#I've yet to land another interview since i quit
justicecaballer · 2 months
ok real talk. should i ask for my old job back.
they would very likely hire me back
i would one again have a steady income, cheaper benefits, etc
this place literally caused me to develop a panic disorder
I Dont Have Much Pride As A Person Except In This Case And I'd Hate Asking
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WIBTA for agreeing that my friend may need to work on their confidence for the sake of keeping a job?
(🕴️👔📚 <--- just so I can find this)
Genders are irrelevant, I'm 19 and my friend "Sam" is 20. Idk if this may be relevant but for for a bit of context we finished school in the same year as each other after our A Levels (so at 17 and 18 respectively), and neither of us are/have plans to go to uni/college.
After school, I had managed to get a part time job that was fixed term up until the end of that Christmas period, and about a month or two afterwards I'd been lucky enough to land a full time job (though I've since left that and moved to my current job). During this time, one of Sam's family members had some health issues come up so they put off any job searching to be a carer for this family member and signed up to claim a carer's allowance so they could still be getting some income. After a little while, the family member's health began to improve and Sam said they were going to be looking for jobs again, though they were still a carer for the family member, and so I started offering help with things like sorting their CV/interview prep/etc, and Sam had then gotten a job similar to my first one, part time retail, though their job had been listed as a permanent position while mine had been fixed term.
However, after a couple of months (I think it was two or three months off the top of my head) Sam came to me and said that their workplace had let them go, citing that they lacked the confidence for the job. Okay, no massive biggie, Sam took it in their stride and still had the caring for their family member to fall back on while they looked for other work, so we'd each silently chalked it up to teething problems (hell, I know I had issues with my confidence when I started any of my jobs). They did get another job not too long after that, this time as a carer in a nursing home, great! Whenever we caught up on how things were going, Sam always said they enjoyed it but did occasionally mention that their line manager had commented that they seemed to need to build their confidence a bit in their role. Again, could easily have been teething problems, so I had offered a few tips that I'd picked up on from my experiences to help build their confidence.
As of writing this, Sam texted me yesterday saying that they'd been let go from this job/hadn't passed the probationary period because their confidence was still lacking in their role (may be worth noting for a bit of context here that when I then asked about it, Sam said to me that they hadn't had any 'actual' feedback about this being an issue, not sure if it's exactly relevant as that might be a separate issue though).
Given that this is the second job that Sam has lost due to not having enough confidence, I want to say something to them about working on their confidence in work, even if they go down the "fake it till you make it" route just to help them out with securing a job in future, and I don't want them to have to be stuck with references from their now-previous employers that boil down to "we had to fire them because they were unconfident" which could potentially cause quite a few issues for them when applying for new jobs.
I haven't said anything yet, as I don't want to overstep anything with Sam and come across as a pretentious ass because I just want to be able to help my friend out but I don't know if I'd be the asshole for agreeing/pointing out that they'll need to work on their confidence for the sake of future jobs, so any feedback would be much appreciated!
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 5 months
Fic Writer Interview
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So I decided to snag this from @sparklepocalypse and fill it out because I'm cozy on my couch on New Year's Eve and fighting off a nap like a grumpy toddler. I'm actually fairly certain I've done this one before, now that I think about it, but oh well. The numbers are different since last time, so...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60, apparently! 61 being posted later today!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do we still have forever
Volume Control
Modification to the map of you
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to each and every comment that I receive. I try very hard to leave a personalized message for each person, but no matter what, even if it's just a "thank you," I will always respond! Even if it takes me some time!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
To this day, the angstiest ending is Darkest before the dawn, which ends with hope, even if it doesn't end with an actual resolution. It's during canon, so the reader know what happens next.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think my most recent Christmas fic, Oh what a laugh it would have been, has probably now overtaken one of my previous fics for overall happiest ending!
7. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't yet, but I'm absolutely open to it given the write parameters!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven't yet, and I hope I never do, although I know that the internet can be a wild place.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
If you'd asked me back in July of this year, I would have said that I primarily write fade to black. Since then, I've written ridiculous amounts of smut. I'm still learning about various kinks I'd like to write about, because I don't want to just write without knowledge of the act itself, but I'm wading into the smut-verse now. I'd say the water's up to my knees, at this point. Got a ways to go.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, not that I've been made aware of, but I think it would be so neat.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't but catch me and @thinkof-england cowriting something amazing now that the new year has arrived.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Y'all are gonna need to sit down for this. I don't think you're ready. Deep breath in. Hold it. Now let it out slowly. Calm your mind. Are you ready? Okay because I know this is going to come as a shock to you when I say that it's FirstPrince.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Star Trek fic with Jim Kirk x an OC. I started it back in the spring and then RWRB happened and now it's just languishing away in my docs at just shy of 18,000 words.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I have realistic dialogue, so I'll count that as a strength. I also think I'm pretty skilled at metaphors. Love a good metaphor.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
The description of surroundings, including clothing and scenery. I feel like I don't do enough of this sometimes, and I'm trying to better at painting a proper picture.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've done so! Lots and lots of research and consultation with native speakers to confirm accuracy.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pirates of the Caribbean, apparently.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
There isn't really one out there. I'm super content with the permanent campsite I've built in FP land. Hopefully I'm allowed to hang out there for quite some time.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
How am I supposed to pick a favorite out over 60 fics?!
I suppose if I absolutely HAD to pick right now, right this second, I'd say Ghosts, because the prompt for it as my first ever reader-submitted prompt on a comment from another fic. The reader enjoyed my fic so much that they asked if I'd write another, and Ghosts it what came of that interaction. I loved writing it and sharing it not just with that reader but with the fandom as a whole.
Gonna post my tag list for anyone who wants to participate!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @ninzied @priincebutt @read-and-write- @rockyroadkylers @roseharpermaxwell@ships-to-sail @songliili @ssmtskw @statueinthestonetoo @stereopticons @suseagull04 @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells@user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew 
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novoplata · 1 year
If you know me, you'd know that the two-year mark after starting a job would be the time when I'd get restless and typically disenchanted. Ever since I started working, I've only stuck around in a job for two years the longest.
