#Also the limbs are so fucking hard to move I spent ten minutes posing them and trying to keep their hands together BUT I DID IT
5amanthus · 2 years
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Went shopping and had to get my gay old men.
They’re in love your honour.
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emmabodt · 5 years
Mission Success: Chapter 20
Reiner let out a sigh as he took in the sight in front of him.
Bertholdt was contorted into another one of his bizarre sleeping poses, the one that had the snoozing giant on his back with his legs over his head. Even stranger was the fact that Bertholdt had wrapped his arms around his legs, practically holding himself down on the bed. Some things just never change.
The blonde approached the bed and swiftly dug his fingers into his friend's ribs. The effect was instantaneous. Bertholdt awoke with a yelp and rolled off the bed, landing with a thud in a tangle of his own limbs and sheets. Reiner couldn't help but laugh when his friend finally emerged from the mess with sleepy frown.
"Morning, Bertholdt. Sleep well?"
Bertholdt stood up with a sigh as he raked his hand through his hair." Yeah..."
Reiner shook his head, smile dimming a little." Are you fully awake yet, Bertl?"
The giant shook his head." No...but a shower would help..."
Reiner gently poked him in the forehead." You can't do that today."
Bertholdt looked down at him with a frown." Why not?"
Reiner sighed and pointed at himself." You can't guess by what I'm wearing?"
Bertholdt stared at Reiner's outfit for a minute; knee high boots, olive shirt and khaki pants with the dreaded red armband. Green eyes went wide in despair as Bertholdt looked back at Reiner.
"Please don't tell me we're starting today."
Reiner nodded with a grimace, and Bertholdt groaned." Why did you wake me up?"
"Cause you and I both know how Magath is about skipping training. Get dressed, and I'll meet you down in the cafeteria."
Bertholdt nodded." Right. See you in a minute."
When Reiner exited the room, Bertholdt flopped back on his bed with a groan. He hated training. The training he had on the island was nothing compared to what he did here. And what he did here hurt like hell. Hand to hand combat was sure to leave him and Reiner with shiny black eyes and bruises, the running would leave his legs cramping and sore, and shifting....
Bertholdt let out another groan as he got up from the bed and started for the closet. Magath, as much as he cared about the Warriors, did not let them slack off. Being late would earn him a demerit. Too many demerits was equivalent to one bone breaking task.
The green eyed giant swiftly pulled on his training uniform and armband before leaving the Warriors dorm, headed for the cafeteria. When he got there, he saw Reiner and Porco silently sipping on coffee. Zeke, being the Captain of the Warriors, didn't have to train as often, and Pieck only had to do occasional shifter training because she wasn't a combat oriented Titan. Lucky them.
"Drink your coffee fast. We got twenty minutes to start," said Porco, handing him a mug in silent greeting. Bertholdt took with a weary smile.
"Thanks," he said, taking a long sip. He really wished he could eat something, but they weren't allowed to. Too much physical activity and a full stomach don't mix well. They would get to eat after training. During training, they only got a light snack.
A loud yawn followed by heavy footsteps distracted Bertholdt from his gloomy thoughts. It was Eren, running a hand through his hair. When he saw them, he blinked in surprise.
"Oh. I didn't know you guys were up yet," he said, approaching them. Reiner gave him a small smile over his coffee.
"Well, can't miss a day of training."
"Training, huh? Is that why Bertholdt looks so down?" Eren asked, pointing at the giant. Bertholdt nodded.
"Yeah.... Training here gets pretty rough. Especially with my Titan. Every time I shift, it just...drains me, you know? And don't be surprised if Reiner and I come back with a black eye or two."
Eren looked down at the floor." That does sound pretty rough."
Porco drained the last of his coffee and placed his mug on the table." Enjoy this lounging around while you can, kid. Magath wants to put you in training, too."
Eren scowled." I'm your age."
"Yeah, well, too bad, kid." Porco gave him a scowl right back before sauntering off towards the door. Eren visibly bristled as Reiner shook his head.
