBA aspirants who have already given their CAT examination and are awaiting the subsequent season to air. Because boundaries are part of being human, don't forget to preserve your imperfections and weaknesses countable but now not towards, so you examine to show them into your strengths.
Also Read :
CAT Quantitative Aptitude: Preparation Tips, Practice, Strategy!
Last Minute Tips for CAT 2023 Exam
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alderheir · 9 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ───         an independent  +  mutuals only portrayal of   𝑳𝑬𝑰𝑨 𝑶𝑹𝑮𝑨𝑵𝑨 from george lucas’  𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑺 .     canon compliant, based on   legends  +  headcanon influenced.     trained by  𝑲𝑰𝑻𝑻𝒀 .
                                        𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏     —          carrd.     music.
𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒕...     —         [ ʜɪɢʜ ᴀᴄ��ɪᴠɪᴛʏ ] ​@bornesorrow  |  @yunharlaquin​  | @warsavant  | @warrued  |  @donutdollie | @quietresistance | @coeursainte [ ʟᴏᴡ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠɪᴛʏ ] @ofsquadrons | @ofpolitics | @oflightsabers | @ofblasters | @creaturational
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ[ M O B I L E R U L E S ]
ㅤㅤㅤ───────── B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ㅤㅤㅤ this is a selective and mutuals only blog. i won't interact in-character with blogs i don't follow and may be selective on what i write. if you message me about writing / like a starter or plotting call, please do so only if we are mutuals. i regularly check for new followers, so please do not message me asking if i'm interested. however, non-mutual roleplay and non-roleplay blogs are welcome to message me about characters and new content. i love making new friends!
ㅤㅤㅤ─────────ㅤ W R I T I N G / T H R E A D S ㅤㅤㅤ while i enjoy asks, i prefer plotted interactions, as having some sort of plan in mind usually leads to longer threads. i focus on these, but they aren't required to interact. i also encourage you to continue asks if you so desire. activity may be sporadic. i not only have other blogs, but i run a business and help my family. additionally, i have chronic health issues that complicate everything. these may lead to unannounced hiatuses for short periods of time ( most no more than a month ), but i always return. if you'd like to keep in regular contact and you're a mutual, please ask for my discord. i place ic content into the queue, mixing it with text or image reblogs. but like everyone occasionally, i can be very impulsive and post immediately. i lightly format and use icons. this includes small text, indents, increased spaces between sentences, and occasional bold/italics or special fonts. i don't require either formatting or icons and if either is an impediment for you, please let me know.
ㅤㅤㅤ───────── ㅤ S H I P P I N G / N S F W ㅤㅤㅤ i ship with chemistry. this means i may be selective with romantic shipping, but queries toward this are always welcome. while i don't autoship, i enjoy shipping canons and ocs. thus, i feel that a character's platonic relationships are just as or, sometimes, more important than their romantic ones. i don't need to ship to write and would far rather build detailed enemies and friends than a half-cooked romance. i occasionally write nsfw but prefer to do so off tumblr to prevent possibly being seen by minors.
ㅤㅤㅤ─────────ㅤ C O N T E N T W A R N I N G ㅤㅤ ㅤ you can expect darker themes as generally are common in star wars content. i tag the most common triggers, nsfw content, and those requested by my mutuals. however, if you believe something will be a common theme beyond the common trigger tags, and it'll severely trigger you, please don't follow. the trigger tag is 'trigger tw'. i personally don't have triggers.
ㅤㅤㅤ─────────ㅤ D I S P U T E S / D Y N A M I C S ㅤㅤ ㅤ this is a mun doesn't equal muse blog. i don't care what allegiances or beliefs your muse may have. unless i see clear and substantiated evidence of various bigoted beliefs out of character, i'll always assume you're a decent human being. also, even if we write people with good views and intentions, we still might not entirely agree with their choices. it wouldn't be fair to assume that either so please, extend me the same courtesy. i'm anti-callout. for several years, i've witnessed a slow degradation of what is considered a valid callout. often, they have little to no substantiated evidence, are a misunderstanding, and \ or result from twisted evidence in the aftermath of a fallout between friends. unless i see substantiated evidence of criminal behavior, i won't reblog them. that being said, if someone i follow has harassed you, please come and talk to me about it privately. i don't tolerate bullies. on a lighter note, i don't practice mains or exclusives. if you find people you want to be mains and exclusives with, i wish you all the best of times however!