Thanks to the pandemic and the realisation that older people don't get called to interviews as easily, I've stuck around in my current job for three years. As disenchantment creeps in -- like clockwork -- I'm starting to weigh in all my options. I spoke to two different friends yesterday who told me that they've just recently quit their jobs. They may have other reasons other than mine but the message it sent me is the same: it's OK to leave if you want to. When I started this job, I hadn't the slightest idea of what SEO writing or Google ad writing entails. I have learned so much about the trade in the past three years and with no prospect of promotion or salary increment, I think it's time for a fresh start. There's only one problem: I haven't had a call back on my job applications yet. Come to think of it, it does feel weird to look at myself as a jobseeker in my late 30s. Usually, if they were to ever quit their jobs, people my age would embark on their own businesses instead of looking to be employed by another employer. Then, it struck me that perhaps this is supposed to be a test of faith. I've had a rendition of this test one way or another at different seasons of my life. Four years ago, when I was stuck at a job I hated, my fear was that I wasn't going to find a better opportunity if I were to leave. I left anyway and landed this job, which is in many ways better than my previous job. This year, this job -- albeit generally being a good means of sustenance -- has started to feel like a 25kg barbell: unchallenging and will not lead me to the growth I need. So, perhaps it's time for an (f)unemployment stint to figure out what to do next? My life situations are always evolving as I pass through different seasons of life, but the lessons they leave me with (and test on) are somewhat always the same: faith. Will you choose to have faith that your Father has got you covered regardless of the economical climate? I'm not going to leave my job as yet, but seeing that it's already in my peripheral thought, I probably would -- soon.
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mamabearwonders · 11 months
Stuck in the Toxic Work Cycle ☣️
I shouldn't have quit my toxic job. I'm not even supposed to be alive right now so I'm just winging it. Most of my friends gained their angel wings👼early so I live for the moment not the future.
In the moment, it was refreshing and freeing. That job was the breaking point because of all my toxic work history, I was just ready to get out. But now I'm stuck with bills I can't pay and an apartment I can't enjoy because I'm up at my family's trying to figure it out.
My mom is just gloating about this. She never wanted me to move out of their place years ago. My parents and I have a very wacky toxic history. She's been wanting me to give up my apartment since day one and she doesn't know how it's that hard to get a job when most people my age in our family are not riddled with trauma and mental health issues which she doesn't believe even though she gave me a lot of it and they have connections and references and suburbs living where it's easier to get a job here.
I'm just so tired of it. I just want to work a nice 15, 20 hour a week job and not have work at consume my entire weekend or more than half my week and just enjoy my life. I just want to study paycheck and have my Poshmark closet business on the side and chill.
I've tried to look down other avenues. Small businesses here aren't hiring. I tried to get hired at a vintage shop down the street even went in person with a cover letter and a resume. Vintage is my passion and they didn't want me. Called 19 other vintage shops, not hiring. Tried other small businesses, not hiring.
All these fast food and retail jobs have toxic management. But I tried it anyway. Applied to every single job in the mall that's an hour away from me. Last interview I went to they were bored and uninterested.
Maybe for every 50 jobs, I get one interview and half the time it's like you have to work on call 7 days a week for a part-time job. I'm not even trying to be pessimistic about it it's just the reality around here.
I've tried to do the nanny and babysitting route since January. I've applied to so many like every single night and I can't get, but one job and they didn't review me.
It was a good job the last one I had. It's just that the management was awful and there's one manager that had it out for me and other people that works there I didn't feel comfortable working there, but I guess now I am stuck trying to find another job that's going to have the exact same management.
I don't know what to do because my parents keep talking to me about bills and they did help me in previous months, but they never wanted me to keep the apartment and now they're determined to get me kicked out of my apartment. I don't even have half the money right now and I'm not sure what to do. I can't get unemployment or disability. I've applied for like literally hundreds of jobs and it's always the same jobs posting that I've applied to.
They keep saying it's my resume. It's not because like half of these jobs say that they're hiring and they're not and I'm frustrated because like people my family probably think that I'm just like someone that can't hold a job, but it's like I don't come from the same lives that you all do. Where everything is handed to you.
I'm so sick and tired of this. I was hoping to land some babysitting jobs to pay half my rent and then have my Poshmark closet pay for the rest of it, but it's already almost halfway through July and I can't land one babysitting job.
I have one awesome opportunity in October coming up at the beginning. It's a nanny job and I'm really excited about it, I wrote her a very thorough letter. But I don't even have the energy to reply to her I was supposed to probably set up a call with her on Friday and it's Monday night and I don't know. I have to figure out something in the meantime so I don't know what to say to her yet.
And then if I get a fast food or retail job I would only be there for like a month before going to that job and usually it takes a month to get the first paycheck so it's like I would be getting my first paycheck and then I would be leaving.
I guess for now I have to go back to a job that's going to destroy my physical and mental health, what's left of it even further so that's great.
Also I'm sick so there's that.
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solrosan · 2 years
solrosan’s fandom year 2021
Few years have been more exhausting and emotionally draining for me personally than 2021 (yes, it was worse than 2020) so sitting down to do this was pretty daunting. But it was alright. So many good memories from the year that just ended come from fandom spaces and people I've met through fandom. Thank you, all of you, new and old! You're so important to me and you really helped me through last year.
2021 was also my 10th year in online fandom, which is wild, considering I thought I'd be tired of it after 3 months. I'll try to keep mentions of this to a minimum, since none of the things actually happened in 2021, but in 2011. It is however 10 years since I posted my first fic (and wrote my first fic in English! (Please tell me my English has improved since then!)) and 10 years since I met @zedille which are two very important anniversaries!
Now, with that wordier-than-normal intro...
2021 was the year that I...
...really dove into (fell into?) k-drama land
...continued to have Netflix parties with @elletromil and @insanereddragon
...drank a lot of wine over Zoom with @elletromil
...started buying DVD boxes again because I really don't trust Netflix
...signed up for AND FINISHED NaNoWriMo
...was blown away by the talented @revolutionaryjo and @rhea314 turning two of my fics into podfics (Thank you!)
...once thought of as so far into the future that I made it the posting date on my LJ-sticky post
...went to the opera and decided that it's the best form of cultural experience there is
(all while wildly ignoring that it might be related to that it was the first cultural thing I experienced outside of my flat in almost 18 months)
...accidentally tricked TripAdvisor into sending me tips about my trip to Busan
...took part in the Chocolate Box challenge Round 6 and nominated fandoms for Round 7
...transcribed a Danish/Swedish interview
...tried to write fanfiction in Swedish about Young Royals, but failed miserably
...came up with a few titles that I'm really proud of
(it's this series)
...spent time planning a trip to Malta with @spectralarchers and @ohmystarsy because of reasons
(girls can dream, can't they?)