"Ignore him, Eren. Porco's always been an asshole. Trust me, he's gotten under my skin more times than I care to count." He also drained his coffee and set his empty vessel on the table.
"He really needs to get his teeth knocked in," Eren seethed, clenching his fists. The familiar look of anger was etched all over his face. Reiner hummed.
"There you are. It's been a while since I've seen that face."
Eren turned his scowl towards the blonde." What do you mean?"
Bertholdt took a sip of his coffee." Well, ever since we got here over a month and a half ago, you've been...quiet. Not yelling, not getting angry, all the stuff that you're known to do. Honestly, Reiner and I were worried about you."
Eren blinked at them." You were worried about me because I'm not getting angry?"
Reiner shrugged." Because you weren't acting like yourself."
Eren shook his head, still scowling." You guys should go, looks like your training is starting. See you later."
Reiner nodded at him as Bertholdt finished his coffee." Right. See you later, Eren."
Reiner, Bertholdt, and Porco stood in a line, backs ramrod straight, faces pulled in to hard, determined expressions as the saluted their Commander and personal trainers.
"Warriors! Today you will continue your training under your respective trainers. Braun, Hoover, I'm sure you recognize Lesnar and Callen, your old trainers from before you left for the Paradis Operation," Magath began.
"Yes sir!"
"Good. As you all know, you kick off your training with a three mile sprint. But, after that, you will be separately trained by your trainer. Understood?"
"Yes sir!"
Magath nodded, satisfied."Great. I'll see you boys later." With that, the Commander turned and walked away, lighting a cigarette as he went. That left the Warriors with their trainers.
Porco's trainer, and man in his forties with a scowl permanently stuck on his face by the name of Gerard, turned to his charge and huffed." Move it, boy. We don't have all day."
Porco nodded quickly and started sprinting like his life depended on it. Gerard turned to look at the two remaining trainers.
"You two can take as long as you like reacquainting. Just don't get in my way," he growled, heading towards a horse and hopping on. The trainers were to train the charge, not train with them.
Bertholdt's trainer, Nadya, stepped forward and flicked her dark red hair over one shoulder." We won't, Gerard. We'll be there in a minute."
The older man harrumphed sand turned the horse in the direction of the training facilities. When was out of earshot, Nadya turned back to her charge.
"Well, seems these two sprouted up quite a bit, didn't they, Breck?" she said, flicking her eyes between the two boys.
Breck nodded." Yes, yes they did."
Breck was nothing less than pure muscle. One look and you knew who would win in a hand to hand fight.
"Alright, boys. You know what to do. Get to it." Nadya ordered.
Bertholdt had barely let the "yes ma'am" pass his lips before sprinting for the facilities. The heavy footsteps behind him told him that Reiner had also started for the facilities. Hell had begun.
They had been running for barely two minutes before their trainers caught up on horseback.
"Keep it up, Bertholdt! We'll meet you at the facilities. Keep running! If you don't get there at a decent time, you'll do fifty burpees. Move it!" Nadya ordered before pulling ahead. Bertholdt mentally thanked Commadant  Shadis for their grueling field runs.
"Same goes for you, Braun! I wanna see improvement from the last time you were here, boy!" Lesnar yelled as he passed. Soon, the two trainers were out of sight.
A good half an hour later, Reiner and Bertholdt arrived at the facilities with Porco a few feet behind them. Reiner slumped to his knees and raised his head to the sky, breathing hard as Porco flopped on the ground behind him, muttering something like "he shouldn't have been able to catch up, fucking loser...."
Bertholdt braced his hands on his knees and tried to breathe through the burning in his lungs and his legs. He absolutely hated running. Sure, he had long ass legs that were perfect for running, but it was absolute torture.
"Well done, Hoover. You exceeded my expectations by fifteen minutes." Nadya said, approaching him."Take a breather, then meet me in the gym."