ㅤㅤㅤ─────────ㅤ C R E D I T S / M U Nㅤ ㅤㅤ i created all graphics, psds, headcanons, and icons unless stated otherwise in the post or it's listed below. please don't steal; i'm usually happy to make something if asked! finally, hej, hello, i'm kitty! i'm a traditional / fashion historian but also work as a seamstress / designer / tailor. it's a pleasure to meet you, and i hope you're having a wonderful day. if you or anyone else you know are having a bad day, any time you can send in 'positivity please' ( just include the url if anon ), and i'll pull together some kind words.
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Out of Character Information
Name/Alias: Shelby 
Age: 31
NSFW Personal Preference: Fade to Black
Series/Season: season one- season 3
Canon Changes: I have none other then what's already been change.
Activity Level: Other than work and occasional school work I'll pretty much be on. Sometimes i can even do replies, starters at work and post when I get up because I work 12 hour midnights every other weekend schedule.  
Time Zone: EST
RP Experience: I’ve been roleplaying since 2015 also managed a few groups
Best Mode of Contact : Discord
In Character Information
Desired Character: Dean Winchester
Age: 24
OTP / NOTP: Dean x Buffy
Housing: Dean will be living in the institute 
These questions are to be answered in sentence format — each one taking up three to four sentences on average.
01. Give us your thoughts on New Orleans? It's a goddamn shit show.
02. Tell us how you feel about your species, and if you could change it what would you choose to be and why? I hate it, I prefer to be human, not a damn shadowhunter— its not normal.
03. Please describe who is the most person important to you and why? Sam even though he's being stupid right now.
04. Detail a specific point in time that has detrimentally changed you? The death of my mother, that's when everything changed for my family.
05. Explain (a few) bad habit(s) in detail that you’ve picked up over the years, if you remember when you started it describe that pivotal moment as well as what you’ve tried to do to cope with it? Probably lack of trust, and i don't care enough to cope with it
Dust in the Wind — Kansas
Dean relates to this song because he hasn't had a stable home life, and has experienced a lot of death so nothing really matters to him.
Ramble On — Led Zeppelin
This is literally one of the two of Dean’s Favorite songs. They just couldn’t put it on show because Led Zeppelin sucks.
Travelling Riverside Blues — Led Zeppelin
This is literally one of the two of Dean’s Favorite songs. They just couldn’t put it on show because Led Zeppelin sucks.
These songs should describe your character on emotional levels. Try to relate a song to a certain situation he / she has been through or an aspect of their personalities. We prefer you to put at minimum one sentence beneath each of your choices to inform us of your thinking on it, though it isn’t required.
Paragraph sample.
Dean had awoken out of his grave after experiencing immense torture and pain as well as an unquenchable thirst. As breathing was extremely hard at that point, Dean could feel his lungs inhaling and exhaling for air with no luck and crawling out of his grave that he was buried in felt impossible, but he was able to. He didn’t know why he was alive, but his first thought was that Sammy made a deal with a crossroads demon in exchange. His plans were to find a place to get refreshed, because he felt like he was going to die again from thirst. Then he was going to call Sam and Bobby— the problem was that he wasn’t quite sure where he was.
     It wasn’t long before Dean found a Gas Station that looked like it was closed. The eldest Winchester quickly broke into the closed Gas Station that was a couple miles out of New Orleans where he was buried. Dean picked up an ice cold water bottle, and began drinking it. One bottle was down, but he still was thirsty; so he took another one, as he was drinking that one he could feel an agonizing pain starting on his left bicep, so he walked over to a mirror that was hanging in the back of the Cashier station. Dean quickly lifted the black sleeve to his t-shirt and notice a red scorched hand-print that burned in pain when touched. He couldn’t help but wonder how he got that— it was very peculiar, but Dean quickly placed it out of his mind as his stomach began to growl. He pulled his sleeve back down and grabbed a hostess apple pie, and began eating it.
Out of nowhere an unbearable sound began, and well as stuff began to fall off the shelf's of the gas station. Dean grabbed his ears and began groaning in pain. The excessive noise felt like it had been going on forever, and once it had stopped Dean quickly grabbed some pie and water bottles and shoved them in a bag and started to head for the door when he saw a man dressed in all black with longish blonde hair with a symbol on his neck, “dude— ain’t it a little early for Halloween? Whats with that symbol on your neck?”