...got offended by Grace & Frankie calling 4 episodes a season
...bought noise cancelling head phones
...learned there is such a thing as a discord sprint bot
...truly realised how much West Wing has affected my writing
...thought it was a good idea to rewatch Weiss Kreuz
...gave up on finishing Weiss Kreuz
...watched Supernova with @stronglyobsessed
...started to refer to a youtuber as "my influencer" in everyday conversation
(I am not ashamed of this)
...created yet another sideblog @sunflowerisme to just fill with pretty pictures
(I am a little ashamed of this)
...fell in love with one of my own OCs (again)
...discovered the true meaning of comfort media
...out-angst myself and spent weeks just writing fluff
...beta read a few fics in various stages of being posted/finished/abandoned
...thought downloading Duolingo was a good idea
(reason for this: see the first bullet)
(I have moved on to almost exclusively revise my Japanese at this point)
...finally got to take a friend's kid to the Vasa museum
...rediscovered the joy of loving a piece of media without needing to write fic for it (and then wrote fic for it)
...didn't run a Femslash February event
...made a tie-in article to @blau-s's wonderful fic El monstruo en la almohada
...wrote quite a few fics in the AO3 comment section (I dare you to go and find them!)
And speaking of AO3! In 2021...
I published 49 689 words
split over 17 fics and 5 fandoms
Disarming Touches got the most hits
...and the most kudos
An Unbreakable Sword Broken got the most comment threads
My favourite fic is probably Mourning a Demon but I need to give The Broken Place a very special shout out because I have lived in that universe for months and written more than 60k about it. (Another special shout out to @blau-s for being a fantastic enabler!)
The fic I read that meant the most to me is Before There was Zero by @sadviper. The fic is a fantastic, well-written pre-canon character study that I fell for completely. Then, in the comments, I made a friend who welcomed me to the fandom where I've spent most of this pandemic year. Thank you!
Oh, and I can't close the AO3 section without mentioning that @insanereddragon posted fic again!
This is my most reblogged Tumblr post for 2021, because Tumblr is predictable that way.
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I've created siblings.
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Yes. I'm brain dead.
Yes I have too much time.
Yes I'm dying
And yes. They over lay with Amly
I guess I'll explain them..woo..
He came to Snaktooth Island because he was dragged there by his older sister
He's not a well known icon, but he's known for his modeling gigs
He gets crushes pretty easily and gets upset when they don't like him back
Even though he looks like he would never hurt anyone, he could hurt anyone and will do it
He's really good at hiding and publicly speaking
When he first stepped on the island, he met Eggabell and fell in love with her
Then he met Triffany and fell in love with her, then Wiggle, and lastly Floofty
He doesn't like his sister because she spends time with Floofty
He doesn't like Chandlo(he got confused and thought he was dating Floofty) or Gramble because they have a thing for his crushes
He covers his left eye due to incident with a wild animal but his sister took most of the fall for him
His hut is right beside his sister's hut which is near the woods
In town, he's known as a bit of a stalker
He's relatively popular despite him acting shy which might add to his "coolness" but that's up to perceptive
Beffica made him a bracelet and he always keeps it on
Even though Lizbert's with Eggabell, Cemi doesn't hate her along with Wambus
He goes out at night to..do whatever he wants
You meet him in the desert where he's stalking helping Triffany
She came to Snaktooth Island because she wanted to study the snaxs and get away from the city
She took a liking towards Floofty and Snorpy since they're siblings and she just so happened to bring her younger brother with her
Her and Floofty get along due to their fascination of the bugsnax and both missing their limbs
She uses a prosthetic arm due to an incident that happened when she was younger
Amly tried stealing her arm and now Charlia always keeps it on her no matter what
You find her in the Sugerpines not near Chandlo or Snorpy but closer towards the mountain
Sometimes, she lifts Cemi into the air because he's light weight and because she thinks it's cute when he tries to get out her grasp
If someone is older then her, then she'll refer to them as a Miss, Mr, Mrs, and Mx
Snorpy fixes her arm when it's broken or just isn't working
Lizbert sometimes invites her on expeditions that way Charlia can grab some test subjects
She doesn't eat the snax, seeing them as..gross but she thinks that of anything she consumes
The experiments she does aren't harsh like Floofty's but it still involves scalpels and jars of unused parts
Besides doing experiments, she really good at sports mainly basketball and football
Dialogue in game:
"He's really cool! He once complimented my fur AND gave me a high five!"
"I don't appreciate him eyeing my wife, I don't see why Filbo thinks he's so great."
"O M G! Cemi is like, the coolest grumpus here! I gave him a bracelet and he hasn't taken it off yet!"
"He doesn't..like me.."
"Darling..he followed me for a whole day! I'm no stranger to stalkers but this is just ridiculous!"
"No comment."
"All he does is stalk people and everyone still think he's such a great guy!"
"Isn't that the stalker? Cemy right? Geez..I don't try to steal from him in case it directs his attention towards me."
"Cemi? Oh dear..he stood at mine and Wamby's doorway and watched me sleep all night.."
"He assumes I'm in a relationship with Floofty and now sends me death threats.."
"I'm confused on how him and Charlia are related."
"Absolutely no comment on that..thing!"
Being asked about Floofty:
"I would say yes..but they haven't said anything about the love letters I sent.."
"She's so sweet, I would love to have an older sister like her!"
"I'd like to know why she doesn't slap some sense into her brother, maybe then he'd stop with the stalking."
"Eh, I don't speak to her but I do know that her and Cemi are related..I see the resemblance, but they don't act the same."
"Oh..she's..very kind..and she drops off some bugsnax if she ever catches an extra one!"
"A lot less..strange then her brother, I would ask why her brothers like that, but I have a feeling she's a bit like him in a way.."
"Charlia's arm would always break so I would be the one to fix it for her, she's quite a fan of my work, mainly because I also have a sibling who is..different."
"A two bit goody-two shoes is what she is! She's just as bad as Beffica, but worse!"
"I can't stand her, she's too nice to everyone and doesn't get upset when I steal stuff from her!"
"I'm not around her a lot, but she sure is nice to talk to when we're near!"
"Any friend of Snorpy, is a friend of mine. She can also can jump pretty high, she's a great opponent in basketball!"
"A curious type, like Triffany but can hold back her joy in favor of science, if only she'd let me experiment on her."