Bertholdt, too spent to look at her or even speak to his red haired trainer, merely nodded. A moment later, he heard her walk through the door to the gym behind him.
"Alright, Braun, that's enough rest. I wanna see how you're doing in hand to hand," Breck said, clapping him on the back and almost knocking the blonde forward. Reiner reluctantly stood up and followed his trainer to another building without a sound. Bertholdt knew that Reiner was definitely coming back with a black eye later.
"Come on! Keep it going! I want ten more, Hoover! Do it!"
Bertholdt's body felt like someone had poured hot acid all over his body, especially his arms. He was currently benchpressing 150 pounds with Nadya practically yelling in his face. She had put him through the wringer. Cardio, weights, more cardio, more weights, more pain, more muscle. And since she hadn't told him to take up his defense stance, he knew exactly what was coming after.
Grunting and sweating more than he had in three years, Bertholdt, pushed out his last ten bench presses and put the weight back before letting his arms fall to his sides with a groan of relief.
"Good. You finished them. That will conclude today's workout." Nadya said, handing him a bottle of water. Bertholdt quickly grabbed it and drank it down in one go, grateful for the coolness. Thanks to the Titan residing inside him, he tended to get a lot warmer whenever he had a lot of physical activity, which also didn't help with his sweat problems.
"Now, we've only got an hour and a half until you return to headquarters, so let's go to the field. I want to see how you're doing with your Titan," ordered the red haired woman, leaning against the wall as her charge caught his breath." Meanwhile, I must say you have done a good job keeping yourself in top shape the past five years. Your stamina and strength have multiplied since the last time I saw you."
Bertholdt offered her a weak smile." We trained there, too, since we enlisted in their military. And before that, Reiner and I pulled tree roots for a living."
Nadya hummed and nodded." I see. You ready?"
Bertholdt barely suppressed a sigh." Yes, ma'am."
"So you're making Hoover shift, too, huh? Breck had Braun out here a couple hours ago." Gerard was leaning up against the fence that marked the area where they were allowed to shift. He leaned forward and spat on the ground as Nadya and Bertholdt approached.
"I want to see how well he handles the Titan now," Nadya answered evenly before handing Bertholdt a knife." Go show me what you can do."
Bertholdt slowly took the knife and hopped the fence. Porco must've gotten off early today, since Gerard wasn't training him and was lounging around. Lucky guy.
The green eyed giant sped up to a slow jog towards the center of the field. Thanks to the fact that his Titan tended to be explosive when he transformed, the field was enormous. It took him a good fifteen minutes just to reach the center of it. He took a minute to catch his breath before glancing down at the knife in his hand.
It had been about a month and a half since he last transformed. That had been the day that Reiner had cracked and blown their cover. That time, he'd only transformed halfway, and he was grateful that he'd known how to control his steam, otherwise he would have killed a lot more people, or gotten killed himself. Just the thought of more blood on his hands made Bertholdt shiver.
Taking a deep breath, Bertholdt cleared his head and raised the knife before swiftly slashing his palm it. The familiar sounds of crackling and bursts of heat and light flashed all around him as Bertholdt felt the familiar feeling of his bones and muscles tightening and expanding. Then the enormous explosion of thunder tore through his body. He grunted and screwed his eyes shut, trying to keep the astounding amount of force and steam inside of him. If he blew it out now in his transformation, he would probably wipe out the entire field.
A moment later, the rumbling stopped, and Bertholdt felt himself being suffocated by a scorching heat as his face was pulled by his Titan's muscles. When they finally attached to his face, Bertholdt opened his eyes. Everything was so...tiny. He was never going to get used to  how small things looked in his Titan. It just...didn't feel right.
Bertholdt turned his head to look at his too tiny trainer and slowly nodded. It was really hard to move with all the muscles attached to him, weighing him down and restricting his movement at the same time.
Bertholdt nodded again with a sigh. Blowing off steam not only disinigrated his body, but it also exhausted him beyond measure. Orders are orders, but...
He was going to hate tomorrow morning.