If you have any questions, concerns, or have any suggestions for changes, please use this space to voice them here. This is the free for all section to catch anything that we might not have given room for above. Thank you for taking the time to apply here with us at CCHM! We’re looking forward to having you as steady part of our ever-growing family.  
Read through the rules in their entirety, as there are a few sets of instructions contained in them that you must provide here.
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[ad_1] Breaking the Ice: Expert Social Skills Tips & Tricks for Starting Conversations Introduction: Starting a conversation can sometimes be a nerve-wracking experience for many people. Whether it's a professional networking event or a social gathering, breaking the ice is essential to establish connections and build meaningful relationships. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the art of conversation starters and provide you with expert social skills tips and tricks to make every interaction smooth and effortless. I. Understanding Perplexity and Burstiness: Before we dive into the world of social skills, let's first understand the significance of perplexity and burstiness in writing. These two factors determine the complexity and variation of text, enhancing its quality and engagement. Perplexity refers to the intricacy and depth of the content, while burstiness measures the diversity and variability of sentences. Combining these elements creates a compelling and captivating piece of writing. II. Mastering the Art of Conversation Starters: 1. Observational Starters: - Describe your surroundings: "Have you noticed how vibrant the artwork in this gallery is?" - Compliment their style: "Your choice of accessories is impeccable. Where did you get them?" - Comment on current events: "What are your thoughts on the latest political development?" 2. Open-ended Questions: - Personal interests: "What hobbies or activities bring you joy outside of work?" - Travel experiences: "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you choose?" - Future aspirations: "What are your career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?" III. The Power of Body Language: Non-verbal cues play a crucial role in initiating conversations and building rapport. Pay attention to the following aspects of body language: 1. Eye contact: Maintain a friendly and confident gaze to show interest in the conversation. 2. Smile: A warm smile creates an inviting and approachable aura. 3. Posture: Stand or sit up straight to convey confidence and openness. 4. Gestures: Use appropriate hand gestures to express yourself and engage the listener. IV. Overcoming Conversation Roadblocks: 1. Awkward Silences: Embrace the pause and use it as an opportunity to gather your thoughts or ask a follow-up question. 2. Nervousness: Take deep breaths, remind yourself of your worth, and focus on building a genuine connection. 3. Lack of Common Ground: Look for shared interests by asking open-ended questions or exploring their background. V. Strategies for Building Rapport: 1. Active Listening: Show genuine interest by nodding, paraphrasing, and asking relevant follow-up questions. 2. Engaging Follow-ups: Connect their responses to your own experiences or viewpoints to create a deeper connection. 3. Find Common Ground: Highlight shared interests or experiences to establish a sense of familiarity. VI. Navigating Challenging Situations: 1. Dealing with Shyness: Start with small talk and gradually steer the conversation towards shared interests to build confidence. 2. Handling Rejections: Remember that not everyone may be receptive, and it's not a reflection of your worth. Move on gracefully. 3. Challenging Personalities: Stay positive, maintain your composure, and find common ground to diffuse difficult situations. VII. The Evolution of Conversation in the Digital Age: 1. Online Etiquette: Start conversations with thoughtful messages and engage actively in social media interactions. 2. Video Calls: Embrace virtual platforms to simulate face-to-face interactions and practice active listening. 3. Taking Advantage of Networking Events: Use online platforms to join industry-specific groups and engage in meaningful conversations. FAQs: 1. How can I overcome my fear of starting conversations? - Practice makes perfect! Start with small talk in everyday situations and gradually challenge yourself to initiate conversations in more unfamiliar settings.
2. How important is body language while starting a conversation? - Body language plays a vital role in creating a positive first impression and conveying genuine interest. Paying attention to your non-verbal cues can significantly enhance your conversational skills. 3. What if I run out of things to say during a conversation? - Don't panic! Embrace silence, ask open-ended questions, or share a personal story related to the topic. Remember, conversations flow naturally, and it's okay to take pauses. Conclusion: Breaking the ice and starting conversations is an art that can be mastered with practice and the right set of social skills. By understanding perplexity and burstiness in writing, we have explored various expert tips and tricks to make your interactions more engaging and fulfilling. Remember, building connections is a lifelong skill, and by employing the strategies mentioned in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently navigate any social situation and establish meaningful relationships. [ad_2] #Breaking #Ice #Expert #Social #Skills #Tips #Tricks #Starting #Conversations
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mysticwtch · 6 years
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mutuals  stab  that  heart  for  a  starter  ???   lengths will vary. 
