#I'm just gonna freak myself out
altruistic-meme · 3 months
OUGH I need to stop googling symptoms :((((
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godmademewithoutarms · 2 months
God. Imagine if we get summer/winter games again
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May 27, 2023 the day max verstappen complimented charles' outfit live
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buggbuzz · 11 months
semi-heavy adhd vent tw 🫢🫢
personally of the opinion that the worst thing about adhd is the subtlety. we joke abt how obvious and silly it is but its barely visible 95% of the time.
& u spend your whole life not knowing if the mental struggle you have doing basic shit is what everyone deals with or if something's wrong. even when you KNOW you have adhd and even have it TREATED you STILL don't know if you're having a normal amount of obstacles.
i've been on meds for two years now and i just spent a whole fucking summer semester not sure if i was having adhd burnout or if my meds weren't working or if i was actually just being lazy. i think its all three, but who knows! and now i have a final tomorrow that i have to pass and i dont know if i can because i could barely fucking do any work all semester.
this happens like every year/semester but this one particularly stings cause it was supposed to be really good this time!! lots of free time, one class to worry about, the best nd-friendly note-taking system i've ever used, lots of flexibility, and friends to spend time with. it was even a science class!! chem, not bio, but better than non-science, right? but apparently, the only way i can ever stay motivated and on the ball is if im chained to a super-stressful and merciless schedule. so i have to choose between my long-term success and my mental health!!
i don't envy neurotypicals for the weird fucking ways they operate sometimes but good lord fucking jesus it sounds nice to be able to do things. i feel like a loaded gun with a busted trigger; i have all these amazing ideas and well-thought-out schedules and all the passion and desperation to follow through, but my brain and body just. won't. do it.
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luckyagain · 9 months
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22plus15 · 2 months
not l&o related at all but i'm so scared of accidentally looking at the eclipse and going blind i can't get any work done lmao
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astudyinpanda · 1 year
Tag Game
Post your lockscreen, last song you listened to, last saved photo, and last photo taken!
Thanks for the tag @mystical-salamander !
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No-pressure tagging @theres-whump-in-that-nebula​ @mossywriting​ @halibellecter @serpentarius @paintedmagpie and whoever else wants to play
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wright-phoenix · 28 days
cw health talk (tags too)
well. blood tests will be back monday because of the stupid holiday making it a long weekend from thursday on aughhh. going back to the doc tomorrow to get sth else checked and hopefully get a doc's notice for the week because my ass is NOT able to go to work like this
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sonseulsoleil · 9 months
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sherlock-is-ace · 2 months
#gonna be depressing in the tags for a moment#pls excuse me#but whenevery i see a pair of friends that are like soulmates together#who laugh and scream about what they love and have so many things in common#i always become the personification of ''i want what they have''#ever since i was a child i would pray (you heard that right lol) to get a best friend who shared my interests and passions#(and who was gay but that's included in interests and passions lol tho i didn't know it at the time)#i dream with the sitcom worthy friendships with the you get the key to my house and you can come in whenever#we just spend days sitting together and not even talking just being there#or the next best thing. find it online!#but that will never happen and i need to accept that#not even for lack of trying... i even went to a hobby class for a whole month trying to make friends irl#but it's impossible for the simplest reason... i don't enjoy it!#every time i try to do something new and out of my comfort zone i fail misserably because it's literal hell to me#how can i make a friend if i cannot talk to people?#online or whatever?!#i can't even talk to the people i know from school or whatever#i put in so much fucking effort and freak myself out!#and it's not working and it won't work and idk what to do about it!#so yeah i don't think i'm capable of having meaningful relationships actually#and i need to really accept that cause otherwise i will forever dream with it#like i need to stop trying to chase after it it's just not gonna happen#i guess people have these feelings about romantic partners? well not me lol#anyways...#angel talks#personal
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arctic-hands · 10 months
My last bout of sleep paralysis (which was when I was recently hospitalized for nine days and getting no sleep because literally almost every half hour someone was waking me up for vitals or a blood drawl or to give me medicine or to prod my stomach or the attending bringing in the interns because I'm a great case study or because my infusion pump wanted to make obnoxious noises for no reason) was so horrific that when I told my therapist about it yesterday she visibly paled and freaked out on my behalf. Is that a good sign?