"Nothing evil seems to be stemming from in her..but still..avoid at all cost!"
Being asked about Floofty:
"I would..but I've seen what they do..and I rather keep my other arm.."
Meeting Cemi
"Ah! Wambus! I'm not eyeing ya wife! I swear!"
*calm down, i'm not wambus*
"Oh thank grump! I don't want to be thrown again.."
"Who are you anyways? You here to stalk too?"
"A journalist? Did Lizbert ask you to be here..or something?"
"Whatever. I'm Cemi Bowtwist, I'm a model, you a fan?"
*Come back to town?*
"Oh no! No no no! If I go back, Wambus will rip me to shreds!"
*what did you do?*
"I..um..was watching Triffany sleep."
*that's creepy*
"Hey! Can ya blame me? She's married AND hot!"
"So no. I'm not coming back to town. Not until Wambus forgives me for my action!"
*why should he?*
"Because..he has to agree..his wife is really hot.."
*Sure I guess*
"Wowy! Thank you so much!"
*Wambus agrees as long as you stop*
"Oh great..sure..I guess.."
"Alright, who else is in town?"
*Gramble, Beffica, Filbo, and Wambus*
"Oh great..is Wiggle in town? If she's there, then I'll definitely come back!"
*Wiggle's in town*
"Yes! My girl is back! Awooo!!"
"Ha ha! Alright buddy boy, I'm-"
"Woah! Wait! I got to bring something for her! Ahh!!"
"Hey boy..can you..get me a Sweetiefly? The ones in the shape of hearts? If I give it to her, she might forget I followed her for a day.."
*gives Lovely Sweetiefly*
"Thank you so much! I guess I'll see you in town then, ciao buddy boy!"
Meeting Charlia
"Oh hiya! I haven't seen you around before..you're that journalist Miss Megafig told me about, right?"
"I knew it! But..I guess you came for no reason, Miss Megafig gone missin'..whya still here?"
"Oh! That's rather kinda of ya!"
"They call me Charlia! Charlia Bowtwist! Nice to meet cha!"
*Come back to town?*
"Town? Well..I do miss my hut..but I'm about to make a break through! I've been testing this Strabby and learned that bugsnax don't have organs!"
"With this..I can finally figure out what bugsnax are!"
"But I need more.."
"If ya don't mind bitsy..could you get me a..oh..a Weenyworm and a Cinnasnail? If it's no trouble."
*got the worm and snail*
"Perfect! They'll do perfectly!"
"Hm..just as I expected, no organs! But that doesn't explain why they don't, maybe they're their own species? How come Miss Megafig is the only grumpus who discovered them?"
"So many unknown answers! I gotta get more info!"
"Maybe Mx Fizzlebean could help me..hey..are they in town?"
"If so..can you ask them if they're willing to help me with my studies."
*Floofty says they're gonna help*
"I always liked that grumpus...*sigh*.."
"I'm comin' back! I'll see ya in town bitsy!"
Welcome back message:
"Hello Wiggle!"
"I..brought you some Sweetieflies!"
"Cemi. I appreciate the thought..but this doesn't fix the fact you stalked me for a whole day!"
"I was making sure..you were safe!"
"How about a walk on the beach?"
"I'll..just..leave them here.."
"Oh..hey sis."
"Baby brother! I'm so happy you're here!"
"Yeah..happy to see you too.."
"What brings you back anywho?"
"All my crushes are back and I plan to ask one out."
"I wish the best of luck to you little brother!"
"What about you?"
"Me and Mx Fizzlebean are gonna study Bugsanx again."
"Oh..well..can you hook me up with them? Tell them how cool I am?
"Sorry brother, they're just not interested in you."
"You really have a problem."
"No. You do."
"Well bye Ce!"
"Cya Char."
Interviewing Cemi:
*Have time for an interview?*
"Of course, I'm always open for an interview!"
*Who are you?*
"The names Cemi Bowtwist, beginner model, lady master, and Grump City's most eligible bachelor!"
*Why come to Snaktooth Island?*
"I didn't want to come here, I had my mansion and my fame but my sister dragged me here."
"That's because you've been living under a rock. Duh."
*Thoughts on Bugsnax*
"Amazing, delicious, and will get me a lover!"
*If you're famous, shouldn't it be easy to find a lover?*
*Why did you leave town?*
"When Triffany and Wambus split, I tried going after her to see if I could romance her..and when I failed I came back and..Wambus was waiting there.."
"Safe to say I got out of there before he could land a blow."
*Maybe you should stop going after peoples wives*
*Any info on Lizbert?*
"Meh..I don't really like her all that much. The only reason I involved myself with her was because she was the girlfriend of Eggabell."
*Another crush?*
"I've been single since I was a teen, give me a break."
*What happened to Lizbert?*
"Her and Eggabell had an argument and I tried getting with Eggabell before they made up but then they went missing, so sadly..I have no idea."
*That'll be it, thank you!*
"That was nice! I enjoy interviews very much!"
"I also found..this..laying around..so..here."
"Now I'm gonna try to get Floofty's attention, cya!"
*you received a strange key*
Interviewing Charlia:
*Have time for an interview?*
"I'm always open to chat about my experiments!"
*Who are you?*
"Charlia Bowtwist! Eldest of the two!"
"Yeah! I have a younger brother! He's the cutest thing ever!"
*Why come to Snaktooth Island?*
*Why did you want to escape?*
*Thoughts on Bugsnax?*
"They're really interesting and confusing..like..what are they really? And why is everyone interested in eating them? I know Miss Megafig said they were safe..but I don't get it.."
*Then what do you do with the Bugsnax?*
"Unlike everyone else..I study them and figure out why they change everyone's limbs, Mx Fizzlebean said if I want my arm back, I could eat one..but..I think that wouldn't work very much.."
*How did you lose your arm?*
"An accident regarding an animal when I was a kid..well..it was my brothers fault but I took most of the damage for him."
*Why did you leave town*
"I left..because the fighting was too much, I'm not new to arguments..but the screaming and constant fighting was too much to handle, so I left around when Snorpy and Mr Funkbun left."
*Any info on Lizbert?*
"Miss Megafig is really nice grumpus! She shows me the ropes of catching the snax and talks to me about personal issues, I liked speaking with her a lot!"
*What happened to Lizbert*
"I'm not sure..I was asleep when she and Eggabell went missing.."
"According to Mx Fizzlebean, they had an argument before they disappeared..so..maybe they're sorting things out on a secret part of the island!"