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
star wars: episode v - the empire strikes back ... sentence starters
“I know.”
“Punch it!”
“I won't fail you.“
“It’s not my fault!“
“I am your father.“
“You're trembling.“
“You are reckless!“
“That is why you fail.“
“Laugh it up, fuzzball.”
“I am not a committee!“
“I want proof, not leads.“
“Never tell me the odds.“
“Never tell me the odds!“
“Then I’ll see you in hell!“
“I don't...I don't believe it!“
“But you cannot control it.“
“Yes, Your Highnessness?“
“He’s no good to me dead.“
“The first transport is away.“
“Impressive. Most impressive.“
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
“He is as clumsy as he is stupid.“
“You were lucky to get out of there.“
“You make it so difficult sometimes.“
“Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh!”
“You have failed me for the last time.”
“This deal’s getting worse all the time.“
“You are beaten. It is useless to resist.“
“I can't keep the vision out of my head.“
“You certainly have a way with people...”
“Your weapons, you will not need them.“
“Control, control, you must learn control!“
“Would you please stop calling me that?“
“Would it helped if I got out and pushed?“
“You don't have to do this to impress me.“
“They're my friends. I've gotta help them.“
“You must unlearn what you have learned.“
“A great warrior. Wars not make one great.“
“No. No. That's not true! That's impossible!“
“I thought they smelled bad on the outside!“
“You have to take care of her. You hear me?“
“Search your feelings; you know it to be true!“
“A death mark’s not an easy thing to live with.“
“Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy.”
“He told me enough. He told me you killed him.”
“Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”
“Scoundrel? Scoundrel... I like the sound of that.“
“How ya feeling, kid? You don't look so bad to me.“
“Perhaps you think you are being treated unfairly?“
“Hey! Save your strength. There'll be another time.“
“What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me.“
“My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained!“
“There's something not right here... I feel cold. Death.“
“It could mean anything! If we followed up every lead...“
“I don’t know where you get your delusions, laser brain.“
“Being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.”
“If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally.“
“Well, I guess you don't know everything about women, yet.“
“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerf-herder!”
“I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. I'm sorry.“
“Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?“
“There isn’t enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser.“
“You do have your moments. Not many, but you do have them.“
“Some day, you're gonna be wrong. I just hope I'm there to see it.”
“I promise to return and finish what I've begun. You have my word.“
“You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive.“
“I’m standing here in pieces, and you’re having delusions of grandeur!“
“Come on. You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me.“
“This may smell bad, kid, but it'll keep you warm until I get the shelter up.”
“I'm sure he'll be all right. He's quite clever, you know... for a human being.“
“You like me because I’m a scoundrel. There aren’t enough scoundrels in your life.“
“You could be a little nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.“
“That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.“
“You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake. Well, this could be it, sweetheart.”
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rpmusingsforthesoul · 2 years
The office sentence starters season 1-2
feel free to change pronouns
“This is my kingdom as far as the eye can see.”
“I’m boring myself just talking about this”.
“I don’t think it would be the worst thing if they let me go.”
“Ooh, discipline. Kinky.”
“You’re a jerk!”
“What’s the scuttle-bud?”
“Do you want to form an alliance with me?”
“Are you jealous ‘cause there’s another girl/boy around?”
“Stay away from my mom.”
“We’re not dating, we’re engaged.”
“It’s nothing, my ride just bailed on me.”
“Keep your acceptance speeches short. I have wrap-it-up music and I’m not afraid to use it, ___”
“No no, because the ice melts and it’s like second drink.”
“I feel God in this Chili’s tonight.”
“I feel bad about what I wrote on the bathroom wall.”
“Hey, what has two thumbs and hates ___? This guy.”
“I’m so used to being the bad boy.”
“Mo’ money, mo’ problems.”
*pressing ear against wall* “These babies are thin.”
“A 30 year mortgage at ___’s age essentially means he’s buying a coffin. If I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls so you couldn’t hear the other dead people.”
“As far as I can tell, I’m the best looking one here.”
“Are you calling me a ho?”
“Hey, can you ignore those and do something for me instead?”
“Those aren’t chips and dip.”
“I’m going wherever they value loyalty the most.”
“Some may say we had our first date last night.”
“Are we in danger?”
“Why did you even bring me here tonight.”
“We should break up.”