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notasapleasure · 1 year
Step 1: wonder why the fuck the person who allegedly wants to buy your house isn't in a hurry to get the paperwork sorted
Step 2: wonder why the fuck the lender you're trying to buy a repo house off isn't in a hurry to get the paperwork sorted
Step 3: consider whether you can speed up one process or the other and remind yourself, yet again, that you can't!
Step 4: contemplate, with horror, what might happen if the lender DOES get back to you about your dream house before you have made any progress on selling your old house.
Step 5: drink too much coffee and search miserably to the verb in a 14-line sentence that seems to consist entirely of adjectives. You're tired and broke and you'll be tired and broken even if you get this work done.
Step 6: try not to think too hard about how you're living with your parents again in your mid-thirties and how it's all just so you can be down the road when mortality strikes. It's nice not having to do your own laundry, after all.
Step 7: wonder why you feel like bursting into tears whenever Midge Maisel does as you rewatch season 1. Remember when you first watched it? Just before you moved to the only place you managed to live in for longer than eighteen months since your childhood home. Wouldn't it be nice if you could buy the house you want and stay there for a little while? Oh no - don't start making plans! You can't make plans. No counting chickens before they've hatched.
Step 8: stare at the unread message notifications from six different direct messaging apps and wonder what on earth you have to say to anyone. There's no news!!! There's never any news!!! You're just here, going slowly mad while you wait.
Step 9: sleep TERRIBLY. Why was that? You normally have no trouble sleeping!
Step 10: good morning, let's do all that again shall we? Haha great.
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Look at this little dude though! That's nice, isn't it?
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danzafila · 8 months
woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird and flushed in the chest (back) again (but only on the left side this time?) and, combined with the fact that I was paranoid my heartbeat was going too fast all night when I was trying to fall asleep and now again upon waking up (tho I couldn't actually tell and this is something tbf I'm constantly concerned of and often like ends up being a cause of sleep anxiety/inability to get to sleep lol), it reminded me of that time I had that bad reaction to those anxiety meds last year and I can't decide if I'm just freaking myself out again or should actually be concerned???
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vulpinesaint · 4 months
okay. god. turned poem in. going to kill myself a little maybe but fox transgenderism poem is officially submitted for my creative writing workshop
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imwritesometimes · 11 months
I am good at stuff. I'm good at cooking. It may not be michelin star restaurant level food but it's good. I'm good at baking. I'm good at taking care of my family. I'm good at some computer stuff. I'm good at taking care of my cats. I'm good at making ppl laugh. I'm good at helping ppl. I've written stuff ppl have enjoyed.
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welcometogrouchland · 8 months
I've decided I need to post at least some of my DC art backlog or I may actually explode and die
#ramblings of a lunatic#i have things I'm cooking#it's always weird when a new obsession takes me bc it usually is so intense that it blocks out any ability to think/talk abt-#-whatever it is I've been posting about for the past year or two#and I'm always afraid that I'm like. alienating anyone who views my blog on a regular basis#which is stupid! i know that this is my house and I can post whatever i want!#it just feels odd#especially bc enjoying comics isn't like enjoying other stuff for me. it's complicated#GAH anyway. I'm currently following along with bop + batman and robin rn (+semi following the flash??? a lil???)#(I'm one of the sickos who's actually looking forward to beast world exclusively bc of the tie-ins (like the flash). i know I'm a freak)#but like. that's two monthly series. i have to sustain myself with day dreams#and then i don't know how to externalise the daydreams. also i feel like i know too much abt canon to exist soley in the like.#the corner of the fandom that's just an echo of the source material (which is valid imo as a separate off-shoot of fandom)#but also i always feel like i don't know Enough (nor do i have enough bitterness in my soul) to occupy the mainstream more hardline-#-comic fan spaces that adhere much more closely to canon#ergo i never know like. who I'm making a post for in that sense bc I'm not sure i could slot comfortably into either camp yknow?#i should value my own opinions and interests enough to just vote for myself. and yet#and yet...#anyway. it's probably gonna be the usual slew of redesigns and doodles of C...nay Z-listers that i care about#if it does happen. which like i said. if it doesn't. i esplode
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