"That was rather quick..but fun!"
"You know..I found this earlier, here, you seem to be interested in this investigation stuff!"
*You were given a journal with a lock*
Reaction to death when and after:
"H-Huh? Charlia..?"
"Why was I so mean to her..she..she just wanted to help me..and I shoved her away..
She didn't deserve to go..I was being a jerk..why did..those things..take her?
They knew didn't they?
About her suffering?
That's why they took her..
I need to be alone..go away.."
"Noooooooo! Cemi no! Please grump no!! Don't..please..come back.."
"This has to be a dream..please..say it's a dream..he..he's not dead..no..
I'm a terrible big sister! I deserved to go, not him! Why take him you..you evil creatures of hell?!
Just..take me..please..I..I want to leave..please..take me..
Go away..please."
No more OCs. I can't be bothered to make more concepts..
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misshollander1 · 5 years
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Gif credit to @parkery
Contains; small drabble of an 18 year old somehow catching Tom's eye and the thoughts he faces of finding her intruiging.
I never thought I would be in the acting scene. Especially since I hated being the center of attention. But something about being in front of a camera and playing a character made me feel somewhat safe.
I was able to be someone I always wanted to be and portray them in a way only I could and have people relate.
That's how it started at first. I acted in a few commercials and starred in the background during my years attending University, the small money I made being put away in order to help pay my tuition.
Next thing I knew, I had people asking who I was and if I had any social media. I was contacted by a previous person I worked with, them telling me their manager would like to work with me. I was quite young and my parents denied but I told them that if I could help make money in any way, I would take it.
So I took the job. Granted everything started off slow again, me being in the background and having small roles. It soon led to me being a supporting role and eventually, landing a role in the new Spiderman movie.
I was now eighteen years, four years younger than the male lead Tom Holland. I wasn't playing a love interest despite a few people I knew wanting one for his character.
I couldn't deny the role because, not going to lie, he is quite attractive and a total dork. But, I've always loved superheroes and it was a dream to star in one in any way I could.
I admit I was nervous, seeing as Tom's character Peter and I had quite a few scenes together and there was suppose to be some sort of interest towards one another to create some tension for the audience.
It didn't take a lot besides the director having us spend some time together to maintain a friendship so it was more believable on screen.
So here I am, an eighteen year old sitting across from Tom Holland himself and having a small lunch, each of us having prepared questions to ask one another.
"So, how long have you been attending University? How is it?" He asked, handing me a napkin.
"Thank you and uh, it's my first year. But since I got some financial aid to help me attend, I have to pay back a loan I borrowed. So far it's okay. I wish someone told me about time management because my first semester was completely horrid." I chuckled, opening the chopsticks nearby and stopping mid dip to choose a fork.
"You don't know how to use chopsticks?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I've spent hours practicing but I guess my fingers aren't meant to hold them." I sighed, twirling the noodles around my fork and stuffing it into my mouth. "Anyways, how is it being Peter? I know you get asked a lot but it's what I could come up with."
"Don't worry about it, darling. And I enjoy it. Like I've said in many interviews, I've always had a liking to Spiderman so being able to portray him makes it a dream come true." He laughs lightly
"Despite looking like a 12 year old?" I teased, raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Do people really say that? First they say I have a frog in my mouth and how I can't pronounce croissant. Now this?" He laughs a bit once more, his voice making me feel warm.
I won't lie and say I didn't have a crush on Tom. He is an amazing actor but the way he's such a dork and a goofball made me admire him and like him. I just wish he didn't call me darling because sWeEt JeSus that was attractive.
"So, besides that, is there a reason you chose acting? Is that something you're studying?" He asked, stuffing his face with the Chinese food we ordered.
"Not really. I'm majoring in psychology and thought about minoring in dance but there aren't many dance minors. I opted out for possibly minoring in English but it's not a for sure thing. But, I never acted in my life and the opportunity was given to me so I tried it."
"What do you like about it?"
"I guess being someone you're not. I understand a lot of actors contribute a bit of themselves into the roles they play but for me, I guess it's a confidence boost type of thing." I said, grabbing my water and taking a sip.
"Confidence? Explain." He asked, a small smile on his lips.
"I uh, I'm not that confident in who I am. I hate my body and who I am as a person. I'm high key a pessimist but choose to hide it and I am very easily manipulated. I guess being sexualized at a young age and being harrassed for four years made me feel even morr less of myself. So being able to play a character where I can include those struggles makes me feel like I'm not so alone. I hope that makes sense?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows and looking at him.
"Well, I can truly say you are a beautiful girl. I'm not just saying it. Everyone is beautiful in their own moments and from the moments I've seen you on camera, I can tell you radiate a light. I do see something in your eyes I haven't seen but that's what I find interesting about you. You were willing to be vulnerable to me and let me know how you feel in complete honesty, yet you hold something in those eyes of yours. They're beautiful if I may say once again despite them being the same color as mine but you get what I mean?" He said, clearing his throat and reaching for his own water.
I gave him a shy smile and nodded, the words he spoke making me happy. I have had people conpliment me and try to make me feel better about myself but the way he put things made me believe it the most.
"Aside from all...whatever this is," I smiled, reaching for a spring roll, "what is something you would want our characters to do? I've read the script and we seem to be doing these crazy things like a science experiment going wrong and it exploding in our faces, coating them in blue dust."
"I want us to do something in the rain. I could walk you home along with Ned and I guess all three of us have a heart to heart. Kind of like we did here." He smiles, looking at me and then avoiding his gaze.
"I think that would be nice. I could push you into a puddle and run away." I said smiling.
"I would tackle you then and there don't test me." He teases.
"Try me Holland."
Eventually, Tom and I got closer working on screen. I was only able to shoot during certain times due to my classes but I always made up for it, working on late work or doing homework during my lunch time or any free chances I got.
The other cast members would check in on me and bring me some snacks to keep me motivated and focused so I wouldn't be too stressed.
But there was one day where I was not understanding what was being said and it frustrated me to the point I slammed the book and cried into my hands, the stress overwhelming me.
I didn't hear the knock or the door being opened to my small portable but I did hear the swish of plastic bags.
I looked up and was face to face with Harrison, one of Tom's best mate.
"I'm sorry to disturb you. Tom told me to bring you some lunch but I guess I'll leave you be." He spoke, clearly embarrassed.
"Nono. Don't worry about it Harrison. I was just taking a small break from my work seeing as I couldn't understand it." I sniffled, wiping my nose and eyes.