“BFD. Engaged ain’t married.”
“Never ever ever give up.”
“I’m hurt, I have hurt myself! Oh my god, this is not looking good!”
“Do you want some aspirin because you seem kind of fussy.”
“Listen I like kids, but this is not a kids’ environment.”
“I have one goal today; to get one kid to like me. Just one.”
“Have you ever pooped a balloon?”
“Now, exactly how much pot did you smoke?”
“Jinx buy me a coke! No no no, no talking!”
“I know you’re innocent but it can’t look like I’m treating you any differently.”
“I need your urine.”
“You look like you have something really important to say and you just can’t for some reason.”
“I bet he’ll try and beat you up. I got your back if he does...but try to stay out of it.”
“There are always a million reasons not to do something.”
“You gotta take a chance on something sometime, ___”
“Oh, excuse me, I’m fine with my choices.”
“I say if Jesus saw that, he’d freak out! He’d freak out, ___!”
“I’m going to drop a deuce on everyone.”
“I just…I’m in love with you.”
“I don’t wanna do that. I wanna be more than that.”
“I’m really sorry if you misinterpreted things. It’s probably my fault.”
“Not your fault. I’m sorry I misinterpreted our friendship.”
“Thanks for inviting me, I really needed it.”
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frenchpuppycormier · 3 years
fluff 10 and/or 11 + supercorp for the sentence starters pls 💞
"Are we on a date right now?" / "I think I'm in love with you."
Saturday signals the best day in Kara's book for one simple reason: the farmers market. It's the perfect place to buy fresh produce directly from the grower at a lower price than those pesky retailers. Not to mention, it's fresher and it's a great way to support local communities.
Kara enjoys it most in the early morning between 8 and 9 when the California heat hasn't bombarded its citizens yet. One of her favorite memories of going to the market was when she first arrived on earth, and Eliza and Alex took her to the one in Midvale. Eliza bought her the sweetest miniature doughnuts which practically melted in her mouth. She's been a huge (understatement of the year) fan ever since.
The farmers market is located 20 blocks from her apartment, just a short jaunt or flight for the hero.
Today she decides to walk and enjoy the nice cool breeze, and the warm sun spilling on her face. She can already hear the acoustics of a folk band covering a Fleetwood Mac song at the end of main street. The leaves are starting to change, indicating the beginning of fall, and the ones already on the ground crunch beneath her feet.
Her reusable cloth bag with the words, "Okey Dokey Artichokey" and a cartoon artichoke with a smiley face and tiny stick arms, is slung over her shoulder. Lena had given it to her as a gag gift, but Kara uses it the most out of all her bags. Any gift from Lena is special and she will always treasure it.
As she rounds the corner to the market, she sneaks another look at her list to remind herself what she needs, when she bumps into someone. Hard. Fortunately, Kara manages to grab the other person's arm before they fall.
"Oh my gosh," Kara cringes. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was—" she interrupts herself when she sees, "Lena?"
"Hey there, slick," Lena laughs and nudges the hand latched on her arm to tangle with her fingers.
Kara responds by swinging their arms back and forth, like what friends do when they haven't seen each other in months. But Kara and Lena just saw each other yesterday. This is normal, right? Kara thinks. The fluttering in my chest is completely common whenever I see my friends....Right?
"Wh-what are you doing here?" Kara speaks before her brain can catch up with her.
Lena's face lights up with a sly grin. "Can't a woman go to the market every once in a while?"
"N-no no, of course you can," Kara laughs awkwardly, "I meant, gosh I'm not sure...I guess I just didn't expect to see you here. You live all the way on the other side of town."
"Relax, love," she chuckles and squeezes her hand and releases it, Kara immediately missing the warmth. "I'm teasing you. But to answer your question, I'm in desperate need of fresh kale, and I heard this particular stand has the best in the city."
Kara feigns gagging and Lena playfully shoves her shoulder. “I still don’t understand how you can eat that stuff.”
“Who knew the green stuff that incapacitates you was kale.”
“More like your eyes,” Kara mumbles.
“What was that?”
Kara’s eyes widen. “N-nothing,” she rubs the back of her neck. “Um, so….do you care if I join you? Wandering aimlessly through the market checking out food stands with my best friend sounds like the perfect way to spend my Saturday morning.”
“I’d love nothing more,” Lena replies, smiling brightly.
“Oooh, look! A food truck!” Kara points.