Taking a deep breath, Bertholdt heated his already scorching muscles to a higher temperature, then relieved a little of the pressure he felt. He could hear and feel the steam burst out of his body, heating up the air around the field. The grass beneath him was now nonexistent, and the dirt was probably charred. He tried not to think about what his steam could do to human flesh.
"Alright, Braun. That's it for the day. Go clean up."
Reiner would have slumped onto his back in relief if there wasn't a huge bruise on it. Instead, he nodded wordlessly and started for the shower room. Or rather, limped.
He was pretty sure his whole body was a bruise. Breck was not one to hold back, ever. He had kicked, punched, and wrestled Reiner all morning, then sent him into his Titan to "work on his control." It was really just to heal all of his bodily wounds so Breck could make more.
When he got to the shower room, Reiner began stripping off his shirt before catching a glimpse of himself in one of the mirrors. He was not a pretty sight.
All over his body were sickly blue purple bruises ranging from egg to fist sized, small cuts that were just barely bleeding, and his right arm was slightly swollen. His knuckles were a mess, as well, but his face was the worst. He had a shiny black eye that was gradually swelling shut, more bruises and cuts, and a split lip. He also had at least a few broken ribs from the pain he could feel every time he breathed.
Reiner shook his head at his reflection and continued stripping, grabbing a towel and heading towards one of the few showers. The blonde couldn't help but let out a happy groan when the hot water washed over him. Hot water always did wonders for a sore, aching body. Too bad training showers went cold after 5 minutes.
Reiner was quickly washing soap out of his hair when he heard the door open and close, then slow, uneven footfalls.
"Hey," he called. No response. Puzzled, Reiner stuck his head out of his stall and saw a very, tired Bertholdt with his Titan marks sluggishly removing his clothes to take his own shower. Feeling eyes on him, the green eyed giant looked up and blinked at his gold eyed friend. They stared at each other for a minute before Bertholdt spoke.
"You look terrible..." he said tiredly.
Reiner gave him a weak smile before retreating into his stall." So do you, Bertl."
The walk home was excruciating.
Reiner had to half carry Bertholdt all the way there, and that combined with his sore body made it hard going. It took them- him - an hour and a half to make it back to headquarters.
When they stumbled into the cafeteria, Porco had opened his mouth to make fun of them for taking so long, but had immediately shut it when he saw the state they were in. Pieck gave them a sympathetic smile, and Zeke had just nodded at them. Reiner gave them all a brief "Hi" and continued out of the cafeteria towards the Warrior dorms.
He was half way there when he ran into them. Reiner turned a corner and almost ran smack dab into Krista and Ymir. His injuries had probably messed with his hearing, since he hadn't heard them before he saw them.
"Holy shit. What happened to you two?" Ymir asked as Krista gaped at them.
"Are you guys okay!?" Krista asked, gently grabbing one of his hands and inspecting his beat up knuckles.
"...Yeah. We're okay."
Ymir huffed." I don't think you are. You can barely stand, and neither can he. Move."
Ymir walked forward, then gently lifted Bertholdt's arm and slung it across her shoulders. Bertholdt started and briefly opened his eyes, then mumbled  quiet thanks under his breath before slumping forward again, letting his other arm drop from Reiner's shoulders. The brawny blonde tried not to show his relief as Krista gently tugged on his arm.
"We need to get some ice; your eye doesn't look too good," she said softly.
Reiner nodded and let the tiny girl pull him to the Warrior dorms with Ymir right behind them.
When they got there, Krista guided him over to a couch and told him to stay put before dashing out the door again. Ymir sat down on the other couch, bringing Bertholdt down with her. The poor guy didn't even wake up, just slumped over and let his head fall against the cushions.
"Wow. He's exhausted. What the hell did you guys do today?" Ymir asked, poking Bertholdt in his side. Reiner sighed.
"I had hand to hand combat and Shifter training. He had gym, and Shifting as well, apparently."