"Maybe I can help? What is it?" He asked, setting the bag down near my books and taking a seat near me.
"It's physics." I sighed and he made a face.
"Why would you hurt your brain like that?" He asked, making me laugh.
"I thought it would be easy. It somewhat is but this topic is hard and I'm not understanding. I guess I'll email my professor for some more help if needed." I sighed, rubbing my face.
"Alright. I'm sorry I couldn't be much of help. But Tom made sure he got you your favorite, Chinese." He smiled, reaching for the bag and unboxing the takeout.
"That's really sweet of him. You guys didn't have to do that." I said, setting the box on my lap.
"Well he wouldn't shut up about it. He kept interrupting and asking if you had eaten and it took Zendaya to say she took you some breakfast and that was it." Harrison spoke.
"Mm well... When you go back to him. Tell him I appreciate his kindness. Also, thank you for delivering it. I haven't seen you around much as usual." I sighed, rubbing my left eye from any tears.
"Yeah. I've been running some errands of my own, listening to Tom gush on and on-"
My phone rang and I gave Harrison an apologetic smile, answering it.
"Hi Tom. No, I got the takeout. I appreciate it. Yeah no, he's here." He continued to speak until asking for Harrison, me looking and handing him my phone. "It's for you."
Harrison took it and spoke to Tom, casting glances my way every few seconds.
I set my takeout onto the side and regrabbed my Physics book, Harrison putting his hand out and stopping me before ending the call and handing my phone back.
"A scene with you, Ned and Peter is being shot soon so you're going to need to get ready." Harrison told me. I nodded and thanked him once more, waving goodbye as he left.
"Are you serious?" I asked, seeing the set design.
"Yeah! I talked Jacob into helping me get this scene and our director liked the idea enough to have us shoot it. He called for improvisation to see how it looks." Tom said, stuffing his hands in his pockets and smiling at me.
"This is so cool what the fuck." I said, earning a laugh from Tom.
We shot the scene and did as much improv as we could, Tom keeping his word and tackling me in the rain when I pushed him into a puddle and splashed Jacob, a huge 'come on!' escaping his lips.
"Cut! Great scene. Let's try it one more time and great job tackling her Tom. Make sure not to bruise her! And Jacob, great reaction!"
Jacob shook his head and laughed, handing me a towel to dry my hair off.
"I'm going to need a blowdryer or something." I sighed, the towel being worked on my hair.
"Why's that?" Jacob asked.
"It begins to curl. Like how it is now." I said, holding up a loose curl.
"I think it looks pretty." Tom spoke, ruffling the towel over his own curls.
"Thank you." I said, earning a wink from him and an eye roll from Jacob.
Filming was coming to an end and my screentime was becoming less and less which meant I was hardly on set.
But that didn't stop Tom from messaging me during his breaks to see if I wanted to get lunch or hang out with him and the cast.
I was walking to the lounge on set after one of my classes when I overheard my name being spoken.
I furrowed my eyebrows and listened, hearing Tom and Jacob speaking.
"She's eighteen isn't she?" Jacob spoke.
"She is. But I don't see that as a problem." Tom answered.
"What about the backlash? She's four years younger than you and people will find it weird."
"Oh please. There are women and men dating others more than half their age. Something about her intruiges me. I-I enjoy being around her. I can't explain the feeling being around her." He sighed.
"It's obvious you like her. We've all discussed it and even our director knows. Why else would he approve of that rain scene knowing it might not make the cut? He wanted to see the chemistry behind you both." Jacob explained.
"I do adore her and something about her is just ugh. I don't want to creep her out and feel like I'm preying on her. I'm not. I do like her Jacob." He admitted, silence following a bit after.
I was obviously shocked to hear the news because one, Tom Holland said he liked me,two, he said he liked me and three, he said he liked me.
But I knew where he was coming from. People would be quick to think he was being a creep and his fans would be hurt they weren't the ones catching his eye.
But I also wasn't so sure how I would be as a girlfriend. I have never dated and felt that if things wouldn't work out, I would be the reason why.
I don't know how to love myself and I feel like my anxieties and insecurities would get in the way after a while of hiding them so much.
I shook my head continued quickly to my destination, hoping they never saw me and knew I was listening in.
I eventually reached the limit and had to stop here! The rest is in my drafts so let me know if you would like a part two!
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istgimamess · 6 years
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Label: sm entertainment
Stage name: bella (because you're beautiful~)
Debut year: 2015 (3 yrs active)
Debut concept: aggressive bubblegum synth, dance heavy, vocal heavy, bright, pop!
Number of members: 4
Group name: strawberry jam (sj)
Fandom name: jammers
Position: main vocal, visual, dance line
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Male bestie: Jongin (EXO)
How you meet: you are a hard worker, always putting your best foot forward, giving it your all; putting all your effort into anything you do! Which is such a great quality, you're told! Lord knows, you've benefited from that personality trait thousands of times, mostly in your career and personal relationships! However, alot of the time, it tends to have a negative effect! Mainly on your health! You put so much effort into whatever you're working on at the moment: new choreography, new music etc. that you tend to neglect your personal health! This lands you in the hospital alot; its not ideal, but you can't complain, your doctor is probably your favorite! Which is where you end up meeting (*cough*...fighting with) Jongin! You had a really important public appearance coming up, a couple of variety shows and another comeback all scheduled within a weeks time; and you knew your health wasn't at its prime, so you were basically in mental panic mode! You were hoping to get in and out of your check up as fast as possible, because you had things to do! Long story short, that wasn't happening! You ended up sticking your head in to the doctors office, to confront the patient before you! Which happened to be Jongin! "Hi! Yeah, sorry! Could you, I don't know, hurry up!? I've aged quite drastically since being here.." "He's my doctor and I was here first!" "Yeah, well he likes me better!" After a few more minutes of back and forth, a kindergarten-like tantrum and some overdramatic whining on both of your parts, you were left by your very flustered doctor to "..Work things out!.." You quickly end up bonding over your mutual lack of priority when it comes to your health, your whiney childlike mannerisms when you're sick or hungry and a love for the theater! He ends up becoming one of your best friends and you're almost always together! You're both quite determined and hardworking, both tending to over work yourselves and this is usually the cause for most of your fights: scolding eachother for not prioritizing your health! He ends up worrying about your health more than he does his, and vice versa! But you're constantly supporting eachother in anything you pursue! "Jongin, I heard Bella from Strawberry Jam is your best friend, is that true!?" "Yeah, she's my best friend!" "Cool! I also heard she is the biggest EXO supporter, is that right!?" "Yes, she is! I made a joke the other day about her leaving music to work for EXO and help us promote our new album!" "Really!? What did she say!?" "It was so funny, she took the album and walked over to the street corner and just stood there like this...(^ gif ^)..I couldn't stop laughing!" Your friendship is really goals!