Lena laughs at her zeal. “Let’s see what they have.”
Kara reaches for her hand and twines their fingers together before dragging her toward the truck. Lena’s stomach swoops at the action, but she calms herself down enough so Kara doesn’t notice her rapid heartbeat. Not that she would, considering food is the best distraction when it comes to the blonde.
Little does Lena know that nothing can distract Kara from Lena, especially considering 98% of the time Kara is listening to the constant thumps and quivers of Lena’s heart, but Kara doesn’t say anything.
Kara looks up at the man in the truck and politely rattles off her order, then looks at Lena and asks, “What do you want?”
“Um,” Lena quickly glances at the menu and says, “I’ll have the Avo Smash, please.” She moves to hand the man cash, but Kara stops her and insists she'll pay for it. "My treat."
Once they give their order they move to the side and wait until their names are called.
When they get their food they move to a shady spot on the sidewalk and admire how delicious it looks.
“What’s that?” Kara asks.
“Oh, it’s a piece of toast with smashed avocado, egg, and tomato,” Lena replies, noticing how Kara turns up her nose. Lena rolls her eyes and gestures at her hands, “What’d you get?”
"Uh, only the most scrumptious and melt in your mouth-watering food you can get here," she replies, eyebrows pinched, incredulously. Lena raises her eyebrows in a get-on-with-it kind of way. "French toast bites," Kara finishes, exasperated at Lena's lack of enthusiasm.
"Sweet food for a sweet girl."
Kara's cheeks grow a slight pink. Instead of replying, she dips a piece of her toast in the syrup, and shoves the whole thing in her mouth. Lena simply hums and takes a bit of her own food. Kara smiles like a chipmunk with cheeks full of goodies.
When Lena's finished with her slice of hipster toast, as Kara calls it, a small body runs into her legs from behind. She looks down and finds a small boy with sandy blonde hair and big, blue eyes looking up at her with a toothy grin.
"Hi, there," she smiles at him.
"Henry!" a woman in a flowy maxi dress and brown sandals comes running toward them. She picks him up and gives him a stern look. "I told you not to run off like that!" The woman adjusts him on her hip and shyly realizes she has an audience. "I'm so sorry! He gets too excited about their french toast."
"Oh, no worries," Lena reassures her. She carefully grabs Kara's elbow and says, "This one does too."
Kara acts hurt by placing a hand over her heart. "Well, can you blame me? They're delicious! Aren't they?" she smiles at the boy and waves. He giggles and hides his face in his mother's neck. "Someone's a little shy, huh?"
"He is, isn't he?" the mom kisses his cheek. "I think he has a little crush on you."
"Who, me?" Kara laughs. "No, I think he has eyes for Lena. As most people do." She steps forward and tickles his stomach so he looks at her. Kara holds out her hand for a high five and whispers, "Good choice." He gratefully slaps her hand.
When Kara steps back, Lena is blushing, but rather than call her out on it she ignores it out of respect. Kara smiles at her and Lena smiles back, but then she's suddenly laughing through her nose.
"Darling, you have a little," she gestures at her own face.
"What? I have something on my face?" Kara touches her cheek, but completely misses.
"Here," Lena's fingers tenderly touch the side of her jaw while her thumb swipes her lip. Lena's completely focused on what she's doing, but Kara only has eyes for Lena.
Lena pulls back her hand, thumb now sticky with syrup. Instead of wiping it on the napkin Kara knows Lena has in her bag, she sticks it between her lips and licks it clean.
Kara completely stops breathing.
"How long have you two been together?" a voice snaps her out of her reverie.
Kara gapes at her with wide eyes and stutters, "Um...we, we're uh, just friends."
"Oh," the woman almost looks upset. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to presume. Well, I'll let you get back to your morning." She smiles at them and walks away, leaving a flabbergasted Kara and quiet Lena.
They don't say anything and choose to ignore it while they continue down the street.
"Lena, you have to try this," Kara doesn't give her a chance to respond before shoving a spoonful of gelato in Lena's mouth.
Lena gasps and nearly chokes on the ice cold dessert enveloping her tastebuds. She hisses and nods, as she lifts her hand to hastily catch the dribbles of melted chocolate trickling down her chin. Kara winces, "I'm so sorry!"
"No," Lena shakes her head as she swallows, "I just wasn't expecting that."
"Well? How was it?"
"Y'know, I'm not gonna lie...it was pretty fucking delicious."