"Hmm....is that why his face looks like that?"
Silence fell between them. He and Ymir were not on the best of terms for several reasons, but they knew how to get along when they had to. That mostly involved small talk, q&a, and silence.
Reiner had almost fallen asleep when Krista burst back into the room carrying a medical kit with Eren right behind her, carrying a bucket of ice.
"Sorry it took so long; I had to find Eren because I couldn't carry it all," she apologized, dropping the kit at his feet. Eren stood, still holding the bucket, gawking at his face.
"What the hell happened to you?!"
Reiner winced as Krista kneeled down and guided his bruised hands down with her." Training."
Eren was silently begged for an explanation." I had hand to hand combat today. I also had a little Shifter practice."
Krista was gently rubbing some type of cream into his knuckles when she turned and glared at Eren." I had you bring that ice up for a reason, remember?"
"Right. Sorry," he said, pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket." I just can't believe someone calls beating the shit out of someone "training".
Reiner watched Eren through his good eye as he filled the handkerchief with ice. Below him, Krista had just finished wrapping one hand with bandages.
"I don't like it either. Actually, I don't like this "training" you guys do at all. Poor Bertholdt couldn't even stand up on his own! And you look like you've been fighting in some illegal underground ring."
Eren plopped the handkerchief of ice into Reiner's bandaged palm." Wait, what's wrong with Bertholdt?"
"He's exhausted. He was practically sleeping on Reiner when he bumped into us," said Ymir.
Eren turned to look at her and saw Bertholdt laying down from the waist up. He also saw his face.
"What the hell?! What's with his face?!"
"Those are his Titan marks. You know, the weird imprints that show up on your face when you come out of your Titan. That's what his looks like."
Krista finished with his hands and stood up with more bandages.
"I don't know if anything is wrong with your arm, but I'm going to wrap it  just in case..."
Reiner closed his eyes with a grateful sigh." Thanks, Krista."
Ymir giggled." Just don't rip your skirt this time, alright?"
Krista cheeks instantly flared pink." Ymir!"
Reiner pinched the bridge of his nose as Ymir doubled over in laughter. Eren blinked, clueless as to what was so funny.
"Huh? What do you mean, Ymir?"
Ymir was laughing too hard to explain, so Reiner took it upon himself to explain.
"It was back at Utgard castle. A couple of small Titans had broken into the tower, and one snuck up on Connie. It was about to bite his head off when I pushed him out of the way, so I ended up getting bit by the damn thing."
Eren nodded, and Krista poked Reiner in the arm.
"You didn't tell him about how you almost jumped out the window with the Titan still on your arm."
"...Right. After that, Connie, Bertl, and Ymir barricaded the door while Krista bandaged me up."
"Don't skip the best part! Eren, you should've seen his face when she ripped her skirt. It was hilarious."
Reiner glared at her." At least I wasn't told to just spit on it, right?"
Ymir shut her mouth with a snap and returned the glare.
"Stop it, you two. Can't you see I'm trying to work here?" said Krista, tying up the bandage on his arm.
A couple hours later, everyone was fast asleep.
Bertholdt was curled in a little ball on one end of the couch, too exhausted to do his nightly routine of squirming around, while Ymir was sprawled out on the other end. Below her, Eren snored, leaning up against the couch with a bucket of water nearby. On the opposite couch, Reiner was sleeping with his arms crossed over bandaged chest, leaning back so his head rested on the back of the couch. Next to him, Krista was curled up, clutching one of the throw pillows to her chest.
Porco took in the scene in front of him with a raised eyebrow.
"Should we wake them up?"
Pieck cocked her head slightly." No. They look pretty comfy."
Porco shook his head." Never thought we'd have a slumber party in our own dorm. Night, Pieck."
"Good night, Pock."
Word Count: 3858
Wow. This chapter is really long.
Up next is Ymir's extraction.
I formally apologize for being mean to our two brave Warriors. First day of training was way rougher than it should've been. Sorry guys.
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