#I've spent two days writing this
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 2 months
I can't even finish a story when it's about my crippling writers block :(
It's incredibly unfinished and the title is a joke but enjoy ig
I'll probably come back and write more later, maybe, idk
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candyriku · 2 months
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So I've been thinking way too much about my ice skating Soriku AU....
Pose based on this video, I've been watching ice skating videos every night for the last few weeks because I can't stop thinking about Sora and Riku skating together.
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beesinspades · 10 months
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if i'm late to post the next chapter of my canon divergence fic in which wolfwood finds eriks stuck in his creechur form, this is why :3
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ams-lol · 3 months
because of this by @gomzdrawfr, have my 141 in pokemon thoughts
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For some reason I imagine Price with kinda tanky or bulky-looking pokemon like Conkeldurr or Pangoro, but as a gym leader, ouh. I think of him with more sturdy type pokemon, so like rock, steel, or dragon. Cuz I imagine it'll be hard to take him down with a simple or normal attack like you gotta him where it hurts
Lickitung with Soap. I don't know why, the vibes fit each other, but I'm also thinking of pokemon that have high speed and accuracy stats (befitting to his callsign origins hehe). While flying type pokemon have the highest average speed stat, Soap has an Electric or Normal type vibe to him if he had his own gym, so maybe a Stoutland or Boltund. Typhlosion would be a good main for him as a trainer
Gaz's gym as flying type gym (get it cuz...helicopter 🤡), but it'd be interesting to see him have a Bug gym. He'd have a really cool Farfetch'd as a trainer though. Though if he were following Price's footsteps, I would say ground or fighting. Fighting type pokemon all have this strong and courageous vibe that's similar to Gaz and I'd like to think he'd do ground so it's relating to rock but still his own thing (and totally not cuz I get the two confused cough) He would look so cool with a Lucario or Heracross though.
Ghost definitely had a Duskull and Marowak both as a trainer and gym leader since both Pokemon rock the skull theme he has. And just the general Dark or Ghost pokemon all have this mysterious or serious vibe to them mostly. While Dark or Ghost type gyms play more to his vibe, I can see him having a Steel Gym. Very strong and stern. Bronzong would look cool as his steel main.
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A/N: Rereading this and I think the worms were thinking 141 as Gym Leaders instead of trainers. Maybe I'll make another post about them as trainers next time
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5amanthus · 2 years
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Went shopping and had to get my gay old men.
They’re in love your honour.
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The big corporate boss has been at the office for the last two days, if you're wondering what is taking me so long
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kanonavi · 2 months
I am once again tagged by @radellama, thanks a bunch!
Last Song: Song of the Ancients / Fate, by Keiichi Okabe
Currently Watching: Still Trigun (1998), I am unfortunately too busy to watch much else (Though I do sometimes think about how much I want to rewatch TGCF season 2....)
Three Ships: Xiao/Venti, Feng Xin/Mu Qing, Minamoto Kou/Mitsuba Sousuke
Favorite Color: Still cobalt!
Currently Consuming: Nothing at the moment, last thing was some chai tea. Now I'm thinking about grilled cheese again tho...
First Ship: Leo/Takumi from Fire Emblem: Fates
Relationship Status: Unfortunately, no
Last Movie: I genuinely don't remember... It was either Spirited Away or a combined Megamind/How to Train Your Dragon movie night
Currently Working On: A lot of my current angst is actually over the fact that I'm too deep in the schoolwork trenches to actually work on any of my own personal creative projects. But, my other project besides the Genshin Poetry Gala fic that I've been working on for months now is a TGCF essay about how the main couple are representative of the story's main themes. They make my brain explode <3
Tagging: @hollyisanonymous, @rubberbandballqueen, @tempests-bards-and-birds, @sl33pyr3v3ri3, @stardustdiiving, @h4msanta
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dallonwrites · 9 months
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[Beau looks up and Felix is there in the hallway, leaning over the banister. Daisies dangled around his wrist and all Beau can think about is if the bracelet slipped off and fell in front of him and would he reflexively reach to hand it back, would he even try to catch it first? They used to kiss on this stairwell. Felix always liked to get him under the moonlit window and then whine into his neck about how they couldn’t do anything more here, the door a few steps away.]
this is a love story in 91 words to me
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apocalypticdemon · 5 months
being a person who loves research is a blessing and a curse
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neonganymede · 1 year
Sorry if I'm a little absent. Trying to convince my body to adapt once again to a world where it doesn't have the medicine it needs in order to properly function is not going... the greatest.