"Right? Marco really knows his stuff."
"Um," Lena holds her hand out, fingers spread apart to prevent more sticking, and shakes it like she doesn't know what to do.
Kara jumps to action and runs off. She's back in two seconds with a wet wipe and cleans Lena's hand. "Where'd you find that?"
"Don't ask."
"Okay?" Lena laughs breathily. "You're a mystery wrapped inside an enigma, Ms. Danvers."
"I aim to confuse," she jokes.
Lena shakes her head, and eventually says, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," Kara smiles at her, their eyes locked onto each other. She's finished cleaning her hand, but rather than letting go, her hand stays curled around Lena's, not wanting to ruin the moment.
“Oh Rao, you didn’t,” Kara gasps.
Lena turns around and frowns at her. “What?” Kara gestures to Lena’s bag. Lena looks down and chuckles when she realizes what she’s talking about. “In my defense, I was drunk. You know how my shopping brain acts when I’m drunk; I buy things I don’t need.”
“Hmmm, well maybe your alcohol-addled brain just remembered how funny I thought it was and wanted to impress me,” Kara teases with a twitch of her eyebrow.
“I’m sure that’s exactly what happened,” Lena deadpans. She glanced at the words on her bag again and fondly shakes her head. It reads: Oh Kale Yeah, with a bunch of kale on both sides.
“I think so,” Kara steps closer and smiles.
“Oh, really?” Lena raises her eyebrows.
“Yep,” she ends with an extra pop of the ‘p’ and boops her on the nose.
Lena opens her mouth in surprise, a protest on the tip of her tongue, but a voice interrupts her from in front of them.
“You two are such a lovely couple,” the vendor gushes.
Lena and Kara startle, forgetting they’re standing right in front of a stand selling various vegetables and fruits and jars of honey. Behind the table is an older woman, most likely in her late 70s, with streaks of gray hair, crinkly eyes and facial lines as if she’s smiled her whole life.
“Oh, we’re not—”
“Thank you,” Kara answers, smiling bashfully. She pushes a lock of hair behind her ear and says, “I’ll take one bunch of radishes and one spaghetti squash.”
“Coming right up,” the woman replies.
Kara glances over at Lena and gives her a shy smile, before handing the woman a $10 bill and thanking her. She grabs the veggies and carefully drops them in her bag.
“Thank you two, have a wonderful day.”
“Of course, you too!” Kara places her hand on the small of Lena’s back and guides her forward.
As they make their way to the next stand, Kara laughs, remembering their conversation, “I can’t believe you bought that bag. You’re such a giant dork.”
Lena whips around and eyes Kara curiously. Kara’s hand shifts from her back to loosely rest on her waist. Lena’s eyes are squinting from the bright sun, but Kara can see the speckles of gold in them and thinks she’s never looked more beautiful.
“Are we on a date right now?”
Kara's heart quickens and she opens and closes her mouth a few times, until finally she clears her throat, "Did you want it to be?"
"I thought—”
"Because I do," Kara states. "Want it to be a date. But only if you do, of course. I don't want you to feel pressured or like I forced you to hang out with me," she retracts her hand. "That's the last thing I—”
Lena grabs her hand as she pulls it way, not wanting Kara to close herself off. "Hey, I want this just as much as you do."
Lena lightly presses her thumb into the grooves of Kara's knuckles, and absentmindedly plays with them. She smiles, fully dimpled, and says, "I do. Actually, I uh..." she lowers their connected hands and looks off into the distance, mind seemingly elsewhere.
"What is it?" Kara asks. She playfully shakes their arms back and forth to get her attention.
Lena looks at the ground before completely focusing on Kara and those baby blues she's come to know and love. She takes a deep breath and her voice shakes when she whispers, "I think I'm in love with you..." Lena stumbles and shakes her head, "No—I am in love with you."
Kara inhales sharply and Lena thinks she's made a giant mistake. She starts to turn and do something stupid, like run away, but Kara keeps her hold on her and pulls her forward.
Smiling, Kara slowly inches closer leaving the opportunity for Lena to stop her. When Kara's lips press into hers she welcomes it completely. Kara's hands come up to cup Lena's jaw until she moves one to tangle in her hair.
Kara disconnects from her lips, but stays wrapped up in her, their foreheads touching. "I'm in love with you, too," she whispers against soft lips.
"Good," Lena smiles and kisses her again.
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