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Female bestie: Jennie (Blackpink)
How you meet: you love singing and you love theatrics but sometimes you feel like dancing and choreography, in general, can be very confusing and frustrating! So you decided to take some dance classes on the side, for some extra practice! That's how you meet Jennie, through a friend of a friend! One day after class, you accidently trip over her bag and take her down in a mess of legs, elbows and sweat! "Oh my god- I'm so sorry!...Ouch! Sorry! Yikes- are you okay!?" "Yes, of course! I'm clearly living the dream!" "Oh, well...glad I could help you do that then..." you stared at eachother for a few beats of silence, still sprawled out on the floor, and then busted out laughing! You ended up attached at the hip! It's an inside joke that you were split at birth and that you're actually twins; that's how similar your personalities are and your sense of humor! You're both really sarcastic and it's 100x worse when you're together! The fans love it! And despite how goofy and silly you both are when you're together, everyone can tell you both care about eachother immensely! You're always supporting eachother and you're always both genuinely happy for eachothers successes! She calls herself your "only fan!" And she lives up to that name! "Jennie! Did you hear yet!? Strawberry Jams song 'Pink' has hit the Billboard charts!" "..(^ gif ^)..What!? Seriously!?! I have to call Bella!!..." Such a cute friendship!
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Group bestie: NCT OT18
How you meet: this probably, most definitely was the weirdest encounter you've ever had! You love to skateboard; you wouldn't say you're that great at it, I mean, you're no Tony hawk! But it is a hobby of yours! And when you have a stressful, busy day, full of dance practices and studio visits- you like to sneak out in the middle of the night, when the streets are empty, go down to the local park and skate to de-stress a bit! It's kind of like your secret rendezvous self-care session! Not even your group members know about it! The park, Seoul in general, is usually dead with no soul in sight at this time of night! Which is why you're so startled when one second you're minding your own business, practicing an inward heel flip and the next second you're surrounded by a bunch of guys who look like they've just stepped straight out of an Avril Lavigne MV! It startles you so much you trip backwards over your board and land flat on your back! You say about every curse word in every language you know, on the way down! "Oh my god! I told you we would scare her!" "If anybody scared her, it was you with that stupid pedo face!" "That's so rude! Taeyong, tell him that was rude!" "I mean..I did tell you to shave this morning.." "Yeah, you kind of look like an asian yeti.." "Or a pedophile, definitely a pedophile.." "Seriously?! Is this attack necessary!?? I mean-" "Umm, so sorry, pedi-yeti and friends..could you possibly, I don't know...help me up!?" They ended up hauling you up and bombarding you with questions left and right! Questions about your skateboard, questions about your skating technique etc etc. The more they asked, the more you answered and the more you answered, the more they asked! It was pretty much down hill from there! But it's all good, they quickly became some of your biggest supporters and closest friends! They always cheer for you the loudest at award shows! And sometimes, Taeyong or Ten, will send you little videos and clips (with the funniest captions) they filmed, on the down low, of the rest of the members singing and dancing to your music, unaware the were being filmed! "..[Bella, your music is hurting innocent bystanders! RIP Jeno]..(^ gif ^).." They're such a mess and it's the cutest!
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Boyfriend: Taehyung (BTS)
Ship name(s): tella, bae couple, baehyung
How you meet: the way you 'officially' meet is kind of funny! And the time and location is a bit obscure! Anytime someone asks him when and where you met, he says Italy in June! You say it was definitely paris, late July! Both of you would be right and wrong! You love traveling and any time you have the opportunity, you jump on it! This is no secret! You first noticed him in Paris, he first noticed you in Italy, you both noticed eachother in Chicago! By the time you ended up back in the Incheon International Airport - you were 98.7% positive you had picked up a stalker abroad! "Are you following me!?" "I was going to ask you the same thing!" "Well I asked you first, so answer!" "I don't take demands from potential stalkers!" Some threats to call the police and a couple defensive hand gestures later, you eventually both settled on fate being the reason you've bumped into eachother over and over again! As cheesy as it might sound! You quickly bond over your artistic and creative sides, and a strong love for traveling and then there is no going back! He's one of your biggest supporters and you both often credit eachother as being an inspiration and muse! You eventually, after realizing how important and serious your relationship was becoming, went public! You figured your close friends and family would be the most supportive, and they were, but in actuality it was the fans that became your biggest supporters! "Tae-oppa!! Over here!! Taehyung-oppa!! You and Bella-unnie are the cutest couple ever!! I will always support you!!" "...(^ gif ^)..." It's so heartwarming!
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Biggest fan: your biggest fan is probably Junhoe from IKON! He's always covering your songs, he even covers the songs you cover! He says it's only because he wants to prove he can harmonize with you, always calling you out in interviews hoping to get the chance to meet you and collaborate! "Bella from Strawberry Jam is my favorite! She has the best voice, even better than me! And she has good taste in music, I would love to collaborate with her if given the chance!" He's always showing support for your comebacks as well and even your solo projects; watching every drama and CF you do and streaming your music, constantly singing along with you at the top of his lungs! He's a dedicated and loyal fan and he's pretty loud and proud about it! So much, that it's even a running joke in his group that he would leave the rest of the members for even just a chance to perform with you! Well, it's a joke to them! Him, not so much! "Junhoe! I heard that you're a huge fan of Bella from Strawberry Jam, is that true!?" "Yes! She is my favorite singer!" "Oh really!? I heard that you would leave IKON without a second thought, if she ever wanted to perform with you!" "Yes, I would! In a heartbeat!" "What the-...you answered that so fast! You would really leave us, huh!?" "Yep!.." "...(^ gif ^)..." It's pretty funny!