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masonscig · 1 year
ok ok it’s HAPPENING
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masterofrecords · 8 months
Angstober day 7: Attacked
I know this is angst, but the premise from which the original character was born is quite funny. A player botched a roll on a vision about the butler's class and saw vigilante. I thought "well shit, that would have been a cool concept, but no" and flavored it as a dream of his. My players then went on to encourage said dream as much as they could.
As a dream, it had been rather lovely.
Fighting crime by night, running a household by day. There was a reason it had been Eric’s dream for so long – didn’t every child wish to be a hero, listening with bated breath to the fantastical stories of old or curled up with a book in a quiet corner?
Eric did, at least, and when he grew up and took up his position as the Owen household butler, the dream didn’t go away.
When the mysterious note encouraged him to actually pursue it, he figured it was a sign from above. He wasn’t that old, after all, and he had some money saved, and with the young master’s departure for university and the old lady’s banishment to the seaside, he had plenty of time to occasionally sneak out to take fencing lessons.
And the nights… well, the nights were entirely his own.
As reality, it was exhilarating.
Watching the town from the rooftops, hidden behind a mask and a cloak. With a cheap rapier on his side, Eric felt every moment the hero from the stories.
There was the occasional thief, easily spooked by a blade and some flourishes. There were secret meetings in the dark, later dutifully transcribed for the police in neat, precise handwriting.
There were…
Eric panted, his right arm shaking with the strain of keeping his sword up. His left arm hung limply by the side, every movement torturous, the moon’s glow illuminating the blood and bare skin where the sleeve had been torn.
They weren’t that scary, not really. Amateurs, Eric thought bitterly, but it apparently didn’t matter when there were three of them, two with daggers, one with a longsword.
He should have seen it wasn’t just the one thug threatening the careless couple who’d been walking home from a night out, perhaps dinner at a night restaurant, perhaps a theatre show. Should have taken a better look, should have come up with an escape route.
Ironically, Eric wasn’t nearly as good at defense as he was at attacking, and he wasn’t nearly as good at attacking three people compared to just one.
One thug grinned, and Eric tensed, trying to keep an eye on all three. Back to the wall – nowhere to run, but nowhere for them to circle around.
When? When will they make their move, which of them will be the first? Sweat was running down Eric’s back, and he wondered what would happen if he died there.
A strange noise sounded from the main street. Everyone froze.
“Aaaand I went drinking on Monday night, the ale was mighty good…”
Someone stumbled in their direction, slurring the words of a raunchy song.
“Aaand I kept drinking on Tuesday night, but won’t forget the food…”
A burly, if not a little drunk, man approached the alley. He was dressed finely, and had a sword on his hip. He went on to the details of song’s hero’s Wednesday drinking, and one of the thugs – the one with the longsword – spit onto the ground and made a sign to the others.
Eric’s salvation arrived with the Thursday night of drinking on a dreamy Saturday night.
As the truth, it had been rather frightening.
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wistful-pigeon · 10 months
Since introducing my girlfriend to Good Omens and her seeing the word "ngk" I, too, read it as "Nachine Gun Kelly" every damn time I see it
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fezwearingjellybananas · 10 months
Spring had arrived and Hal was leaving (G, 100 words)
DC (Comics)
[Iris West, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan]
@writersmonth day 1: Blossom
Blossom hung in the air as they walked down the street, Iris in between Hal and Barry, Barry’s coat still draped over her shoulders after the brief rain spell.
[Continued on AO3]
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Y'know I said I was gonna work on some OC stuff for an ask I have sitting in my inbox (I'm so sorry I'm collecting thoughts) and then I just. Goofed off all night instead. And then my body decided to murder me and I still didn't work on anything because ow.
I am so good at this.
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atomskdluffy · 1 year
Current gaming schedule: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion (in progress), Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - Final Chapter, Genshin Impact (whenever new story content comes out, hopefully only in-between games), and depending on whatever else comes out by then, a replay of the Witcher III (since it got the next-gen update, and I consider it one of my favorite games of all time so I want to share it with stream). Still a bit iffy on that, since I have played it before, but that's why it'll only be if there are no other big games to play.
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