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Scandal: it's really no secret you have been trying to break out into the acting industry for a while, and make that cross over from idol to actress - auditioning and taking acting classes and workshops in your spare time! It's also no secret that you're good long time friends with Jaebum from GOT7! You've know eachother since before your debut and he's one of your closest friends, almost family! He's always helping you practice and reading scripts with you to help prepare you for auditions, giving you advice and direction on characters! So it's really not shocking when dispatch comes out with photographs of you two, on multiple days, coming out of your apartment and/or restaurants! What is a bit shocking is the headlines that are attached to those photos! "Strawberry Jams Bella and GOT7s Jaebum! Are they together!?" "Does GOT7s Jaebum have a sweet tooth for Strawberry Jam!? New couple alert!" It's ridiculous! "Are they serious!? A sweet tooth!? Who is writing this mush!?" "What I don't understand is how they got us mixed up!? I mean, I'm clearly the more desirable one in this relationship.." "Are you trying to make me throw up, or does that just come naturally when looking at your face?" "I'm a masterpiece and you are blessed to be in my presence.." What a dork!
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Other activities: it's no secret you live for the dramatics, and the theatre is almost like your second home! So when SM suggested you audition for a couple of upcoming dramas, you jumped on the opportunity! And it was the best thing you could've possibly done! You ended up, not only booking a role, but booking a lead! You got to act along Seo Kang Joon (^ gif ^) who is the sweetest and most talented! You made new life long friends, won a couple of awards and gained a whole new following! Sure, they made you dye your hair a darker shade a red and teased you a bit on set about your sense of humor, but it was totally worth it! "It was so fun! And the hair color choice is actually kind of growing on me!" "Oh really!? Quickly, say that again into the camera! In 10 years when you're bald, I want proof that you were once satisfied..." "JB, I will literally push you off of this rooftop..." You didn't, but you were close to it!
@suchqt here is your idol ship~ thanks so much for the request and I hope you like it! 😅 Let me know what you think!
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fictionfromafar · 4 years
#Blogtour Review - The Fox by Sólveig Pálsdóttir.
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The Fox, Sólveig Pálsdóttir, translated by Quentin Bates, Corylus Books. December 2020, ISBN: 9781916379732
It appears quite remarkable that so many fantastic writers have emerged from Iceland in recent years. Yet perhaps it's not surprising that a country where story telling has been prevalent since the Sagas, and which retains the hobby of book reading far stronger than in the UK, produces so many excellent authors. In recent years I have enjoyed many crime fiction novels from Iceland for their strong narratives and captivating sense of atmosphere in bleak settings.
Therefore, I was very excited to hear that a publication by established Icelandic author and Glass Key Award nominee Sólveig Pálsdóttir was now available for the first time in English. Furthermore, the translation was by Quentin Bates who has worked on books I've read by Ragnar Jónasson and Lilja Sigurðardóttir as well as penning several books set in Iceland himself. Thirdly it also featured a Sri Lankan, and I have had two wonderful trips to the country in recent years. Sadly I've not been to Iceland yet, but maybe in 2021!!
Sajee is the visitor from afar and the novel opens on a choppy internal Icelandic flight. In her early thirties and originally from Colombo, she is travelling from Reykjavik to a remote fishing community in the south east of the country called Höfn. After working as a cleaner and au pair since she arrived in the country, it is her intention to take up a position in a beauty salon. She travels without knowing anyone in the place she is moving to during a freezing February. Upon arrival in the town it becomes apparent that her job offer and indeed the salon do not exist. Shortly after being seen briefly by a couple of locals she apparently vanishes with a trace.
Currently based in the same location of Höfn is former Reykjavik police chief inspector Guðgeir Fransson. We learn early on that he has experienced tragedy in his professional life and is separated from his wife who has remained in the city. As “The Fox” is actually the fourth of Pálsdóttir’s novels featuring Fransson, presumably the events that led to his relocation and trauma are features in those earlier books. While it would have been nice to read Pálsdóttir's novels in the order she wrote them, irrespectively, “The Fox” is a very strong introduction to Fransson. It works almost perfectly as a standalone novel. Hopefully the earlier books will be translated at a later date by Corylus Books, as this is certainly an author you will want to read again.
So Fransson is midway through a yearlong contract renting an apartment and is working as a lowly security guard. He's largely kept himself to himself avoiding much interaction with the locals. Yet when he hears about the mysterious disappearance of Saree, his natural inquisitive nature as a detective lead him to start making some investigations. This takes a while as arranges enquiries around his work shifts but his long established sences do lead him on the right path and also tell him when he is being lied to. While he is doing so we continue to follow Sajee who comes across as a very innocent person who gradually starts to realise that she is in danger. Her character is also well drawn out and the writer succeeds in raising the readers' concerns for her.
Characterisations are a key strength of the novel and the portrayal of Selma and her son Isak are very memorable. They are unpredictable and their behaviour generates a foreboding tension leading to a claustrophobic atmosphere in the places that the sun does not shine. The visible and vocal anguish of a restrained fox replicates the silent suffering of Sajee as her situation grows more and more dire. Although we never quite learn what originally triggers this chain of events, "The Fox" channels a dark and growing tension which rises to a riveting climax and startling revelation.
"The Fox” is very ably translated by Bates. He ensures the prose is fluent and straightforward to read. There are some particularly inspiring descriptions of the countryside as characters travel remote areas. Höfn is on a similar latitude to Reykjavik yet due to the surrounding mountains, it can only be accessed by land by travelling south along the coastline. Yet the onset of modernity is a theme as power lines, tunnels through mountains and the airport have better connected this distant location where tourists now regularly appear. While Sajee struggles to understand her hosts, she does appreciate how Icelandic folk tales of the “Hidden People" can correlate to her South Asian superstitions.
“The Fox” is certainly a welcome addition to the collection of any enthusiast of Nordic Noir. Sólveig Pálsdóttir is clearly a very engaging author able to edge out a gripping psychological story with credible characters. Much praise is due to Corylus Books for introducing both the writer and her story to the English language. I look forward to reading more of Pálsdóttir's novels set before and after this one. Many thanks to Corylus Books for an advance review copy of "The Fox". I intend to discover further translated authors though this exciting new publishing firm.
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Paperbacks copies of "The Fox" are available directly from the publisher (while stocks last) £7.50 + £2.50 P&P for UK, and €8 + €4 P&P for anywhere in Europe, up to the end of December. Email: [email protected]
Kindle edition available at the links below:
An interview between Dr Noir and Solveig Palsdottir will be available on YouTube on the 10th of December, on the Newcastle Noir YouTube Channel here:
Please see also my review of Eva Björg Ægisdóttir - The Creak On The Stairs, another fantastic English debut by an Icelandic author:
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